--- title: "Formulas" description: "NocoDB Formulas Syntaxes and Functions" position: 570 category: "Product" menuTitle: "Formulas" --- ## Adding formula column image ### 1. Click on '+' (Add column) ### 2. Populate column Name ### 3. Select column Type as 'Formula' ### 4. Insert required formula - You can use explicit numerical values/ strings as needed, e.g. `123` (numeric) or `"123"` (string). - You can reference column names in equation with `{}`, e.g. `{column_name}`, if the column name conflicts with literals - Table below lists supported formula & associated syntax - Nested formula (formula equation referring to another formula column) is supported ### 5. Click on 'Save' ## Editing formula column Unlike other column types, formula cells cannot be modified by double-clicking since the value is generated based on the formula. Instead, the vaule can be changed by updating the formula in the column setting. image ## Available Formula Features ### Numeric Functions | Name | Syntax | Sample | Output | |-------------|----------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | **ABS** | `ABS(value)` | `ABS({Column})` | Absolute value of the input parameter | | **ADD** | `ADD(value1,[value2,...])` | `ADD({Column1}, {Column2})` | Sum of input parameters | | **AVG** | `AVG(value1,[value2,...])` | `AVG({Column1}, {Column2})` | Average of input parameters | | **CEILING** | `CEILING(value)` | `CEILING({Column})` | Rounded next largest integer value of input parameter | | **EXP** | `EXP(value)` | `EXP({Column})` | Exponential value of input parameter (`e^x`) | | **FLOOR** | `FLOOR(value)` | `FLOOR({Column})` | Rounded largest integer less than or equal to input parameter | | **INT** | `INT(value)` | `INT({Column})` | Integer value of input parameter | | **LOG** | `LOG([base], value)` | `LOG(10, {Column})` | Logarithm of input parameter to the base (default = e) specified | | **MAX** | `MAX(value1,[value2,...])` | `MAX({Column1}, {Column2}, {Column3})` | Maximum value amongst input parameters | | **MIN** | `MIN(value1,[value2,...])` | `MIN({Column1}, {Column2}, {Column3})` | Minimum value amongst input parameters | | **MOD** | `MOD(value1, value2)` | `MOD({Column}, 2)` | Remainder after integer division of input parameters | | **POWER** | `POWER(base, exponent)` | `POWER({Column}, 3)` | `base` to the `exponent` power, as in `base ^ exponent` | | **ROUND** | `ROUND(value)` | `ROUND({Column})` | Nearest integer to the input parameter | | **SQRT** | `SQRT(value)` | `SQRT({Column})` | Square root of the input parameter | ### Numeric Operators | Operator | Sample | Description | | -------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------- | | `+` | `{Column1} + {Column2} + 2` | Addition of numeric values | | `-` | `{Column1} - {Column2}` | Subtraction of numeric values | | `*` | `{Column1} * {Column2}` | Multiplication of numeric values | | `/` | `{Column1} / {Column2}` | Division of numeric values | Tip :To change the order of arithmetic operation, you can use round bracket parantheses ().
Example: ({Column1} + ({Column2} * {Column3}) / (3 - $Column4$ ))
### String Functions | Name | Syntax | Sample | Output | |-------------|----------------------------------|---------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **CONCAT** | `CONCAT(str1, [str2,...])` | `CONCAT({Column1}, ' ', {Column2})` | Concatenated string of input parameters | | **LEFT** | `LEFT(str1, n)` | `LEFT({Column}, 3)` | `n` characters from the beginning of input parameter | | **LEN** | `LEN(str)` | `LEN({Column})` | Input parameter character length | | **LOWER** | `LOWER(str)` | `LOWER({Column})` | Lower case converted string of input parameter | | **MID** | `MID(str, position, [count])` | `MID({Column}, 3, 2)` | Alias for `SUBSTR` | | **REPEAT** | `REPEAT(str, count)` | `REPEAT({Column}, 2)` | Specified copies of the input parameter string concatenated together | | **REPLACE** | `REPLACE(str, srchStr, rplcStr)` | `REPLACE({Column}, 'int', 'num')` | String, after replacing all occurrences of `srchStr` with `rplcStr` | | **RIGHT** | `RIGHT(str, n)` | `RIGHT({Column}, 3)` | `n` characters from the end of input parameter | | **SEARCH** | `SEARCH(str, srchStr)` | `SEARCH({Column}, 'str')` | Index of `srchStr` specified if found, 0 otherwise | | **SUBSTR** | `SUBTR(str, position, [count])` | `SUBSTR({Column}, 3, 2)` | Substring of length 'count' of input string, from the postition specified | | **TRIM** | `TRIM(str)` | `TRIM({Column})` | Remove trailing and leading whitespaces from input parameter | | **UPPER** | `UPPER(str)` | `UPPER({Column})` | Upper case converted string of input parameter | | **URL** | `URL(str)` | `URL({Column})` | Convert to a hyperlink if it is a valid URL | ### Date Functions | Name | Syntax | Sample | Output | Remark | |---|---|---|---|---| | **NOW** | `NOW()` | `NOW()` | 2022-05-19 17:20:43 | Returns the current time and day | | | `IF(NOW() < {DATE_COL}, "true", "false")` | `IF(NOW() < date, "true", "false")` | If current date is less than {DATE_COL}, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. | | **DATEADD** | `DATEADD(date \| datetime, value, ["day" \| "week" \| "month" \| "year"])` | `DATEADD(date, 1, 'day')` | Supposing {DATE_COL} is 2022-03-14. The result is 2022-03-15. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. Example: `DATEADD(DATE_TIME_COL, -1, 'day')` | | | | `DATEADD(date, 1, 'week')` | Supposing {DATE_COL} is 2022-03-14 03:14. The result is 2022-03-21 03:14. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. Example: `DATEADD(DATE_TIME_COL, -1, 'week')` | | | | `DATEADD(date, 1, 'month')` | Supposing {DATE_COL} is 2022-03-14 03:14. The result is 2022-04-14 03:14. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. Example: `DATEADD(DATE_TIME_COL, -1, 'month')` | | | | `DATEADD(date, 1, 'year')` | Supposing {DATE_COL} is 2022-03-14 03:14. The result is 2023-03-14 03:14. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. Example: `DATEADD(DATE_TIME_COL, -1, 'year')` | | | | `IF(NOW() < DATEADD(date,10,'day'), "true", "false")` | If the current date is less than {DATE_COL} plus 10 days, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. | | | | `IF(NOW() < DATEADD(date,10,'day'), "true", "false")` | If the current date is less than {DATE_COL} plus 10 days, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. | | **WEEKDAY** | `WEEKDAY(date, [startDayOfWeek])` | `WEEKDAY(NOW())` | If today is Monday, it returns 0 | Returns the day of the week as an integer between 0 and 6 inclusive starting from Monday by default. You can optionally change the start day of the week by specifying in the second argument | | | | `WEEKDAY(NOW(), "sunday")` | If today is Monday, it returns 1 | Get the week day of NOW() with the first day set as sunday | ### Logical Operators | Operator | Sample | Description | | -------- | -------------------- | ------------------------ | | `<` | `{Column1} < {Column2}` | Less than | | `>` | `{Column1} > {Column2}` | Greater than | | `<=` | `{Column1} <= {Column2}` | Less than or equal to | | `>=` | `{Column1} >= {Column2}` | Greater than or equal to | | `==` | `{Column1} == {Column2}` | Equal to | | `!=` | `{Column1} != {Column2}` | Not equal to | ### Conditional Expressions | Name | Syntax | Sample | Output | |------------|------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | **IF** | `IF(expr, successCase, elseCase)` | `IF({Column} > 1, Value1, Value2)` | successCase if `expr` evaluates to TRUE, elseCase otherwise | | **SWITCH** | `SWITCH(expr, [pattern, value, ..., default])` | `SWITCH({Column}, 1, 'One', 2, 'Two', '--')` | Switch case value based on `expr` output | | **AND** | `AND(expr1, [expr2,...])` | `AND({Column} > 2, {Column} < 10)` | TRUE if all `expr` evaluate to TRUE | | **OR** | `OR(expr1, [expr2,...])` | `OR({Column} > 2, {Column} < 10)` | TRUE if at least one `expr` evaluates to TRUE | Logical operators, along with Numerical operators can be used to build conditional `expressions`. Examples: ``` IF({marksSecured} > 80, "GradeA", "GradeB") ``` ``` SWITCH({quarterNumber}, 1, 'Jan-Mar', 2, 'Apr-Jun', 3, 'Jul-Sep', 4, 'Oct-Dec', 'INVALID' ) ```