import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue' import { UITypes, extractFilterFromXwhere, isAIPromptCol } from 'nocodb-sdk' import type { Api, ColumnType, LinkToAnotherRecordType, PaginatedType, RelationTypes, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import type { Row } from '../lib/types' import { validateRowFilters } from '../utils/dataUtils' import { NavigateDir } from '../lib/enums' const formatData = (list: Record[], pageInfo: PaginatedType) =>, index) => ({ row: { ...row }, oldRow: { ...row }, rowMeta: { // Calculate the rowIndex based on the offset and the index of the row rowIndex: ( - 1) * pageInfo.pageSize + index, }, })) export function useInfiniteData(args: { meta: Ref | ComputedRef viewMeta: Ref | ComputedRef<(ViewType & { id: string }) | undefined> callbacks: { syncVisibleData?: () => void } where?: ComputedRef }) { const NOCO = 'noco' const { meta, viewMeta, callbacks, where } = args const { $api } = useNuxtApp() const { t } = useI18n() const router = useRouter() const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles() const { addUndo, clone, defineViewScope } = useUndoRedo() const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) const reloadAggregate = inject(ReloadAggregateHookInj) const tablesStore = useTablesStore() const baseStore = useBase() const { base } = storeToRefs(baseStore) const { getBaseType } = baseStore const { getMeta, metas } = useMetas() const { fetchSharedViewData, fetchCount } = useSharedView() const { nestedFilters, allFilters, xWhere, sorts } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() const selectedAllRecords = ref(false) const routeQuery = computed(() => router.currentRoute.value.query as Record) const columnsByAlias = computed(() => { if (!meta.value?.columns?.length) return {} return meta.value?.columns.reduce((acc, column) => { acc[column.title!] = column return acc }, {} as Record) }) const columnsById = computed(() => { if (!meta.value?.columns?.length) return {} return meta.value?.columns.reduce((acc, column) => { acc[!] = column return acc }, {} as Record) }) const computedWhereFilter = computed(() => { const filter = extractFilterFromXwhere(xWhere.value ?? '', columnsByAlias.value) return => { return { ...f, value: f.value ? f.value?.toString().replace(/(^%)(.*?)(%$)/, '$2') : f.value } }) }) const cachedRows = ref>(new Map()) const selectedRows = computed(() => { return Array.from(cachedRows.value.values()).filter((row) => row.rowMeta?.selected) }) const isRowSortRequiredRows = computed(() => { return Array.from(cachedRows.value.values()).filter((row) => row.rowMeta?.isRowOrderUpdated) }) const totalRows = ref(0) const MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 200 const CHUNK_SIZE = 50 const chunkStates = ref>([]) const getChunkIndex = (rowIndex: number) => Math.floor(rowIndex / CHUNK_SIZE) const fetchChunk = async (chunkId: number) => { if (chunkStates.value[chunkId]) return chunkStates.value[chunkId] = 'loading' const offset = chunkId * CHUNK_SIZE try { const newItems = await loadData({ offset, limit: CHUNK_SIZE }) if (!newItems) { chunkStates.value[chunkId] = undefined return } newItems.forEach((item) => { cachedRows.value.set(item.rowMeta.rowIndex!, item) }) chunkStates.value[chunkId] = 'loaded' } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching chunk:', error) chunkStates.value[chunkId] = undefined } } const clearCache = (visibleStartIndex: number, visibleEndIndex: number) => { if (visibleEndIndex === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && visibleStartIndex === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { cachedRows.value.clear() chunkStates.value = [] return } if (cachedRows.value.size <= MAX_CACHE_SIZE) return const safeStartIndex = Math.max(0, visibleStartIndex) const safeEndIndex = Math.min(totalRows.value - 1, visibleEndIndex) const safeStartChunk = getChunkIndex(safeStartIndex) const safeEndChunk = getChunkIndex(safeEndIndex) const newCachedRows = new Map() for (let chunk = 0; chunk <= Math.max(...Array.from(cachedRows.value.keys()).map(getChunkIndex)); chunk++) { const isVisibleChunk = chunk >= safeStartChunk && chunk <= safeEndChunk const chunkStart = chunk * CHUNK_SIZE const chunkEnd = chunkStart + CHUNK_SIZE const hasImportantRows = Array.from(cachedRows.value) .filter(([index]) => index >= chunkStart && index < chunkEnd) .some(([_, row]) => row.rowMeta.selected || if (isVisibleChunk || hasImportantRows) { for (let i = chunkStart; i < chunkEnd; i++) { const row = cachedRows.value.get(i) if (row) newCachedRows.set(i, row) } } } cachedRows.value = newCachedRows chunkStates.value =, chunk) => chunk >= safeStartChunk && chunk <= safeEndChunk ? state : undefined, ) } async function loadAggCommentsCount(formattedData: Array) { if (!isUIAllowed('commentCount') || isPublic.value) return const ids = formattedData .filter(({ rowMeta: { new: isNew } }) => !isNew) .map(({ row }) => extractPkFromRow(row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])) .filter(Boolean) if (!ids.length) return try { const aggCommentCount = await $api.utils.commentCount({ ids, fk_model_id: meta.value!.id as string, }) formattedData.forEach((row) => { const cachedRow = Array.from(cachedRows.value.values()).find( (cachedRow) => cachedRow.rowMeta.rowIndex === row.rowMeta.rowIndex, ) if (!cachedRow) return const id = extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) const count = aggCommentCount?.find((c: Record) => c.row_id === id)?.count || 0 cachedRow.rowMeta.commentCount = +count }) } catch (e) { console.error('Failed to load aggregate comment count:', e) } } async function loadData( params: Parameters['dbViewRow']['list']>[4] & { limit?: number offset?: number } = {}, ): Promise { if ((!base?.value?.id || !meta.value?.id || !viewMeta.value?.id) && !isPublic.value) return [] try { const response = !isPublic.value ? await $api.dbViewRow.list('noco',!, meta.value!.id!, viewMeta.value!.id!, { ...params, ...(isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(sorts.value) }), ...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }), where: where?.value, } as any) : await fetchSharedViewData( { sortsArr: sorts.value, filtersArr: nestedFilters.value, where: where?.value, offset: params.offset, limit: params.limit, }, { isInfiniteScroll: true, }, ) const data = formatData(response.list, response.pageInfo) if (response.pageInfo.totalRows) { totalRows.value = response.pageInfo.totalRows } loadAggCommentsCount(data) return data } catch (error: any) { if (error?.response?.data.error === 'INVALID_OFFSET_VALUE') { return [] } if (error?.response?.data?.error === 'FORMULA_ERROR') { await tablesStore.reloadTableMeta(meta.value!.id! as string) return loadData(params) } console.error(error) message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error)) return [] } } const navigateToSiblingRow = async (dir: NavigateDir) => { const expandedRowIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() if (expandedRowIndex === -1) return const sortedIndices = Array.from(cachedRows.value.keys()).sort((a, b) => a - b) let siblingIndex = sortedIndices.findIndex((index) => index === expandedRowIndex) + (dir === NavigateDir.NEXT ? 1 : -1) // Skip unsaved rows while ( siblingIndex >= 0 && siblingIndex < sortedIndices.length && cachedRows.value.get(sortedIndices[siblingIndex])?.rowMeta?.new ) { siblingIndex += dir === NavigateDir.NEXT ? 1 : -1 } // Check if we've gone out of bounds if (siblingIndex < 0 || siblingIndex >= totalRows.value) { return'')) } // If the sibling row is not in cachedRows, load more data if (siblingIndex >= sortedIndices.length) { await loadData({ offset: sortedIndices[sortedIndices.length - 1] + 1, limit: 10, }) sortedIndices.push( ...Array.from(cachedRows.value.keys()) .filter((key) => !sortedIndices.includes(key)) .sort((a, b) => a - b), ) } // Extract the row id of the sibling row const siblingRow = cachedRows.value.get(sortedIndices[siblingIndex]) if (siblingRow) { const rowId = extractPkFromRow(siblingRow.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) if (rowId) { await router.push({ query: { ...routeQuery.value, rowId, }, }) } } } const fetchMissingChunks = async (startIndex: number, endIndex: number) => { const firstChunkId = Math.floor(startIndex / CHUNK_SIZE) const lastChunkId = Math.floor(endIndex / CHUNK_SIZE) const chunksToFetch = Array.from({ length: lastChunkId - firstChunkId + 1 }, (_, i) => firstChunkId + i).filter( (chunkId) => !chunkStates.value[chunkId], ) await Promise.all( } function clearInvalidRows() { const sortedEntries = Array.from(cachedRows.value.entries()).sort(([indexA], [indexB]) => indexA - indexB) const invalidIndexes = sortedEntries.filter(([_, row]) => row.rowMeta.isValidationFailed).map(([index]) => index) if (invalidIndexes.length === 0) return for (const index of invalidIndexes) { cachedRows.value.delete(index) } const newCachedRows = new Map() for (const [oldIndex, row] of sortedEntries) { if (!invalidIndexes.includes(oldIndex)) { const newIndex = oldIndex - invalidIndexes.filter((i) => i < oldIndex).length newCachedRows.set(newIndex, row) } } chunkStates.value[getChunkIndex(Math.max(...invalidIndexes))] = undefined cachedRows.value = newCachedRows totalRows.value = Math.max(0, (totalRows.value || 0) - invalidIndexes.length) callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() } const willSortOrderChange = ({ row, newData }: { row: Row; newData: Record }): boolean => { if (!sorts.value.length) return false const currentIndex = row.rowMeta.rowIndex! if (currentIndex === undefined) return true const indices = Array.from(cachedRows.value.keys()).sort((a, b) => a - b) const currentPos = indices.indexOf(currentIndex) const prevRow = currentPos > 0 ? cachedRows.value.get(indices[currentPos - 1]) : null const nextRow = currentPos < indices.length - 1 ? cachedRows.value.get(indices[currentPos + 1]) : null const updatedRow = { ...row, row: { ...row.row, ...newData, }, } if (prevRow) { let shouldBeBefore = false let isDifferent = false for (const sort of sorts.value) { const column = columnsById.value[sort.fk_column_id!] if (!column?.title) continue const direction = sort.direction || 'asc' const comparison = sortByUIType({ uidt: column.uidt as UITypes, a: updatedRow.row[column.title], b: prevRow.row[column.title], options: { direction }, }) if (comparison !== 0) { isDifferent = true shouldBeBefore = comparison < 0 break } } if (isDifferent && shouldBeBefore) return true } if (nextRow) { let shouldBeAfter = false let isDifferent = false for (const sort of sorts.value) { const column = columnsById.value[sort.fk_column_id!] if (!column?.title) continue const direction = sort.direction || 'asc' const comparison = sortByUIType({ uidt: column.uidt as UITypes, a: updatedRow.row[column.title], b: nextRow.row[column.title], options: { direction }, }) if (comparison !== 0) { isDifferent = true shouldBeAfter = comparison > 0 break } } if (isDifferent && shouldBeAfter) return true } return false } const getContinuousRanges = (cachedRows: Map) => { const indexes = Array.from(cachedRows.keys()).sort((a, b) => a - b) const ranges: { start: number; end: number }[] = [] let rangeStart = indexes[0] let prev = indexes[0] for (let i = 1; i <= indexes.length; i++) { const current = indexes[i] if (current !== prev + 1) { ranges.push({ start: rangeStart, end: prev }) rangeStart = current } prev = current } return ranges } const applySorting = (rows: Row | Row[]) => { if (!sorts.value.length) return const orderedSorts = sorts.value.sort((a, b) => (a.order ?? 0) - (b.order ?? 0)) const inputRows = Array.isArray(rows) ? rows : [rows] const ranges = getContinuousRanges(cachedRows.value) inputRows.forEach((inputRow) => { const originalIndex = inputRow.rowMeta.rowIndex! const sourceRange = ranges.find((r) => originalIndex >= r.start && originalIndex <= r.end) if (!sourceRange) return const rangeEntries = Array.from(cachedRows.value.entries()) .filter(([index]) => index >= sourceRange.start && index <= sourceRange.end) .map(([index, row]) => ({ currentIndex: index, row, pk: extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns ?? []), })) const sortedRangeEntries = rangeEntries.sort((a, b) => { for (const sort of orderedSorts) { const column = columnsById.value[sort.fk_column_id!]?.title if (!column) continue const direction = sort.direction || 'asc' const comparison = sortByUIType({ uidt: columnsById.value[sort.fk_column_id!].uidt as UITypes, a: a.row.row[column], b: b.row.row[column], options: { direction }, }) if (comparison !== 0) return comparison } return a.currentIndex - b.currentIndex }) const entry = sortedRangeEntries.find((e) => === extractPkFromRow(inputRow.row, meta.value?.columns ?? [])) if (!entry) return const targetIndex = sourceRange.start + sortedRangeEntries.indexOf(entry) const newCachedRows = new Map(cachedRows.value) if (targetIndex !== originalIndex) { if (targetIndex < originalIndex) { // Move up for (let i = originalIndex - 1; i >= targetIndex; i--) { const row = newCachedRows.get(i) if (row) { row.rowMeta.rowIndex = i + 1 row.rowMeta.isRowOrderUpdated = false newCachedRows.set(i + 1, row) } } } else { // Move down for (let i = originalIndex + 1; i <= targetIndex; i++) { const row = newCachedRows.get(i) if (row) { row.rowMeta.rowIndex = i - 1 row.rowMeta.isRowOrderUpdated = false newCachedRows.set(i - 1, row) } } } // Place the input row at its new position inputRow.rowMeta.rowIndex = targetIndex inputRow.rowMeta.isRowOrderUpdated = false newCachedRows.set(targetIndex, inputRow) const targetChunkIndex = getChunkIndex(targetIndex) if (targetIndex <= sourceRange.start || targetIndex >= sourceRange.end) { if (targetIndex <= sourceRange.start) { for (let i = 0; i <= targetChunkIndex; i++) { chunkStates.value[i] = undefined } } else if (targetIndex >= sourceRange.end) { for (let i = targetChunkIndex; i <= getChunkIndex(totalRows.value - 1); i++) { chunkStates.value[i] = undefined } } } } cachedRows.value = newCachedRows }) callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() } function addEmptyRow(newRowIndex = totalRows.value, metaValue = meta.value) { if (cachedRows.value.has(newRowIndex)) { const entriesToShift = Array.from(cachedRows.value.entries()) .filter(([index]) => index >= newRowIndex) .sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]) for (const [index, rowData] of entriesToShift) { const shiftedRowData = { ...rowData, rowMeta: { ...rowData.rowMeta, rowIndex: index + 1, }, } cachedRows.value.set(index + 1, shiftedRowData) } } const newRow = { row: { ...rowDefaultData(metaValue?.columns) }, oldRow: {}, rowMeta: { new: true, rowIndex: newRowIndex }, } cachedRows.value.set(newRowIndex, newRow) totalRows.value++ callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() return newRow } const linkRecord = async ( rowId: string, relatedRowId: string, column: ColumnType, type: RelationTypes, { metaValue = meta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType } = {}, ): Promise => { try { await $api.dbTableRow.nestedAdd( NOCO, as string, metaValue?.id as string, encodeURIComponent(rowId), type, column.title as string, encodeURIComponent(relatedRowId), ) } catch (e: any) { const errorMessage = await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e) message.error(`Failed to link record: ${errorMessage}`) throw e } callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() } const recoverLTARRefs = async (row: Record, { metaValue = meta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType } = {}) => { const id = extractPkFromRow(row, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[]) if (!id) return for (const column of metaValue?.columns ?? []) { if (column.uidt !== UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord) continue const colOptions = column.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType const relatedTableMeta = metas.value?.[colOptions?.fk_related_model_id as string] if (isHm(column) || isMm(column)) { const relatedRows = (row[column.title!] ?? []) as Record[] for (const relatedRow of relatedRows) { const relatedId = extractPkFromRow(relatedRow, relatedTableMeta?.columns as ColumnType[]) if (relatedId) { await linkRecord(id, relatedId, column, colOptions.type as RelationTypes, { metaValue: relatedTableMeta }) } } } else if (isBt(column) && row[column.title!]) { const relatedId = extractPkFromRow(row[column.title!] as Record, relatedTableMeta.columns as ColumnType[]) if (relatedId) { await linkRecord(id, relatedId, column, colOptions.type as RelationTypes, { metaValue: relatedTableMeta }) } } } callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() } async function deleteRow(rowIndex: number, undo = false) { try { const row = cachedRows.value.get(rowIndex) if (!row) return if (! { const id = meta?.value?.columns ?.filter((c) => .map((c) => row.row[c.title!]) .join('___') const fullRecord = await $ NOCO, base? as string, meta.value?.id as string, encodeURIComponent(id as string), { getHiddenColumn: true, }, ) const deleted = await deleteRowById(id as string) if (!deleted) { return } row.row = fullRecord if (!undo) { addUndo({ undo: { fn: async (row: Row, ltarState: Record) => { const pkData = rowPkData(row.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) row.row = { ...pkData, ...row.row } await insertRow(row, ltarState, {}, true) await recoverLTARRefs(row.row) }, args: [clone(row), {}], }, redo: { fn: async (rowIndex: number) => { await deleteRow(rowIndex) }, args: [rowIndex], }, scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMeta.value }), }) } } cachedRows.value.delete(rowIndex) const rows = Array.from(cachedRows.value.entries()) const rowsToShift = rows.filter(([index]) => index > rowIndex) rowsToShift.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]) for (const [index, row] of rowsToShift) { const newIndex = index - 1 row.rowMeta.rowIndex = newIndex cachedRows.value.delete(index) cachedRows.value.set(newIndex, row) } if (rowsToShift.length) { chunkStates.value[getChunkIndex(rowsToShift[rowsToShift.length - 1][0])] = undefined } totalRows.value = (totalRows.value || 0) - 1 await syncCount() callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() } catch (e: any) { message.error(`${t('msg.error.deleteRowFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`) } } async function insertRow( currentRow: Row, ltarState: Record = {}, { metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {}, undo = false, ignoreShifting = false, ): Promise | undefined> { if (!currentRow.rowMeta) { throw new Error('Row metadata is missing') } currentRow.rowMeta.saving = true try { const { missingRequiredColumns, insertObj } = await populateInsertObject({ meta: metaValue!, ltarState, getMeta, row: currentRow.row, undo, }) if (missingRequiredColumns.size) { return } const insertedData = await $api.dbViewRow.create( NOCO, base? as string, metaValue?.id as string, viewMetaValue?.id as string, { ...insertObj, ...(ltarState || {}) }, ) = false Object.assign(currentRow.row, insertedData) const insertIndex = currentRow.rowMeta.rowIndex! /* if (cachedRows.value.has(insertIndex) && !ignoreShifting) { const rows = Array.from(cachedRows.value.entries()) const rowsToShift = rows.filter(([index]) => index >= insertIndex) rowsToShift.sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]) // Sort in descending order for (const [index, row] of rowsToShift) { row.rowMeta.rowIndex = index + 1 cachedRows.value.set(index + 1, row) } } */ if (!undo) { Object.assign(currentRow.oldRow, insertedData) const id = extractPkFromRow(insertedData, metaValue!.columns as ColumnType[]) const pkData = rowPkData(insertedData, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[]) addUndo({ undo: { fn: async ( id: string, tempLocalCache: Map, tempTotalRows: number, tempChunkStates: Array<'loading' | 'loaded' | undefined>, ) => { cachedRows.value = new Map(tempLocalCache) totalRows.value = tempTotalRows chunkStates.value = tempChunkStates await deleteRowById(id) cachedRows.value.delete(insertIndex) for (const [index, row] of cachedRows.value) { if (index > insertIndex) { row.rowMeta.rowIndex = index - 1 cachedRows.value.set(index - 1, row) } } totalRows.value = totalRows.value! - 1 callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() }, args: [id, clone(new Map(cachedRows.value)), clone(totalRows.value), clone(chunkStates.value)], }, redo: { fn: async ( row: Row, ltarState: Record, tempLocalCache: Map, tempTotalRows: number, tempChunkStates: Array<'loading' | 'loaded' | undefined>, ) => { cachedRows.value = new Map(tempLocalCache) totalRows.value = tempTotalRows chunkStates.value = tempChunkStates row.row = { ...pkData, ...row.row } const newData = await insertRow(row, ltarState, undefined, true) const needsResorting = willSortOrderChange({ row, newData, sorts: sorts.value, columnsById: columnsById.value, cachedRows: cachedRows.value, }) if (needsResorting) { const newRow = cachedRows.value.get(row.rowMeta.rowIndex!) if (newRow) newRow.rowMeta.isRowOrderUpdated = needsResorting } callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() }, args: [ clone(currentRow), clone(ltarState), clone(new Map(cachedRows.value)), clone(totalRows.value), clone(chunkStates.value), ], }, scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMeta.value }), }) } if (cachedRows.value.has(insertIndex) && !ignoreShifting) { const rows = Array.from(cachedRows.value.entries()) const rowsToShift = rows.filter(([index]) => index >= insertIndex) rowsToShift.sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]) // Sort in descending order for (const [index, row] of rowsToShift) { row.rowMeta.rowIndex = index + 1 cachedRows.value.set(index + 1, row) } } cachedRows.value.set(insertIndex, currentRow) if (!ignoreShifting) { totalRows.value++ } reloadAggregate?.trigger() callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() return insertedData } catch (error: any) { const errorMessage = await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error) message.error(`Failed to insert row: ${errorMessage}`) throw error } finally { currentRow.rowMeta.saving = false } } async function updateRowProperty( toUpdate: Row, property: string, { metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {}, undo = false, ): Promise | undefined> { if (!toUpdate.rowMeta) { throw new Error('Row metadata is missing') } toUpdate.rowMeta.saving = true try { const id = extractPkFromRow(toUpdate.row, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[]) const updatedRowData: Record = await $api.dbViewRow.update( NOCO, base? as string, metaValue?.id as string, viewMetaValue?.id as string, encodeURIComponent(id), { [property]: toUpdate.row[property] ?? null, }, ) if (!undo) { addUndo({ undo: { fn: async (toUpdate: Row, property: string, previousCache: Map, tempTotalRows: number) => { cachedRows.value = new Map(previousCache) totalRows.value = tempTotalRows await updateRowProperty( { row: toUpdate.oldRow, oldRow: toUpdate.row, rowMeta: toUpdate.rowMeta }, property, undefined, true, ) }, args: [clone(toUpdate), property, clone(new Map(cachedRows.value)), clone(totalRows.value)], }, redo: { fn: async (toUpdate: Row, property: string) => { await updateRowProperty(toUpdate, property, undefined, true) }, args: [clone(toUpdate), property], }, scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMeta.value }), }) } // Update specific columns based on their types const columnsToUpdate = new Set([ UITypes.Formula, UITypes.QrCode, UITypes.Barcode, UITypes.Rollup, UITypes.Checkbox, UITypes.User, UITypes.LastModifiedTime, UITypes.LastModifiedBy, UITypes.Lookup, UITypes.Button, UITypes.Attachment, ]) metaValue?.columns?.forEach((col: ColumnType) => { if ( col.title && col.title in updatedRowData && (columnsToUpdate.has(col.uidt as UITypes) || isAIPromptCol(col) || || (isValidValue(col?.cdf) && / on update /i.test(col.cdf as string))) ) { toUpdate.row[col.title] = updatedRowData[col.title] } }) Object.assign(toUpdate.oldRow, updatedRowData) // Update the row in cachedRows if (toUpdate.rowMeta.rowIndex !== undefined) { cachedRows.value.set(toUpdate.rowMeta.rowIndex, toUpdate) } reloadAggregate?.trigger({ fields: [{ title: property }] }) callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() if (undo) { applySorting(toUpdate) } return updatedRowData } catch (e: any) { toUpdate.row[property] = toUpdate.oldRow[property] const errorMessage = await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e) message.error(`${t('msg.error.rowUpdateFailed')}: ${errorMessage}`) throw e } finally { toUpdate.rowMeta.saving = false } } async function updateOrSaveRow( row: Row, property?: string, ltarState?: Record, args: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {}, ): Promise { if (!row.rowMeta) { throw new Error('Row metadata is missing') } row.rowMeta.changed = false await until(() => !(row.rowMeta?.new && row.rowMeta?.saving)).toMatch((v) => v) let data if ( { data = await insertRow(row, ltarState, args, false, true) } else if (property) { data = await updateRowProperty(row, property, args) } row.rowMeta.isValidationFailed = !validateRowFilters( [...allFilters.value, ...computedWhereFilter.value], data, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[], getBaseType(viewMeta.value?.view?.source_id), ) const changedFields = property ? [property] : Object.keys(row.row) changedFields.push( ...(meta.value ?.columns!.filter((c) => [ UITypes.LastModifiedBy, UITypes.LastModifiedTime, UITypes.Formula, UITypes.Lookup, UITypes.Rollup, UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord, ].includes(c.uidt as UITypes), ) .map((c) => c.title!) || []), ) if (isSortRelevantChange(changedFields, sorts.value, columnsById.value)) { const needsResorting = willSortOrderChange({ row, newData: data, sorts: sorts.value, columnsById: columnsById.value, cachedRows: cachedRows.value, }) const newRow = cachedRows.value.get(row.rowMeta.rowIndex!) if (newRow) newRow.rowMeta.isRowOrderUpdated = needsResorting } callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() } async function bulkUpdateView( data: Record[], { metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {}, ): Promise { if (!viewMetaValue) { throw new Error('View meta value is missing') } await $api.dbTableRow.bulkUpdateAll(NOCO, metaValue?.base_id as string, metaValue?.id as string, data, { viewId:, }) reloadAggregate?.trigger() callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() } async function deleteRowById( id: string, { metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {}, ): Promise { if (!id) { throw new Error("Delete not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key") } try { const res: any = await $api.dbViewRow.delete( 'noco', as string, metaValue?.id as string, viewMetaValue?.id as string, encodeURIComponent(id), ) reloadAggregate?.trigger() if (res.message) { const errorMessage = `Unable to delete record with ID ${id} because of the following:\n${res.message.join( '\n', )}.\nClear the data first & try again``Record delete failed: ${errorMessage}`) return false } return true } catch (error: any) { const errorMessage = await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error) message.error(`${t('msg.error.deleteRowFailed')}: ${errorMessage}`) return false } } const removeRowIfNew = (row: Row): boolean => { const index = Array.from(cachedRows.value.entries()).find(([_, r]) => r.rowMeta.rowIndex === row.rowMeta.rowIndex)?.[0] if (index !== undefined && { cachedRows.value.delete(index) return true } return false } async function syncCount(): Promise { try { const { count } = isPublic.value ? await fetchCount({ filtersArr: nestedFilters.value, where: where?.value, }) : await $api.dbViewRow.count(NOCO, base?.value?.id as string, meta.value!.id as string, viewMeta?.value?.id as string, { where: where?.value, }) totalRows.value = count as number callbacks?.syncVisibleData?.() } catch (error: any) { const errorMessage = await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error) message.error(`Failed to sync count: ${errorMessage}`) throw error } } function getExpandedRowIndex(): number { const rowId = routeQuery.value.rowId if (!rowId) return -1 for (const [_index, row] of cachedRows.value.entries()) { if (extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) === rowId) { return row.rowMeta.rowIndex! } } return -1 } const isLastRow = computed(() => { const expandedRowIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() if (expandedRowIndex === -1) return false return expandedRowIndex === totalRows.value - 1 }) const isFirstRow = computed(() => { const expandedRowIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() if (expandedRowIndex === -1) return false return expandedRowIndex === 0 }) return { insertRow, updateRowProperty, addEmptyRow, deleteRow, deleteRowById, getChunkIndex, fetchMissingChunks, fetchChunk, updateOrSaveRow, bulkUpdateView, removeRowIfNew, cachedRows, recoverLTARRefs, totalRows, clearCache, syncCount, selectedRows, chunkStates, isRowSortRequiredRows, clearInvalidRows, applySorting, CHUNK_SIZE, loadData, isLastRow, isFirstRow, getExpandedRowIndex, loadAggCommentsCount, navigateToSiblingRow, selectedAllRecords, } }