import type { ColumnType, LinkToAnotherRecordType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { RelationTypes, UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { iconMap } from '#imports' import LinkVariant from '~icons/mdi/link-variant' import ID from '~icons/mdi/identifier' const uiTypes = [ { name: UITypes.Links, icon:, virtual: 1, }, { name: UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord, icon:, virtual: 1, deprecated: 1, }, { name: UITypes.Lookup, icon: iconMap.lookup, virtual: 1, }, { name: UITypes.SingleLineText, icon: iconMap.text, }, { name: UITypes.LongText, icon: iconMap.longText, }, { name: UITypes.Number, icon: iconMap.number, }, { name: UITypes.Decimal, icon: iconMap.decimal, }, { name: UITypes.Attachment, icon: iconMap.image, }, { name: UITypes.Checkbox, icon: iconMap.boolean, }, { name: UITypes.MultiSelect, icon: iconMap.multiSelect, }, { name: UITypes.SingleSelect, icon: iconMap.singleSelect, }, { name: UITypes.Date, icon: iconMap.calendar, }, { name: UITypes.Year, icon: iconMap.calendar, }, { name: UITypes.Time, icon: iconMap.clock, }, { name: UITypes.PhoneNumber, icon:, }, { name: UITypes.Email, icon:, }, { name: UITypes.URL, icon: iconMap.web, }, { name: UITypes.Currency, icon: iconMap.currency, }, { name: UITypes.Percent, icon: iconMap.percent, }, { name: UITypes.Duration, icon: iconMap.duration, }, { name: UITypes.Rating, icon: iconMap.rating, }, { name: UITypes.Formula, icon: iconMap.formula, virtual: 1, }, { name: UITypes.Rollup, icon: iconMap.rollup, virtual: 1, }, { name: UITypes.DateTime, icon: iconMap.datetime, }, { name: UITypes.QrCode, icon: iconMap.qrCode, virtual: 1, }, { name: UITypes.Barcode, icon: iconMap.barCode, virtual: 1, }, { name: UITypes.Geometry, icon: iconMap.calculator, }, { name: UITypes.GeoData, icon: iconMap.geoData, }, { name: UITypes.JSON, icon: iconMap.json, }, { name: UITypes.SpecificDBType, icon: iconMap.specificDbType, }, { name: UITypes.User, icon: iconMap.account, }, { name: UITypes.CreatedTime, icon: iconMap.datetime, }, { name: UITypes.LastModifiedTime, icon: iconMap.datetime, }, ] const getUIDTIcon = (uidt: UITypes | string) => { return ( [ ...uiTypes, { name: UITypes.CreatedTime, icon: iconMap.calendar, }, { name: UITypes.ID, icon: ID, }, { name: UITypes.ForeignKey, icon: LinkVariant, }, ].find((t) => === uidt) || {} ).icon } // treat column as required if `non_null` is true and one of the following is true // 1. column not having default value // 2. column is not auto increment // 3. column is not auto generated const isColumnRequired = (col?: ColumnType) => col && col.rqd && !col.cdf && ! && !col.meta?.ag const isVirtualColRequired = (col: ColumnType, columns: ColumnType[]) => col.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord && (col.colOptions).type === RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO && isColumnRequired(columns.find((c) => === (col.colOptions).fk_child_column_id)) const isColumnRequiredAndNull = (col: ColumnType, row: Record) => { return isColumnRequired(col) && (row[col.title!] === undefined || row[col.title!] === null) } const getUniqueColumnName = (initName: string, columns: ColumnType[]) => { let name = initName let i = 1 while (columns.find((c) => c.title === name)) { name = `${initName}_${i}` i++ } return name } const isTypableInputColumn = (colOrUidt: ColumnType | UITypes) => { let uidt: UITypes if (typeof colOrUidt === 'object') { uidt = colOrUidt.uidt as UITypes } else { uidt = colOrUidt } return [ UITypes.LongText, UITypes.SingleLineText, UITypes.Number, UITypes.PhoneNumber, UITypes.Email, UITypes.Decimal, UITypes.Currency, UITypes.Percent, UITypes.Duration, UITypes.JSON, UITypes.URL, UITypes.SpecificDBType, ].includes(uidt) } export { uiTypes, isTypableInputColumn, getUIDTIcon, getUniqueColumnName, isColumnRequiredAndNull, isColumnRequired, isVirtualColRequired, }