import { roles, staticProjects, defaultDbParams } from "./projectConstants"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sign in/ Sign up page // list of hard-wired URL that can be used by nocodb // suffix to baseUrl needs to be defined here // const urlPool = { ncUrlBase: "/", ncUrlSignUp: "/signup", ncUrlSignIn: "/signin", }; export class _loginPage { // prefix: baseUrl go(urlKey) { cy.visit(urlKey); } // visit SignIn URL, enter credentials passed as parameters // signIn(userCredentials) { this.go(urlPool.ncUrlSignIn); cy.get('input[type="text"]', { timeout: 20000 }).type( userCredentials.username ); cy.get('input[type="password"]').type(userCredentials.password); cy.get('button:contains("SIGN IN")').click(); this.waitProjectPageLoad(); } // visit SignUp URL, enter credentials passed as parameters // signUp(userCredentials) { this.go(urlPool.ncUrlSignUp); cy.get('input[type="text"]', { timeout: 20000 }).type( userCredentials.username ); cy.get('input[type="password"]').type(userCredentials.password); cy.get('button:contains("SIGN UP")').click(); this.waitProjectPageLoad(); } // logout signed up user // signOut() { cy.get(".nc-user-menu").click(); cy.get(".nc-user-menu-signout").click(); this.waitLoginPageLoad(); } // delay/ wait utility routines // waitProjectPageLoad() { cy.get(".nc-new-project-menu").should("exist"); } waitLoginPageLoad() { cy.get(".nc-form-signin").should("exist"); } // standard pre-project activity // loginAndOpenProject(apiType, dbType) { cy.restoreLocalStorage(); cy.wait(1000); loginPage.signIn(roles.owner.credentials); if (dbType === "mysql") { projectsPage.openProject(; } else if (dbType === "xcdb") { projectsPage.openProject(; } else if (dbType === "postgres") { projectsPage.openProject(; } // kludge: wait for page load to finish cy.wait(2000); // close team & auth tab cy.get('button.ant-tabs-tab-remove').should('exist').click(); cy.wait(1000); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Projects page export class _projectsPage { // Project creation options // // {dbType, apiType, name} // for external database, {databaseType, hostAddress, portNumber, username, password, databaseName} // Open existing project // openProject(projectName) { cy.get(".ant-table-row").contains(`${projectName}`).should("exist").click(); // takes a while to load project this.waitHomePageLoad(); } // Create new project // Input: // projectData {dbType, apiType, name} // dbCredentials {databaseType, hostAddress, portNumber, username, password, databaseName} // Returns: projectName // // To configure // SSL & advanced parameters // Database type selection // createProject(projectData, cred) { cy.get("body", { timeout: 2000 }); let projectName =; if ( == "") projectName = "test_proj" +; // click on "New Project" cy.get(".nc-new-project-menu").should("exist").click(); if ("none" == projectData.dbType) { // Subsequent form, select (+ Create) option cy.get(".nc-create-xc-db-project", { timeout: 20000 }).last().click({ force: true, }); // wait for page load by verifying required elements cy.get(".nc-metadb-project-name").should("exist"); cy.contains("button", "Create").should("exist"); // feed project name cy.get(".nc-metadb-project-name", { timeout: 20000 }).clear().type( projectName ); // Submit cy.contains("button", "Create", { timeout: 20000 }).click(); // takes a while to load project this.waitHomePageLoad(); return projectName; } // dbType == 'external' else { // Subsequent form, select (+ Create by connection to external database) option cy.get(".nc-create-external-db-project", { timeout: 20000 }).last().click({ force: true, }); // wait for page load by verifying required elements cy.get('.nc-extdb-host-database').should('exist'); cy.get('.nc-extdb-proj-name').should('exist'); cy.get('.nc-extdb-btn-test-connection').should('exist'); // CY goes too fast at times, so wait for the page to load cy.wait(1000); cy.get('.nc-extdb-proj-name').clear().type(projectName); if (cred.databaseType === 1) { cy.get('.nc-extdb-db-type').select('PostgreSQL'); } if (cred.databaseName !== "") { cy.get('.nc-extdb-host-database').clear().type(cred.databaseName); } // Test database connection cy.contains("Test Database Connection", { timeout: 20000 }).click(); // Create project cy.contains("Ok & Save Project", { timeout: 20000 }).click(); // takes a while to load project this.waitHomePageLoad(); return projectName; } } // // create REST default project (sakila DB) // // // createDefaulRestProject() { // return this.createProject( // { dbType: 1, apiType: 0, name: "" }, // defaultDbParams // ); // } // // search project with given key // // return project-name array // // // searchProject(projectNameKey) { // cy.get('input[placeholder="Search Project"]').type(projectNameKey); // // const projectName = []; // // cy.get("table tr") // .each((tableRow) => { // cy.wrap(tableRow) // .find("td") // .eq(0) // .find(".title") // .then((input) => { // projectName.push(input.text()); // }); // }) // .then(() => { // // TBD: validate project name to contain search key // console.log(projectName); // return projectName; // }); // } // remove specified project entry // deleteProject(projectName) { cy.log("Delete project: " + projectName); cy.get(".nc-noco-brand-icon").should('exist').click(); cy.get(".ant-table-row").contains(`${projectName}`).should("exist") .then(($obj) => { cy.log($obj) cy.wrap($obj).parent().parent().find('.ant-table-cell').last().click() }) // pop-up, submit cy.getActiveModal().find('button:contains("Yes")').click({}); } // remove all projects created // // 1. read all project names to be deleted, store in array // 2. invoke delete project for each entry in array // // deleteAllProject() { // const projectName = [] // cy.get('table tr').each((tableRow) => { // cy.wrap(tableRow).find('td').eq(0).find('.title').then((input) => { // projectName.push(input.text()) // }) // }) // .then(() => { // console.log(projectName) // projectName.forEach(element => { // // bring back the DOM to normalcy // cy.get('div').parentsUntil('body') // this.deleteProject(element) // // wait needed for pop up to disapper // this.waitDeletePageLoad() // }) // }) // } waitHomePageLoad() { // cy.url({ timeout: 50000 }).should("contain", "&dbalias="); } } export const loginPage = new _loginPage(); export const projectsPage = new _projectsPage(); /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Raju Udava * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */