import BasePage from '../Base'; import { WorkspacePage } from './'; import { Locator } from '@playwright/test'; /* nc-workspace-settings nc-collaborator-table-container */ export class CollaborationPage extends BasePage { readonly workspace: WorkspacePage; readonly list_collaborators: Locator; constructor(workspace: WorkspacePage) { super(workspace.rootPage); this.workspace = workspace; this.list_collaborators = this.get().locator('.nc-collaborators-list-table'); } get() { return this.workspace.get().locator('.nc-workspace-settings').locator('.nc-collaborator-table-container'); } async waitFor({ state }) { await this.get().waitFor({ state }); } async addUsers(email: string, role: string) { await this.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); // click add user button to open modal await this.get().getByTestId('nc-add-member-btn').click(); const inviteModal = this.rootPage.locator('.nc-invite-dlg'); await inviteModal.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); const input_email = inviteModal.locator('input[id="email"]'); const selector_role = inviteModal.locator('.ant-select-selector'); const button_addUser = inviteModal.locator('.nc-invite-btn'); // flaky test: wait for the input to be ready await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500); // email await input_email.fill(email + ' '); // role await selector_role.first().click(); const menu = this.rootPage.locator('.nc-role-selector-dropdown:visible'); await menu.locator(`.nc-role-select-workspace-level-${role.toLowerCase()}:visible`).first().click(); // submit // allow button to be enabled await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500); await; await this.verifyToast({ message: 'Invitation sent successfully' }); await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500); } async getCollaboratorsCount() { await this.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); const collaborators = await this.list_collaborators.locator('tr.ant-table-row').count(); return collaborators; } async getCollaborator({ index }: { index: number }) { await this.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); const email = await this.list_collaborators .locator('tr.ant-table-row') .nth(index) .locator('td.ant-table-cell') .nth(0) .innerText(); const role = await this.list_collaborators .locator('tr.ant-table-row') .nth(index) .locator('td.ant-table-cell') .nth(1) .innerText(); return { email, role }; } async removeCollaborator({ index }: { index: number }) { await this.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await this.list_collaborators .locator('tr.ant-table-row') .nth(index) .locator('td.ant-table-cell') .nth(2) .locator('button') .click(); } }