import { isVirtualCol, filterOutSystemColumns } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { getUIDTIcon } from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/helpers/uiTypes' export default { data: () => ({ showSystemFieldsLoc: false, viewStatus: {}, fieldFilter: '', filtersKey: 0, filters: [], sortList: [], showFields: {}, // fieldList: [], // meta: {}, data: [], syncDataDebounce() { // not implemented } }), methods: { mapFieldsAndShowFields() { // this.fieldList = => c.title); this.showFields = this.fieldList.reduce((obj, k) => { obj[k] = k in this.showFields ? this.showFields[k] : true return obj }, {}) }, onKeyDown(e) { if (this.selected.col === null || this.selected.row === null) { return } switch (e.keyCode) { // left case 37: if (this.selected.col > 0) { this.selected.col-- } break // right case 39: if (this.selected.col < this.colLength - 1) { this.selected.col++ } break // up case 38: if (this.selected.row > 0) { this.selected.row-- } break // down case 40: if (this.selected.row < this.rowLength - 1) { this.selected.row++ } break // enter case 13: this.makeEditable(this.selected.col, this.selected.row) break } } }, computed: { showSystemFields: { get() { return this.showSystemFieldsLoc }, set(v) { this.showSystemFieldsLoc = v } }, isLocked() { return this.viewStatus && this.viewStatus.type === 'locked' }, fieldList() { return => { return c.alias }) }, realFieldList() { return => { return c.title }) }, formulaFieldList() { return this.availableColumns.reduce((arr, c) => { if (c.formula) { arr.push(c.title) } return arr }, []) }, availableRealColumns() { return this.availableColumns && this.availableColumns.filter(c => !isVirtualCol(c)).map(c => ({ ...c, icon: getUIDTIcon(c.uidt) })) }, allColumns() { if (!this.meta) { return [] } let columns = this.meta.columns if (this.meta && this.meta.v) { columns = [...columns, => ({ ...v, virtual: 1 }))] } { columns.forEach((c) => { c.alias = c.title }) } return columns }, availableColumns() { let columns = [] if (!this.meta) { return [] } // todo: generate hideCols based on default values if (this.showSystemFields) { columns = this.meta.columns || [] } else { columns = filterOutSystemColumns(this.meta.columns) } { columns.forEach((c) => { c.alias = c.title }) } if (this.fieldsOrder.length) { return [...columns].sort((c1, c2) => { const i1 = this.fieldsOrder.indexOf(c1.title) const i2 = this.fieldsOrder.indexOf(c2.title) return (i1 === -1 ? Infinity : i1) - (i2 === -1 ? Infinity : i2) }) } return columns }, concatenatedXWhere() { let where = '' if (this.searchField && this.searchQuery.trim()) { const col = this.availableColumns.find(({ alias }) => alias === this.searchField) || this.availableColumns[0] // bigint values are displayed in string format in UI // when searching bigint values, the operator should be 'eq' instead of 'like' if (['text', 'string'].includes(this.sqlUi.getAbstractType(col)) && col.dt !== 'bigint') { where = `(${this.searchField},like,%${this.searchQuery.trim()}%)` } else { where = `(${this.searchField},eq,${this.searchQuery.trim()})` } } if (!where) { return this.xWhere } return this.xWhere ? where + `~and(${this.xWhere})` : where }, nestedAndRollupColumnParams() { // generate params for nested columns const nestedFields = ((this.meta && this.meta.v && this.meta.v) || []).reduce((obj, vc) => { if ( { } else if ( { } else if ( { } return obj }, { hm: [], bt: [], mm: [] }) // todo: handle if virtual column missing // construct fields args based on lookup columns const fieldsObj = ((this.meta && this.meta.v && this.meta.v) || []).reduce((obj, vc) => { if (! { return obj } let key let index let column switch ( { case 'mm': index = + 1 key = `mfields${index}` column = break case 'hm': index = + 1 key = `hfields${index}` column = break case 'bt': index = + 1 key = `bfields${index}` column = break } if (index && column) { obj[key] = `${obj[key] ? `${obj[key]},` : ''}${column}` } return obj }, {}) return { ...Object.entries(nestedFields).reduce((ro, [k, a]) => ({, [k]: a.join(',') }), {}), ...fieldsObj } }, queryParams() { return { limit: this.size, offset: this.size * ( - 1), // condition: this.condition, where: this.concatenatedXWhere // sort: this.sort, // ...this.nestedAndRollupColumnParams // ...Object.entries(nestedFields).reduce((ro, [k, a]) => ({, [k]: a.join(',') })), // ...fieldsObj } }, colLength() { return (this.availableColumns && this.availableColumns.length) || 0 }, visibleColLength() { return (this.availableColumns && this.availableColumns.length) || 0 }, rowLength() { return ( && || 0 }, edited() { return && => r.rowMeta && ( || r.rowMeta.changed)) }, hasMany() { // todo: use cn alias return this.meta && this.meta.hasMany ? this.meta.hasMany.reduce((hm, o) => { const _rcn = this.meta.columns.find(c => c.column_name === o.rcn).title hm[_rcn] = hm[_rcn] || [] hm[_rcn].push(o) return hm }, {}) : {} }, haveHasManyrelation() { return !!Object.keys(this.hasMany).length }, belongsTo() { return this.meta && this.meta.belongsTo ? this.meta.belongsTo.reduce((bt, o) => { const _cn = (this.meta.columns.find(c => c.column_name === o.column_name) || {}).title bt[_cn] = o return bt }, {}) : {} }, table() { if (this.relationType === 'hm') { return this.relation.table_name } else if (this.relationType === 'bt') { return this.relation.rtn } return this.nodes.table_name || this.nodes.view_name }, primaryValueColumn() { if (!this.meta || !this.availableColumns || !this.availableColumns.length) { return '' } return (this.availableColumns.find(col => col.pv) || { _cn: '' }).title } }, watch: { meta() { this.mapFieldsAndShowFields() }, 'viewStatus.type'() { if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, showFields: { handler(v) { if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, deep: true }, extraViewParams: { handler(v) { if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, deep: true }, coverImageField(v) { if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, groupingField(v) { if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, fieldsOrder: { handler(v) { if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, deep: true }, showSystemFields(v) { if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, filters: { async handler(filter) { let defaultQuery = '' let j = 0 const xWhere = filter.reduce((condition, filt, k) => { if (filt.readOnly) { defaultQuery += `(${filt.field},eq,${filt.value})` j++ return condition } const i = k - j if (i && !filt.logicOp) { return condition } if (!(filt.field && filt.op)) { return condition } condition += (i ? `~${filt.logicOp}` : '') // if (this.allColumnsNames.includes(filt.field)) { switch (filt.op) { case 'is equal': return condition + `(${filt.field},eq,${filt.value})` case 'is not equal': return condition + `~not(${filt.field},eq,${filt.value})` case 'is like': return condition + `(${filt.field},like,%${filt.value}%)` case 'is not like': return condition + `~not(${filt.field},like,%${filt.value}%)` case 'is empty': return condition + `(${filt.field},in,)` case 'is not empty': return condition + `~not(${filt.field},in,)` case 'is null': return condition + `(${filt.field},is,null)` case 'is not null': return condition + `~not(${filt.field},is,null)` case '<': return condition + `(${filt.field},lt,${filt.value})` case '<=': return condition + `(${filt.field},le,${filt.value})` case '>': return condition + `(${filt.field},gt,${filt.value})` case '>=': return condition + `(${filt.field},ge,${filt.value})` } // } return condition }, '') this.xWhere = defaultQuery ? defaultQuery + (xWhere ? `~and(${xWhere})` : xWhere) : xWhere // if (!this.progress) { // await this.loadTableData(); // } if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, deep: true }, sortList: { async handler(sortList) { // const sort = => { // // && this.allColumnsNames.includes(sort.field) // return sort.field ? `${sort.order}${sort.field}` : '' // }).filter(Boolean).join(',') // this.sort = sort // // if (!this.progress) { // // await this.loadTableData(); // // } // if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { // this.syncDataDebounce(this) // } }, deep: true }, columnsWidth() { if (!this.loadingMeta || !this.loadingData) { this.syncDataDebounce(this) } }, sort(n, o) { if (o !== n) { this.loadTableData() } }, concatenatedXWhere(n, o) { if (o !== n) { this.loadTableData() } } } }