import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; import BasePage from '../Base'; import { AccountPage } from './index'; export class AccountAppStorePage extends BasePage { private accountPage: AccountPage; constructor(accountPage: AccountPage) { super(accountPage.rootPage); this.accountPage = accountPage; } async goto() { return this.waitForResponse({ uiAction: async () => await this.rootPage.goto('/#/account/apps'), httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'], requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/meta/plugins', }); } get() { return this.accountPage.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-settings-subtab-appStore"]`); } async install({ name }: { name: string }) { const card = await this.accountPage.get().locator(`.nc-app-store-card-${name}`); await; // todo: Hack to solve the issue when if the test installing a plugin fails, the next test will fail because the plugin is already installed let appAlreadyInstalled = true; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (await card.locator('.nc-app-store-card-install').isVisible()) { appAlreadyInstalled = false; break; } await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } if (appAlreadyInstalled) { await this.uninstall({ name }); } await card.locator('.nc-app-store-card-install').click(); } async configureSlack() {} async configureSMTP({ email, host, port }: { email: string; host: string; port: string }) { const appStoreCard = this.rootPage.locator('.nc-modal-plugin-install'); await appStoreCard.locator('[id="form_item_from"]').fill(email); await appStoreCard.locator('[id="form_item_host"]').fill(host); await appStoreCard.locator('[id="form_item_port"]').fill(port); await appStoreCard.locator('button:has-text("Save")').click(); } async uninstall(param: { name: string }) { const card = this.accountPage.get().locator(`.nc-app-store-card-${}`); // await card.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); await; await card.locator('.nc-app-store-card-reset').click(); await this.rootPage.locator('button.ant-btn-dangerous').click(); } }