--- title: 'Metadata' description: 'Metadata' position: 60 category: 'Usage' menuTitle: 'Metadata' --- To go to the Meta Management Portal, click ``Project Metadata`` under ``Settings`` on the leftmost menu. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/126929430-1ad086a8-0611-4f39-8c7f-580637574056.png) ## Project Metadata The metadata is stored in meta directory in project level, database level, and API level. Under ``Project Metadata``, you can perform the following operations. - Export all metadata from the meta tables to meta directory - Import all metadata from the meta directory to meta tables - Export project meta to zip file and download - Import project meta zip file and restart - Clear all metadata from meta tables Import won't work with zip files exported from the older version of apps (< 0.11.6).
Import / Export will only transfer metadata and files related to the project and not any table data in the project.
## Migration example ### Export metadata Source project : Under ``Meta Management`` tab, select ``Export zip``, click ``Submit``. This step extracts project metadata and stores it in compressed (zip) format ![meta-dev](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86527202/130780497-89578bd0-a417-468a-92d8-88c5c07a72b0.png "Step-Export") ### Import metadata Destination project : Under ``Meta Management`` tab, select ``Import zip``, select ``meta.zip`` file stored in previous step. This step imports project metadata from compressed file (zip) selected and restarts project. ![meta-prod](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86527202/130781015-3477e596-b1bc-4189-9853-bfd850157ba8.png) --- ## Database Metadata Under ``DB Metadata``, You can manage your models. For example, if you do not want to expose some APIs, you can untick those under APIs here. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/127611038-a10ccee5-72ca-42cf-a55b-c8268c9fbe5c.png) The relations of all tables are listed under ``Relations``. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/127611116-0289f739-bad7-45a0-b2bd-bfd8565f50b8.png) ## UI Access Control You can control the access to each table and relation by roles. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/127611188-339de6ca-e648-47c0-a358-eee0d03ae9d0.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/127611237-5c43e194-a8ba-4e33-b473-5b690a38e80d.png)