import { mainPage } from "../../support/page_objects/mainPage"; import { loginPage } from "../../support/page_objects/navigation"; import { isTestSuiteActive, isXcdb, } from "../../support/page_objects/projectConstants"; export const genTest = (type, xcdb) => { if (!isTestSuiteActive(type, xcdb)) return; if (isXcdb()) return; describe(`${type.toUpperCase()} api - Meta Sync`, () => { // Run once before test- create project (rest/graphql) // before(() => { // loginPage.loginAndOpenProject(type); }); function openMetaTab() { // open Project metadata tab // mainPage.navigationDraw(mainPage.PROJ_METADATA).click(); cy.get(".nc-meta-mgmt-metadata-tab") .should("exist") .click({ force: true }); // kludge, at times test failed to open tab on click cy.get(".nc-meta-mgmt-metadata-tab") .should("exist") .click({ force: true }); } function closeMetaTab() { // user href link to find meta mgmt tab cy.get('[href="#disableOrEnableModel||||Meta Management"]') .find("button.mdi-close") .click({ force: true }); // refresh cy.refreshTableTab(); } function metaSyncValidate(tbl, msg) { cy.get(".nc-btn-metasync-reload").should("exist").click({ force: true }); cy.get(`.nc-metasync-row-${tbl}`).contains(msg).should("exist"); cy.get(".nc-btn-metasync-sync-now") .should("exist") .click({ force: true }); cy.toastWait(`Table metadata recreated successfully`); // cy.get(`.nc-metasync-row-${tbl}`).should("exist"); } before(() => { openMetaTab(); }); after(() => { closeMetaTab(); }); it(`Create table`, () => { // Create Table cy.task( "queryDb", `CREATE TABLE sakila.table1 (id INT NOT NULL, col1 INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))` ); cy.task( "queryDb", `CREATE TABLE sakila.table2 (id INT NOT NULL, col1 INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))` ); metaSyncValidate("table1", "New table"); }); it(`Add relation`, () => { // Add relation (FK) cy.task( "queryDb", `ALTER TABLE sakila.table1 ADD INDEX fk1_idx (col1 ASC) VISIBLE` ); cy.task( "queryDb", `ALTER TABLE sakila.table1 ADD CONSTRAINT fk1 FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES sakila.table2 (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION` ); metaSyncValidate("table1", "New relation added"); }); it(`Remove relation`, () => { // Remove relation (FK) cy.task("queryDb", `ALTER TABLE sakila.table1 DROP FOREIGN KEY fk1`); cy.task("queryDb", `ALTER TABLE sakila.table1 DROP INDEX fk1_idx`); metaSyncValidate("table1", "Relation removed"); }); it(`Add column`, () => { // Add Column cy.task( "queryDb", `ALTER TABLE sakila.table1 ADD COLUMN newCol VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER id` ); metaSyncValidate("table1", "New column(newCol)"); }); it(`Rename column`, () => { // Rename Column cy.task( "queryDb", `ALTER TABLE sakila.table1 CHANGE COLUMN newCol newColName VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL` ); metaSyncValidate( "table1", "New column(newColName), Column removed(newCol)" ); }); it(`Delete column`, () => { // Remove Column cy.task("queryDb", `ALTER TABLE sakila.table1 DROP COLUMN newColName`); metaSyncValidate("table1", "Column removed(newColName)"); }); it(`Delete table`, () => { // DROP TABLE cy.task("queryDb", `DROP TABLE sakila.table1`); cy.task("queryDb", `DROP TABLE sakila.table2`); metaSyncValidate("table1", "Table removed"); }); it(`Hide, Filter, Sort`, () => { cy.task( "queryDb", `CREATE TABLE sakila.table1 (id INT NOT NULL, col1 INT NULL, col2 INT NULL, col3 INT NULL, col4 INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))` ); cy.task( "queryDb", `INSERT INTO sakila.table1 (id, col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (1,1,1,1,1), (2,2,2,2,2), (3,3,3,3,3), (4,4,4,4,4), (5,5,5,5,5), (6,6,6,6,6), (7,7,7,7,7), (8,8,8,8,8), (9,9,9,9,9);` ); metaSyncValidate("table1", "New table"); closeMetaTab(); cy.openTableTab("Table1", 9); mainPage.hideField("Col1"); mainPage.sortField("Col1", "Z -> A"); mainPage.filterField(`Col1`, ">=", "5"); cy.get(".nc-grid-row").should("have.length", 5); cy.closeTableTab("Table1"); }); it(`Verify`, () => { openMetaTab(); // Rename Column cy.task( "queryDb", `ALTER TABLE sakila.table1 CHANGE COLUMN col1 newCol INT NULL DEFAULT NULL` ); metaSyncValidate("table1", "New column(newCol), Column removed(col1)"); cy.openTableTab("Table1", 0); cy.deleteTable("Table1"); }); }); }; /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Pranav C Balan * @author Raju Udava * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */