import type { Ref } from 'vue' import rfdc from 'rfdc' import type { ProjectType, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { createSharedComposable, ref, useRouter } from '#imports' import type { UndoRedoAction } from '~/lib' export const useUndoRedo = createSharedComposable(() => { const clone = rfdc() const router = useRouter() const route = $(router.currentRoute) // keys: projectType | projectId | type | title | viewTitle const scope = computed<{ key: string; param: string }[]>(() => { const tempScope: { key: string; param: string }[] = [{ key: 'root', param: 'root' }] for (const [key, param] of Object.entries(route.params)) { if (Array.isArray(param)) { tempScope.push({ key, param: param.join(',') }) } else { tempScope.push({ key, param }) } } return tempScope }) const isSameScope = (sc: { key: string; param: string }[]) => { return sc.every((s) => { return scope.value.some( // viewTitle is optional for default view (s2) => (s.key === 'viewTitle' && s2.key === 'viewTitle' && s2.param === '') || (s.key === s2.key && s.param === s2.param), ) }) } const undoQueue: Ref = ref([]) const redoQueue: Ref = ref([]) const addUndo = (action: UndoRedoAction, fromRedo = false) => { // remove all redo actions that are in the same scope if (!fromRedo) redoQueue.value = redoQueue.value.filter((a) => !isSameScope(a.scope || [])) undoQueue.value.push(action) } const addRedo = (action: UndoRedoAction) => { redoQueue.value.push(action) } const undo = async () => { let actionIndex = -1 for (let i = undoQueue.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const elScope = undoQueue.value[i].scope || [{ key: 'root', param: 'root' }] if (isSameScope(elScope)) { actionIndex = i break } } if (actionIndex === -1) return const action = undoQueue.value.splice(actionIndex, 1)[0] if (action) { try { await action.undo.fn.apply(action, action.undo.args) addRedo(action) } catch (e) { message.warn('Error while undoing action, it is skipped.') } } } const redo = async () => { let actionIndex = -1 for (let i = redoQueue.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const elScope = redoQueue.value[i].scope || [{ key: 'root', param: 'root' }] if (isSameScope(elScope)) { actionIndex = i break } } if (actionIndex === -1) return const action = redoQueue.value.splice(actionIndex, 1)[0] if (action) { try { await action.redo.fn.apply(action, action.redo.args) addUndo(action, true) } catch (e) { message.warn('Error while redoing action, it is skipped.') } } } const defineRootScope = () => { return [{ key: 'root', param: 'root' }] } const defineProjectScope = (param: { project?: ProjectType; model?: TableType; view?: ViewType; project_id?: string }) => { if (param.project) { return [{ key: 'projectId', param:! }] } else if (param.model) { return [{ key: 'projectId', param: param.model.project_id! }] } else if (param.view) { return [{ key: 'projectId', param: param.view.project_id! }] } else { return [{ key: 'projectId', param: param.project_id! }] } } const defineModelScope = (param: { model?: TableType; view?: ViewType; project_id?: string; model_id?: string }) => { if (param.model) { return [ { key: 'projectId', param: param.model.project_id! }, { key: 'title', param:! }, ] } else if (param.view) { return [ { key: 'projectId', param: param.view.project_id! }, { key: 'title', param: param.view.fk_model_id! }, ] } else { return [ { key: 'projectId', param: param.project_id! }, { key: 'title', param: param.model_id! }, ] } } const defineViewScope = (param: { view?: ViewType; project_id?: string; model_id?: string; title?: string }) => { if (param.view) { return [ { key: 'projectId', param: param.view.project_id! }, { key: 'title', param: param.view.fk_model_id! }, { key: 'viewTitle', param: param.view.title! }, ] } else { return [ { key: 'projectId', param: param.project_id! }, { key: 'title', param: param.model_id! }, { key: 'viewTitle', param: param.title! }, ] } } useEventListener(document, 'keydown', async (e: KeyboardEvent) => { const cmdOrCtrl = isMac() ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey if (cmdOrCtrl && !e.altKey) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 90: { e.preventDefault() // CMD + z and CMD + shift + z if (!e.shiftKey) { if (undoQueue.value.length) { undo() } } else { if (redoQueue.value.length) { redo() } } break } } } }) return { addUndo, undo, clone, defineRootScope, defineProjectScope, defineModelScope, defineViewScope, } })