--- title: 'Sorting records' description: 'Learn how to sort records in NocoDB.' tags: ['Table operations', 'Sort', 'Gallery view', 'Kanban view', 'Grid view'] keywords : ['NocoDB table', 'sort', 'sort records'] --- Sorting enables you to arrange your data alphabetically (A → Z) or (Z → A) for text based types and in ascending or descending order for numerical types. NocoDB supports nested sorting, allowing you to select fields and the order in which to apply nested sorting. ### Adding or Editing Sort 1. Click the `Sort` button in the toolbar menu. 2. Choose the `Field` to sort by. 3. Configure the sorting `Direction` : ascending or descending ![Sort Field](/img/v2/table-operations/sort-1.png) ![Sort Direction](/img/v2/table-operations/sort-2.png) - You can configure multiple fields for subsequent-level sorting. ![Nested Sorting](/img/v2/table-operations/sort-3.png) :::info Field configured at the top will be used for the first-level sorting, followed by subsequent fields in a top-down order ::: ### Deleting Sort - Click the `Sort` button in the toolbar. - Click on the bin icon to the right of the sort you wish to delete. ![Delete Sorting](/img/v2/table-operations/sort-4.png) ### Related topics - [Field operations](field-operations) - [Filter](filter) - [GroupBy](group-by) - [record height](row-height) - [Quick Search](search) - [Download](download)