import { Page } from '@playwright/test'; import BasePage from '../Base'; import { ProjectsPage } from '../ProjectsPage'; import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; export class GoogleLoginPage extends BasePage { readonly projectsPage: ProjectsPage; constructor(rootPage: Page) { super(rootPage); this.projectsPage = new ProjectsPage(rootPage); } async goto(title = 'test') { // reload page to get latest app info await this.rootPage.reload({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' }); // click sign in with SAML await this.rootPage.locator(`a:has-text("Sign in with google")`).click(); await this.rootPage.waitForNavigation({ url: /accounts\.google\.com/ }); } get() { return this.rootPage.locator('html'); } async signIn(_: { email: string }) { // skipping for now as it requires google account // todo: later we can mock backend(google oauth2 endpoint calls) to test this } }