import BasePage from '../Base'; import { WorkspacePage } from './'; import { expect, Locator } from '@playwright/test'; /* nc-left-sidebar nc-workspace-group > Recent > Shared with me > Favourites All Workspaces data-testid="nc-create-workspace" nc-workspace-title span:nth-child(0) : workspace title span:nth-child(1) : workspace owner : displayed on hover nc-workspace-drag-icon (...) : click |> .ant-dropdown-menu-vertical |> .ant-dropdown-menu-item : Rename Workspace |> .ant-dropdown-menu-item : Delete Workspace Workspace create modal ---------------------- nc-modal-workspace-create input[data-testid="create-workspace-ws-name"] input[data-testid="create-workspace-ws-description"] ant-modal-close-x button:has-text("Submit") button:has-text("Cancel") */ export class LeftSideBarPage extends BasePage { readonly workspace: WorkspacePage; readonly recentWorkspaces: Locator; readonly sharedWithMeWorkspaces: Locator; readonly favouriteWorkspaces: Locator; readonly createWorkspace: Locator; readonly workspaceItems: Locator; constructor(workspace: WorkspacePage) { super(workspace.rootPage); this.workspace = workspace; this.recentWorkspaces = this.get().locator('.nc-workspace-group').locator('span:has-text("Recent")'); this.sharedWithMeWorkspaces = this.get().locator('.nc-workspace-group').locator('span:has-text("Shared with me")'); this.favouriteWorkspaces = this.get().locator('.nc-workspace-group').locator('span:has-text("Favourites")'); this.createWorkspace = this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-create-workspace"]'); this.workspaceItems = this.get().locator('.nc-workspace-title'); } get() { return this.workspace.get().locator('.nc-left-sidebar'); } async waitFor({ state }) { await this.get().waitFor({ state }); } async getWorkspaceCount() { return this.workspaceItems.count(); } async verifyStaticElements() { // await this.get().locator('.nc-workspace-group').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); // await this.recentWorkspaces.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); // await this.sharedWithMeWorkspaces.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); // await this.favouriteWorkspaces.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await this.createWorkspace.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); } async verifyDynamicElements(param: ({ role: string; title: string } | { role: string; title: string })[]) { // parallel execution, can't predict how many will be active // expect(await this.getWorkspaceCount()).toBe(param.length); //@ts-ignore for (const { role, title } of param) { const ws = this.get().locator(`li.ant-menu-item:has-text("${title}")`).first(); await ws.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); // todo: verify role } } async workspaceGetLocator(title: string) { // get workspace id // return this.get().locator('[data-id="' + wsId + '"]'); const list = this.get().locator(`.nc-workspace-list-item`); for (let i = 0; i < (await list.count()); i++) { const ws = list.nth(i); const wsTitle = (await ws.innerText()).split('\n')[1]; if (wsTitle === title) { return ws; } } return null; } async workspaceList() { const wsList = this.workspaceItems; // for each, extract title and add to array const titles = []; for (let i = 0; i < (await wsList.count()); i++) { const title = await wsList.nth(i).innerText(); titles.push(title); } return titles; } async workspaceCreate({ title }: { title: string }) { await; const modal = this.rootPage.locator(''); await modal.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await modal.locator('input[data-testid="create-workspace-title-input"]').fill(title); await this.waitForResponse({ uiAction: () => modal.locator('button:has-text("Create Workspace")').click(), httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'], requestUrlPathToMatch: `api/v1/workspaces`, }); } async workspaceRename({ title, newTitle }: { title: string; newTitle: string }) { const ws = await this.workspaceGetLocator(title); await; await ws.locator('.nc-workspace-menu').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await ws.locator('.nc-workspace-menu').click(); await this.rootPage .locator('.ant-dropdown-menu-vertical:visible') .locator('.ant-dropdown-menu-item:has-text("Rename Workspace")') .click(); await ws.locator('input').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await ws.locator('input').fill(newTitle); // await'Enter'); await this.waitForResponse({ uiAction: () =>'Enter'), httpMethodsToMatch: ['PATCH'], requestUrlPathToMatch: `api/v1/workspaces/`, }); } async workspaceDelete({ title }: { title: string }) { const ws = await this.workspaceGetLocator(title); await; await ws.locator('').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await ws.locator('').click(); await this.rootPage .locator('.ant-dropdown-menu-vertical:visible') .locator('.ant-dropdown-menu-item:has-text("Delete Workspace")') .click(); // GET will be triggered after DELETE await this.waitForResponse({ uiAction: async () => { // Create a promise that resolves after 1 second const delay = (ms: number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); // Returning a promise that resolves with the result after the 1-second delay await delay(500); return await this.rootPage.locator('button:has-text("Delete Workspace")').click(); }, // uiAction: () => this.rootPage.locator('button:has-text("Delete Workspace")').click(), httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'], requestUrlPathToMatch: `api/v1/workspaces/`, }); } async openQuickAccess(menu: 'Recent' | 'Shared with me' | 'Favourites') { await this.get().locator('.nc-workspace-group').locator(`span:has-text("${menu}")`).click(); const URL = { Recent: `http://localhost:3000/#/?page=recent`, 'Shared with me': `http://localhost:3000/#/?page=shared`, Favourites: `http://localhost:3000/#/?page=starred`, }; // verify current URL to be /workspaces expect(this.rootPage.url()).toBe(URL[menu]); } }