import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; import { CellPageObject } from '.'; import BasePage from '../../../Base'; export class SelectOptionCellPageObject extends BasePage { readonly cell: CellPageObject; constructor(cell: CellPageObject) { super(cell.rootPage); this.cell = cell; } get({ index, columnHeader }: { index: number; columnHeader: string }) { return this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }); } async select({ index, columnHeader, option, multiSelect, ignoreDblClick, }: { index: number; columnHeader: string; option: string; multiSelect?: boolean; ignoreDblClick?: boolean; }) { const selectCell = this.get({ index, columnHeader }); // check if cell active if ( !(await selectCell.getAttribute('class')).includes('active') && (await selectCell.locator('.nc-selected-option').count()) === 0 ) { if (!ignoreDblClick) await; } if ((await selectCell.getAttribute('class')).includes('active')) { await selectCell.locator('.ant-select').first().waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await selectCell .locator('.ant-select') .first() .click({ position: { x: 2, y: 1, }, }); } else { await; } if (multiSelect) { await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-dropdown-multi-select-cell').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); } else { await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-dropdown-single-select-cell').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); } if (index === -1) { const selectOption = this.rootPage.getByTestId(`select-option-${columnHeader}-undefined`).getByText(option); await selectOption.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); await; } else { const selectOption = this.rootPage.getByTestId(`select-option-${columnHeader}-${index}`).getByText(option); await selectOption.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); await; } if (multiSelect) { // Press `Escape` to close the dropdown await'Escape'); await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-dropdown-multi-select-cell').waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); } else { await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-dropdown-single-select-cell').waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); } } async clear({ index, columnHeader, multiSelect }: { index: number; columnHeader: string; multiSelect?: boolean }) { if (multiSelect) { await this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }).click(); await this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }).click(); const optionCount = await this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }).locator('.ant-tag').count(); for (let i = 0; i < optionCount; i++) { await this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }).locator('.ant-tag > .ant-tag-close-icon').first().click(); // wait till number of options is less than before await this.cell .get({ index, columnHeader }) .locator('.ant-tag') .nth(optionCount - i - 1) .waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); } return; } await this.get({ index, columnHeader }).click(); await this.rootPage.locator('.ant-select-single > .ant-select-clear').click(); // Press `Escape` to close the dropdown await'Escape'); await this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-dropdown-single-select-cell`).waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); } async verify({ index = 0, columnHeader, option, multiSelect, }: { index?: number; columnHeader: string; option: string; multiSelect?: boolean; }) { if (multiSelect) { return await expect(this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader })).toContainText(option, { useInnerText: true }); } const locator = this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }).locator('.ant-tag'); await locator.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); const text = await locator.allInnerTexts(); return expect(text).toContain(option); } async verifyNoOptionsSelected({ index, columnHeader }: { index: number; columnHeader: string }) { return await expect( this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }).locator('.ant-select-selection-item > .ant-tag') ).toBeHidden(); } async verifyOptions({ index = 0, columnHeader, options, }: { index?: number; columnHeader: string; options: string[]; }) { const selectCell = this.get({ index, columnHeader }); // check if cell active // drag based non-primary cell will have 'active' attribute // primary cell with blue border will have 'active-cell' attribute if (!(await selectCell.getAttribute('class')).includes('active-cell')) { await; } if ((await selectCell.getAttribute('class')).includes('active-cell')) { await selectCell.locator('.ant-select').first().waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await selectCell .locator('.ant-select') .first() .click({ position: { x: 2, y: 1, }, }); } else { await this.get({ index, columnHeader }).click(); } await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500); let counter = 0; for (const option of options) { await expect(this.rootPage.locator(`div.ant-select-item-option`).nth(counter)).toHaveText(option); counter++; } await'Escape'); await this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-dropdown-single-select-cell`).nth(index).waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); } async addNewOption({ index, columnHeader, option, multiSelect = false, }: { index: number; columnHeader: string; option: string; multiSelect?: boolean; }) { const selectCell = this.get({ index, columnHeader }); // check if cell active if (!(await selectCell.getAttribute('class')).includes('active')) { await; } await selectCell.locator('.ant-select-selection-search-input').type(option); // await selectCell.locator('.ant-select-selection-search-input').press('Enter'); // Wait for update api call const saveRowAction = () => selectCell.locator('.ant-select-selection-search-input').press('Enter'); await this.waitForResponse({ uiAction: saveRowAction, requestUrlPathToMatch: '/api/v1/db/data/noco/', httpMethodsToMatch: ['PATCH'], responseJsonMatcher: resJson => String(resJson?.[columnHeader]).includes(String(option)), }); if (multiSelect) await selectCell.locator('.ant-select-selection-search-input').press('Escape'); } async verifySelectedOptions({ index, options, columnHeader, }: { columnHeader: string; options: string[]; index: number; }) { const selectCell = this.get({ index, columnHeader }); await; let counter = 0; for (const option of options) { await expect(selectCell.locator(`.nc-selected-option`).nth(counter)).toHaveText(option); counter++; } } }