import isURL from 'validator/lib/isURL' export const replaceUrlsWithLink = (text: string): boolean | string => { if (!text) { return false } const rawText = text.toString() // create a temporary element to sanitise the string // by encoding any html code const tempEl = document.createElement('div') tempEl.textContent = rawText const sanitisedText = tempEl.innerHTML let found = false const out = sanitisedText.replace(/URI::\((.*?)\)/g, (_, url) => { found = true const a = document.createElement('a') a.textContent = url a.setAttribute('href', url) a.setAttribute('target', '_blank') a.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener,noreferrer') return a.outerHTML }) return found && out } export const isValidURL = (str: string, extraProps?) => { return isURL(`${str}`, extraProps) } export const openLink = (path: string, baseURL?: string, target = '_blank') => { const url = new URL(path, baseURL), target, 'noopener,noreferrer') } export const navigateToBlankTargetOpenOption = { target: '_blank', windowFeatures: { noopener: true, noreferrer: true, }, }