import { notification } from 'ant-design-vue' import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk' import type { ColumnType, LinkToAnotherRecordType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import type { Ref } from 'vue' import { useNuxtApp } from '#app' import { useInjectionState } from '#imports' import { useMetas } from '~/composables/useMetas' import { useProject } from '~/composables/useProject' import type { Row } from '~/composables/useViewData' import { useVirtualCell } from '~/composables/useVirtualCell' import { NOCO } from '~/lib' import { extractPkFromRow, extractSdkResponseErrorMsg } from '~/utils' const [useProvideSmartsheetRowStore, useSmartsheetRowStore] = useInjectionState((meta: Ref, row: Ref) => { const { $api } = useNuxtApp() const { project } = useProject() const { metas } = useMetas() // state const state = ref | Record[] | null>>({}) // getters const isNew = computed(() => row.value?.rowMeta?.new) // actions const addLTARRef = async (value: Record, column: ColumnType) => { const { isHm, isMm, isBt } = $(useVirtualCell(ref(column))) if (isHm || isMm) { state.value[column.title!] = state.value[column.title!] || [] state.value[column.title!]!.push(value) } else if (isBt) { state.value[column.title!] = value } } // actions const removeLTARRef = async (value: Record, column: ColumnType) => { const { isHm, isMm, isBt } = $(useVirtualCell(ref(column))) if (isHm || isMm) { state.value[column.title!]?.splice(state.value[column.title!]?.indexOf(value), 1) } else if (isBt) { state.value[column.title!] = null } } const linkRecord = async (rowId: string, relatedRowId: string, column: ColumnType, type) => { try { await $api.dbTableRow.nestedAdd( NOCO, project.value.title as string, meta.value.title as string, rowId, type, column.title as string, relatedRowId, ) } catch (e) { notification.error({ message: 'Linking failed', description: await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e), }) } } /** sync LTAR relations kept in local state */ const syncLTARRefs = async (row: Record) => { const id = extractPkFromRow(row, meta.value.columns as ColumnType[]) for (const column of meta?.value?.columns ?? []) { if (column.uidt !== UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord) continue const colOptions = column?.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType const { isHm, isMm, isBt } = $(useVirtualCell(ref(column))) const relatedTableMeta = metas.value?.[colOptions?.fk_related_model_id as string] if (isHm || isMm) { const relatedRows = (state.value?.[column.title!] ?? []) as Record[] for (const relatedRow of relatedRows) { await linkRecord(id, extractPkFromRow(relatedRow, relatedTableMeta.columns as ColumnType[]), column, colOptions.type) } } else if (isBt && state.value?.[column.title!]) { await linkRecord( id, extractPkFromRow(state.value?.[column.title!], relatedTableMeta.columns as ColumnType[]), column, colOptions.type, ) } } } return { row, state, isNew, // todo: use better name addLTARRef, removeLTARRef, syncLTARRefs, } }, 'smartsheet-row-store') export { useProvideSmartsheetRowStore } export function useSmartsheetRowStoreOrThrow() { const smartsheetRowStore = useSmartsheetRowStore() if (smartsheetRowStore == null) throw new Error('Please call `useSmartsheetRowStore` on the appropriate parent component') return smartsheetRowStore }