/* eslint-disable */ import assign from "nano-assign"; import sqlAutoCompletions from "./sqlAutoCompletions"; export default { name: "MonacoEditor", props: { value: String, theme: { type: String, default: "vs" }, lang: String, options: Object, readOnly: Boolean, amdRequire: { type: Function }, sqlType: String, actions: Array, tables: Array, columnNames: Object, columnNameCbk: Function }, model: { event: "change" }, data() { return {completionItemProvider: null} // return { // tables: ["abc", "efg", "actor", "country"], // columnNames: { // abc: ["id", "name"], // efg: ["eid", "title"], // actor: ["aid", "firstName"], // country: ["id", "code", "name"] // } // } }, watch: { options: { deep: true, handler(options) { if (this.editor) { this.editor.updateOptions(options); } } }, value(newValue) { if (this.editor) { if (newValue !== this.editor.getValue()) { this.editor.setValue(newValue); } } }, lang(newVal) { if (this.editor) { window.monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(this.editor.getModel(), newVal); } }, theme(newVal) { if (this.editor) { window.monaco.editor.setTheme(newVal); } } }, mounted() { if (this.amdRequire) { this.amdRequire(["vs/editor/editor.main"], () => { this.initMonaco(window.monaco); }); } else { // ESM format so it can't be resolved by commonjs `require` in eslint // eslint-disable import/no-unresolved const monaco = require("monaco-editor"); // monaco.editor.defineTheme('monokai', require('./Cobalt.json')) // monaco.editor.setTheme('monokai') this.monaco = monaco; // this.completionItemProvider = monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider("sql", { // async provideCompletionItems(model, position) { // // console.log(sqlAutoCompletions(monaco).actions[0]) // console.log(model === vm.editor,model,vm.editor) // return model === vm.editor.getModel() ? {suggestions: await vm.getLiveSuggestionsList(model, position)} : {}; // } // }); this.initMonaco(monaco); } }, unmounted() { }, beforeDestroy() { this.editor && this.editor.dispose(); }, methods: { initMonaco(monaco) { const options = assign( { value: this.value, theme: this.theme, language: this.lang, // quickSuggestions: { other: true, comments: true, strings: true }, automaticLayout: true, readOnly: false }, this.options ); this.editor = monaco.editor.create(this.$el, options); this.$emit("editorDidMount", this.editor); this.editor.onContextMenu(event => this.$emit("contextMenu", event)); this.editor.onDidBlurEditorWidget(() => this.$emit("blur")); this.editor.onDidBlurEditorText(() => this.$emit("blurText")); this.editor.onDidChangeConfiguration(event => this.$emit("configuration", event)); this.editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(event => this.$emit("position", event)); this.editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(event => this.$emit("selection", event)); this.editor.onDidChangeModel(event => this.$emit("model", event)); this.editor.onDidChangeModelContent(event => { const value = this.editor.getValue(); if (this.value !== value) { this.$emit("change", value, event); } }); this.editor.onDidChangeModelDecorations(event => this.$emit("modelDecorations", event)); this.editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage(event => this.$emit("modelLanguage", event)); this.editor.onDidChangeModelOptions(event => this.$emit("modelOptions", event)); this.editor.onDidDispose(event => this.$emit("afterDispose", event)); this.editor.onDidFocusEditorWidget(() => this.$emit("focus")); this.editor.onDidFocusEditorText(() => this.$emit("focusText")); this.editor.onDidLayoutChange(event => this.$emit("layout", event)); this.editor.onDidScrollChange(event => this.$emit("scroll", event)); this.editor.onKeyDown(event => this.$emit("keydown", event)); this.editor.onKeyUp(event => this.$emit("keyup", event)); this.editor.onMouseDown(event => this.$emit("mouseDown", event)); this.editor.onMouseLeave(event => this.$emit("mouseLeave", event)); this.editor.onMouseMove(event => this.$emit("mouseMove", event)); this.editor.onMouseUp(event => this.$emit("mouseUp", event)); if (this.actions && this.actions.length) this.actions.forEach(action => this.editor.addAction(action)); }, getMonaco() { return this.editor; }, getMonacoModule() { return this.monaco; }, focus() { this.editor.focus(); this.$nextTick(() => { this.editor.setPosition({lineNumber: this.editor.getModel().getLineCount(), column: 1}) this.editor.revealLineInCenter(this.editor.getModel().getLineCount()) }) }, getCurrentQuery() { return this.editor.getModel().getValueInRange(this.editor.getSelection()) || this.getCurrentFocusedQuery().trim(); }, getAllContent() { return this.editor.getModel().getValueInRange(this.editor.getSelection()) || this.editor.getValue(); }, getCurrentFocusedQuery() { const line = this.editor.getPosition().lineNumber; if (this.editor.getValue().split('\n')[line - 1].trim() === '') return ''; let c = 1; return this.editor.getValue() .split(/\n\n/) .find((query, i) => { let lines = query.split('\n'); return c + 2 * i <= line && 2 * i + (c += lines.length - 1) >= line; }) || ''; }, async getLiveSuggestionsList(model, position) { const textUntilPosition = model.getValueInRange({ startLineNumber: 1, startColumn: 1, endLineNumber: position.lineNumber, endColumn: position.column }); var suggestions; var match; if (this.tables) { if ( (match = textUntilPosition.match(/(from|table|update|select|into)\s+$/i)) ) { suggestions = this.tables.map(name => ({ insertText: `\`${name}\`${ match[1].toLowerCase() === "select" ? "." : " " }`, label: name })); } } if (this.columnNames) { if ( (match = textUntilPosition.match(/select\s+(`?)(\w+)\1\.$/i)) ) { suggestions = (await this.getColumnNames(match[2]) || []).map(name => ({ insertText: `\`${name}\``, label: name })); } else if ( (match = textUntilPosition.match( /insert\s+into\s+(`?)(\w+)\1\s+\(\s*(\s*`?\w+`?\s*,\s*)*$/i )) ) { let columns = (await this.getColumnNames(match[2]) || []); if (!match[3] && columns.length) columns = [...columns,columns.join('`,`')] suggestions = columns.map(name => ({ insertText: `\`${name}\``, label: name })); } else if ( (match = textUntilPosition.match( /update\s+(`?)(\w+)\1\s+set\s+(?:\s*`?\w+`?\s*=\s*(?:'(?:[^']|\\')*'|\d+|NULL)\s*,\s*)*$/i )) ) { suggestions = (await this.getColumnNames(match[2]) || []).map(name => ({ insertText: `\`${name}\` = `, label: name })); } else if ( (match = textUntilPosition.match( /(?:from|update)\s*(`?)(\w+)\1[\s\S]*?(?:where|and|or)\s*$/i )) ) { suggestions = (await this.getColumnNames(match[2]) || []).map(name => ({ insertText: `\`${name}\` `, label: name })); } } return suggestions || sqlAutoCompletions(monaco); }, async getColumnNames(tn) { if (tn in this.columnNames) return this.columnNames[tn]; else { if (this.columnNameCbk) return await this.columnNameCbk(tn); } } }, render(h) { return h("div"); }, created() { const vm = this; const monaco = require("monaco-editor"); this.completionItemProvider = monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider("sql", { async provideCompletionItems(model, position) { return model === vm.editor.getModel() ? {suggestions: await vm.getLiveSuggestionsList(model, position)} : {}; } }); }, destroyed() { if (this.completionItemProvider) this.completionItemProvider.dispose(); } }; /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Naveen MR * @author Pranav C Balan * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */