import { RelationTypes, isLinksOrLTAR } from 'nocodb-sdk' import type { ColumnType, LinkToAnotherRecordType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import type { Ref } from 'vue' const [useProvideSmartsheetLtarHelpers, useSmartsheetLtarHelpers] = useInjectionState( (meta: Ref | ComputedRef) => { const { $api } = useNuxtApp() const { t } = useI18n() const { base } = storeToRefs(useBase()) const { metas } = useMetas() const getRowLtarHelpers = (row: Row) => { if (!row.rowMeta) { row.rowMeta = {} } if (!row.rowMeta.ltarState) { row.rowMeta.ltarState = {} } return row.rowMeta.ltarState } // actions const addLTARRef = async (row: Row, value: Record, column: ColumnType) => { if (isHm(column) || isMm(column)) { if (!getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!]) getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!] = [] if (getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!]!.find((ln: Record) => deepCompare(ln, value))) { // This value is already in the list return'')) } if (Array.isArray(value)) { getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!]!.push(...value) } else { getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!]!.push(value) } } else if (isBt(column) || isOo(column)) { getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!] = value } } // actions const removeLTARRef = async (row: Row, value: Record, column: ColumnType) => { if (isHm(column) || isMm(column)) { getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!]?.splice(getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!]?.indexOf(value), 1) } else if (isBt(column) || isOo(column)) { getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!] = null } } const linkRecord = async ( rowId: string, relatedRowId: string, column: ColumnType, type: RelationTypes, { metaValue = meta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType } = {}, ) => { try { await $api.dbTableRow.nestedAdd( NOCO, as string, metaValue?.id as string, encodeURIComponent(rowId), type, as string, encodeURIComponent(relatedRowId), ) } catch (e: any) { message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) } } /** sync LTAR relations kept in local state */ const syncLTARRefs = async ( row: Row, rowData: Record, { metaValue = meta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType } = {}, ) => { const id = extractPkFromRow(rowData, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[]) for (const column of metaValue?.columns ?? []) { if (!isLinksOrLTAR(column)) continue const colOptions = column.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType const relatedTableMeta = metas.value?.[colOptions?.fk_related_model_id as string] if (isHm(column) || isMm(column)) { const relatedRows = (getRowLtarHelpers(row)?.[column.title!] ?? []) as Record[] for (const relatedRow of relatedRows) { await linkRecord( id, extractPkFromRow(relatedRow, relatedTableMeta.columns as ColumnType[]), column, colOptions.type as RelationTypes, { metaValue }, ) } } else if ((isBt(column) || isOo(column)) && getRowLtarHelpers(row)?.[column.title!]) { await linkRecord( id, extractPkFromRow( getRowLtarHelpers(row)?.[column.title!] as Record, relatedTableMeta.columns as ColumnType[], ), column, colOptions.type as RelationTypes, { metaValue }, ) } // clear LTAR refs after sync getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!] = null } } // clear LTAR cell const clearLTARCell = async (row: Row, column: ColumnType) => { try { if (!column || !isLinksOrLTAR(column)) return const relatedTableMeta = metas.value?.[(column?.colOptions)?.fk_related_model_id as string] if ( { getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!] = null } else { if ([RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO, RelationTypes.ONE_TO_ONE].includes((column.colOptions)?.type)) { if (!row.row[column.title!]) return await $api.dbTableRow.nestedRemove( NOCO, as string, meta.value?.id as string, extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]), (column.colOptions)?.type as any, as string, extractPkFromRow(row.row[column.title!], relatedTableMeta?.columns as ColumnType[]), ) row.row[column.title!] = null } else { for (const link of (row.row[column.title!] as Record[]) || []) { await $api.dbTableRow.nestedRemove( NOCO, as string, meta.value?.id as string, encodeURIComponent(extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[])), (column?.colOptions).type as 'hm' | 'mm', as string, encodeURIComponent(extractPkFromRow(link, relatedTableMeta?.columns as ColumnType[])), ) } row.row[column.title!] = [] } } } catch (e: any) { message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) } } const loadRow = async (row: Row) => { const record = await $ NOCO, base.value?.id as string, meta.value?.title as string, encodeURIComponent(extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[])), ) Object.assign(unref(row), { row: record, oldRow: { ...record }, rowMeta: {}, }) } // clear MM cell const cleaMMCell = async (row: Row, column: ColumnType) => { try { if (!column || !isLinksOrLTAR(column)) return if ( { getRowLtarHelpers(row)[column.title!] = null } else { if ((column.colOptions)?.type === RelationTypes.MANY_TO_MANY) { if (!row.row[column.title!]) return const result = await $api.dbDataTableRow.nestedListCopyPasteOrDeleteAll( meta.value?.id as string, as string, [ { operation: 'deleteAll', rowId: extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) as string, columnId: as string, fk_related_model_id: (column.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType)?.fk_related_model_id as string, }, ], ) row.row[column.title!] = null return Array.isArray(result.unlink) ? result.unlink : [] } } } catch (e: any) { message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) } } return { addLTARRef, removeLTARRef, syncLTARRefs, loadRow, clearLTARCell, cleaMMCell, } }, 'smartsheet-ltar-helpers', ) export { useProvideSmartsheetLtarHelpers } export function useSmartsheetLtarHelpersOrThrow() { const smartsheetLtarHelpers = useSmartsheetLtarHelpers() if (smartsheetLtarHelpers == null) throw new Error('Please call `useSmartsheetLtarHelpers` on the appropriate parent component') return smartsheetLtarHelpers }