import { CellPageObject } from '.'; import BasePage from '../../../Base'; export class DateTimeCellPageObject extends BasePage { readonly cell: CellPageObject; constructor(cell: CellPageObject) { super(cell.rootPage); this.cell = cell; } get({ index, columnHeader }: { index?: number; columnHeader: string }) { return this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }); } async open({ index, columnHeader }: { index: number; columnHeader: string }) { await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-grid-add-new-cell').click(); await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(100); await this.cell.dblclick({ index, columnHeader, }); } async save() { await this.rootPage.locator('button:has-text("Ok"):visible').click(); } async selectDate({ // date formats in `YYYY-MM-DD` date, skipDate = false, }: { date: string; skipDate?: boolean; }) { // title date format needs to be YYYY-MM-DD const [year, month, day] = date.split('-'); // configure year await this.rootPage.locator('.ant-picker-year-btn:visible').waitFor(); await this.rootPage.locator('.ant-picker-year-btn:visible').click(); await this.rootPage.locator(`td[title="${year}"]`).click(); if (skipDate) { await this.rootPage.locator(`td[title="${year}-${month}"]`).click(); return; } // configure month await this.rootPage.locator('.ant-picker-month-btn:visible').click(); await this.rootPage.locator(`td[title="${year}-${month}"]`).click(); // configure day await this.rootPage.locator(`td[title="${year}-${month}-${day}"]:visible`).click(); } async selectTime({ // hour: 0 - 23 // minute: 0 - 59 // second: 0 - 59 hour, minute, second, }: { hour: number; minute: number; second?: number | null; }) { await this.rootPage .locator( `.ant-picker-time-panel-column:nth-child(1) > .ant-picker-time-panel-cell:nth-child(${hour + 1}):visible` ) .click(); await this.rootPage .locator( `.ant-picker-time-panel-column:nth-child(2) > .ant-picker-time-panel-cell:nth-child(${minute + 1}):visible` ) .click(); if (second != null) { await this.rootPage .locator( `.ant-picker-time-panel-column:nth-child(3) > .ant-picker-time-panel-cell:nth-child(${second + 1}):visible` ) .click(); } } async close() { await'Escape'); } async setDateTime({ index, columnHeader, dateTime }: { index: number; columnHeader: string; dateTime: string }) { const [date, time] = dateTime.split(' '); const [hour, minute, _second] = time.split(':'); await{ index, columnHeader }); await this.selectDate({ date }); await this.selectTime({ hour: +hour, minute: +minute }); await; } }