title: 'REST APIs'
description: 'NocoDB REST API Overview'
Once you've created the schemas, you can manipulate the data or invoke actions using the REST APIs. We provide several types of APIs for different usages as below.
## API Overview
Here's the overview of all APIs. For the details, please check out NocoDB API Documentation.
You may also interact with the API's resources via Swagger UI.
Currently, the default value for `{orgs}` is noco. Users will be able to change it in the future release.
### Auth APIs
| Category | Method | Tag | Function Name | Path |
| Auth | Post | auth | signup | /api/v1/auth/user/signup |
| Auth | Post | auth | signin | /api/v1/auth/user/signin |
| Auth | Get | auth | me | /api/v1/auth/user/me |
| Auth | Post | auth | passwordForgot | /api/v1/auth/password/forgot |
| Auth | Post | auth | passwordChange | /api/v1/auth/password/change |
| Auth | Post | auth | passwordReset | /api/v1/auth/password/reset/`{token}` |
| Auth | Post | auth | tokenRefresh | /api/v1/auth/token/refresh |
| Auth | Post | auth | passwordResetTokenValidate | /api/v1/auth/token/validate/`{token}` |
| Auth | Post | auth | emailValidate | /api/v1/auth/email/validate/`{email}` |
### Public APIs
| Category | Method | Tag | Function Name | Path |
| Public | Get | public | sharedBaseGet | /api/v1/db/public/shared-base/`{sharedBaseUuid}`/meta |
| Public | Post | public | dataList | /api/v1/db/public/shared-view/`{sharedViewUuid}`/rows |
| Public | Get | public | dataNestedList | /api/v1/db/public/shared-view/`{sharedViewUuid}`/rows/`{rowId}`/`{relationType}`/`{columnName}` |
| Public | Post | public | dataCreate | /api/v1/db/public/shared-view/`{sharedViewUuid}`/rows |
| Public | Get | public | csvExport | /api/v1/db/public/shared-view/`{sharedViewUuid}`/rows/export/`{type}` |
| Public | Get | public | dataRelationList | /api/v1/db/public/shared-view/`{sharedViewUuid}`/nested/`{columnName}` |
| Public | Get | public | sharedViewMetaGet | /api/v1/db/public/shared-view/`{sharedViewUuid}`/meta |
| Public | Get | public | groupedDataList | /api/v1/db/public/shared-view/`{sharedViewUuid}`/group/`{columnId}` |
### Data APIs
| Category | Method | Tag | Function Name | Path |
| Data | Delete| dbTableRow | bulkDelete | /api/v1/db/data/bulk/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/ |
| Data | Post | dbTableRow | bulkCreate | /api/v1/db/data/bulk/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/ |
| Data | Patch | dbTableRow | bulkUpdate | /api/v1/db/data/bulk/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/ |
| Data | Patch | dbTableRow | bulkUpdateAll | /api/v1/db/data/bulk/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/all |
| Data | Delete| dbTableRow | bulkDeleteAll | /api/v1/db/data/bulk/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/all |
| Data | Get | dbTableRow | list | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}` |
| Data | Get | dbTableRow | findOne | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/find-one |
| Data | Get | dbTableRow | groupBy | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/groupby |
| Data | Get | dbTableRow | exist | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/`{rowId}`/exist |
| Data | Post | dbTableRow | create | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}` |
| Data | Get | dbTableRow | read | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/`{rowId}` |
| Data | Patch | dbTableRow | update | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/`{rowId}` |
| Data | Delete| dbTableRow | delete | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/`{rowId}` |
| Data | Get | dbTableRow | count | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/count |
| Data | Get | dbTableRow | groupedDataList | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/group/`{columnId}` |
| Data | Get | dbViewRow | list | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}` |
| Data | Get | dbViewRow | findOne | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}`/find-one |
| Data | Get | dbViewRow | groupBy | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}`/groupby |
| Data | Get | dbViewRow | exist | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}`/`{rowId}`/exist |
| Data | Post | dbViewRow | create | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}` |
| Data | Get | dbViewRow | read | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}`/`{rowId}` |
| Data | Patch | dbViewRow | update | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}`/`{rowId}` |
| Data | Delete| dbViewRow | delete | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}`/`{rowId}` |
| Data | Get | dbViewRow | count | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}`/count |
| Data | Get | dbViewRow | groupedDataList | /api/v1/db/data/`{orgs}`/`{projectName}`/`{tableName}`/views/`{viewName}`/group/`{columnId}` |
### Meta APIs
| Category | Method | Tag | Function Name | Path |
| Meta | Get | apiToken | list | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/api-tokens |
| Meta | Post | apiToken | create | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/api-tokens |
| Meta | Delete| apiToken | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/api-tokens/`{token}` |
| Meta | Get | auth | projectUserList | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/users |
| Meta | Post | auth | projectUserAdd | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/users |
| Meta | Patch | auth | projectUserUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/users/`{userId}` |
| Meta | Delete| auth | projectUserRemove | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/users/`{userId}` |
| Meta | Post | auth | projectUserResendInvite | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/users/`{userId}`/resend-invite |
| Meta | Post | dbTable | create | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/tables |
| Meta | Get | dbTable | list | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/tables |
| Meta | Post | dbTableColumn | create | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/columns |
| Meta | Patch | dbTableColumn | update | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/columns/`{columnId}` |
| Meta | Delete| dbTableColumn | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/columns/`{columnId}` |
| Meta | Post | dbTableColumn | primaryColumnSet | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/columns/`{columnId}`/primary |
| Meta | Get | dbTableFilter | get | /api/v1/db/meta/filters/`{filterId}` |
| Meta | Patch | dbTableFilter | update | /api/v1/db/meta/filters/`{filterId}` |
| Meta | Delete| dbTableFilter | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/filters/`{filterId}` |
| Meta | Get | dbTableFilter | read | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/filters |
| Meta | Post | dbTableFilter | create | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/filters |
| Meta | Get | dbTableFilter | get | /api/v1/db/meta/filters/`{filterId}` |
| Meta | Patch | dbTableFilter | update | /api/v1/db/meta/filters/`{filterId}` |
| Meta | Delete| dbTableFilter | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/filters/`{filterId}` |
| Meta | Get | dbTableFilter | childrenRead | /api/v1/db/meta/filters/`{filterGroupId}`/children |
| Meta | Get | dbTableSort | list | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/sorts |
| Meta | Post | dbTableSort | create | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/sorts |
| Meta | Get | dbTableSort | read | /api/v1/db/meta/sorts/`{sortId}` |
| Meta | Patch | dbTableSort | update | /api/v1/db/meta/sorts/`{sortId}` |
| Meta | Delete| dbTableSort | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/sorts/`{sortId}` |
| Meta | Patch | dbTableWebhook | update | /api/v1/db/meta/hooks/`{hookId}` |
| Meta | Delete| dbTableWebhook | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/hooks/`{hookId}` |
| Meta | Get | dbTableWebhook | list | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/hooks |
| Meta | Post | dbTableWebhook | create | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/hooks |
| Meta | Post | dbTableWebhook | test | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/hooks/test |
| Meta | Get | dbTableWebhook | samplePayloadGet | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/hooks/samplePayload/`{operation}` |
| Meta | Get | dbTableWebhookFilter | read | /api/v1/db/meta/hooks/`{hookId}`/filters |
| Meta | Post | dbTableWebhookFilter | create | /api/v1/db/meta/hooks/`{hookId}`/filters |
| Meta | Get | dbView | list | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/views |
| Meta | Get | dbView | read | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}` |
| Meta | Patch | dbView | update | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}` |
| Meta | Delete| dbView | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}` |
| Meta | Post | dbView | reorder | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/reorder |
| Meta | Post | dbView | formCreate | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/forms |
| Meta | Patch | dbView | formUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/forms/`{formViewId}` |
| Meta | Get | dbView | formRead | /api/v1/db/meta/forms/`{formViewId}` |
| Meta | Patch | dbView | formColumnUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/form-columns/`{formViewColumnId}` |
| Meta | Post | dbView | galleryCreate | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/galleries |
| Meta | Patch | dbView | galleryUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/galleries/`{galleryViewId}` |
| Meta | Get | dbView | galleryRead | /api/v1/db/meta/galleries/`{galleryViewId}` |
| Meta | Post | dbView | kanbanCreate | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/kanbans |
| Meta | Patch | dbView | kanbanUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/kanban/`{kanbanViewId}` |
| Meta | Get | dbView | kanbanRead | /api/v1/db/meta/kanbans/`{kanbanViewId}` |
| Meta | Post | dbView | mapCreate | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/maps |
| Meta | Patch | dbView | mapUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/maps/`{mapViewId}` |
| Meta | Get | dbView | mapRead | /api/v1/db/meta/maps/`{mapViewId}` |
| Meta | Post | dbView | gridCreate | /api/v1/db/meta/tables/`{tableId}`/grids |
| Meta | Get | dbView | gridColumnsList | /api/v1/db/meta/grids/`{gridId}`/grid-columns |
| Meta | Patch | dbView | gridColumnUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/grid-columns/`{columnId}` |
| Meta | Patch | dbView | update | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}` |
| Meta | Delete| dbView | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}` |
| Meta | Post | dbView | showAllColumn | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/show-all |
| Meta | Post | dbView | hideAllColumn | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/hide-all |
| Meta | Get | dbViewColumn | list | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/columns |
| Meta | Post | dbViewColumn | create | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/columns |
| Meta | Patch | dbViewColumn | update | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/columns/`{columnId}` |
| Meta | Get | dbViewShare | list | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/share |
| Meta | Post | dbViewShare | create | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/share |
| Meta | Patch | dbViewShare | update | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/share |
| Meta | Delete| dbViewShare | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/views/`{viewId}`/share |
| Meta | Get | plugin | list | /api/v1/db/meta/plugins |
| Meta | Get | plugin | status | /api/v1/db/meta/plugins/`{pluginId}`/status |
| Meta | Post | plugin | test | /api/v1/db/meta/plugins/test |
| Meta | PATCH | plugin | update | /api/v1/db/meta/plugins/`{pluginId}` |
| Meta | Get | plugin | read | /api/v1/db/meta/plugins/`{pluginId}` |
| Meta | Get | project | metaGet | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/info |
| Meta | Get | project | modelVisibilityList | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/visibility-rules |
| Meta | Post | project | modelVisibilitySet | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/visibility-rules |
| Meta | Get | project | list | /api/v1/db/meta/projects |
| Meta | Post | project | create | /api/v1/db/meta/projects |
| Meta | Get | project | read | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}` |
| Meta | Delete| project | delete | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}` |
| Meta | Get | project | auditList | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/audits |
| Meta | Get | project | metaDiffGet | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/meta-diff |
| Meta | Post | project | metaDiffSync | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/meta-diff |
| Meta | Get | project | sharedBaseGet | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/shared |
| Meta | Delete| project | sharedBaseDisable | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/shared |
| Meta | Post | project | sharedBaseCreate | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/shared |
| Meta | Patch | project | sharedBaseUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/`{projectId}`/shared |
| Meta | Post | storage | upload | /api/v1/db/storage/upload |
| Meta | Post | storage | uploadByUrl | /api/v1/db/storage/upload-by-url |
| Meta | Get | utils | commentList | /api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments |
| Meta | Post | utils | commentRow | /api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments |
| Meta | Get | utils | commentCount | /api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments/count |
| Meta | Post | utils | auditRowUpdate | /api/v1/db/meta/audits/update |
| Meta | Get | utils | cacheGet | /api/v1/db/meta/cache |
| Meta | Delete| utils | cacheDelete | /api/v1/db/meta/cache |
| Meta | Post | utils | testConnection | /api/v1/db/meta/projects/connection/test |
| Meta | Get | utils | appInfo | /api/v1/db/meta/nocodb/info |
| Meta | Get | utils | appVersion | /api/v1/version |
| Meta | Get | utils | appHealth | /api/v1/health |
| Meta | Get | utils | aggregatedMetaInfo | /api/v1/aggregated-meta-info |
| Meta | Get | orgUsers | list | /api/v1/users |
| Meta | Post | orgUsers | add | /api/v1/users |
| Meta | Patch | orgUsers | update | /api/v1/users/`{userId}` |
| Meta | Delete | orgUsers | delete | /api/v1/users/`{userId}` |
| Meta | Get | orgTokens | list | /api/v1/tokens |
| Meta | Post | orgTokens | create | /api/v1/tokens |
| Meta | Delete | orgTokens | delete | /api/v1/tokens/`{token}` |
| Meta | Get | orgAppSettings | get | /api/v1/app-settings |
| Meta | Post | orgAppSettings | set | /api/v1/app-settings |
## Query params
| **Name** | **Alias** | **Use case** | **Default value** |**Example value** |
| [where](#comparison-operators) | [w](#comparison-operators) | Complicated where conditions | | `(colName,eq,colValue)~or(colName2,gt,colValue2)`
[Usage: Comparison operators](#comparison-operators)
[Usage: Logical operators](#logical-operators) |
| limit | l | Number of rows to get (SQL limit value) | 10 | 20 |
| offset | o | Offset for pagination (SQL offset value) | 0 | 20 |
| sort | s | Sort by column name, Use `-` as prefix for descending sort | | column_name |
| fields | f | Required column names in result | * | column_name1,column_name2 |
| shuffle | r | Shuffle the result for pagination | 0 | 1 (Only allow 0 or 1. Other values would see it as 0) |
## Comparison Operators
| Operation | Meaning | Example |
| eq | equal | (colName,eq,colValue) |
| neq | not equal | (colName,neq,colValue) |
| not | not equal (alias of neq) | (colName,not,colValue) |
| gt | greater than | (colName,gt,colValue) |
| ge | greater or equal | (colName,ge,colValue) |
| lt | less than | (colName,lt,colValue) |
| le | less or equal | (colName,le,colValue) |
| is | is | (colName,is,true/false/null) |
| isnot | is not | (colName,isnot,true/false/null) |
| in | in | (colName,in,val1,val2,val3,val4) |
| btw | between | (colName,btw,val1,val2) |
| nbtw | not between | (colName,nbtw,val1,val2) |
| like | like | (colName,like,%name) |
| isWithin | is Within (Available in `Date` and `DateTime` only) | (colName,isWithin,sub_op) |
| allof | includes all of | (colName,allof,val1,val2,...) |
| anyof | includes any of | (colName,anyof,val1,val2,...) |
| nallof | does not include all of (includes none or some, but not all of) | (colName,nallof,val1,val2,...) |
| nanyof | does not include any of (includes none of) | (colName,nanyof,val1,val2,...) |
## Comparison Sub-Operators
The following sub-operators are available in `Date` and `DateTime` columns.
| Operation | Meaning | Example |
| today | today | (colName,eq,today) |
| tomorrow | tomorrow | (colName,eq,tomorrow) |
| yesterday | yesterday | (colName,eq,yesterday) |
| oneWeekAgo | one week ago | (colName,eq,oneWeekAgo) |
| oneWeekFromNow | one week from now | (colName,eq,oneWeekFromNow) |
| oneMonthAgo | one month ago | (colName,eq,oneMonthAgo) |
| oneMonthFromNow | one month from now | (colName,eq,oneMonthFromNow) |
| daysAgo | number of days ago | (colName,eq,daysAgo,10) |
| daysFromNow | number of days from now | (colName,eq,daysFromNow,10) |
| exactDate | exact date | (colName,eq,exactDate,2022-02-02) |
For `isWithin` in `Date` and `DateTime` columns, the different set of sub-operators are used.
| Operation | Meaning | Example |
| pastWeek | the past week | (colName,isWithin,pastWeek) |
| pastMonth | the past month | (colName,isWithin,pastMonth) |
| pastYear | the past year | (colName,isWithin,pastYear) |
| nextWeek | the next week | (colName,isWithin,nextWeek) |
| nextMonth | the next month | (colName,isWithin,nextMonth) |
| nextYear | the next year | (colName,isWithin,nextYear) |
| nextNumberOfDays | the next number of days | (colName,isWithin,nextNumberOfDays,10) |
| pastNumberOfDays | the past number of days | (colName,isWithin,pastNumberOfDays,10) |
## Logical Operators
| Operation | Example |
| ~or | (checkNumber,eq,JM555205)~or((amount, gt, 200)~and(amount, lt, 2000)) |
| ~and | (checkNumber,eq,JM555205)~and((amount, gt, 200)~and(amount, lt, 2000)) |
| ~not | ~not(checkNumber,eq,JM555205) |