--- title: 'Links' description: 'This article explains how to create & work with a Links field.' tags: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Links based types', 'Links'] keywords: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Links based types', 'Links', 'Create links field'] --- `Links` field type is used to establish relationship between tables & create links to other records. NocoDB supports following types of relations: - `Has-Many` - A record in one table can have multiple records in another table. - Example: A `Country` can have multiple `Cities`. - `Belongs-to` - Multiple records in one table can have a single record in another table. - Example: A `City` `Belongs-to` a `Country`. - `Many-to-Many` - Multiple records in one table can have multiple records in another table. - Example: A `Student` can have multiple `Subjects` & a `Subject` can have multiple `Students`. :::note - Links can be created only between tables in the same database. - Self-referencing links are supported. (Link to the same table) - For every `Has-Many` relation defined, NocoDB augments `Belongs-to` relationship field in the adjacent table automatically ::: ## Create a link field 1. Click on `+` icon to the right of `Fields header` 2. On the dropdown modal, enter the field name (Optional). 3. Select the field type as `Links` from the dropdown. 4. Select the relation type : Either `Has-Many` or `Many-to-Many`. 5. Select the table to which the relation is to be established with. 6. Configure label to be used for display in the cell. Defaults to `Link`, `Links` (Optional). 7. Click on `Save Field` button. ![image](/img/v2/fields/types/links.png) ### Cell display The cell will display number of links for a record to the related table. ![image](/img/v2/fields/links-cell-display.png) Clicking on the link-text will open a `Linked Records` modal with the list of links & associated additional information. ### List linked records ![image](/img/v2/fields/linked-record-modal.png) A brief note about the modal components: 1. This modal is displaying linked records for `PENELOPE` 2. Icon represents `Many-to-Many` relation 3. Linked records belong to `Film` table 4. Search bar, to narrow down the list of linked records displayed 5. List (cards) of linked records 6. To view additional information (expanded record), hover on the card & click on the `<>` icon 7. Indicates total records linked 8. Pagination bar 9. Click on `+ Link more Records` button to add new links : [Read more](#link-new-records) ### Link new records Modal to add new links can be opened by - Clicking on `+ Link more Records` button in the `Linked Records` modal - Clicking on the `+` icon in the cell (appears on clicking on the cell) ![image](/img/v2/fields/add-link-modal.png) A brief note about the modal components: 1. Links being created are for `PENELOPE` 2. Icon represents `Many-to-Many` relation 3. Linked records belong to `Film` table 4. Search bar, to narrow down the list of records displayed 5. Linked record card is displayed in blue color 6. Records available for link are displayed in white color; use expand icon on the cord to view additional information 7. Indicates total records linked (including the ones being linked) 8. Pagination bar :::info Multiple records can be linked at once. ::: ### Unlink records To unlink a record, open the `Linked Records` modal & click on the card of the record to be unlinked. :::info Multiple records can be unlinked at once. ::: ### Related fields - [Lookup](020.lookup.md) - [Rollup](030.rollup.md)