export class OracleUi { static getNewTableColumns() { return [ { column_name: 'id', dt: 'integer', dtx: 'integer', ct: 'int(11)', nrqd: false, rqd: true, ck: false, pk: true, un: false, ai: false, cdf: null, clen: null, np: null, ns: null, dtxp: '', dtxs: '', altered: 1, uidt: 'ID', uip: '', uicn: '' }, { column_name: 'title', dt: 'varchar', dtx: 'specificType', ct: 'varchar(45)', nrqd: true, rqd: false, ck: false, pk: false, un: false, ai: false, cdf: null, clen: 45, np: null, ns: null, dtxp: '45', dtxs: '', altered: 1, uidt: 'SingleLineText', uip: '', uicn: '' } ] } static getNewColumn(suffix) { return { column_name: 'title' + suffix, dt: 'integer', dtx: 'specificType', ct: 'integer(11)', nrqd: true, rqd: false, ck: false, pk: false, un: false, ai: false, cdf: null, clen: 45, np: null, ns: null, // data_type_x_specific: ' ', dtxp: '11', dtxs: ' ', altered: 1, uidt: 'Number', uip: '', uicn: '' } } static getDefaultLengthForDatatype(type) { switch (type) { default: return '' } } static getDefaultLengthIsDisabled(type) { switch (type) { case 'integer': return true case 'bfile': case 'binary rowid': case 'binary double': case 'binary_float': case 'blob': case 'canoical': case 'cfile': case 'char': case 'clob': case 'content pointer': case 'contigous array': case 'date': case 'decimal': case 'double precision': case 'float': case 'interval day to second': case 'interval year to month': case 'lob pointer': case 'long': case 'long raw': case 'named collection': case 'named object': case 'nchar': case 'nclob': case 'number': case 'nvarchar2': case 'octet': case 'oid': case 'pointer': case 'raw': case 'real': case 'ref': case 'ref cursor': case 'rowid': case 'signed binary integer': case 'smallint': case 'table': case 'time': case 'time with tz': case 'timestamp': case 'timestamp with local time zone': case 'timestamp with local tz': case 'timestamp with timezone': case 'timestamp with tz': case 'unsigned binary integer': case 'urowid': case 'varchar': case 'varchar2': case 'varray': case 'varying array': return false } } static getDefaultValueForDatatype(type) { switch (type) { default: return '' } } static getDefaultScaleForDatatype(type) { switch (type) { case 'integer': case 'bfile': case 'binary rowid': case 'binary double': case 'binary_float': case 'blob': case 'canoical': case 'cfile': case 'char': case 'clob': case 'content pointer': case 'contigous array': case 'date': case 'decimal': case 'double precision': case 'float': case 'interval day to second': case 'interval year to month': case 'lob pointer': case 'long': case 'long raw': case 'named collection': case 'named object': case 'nchar': case 'nclob': case 'number': case 'nvarchar2': case 'octet': case 'oid': case 'pointer': case 'raw': case 'real': case 'ref': case 'ref cursor': case 'rowid': case 'signed binary integer': case 'smallint': case 'table': case 'time': case 'time with tz': case 'timestamp': case 'timestamp with local time zone': case 'timestamp with local tz': case 'timestamp with timezone': case 'timestamp with tz': case 'unsigned binary integer': case 'urowid': case 'varchar': case 'varchar2': case 'varray': case 'varying array': return ' ' } } static colPropAIDisabled(col, columns) { // console.log(col); if (col.dt === 'int4' || col.dt === 'integer' || col.dt === 'bigint' || col.dt === 'smallint') { for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { if (columns[i].column_name !== col.column_name && columns[i].ai) { return true } } return false } else { return true } } static colPropUNDisabled(col) { return true } static onCheckboxChangeAI(col) { console.log(col) if (col.dt === 'int' || col.dt === 'bigint' || col.dt === 'smallint' || col.dt === 'tinyint') { col.altered = col.altered || 2 } } static showScale(columnObj) { return false } static removeUnsigned(columns) { for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { if (columns[i].altered === 1 && (!(columns[i].dt === 'int' || columns[i].dt === 'bigint' || columns[i].dt === 'tinyint' || columns[i].dt === 'smallint' || columns[i].dt === 'mediumint'))) { columns[i].un = false console.log('>> resetting unsigned value', columns[i].column_name) } console.log(columns[i].column_name) } } static columnEditable(colObj) { return colObj.table_name !== '_evolutions' || colObj.table_name !== 'nc_evolutions' } static extractFunctionName(query) { const reg = /^\s*CREATE\s+(?:OR\s+REPLACE\s*)?\s*FUNCTION\s+(?:[\w\d_]+\.)?([\w_\d]+)/i const match = query.match(reg) return match && match[1] } static extractProcedureName(query) { const reg = /^\s*CREATE\s+(?:OR\s+REPLACE\s*)?\s*PROCEDURE\s+(?:[\w\d_]+\.)?([\w_\d]+)/i const match = query.match(reg) return match && match[1] } static splitQueries(query) { /*** * we are splitting based on semicolon * there are mechanism to escape semicolon within single/double quotes(string) */ return query.match(/\b("[^"]*;[^"]*"|'[^']*;[^']*'|[^;])*;/g) } static onCheckboxChangeAU(col) { console.log(col) col.altered = col.altered || 2 } /** * if sql statement is SELECT - it limits to a number * @param args * @returns {string|*} */ sanitiseQuery(args) { let q = args.query.trim().split(';') if (q[0].startsWith('Select')) { q = q[0] + ` LIMIT 0,${args.limit ? args.limit : 100};` } else if (q[0].startsWith('select')) { q = q[0] + ` LIMIT 0,${args.limit ? args.limit : 100};` } else if (q[0].startsWith('SELECT')) { q = q[0] + ` LIMIT 0,${args.limit ? args.limit : 100};` } else { return args.query } return q } getColumnsFromJson(json, tn) { const columns = [] try { if (typeof json === 'object' && !Array.isArray(json)) { const keys = Object.keys(json) for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { switch (typeof json[keys[i]]) { case 'number': if (Number.isInteger(json[keys[i]])) { columns.push({ dp: null, tn, column_name: keys[i], cno: keys[i], dt: 'int', np: 10, ns: 0, clen: null, cop: 1, pk: false, nrqd: false, rqd: false, un: false, ct: 'int(11) unsigned', ai: false, unique: false, cdf: null, cc: '', csn: null, dtx: 'specificType', dtxp: '11', dtxs: 0, altered: 1 }) } else { columns.push({ dp: null, tn, column_name: keys[i], cno: keys[i], dt: 'float', np: 10, ns: 2, clen: null, cop: 1, pk: false, nrqd: false, rqd: false, un: false, ct: 'int(11) unsigned', ai: false, unique: false, cdf: null, cc: '', csn: null, dtx: 'specificType', dtxp: '11', dtxs: 2, altered: 1 }) } break case 'string': if (json[keys[i]].length <= 255) { columns.push({ dp: null, tn, column_name: keys[i], cno: keys[i], dt: 'varchar', np: 45, ns: 0, clen: null, cop: 1, pk: false, nrqd: false, rqd: false, un: false, ct: 'int(11) unsigned', ai: false, unique: false, cdf: null, cc: '', csn: null, dtx: 'specificType', dtxp: '45', dtxs: 0, altered: 1 }) } else { columns.push({ dp: null, tn, column_name: keys[i], cno: keys[i], dt: 'text', np: null, ns: 0, clen: null, cop: 1, pk: false, nrqd: false, rqd: false, un: false, ct: 'int(11) unsigned', ai: false, unique: false, cdf: null, cc: '', csn: null, dtx: 'specificType', dtxp: null, dtxs: 0, altered: 1 }) } break case 'boolean': columns.push({ dp: null, tn, column_name: keys[i], cno: keys[i], dt: 'boolean', np: 3, ns: 0, clen: null, cop: 1, pk: false, nrqd: false, rqd: false, un: false, ct: 'int(11) unsigned', ai: false, unique: false, cdf: null, cc: '', csn: null, dtx: 'specificType', dtxp: '1', dtxs: 0, altered: 1 }) break case 'object': columns.push({ dp: null, tn, column_name: keys[i], cno: keys[i], dt: 'json', np: 3, ns: 0, clen: null, cop: 1, pk: false, nrqd: false, rqd: false, un: false, ct: 'int(11) unsigned', ai: false, unique: false, cdf: null, cc: '', csn: null, dtx: 'specificType', dtxp: null, dtxs: 0, altered: 1 }) break default: break } } } } catch (e) { console.log('Error in getColumnsFromJson', e) } return columns } static colPropAuDisabled(col) { return true } static getAbstractType(col) { switch ((col.dt || col.dt).toLowerCase()) { case 'integer': return 'integer' case 'bfile': case 'binary rowid': case 'binary double': case 'binary_float': return 'string' case 'blob': return 'blob' case 'canoical': case 'cfile': case 'char': case 'clob': case 'content pointer': case 'contigous array': return 'string' case 'date': return 'date' case 'decimal': case 'double precision': case 'float': return 'float' case 'interval day to second': case 'interval year to month': return 'string' case 'lob pointer': return 'string' case 'long': return 'integer' case 'long raw': return 'string' case 'named collection': case 'named object': case 'nchar': case 'nclob': return 'string' case 'nvarchar2': case 'octet': case 'oid': case 'pointer': case 'raw': return 'string' case 'real': case 'number': return 'float' case 'ref': case 'ref cursor': case 'rowid': case 'signed binary integer': return 'string' case 'smallint': return 'integer' case 'table': return 'string' case 'time': case 'time with tz': return 'time' case 'timestamp': case 'timestamp with local time zone': case 'timestamp with local tz': case 'timestamp with timezone': case 'timestamp with tz': return 'datetime' case 'unsigned binary integer': case 'urowid': case 'varchar': case 'varchar2': return 'string' case 'varray': case 'varying array': return 'string' } } static getUIType(col) { switch (this.getAbstractType(col)) { case 'integer': return 'Number' case 'boolean': return 'Checkbox' case 'float': return 'Decimal' case 'date': return 'Date' case 'datetime': return 'CreateTime' case 'time': return 'Time' case 'year': return 'Year' case 'string': return 'SingleLineText' case 'text': return 'LongText' case 'blob': return 'Attachment' case 'enum': return 'SingleSelect' case 'set': return 'MultiSelect' case 'json': return 'LongText' } } static getDataTypeForUiType(col) { const colProp = {} switch (col.uidt) { case 'ID': colProp.dt = 'integer' colProp.pk = true colProp.un = true colProp.ai = true colProp.rqd = true break case 'ForeignKey': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break case 'SingleLineText': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break case 'LongText': colProp.dt = 'clob' break case 'Attachment': colProp.dt = 'clob' break case 'Checkbox': colProp.dt = 'tinyint' colProp.dtxp = 1 break case 'MultiSelect': colProp.dt = 'varchar2' break case 'SingleSelect': colProp.dt = 'varchar2' break case 'Collaborator': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break case 'Date': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break case 'Year': colProp.dt = 'year' break case 'Time': colProp.dt = 'time' break case 'PhoneNumber': colProp.dt = 'varchar' colProp.validate = { func: ['isMobilePhone'], args: [''], msg: ['Validation failed : Invalid Mobile Format'] } break case 'Email': colProp.dt = 'varchar' colProp.validate = { func: ['isEmail'], args: [''], msg: ['Validation failed : Invalid Email Format'] } break case 'URL': colProp.dt = 'varchar' colProp.validate = { func: ['isURL'], args: [''], msg: ['Validation failed : Invalid URL Format'] } break case 'Number': colProp.dt = 'integer' break case 'Decimal': colProp.dt = 'decimal' break case 'Currency': colProp.dt = 'decimal' colProp.validate = { func: ['isCurrency'], args: [''], msg: ['Validation failed : Invalid Currency Format'] } break case 'Percent': colProp.dt = 'double' break case 'Duration': colProp.dt = 'integer' break case 'Rating': colProp.dt = 'float' break case 'Formula': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break case 'Rollup': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break case 'Count': colProp.dt = 'integer' break case 'Lookup': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break case 'DateTime': colProp.dt = 'timestamp' break case 'CreateTime': colProp.dt = 'timestamp' break case 'LastModifiedTime': colProp.dt = 'timestamp' break case 'AutoNumber': colProp.dt = 'integer' break case 'Barcode': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break case 'Button': colProp.dt = 'varchar' break default: colProp.dt = 'varchar' break } return colProp } static getUnsupportedFnList() { return [] } } // module.exports = PgUiHelp; /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Naveen MR * @author Pranav C Balan * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */