import { ViewTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk' import axios from 'axios' import type { Api, ColumnType, FormColumnType, FormType, GalleryType, PaginatedType, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue' import { IsPublicInj, NOCO, NavigateDir, computed, extractPkFromRow, extractSdkResponseErrorMsg, message, ref, storeToRefs, useApi, useBase, useGlobal, useI18n, useNuxtApp, useRoles, useRouter, useSharedView, useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow, useState, } from '#imports' import type { Row } from '#imports' const formatData = (list: Record[]) => => ({ row: { ...row }, oldRow: { ...row }, rowMeta: {}, })) export function useViewData( _meta: Ref | ComputedRef, viewMeta: Ref | ComputedRef<(ViewType & { id: string }) | undefined>, where?: ComputedRef, ) { const { activeTableId, activeTable } = storeToRefs(useTablesStore()) const meta = computed(() => _meta.value || activeTable.value) const metaId = computed(() => _meta.value?.id || activeTableId.value) if (!meta.value) { throw new Error('Table meta is not available') } const { t } = useI18n() const optimisedQuery = useState('optimisedQuery', () => true) const { api, isLoading, error } = useApi() const router = useRouter() const route = router.currentRoute const { appInfo } = useGlobal() const appInfoDefaultLimit = appInfo.value.defaultLimit || 25 const _paginationData = ref({ page: 1, pageSize: appInfoDefaultLimit }) const aggCommentCount = ref<{ row_id: string; count: string }[]>([]) const galleryData = ref() const formColumnData = ref[]>() const formViewData = ref() const formattedData = ref([]) const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) const { base, isSharedBase } = storeToRefs(useBase()) const { sharedView, fetchSharedViewData, paginationData: sharedPaginationData } = useSharedView() const { $api } = useNuxtApp() const { sorts, nestedFilters } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles() const routeQuery = computed(() => route.value.query as Record) const { isPaginationLoading } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore()) const paginationData = computed({ get: () => (isPublic.value ? sharedPaginationData.value : _paginationData.value), set: (value) => { if (isPublic.value) { sharedPaginationData.value = value } else { _paginationData.value = value } }, }) const islastRow = computed(() => { const currentIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() return paginationData.value?.isLastPage && currentIndex === formattedData.value.length - 1 }) const isFirstRow = computed(() => { const currentIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() return paginationData.value?.isFirstPage && currentIndex === 1 }) const queryParams = computed(() => ({ offset: (( ?? 0) - 1) * (paginationData.value.pageSize ?? appInfoDefaultLimit), limit: paginationData.value.pageSize ?? appInfoDefaultLimit, where: where?.value ?? '', })) async function syncCount() { const { count } = await $api.dbViewRow.count( NOCO, base?.value?.id as string, metaId.value as string, viewMeta?.value?.id as string, ) paginationData.value.totalRows = count } async function syncPagination() { // total records in the current table const count = paginationData.value?.totalRows ?? Infinity // the number of rows in a page const size = paginationData.value.pageSize ?? appInfoDefaultLimit // the current page number const currentPage = ?? 1 // the maximum possible page given the current count and the size const mxPage = Math.ceil(count / size) // calculate targetPage where 1 <= targetPage <= mxPage const targetPage = Math.max(1, Math.min(mxPage, currentPage)) // if the current page is greater than targetPage, // then the page should be changed instead of showing an empty page // e.g. deleting all records in the last page N should return N - 1 page if (currentPage > targetPage) { // change to target page and load data of that page changePage?.(targetPage) } else { // the current page is same as target page // reload it to avoid empty row in this page await loadData({ offset: (targetPage - 1) * size, where: where?.value, } as any) } } /** load row comments count */ async function loadAggCommentsCount() { if (!isUIAllowed('commentCount')) return if (isPublic.value || isSharedBase.value) return const ids = formattedData.value ?.filter(({ rowMeta: { new: isNew } }) => !isNew) ?.map(({ row }) => { return extractPkFromRow(row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) }) if (!ids?.length || ids?.some((id) => !id)) return aggCommentCount.value = await $api.utils.commentCount({ ids, fk_model_id: metaId.value as string, }) for (const row of formattedData.value) { const id = extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) row.rowMeta.commentCount = +(aggCommentCount.value?.find((c: Record) => c.row_id === id)?.count || 0) } } const controller = ref() async function loadData(params: Parameters['dbViewRow']['list']>[4] = {}) { if ((!base?.value?.id || !metaId.value || !viewMeta.value?.id) && !isPublic.value) return if (controller.value) { controller.value.cancel() } const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken controller.value = CancelToken.source() const response = !isPublic.value ? await api.dbViewRow.list( 'noco',!, metaId.value!, viewMeta.value!.id!, { ...queryParams.value, ...params, ...(isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(sorts.value) }), ...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }), where: where?.value, } as any, { cancelToken: controller.value.token }, ) : await fetchSharedViewData({ sortsArr: sorts.value, filtersArr: nestedFilters.value }) formattedData.value = formatData(response.list) paginationData.value = response.pageInfo isPaginationLoading.value = false // to cater the case like when querying with a non-zero offset // the result page may point to the target page where the actual returned data don't display on const expectedPage = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(paginationData.value.totalRows! / paginationData.value.pageSize!)) if (expectedPage <!) { await changePage(expectedPage) } if (viewMeta.value?.type === ViewTypes.GRID) { loadAggCommentsCount() } } async function loadGalleryData() { if (!viewMeta?.value?.id) return galleryData.value = isPublic.value ? (sharedView.value?.view as GalleryType) : await $api.dbView.galleryRead( } async function changePage(page: number) { = page await loadData({ offset: (page - 1) * (paginationData.value.pageSize || appInfoDefaultLimit), where: where?.value, } as any) } const { insertRow, updateRowProperty, addEmptyRow, deleteRow, deleteRowById, deleteSelectedRows, deleteRangeOfRows, updateOrSaveRow, bulkUpdateRows, bulkUpdateView, selectedAllRecords, removeRowIfNew, } = useData({ meta, viewMeta, formattedData, paginationData, callbacks: { changePage, loadData, syncCount, syncPagination, }, }) async function loadFormView() { if (!viewMeta?.value?.id) return try { const { columns, ...view } = await $api.dbView.formRead( const fieldById = (columns || []).reduce( (o: Record, f: Record) => ({ ...o, [f.fk_column_id]: f, }), {} as Record, ) let order = 1 formViewData.value = view formColumnData.value = meta?.value?.columns ?.map((c: ColumnType) => ({ ...c, fk_column_id:, fk_view_id: viewMeta.value?.id, ...(fieldById[!] ? fieldById[!] : {}), order: (fieldById[!] && fieldById[!].order) || order++, id: fieldById[!] && fieldById[!].id, })) .sort((a: Record, b: Record) => a.order - b.order) as Record[] } catch (e: any) { return message.error(`${t('msg.error.setFormDataFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`) } } async function updateFormView(view: FormType | undefined) { try { if (!viewMeta?.value?.id || !view) return await $api.dbView.formUpdate(, view) } catch (e: any) { return message.error(`${t('msg.error.formViewUpdateFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`) } } // get current expanded row index function getExpandedRowIndex() { return formattedData.value.findIndex( (row: Row) => routeQuery.value.rowId === extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]), ) } const navigateToSiblingRow = async (dir: NavigateDir) => { console.log('test') const expandedRowIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() // calculate next row index based on direction let siblingRowIndex = expandedRowIndex + (dir === NavigateDir.NEXT ? 1 : -1) // if unsaved row skip it while (formattedData.value[siblingRowIndex]?.rowMeta?.new) { siblingRowIndex = siblingRowIndex + (dir === NavigateDir.NEXT ? 1 : -1) } const currentPage = paginationData?.value?.page || 1 // if next row index is less than 0, go to previous page and point to last element if (siblingRowIndex < 0) { // if first page, do nothing if (currentPage === 1) return'')) await changePage(currentPage - 1) siblingRowIndex = formattedData.value.length - 1 // if next row index is greater than total rows in current view // then load next page of formattedData and set next row index to 0 } else if (siblingRowIndex >= formattedData.value.length) { if (paginationData?.value?.isLastPage) return'')) await changePage(currentPage + 1) siblingRowIndex = 0 } // extract the row id of the sibling row const rowId = extractPkFromRow(formattedData.value[siblingRowIndex].row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) if (rowId) { router.push({ query: { ...routeQuery.value, rowId, }, }) } } return { error, isLoading, loadData, paginationData, queryParams, formattedData, insertRow, updateRowProperty, changePage, addEmptyRow, deleteRow, deleteRowById, deleteSelectedRows, deleteRangeOfRows, updateOrSaveRow, bulkUpdateRows, bulkUpdateView, selectedAllRecords, syncCount, syncPagination, galleryData, loadGalleryData, loadFormView, formColumnData, formViewData, updateFormView, aggCommentCount, loadAggCommentsCount, removeRowIfNew, navigateToSiblingRow, getExpandedRowIndex, optimisedQuery, islastRow, isFirstRow, } }