import type { Ref } from 'vue' import type { RuleObject } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form' import type { ColumnType, FormType, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { RelationTypes, UITypes, isLinksOrLTAR } from 'nocodb-sdk' const useForm = Form.useForm const [useProvideFormViewStore, useFormViewStore] = useInjectionState( ( _meta: Ref | ComputedRef, viewMeta: Ref | ComputedRef<(ViewType & { id: string }) | undefined>, formViewData: Ref, updateFormView: (view: FormType | undefined) => Promise, isEditable: boolean, ) => { const { $api } = useNuxtApp() const { t } = useI18n() const formResetHook = createEventHook() const formState = ref>({}) const localColumns = ref[]>([]) const activeRow = ref('') const visibleColumns = computed(() => localColumns.value.filter((f) =>, b) => a.order - b.order)) const activeField = computed(() => visibleColumns.value.find((c) => === activeRow.value) || null) const activeColumn = computed(() => { if (_meta.value && activeField.value) { if (_meta.value.columnsById && (_meta.value.columnsById as Record)[activeField.value?.fk_column_id]) { return (_meta.value.columnsById as Record)[activeField.value.fk_column_id] } else if (_meta.value.columns) { return _meta.value.columns.find((c) => === activeField.value?.fk_column_id) ?? null } } return null }) const fieldMappings = computed(() => { const uniqueFieldNames: Set = new Set() return visibleColumns.value.reduce((acc, c) => { acc[c.title] = getValidFieldName(c.title, uniqueFieldNames) return acc }, {} as Record) }) const validators = computed(() => { const rulesObj: Record = {} if (!visibleColumns.value || !Object.keys(fieldMappings.value).length) return rulesObj for (const column of visibleColumns.value) { let rules: RuleObject[] = [ { validator: (_rule: RuleObject, value: any) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (isRequired(column, column.required)) { if (typeof value === 'string') { value = value.trim() } if ( (column.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox && !value) || (column.uidt !== UITypes.Checkbox && !requiredFieldValidatorFn(value)) ) { return reject(t('msg.error.fieldRequired')) } } return resolve() }) }, }, ] const additionalRules = extractFieldValidator(parseProp(column.meta).validators ?? [], column) rules = [...rules, ...additionalRules] if (rules.length) { rulesObj[fieldMappings.value[column.title!]] = rules } } return rulesObj }) const fieldMappingFormState = computed(() => { if (!Object.keys(fieldMappings.value).length) return {} return Object.keys(formState.value).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[fieldMappings.value[key]] = formState.value[key] return acc }, {} as Record) }) // Form field validation const { validate, validateInfos, clearValidate } = useForm(fieldMappingFormState, validators) const validateActiveField = async (col: ColumnType) => { if (!col.title) return try { await validate(fieldMappings.value[col.title]) } catch {} } const updateView = useDebounceFn( () => { updateFormView(formViewData.value) }, 300, { maxWait: 2000 }, ) const updateColMeta = useDebounceFn(async (col: Record) => { if ( && isEditable) { validateActiveField(col) try { await $api.dbView.formColumnUpdate(, col) } catch (e: any) { message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) } } }, 250) function isRequired(_columnObj: Record, required = false) { let columnObj = _columnObj if (isLinksOrLTAR(columnObj.uidt) && columnObj.colOptions && columnObj.colOptions.type === RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO) { columnObj = (_meta?.value?.columns || []).find( (c: Record) => === columnObj.colOptions.fk_child_column_id, ) as Record } return required || (columnObj && columnObj.rqd && !columnObj.cdf) } return { onReset: formResetHook.on, formState, localColumns, visibleColumns, activeRow, activeField, activeColumn, isRequired, updateView, updateColMeta, validate, validateInfos, clearValidate, fieldMappings, } }, 'form-view-store', ) export { useProvideFormViewStore } export function useFormViewStoreOrThrow() { const sharedFormStore = useFormViewStore() if (sharedFormStore == null) throw new Error('Please call `useProvideFormViewStore` on the appropriate parent component') return sharedFormStore }