--- title: 'Create base' --- import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; ## Create base from scratch 1. Click on `+` on the left sidebar next to `projects` OR click on `+ New Project` button on the left sidebar. 2. Fill in the name of the base in the pop-up modal. 3. Click on `Create Database` button. ![image](/img/v2/create-base.png) ![image](/img/v2/create-base-2.png) :::info - You will be marked as `base owner` on creation of the base. - Only `base owner` has the authority to delete a base. - You can create multiple bases within a workspace. ::: ## Related articles - [Base overview](/bases/base-overview) - [Create base using template](/bases/create-base-using-template) - [Import base from Airtable](/bases/import-base-from-airtable) - [Base collaboration](/bases/base-collaboration) - [Share base](/bases/share-base) - [Base actions](/bases/actions-on-base) - [Delete base](/bases/delete-base)