import { test } from '@playwright/test'; import { DashboardPage } from '../pages/Dashboard'; import { SettingsPage, SettingTab } from '../pages/Dashboard/Settings'; import setup, { NcContext } from '../setup'; import { isMysql, isPg, isSqlite, mysqlExec, pgExec, sqliteExec } from '../setup/db'; // todo: Enable when view bug is fixed test.describe('Meta sync', () => { let dashboard: DashboardPage; let settings: SettingsPage; let context: NcContext; let dbExec; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { context = await setup({ page }); dashboard = new DashboardPage(page, context.project); settings = dashboard.settings; switch (context.dbType) { case 'sqlite': dbExec = sqliteExec; break; case 'mysql': dbExec = mysqlExec; break; case 'pg': dbExec = query => pgExec(query, context); break; } }); test('Meta sync', async () => { test.setTimeout(process.env.CI ? 100000 : 70000); await dashboard.gotoSettings(); await settings.selectTab({ tab: SettingTab.ProjectMetadata }); await dbExec(`CREATE TABLE table1 (id INT NOT NULL, col1 INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))`); await dbExec(`CREATE TABLE table2 (id INT NOT NULL, col1 INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))`); await settings.metaData.clickReload(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: `table1`, state: 'New table', }); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 22 : 17, model: `table2`, state: 'New table', }); await settings.metaData.sync(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: 'Table1', state: 'No change identified', }); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 22 : 17, model: 'Table2', state: 'No change identified', }); if (!isSqlite(context)) { // Add relation if (isPg(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 ADD CONSTRAINT fk_idx FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES table2 (id);`); } else { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 ADD INDEX fk1_idx (col1 ASC) VISIBLE`); await dbExec( `ALTER TABLE table1 ADD CONSTRAINT fk1 FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES table2 (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION` ); } await settings.metaData.clickReload(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: 'Table1', state: 'New relation added', }); //verify after sync await settings.metaData.sync(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: 'Table1', state: 'No change identified', }); // Remove relation if (isPg(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 DROP CONSTRAINT fk_idx`); } else { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 DROP FOREIGN KEY fk1`); await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 DROP INDEX fk1_idx`); } await settings.metaData.clickReload(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: 'Table1', state: 'Relation removed', }); //verify after sync await settings.metaData.sync(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: 'Table1', state: 'No change identified', }); } // Add column if (isSqlite(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 ADD COLUMN newCol TEXT NULL`); } else if (isMysql(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 ADD COLUMN newCol VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER id`); } else if (isPg(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 ADD COLUMN newCol INT`); } await settings.metaData.clickReload(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: `Table1`, state: 'New column(newCol)', }); //verify after sync await settings.metaData.sync(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: 'Table1', state: 'No change identified', }); // Edit column if (isSqlite(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME COLUMN newCol TO newColName`); } else if (isMysql(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 CHANGE COLUMN newCol newColName VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL`); } else if (isPg(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME COLUMN newCol TO newColName`); } await settings.metaData.clickReload(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: `Table1`, state: 'New column(newColName), Column removed(newCol)', }); //verify after sync await settings.metaData.sync(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: 'Table1', state: 'No change identified', }); // Delete column // todo: Add for sqlite if (!isSqlite(context)) { await dbExec(`ALTER TABLE table1 DROP COLUMN newColName`); await settings.metaData.clickReload(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: `Table1`, state: 'Column removed(newColName)', }); //verify after sync await settings.metaData.sync(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: 'Table1', state: 'No change identified', }); } // Delete table await dbExec(`DROP TABLE table1`); await dbExec(`DROP TABLE table2`); await settings.metaData.clickReload(); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 21 : 16, model: `table1`, state: 'Table removed', }); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: isPg(context) ? 22 : 17, model: `table2`, state: 'Table removed', }); //verify after sync await settings.metaData.sync(); if (isSqlite(context)) { await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: 16, model: 'CustomerList', state: 'No change identified', }); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: 17, model: 'FilmList', state: 'No change identified', }); } if (isPg(context)) { await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: 21, model: 'ActorInfo', state: 'No change identified', }); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: 22, model: 'CustomerList', state: 'No change identified', }); } else if (isMysql(context)) { await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: 16, model: 'ActorInfo', state: 'No change identified', }); await settings.metaData.verifyRow({ index: 17, model: 'CustomerList', state: 'No change identified', }); } }); test('Hide, filter, sort', async () => { await dbExec( `CREATE TABLE table1 (id INT NOT NULL, col1 INT NULL, col2 INT NULL, col3 INT NULL, col4 INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))` ); await dbExec( `INSERT INTO table1 (id, col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (1,1,1,1,1), (2,2,2,2,2), (3,3,3,3,3), (4,4,4,4,4), (5,5,5,5,5), (6,6,6,6,6), (7,7,7,7,7), (8,8,8,8,8), (9,9,9,9,9);` ); await dashboard.gotoSettings(); await settings.selectTab({ tab: SettingTab.ProjectMetadata }); await settings.metaData.clickReload(); await settings.metaData.sync(); await settings.close(); await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Table1' }); await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickFields(); await{ title: 'Col1' }); await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickFields(); await dashboard.grid.toolbar.sort.addSort({ columnTitle: 'Col1', isAscending: false, isLocallySaved: false, }); await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickFilter(); await dashboard.grid.toolbar.filter.addNew({ columnTitle: 'Col1', opType: '>=', value: '5', isLocallySaved: false, }); await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickFilter(); await dashboard.grid.verifyRowCount({ count: 5 }); }); });