<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, navigateTo, ref, useGlobal, useNuxtApp, useProject, useRoute } from '#imports'

const { signOut, signedIn, isLoading, user } = useGlobal()

const { isSharedBase } = useProject()

const route = useRoute()

const email = computed(() => user.value?.email ?? '---')

const hasSider = ref(false)

const sidebar = ref<HTMLDivElement>()

const logout = () => {

const { hooks } = useNuxtApp()

/** when page suspensions have finished, check if a sidebar element was teleported into the layout */
hooks.hook('page:finish', () => {
  if (sidebar.value) {
    hasSider.value = sidebar.value?.children.length > 0

  <a-layout id="nc-app" has-sider>
    <Transition name="slide">
      <div v-show="hasSider" id="nc-sidebar-left" ref="sidebar" />

    <a-layout class="!flex-col">
        v-if="!route.meta.public && signedIn && !route.meta.hideHeader"
        class="flex !bg-primary items-center text-white pl-4 pr-5 shadow-lg"
          class="transition-all duration-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transform hover:scale-105 nc-noco-brand-icon"
          <img width="35" alt="NocoDB" src="~/assets/img/icons/512x512-trans.png" />

        <div class="!text-white flex justify-center">
          <div v-show="isLoading" class="flex items-center gap-2 ml-3">
            {{ $t('general.loading') }}

            <MdiReload :class="{ 'animate-infinite animate-spin': isLoading }" />

        <div class="flex-1" />

        <GeneralReleaseInfo />

        <a-tooltip placement="bottom" :mouse-enter-delay="1">
          <template #title> Switch language</template>

          <div class="flex pr-4 items-center text-white">
            <GeneralLanguage class="cursor-pointer text-2xl hover:text-accent" />

        <template v-if="signedIn && !isSharedBase">
          <a-dropdown :trigger="['click']">
            <MdiDotsVertical class="md:text-xl cursor-pointer hover:text-accent nc-menu-accounts text-white" @click.prevent />

            <template #overlay>
              <a-menu class="!py-0 leading-8 !rounded">
                <a-menu-item key="0" class="!rounded-t">
                  <nuxt-link v-t="['c:navbar:user:email']" class="nc-project-menu-item group !no-underline" to="/user">
                    <MdiAt class="mt-1 group-hover:text-accent" />&nbsp;

                    <span class="prose group-hover:text-primary"> {{ email }}</span>

                <a-menu-divider class="!m-0" />

                <a-menu-item key="1" class="!rounded-b group">
                  <div v-t="['a:navbar:user:sign-out']" class="nc-project-menu-item group" @click="logout">
                    <MdiLogout class="group-hover:text-accent" />&nbsp;

                    <span class="prose group-hover:text-primary">
                      {{ $t('general.signOut') }}

      <a-tooltip placement="bottom">
        <template #title> Switch language</template>

        <Transition name="layout">
          <div v-if="!signedIn" class="nc-lang-btn">
            <GeneralLanguage />

      <div class="w-full h-full overflow-hidden">
        <slot />

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.nc-lang-btn {
  @apply color-transition flex items-center justify-center fixed bottom-10 right-10 z-99 w-12 h-12 rounded-full shadow-md shadow-gray-500 p-2 !bg-primary text-white active:(ring ring-accent) hover:(ring ring-accent);

  &::after {
    @apply rounded-full absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 transition-all duration-150 ease-in-out bg-primary;
    content: '';
    z-index: -1;

  &:hover::after {
    @apply transform scale-110 ring ring-accent;

  &:active::after {
    @apply ring ring-accent;