#!/usr/bin/expect -f # Configure timeout for each expect command set timeout 10 # Start your main script set env(PATH) "$env(WORKING_DIR)/mocks:$env(PATH)" spawn bash ../../noco.sh # Respond to script prompts expect "Enter the IP address or domain name for the NocoDB instance (default: localhost):" send "\r" expect "Show Advanced Options*" send "Y\r" expect "Choose Community or Enterprise Edition*" send "\r" expect "Do you want to enabled Redis for caching*" send "Y\r" expect "Do you want to enable Minio for file storage*" send "Y\r" expect "Enter the MinIO domain name*" send "\r" expect "Do you want to enabled Watchtower for automatic updates*" send "\r" expect "How many instances of NocoDB do you want to run*" send "2\r" expect "Do you want to start the management menu*" send "N\r" expect eof