import { acceptHMRUpdate, defineStore } from 'pinia' import type { BaseType, OracleUi, ProjectUserReqType, RequestParams, SourceType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { SqlUiFactory } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { isString } from '@vue/shared' import { useWorkspace } from '#imports' import type { NcProject, User } from '#imports' // todo: merge with base store export const useBases = defineStore('basesStore', () => { const { $api } = useNuxtApp() const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles() const bases = ref>(new Map()) const basesList = computed(() => Array.from(bases.value.values()).sort( (a, b) => (a.order != null ? a.order : Infinity) - (b.order != null ? b.order : Infinity), ), ) const basesUser = ref>(new Map()) const router = useRouter() const route = router.currentRoute const activeProjectId = computed(() => { if (route.value.params.typeOrId === 'base') { return basesList.value?.[0]?.id } return route.value.params.baseId as string | undefined }) const openedProject = computed(() => (activeProjectId.value ? bases.value.get(activeProjectId.value) : undefined)) const openedProjectBasesMap = computed(() => { const basesMap = new Map() if (!openedProject.value) return basesMap if (!openedProject.value.sources) return basesMap for (const source of openedProject.value.sources) { basesMap.set(!, source) } return basesMap }) const workspaceStore = useWorkspace() const tableStore = useTablesStore() const { api } = useApi() const { getBaseUrl } = useGlobal() const isProjectsLoading = ref(false) async function getBaseUsers({ baseId, searchText, force = false }: { baseId: string; searchText?: string; force?: boolean }) { if (!force && basesUser.value.has(baseId)) { const users = basesUser.value.get(baseId) return { users, totalRows: users?.length ?? 0, } } const response: any = await api.auth.baseUserList(baseId, { query: { query: searchText, }, } as RequestParams) const totalRows = response.users.pageInfo.totalRows ?? 0 basesUser.value.set(baseId, response.users.list) return { users: response.users.list, totalRows, } } const clearBasesUser = () => { basesUser.value.clear() } const createProjectUser = async (baseId: string, user: User) => { await api.auth.baseUserAdd(baseId, user as ProjectUserReqType) } const updateProjectUser = async (baseId: string, user: User) => { await api.auth.baseUserUpdate(baseId,, user as ProjectUserReqType) } const removeProjectUser = async (baseId: string, user: User) => { await api.auth.baseUserRemove(baseId, } const loadProjects = async (page: 'recent' | 'shared' | 'starred' | 'workspace' = 'recent') => { // if shared base then get the shared base and create a list if (route.value.params.typeOrId === 'base' && route.value.params.baseId) { try { const { base_id } = await $api.public.sharedBaseGet(route.value.params.baseId as string) const base: BaseType = await $ if (!base) return bases.value = [base].reduce((acc, base) => { acc.set(!, base) return acc }, new Map()) bases.value.set(!, { ...(bases.value.get(!) || {}), ...base, sources: [...(base.sources ?? bases.value.get(!)?.sources ?? [])], isExpanded: route.value.params.baseId === || bases.value.get(!)?.isExpanded, isLoading: false, }) return } catch (e: any) { if (e?.response?.status === 404) { return router.push('/error/404') } throw e } } const activeWorkspace = workspaceStore.activeWorkspace const workspace = workspaceStore.workspace if ((!page || page === 'workspace') && !workspace?.id && !activeWorkspace?.id) { throw new Error('Workspace not selected') } let _projects: BaseType[] = [] isProjectsLoading.value = true try { const { list } = await $api.base.list({ baseURL: getBaseUrl(activeWorkspace?.id ?? workspace?.id), }) _projects = list bases.value = _projects.reduce((acc, base) => { const existingProjectMeta = bases.value.get(!) || {} acc.set(!, { ...existingProjectMeta, ...base, isExpanded: route.value.params.baseId === || bases.value.get(!)?.isExpanded, isLoading: false, }) return acc }, new Map()) await updateIfBaseOrderIsNullOrDuplicate() } catch (e) { console.error(e) message.error(e.message) } finally { isProjectsLoading.value = false } } function isProjectEmpty(baseId: string) { if (!isProjectPopulated(baseId)) return true const base = bases.value.get(baseId) if (!base) return false return tableStore.baseTables.get(baseId)!.length === 0 return false } function isProjectPopulated(baseId: string) { const base = bases.value.get(baseId) if (!base) return false return !!(base.sources?.length && tableStore.baseTables.get(baseId)) } // actions const loadProject = async (baseId: string, force = false) => { if (!force && isProjectPopulated(baseId)) return bases.value.get(baseId) const _project = await if (!_project) { await navigateTo(`/`) return } _project.meta = _project?.meta && typeof _project.meta === 'string' ? JSON.parse(_project.meta) : {} const existingProject = bases.value.get(baseId) ?? ({} as any) const base = { ...existingProject, ..._project, isExpanded: route.value.params.baseId === baseId || existingProject.isExpanded, // isLoading is managed by Sidebar isLoading: existingProject.isLoading, } bases.value.set(baseId, base) } const getSqlUi = async (baseId: string, sourceId: string) => { if (!bases.value.get(baseId)) await loadProject(baseId) let sqlUi = null const base = bases.value.get(baseId)! for (const source of base.sources ?? []) { if ( === sourceId) { sqlUi = SqlUiFactory.create({ client: source.type }) as any break } } return sqlUi as Exclude, typeof OracleUi> } const updateProject = async (baseId: string, baseUpdatePayload: BaseType) => { const existingProject = bases.value.get(baseId) ?? ({} as any) const base = { ...existingProject, ...baseUpdatePayload, } bases.value.set(baseId, base) await api.base.update(baseId, baseUpdatePayload) await loadProject(baseId, true) } const createProject = async (basePayload: { title: string workspaceId?: string type: string linkedDbProjectIds?: string[] }) => { const result = await api.base.create( { title: basePayload.title, linked_db_project_ids: basePayload.linkedDbProjectIds, }, { baseURL: getBaseUrl('nc'), }, ) await loadProjects() return result } const deleteProject = async (baseId: string) => { await api.base.delete(baseId) bases.value.delete(baseId) tableStore.baseTables.delete(baseId) await loadProjects() } const getProjectMeta = (baseId: string) => { const base = bases.value.get(baseId) if (!base) throw new Error('Base not found') let meta = { showNullAndEmptyInFilter: false, } try { meta = (isString(base.meta) ? JSON.parse(base.meta) : base.meta) ?? meta } catch {} return meta } async function getProjectMetaInfo(baseId: string) { return await api.base.metaGet(baseId!, {}) } async function setProject(baseId: string, base: NcProject) { bases.value.set(baseId, base) } async function clearBases() { bases.value.clear() } const navigateToProject = async ({ baseId, page }: { baseId: string; page?: 'collaborators' }) => { if (!baseId) return const base = bases.value.get(baseId) if (!base) return if (page) { return await navigateTo(`/nc/${baseId}?page=${page}`) } await navigateTo(`/nc/${baseId}`) } async function updateIfBaseOrderIsNullOrDuplicate() { if (!isUIAllowed('baseReorder')) return const basesArray = Array.from(bases.value.values()) const baseOrderSet = new Set() let hasNullOrDuplicates = false // Check if basesArray contains null or duplicate order for (const base of basesArray) { if (base.order === null || baseOrderSet.has(base.order)) { hasNullOrDuplicates = true break } baseOrderSet.add(base.order) } if (!hasNullOrDuplicates) return // update the local state and return updated bases payload const updatedBasesOrder =, i) => { bases.value.set(!, { ...base, order: i + 1 }) return { id:, order: i + 1, } }) try { await Promise.all( (base) => { await api.base.update(!, { order: base.order }) }), ) } catch (e: any) { message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) } } onMounted(() => { if (!activeProjectId.value) return if (isProjectPopulated(activeProjectId.value)) return loadProject(activeProjectId.value) }) const navigateToFirstProjectOrHome = async () => { // if active base id is deleted, navigate to first base or home page if (basesList.value?.length) await navigateToProject({ baseId: basesList.value[0].id! }) else navigateTo('/') } const toggleStarred = async (..._args: any) => {} return { bases, basesList, loadProjects, loadProject, getSqlUi, updateProject, createProject, deleteProject, getProjectMetaInfo, getProjectMeta, setProject, clearBases, isProjectEmpty, isProjectPopulated, isProjectsLoading, activeProjectId, openedProject, openedProjectBasesMap, getBaseUsers, createProjectUser, updateProjectUser, navigateToProject, removeProjectUser, navigateToFirstProjectOrHome, toggleStarred, basesUser, clearBasesUser, } }) if ( { as any, }