<template> <div style="height: 100%" class="nc-tree-view" @mouseenter="onMiniHoverEnter" @mouseleave="onMiniHoverLeave"> <!-- :expand-on-hover="mini"--> <div class="primary nc-project-title theme--dark" :class="{ shared: sharedBase }"> <img v-if="sharedBase" src="favicon-32.png" height="18" class="ml-2" /> <h3 v-if="sharedBase" class="nc-project-title white--text text-capitalize"> {{ $store.getters['project/GtrProjectName'] }} </h3> <github-star-btn v-else /> </div> <v-navigation-drawer ref="drawer" v-model="navigation.shown" permanent mini-variant-width="50" class="nc-nav-drawer" style="min-width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 30px)" > <div class="h-100 d-flex flex-column"> <div class="flex-grow-1" style="overflow-y: auto; min-height: 200px"> <v-skeleton-loader v-if="!projects || !projects.length" class="mt-2 ml-2" type="button" /> <v-text-field v-else v-model="search" :placeholder="$t('placeholder.searchProjectTree')" dense hide-details class="elevation-0 mr-2 pl-3 pr-1 caption nc-table-list-filter" > <template #prepend-inner> <v-icon small class="mt-2 ml-2 mr-1"> mdi-magnify </v-icon> </template> <template #append> <v-icon v-if="search" class="mt-3 mr-3" color="grey" x-small @click="search = ''"> mdi-close </v-icon> </template> </v-text-field> <v-skeleton-loader v-if="!projects || !projects.length" type="list-item,list-item-three-line@3,list-item@2,list-item-three-line@3" /> <!-- <v-treeview v-else-if="isTreeView" v-model="tree" class="mt-5 project-tree nc-project-tree" dense :open.sync="open" :active.sync="active" :items="projects" :search="search" :filter="filter" item-key="_nodes.key" open-on-click color="primary" > <template #label="{ item, open, leaf }"> <v-tooltip :bottom="!!item.tooltip" :right="!item.tooltip" :disabled="!item.tooltip && false" > <template #activator="{ on }"> <div v-if="!hideNode[item._nodes.type]" v-on="item.tooltip || true ? on : ''" @contextmenu.prevent="showCTXMenu($event, item, open, leaf)" @click.stop="addTab({ ...item }, open, leaf)" > <template v-if="item._nodes.type === 'db'"> <v-icon size="16"> mdi-database </v-icon> <!– <img–> <!– class="grey lighten-3"–> <!– :width="16" :src="`/db-icons/${dbIcons[item._nodes.dbConnection.client]}`"/>–> </template> <template v-else> <v-icon v-if="open && icons[item._nodes.type].openIcon" small style="cursor: auto" :color="icons[item._nodes.type].openColor" > {{ icons[item._nodes.type].openIcon }} </v-icon> <v-icon v-else small style="cursor: auto" :color="icons[item._nodes.type].color" > {{ icons[item._nodes.type].icon }} </v-icon> </template> <span class="v-treeview-node__label body-2" :class="[ icons[item._nodes.type].class, item.active ? 'font-weight-bold' : '', ]" >{{ item.name }}</span> </div> </template> <span>{{ item.tooltip || item.name }}</span> </v-tooltip> </template> </v-treeview>--> <v-container v-else fluid class="px-1 pt-0"> <v-list height="30" dense expand class="nc-project-tree nc-single-env-project-tree pt-1"> <template v-for="item in listViewArr"> <!-- v-if="item.children && item.children.length"--> <v-list-group v-if="isNested(item) && showNode(item)" :key="item.type" color="textColor" :value="isActiveList(item) || search" @click="!(item.children && item.children.length) && addTab({ ...item }, false, false)" @contextmenu.prevent="showCTXMenu($event, item, true, false)" > <template #appendIcon> <v-icon small color="grey"> mdi-chevron-down </v-icon> </template> <template #activator> <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon v-if="icons[item._nodes.type].openIcon" small style="cursor: auto" :color="icons[item._nodes.type].openColor" > {{ icons[item._nodes.type].openIcon }} </v-icon> <v-icon v-else small style="cursor: auto" :color="icons[item._nodes.type].color"> {{ icons[item._nodes.type].icon }} </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <v-list-item-title> <v-tooltip v-if="!isNonAdminAccessAllowed(item)" top> <template #activator="{ on }"> <span v-if="item.type === 'tableDir'" class="body-2 font-weight-medium" v-on="on"> {{ $t('objects.tables') }}<template v-if="item.children && item.children.length"> ({{ item.children.filter( child => !search || child.name.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()) ).length }})</template ></span > <span v-else class="body-2 font-weight-medium" v-on="on"> {{ item.name }}</span> </template> <span class="caption">Only visible to Creator</span> </v-tooltip> <template v-else> <span v-if="item.type === 'tableDir'" class="body-2 font-weight-medium"> {{ $t('objects.tables') }}<template v-if="item.children && item.children.length"> ({{ item.children.filter( child => !search || child.name.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()) ).length }})</template ></span > <span v-else class="caption font-weight-regular"> {{ item.name }}</span> </template> </v-list-item-title> <v-spacer /> <v-tooltip bottom> <template #activator="{ on }"> <x-icon v-if="_isUIAllowed('treeview-add-button') && item.type !== 'viewDir'" :color="['x-active', 'grey']" small v-on="on" @click.prevent.stop="handleCreateBtnClick(item.type, item)" > mdi-plus-circle-outline </x-icon> </template> <span class="caption" >Add new <span class="text-capitalize">{{ item.type.slice(0, -3) }}</span></span > </v-tooltip> </template> <v-list-item-group :value="selectedItem"> <component :is="_isUIAllowed('treeview-drag-n-drop') ? 'draggable' : 'div'" v-model="item.children" draggable="div" v-bind="dragOptions" @change="onMove($event, item.children)" > <transition-group type="transition" :name="!drag ? 'flip-list' : null"> <v-list-item v-for="child in item.children || []" v-show="!search || child.name.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())" :key="child.key" v-t="['a:table:open']" color="x-active" active-class="font-weight-bold" :selectable="true" dense :value="`${(child._nodes && child._nodes).type || ''}||${ (child._nodes && child._nodes.dbAlias) || '' }||${child.name}`" class="nested ml-3 nc-draggable-child" style="position: relative" @click.stop="addTab({ ...child }, false, true)" @contextmenu="showCTXMenu($event, child, false, true)" > <v-icon v-if="_isUIAllowed('treeview-drag-n-drop')" small :class="`nc-child-draggable-icon nc-child-draggable-icon-${child.name}`" > mdi-drag-vertical </v-icon> <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon v-if="icons[child._nodes.type].openIcon" style="cursor: auto" x-small :color="icons[child._nodes.type].openColor" > {{ icons[child._nodes.type].openIcon }} </v-icon> <v-icon v-else x-small style="cursor: auto" :color="icons[child._nodes.type].color"> {{ icons[child._nodes.type].icon }} </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <v-list-item-title> <v-tooltip v-if="_isUIAllowed('creator_tooltip') && child.creator_tooltip" bottom> <template #activator="{ on }"> <span class="caption" v-on="on" @dblclick="showSqlClient = true"> {{ child.name }} </span> </template> <span class="caption">{{ child.creator_tooltip }}</span> </v-tooltip> <span v-else class="caption">{{ child.name }}</span> </v-list-item-title> <template v-if="child.type === 'table'"> <v-spacer /> <div class="action d-flex" @click.stop> <v-menu> <template #activator="{ on }"> <v-icon v-if="_isUIAllowed('treeview-rename-button') || _isUIAllowed('ui-acl')" small v-on="on" > mdi-dots-vertical </v-icon> </template> <v-list dense> <v-list-item v-if="_isUIAllowed('treeview-rename-button')" v-t="['c:table:rename:navdraw:options']" dense @click=" menuItem = child; dialogRenameTable.cookie = child; dialogRenameTable.dialogShow = true; dialogRenameTable.defaultValue = child.name; " > <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon x-small> mdi-pencil-outline </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <v-list-item-title> <span classs="caption"> <!--Rename--> {{ $t('general.rename') }} </span> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> <v-list-item v-if="_isUIAllowed('ui-acl')" v-t="['c:table:ui-acl']" dense @click="openUIACL(child)" > <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon x-small> mdi-shield-outline </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <v-list-item-title> <span classs="caption"> <!--UI ACL--> {{ $t('labels.uiAcl') }} </span> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> <v-list-item v-if="_isUIAllowed('table-delete')" dense @click="checkAndDeleteTable(child)" > <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon x-small> mdi-delete-outline </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <v-list-item-title> <span classs="caption">Delete</span> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> </v-list> </v-menu> <!-- <v-icon @click.stop="" x-small>mdi-delete-outline</v-icon>--> </div> </template> </v-list-item> </transition-group> </component> </v-list-item-group> </v-list-group> <v-list-item v-else-if=" (item.type !== 'sqlClientDir' || showSqlClient) && (item.type !== 'migrationsDir' || _isUIAllowed('audit')) " :key="item.key" :selectable="false" :value="`${(item._nodes && item._nodes).type || ''}||${(item._nodes && item._nodes.dbAlias) || ''}||${ item.name }`" :class="`nc-treeview-item-${item.name}`" @click.stop="addTab({ ...item }, false, false)" @contextmenu.prevent="showCTXMenu($event, item, false, false)" > <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon v-if="icons[item._nodes.type].openIcon" small style="cursor: auto" :color="icons[item._nodes.type].openColor" > {{ icons[item._nodes.type].openIcon }} </v-icon> <v-icon v-else small style="cursor: auto" :color="icons[item._nodes.type].color"> {{ icons[item._nodes.type].icon }} </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <v-list-item-title> <v-tooltip v-if="!isNonAdminAccessAllowed(item)" top> <template #activator="{ on }"> <span class="caption font-weight-regular" v-on="on" @dblclick="showSqlClient = true">{{ item.name }}</span> </template> <span class="caption">Only visible to Creator</span> </v-tooltip> <span v-else class="caption font-weight-regular" @dblclick="showSqlClient = true">{{ item.name }}</span> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> </template> </v-list> </v-container> <recursive-menu v-model="menuVisible" offset-y :items="ctxMenuOptions()" :position-x="x" :position-y="y" @click="handleCTXMenuClick($event.value)" /> </div> <div class="pr-3 advance-menu d-none" :class="{ 'pl-3': !mini }"> <v-divider v-if="_isUIAllowed('treeViewProjectSettings')" /> <v-list v-if="_isUIAllowed('treeViewProjectSettings')" dense :class="{ 'advanced-border': overShieldIcon }"> <v-list-item> <v-list-item-title> <!-- Settings --> <span class="body-2 font-weight-medium">{{ $t('activity.settings') }}</span> <v-tooltip top> <template #activator="{ on }"> <x-icon class="mt-n1" color="pink textColor" icon-class="ml-2" small v-on="on" @mouseenter="overShieldIcon = true" @mouseleave="overShieldIcon = false" > mdi-shield-lock-outline </x-icon> </template> <!-- Only visible to Creator --> <span class="caption">{{ $t('msg.info.onlyCreator') }}</span> </v-tooltip> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> <template v-if="_isUIAllowed('treeViewProjectSettings')"> <v-tooltip bottom> <template #activator="{ on }"> <v-list-item v-t="['c:settings:appstore']" dense class="body-2 nc-settings-appstore" @click="appsTabAdd" v-on="on" > <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon x-small> mdi-storefront-outline </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <!-- App Store --> <v-list-item-title> <span class="font-weight-regular caption">{{ $t('title.appStore') }}</span> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> </template> <!-- App Store --> {{ $t('title.appStore') }} </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip bottom> <template #activator="{ on }"> <v-list-item v-t="['c:settings:team-auth']" dense class="body-2 nc-settings-teamauth" @click="rolesTabAdd" v-on="on" > <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon x-small> mdi-account-group </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <!-- Team & Auth --> <v-list-item-title> <span class="font-weight-regular caption">{{ $t('title.teamAndAuth') }}</span> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> </template> <!-- Roles & Users Management --> {{ $t('title.rolesUserMgmt') }} </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip bottom> <template #activator="{ on }"> <v-list-item v-t="['c:settings:proj-metadata']" dense class="body-2 nc-settings-projmeta" @click="disableOrEnableModelTabAdd" v-on="on" > <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon x-small> mdi-table-multiple </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <!-- Project Metadata --> <v-list-item-title> <span class="font-weight-regular caption">{{ $t('title.projMeta') }}</span> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> </template> <!-- Meta Management --> {{ $t('title.metaMgmt') }} </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip bottom> <template #activator="{ on }"> <v-list-item v-t="['c:settings:audit']" dense class="body-2 nc-settings-audit" @click="openAuditTab" v-on="on" > <v-list-item-icon> <v-icon x-small> mdi-notebook-outline </v-icon> </v-list-item-icon> <!-- Project Metadata --> <v-list-item-title> <span class="font-weight-regular caption">{{ $t('title.audit') }}</span> </v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> </template> <!-- Meta Management --> {{ $t('title.auditLogs') }} </v-tooltip> </template> </v-list> <v-divider /> <v-list v-if="_isUIAllowed('previewAs') || previewAs" dense> <v-list-item> <!-- Preview as --> <span class="body-2 font-weight-medium">{{ $t('activity.previewAs') }}</span> <v-icon small class="ml-1"> mdi-drama-masks </v-icon> </v-list-item> <v-list dense> <div class="mx-4 d-flex align-center mb-2"> <template v-for="(role, i) in rolesList"> <v-divider v-if="i" :key="i" vertical class="mx-2 caption grey--text" /> <div :key="role.title" :class="`pointer text-center nc-preview-${role.title}`" @click="setPreviewUSer(role.title)" > <v-icon small class="mr-1" :color="role.title === previewAs ? 'x-active' : ''"> {{ roleIcon[role.title] }} </v-icon> <span class="caption text-capitalize" :class="{ 'x-active--text': role.title === previewAs }">{{ role.title }}</span> </div> </template> </div> <template v-if="previewAs"> <!-- <v-divider></v-divider>--> <v-list-item @click="setPreviewUSer(null)"> <v-icon small class="mr-1"> mdi-close </v-icon> <!-- Reset Preview --> <span class="caption nc-preview-reset">{{ $t('activity.resetReview') }}</span> </v-list-item> </template> </v-list> </v-list> </div> <v-divider /> <template v-if="_isUIAllowed('apiDocs')"> <div v-t="['e:api-docs']" class="caption pointer nc-docs pb-2 pl-5 pr-3 pt-2 d-flex align-center" @click="openLink(apiLink)" > <v-icon color="brown" small class="mr-2"> mdi-open-in-new </v-icon> {{ $t('title.apiDocs') }} </div> </template> <template v-if="_isUIAllowed('settings')"> <div class="pl-5 pr-3 d-flex align-center pb-2"> <settings-modal> <template #default="{ click }"> <div v-t="['c:navdraw:project-settings']" class="caption pointer nc-team-settings" @click="click"> <v-icon color="brown" small class="mr-1"> mdi-cog </v-icon> {{ $t('title.teamAndSettings') }} </div> </template> </settings-modal> </div> </template> <!-- <v-divider/>--> <!-- <extras class="pl-1"/>--> </div> </v-navigation-drawer> <dlg-table-create v-if="dialogGetTableName.dialogShow" v-model="dialogGetTableName.dialogShow" @create="mtdTableCreate($event)" /> <dlg-view-create v-if="dialogGetViewName.dialogShow" v-model="dialogGetViewName.dialogShow" @create="mtdViewCreate($event)" /> <textDlgSubmitCancel v-if="dialogRenameTable.dialogShow" :rules="[validateTableName, validateUniqueAlias]" :dialog-show="dialogRenameTable.dialogShow" :heading="dialogRenameTable.heading" :cookie="dialogRenameTable.cookie" :default-value="dialogRenameTable.defaultValue" :mtd-dialog-submit="mtdDialogRenameTableSubmit" :mtd-dialog-cancel="mtdDialogRenameTableCancel" /> <textDlgSubmitCancel v-if="dialogGetFunctionName.dialogShow" :dialog-show="dialogGetFunctionName.dialogShow" :heading="dialogGetFunctionName.heading" :mtd-dialog-submit="mtdDialogGetFunctionNameSubmit" :mtd-dialog-cancel="mtdDialogGetFunctionNameCancel" /> <textDlgSubmitCancel v-if="dialogGetProcedureName.dialogShow" :dialog-show="dialogGetProcedureName.dialogShow" :heading="dialogGetProcedureName.heading" :mtd-dialog-submit="mtdDialogGetProcedureNameSubmit" :mtd-dialog-cancel="mtdDialogGetProcedureNameCancel" /> <textDlgSubmitCancel v-if="dialogGetSequenceName.dialogShow" :dialog-show="dialogGetSequenceName.dialogShow" :heading="dialogGetSequenceName.heading" :mtd-dialog-submit="mtdDialogGetSequenceNameSubmit" :mtd-dialog-cancel="mtdDialogGetSequenceNameCancel" /> <dlgLabelSubmitCancel v-if="selectedNodeForDelete.dialog" :actions-mtd="deleteSelectedNode" :dialog-show="selectedNodeForDelete.dialog" :heading="selectedNodeForDelete.heading" type="error" /> <dlgLabelSubmitCancel v-if="dialogDeleteTable.dialogShow" type="error" :actions-mtd="deleteTable" :dialog-show="dialogDeleteTable.dialogShow" :heading="`${dialogDeleteTable.heading} ${dialogDeleteTable.tableName}`" /> <quick-import ref="quickImport" v-model="quickImportDialog" hide-label import-to-project @success="onQuickImport" /> </div> </template> <script> /* eslint-disable */ import { mapMutations, mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'; import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'; import rightClickOptions from '../helpers/rightClickOptions'; import rightClickOptionsSub from '../helpers/rightClickOptionsSub'; import icons from '../helpers/treeViewIcons'; import textDlgSubmitCancel from './utils/DlgTextSubmitCancel'; import dlgLabelSubmitCancel from './utils/DlgLabelSubmitCancel'; import { copyTextToClipboard } from '../helpers/xutils'; import DlgTableCreate from '~/components/utils/DlgTableCreate'; import DlgViewCreate from '~/components/utils/DlgViewCreate'; import SponsorMini from '~/components/SponsorMini'; import { validateTableName } from '~/helpers'; import QuickImport from '~/components/import/QuickImport'; import draggable from 'vuedraggable'; import GithubStarBtn from '~/components/GithubStarBtn'; import SettingsModal from '~/components/settings/SettingsModal'; import Language from '~/components/utils/Language'; import Extras from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/Extras'; export default { components: { Extras, Language, SettingsModal, GithubStarBtn, draggable, QuickImport, SponsorMini, DlgViewCreate, DlgTableCreate, textDlgSubmitCancel, dlgLabelSubmitCancel, }, props: { sharedBase: Boolean, }, data: () => ({ treeViewStatus: {}, drag: false, dragOptions: { animation: 200, group: 'description', disabled: false, ghostClass: 'ghost', }, roleIcon: { owner: 'mdi-account-star', creator: 'mdi-account-hard-hat', editor: 'mdi-account-edit', viewer: 'mdi-eye-outline', commenter: 'mdi-comment-account-outline', }, rolesList: [{ title: 'editor' }, { title: 'commenter' }, { title: 'viewer' }], showSqlClient: false, nestedMenu: {}, overShieldIcon: false, activeListItem: null, dbIcons: { oracledb: 'oracle_icon@2x.png', pg: 'postgresql_icon@2x.png', mysql: 'mysql_icon@2x.png', mssql: 'mssql_icon@2x.png', sqlite3: 'sqlite.png', }, mini: false, miniExpanded: false, navigation: { shown: true, width: 320, borderSize: 3, }, loadingProjects: true, caseInsensitive: true, search: null, menuVisible: false, quickImportDialog: false, x: 0, y: 0, menuItem: null, menu: [{ title: 'Execute' }], icons, tree: [], active: [], viewMenu: false, dialogGetTableName: { dialogShow: false, heading: 'Enter New Table Name', field: 'Table Name', }, dialogGetViewName: { dialogShow: false, heading: 'Enter New View Name', field: 'View Name', }, dialogGetFunctionName: { dialogShow: false, heading: 'Enter New Function Name', field: 'Function Name', }, dialogGetProcedureName: { dialogShow: false, heading: 'Enter New Procedure Name', field: 'Procedure Name', }, dialogGetSequenceName: { dialogShow: false, heading: 'Enter New Sequence Name', field: 'Sequence Name', }, dialogRenameTable: { dialogShow: false, heading: 'Rename Table', field: 'Table Name', cookie: null, defaultValue: null, }, dialogDeleteTable: { dialogShow: false, heading: 'Click Submit to Delete the Table:', nodes: {}, id: '', }, selectedNodeForDelete: { dialog: false, item: null, heading: null, }, }), computed: { apiLink() { return new URL( `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${this.projectId}/swagger`, this.$store.state.project.appInfo && this.$store.state.project.appInfo.ncSiteUrl ); }, previewAs: { get() { return this.$store.state.users.previewAs; }, set(previewAs) { this.$store.commit('users/MutPreviewAs', previewAs); }, }, selectedItem() { return [this.$route.query.type, this.$route.query.dbalias, this.$route.query.name].join('||'); }, direction() { return this.navigation.shown === false ? 'Open' : 'Closed'; }, ...mapGetters({ projects: 'project/list', tabs: 'tabs/list', sqlMgr: 'sqlMgr/sqlMgr', currentProjectFolder: 'project/currentProjectFolder', }), filter() { return (item, search, textKey) => item[textKey].indexOf(search) > -1; }, hideNode() { return { sqlClientDir: !this._isUIAllowed('sqlClientDir'), migrationsDir: !this._isUIAllowed('migrationsDir'), functionDir: !this._isUIAllowed('functionDir'), procedureDir: !this._isUIAllowed('procedureDir'), }; }, isTreeView() { return ( this.projects && (this.projects.length > 1 || (this.projects[0] && this.projects[0].children && (this.projects[0].children.length > 1 || (this.projects[0].children[0] && this.projects[0].children[0].children && this.projects[0].children[0].children.length > 1)))) ); }, listViewArr() { return ( (this.projects && this.projects[0] && this.projects[0].children && this.projects[0].children[0] && this.projects[0].children[0].children && this.projects[0].children[0].children[0] && this.projects[0].children[0].children[0].children) || [] ); }, }, methods: { async onMove(event, children) { if (children.length - 1 === event.moved.newIndex) { this.$set(children[event.moved.newIndex], 'order', children[event.moved.newIndex - 1].order + 1); } else if (event.moved.newIndex === 0) { this.$set(children[event.moved.newIndex], 'order', children[1].order / 2); } else { this.$set( children[event.moved.newIndex], 'order', (children[event.moved.newIndex - 1].order + children[event.moved.newIndex + 1].order) / 2 ); } // await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{dbAlias: 'db'}, 'xcModelOrderSet', { // tn: children[event.moved.newIndex].table_name, // order: children[event.moved.newIndex].order, // }]) await this.$api.dbTable.reorder(children[event.moved.newIndex].id, { order: children[event.moved.newIndex].order, }); }, openUIACL(child) { this.disableOrEnableModelTabAdd(); setTimeout(() => { this.$router.push({ query: { ...this.$route.query, nested_1: (child && child._nodes && child._nodes.dbConnection && child._nodes.dbConnection.id) + 'acl', }, }); }, 100); } /* setPreviewUSer(previewAs) { if (!process.env.EE) { this.$toast.info('Available in Enterprise edition').goAway(3000); } else { this.previewAs = previewAs; window.location.reload(); } },*/, async loadRoles() { // if (this.$store.getters['users/GtrIsAdmin']) { // const roles = ( // await this.$axios.get('/admin/roles', { // headers: { // 'xc-auth': this.$store.state.users.token, // }, // params: { // project_id: this.$route.params.project_id, // }, // }) // ).data // this.rolesList = roles.filter(role => !['owner', 'creator', 'guest'].includes(role.title)) // } else { // this.rolesList = null // this.previewAs = null // } }, appsTabAdd() { const tabIndex = this.tabs.findIndex(el => el.key === `appStore`); if (tabIndex !== -1) { this.changeActiveTab(tabIndex); } else { let item = { name: 'App Store', key: `appStore`, }; item._nodes = { env: '_noco' }; item._nodes.type = 'appStore'; this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', item); } }, isNonAdminAccessAllowed(item) { return ['tableDir', 'viewDir'].includes(item.type); }, changeTheme() { this.$store.dispatch('settings/ActToggleDarkMode', !this.$store.state.settings.darkTheme); }, openLink(link) { window.open(link, '_blank'); }, async checkAndDeleteTable(table, action = 'showDialog') { this.dialogDeleteTable.tableName = table.title; this.dialogDeleteTable.nodes = table._nodes; this.dialogDeleteTable.id = table.id; await this.deleteTable(action); this.$e('c:table:delete'); }, async deleteTable(action = '') { if (action === 'showDialog') { this.dialogDeleteTable.dialogShow = true; } else if (action === 'hideDialog') { this.dialogDeleteTable.dialogShow = false; } else { try { const nodes = this.dialogDeleteTable.nodes; const id = this.dialogDeleteTable.id; const meta = await this.$store.dispatch('meta/ActLoadMeta', { id }); const relationColumns = meta.columns.filter(c => c.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord); if (relationColumns.length) { const refColMsgs = await Promise.all( relationColumns.map(async (c, i) => { const refMeta = await this.$store.dispatch('meta/ActLoadMeta', { id: c.colOptions.fk_related_model_id, }); return `${i + 1}. ${c.title} is a LinkToAnotherRecord of ${(refMeta && refMeta.title) || c.title}`; }) ); this.$toast .info( `<div style="padding:10px 4px">Unable to delete tables because of the following. <br><br>${refColMsgs.join('<br>')}<br><br> Delete them & try again</div> ` ) .goAway(10000); this.dialogDeleteTable.dialogShow = false; return; } await this.$api.dbTable.delete(id); this.removeTableTab({ env: nodes.env, dbAlias: nodes.dbAlias, table_name: nodes.table_name, }); await this.loadTablesFromParentTreeNode({ _nodes: { ...nodes, }, }); this.$store.commit('meta/MutMeta', { key: nodes.table_name, value: null, }); this.$store.commit('meta/MutMeta', { key: id, value: null, }); this.$toast.info(`Deleted table ${nodes.title} successfully`).goAway(3000); } catch (e) { const msg = await this._extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e); this.$toast.error(msg).goAway(3000); } this.dialogDeleteTable.dialogShow = false; this.$e('a:table:delete'); } }, /* settingsTabAdd() { const tabIndex = this.tabs.findIndex(el => el.key === `projectSettings`); if (tabIndex !== -1) { this.changeActiveTab(tabIndex); } else { console.log('add roles tab'); let item = {name: 'Settings', key: `projectSettings`} item._nodes = {env: 'dev'}; item._nodes.type = 'projectSettings'; this.$store.dispatch("tabs/ActAddTab", item); } },*/ rolesTabAdd() { const tabIndex = this.tabs.findIndex(el => el.key === `roles`); if (tabIndex !== -1) { this.changeActiveTab(tabIndex); } else { let item = { name: `${this.$t('title.teamAndAuth')} `, key: `roles`, }; item._nodes = { env: '_noco' }; item._nodes.type = 'roles'; this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', item); } }, disableOrEnableModelTabAdd() { const tabIndex = this.tabs.findIndex(el => el.key === `disableOrEnableModel`); if (tabIndex !== -1) { this.changeActiveTab(tabIndex); } else { let item = { name: `${this.$t('title.metaMgmt')}`, key: `disableOrEnableModel`, }; item._nodes = { env: '_noco' }; item._nodes.type = 'disableOrEnableModel'; this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', item); } }, openAuditTab() { const tabIndex = this.tabs.findIndex(el => el.key === `migrationsDir`); if (tabIndex !== -1) { this.changeActiveTab(tabIndex); } else { let item = { name: `${this.$t('title.audit')}`, key: `migrationsDir`, }; item._nodes = { env: '_noco', dbAlias: 'db', }; item._nodes.type = 'migrationsDir'; item._nodes.dbKey = ''; this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', item); } }, toggleMini() { this.$store.commit('panelSize/MutSize', { type: 'treeView', size: this.$store.state.panelSize.treeView.size === 18 ? 5 : 18, }); // this.onMiniHoverEnter(); // this.mini = !this.mini; }, onMiniHoverEnter() { if (this.mini && this.$refs.drawer) { const el = this.$refs.drawer.$el; this.$refs.drawer.width = el.style.width = '320px'; this.miniExpanded = true; } }, onMiniHoverLeave() { if (this.mini && this.$refs.drawer) { const el = this.$refs.drawer.$el; this.navigation.width = this.$refs.drawer.width = el.style.width = '50px'; this.miniExpanded = false; } }, onQuickImport() { if (!this.menuItem || this.menuItem.type !== 'tableDir') { this.menuItem = this.listViewArr.find(n => n.type === 'tableDir'); } this.loadTables(this.menuItem); }, ...mapMutations({ setProject: 'project/list', updateProject: 'project/update', }), ...mapActions({ loadTables: 'project/loadTables', loadProjects: 'project/loadProjects', loadViews: 'project/loadViews', loadProcedures: 'project/loadProcedures', loadSequences: 'project/loadSequences', loadFunctions: 'project/loadFunctions', changeActiveTab: 'tabs/changeActiveTab', // instantiateSqlMgr: "sqlMgr/instantiateSqlMgr", loadDefaultTabs: 'tabs/loadDefaultTabs', loadTablesFromParentTreeNode: 'project/loadTablesFromParentTreeNode', loadViewsFromParentTreeNode: 'project/loadViewsFromParentTreeNode', loadFunctionsFromParentTreeNode: 'project/loadFunctionsFromParentTreeNode', loadProceduresFromParentTreeNode: 'project/loadProceduresFromParentTreeNode', removeTabsByName: 'tabs/removeTabsByName', clearProjects: 'project/clearProjects', removeTableTab: 'tabs/removeTableTab', }), async addTab(item, open, leaf) { // console.log("addtab item", item, open, leaf); //this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', true); try { if (item._nodes.type === 'tableDir' && !open) { //load tables await this.loadTables(item); const currentlyOpened = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.open)); currentlyOpened.push(item._nodes.key); this.activeListItem = item._nodes.key; // this.open = currentlyOpened; } else if (item._nodes.type === 'viewDir' && !open) { await this.loadViews(item); const currentlyOpened = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.open)); currentlyOpened.push(item._nodes.key); this.activeListItem = item._nodes.key; // this.open = currentlyOpened; } else if (item._nodes.type === 'functionDir' && !open) { await this.loadFunctions(item); const currentlyOpened = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.open)); currentlyOpened.push(item._nodes.key); this.activeListItem = item._nodes.key; // this.open = currentlyOpened; } else if (item._nodes.type === 'procedureDir' && !open) { await this.loadProcedures(item); const currentlyOpened = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.open)); currentlyOpened.push(item._nodes.key); this.activeListItem = item._nodes.key; // this.open = currentlyOpened; } else if (item._nodes.type === 'sequenceDir' && !open) { await this.loadSequences(item); const currentlyOpened = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.open)); currentlyOpened.push(item._nodes.key); this.activeListItem = item._nodes.key; // this.open = currentlyOpened; } else if (item._nodes.type === 'env') { return; } else { // const tabIndex = this.tabs.findIndex(el => el.key === item.key); const tabIndex = this.tabs.findIndex(el => { return ( ((!el._nodes && !item._nodes) || (el._nodes && item._nodes && el._nodes.type === item._nodes.type && el._nodes.dbAlias === item._nodes.dbAlias)) && item.name === el.name ); }); if (tabIndex !== -1) { this.changeActiveTab(tabIndex); } else { if ( item._nodes.type === 'tableDir' || item._nodes.type === 'project' || item._nodes.type === 'viewDir' || item._nodes.type === 'procedureDir' || item._nodes.type === 'sequenceDir' || item._nodes.type === 'db' || item._nodes.type === 'functionDir' ) { return; } if (item._nodes.type === 'table') { let tableIndex = +item._nodes.key.split('.').pop(); if ( !(await this.$store.dispatch('settings/ActCheckMaxTable', { tableIndex, })) ) { return; } } this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', item); } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { //this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', false); } }, isActiveList(item) { return true; //this.treeViewStatus[item.type] = this.treeViewStatus[item.type] || item.type === this.$route.query.type || item.type === `${this.$route.query.type}Dir`; }, showNode(item) { return ( !(this.$store.getters['project/GtrProjectPrefix'] && ['functionDir', 'procedureDir'].includes(item.type)) && (['tableDir', 'viewDir'].includes(item.type) || this._isUIAllowed('advanced')) ); }, showCTXMenu(e, item, open, leaf) { if (!this._isUIAllowed('treeViewContextMenu')) { return; } if (!item) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.x = e.clientX; this.y = e.clientY; this.menuItem = item; this.$nextTick(() => { this.menuVisible = true; }); }, async loadProjectsData(id = null) { try { this.$store.commit('tabs/clear'); this.loadingProjects = true; await this.loadProjects(id); if ('toast' in this.$route.query) { this.$toast .success( `Successfully generated ${(this.$store.getters['project/GtrProjectType'] || '').toUpperCase()} APIs`, { position: 'top-center', } ) .goAway(5000); } try { this.open = [ this.projects[0].key, this.projects[0].children[0].key, this.projects[0].children[0].children[0].key, ]; } catch (error) { console.log('this.open set array error', error); } this.loadingProjects = false; if (!this.isTreeView) { if (this.$route.query.type) { const node = this.listViewArr.find(n => n.type === `${this.$route.query.type}Dir`); await this.addTab({ ...(node || this.listViewArr[0]) }, false, true); } else { await this.addTab({ ...this.listViewArr[0] }, false, true); } } } catch (error) { console.error('loadProjectsData', error); } }, ctxMenuOptions() { if (!this.menuItem || !this.menuItem._nodes.type) { return; } let options = rightClickOptions[this.menuItem._nodes.type]; if (!this.$store.getters['users/GtrIsAdmin']) { options = rightClickOptionsSub[this.menuItem._nodes.type]; } return options; // if (options) { // return Object.keys(options).map(k => typeof options[k] === 'object' ? Object.keys(options[k]) : k); // } // return []; }, isNested(item) { return ( (item.children && item.children.length) || ['tableDir', 'viewDir', 'functionDir', 'procedureDir', 'sequenceDir'].includes(item.type) ); }, validateUniqueAlias(v) { return ( (this.$store.state.project.tables || []).every( t => this.dialogRenameTable.cookie.id === t.id || t.title !== (v || '') ) || 'Duplicate table alias' ); }, async handleCreateBtnClick(type, item) { this.menuItem = item; switch (type) { case 'tableDir': this.dialogGetTableName.dialogShow = true; break; case 'viewDir': this.dialogGetViewName.dialogShow = true; break; case 'functionDir': this.dialogGetFunctionName.dialogShow = true; break; case 'procedureDir': this.dialogGetProcedureName.dialogShow = true; break; case 'sequenceDir': this.dialogGetSequenceName.dialogShow = true; break; } this.$e('c:table:create:navdraw'); }, async handleCTXMenuClick(actionStr) { ///this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', true); try { const item = this.menuItem; // const options = rightClickOptions[this.menuItem._nodes.type]; const action = actionStr; //options[actionStr]; // this.$e(action) if (action) { if (action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_CREATE') { this.dialogGetTableName.dialogShow = true; this.$e('c:table:create:navdraw:right-click'); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_VIEWS_CREATE') { this.dialogGetViewName.dialogShow = true; } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_PROCEDURES_CREATE') { this.dialogGetProcedureName.dialogShow = true; } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_SEQUENCES_CREATE') { this.dialogGetSequenceName.dialogShow = true; } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_FUNCTIONS_CREATE') { this.dialogGetFunctionName.dialogShow = true; } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_FUNCTIONS_CREATE') { this.dialogGetFunctionName.dialogShow = true; } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_REFRESH') { await this.loadTables(this.menuItem); this.$toast.success('Tables refreshed').goAway(1000); this.$e('a:table:refresh:navdraw'); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_VIEWS_REFRESH') { await this.loadViews(this.menuItem); this.$toast.success('Views refreshed').goAway(1000); } else if (action === 'IMPORT_EXCEL') { this.quickImportDialog = true; } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_FUNCTIONS_REFRESH') { await this.loadFunctions(this.menuItem); this.$toast.success('Functions refreshed').goAway(1000); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_PROCEDURES_REFRESH') { await this.loadProcedures(this.menuItem); this.$toast.success('Procedures refreshed').goAway(1000); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_SEQUENCES_REFRESH') { await this.loadSequences(this.menuItem); this.$toast.success('Table refreshed').goAway(1000); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_RENAME') { this.dialogRenameTable.cookie = item; this.dialogRenameTable.dialogShow = true; this.dialogRenameTable.defaultValue = item.name; this.$e('c:table:rename:navdraw:right-click'); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_MIGRATION_DOWN') { await this.sqlMgr.migrator().migrationsDown({ env: item._nodes.env, dbAlias: item._nodes.dbAlias, migrationSteps: 99999999999, folder: this.currentProjectFolder, sqlContentMigrate: 1, }); } else if (action === 'SHOW_NODES') { console.log('\n_nodes.type = ', item._nodes.type, '\n'); console.log('_nodes.key = ', item._nodes.key, '\n'); console.log('_nodes = ', item._nodes, '\n'); } else if ( action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_DELETE' || action === 'ENV_DB_VIEWS_DELETE' || action === 'ENV_DB_FUNCTIONS_DELETE' || action === 'ENV_DB_PROCEDURES_DELETE' || action === 'ENV_DB_SEQUENCES_DELETE' ) { this.deleteSelectedNode('showDialog', item); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_CREATE_STATEMENT') { await this.handleSqlStatementGeneration( item, 'tableCreateStatement', `${item.name} Create Statement copied` ); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_INSERT_STATEMENT') { await this.handleSqlStatementGeneration( item, 'tableInsertStatement', `${item.name} Insert Statement copied` ); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_UPDATE_STATEMENT') { await this.handleSqlStatementGeneration( item, 'tableUpdateStatement', `${item.name} Update Statement copied` ); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_DELETE_STATEMENT') { await this.handleSqlStatementGeneration( item, 'tableSelectStatement', `${item.name} Delete Statement copied` ); } else if (action === 'ENV_DB_TABLES_SELECT_STATEMENT') { await this.handleSqlStatementGeneration( item, 'tableDeleteStatement', `${item.name} Select Statement copied` ); } else { console.log(`No Action Fn found for ${action}`); } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { //this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', false); } }, async handleSqlStatementGeneration(item, func, msg) { try { let result = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ { env: item._nodes.env, dbAlias: item._nodes.dbAlias, }, func, { tn: item.name }, ]); if (result && result.data) { copyTextToClipboard(result.data, 'selection'); } else { copyTextToClipboard('Example String', 'selection'); } let sqlClientNode = { ...item._nodes }; let newItem = { _nodes: sqlClientNode, }; sqlClientNode.type = 'sqlClientDir'; sqlClientNode.key = sqlClientNode.tableDirKey.split('.'); sqlClientNode.key.pop(); sqlClientNode.dbKey = sqlClientNode.key.join('.'); sqlClientNode.key.push('sqlClient'); sqlClientNode.key = sqlClientNode.key.join('.'); newItem.key = sqlClientNode.dbKey + '.sqlClient'; newItem.name = 'SQL Client'; newItem.tooltip = 'SQL Client'; newItem.type = 'sqlClientDir'; this.$toast.success(msg).goAway(2000); this.addTab(newItem, false, false); this.$store.commit('queries/MutSetClipboardQuery', result.data); } catch (e) { console.log(e); this.$toast.error('Something went wrong').goAway(2000); } }, async mtdDialogRenameTableSubmit(title, cookie) { let item = cookie; try { await this.$api.dbTable.update(item.id, { project_id: this.projectId, table_name: title, }); } catch (e) { this.$toast.error(await this._extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)).goAway(3000); return; } await this.removeTabsByName(item); await this.loadTablesFromParentTreeNode({ _nodes: { ...item._nodes, }, }); this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', { _nodes: { env: this.menuItem._nodes.env, dbAlias: this.menuItem._nodes.dbAlias, table_name: this.menuItem._nodes.table_name, title: title, dbConnection: this.menuItem._nodes.dbConnection, type: 'table', dbKey: this.menuItem._nodes.dbKey, key: this.menuItem._nodes.key, tableDirKey: this.menuItem._nodes.tableDirKey, }, name: title, }); this.dialogRenameTable.dialogShow = false; this.dialogRenameTable.defaultValue = null; this.$toast.success('Table renamed successfully').goAway(3000); this.$e('a:table:rename'); }, mtdDialogRenameTableCancel() { this.dialogRenameTable.dialogShow = false; this.dialogRenameTable.defaultValue = null; }, mtdTableCreate(table) { if (!this.menuItem || this.menuItem.type !== 'tableDir') { this.menuItem = this.listViewArr.find(n => n.type === 'tableDir'); } // const tables = table.name.split(','); this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', true); this.dialogGetTableName.dialogShow = false; setTimeout(() => { // for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i) { if (table.name) { this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', { _nodes: { env: this.menuItem._nodes.env, dbAlias: this.menuItem._nodes.dbAlias, table_name: table.name, title: table.alias, type: 'table', dbKey: this.menuItem._nodes.dbKey, key: this.menuItem._nodes.key, dbConnection: this.menuItem._nodes.dbConnection, newTable: table, }, name: table.alias, }); } }); setTimeout(() => this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', false), 200); this.$set(this.dialogGetTableName, 'dialogShow', false); this.$e('a:table:create'); }, mtdViewCreate(view) { // const tables = table.name.split(','); this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', true); this.dialogGetViewName.dialogShow = false; setTimeout(() => { // for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i) { if (view.name) { this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', { _nodes: { env: this.menuItem._nodes.env, dbAlias: this.menuItem._nodes.dbAlias, view_name: view.name, title: view.alias, type: 'view', dbKey: this.menuItem._nodes.key, key: this.menuItem._nodes.key, dbConnection: this.menuItem._nodes.dbConnection, newView: true, }, name: view.alias, }); } }); setTimeout(() => this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', false), 200); this.$set(this.dialogGetTableName, 'dialogShow', false); }, mtdDialogGetTableNameSubmit(tn, cookie) { let tables = tn.split(','); this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', true); this.dialogGetTableName.dialogShow = false; setTimeout(() => { for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i) { if (tables[i]) { this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', { _nodes: { env: this.menuItem._nodes.env, dbAlias: this.menuItem._nodes.dbAlias, tn: tables[i], type: 'table', dbKey: this.menuItem._nodes.dbKey, key: this.menuItem._nodes.key, dbConnection: this.menuItem._nodes.dbConnection, newTable: true, }, name: tables[i], }); } } }); setTimeout(() => this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', false), 200); }, mtdDialogGetTableNameCancel() { this.dialogGetTableName.dialogShow = false; }, mtdDialogGetViewNameSubmit(view_name) { this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', { _nodes: { env: this.menuItem._nodes.env, dbAlias: this.menuItem._nodes.dbAlias, view_name: view_name, type: 'view', dbKey: this.menuItem._nodes.key, key: this.menuItem._nodes.key, dbConnection: this.menuItem._nodes.dbConnection, newView: true, }, name: view_name, }); this.dialogGetViewName.dialogShow = false; }, mtdDialogGetViewNameCancel() { this.dialogGetViewName.dialogShow = false; }, mtdDialogGetFunctionNameSubmit(function_name) { this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', { _nodes: { dbKey: this.menuItem._nodes.dbKey, env: this.menuItem._nodes.env, dbAlias: this.menuItem._nodes.dbAlias, function_name: function_name, newFunction: true, type: 'function', key: this.menuItem._nodes.key, dbConnection: this.menuItem._nodes.dbConnection, }, name: function_name, }); this.dialogGetFunctionName.dialogShow = false; }, mtdDialogGetFunctionNameCancel() { this.dialogGetFunctionName.dialogShow = false; }, mtdDialogGetProcedureNameSubmit(procedure_name) { this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', { _nodes: { dbKey: this.menuItem._nodes.dbKey, env: this.menuItem._nodes.env, dbAlias: this.menuItem._nodes.dbAlias, procedure_name: procedure_name, newProcedure: true, type: 'procedure', key: this.menuItem._nodes.key, }, name: procedure_name, }); this.dialogGetProcedureName.dialogShow = false; }, mtdDialogGetSequenceNameSubmit(sequence_name) { this.$store.dispatch('tabs/ActAddTab', { _nodes: { dbKey: this.menuItem._nodes.dbKey, env: this.menuItem._nodes.env, dbAlias: this.menuItem._nodes.dbAlias, sequence_name: sequence_name, newSequence: true, type: 'sequence', key: this.menuItem._nodes.key, dbConnection: this.menuItem._nodes.dbConnection, }, name: sequence_name, }); this.dialogGetSequenceName.dialogShow = false; }, mtdDialogGetProcedureNameCancel() { this.dialogGetProcedureName.dialogShow = false; }, mtdDialogGetSequenceNameCancel() { this.dialogGetSequenceName.dialogShow = false; }, async renameSelectedNode(action = '', item) { if (action === 'showDialog') { this.selectedNodeForRename = { dialog: true, item: item, heading: `Rename ${item._nodes.type}`, }; } else if (action === 'hideDialog') { this.selectedNodeForDelete = { dialog: false, item: null, heading: null, }; } else { } }, async deleteSelectedNode(action = '', item) { if (action === 'showDialog') { this.selectedNodeForDelete = { dialog: true, item: item, heading: `Click Submit to Delete The ${item._nodes.type}: ${item.name}`, }; } else if (action === 'hideDialog') { this.selectedNodeForDelete = { dialog: false, item: null, heading: null, }; } else { item = this.selectedNodeForDelete.item; if (item._nodes.type === 'table') { await this.checkAndDeleteTable(item, ''); } else if (item._nodes.type === 'view') { const view = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ { env: item._nodes.env, dbAlias: item._nodes.dbAlias, }, 'viewRead', { view_name: item._nodes.view_name }, ]); await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOpPlus', [ { env: item._nodes.env, dbAlias: item._nodes.dbAlias, }, 'viewDelete', { view_name: item._nodes.view_name, oldViewDefination: view.view_definition, }, ]); await this.loadViewsFromParentTreeNode({ _nodes: { ...item._nodes, }, }); this.$toast.success('View deleted successfully').goAway(3000); } else if (item._nodes.type === 'function') { const _function = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ { env: item._nodes.env, dbAlias: item._nodes.dbAlias, }, 'functionRead', { function_name: item._nodes.function_name, }, ]); await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOpPlus', [ { env: item._nodes.env, dbAlias: item._nodes.dbAlias, }, 'functionDelete', { function_name: item._nodes.function_name, oldCreateFunction: _function.create_function, }, ]); await this.loadFunctionsFromParentTreeNode({ _nodes: { ...item._nodes, }, }); this.$toast.success('Function deleted successfully').goAway(3000); } else if (item._nodes.type === 'procedure') { const procedure = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ { env: item._nodes.env, dbAlias: item._nodes.dbAlias, }, 'procedureRead', { procedure_name: item._nodes.procedure_name, }, ]); await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOpPlus', [ { env: item._nodes.env, dbAlias: item._nodes.dbAlias, }, 'procedureDelete', { procedure_name: item._nodes.procedure_name, create_procedure: procedure.create_procedure, }, ]); await this.loadProceduresFromParentTreeNode({ _nodes: { ...item._nodes, }, }); this.$toast.success('Procedure deleted successfully').goAway(3000); } await this.removeTabsByName(item); this.selectedNodeForDelete = { dialog: false, item: null, heading: null, }; } }, validateTableName(v) { return validateTableName(v, this.$store.getters['project/GtrProjectIsGraphql']); }, }, async created() { // this.loadDefaultTabs(); // this.instantiateSqlMgr(); const _id = this.$route.params.project; if (_id === 'external') { } await this.loadProjectsData(_id); this.loadDefaultTabs(true); // this.loadRoles(); }, beforeCreate() {}, mounted() { // this.setBorderWidth(); // this.setEvents(); }, async destroyed() { await this.clearProjects(); }, }; </script> <style scoped> /deep/ .project-tree .v-treeview-node__level { width: 12px; 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without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ -->