import { ColumnType, UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'; import request from 'supertest'; import Column from '../../../src/lib/models/Column'; import Filter from '../../../src/lib/models/Filter'; import Model from '../../../src/lib/models/Model'; import Project from '../../../src/lib/models/Project'; import Sort from '../../../src/lib/models/Sort'; import NcConnectionMgrv2 from '../../../src/lib/utils/common/NcConnectionMgrv2'; const rowValue = (column: ColumnType, index: number) => { switch (column.uidt) { case UITypes.Number: return index; case UITypes.SingleLineText: return `test-${index}`; case UITypes.Date: return '2020-01-01'; case UITypes.DateTime: return '2020-01-01 00:00:00'; case UITypes.Email: return `test-${index}`; default: return `test-${index}`; } }; const rowMixedValue = (column: ColumnType, index: number) => { // Array of country names const countries = [ 'Afghanistan', 'Albania', '', 'Andorra', 'Angola', 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Argentina', null, 'Armenia', 'Australia', 'Austria', '', null, ]; // Array of sample random paragraphs (comma separated list of cities and countries). Not more than 200 characters const longText = [ 'Aberdeen, United Kingdom', 'Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire', 'Abuja, Nigeria', '', 'Addis Ababa, Ethiopia', 'Adelaide, Australia', 'Ahmedabad, India', 'Albuquerque, United States', null, 'Alexandria, Egypt', 'Algiers, Algeria', 'Allahabad, India', '', null, ]; // Array of random integers, not more than 10000 const numbers = [33, null, 456, 333, 267, 34, 8754, 3234, 44, 33, null]; const decimals = [ 33.3, 456.34, 333.3, null, 267.5674, 34.0, 8754.0, 3234.547, 44.2647, 33.98, null, ]; const duration = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, null, 70, 80, 90, null]; const rating = [0, 1, 2, 3, null, 0, 4, 5, 0, 1, null]; // Array of random sample email strings (not more than 100 characters) const emails = [ '', '', '', '', null, '', '', '', '', '', '', null, ]; // Array of random sample phone numbers const phoneNumbers = [ '1-541-754-3010', '504-621-8927', '810-292-9388', '856-636-8749', '907-385-4412', '513-570-1893', '419-503-2484', '773-573-6914', '', null, ]; // Array of random sample URLs const urls = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', null, ]; const singleSelect = [ 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec', null, ]; const multiSelect = [ 'jan,feb,mar', 'apr,may,jun', 'jul,aug,sep', 'oct,nov,dec', 'jan,feb,mar', null, ]; switch (column.uidt) { case UITypes.Number: case UITypes.Percent: return numbers[index % numbers.length]; case UITypes.Decimal: case UITypes.Currency: return decimals[index % decimals.length]; case UITypes.Duration: return duration[index % duration.length]; case UITypes.Rating: return rating[index % rating.length]; case UITypes.SingleLineText: return countries[index % countries.length]; case UITypes.Email: return emails[index % emails.length]; case UITypes.PhoneNumber: return phoneNumbers[index % phoneNumbers.length]; case UITypes.LongText: return longText[index % longText.length]; case UITypes.Date: // set startDate as 400 days before today // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations const result = new Date(); result.setDate(result.getDate() - 400 + index); return result.toISOString().slice(0, 10); case UITypes.URL: return urls[index % urls.length]; case UITypes.SingleSelect: return singleSelect[index % singleSelect.length]; case UITypes.MultiSelect: return multiSelect[index % multiSelect.length]; default: return `test-${index}`; } }; const getRow = async (context, { project, table, id }) => { const response = await request( .get(`/api/v1/db/data/noco/${}/${}/${id}`) .set('xc-auth', context.token); if (response.status !== 200) { return undefined; } return response.body; }; const listRow = async ({ project, table, options, }: { project: Project; table: Model; options?: { limit?: any; offset?: any; filterArr?: Filter[]; sortArr?: Sort[]; }; }) => { const bases = await project.getBases(); const baseModel = await Model.getBaseModelSQL({ id:, dbDriver: await NcConnectionMgrv2.get(bases[0]!), }); const ignorePagination = !options; return await baseModel.list(options, ignorePagination); }; const getOneRow = async ( context, { project, table }: { project: Project; table: Model } ) => { const response = await request( .get(`/api/v1/db/data/noco/${}/${}/find-one`) .set('xc-auth', context.token); return response.body; }; const generateDefaultRowAttributes = ({ columns, index = 0, }: { columns: ColumnType[]; index?: number; }) => columns.reduce((acc, column) => { if ( column.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord || column.uidt === UITypes.ForeignKey || column.uidt === UITypes.ID ) { return acc; } acc[column.title!] = rowValue(column, index); return acc; }, {}); const createRow = async ( context, { project, table, index = 0, }: { project: Project; table: Model; index?: number; } ) => { const columns = await table.getColumns(); const rowData = generateDefaultRowAttributes({ columns, index }); const response = await request( .post(`/api/v1/db/data/noco/${}/${}`) .set('xc-auth', context.token) .send(rowData); return response.body; }; const createBulkRows = async ( context, { project, table, values, }: { project: Project; table: Model; values: any[]; } ) => { await request( .post(`/api/v1/db/data/bulk/noco/${}/${}`) .set('xc-auth', context.token) .send(values) .expect(200); }; // Links 2 table rows together. Will create rows if ids are not provided const createChildRow = async ( context, { project, table, childTable, column, rowId, childRowId, type, }: { project: Project; table: Model; childTable: Model; column: Column; rowId?: string; childRowId?: string; type: string; } ) => { if (!rowId) { const row = await createRow(context, { project, table }); rowId = row['Id']; } if (!childRowId) { const row = await createRow(context, { table: childTable, project }); childRowId = row['Id']; } await request( .post( `/api/v1/db/data/noco/${}/${}/${rowId}/${type}/${column.title}/${childRowId}` ) .set('xc-auth', context.token); const row = await getRow(context, { project, table, id: rowId }); return row; }; // Mixed row attributes const generateMixedRowAttributes = ({ columns, index = 0, }: { columns: ColumnType[]; index?: number; }) => columns.reduce((acc, column) => { if ( column.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord || column.uidt === UITypes.ForeignKey || column.uidt === UITypes.ID ) { return acc; } acc[column.title!] = rowMixedValue(column, index); return acc; }, {}); export { createRow, getRow, createChildRow, getOneRow, listRow, generateDefaultRowAttributes, generateMixedRowAttributes, createBulkRows, rowMixedValue, };