import { expect, Locator, Page } from '@playwright/test'; import BasePage from '../Base'; import { GridPage } from './Grid'; import { FormPage } from './Form'; import { ExpandedFormPage } from './ExpandedForm'; import { ChildList } from './Grid/Column/LTAR/ChildList'; import { LinkRecord } from './Grid/Column/LTAR/LinkRecord'; import { TreeViewPage } from './TreeView'; import { SettingsPage } from './Settings'; import { ViewSidebarPage } from './ViewSidebar'; import { GalleryPage } from './Gallery'; import { KanbanPage } from './Kanban'; import { ImportAirtablePage } from './Import/Airtable'; import { ImportTemplatePage } from './Import/ImportTemplate'; import { WebhookFormPage } from './WebhookForm'; import { ProjectsPage } from '../ProjectsPage'; export class DashboardPage extends BasePage { readonly project: any; readonly tablesSideBar: Locator; readonly tabBar: Locator; readonly treeView: TreeViewPage; readonly grid: GridPage; readonly gallery: GalleryPage; readonly form: FormPage; readonly kanban: KanbanPage; readonly expandedForm: ExpandedFormPage; readonly webhookForm: WebhookFormPage; readonly childList: ChildList; readonly linkRecord: LinkRecord; readonly settings: SettingsPage; readonly viewSidebar: ViewSidebarPage; readonly importAirtable: ImportAirtablePage; readonly importTemplate = new ImportTemplatePage(this); constructor(rootPage: Page, project: any) { super(rootPage); this.project = project; this.tablesSideBar = rootPage.locator('.nc-treeview-container'); this.tabBar = rootPage.locator('.nc-tab-bar'); this.treeView = new TreeViewPage(this, project); this.grid = new GridPage(this); = new GalleryPage(this); this.form = new FormPage(this); this.kanban = new KanbanPage(this); this.expandedForm = new ExpandedFormPage(this); this.webhookForm = new WebhookFormPage(this); this.childList = new ChildList(this); this.linkRecord = new LinkRecord(this); this.settings = new SettingsPage(this); this.viewSidebar = new ViewSidebarPage(this); this.importAirtable = new ImportAirtablePage(this); } get() { return this.rootPage.locator('html'); } async goto() { await this.rootPage.goto(`/#/nc/${}/auth`); } async gotoSettings() { await this.rootPage.getByTestId('nc-project-menu').click(); await this.rootPage.locator('" Team & Settings")').click(); } async verifyInTabBar({ title }: { title: string }) { await this.tabBar.textContent().then(text => expect(text).toContain(title)); } async closeTab({ title }: { title: string }) { const tab = this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab:has-text("${title}")`); await tab.locator('button.ant-tabs-tab-remove').click(); // fix me! // await tab.waitFor({ state: "detached" }); await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(2000); } async clickHome() { await this.rootPage.getByTestId('nc-noco-brand-icon').click(); const projectsPage = new ProjectsPage(this.rootPage); await projectsPage.waitToBeRendered(); } // When a tab is opened, it is not always immediately visible. // Hence will wait till contents are visible async waitForTabRender({ title, mode = 'standard' }: { title: string; mode?: string }) { if (title === 'Team & Auth') { await this.get() .locator('div[role="tab"]', { hasText: 'Users Management', }) .waitFor({ state: 'visible', }); } else { await this.get().getByTestId('grid-id-column').waitFor({ state: 'visible', }); } await this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab-active:has-text("${title}")`).waitFor(); // wait active tab animation to finish await expect .poll(async () => { return await this.tabBar.getByTestId(`nc-root-tabs-${title}`).evaluate(el => { return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('color'); }); }) .toBe('rgb(67, 81, 232)'); // active tab text color await this.get().getByTestId('grid-load-spinner').waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); if (mode === 'standard') { await expect(this.rootPage).toHaveURL( `/#/nc/${}/${title === 'Team & Auth' ? 'auth' : `table/${title}`}` ); } } async signOut() { await this.rootPage.getByTestId('nc-project-menu').click(); const projMenu = this.rootPage.locator('.nc-dropdown-project-menu'); await projMenu.locator('[data-menu-id="account"]:visible').click(); await this.rootPage.locator('"Sign Out"):visible').click(); await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-form-signin"]:visible').waitFor(); } async validateProjectMenu(param: { role: string; mode?: string }) { await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-project-menu"]').click(); const pMenu = this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-dropdown-project-menu:visible`); // menu items let menuItems = { creator: [ 'Copy Project Info', 'Swagger: REST APIs', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Team & Settings', 'Themes', 'Preview as', 'Language', 'Account', ], editor: ['Copy Project Info', 'Swagger: REST APIs', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], commenter: ['Copy Project Info', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], viewer: ['Copy Project Info', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], }; if (param?.mode === 'shareBase') { menuItems = { creator: [], commenter: [], editor: ['Language'], viewer: ['Language'], }; } // common items for (const item of menuItems[param.role]) { await expect(pMenu).toContainText(item); } await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-project-menu"]').click(); } // Wait for the loader i.e the loader than appears when rows are being fetched, saved etc on the top right of dashboard async waitForLoaderToDisappear() { await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-loading"]').waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); } }