description: 'A complete import of your Airtable to any MySQL, Postgres, SQLite and SQL server databases within minutes'
description: 'A complete import of your Airtable to any MySQL or Postgres databases within minutes'
tags: ['Bases', 'Import']
keywords: ['NocoDB', 'Airtable', 'import Airtable', 'Airtable to NocoDB', 'Airtable to MySQL', 'Airtable to Postgres', 'Airtable to SQLite', 'Airtable to SQL server']
keywords: ['NocoDB', 'Airtable', 'Import Airtable', 'Airtable to NocoDB', 'Airtable to MySQL', 'Airtable to Postgres']
NocoDB offers a streamlined process for seamlessly transferring your Airtable database to various database management systems, including MySQL, Postgres and SQLite, in just a matter of minutes. This feature is particularly useful for users who wish to migrate their Airtable database to a more robust and scalable database management system.
A member added to a workspace will carry his assigned role specific permissions to all the base with in workspace. To override member permissions to your base, please follow steps outlined below:
keywords : ['NocoDB table group by', 'group by field', 'group By''grouping records', 'grouping','group by in table']
Grouping records in NocoDB allows for efficient categorization of data into specific `Groups` and `Subgroups.` NocoDB supports three levels of record segregation, providing a powerful organizational tool.