import { navigateTo } from '#imports' export const homeCommands = [ { id: 'user', title: 'Account', icon: 'account', section: 'Accounts', }, { id: 'user_account-settings', title: 'Account Settings', icon: 'settings', parent: 'user', section: 'Account', handler: () => { navigateTo('/account/profile') }, }, { id: 'user_account-logout', title: 'Logout', icon: 'signout', parent: 'user', section: 'Account', handler: () => {}, }, { id: 'user_account-discord', title: 'Discord', icon: 'discord', parent: 'user', section: 'Community', handler: () => { navigateTo('', { external: true }) }, }, { id: 'user_account-twitter', title: '(formerly Twitter)', icon: 'twitter', parent: 'user', section: 'Community', handler: () => { navigateTo('', { external: true }) }, }, { id: 'user_account-reddit', title: 'Reddit', icon: 'reddit', parent: 'user', section: 'Community', handler: () => { navigateTo('', { external: true }) }, }, ] /* Here is a list of all the available commands defined throughout the app. Commands prefixed with a '-' are static commands that are always available. Commands prefixed with a '+' are dynamic commands that are only available when the user is in a specific context. Commands prefixed with a '*' are scopes Commands: * home (Navigate Home) + workspaces (Workspaces - EE) + bases (Projects) * workspace (Workspace - EE) + tables (Tables) + views (Views) * account_settings (Account Settings) * account_settings-users (Users) - account_settings-users-reset_password (Reset Password) - account_settings-tokens (Tokens) */