import type { Input as AntInput } from 'ant-design-vue' const formulaTypes = { NUMERIC: 'numeric', STRING: 'string', DATE: 'date', LOGICAL: 'logical', COND_EXP: 'conditional_expression', } const formulas: Record = { AVG: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { min: 1, }, }, description: 'Average of input parameters', syntax: 'AVG(value1, [value2, ...])', examples: ['AVG(10, 5) => 7.5', 'AVG({column1}, {column2})', 'AVG({column1}, {column2}, {column3})'], }, ADD: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { min: 1, }, }, description: 'Sum of input parameters', syntax: 'ADD(value1, [value2, ...])', examples: ['ADD(5, 5) => 10', 'ADD({column1}, {column2})', 'ADD({column1}, {column2}, {column3})'], }, DATEADD: { type: formulaTypes.DATE, validation: { args: { rqd: 3, }, }, description: 'Adds a "count" units to Datetime.', syntax: 'DATEADD(date | datetime, value, ["day" | "week" | "month" | "year"])', examples: [ 'DATEADD({column1}, 2, "day")', 'DATEADD({column1}, -2, "day")', 'DATEADD({column1}, 2, "week")', 'DATEADD({column1}, -2, "week")', 'DATEADD({column1}, 2, "month")', 'DATEADD({column1}, -2, "month")', 'DATEADD({column1}, 2, "year")', 'DATEADD({column1}, -2, "year")', ], }, AND: { type: formulaTypes.COND_EXP, validation: { args: { min: 1, }, }, description: 'TRUE if all expr evaluate to TRUE', syntax: 'AND(expr1, [expr2, ...])', examples: ['AND(5 > 2, 5 < 10) => 1', 'AND({column1} > 2, {column2} < 10)'], }, OR: { type: formulaTypes.COND_EXP, validation: { args: { min: 1, }, }, description: 'TRUE if at least one expr evaluates to TRUE', syntax: 'OR(expr1, [expr2, ...])', examples: ['OR(5 > 2, 5 < 10) => 1', 'OR({column1} > 2, {column2} < 10)'], }, CONCAT: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { min: 1, }, }, description: 'Concatenated string of input parameters', syntax: 'CONCAT(str1, [str2, ...])', examples: ['CONCAT("AA", "BB", "CC") => "AABBCC"', 'CONCAT({column1}, {column2}, {column3})'], }, TRIM: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Remove trailing and leading whitespaces from input parameter', syntax: 'TRIM(str)', examples: ['TRIM(" HELLO WORLD ") => "HELLO WORLD"', 'TRIM({column1})'], }, UPPER: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Upper case converted string of input parameter', syntax: 'UPPER(str)', examples: ['UPPER("nocodb") => "NOCODB"', 'UPPER({column1})'], }, LOWER: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Lower case converted string of input parameter', syntax: 'LOWER(str)', examples: ['LOWER("NOCODB") => "nocodb"', 'LOWER({column1})'], }, LEN: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Input parameter character length', syntax: 'LEN(value)', examples: ['LEN("NocoDB") => 6', 'LEN({column1})'], }, MIN: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { min: 1, }, }, description: 'Minimum value amongst input parameters', syntax: 'MIN(value1, [value2, ...])', examples: ['MIN(1000, 2000) => 1000', 'MIN({column1}, {column2})'], }, MAX: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { min: 1, }, }, description: 'Maximum value amongst input parameters', syntax: 'MAX(value1, [value2, ...])', examples: ['MAX(1000, 2000) => 2000', 'MAX({column1}, {column2})'], }, CEILING: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Rounded next largest integer value of input parameter', syntax: 'CEILING(value)', examples: ['CEILING(1.01) => 2', 'CEILING({column1})'], }, FLOOR: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Rounded largest integer less than or equal to input parameter', syntax: 'FLOOR(value)', examples: ['FLOOR(3.1415) => 3', 'FLOOR({column1})'], }, ROUND: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Nearest integer to the input parameter', syntax: 'ROUND(value)', examples: ['ROUND(3.1415) => 3', 'ROUND({column1})'], }, MOD: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { rqd: 2, }, }, description: 'Remainder after integer division of input parameters', syntax: 'MOD(value1, value2)', examples: ['MOD(1024, 1000) => 24', 'MOD({column}, 2)'], }, REPEAT: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 2, }, }, description: 'Specified copies of the input parameter string concatenated together', syntax: 'REPEAT(str, count)', examples: ['REPEAT("A", 5) => "AAAAA"', 'REPEAT({column}, 5)'], }, LOG: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: {}, description: 'Logarithm of input parameter to the base (default = e) specified', syntax: 'LOG([base], value)', examples: ['LOG(2, 1024) => 10', 'LOG(2, {column1})'], }, EXP: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: {}, description: 'Exponential value of input parameter (e ^ power)', syntax: 'EXP(power)', examples: ['EXP(1) => 2.718281828459045', 'EXP({column1})'], }, POWER: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { rqd: 2, }, }, description: 'base to the exponent power, as in base ^ exponent', syntax: 'POWER(base, exponent)', examples: ['POWER(2, 10) => 1024', 'POWER({column1}, 10)'], }, SQRT: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Square root of the input parameter', syntax: 'SQRT(value)', examples: ['SQRT(100) => 10', 'SQRT({column1})'], }, ABS: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Absolute value of the input parameter', syntax: 'ABS(value)', examples: ['ABS({column1})'], }, NOW: { type: formulaTypes.DATE, validation: { args: { rqd: 0, }, }, description: 'Returns the current time and day', syntax: 'NOW()', examples: ['NOW() => 2022-05-19 17:20:43'], }, REPLACE: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 3, }, }, description: 'String, after replacing all occurrences of srchStr with rplcStr', syntax: 'REPLACE(str, srchStr, rplcStr)', examples: ['REPLACE("AABBCC", "AA", "BB") => "BBBBCC"', 'REPLACE({column1}, {column2}, {column3})'], }, SEARCH: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 2, }, }, description: 'Index of srchStr specified if found, 0 otherwise', syntax: 'SEARCH(str, srchStr)', examples: ['SEARCH("HELLO WORLD", "WORLD") => 7', 'SEARCH({column1}, "abc")'], }, INT: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Integer value of input parameter', syntax: 'INT(value)', examples: ['INT(3.1415) => 3', 'INT({column1})'], }, RIGHT: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 2, }, }, description: 'n characters from the end of input parameter', syntax: 'RIGHT(str, n)', examples: ['RIGHT("HELLO WORLD", 5) => WORLD', 'RIGHT({column1}, 3)'], }, LEFT: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 2, }, }, description: 'n characters from the beginning of input parameter', syntax: 'LEFT(str, n)', examples: ['LEFT({column1}, 2)', 'LEFT("ABCD", 2) => "AB"'], }, SUBSTR: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { min: 2, max: 3, }, }, description: 'Substring of length n of input string from the postition specified', syntax: ' SUBTR(str, position, [n])', examples: ['SUBSTR("HELLO WORLD", 7) => WORLD', 'SUBSTR("HELLO WORLD", 7, 3) => WOR', 'SUBSTR({column1}, 7, 5)'], }, MID: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 3, }, }, description: 'Alias for SUBSTR', syntax: 'MID(str, position, [count])', examples: ['MID("NocoDB", 3, 2) => "co"', 'MID({column1}, 3, 2)'], }, IF: { type: formulaTypes.COND_EXP, validation: { args: { min: 2, max: 3, }, }, description: 'SuccessCase if expr evaluates to TRUE, elseCase otherwise', syntax: 'IF(expr, successCase, elseCase)', examples: ['IF(5 > 1, "YES", "NO") => "YES"', 'IF({column} > 1, "YES", "NO")'], }, SWITCH: { type: formulaTypes.COND_EXP, validation: { args: { min: 3, }, }, description: 'Switch case value based on expr output', syntax: 'SWITCH(expr, [pattern, value, ..., default])', examples: [ 'SWITCH(1, 1, "One", 2, "Two", "N/A") => "One""', 'SWITCH(2, 1, "One", 2, "Two", "N/A") => "Two"', 'SWITCH(3, 1, "One", 2, "Two", "N/A") => "N/A"', 'SWITCH({column1}, 1, "One", 2, "Two", "N/A")', ], }, URL: { type: formulaTypes.STRING, validation: { args: { rqd: 1, }, }, description: 'Convert to a hyperlink if it is a valid URL', syntax: 'URL(str)', examples: ['URL("")', 'URL({column1})'], }, WEEKDAY: { type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, validation: { args: { min: 1, max: 2, }, }, description: 'Returns the day of the week as an integer between 0 and 6 inclusive starting from Monday by default', syntax: 'WEEKDAY(date, [startDayOfWeek])', examples: ['WEEKDAY("2021-06-09")', 'WEEKDAY(NOW(), "sunday")'], }, } const formulaList = Object.keys(formulas) // ref : function insertAtCursor(myField: typeof AntInput, myValue: string, len = 0, b = 0) { // MOZILLA and others if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart === 0) { const startPos = myField.selectionStart const endPos = myField.selectionEnd myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos - len) + myValue + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length) const pos = +startPos - len + myValue.length - b // if (myField.setSelectionRange) { myField.focus() myField.setSelectionRange(pos, pos) } else if (myField.createTextRange) { const range = myField.createTextRange() range.collapse(true) range.moveEnd('character', pos) range.moveStart('character', pos) } } else { myField.value += myValue } return myField.value } function ReturnWord(text: string, caretPos: number) { const preText = text.substring(0, caretPos) if (preText.indexOf(' ') > 0) { const words = preText.split(' ') return words[words.length - 1] // return last word } else { return preText } } function getWordUntilCaret(ctrl: typeof AntInput) { const caretPos = GetCaretPosition(ctrl) const word = ReturnWord(ctrl.value, caretPos) return word || '' } function GetCaretPosition(ctrl: typeof AntInput) { let CaretPos = 0 if (ctrl.selectionStart || ctrl.selectionStart === 0) { CaretPos = ctrl.selectionStart } return CaretPos } export { formulaList, formulas, formulaTypes, getWordUntilCaret, insertAtCursor }