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directly changed." } }, "info": { "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell", "roles": { "orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.", "orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project." }, "footerInfo": "ieraksti lapā", "upload": "Izvēlēties datni augšupielādei", "upload_sub": "vai vilkt un nomest datni", "excelSupport": "Atbalsta: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots", "excelURL": "Ievadīt Excel datnes saiti", "csvURL": "Ievadīt CSV datnes saiti", "footMsg": "# ierakstu analizēšanai lai secinātu datu tipus", "excelImport": "lapa(s) ir pieejamas importēšanai", "exportMetadata": "Vai tu vēlies eksportēt metadatus no tabulām?", "importMetadata": "Vai tu vēlies importēt metadatus no tabulām?", "clearMetadata": "Vai tu vēlies notīrīt metadatus no tabulām?", "projectEmptyMessage": "Sāciet darbu izveidojot jaunu projektu", "stopProject": "Vai tu vēlies pārtraukt projektu?", "startProject": "Vai tu vēlies uzsākt projektu?", "restartProject": "Vai tu vēlies restartēt projektu?", "deleteProject": "Vai tu vēlies dzēst projektu?", "shareBasePrivate": "Izveidot koplietojamu saiti", "shareBasePublic": "Jebkurš ar šo saiti varēs skatīt", "userInviteNoSMTP": "E-pasta nosūtītājs vēl nav konfigurēts! 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Izveidot tabulu un pārlādēt šo lapu.", "dbConnectionStatus": "Vide apstiprināta", "dbConnected": "Pieslēgums veiksmīgs", "notifications": { "no_new": "Nav jaunu paziņojumu", "clear": "Notīrīt" }, "sponsor": { "header": "Tu vari mums palīdzēt!", "message": "Mēs esam sīka komanda, kas strādā nepārtraukti, lai nodrošinātu NocoDB atvērtā kodā. Mēs ticam, ka NocoDB rīkam ir jābūt pieejamam neierobežoti visiem problēmu risinātājiem internetā." }, "loginMsg": "Pieslēgties NocoDB", "passwordRecovery": { "message_1": "Lūdzu norādiet epasta adresi, ko izmantojāt reģistrējoties.", "message_2": "Mēs nosūtīsim jums epastu ar saiti, lai atjaunotu paroli.", "success": "Lūdzu pārbaudiet savu epastu, lai atjaunotu paroli" }, "signUp": { "superAdmin": "Jūs būsiet 'Super Administrators'", "alreadyHaveAccount": "Tev jau ir konts ?", "workEmail": "Ievadiet darba epastu", "enterPassword": "Ievadiet paroli", "forgotPassword": "Aizmirsāt paroli ?", "dontHaveAccount": "Tev nav konta ?" }, "addView": { "grid": "Pievienot režģa skatu", "gallery": "Pievienot galerijas skatu", "form": "Pievienot formas skatu", "kanban": "Pievienot Kanban skatu", "calendar": "Pievienot kalendāra skatu" }, "tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabulu metadati ir sinhronizācijā", "addMultipleUsers": "Tu vari pievienot vairākas epasta adreses atdalītas ar komatu(,)", "enterTableName": "Ievadiet tabulas nosaukumu", "addDefaultColumns": "Pievienot noklusētās kolonnas", "tableNameInDb": "Tabulas nosaukums ar kādu tā tiks saglabāta datubāzē", "airtable": { "credentials": "Where to find this?" }, "import": { "clickOrDrag": "Click or drag file to this area to upload" }, "metaDataRecreated": "Table metadata recreated successfully", "invalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials", "downloadingMoreFiles": "Downloading more files", "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard", "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Required field can't be moved", "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary key", "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment field is not editable", "editingPKnotSupported": "Editing primary key not supported", "deletedCache": "Deleted cache successfully", "cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty", "exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully", "valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list", "noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update", "tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully", "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base", "deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?", "deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table", "showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables", "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.", "computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure", "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.", "noMoreRecords": "No more records" }, "error": { "searchProject": "Nav atrasti rezultāti meklējot pēc atslēgvārda {search}", "invalidChar": "Nederīgs simbols mapes ceļā.", "invalidDbCredentials": "Nederīgi datubāzes lietotājvārds un/vai parole.", "unableToConnectToDb": "Nevar pieslēgties datubāzei, lūdzu pārlieciniets vai tava datubāze darbojas.", "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Lietotājs neeksistē vai tam nav pietiekamas atļaujas lai izveidotu shēmu.", "dbConnectionStatus": "Nederīgi datubāzes parametri", "dbConnectionFailed": "Pieslēguma kļūda:", "signUpRules": { "emailReqd": "E-pasts ir obligāts", "emailInvalid": "E-pastam ir jābūt korektam", "passwdRequired": "Parole ir obligāta", "passwdLength": "Parolei jābūt vismaz 8 simboli", "passwdMismatch": "Paroles nesakrīt", "completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character", "atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters", "atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter", "atLeastOneNumber": "One Number", "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character", "allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list" }, "invalidURL": "Invalid URL", "internalError": "Some internal error occurred", "templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!", "fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file", "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column", "formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description", "columnsRequired": "Following columns are required", "selectAtleastOneColumn": "At least one column has to be selected", "columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination column for", "duplicateMappingFound": "Duplicate mapping found, please remove one of the mapping", "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null value violates not-null constraint", "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Source data contains some invalid numbers", "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Source data contains some invalid boolean values", "invalidForm": "Invalid Form", "formValidationFailed": "Form validation failed", "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "You have been signed out", "failedToLoadList": "Failed to load list", "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Failed to load children list", "deleteFailed": "Delete failed", "unlinkFailed": "Unlink failed", "rowUpdateFailed": "Row update failed", "deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete row", "setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data", "formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view", "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required", "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _", "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed", "columnNameRequired": "Column name is required", "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Project name exceeds 50 characters", "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Project name cannot start with space", "requiredField": "Required field", "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed", "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type", "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv", "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots", "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty", "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed", "fieldRequired": "{value} cannot be empty.", "projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible", "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard" }, "toast": { "exportMetadata": "Projekta metadati eksportēti veiksmīgi", "importMetadata": "Projekta metadati importēti veiksmīgi", "clearMetadata": "Projekta metadati notīrīti veiksmīgi", "stopProject": "Projekts apstādināts veiksmīgi", "startProject": "Projekts uzsākts veiksmīgi", "restartProject": "Projekts restartēts veiksmīgi", "deleteProject": "Projekts dzēsts veiksmīgi", "authToken": "Pieslēgšanās talons nokopēts starpliktuvē", "projInfo": "Projekta informācija nokopēta starpliktuvē", "inviteUrlCopy": "Uzaicinājuma saite nokopēta starpliktuvē", "createView": "Skats izveidots veiksmīgi", "formEmailSMTP": "Lūdzu aktivizējiet SMTP spraudni Lietotņu veikalā, lai iespējotu epasta paziņojumus", "collabView": "Veiksmīgi pārslēgts uz sadarbības skatu", "lockedView": "Veiksmīgi pārslēgts uz aizslēgto skatu", "futureRelease": "Drīzumā!" }, "success": { "columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully", "updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully", "pluginUninstalled": "Plugin uninstalled successfully", "pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully", "pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings", "tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully", "viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully", "primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column", "tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data", "updated": "Successfully updated", "sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully", "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully", "viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully", "tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully", "tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully", "userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project", "userAdded": "Successfully added user", "userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project", "inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully", "inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard", "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard", "shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!", "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!", "userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details", "tableDataImported": "Successfully imported table data", "webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully", "webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully", "webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully", "columnUpdated": "Column updated", "columnCreated": "Column created", "passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.", "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully", "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully" } } }