// main page export class _mainPage { constructor() { // Top Right items this.SHARE = 0 this.THEME_BODY = 1 this.THEME_HEADER = 2 this.ALERT = 3 this.LANGUAGE = 4 this.USER = 5 // Top Left items this.HOME = 0 this.GIT_HOME = 1 this.GIT_STAR = 2 this.GIT_DOCS = 3 this.AUDIT = 0 this.APPSTORE = 2 this.TEAM_N_AUTH = 3 this.PROJ_METADATA = 4 this.ROLE_VIEW = 5 } toolBarTopLeft(toolBarItem) { return cy.get('header.v-toolbar').eq(0).find('a').eq(toolBarItem) } toolBarTopRight(toolBarItem) { return cy.get('header.v-toolbar').eq(0).find('button').eq(toolBarItem) } navigationDraw(item) { if (item == this.ROLE_VIEW) return cy.get('.nc-nav-drawer').find('.v-list').last() else return cy.get('.nc-nav-drawer').find('.v-list > .v-list-item').eq(item) } // add new user to specified role // addNewUserToProject = (userCred, roleType) => { let linkText // click on New User button, feed details cy.get('button:contains("New User")').first().click() cy.get('label:contains("Email")').next('input').type(userCred.username).trigger('input') cy.get('label:contains("Select User roles")').click() // opt-in requested role & submit // note that, 'editor' is set by default // cy.getActiveMenu().contains(roleType).click() cy.getActiveMenu().contains('editor').click() cy.get('.mdi-menu-down').click() cy.get('.nc-invite-or-save-btn').click() // get URL, invoke cy.getActiveModal().find('.v-alert').then(($obj) => { linkText = $obj.text() cy.log(linkText) cy.visit(linkText) cy.wait(3000) // Redirected to new URL, feed details // cy.get('input[type="text"]').type(userCred.username) cy.get('input[type="password"]').type(userCred.password) cy.get('button:contains("SIGN UP")').click() cy.url({ timeout: 6000 }).should('contain', '#/project') cy.wait(1000) }) } addExistingUserToProject = (emailId, role) => { cy.get('.v-list-item:contains("Team & Auth")').click() cy.get(`tr:contains(${emailId})`).find('.mdi-plus', {timeout: 2000}).click() cy.get(`tr:contains(${emailId})`).find('.mdi-pencil-outline', {timeout: 2000}).click() cy.get('label:contains(Select User roles)').click() // opt-in requested role & submit // note that, 'editor' is set by default // cy.getActiveMenu().contains(role).click() cy.getActiveMenu().contains('editor').click() cy.get('.mdi-menu-down').click() cy.get('.nc-invite-or-save-btn').click() cy.wait(1000) } getCell = (columnHeader, cellNumber) => { return cy.get(`tbody > :nth-child(${cellNumber}) > [data-col="${columnHeader}"]`) } getPagination = (pageNumber) => { if(pageNumber == '<') return cy.get('.nc-pagination .v-pagination > li:first-child') if(pageNumber == '>') return cy.get('.nc-pagination .v-pagination > li:last-child') return cy.get(`.nc-pagination .v-pagination > li:contains(${pageNumber}) button`) } getRow = (rowIndex) => { return cy.get('.xc-row-table').find('tr').eq(rowIndex) } addColumn = (colName) => { cy.get('.v-window-item--active .nc-grid tr > th:last button').click({force: true}); cy.get('.nc-column-name-input input', {timeout: 3000}).clear().type(colName) cy.get('.nc-col-create-or-edit-card').contains('Save').click() } getAuthToken = () => { let obj = JSON.parse(localStorage['vuex']) return obj["users"]["token"] } configureSMTP = (from, host, port, secure) => { cy.get('.v-card__title.title') .contains('SMTP') .parents('.elevatio') .find('button') .contains(" Install ") .click({ force: true }) cy.getActiveModal().find('[placeholder="eg: admin@example.com"]').click().type(from) cy.getActiveModal().find('[placeholder="eg: smtp.example.com"]').click().type(host) cy.getActiveModal().find('[placeholder="Port"]').click().type(port) cy.getActiveModal().find('[placeholder="Secure"]').click().type(secure) cy.getActiveModal().find('button').contains('Save').click() } resetSMTP = () => { cy.get('.v-card__title.title') .contains('SMTP') .parents('.elevatio') .find('button') .contains(" Reset ") .click({ force: true }) cy.getActiveModal().find('button').contains('Submit').click() } } export const mainPage = new _mainPage; /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Raju Udava * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */