import type { MaybeRef } from '@vueuse/core' import type { ColumnType, LinkToAnotherRecordType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { RelationTypes, UITypes, isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk' import type { Cell } from './cellRange' import { CellRange } from './cellRange' import convertCellData from './convertCellData' import type { Nullable, Row } from '~/lib' import { copyTable, extractPkFromRow, extractSdkResponseErrorMsg, isMac, isTypableInputColumn, message, reactive, ref, unref, useCopy, useEventListener, useI18n, useMetas, useProject, } from '#imports' const MAIN_MOUSE_PRESSED = 0 /** * Utility to help with multi-selecting rows/cells in the smartsheet */ export function useMultiSelect( _meta: MaybeRef, fields: MaybeRef, data: MaybeRef, _editEnabled: MaybeRef, isPkAvail: MaybeRef, clearCell: Function, makeEditable: Function, scrollToActiveCell?: (row?: number | null, col?: number | null) => void, keyEventHandler?: Function, syncCellData?: Function, ) { const meta = ref(_meta) const { t } = useI18n() const { copy } = useCopy() const { getMeta } = useMetas() const { isMysql } = useProject() let clipboardContext = $ref<{ value: any; uidt: UITypes } | null>(null) const editEnabled = ref(_editEnabled) let isMouseDown = $ref(false) const selectedRange = reactive(new CellRange()) const activeCell = reactive>({ row: null, col: null }) const columnLength = $computed(() => unref(fields)?.length) function makeActive(row: number, col: number) { if (activeCell.row === row && activeCell.col === col) { return } activeCell.row = row activeCell.col = col } async function copyValue(ctx?: Cell) { try { if (selectedRange.start !== null && selectedRange.end !== null && !selectedRange.isSingleCell()) { const cprows = unref(data).slice(selectedRange.start.row, selectedRange.end.row + 1) // slice the selected rows for copy const cpcols = unref(fields).slice(selectedRange.start.col, selectedRange.end.col + 1) // slice the selected cols for copy await copyTable(cprows, cpcols) message.success(t('')) } else { // if copy was called with context (right click position) - copy value from context // else if there is just one selected cell, copy it's value const cpRow = ctx?.row ?? activeCell.row const cpCol = ctx?.col ?? activeCell.col if (cpRow != null && cpCol != null) { const rowObj = unref(data)[cpRow] const columnObj = unref(fields)[cpCol] let textToCopy = (columnObj.title && rowObj.row[columnObj.title]) || '' if (columnObj.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox) { textToCopy = !!textToCopy } if (typeof textToCopy === 'object') { textToCopy = JSON.stringify(textToCopy) } await copy(textToCopy) message.success(t('')) } } } catch { message.error(t('msg.error.copyToClipboardError')) } } function handleMouseOver(row: number, col: number) { if (!isMouseDown) { return } selectedRange.endRange({ row, col }) } function isCellSelected(row: number, col: number) { if (activeCell.col === col && activeCell.row === row) { return true } if (selectedRange.start === null || selectedRange.end === null) { return false } return ( col >= selectedRange.start.col && col <= selectedRange.end.col && row >= selectedRange.start.row && row <= selectedRange.end.row ) } function handleMouseDown(event: MouseEvent, row: number, col: number) { // if there was a right click on selected range, don't restart the selection if (event?.button !== MAIN_MOUSE_PRESSED && isCellSelected(row, col)) { return } editEnabled.value = false isMouseDown = true selectedRange.startRange({ row, col }) } const handleCellClick = (event: MouseEvent, row: number, col: number) => { isMouseDown = true editEnabled.value = false selectedRange.startRange({ row, col }) selectedRange.endRange({ row, col }) makeActive(row, col) isMouseDown = false } const handleMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent) => { // timeout is needed, because we want to set cell as active AFTER all the child's click handler's called // this is needed e.g. for date field edit, where two clicks had to be done - one to select cell, and another one to open date dropdown setTimeout(() => { makeActive(selectedRange.start.row, selectedRange.start.col) }, 0) // if the editEnabled is false, prevent selecting text on mouseUp if (!unref(editEnabled)) { event.preventDefault() } isMouseDown = false } const handleKeyDown = async (e: KeyboardEvent) => { // invoke the keyEventHandler if provided and return if it returns true if (await keyEventHandler?.(e)) { return true } if (activeCell.row === null || activeCell.col === null) { return } /** on tab key press navigate through cells */ switch (e.key) { case 'Tab': e.preventDefault() selectedRange.clear() if (e.shiftKey) { if (activeCell.col > 0) { activeCell.col-- editEnabled.value = false } else if (activeCell.row > 0) { activeCell.row-- activeCell.col = unref(columnLength) - 1 editEnabled.value = false } } else { if (activeCell.col < unref(columnLength) - 1) { activeCell.col++ editEnabled.value = false } else if (activeCell.row < unref(data).length - 1) { activeCell.row++ activeCell.col = 0 editEnabled.value = false } } scrollToActiveCell?.() break /** on enter key press make cell editable */ case 'Enter': e.preventDefault() selectedRange.clear() makeEditable(unref(data)[activeCell.row], unref(fields)[activeCell.col]) break /** on delete key press clear cell */ case 'Delete': e.preventDefault() selectedRange.clear() await clearCell(activeCell as { row: number; col: number }) break /** on arrow key press navigate through cells */ case 'ArrowRight': e.preventDefault() selectedRange.clear() if (activeCell.col < unref(columnLength) - 1) { activeCell.col++ scrollToActiveCell?.() editEnabled.value = false } break case 'ArrowLeft': e.preventDefault() selectedRange.clear() if (activeCell.col > 0) { activeCell.col-- scrollToActiveCell?.() editEnabled.value = false } break case 'ArrowUp': e.preventDefault() selectedRange.clear() if (activeCell.row > 0) { activeCell.row-- scrollToActiveCell?.() editEnabled.value = false } break case 'ArrowDown': e.preventDefault() selectedRange.clear() if (activeCell.row < unref(data).length - 1) { activeCell.row++ scrollToActiveCell?.() editEnabled.value = false } break default: { const rowObj = unref(data)[activeCell.row] const columnObj = unref(fields)[activeCell.col] if ((!unref(editEnabled) || !isTypableInputColumn(columnObj)) && (isMac() ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)) { switch (e.keyCode) { // copy - ctrl/cmd +c case 67: // set clipboard context only if single cell selected // or if selected range is empty if (selectedRange.isSingleCell() || (selectedRange.isEmpty() && rowObj && columnObj)) { clipboardContext = { value: rowObj.row[columnObj.title!], uidt: columnObj.uidt as UITypes, } } else { clipboardContext = null } await copyValue() break // paste - ctrl/cmd + v case 86: try { // handle belongs to column if ( columnObj.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord && (columnObj.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType)?.type === RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO ) { if (!clipboardContext || typeof clipboardContext.value !== 'object') { return'Invalid data') } rowObj.row[columnObj.title!] = convertCellData( { value: clipboardContext.value, from: clipboardContext.uidt, to: columnObj.uidt as UITypes, }, isMysql.value, ) e.preventDefault() const foreignKeyColumn = meta.value?.columns?.find( (column: ColumnType) => === (columnObj.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType)?.fk_child_column_id, ) const relatedTableMeta = await getMeta((columnObj.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType).fk_related_model_id!) if (!foreignKeyColumn) return rowObj.row[foreignKeyColumn.title!] = extractPkFromRow( clipboardContext.value, (relatedTableMeta as any)!.columns!, ) return await syncCellData?.({ ...activeCell, updatedColumnTitle: foreignKeyColumn.title }) } // if it's a virtual column excluding belongs to cell type skip paste if (isVirtualCol(columnObj)) { return'')) } if (clipboardContext) { rowObj.row[columnObj.title!] = convertCellData( { value: clipboardContext.value, from: clipboardContext.uidt, to: columnObj.uidt as UITypes, }, isMysql.value, ) e.preventDefault() syncCellData?.(activeCell) } else { clearCell(activeCell as { row: number; col: number }, true) makeEditable(rowObj, columnObj) } } catch (error: any) { message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error)) } } } if (unref(editEnabled) || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) { return true } /** on letter key press make cell editable and empty */ if (e.key.length === 1) { if (!unref(isPkAvail) && ! { // Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key return'')) } if (isTypableInputColumn(columnObj) && makeEditable(rowObj, columnObj) && columnObj.title) { rowObj.row[columnObj.title] = '' } // editEnabled = true } } break } } const clearSelectedRange = selectedRange.clear.bind(selectedRange) useEventListener(document, 'keydown', handleKeyDown) useEventListener(document, 'mouseup', handleMouseUp) return { handleMouseDown, handleMouseOver, clearSelectedRange, copyValue, isCellSelected, activeCell, handleCellClick, } }