@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ const roleScopes = {
], |
}; |
// todo: convert to enum
const permissionScopes = { |
org: [ |
// API Tokens
@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ const rolePermissions:
commentsCount: true, |
auditListRow: true, |
userInvite: true, |
// userInvite: true,
}, |
}, |
[ProjectRoles.COMMENTER]: { |
@ -506,3 +507,201 @@ export const sourceRestrictions = {
}; |
export default rolePermissions; |
const permissionDescriptions: Record<string, string> = { |
// cloudOrg permissions
orgUserAdd: 'add users to the organization', |
orgUserRemove: 'remove users from the organization', |
orgUserRoleUpdate: 'update user roles in the organization', |
orgUpdate: 'update organization details', |
orgDomainList: 'view organization domains', |
orgDomainAdd: 'add a new domain to the organization', |
orgDomainVerify: 'verify a domain in the organization', |
orgDomainUpdate: 'update domain details in the organization', |
orgDomainDelete: 'remove a domain from the organization', |
orgSsoClientCreate: 'create a new SSO client', |
orgSsoClientUpdate: 'update SSO client details', |
orgSsoClientDelete: 'delete an SSO client', |
orgWorkspaceUpdate: 'update workspace details', |
orgWorkspaceAdd: 'add a new workspace', |
orgGet: 'view organization details', |
orgWorkspaceList: 'view list of workspaces in the organization', |
orgUserList: 'view list of users in the organization', |
orgBaseList: 'view list of bases in the organization', |
orgSsoClientList: 'view list of SSO clients in the organization', |
// org permissions
ssoClientList: 'view list of SSO clients', |
ssoClientCreate: 'create a new SSO client', |
ssoClientUpdate: 'update SSO client details', |
ssoClientDelete: 'delete an SSO client', |
ssoClientGet: 'view SSO client details', |
ssoClientTest: 'test an SSO client', |
apiTokenList: 'view list of API tokens', |
apiTokenCreate: 'create a new API token', |
apiTokenDelete: 'delete an API token', |
passwordChange: 'change your password', |
workspaceList: 'view list of workspaces', |
workspaceCreate: 'create a new workspace', |
isPluginActive: 'check if a plugin is active', |
pluginList: 'view list of plugins', |
pluginTest: 'test a plugin', |
pluginRead: 'read plugin configuration', |
pluginUpdate: 'update plugin configuration', |
commandPalette: 'access the command palette', |
testConnection: 'test connection to a service', |
genericGPT: 'use generic GPT functionality', |
upload: 'upload files', |
uploadViaURL: 'upload files via URL', |
notification: 'send notifications', |
// workspace permissions
integrationCreate: 'create a new integration', |
integrationDelete: 'delete an integration', |
integrationUpdate: 'update integration details', |
integrationList: 'view list of integrations', |
// base permissions
formViewGet: 'view forms', |
baseGet: 'view base details', |
tableGet: 'view table details', |
dataList: 'view data', |
dataRead: 'read data', |
dataExist: 'check if data exists', |
dataFindOne: 'find a single data record', |
dataGroupBy: 'group data by a specific field', |
exportCsv: 'export data to CSV', |
exportExcel: 'export data to Excel', |
sortList: 'view list of sorts', |
filterList: 'view list of filters', |
baseInfoGet: 'view base information', |
baseUserMetaUpdate: 'update user metadata for the base', |
galleryViewGet: 'view gallery', |
kanbanViewGet: 'view Kanban board', |
calendarViewGet: 'view calendar', |
gridViewUpdate: 'update grid view', |
formViewUpdate: 'update form view', |
groupedDataList: 'view grouped data', |
mmList: 'view many-to-many relationships', |
hmList: 'view hierarchical relationships', |
commentRow: 'comment on a row', |
baseList: 'view list of bases', |
baseCost: 'view base cost', |
tableList: 'view list of tables', |
viewList: 'view list of views', |
functionList: 'view list of functions', |
sequenceList: 'view list of sequences', |
procedureList: 'view list of procedures', |
columnList: 'view list of columns', |
triggerList: 'view list of triggers', |
relationList: 'view list of relations', |
relationListAll: 'view all relations', |
indexList: 'view list of indexes', |
list: 'view list of items', |
dataCount: 'view data count', |
dataAggregate: 'view data aggregates', |
swaggerJson: 'view Swagger JSON', |
commentList: 'view list of comments', |
commentsCount: 'view comment count', |
commentDelete: 'delete comments', |
commentUpdate: 'update comments', |
hideAllColumns: 'hide all columns', |
showAllColumns: 'show all columns', |
auditListRow: 'view audit log for a row', |
auditRowUpdate: 'update audit log for a row', |
dataUpdate: 'update data', |
dataDelete: 'delete data', |
dataInsert: 'insert new data', |
viewColumnUpdate: 'update view columns', |
sortCreate: 'create a new sort', |
sortUpdate: 'update an existing sort', |
sortDelete: 'delete a sort', |
filterCreate: 'create a new filter', |
filterUpdate: 'update an existing filter', |
filterDelete: 'delete a filter', |
filterGet: 'view filter details', |
filterChildrenRead: 'view child filters', |
mmExcludedList: 'view excluded many-to-many relationships', |
hmExcludedList: 'view excluded hierarchical relationships', |
btExcludedList: 'view excluded relationships', |
ooExcludedList: 'view excluded one-to-one relationships', |
gridColumnUpdate: 'update grid columns', |
bulkDataInsert: 'bulk insert data', |
bulkDataUpdate: 'bulk update data', |
bulkDataUpdateAll: 'bulk update all data', |
bulkDataDelete: 'bulk delete data', |
bulkDataDeleteAll: 'bulk delete all data', |
relationDataRemove: 'remove related data', |
relationDataAdd: 'add related data', |
baseUserList: 'view list of users in the base', |
baseApiTokenList: 'view list of base API tokens', |
baseApiTokenCreate: 'create a new base API token', |
baseApiTokenDelete: 'delete a base API token', |
createBase: 'create a new base', |
baseDelete: 'delete a base', |
sourceCreate: 'create a new source', |
pageGet: 'view page details', |
pageList: 'view list of pages', |
pageSearch: 'search pages', |
pageParents: 'view parent pages', |
pageCreate: 'create a new page', |
pageUpdate: 'update a page', |
pageDelete: 'delete a page', |
pageGpt: 'use GPT to assist with pages', |
docsMagicCreatePages: 'use Docs Magic to create pages', |
pagePaginate: 'paginate pages', |
pageDirectoryImport: 'import a page directory', |
layoutGet: 'view layout details', |
layoutList: 'view list of layouts', |
layoutCreate: 'create a new layout', |
widgetsList: 'view list of widgets', |
widgetGet: 'view widget details', |
widgetCreate: 'create a new widget', |
widgetUpdate: 'update a widget', |
widgetDelete: 'delete a widget', |
widgetFilterList: 'view list of widget filters', |
widgetFilterCreate: 'create a new widget filter', |
userInvite: 'invite a user', |
jobList: 'view list of jobs', |
hookTrigger: 'trigger a webhook', |
}; |
// Human-readable descriptions for roles
const roleDescriptions: Record<string, string> = { |
// Base roles
[ProjectRoles.VIEWER]: 'Viewer', |
[ProjectRoles.COMMENTER]: 'Commenter', |
[ProjectRoles.EDITOR]: 'Editor', |
[ProjectRoles.CREATOR]: 'Creator', |
[ProjectRoles.OWNER]: 'Owner', |
}; |
export function generateReadablePermissionErr( |
permissionName: string, |
roles: Record<string, boolean>, |
_scope: string, |
): string { |
const roleLabels = Object.keys(roles) |
.filter((key) => roles[key]) |
.map((role) => roleDescriptions[role]) |
.join(', '); |
const permissionDescription = |
permissionDescriptions[permissionName] || |
`perform the action "${permissionName}"`; |
return `You do not have permission to ${permissionDescription} with the roles: ${roleLabels}. Please contact support if you need further assistance.`; |
} |