// const {SqlMgr} = require("electron").remote.require("./libs"); import headers from "../components/apiClient/headers"; // let sqlMgrSingleton = null; // import axios from 'axios'; // // if (!this.$axios) { // this.$axios = axios.create({ // baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080', // }); // } // // const this.$axios = this.$axios; function translateUiToLibCall(args, op, opArgs) { let data = { type: null, module: null, title: null } switch (op) { case 'projectCreate1': data.type = "Create"; data.title = opArgs.project.title; data.module = "Project"; break; case 'projectReadByFolder': data.type = "Reading"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Project"; break; case 'tableCreate': data.type = "Create"; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.tn; data.module = "table"; break; case 'tableList': data.api = 'DB_TABLE_LIST' data.type = "List"; data.title = 'list'; data.module = "table"; break; case 'tableUpdate': data.type = "Update"; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.tn; data.module = "table"; break; case 'tableDelete': data.type = "Delete"; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.tn; data.module = "table"; break; case 'viewCreate': data.type = "Create"; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.view_name; data.module = "View"; break; case 'viewList': data.type = "List"; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.view_name; data.module = "View"; break; case 'viewUpdate': data.type = "Update"; //data.title = opArgs.view_name; data.module = "View"; break; case 'viewDelete': data.type = "Delete"; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.view_name; data.module = "View"; break; case 'functionCreate': data.type = "Create"; data.title = opArgs.function_name; data.module = "Function"; break; case 'functionList': data.type = ""; //data.title = opArgs.function_name; data.module = "Function"; break; case 'functionUpdate': data.type = "Update"; data.title = opArgs.function_name; data.module = "Function"; break; case 'functionDelete': data.type = "Delete"; data.title = opArgs.function_name; data.module = "Function"; break; case 'procedureCreate': data.type = "Create"; data.title = opArgs.procedure_name; data.module = "Procedure"; break; case 'procedureList': data.type = "List"; //data.title = opArgs.procedure_name; data.module = "Procedure"; break; case 'procedureUpdate': data.type = "Update"; data.title = opArgs.procedure_name; data.module = "Procedure"; break; case 'procedureDelete': data.type = "Delete"; data.title = opArgs.procedure_name; data.module = "Procedure"; break; case 'sequenceCreate': data.type = "Create"; data.title = opArgs.sequence_name; data.module = "Sequence"; break; case 'sequenceList': data.type = "List"; //data.title = opArgs.sequence_name; data.module = "Sequence"; break; case 'sequenceUpdate': data.type = "Update"; data.title = opArgs.sequence_name; data.module = "Sequence"; break; case 'sequenceDelete': data.type = "Delete"; data.title = opArgs.sequence_name; data.module = "Sequence"; break; case 'triggerCreate': data.type = "Create "; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.tn; data.module = "trigger"; break; case 'triggerList': data.type = "Create "; //data.title = opArgs.trigger_name; data.module = "trigger"; break; case 'triggerUpdate': data.type = "Update "; data.title = opArgs.trigger_name; data.module = "trigger"; break; case 'triggerDelete': data.type = "Delete "; data.title = opArgs.trigger_name; data.module = "trigger"; break; case 'indexCreate': data.type = "Create Index on "; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.tn; data.module = "table"; break; case 'indexList': data.type = "List"; //data.title = opArgs.tn; data.module = "table"; break; case 'indexUpdate': data.type = "Update Index on "; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.tn; data.module = "table"; break; case 'indexDelete': data.type = "Delete Index on "; data.title = opArgs._tn || opArgs.tn; data.module = "table"; break; case 'rowCreate': data.type = ""; data.title = opArgs; data.module = ""; break; case 'rowList': data.type = "List"; data.title = opArgs; data.module = ""; break; case 'rowUpdate': data.type = ""; data.title = opArgs; data.module = ""; break; case 'rowDelete': data.type = ""; data.title = opArgs; data.module = ""; break; case 'seedInit': data.type = "Init"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Seed"; break; case 'seedTerm': data.type = "Term"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Seed"; break; case 'seedStart': data.type = "Start"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Seed"; break; case 'seedStop': data.type = "Stop"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Seed"; break; case 'seedSettingsRead': data.type = "Settings"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Seed"; break; case 'seedSettingsCreate': data.type = "Settings Create"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Seed"; break; case 'projectGenerateBackend': data.type = "Generate Code"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Project"; break; case 'projectGenerateBackendGql': data.type = "Generate GraphQL Code"; data.title = ''; data.module = "Project"; break; case 'tableRename': data.type = "Table rename"; data.title = ''; data.module = ""; break; case 'relationCreate': case 'xcVirtualRelationCreate': data.type = "Relation create"; data.title = ''; data.module = ""; break; case 'relationDelete': case 'xcVirtualRelationDelete': data.type = "Relation delete"; data.title = ''; data.module = ""; break; default: throw new Error(`Should not have occurred ${op}`); } return data; } export const state = () => ({ sqlMgr: null }); export const mutations = { set(state, sqlMgrSingleton) { state.sqlMgr = sqlMgrSingleton; }, }; export const getters = { // sqlMgr(state) { // return state.sqlMgr; // } }; export const actions = { // // async instantiateSqlMgr({commit, state, ...rest}, data) { // console.log(this) // if (!state.sqlMgr) { // sqlMgrSingleton = new SqlMgr(rest); // console.log( // "\n\n************************sqlMgr is created************************\n\n." // ); // commit("set", sqlMgrSingleton); // } else { // console.log("sqlMgr is already instantiated."); // console.log(state.sqlMgr); // } // return state.sqlMgr; // }, async ActSqlOpPlus({commit, state, dispatch, rootState}, [args, op, opArgs]) { const params = {}; if (this.$router.currentRoute && this.$router.currentRoute.params && this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id) { params.project_id = this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id; } let data = translateUiToLibCall(args, op, opArgs); commit('notification/MutListAdd', {status: 'pending', ...data}, {root: true}); const headers = {}; if (rootState.project.projectInfo && rootState.project.projectInfo.authType === 'masterKey') { headers['xc-master-key'] = rootState.users.masterKey || ''; } else if (rootState.project.projectInfo && rootState.project.projectInfo.authType === 'jwt') { headers['xc-auth'] = rootState.users.token || ''; } try { let result = null; if (data.module === 'Project') { result = await dispatch('ActSqlOp', [args, op, opArgs]); } else if (data.module === 'Seed' || (data.title || '').toLowerCase() === 'list' || data.type.toLowerCase() === 'list') { result = await dispatch('ActSqlOp', [args, op, opArgs]); } else { console.log(data); // result = await state.sqlMgr.sqlOpPlus(args, op, opArgs); result = (await this.$axios({ url: '?q=sqlOpPlus_' + op, baseURL: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? './' : 'http://localhost:8080/dashboard', // baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/dashboard', data: {api: op, ...args, ...params, args: opArgs, sqlOpPlus: true}, headers, method: 'post' } )).data; } commit('notification/MutListRemove', {status: 'success', ...data}, {root: true}); return result; } catch (e) { commit('notification/MutListRemove', {status: 'error', ...data}, {root: true}); throw e; } }, async ActSqlOp({commit, state, rootState}, [args, op, opArgs, cusHeaders, cusAxiosOptions, queryParams]) { const params = {}; if (this.$router.currentRoute && this.$router.currentRoute.params && this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id) { params.project_id = this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id; } try { const headers = {}; if (rootState.project.projectInfo && rootState.project.projectInfo.authType === 'masterKey') { headers['xc-master-key'] = rootState.users.masterKey; } else if (rootState.project.projectInfo && rootState.project.projectInfo.authType === 'jwt') { headers['xc-auth'] = rootState.users.token; } if (cusHeaders) { Object.assign(headers, cusHeaders) } return (await this.$axios({ url: '?q=sqlOp_' + op, baseURL: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? './' : 'http://localhost:8080/dashboard', // baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/dashboard', data: {api: op, ...args, ...params, args: opArgs}, headers, method: 'post', params: (args && args.query) || {}, ...(cusAxiosOptions || {}), })).data; } catch (e) { const err = new Error(e.response.data.msg); err.response = e.response; throw err; } }, async ActUpload({commit, state, rootState}, [args, op, opArgs, file, cusHeaders, cusAxiosOptions]) { try { const params = {}; if (this.$router.currentRoute && this.$router.currentRoute.params && this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id) { params.project_id = this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id; } const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }; if (rootState.project.projectInfo && rootState.project.projectInfo.authType === 'masterKey') { headers['xc-master-key'] = rootState.users.masterKey; } else if (rootState.project.projectInfo && rootState.project.projectInfo.authType === 'jwt') { headers['xc-auth'] = rootState.users.token; } if (cusHeaders) { Object.assign(headers, cusHeaders) } const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("file", file); formData.append('json', JSON.stringify({api: op, ...params, ...args, args: opArgs})); // formData.append('project_id', params.project_id); return (await this.$axios({ url: '?q=sqlOp_' + op, baseURL: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? './' : 'http://localhost:8080/dashboard', // baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/dashboard', data: formData, //{api: op, ...args, args: opArgs}, headers, method: 'post', params: {project_id: params.project_id, ...((args && args.query) || {})}, ...(cusAxiosOptions || {}) })).data; } catch (e) { throw new Error(e.response.data.msg); } }, }; // // class SqlMgr { // // constructor(store) { // this.$axios = axios.create({ // baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080', // }); // this.store = store; // } // // // get token() { // // return this.store.rootGetters['users/GtrToken'] // } // // async projectOpen() { // // setInterval(async () => console.log('token', await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken')), 1000); // // await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)) // // console.log(await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken')) // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=projectOpen', {api: 'PROJECT_READ_BY_WEB'}, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async sqlOp(args, api, opArgs) { // // try { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=sqlOp_' + api, {api, ...args, args: opArgs}, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // // } catch (e) { // // throw new Error(e.response.data.msg); // // } // } // // async sqlOpPlus(args, api, opArgs) { // // try { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=sqlOpPlus_' + api, {api, ...args, args: opArgs, sqlOpPlus: true}, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // // } catch (e) { // // throw new Error(e.response.data.msg); // // } // } // // async projectGenerateBackend(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=projectGenerateBackend', {api: 'projectGenerateBackend', args: opArgs}, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async projectGenerateBackendGql(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=projectGenerateBackendGql', { // // api: 'projectGenerateBackendGql', // // args: opArgs // // }, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async projectGetTsPolicyPath(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=projectGetTsPolicyPath', {api: 'projectGetTsPolicyPath', args: opArgs}, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // // async projectGetGqlPolicyPath(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=projectGetGqlPolicyPath', { // // api: 'projectGetGqlPolicyPath', // // args: opArgs // // }, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // // async projectGetPolicyPath(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=projectGetPolicyPath', {api: 'projectGetPolicyPath', args: opArgs}, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // // async xcRoutesPolicyGet(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=xcRoutesPolicyGet', { // // api: 'xcRoutesPolicyGet', // // args: opArgs // // }, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async projectGetGrpcPolicyFromDb(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=projectGetGrpcPolicyFromDb', { // // api: 'projectGetGrpcPolicyFromDb', // // args: opArgs // // }, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async xcRpcPolicyUpdate(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=xcRpcPolicyUpdate', { // // api: 'xcRpcPolicyUpdate', // // args: opArgs // // }, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async xcRoutesPolicyUpdate(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=xcRoutesPolicyUpdate', { // // api: 'xcRoutesPolicyUpdate', // // args: opArgs // // }, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async xcResolverPolicyGet(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=xcResolverPolicyGet', { // // api: 'xcResolverPolicyGet', // // args: opArgs // // }, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async xcResolverPolicyUpdate(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=xcResolverPolicyUpdate', { // // api: 'xcResolverPolicyUpdate', // // args: opArgs // // }, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async importFresh(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=importFresh', {api: 'importFresh', args: opArgs}, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // async writeFile(opArgs) { // // return (await this.$axios.post('/xc?q=writeFile', {api: 'writeFile', args: opArgs}, { // // headers: { // // 'xc-auth': await this.store.dispatch('ActGetToken') // // } // // })).data; // } // // // } /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Naveen MR * @author Pranav C Balan * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */