import { expect, Locator } from '@playwright/test'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import BasePage from '../../../Base'; import { GridPage } from '../../Grid'; import { GalleryPage } from '../../Gallery'; import { KanbanPage } from '../../Kanban'; import { FormPage } from '../../Form'; import { MapPage } from '../../Map'; import { TopbarSharePage } from './Share'; import { CalendarPage } from '../../Calendar'; export class TopbarPage extends BasePage { readonly parent: GridPage | GalleryPage | FormPage | KanbanPage | MapPage | CalendarPage; readonly share: TopbarSharePage; readonly btn_share: Locator; readonly btn_data: Locator; readonly btn_details: Locator; constructor(parent: GridPage | GalleryPage | FormPage | KanbanPage | MapPage | CalendarPage) { super(parent.rootPage); this.parent = parent; this.share = new TopbarSharePage(this); this.btn_share = this.get().locator(`[data-testid="share-base-button"]`); this.btn_data = this.get().locator(`.nc-tab:has-text("Data")`); this.btn_details = this.get().locator(`.nc-tab:has-text("Details")`); } get() { return this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-table-topbar`); } async clickShare() { await; } async getSharedViewUrl(surveyMode = false, password = '', download = false) { await this.clickShare(); // await this.share.clickShareView(); await this.share.clickShareViewPublicAccess(); await this.share.clickCopyLink(); if (surveyMode) { await this.share.clickShareViewSurveyMode(); } if (password !== '') { await this.share.clickShareViewWithPassword({ password }); } if (download) { await this.share.clickShareViewWithCSVDownload(); } await this.share.closeModal(); return await this.getClipboardText(); } async getSharedBaseUrl({ role, enableSharedBase }: { role: string; enableSharedBase: boolean }) { await this.clickShare(); if (enableSharedBase) await this.share.clickShareBasePublicAccess(); if (role === 'editor' && enableSharedBase) { await this.share.clickShareBaseEditorAccess(); } else if (role === 'viewer' && !enableSharedBase) { await this.share.clickShareBaseEditorAccess(); } await this.share.clickCopyLink(); await this.share.closeModal(); return await this.getClipboardText(); } async openDetailedTab({ waitForResponse = true } = {}) { if (waitForResponse) { await this.waitForResponse({ uiAction: async () => await, requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/meta/tables/', httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'], responseJsonMatcher: json => json['hash'], }); } else { await; } await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500); } async openDataTab() { await this.waitForResponse({ uiAction: async () => await, requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/data/noco/', httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'], responseJsonMatcher: json => json['list'], }); await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500); } async clickRefresh() { await this.get().locator(`.nc-icon-reload`).waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await this.get().locator(`.nc-icon-reload`).click(); await this.rootPage.waitForLoadState('networkidle'); } async clickDownload(type: string, verificationFile = 'expectedData.txt') { await this.get().locator(``).click(); const [download] = await Promise.all([ // Start waiting for the download this.rootPage.waitForEvent('download'), // Perform the action that initiates download this.rootPage .locator(`.nc-dropdown-actions-menu`) .locator(`li.ant-dropdown-menu-item:has-text("${type}")`) .click(), ]); // Save downloaded file somewhere await download.saveAs('./output/at.txt'); // verify downloaded content against expected content const expectedData = fs.readFileSync(`./fixtures/${verificationFile}`, 'utf8').replace(/\r/g, '').split('\n'); const file = fs.readFileSync('./output/at.txt', 'utf8').replace(/\r/g, '').split('\n'); expect(file).toEqual(expectedData); } }