diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ar.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ar.json
index 43fb74db60..145d34fffa 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ar.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ar.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "إنشاء واجهة جديدة",
+ "connect_data_sources": "ربط مصادر البيانات",
+ "alert": "تنبيه",
+ "alert-message": "لم يتم توصيل أي قواعد بيانات. قم بتوصيل الأسس لبناء الواجهات. تخطي هذه الخطوة وأضف قواعد البيانات من الصفحة الرئيسية للأساس لاحقًا.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "حدد قواعد بيانات الأسس التي تريد ربطها بهذه الواجهة.",
+ "create_interface": "إنشاء الواجهة",
+ "project_name": "اسم الأساس",
+ "connect": "ربط",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "افتح الرابط الخارجي",
+ "delete_record": "حذف السجل",
+ "update_record": "تحديث السجل",
+ "open_layout": "فتح التخطيط"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "نص",
+ "chart": "مخطط",
+ "table": "جدول",
+ "image": "صورة",
+ "map": "خريطة",
+ "button": "زر",
+ "number": "عدد",
+ "bar_chart": "مخطط الشريط",
+ "line_chart": "مخطط خطي",
+ "area_chart": "مخطط المنطقة",
+ "pie_chart": "مخطط دائري",
+ "donut_chart": "مخطط الدونات",
+ "scatter_plot": "مخطط الانتشار",
+ "bubble_chart": "مخطط الفقاعات",
+ "radar_chart": "مخطط الرادار",
+ "polar_area_chart": "مخطط المناطق القطبية",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "مخطط الشريط الدائري",
+ "heatmap_chart": "مخطط الخريطة الحرارية",
+ "treemap_chart": "شجرة الخريطة",
+ "box_plot_chart": "مخطط المربع",
+ "candlestick_chart": "مخطط الشمعدان"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "مجموع",
+ "count": "عدد",
+ "min": "أدنى",
+ "max": "أقصى",
+ "avg": "متوسط",
+ "median": "الوسيط",
+ "std_dev": "الانحراف المعياري",
+ "histogram": "مخطط بياني",
+ "range": "نطاق",
+ "percent_empty": "فارغ",
+ "percent_filled": "ممتلئ",
+ "percent_unique": "فريد",
+ "count_unique": "فريد",
+ "count_empty": "فارغ",
+ "count_filled": "مملوء",
+ "earliest_date": "تاريخ البداية",
+ "latest_date": "تاريخ النهاية",
+ "date_range": "المدى",
+ "month_range": "المدى",
+ "checked": "محدد",
+ "unchecked": "غير محدد",
+ "percent_checked": "محدد",
+ "percent_unchecked": "غير محدد",
+ "attachment_size": "حجم",
+ "none": "لا شيء"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "المجموع",
+ "count": "العد",
+ "min": "الأدنى",
+ "max": "الأقصى",
+ "avg": "المتوسط",
+ "median": "الوسيط",
+ "std_dev": "الانحراف المعياري",
+ "histogram": "مدرج تكراري",
+ "range": "المدى",
+ "percent_empty": "النسبة المئوية فارغة",
+ "percent_filled": "النسبة المئوية مملوءة",
+ "percent_unique": "النسبة المئوية الفريدة",
+ "count_unique": "فريد",
+ "count_empty": "فارغ",
+ "count_filled": "مملوء",
+ "earliest_date": "تاريخ البداية",
+ "latest_date": "تاريخ النهاية",
+ "date_range": "نطاق التواريخ",
+ "month_range": "نطاق الأشهر",
+ "checked": "محدد",
+ "unchecked": "غير محدد",
+ "percent_checked": "النسبة المئوية محدد",
+ "percent_unchecked": "النسبة المئوية غير محدد",
+ "attachment_size": "حجم المرفق",
+ "none": "لا شيء"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "سكربتات",
+ "configure": "تكوين",
+ "switch": "تبديل",
+ "on": "تشغيل",
+ "onMultiple": "تشغيل متعدد",
+ "manual": "يدوي",
+ "trigger": "مشغل",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "النمط",
+ "label": "تسمية",
+ "role": "دور",
+ "general": "عام",
+ "quit": "إنهاء",
"home": "الرئيسية",
"load": "تحميل",
"open": "فتح",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "نعم",
"no": "لا",
"ok": "حسنا",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "رجوع",
"and": "و",
"or": "أو",
"add": "أضف",
"edit": "تحرير",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "رابط",
+ "links": "روابط",
"remove": "إزالة",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "استيراد",
+ "logout": "تسجيل الخروج",
+ "empty": "فارغ",
+ "changeIcon": "تغيير الأيقونة",
"save": "حفظ",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "متاح",
+ "abort": "إلغاء",
+ "saving": "جارٍ الحفظ",
"cancel": "إلغاء",
- "null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
- "hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
- "slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
- "microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
- "discord": "Discord",
- "matterMost": "Mattermost",
- "twilio": "Twilio",
- "whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "null": "لا",
+ "escape": "هروب",
+ "hex": "سداسي عشري",
+ "clear": "واضح",
+ "slack": "سلاك",
+ "comment": "تعليق",
+ "microsoftTeams": "فرق مايكروسوفت",
+ "discord": "ديسكورد",
+ "matterMost": "ماترموس",
+ "twilio": "تويليو",
+ "whatsappTwilio": "واتساب تويليو",
+ "quote": "اقتباس",
"submit": "إرسال",
"create": "إنشاء",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
- "duplicate": "Duplicate",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "createEntity": "إنشاء {entity}",
+ "creating": "جارٍ الإنشاء",
+ "creatingEntity": "جارٍ إنشاء {entity}",
+ "details": "تفاصيل",
+ "skip": "تخطي",
+ "code": "رمز",
+ "duplicate": "نسخة طبق الأصل",
+ "duplicating": "جارٍ النسخ",
+ "duplicateEntity": "تكرار {entity}",
+ "activate": "تفعيل",
+ "action": "إجراء",
"insert": "إدراج",
"delete": "حذف",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "حذف {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "إدخال جماعي",
+ "bulkDelete": "حذف جماعي",
+ "bulkUpdate": "تحديث جماعي",
+ "deleting": "جارٍ الحذف",
"update": "تحديث",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "جارٍ التحديث",
"rename": "إعادة تسمية",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "إعادة تسمية {entity}",
"reload": "تحديث",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "تحديث",
"reset": "إعادة تعيين",
"install": "تثبيت",
"show": "عرض",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "دخول",
+ "visibility": "مرئية",
"hide": "إخفاء",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "غير مستخدم",
"showAll": "عرض الكل",
"hideAll": "إخفاء الكل",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "غير موجود",
"showMore": "عرض المزيد",
"showOptions": "إظهار الخيارات",
"hideOptions": "إخفاء الخيارات",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "تسجيل الدخول",
"signOut": "تسجيل الخروج",
"required": "مطلوب",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "تمكين الماسح للتعبئة",
"preferred": "المفضل",
"mandatory": "إلزامي",
"loading": "تحميل ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "رفع",
"download": "تحميل",
"default": "افتراضي",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "مصدر",
+ "datasource": "مصدر البيانات",
"more": "المزيد",
"less": "أقل",
"event": "حدث",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "بعد",
"before": "قبل",
"search": "البحث",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "البحث في",
"notification": "إشعار",
"reference": "مرجع",
"function": "وظيفة",
"confirm": "تأكيد",
"generate": "توليد",
"copy": "نسخ",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "تم النسخ",
+ "are": "هما",
"misc": "متفرقات",
"lock": "قفل",
"unlock": "فتح",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "هذه الميزة حاليا في بيتا.",
"moreInfo": "المزيد من المعلومات تجدها هنا",
"logs": "السجلات",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
- "hideField": "Hide field",
- "showField": "Show field",
- "sortAsc": "Sort ascending",
- "sortDesc": "Sort descending",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "groupingField": "مجموعة حسب الحقل",
+ "insertAfter": "إدراج إلى اليمين",
+ "insertBefore": "إدراج اليسار",
+ "insertAbove": "إدراج أعلاه",
+ "insertBelow": "إدراج أسفل",
+ "hideField": "إخفاء العمود",
+ "showField": "إظهار العمود",
+ "sortAsc": "الترتيب تصاعديًا",
+ "sortDesc": "الترتيب تنازليًا",
+ "move": "نقل",
+ "geoDataField": "حقل بيانات الجغرافيا",
+ "type": "نوع",
+ "subType": "النوع الفرعي",
+ "name": "اسم",
+ "changes": "تغييرات",
+ "new": "جديدة",
+ "old": "قديمة",
+ "data": "بيانات",
+ "source": "مصدر",
+ "destination": "وجهة",
+ "active": "نشط",
+ "inactive": "غير نشط",
+ "linked": "مرتبط",
+ "finish": "إنهاء",
+ "min": "الحد الأدنى",
+ "max": "الحد الأقصى",
+ "avg": "متوسط",
+ "sum": "مجموع",
+ "count": "عدد",
+ "countDistinct": "عدد فريد",
+ "sumDistinct": "مجموع فريد",
+ "avgDistinct": "متوسط فريد",
+ "join": "انضمام",
+ "options": "خيارات",
+ "primaryValue": "القيمة الأساسية",
+ "useSurveyMode": "استخدام وضع الاستطلاع",
+ "shift": "تحول",
+ "enter": "إدخال",
+ "seconds": "ثواني",
+ "paste": "لصق",
+ "restore": "استعادة",
+ "replace": "استبدال",
+ "banner": "بانر",
+ "logo": "شعار",
+ "dropdown": "قائمة منسدلة",
+ "list": "قائمة",
+ "verify": "تحقق",
+ "apply": "تطبيق",
+ "text": "نص",
+ "appearance": "المظهر",
+ "now": "الآن",
+ "set": "تعيين",
+ "format": "تنسيق",
+ "colour": "لون",
+ "use": "استخدام",
+ "stack": "مجموعة",
+ "ipAddress": "عنوان IP",
+ "integration": "تكامل",
+ "integrations": "تكاملات",
+ "connection": "اتصال",
+ "connections": "اتصالات",
+ "private": "خاص",
+ "request": "طلب",
+ "languages": "اللغات",
+ "extension": "الامتداد",
+ "extensions": "الامتدادات"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "ملفات",
+ "owner": "مالك",
+ "member": "عضو",
+ "day": "يوم",
+ "week": "أسبوع",
+ "month": "شهر",
+ "year": "سنة",
+ "workspace": "مساحة العمل",
+ "workspaces": "مساحات العمل",
"project": "مشروع",
"projects": "مشاريعي",
"table": "جدول",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "حقول",
"column": "عمود",
"columns": "أعمدة",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "خلية",
+ "cells": "خلايا",
"page": "صفحة",
"pages": "صفحات",
"record": "سجل",
@@ -319,50 +320,50 @@
"webhooks": "الخطافات",
"view": "عرض",
"views": "مشاهدات",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "الشريط الجانبي",
"viewType": {
"grid": "شبكة",
"gallery": "معرض صور",
"form": "نموذج",
"kanban": "كانبان",
"calendar": "تقويم",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "الخريطة"
"user": "مستخدم",
"users": "مستخدمين",
"role": "دور",
"roles": "أدوار",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "مطور",
"roleType": {
"owner": "مالك",
"creator": "منشيء",
"editor": "محرر",
"commenter": "معلق",
"viewer": "مشاهد",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
- "orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
- "orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
+ "noaccess": "بدون وصول",
+ "superAdmin": "المدير العام",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "مالك مستوى المنظمة",
+ "orgLevelCreator": "مبدع على مستوى المنظمة",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "عارض على مستوى المنظمة"
- "sqlVIew": "SQL View",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "sqlVIew": "عرض SQL",
+ "rowHeight": "ارتفاع السجل",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "قصير",
+ "medium": "متوسط",
+ "tall": "طويل",
+ "extra": "إضافي"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "قاعدة بيانات خارجية",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "أرقام Apple",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleCalendar": "تقويم Google",
+ "googleDrive": "Drive Google",
+ "googleSheets": "جداول Google",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "جميع التكاملات",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
- "crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "قم بتوصيل وإدارة قواعد بياناتك مع NocoDB بسلاسة.",
+ "communication": "الاتصالات",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "تلقي إشعارات عن التغييرات وتسهيل التواصل بين الفريق مع NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "إدارة المشاريع",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "تعزيز سير عمل المشاريع وإدارة المهام مع NocoDB.",
+ "crm": "إدارة علاقات العملاء",
+ "crmSubtitle": "تحسين إدارة علاقات العملاء من خلال تكاملات NocoDB.",
+ "marketing": "التسويق",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "تعزيز جهود التسويق الخاصة بك مع تكاملات NocoDB القوية.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "atsSubtitle": "تبسيط نظام تتبع المتقدمين الخاص بك مع NocoDB.",
+ "development": "التطوير",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "تسريع عمليات التطوير مع تكاملات NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "المالية",
+ "financeSubtitle": "تبسيط العمليات المالية وإدارة البيانات مع NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "التذاكر",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "إدارة وتتبع تذاكر الدعم بكفاءة مع NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "دمج وتنظيم حلول التخزين الخاصة بك بسلاسة مع NocoDB.",
+ "others": "أخرى",
+ "othersSubtitle": "اكتشف عمليات تكامل إضافية متعددة لتحسين تجربتك مع NocoDB.",
+ "ai": "الذكاء الاصطناعي",
+ "spreadSheet": "جدول البيانات",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "ربط وإدارة جداول البيانات الخاصة بك مع NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
"Currency": "عملة",
"Percent": "نسبة مؤية",
"Duration": "مدة",
- "GeoData": "GeoData",
+ "GeoData": "بيانات الجغرافيا",
"Rating": "تقييم",
"Formula": "معادلة",
"Rollup": "جمع البيانات",
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "ليس فارغاً"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "بحث عن webhook",
+ "webcam": "كاميرا ويب",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "رفع عبر URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
- "erdView": "ERD View",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "renameBase": "إعادة تسمية القاعدة",
+ "renameWorkspace": "إعادة تسمية مساحة العمل",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "إعادة تسمية مساحة العمل",
+ "renamingBase": "إعادة تسمية القاعدة",
+ "sso": "المصادقة (SSO)",
+ "docs": "مستندات",
+ "forum": "منتدى",
+ "parameter": "معامل",
+ "headers": "رؤوس",
+ "parameterName": "اسم المعامل",
+ "currencyLocale": "مكان العملة",
+ "currencyCode": "رمز العملة",
+ "searchMembers": "البحث عن الأعضاء",
+ "noMembersFound": "لم يتم العثور على أعضاء",
+ "dateJoined": "تاريخ الانضمام",
+ "tokenName": "اسم الرمز",
+ "inDesktop": "في سطح المكتب",
+ "rowData": "بيانات السجل",
+ "creator": "المنشئ",
+ "qrCode": "رمز الاستجابة السريعة",
+ "termsOfService": "شروط الخدمة",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "تحديث السجلات المحددة",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "لم يتم إضافة فلاتر",
+ "editCards": "تعديل البطاقات",
+ "noFieldsFound": "لم يتم العثور على حقول",
+ "displayValue": "عرض القيمة",
+ "expand": "توسيع",
+ "hideAll": "إخفاء الكل",
+ "hideSystemFields": "إخفاء حقول النظام",
+ "removeFile": "إزالة الملف",
+ "hasMany": "لديه العديد",
+ "manyToMany": "علاقات متعددة لمتعددة",
+ "oneToOne": "واحد إلى واحد",
+ "virtualRelation": "علاقة افتراضية",
+ "linkMore": "ربط المزيد",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "ربط المزيد من السجلات",
+ "linkRecords": "ربط السجلات",
+ "downloadFile": "تحميل الملف",
+ "renameTable": "إعادة تسمية الجدول",
+ "renamingTable": "إعادة تسمية الجدول",
+ "renamingWs": "إعادة تسمية مساحة العمل",
+ "renameWs": "إعادة تسمية مساحة العمل",
+ "deleteWs": "حذف مساحة العمل",
+ "deletingWs": "حذف مساحة العمل",
+ "copyAuthToken": "نسخ Auth Token",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "تم نسخ Auth Token",
+ "copyInviteToken": "نسخ رمز الدعوة",
+ "showSidebar": "عرض الشريط الجانبي",
+ "hideSidebar": "إخفاء الشريط الجانبي",
+ "creatingTable": "إنشاء جدول",
+ "erdView": "عرض ERD",
+ "newBase": "مصدر بيانات جديد",
"newProj": "مشروع جديد",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "إنشاء مشروع",
"myProject": "مشاريعي",
"formTitle": "عنوان النموذج",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "تعاوني",
+ "locked": "مقفل",
+ "personal": "شخصي",
"appStore": "متجر التطبيقات",
"teamAndAuth": "الفريق والمصادقة",
"rolesUserMgmt": "الأدوار وإدارة المستخدمين",
"userMgmt": "إدارة المستخدمين",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "رموز API",
"apiTokenMgmt": "إدارة رموز API",
"rolesMgmt": "إدارة الأدوار",
"projMeta": "البيانات الوصفية للمشروع",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "إنشاء الرمز المميز",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & الدعم",
"helpCenter": "مركز المساعدة",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "لا توجد تسميات",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
"quickImportFrom": "استيراد سريع من",
"quickImport": "استيراد سريع",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "استيراد سريع - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "استيراد سريع - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "استيراد سريع - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "استيراد سريع - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "محرر JSON",
+ "comingSoon": "قريبا",
"advancedSettings": "الإعدادات المتقدمة",
"codeSnippet": "كتلة برمجية",
- "keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح",
+ "generateRandomName": "توليد اسم عشوائي",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "إدارة الرموز",
+ "addNewToken": "إضافة رمز جديد",
+ "createNewToken": "إنشاء رمز جديد",
+ "accountSettings": "إعدادات الحساب",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور",
+ "tokens": "رموز",
+ "userManagement": "إدارة المستخدمين",
+ "accountManagement": "إدارة الحساب",
+ "licence": "ترخيص",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "السماح بجميع أنواع Mime",
+ "defaultView": "عرض افتراضي",
+ "relations": "علاقات",
+ "switchLanguage": "تغيير اللغة",
+ "renameFile": "إعادة تسمية ملف",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "لا يوجد إجراء",
+ "cascade": "تتالي",
+ "restrict": "تقييد",
+ "setNull": "تعيين فارغ",
+ "setDefault": "تعيين افتراضي"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "حدد الحقول من اللوحة اليمنى لإضافتها هنا",
+ "noOptionsFound": "لم يتم العثور على خيارات",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إرسال هذا النموذج؟",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "يبدو أن هذه المجموعة لا تحتوي على أي سجلات",
+ "fromScratch": "من الصفر",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "من الملفات والمصادر الخارجية",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "مباشرة في الوقت الحقيقي",
+ "categories": "الفئات",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "الحقل غير قابل للوصول",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "لم تتم إضافة أي شروط"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "تم التعديل في",
+ "configuration": "التكوين",
+ "setup": "إعداد",
+ "configLabel": "تكوين {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "التبديل إلى قاعدة بيانات تطبيق جاهزة للإنتاج",
+ "sharedBase": "قاعدة مشتركة",
+ "fieldID": "معرف الحقل",
+ "addDescription": "إضافة وصف",
+ "editDescription": "تعديل الوصف",
+ "urlFormula": "صيغة URL",
+ "selectIcon": "لا شيء",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--اختر خطاف ويب--",
+ "openUrl": "افتح URL",
+ "runWebHook": "تشغيل خطاف ويب",
+ "onClick": "عند النقر",
+ "defaultView": "عرض افتراضي",
+ "recordInsert": "إدراج سجل",
+ "recordUpdate": "تحديث السجل",
+ "recordDelete": "حذف السجل",
+ "supportDocs": "وثائق الدعم",
+ "addedOn": "أضيف في",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "تغيير حقل قيمة العرض",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "اختيار حقل قيمة العرض",
+ "changeTitleField": "تغيير حقل العنوان",
+ "clearAll": "مسح الكل",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "حقول البحث تعرض البيانات من السجلات المرتبطة. اختر حقول معينة من ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " الجدول لإضافتها كحقول بحث في هذا الجدول.",
+ "formatting": "تنسيق",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -اختر نوع التنسيق (اختياري)- -",
+ "formatType": "نوع التنسيق",
+ "toUpload": "للرفع",
+ "dragFilesHere": "اسحب الملفات هنا",
+ "browseFiles": "تصفح الملفات",
+ "clickTo": "انقر لـ",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "يرجى السماح بالوصول إلى الكاميرا الخاصة بك",
+ "openFile": "افتح الملف",
+ "enterValidUrl": "أدخل URL صالح لتحميل الملفات",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "إضافة ملفات من URL",
+ "uploading": "جارِ الرفع",
+ "dropHere": "اسحب هنا",
+ "addMore": "إضافة المزيد",
+ "clearAllFiles": "مسح جميع الملفات",
+ "integration": "التكامل",
+ "notRecommended": "غير موصى به",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
- "oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
+ "selectView": "اختر عرضًا",
+ "connectionDetails": "تفاصيل الاتصال بالمصدر",
+ "metaSync": "تزامن البيانات الوصفية",
+ "mention": "إشارة",
+ "today": "اليوم",
+ "currentDate": "التاريخ الحالي",
+ "workspace": "مساحة العمل",
+ "txt": "قيمة سجل TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "نقل الملكية",
+ "recentActivity": "النشاط الحديث",
+ "goToMembers": "اذهب إلى الأعضاء",
+ "addMember": "إضافة عضو",
+ "numberOfMembers": "رقم الأعضاء",
+ "numberOfBases": "عدد القواعد",
+ "numberOfRecords": "عدد السجلات",
+ "workspaceName": "اسم مساحة العمل",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "مساحة العمل بدون مالكين",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "دعوة المستخدمين إلى مساحة العمل",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-اختر المساحات للدعوة إليها-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "إضافة أعضاء إلى المنظمة",
+ "memberIn": "عضو في:",
+ "assignAs": "تعيين كـ",
+ "signOutUser": "تسجيل خروج المستخدم",
+ "signOutUsers": "تسجيل خروج المستخدمين",
+ "deactivateUser": "تعطيل المستخدم",
+ "deactivateUsers": "تعطيل المستخدمين",
+ "lastActive": "آخر نشاط",
+ "dateAdded": "تاريخ الإضافة",
+ "uploadImage": "تحميل صورة",
+ "organizationProfile": "ملف المنظمة",
+ "organizationImage": "صورة المنظمة",
+ "organizationName": "اسم المنظمة",
+ "activeDomains": "النطاقات النشطة",
+ "domains": "النطاقات",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "تعطيل المشاركة العامة",
+ "shareSettings": "إعدادات المشاركة",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "حذف المستخدم وبياناته",
+ "userOptions": "خيارات المستخدم",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "حذف هذه المنظمة",
+ "dangerZone": "المنطقة الخطرة",
+ "childView": "عرض الفرع",
+ "selectYear": "اختر السنة",
+ "save": "حفظ",
+ "cancel": "إلغاء",
+ "metadataUrl": "عنوان البيانات الوصفية",
+ "audience-entityId": "الموجه/معرف الكيان",
+ "redirectUrl": "رابط إعادة التوجيه",
+ "oidc": "اتصال OpenID (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "newProvider": "مزود جديد",
+ "generalSettings": "الإعدادات العامة",
+ "adminPanel": "لوحة التحكم الإدارية",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "نقل مساحة العمل إلى المنظمة",
+ "ssoSettings": "إعدادات SSO",
+ "addDomain": "إضافة نطاق",
+ "domain": "نطاق",
+ "settings": "الإعدادات",
+ "workspaces": "مساحات العمل",
+ "back": "رجوع",
+ "dashboard": "لوحة القيادة",
+ "organizeBy": "نظم حسب",
+ "previous": "السابق",
+ "nextMonth": "الشهر القادم",
+ "previousMonth": "الشهر السابق",
+ "next": "التالي",
+ "organiseBy": "نظم حسب",
+ "heading1": "عنوان 1",
+ "heading2": "عنوان 2",
+ "heading3": "عنوان 3",
+ "bold": "غامق",
+ "italic": "مائل",
+ "underline": "تحته خط",
+ "strike": "مشطوب",
+ "taskList": "قائمة المهام",
+ "bulletList": "قائمة نقطية",
+ "numberedList": "قائمة رقمية",
+ "downloadData": "تحميل البيانات",
+ "blockQuote": "اقتباس كتلة",
+ "noToken": "لا يوجد رمز",
+ "tokenLimit": "يُسمح برمز واحد فقط لكل مستخدم",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "الملف باسم {filename} مرفق بالفعل",
+ "tableIdColon": "معرف الجدول: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "معرف العرض: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "إلى العنوان",
+ "subject": "موضوع",
+ "body": "النص الأساسي",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "رقم الهاتف المحمول مفصول بفواصل",
+ "headerName": "اسم العنوان",
+ "icon": "أيقونة",
+ "max": "الحد الأقصى",
+ "enableRichText": "تمكين النص الغني",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
- "createdBy": "Created By",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "عنوان URL للسجل المنسوخ",
+ "copyRecordURL": "نسخ عنوان URL للسجل",
+ "duplicateRecord": "سجل مكرر",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "صيغة الترميز الثنائي",
+ "syntax": "الصيغة",
+ "examples": "أمثلة",
+ "durationInfo": "مدة زمنية بالدقائق أو الثواني (مثل 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "إضافة عنوان",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "أدخل عنوان URL الافتراضي (اختياري)",
+ "negative": "سلبي",
+ "discard": "تجاهل",
+ "default": "افتراضي",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "رقم افتراضي (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "تنسيق المدة",
+ "dateFormat": "تنسيق التاريخ",
+ "timeFormat": "تنسيق الوقت",
+ "singularLabel": "تسمية مفردة",
+ "pluralLabel": "تسمية الجمع",
+ "selectDateField": "حدد حقل التاريخ",
+ "endDateField": "حقل تاريخ النهاية",
+ "optional": "(اختياري)",
+ "clickToMake": "انقر لجعلها",
+ "visibleForRole": "مرئيًا للدور:",
+ "inUI": "في واجهة المستخدم",
+ "projectSettings": "إعدادات الأساس",
+ "clickToHide": "انقر لإخفاء",
+ "clickToDownload": "انقر للتنزيل",
+ "forRole": "للدور",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "انقر لنسخ معرف الجدول",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "انقر لنسخ معرف العرض",
+ "viewMode": "وضعية العرض",
+ "searchUsers": "البحث عن المستخدمين",
+ "superAdmin": "مدير النظام",
+ "allTables": "كل الجداول",
+ "members": "الأعضاء",
+ "dataSources": "مصادر البيانات",
+ "connectDataSource": "الاتصال ببيانات خارجية",
+ "searchProjects": "البحث عن الأسس",
+ "createdBy": "انشأ من قبل",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "عرض المرفقات لـ",
+ "readOnly": "قراءة فقط",
+ "createdOn": "أنشئت في",
"notifyVia": "إعلام عبر",
"projName": "اسم المشروع",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "الملف الشخصي",
+ "accountDetails": "تفاصيل الحساب",
+ "controlAppearance": "تحكم في مظهرك.",
+ "accountEmailID": "معرف البريد الإلكتروني للحساب",
+ "backToWorkspace": "العودة إلى مساحة العمل",
+ "untitledToken": "رمز غير معنونة",
"tableName": "اسم الجدول",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "اسم لوحة القيادة",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "إنشاء عرض",
+ "duplicateView": "تكرار العرض",
+ "duplicateGridView": "تكرار عرض الشبكة",
+ "createGridView": "إنشاء عرض الشبكة",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "تكرار عرض المعرض",
+ "createGalleryView": "إنشاء عرض المعرض",
+ "duplicateFormView": "تكرار عرض النموذج",
+ "createFormView": "إنشاء عرض النموذج",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "تكرار عرض كانبان",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "نسخ عرض التقويم",
+ "createKanbanView": "إنشاء عرض كانبان",
+ "createCalendarView": "إنشاء عرض التقويم",
"viewName": "عرض الاسم",
"viewLink": "عرض الرابط",
"columnName": "اسم العمود",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "اكتب في قاعدة البيانات",
"lengthValue": "الطول / القيمة",
"dbType": "نوع قاعدة البيانات",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "اسم الخادم / عنوان المضيف",
+ "sqliteFile": "مسار ملف SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "عنوان المضيف",
+ "port": "رقم المنفذ",
"username": "اسم المستخدم",
"password": "كلمة المرور",
"schemaName": "اسم المخطط",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "إجراء",
"actions": "إجراءات",
"operation": "عملية",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "العملية الفرعية",
"operationType": "نوع العملية",
"operationSubType": "نوع العملية الفرعية",
"description": "وصف",
@@ -857,14 +860,14 @@
"where": "أين",
"cache": "ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت",
"chat": "دردشة",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "إظهار أو إخفاء",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "ملف CSV",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "ملف JSON",
"excel": "Excel",
- "microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
+ "microsoftExcel": "مايكروسوفت Excel",
"email": "البريد الالكتروني",
"storage": "التخزين",
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL",
@@ -873,15 +876,15 @@
"created": "إنشاء",
"sqlOutput": "إخراج SQL",
"addOption": "إضافة خيار",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "لون الواجهة",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
- "barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
- "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
- "barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "barcodeFormat": "تنسيق الباركود",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "عدد كبير من الأحرف لرمز الاستجابة السريعة",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "عدد كبير من الأحرف للباركود",
+ "currentLocation": "الموقع الحالي",
+ "lng": "خط الطول",
+ "lat": "خط العرض",
"aggregateFunction": "وظيفة التجميع",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "قاعدة البيانات: إنشاء إذا لم يكن موجودا",
"clientKey": "مفتاح العميل",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "انضم إلى مجتمع NocoDB",
"joinReddit": "انضم إلى /r/NocodB",
"followNocodb": "تابع NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(ترجمة المجتمع)"
- "twitter": "Twitter",
+ "twitter": "تويتر",
"docReference": "مرجع الوثيقة",
"selectUserRole": "حدد دور المستخدم",
"childTable": "جدول فرعي",
"childColumn": "عمود فرعي",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
- "linkToAnotherRecord": "Link to another record",
- "links": "Links",
+ "childField": "حقل فرعي",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "انضم إلى السحابة مجانًا",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "رابط إلى سجل آخر",
+ "links": "روابط",
"onUpdate": "عند التحديث",
"onDelete": "عند الحذف",
"account": "حساب",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "سمة مخصصة",
"requestDataSource": "طلب مصدر البيانات الذي تحتاجه؟",
"apiKey": "مفتاح API",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "رمز الوصول الشخصي",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "عنوان URL للقاعدة المشتركة",
"importData": "استيراد البيانات",
"importSecondaryViews": "استيراد المشاهدات الثانوية",
"importRollupColumns": "استيراد الأعمدة المتدحرجة",
"importLookupColumns": "استيراد أعمدة البحث",
"importAttachmentColumns": "استيراد أعمدة المرفق",
"importFormulaColumns": "استيراد أعمدة الصيغة",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "استيراد المستخدمين (عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني)",
"noData": "لا توجد بيانات",
"goToDashboard": "الذهاب إلى لوحة التحكم",
"importing": "الاستيراد",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "تنسيق JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "تحديد نوع الحقول تلقائيًا",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "استخدام السجل الأول كعناوين",
"flattenNested": "متداخلة متقطعة",
"downloadAllowed": "التحميل المسموح به",
"weAreHiring": "نحن نوظف!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "لديه العديد",
"belongsTo": "ينتمي إلى",
"manyToMany": "متعدد لمتعدد",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "علاقة واحد لواحد",
"extraConnectionParameters": "معلمات اتصال إضافية",
"commentsOnly": "التعليقات فقط",
"documentation": "الوثائق",
"subscribeNewsletter": "اشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية الأسبوعية",
"signUpWithProvider": "التسجيل بواسطة {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "تسجيل الدخول مع {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "بالتسجيل، أنت توافق على شروط الخدمة",
"welcomeToNc": "مرحبا بكم في NocoDB!",
- "inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "السماح بالتسجيل باستخدام رابط الدعوة فقط",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
+ "addRowGrid": "إضافة البيانات يدوياً في عرض الشبكة",
+ "addRowForm": "إدخال بيانات السجل من خلال نموذج",
+ "noAccess": "لا يوجد وصول",
+ "restApis": "REST APIs",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "apiSnippet": "مقتطفات API",
+ "includeData": "تضمين البيانات",
+ "includeView": "تضمين العرض",
+ "includeWebhook": "تضمين Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "تكبير العرض لرؤية الأعمدة",
+ "embedInSite": "تضمين هذا العرض في موقعك",
+ "titleRequired": "العنوان مطلوب.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "اسم المصدر مطلوب",
+ "changeWsName": "تغيير اسم مساحة العمل",
+ "pressEnter": "اضغط على Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "خطاف",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "حقل جديد",
+ "saveChanges": "حفظ التغييرات",
+ "updatedField": "تحديث الحقل",
+ "deletedField": "حقل محذوف",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "تكوين غير مكتمل",
+ "selectField": "اختر حقلا",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "لون الخلفية",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "إخفاء العلامة التجارية لـ NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "إظهار بناءً على الشروط",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "عرض الحقل فقط عند تلبية الشروط",
+ "limitOptions": "تقييد الخيارات",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "حدد خيارات مرئية للمستخدمين عن طريق اختيار الخيارات المتاحة",
+ "clearSelection": "مسح التحديد",
+ "displayAsProgress": "العرض كنسبة مئوية للتقدم",
+ "relationType": "نوع العلاقة",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "إظهار فاصل الآلاف",
+ "signUpForFree": "اشترك مجانًا",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "تكييف الصورة",
+ "coverImageArea": "تغطية الصورة",
+ "syncData": "مزامنة البيانات",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "سجل الخدمات التي تهتم بها لتلقي إشعار عندما تصبح متاحة",
+ "redirectToUrl": "إعادة التوجيه إلى URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
- "googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "webhookDetails": "تفاصيل Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "إخفاء العطلات الأسبوعية",
+ "renameBase": "إعادة تسمية القاعدة",
+ "renameWorkspace": "إعادة تسمية مساحة العمل",
+ "deactivate": "تعطيل",
+ "manageUsers": "إدارة المستخدمين",
+ "newWorkspace": "مساحة عمل جديدة",
+ "addDomain": "إضافة نطاق",
+ "addMembers": "إضافة أعضاء",
+ "enterEmail": "أدخل عناوين البريد الإلكتروني",
+ "inviteToBase": "دعوة إلى القاعدة",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "دعوة إلى مساحة العمل",
+ "addMember": "إضافة عضو إلى القاعدة",
+ "noRange": "يتطلب عرض التقويم نطاق تاريخ",
+ "goToToday": "اذهب إلى اليوم",
+ "toggleSidebar": "تبديل الشريط الجانبي",
+ "addEndDate": "أضف تاريخ الانتهاء",
+ "withEndDate": "مع تاريخ الانتهاء",
+ "calendar": "تقويم",
+ "viewSettings": "عرض الإعدادات",
+ "googleOAuth": "مصادقة Google OAuth",
+ "registerOIDC": "تسجيل مزود هوية OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "تسجيل مزود هوية SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "افتح في علامة تبويب جديدة",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "انسخ كود IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "في حالة الشرط",
+ "bulkDownload": "تنزيل مجمّع",
+ "attachFile": "إرفاق ملف",
+ "viewAttachment": "عرض المرفقات",
+ "attachmentDrop": "انقر أو أسقط ملف في الخلية",
+ "addFiles": "إضافة ملف(ات)",
+ "hideInUI": "إخفاء في الواجهة",
+ "addBase": "إضافة قاعدة",
+ "addParameter": "إضافة معلمة",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "إرسال نموذج آخر",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "السحب والإفلات لإضافة الحقول هنا",
+ "editSource": "تحرير مصدر البيانات",
+ "enterText": "أدخل النص",
+ "okEditBase": "حسنًا وتحرير القاعدة",
+ "showInUI": "أظهر في الواجهة",
+ "outOfSync": "خارج المزامنة",
+ "newSource": "مصدر بيانات جديد",
+ "newWebhook": "Webhook جديد",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "تمكين الوصول العام",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "هل تريد حفظ التغييرات؟",
+ "editingAccess": "إمكانية الوصول للتحرير",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "تمكين العرض العام",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "تقييد الوصول بكلمة مرور",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "إدارة وصول المشروع",
+ "allowDownload": "السماح بالتنزيل",
+ "surveyMode": "وضع الاستبيان",
+ "rtlOrientation": "التوجه نحو اليمين لليسار",
+ "useTheme": "استخدام السمة",
+ "copyLink": "نسخ الرابط",
+ "copiedLink": "تم نسخ الرابط",
+ "copyInviteLink": "نسخ رابط الدعوة",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "تم نسخ رابط الدعوة",
"copyUrl": "نسخ الرابط",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "مزيد من الألوان",
+ "moveProject": "نقل المشروع",
"createProject": "إنشاء مشروع",
"importProject": "استيراد مشروع",
"searchProject": "البحث عن مشروع",
@@ -1072,8 +1075,8 @@
"deleteProject": "حذف المشروع",
"refreshProject": "تحديث المشاريع",
"saveProject": "حفظ المشروع",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
- "deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
+ "saveAndQuit": "حفظ & إنهاء",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "حذف الحزمة؟",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "إنشاء عن طريق ربط
قاعدة بيانات خارجية",
"excel": "إنشاء مشروع من Excel",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "مساعدة ترجمة",
"account": {
"authToken": "نسخ Auth Token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "تم نسخ رمز المصادقة",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "نسخ معلومات المشروع",
"themes": "مظاهر"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "تصفية",
"addFilter": "إضافة تصفية",
"share": "مشاركة",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "تجميع حسب",
+ "addSubGroup": "مجموعة فرعية جديدة",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "مشاركة المشروع",
"disable": "تعطيل قاعدة مشتركة",
"enable": "أي شخص لديه الرابط",
"link": "رابط قاعدة مشتركة"
@@ -1109,16 +1112,16 @@
"invite": "دعوة",
"inviteMore": "دعوة المزيد",
"inviteTeam": "دعوة فريق",
- "inviteUser": "Invite User",
+ "inviteUser": "دعوة مستخدم",
"inviteToken": "رمز دعوة",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "السجلات المرتبطة",
+ "addNewLink": "إضافة رابط جديد",
"newUser": "مستخدم جديد",
"editUser": "تحرير مستخدم",
"deleteUser": "إزالة المستخدم من المشروع",
"resendInvite": "إعادة إرسال دعوة البريد الإلكتروني",
"copyInviteURL": "نسخ رابط الدعوة",
- "copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "نسخ رابط إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور",
"newRole": "دور جديد",
"reloadRoles": "إعادة تحميل الأدوار",
"nextPage": "الصفحة التالية",
@@ -1127,24 +1130,24 @@
"previousRecord": "السجل السابق",
"copyApiURL": "نسخ رابط API",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "إنشاء لوحة تحكم",
+ "createWorkspace": "إنشاء مساحة عمل",
"refreshTable": "تحديث الجدول",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "إعادة تسمية الجدول",
+ "renameLayout": "إعادة تسمية التخطيط",
+ "deleteTable": "حذف الجدول",
"addField": "إضافة حقل جديد إلى هذا الجدول",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "تعيين كقيمة عرض",
"addRow": "إضافة صف جديد",
"saveRow": "حفظ الصف",
- "saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
- "saveAndStay": "Save & Stay",
+ "saveAndExit": "حفظ والخروج",
+ "saveAndStay": "حفظ والبقاء",
"insertRow": "إدراج صف جديد",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "حذف الصف",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "حذف السجلات",
+ "predictColumns": "توقع الحقول",
+ "predictFormulas": "توقع المعادلات",
"deleteSelectedRow": "حذف الصفوف المحددة",
"importExcel": "استيراد Excel",
"importCSV": "استيراد CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "إنشاء طريقة عرض",
"shareView": "مشاركة عرض",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "التعبئة عن طريق المسح",
"listSharedView": "قائمة العرض المشتركة",
"ListView": "قائمة المشاهدات",
"copyView": "نسخ العرض",
"renameView": "إعادة تسمية عرض",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "رفع البيانات",
"deleteView": "حذف العرض",
"createGrid": "إنشاء عرض الشبكة",
"createGallery": "إنشاء عرض المعرض",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "افتح علامة تبويب جديدة",
"iFrame": "انسخ كود HTML القابل للتضمين",
"addWebhook": "إضافة Webhook جديد",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "تمكين Webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "اختبار Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "إنشاء Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "نسخ Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "حذف Webhook",
"newToken": "إضافة Token جديد",
"exportZip": "تصدير الرمز البريدي",
"importZip": "استيراد الرمز البريدي",
"metaSync": "مزامنة الآن",
"settings": "الإعدادات",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "التحقق من الصلاحية",
"previewAs": "معاينة كـ",
"resetReview": "إعادة تعيين المعاينة",
"testDbConn": "اختبار اتصال قاعدة البيانات",
@@ -1200,74 +1203,76 @@
"addFilterGroup": "إضافة مجموعة عوامل التصفية",
"linkRecord": "اربط سجل",
"addNewRecord": "إضافة سجل جديد",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "سجل جديد",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: إنشاء سجل جديد",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' تم حفظه وربطه بنجاح",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "تم إنشاء و ربط السجل",
"useConnectionUrl": "استخدام رابط الاتصال",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "تبديل سحب التعليقات",
- "expandRecord": "Expand record",
- "deleteRecord": "Delete record",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "expandRecord": "توسيع السجل",
+ "deleteRecord": "حذف السجل",
+ "fullWidth": "العرض الكامل",
+ "exitFullWidth": "إنهاء العرض الكامل",
+ "markAllAsRead": "وضع علامة كمقرؤ",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "حذف الحقل",
+ "addNumber": "إضافة حقل رقم",
+ "addSingleLineText": "إضافة حقل نص بسطر واحد",
+ "addLongText": "إضافة حقل نص طويل",
+ "addOther": "إضافة حقل آخر"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Columns",
- "showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys",
- "showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views",
- "showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables",
- "showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
+ "showPkAndFk": "إظهار المفاتيح الأساسية والخارجية",
+ "showSqlViews": "إظهار عروض SQL",
+ "showMMTables": "إظهار الجداول متعددة إلى متعددة",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "إظهار أسماء جداول الوصلات"
"kanban": {
- "collapseStack": "Collapse stack",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
- "deleteStack": "Delete stack",
- "stackedBy": "Stacked by",
- "chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
- "addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
+ "collapseStack": "طي المكدس",
+ "collapseAll": "طي الكل",
+ "expandAll": "توسيع الكل",
+ "renameStack": "إعادة تسمية المجموعة",
+ "deleteStack": "حذف المكدس",
+ "stackedBy": "مكدس بواسطة",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "اختر حقل تجميع",
+ "addOrEditStack": "إضافة / تعديل حزمة"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
- "openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "mappedBy": "تم رسمها بواسطة",
+ "chooseMappingField": "اختر حقل تحديد",
+ "openInGoogleMaps": "خرائط جوجل",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "تبديل وضع الجوال",
+ "startCommenting": "ابدأ التعليق!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "لا توجد تعليقات حتى الآن!",
+ "clearForm": "مسح النموذج",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "إضافة حقل",
+ "selectAllFields": "اختر جميع الحقول",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "تمكين الإكمال التلقائي",
+ "default": "افتراضي",
+ "locked": "قفل الحقول المعبأة مسبقًا كقراءة فقط",
+ "hidden": "إخفاء الحقول المعبأة مسبقًا",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "القيمة المعبأة مسبقًا"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "احصل على رابط معبأ مسبقًا",
+ "group": "المجموعة",
+ "goToDocs": "اذهب إلى المستندات",
+ "addCondition": "إضافة شرط",
+ "addConditionGroup": "إضافة مجموعة شروط"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "تمكين لجعل هذا الاتصال خاصًا ومخفيًا عن المبدعين الآخرين في هذه مساحة العمل.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "اختياري. يستخدم قاعدة البيانات الافتراضية \"{database}\" إذا تُركت فارغة",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "اختياري. يستخدم النموذج الافتراضي \"{schema}\" إذا تُرك فارغًا.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "تم تعطيل تحرير الهيكل لهذا المصدر.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "هذا النوع من البيانات غير مسموح به.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "يتيح هذا الخيار تعديل هيكل قاعدة البيانات، بما في ذلك إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف الجداول والأعمدة. استخدم بحذر، لأن التغييرات قد تؤثر على السلامة الهيكلية لقاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "تسمح هذه الخيارات بإنشاء أو تحديث أو حذف السجلات داخل جداول قاعدة البيانات. مثالية للمستخدمين الإداريين الذين يحتاجون لتغيير البيانات مباشرة.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "حفظ التغييرات",
"xcDB": "إنشاء مشروع جديد",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "هل تأتي باللون الأسود ؟ (^⇧B)"
"addTable": "إضافة جدول جديد",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "إضافة لوحة تحكم جديدة",
"inviteMore": "دعوة المزيد من المستخدمين",
"toggleNavDraw": "تبديل درج التنقل",
"reloadApiToken": "إعادة تحميل رموز API",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "اختر .الملف الرئيسي",
"clientCert": "اختر .ملف الشهادة",
"clientCA": "حدد ملف CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "تغيير لون الأيقونة",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "وضع النموذج مع حقل واحد لكل صفحة",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "استخدم قائمة تحرير الحقول لتحويل النوع بعد استيراد الملف",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "الدور المتوارث من مساحة العمل",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "قريباً! انقر للتصويت لصالح التكامل الذي تحتاجه في NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "البحث عن الأيقونات",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "اختر قنوات سلاك",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "اختر قنوات مايكروسوفت تيمز",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "اختر قنوات ديسكورد",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "اختر قنوات ماترموس",
+ "webhookTitle": "عنوان الويب هوك",
+ "barcodeColumn": "حدد حقلاً لقيمة الرمز الشريطي",
+ "notFoundContent": "لم يتم العثور على نوع حقل صالح.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "اختر تنسيق الرمز الشريطي",
"projName": "أدخل اسم المشروع",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "اختر حقل التجميع",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "لا يمكن العثور على حقل اختيار واحد. يُرجى إنشاء واحد أولاً.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "اختر حقل صورة الغلاف",
+ "selectGeoField": "اختر حقل بيانات جغرافية",
+ "notSelected": "-غير محدد-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "لا يمكن العثور على حقل بيانات جغرافية. يُرجى إنشاء واحد أولاً.",
"password": {
"enter": "أدخل كلمة المرور",
"current": "كلمة المرور الحالية",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "حفظ كلمة المرور",
"confirm": "تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "حدد حقلًا لقيمة رمز الاستجابة السريعة",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "السماح بالأرقام السالبة",
"searchProjectTree": "جداول البحث",
"searchFields": "حقول البحث",
"searchColumn": "بحث {بحث} عمود",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "تصفية عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني",
"filterQuery": "إستعلام الفلتر",
"selectField": "حدد حقل",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "الدقة",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "قيمة",
+ "key": "مفتاح",
+ "createTable": "أنشئ أول جدول لك!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "لم يتم إنشاء أي رموز API",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "ادعُ فريقك",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "بحث عن الخيارات"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "تكوين الزر غير صالح",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "تكوين العمود غير صالح",
+ "invalidTheme": "اختر سمة صالحة",
+ "invalidColor": "اختر لوناً صالحاً",
+ "invalidType": "نوع الزر يمكن أن يكون إما 'webhook' أو 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "أدخل تسمية زر صالحة",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "هذه الوظيفة غير متاحة لقاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "تحكم في اسم المنظمة ومظهرها.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "أضف نطاقات الشركة لتقييد الوصول إلى المستخدمين غير المرغوب فيهم.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "تقييد المستخدمين من القدرة على مشاركة القواعد علانية.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "حدد المستخدمين المراد إزالتهم وحذفهم من جميع مساحات العمل في المنظمة.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "حذف جميع المستخدمين والقواعد والبيانات المتعلقة بهذه المنظمة",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "انقر لنسخ معرف الحقل",
+ "enterPassword": "أدخل كلمة المرور",
+ "bySigningUp": "بالتسجيل، أنت توافق على",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "اشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية الأسبوعية",
+ "verifyingPassword": "التحقق من كلمة المرور",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "هذا العرض المشترك محمي",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "تم إرسال بيانات النموذج بنجاح",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "عرض النموذج غير مدعوم على الجوال",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "عرض التقويم غير مدعوم على الجوال",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "سيتم تحميل النموذج الجديد بعد {seconds} ثوانٍ",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "الاستعلام المًحسّن معطل",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "الاستعلام المًحسّن مفعل",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "حقل البحث غير مدعوم للعلاقات غير المنتمية",
+ "invalidTime": "وقت غير صالح",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "ليس لديك أي روابط مدعومة لـ {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "لا يمكن العثور على السجل",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "رقم هاتف غير صالح",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "تم تغيير حجم الصفحة",
+ "errorLoadingData": "خطأ في تحميل البيانات",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "استخدام متغير السياق",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "الجسم",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "للإشارة إلى السجل قيد الاعتبار",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "تلميح: استخدم {placeholder1} للإشارة إلى الحقول، مثل: {placeholder2}. للمزيد، يرجى الاطلاع على",
+ "hintEnd": "معادلات.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "لم يتم العثور على معادلة مقترحة",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "لم يتم العثور على حقل مقترح",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} يتطلب {type} في الموضع {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "يرجى توقع نوع رقمي",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "يرجى توقع نوع سلسلة",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "عملية {operation} غير متوفرة",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "لا يمكن حفظ الحقل لأن المعادلة غير صالحة",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "غير مدعوم للإشارة إلى الحقل {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "المتوقع نوع {type} ولكن وجد نوع {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "يتطلب {calleeName} عدد {requiredArguments} من الوسيطات",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "يتطلب {calleeName} الحد الأدنى {minRequiredArguments} من الوسيطات",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "يتطلب {calleeName} الحد الأقصى {maxRequiredArguments} من الوسيطات",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "وظيفة {function} غير متوفرة",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "يجب أن تحتوي المعلمة الأولى في WEEKDAY() على قيمة التاريخ",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "يجب أن تحتوي المعلمة الثانية في WEEKDAY() على القيمة \"الأحد\" أو \"الاثنين\" أو \"الثلاثاء\" أو \"الأربعاء\" أو \"الخميس\" أو \"الجمعة\" أو \"السبت\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "يجب أن تحتوي المعلمة الأولى في DATEADD() على قيمة التاريخ",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "يجب أن تحتوي المعلمة الثانية في DATEADD() على قيمة رقمية",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "يجب أن تحتوي المعلمة الثالثة في DATEADD() على القيمة \"يوم\" أو \"أسبوع\" أو \"شهر\" أو \"سنة\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "يجب أن تحتوي المعلمة الأولى في DATEDIFF() على قيمة التاريخ",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "يجب أن تحتوي المعلمة الثانية في DATEDIFF() على قيمة التاريخ",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "يجب أن تحتوي المعلمة الثالثة في DATETIME_DIFF() على القيمة \"ميلليثانية\" أو \"ms\" أو \"ثانية\" أو \"s\" أو \"دقيقة\" أو \"m\" أو \"ساعة\" أو \"h\" أو \"يوم\" أو \"d\" أو \"أسبوع\" أو \"w\" أو \"شهر\" أو \"M\" أو \"ربع سنة\" أو \"Q\" أو \"سنة\" أو \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "الحقل {columnName} غير متاح",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "لا يمكن حفظ الحقل لأنه يسبب مرجع دائري",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "تم العثور على حقل {columnName} من نوع {columnType} لكن المتوقع نوع {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} لا يتطابق مع {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "خيار التحديد لا يمكن أن يكون فارغًا",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "لا يمكن للحقول المتعددة التحديد أن تحتوي على فواصل (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "خيارات التحديد لا يمكن أن تحتوي على تكرارات",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "إنشاء خيار جديد باسم"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "يرجى إدخال رقم",
+ "plsInputEmail": "يرجى إدخال البريد الإلكتروني",
+ "invalidDate": "تاريخ غير صالح",
+ "invalidLocale": "لغة غير صالحة",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "رمز العملة غير صالح",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "نوع المال في PostgreSQL له إعدادات عملته الخاصة به",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "أنواع الحقول الصالحة لحقل الباركود هي: رقم، نص سطر واحد، نص طويل، رقم هاتف، عنوان URL، بريد إلكتروني، عشري. يرجى إنشاء واحدة أولاً.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "علاقة يحتوي على العديد",
+ "tooltip_desc": "سجل واحد من الجدول ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " يمكن ربطه بسجلات متعددة من الجدول "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "علاقة متعدد لمتعدد",
+ "tooltip_desc": "سجلات متعددة من الجدول ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " يمكن ربطها بسجلات متعددة من الجدول "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "علاقة ينتمي",
+ "tooltip_desc": "سجل واحد من الجدول ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " يمكن ربطه بسجل من الجدول "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "علاقة واحد لواحد",
+ "tooltip_desc": "سجل واحد من الجدول ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " يمكن ربطه بسجل واحد من الجدول "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "يبدو أنه لم يتم ربط أي سجلات بعد.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "لا توجد سجلات مرتبطة",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "لا توجد سجلات مرتبطة",
+ "recordsLinked": "السجلات المرتبطة",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "اقبل فقط {type} صالح",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "إنشاء رموز API شخصية للاستخدام في الأتمتة أو التطبيقات الخارجية.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "اختر الحقل للفرز",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "حدد الحقل للتجميع",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "لا توجد سجلات في الجدول",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "لا توجد سجلات متاحة للربط حاليًا",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "ابدأ مع الويب هوكس!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "قم بتشغيل الأتمتة. احصل على الإشعارات فور حدوث تغييرات في بياناتك",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف التالي",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد {deleteLabel} التالي",
+ "idColumnRequired": "حقل المعرف مطلوب، يمكنك إعادة تسميته لاحقًا إذا لزم الأمر.",
+ "length59Required": "يتجاوز الطول الحد الأقصى البالغ 59 حرفًا",
+ "noNewNotifications": "لا إخطارات جديدة",
+ "noRecordFound": "السجل غير موجود",
+ "noRecordsFound": "لم يتم العثور على سجلات",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "لا توجد سجلات تطابق استفسار البحث الخاص بك",
+ "rowDeleted": "تم حذف السجل",
+ "saveChanges": "هل تريد حفظ التغييرات؟",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "الحقل كبير جدًا ليتم تحويله إلى {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "الدور مطلوب",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "سيتأثر حقول الزر التي تعتمد على هذا الخطاف",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "يتطلب عرض كانبان إعداد حقل اختيار واحد. حاول إعداد عرض كانبان بعد إضافة حقل اختيار واحد!",
+ "mapNoFields": "يتطلب عرض الخريطة إعداد حقل بيانات جغرافية. حاول إعداد عرض خريطة بعد إضافة حقل بيانات جغرافية!",
+ "dbValid": "تأكد من صحة قاعدة البيانات لمنع فقدان النماذج",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
+ "renderError": "خطأ في الباركود - يرجى التحقق من التوافق بين الإدخال ونوع الباركود"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
- "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "تحذير: حقل مُحسوب - غير قادر على مسح النص",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "تحذير: لا يمكن تغيير حقول QR مباشرة.",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "تحذير: لا يمكن تغيير حقول الباركود مباشرة."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد استنساخ القاعدة؟",
+ "duplicateTable": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد استنساخ الجدول؟",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "لا يمكنك تغيير رؤية الحقل الذي يجري تحريره. يرجى حفظ أو تجاهل التغييرات أولا.",
+ "moveEditedField": "لا يمكنك نقل الحقل الذي يجري تحريره. إما حفظ أو تجاهل التغييرات أولا",
+ "moveDeletedField": "لا يمكنك نقل الحقل الذي تم حذفه. احفظ أو تجاهل التغييرات أولاً"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "لن تتمكن من سحب السجلات بين التواريخ عند استخدام الحقول المحسوبة أو النظامية.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "تم تعطيل تغييرات الهيكل لهذا المصدر",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "أدخل اسم مساحة العمل",
+ "enterBaseName": "أدخل اسم القاعدة",
+ "idpPaste": "قم بلصق هذه الروابط في وحدة التحكم الخاصة بمزودي الهوية",
+ "noSaml": "لا توجد مصادقات SAML مكونة.",
+ "noOIDC": "لا توجد عمليات مصادقة OpenID مكونة.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "تم تعطيله لأن العرض مغلق",
+ "basesMigrated": "تم ترحيل القواعد. يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى.",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "عملية اللصق غير مدعومة على الخلية النشطة",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "تحميل الماسح...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "لقد تجاوزت الحد المسموح به.",
+ "closeLimit": "أنت على مقربة من الحد.",
+ "limitNumber": "الحد الأقصى للعلامات المعروضة في عرض الخريطة هو 1000 سجل."
"footerInfo": "الصفوف لكل صفحة",
"upload": "حدد الملف المراد رفعه",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "أدخل تسمية إدخال علامة",
"formHelpText": "أضف نص المساعدة",
"onlyCreator": "مرئية فقط للمنشيء",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "إضافة عنوان النموذج",
"formDesc": "إضافة وصف النموذج",
"beforeEnablePwd": "تقييد الوصول بكلمة مرور",
"afterEnablePwd": "الوصول مقيد بكلمة مرور",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "الوصول للمشروع عبر",
"submitAnotherForm": "إظهار زر 'إرسال نموذج آخر'",
"showBlankForm": "إظهار نموذج فارغ بعد 5 ثوان",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "أرسل الردود إلى البريد الإلكتروني",
"showSysFields": "إظهار حقول النظام",
"filterAutoApply": "تطبيق تلقائي",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "عرض الرسالة",
"viewNotShared": "لم تتم مشاركة العرض الحالي!",
"showAllViews": "عرض جميع المشاهدات المشتركة لهذا الجدول",
"collabView": "يمكن للمتعاونين الذين لديهم أذونات تحرير أو أعلى تغيير تكوين العرض.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "إضافة عرض المعرض",
"form": "إضافة عرض النموذج",
"kanban": "إضافة عرض كانبان",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "إضافة عرض الخريطة",
"calendar": "إضافة طريقة عرض التقويم"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "تزامن البيانات الوصفية للجداول",
"addMultipleUsers": "يمكنك إضافة أكثر من فاصلة (,) لفصل الإيميلات",
"enterTableName": "أدخل اسم الجدول",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "أدخل وصف الجدول...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "أدخل وصف الحقل...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "أدخل وصف العرض...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "أدخل اسم التخطيط",
+ "enterDashboardName": "أدخل اسم لوحة التحكم",
+ "defaultColumns": "الحقول الافتراضية",
"addDefaultColumns": "إضافة الأعمدة الافتراضية",
"tableNameInDb": "اسم الجدول كما تم حفظه في قاعدة البيانات",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "هذه القيمة موجودة مسبقاً في القائمة",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "لا توجد أعمدة للتحديث",
"tableDeleted": "تم حذف الجدول بنجاح",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "تم حذف التخطيط بنجاح",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "إنشاء قاعدة للقراءة فقط قابلة للمشاركة العامة",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذا العرض؟",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذا التخطيط؟",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "هل تريد حذف الجدول",
"showM2mTables": "إظهار جداول M2M",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
- "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "علاقة متعدد لمتعدد مدعومة عبر جدول الوصلات ومخفية افتراضيًا. قم بتمكين هذا الخيار لإدراج جميع هذه الجداول جنبًا إلى جنب مع الجداول الموجودة.",
+ "showNullInCells": "عرض NULL في الخلايا",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "عرض علامة 'NULL' في الخلايا التي تحتوي على قيمة NULL. هذا يساعد في التمييز عن الخلايا التي تحتوي على سلسلة فارغة.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "عرض NULL و EMPTY في الفلتر",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "تفعيل 'المرشحات الإضافية' لتمييز الحقول التي تحتوي على NULL & Empty Strings. الدعم الافتراضي للفراغ يعامل كل من NULL & Empty strings على حد سواء.",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "حذف هذه الحزمة سيزيل الخيار المحدد `{stackToBeDeleted}` من `{groupingField}`. سيتم نقل السجلات إلى الحزمة غير المصنفة.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
- "noMoreRecords": "No more records",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "noMoreRecords": "لا مزيد من السجلات",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "يجب ألا يكون اسم الرمز مفرغًا",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "يجب ألا يتجاوز طول اسم الرمز 255 حرفًا",
+ "dbNameRequired": "اسم قاعدة البيانات مطلوب",
+ "wsNameRequired": "اسم مساحة العمل مطلوب",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "يجب أن يكون اسم مساحة العمل 3 أحرف على الأقل",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "يجب أن يكون اسم مساحة العمل 50 حرفًا على الأكثر",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "احذف هذه مساحة العمل وجميع محتوياتها.",
+ "userConfirmation": "أفهم أن هذا الإجراء لا يمكن التراجع عنه",
+ "pageNotFound": "لم يتم العثور على الصفحة",
+ "makeLineBreak": "لإضافة فاصل سطر",
+ "goToPrevious": "انتقل إلى السابق",
+ "goToNext": "انتقل إلى التالي",
+ "thankYou": "شكراً لك!",
+ "submittedFormData": "لقد قمت بتقديم بيانات النموذج بنجاح.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "لا يدعم تحرير مفتاح النظام",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "غير متوفر في الوقت الحالي",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "عملية لصق المجموعة غير مدعومة في عمود الروابط/الروابط إلى سجل آخر",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "عملية مسح المجموعة غير مدعومة في عمود الروابط/الروابط إلى سجل آخر",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "الترقية إلى الإصدار المؤسسي {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "هذه الميزة متاحة فقط في الإصدار المؤسسي",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "دورك الحالي هو",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "يرجى الطلب من المسؤول / مالك القاعدة / مالك مساحة العمل للحصول على إذن أعلى للوصول إلى هذا {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "لا يمكنك إخفاء جميع الخيارات إذا كان الحقل مطلوبًا"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "لا يمكن تعطيل الخطافات اليدوية",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "خطأ في تحميل بيانات السجل",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "خطأ في جلب بيانات التقويم",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "خطأ في جلب التواريخ النشطة",
+ "scopesRequired": "النطاقات المطلوبة",
+ "domainRequired": "اسم النطاق مطلوب",
+ "authUrlRequired": "رابط المصادقة مطلوب",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "صفة اسم المستخدم مطلوبة",
+ "clientIdRequired": "معرف العميل مطلوب",
+ "issuerRequired": "المُصدر مطلوب",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "السر الخاص بالعميل مطلوب",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "رابط JWK مطلوب",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "رابط الرمز مطلوب",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "رابط معلومات المستخدم مطلوب",
+ "eitherXML": "إما رابط xml أو رابط البيانات الوصفية مطلوب",
+ "nameRequired": "الاسم مطلوب",
+ "nameMinLength": "يجب أن يكون الاسم 2 أحرف على الأقل",
+ "nameMaxLength": "يجب أن يكون الاسم 60 حرفًا على الأكثر",
+ "viewNameRequired": "اسم العرض مطلوب",
+ "domainNameRequired": "اسم النطاق مطلوب",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "يجب أن يكون الاسم 256 حرفًا على الأكثر",
+ "viewNameUnique": "يجب أن يكون اسم العرض فريدًا",
"searchProject": "البحث عن {بحث} لم يتم العثور على نتائج",
"invalidChar": "حرف غير صالح في مسار المجلد.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "بيانات اعتماد قاعدة بيانات غير صالحة.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "غير قادر على الاتصال بقاعدة البيانات ، يرجى التحقق من قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "السنة غير صالحة",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "المستخدم غير موجود أو لديه إذن كاف لإنشاء مخطط.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "معلمات قاعدة البيانات غير صالحة",
"dbConnectionFailed": "فشل الاتصال:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "يوجد فلتر فارغ. يرجى إزالته",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "البريد الإلكتروني مطلوب",
"emailInvalid": "يجب أن يكون البريد الإلكتروني صالحا",
"passwdRequired": "كلمة المرور مطلوبة",
"passwdLength": "يجب أن تكون كلمة المرور الخاصة بك 8 أحرف على الأقل",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "رقم واحد",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "حرف خاص واحد",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "قائمة الأحرف الخاصة المسموح بها",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "البريد الإلكتروني غير صالح",
+ "invalidEmail": "البريد الإلكتروني غير صالح"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "XML غير صالح",
"invalidURL": "رابط غير صالح",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "البريد الإلكتروني غير صالح",
"internalError": "حدث خطأ داخلي",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "لا يمكن العثور على مولد القالب!",
"fileUploadFailed": "فشل في رفع الملف",
@@ -1756,32 +1761,32 @@
"deleteRowFailed": "فشل في حذف الصف",
"setFormDataFailed": "فشل في تعيين بيانات النموذج",
"formViewUpdateFailed": "فشل تحديث عرض النموذج",
- "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
- "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
- "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
+ "tableNameRequired": "اسم الجدول مطلوب",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "يجب أن يبدأ الاسم بحرف أبجدي أو _",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "الأحرف التالية غير مسموح بها",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "اسم الحقل مكرر",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "الاسم مستخدم بالفعل لحقل النظام",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "نوع بيانات UI مطلوب",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
- "requiredField": "Required field",
- "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
- "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
- "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
- "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
- "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} الاسم يتجاوز 50 حرفًا",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} الاسم لا يمكن أن يبدأ بمسافة",
+ "requiredField": "الحقل مطلوب",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP غير مسموح به",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "الملف المستهدف ليس من نوع الملف المقبول",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "نوع الملف المقبول هو .csv",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "أنواع الملفات المقبولة هي .xls، .xlsx، .xlsm، .ods، .ots",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "مفتاح المعلمة لا يمكن أن يكون فارغًا",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "مفاتيح المعلمة المكررة غير مسموح بها",
+ "fieldRequired": "هذا الحقل لا يمكن أن يكون فارغًا.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "copyToClipboardError": "فشل النسخ إلى الحافظة",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "فشل اللصق من الحافظة",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "يرجى إكمال إعداد جميع الحقول قبل الحفظ",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "حدث خطأ ما",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "المحتوى المسحوب ليس من نوع الصورة",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "حقل لتحليل بيانات الصور",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "بعض الحقول المطلوبة فارغة"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "تصدير البيانات الوصفية للمشروع بنجاح",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "قريبا!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "تم تحديث مفتاح الترخيص",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "تم تحديث ACL واجهة المستخدم للجداول بنجاح",
@@ -1809,23 +1814,23 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "تم حفظ إعدادات الإضافة بنجاح",
"pluginTested": "تم اختبار إعدادات الإضافات بنجاح",
"tableRenamed": "تمت إعادة تسمية الجدول بنجاح",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "تمت إعادة تسمية التخطيط بنجاح",
"viewDeleted": "تم حذف العرض بنجاح",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "تم التحديث بنجاح كعمود أساسي",
"tableDataExported": "تم تصدير جميع بيانات الجدول بنجاح",
"updated": "تم التحديث بنجاح",
"sharedViewDeleted": "تم حذف العرض المشترك بنجاح",
- "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
+ "userDeleted": "تم حذف المستخدم بنجاح",
"viewRenamed": "تمت إعادة التسمية بنجاح",
"tokenGenerated": "تم إنشاء الرمز بنجاح",
"tokenDeleted": "تم حذف الرمز بنجاح",
"userAddedToProject": "تمت إضافة المستخدم إلى المشروع بنجاح",
- "userAdded": "Successfully added user",
+ "userAdded": "تمت إضافة المستخدم بنجاح",
"userDeletedFromProject": "تم حذف المستخدم بنجاح من المشروع",
"inviteEmailSent": "دعوة البريد الإلكتروني مرسلة بنجاح",
"inviteURLCopied": "تم نسخ عنوان URL الدعوة إلى الحافظة",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "تم نسخ التعليق إلى الحافظة",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "تم نسخ رابط إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور إلى الحافظة",
"shareableURLCopied": "تم نسخ عنوان URL الأساسي القابل للمشاركة إلى الحافظة!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "تم نسخ رمز HTML القابل للدمج!",
"userDetailsUpdated": "تم تحديث تفاصيل المستخدم بنجاح",
@@ -1836,10 +1841,10 @@
"columnUpdated": "تم تحديث العمود",
"columnCreated": "تم إنشاء العمود",
"passwordChanged": "تم تغيير كلمة المرور بنجاح. الرجاء تسجيل الدخول مرة أخرى.",
- "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
- "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "settingsSaved": "تم حفظ الإعدادات بنجاح",
+ "roleUpdated": "تم تحديث الدور بنجاح",
+ "connectionAdded": "تم الاتصال بالتكامل بنجاح",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "يمكن لمالكي ومبدعي القاعدة الآن إضافة مصدر بيانات دون إعادة إدخال بيانات الاعتماد."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/bn_IN.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/bn_IN.json
index 1ffa56519e..368b71b080 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/bn_IN.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/bn_IN.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "নতুন ইন্টারফেস তৈরি করুন",
+ "connect_data_sources": "ডেটা উত্সগুলি সংযুক্ত করুন",
+ "alert": "সতর্কতা",
+ "alert-message": "কোনো ডাটাবেস সংযুক্ত হয়নি। ইন্টারফেস তৈরি করতে ডাটাবেস সংযুক্ত করুন। এই ধাপটি এড়িয়ে যান এবং পরে বেস হোম পেজ থেকে ডাটাবেস যোগ করুন।",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "এই ইন্টারফেসের সাথে সংযোগ করতে আপনি যে ডাটাবেস বেস নির্বাচন করতে চান তা নির্বাচন করুন।",
+ "create_interface": "ইন্টারফেস তৈরি করুন",
+ "project_name": "বেস নাম",
+ "connect": "সংযোগ করুন",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "বাইরের লিঙ্ক খোল",
+ "delete_record": "রেকর্ড মুছুন",
+ "update_record": "রেকর্ড হালনাগাদ করুন",
+ "open_layout": "লেআউট খুলুন"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "টেক্সট",
+ "chart": "চার্ট",
+ "table": "টেবিল",
+ "image": "ছবি",
+ "map": "মানচিত্র",
+ "button": "বোতাম",
+ "number": "সংখ্যা",
+ "bar_chart": "বার চার্ট",
+ "line_chart": "লাইন চার্ট",
+ "area_chart": "এরিয়া চার্ট",
+ "pie_chart": "পাই চার্ট",
+ "donut_chart": "ডোনাট চার্ট",
+ "scatter_plot": "বিক্ষিপ্ত প্লট",
+ "bubble_chart": "বাবল চার্ট",
+ "radar_chart": "রাডার চার্ট",
+ "polar_area_chart": "পোলার এরিয়া চার্ট",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "রেডিয়াল বার চার্ট",
+ "heatmap_chart": "হিটম্যাপ চার্ট",
+ "treemap_chart": "ট্রিম্যাপ চার্ট",
+ "box_plot_chart": "বক্স প্লট চার্ট",
+ "candlestick_chart": "ক্যান্ডেলস্টিক চার্ট"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
+ "sum": "যোগফল",
+ "count": "গণনা",
+ "min": "সর্বনিম্ন",
+ "max": "সর্বাধিক",
+ "avg": "গড়",
+ "median": "মধ্যম",
"std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "histogram": "হিস্টোগ্রাম",
+ "range": "পরিসর",
+ "percent_empty": "ফাঁকা",
+ "percent_filled": "পূর্ণ",
+ "percent_unique": "অনন্য",
+ "count_unique": "অনন্য",
+ "count_empty": "ফাঁকা",
+ "count_filled": "পূর্ণ",
+ "earliest_date": "সর্বনিম্ন তারিখ",
+ "latest_date": "সর্বাধিক তারিখ",
+ "date_range": "পরিসর",
+ "month_range": "পরিসর",
+ "checked": "চেক করা হয়েছে",
+ "unchecked": "আনচেকড",
+ "percent_checked": "চেক করা শতাংশ",
+ "percent_unchecked": "আনচেকড শতাংশ",
+ "attachment_size": "আকার",
+ "none": "কোনটিই নয়"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "যোগফল",
+ "count": "গণনা",
+ "min": "সর্বনিম্ন",
+ "max": "সর্বাধিক",
+ "avg": "গড়",
+ "median": "মিডিয়ান",
+ "std_dev": "স্ট্যান্ডার্ড ডেভিয়েশন",
+ "histogram": "হিস্টোগ্রাম",
+ "range": "পরিসর",
+ "percent_empty": "ফাঁকা শতাংশ",
+ "percent_filled": "পূর্ণ শতাংশ",
+ "percent_unique": "অনন্য শতাংশ",
+ "count_unique": "অনন্য",
+ "count_empty": "ফাঁকা",
+ "count_filled": "পূর্ণ",
+ "earliest_date": "সর্বনিম্ন তারিখ",
+ "latest_date": "সর্বাধিক তারিখ",
+ "date_range": "তারিখ পরিসর",
+ "month_range": "মাস পরিসর",
+ "checked": "চেক করা হয়েছে",
+ "unchecked": "আনচেকড",
+ "percent_checked": "চেক করা শতাংশ",
+ "percent_unchecked": "আনচেকড শতাংশ",
+ "attachment_size": "সংযুক্তির আকার",
+ "none": "কোনটিই নয়"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "স্ক্রিপ্টসমূহ",
+ "configure": "কনফিগার করুন",
+ "switch": "সুইচ করুন",
+ "on": "চালু",
+ "onMultiple": "একাধিক চালু",
+ "manual": "ম্যানুয়াল",
+ "trigger": "ট্রিগার",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "স্টাইল",
+ "label": "লেবেল",
+ "role": "ভূমিকা",
+ "general": "সাধারণ",
+ "quit": "বেরিয়ে যান",
"home": "বাড়ি",
"load": "ভার",
"open": "খোলা",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "হ্যাঁ",
"no": "না",
"ok": "ঠিক আছে",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "পিছনে",
"and": "এবং",
"or": "বা",
"add": "যোগ করুন",
"edit": "সম্পাদনা",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "লিঙ্ক",
+ "links": "লিঙ্কগুলি",
"remove": "অপসারণ",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "আমদানি",
+ "logout": "লগ আউট",
+ "empty": "খালি",
+ "changeIcon": "আইকন পরিবর্তন করুন",
"save": "সংরক্ষণ",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "উপলব্ধ",
+ "abort": "বাতিল করুন",
+ "saving": "সংরক্ষণ করা হচ্ছে",
"cancel": "বাতিল",
- "null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
- "hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
- "slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
- "microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
- "discord": "Discord",
- "matterMost": "Mattermost",
- "twilio": "Twilio",
- "whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "null": "শূন্য",
+ "escape": "এস্কেপ",
+ "hex": "হেক্স",
+ "clear": "স্পষ্ট",
+ "slack": "স্ল্যাক",
+ "comment": "মন্তব্য",
+ "microsoftTeams": "মাইক্রোসফট টিমস",
+ "discord": "ডিসকর্ড",
+ "matterMost": "ম্যাটারমোস্ট",
+ "twilio": "টুইলিও",
+ "whatsappTwilio": "হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ টুইলিও",
+ "quote": "উদ্ধৃতি",
"submit": "জমা দিন",
"create": "সৃষ্টি",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
- "duplicate": "Duplicate",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "createEntity": "তৈরি করুন {entity}",
+ "creating": "তৈরি করা হচ্ছে",
+ "creatingEntity": "তৈরি করা হচ্ছে {entity}",
+ "details": "বিস্তারিত",
+ "skip": "এড়িয়ে যান",
+ "code": "কোড",
+ "duplicate": "ডুপ্লিকেট",
+ "duplicating": "আবার তৈরি করা হচ্ছে",
+ "duplicateEntity": "{entity} ডুপ্লিকেট",
+ "activate": "সক্রিয় করুন",
+ "action": "কর্ম",
"insert": "Insert",
"delete": "মুছে ফেলা",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "মুছুন {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "বাল্ক ইনসার্ট",
+ "bulkDelete": "বাল্ক মুছে ফেলুন",
+ "bulkUpdate": "বাল্ক আপডেট",
+ "deleting": "মুছে ফেলা হচ্ছে",
"update": "হালনাগাদ",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "হালনাগাদ",
"rename": "নাম পরিবর্তন",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "{entity} পুনঃনামকরণ",
"reload": "পুনরায় লোড",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "রিফ্রেশ",
"reset": "রিসেট",
"install": "ইনস্টল করুন",
"show": "শো",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "অ্যাক্সেস",
+ "visibility": "দৃষ্টিগোচরতা",
"hide": "লুকান",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "অপ্রচলিত",
"showAll": "সব দেখাও",
"hideAll": "সব লুকাও",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "পাওয়া যায়নি",
"showMore": "আরো দেখুন",
"showOptions": "বিকল্পগুলি দেখান",
"hideOptions": "বিকল্পগুলি লুকান",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "সাইন ইন করুন",
"signOut": "সাইন আউট",
"required": "প্রয়োজনীয়",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "স্ক্যানার সক্ষম করুন",
"preferred": "পছন্দসই",
"mandatory": "বাধ্যতামূলক",
"loading": "লোড হচ্ছে ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "আপলোড করুন",
"download": "ডাউনলোড করুন",
"default": "Default",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "উৎস",
+ "datasource": "ডেটা সোর্স",
"more": "আরও",
"less": "কম",
"event": "ঘটনা",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "পরে",
"before": "আগে",
"search": "Search",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "অনুসন্ধান করুন",
"notification": "বিজ্ঞপ্তি",
"reference": "প্রসঙ্গ",
"function": "নির্দিষ্ট কর্ম",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"generate": "Generate",
"copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে",
+ "are": "আছে",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"lock": "Lock",
"unlock": "Unlock",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.",
"moreInfo": "More information can be found here",
"logs": "Logs",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
- "hideField": "Hide field",
- "showField": "Show field",
- "sortAsc": "Sort ascending",
- "sortDesc": "Sort descending",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "groupingField": "ক্ষেত্র দ্বারা স্ট্যাক",
+ "insertAfter": "ডানে প্রবেশ করান",
+ "insertBefore": "বামে প্রবেশ করান",
+ "insertAbove": "উপর ঢোকান",
+ "insertBelow": "নিচে ঢোকান",
+ "hideField": "ক্ষেত্র লুকান",
+ "showField": "ক্ষেত্র দেখান",
+ "sortAsc": "উর্ধ্বমুখী ক্রমে সাজান",
+ "sortDesc": "অবনমন ক্রমে সাজান",
+ "move": "সরানো",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData ফিল্ড",
+ "type": "টাইপ",
+ "subType": "সাব-টাইপ",
+ "name": "নাম",
+ "changes": "পরিবর্তনগুলি",
+ "new": "নতুন",
+ "old": "পুরাতন",
+ "data": "ডেটা",
+ "source": "উৎস",
+ "destination": "গন্তব্য",
+ "active": "সক্রিয়",
+ "inactive": "নিষ্ক্রিয়",
+ "linked": "সংযুক্ত",
+ "finish": "শেষ",
+ "min": "ন্যূনতম",
+ "max": "সর্বাধিক",
+ "avg": "গড়",
+ "sum": "যোগফল",
+ "count": "গণনা",
+ "countDistinct": "গণনা স্বতন্ত্র",
+ "sumDistinct": "সংখ্যা স্বতন্ত্র",
+ "avgDistinct": "গড় স্বতন্ত্র",
+ "join": "যোগদান",
+ "options": "বিকল্পগুলি",
+ "primaryValue": "প্রাথমিক মূল্য",
+ "useSurveyMode": "সার্ভে মোড ব্যবহার করুন",
+ "shift": "সুইফট",
+ "enter": "প্রবেশ",
+ "seconds": "সেকেন্ডস",
+ "paste": "পেস্ট",
+ "restore": "পুনরুদ্ধার করুন",
+ "replace": "প্রতিস্থাপন করুন",
+ "banner": "ব্যানার",
+ "logo": "লোগো",
+ "dropdown": "ড্রপডাউন",
+ "list": "তালিকা",
+ "verify": "যাচাই",
+ "apply": "প্রযোজ্য করুন",
+ "text": "টেক্সট",
+ "appearance": "দেখা",
+ "now": "এখন",
+ "set": "সেট করুন",
+ "format": "ফরম্যাট",
+ "colour": "রঙ",
+ "use": "ব্যবহার করুন",
+ "stack": "স্ট্যাক",
+ "ipAddress": "আইপি ঠিকানা",
+ "integration": "ইন্টিগ্রেশন",
+ "integrations": "ইন্টিগ্রেশনস",
+ "connection": "সংযোগ",
+ "connections": "সংযোগগুলি",
+ "private": "ব্যক্তিগত",
+ "request": "অনুরোধ",
+ "languages": "ভাষাসমূহ",
+ "extension": "এক্সটেনশন",
+ "extensions": "এক্সটেনশনসমূহ"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "ফাইলগুলি",
+ "owner": "মালিক",
+ "member": "সদস্য",
+ "day": "দিন",
+ "week": "সপ্তাহ",
+ "month": "মাস",
+ "year": "বছর",
+ "workspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস",
+ "workspaces": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসগুলি",
"project": "প্রকল্প",
"projects": "প্রকল্প",
"table": "টেবিল",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "ক্ষেত্র",
"column": "কলাম",
"columns": "কলাম",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "কোষ",
+ "cells": "কোষ",
"page": "পৃষ্ঠা",
"pages": "পৃষ্ঠাগুলি",
"record": "রেকর্ড",
@@ -319,86 +320,86 @@
"webhooks": "ওয়েবহুকস",
"view": "দেখুন",
"views": "ভিউ",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "সাইডবার",
"viewType": {
"grid": "গ্রিড",
"gallery": "গ্যালারী",
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"kanban": "কানবান",
"calendar": "ক্যালেন্ডার",
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+ "map": "মানচিত্র"
"user": "ব্যবহারকারী",
"users": "ব্যবহারকারীরা",
"role": "ভূমিকা",
"roles": "ভূমিকা",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "বিকাশকারী",
"roleType": {
"owner": "মালিক",
"creator": "স্রষ্টা",
"editor": "সম্পাদক",
"commenter": "মন্তব্যকারী",
"viewer": "দর্শক",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
- "orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
- "orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
+ "noaccess": "কোনও অ্যাক্সেস নেই",
+ "superAdmin": "সুপার অ্যাডমিন",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "সংগঠন স্তরের মালিক",
+ "orgLevelCreator": "সংগঠন স্তর স্রষ্টা",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "সংগঠন স্তর দর্শক"
- "sqlVIew": "SQL View",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "sqlVIew": "SQL ভিউ",
+ "rowHeight": "রেকর্ড উচ্চতা",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
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+ "short": "শর্ট",
+ "medium": "মিডিয়াম",
+ "tall": "লম্বা",
+ "extra": "অতিরিক্ত"
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+ "externalDb": "বাহ্যিক ডাটাবেস",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
- "asana": "Asana",
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- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
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- "surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
- "tableau": "Tableau",
- "trello": "Trello",
- "typeform": "Typeform",
- "workday": "Workday",
- "zendesk": "Zendesk",
+ "appleNumbers": "অ্যাপল নাম্বার্স",
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+ "hubspot": "হাবস্পট",
+ "serviceHub": "সার্ভিস হাব",
+ "jira": "জিরা",
+ "mailchimp": "মেইলচিম্প",
+ "microsoftAccess": "মাইক্রোসফট অ্যাক্সেস",
+ "microsoftExcel": "মাইক্রোসফট এক্সেল",
+ "microsoftOutlook": "মাইক্রোসফট আউটলুক",
+ "miro": "মাইরো",
+ "salesforce": "সেলসফোর্স",
+ "serviceCloud": "সার্ভিস ক্লাউড",
+ "snowflake": "স্নোফ্লেক",
+ "stripe": "স্ট্রাইপ",
+ "surveyMonkey": "সার্ভেমাংকি",
+ "tableau": "ট্যাবলো",
+ "trello": "ট্রেলো",
+ "typeform": "টাইপফর্ম",
+ "workday": "ওয়ার্কডে",
+ "zendesk": "জেনডেস্ক",
"mysql": "MySQL",
"postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
"sqlite": "SQLite",
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
- "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
+ "mssqlServer": "MSSQL সার্ভার",
"oracle": "Oracle",
- "telegram": "Telegram",
- "whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
- "gmail": "Gmail",
- "pipedrive": "Pipedrive",
- "microsoftDynamics365": "Microsoft Dynamics 365",
- "zohoCrm": "Zoho CRM",
- "greenhouse": "Greenhouse",
- "lever": "Lever",
- "bitbucket": "BitBucket",
- "quickbooks": "Quickbooks",
- "intercom": "Intercom",
- "dropbox": "Dropbox",
+ "telegram": "টেলিগ্রাম",
+ "whatsapp": "হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ",
+ "gmail": "জিমেইল",
+ "pipedrive": "পাইপড্রাইভ",
+ "microsoftDynamics365": "মাইক্রোসফট ডায়নামিক্স ৩৬৫",
+ "zohoCrm": "জোহো সিআরএম",
+ "greenhouse": "গ্রিনহাউজ",
+ "lever": "লেভার",
+ "bitbucket": "বিটবাকেট",
+ "quickbooks": "কুইকবুক্স",
+ "intercom": "ইন্টারকম",
+ "dropbox": "ড্রপবক্স",
"openai": "OpenAI",
"claude": "Claude",
"ollama": "Ollama",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "সমস্ত ইন্টিগ্রেশন",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
- "crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
- "ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "databaseSubtitle": "NocoDB এর সাথে আপনার ডেটাবেসগুলি নির্বিঘ্নে সংযুক্ত এবং পরিচালনা করুন।",
+ "communication": "যোগাযোগ",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "পরিবর্তনের বিষয়ে অবহিত হন এবং NocoDB এর সাথে দলীয় যোগাযোগ সরলীকরণ করুন।",
+ "projectManagement": "প্রকল্প পরিচালনা",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "প্রকল্পের কর্মপ্রবাহ এবং কাজের ব্যবস্থাপনা NocoDB এর সাথে উন্নত করুন।",
+ "crm": "সিআরএম",
+ "crmSubtitle": "NocoDB একত্রীকরণের মাধ্যমে গ্রাহক সম্পর্ক ব্যবস্থাপনা অপ্টিমাইজ করুন।",
+ "marketing": "মার্কেটিং",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "NocoDB এর শক্তিশালী একত্রীকরণ সহ আপনার বিপণনের প্রচেষ্টা বাড়ান।",
+ "ats": "এটিএস",
+ "atsSubtitle": "NocoDB এর মাধ্যমে আপনার আবেদনকারী ট্র্যাকিং সিস্টেম সহজ করুন।",
+ "development": "উন্নয়ন",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "NocoDB একত্রীকরণের সাথে উন্নয়ন প্রক্রিয়াগুলি দ্রুততর করুন।",
+ "finance": "অর্থনীতি",
+ "financeSubtitle": "NocoDB এর সাথে আর্থিক কার্যক্রম এবং ডেটা ব্যবস্থাপনাকে সহজ করুন।",
+ "ticketing": "টিকিটিং",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "NocoDB এর সাথে সহায়তা টিকিটগুলি দক্ষতার সাথে পরিচালনা এবং ট্র্যাক করুন।",
+ "storageSubtitle": "NocoDB এর সাথে আপনার স্টোরেজ সমাধানগুলি সমন্বিত এবং সংগঠিত করুন।",
+ "others": "অন্যান্য",
+ "othersSubtitle": "আপনার NocoDB অভিজ্ঞতাকে উন্নত করার জন্য অতিরিক্ত বহুমুখী ইন্টিগ্রেশনগুলি আবিষ্কার করুন।",
+ "ai": "এআই",
+ "spreadSheet": "স্প্রেডশীট",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "NocoDB এর সাথে আপনার স্প্রেডশীটগুলিকে সংযুক্ত এবং পরিচালনা করুন।"
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "নাল নয়"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "ওয়েবহুক অনুসন্ধান",
+ "webcam": "ওয়েবক্যাম",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "ইউআরএল এর মাধ্যমে আপলোড করুন",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
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- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
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- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
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- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
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- "creator": "Creator",
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- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
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- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
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- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
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- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
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- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
- "erdView": "ERD View",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "renameBase": "বেস পুনঃনামকরণ করুন",
+ "renameWorkspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস পুনঃনামকরণ করুন",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস পুনঃনামকরণ করা হচ্ছে",
+ "renamingBase": "বেস পুনঃনামকরণ করা হচ্ছে",
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+ "dateJoined": "যোগদানের তারিখ",
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+ "updateSelectedRows": "নির্বাচিত রেকর্ড আপডেট করুন",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "কোনও ফিল্টার যোগ করা হয়নি",
+ "editCards": "কার্ড সম্পাদনা করুন",
+ "noFieldsFound": "কোনও ক্ষেত্র পাওয়া যায়নি",
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+ "oneToOne": "ওয়ান টু ওয়ান",
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+ "linkMore": "আরও লিঙ্ক করুন",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "আরও রেকর্ড লিঙ্ক করুন",
+ "linkRecords": "রেকর্ড লিঙ্ক করুন",
+ "downloadFile": "ফাইল ডাউনলোড করুন",
+ "renameTable": "টেবিলের নামকরণ",
+ "renamingTable": "টেবিলের নামকরণ হচ্ছে",
+ "renamingWs": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসের নামকরণ হচ্ছে",
+ "renameWs": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসের নামকরণ",
+ "deleteWs": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস মুছুন",
+ "deletingWs": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস মুছছে",
+ "copyAuthToken": "অনুলিপি আথ টোকেন",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "অনুলিপি করা আথ টোকেন",
+ "copyInviteToken": "আমন্ত্রণ টোকেন অনুলিপি করুন",
+ "showSidebar": "সাইডবার দেখান",
+ "hideSidebar": "সাইডবার লুকান",
+ "creatingTable": "টেবিল তৈরি হচ্ছে",
+ "erdView": "ERD ভিউ",
+ "newBase": "নতুন ডেটা উৎস",
"newProj": "নতুন প্রকল্প",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "প্রকল্প তৈরি করুন",
"myProject": "আমার প্রকল্প",
"formTitle": "ফর্ম শিরোনাম",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "সহযোগী",
+ "locked": "লকড",
+ "personal": "ব্যক্তিগত",
"appStore": "অ্যাপ স্টোর",
"teamAndAuth": "দল ও আথ",
"rolesUserMgmt": "ভূমিকা এবং ব্যবহারকারী পরিচালনা",
"userMgmt": "ব্যবহারকারী পরিচালনা",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "এপিআই টোকেন",
"apiTokenMgmt": "এপিআই টোকেন পরিচালনা",
"rolesMgmt": "ভূমিকা পরিচালনা",
"projMeta": "প্রকল্প মেটাডেটা",
@@ -576,7 +577,7 @@
"generateToken": "Generate Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
"helpCenter": "Help center",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "কোনও লেবেল নেই",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
"quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From",
"quickImport": "Quick Import",
@@ -585,15 +586,15 @@
"quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
"quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "comingSoon": "শীঘ্রই আসছে",
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
"codeSnippet": "Code Snippet",
- "keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "কীবোর্ড শর্টকাট",
+ "generateRandomName": "র্যান্ডম নাম তৈরি করুন",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
"tokenManagement": "Token Management",
"addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
+ "createNewToken": "নতুন টোকেন তৈরি করুন",
"accountSettings": "Account Settings",
"resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
"tokens": "Tokens",
@@ -612,146 +613,148 @@
"setNull": "Set NULL",
"setDefault": "Set Default"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "এখানে যোগ করার জন্য ডান প্যানেল থেকে ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "noOptionsFound": "কোনও বিকল্প পাওয়া যায় নি",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই ফর্মটি জমা দিতে চান?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "দেখায় যে এই স্ট্যাকে কোনো রেকর্ড নেই",
+ "fromScratch": "শুরু থেকে",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "ফাইল এবং বাহ্যিক উৎস থেকে",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "সরাসরি রিয়েল টাইমে",
+ "categories": "বিভাগসমূহ",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "ফিল্ড অপ্রাপ্য",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "কোন শর্ত যোগ করা হয়নি"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে",
+ "configuration": "কনফিগারেশন",
+ "setup": "সেটআপ",
+ "configLabel": "{label} কনফিগার করুন",
+ "switchToProd": "প্রোডাকশন প্রস্তুত অ্যাপ ডাটাবেসে সুইচ করুন",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
+ "fieldID": "ক্ষেত্রের আইডি",
+ "addDescription": "বর্ণনা যোগ করুন",
+ "editDescription": "বর্ণনা সম্পাদনা করুন",
+ "urlFormula": "ইউআরএল সূত্র",
+ "selectIcon": "কোনও নেই",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--একটি webhook নির্বাচন করুন--",
+ "openUrl": "ইউআরএল খোলা",
"runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "onClick": "ক্লিকের উপরে",
+ "defaultView": "ডিফল্ট দৃশ্য",
+ "recordInsert": "রেকর্ড ইনসার্ট",
+ "recordUpdate": "রেকর্ড আপডেট",
+ "recordDelete": "রেকর্ড ডিলিট",
+ "supportDocs": "সহায়তাকারী ডকুমেন্ট",
+ "addedOn": "যোগ হয়েছে",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "প্রদর্শন মান ক্ষেত্র পরিবর্তন করুন",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "প্রদর্শন মান ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "changeTitleField": "শিরোনাম ক্ষেত্র পরিবর্তন করুন",
+ "clearAll": "সব স্পষ্ট",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "লুকআপ ক্ষেত্রগুলি লিঙ্ক করা রেকর্ড থেকে ডেটা দেখায়। থেকে নির্দিষ্ট ক্ষেত্রগুলি নির্বাচন করুন ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " এই টেবিলে তাদের লুকআপ ক্ষেত্র হিসেবে যোগ করার জন্য টেবিল।",
+ "formatting": "ফরম্যাটিং",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -একটি ফরম্যাট প্রকার নির্বাচন করুন (ঐচ্ছিক)- -",
+ "formatType": "ফরম্যাট প্রকার",
+ "toUpload": "আপলোড করতে",
+ "dragFilesHere": "ফাইলগুলি এখানে টেনে আনুন",
+ "browseFiles": "ফাইল ব্রাউজ করুন",
+ "clickTo": "ক্লিক করুন",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "আপনার ক্যামেরায় অ্যাক্সেস দিতে অনুগ্রহ করে অনুমতি দিন",
+ "openFile": "ফাইল খুলুন",
+ "enterValidUrl": "ফাইল আপলোড করার জন্য একটি বৈধ ইউআরএল লিখুন",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "ইউআরএল থেকে ফাইল যোগ করুন",
+ "uploading": "আপলোড হচ্ছে",
+ "dropHere": "এখানে ফেলে দিন",
+ "addMore": "আরও যোগ করুন",
+ "clearAllFiles": "সকল ফাইল মুছুন",
+ "integration": "ইন্টিগ্রেশন",
+ "notRecommended": "প্রস্তাবিত নয়",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "selectView": "একটি দৃশ্য নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "connectionDetails": "উৎস সংযোগের বিবরণ",
+ "metaSync": "মেটা সিঙ্ক",
+ "mention": "উল্লেখ করুন",
+ "today": "আজ",
+ "currentDate": "বর্তমান তারিখ",
+ "workspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস",
+ "txt": "TXT রেকর্ড মান",
+ "transferOwnership": "স্বত্ত্বান্তর প্রদান",
+ "recentActivity": "সাম্প্রতিক কার্যকলাপ",
+ "goToMembers": "সদস্যদের কাছে যান",
+ "addMember": "সদস্য যোগ করুন",
+ "numberOfMembers": "সদস্য সংখ্যা",
+ "numberOfBases": "বেসের সংখ্যা",
+ "numberOfRecords": "রেকর্ড সংখ্যা",
+ "workspaceName": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস নাম",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "মালিক ছাড়া ওয়ার্কস্পেস",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসে ব্যবহারকারী আমন্ত্রণ",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-ওয়ার্কস্পেস নির্বাচন করতে আমন্ত্রণ জানাতে-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "সংগঠনে সদস্য যোগ করুন",
+ "memberIn": "সদস্য মধ্যে:",
+ "assignAs": "রূপান্তর করুন",
+ "signOutUser": "ব্যবহারকারী সাইন আউট করুন",
+ "signOutUsers": "ব্যবহারকারীদের সাইন আউট করুন",
+ "deactivateUser": "ব্যবহারকারী নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন",
+ "deactivateUsers": "ব্যবহারকারীদের নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন",
+ "lastActive": "শেষ সক্রিয়",
+ "dateAdded": "তারিখ সংযুক্ত",
+ "uploadImage": "ছবি আপলোড করুন",
+ "organizationProfile": "সংগঠন প্রোফাইল",
+ "organizationImage": "সংগঠন চিত্র",
+ "organizationName": "সংগঠন নাম",
+ "activeDomains": "সক্রিয় ডোমেন",
+ "domains": "ডোমেন",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "পাবলিক শেয়ারিং নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন",
+ "shareSettings": "শেয়ার সেটিংস",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "ব্যবহারকারী এবং তাদের ডেটা মুছুন",
+ "userOptions": "ব্যবহারকারীর বিকল্প",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "এই সংগঠনটি মুছে দিন",
+ "dangerZone": "বিপদ অঞ্চল",
+ "childView": "শিশু দৃশ্য",
+ "selectYear": "বছর নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "save": "সংরক্ষণ",
+ "cancel": "বাতিল",
+ "metadataUrl": "মেটাডেটা ইউআরএল",
+ "audience-entityId": "দর্শক/এনটিটি আইডি",
+ "redirectUrl": "পুনর্নির্দেশ ইউআরএল",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
+ "newProvider": "নতুন প্রদানকারী",
+ "generalSettings": "সাধারণ সেটিংস",
+ "adminPanel": "অ্যাডমিন প্যানেল",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসকে সংগঠনে স্থানান্তর করুন",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO সেটিংস",
+ "addDomain": "ডোমেন যোগ করুন",
+ "domain": "ডোমেন",
+ "settings": "সেটিংস",
+ "workspaces": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসগুলো",
+ "back": "ফিরে যান",
+ "dashboard": "ড্যাশবোর্ড",
+ "organizeBy": "বাছাই করুন দ্বারা",
+ "previous": "আগের",
+ "nextMonth": "পরবর্তী মাস",
+ "previousMonth": "পূর্ববর্তী মাস",
+ "next": "পরবর্তী",
+ "organiseBy": "বিন্যাস করুন দ্বারা",
+ "heading1": "শিরোনাম ১",
+ "heading2": "শিরোনাম ২",
+ "heading3": "শিরোনাম ৩",
+ "bold": "বোল্ড",
+ "italic": "ইটালিক",
+ "underline": "আন্ডারলাইন",
+ "strike": "স্ট্রাইক",
+ "taskList": "কাজের তালিকা",
+ "bulletList": "বুলেট তালিকা",
+ "numberedList": "সংখ্যাযুক্ত তালিকা",
"downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
+ "blockQuote": "ব্লক উদ্ধৃতি",
"noToken": "No Token",
"tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
"duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
+ "tableIdColon": "টেবিল আইডি: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
"toAddress": "To Address",
"subject": "Subject",
@@ -760,7 +763,7 @@
"headerName": "Header Name",
"icon": "Icon",
"max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "রিচ টেক্সট সক্রিয় করুন",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
"copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
"copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
@@ -780,8 +783,8 @@
"timeFormat": "Time Format",
"singularLabel": "Singular Label",
"pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
+ "selectDateField": "তারিখ ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "endDateField": "শেষ তারিখ ক্ষেত্র",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"clickToMake": "Click to make",
"visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
@@ -790,43 +793,43 @@
"clickToHide": "Click to hide",
"clickToDownload": "Click to download",
"forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "টেবিল আইডি কপি করতে ক্লিক করুন",
"clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
+ "viewMode": "দর্শন মোড",
"searchUsers": "Search Users",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
"allTables": "All Tables",
"members": "Members",
"dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
- "createdBy": "Created By",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "connectDataSource": "বহিরাগত ডেটা সংযুক্ত করুন",
+ "searchProjects": "অনুসন্ধান প্রকল্প",
+ "createdBy": "নির্মিত হয়েছে",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "এর সংযুক্তি দেখছেন",
+ "readOnly": "শুধুমাত্র পঠিত",
+ "createdOn": "তৈরি তারিখ",
"notifyVia": "এর মাধ্যমে অবহিত করুন",
"projName": "প্রকল্পের নাম",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "প্রোফাইল",
+ "accountDetails": "অ্যাকাউন্টের বিবরণ",
+ "controlAppearance": "আপনার উপস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করুন।",
+ "accountEmailID": "অ্যাকাউন্ট ইমেল আইডি",
+ "backToWorkspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসে ফিরে যান",
+ "untitledToken": "শিরোনামহীন টোকেন",
"tableName": "Table name",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "ড্যাশবোর্ডের নাম",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "দৃশ্য তৈরি হচ্ছে",
+ "duplicateView": "দর্শন ডুপ্লিকেট",
+ "duplicateGridView": "ডুপ্লিকেট গ্রিড ভিউ",
+ "createGridView": "গ্রিড ভিউ তৈরি করুন",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "ডুপ্লিকেট গ্যালারি ভিউ",
+ "createGalleryView": "গ্যালারি ভিউ তৈরি করুন",
+ "duplicateFormView": "ডুপ্লিকেট ফর্ম ভিউ",
+ "createFormView": "ফর্ম ভিউ তৈরি করুন",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "ডুপ্লিকেট কানবান ভিউ",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "ডুপ্লিকেট ক্যালেন্ডার ভিউ",
+ "createKanbanView": "কানবান ভিউ তৈরি করুন",
+ "createCalendarView": "ক্যালেন্ডার ভিউ তৈরি করুন",
"viewName": "নাম দেখুন",
"viewLink": "লিঙ্ক দেখুন",
"columnName": "কলামের নাম",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "ডাটাবেস টাইপ করুন",
"lengthValue": "দৈর্ঘ্য/ মান",
"dbType": "ডাটাবেস প্রকার",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "সার্ভারনেম / হোস্ট ঠিকানা",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite ফাইল পথ",
+ "hostAddress": "হোস্ট ঠিকানা",
+ "port": "পোর্ট নাম্বার",
"username": "ব্যবহারকারীর নাম",
"password": "পাসওয়ার্ড",
"schemaName": "স্কিমার নাম",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "কর্ম",
"actions": "ক্রিয়া",
"operation": "অপারেশন",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "উপ অপারেশন",
"operationType": "অপারেশন টাইপ",
"operationSubType": "অপারেশন সাব-টাইপ",
"description": "বর্ণনা",
@@ -857,14 +860,14 @@
"where": "কোথায়",
"cache": "ক্যাশে",
"chat": "চ্যাট",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "দেখান বা লুকান",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV ফাইল",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON ফাইল",
"excel": "Excel",
- "microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
+ "microsoftExcel": "মাইক্রোসফট এক্সেল",
"email": "ই-মেইল",
"storage": "স্টোরেজ",
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL",
@@ -873,15 +876,15 @@
"created": "তৈরি",
"sqlOutput": "এসকিউএল আউটপুট",
"addOption": "বিকল্প যোগ করুন",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "ইন্টারফেসের রঙ",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
- "barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
- "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
- "barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "barcodeFormat": "বারকোড ফরম্যাট",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "QR কোডের জন্য অনেক বেশি অক্ষর রয়েছে",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "বারকোডের জন্য অনেক বেশি অক্ষর রয়েছে",
+ "currentLocation": "বর্তমান অবস্থান",
+ "lng": "দ্রাঘিমাংশ",
+ "lat": "অক্ষাংশ",
"aggregateFunction": "সামগ্রিক ফাংশন",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "ডাটাবেস: উপস্থিত না থাকলে তৈরি করুন",
"clientKey": "ক্লায়েন্ট কী",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "NocoDB কমিউনিটিতে যোগ দিন",
"joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB-এ যোগ দিন",
"followNocodb": "NocoDB অনুসরণ করুন",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(কমিউনিটি/AI অনুবাদিত)"
- "twitter": "Twitter",
+ "twitter": "টুইটার",
"docReference": "Document Reference",
"selectUserRole": "ব্যবহারকারীর ভূমিকা নির্বাচন করুন",
"childTable": "Child table",
"childColumn": "Child column",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
- "linkToAnotherRecord": "Link to another record",
- "links": "Links",
+ "childField": "শিশু ক্ষেত্র",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "বিনামূল্যে ক্লাউডে যোগ দিন",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "অন্য একটি রেকর্ডের সাথে লিঙ্ক করুন",
+ "links": "লিঙ্কসমূহ",
"onUpdate": "আপডেটে",
"onDelete": "ডিলিটএ",
"account": "Account",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Custom Theme",
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
"apiKey": "API Key",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
- "importData": "Import data",
+ "personalAccessToken": "ব্যক্তিগত অ্যাক্সেস টোকেন",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "শেয়ার্ড বেস ইউআরএল",
+ "importData": "ডেটা আমদানি করুন",
"importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "ব্যবহারকারীদের আমদানি করুন (ইমেইল দ্বারা)",
"noData": "No Data",
"goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
"importing": "Importing",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "জসন ফরম্যাট করুন",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "স্বয়ং-নির্বাচিত ফিল্ডের ধরণ",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "প্রথম রেকর্ডকে শিরোনাম হিসেবে ব্যবহার করুন",
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
"downloadAllowed": "Download allowed",
"weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "has many",
"belongsTo": "belongs to",
"manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "এক থেকে এক সম্পর্ক আছে",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
"commentsOnly": "Comments only",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "{provider} এর সাথে সাইন আপ করুন",
+ "signInWithProvider": "{provider} এর সাথে সাইন ইন করুন",
"agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
"welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
- "inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "শুধুমাত্র আমন্ত্রণ লিঙ্ক ব্যবহার করে সাইন আপ করতে দিন",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "গ্রিড ভিউতে তথ্য ম্যানুয়ালি যোগ করুন",
+ "addRowForm": "ফর্মের মাধ্যমে রেকর্ডের তথ্য প্রবেশ করুন",
+ "noAccess": "অ্যাক্সেস নেই",
+ "restApis": "রেস্ট এপিআই",
+ "apis": "এপিআই",
+ "apiSnippet": "এপিআই স্নিপেট",
+ "includeData": "তথ্য অন্তর্ভুক্ত করুন",
+ "includeView": "দৃশ্য অন্তর্ভুক্ত করুন",
+ "includeWebhook": "ওয়েবহুক অন্তর্ভুক্ত করুন",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "কলাম দেখতে জুম ইন করুন",
+ "embedInSite": "আপনার সাইটে এই দৃশ্য এম্বেড করুন",
+ "titleRequired": "শিরোনাম প্রয়োজন।",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "সোর্স নাম প্রয়োজন",
+ "changeWsName": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস নাম পরিবর্তন করুন",
+ "pressEnter": "এন্টার চাপুন",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "নতুন ফিল্ড",
+ "saveChanges": "পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ করুন",
+ "updatedField": "আপডেট করা ক্ষেত্র",
+ "deletedField": "মুছে ফেলা ক্ষেত্র",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "অসম্পূর্ণ কনফিগারেশন",
+ "selectField": "একটি ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "পটভূমির রং",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "নোকোডিবি ব্র্যান্ডিং লুকান",
+ "showOnConditions": "শর্তগুলিতে দেখান",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "শুধুমাত্র শর্তগুলি পূরণ হলে ক্ষেত্র প্রদর্শন করে",
+ "limitOptions": "সীমা বিকল্পগুলি",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "বাছাইকৃত উপলব্ধ বিকল্প দ্বারা ব্যবহারকারীদের জন্য প্রদর্শিত বিকল্পের সংখ্যা সীমিত করুন",
+ "clearSelection": "নির্বাচন পরিষ্কার করুন",
+ "displayAsProgress": "প্রগতি হিসাবে প্রদর্শন",
+ "relationType": "সম্পর্ক প্রকার",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "হাজার বিভাজক দেখান",
+ "signUpForFree": "বিনামূল্যে সাইন আপ করুন",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "ছবি ফিট করুন",
+ "coverImageArea": "কভার চিত্র",
+ "syncData": "ডেটা সিঙ্ক করুন",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "আপনি যেসব পরিষেবায় আগ্রহী সেগুলি নিবন্ধন করুন যাতে তারা উপলভ্য হলে বিজ্ঞপ্তি পান",
+ "redirectToUrl": "ইউআরএল এ পুনঃনির্দেশনা করুন"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "ওয়েবহুকের বিবরণ",
+ "hideWeekends": "সপ্তাহান্ত লুকান",
+ "renameBase": "বেস পুনঃনামকরণ",
+ "renameWorkspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস পুনঃনামকরণ",
+ "deactivate": "নিষ্ক্রিয়",
+ "manageUsers": "ব্যবহারকারীদের পরিচালনা করুন",
+ "newWorkspace": "নতুন ওয়ার্কস্পেস",
+ "addDomain": "ডোমেন যোগ করুন",
+ "addMembers": "সদস্য যোগ করুন",
+ "enterEmail": "ইমেল ঠিকানা লিখুন",
+ "inviteToBase": "বেসে আমন্ত্রণ জানান",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসে আমন্ত্রণ",
+ "addMember": "সদস্যকে বেসে যোগ করুন",
+ "noRange": "ক্যালেন্ডার ভিউ একটি তারিখ পরিসীমা প্রয়োজন",
+ "goToToday": "আজকের দিনে যান",
+ "toggleSidebar": "সাইডবার টগল করুন",
+ "addEndDate": "শেষ তারিখ যোগ করুন",
+ "withEndDate": "শেষ তারিখ সহ",
+ "calendar": "ক্যালেন্ডার",
+ "viewSettings": "দেখুন সেটিংস",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "OIDC শনাক্তকরণ প্রদানকারী নিবন্ধন করুন",
+ "registerSAML": "SAML শনাক্তকরণ প্রদানকারী নিবন্ধন করুন",
+ "openInANewTab": "নতুন ট্যাবে খুলুন",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "আইফ্রেম কোড কপি করুন",
+ "onCondition": "অবস্থায়",
+ "bulkDownload": "বাল্ক ডাউনলোড",
+ "attachFile": "ফাইল সংযুক্ত করুন",
+ "viewAttachment": "সংযুক্তি দেখুন",
+ "attachmentDrop": "ক্লিক করুন অথবা ফাইলটিকে সেলে ফেলে দিন",
+ "addFiles": "ফাইল(গুলি) যোগ করুন",
+ "hideInUI": "UI-তে লুকান",
+ "addBase": "বেস যোগ করুন",
+ "addParameter": "প্যারামিটার যুক্ত করুন",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "অন্য ফর্ম জমা দিন",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "যুক্ত করার জন্য এখানে ক্ষেত্রগুলি টেনে আনুন এবং ছেড়ে দিন",
+ "editSource": "তথ্য উৎস সম্পাদনা করুন",
+ "enterText": "টেক্সট প্রবেশ করান",
+ "okEditBase": "ঠিক আছে & প্রকল্প সম্পাদনা করুন",
+ "showInUI": "UI-তে দেখান",
+ "outOfSync": "সিঙ্ক থেকে বাইরে",
+ "newSource": "নতুন তথ্য উৎস",
+ "newWebhook": "নতুন Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "পাবলিক অ্যাক্সেস সক্ষম করুন",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "আপনি কি পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ করতে চান ?",
+ "editingAccess": "সম্পাদনা অ্যাক্সেস",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "পাবলিক দেখা সক্ষম করুন",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "পাসওয়ার্ড দিয়ে অ্যাক্সেস সীমাবদ্ধ করুন",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "প্রকল্প অ্যাক্সেস পরিচালনা করুন",
+ "allowDownload": "ডাউনলোডের অনুমতি দিন",
+ "surveyMode": "সমীক্ষা মোড",
+ "rtlOrientation": "আরটিএল অভিমুখ",
+ "useTheme": "থিম ব্যবহার করুন",
+ "copyLink": "লিঙ্ক কপি করুন",
+ "copiedLink": "লিঙ্ক কপি হয়েছে",
+ "copyInviteLink": "আমন্ত্রণ লিঙ্ক কপি করুন",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "আমন্ত্রণ লিঙ্ক কপি হয়েছে",
"copyUrl": "কপি ইউআরএল",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "আরও রং",
+ "moveProject": "প্রকল্প সরান",
"createProject": "প্রকল্প তৈরি করুন",
"importProject": "আমদানি প্রকল্প",
"searchProject": "অনুসন্ধান প্রকল্প",
@@ -1072,8 +1075,8 @@
"deleteProject": "প্রকল্প মুছুন",
"refreshProject": "রিফ্রেশ প্রকল্পগুলি",
"saveProject": "সংরক্ষণ প্রকল্প",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
- "deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
+ "saveAndQuit": "সংরক্ষণ করুন & প্রস্থান করুন",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "স্ট্যাক মুছবেন?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "একটি বাহ্যিক ডাটাবেসে
সংযুক্ত করে তৈরি করুন",
"excel": "এক্সেল থেকে প্রকল্প তৈরি করুন",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "অনুবাদ করতে সহায়তা করুন",
"account": {
"authToken": "অনুলিপি আথ টোকেন",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "অনুলিপি আথ টোকেন হয়েছে",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "প্রকল্পের তথ্য অনুলিপি করুন",
"themes": "থিম"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "ছাঁকনি",
"addFilter": "ফিল্টার যুক্ত করুন",
"share": "শেয়ার",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "দল অনুযায়ী",
+ "addSubGroup": "নতুন উপগোষ্ঠী",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "শেয়ার বেস",
"disable": "ভাগ করা বেস অক্ষম করুন",
"enable": "লিঙ্ক সহ যে কেউ",
"link": "ভাগ করা বেস লিঙ্ক"
@@ -1109,16 +1112,16 @@
"invite": "আমন্ত্রণ",
"inviteMore": "আরও আমন্ত্রণ",
"inviteTeam": "দলকে আমন্ত্রণ করুন",
- "inviteUser": "Invite User",
+ "inviteUser": "ব্যবহারকারীকে আমন্ত্রণ করুন",
"inviteToken": "টোকেনকে আমন্ত্রণ করুন",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "সংযুক্ত রেকর্ডস",
+ "addNewLink": "নতুন লিঙ্ক যুক্ত করুন",
"newUser": "নতুন ব্যবহারকারী",
"editUser": "ব্যবহারকারী সম্পাদনা করুন",
"deleteUser": "প্রকল্প থেকে ব্যবহারকারী সরান",
"resendInvite": "आमंत्रण ईमेल दोबारा भेजे",
"copyInviteURL": "অনুলিপি ইউআরএল আমন্ত্রণ করুন",
- "copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "পাসওয়ার্ড রিসেট URL অনুলিপি করুন",
"newRole": "নতুন ভূমিকা",
"reloadRoles": "পুনরায় লোড ভূমিকা",
"nextPage": "পরবর্তী পৃষ্ঠা",
@@ -1127,24 +1130,24 @@
"previousRecord": "পূর্ববর্তী রেকর্ড",
"copyApiURL": "অনুলিপি এপিআই ইউআরএল",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "ড্যাশবোর্ড তৈরি করুন",
+ "createWorkspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস তৈরি করুন",
"refreshTable": "টেবিল রিফ্রেশ",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "সারণী পুনঃনামকরণ",
+ "renameLayout": "লেআউটের নামকরণ",
+ "deleteTable": "সারণী মুছুন",
"addField": "এই টেবিলে নতুন ক্ষেত্র যুক্ত করুন",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "প্রদর্শন মান হিসাবে সেট করুন",
"addRow": "নতুন সারি যুক্ত করুন",
"saveRow": "সারি সংরক্ষণ করুন",
- "saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
- "saveAndStay": "Save & Stay",
+ "saveAndExit": "সংরক্ষণ করুন & প্রস্থান করুন",
+ "saveAndStay": "সংরক্ষণ করুন & থাকুন",
"insertRow": "নতুন সারি ঢোকান",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "সারি মুছুন",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "রেকর্ডস মুছুন",
+ "predictColumns": "ক্ষেত্রদের পূর্বাভাস",
+ "predictFormulas": "সূত্রের পূর্বাভাস",
"deleteSelectedRow": "নির্বাচিত সারিগুলি মুছুন",
"importExcel": "এক্সেল আমদানি করুন",
"importCSV": "Import CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "একটি দৃশ্য তৈরি করুন",
"shareView": "শেয়ার ভিউ",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "স্ক্যান দ্বারা পূরণ করুন",
"listSharedView": "ভাগ করা ভিউ তালিকা",
"ListView": "ভিউ তালিকা",
"copyView": "অনুলিপি দেখুন",
"renameView": "ভিউ নামকরণ",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "তথ্য আপলোড করুন",
"deleteView": "দৃশ্য মুছুন",
"createGrid": "গ্রিড ভিউ তৈরি করুন",
"createGallery": "গ্যালারী ভিউ তৈরি করুন",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "নতুন ট্যাব খুলুন",
"iFrame": "এম্বেডযোগ্য এইচটিএমএল কোড অনুলিপি করুন",
"addWebhook": "নতুন ওয়েবহুক যুক্ত করুন",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Webhook সক্ষম করুন",
+ "testWebhook": "Webhook পরীক্ষা করুন",
+ "createWebhook": "ওয়েবহুক তৈরি করুন",
+ "copyWebhook": "Webhook কপি করুন",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Webhook মুছুন",
"newToken": "নতুন টোকেন যুক্ত করুন",
"exportZip": "রফতানি জিপ",
"importZip": "আমদানি জিপ",
"metaSync": "এখন সিঙ্ক",
"settings": "সেটিংস",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "বৈধতা",
"previewAs": "পূর্বরূপ হিসাবে",
"resetReview": "পূর্বরূপ পুনরায় সেট করুন",
"testDbConn": "টেস্ট ডাটাবেস সংযোগ",
@@ -1199,75 +1202,77 @@
"clearCell": "Clear cell",
"addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
"linkRecord": "Link record",
- "addNewRecord": "Add new record",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "addNewRecord": "নতুন সারি যুক্ত করুন",
+ "newRecord": "নতুন রেকর্ড",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: নতুন রেকর্ড তৈরি করুন",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' সফলভাবে সংরক্ষিত ও সংযুক্ত হয়েছে",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "রেকর্ড তৈরি হয়েছে ও সংযুক্ত",
"useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
- "expandRecord": "Expand record",
- "deleteRecord": "Delete record",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "expandRecord": "রেকর্ড সম্প্রসারণ করুন",
+ "deleteRecord": "সারি মুছুন",
+ "fullWidth": "পূর্ণ প্রস্থ",
+ "exitFullWidth": "পূর্ণ প্রস্থ থেকে বেরিয়ে আসুন",
+ "markAllAsRead": "সবগুলো পড়া হিসাবে মার্ক করুন",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "ক্ষেত্র মুছুন",
+ "addNumber": "সংখ্যা ক্ষেত্র যোগ করুন",
+ "addSingleLineText": "একক লাইন টেক্সট ক্ষেত্র যোগ করুন",
+ "addLongText": "দীর্ঘ টেক্সট ক্ষেত্র যোগ করুন",
+ "addOther": "অন্যান্য ক্ষেত্র যোগ করুন"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Columns",
- "showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys",
- "showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views",
- "showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables",
- "showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
+ "showPkAndFk": "প্রাথমিক এবং বিদেশী কী দেখান",
+ "showSqlViews": "SQL ভিউ দেখান",
+ "showMMTables": "অনেক থেকে অনেক টেবিল দেখান",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "সংযুক্ত টেবিলের নাম দেখান"
"kanban": {
- "collapseStack": "Collapse stack",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
- "deleteStack": "Delete stack",
- "stackedBy": "Stacked by",
- "chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
- "addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
+ "collapseStack": "স্ট্যাক সংকুচিত করুন",
+ "collapseAll": "সবগুলি সঙ্কুচিত করুন",
+ "expandAll": "সবগুলি প্রসারিত করুন",
+ "renameStack": "স্ট্যাকের নাম পরিবর্তন করুন",
+ "deleteStack": "স্ট্যাক মুছুন",
+ "stackedBy": "দ্বারা স্তূপাকার",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "একটি গ্রুপিং ক্ষেত্র চয়ন করুন",
+ "addOrEditStack": "স্ট্যাক যোগ করুন / সম্পাদনা করুন"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "ম্যাপ করেছেন",
+ "chooseMappingField": "ম্যাপিং ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "মোবাইল মোড টগল করুন",
+ "startCommenting": "মন্তব্য করা শুরু করুন!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "এখনও কোন মন্তব্য নেই!",
+ "clearForm": "ফর্ম পরিষ্কার করুন",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "ক্ষেত্র যোগ করুন",
+ "selectAllFields": "সমস্ত ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "পূর্বভরা সক্ষম করুন",
+ "default": "ডিফল্ট",
+ "locked": "পূর্বভরা ক্ষেত্রগুলি তালা হিসাবে রাখুন",
+ "hidden": "পূর্বভরা ক্ষেত্রগুলি লুকান",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "পূর্বভরা মান"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "পূর্বভরা লিঙ্ক পান",
+ "group": "গ্রুপ",
+ "goToDocs": "Docs এ যান",
+ "addCondition": "শর্ত যোগ করুন",
+ "addConditionGroup": "শর্ত গোষ্ঠী যোগ করুন"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "এটি ব্যক্তিগত এবং এই ওয়ার্কস্পেসের অন্যান্য নির্মাতাদের থেকে লুকিয়ে রাখতে এই সংযোগ সক্ষম করুন।",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "ঐচ্ছিক। ফাঁকা রাখলে \"{database}\" ডিফল্ট ডেটাবেস হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হবে",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "ঐচ্ছিক। খালি রাখলে ডিফল্ট স্কিমা \"{schema}\" ব্যবহার করা হয়।",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "এই ডেটা উৎসের জন্য স্কিমা সম্পাদনা নিষ্ক্রিয়।",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "এই ডেটাটাইপ অনুমোদিত নয়।",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "এই বিকল্পটি ডাটাবেস স্কিমার পরিবর্তনযোগ্যতা প্রদান করে, যার মধ্যে টেবিল এবং কলাম যোগ করা, পরিবর্তন করা বা মুছে ফেলা অন্তর্ভুক্ত। সতর্কতার সাথে ব্যবহার করুন, যেহেতু পরিবর্তনগুলি আপনার ডাটাবেসের গঠনগত অখণ্ডতা প্রভাবিত করতে পারে।",
+ "allowDataWrite": "এই বিকল্পটি ডেটাবেস টেবিলের মধ্যে রেকর্ড তৈরি, আপডেট বা মুছে ফেলতে দেয়। ডেটা সরাসরি পরিবর্তন করতে চাওয়া প্রশাসনিক ব্যবহারকারীদের জন্য আদর্শ।",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "परिवर्तनों को सुरक्षित करें",
"xcDB": "একটি নতুন প্রকল্প তৈরি করুন",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "এটা কি কালো আসে? (^⇧b)"
"addTable": "নতুন টেবিল যুক্ত করুন",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "নতুন ড্যাশবোর্ড যোগ করুন",
"inviteMore": "আরও ব্যবহারকারীদের আমন্ত্রণ করুন",
"toggleNavDraw": "টগল নেভিগেশন ড্রয়ার",
"reloadApiToken": "এপিআই টোকেনগুলি পুনরায় লোড করুন",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": ".key ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন",
"clientCert": ".cert ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন",
"clientCA": "সিএ ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "আইকন রঙ পরিবর্তন করুন",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "প্রতি পৃষ্ঠায় এক ক্ষেত্র সহ ফর্ম মোড",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "ফাইল আমদানি করার পর টাইপ রূপান্তরের জন্য ক্ষেত্র সম্পাদনা মেনু ব্যবহার করুন",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "ওয়ার্কস্পেস থেকে ভূমিকা উত্তরাধিকার সূত্রে প্রাপ্ত",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "শীঘ্রই আসছে! আপনার প্রয়োজনীয় ইন্টিগ্রেশনের জন্য ভোট দিতে ক্লিক করুন NocoDB তে।"
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "আইকন অনুসন্ধান করুন",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "স্ল্যাক চ্যানেলগুলি নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "মাইক্রোসফট টিমস চ্যানেলগুলি নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "ডিসকর্ড চ্যানেলগুলি নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "ম্যাটারমোস্ট চ্যানেলগুলি নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook শিরোনাম",
+ "barcodeColumn": "বারকোড মূল্যের জন্য একটি ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "notFoundContent": "কোনো বৈধ ফিল্ড টাইপ পাওয়া যেতে পারে না।",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "একটি বারকোড ফরম্যাট নির্বাচন করুন",
"projName": "প্রকল্পের নাম লিখুন",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "গ্রুপিং ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "কোনো একক নির্বাচন ফিল্ড পাওয়া যেতে পারে না। প্রথমে একটি তৈরি করুন।",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "কভার চিত্র ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "selectGeoField": "জিওডেটা ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "notSelected": "-নির্বাচিত নয়-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "কোনো জিওডেটা ফিল্ড পাওয়া যেতে পারে না। প্রথমে একটি তৈরি করুন।",
"password": {
"enter": "পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন",
"current": "বর্তমান পাসওয়ার্ড",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ",
"confirm": "নিশ্চিত কর নতুন গোপননম্বর"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "QR কোডের মানের জন্য একটি ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "নেতিবাচক সংখ্যা অনুমোদন করুন",
"searchProjectTree": "টেবিল অনুসন্ধান করুন",
"searchFields": "ক্ষেত্র অনুসন্ধান করুন",
"searchColumn": "অনুসন্ধান {অনুসন্ধান} কলাম",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "ই-মেইল দ্বারা ফিল্টার",
"filterQuery": "Filter query",
"selectField": "Select field",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "প্রেসিশন",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "মান",
+ "key": "চাবি",
+ "createTable": "আপনার প্রথম টেবিল তৈরি করুন!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "কোনো এপিআই টোকেন তৈরি করা হয়নি",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "আপনার দলকে আমন্ত্রণ করুন",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "বিকল্পগুলি অনুসন্ধান করুন"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "অবৈধ বোতাম কনফিগারেশন",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "অবৈধ ক্ষেত্র কনফিগারেশন",
+ "invalidTheme": "একটি বৈধ থিম নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "invalidColor": "একটি বৈধ রঙ নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "invalidType": "বোতাম প্রকার 'webhook' বা 'url' হতে পারে",
+ "invalidLabel": "একটি বৈধ বোতাম লেবেল লিখুন",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "এই ডাটাবেসের জন্য ফাংশনটি উপলব্ধ নয়",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "আপনার সংস্থার নাম এবং চেহারা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করুন।",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "অপ্রত্যাশিত ব্যবহারকারীর প্রবেশাধিকার সীমাবদ্ধ করতে কোম্পানির ডোমেন যুক্ত করুন।",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "ব্যবহারকারীদের জনসাধারণের সাথে ভিত্তি শেয়ার করা থেকে বাধা দিন।",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "ব্যবহারকারীদের নির্বাচন করুন যারা সমস্ত সংস্থার কর্মক্ষেত্র থেকে মুছে ফেলা হবে এবং মুছে দেওয়া হবে।",
+ "deleteOrganization": "এই সংস্থার সাথে সম্পর্কিত সমস্ত ব্যবহারকারী, বেস এবং ডেটা মুছুন",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "ফিল্ড আইডি কপি করতে ক্লিক করুন",
+ "enterPassword": "পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন",
+ "bySigningUp": "সাইন আপ করার মাধ্যমে, আপনি সমর্থন করছেন",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "সাপ্তাহিক নিউজলেটার সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন",
+ "verifyingPassword": "পাসওয়ার্ড যাচাই হচ্ছে",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "এই শেয়ার করা ভিউ সুরক্ষিত",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "ফর্ম ডেটা সফলভাবে জমা হয়েছে",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "মোবাইলে ফর্ম ভিউ সমর্থিত নয়",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "মোবাইলে ক্যালেন্ডার ভিউ সমর্থিত নয়",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "{seconds} সেকেন্ড পরে নতুন ফর্ম লোড হবে",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "অপ্টিমাইজড প্রশ্ন বন্ধ করা হয়েছে",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "অপ্টিমাইজড প্রশ্ন সক্রিয় করা হয়েছে",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "নন-বিলংস সম্পর্কের জন্য লুকআপ ক্ষেত্র সমর্থিত নয়",
+ "invalidTime": "অবৈধ সময়",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "আপনার কোন সমর্থিত {type} লিঙ্ক নেই",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "রেকর্ড পাওয়া যায়নি",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "অবৈধ ফোন নম্বর",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "পৃষ্ঠার আকার পরিবর্তিত হয়েছে",
+ "errorLoadingData": "ডেটা লোডিং ত্রুটি",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "প্রেক্ষাপট ভেরিয়েবল ব্যবহার করুন",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "বডি",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "বিবেচিত রেকর্ড উল্লেখ করতে",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "ইঙ্গিত: ক্ষেত্র উল্লিখনের জন্য {placeholder1} ব্যবহার করুন, উদাহরণস্বরূপ: {placeholder2}. আরও তথ্যের জন্য, দয়া করে দেখুন",
+ "hintEnd": "সূত্রসমূহ.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "কোনও সুপারিশিত সূত্র পাওয়া যায়নি",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "কোনও প্রস্তাবিত ক্ষেত্র পাওয়া যায়নি",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} একটি {type} পজিশনে {position} প্রয়োজন",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "সংখ্যার ধরন প্রত্যাশিত",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "স্ট্রিং ধরন প্রত্যাশিত",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} অপারেশন উপলব্ধ নয়",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "ক্ষেত্র সংরক্ষণ সম্ভব নয় কারণ সূত্রটি অবৈধ",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "ক্ষেত্র {columnName} প্রাসঙ্গিক করতে সমর্থিত নয়",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "প্রত্যাশিত টাইপ {type} কিন্তু পাওয়া গেছে টাইপ {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} এর {requiredArguments} আর্গুমেন্ট প্রয়োজন",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} সর্বনিম্ন {minRequiredArguments} আর্গুমেন্ট প্রয়োজন",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} সর্বাধিক {maxRequiredArguments} আর্গুমেন্ট প্রয়োজন",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} ফাংশন উপলব্ধ নয়",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() ফাংশনের প্রথম প্যারামিটারটি তারিখের মান হতে হবে",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() ফাংশনের দ্বিতীয় প্যারামিটারটি \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" অথবা \"saturday\" মান হতে হবে",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() ফাংশনের প্রথম প্যারামিটারটি তারিখের মান হতে হবে",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() ফাংশনের দ্বিতীয় প্যারামিটারটি সংখ্যাগত মান হতে হবে",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() ফাংশনের তৃতীয় প্যারামিটারটি \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" অথবা \"year\" মান হতে হবে",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() ফাংশনের প্রথম প্যারামিটারটি তারিখের মান হতে হবে",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() ফাংশনের দ্বিতীয় প্যারামিটারটি তারিখের মান হতে হবে",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() এর তৃতীয় প্যারামিটারের মান হওয়া উচিত হয় \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", অথবা \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "ক্ষেত্র {columnName} উপলব্ধ নয়",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "সার্কুলার রেফারেন্সের কারণে ক্ষেত্র সংরক্ষণ করা যাচ্ছে না",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "{columnName} ক্ষেত্রটি {columnType} প্রকারের কিন্তু {expectedType} প্রকার প্রত্যাশিত",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} {columnType} এর সাথে মিলছে না"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "নির্বাচন বিকল্পগুলি null হতে পারে না",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "মাল্টি-সিলেক্ট ক্ষেত্রে কমা (',') থাকতে পারে না",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "নির্বাচন বিকল্পগুলি ডুপ্লিকেট থাকতে পারে না",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "নতুন বিকল্প তৈরি করুন"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "একটি সংখ্যা লিখুন",
+ "plsInputEmail": "ইমেইল দিন",
+ "invalidDate": "অবৈধ তারিখ",
+ "invalidLocale": "অবৈধ লোকেল",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "অবৈধ মুদ্রা কোড",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' প্রকারের নিজস্ব মুদ্রা সেটিংস রয়েছে",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "বারকোড ক্ষেত্রের জন্য বৈধ ক্ষেত্র প্রকারগুলি হল: সংখ্যা, একক লাইন টেক্সট, দীর্ঘ টেক্সট, ফোন নম্বর, URL, ইমেল, দশমিক। প্রথমে একটি তৈরি করুন।",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "এক টু বহু সম্পর্ক",
+ "tooltip_desc": "একটি টেবিল থেকে একটি একক রেকর্ড ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " টেবিল থেকে একাধিক রেকর্ডের সাথে সংযুক্ত করা যেতে পারে "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "বহু টু বহু সম্পর্ক",
+ "tooltip_desc": "টেবিল থেকে একাধিক রেকর্ড ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " টেবিল থেকে একাধিক রেকর্ডের সাথে সংযুক্ত করা যেতে পারে "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "সম্পর্কের অন্তর্ভুক্ত",
+ "tooltip_desc": "একটি টেবিল থেকে একটি একক রেকর্ড ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " টেবিল থেকে একটি রেকর্ডের সাথে সংযুক্ত করা যেতে পারে "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "এক টু এক সম্পর্ক",
+ "tooltip_desc": "একটি টেবিল থেকে একটি একক রেকর্ড ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " টেবিল থেকে একটি একক রেকর্ডের সাথে সংযুক্ত করা যেতে পারে "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "এখনও পর্যন্ত কোনো রেকর্ড সংযুক্ত করা হয়নি।",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "কোনও রেকর্ড যুক্ত নেই",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "কোনো লিঙ্কড রেকর্ড নেই",
+ "recordsLinked": "রেকর্ড যুক্ত করা হয়েছে",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "শুধুমাত্র বৈধ {type} গ্রহণ করুন",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "অটোমেশন বা বাহ্যিক অ্যাপে ব্যবহার করার জন্য ব্যক্তিগত API টোকেন তৈরি করুন।",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "সাজানোর জন্য ক্ষেত্র নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "গ্রুপ করার জন্য ফিল্ড নির্বাচন করুন",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "টেবিলে কোনও রেকর্ড নেই",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "লিঙ্ক করার জন্য বর্তমানে কোনো রেকর্ড উপলব্ধ নেই",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "ওয়েব-হুকগুলির সাথে শুরু করুন!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "আপনার অটোমেশনগুলিকে শক্তিশালী করুন। আপনার ডেটায় পরিবর্তন হলে অবিলম্বে জানানো হবে",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি নিম্নলিখিতটি মুছতে চান",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি নিম্নলিখিত {deleteLabel} করতে চান",
+ "idColumnRequired": "আইডি ক্ষেত্র আবশ্যক, প্রয়োজনে আপনি এটি পরে পুনঃনামকরণ করতে পারেন।",
+ "length59Required": "দৈর্ঘ্য সর্বাধিক ৫৯ অক্ষর ছাড়িয়েছে",
+ "noNewNotifications": "আপনার কোন নতুন বিজ্ঞপ্তি নেই",
+ "noRecordFound": "রেকর্ড পাওয়া যায়নি",
+ "noRecordsFound": "কোন রেকর্ড পাওয়া যায় নি",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "আপনার অনুসন্ধান প্রশ্নের সাথে কোনও রেকর্ড মেলে না",
+ "rowDeleted": "রেকর্ড মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে",
+ "saveChanges": "আপনি কি পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ করতে চান?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "ক্ষেত্রটি {entity} রূপান্তর করার জন্য খুব বড়",
+ "roleRequired": "ভূমিকা প্রয়োজন",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "এই webhook এর উপর নির্ভরশীল বোতাম ক্ষেত্রগুলি প্রভাবিত হবে",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "কানবান ভিউ সেটআপের জন্য একটি একক নির্বাচন ক্ষেত্র প্রয়োজন। একটি একক নির্বাচন ক্ষেত্র যুক্ত করার পরে একটি কানবান ভিউ সেটআপ করার চেষ্টা করুন!",
+ "mapNoFields": "মানচিত্র ভিউ সেটআপের জন্য একটি ভূ-ডাটা ক্ষেত্র প্রয়োজন। একটি ভূ-ডাটা ক্ষেত্র যোগ করার পরে একটি মানচিত্র ভিউ সেটআপ করার চেষ্টা করুন!",
+ "dbValid": "স্কিমা ক্ষতি প্রতিরোধে ডেটাবেস বৈধতা নিশ্চিত করুন",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
+ "renderError": "বারকোড এরর - ইনপুট এবং বারকোড টাইপের মধ্যে সামঞ্জস্য পরীক্ষা করুন"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
- "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "সতর্কতা: গণনা করা ক্ষেত্র - টেক্সট সাফ করা অসম্ভব",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "সতর্কবার্তা: QR ফিল্ডগুলি সরাসরি পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "সতর্কতা: বারকোড ক্ষেত্রগুলি সরাসরি পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।"
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি ভিত্তি নকল করতে চান?",
+ "duplicateTable": "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি টেবিলটি নকল করতে চান?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "আপনি এমন একটি ক্ষেত্রের দৃশ্যমানতা পরিবর্তন করতে পারবেন না যা সম্পাদিত হচ্ছে। প্রথমে দয়া করে পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ করুন বা বাতিল করুন।",
+ "moveEditedField": "যে ক্ষেত্রটি সম্পাদনা করা হচ্ছে সেটিকে সরানো যাবে না। প্রথমে পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ বা বাতিল করুন।",
+ "moveDeletedField": "যে ক্ষেত্রটি মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে সেটিকে সরানো যাবে না। প্রথমে পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ বা বাতিল করুন।"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "যখন গণনা করা বা সিস্টেম ফিল্ড ব্যবহার করা হয়, আপনি তারিখগুলির মধ্যে রেকর্ড টেনে আনতে সক্ষম হবেন না।",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "এই উৎসের জন্য স্কিমা পরিবর্তন নিষ্ক্রিয়",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "ওয়ার্কস্পেসের নাম লিখুন",
+ "enterBaseName": "প্রকল্পের নাম লিখুন",
+ "idpPaste": "আপনার শনাক্তকরণ প্রদানকারীদের কনসোলে এই URL পেস্ট করুন",
+ "noSaml": "কোনও কনফিগার করা SAML প্রমাণীকরণ নেই।",
+ "noOIDC": "কোনও কনফিগার করা ওপেনআইডি প্রমাণীকরণ নেই।",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "বন্ধ রাখা হয়েছে কারণ দৃশ্য লক করা হয়েছে",
+ "basesMigrated": "বেসগুলি স্থানান্তরিত হয়েছে। দয়া করে আবার চেষ্টা করুন।",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "সক্রিয় সেলে পেস্ট অপারেশন সমর্থিত নয়",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "স্ক্যানার লোড হচ্ছে...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "আপনি সীমা অতিক্রম করছেন।",
+ "closeLimit": "আপনি সীমার কাছাকাছি যাচ্ছেন।",
+ "limitNumber": "একটি মানচিত্র দৃশ্যে প্রদর্শিত মার্কারগুলির সীমা ১০০০ রেকর্ড।"
"footerInfo": "প্রতি পৃষ্ঠায় সারি",
"upload": "আপলোড করতে ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "ফর্ম ইনপুট লেবেল প্রবেশ করান",
"formHelpText": "কিছু সহায়তা পাঠ্য যুক্ত করুন",
"onlyCreator": "কেবল স্রষ্টার কাছে দৃশ্যমান",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "ফর্ম শিরোনাম যোগ করুন",
"formDesc": "ফর্ম বর্ণনা যোগ করুন",
"beforeEnablePwd": "একটি পাসওয়ার্ড দিয়ে অ্যাক্সেস সীমাবদ্ধ করুন",
"afterEnablePwd": "অ্যাক্সেস পাসওয়ার্ড সীমাবদ্ধ",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "মাধ্যমে অ্যাক্সেস প্রকল্প",
"submitAnotherForm": "অন্য ফর্ম জমা দিন' বোতামটি দেখান",
"showBlankForm": "5 সেকেন্ড পরে একটি ফাঁকা ফর্ম দেখান",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "ইমেইল উত্তর করুন",
"showSysFields": "সিস্টেম ক্ষেত্রগুলি দেখান",
"filterAutoApply": "অটো প্রয়োগ",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "প্রদর্শন বার্তা",
"viewNotShared": "বর্তমান ভিউ ভাগ করা হয় না!",
"showAllViews": "এই টেবিলের সমস্ত ভাগ করা দর্শন দেখান",
"collabView": "সম্পাদনা অনুমতি বা উচ্চতর সহ সহযোগীরা ভিউ কনফিগারেশন পরিবর্তন করতে পারে।",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "গ্যালারী ভিউ যুক্ত করুন",
"form": "ফর্ম ভিউ যোগ করুন",
"kanban": "কানবান ভিউ যুক্ত করুন",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "মানচিত্র দৃশ্য যোগ করুন",
"calendar": "ক্যালেন্ডার ভিউ যুক্ত করুন"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "টেবিলের মেটাডেটা সিঙ্ক করা আছে",
"addMultipleUsers": "आप एकाधिक COMMA (,) द्वारा अलग ईमेल जोड़ सकते है",
"enterTableName": "টেবিলের নাম লিখুন",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "টেবিল বর্ণনা লিখুন...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "ক্ষেত্রের বর্ণনা লিখুন...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "দৃশ্য বর্ণনা লিখুন...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "লেআউটের নাম প্রবেশ করুন",
+ "enterDashboardName": "ড্যাশবোর্ডের নাম প্রবেশ করুন",
+ "defaultColumns": "ডিফল্ট ক্ষেত্রগুলি",
"addDefaultColumns": "ডিফল্ট কলাম যোগ করুন",
"tableNameInDb": "ডাটাবেসে সংরক্ষিত টেবিলের নাম",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,95 +1649,95 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
- "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
+ "layoutDeleted": "বিন্যাস সফলভাবে মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে",
+ "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "সর্বজনীনভাবে ভাগযোগ্য পঠনযোগ্য বেস উত্পন্ন করুন",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই বিন্যাসটি মুছে ফেলতে চান?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
- "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "অনেক-থেকে-অনেক সম্পর্ক একটি জংশন টেবিলের মাধ্যমে সমর্থিত হয় এবং ডিফল্টভাবে লুকানো থাকে। সমস্ত বিদ্যমান টেবিলের সাথে এই সমস্ত টেবিলগুলি তালিকাভুক্ত করতে এই বিকল্পটি সক্রিয় করুন।",
+ "showNullInCells": "কোষে NULL দেখান",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "'NULL' ট্যাগ শূন্য মান ধারণকারী কোষে প্রদর্শন করুন। এটি ফাঁকা স্ট্রিং ধারণকারী কোষের বিপরীতে পার্থক্য করতে সহায়তা করে।",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "ফিল্টারে NULL এবং খালি দেখান",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "'অতিরিক্ত' ফিল্টার সক্রিয় করুন যাতে শূন্য এবং ফাঁকা স্ট্রিং ধারণকারী ক্ষেত্রগুলিকে পার্থক্য করা যায়। ফাঁকা জন্য ডিফল্ট সমর্থন শূন্য এবং ফাঁকা স্ট্রিংকে একইভাবে বিবেচনা করে।",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "এই স্ট্যাকটি মুছে ফেলা হলে `{groupingField}` থেকে `{stackToBeDeleted}` নির্বাচিত অপশনও সরিয়ে ফেলা হবে। রেকর্ডগুলি অপরিবর্তিত স্ট্যাকে স্থানান্তরিত হবে।",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
- "noMoreRecords": "No more records",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "noMoreRecords": "আর কোন রেকর্ড নেই",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "টোকেনের নাম খালি হওয়া উচিত নয়",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "টোকেনের নাম ২৫৫ অক্ষরের বেশি হওয়া উচিত নয়",
+ "dbNameRequired": "ডাটাবেজের নাম প্রয়োজন",
+ "wsNameRequired": "কর্মক্ষেত্রের নাম প্রয়োজন",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "কর্মক্ষেত্রের নাম কমপক্ষে ৩ অক্ষরের হতে হবে",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "কর্মক্ষেত্রের নাম সর্বাধিক ৫০ অক্ষরের হতে হবে",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "এই ওয়ার্কস্পেস এবং এর সমস্ত বিষয়বস্তু মুছে ফেলুন।",
+ "userConfirmation": "আমি বুঝতে পেরেছি যে এই ক্রিয়া অপূরণীয়",
+ "pageNotFound": "পৃষ্ঠা পাওয়া যায়নি",
+ "makeLineBreak": "একটি নতুন লাইন তৈরী করতে",
+ "goToPrevious": "পূর্ববর্তী এ যান",
+ "goToNext": "পরবর্তী এ যান",
+ "thankYou": "ধন্যবাদ!",
+ "submittedFormData": "আপনি ফর্ম ডেটা সফলভাবে জমা দিয়েছেন।",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "সিস্টেম কী সম্পাদনা সমর্থিত নয়",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "এই মুহূর্তে উপলব্ধ নয়",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "লিঙ্কস/অন্য রেকর্ডে লিঙ্ক কলামে গ্রুপ পেস্ট অপারেশন সমর্থিত নয়",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "লিঙ্কস/অন্য রেকর্ডে লিঙ্ক কলামে গ্রুপ ক্লিয়ার অপারেশন সমর্থিত নয়",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "এন্টারপ্রাইজ সংস্করণে আপগ্রেড করুন {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "এই ফিচারটি শুধুমাত্র এন্টারপ্রাইজ সংস্করণে উপলব্ধ",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "আপনার বর্তমান ভূমিকা হল",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "এই {viewName} অ্যাক্সেস করতে অ্যাডমিন / বেস মালিক / ওয়ার্কস্পেস মালিক থেকে উচ্চতর অনুমতি অনুরোধ করুন",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "ক্ষেত্র প্রয়োজন হলে আপনি সমস্ত বিকল্প লুকাতে পারবেন না"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "ম্যানুয়াল হুকগুলি নিষ্ক্রিয় করা যায় না",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "রেকর্ড ডেটা লোড করার সময় ত্রুটি",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "ক্যালেন্ডার ডেটা আনতে সমস্যা",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "সক্রিয় তারিখ আনতে সমস্যা",
+ "scopesRequired": "স্কোপ প্রয়োজন",
+ "domainRequired": "ডোমেইন নাম প্রয়োজন",
+ "authUrlRequired": "অথ ইউআরএল প্রয়োজন",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "ব্যবহারকারীর নামের অ্যাট্রিবিউট প্রয়োজন",
+ "clientIdRequired": "ক্লায়েন্ট আইডি প্রয়োজন",
+ "issuerRequired": "প্রদানকারী প্রয়োজন",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "ক্লায়েন্ট গোপন প্রয়োজন",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK ইউআরএল প্রয়োজন",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "টোকেন ইউআরএল প্রয়োজন",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "ব্যবহারকারী তথ্য ইউআরএল প্রয়োজন",
+ "eitherXML": "অথবা xml বা মেটাডেটা url প্রয়োজন",
+ "nameRequired": "নাম প্রয়োজন",
+ "nameMinLength": "নাম কমপক্ষে ২ অক্ষরের হতে হবে",
+ "nameMaxLength": "নাম সর্বাধিক ৬০ অক্ষরের হতে হবে",
+ "viewNameRequired": "ভিউ নাম প্রয়োজন",
+ "domainNameRequired": "ডোমেইন নাম প্রয়োজন",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "নাম সর্বাধিক ২৫৬ অক্ষরের হতে হবে",
+ "viewNameUnique": "দেখার নাম অনন্য হওয়া উচিত",
"searchProject": "আপনার অনুসন্ধান {search} এর জন্য কোনও ফলাফল পাওয়া যায় নি",
"invalidChar": "ফোল্ডার পথে অবৈধ চরিত্র।",
"invalidDbCredentials": "অবৈধ ডাটাবেস শংসাপত্রগুলি।",
"unableToConnectToDb": "ডাটাবেসের সাথে সংযোগ করতে অক্ষম, অনুগ্রহ করে পরীক্ষা করুন আপনার ডাটাবেস আপ আছে।",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "অবৈধ বছর",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "ব্যবহারকারীর অস্তিত্ব নেই বা স্কিমা তৈরি করার জন্য পর্যাপ্ত অনুমতি নেই।",
"dbConnectionStatus": "অবৈধ ডাটাবেস পরামিতি",
"dbConnectionFailed": "সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "শূন্য ফিল্টার বিদ্যমান। অনুগ্রহ করে সেগুলি সরিয়ে ফেলুন",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "ইমেইল প্রয়োজন",
"emailInvalid": "ইমেল বৈধ হতে হবে",
"passwdRequired": "পাসওয়ার্ড প্রয়োজন",
"passwdLength": "আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড অবশ্যই কমপক্ষে 8 টি অক্ষর হতে হবে",
"passwdMismatch": "পাসওয়ার্ড মিলছে না",
- "completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character",
+ "completeRuleSet": "অন্ততপক্ষে ৮ টি অক্ষর সহ একটি বড় হাতের অক্ষর, একটি সংখ্যা এবং একটি বিশেষ অক্ষর থাকতে হবে",
"atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters",
"atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter",
"atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "অবৈধ ইমেইল",
+ "invalidEmail": "অবৈধ ইমেইল"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "অবৈধ XML",
"invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "অবৈধ ইমেল",
"internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
@@ -1756,32 +1761,32 @@
"deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete row",
"setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data",
"formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view",
- "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
- "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
- "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
+ "tableNameRequired": "টেবিলের নাম প্রয়োজন",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "নামটি একটি বর্ণ বা _ দিয়ে শুরু হওয়া উচিত",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "নিম্নলিখিত অক্ষরগুলি অনুমোদিত নয়",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "নকল ক্ষেত্রের নাম",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "সিস্টেম ফিল্ডের জন্য ইতিমধ্যে ব্যবহৃত নাম",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI ডেটা টাইপ প্রয়োজন",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
- "requiredField": "Required field",
- "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
- "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
- "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
- "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
- "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} নাম ৫০ অক্ষর ছাড়িয়ে গেছে",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} নাম দাগ দিয়ে শুরু করা যাবে না",
+ "requiredField": "প্রয়োজনীয় ক্ষেত্র",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "আইপি অনুমোদিত নয়",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "লক্ষ্য ফাইল অনুমোদিত ফাইল প্রকার নয়",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "অনুমোদিত ফাইল প্রকারটি .csv",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "অনুমোদিত ফাইল প্রকারগুলি হল .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "প্যারামিটার কী খালি থাকতে পারবে না",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "ডুপ্লিকেট প্যারামিটার কী অনুমোদিত নয়",
+ "fieldRequired": "এই ক্ষেত্রটি খালি রাখা যাবে না।",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "copyToClipboardError": "ক্লিপবোর্ডে অনুলিপি করতে ব্যর্থ হয়েছে",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "ক্লিপবোর্ড থেকে পেস্ট করতে ব্যর্থ হয়েছে",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "সংরক্ষণ করার আগে সমস্ত ক্ষেত্রের কনফিগারেশন সম্পূর্ণ করুন",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "কিছু ভুল হয়েছে",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "টানা সামগ্রী ছবি টাইপ নয়",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "ছবি ডেটা বিশ্লেষণের জন্য ক্ষেত্র",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় ক্ষেত্র খালি"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "প্রকল্প মেটাডেটা সফলভাবে রফতানি করেছে",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "শীঘ্রই আসছে!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "লাইসেন্স কী আপডেট করা হয়েছে",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
@@ -1809,23 +1814,23 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
"pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
"tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "বিন্যাসের নাম সফলভাবে পরিবর্তিত হয়েছে",
"viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
"updated": "Successfully updated",
"sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
- "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
+ "userDeleted": "ব্যবহারকারী সফলভাবে মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে",
"viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
"tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
"tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
"userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project",
- "userAdded": "Successfully added user",
+ "userAdded": "ব্যবহারকারী সফলভাবে যোগ করা হয়েছে",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project",
"inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
"inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "মন্তব্য ক্লিপবোর্ডে কপি হয়েছে",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "পাসওয়ার্ড রিসেট URL ক্লিপবোর্ডে কপি করা হয়েছে",
"shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
"userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
@@ -1836,10 +1841,10 @@
"columnUpdated": "Column updated",
"columnCreated": "Column created",
"passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
- "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
- "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "settingsSaved": "সেটিংস সফলভাবে সংরক্ষিত হয়েছে",
+ "roleUpdated": "ভূমিকা সফলভাবে আপডেট হয়েছে",
+ "connectionAdded": "ইন্টিগ্রেশন সফলভাবে সংযুক্ত হয়েছে",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "বেস মালিক এবং নির্মাতারা এখন ক্রেডেনশিয়াল পুনঃপ্রবেশ ছাড়াই একটি ডেটা উত্স যোগ করতে পারেন।"
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/cs.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/cs.json
index ed85a81d26..0490fdd9ad 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/cs.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/cs.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Vytvořit nové rozhraní",
"connect_data_sources": "Připojit zdroje dat",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
+ "alert": "Upozornění",
+ "alert-message": "Žádné databáze nejsou připojeny. Připojte databáze, aby bylo možné vytvářet rozhraní. Tento krok můžete přeskočit a databáze přidat později z hlavní stránky.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Vyberte databáze, které chcete propojit s tímto rozhraním.",
+ "create_interface": "Vytvořit rozhraní",
"project_name": "Název projektu",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "connect": "Připojit",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "Otevřít externí odkaz",
+ "delete_record": "Odstranit řádek",
+ "update_record": "Aktualizovat záznam",
+ "open_layout": "Otevřít rozložení"
"widgets": {
"static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "chart": "Graf",
+ "table": "Tabulka",
+ "image": "Obrázek",
+ "map": "Mapa",
+ "button": "Tlačítko",
+ "number": "Číslo",
+ "bar_chart": "Sloupcový graf",
+ "line_chart": "Čárový graf",
+ "area_chart": "Plošný graf",
+ "pie_chart": "Koláčový graf",
+ "donut_chart": "Kruhový graf",
+ "scatter_plot": "Bodový graf",
+ "bubble_chart": "Bublinový graf",
+ "radar_chart": "Radarový graf",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polární plošný graf",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radiální sloupcový graf",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Tepelný mapový graf",
+ "treemap_chart": "Stromový graf",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Krabicový graf",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Svíčkový graf"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Součet",
+ "count": "Počet",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "avg": "Průměr",
+ "median": "Medián",
+ "std_dev": "Standardní odchylka",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Rozpětí",
+ "percent_empty": "Prázdné",
+ "percent_filled": "Vyplněné",
+ "percent_unique": "Unikátní",
+ "count_unique": "Unikátní",
+ "count_empty": "Prázdné",
+ "count_filled": "Vyplněné",
+ "earliest_date": "Nejstarší datum",
+ "latest_date": "Nejnovější datum",
+ "date_range": "Rozpětí",
+ "month_range": "Rozpětí",
+ "checked": "Zaškrtnuté",
+ "unchecked": "Nezaškrtnuté",
+ "percent_checked": "Zaškrtnuté",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Nezaškrtnuté",
+ "attachment_size": "Velikost",
+ "none": "Žádný"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Součet",
+ "count": "Počet",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "avg": "Průměr",
+ "median": "Medián",
+ "std_dev": "Standardní odchylka",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Rozpětí",
+ "percent_empty": "Procenta prázdných",
+ "percent_filled": "Procenta vyplněných",
+ "percent_unique": "Procenta unikátních",
+ "count_unique": "Unikátní",
+ "count_empty": "Prázdné",
+ "count_filled": "Vyplněné",
+ "earliest_date": "Nejstarší datum",
+ "latest_date": "Nejnovější datum",
+ "date_range": "Rozsah dat",
+ "month_range": "Měsíční rozsah",
+ "checked": "Označené",
+ "unchecked": "Neoznačené",
+ "percent_checked": "Procento označených",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Procento neoznačených",
+ "attachment_size": "Velikost přílohy",
+ "none": "Žádný"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skripty",
+ "configure": "Konfigurovat",
+ "switch": "Přepnout",
+ "on": "Zap",
+ "onMultiple": "Na několik",
+ "manual": "Manuál",
+ "trigger": "Spoušť",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
+ "style": "Styl",
+ "label": "Štítek",
"role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "general": "Obecné",
+ "quit": "Ukončit",
"home": "Domů",
"load": "Načíst",
"open": "Otevřít",
@@ -112,25 +113,25 @@
"yes": "Ano",
"no": "Ne",
"ok": "OK",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Zpět",
"and": "a",
"or": "nebo",
"add": "Přidat",
"edit": "Upravit",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "Odkaz",
+ "links": "Odkazy",
"remove": "Odstranit",
- "import": "Import",
+ "import": "Importovat",
"logout": "Odhlásit se",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "empty": "Prázdné",
+ "changeIcon": "Změnit ikonu",
"save": "Uložit",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Dostupné",
+ "abort": "Zrušit",
+ "saving": "Ukládání",
"cancel": "Zrušit",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "escape": "Útěk",
"hex": "Hex",
"clear": "Vyprázdnit",
"slack": "Slack",
@@ -140,43 +141,43 @@
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Nabídka",
"submit": "Potvrdit",
"create": "Vytvořit",
"createEntity": "Vytvořit {entity}",
"creating": "Vytváření",
"creatingEntity": "Vytvářím {entity}",
"details": "Podrobnosti",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "skip": "Přeskočit",
+ "code": "Kód",
"duplicate": "Duplikovat",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "Duplikování",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Duplikovat {entity}",
+ "activate": "Aktivovat",
+ "action": "Akce",
"insert": "Vložit",
"delete": "Smazat",
"deleteEntity": "Odstranit {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "bulkInsert": "Hromadné vložení",
+ "bulkDelete": "Hromadné odstranění",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Hromadná aktualizace",
+ "deleting": "Odstraňování",
"update": "Aktualizovat",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Aktualizace",
"rename": "Přejmenovat",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Přejmenovat {entity}",
"reload": "Znovu načíst",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Obnovit",
"reset": "Obnovit",
"install": "Instalovat",
"show": "Zobrazit",
- "access": "Access",
+ "access": "Přístup",
"visibility": "Viditelnost",
"hide": "Skrýt",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Zastaralé",
"showAll": "Zobrazit vše",
"hideAll": "Skrýt vše",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Nenalezeno",
"showMore": "Zobrazit více",
"showOptions": "Zobrazit možnosti",
"hideOptions": "Skrýt možnosti",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Nahrát",
"download": "Stáhnout",
"default": "Výchozí",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Zdroj",
+ "datasource": "Datový zdroj",
"more": "Více",
"less": "Méně",
"event": "Událost",
@@ -212,8 +213,8 @@
"confirm": "Potvrdit",
"generate": "Generovat",
"copy": "Kopírovat",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Zkopírováno",
+ "are": "jsou",
"misc": "Ostatní",
"lock": "Uzamknout",
"unlock": "Odemknout",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "Tato funkce je momentálně v beta verzi.",
"moreInfo": "Více informací naleznete zde",
"logs": "Protokoly",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Zásobník podle pole",
+ "insertAfter": "Vložit vpravo",
+ "insertBefore": "Vložit vlevo",
+ "insertAbove": "Vložit nad",
+ "insertBelow": "Vložit pod",
"hideField": "Skrýt pole",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Zobrazit pole",
"sortAsc": "Seřadit vzestupně",
"sortDesc": "Seřadit sestupně",
- "move": "Move",
+ "move": "Přesunout",
"geoDataField": "Pole geodat",
"type": "Typ",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "Podtyp",
"name": "Název",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
+ "changes": "Změny",
+ "new": "Nový",
+ "old": "Starý",
"data": "Data",
"source": "Zdroj",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "destination": "Cíl",
+ "active": "Aktivní",
+ "inactive": "Neaktivní",
+ "linked": "propojený",
+ "finish": "Dokončit",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "avg": "Průměr",
+ "sum": "Součet",
+ "count": "Počet",
+ "countDistinct": "Počet odlišných",
+ "sumDistinct": "Součet odlišných",
+ "avgDistinct": "Průměr odlišných",
+ "join": "Spojit",
+ "options": "Možnosti",
+ "primaryValue": "Primární hodnota",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Použít režim průzkumu",
+ "shift": "Posun",
+ "enter": "Vstup",
+ "seconds": "Sekundy",
+ "paste": "Vložit",
+ "restore": "Obnovit",
+ "replace": "Nahradit",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logo",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
+ "list": "Seznam",
+ "verify": "Ověřit",
+ "apply": "Použít",
"text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "appearance": "Vzhled",
+ "now": "Teď",
+ "set": "Nastavit",
+ "format": "Formát",
+ "colour": "Barva",
+ "use": "Použít",
+ "stack": "Zásobník",
+ "ipAddress": "IP adresa",
+ "integration": "Integrace",
+ "integrations": "Integrace",
+ "connection": "Připojení",
+ "connections": "Připojení",
+ "private": "Soukromé",
+ "request": "Požadavek",
+ "languages": "Jazyky",
+ "extension": "Rozšíření",
+ "extensions": "Rozšíření"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "soubory",
+ "owner": "Vlastník",
+ "member": "Člen",
+ "day": "Den",
+ "week": "Týden",
+ "month": "Měsíc",
+ "year": "Rok",
+ "workspace": "Pracovní prostor",
+ "workspaces": "Pracovní prostory",
"project": "Projekt",
"projects": "Projekty",
"table": "Tabulka",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Pole",
"column": "Sloupec",
"columns": "Sloupce",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Buňka",
+ "cells": "Buňky",
"page": "Stránka",
"pages": "Stránky",
"record": "záznam",
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@
"webhooks": "Webhooky",
"view": "Pohled",
"views": "Pohledy",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Postranní panel",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Mřížka",
"gallery": "Galerie",
@@ -332,16 +333,16 @@
"users": "Uživatelé",
"role": "Role",
"roles": "Role",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Vývojář",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Vlastník",
"creator": "Autor",
"editor": "Editor",
"commenter": "Komentátor",
"viewer": "Sledující",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
+ "noaccess": "Žádný přístup",
"superAdmin": "Hlavní administrátor",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Vlastník na úrovni organizace",
"orgLevelCreator": "Tvůrce na úrovni organizace",
"orgLevelViewer": "Prohlížeč na úrovni organizace"
@@ -355,14 +356,14 @@
"externalDb": "Externí databáze",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple Numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Kalendář",
+ "googleDrive": "Google Disk",
+ "googleSheets": "Google Tabulky",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Všechny integrace",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Bezproblémově propojte a spravujte své databáze s NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Komunikace",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Získejte upozornění na změny a zefektivněte týmovou komunikaci s NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Řízení projektů",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Vylepšete pracovní postupy projektů a správu úkolů s NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimalizujte správu vztahů se zákazníky prostřednictvím integrace NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Posilte své marketingové úsilí s výkonnými integracemi NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Zefektivněte svůj systém sledování uchazečů s NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Vývoj",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Zrychlete vývojové procesy s integracemi NocoDB.",
"finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Zjednodušte finanční operace a správu dat s NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Vstupenky",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Efektivně spravujte a sledujte podporu vstupenek s NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrujte a organizujte svá úložná řešení bezproblémově s NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Ostatní",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Objevte další všestranné integrace pro vylepšení vaší zkušenosti s NocoDB.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Tabulka",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Propojte a spravujte své tabulky s NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,60 +487,60 @@
"isNotNull": "není null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Vyhledávání webhooku",
+ "webcam": "Webkamera",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Nahrát prostřednictvím URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
+ "renameBase": "Přejmenovat základnu",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Přejmenovat pracovní prostor",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Přejmenování pracovního prostoru",
+ "renamingBase": "Přejmenování základny",
+ "sso": "Autentizace (SSO)",
"docs": "Dokumentace",
"forum": "Fórum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
+ "parameter": "Parametr",
+ "headers": "Hlavičky",
+ "parameterName": "Název parametru",
+ "currencyLocale": "Místní nastavení měny",
"currencyCode": "Kód měny",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "searchMembers": "Vyhledávání členů",
"noMembersFound": "Nenalezeni žádní členové",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
+ "dateJoined": "Datum připojení",
"tokenName": "Jméno tokenu",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
+ "inDesktop": "na Ploše",
+ "rowData": "Data záznamu",
"creator": "Autor",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
+ "qrCode": "QR kód",
+ "termsOfService": "Smluvní podmínky",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Aktualizovat vybrané záznamy",
"noFiltersAdded": "Nepřidány žádné filtry",
"editCards": "Upravit karty",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Žádná pole nebyla nalezena",
+ "displayValue": "Zobrazovaná hodnota",
+ "expand": "Rozšířit",
+ "hideAll": "Skrýt vše",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Skrýt systémová pole",
+ "removeFile": "Odstranit soubor",
+ "hasMany": "Má mnoho",
+ "manyToMany": "Mnoho k mnoha",
+ "oneToOne": "Jeden na jednoho",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtuální vztah",
+ "linkMore": "Propojit více",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Propojit více záznamů",
+ "linkRecords": "Propojit záznamy",
"downloadFile": "Stáhnout soubor",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
+ "renameTable": "Přejmenovat tabulku",
+ "renamingTable": "Přejmenovávání tabulky",
+ "renamingWs": "Přejmenovávání pracovního prostoru",
+ "renameWs": "Přejmenovat pracovní prostor",
+ "deleteWs": "Odstranit pracovní prostor",
+ "deletingWs": "Mazání pracovního prostoru",
"copyAuthToken": "Zkopírovat ověřovací token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Zkopírován token oprávnění",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Zkopírovat pozvánkový token",
+ "showSidebar": "Zobrazit postranní panel",
+ "hideSidebar": "Skrýt postranní panel",
+ "creatingTable": "Vytváření tabulky",
"erdView": "Zobrazení ERD",
"newBase": "Nový zdroj dat",
"newProj": "Nový projekt",
@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@
"formTitle": "Název formuláře",
"collaborative": "Spolupráce",
"locked": "Uzamčeno",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "personal": "Osobní",
"appStore": "App Store",
"teamAndAuth": "Tým a oprávnění",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Správa rolí a uživatelů",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Generovat token",
"APIsAndSupport": "API a podpora",
"helpCenter": "Centrum nápovědy",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Žádné štítky",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger dokumentace",
"quickImportFrom": "Rychlý import z",
"quickImport": "Rychlý import",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Rychlý import - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Rychlý import - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Rychlý import - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Rychlý import - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "Editor JSON",
+ "comingSoon": "Brzy dostupné",
"advancedSettings": "Pokročilá nastavení",
"codeSnippet": "Úryvek kódu",
"keyboardShortcut": "Klávesové zkratky",
"generateRandomName": "Vytvořit náhodné jméno",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
+ "tokenManagement": "Správa tokenů",
"addNewToken": "Přidat nový token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
+ "createNewToken": "Vytvořit nový token",
"accountSettings": "Nastavení účtu",
"resetPasswordMenu": "Změnit heslo",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
+ "tokens": "Tokeny",
+ "userManagement": "Správa uživatelů",
+ "accountManagement": "Správa účtu",
"licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Povolit všechny typy formátů MIME",
"defaultView": "Základní pohled",
"relations": "Relace",
"switchLanguage": "Přepnout jazyk",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "renameFile": "Přejmenovat soubor",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Žádná akce",
+ "cascade": "Kaskádově",
+ "restrict": "Omezit",
+ "setNull": "Nastavit NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Nastavit výchozí"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Vyberte pole z pravého panelu a přidejte je sem",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Nebyly nalezeny žádné možnosti",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Opravdu chcete odeslat tento formulář?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Zdá se, že tento zásobník neobsahuje žádné záznamy",
+ "fromScratch": "Od začátku",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Z souborů a externích zdrojů",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Přímo v reálném čase",
+ "categories": "Kategorie",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Pole nepřístupné",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Žádné podmínky přidány"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Upraveno dne",
+ "configuration": "Konfigurace",
+ "setup": "Nastavení",
+ "configLabel": "Nakonfigurovat {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Přepnout na databázi aplikace připravenou pro produkci",
+ "sharedBase": "Sdílený projekt",
+ "fieldID": "ID pole",
+ "addDescription": "Přidat popis",
+ "editDescription": "Upravit popis",
+ "urlFormula": "URL vzorec",
+ "selectIcon": "žádný",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--vybrat webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Otevřít URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Spustit Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Po kliknutí",
+ "defaultView": "Základní pohled",
+ "recordInsert": "Vložení záznamu",
+ "recordUpdate": "Aktualizace záznamu",
+ "recordDelete": "Smazání záznamu",
+ "supportDocs": "Dokumentace podpory",
+ "addedOn": "Přidáno dne",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Změnit pole zobrazované hodnoty",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Vyberte pole zobrazované hodnoty",
+ "changeTitleField": "Změnit pole názvu",
+ "clearAll": "Vymazat vše",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Pole vyhledávání zobrazují data z propojených záznamů. Vyberte konkrétní pole z ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabulky k jejich přidání jako pole vyhledávání.",
+ "formatting": "Formátování",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Vyberte typ formátu (volitelné)- -",
+ "formatType": "Typ formátu",
+ "toUpload": "nahrát",
+ "dragFilesHere": "přetáhněte soubory sem",
+ "browseFiles": "procházet soubory",
+ "clickTo": "Klikněte na",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Prosím, povolte přístup ke své kameře",
+ "openFile": "Otevřít soubor",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Zadejte platnou URL pro nahrání souborů",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Přidat soubory z URL",
+ "uploading": "Nahrávání",
+ "dropHere": "Pusťte sem",
+ "addMore": "Přidat více",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Vymazat všechny soubory",
+ "integration": "Integrace",
+ "notRecommended": "Nedoporučuje se",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
+ "selectView": "Vyberte zobrazení",
+ "connectionDetails": "Podrobnosti o připojení ke zdroji",
+ "metaSync": "Meta synchronizace",
+ "mention": "Zmínit",
+ "today": "Dnes",
+ "currentDate": "Aktuální datum",
+ "workspace": "Pracovní prostor",
+ "txt": "Hodnota TXT záznamu",
+ "transferOwnership": "Přenesení vlastnictví",
+ "recentActivity": "Nedávná aktivita",
+ "goToMembers": "Přejít k členům",
+ "addMember": "Přidat člena",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Číslo členů",
+ "numberOfBases": "Číslo základen",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Počet záznamů",
+ "workspaceName": "Název pracovního prostoru",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Pracovní prostor bez vlastníků",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Pozvat uživatele do pracovního prostoru",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-vyberte pracovní prostory, které chcete pozvat-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Přidat členy do organizace",
+ "memberIn": "Člen v:",
+ "assignAs": "Přiřadit jako",
+ "signOutUser": "Odhlásit uživatele",
+ "signOutUsers": "Odhlásit uživatele",
+ "deactivateUser": "Deaktivovat uživatele",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Deaktivovat uživatele",
+ "lastActive": "Naposledy aktivní",
+ "dateAdded": "Datum přidání",
+ "uploadImage": "Nahrát obrázek",
+ "organizationProfile": "Profil organizace",
+ "organizationImage": "Obrázek organizace",
+ "organizationName": "Název organizace",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktivní domény",
+ "domains": "Domény",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Zakázat veřejné sdílení",
+ "shareSettings": "Nastavení sdílení",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Smazat uživatele a jeho data",
+ "userOptions": "Možnosti uživatele",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Smazat tuto organizaci",
+ "dangerZone": "Nebezpečná zóna",
+ "childView": "Podřízené zobrazení",
+ "selectYear": "Vyberte rok",
+ "save": "Uložit",
+ "cancel": "Zrušit",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL metadat",
"audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "redirectUrl": "URL pro přesměrování",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
+ "newProvider": "Nový poskytovatel",
+ "generalSettings": "Obecná nastavení",
"adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Přesunout pracovní prostor do organizace",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO nastavení",
+ "addDomain": "Přidat doménu",
+ "domain": "Doména",
+ "settings": "Nastavení",
+ "workspaces": "Pracovní prostory",
+ "back": "Zpět",
+ "dashboard": "Přehled",
+ "organizeBy": "Organizovat podle",
+ "previous": "Předchozí",
+ "nextMonth": "Příští měsíc",
+ "previousMonth": "Předchozí měsíc",
+ "next": "Další",
+ "organiseBy": "Organizovat podle",
+ "heading1": "Nadpis 1",
+ "heading2": "Nadpis 2",
+ "heading3": "Nadpis 3",
+ "bold": "Tučné",
+ "italic": "Kurzíva",
+ "underline": "Podtržení",
+ "strike": "Přeškrtání",
+ "taskList": "Seznam úkolů",
+ "bulletList": "Odrážkový seznam",
+ "numberedList": "Číslovaný seznam",
"downloadData": "Stáhnout data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
+ "blockQuote": "Bloková citace",
+ "noToken": "Žádný token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Je povolen pouze jeden token na uživatele",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Soubor s názvem {filename} je již připojen",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID TABULKY: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "ID Pohledu: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
+ "toAddress": "Na adresu",
+ "subject": "Předmět",
+ "body": "Tělo",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Mobilní číslo oddělené čárkou",
+ "headerName": "Název záhlaví",
+ "icon": "Ikona",
"max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "Enable Rich Text",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Kopírovaná URL záznamu",
"copyRecordURL": "Kopírovat URL záznamu",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Duplikovat řádek",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Formát binárního kódování",
+ "syntax": "Syntaktika",
+ "examples": "Příklady",
+ "durationInfo": "Doba trvání v minutách nebo sekundách (např. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Přidat záhlaví",
"enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Zadejte výchozí URL (volitelné)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
+ "negative": "Negativní",
+ "discard": "Zahodit",
+ "default": "Výchozí",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Výchozí číslo (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Formát trvání",
+ "dateFormat": "Formát datumu",
+ "timeFormat": "Formát času",
+ "singularLabel": "Jednotlivý štítek",
+ "pluralLabel": "Množný štítek",
+ "selectDateField": "Vyberte pole data",
+ "endDateField": "Pole koncového data",
"optional": "(nepovinné)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
+ "clickToMake": "Klikněte pro vytvoření",
+ "visibleForRole": "viditelný pro roli:",
+ "inUI": "na palubní desce UI",
+ "projectSettings": "Základní nastavení",
+ "clickToHide": "Klikněte pro skrytí",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klikněte pro stáhnutí",
+ "forRole": "pro roli",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Kliknutím zkopírujete ID tabulky",
"clickToCopyViewID": "Kliknutím zkopírujete ID pohledu",
"viewMode": "Režim zobrazení",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
+ "searchUsers": "Hledat uživatele",
+ "superAdmin": "Hlavní administrátor",
"allTables": "Všechny tabulky",
"members": "Členové",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "dataSources": "Zdroje dat",
+ "connectDataSource": "Připojit externí data",
+ "searchProjects": "Hledat projekty",
"createdBy": "Vytvořil/a",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Prohlížení příloh",
+ "readOnly": "Jen ke čtení",
"createdOn": "Vytvořeno",
"notifyVia": "Upozornit pomocí",
"projName": "Název projektu",
"profile": "Profil",
"accountDetails": "Detail účtu",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
+ "controlAppearance": "Ovládejte svůj vzhled.",
+ "accountEmailID": "ID e-mailu účtu",
"backToWorkspace": "Zpět na přehled projektů",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "untitledToken": "Nepojmenovaný token",
"tableName": "Název tabulky",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Název palubní desky",
"createView": "Vytvořit pohled",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
+ "creatingView": "Vytváření pohledu",
"duplicateView": "Duplikovat pohled",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Duplikovat mřížkový pohled",
+ "createGridView": "Vytvořit mřížkový pohled",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplikovat galerijní pohled",
+ "createGalleryView": "Vytvořit galerijní pohled",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Duplikovat pohled formuláře",
+ "createFormView": "Vytvořit pohled formuláře",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplikovat pohled Kanban",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplikovat zobrazení Kalendáře",
+ "createKanbanView": "Vytvořit pohled Kanban",
+ "createCalendarView": "Vytvořit zobrazení Kalendáře",
"viewName": "Název zobrazení",
"viewLink": "Zobrazit odkaz",
"columnName": "Název sloupce",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Typ v databázi",
"lengthValue": "Délka / hodnota",
"dbType": "Typ databáze",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "název serveru / adresa hostitele",
+ "sqliteFile": "Cesta k souboru SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Adresa hostitele",
+ "port": "Číslo portu",
"username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"password": "Heslo",
"schemaName": "Název schématu",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Kde",
"cache": "Mezipaměť",
"chat": "Chat",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Zobrazit nebo skrýt",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "Soubor CSV",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON soubor",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-mail",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "Vytvořeno",
"sqlOutput": "Výstup SQL",
"addOption": "Přidat možnost",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Barva rozhraní",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Sloupec s hodnotou QR kódu",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Sloupec s hodnotou čárového kódu",
"barcodeFormat": "Formát čárového kódu",
@@ -909,10 +912,10 @@
"selectUserRole": "Vybrat uživatelskou roli",
"childTable": "Podřízená tabulka",
"childColumn": "Podřízený sloupec",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Podřízený sloupec",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Připojte se k Cloudu zdarma",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Odkaz na jiný záznam",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Odkazy",
"onUpdate": "Při aktualizaci",
"onDelete": "Při odstranění",
"account": "Účet",
@@ -922,7 +925,7 @@
"customTheme": "Vlastní motiv",
"requestDataSource": "Požadujete zdroj dat, který potřebujete?",
"apiKey": "API klíč",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Osobní přístupový token",
"sharedBaseUrl": "Sdílet URL projektu",
"importData": "Importovat data",
"importSecondaryViews": "Import sekundárních zobrazení",
@@ -930,13 +933,13 @@
"importLookupColumns": "Import sloupců vyhledávání",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import sloupců příloh",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import sloupců vzorců",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Importovat uživatele (podle e-mailu)",
"noData": "Žádná data",
"goToDashboard": "Přejít na přehled",
"importing": "Importování",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Formátovat JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Automatický výběr typů polí",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Použít první záznam jako hlavičky",
"flattenNested": "Zploštění vnořených",
"downloadAllowed": "Stažení povoleno",
"weAreHiring": "Přijímáme nové zaměstnance!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "má mnoho",
"belongsTo": "patří do",
"manyToMany": "má mnoho vztahů",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "mají jedno k jednomu vztah",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Další parametry připojení",
"commentsOnly": "Pouze komentáře",
"documentation": "Dokumentace",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Přihlaste se k odběru našeho týdenního zpravodaje",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "Registrovat se pomocí {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "Přihlásit se pomocí {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "Registrací souhlasíte s podmínkami služby.",
"welcomeToNc": "Vítejte na NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "Povolit registraci pouze pomocí pozvánky s odkazem",
"nextRow": "Další řádek",
"prevRow": "Předchozí řada",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Manuální přidání dat v zobrazení mřížky",
+ "addRowForm": "Vložit data záznamu pomocí formuláře",
+ "noAccess": "Žádný přístup",
+ "restApis": "REST API",
+ "apis": "API",
+ "apiSnippet": "API úryvky",
+ "includeData": "Zahrnout data",
+ "includeView": "Zahrnout zobrazení",
+ "includeWebhook": "Zahrnout Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Přiblížit pro zobrazení sloupců",
+ "embedInSite": "Vložit toto zobrazení na váš web",
+ "titleRequired": "název je povinný.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Je vyžadováno jméno zdroje",
+ "changeWsName": "Změnit název pracovního prostoru",
+ "pressEnter": "Stiskněte Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Nové pole",
+ "saveChanges": "Uložit změny",
+ "updatedField": "Aktualizované pole",
+ "deletedField": "Smazané pole",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Neúplná konfigurace",
+ "selectField": "Vyberte pole",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Barva pozadí",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Skrýt branding NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "Ukázat na podmínkách",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Zobrazuje pole pouze v případě, že jsou splněny podmínky",
+ "limitOptions": "Omezení možností",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Omezte možnosti viditelné pro uživatele výběrem dostupných možností",
+ "clearSelection": "Vymazat výběr",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Zobrazit jako průběh",
+ "relationType": "Typ vztahu",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Zobrazit oddělovač tisíců",
+ "signUpForFree": "Zaregistrujte se zdarma",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Přizpůsobit obrázek",
+ "coverImageArea": "Oříznout obrázek",
+ "syncData": "Synchronizovat data",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Zaregistrujte služby, které vás zajímají, abyste byli informováni, když budou dostupné",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Přesměrovat na URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Podrobnosti o webhooku",
+ "hideWeekends": "Skrýt víkendy",
+ "renameBase": "Přejmenovat základnu",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Přejmenovat pracovní prostor",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktivovat",
+ "manageUsers": "Spravovat uživatele",
+ "newWorkspace": "Nový pracovní prostor",
+ "addDomain": "Přidat doménu",
+ "addMembers": "Přidat členy",
+ "enterEmail": "Zadejte e-mailové adresy",
+ "inviteToBase": "Pozvat do základny",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Pozvat do pracovního prostoru",
+ "addMember": "Přidat člena do základny",
+ "noRange": "Zobrazení kalendáře vyžaduje rozsah dat",
+ "goToToday": "Přejít na Dnes",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Přepnout postranní panel",
+ "addEndDate": "Přidat koncové datum",
+ "withEndDate": "s koncovým datem",
+ "calendar": "Kalendář",
+ "viewSettings": "Zobrazit nastavení",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registrovat OIDC poskytovatele identit",
+ "registerSAML": "Registrovat SAML poskytovatele identit",
+ "openInANewTab": "Otevřít v nové kartě",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Zkopírovat kód IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "Za podmínky",
+ "bulkDownload": "Hromadné stahování",
+ "attachFile": "Připojit soubor",
+ "viewAttachment": "Zobrazit přílohy",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Klikněte nebo přetáhněte soubor do buňky",
+ "addFiles": "Přidat soubor(y)",
+ "hideInUI": "Skrýt v uživatelském rozhraní",
+ "addBase": "Přidat základ",
+ "addParameter": "Přidat parametr",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Odeslat další formulář",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Přetáhněte pole sem pro přidání",
+ "editSource": "Upravit zdroj dat",
+ "enterText": "Zadejte text",
+ "okEditBase": "Potvrdit a upravit základ",
+ "showInUI": "Zobrazit v uživatelském rozhraní",
+ "outOfSync": "Mimo synchronizaci",
"newSource": "Nový zdroj dat",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
+ "newWebhook": "Nový Webhook",
"enablePublicAccess": "Povolit veřejný přístup",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Chcete uložit změny?",
+ "editingAccess": "Přístup k úpravám",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Povolit veřejné zobrazení",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Omezit přístup heslem",
"manageProjectAccess": "Správa přístupu k projektu",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "allowDownload": "Povolit stahování",
+ "surveyMode": "Režim průzkumu",
+ "rtlOrientation": "Orientace RTL",
+ "useTheme": "Použít téma",
+ "copyLink": "Zkopírovat odkaz",
+ "copiedLink": "Odkaz zkopírován",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Zkopírovat odkaz k pozvání",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Odkaz k pozvání zkopírován",
"copyUrl": "Kopírovat URL adresu",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Více barev",
+ "moveProject": "Přesunout základ",
"createProject": "Vytvořit projekt",
"importProject": "Import projektu",
"searchProject": "Vyhledat projekt",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Smazat projekt",
"refreshProject": "Aktualizovat projekty",
"saveProject": "Uložit projekt",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Uložit a ukončit",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Smazat zásobník?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Vytvořit připojením
k externí databázi",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Pomozte s překladem",
"account": {
"authToken": "Zkopírovat ověřovací token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Ověřovací token zkopírován",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API",
"projInfo": "Kopírovat informace o projektu",
"themes": "Motivy"
@@ -1101,7 +1104,7 @@
"groupBy": "Seskupit dle",
"addSubGroup": "Přidat podskupinu",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Sdílet projekt",
"disable": "Zakázat sdílenou základnu",
"enable": "Kdokoli s odkazem",
"link": "Sdílený základní odkaz"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Pozvat tým",
"inviteUser": "Pozvat uživatele",
"inviteToken": "Pozvánkový žeton",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Propojené záznamy",
+ "addNewLink": "Přidat nový odkaz",
"newUser": "Nový uživatel",
"editUser": "Upravit uživatele",
"deleteUser": "Odstranění uživatele z projektu",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "Předchozí rekord",
"copyApiURL": "Kopírování adresy URL rozhraní API",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Vytvořit přehled",
+ "createWorkspace": "Vytvořit pracovní prostor",
"refreshTable": "Tabulky Obnovení",
"renameTable": "Přejmenovat tabulku",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "Přejmenování rozložení",
"deleteTable": "Smazat tabulku",
"addField": "Přidání nového pole do této tabulky",
"setDisplay": "Nastav jako zobrazovanou hodnotu",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Vložit nový řádek",
"duplicateRow": "Duplikovat řádek",
"deleteRow": "Odstranit řádek",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Odstranit záznamy",
+ "predictColumns": "Předpovědět pole",
+ "predictFormulas": "Předpovědět vzorce",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Odstranit vybrané řádky",
"importExcel": "Importovat Excel",
"importCSV": "Importovat CSV",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Přidat nový webhook",
"enableWebhook": "Povolit Webhook",
"testWebhook": "Otestovat Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Vytvořit webhook",
"copyWebhook": "Kopírovat Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "Smazat Webhook",
"newToken": "Přidat nový token",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "Importovat zip archív",
"metaSync": "Synchronizovat nyní",
"settings": "Nastavení",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validace",
"previewAs": "Náhled jako",
"resetReview": "Obnovit náhled",
"testDbConn": "Otestovat připojení k databázi",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Přidání skupiny filtrů",
"linkRecord": "Odkaz na záznam",
"addNewRecord": "Přidání nového záznamu",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Nový záznam",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Vytvořit nový záznam",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' byl úspěšně uložen a propojen",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Záznam vytvořen a propojen",
"useConnectionUrl": "Použít adresu URL připojení",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Přepínání komentářů draw",
"expandRecord": "Rozbalit záznam",
"deleteRecord": "Odstranění záznamu",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Plná šířka",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Ukončit plnou šířku",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Označit vše jako přečtené",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Odstranit pole",
+ "addNumber": "Přidat pole čísla",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Přidat pole s textem na jednom řádku",
+ "addLongText": "Přidat pole s dlouhým textem",
+ "addOther": "Přidat jiné pole"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Zobrazit sloupce",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Sbalit zásobník",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Skrýt vše",
+ "expandAll": "Zobrazit vše",
+ "renameStack": "Přejmenovat zásobník",
"deleteStack": "Odstranit zásobník",
"stackedBy": "Seskupeno dle",
"chooseGroupingField": "Výběr pole pro seskupení",
@@ -1242,32 +1245,34 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "Přepnout Mobilní režim",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "startCommenting": "Začněte komentovat!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Zatím žádné komentáře!",
+ "clearForm": "Vymazat formulář",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Přidat pole",
+ "selectAllFields": "Vybrat všechna pole",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Povolit předvyplnění",
+ "default": "Výchozí",
+ "locked": "Uzamknout předvyplněná pole jako pouze pro čtení",
+ "hidden": "Skrýt předvyplněná pole",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Předvyplněná hodnota"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Získat předvyplněný odkaz",
+ "group": "Skupina",
+ "goToDocs": "Přejít na dokumentaci",
+ "addCondition": "Přidat podmínku",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Přidat skupinu podmínek"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Povolte, aby bylo toto připojení soukromé a skryté od jiných tvůrců v tomto pracovním prostoru.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Volitelné. Používá výchozí databázi \"{database}\", pokud zůstane prázdné",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Volitelné. Používá výchozí schéma \"{schema}\", pokud zůstane prázdné.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Úprava schématu je pro tento zdroj dat zakázána.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Tento datový typ není povolen.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Tato volba umožňuje modifikaci schématu databáze, včetně přidávání, změny nebo mazání tabulek a sloupců. Používejte s opatrností, protože změny mohou ovlivnit strukturální integritu vaší databáze.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Tato možnost umožňuje vytváření, aktualizaci nebo mazání záznamů v tabulkách databáze. Ideální pro administrativní uživatele, kteří potřebují přímo měnit data.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Uložit změny",
"xcDB": "Vytvoření nového projektu",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Dodává se v černé barvě ? (^⇧B)"
"addTable": "Přidání nové tabulky",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Přidat nový přehled",
"inviteMore": "Pozvat další uživatele",
"toggleNavDraw": "Přepnout navigační zásuvku",
"reloadApiToken": "Načtení tokenů API",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Vyberte soubor .key",
"clientCert": "Vyberte soubor .cert",
"clientCA": "Vyberte soubor CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Změnit barvu ikony",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Režim formuláře s jedním polem na stránku",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Použijte nabídku úprav pro změny typu po importu souboru",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role zděděná z pracovního prostoru",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Již brzy! Klikněte a hlasujte pro integraci, kterou potřebujete v NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Hledat ikony",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Vybrat Slack kanály",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Vybrat kanály Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Vybrat Discord kanály",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Vybrat Mattermost kanály",
+ "webhookTitle": "Název webhooku",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Vyberte pole pro hodnotu čárového kódu",
+ "notFoundContent": "Nelze nalézt platný typ pole.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Vyberte formát čárového kódu",
"projName": "Zadejte název projektu",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Vyberte pole pro seskupení",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Nelze nalézt pole s jedním výběrem. Nejprve je prosím vytvořte.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Vyberte pole obrázku na obálce",
+ "selectGeoField": "Vyberte pole geodat",
+ "notSelected": "-nevybráno-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Nelze nalézt pole geodat. Nejprve je prosím vytvořte.",
"password": {
"enter": "Zadejte heslo",
"current": "Aktuální heslo",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Uložit heslo",
"confirm": "Potvrzení nového hesla"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Vyberte pole pro hodnotu QR kódu",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Povolit záporná čísla",
"searchProjectTree": "Vyhledávací tabulky",
"searchFields": "Vyhledávací pole",
"searchColumn": "Sloupec Hledat {search}",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrování podle e-mailu",
"filterQuery": "Filtrování dotazu",
"selectField": "Vyberte pole",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Přesnost",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,169 +1353,169 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Hodnota",
+ "key": "Klíč",
+ "createTable": "Vytvořte svou první tabulku!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Nebyly vytvořeny žádné tokeny API",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Pozvěte svůj tým",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Možnosti hledání"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Neplatná konfigurace tlačítka",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Neplatná konfigurace pole",
+ "invalidTheme": "Vyberte platné téma",
+ "invalidColor": "Vyberte platnou barvu",
+ "invalidType": "Typ tlačítka může být buď 'webhook' nebo 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Zadejte platný štítek tlačítka",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Tato funkce není dostupná pro vaši databázi",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Řídit jméno a vzhled vaší organizace.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Přidejte domény společnosti k omezení přístupu nežádoucím uživatelům.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Omezte uživatele, aby nemohli veřejně sdílet základny.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Vyberte uživatele, kteří mají být odstraněni a vymazáni ze všech pracovních prostorů organizace.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Smazat všechny uživatele, základny a data související s touto organizací",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Kliknutím zkopírujte ID pole",
+ "enterPassword": "Zadejte heslo",
+ "bySigningUp": "Registrací souhlasíte s",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Přihlásit se k odběru našeho týdenního newsletteru",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Ověření hesla",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Tento sdílený pohled je chráněn",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Formulářová data byla úspěšně odeslána",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Zobrazení formuláře není podporováno na mobilních zařízeních",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Zobrazení kalendáře není na mobilních zařízeních podporováno",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Nový formulář bude načten za {seconds} sekund",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimalizovaný dotaz je zakázán",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimalizovaný dotaz je povolen",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Pole vyhledávání není podporováno pro nesekundární vztah",
+ "invalidTime": "Neplatný čas",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Nemáte žádné podporované odkazy pro {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Záznam nebyl nalezen",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Neplatné telefonní číslo",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Velikost stránky změněna",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Chyba při načítání dat",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Použijte proměnnou kontextu",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "tělo",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "k odkazu na záznam, který je předmětem úvahy",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Tip: Použijte {placeholder1} k odkazu na pole, např.: {placeholder2}. Pro více informací, prosím navštivte",
+ "hintEnd": "Vzorce.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Nenašel se žádný doporučený vzorec",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Nenalezeno žádné vhodné pole",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} vyžaduje {type} na pozici {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Očekává se číselný typ",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Očekává se řetězcový typ",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Operace {operation} není dostupná",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Nelze uložit pole, protože je vzorec neplatný",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Není podporováno odkazovat na pole {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Očekává se typ {type}, ale nalezen typ {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vyžaduje {requiredArguments} argumenty",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vyžaduje minimálně {minRequiredArguments} argumenty",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vyžaduje maximálně {maxRequiredArguments} argumenty",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Funkce {function} není dostupná",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "První parametr WEEKDAY() by měl mít hodnotu typu datum",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Druhý parametr WEEKDAY() by měl mít hodnotu buď \"neděle\", \"pondělí\", \"úterý\", \"středa\", \"čtvrtek\", \"pátek\" nebo \"sobota\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "První parametr DATEADD() by měl mít hodnotu typu datum",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Druhý parametr DATEADD() by měl mít číselnou hodnotu",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Třetí parametr DATEADD() by měl mít hodnotu buď \"den\", \"týden\", \"měsíc\" nebo \"rok\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "První parametr DATEDIFF() by měl mít hodnotu typu datum",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Druhý parametr DATEDIFF() by měl mít hodnotu typu datum",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Třetí parametr DATETIME_DIFF() by měl mít hodnotu buď \"milisekundy\", \"ms\", \"sekundy\", \"s\", \"minuty\", \"m\", \"hodiny\", \"h\", \"dny\", \"d\", \"týdny\", \"w\", \"měsíce\", \"M\", \"čtvrtletí\", \"Q\", \"roky\", nebo \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Pole {columnName} není dostupné",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Nelze uložit pole, protože způsobuje kruhový odkaz",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Pole {columnName} s typem {columnType} bylo nalezeno, ale očekává se typ {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} se neshoduje s {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Volby výběru nemohou být neplatné",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Pole MultiSelect nemohou obsahovat čárky(',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Volby výběru nemohou mít duplikáty",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Vytvořit novou možnost jménem"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Prosím zadejte číslo",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Prosím zadejte e-mail",
+ "invalidDate": "Neplatné datum",
+ "invalidLocale": "Neplatná lokalita",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Neplatný kód měny",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "Typ 'money' v PostgreSQL má vlastní nastavení měny",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Platné typy polí pro pole čárového kódu jsou: Číslo, Jeden řádek textu, Dlouhý text, Telefonní číslo, URL, E-mail, Desetinné číslo. Prosím, nejprve vytvořte jedno.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Má mnoho vztahů",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jeden záznam z tabulky ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " lze propojit s více záznamy z tabulky "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Mnoho na mnoho vztahů",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Více záznamů z tabulky ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " lze propojit s více záznamy z tabulky "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Patří ke vztahu",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jeden záznam z tabulky ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " lze propojit se záznamem z tabulky "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Jedna ku jedné relace",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jeden záznam z tabulky ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " lze propojit s jedním záznamem z tabulky "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Zdá se, že dosud nebyly propojeny žádné záznamy.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Žádné propojené záznamy",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Žádné propojené záznamy",
+ "recordsLinked": "propojené záznamy",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Přijímat pouze platné {type}",
"apiTokenCreate": "Vytvoření osobních API tokenů pro použití při automatizaci nebo v externích aplikacích.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Vyberte pole pro třídění",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Vyberte pole ke skupině",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "V tabulce nejsou žádné záznamy",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "V současné době nejsou k dispozici žádné záznamy ke spojení",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Začněte s web-hooky!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Pohánějte své automatizace. Dostávejte upozornění, jakmile dojde ke změnám ve vašich datech",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Opravdu chcete smazat následující",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Opravdu chcete {deleteLabel} následující",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Pole ID je povinné, později jej můžete přejmenovat, pokud bude potřeba.",
+ "length59Required": "Délka přesahuje max 59 znaků",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Nemáte žádná nová upozornění",
+ "noRecordFound": "Záznam nenalezen",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Nebyly nalezeny žádné záznamy",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Žádné záznamy neodpovídají vašemu vyhledávání",
+ "rowDeleted": "Záznam byl odstraněn",
+ "saveChanges": "Chcete uložit změny?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Pole je příliš velké na to, aby bylo převedeno na {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Role je povinná",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Pole tlačítek spoléhající na tento webhook budou ovlivněna",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Zobrazení kanban vyžaduje nastavení pole s jedním výběrem. Zkuste nastavit zobrazení kanban po přidání pole s jedním výběrem!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Zobrazení mapy vyžaduje nastavení pole s geodaty. Zkuste nastavit zobrazení mapy po přidání pole s geodaty!",
+ "dbValid": "Zajistěte platnost databáze, aby se zabránilo ztrátě schématu",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Chyba čárového kódu - zkontrolujte prosím kompatibilitu mezi typem vstupního a čárového kódu"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Varování: Vypočítané pole - nelze vymazat text",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Varování: Pole QR nelze přímo měnit.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Varování: Pole čárových kódů nelze přímo změnit."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Opravdu chcete duplikovat základnu?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Opravdu chcete duplikovat tabulku?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Nemůžete změnit viditelnost pole, které je upravováno. Uložte nebo zrušte změny nejdříve.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Nelze přesunout pole, které je upravováno. Nejprve uložte nebo zrušte změny",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Nelze přesunout pole, které je odstraněno. Nejprve uložte nebo zrušte změny"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Nebude možné přetahovat záznamy mezi daty, pokud jsou použita vypočítaná nebo systémová pole.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Změny schématu jsou pro tento zdroj zakázány",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Zadejte název pracovního prostoru",
+ "enterBaseName": "Zadejte název základny",
+ "idpPaste": "Vložte tyto URL do konzole poskytovatele Identity",
+ "noSaml": "Neexistují žádné nakonfigurované autentizace SAML.",
+ "noOIDC": "Nejsou nakonfigurovány žádné autentizace OpenID.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Zakázáno, protože zobrazení je uzamčeno",
+ "basesMigrated": "Základy byly migrovány. Zkuste to prosím znovu.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Operace Vložit není v aktivní buňce podporována.",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Tvůrce může vytvářet nové projekty a přistupovat k jakémukoli pozvanému projektu.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Zadejte vstupní štítek formuláře",
"formHelpText": "Přidání textu nápovědy",
"onlyCreator": "Viditelný pouze pro Stvořitele",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Přidat název formuláře",
"formDesc": "Přidání popisu formuláře",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Omezení přístupu pomocí hesla",
"afterEnablePwd": "Přístup je omezen heslem",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Přístup k projektu přes",
"submitAnotherForm": "Zobrazit tlačítko \"Odeslat další formulář",
"showBlankForm": "Zobrazení prázdného formuláře po 5 sekundách",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Emailové odpovědi na",
"showSysFields": "Zobrazit systémová pole",
"filterAutoApply": "Automatické použití",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Zobrazit zprávu",
"viewNotShared": "Současný pohled není sdílený!",
"showAllViews": "Zobrazit všechna sdílená zobrazení této tabulky",
"collabView": "Spolupracovníci s oprávněním k úpravám nebo vyšším mohou měnit konfiguraci zobrazení.",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Metadata tabulek jsou synchronizována",
"addMultipleUsers": "Můžete přidat více e-mailů oddělených čárkou(,).",
"enterTableName": "Zadejte název tabulky",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Zadejte popis tabulky...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Zadejte popis pole...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Zadejte popis zobrazení...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Zadejte název rozložení",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Zadejte název přehledu",
+ "defaultColumns": "Výchozí pole",
"addDefaultColumns": "Přidání výchozích sloupců",
"tableNameInDb": "Název tabulky uložený v databázi",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Tato hodnota je již v seznamu",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Žádné sloupce k aktualizaci",
"tableDeleted": "Úspěšně odstraněná tabulka",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Úspěšně smazáno rozložení",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generování veřejně sdílené readonly báze",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Opravdu chcete toto zobrazení odstranit?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Opravdu chcete smazat toto rozložení?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Chcete odstranit tabulku",
"showM2mTables": "Zobrazit tabulky M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Vztah M:N (více ku více) je podporován prostřednictvím propojovací tabulky a ve výchozím stavu je skrytý. Povolením této možnosti zobrazíte všechny takové tabulky spolu s existujícími tabulkami.",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Vypočtené pole: obsah je určen pouze pro čtení. Ke změně konfigurace sloupce použijte nabídku úprav sloupce",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Vypočtené pole: obsah je určen pouze pro čtení. Nelze vymazat obsah.",
"noMoreRecords": "Žádné další záznamy",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Název tokenu nesmí být prázdný",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Název tokenu by neměl obsahovat více než 255 znaků",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Je vyžadován název databáze",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Vyžadován název pracovního prostoru",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Název pracovního prostoru musí mít alespoň 3 znaky",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Název pracovního prostoru musí mít maximálně 50 znaků",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Smažte tento pracovní prostor a veškerý jeho obsah.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Chápu, že tuto akci nelze vrátit zpět",
+ "pageNotFound": "Stránka nenalezena",
+ "makeLineBreak": "pro zalomení řádku",
+ "goToPrevious": "Přejít na předchozí",
+ "goToNext": "Přejít na další",
+ "thankYou": "Děkujeme!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Úspěšně jste odeslali data formuláře.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Úprava systémového klíče není podporována",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Momentálně není k dispozici",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operace vkládání skupin není podporována ve sloupci Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operace čištění skupin není podporována ve sloupci Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgradujte na Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Tato funkce je dostupná pouze v podnikové edici",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Vaše aktuální role je",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Požádejte o vyšší oprávnění od správce / vlastníka základny / vlastníka pracovního prostoru, abyste získali přístup k tomuto {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Pokud je pole povinné, nemůžete skrýt všechny možnosti"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Ruční háčky nelze zakázat",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Chyba načítání dat záznamu",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Chyba při načítání dat kalendáře",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Chyba při načítání aktivních dat",
+ "scopesRequired": "Požadovány rozsahy",
+ "domainRequired": "Název domény je povinný",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL je povinný",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Atribut uživatelského jména je požadován",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Client ID je povinný",
+ "issuerRequired": "Issuer je povinný",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret je povinné",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL je povinné",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL je povinný",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL je povinné",
+ "eitherXML": "Požadováno buď xml nebo url s metadata",
+ "nameRequired": "Jméno je požadováno",
+ "nameMinLength": "Jméno musí mít alespoň 2 znaky",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Jméno musí mít maximálně 60 znaků",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Je vyžadován název pohledu",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Název domény je povinný",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Jméno musí mít maximálně 256 znaků",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Název pohledu by měl být jedinečný",
"searchProject": "Vaše hledání na {search} nenašlo žádné výsledky",
"invalidChar": "Neplatný znak v cestě ke složce.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Neplatné pověření k databázi.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Nelze se připojit k databázi, zkontrolujte prosím, zda je databáze funkční.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Neplatný rok",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Uživatel neexistuje nebo nemá dostatečné oprávnění k vytvoření schématu.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Neplatné parametry databáze",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Selhání připojení:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Existuje null filtr. Prosím odstraňte jej",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "E-mail je povinný",
"emailInvalid": "E-mail musí být platný",
"passwdRequired": "Heslo je vyžadováno",
"passwdLength": "Heslo musí mít alespoň 8 znaků",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Jedno číslo",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Jeden speciální znak",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Seznam povolených speciálních znaků",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Neplatné e-maily",
+ "invalidEmail": "Neplatný e-mail"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Neplatné XML",
"invalidURL": "Neplatná adresa URL",
"invalidEmail": "Neplatný e-mail",
"internalError": "Došlo k nějaké interní chybě",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Jméno by mělo začínat abecedou nebo _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Následující znaky nejsou povoleny",
"columnNameRequired": "Název sloupce je povinný",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicitní název pole",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Název již použité pro systémové pole",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Typ dat uživatelského rozhraní je povinný",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} název přesahuje 50 znaků",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} název nesmí začínat mezerou",
"requiredField": "Povinné pole",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP není povolena",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Cílový soubor není akceptovaným typem souboru",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Akceptované typy souborů jsou .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots.",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Klíč parametru nesmí být prázdný",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicitní klíče parametrů nejsou povoleny",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Toto pole nemůže být prázdné.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projekt není přístupný",
"copyToClipboardError": "Nepodařilo se zkopírovat do schránky",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Nepodařilo se vložit ze schránky",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Nejprve dokončete konfiguraci všech polí před uložením",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Něco se pokazilo",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Přetažený obsah není obrazového typu",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Pole pro analýzu obrazových dat",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Některá z povinných polí jsou prázdná"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Úspěšný export metadat projektu",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Již brzy!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Licenční klíč aktualizován",
"columnDuplicated": "Sloupec úspěšně duplikován",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Řádek duplikován (neuložen)",
"updatedUIACL": "Úspěšná aktualizace uživatelského rozhraní ACL pro tabulky",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Nastavení zásuvného modulu bylo úspěšně uloženo",
"pluginTested": "Úspěšně otestované nastavení zásuvného modulu",
"tableRenamed": "Tabulka byla úspěšně přejmenována",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Rozvržení přejmenováno úspěšně",
"viewDeleted": "Zobrazení úspěšně odstraněno",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Úspěšně aktualizováno jako primární sloupec",
"tableDataExported": "Úspěšný export všech dat tabulky",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Heslo bylo úspěšně změněno. Přihlaste se znovu.",
"settingsSaved": "Nastavení byla úspěšně uložena",
"roleUpdated": "Role byla úspěšně aktualizována",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integrace úspěšně připojena",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Vlastníci základy a tvůrci mohou nyní přidat zdroj dat bez znovu zadávání údajů."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/da.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/da.json
index b4fda2782e..8b527b9577 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/da.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/da.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Opret ny grænseflade",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Forbind datakilder",
+ "alert": "Alarm",
+ "alert-message": "Ingen databaser er blevet forbundet. Forbind database baser for at bygge grænseflader. Spring dette trin over og tilføj databaser fra base-hovedsiden senere.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Vælg database projekter, som du vil linke til denne grænseflade.",
+ "create_interface": "Opret grænseflade",
+ "project_name": "Projekt navn",
+ "connect": "Forbind",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "Åbn ekstern link",
+ "delete_record": "Slet Post",
+ "update_record": "Opdater optegnelse",
+ "open_layout": "Åbn layout"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "Tekst",
+ "chart": "Diagram",
+ "table": "Tabel",
+ "image": "Billede",
+ "map": "Kort",
+ "button": "Knap",
+ "number": "Nummer",
+ "bar_chart": "Søjlediagram",
+ "line_chart": "Linjediagram",
+ "area_chart": "Arealdiagram",
+ "pie_chart": "Cirkeldiagram",
+ "donut_chart": "Donutdiagram",
+ "scatter_plot": "Spredeplottet",
+ "bubble_chart": "Boblediagram",
+ "radar_chart": "Radardiagram",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polar Arealdiagram",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Søjlediagram",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Varmekortdiagram",
+ "treemap_chart": "Trædiagram",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Boksdiagram",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Lysestagediagram"
"aggregation": {
"sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "count": "Tælle",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
+ "avg": "Gns",
"median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "std_dev": "Std afvigelse",
"histogram": "Histogram",
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- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
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- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
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+ "count_empty": "Tom",
+ "count_filled": "Udfyldt",
+ "earliest_date": "Min dato",
+ "latest_date": "Max dato",
+ "date_range": "Rækkevidde",
+ "month_range": "Rækkevidde",
+ "checked": "Markeret",
+ "unchecked": "Umarkeret",
+ "percent_checked": "Markeret",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Umarkeret",
+ "attachment_size": "Størrelse",
+ "none": "Ingen"
"aggregation_type": {
"sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "count": "Tælle",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
+ "avg": "Gennemsnit",
"median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "std_dev": "Standardafvigelse",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
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+ "percent_filled": "Procent Udfyldt",
+ "percent_unique": "Procent Unik",
+ "count_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_empty": "Tom",
+ "count_filled": "Udfyldt",
+ "earliest_date": "Tidligste Dato",
+ "latest_date": "Seneste Dato",
+ "date_range": "Dato Rækkevidde",
+ "month_range": "Måned Rækkevidde",
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+ "percent_unchecked": "Procent Umarkeret",
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+ "none": "Ingen"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
+ "scripts": "Scripts",
+ "configure": "Konfigurer",
+ "switch": "Skift",
+ "on": "På",
+ "onMultiple": "På flere",
"manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "trigger": "Udløs",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
+ "style": "Stil",
"label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "role": "Rolle",
+ "general": "Generelt",
+ "quit": "Afslut",
"home": "Forside",
"load": "Indlæs",
"open": "Åbn",
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nej",
"ok": "Okay",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Tilbage",
"and": "Og",
"or": "Eller",
"add": "Tilføj",
@@ -121,62 +122,62 @@
"links": "Links",
"remove": "Fjern",
"import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "logout": "Log ud",
+ "empty": "Tom",
+ "changeIcon": "Skift ikon",
"save": "Gem",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Tilgængelig",
+ "abort": "Afbryd",
+ "saving": "Gemmer",
"cancel": "Fortryd",
"null": "Null",
"escape": "Escape",
"hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "clear": "Ryd",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Kommentar",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Citat",
"submit": "Indsend",
"create": "Opret",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "createEntity": "Opret {entity}",
+ "creating": "Opretter",
+ "creatingEntity": "Opretter {entity}",
+ "details": "Detaljer",
+ "skip": "Spring over",
+ "code": "Kode",
"duplicate": "Duplikat",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "Duplikerer",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Kopier {entity}",
+ "activate": "Aktiver",
+ "action": "Handling",
"insert": "Indsæt",
"delete": "Slet",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "Slet {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "Masseindsæt",
+ "bulkDelete": "Masseslet",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Masseopdater",
+ "deleting": "Sletter",
"update": "Opdatér",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Opdaterer",
"rename": "Omdøb",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Omdøb {entity}",
"reload": "Genindlæs",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Opdater",
"reset": "Nulstil",
"install": "Installer",
"show": "Vis",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "Adgang",
+ "visibility": "Synlighed",
"hide": "Skjul",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Forældet",
"showAll": "Vis alt",
"hideAll": "Gem alt",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Ikke fundet",
"showMore": "Vis mere",
"showOptions": "Vis muligheder.",
"hideOptions": "Skjul muligheder.",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Upload",
"download": "Hent",
"default": "Standard",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Kilde",
+ "datasource": "Data Kilde",
"more": "Mere",
"less": "Mindre",
"event": "Begivenhed",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "Efter",
"before": "Før",
"search": "Søg",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Søg i",
"notification": "Notifikation",
"reference": "Henvisning",
"function": "Fungere",
"confirm": "Bekræft",
"generate": "Generer",
"copy": "Kopier",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Kopieret",
+ "are": "er",
"misc": "Diverse",
"lock": "Lås",
"unlock": "Lås op",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "Denne funktion er i øjeblikket i betaversion.",
"moreInfo": "Du kan finde flere oplysninger her",
"logs": "Logfiler",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Stak efter felt",
+ "insertAfter": "Indsæt til højre",
+ "insertBefore": "Indsæt til venstre",
+ "insertAbove": "Indsæt ovenfor",
+ "insertBelow": "Indsæt nedenfor",
"hideField": "Skjul felt",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Vis felt",
"sortAsc": "Sortere stigende",
"sortDesc": "Sortere nedadgående",
- "move": "Move",
+ "move": "Flytte",
"geoDataField": "GeoData-felt",
"type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
+ "subType": "Under-Typ",
+ "name": "Navn",
+ "changes": "Ændringer",
+ "new": "Ny",
+ "old": "Gammel",
"data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
+ "source": "Kilde",
"destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "active": "Aktiv",
+ "inactive": "Inaktiv",
+ "linked": "linket",
+ "finish": "Afslut",
"min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
+ "max": "Maks",
+ "avg": "Gns",
"sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
+ "count": "Tælle",
+ "countDistinct": "Tælle Distinkt",
+ "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinkt",
+ "avgDistinct": "Gns Distinkt",
+ "join": "Deltag",
+ "options": "Muligheder",
+ "primaryValue": "Primær Værdi",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Brug Undersøgelsestilstand",
+ "shift": "Skift",
"enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "seconds": "Sekunder",
+ "paste": "Indsæt",
+ "restore": "Gendan",
+ "replace": "Erstat",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logo",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
+ "list": "Liste",
+ "verify": "Bekræft",
+ "apply": "Anvend",
+ "text": "Tekst",
+ "appearance": "Udseende",
+ "now": "Nu",
+ "set": "Sæt",
"format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
+ "colour": "Farve",
+ "use": "Brug",
+ "stack": "Stak",
+ "ipAddress": "IP-adresse",
"integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "integrations": "Integrationer",
+ "connection": "Forbindelse",
+ "connections": "Forbindelser",
+ "private": "Privat",
+ "request": "Forespørgsel",
+ "languages": "Sprog",
+ "extension": "Udvidelse",
+ "extensions": "Udvidelser"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "filer",
+ "owner": "Ejer",
+ "member": "Medlem",
+ "day": "Dag",
+ "week": "Uge",
+ "month": "Måned",
+ "year": "År",
+ "workspace": "Arbejdsområde",
+ "workspaces": "Arbejdsområder",
"project": "Projekt",
"projects": "Projekter",
"table": "Bord",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Felter",
"column": "Kolonne",
"columns": "Kolonner.",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Celle",
+ "cells": "Celler",
"page": "Side",
"pages": "sider",
"record": "Optage",
@@ -332,36 +333,36 @@
"users": "Brugere",
"role": "Rolle",
"roles": "Roller.",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Udvikler",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Ejer",
"creator": "Skaber.",
"editor": "Editor.",
"commenter": "Kommenter.",
"viewer": "Viewer.",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
+ "noaccess": "Ingen adgang",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Organisationens niveau ejer",
"orgLevelCreator": "Skaberen på organisationsniveau",
"orgLevelViewer": "Visning på organisationsniveau"
"sqlVIew": "SQL-visning",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Post Højde",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
+ "short": "Kort",
"medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "tall": "Høj",
+ "extra": "Ekstra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Ekstern Database",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple numre",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Kalender",
+ "googleDrive": "Google Drev",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Alle integrationer",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Forbind nemt og styr dine databaser med NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Kommunikation",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Bliv underrettet om ændringer og effektiviser holdkommunikation med NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Projektledelse",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Forbedr projektarbejdsgange og opgavestyring med NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimer customer relationship management gennem NocoDB integrationer.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Boost dine marketingindsatser med NocoDB's kraftfulde integrationer.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Strømlin dit ansøgersporingssystem med NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Udvikling",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Fremskynd udviklingsprocesser med NocoDB integrationer.",
+ "finance": "Finans",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Gør finansielle operationer og datastyring nemmere med NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Billettering",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Håndter og spor supportbilletter effektivt med NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrer og organiser dine opbevaringsløsninger problemfrit med NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Andre",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Opdag yderligere alsidige integrationer for at forbedre din NocoDB oplevelse.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Regneark",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Forbind og administrer dine regneark med NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "er ikke null."
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
+ "searchWebhook": "Søg webhook",
+ "webcam": "Webkamera",
"uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
+ "renameBase": "Omdøb basis",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Omdøb arbejdsområde",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Omdøbning af arbejdsområde",
+ "renamingBase": "Omdøbning af basis",
+ "sso": "Godkendelse (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumenter",
"forum": "Forum",
"parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "headers": "Overskrifter",
+ "parameterName": "Parameternavn",
+ "currencyLocale": "Valuta Locale",
+ "currencyCode": "Valutakode",
+ "searchMembers": "Søg medlemmer",
+ "noMembersFound": "Ingen medlemmer fundet",
+ "dateJoined": "Tiltrædelsesdato",
+ "tokenName": "Token-navn",
+ "inDesktop": "på Desktop",
+ "rowData": "Optegn data",
+ "creator": "Skaber",
+ "qrCode": "QR Kode",
+ "termsOfService": "Brugsbetingelser",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Opdater Valgte Poster",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Ingen filtre tilføjet",
+ "editCards": "Rediger Kort",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Ingen felter fundet",
+ "displayValue": "Vis Værdi",
+ "expand": "Udvid",
+ "hideAll": "Gem alt",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Skjul systemfelter",
+ "removeFile": "Fjern fil",
+ "hasMany": "Har mange",
+ "manyToMany": "Mange til mange",
+ "oneToOne": "En til en",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtuel relation",
+ "linkMore": "Link mere",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Link flere poster",
+ "linkRecords": "Link optegnelser",
+ "downloadFile": "Hent fil",
+ "renameTable": "Omdøb tabel",
+ "renamingTable": "Omdøb tabel",
+ "renamingWs": "Omdøb arbejdsområde",
+ "renameWs": "Omdøb arbejdsområde",
+ "deleteWs": "Slet arbejdsområde",
+ "deletingWs": "Sletter arbejdsområde",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Kopier Auth Token",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Kopieret Auth Token",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Kopier invitations-token",
+ "showSidebar": "Vis sidebjælke",
+ "hideSidebar": "Skjul sidebjælke",
+ "creatingTable": "Opretter tabel",
"erdView": "ERD-visning",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "Ny datakilde",
"newProj": "Nyt projekt",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Opret projekt",
"myProject": "Mine projekter",
"formTitle": "Form titel",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Samarbejde",
+ "locked": "Låst",
+ "personal": "Personlig",
"appStore": "App butik",
"teamAndAuth": "Team & Auth.",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roller & Brugere Management",
"userMgmt": "Bruger Management",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "API tokens",
"rolesMgmt": "Roller Management.",
"projMeta": "Projektmetadata.",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Generer et symbol",
"APIsAndSupport": "API'er og support",
"helpCenter": "Hjælp-center",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Ingen etiketter",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger-dokumentation",
"quickImportFrom": "Hurtig import fra",
"quickImport": "Hurtig import",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Hurtig import - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Hurtig import - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Hurtig import - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Hurtig import - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "comingSoon": "Kommer snart",
"advancedSettings": "Avancerede indstillinger",
"codeSnippet": "Kodeuddrag",
"keyboardShortcut": "Tastaturgenveje",
"generateRandomName": "Generér Tilfældigt Navn",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
+ "tokenManagement": "Tokenadministration",
+ "addNewToken": "Tilføj nyt token",
+ "createNewToken": "Opret nyt token",
+ "accountSettings": "Kontoinstillinger",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Nulstil adgangskode",
"tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "userManagement": "Brugeradministration",
+ "accountManagement": "Kontoadministration",
+ "licence": "Licens",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Tillad alle mime-typer",
+ "defaultView": "Standardvisning",
+ "relations": "Relationer",
+ "switchLanguage": "Skift sprog",
+ "renameFile": "Omdøb fil",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Ingen handling",
+ "cascade": "Kaskade",
+ "restrict": "Begrænse",
+ "setNull": "Sæt NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Sæt standard"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Vælg felter fra højre panel for at tilføje her",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Ingen muligheder fundet",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Er du sikker på, at du vil indsende denne formular?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Det ser ud til, at denne stak ikke har nogen poster",
+ "fromScratch": "Fra bunden",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Fra filer og eksterne kilder",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Direkte i realtid",
+ "categories": "Kategorier",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Felt utilgængeligt",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Ingen betingelser tilføjet"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Ændret den",
+ "configuration": "Konfiguration",
+ "setup": "Opsætning",
+ "configLabel": "Konfigurer {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Skift til en produktionsklar app-database",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "fieldID": "Kolonne ID",
+ "addDescription": "Tilføj beskrivelse",
+ "editDescription": "Rediger beskrivelse",
+ "urlFormula": "URL Formel",
+ "selectIcon": "ingen",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--vælg en webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Åbn URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Kør Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Ved klik",
+ "defaultView": "Standardvisning",
+ "recordInsert": "Indsæt post",
+ "recordUpdate": "Opdater post",
+ "recordDelete": "Slet post",
+ "supportDocs": "Support Dokumenter",
+ "addedOn": "Tilføjet den",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Skift visningsværdi felt",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Vælg visningsværdi felt",
+ "changeTitleField": "Skift titelfelt",
+ "clearAll": "Ryd alt",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Opslagsfelter viser data fra tilknyttede poster. Vælg specifikke felter fra ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabellen for at tilføje dem som opslagsfelter i denne tabel.",
+ "formatting": "Formatering",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Vælg en format type (valgfri)- -",
"formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
+ "toUpload": "at uploade",
+ "dragFilesHere": "træk filer hertil",
+ "browseFiles": "gennemse filer",
+ "clickTo": "Klik for at",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Tillad venligst adgang til dit kamera",
+ "openFile": "Åben fil",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Indtast en gyldig URL for at uploade filer",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Tilføj filer fra URL",
+ "uploading": "Uploader",
+ "dropHere": "Slip her",
+ "addMore": "Tilføj flere",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Ryd alle filer",
"integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "notRecommended": "Ikke anbefalet",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "selectView": "Vælg en visning",
+ "connectionDetails": "Kilde forbindelsesdetaljer",
"metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "mention": "Nævn",
+ "today": "I dag",
+ "currentDate": "Aktuel dato",
+ "workspace": "Arbejdsområde",
+ "txt": "TXT Record-værdi",
+ "transferOwnership": "Overfør ejerskab",
+ "recentActivity": "Seneste aktivitet",
+ "goToMembers": "Gå til medlemmer",
+ "addMember": "Tilføj medlem",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Antal medlemmer",
+ "numberOfBases": "Antal baser",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Antal optegnelser",
+ "workspaceName": "Arbejdsområde navn",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Arbejdsområde uden ejere",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Inviter brugere til arbejdsområde",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-vælg arbejdsområder at invitere til-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Tilføj medlemmer til organisation",
+ "memberIn": "Medlem i:",
+ "assignAs": "Tildel som",
+ "signOutUser": "Log brugeren ud",
+ "signOutUsers": "Log brugere ud",
+ "deactivateUser": "Deaktiver bruger",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Deaktiver brugere",
+ "lastActive": "Sidst aktiv",
+ "dateAdded": "Dato tilføjet",
+ "uploadImage": "Upload billede",
+ "organizationProfile": "Organisationens profil",
+ "organizationImage": "Organisationsbillede",
+ "organizationName": "Organisationsnavn",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktive domæner",
+ "domains": "Domæner",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Deaktiver offentlig deling",
+ "shareSettings": "Delingsindstillinger",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Slet bruger og deres data",
+ "userOptions": "Brugerindstillinger",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Slet denne organisation",
+ "dangerZone": "Farezone",
+ "childView": "Underordnet visning",
+ "selectYear": "Vælg År",
+ "save": "Gem",
+ "cancel": "Fortryd",
"metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "Publikum/Entitets-ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "Omdirigerings-URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
+ "newProvider": "Ny Udbyder",
+ "generalSettings": "Generelle Indstillinger",
+ "adminPanel": "Adminpanel",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Flyt arbejdsområde til organisation",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO Indstillinger",
+ "addDomain": "Tilføj domæne",
+ "domain": "Domæne",
+ "settings": "Indstillinger",
+ "workspaces": "Arbejdsområder",
+ "back": "Tilbage",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
+ "organizeBy": "Organiser efter",
+ "previous": "Forrige",
+ "nextMonth": "Næste måned",
+ "previousMonth": "Forrige måned",
+ "next": "Næste",
+ "organiseBy": "Organiser efter",
+ "heading1": "Overskrift 1",
+ "heading2": "Overskrift 2",
+ "heading3": "Overskrift 3",
+ "bold": "Fed",
+ "italic": "Kursiv",
+ "underline": "Understreget",
+ "strike": "Gennemstreget",
+ "taskList": "Opgaveliste",
+ "bulletList": "Punktliste",
+ "numberedList": "Nummereret liste",
+ "downloadData": "Hent data",
+ "blockQuote": "Blokcitat",
+ "noToken": "Ingen token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Kun én token pr. bruger er tilladt",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Fil med navn {filename} allerede vedhæftet",
+ "tableIdColon": "TABEL ID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "VIS ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Til adresse",
+ "subject": "Emne",
+ "body": "Indhold",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Komma-separeret mobilnummer",
+ "headerName": "Header navn",
+ "icon": "Ikon",
"max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "Aktiver rich text",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Kopieret post-URL",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Kopier post-URL",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Dupliker post",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binært kodningsformat",
"syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
+ "examples": "Eksempler",
+ "durationInfo": "En varighed af tid i minutter eller sekunder (f.eks. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Tilføj Header",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Indtast standard URL (valgfrit)",
+ "negative": "Negativ",
+ "discard": "Kassér",
+ "default": "Standard",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Standardnummer (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Varighedsformat",
+ "dateFormat": "Datoformat",
+ "timeFormat": "Tidsformat",
+ "singularLabel": "Ental etiket",
+ "pluralLabel": "Flertal etiket",
+ "selectDateField": "Vælg et datofelt",
+ "endDateField": "Slutdatofelt",
+ "optional": "(Valgfrit)",
+ "clickToMake": "Klik for at lave",
+ "visibleForRole": "synlig for rolle:",
+ "inUI": "i UI Dashboard",
+ "projectSettings": "Basisindstillinger",
+ "clickToHide": "Klik for at skjule",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klik for at downloade",
+ "forRole": "for rolle",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Klik for at kopiere tabel-ID",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klik for at kopiere View ID",
+ "viewMode": "Visningstilstand",
+ "searchUsers": "Søg Brugere",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "allTables": "Alle Tabeller",
+ "members": "Medlemmer",
+ "dataSources": "Datakilder",
+ "connectDataSource": "Forbind ekstern data",
+ "searchProjects": "Søg Projekter",
"createdBy": "Oprettet af",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Ser Vedhæftninger til",
+ "readOnly": "Skrivebeskyttet",
+ "createdOn": "Oprettet Den",
"notifyVia": "Bemærk Via.",
"projName": "Projekt navn",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "accountDetails": "Kontodetaljer",
+ "controlAppearance": "Kontrollér din Udseende.",
+ "accountEmailID": "Kontoens E-mail ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Tilbage til Workspace",
+ "untitledToken": "Uden navngivet token",
"tableName": "Tabelnavn.",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Dashboard navn",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Opretter Visning",
+ "duplicateView": "Kopiér visning",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Duplikér Gittervisning",
+ "createGridView": "Opret Gittervisning",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplikér Galleri Visning",
+ "createGalleryView": "Opret Galleri Visning",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Duplikér Formulavisning",
+ "createFormView": "Opret Formulavisning",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplikér Kanban Visning",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Dubliker kalendervisning",
+ "createKanbanView": "Opret Kanban Visning",
+ "createCalendarView": "Opret kalendervisning",
"viewName": "Se navn",
"viewLink": "Vis Link",
"columnName": "Kolonne navn",
@@ -838,9 +841,9 @@
"lengthValue": "Længde / værdi.",
"dbType": "Database type",
"servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite filsti",
+ "hostAddress": "Værtsadresse",
+ "port": "Port nummer",
"username": "Brugernavn.",
"password": "Adgangskode",
"schemaName": "Skema-navn",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Hvor",
"cache": "Cache",
"chat": "Snak",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Vis eller Skjul",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV Fil",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON Fil",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-mail.",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "Oprettet",
"sqlOutput": "SQL Output.",
"addOption": "Tilføj option",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Grænsefladefarve",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Kolonne med QR-kodeværdi",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Kolonne med stregkodeværdi",
"barcodeFormat": "Stregkodeformat",
@@ -902,15 +905,15 @@
"joinCommunity": "Tilmeld dig NocoDB-fællesskabet",
"joinReddit": "Deltag /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Følg NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Fællesskab/AI Oversat)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Dokumentreference.",
"selectUserRole": "Vælg brugerrolle",
"childTable": "Undertabel",
"childColumn": "Underkolonner",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Børnefelt",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Deltag i Cloud gratis",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Link til en anden post",
"links": "Links",
"onUpdate": "På opdatering",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Brugerdefineret tema",
"requestDataSource": "Har du brug for en datakilde, du har brug for?",
"apiKey": "API-nøgle",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Personlig adgangstoken",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Delt Basis URL",
"importData": "Import af data",
"importSecondaryViews": "Import af sekundære visninger",
"importRollupColumns": "Import af kolonner i rulleskemaer",
"importLookupColumns": "Import af opslagssøjler",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import af kolonner til vedhæftede filer",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import af formelkolonner",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Importer Brugere (via e-mail)",
"noData": "Ingen data",
"goToDashboard": "Gå til Dashboard",
"importing": "Import af",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Formatér JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-vælg felttyper",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Brug Første Rekord som Overskrifter",
"flattenNested": "Flade, indlejrede",
"downloadAllowed": "Download tilladt",
"weAreHiring": "Vi ansætter!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "har mange",
"belongsTo": "hører til",
"manyToMany": "har mange til mange relationer",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "har en-til-en relation",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Ekstra forbindelsesparametre",
"commentsOnly": "Kun kommentarer",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Tillad kun tilmelding ved hjælp af inviteret url",
"nextRow": "Næste række",
"prevRow": "Forrige række",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Manuelt tilføj data i gittervisning",
+ "addRowForm": "Indtast rekorddata via en formular",
+ "noAccess": "Ingen adgang",
+ "restApis": "Rest API'er",
+ "apis": "API'er",
+ "apiSnippet": "API Udklip",
+ "includeData": "Inkluder data",
+ "includeView": "Inkluder visning",
+ "includeWebhook": "Inkluder Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom ind for at se kolonner",
+ "embedInSite": "Indlejr denne visning på din side",
+ "titleRequired": "Titel er påkrævet.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Kildenavn er påkrævet",
+ "changeWsName": "Ændre arbejdsområdet navn",
+ "pressEnter": "Tryk Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Nyt felt",
+ "saveChanges": "Gem ændringer",
+ "updatedField": "Opdateret felt",
+ "deletedField": "Slettet felt",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Ufuldstændig konfiguration",
+ "selectField": "Vælg et felt",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Baggrundsfarve",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Skjul NocoDB Branding",
+ "showOnConditions": "Vis på betingelser",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Viser kun felt, når betingelserne er opfyldt",
+ "limitOptions": "Begræns muligheder",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Begræns de tilgængelige muligheder, der skal være synlige for brugerne",
+ "clearSelection": "Ryd valg",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Vis som fremgang",
+ "relationType": "Relationstype",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Vis tusindtalsseparator",
+ "signUpForFree": "Tilmeld dig gratis",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Tilpas billede",
+ "coverImageArea": "Dækkebillede",
+ "syncData": "Synkroniser data",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registrer de tjenester, du er interesseret i, for at blive underrettet, når de bliver tilgængelige",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Omdiriger til URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook Detaljer",
+ "hideWeekends": "Skjul weekender",
+ "renameBase": "Omdøb basis",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Omdøb arbejdsområde",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktiver",
+ "manageUsers": "Administrer brugere",
+ "newWorkspace": "Nyt arbejdsområde",
+ "addDomain": "Tilføj domæne",
+ "addMembers": "Tilføj medlemmer",
+ "enterEmail": "Indtast e-mail adresser",
+ "inviteToBase": "Inviter til basis",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Inviter til arbejdsområde",
+ "addMember": "Tilføj medlem til basis",
+ "noRange": "Kalendervisning kræver et datointerval",
+ "goToToday": "Gå til i dag",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Skift sidebar",
+ "addEndDate": "Tilføj slutdato",
+ "withEndDate": "med slutdato",
+ "calendar": "Kalender",
+ "viewSettings": "Vis indstillinger",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registrer OIDC Identitetsudbyder",
+ "registerSAML": "Registrer SAML Identitetsudbyder",
+ "openInANewTab": "Åbn i en ny fane",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopier IFrame kode",
+ "onCondition": "På betingelse",
"bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "attachFile": "Vedhæft fil",
+ "viewAttachment": "Se vedhæftede filer",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Klik eller slip en fil i celle",
+ "addFiles": "Tilføj fil(er)",
+ "hideInUI": "Skjul i UI",
+ "addBase": "Tilføj base",
+ "addParameter": "Tilføj parameter",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Indsend en anden formular",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Træk og slip felter her for at tilføje",
+ "editSource": "Rediger datakilde",
+ "enterText": "Indtast tekst",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Rediger base",
+ "showInUI": "Vis i UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Ude af synkronisering",
+ "newSource": "Ny datakilde",
+ "newWebhook": "Nyt Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Aktiver offentlig adgang",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Vil du gemme ændringerne?",
+ "editingAccess": "Redigeringsadgang",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Aktiver Offentlig Visning",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Begræns adgang med kodeord",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Administrer Base Access",
+ "allowDownload": "Tillad download",
+ "surveyMode": "Undersøgelsestilstand",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL-orientering",
+ "useTheme": "Brug tema",
+ "copyLink": "Kopier link",
+ "copiedLink": "Link kopieret",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopier invitationslink",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Kopieret invitationslink",
"copyUrl": "Kopier URL.",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Flere farver",
+ "moveProject": "Flyt base",
"createProject": "Opret projekt",
"importProject": "Import Project.",
"searchProject": "Søg projekt",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Slet projekt",
"refreshProject": "Opdater projekter",
"saveProject": "Gem projekt",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Gem & Afslut",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Slet stakken?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Opret ved at forbinde
til en ekstern database",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Hjælp Translate",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopier Auth Token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Auth Token kopieret",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API'er",
"projInfo": "Kopier projekt info.",
"themes": "Temaer."
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Filter",
"addFilter": "Tilføj filter",
"share": "Del",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Gruppér efter",
+ "addSubGroup": "Ny Undergruppe",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Del Base",
"disable": "Deaktiver delt base",
"enable": "Nogen med linket",
"link": "Shared Base Link."
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Inviter Team.",
"inviteUser": "Inviter bruger",
"inviteToken": "Inviter token",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Linkede poster",
+ "addNewLink": "Tilføj ny link",
"newUser": "Ny bruger",
"editUser": "Rediger bruger",
"deleteUser": "Fjern bruger fra projektet",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "Forrige post",
"copyApiURL": "COPY API URL.",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Opret Dashboard",
+ "createWorkspace": "Opret arbejdsområde",
"refreshTable": "Genopfrisk Tabeller",
"renameTable": "Omdøb tabel",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "Layout omdøb",
"deleteTable": "Slet tabel",
"addField": "Tilføj nyt felt til denne tabel",
"setDisplay": "Sæt som visningsværdi",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Indsæt ny række",
"duplicateRow": "Dupliker Række",
"deleteRow": "Slet Række",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Slet poster",
+ "predictColumns": "Forudsige felter",
+ "predictFormulas": "Forudsige formler",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Slet de valgte rækker",
"importExcel": "Import Excel.",
"importCSV": "Import CSV.",
@@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@
"ListView": "Visninger List",
"copyView": "Kopi visning",
"renameView": "Omdøb visning",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Upload data",
"deleteView": "Slet visning",
"createGrid": "Opret gridvisning",
"createGallery": "Opret Gallery View.",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Tilføj nyt webhook.",
"enableWebhook": "Aktiver Webhook",
"testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Opret Webhook",
"copyWebhook": "Kopier webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "Slet Webhook",
"newToken": "Tilføj nyt token",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "Import Zip.",
"metaSync": "Synkroniser nu",
"settings": "Indstillinger.",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Valideringer",
"previewAs": "Forhåndsvisning som",
"resetReview": "Nulstil forhåndsvisning",
"testDbConn": "Test Database Forbindelse",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Tilføj filtergruppe",
"linkRecord": "Link record",
"addNewRecord": "Tilføj ny post",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Ny post",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Opret ny post",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' blev gemt & linket med succes",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Post oprettet & linket",
"useConnectionUrl": "Brug forbindelses-URL",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle kommentarer tegne",
"expandRecord": "Udvid optegnelse",
"deleteRecord": "Slet Post",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Fuld bredde",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Afslut fuld bredde",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Marker alle som læst",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Slet felt",
+ "addNumber": "Tilføj nummerfelt",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Tilføj enkeltlinjetekstfelt",
+ "addLongText": "Tilføj langtekstfelt",
+ "addOther": "Tilføj andet felt"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Vis kolonner",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Kollaps af stak",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Kollaps alle",
+ "expandAll": "Udvid alle",
+ "renameStack": "Omdøb stak",
"deleteStack": "Slet stak",
"stackedBy": "Stablet af",
"chooseGroupingField": "Vælg et grupperingsfelt",
@@ -1242,32 +1245,34 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "Skift Mobil Tilstand",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "startCommenting": "Start med at kommentere!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Endnu ingen kommentarer!",
+ "clearForm": "Ryd formular",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Tilføj felt",
+ "selectAllFields": "Vælg alle felter",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Aktiver forudfyldning",
+ "default": "Standard",
+ "locked": "Lås forudfyldte felter som skrivebeskyttet",
+ "hidden": "Skjul forudfyldte felter",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Forudfyldt værdi"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Hent forudfyldt link",
+ "group": "Gruppe",
+ "goToDocs": "Gå til Docs",
+ "addCondition": "Tilføj betingelse",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Tilføj betingelsesgruppe"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Aktiver for at gøre denne forbindelse privat og skjult for andre skabere i dette arbejdsområde.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Valgfrit. Bruger standarddatabasen \"{database}\" hvis ufyldt",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Valgfrit. Bruger standardschemaet \"{schema}\" hvis ufyldt.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Skemaændringer er deaktiveret for denne datakilde.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Denne datatype er ikke tilladt.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Denne mulighed tillader ændring af databaseskemaet, herunder tilføjelse, ændring eller sletning af tabeller og kolonner. Brug med forsigtighed, da ændringer kan påvirke den strukturelle integritet af din database.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Denne mulighed gør det muligt at oprette, opdatere eller slette poster i tabeldatabaser. Ideel til administrative brugere, der skal ændre data direkte.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Gem ændringer",
"xcDB": "Opret et nyt projekt",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Kommer det i sort? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Tilføj nyt tabel",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Tilføj nyt dashboard",
"inviteMore": "Inviter flere brugere",
"toggleNavDraw": "Toggle navigation skuffe",
"reloadApiToken": "Genindlæs API Tokens",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Vælg .Key File.",
"clientCert": "Vælg .cert File.",
"clientCA": "Vælg CA File.",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Skift ikonfarve",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Formularmåde med ét felt per side",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Brug feltredigeringsmenuen for typekonverteringer, efter filen er importeret",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rolle arvet fra arbejdsområde",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Kommer snart! Klik for at stemme for den integration du har brug for i NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Søg ikoner",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Vælg Slack-kanaler",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Vælg Microsoft Teams-kanaler",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Vælg Discord-kanaler",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Vælg Mattermost-kanaler",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook-titel",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Vælg et felt til stregkodeværdien",
+ "notFoundContent": "Ingen gyldig felttype kan findes.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Vælg et stregkodeformat",
"projName": "Indtast projektnavn",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Vælg et grupperingsfelt",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Ingen enkeltvalgsfelt kan findes. Opret venligst en først.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Vælg et felt til omslag",
+ "selectGeoField": "Vælg et GeoData-felt",
+ "notSelected": "-ikke valgt-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Ingen GeoData-felt kan findes. Opret venligst en først.",
"password": {
"enter": "Indtast adgangskoden",
"current": "Nuværende kodeord",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Gem adgangskode.",
"confirm": "Bekræft ny adgangskode"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Vælg et felt til QR-kodeværdien",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Tillad negative tal",
"searchProjectTree": "Søg tabeller",
"searchFields": "Søgefelter.",
"searchColumn": "Søg {Søg} kolonne",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrer efter e-mail",
"filterQuery": "Filter forespørgsel",
"selectField": "Vælg felt",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Præcision",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,169 +1353,169 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Værdi",
+ "key": "Nøgle",
+ "createTable": "Opret din første tabel!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Ingen API Tokens oprettet",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Inviter dit team",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Søgemuligheder"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Ugyldig knapkonfiguration",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Ugyldig kolonnekonfiguration",
+ "invalidTheme": "Vælg et gyldigt tema",
+ "invalidColor": "Vælg en gyldig farve",
+ "invalidType": "Knap type kan enten være 'webhook' eller 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Indtast en gyldig knaplabel",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Denne funktion er ikke tilgængelig for din database",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kontroller din organisations navn og udseende.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Tilføj virksomhedens domæner for at begrænse adgang for uønskede brugere.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Begræns brugere fra at kunne dele baser offentligt.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Vælg brugere, der skal fjernes og slettes fra alle organisations arbejdsområder.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Slet alle brugere, baser og data relateret til denne organisation",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Klik for at kopiere felt-id",
+ "enterPassword": "Indtast adgangskode",
+ "bySigningUp": "Ved tilmelding accepterer du",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Tilmeld dig vores ugentlige nyhedsbrev",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Bekræfter adgangskode",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Denne delte visning er beskyttet",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Formular data indsendt med succes",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Formularvisning understøttes ikke på mobil",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Kalendervisning understøttes ikke på mobilen",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Ny formular vil blive indlæst efter {seconds} sekunder",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimeret forespørgsel er deaktiveret",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimeret forespørgsel er aktiveret",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Opslagsfelt understøttes ikke for ikke-tilhørende relation",
+ "invalidTime": "Ugyldig tid",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Du har ingen understøttede links til {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Optegnelse kunne ikke findes",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Ugyldigt telefonnummer",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Sidestørrelse ændret",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Fejl ved indlæsning af data",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Brug kontekstvariabel",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "krop",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "for at referere til den betragtede optegnelse",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Tip: Brug {placeholder1} til at referere felter, f.eks: {placeholder2}. For mere, se venligst",
+ "hintEnd": "Formler.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Ingen foreslået formel fundet",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Intet foreslået felt fundet",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} kræver en {type} på position {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numerisk type forventes",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Streng type forventes",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation er ikke tilgængelig",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Kan ikke gemme felt, fordi formlen er ugyldig",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Ikke understøttet at referere til felt {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} forventes, men type {found} blev fundet",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} kræver {requiredArguments} argumenter",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} kræver minimum {minRequiredArguments} argumenter",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} kræver maksimalt {maxRequiredArguments} argumenter",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} funktion er ikke tilgængelig",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Den første parameter i WEEKDAY() skal have datoværdi",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Den anden parameter i WEEKDAY() skal have værdien enten \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" eller \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Den første parameter i DATEADD() skal have datoværdi",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Den anden parameter i DATEADD() skal have numerisk værdi",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Den tredje parameter i DATEADD() skal have værdien enten \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" eller \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den første parameter i DATEDIFF() skal have datoværdi",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den anden parameter i DATEDIFF() skal have datoværdi",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den tredje parameter i DATETIME_DIFF() skal have værdien enten \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", eller \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Felt {columnName} er ikke tilgængelig",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Kan ikke gemme felt, fordi det forårsager en cirkulær reference",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Felt {columnName} med {columnType} type blev fundet, men {expectedType} type forventes",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} matcher ikke med {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Valgmuligheder kan ikke være null",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect felter kan ikke indeholde kommaer(',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Valgmuligheder kan ikke have dubletter",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Opret ny mulighed navngivet"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Indtast venligst et tal",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Indtast venligst e-mail",
+ "invalidDate": "Ugyldig dato",
+ "invalidLocale": "Ugyldig lokalitet",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Ugyldig valutanummer",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type har egne valutainstillinger",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "De gyldige felt typer for en stregkode-felt er: Tal, Enkelt linje tekst, Lang tekst, Telefonnummer, URL, E-mail, Decimal. Opret venligst en først.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Har mange relationer",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enkelt post fra tabellen ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan være forbundet med flere poster fra tabellen "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Mange til mange relationer",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Flere poster fra tabellen ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan være forbundet med flere poster fra tabellen "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Tilhører relation",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enkelt post fra tabellen ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan være forbundet med en post fra tabellen "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "En til en relation",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enkelt post fra tabellen ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan være forbundet med en enkelt post fra tabellen "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Det ser ud til, at der endnu ikke er linket nogen poster.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Ingen poster forbundet",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Ingen linkede optegnelser",
+ "recordsLinked": "poster forbundet",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Accepter kun gyldig {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Opret personlige API-tokens til brug i automatisering eller eksterne apps.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Vælg felt til sortering",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Vælg felt for at gruppere",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Der er ingen poster i tabellen",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Ingen poster er i øjeblikket tilgængelige til at linke",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Kom godt i gang med web-hooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Power dine automatiseringer. Bliv underrettet, så snart der er ændringer i dine data",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette følgende",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Er du sikker på, at du vil {deleteLabel} det følgende",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID-felt er påkrævet, du kan omdøbe dette senere, hvis nødvendigt.",
+ "length59Required": "Længden overstiger maks. 59 tegn",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Du har ingen nye meddelelser",
+ "noRecordFound": "Post ikke fundet",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Ingen optegnelser fundet",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Ingen poster matcher din søgeforespørgsel",
+ "rowDeleted": "Post slettet",
+ "saveChanges": "Vil du gemme ændringerne?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Feltet er for stort til at blive konverteret til {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Rolle påkrævet",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Knapfelter, der er afhængige af denne webhook, bliver påvirket",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban visning kræver et enkelt udvalgsfelt. Prøv at opsætte en kanban visning efter at have tilføjet et enkelt udvalgsfelt!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Kortvisning kræver et geografisk datafelt. Prøv at opsætte en kortvisning efter at have tilføjet et geografisk datafelt!",
+ "dbValid": "Sikre database gyldighed for at forhindre skema tab",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Stregkodefejl - kontroller kompatibiliteten mellem input og stregkodetype"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Advarsel: Beregnet felt - ikke i stand til at slette teksten",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Advarsel: QR-felter kan ikke ændres direkte.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Advarsel: Stregkodefelter kan ikke ændres direkte."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Er du sikker på, at du vil duplikere basen?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Er du sikker på, at du vil duplikere tabellen?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Du kan ikke ændre synligheden af et felt, der redigeres. Gem eller kassér ændringerne først.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Du kan ikke flytte felt, der redigeres. Gem eller kassér ændringerne først",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Du kan ikke flytte felt, der er slettet. Gem eller kassér ændringerne først"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Du vil ikke kunne trække poster mellem datoer, når beregnede eller systemfelter bruges.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Skemavariationer er deaktiveret for denne kilde",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Indtast arbejdsområdets navn",
+ "enterBaseName": "Indtast basisnavn",
+ "idpPaste": "Indsæt disse URLer i dit Identity Providers konsol",
+ "noSaml": "Der er ingen konfigurerede SAML-godkendelser.",
+ "noOIDC": "Der er ingen konfigurerede OpenID-godkendelser.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Deaktiveret da visningen er låst",
+ "basesMigrated": "Basen er migreret. Prøv igen.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Indsæt er ikke understøttet på den aktive celle",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Skaberen kan oprette nye projekter og få adgang til alle inviterede projekter.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Indtast formularindgangsmærke",
"formHelpText": "Tilføj nogle hjælpetekst",
"onlyCreator": "Kun synlig for skaberen",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Tilføj formular titel",
"formDesc": "Tilføj form Beskrivelse.",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Begræns adgang med et kodeord",
"afterEnablePwd": "Adgang er adgangskode begrænset",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Access Project Via.",
"submitAnotherForm": "Vis 'Indsend en anden formular' -knap",
"showBlankForm": "Vis en blank form efter 5 sekunder",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "E-mail svar til",
"showSysFields": "Vis systemfelter",
"filterAutoApply": "Auto Application",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Vis besked",
"viewNotShared": "Nuværende visning er ikke delt!",
"showAllViews": "Vis alle fælles visninger af denne tabel",
"collabView": "Samarbejdspartnere med redigeringstilladelser eller højere kan ændre visningskonfigurationen.",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabeller Metadata er synkroniseret",
"addMultipleUsers": "Du kan tilføje flere komma (,) adskilte e-mails",
"enterTableName": "Indtast tabelnavn",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Indtast tabelbeskrivelse...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Indtast kolonnebeskrivelse...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Indtast visningsbeskrivelse...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Indtast layouts navn",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Indtast dashboard-navn",
+ "defaultColumns": "Standardfelter",
"addDefaultColumns": "Tilføj standard kolonner",
"tableNameInDb": "Tabelnavn som gemt i databasen",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Denne værdi findes allerede på listen",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Ingen kolonner, der skal opdateres",
"tableDeleted": "Slettet tabel med succes",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Layout slettet succesfuldt",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generer en offentlig delbar skrivebeskyttet base",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne visning?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dette layout?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Ønsker du at slette tabellen",
"showM2mTables": "Vis M2M-tabeller",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Mange-til-mange-relationer understøttes via en sammenknytnings-tabel (junction table) og er skjult som standard. Aktiver denne indstilling for at få vist alle sådanne tabeller sammen med eksisterende tabeller.",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Beregnet felt: indholdet er skrivebeskyttet. Brug kolonne-redigeringsmenuen til at omkonfigurere",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Beregnet felt: indholdet er skrivebeskyttet. Det er ikke muligt at slette indholdet.",
"noMoreRecords": "Ikke flere optegnelser",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token-navnet må ikke være tomt",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token-navnet må ikke være mere end 255 tegn",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Databasens navn er påkrævet",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Arbejdsrum navn er påkrævet",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Arbejdsrum navn skal være mindst 3 tegn langt",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Arbejdsrum navn skal være højst 50 tegn langt",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Slet dette arbejdsrum og alt dets indhold.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Jeg forstår, at denne handling er irreversibel",
+ "pageNotFound": "Siden blev ikke fundet",
+ "makeLineBreak": "for at lave et linjeskift",
+ "goToPrevious": "Gå til forrige",
+ "goToNext": "Gå til næste",
+ "thankYou": "Tak!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Du har sendt formularens data med succes.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Redigering af systemnøgle understøttes ikke",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Ikke tilgængelig i øjeblikket",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Gruppeindsættelse er ikke understøttet i Links/LinkToAnotherRecord kolonnen",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Gruppering-clear er ikke understøttet i Links/LinkToAnotherRecord kolonnen",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Opgrader til Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Denne funktion er kun tilgængelig i enterprise-udgaven",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Din nuværende rolle er",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Bed om højere tilladelse fra administratoren/basisejeren/arbejdsområde-ejeren for at få adgang til denne {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Du kan ikke skjule alle muligheder, hvis feltet er obligatorisk"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Manuelle hooks kan ikke deaktiveres",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Fejl ved indlæsning af postdata",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Fejl ved hentning af kalenderdata",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Fejl ved hentning af aktive datoer",
+ "scopesRequired": "Krav om omfang",
+ "domainRequired": "Domænenavn er påkrævet",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Autentificerings-URL er påkrævet",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Brugernavn attribut er påkrævet",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Klient-id er påkrævet",
+ "issuerRequired": "Udgiver er påkrævet",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret er påkrævet",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL er påkrævet",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL er påkrævet",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL er påkrævet",
+ "eitherXML": "Enten xml eller metadata url er påkrævet",
+ "nameRequired": "Navn er påkrævet",
+ "nameMinLength": "Navnet skal være mindst 2 tegn langt",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Navnet må være højst 60 tegn langt",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Visningsnavn er påkrævet",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Domænenavn er påkrævet",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Navnet må være højst 256 tegn langt",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Visningsnavnet skal være unikt",
"searchProject": "Din søgning efter {Søg} viste ingen resultater",
"invalidChar": "Ugyldig tegn i mappebanen.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ugyldige databaseoplysninger.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Kan ikke oprette forbindelse til databasen, tjek venligst din database er op.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Ugyldigt år",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Brugeren eksisterer ikke eller har tilstrækkelig tilladelse til at skabe skema.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Ugyldige databaseparametre",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Forbindelsesfejl:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Null-filter eksisterer. Fjern dem venligst",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "E-mail er påkrævet",
"emailInvalid": "E-mail skal være gyldig",
"passwdRequired": "adgangskode er påkrævet",
"passwdLength": "Din adgangskode skal være mindst 8 tegn",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Et nummer",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Et specialtegn",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Liste over tilladte specialtegn",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Ugyldige e-mails",
+ "invalidEmail": "Ugyldig e-mail"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Ugyldig XML",
"invalidURL": "Ugyldig URL",
"invalidEmail": "Ugyldig e-mail",
"internalError": "Der er opstået en intern fejl",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Navnet skal starte med et alfabet eller _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Følgende tegn er ikke tilladt",
"columnNameRequired": "Kolonnens navn er påkrævet",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Duplikeret feltnavn",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Navn allerede brugt for systemfelt",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI-datatype er påkrævet",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "Længden af kolonnenavnet overstiger maks. {value} tegn",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} navn overstiger 50 tegn",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} navn kan ikke begynde med et mellemrum",
"requiredField": "Obligatorisk felt",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP ikke tilladt",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Målfilen er ikke en accepteret filtype",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "De accepterede filtyper er .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameternøglen kan ikke være tom",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Det er ikke tilladt at duplikere parameternøgler",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Dette felt kan ikke være tomt.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projektet er ikke tilgængeligt",
"copyToClipboardError": "Kopiering til udklipsholderen mislykkedes",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Indsætning fra udklipsholder mislykkedes",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Afslut venligst konfigurationen af alle felter, før du gemmer",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Noget gik galt",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Trukket indhold er ikke af typen billede",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Felt til at analysere billeddata",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Nogle af de påkrævede felter er tomme"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Project Metadata eksporteres med succes",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Kommer snart!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Licensnøgle opdateret",
"columnDuplicated": "Kolonne duplikeret med succes",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Række duplikeret (ikke gemt)",
"updatedUIACL": "Opdateret UI ACL for tabeller med succes",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin-indstillingerne er gemt med succes",
"pluginTested": "Succesfuldt testet plugin-indstillinger",
"tableRenamed": "Det er lykkedes at omdøbe tabellen",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Layout omdøbt succesfuldt",
"viewDeleted": "Vis slettet med succes",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Succesfuldt opdateret som primær kolonne",
"tableDataExported": "Det er lykkedes at eksportere alle tabeldata",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Adgangskode ændret med succes. Log venligst ind igen.",
"settingsSaved": "Indstillingerne er gemt med succes",
"roleUpdated": "Rolle opdateret med succes",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integration forbundet med succes",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Base ejere og skabere kan nu tilføje en datakilde uden at genindtaste legitimationsoplysninger."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/de.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/de.json
index 4d43f83613..c91039f8c0 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/de.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/de.json
@@ -44,66 +44,67 @@
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"avg": "Durchschn.",
- "median": "Median",
+ "median": "Mittelwert",
"std_dev": "Std. Abweichung",
"histogram": "Histogramm",
"range": "Bereich",
"percent_empty": "Leer",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "percent_filled": "",
+ "percent_unique": "Eindeutig",
+ "count_unique": "Eindeutig",
+ "count_empty": "Leer",
+ "count_filled": "Ausgefüllt",
+ "earliest_date": "Frühestes Datum",
+ "latest_date": "Letztes Datum",
+ "date_range": "Bereich",
+ "month_range": "Bereich",
+ "checked": "Geprüft",
+ "unchecked": "Nicht geprüft",
+ "percent_checked": "Geprüft",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Nicht geprüft",
+ "attachment_size": "Dateigröße",
+ "none": "Keine"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Summe",
+ "count": "Anzahl",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
+ "avg": "Durchschnitt",
+ "median": "Mittelwert",
+ "std_dev": "Standardabweichung",
+ "histogram": "Histogramm",
+ "range": "Bereich",
+ "percent_empty": "Prozent Leer",
+ "percent_filled": "Prozent Ausgefüllt",
+ "percent_unique": "Prozent Eindeutig",
+ "count_unique": "Eindeutig",
"count_empty": "Leer",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
+ "count_filled": "Ausgefüllt",
"earliest_date": "Frühestes Datum",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
+ "latest_date": "Letztes Datum",
"date_range": "Datumsbereich",
"month_range": "Monatszeitraum",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "checked": "Geprüft",
+ "unchecked": "Nicht geprüft",
+ "percent_checked": "Prozent Geprüft",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Prozent Nicht Geprüft",
+ "attachment_size": "Anhangsgröße",
+ "none": "Keine"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
+ "scripts": "Skripte",
+ "configure": "Konfigurieren",
+ "switch": "Wechseln",
"on": "Ein",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
+ "onMultiple": "Bei Mehreren",
"manual": "Handbuch",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "trigger": "Auslöser",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
"style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
+ "label": "Etikett",
"role": "Rolle",
- "general": "General",
+ "general": "Allgemein",
"quit": "Beenden",
"home": "Start",
"load": "Laden",
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
"remove": "Entfernen",
"import": "Importieren",
"logout": "Ausloggen",
- "empty": "Empty",
+ "empty": "Leer",
"changeIcon": "Icon ändern",
"save": "Speichern",
"available": "Verfügbar",
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@
"hex": "HEX",
"clear": "Leeren",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Kommentar",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
@@ -150,33 +151,33 @@
"skip": "Überspringen",
"code": "Code",
"duplicate": "Duplizieren",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "Duplizieren",
+ "duplicateEntity": "{entity} duplizieren",
+ "activate": "Aktivieren",
+ "action": "Aktion",
"insert": "Einfügen",
"delete": "Löschen",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "{entity} löschen",
+ "bulkInsert": "Masseneinfügung",
+ "bulkDelete": "Massenlöschung",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Massenaktualisierung",
+ "deleting": "Löschen",
"update": "Aktualisieren",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Aktualisieren",
"rename": "Umbenennen",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "{entity} umbenennen",
"reload": "Neu laden",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Aktualisieren",
"reset": "Zurücksetzen",
"install": "Installieren",
"show": "Anzeigen",
"access": "Zugriff",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "visibility": "Sichtbarkeit",
"hide": "Verstecken",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Veraltet",
"showAll": "Alles anzeigen",
"hideAll": "Alles verstecken",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Nicht gefunden",
"showMore": "Mehr anzeigen",
"showOptions": "Optionen einblenden",
"hideOptions": "Optionen ausblenden",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Hochladen",
"download": "Herunterladen",
"default": "Standard",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Quelle",
+ "datasource": "Datenquelle",
"more": "Mehr",
"less": "Weniger",
"event": "Ereignis",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "Nach",
"before": "Vor",
"search": "Suche",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Suchen in",
"notification": "Benachrichtigung",
"reference": "Referenz",
"function": "Funktion",
"confirm": "Bestätigen",
"generate": "Generieren",
"copy": "Kopieren",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Kopiert",
+ "are": "sind",
"misc": "Sonstiges",
"lock": "Sperren",
"unlock": "Entsperren",
@@ -224,41 +225,41 @@
"betaNote": "Diese Funktion befindet sich derzeit in der Beta.",
"moreInfo": "Mehr Informationen können hier gefunden werden",
"logs": "Protokolle",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Nach Feld gruppieren",
+ "insertAfter": "Rechts einfügen",
+ "insertBefore": "Links einfügen",
+ "insertAbove": "Darüber einfügen",
+ "insertBelow": "Darunter einfügen",
"hideField": "Feld ausblenden",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Feld anzeigen",
"sortAsc": "Aufsteigend sortieren",
"sortDesc": "Absteigend sortieren",
- "move": "Move",
+ "move": "Verschieben",
"geoDataField": "Geodaten Feld",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "type": "Typ",
+ "subType": "Untertyp",
"name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
+ "changes": "Änderungen",
+ "new": "Neu",
+ "old": "Alt",
"data": "Daten",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
+ "source": "Quelle",
+ "destination": "Ziel",
"active": "Aktiv",
"inactive": "Inaktiv",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "linked": "verknüpft",
+ "finish": "Fertig",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
+ "avg": "Durchschn.",
+ "sum": "Summe",
+ "count": "Anzahl",
+ "countDistinct": "Anzahl Einzigartig",
+ "sumDistinct": "Summe Einzigartig",
+ "avgDistinct": "Durchschn. Einzigartig",
+ "join": "Beitreten",
+ "options": "Optionen",
+ "primaryValue": "Primärwert",
"useSurveyMode": "Umfragemodus verwenden",
"shift": "Shift / Umschalttaste",
"enter": "Enter / Eingabetaste",
@@ -270,31 +271,31 @@
"logo": "Logo",
"dropdown": "Dropdown-Liste",
"list": "Liste",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
+ "verify": "Überprüfen",
+ "apply": "Anwenden",
"text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
+ "appearance": "Aussehen",
+ "now": "Jetzt",
+ "set": "Setzen",
+ "format": "Formatieren",
+ "colour": "Farbe",
+ "use": "Verwenden",
"stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
+ "ipAddress": "IP-Adresse",
"integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "integrations": "Integrationen",
+ "connection": "Verbindung",
+ "connections": "Verbindungen",
+ "private": "Privat",
+ "request": "Anfrage",
+ "languages": "Sprachen",
+ "extension": "Erweiterung",
+ "extensions": "Erweiterungen"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
+ "files": "Dateien",
+ "owner": "Eigentümer",
+ "member": "Mitglied",
"day": "Tag",
"week": "Woche",
"month": "Monat",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Felder",
"column": "Spalte",
"columns": "Spalten",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Zelle",
+ "cells": "Zellen",
"page": "Seite",
"pages": "Seiten",
"record": "Aufzeichnen",
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@
"viewer": "Betrachter",
"noaccess": "Kein Zugriff",
"superAdmin": "Super-Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Organisationsebenen-Eigentümer",
"orgLevelCreator": "Organisationsebenen-Ersteller",
"orgLevelViewer": "Organisationsebenen-Betrachter"
@@ -355,14 +356,14 @@
"externalDb": "Externe Datenbank",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple Numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Kalender",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleSheets": "Google Tabellen",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
"postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
"sqlite": "SQLite",
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
- "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
+ "mssqlServer": "MSSQL-Server",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"telegram": "Telegram",
"whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Alle Integrationen",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Verbinden und verwalten Sie nahtlos Ihre Datenbanken mit NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Kommunikation",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Erhalten Sie Benachrichtigungen über Änderungen und optimieren Sie die Teamkommunikation mit NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Projektmanagement",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Verbessern Sie Projekt-Workflows und Aufgabenverwaltung mit NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimieren Sie das Kundenbeziehungsmanagement durch NocoDB-Integrationen.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Steigern Sie Ihre Marketing-Bemühungen mit den leistungsstarken Integrationen von NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "atsSubtitle": "Optimieren Sie Ihr Bewerberverfolgungssystem mit NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Entwicklung",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Beschleunigen Sie Entwicklungsprozesse mit NocoDB-Integrationen.",
+ "finance": "Finanzen",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Vereinfachen Sie finanzielle Abläufe und Datenmanagement mit NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Ticketsystem",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Verwalten und verfolgen Sie Support-Tickets effizient mit NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrieren und organisieren Sie Ihre Speicherlösungen nahtlos mit NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Andere",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Entdecken Sie zusätzliche vielseitige Integrationen, um Ihre NocoDB-Erfahrung zu verbessern.",
+ "ai": "KI",
+ "spreadSheet": "Tabellenkalkulation",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Verbinden und verwalten Sie Ihre Tabellenkalkulationen mit NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,14 +487,14 @@
"isNotNull": "ist nicht Null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Webhook suchen",
"webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Hochladen über URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
+ "renameBase": "Projekt umbenennen",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Arbeitsbereich umbenennen",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Arbeitsbereich umbenennen",
+ "renamingBase": "Projekt umbenennen",
"sso": "Authentifizierung (SSO)",
"docs": "Dokumentation",
"forum": "Forum",
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@
"parameterName": "Parametername",
"currencyLocale": "Währung",
"currencyCode": "Währungscode",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "searchMembers": "Nach Nutzern suchen",
"noMembersFound": "Keine Mitglieder gefunden",
"dateJoined": "Beitrittsdatum",
"tokenName": "Name des Tokens",
@@ -515,45 +516,45 @@
"noFiltersAdded": "Keine Filter verwendet",
"editCards": "Karten bearbeiten",
"noFieldsFound": "Keine Felder gefunden",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
+ "displayValue": "Anzeigewert",
"expand": "Aufklappen",
"hideAll": "Zuklappen",
"hideSystemFields": "Systemfelder ausblenden",
"removeFile": "Datei löschen",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
+ "hasMany": "Hat viele",
+ "manyToMany": "Viele zu Viele",
+ "oneToOne": "Eins zu Eins",
"virtualRelation": "Virtuelle Relation",
"linkMore": "Mehr verknüpfen",
"linkMoreRecords": "Weitere Datensätze verknüpfen",
"linkRecords": "Datensätze verknüpfen",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
+ "downloadFile": "Datei herunterladen",
+ "renameTable": "Tabelle umbenennen",
+ "renamingTable": "Tabelle umbenennen",
+ "renamingWs": "Arbeitsbereich umbenennen",
"renameWs": "Arbeitsbereich umbenennen",
"deleteWs": "Arbeitsbereich löschen",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
+ "deletingWs": "Arbeitsbereich löschen",
"copyAuthToken": "Auth-Token kopieren",
"copiedAuthToken": "Auth-Token kopiert",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Einladungs-Token kopieren",
+ "showSidebar": "Seitenleiste anzeigen",
+ "hideSidebar": "Seitenleiste ausblenden",
+ "creatingTable": "Tabelle wird erstellt",
"erdView": "ERD Ansicht",
"newBase": "Neue Datenquelle hinzufügen",
"newProj": "Neues Projekt",
"createBase": "Projekt erstellen",
"myProject": "Meine Projekte",
"formTitle": "Formular Titel",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Kollaborativ",
+ "locked": "Gesperrt",
+ "personal": "Persönlich",
"appStore": "App-Store",
"teamAndAuth": "Team & Authentifizierung",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Rollen- & Benutzermanagement",
"userMgmt": "Benutzerverwaltung",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "API-Tokens",
"apiTokenMgmt": "API-Token-Management",
"rolesMgmt": "Rollenmanagement",
"projMeta": "Projektmetadaten",
@@ -576,173 +577,175 @@
"generateToken": "Token generieren",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
"helpCenter": "Hilfecenter",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Keine Labels",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Dokumentation",
"quickImportFrom": "Schnell importieren von",
"quickImport": "Schnell Importieren",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Schnellimport - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Schnellimport - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Schnellimport - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Schnellimport - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON-Editor",
+ "comingSoon": "Kommt bald",
"advancedSettings": "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"codeSnippet": "Code Ausschnitt",
"keyboardShortcut": "Tastenkürzel",
"generateRandomName": "Zufälligen Namen generieren",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Zeile durch Scannen eines QR-Codes oder Barcodes finden",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
+ "tokenManagement": "Token-Verwaltung",
"addNewToken": "Neuen Token hinzufügen",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
+ "createNewToken": "Neuen Token hinzufügen",
"accountSettings": "Kontoeinstellungen",
"resetPasswordMenu": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"userManagement": "Benutzerverwaltung",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
+ "accountManagement": "Kontoverwaltung",
+ "licence": "Lizenz",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Alle MIME-Typen erlauben",
"defaultView": "Standardansicht",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "relations": "Beziehungen",
+ "switchLanguage": "Sprache wechseln",
+ "renameFile": "Datei umbenennen",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Keine Aktion",
+ "cascade": "Kaskade",
+ "restrict": "Beschränken",
+ "setNull": "Auf Null setzen",
+ "setDefault": "Auf Standard setzen"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Felder aus dem rechten Bereich auswählen, um sie hier hinzuzufügen",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Keine Optionen gefunden",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Formular absenden möchten?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Es sieht so aus, als hätte dieser Stack keine Datensätze",
+ "fromScratch": "Von Grund auf neu",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Aus Dateien & externen Quellen",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Direkt in Echtzeit",
+ "categories": "Kategorien",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Feld nicht zugänglich",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Keine Bedingungen hinzugefügt"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Geändert am",
+ "configuration": "Konfiguration",
+ "setup": "Einrichtung",
+ "configLabel": "{label} konfigurieren",
+ "switchToProd": "Wechseln Sie zu einer produktionsreifen App-Datenbank",
+ "sharedBase": "Geteilte Basis",
+ "fieldID": "Feld-ID",
+ "addDescription": "Beschreibung hinzufügen",
+ "editDescription": "Beschreibung bearbeiten",
+ "urlFormula": "URL-Formel",
+ "selectIcon": "keine",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--Webhook auswählen--",
+ "openUrl": "URL öffnen",
+ "runWebHook": "Webhook ausführen",
+ "onClick": "Beim Klicken",
+ "defaultView": "Standardansicht",
+ "recordInsert": "Datensatz einfügen",
+ "recordUpdate": "Datensatz aktualisieren",
+ "recordDelete": "Eintrag löschen",
+ "supportDocs": "Support-Dokumente",
+ "addedOn": "Hinzugefügt am",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Anzeige-Wertfeld ändern",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Anzeige-Wertfeld auswählen",
+ "changeTitleField": "Titelfeld ändern",
+ "clearAll": "Alle löschen",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Nachschlagefelder zeigen Daten aus verknüpften Datensätzen an. Wählen Sie bestimmte Felder aus ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " Tabelle aus, um sie als Nachschlagefelder in diese Tabelle hinzuzufügen.",
+ "formatting": "Formatierung",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Wählen Sie einen Formattyp (optional)- -",
+ "formatType": "Formattyp",
+ "toUpload": "hochladen",
+ "dragFilesHere": "Dateien hierher ziehen",
+ "browseFiles": "Dateien durchsuchen",
+ "clickTo": "Klicken für",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Bitte gewähren Sie Zugriff auf Ihre Kamera",
+ "openFile": "Datei öffnen",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Geben Sie eine gültige URL zum Hochladen der Dateien ein",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Dateien von URL hinzufügen",
+ "uploading": "Hochladen",
+ "dropHere": "Hier ablegen",
+ "addMore": "Mehr hinzufügen",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Alle Dateien löschen",
"integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "notRecommended": "Nicht empfohlen",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
+ "selectView": "Ansicht auswählen",
+ "connectionDetails": "Quellverbindungsdetails",
+ "metaSync": "Meta-Synchronisation",
+ "mention": "Erwähnung",
+ "today": "Heute",
+ "currentDate": "Aktuelles Datum",
+ "workspace": "Arbeitsbereich",
+ "txt": "TXT-Record-Wert",
+ "transferOwnership": "Eigentumsübertragung",
+ "recentActivity": "Letzte Aktivität",
+ "goToMembers": "Gehe zu Mitglieder",
+ "addMember": "Mitglied hinzufügen",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Anzahl Mitglieder",
+ "numberOfBases": "Anzahl Projekte",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Anzahl Aufzeichnungen",
+ "workspaceName": "Arbeitsbereichsname",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Arbeitsbereich ohne Eigentümer",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Benutzer zur Arbeitsumgebung einladen",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-Arbeitsbereiche auszuwählen, um einzuladen-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Mitglieder zur Organisation hinzufügen",
+ "memberIn": "Mitglied in:",
+ "assignAs": "Zuweisen als",
+ "signOutUser": "Benutzer abmelden",
+ "signOutUsers": "Benutzer abmelden",
+ "deactivateUser": "Benutzer deaktivieren",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Benutzer deaktivieren",
+ "lastActive": "Zuletzt aktiv",
+ "dateAdded": "Datum hinzugefügt",
+ "uploadImage": "Bild hochladen",
+ "organizationProfile": "Organisationsprofil",
+ "organizationImage": "Organisationsbild",
+ "organizationName": "Organisationsname",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktive Domains",
"domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Öffentliches Teilen deaktivieren",
+ "shareSettings": "Freigabeeinstellungen",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Benutzer und seine Daten löschen",
+ "userOptions": "Benutzeroptionen",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Diese Organisation löschen",
+ "dangerZone": "Gefahrenzone",
+ "childView": "Unteransicht",
+ "selectYear": "Jahr auswählen",
+ "save": "Speichern",
+ "cancel": "Abbrechen",
+ "metadataUrl": "Metadaten-URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "Zielgruppe/Einheit-ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "Weiterleitung zu URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
+ "newProvider": "Neuer Anbieter",
+ "generalSettings": "Allgemeine Einstellungen",
+ "adminPanel": "Admin-Panel",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Arbeitsbereich zur Organisation verschieben",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO-Einstellungen",
+ "addDomain": "Domain hinzufügen",
"domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
+ "settings": "Einstellungen",
+ "workspaces": "Arbeitsbereiche",
+ "back": "Zurück",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
+ "organizeBy": "Organisieren nach",
"previous": "Vorherige",
"nextMonth": "Folgender Monat",
"previousMonth": "Vorhergehender Monat",
"next": "Weiter",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
+ "organiseBy": "Organisieren nach",
+ "heading1": "Überschrift 1",
+ "heading2": "Überschrift 2",
+ "heading3": "Überschrift 3",
"bold": "Fett",
"italic": "Kursiv",
"underline": "Unterstrichen",
- "strike": "Strike",
+ "strike": "Durchgestrichen",
"taskList": "Aufgabenliste",
"bulletList": "Aufzählungsliste",
"numberedList": "Numerierte Liste",
@@ -751,82 +754,82 @@
"noToken": "Kein Token",
"tokenLimit": "Nur ein Token pro Benutzer ist erlaubt",
"duplicateAttachment": "Datei mit dem Namen {filename} ist bereits angehängt",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
+ "tableIdColon": "TABELLE ID: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "Anzeige-ID: {viewId}",
"toAddress": "Empfängeradresse",
"subject": "Betreff",
"body": "Textkörper",
"commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Durch Kommata separierte Telefonnummernliste",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
+ "headerName": "Headername",
"icon": "Icon",
"max": "Max",
"enableRichText": "Rich-Text-Format aktivieren",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Kopierte Datensatz-URL",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Datensatz-URL kopieren",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Zeile duplizieren",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binäres Codierungsformat",
"syntax": "Syntax",
"examples": "Beispiele",
"durationInfo": "Dauer der Zeit in Minuten oder Sekunden (z.B. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
+ "addHeader": "Header hinzufügen",
"enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Standard-URL eingeben (optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
+ "negative": "Negativ",
+ "discard": "Verwerfen",
+ "default": "Standard",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Standardnummer (%)",
"durationFormat": "Format der Zeitspanne",
"dateFormat": "Datumsformat",
"timeFormat": "Zeitformat",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
+ "singularLabel": "Singuläres Label",
"pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
+ "selectDateField": "Ein Datumsfeld auswählen",
+ "endDateField": "Enddatum-Feld",
"optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
+ "clickToMake": "Klicken, um zu erstellen",
+ "visibleForRole": "sichtbar für Rolle:",
+ "inUI": "im UI-Dashboard",
+ "projectSettings": "Grundeinstellungen",
+ "clickToHide": "Klicken, um auszublenden",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klicken, um herunterzuladen",
+ "forRole": "für Rolle",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Klicken, um die Tabellen-ID zu kopieren",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klicken, um View-ID zu kopieren",
+ "viewMode": "Ansichtsmodus",
"searchUsers": "Benutzer durchsuchen",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
+ "superAdmin": "Super-Admin",
"allTables": "Alle Tabellen",
"members": "Mitglieder",
"dataSources": "Datenquellen",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "connectDataSource": "Externe Daten verbinden",
+ "searchProjects": "Projekte durchsuchen",
"createdBy": "Erstellt von",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Anhänge anzeigen von",
+ "readOnly": "Schreibgeschützt",
"createdOn": "Erstellt am",
"notifyVia": "Benachrichtigen mit",
"projName": "Projektname",
"profile": "Profil",
"accountDetails": "Kontoinformationen",
"controlAppearance": "Bearbeite dein Erscheinungsbild.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
+ "accountEmailID": "Account-E-Mail-ID",
"backToWorkspace": "Zurück zum Arbeitsbereich",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "untitledToken": "Unbenannter Token",
"tableName": "Tabellenname",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Dashboard-Name",
"createView": "Ansicht erstellen",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Ansicht wird erstellt",
+ "duplicateView": "Ansicht duplizieren",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Gitter-Ansicht duplizieren",
+ "createGridView": "Gitter-Ansicht erstellen",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Galerie-Ansicht duplizieren",
+ "createGalleryView": "Galerie-Ansicht erstellen",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Formular-Ansicht duplizieren",
+ "createFormView": "Formular-Ansicht erstellen",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Kanban-Ansicht duplizieren",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Kalenderansicht duplizieren",
+ "createKanbanView": "Kanban-Ansicht erstellen",
+ "createCalendarView": "Kalenderansicht erstellen",
"viewName": "Namen anzeigen",
"viewLink": "Link anzeigen",
"columnName": "Spaltenname",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Typ in der Datenbank",
"lengthValue": "Länge / Wert",
"dbType": "Datenbanktyp",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "Servername / Hostadresse",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite-Dateipfad",
+ "hostAddress": "Host-Adresse",
+ "port": "Port-Nummer",
"username": "Benutzername",
"password": "Passwort",
"schemaName": "Name des Schemas",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Aktion",
"actions": "Aktionen",
"operation": "Vorgang",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Untervorgang",
"operationType": "Vorgangstyp",
"operationSubType": "Vorgangsuntertyp",
"description": "Beschreibung",
@@ -860,9 +863,9 @@
"showOrHide": "Anzeigen / Verbergen",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV-Datei",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON-Datei",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "Email",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "Erstellt",
"sqlOutput": "SQL-Ausgabe",
"addOption": "Auswahloption hinzufügen",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Oberflächenfarbe",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Spalte mit Werten für QR-Codes",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Spalte mit Werten für Barcode",
"barcodeFormat": "Barcode-Format",
@@ -902,15 +905,15 @@
"joinCommunity": "NocoDB Community beitreten",
"joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB beitreten",
"followNocodb": "Folgen Sie NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI übersetzt)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Dokumentenverweis",
"selectUserRole": "Benutzerrolle auswählen",
"childTable": "Child-Tabelle",
"childColumn": "Child-Spalte",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Child-Spalte",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Treten Sie Cloud kostenlos bei",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Link zu einem anderen Datensatz",
"links": "Verknüpfung",
"onUpdate": "Update",
@@ -922,8 +925,8 @@
"customTheme": "Benutzerdefiniertes Theme",
"requestDataSource": "Eine benötigte Datenquelle anfragen?",
"apiKey": "API Schlüssel",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Persönlicher Zugriffstoken",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Geteilte Basis-URL",
"importData": "Daten Importieren",
"importSecondaryViews": "Sekundäre Ansichten importieren",
"importRollupColumns": "Rollup-Spalten importieren",
@@ -934,9 +937,9 @@
"noData": "Keine Daten",
"goToDashboard": "Zum Dashboard gehen",
"importing": "Wird importiert",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "JSON formatieren",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Feldtypen automatisch auswählen",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Erste Zeile als Header verwenden",
"flattenNested": "Verflachen Verschachtelt",
"downloadAllowed": "Download erlaubt",
"weAreHiring": "Wir stellen ein!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "hat viele",
"belongsTo": "gehört zu",
"manyToMany": "haben M:N-Beziehnungen",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "haben eine Eins-zu-Eins-Beziehung",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Zusätzliche Verbindungsparameter",
"commentsOnly": "Nur Kommentare",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Anmeldung nur über Einladungs-URL zulassen",
"nextRow": "Nächste Reihe",
"prevRow": "Vorherige Reihe",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
+ "addRowGrid": "Daten manuell in der Gitteransicht hinzufügen",
+ "addRowForm": "Datensatzdaten über ein Formular eingeben",
"noAccess": "Kein Zugriff",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
+ "restApis": "REST-APIs",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
+ "apiSnippet": "API-Snippets",
+ "includeData": "Daten einbeziehen",
+ "includeView": "Ansicht einbeziehen",
+ "includeWebhook": "Webhook einbeziehen",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zum Vergrößern in die Spaltenansicht zoomen",
+ "embedInSite": "Diese Ansicht in Ihrer Website einbetten",
+ "titleRequired": "Titel ist erforderlich.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Quellenname ist erforderlich",
"changeWsName": "Name des Arbeitsbereichs ändern",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "pressEnter": "Drücken Sie Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Neues Feld",
+ "saveChanges": "Änderungen speichern",
+ "updatedField": "Feld aktualisiert",
+ "deletedField": "Feld gelöscht",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Unvollständige Konfiguration",
+ "selectField": "Wählen Sie ein Feld",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Hintergrundfarbe",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "NocoDB-Branding ausblenden",
+ "showOnConditions": "Anzeigen bei Bedingungen",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Zeigt Feld nur an, wenn Bedingungen erfüllt sind",
+ "limitOptions": "Optionen beschränken",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Sichtbare Optionen für Benutzer durch Auswahl verfügbarer Optionen einschränken",
+ "clearSelection": "Auswahl löschen",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Als Fortschritt anzeigen",
+ "relationType": "Beziehungstyp",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Tausendertrennzeichen anzeigen",
+ "signUpForFree": "Kostenlose Anmeldung",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Bild anpassen",
+ "coverImageArea": "Bildabdeckung",
+ "syncData": "Daten synchronisieren",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registrieren Sie die Dienste, an denen Sie interessiert sind, um benachrichtigt zu werden, wenn sie verfügbar werden",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Weiterleitung zu einer URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook-Details",
+ "hideWeekends": "Wochenenden ausblenden",
+ "renameBase": "Basis umbenennen",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Arbeitsbereich umbenennen",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktivieren",
+ "manageUsers": "Benutzer verwalten",
+ "newWorkspace": "Neuer Arbeitsbereich",
+ "addDomain": "Domain hinzufügen",
+ "addMembers": "Mitglieder hinzufügen",
+ "enterEmail": "E-Mail-Adressen eingeben",
+ "inviteToBase": "Zur Arbeitsumgebung einladen",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Zum Arbeitsbereich einladen",
+ "addMember": "Mitglied zur Arbeitsumgebung hinzufügen",
+ "noRange": "Kalenderansicht erfordert einen Datumsbereich",
+ "goToToday": "Zu Heute gehen",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Seitenleiste umschalten",
+ "addEndDate": "Enddatum hinzufügen",
+ "withEndDate": "mit Enddatum",
+ "calendar": "Kalender",
+ "viewSettings": "Ansichtseinstellungen",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
+ "registerOIDC": "OIDC-Identitätsanbieter registrieren",
+ "registerSAML": "SAML-Identitätsanbieter registrieren",
+ "openInANewTab": "In neuem Tab öffnen",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "IFrame-Code kopieren",
+ "onCondition": "Bei Bedingung",
+ "bulkDownload": "Massen-Download",
+ "attachFile": "Datei anhängen",
+ "viewAttachment": "Anhänge anzeigen",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Klicken oder Datei in die Zelle ziehen",
+ "addFiles": "Datei(en) hinzufügen",
+ "hideInUI": "In UI verbergen",
+ "addBase": "Grundlage hinzufügen",
+ "addParameter": "Parameter hinzufügen",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Weiteres Formular absenden",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Felder hier ziehen und ablegen zum Hinzufügen",
+ "editSource": "Datenquelle bearbeiten",
"enterText": "Text eingeben",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Grundlage bearbeiten",
+ "showInUI": "In UI anzeigen",
+ "outOfSync": "Nicht synchronisiert",
"newSource": "Neue Datenquelle hinzufügen",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "newWebhook": "Neuer Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Öffentlichen Zugang aktivieren",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Möchten Sie die Änderungen speichern?",
+ "editingAccess": "Zugriff bearbeiten",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Öffentliche Anzeige aktivieren",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Zugriff mit Passwort einschränken",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Grundlage-Zugriff verwalten",
+ "allowDownload": "Herunterladen erlauben",
+ "surveyMode": "Umfragemodus",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL-Ausrichtung",
+ "useTheme": "Thema verwenden",
+ "copyLink": "Link kopieren",
+ "copiedLink": "Link kopiert",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Einladungslink kopieren",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Einladungslink kopiert",
"copyUrl": "URL kopieren",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Mehr Farben",
+ "moveProject": "Grundlage verschieben",
"createProject": "Projekt erstellen",
"importProject": "Projekt importieren",
"searchProject": "Projekt suchen",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Projekt löschen",
"refreshProject": "Projekte aktualisieren",
"saveProject": "Projekt speichern",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Speichern & Beenden",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Stapel löschen?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Erstellen durch Verbinden
mit einer externen Datenbank",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Übersetzen helfen",
"account": {
"authToken": "Auth-Token kopieren",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Auth-Token kopiert",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "Projektinfo kopieren",
"themes": "Themen"
@@ -1101,7 +1104,7 @@
"groupBy": "Gruppieren nach",
"addSubGroup": "Untergruppe hinzufügen",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Datenbank teilen",
"disable": "Freigegebene Datenbank deaktivieren",
"enable": "Jeder mit dem Link",
"link": "Freigegebene Datenbank-Link"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Team einladen",
"inviteUser": "Benutzer einladen",
"inviteToken": "Token einladen",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Verknüpfte Datensätze",
+ "addNewLink": "Neuen Link hinzufügen",
"newUser": "Neuer Benutzer",
"editUser": "Benutzer bearbeiten",
"deleteUser": "Benutzer vom Projekt entfernen",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "Vorheriger Eintrag",
"copyApiURL": "API-URL kopieren",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
+ "createDashboard": "Dashboard erstellen",
"createWorkspace": "Arbeitsbereich erstellen",
"refreshTable": "Tabellen aktualisieren",
"renameTable": "Tabelle umbenennen",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "Layout umbenennen",
"deleteTable": "Tabelle löschen",
"addField": "Neues Feld zu dieser Tabelle hinzufügen",
"setDisplay": "Als Anzeigewert festlegen",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Neue Zeile einfügen",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Zeile löschen",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Datensätze löschen",
+ "predictColumns": "Felder vorhersagen",
+ "predictFormulas": "Formeln vorhersagen",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Ausgewählte Zeilen löschen",
"importExcel": "Excel-Datei importieren",
"importCSV": "CSV-Datei importieren",
@@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@
"ListView": "Ansichtenliste",
"copyView": "Ansicht kopieren",
"renameView": "Ansicht umbenennen",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Daten hochladen",
"deleteView": "Ansicht löschen",
"createGrid": "Gitter-Ansicht erstellen",
"createGallery": "Galerie-Ansicht erstellen",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Neuen Webhook hinzufügen",
"enableWebhook": "Webhook aktivieren",
"testWebhook": "Webhook testen",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Webhook erstellen",
"copyWebhook": "Webhook kopieren",
"deleteWebhook": "Webhook löschen",
"newToken": "Neuen Token hinzufügen",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "Zip-Datei importieren",
"metaSync": "Jetzt synchronisieren",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validierungen",
"previewAs": "Vorschau anzeigen als",
"resetReview": "Vorschau zurücksetzen",
"testDbConn": "Datenbankverbindung testen",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Filtergruppe hinzufügen",
"linkRecord": "Link-Datensatz",
"addNewRecord": "Neuen Datensatz hinzufügen",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Neuer Datensatz",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Neuen Datensatz erstellen",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' wurde gespeichert & erfolgreich verknüpft",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Datensatz erstellt & verknüpft",
"useConnectionUrl": "Verbindungs-URL verwenden",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Kommentare umschalten zeichnen",
"expandRecord": "Datensatz erweitern",
"deleteRecord": "Datensatz löschen",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Volle Breite",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Volle Breite verlassen",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Alle als gelesen markieren",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
+ "delete": "Feld löschen",
"addNumber": "Nummernfeld hinzufügen",
"addSingleLineText": "Einzeiliges Textfeld hinzufügen",
"addLongText": "Langes Textfeld hinzufügen",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "addOther": "Weiteres Feld hinzufügen"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Spalten anzeigen",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Stapel einklappen",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Alle einklappen",
+ "expandAll": "Alle ausklappen",
+ "renameStack": "Stack umbenennen",
"deleteStack": "Stapel löschen",
"stackedBy": "Gestapelt von",
"chooseGroupingField": "Wählen Sie ein Gruppierungsfeld",
"addOrEditStack": "Stapel hinzufügen / bearbeiten"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
+ "mappedBy": "Zugeordnet von",
"chooseMappingField": "Mapping Feld auswählen",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "Mobilen Modus umschalten",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "startCommenting": "Kommentieren beginnen!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Noch keine Kommentare!",
+ "clearForm": "Formular zurücksetzen",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Feld hinzufügen",
+ "selectAllFields": "Alle Felder auswählen",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Vorab ausfüllen aktivieren",
+ "default": "Standard",
+ "locked": "Gefüllte Felder als schreibgeschützt sperren",
+ "hidden": "Gefüllte Felder ausblenden",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Vorausgefüllter Wert"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Vorab ausgefüllten Link abrufen",
+ "group": "Gruppe",
+ "goToDocs": "Zu den Docs gehen",
+ "addCondition": "Bedingung hinzufügen",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Bedingungsgruppe hinzufügen"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Aktivieren, um diese Verbindung privat und vor anderen Erstellern in diesem Arbeitsbereich verborgen zu machen.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Verwendet die Standarddatenbank \"{database}\", wenn leer gelassen",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Verwendet das Standardschema \"{schema}\", wenn leer gelassen.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Die Schema-Bearbeitung ist für diese Datenquelle deaktiviert.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Dieser Datentyp ist nicht erlaubt.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Mit dieser Option kann das Datenbankschema geändert werden, einschließlich Hinzufügen, Ändern oder Löschen von Tabellen und Spalten. Mit Vorsicht verwenden, da Änderungen die strukturelle Integrität Ihrer Datenbank beeinträchtigen können.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Diese Option ermöglicht das Erstellen, Aktualisieren oder Löschen von Datensätzen innerhalb von Datenbanktabellen. Ideal für administrative Nutzer, die Daten direkt ändern müssen.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Änderungen speichern",
"xcDB": "Neues Projekt erstellen",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Kommt es in schwarz? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Neue Tabelle hinzufügen",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Neues Dashboard hinzufügen",
"inviteMore": "Mehr Benutzer einladen",
"toggleNavDraw": "Navigationsbereich umschalten",
"reloadApiToken": "API-Token neu laden",
@@ -1296,29 +1301,29 @@
"clientKey": "Auswahl .key-Datei",
"clientCert": "Auswahl .cert-Datei",
"clientCA": "Auswahl CA-Datei",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Symbolfarbe ändern",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Formularmodus mit einem Feld pro Seite",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Verwenden Sie das Feldbearbeitungsmenü für Typumwandlungen, nachdem die Datei importiert wurde",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rolle von Arbeitsbereich geerbt",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Demnächst verfügbar! Klicken Sie, um für die Integration zu stimmen, die Sie in NocoDB benötigen."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
+ "searchIcons": "Icons suchen",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Slack-Kanäle auswählen",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Microsoft Teams-Kanäle auswählen",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Discord-Kanäle auswählen",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Mattermost-Kanäle auswählen",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook-Titel",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Wählen Sie ein Feld für den Barcode-Wert aus",
+ "notFoundContent": "Kein gültiger Feldtyp gefunden.",
"selectBarcodeFormat": "Barcode-Format auswählen",
"projName": "Projektnamen eingeben",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
+ "selectGroupField": "Wählen Sie ein Gruppierungsfeld aus",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Es konnte kein Einzelwahlfeld gefunden werden. Bitte erstellen Sie zuerst eins.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Ein Feld für das Titelbild auswählen",
"selectGeoField": "Geodaten Feld auswählen",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
+ "notSelected": "-nicht ausgewählt-",
"selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Es konnte kein Geodaten Feld gefunden werden. Bitte erstellen Sie zuerst eins.",
"password": {
"enter": "Passwort eingeben",
@@ -1327,7 +1332,7 @@
"save": "Passwort speichern",
"confirm": "Neues Passwort bestätigen"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Wählen Sie ein Feld für den QR-Code-Wert aus",
"allowNegativeNumbers": "Negative nummern erlauben",
"searchProjectTree": "Tabellen suchen",
"searchFields": "Felder suchen",
@@ -1349,142 +1354,142 @@
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
"value": "Wert",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "key": "Schlüssel",
+ "createTable": "Erstellen Sie Ihre erste Tabelle!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Keine API-Token erstellt",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Laden Sie Ihr Team ein",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Optionen suchen"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Ungültige Schaltflächenkonfiguration",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Ungültige Feldkonfiguration",
+ "invalidTheme": "Wählen Sie ein gültiges Thema aus",
+ "invalidColor": "Wählen Sie eine gültige Farbe aus",
+ "invalidType": "Der Schaltflächentyp kann entweder 'webhook' oder 'url' sein",
+ "invalidLabel": "Geben Sie ein gültiges Schaltflächenetikett ein",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Diese Funktion ist für Ihre Datenbank nicht verfügbar",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Steuern Sie den Namen und das Erscheinungsbild Ihrer Organisation.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Fügen Sie Unternehmensdomains hinzu, um ungewünschten Benutzern den Zugriff zu beschränken.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Beschränken Sie Benutzer daran, Datenbanken öffentlich zu teilen.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Wählen Sie Benutzer aus, die aus allen Arbeitsbereichen der Organisation entfernt und gelöscht werden sollen.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Löschen Sie alle Benutzer, Datenbanken und Daten, die mit dieser Organisation verbunden sind",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Klicken zum Kopieren der Feld-ID",
"enterPassword": "Passwort eingeben",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
+ "bySigningUp": "Mit Ihrer Anmeldung stimmen Sie den",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Abonnieren Sie unseren wöchentlichen Newsletter",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Passwort wird überprüft",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Diese geteilte Ansicht ist geschützt",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Formulardaten erfolgreich übermittelt",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Formularansicht wird auf Mobilgeräten nicht unterstützt",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Kalenderansicht wird auf mobilen Geräten nicht unterstützt",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Neues Formular wird in {seconds} Sekunden geladen",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimierte Abfrage ist deaktiviert",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimierte Abfrage ist aktiviert",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Nachschlagefeld wird für Nicht-Belongs-To-Beziehungen nicht unterstützt",
"invalidTime": "Ungültige Uhrzeit",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Sie haben keine unterstützten Links für {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Datensatz konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"invalidPhoneNumber": "Ungültige Telefonnummer",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Seitengröße geändert",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Fehler beim Laden der Daten",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Verwenden Sie Kontextvariable",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "textkörper",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "um auf den zu berücksichtigenden Datensatz zu verweisen",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Hinweis: Verwenden Sie {placeholder1} um Felder zu referenzieren, z.B: {placeholder2}. Für mehr, bitte schauen Sie nach",
+ "hintEnd": "Formeln.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Keine vorgeschlagene Formel gefunden",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Kein vorgeschlagenes Feld gefunden",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} erfordert einen {type} an der Position {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numerischer Typ erwartet",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Zeichenfolgen-Typ erwartet",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation}-Operation ist nicht verfügbar",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Feld kann nicht gespeichert werden, da Formel ungültig ist",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Referenzierung auf Feld {columnName} nicht unterstützt",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Typ {type} erwartet, aber Typ {found} gefunden",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} erfordert {requiredArguments} Argumente",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} erfordert mindestens {minRequiredArguments} Argumente",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} erfordert maximal {maxRequiredArguments} Argumente",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function}-Funktion ist nicht verfügbar",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Der erste Parameter von WEEKDAY() sollte einen Datumswert haben",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Der zweite Parameter von WEEKDAY() sollte entweder \"sonntag\", \"montag\", \"dienstag\", \"mittwoch\", \"donnerstag\", \"freitag\" oder \"samstag\" sein",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Der erste Parameter von DATEADD() sollte einen Datumswert haben",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Der zweite Parameter von DATEADD() sollte einen numerischen Wert haben",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Der dritte Parameter von DATEADD() sollte entweder \"tag\", \"woche\", \"monat\" oder \"jahr\" sein",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Der erste Parameter von DATEDIFF() sollte einen Datumswert haben",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Der zweite Parameter von DATEDIFF() sollte einen Datumswert haben",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Der dritte Parameter von DATETIME_DIFF() sollte entweder den Wert \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\" oder \"y\" haben",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Das Feld {columnName} ist nicht verfügbar",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Feld kann nicht gespeichert werden, da es eine zyklische Referenz verursacht",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Feld {columnName} mit Typ {columnType} gefunden, aber Typ {expectedType} erwartet",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} stimmt nicht mit {columnType} überein"
"selectOption": {
"cantBeNull": "Auswahloptionen dürfen nicht leer sein",
"multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Auswahloptionen dürfen keine Kommas (\",\") enthalten",
"cantHaveDuplicates": "Auswahloptionen dürfen keine Duplikate enthalten",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Neue Option namens erstellen"
"plsEnterANumber": "Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl ein",
"plsInputEmail": "Bitte E-Mail-Adresse eingeben",
"invalidDate": "Ungültiges Datum",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
+ "invalidLocale": "Ungültige Spracheinstellung",
"invalidCurrencyCode": "Ungültiger Währungscode",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "Der 'money'-Typ in PostgreSQL hat eigene Währungseinstellungen",
"validColumnsForBarCode": "Die gültigen Feldtypen für ein Barcodefeld sind: Zahl, einzeiliger Text, langer Text, Telefonnummer, URL, E-Mail und Dezimalzahl. Bitte erstellen Sie zuerst ein gültiges Feld.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Hat Viele Beziehungen",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Ein einzelner Datensatz aus Tabelle ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kann mit mehreren Datensätzen aus Tabelle verknüpft werden "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Viele zu Viele Beziehung",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Mehrere Datensätze aus Tabelle ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " können mit mehreren Datensätzen aus Tabelle verknüpft werden "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Gehört zu Beziehung",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Ein einzelner Datensatz aus Tabelle ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kann mit einem Datensatz aus Tabelle verknüpft werden "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Eins zu Eins Beziehung",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Ein einzelner Datensatz aus Tabelle ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kann mit einem einzelnen Datensatz aus Tabelle verknüpft werden "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Es sieht so aus, als wären noch keine Datensätze verknüpft worden.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Keine Datensätze verknüpft",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Keine verknüpften Datensätze",
+ "recordsLinked": "Verknüpfte Datensätze",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Nur gültige {type} akzeptieren",
"apiTokenCreate": "Personalisierte API Tokens zur Verwendung in Automatisierungen oder externen Apps erstellen.",
"selectFieldToSort": "Feld zum Sortieren auswählen",
"selectFieldToGroup": "Feld zum Gruppieren auswählen",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Es gibt keine Datensätze in der Tabelle",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Es sind derzeit keine Datensätze zum Verknüpfen verfügbar",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Legen Sie los mit Webhooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Ermöglichen Sie Ihren Automatisierungen. Lassen Sie sich benachrichtigen, sobald sich Ihre Daten ändern",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie löschen möchten",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {deleteLabel} löschen möchten",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID-Feld ist erforderlich, Sie können es später bei Bedarf umbenennen.",
+ "length59Required": "Die Länge überschreitet die maximal 59 Zeichen",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Sie haben keine neuen Benachrichtigungen",
+ "noRecordFound": "Datensatz nicht gefunden",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Keine Datensätze gefunden",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Keine Datensätze entsprechen Ihrer Suchanfrage",
+ "rowDeleted": "Datensatz gelöscht",
+ "saveChanges": "Möchten Sie die Änderungen speichern?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Das Feld ist zu groß, um in {entity} konvertiert zu werden",
+ "roleRequired": "Rolle erforderlich",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Schaltflächenfelder, die auf diesen Webhook angewiesen sind, werden beeinflusst",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Die Kanban-Ansicht erfordert ein einzelnes Auswahlfeld. Versuchen Sie, eine Kanban-Ansicht einzurichten, nachdem Sie ein einzelnes Auswahlfeld hinzugefügt haben!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Die Kartenansicht erfordert ein Geo-Datenfeld. Versuchen Sie, eine Kartenansicht einzurichten, nachdem Sie ein Geo-Datenfeld hinzugefügt haben!",
+ "dbValid": "Datenbankgültigkeit sicherstellen, um Verlust des Schemas zu verhindern",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Barcode-Fehler - bitte überprüfen Sie die Kompatibilität zwischen Eingabe und Barcode-Typ"
@@ -1493,24 +1498,24 @@
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warnung: QR-Felder können nicht direkt geändert werden.",
"barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Achtung: Barcode Felder können nicht direkt geändert werden."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Basis duplizieren möchten?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Tabelle duplizieren möchten?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Sie können die Sichtbarkeit eines bearbeiteten Feldes nicht ändern. Bitte Änderungen zuerst speichern oder verwerfen.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Sie können ein Feld, das bearbeitet wird, nicht verschieben. Speichern oder verwerfen Sie zuerst die Änderungen",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Sie können ein gelöschtes Feld nicht verschieben. Speichern oder verwerfen Sie zuerst die Änderungen"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Sie können keine Datensätze zwischen Daten ziehen, wenn berechnete oder Systemfelder verwendet werden.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Schemaänderungen sind für diese Quelle deaktiviert",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Arbeitsbereichsnamen eingeben",
+ "enterBaseName": "Basisnamen eingeben",
+ "idpPaste": "Fügen Sie diese URL in Ihre Identitätsanbieter-Konsole ein",
+ "noSaml": "Es sind keine SAML-Authentifizierungen konfiguriert.",
+ "noOIDC": "Es sind keine konfigurierten OpenID-Authentifizierungen vorhanden.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Deaktiviert, da die Ansicht gesperrt ist",
+ "basesMigrated": "Datenbanken wurden migriert. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Der Vorgang Einfügen wird auf der aktiven Zelle nicht unterstützt",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Der Ersteller kann neue Projekte erstellen und auf alle eingeladenen Projekte zugreifen.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Formularbezeichnung eingeben",
"formHelpText": "Einen Hilfs-Text hinzufügen",
"onlyCreator": "Nur für den Ersteller sichtbar",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Formulartitel hinzufügen",
"formDesc": "Formularbeschreibung hinzufügen",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Den Zugriff mit einem Passwort einschränken",
"afterEnablePwd": "Zugriff ist Passwort-geschützt",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Zugriff auf das Projekt via",
"submitAnotherForm": "Weiteres Formular übermitteln'-Button anzeigen",
"showBlankForm": "Ein leeres Formular nach 5 Sekunden anzeigen",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Antworten per E-Mail senden an",
"showSysFields": "Systemfelder anzeigen",
"filterAutoApply": "Automatisch anwenden",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Nachricht Anzeigen",
"viewNotShared": "Aktuelle Ansicht wird nicht geteilt!",
"showAllViews": "Alle geteilten Ansichten dieser Tabelle anzeigen",
"collabView": "Mitarbeitern mit Bearbeitungsberechtigung oder höher können die Ansichtenkonfiguration ändern",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabellen-Metadaten sind synchron",
"addMultipleUsers": "Sie können mehrere kommagetrennte (,) E-Mails hinzufügen",
"enterTableName": "Geben Sie den Tabellennamen ein",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Tabellenbeschreibung eingeben...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Feldbeschreibung eingeben...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Ansichtsbeschreibung eingeben...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Layoutnamen eingeben",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Dashboard-Namen eingeben",
+ "defaultColumns": "Standardfelder",
"addDefaultColumns": "Standardspalten hinzufügen",
"tableNameInDb": "Tabellenname wie in der Datenbank gespeichert",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Dieser Wert ist bereits in der Liste vorhanden",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Keine Spalten zu aktualisieren",
"tableDeleted": "Tabelle erfolgreich gelöscht",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Layout erfolgreich gelöscht",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Öffentlich lesbare Basis generieren",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Ansicht löschen möchten?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Layout löschen möchten?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Möchten Sie die Tabelle löschen",
"showM2mTables": "M2M Tabellen anzeigen",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Die n:n-Beziehungen erfordern eine Verbindungstabelle, die standardmäßig versteckt ist. Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um diese Tabellen ebenfalls anzuzeigen.",
@@ -1661,51 +1666,51 @@
"noMoreRecords": "Keine weiteren Aufzeichnungen",
"tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token Name darf nicht leer sein",
"tokenNameMaxLength": "Token Name darf nicht mehr als 255 Zeichen lang sein",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Datenbankname ist erforderlich",
"wsNameRequired": "Name des Arbeitsbereiches darf nicht Leer sein",
"wsNameMinLength": "Name des Arbeitsbereiches muss mindestens 3 Zeichen lang sein",
"wsNameMaxLength": "Name des Arbeitsbereiches darf nicht länger als 50 Zeichen sein",
"wsDeleteDlg": "Diesen Arbeitsbereich und all seine Inhalte löschen.",
"userConfirmation": "Ich verstehe, dass diese Aktion nicht rückgängig gemacht werden kann",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "pageNotFound": "Seite nicht gefunden",
+ "makeLineBreak": "um einen Zeilenumbruch zu machen",
+ "goToPrevious": "Gehe zu vorheriger",
+ "goToNext": "Gehe zu nächster",
+ "thankYou": "Danke!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Sie haben das Formular erfolgreich abgeschickt.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Bearbeiten des Systemschlüssels wird nicht unterstützt",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Derzeit nicht verfügbar",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Gruppen-Einfügevorgang wird in Spalten Links/LinkToAnotherRecord nicht unterstützt",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Gruppen-Löschvorgang wird in Spalten Links/LinkToAnotherRecord nicht unterstützt",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade auf Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Diese Funktion ist nur in der Enterprise Edition verfügbar",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Ihre aktuelle Rolle ist",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Bitte fordern Sie höhere Berechtigungen vom Admin / Base-Besitzer / Arbeitsbereichs-Besitzer an, um auf diese {viewName} zuzugreifen",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Sie können nicht alle Optionen verbergen, wenn das Feld erforderlich ist"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Manuelle Hooks können nicht deaktiviert werden",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Fehler beim Laden der Datensatzdaten",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Kalenderdaten",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Fehler beim Abrufen aktiver Termine",
+ "scopesRequired": "Erforderliche Bereiche",
+ "domainRequired": "Domainname ist erforderlich",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Auth-URL ist erforderlich",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Benutzernamenattribut ist erforderlich",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Client-ID ist erforderlich",
+ "issuerRequired": "Aussteller ist erforderlich",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Client-Geheimnis ist erforderlich",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK-URL ist erforderlich",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token-URL ist erforderlich",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo-URL ist erforderlich",
+ "eitherXML": "Entweder xml oder Metadaten-URL ist erforderlich",
+ "nameRequired": "Name erforderlich",
+ "nameMinLength": "Der Name muss mindestens 2 Zeichen lang sein",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Der Name darf maximal 60 Zeichen lang sein",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Ansichtsname ist erforderlich",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Domainname ist erforderlich",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Name darf höchstens 256 Zeichen lang sein",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Ansichtsname sollte eindeutig sein",
"searchProject": "Ihre Suche nach {search} fand keine Ergebnisse",
"invalidChar": "Ungültiges Zeichen im Ordnerpfad.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ungültige Datenbankanmeldeinformationen.",
@@ -1714,7 +1719,7 @@
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Den Benutzer gibt es nicht oder er hat keine ausreichenden Rechte, um das Schema zu erstellen.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Ungültige Datenbankparameter",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Verbindungsfehler:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Null-Filter vorhanden. Bitte entfernen Sie sie",
"signUpRules": {
"emailRequired": "E-Mail-Adresse ist erforderlich",
"emailInvalid": "Email muß gültig sein",
@@ -1730,7 +1735,7 @@
"invalidEmails": "Ungültige E-Mail-Adressen",
"invalidEmail": "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Ungültiges XML",
"invalidURL": "Ungültige URL",
"invalidEmail": "Ungültige E-Mail",
"internalError": "Interner Fehler aufgetreten",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name muss mit einem Buchstaben oder _ beginnen",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Folgende Zeichen sind nicht erlaubt",
"columnNameRequired": "Spaltenname ist erforderlich",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Doppelter Feldname",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name bereits für Systemfeld verwendet",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI-Datentyp ist erforderlich",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name überschreitet 50 Zeichen",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen beginnen",
"requiredField": "Pflichtfeld",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP nicht erlaubt",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Zieldatei ist kein akzeptierter Dateityp",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Die akzeptierten Dateitypen sind .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameterschlüssel darf nicht leer sein",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Doppelte Parameterschlüssel sind nicht erlaubt",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Dieses Feld darf nicht leer sein.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projekt nicht zugänglich",
"copyToClipboardError": "Kopieren in die Zwischenablage fehlgeschlagen",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Einfügen aus der Zwischenablage fehlgeschlagen",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Bitte vervollständigen Sie die Konfiguration aller Felder vor dem Speichern",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Gezogene Inhalte sind nicht vom Typ Bild",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Feld zum Parsen von Bilddaten",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Einige der erforderlichen Felder sind leer"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Projektmetadaten erfolgreich exportiert",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Kommt bald!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Lizenzschlüssel aktualisiert",
"columnDuplicated": "Spalte erfolgreich dupliziert",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "UI ACL für Tabellen erfolgreich aktualisiert",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin-Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert",
"pluginTested": "Plugin-Einstellungen erfolgreich getestet",
"tableRenamed": "Tabelle erfolgreich umbenannt",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Layout erfolgreich umbenannt",
"viewDeleted": "Ansicht erfolgreich gelöscht",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Erfolgreich als Primärspalte aktualisiert",
"tableDataExported": "Erfolgreich alle Tabellendaten exportiert",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Kennwort erfolgreich geändert. Bitte melden Sie sich erneut an.",
"settingsSaved": "Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert",
"roleUpdated": "Rolle erfolgreich aktualisiert",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integration erfolgreich verbunden",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Basisbesitzer und Ersteller können jetzt eine Datenquelle hinzufügen, ohne die Anmeldedaten erneut einzugeben."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/es.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/es.json
index c0729a0967..e6960ae58f 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/es.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/es.json
@@ -39,70 +39,71 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "",
+ "count": "Cuenta",
"min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "max": "Máximo",
+ "avg": "Media",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Desviación estándar",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Rango",
+ "percent_empty": "Vacío",
+ "percent_filled": "Lleno",
+ "percent_unique": "Único",
+ "count_unique": "Único",
+ "count_empty": "Vacío",
+ "count_filled": "Lleno",
+ "earliest_date": "Fecha mínima",
+ "latest_date": "Fecha máxima",
+ "date_range": "Rango de fechas",
+ "month_range": "Rango de meses",
+ "checked": "Marcado",
+ "unchecked": "Desmarcado",
+ "percent_checked": "Marcado",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Desmarcado",
+ "attachment_size": "Tamaño",
+ "none": "Ninguno"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Suma",
+ "count": "Cuenta",
"min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "max": "Máximo",
+ "avg": "Media",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Desviación estándar",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Rango",
+ "percent_empty": "Porcentaje vacío",
+ "percent_filled": "Porcentaje lleno",
+ "percent_unique": "Porcentaje único",
+ "count_unique": "Único",
+ "count_empty": "Vacío",
+ "count_filled": "Lleno",
+ "earliest_date": "Fecha más temprana",
+ "latest_date": "Fecha más reciente",
+ "date_range": "Rango de fechas",
+ "month_range": "Rango de meses",
+ "checked": "Marcado",
+ "unchecked": "Desmarcado",
+ "percent_checked": "Porcentaje Marcado",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Porcentaje Desmarcado",
+ "attachment_size": "Tamaño del Adjunto",
+ "none": "Ninguno"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
+ "scripts": "Comandos",
+ "configure": "Configurar",
+ "switch": "Cambiar",
+ "on": "Encendido",
+ "onMultiple": "En Múltiple",
"manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "trigger": "Activar",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
+ "style": "Estilo",
+ "label": "Etiqueta",
+ "role": "Rol",
"general": "General",
"quit": "Salir",
"home": "Inicio",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Código",
"duplicate": "Duplicar",
"duplicating": "Duplicando",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Duplicar {entity}",
"activate": "Activar",
"action": "Acción",
"insert": "Insertar",
@@ -162,11 +163,11 @@
"bulkUpdate": "Actualización masiva",
"deleting": "Eliminando",
"update": "Actualizar",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Actualizando",
"rename": "Renombrar",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Renombrar {entity}",
"reload": "Recargar",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Refrescar",
"reset": "Reiniciar",
"install": "Instalar",
"show": "Mostrar",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "Confirme",
"generate": "Genere",
"copy": "Copie",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Copiado",
"are": "están",
"misc": "Varios",
"lock": "Cerradura",
@@ -224,19 +225,19 @@
"betaNote": "Esta función se encuentra actualmente en fase beta.",
"moreInfo": "Puede encontrar más información aquí",
"logs": "Registros",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "groupingField": "Agrupar por campo",
+ "insertAfter": "Insertar a la derecha",
+ "insertBefore": "Insertar a la izquierda",
"insertAbove": "Insertar arriba",
"insertBelow": "Insertar abajo",
"hideField": "Ocultar campo",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Mostrar campo",
"sortAsc": "Ordenación ascendente",
"sortDesc": "Orden descendente",
"move": "Mover",
"geoDataField": "Campo GeoDatos",
"type": "Tipo",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "Subtipo",
"name": "Nombre",
"changes": "Cambios",
"new": "Nuevo",
@@ -265,36 +266,36 @@
"seconds": "Segundos",
"paste": "Pegar",
"restore": "Restaurar",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "replace": "Reemplazar",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "dropdown": "Desplegable",
+ "list": "Lista",
+ "verify": "Verificar",
+ "apply": "Aplicar",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "appearance": "Apariencia",
+ "now": "Ahora",
+ "set": "Establecer",
+ "format": "Formato",
+ "colour": "Color",
+ "use": "Usar",
+ "stack": "Pila",
+ "ipAddress": "Dirección IP",
+ "integration": "Integración",
+ "integrations": "Integraciones",
+ "connection": "Conexión",
+ "connections": "Conexiones",
+ "private": "Privado",
+ "request": "Solicitud",
+ "languages": "Idiomas",
+ "extension": "Extensión",
+ "extensions": "Extensiones"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
+ "files": "archivos",
+ "owner": "Propietario",
+ "member": "Miembro",
"day": "Día",
"week": "Semana",
"month": "Mes",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Campos",
"column": "Columna",
"columns": "Columnas",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Celda",
+ "cells": "Celdas",
"page": "Página",
"pages": "Páginas",
"record": "Registro",
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@
"viewer": "Visor",
"noaccess": "Sin acceso",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Propietario de Nivel Organización",
"orgLevelCreator": "Creador a nivel de organización",
"orgLevelViewer": "Visor de nivel de organización"
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "serviceHub": "Centro de Servicio",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
"microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
+ "serviceCloud": "Nube de Servicio",
"snowflake": "Snowflake",
"stripe": "Stripe",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
"postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
"sqlite": "SQLite",
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
- "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
+ "mssqlServer": "Servidor MSSQL",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"telegram": "Telegram",
"whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Todas las integraciones",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Conecte y gestione sin problemas sus bases de datos con NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Comunicación",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Reciba notificaciones de cambios y agilice la comunicación del equipo con NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Gestión de proyectos",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Mejore los flujos de trabajo de proyectos y la gestión de tareas con NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimice la gestión de relaciones con clientes a través de integraciones con NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Impulse sus esfuerzos de marketing con las potentes integraciones de NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Optimice su sistema de seguimiento de candidatos con NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Desarrollo",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Acelere los procesos de desarrollo con integraciones de NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Finanzas",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Simplifique las operaciones financieras y la gestión de datos con NocoDB.",
"ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Gestione y rastree tickets de soporte de manera eficiente con NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integre y organice sus soluciones de almacenamiento sin problemas con NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Otros",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Descubra integraciones adicionales versátiles para mejorar su experiencia con NocoDB.",
+ "ai": "IA",
+ "spreadSheet": "Hoja de cálculo",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Conecte y gestione sus hojas de cálculo con NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,14 +487,14 @@
"isNotNull": "no es nulo"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Buscar webhook",
+ "webcam": "Cámara Web",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Subir a través de URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
+ "renameBase": "Renombrar Base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Renombrar Espacio de Trabajo",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Renombrando Espacio de Trabajo",
+ "renamingBase": "Renombrando Base",
"sso": "Autenticación (SSO)",
"docs": "Documentos",
"forum": "Foro",
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@
"parameterName": "Nombre del parámetro",
"currencyLocale": "Moneda local",
"currencyCode": "Código de moneda",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "searchMembers": "Buscar miembros",
"noMembersFound": "Ningún miembro encontrado",
"dateJoined": "Fecha de incorporación",
"tokenName": "Nombre del token",
@@ -522,7 +523,7 @@
"removeFile": "Eliminar archivo",
"hasMany": "Tiene muchos",
"manyToMany": "Muchos a Muchos",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
+ "oneToOne": "Uno a Uno",
"virtualRelation": "Relación virtual",
"linkMore": "Enlace más",
"linkMoreRecords": "Vincular más registros",
@@ -613,104 +614,106 @@
"setDefault": "Establecer por defecto"
"selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Selecciona los campos del panel derecho para añadirlos aquí",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "noOptionsFound": "No se encontraron opciones",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "¿Está seguro de que desea enviar este formulario?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Parece que esta pila no tiene registros",
+ "fromScratch": "Desde cero",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Desde archivos y fuentes externas",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Directamente en tiempo real",
+ "categories": "Categorías",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Campo inaccesible",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "No se han añadido condiciones"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Modificado el",
+ "configuration": "Configuración",
+ "setup": "Configuración",
+ "configLabel": "Configurar {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Cambiar a una base de datos lista para producción",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "fieldID": "ID de Campo",
+ "addDescription": "Agregar descripción",
+ "editDescription": "Editar descripción",
+ "urlFormula": "Fórmula de URL",
+ "selectIcon": "ninguno",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--seleccionar un webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Abrir URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Ejecutar Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Al hacer clic",
+ "defaultView": "Vista por defecto",
+ "recordInsert": "Insertar registro",
+ "recordUpdate": "Actualizar registro",
+ "recordDelete": "Eliminar registro",
+ "supportDocs": "Docs de soporte",
+ "addedOn": "Añadido el",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Cambiar campo de valor de visualización",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Seleccionar campo de valor de visualización",
+ "changeTitleField": "Cambiar campo de título",
+ "clearAll": "Borrar todo",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Los campos de búsqueda muestran datos de registros vinculados. Seleccione campos específicos de",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabla para añadirlos como campos de búsqueda en esta tabla.",
+ "formatting": "Formato",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Seleccionar un tipo de formato (opcional)- -",
+ "formatType": "Tipo de formato",
+ "toUpload": "para subir",
+ "dragFilesHere": "arrastra los archivos aquí",
+ "browseFiles": "examinar archivos",
+ "clickTo": "Hacer clic para",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Por favor permite el acceso a tu cámara",
+ "openFile": "Abrir archivo",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Introduce una URL válida para subir archivos",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Agregar archivos desde URL",
+ "uploading": "Subiendo",
"dropHere": "Soltar aquí",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "addMore": "Añadir más",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Borrar todos los archivos",
+ "integration": "Integración",
+ "notRecommended": "No recomendado",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "selectView": "Seleccionar una vista",
+ "connectionDetails": "Detalles de conexión de la fuente",
"metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
+ "mention": "Mención",
+ "today": "Hoy",
+ "currentDate": "Fecha actual",
+ "workspace": "Espacio de trabajo",
+ "txt": "Valor de registro TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "Transferir Propiedad",
+ "recentActivity": "Actividad Reciente",
+ "goToMembers": "Ir a los Miembros",
+ "addMember": "Añadir Miembro",
+ "numberOfMembers": "N.º de Miembros",
+ "numberOfBases": "N.º de Bases",
+ "numberOfRecords": "N.º de Registros",
+ "workspaceName": "Nombre del Espacio de Trabajo",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Espacio de Trabajo sin Propietarios",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invitar Usuarios al Espacio de Trabajo",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-seleccionar espacios de trabajo a los que invitar-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Añadir Miembros a la Organización",
+ "memberIn": "Miembro en:",
+ "assignAs": "Asignar como",
+ "signOutUser": "Cerrar sesión del usuario",
+ "signOutUsers": "Cerrar sesión de usuarios",
+ "deactivateUser": "Desactivar usuario",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Desactivar usuarios",
+ "lastActive": "Último activo",
+ "dateAdded": "Fecha de incorporación",
+ "uploadImage": "Subir imagen",
+ "organizationProfile": "Perfil de la organización",
+ "organizationImage": "Imagen de la organización",
+ "organizationName": "Nombre de la organización",
+ "activeDomains": "Dominios activos",
+ "domains": "Dominios",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Deshabilitar compartición pública",
+ "shareSettings": "Configuración de compartir",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Eliminar usuario y sus datos",
+ "userOptions": "Opciones de usuario",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Eliminar esta organización",
+ "dangerZone": "Zona de peligro",
+ "childView": "Vista hija",
"selectYear": "Seleccionar Año",
"save": "Guardar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
@@ -721,15 +724,15 @@
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
"newProvider": "Nuevo proveedor",
"generalSettings": "Ajustes Generales",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
+ "adminPanel": "Panel de administración",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Mover espacio de trabajo a la organización",
"ssoSettings": "Ajustes SSO",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
+ "addDomain": "Añadir dominio",
+ "domain": "Dominio",
+ "settings": "Configuración",
+ "workspaces": "Espacios de trabajo",
+ "back": "Volver",
+ "dashboard": "Panel de control",
"organizeBy": "Organizar por",
"previous": "Anterior",
"nextMonth": "Mes siguiente",
@@ -751,12 +754,12 @@
"noToken": "Sin Token",
"tokenLimit": "Sólo se permite un token por usuario",
"duplicateAttachment": "Archivo con el nombre {filename} ya adjuntado",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID DE TABLA: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
"toAddress": "A Dirección",
"subject": "Asunto",
"body": "Cuerpo",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Número móvil separado por comas",
"headerName": "Nombre del encabezado",
"icon": "Icono",
"max": "Máximo",
@@ -785,12 +788,12 @@
"optional": "(Opcional)",
"clickToMake": "Pulsar para hacer",
"visibleForRole": "visible para el rol:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
+ "inUI": "en el panel de control de la interfaz de usuario",
"projectSettings": "Ajustes básicos",
"clickToHide": "Clic para ocultar",
"clickToDownload": "Clic para descargar",
"forRole": "para el rol",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Clic para copiar ID de Tabla",
"clickToCopyViewID": "Clic para copiar View ID",
"viewMode": "Modo solo lectura",
"searchUsers": "Buscar usuarios",
@@ -798,7 +801,7 @@
"allTables": "Todas las tablas",
"members": "Miembros",
"dataSources": "Fuentes de datos",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
+ "connectDataSource": "Conectar datos externos",
"searchProjects": "Buscar Bases",
"createdBy": "Creado por",
"viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viendo adjuntos de",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Tipo en base de datos",
"lengthValue": "Longitud/valor",
"dbType": "Tipo de Base de Datos",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "nombre del servidor / dirección del host",
+ "sqliteFile": "Ruta del archivo SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Dirección del servidor",
+ "port": "Número de puerto",
"username": "Usuario",
"password": "Contraseña",
"schemaName": "Nombre del esquema",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "tiene muchos",
"belongsTo": "pertenece a",
"manyToMany": "tienen una relación de muchos a muchos",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "tener una relación uno a uno",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Parámetros de conexión adicionales",
"commentsOnly": "Sólo comentarios",
"documentation": "Documentación",
@@ -961,7 +964,7 @@
"noAccess": "Sin acceso",
"restApis": "API REST",
"apis": "API",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
+ "apiSnippet": "Fragmentos de API",
"includeData": "Incluir datos",
"includeView": "Incluir vista",
"includeWebhook": "Incluir Webhook",
@@ -987,34 +990,34 @@
"hideNocodbBranding": "Ocultar marca NocoDB",
"showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
"showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Muestra el campo sólo cuando se cumplen las condiciones",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "limitOptions": "Limitar opciones",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limite las opciones visibles a los usuarios seleccionando las opciones disponibles",
+ "clearSelection": "Borrar selección",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Mostrar como progreso",
+ "relationType": "Tipo de relación",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Mostrar separador de miles",
+ "signUpForFree": "Regístrate gratis",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Ajustar imagen",
+ "coverImageArea": "Imagen de portada",
+ "syncData": "Sincronizar datos",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registre los servicios en los que está interesado para recibir notificaciones cuando estén disponibles",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Redirigir a URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
+ "webhookDetails": "Detalles del Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "Ocultar fines de semana",
+ "renameBase": "Renombrar base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Renombrar espacio de trabajo",
+ "deactivate": "Desactivar",
+ "manageUsers": "Gestionar usuarios",
+ "newWorkspace": "Espacio de trabajo nuevo",
+ "addDomain": "Añadir dominio",
+ "addMembers": "Agregar Miembros",
+ "enterEmail": "Ingrese direcciones de correo electrónico",
+ "inviteToBase": "Invitar a la Base",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Invitar al espacio de trabajo",
+ "addMember": "Agregar Miembro a la Base",
"noRange": "La vista del calendario requiere un rango de fechas",
"goToToday": "Ir a Hoy",
"toggleSidebar": "Alternar Barra Lateral",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Añadir nuevo webhook",
"enableWebhook": "Habilitar Webhook",
"testWebhook": "Probar Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Crear Webhook",
"copyWebhook": "Copiar Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "Eliminar Webhook",
"newToken": "Añadir nuevo token",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "Importar zip",
"metaSync": "Sincronizar ahora",
"settings": "Configuración",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validaciones",
"previewAs": "Previsualizar como",
"resetReview": "Restaurar previsualización",
"testDbConn": "Probar conexión a base de datos",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Colapsar pila",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Colapsar todo",
+ "expandAll": "Expandir todo",
+ "renameStack": "Renombrar pila",
"deleteStack": "Borrar pila",
"stackedBy": "Apilado por",
"chooseGroupingField": "Elija un campo de agrupación",
@@ -1243,32 +1246,34 @@
"toggleMobileMode": "Activar el modo móvil",
"startCommenting": "¡Empieza a comentar!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "¡Aún no hay comentarios!",
"clearForm": "Limpiar formulario",
"addFieldFromFormView": "Añadir Campo",
"selectAllFields": "Seleccionar todos los campos",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Habilitar Pre-rellenar",
+ "default": "Por defecto",
+ "locked": "Bloquear campos pre-rellenados como solo lectura",
+ "hidden": "Ocultar campos pre-rellenados",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Valor pre-rellenado"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Obtener enlace pre-rellenado",
+ "group": "Grupo",
+ "goToDocs": "Ir a Documentos",
+ "addCondition": "Añadir condición",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Añadir grupo de condiciones"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Habilitar para hacer esta conexión privada y oculta para otros creadores en este espacio de trabajo.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Opcional. Usa la base de datos predeterminada \"{database}\" si se deja en blanco",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opcional. Usa el esquema predeterminado \"{schema}\" si se deja en blanco.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "La edición del esquema está deshabilitada para esta fuente de datos.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Este tipo de datos no está permitido.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
- "reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to 10 data sources per base",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Esta opción permite la modificación del esquema de la base de datos, incluyendo la adición, alteración o eliminación de tablas y columnas. Úselo con precaución, ya que los cambios pueden afectar la integridad estructural de su base de datos.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Esta opción permite crear, actualizar o eliminar registros dentro de tablas de la base de datos. Ideal para administradores que necesitan cambiar datos directamente.",
+ "reachedSourceLimit": "Limitado a 10 fuentes de datos por base",
"saveChanges": "Guardar cambios",
"xcDB": "Crear un nuevo proyecto",
"extDB": "Soporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server y SQLite",
@@ -1296,15 +1301,15 @@
"clientKey": "Seleccionar archivo .key",
"clientCert": "Seleccionar archivo .cert",
"clientCA": "Seleccionar archivo CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Cambiar el color del icono",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Modo formulario con un campo por página",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Utiliza el menú de edición de campo para conversiones de tipo después de que el archivo sea importado",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rol heredado del espacio de trabajo",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "¡Próximamente! Haga clic para votar por la integración que necesita en NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
+ "searchIcons": "Buscar iconos",
"selectSlackChannels": "Seleccionar canales de Slack",
"selectTeamsChannels": "Seleccionar canales de Microsoft Teams",
"selectDiscordChannels": "Seleccionar canales de Discord",
@@ -1316,7 +1321,7 @@
"projName": "Ingresa el nombre de proyecto",
"selectGroupField": "Seleccione un campo de agrupación",
"selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No se encuentra ningún campo de selección único. Por favor, cree uno primero.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Seleccione un campo para la imagen de portada",
"selectGeoField": "Seleccione un campo de datos geográficos",
"notSelected": "-no seleccionado-",
"selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No se encuentra ningún campo de datos geográficos. Por favor, cree uno primero.",
@@ -1327,7 +1332,7 @@
"save": "Guardar contraseña",
"confirm": "Confirmar nueva contraseña"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Seleccione un campo para el valor del código QR",
"allowNegativeNumbers": "Permitir números negativos",
"searchProjectTree": "Buscar tablas",
"searchFields": "Buscar campos",
@@ -1350,68 +1355,68 @@
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
"value": "Valor",
"key": "Clave",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "createTable": "¡Crea tu primera tabla!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "No se crearon tokens API",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Invita a tu equipo",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Buscar opciones"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Configuración de botón inválida",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Configuración de campo inválida",
+ "invalidTheme": "Seleccione un tema válido",
+ "invalidColor": "Seleccione un color válido",
+ "invalidType": "El tipo de botón puede ser 'webhook' o 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Ingrese una etiqueta de botón válida",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Esta función no está disponible para su base de datos",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Controle el nombre y la apariencia de su organización.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Añada dominios de la empresa para restringir el acceso a usuarios no deseados.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restringir a los usuarios de poder compartir bases públicamente.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Seleccione usuarios para eliminar y borrar de todos los espacios de trabajo de la organización.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Eliminar todos los usuarios, bases y datos relacionados con esta organización",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Clic para copiar Field Id",
"enterPassword": "Introducir la contraseña",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
+ "bySigningUp": "Al registrarte, aceptas los",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Suscríbete a nuestro boletín semanal",
"verifyingPassword": "Verificando contraseña",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Esta vista compartida está protegida",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Datos del formulario enviados correctamente",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "La vista de formulario no está soportada en móviles",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "La vista de calendario no es compatible en móviles",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "El nuevo formulario se cargará después de {seconds, plural, one{# segundo} other{# segundos}}",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Consulta optimizada está deshabilitada",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Consulta optimizada está habilitada",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "El campo de búsqueda no es compatible para relación que no es de tipo 'Belongs to'",
"invalidTime": "Hora no válida",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "No tienes enlaces compatibles para {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Registro no encontrado",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Número de teléfono no válido",
"pageSizeChanged": "Tamaño de página modificado",
"errorLoadingData": "Error al cargar datos",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Usar variable de contexto",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "cuerpo",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "para referirse al registro bajo consideración",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
+ "hintStart": "Consejo: Usa {placeholder1} para referenciar campos, p. ej.: {placeholder2}. Para más información, por favor revisa",
"hintEnd": "Fórmulas.",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Fórmula sugerida no encontrada",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No se encontró campo sugerido",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requiere un {type} en la posición {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Se espera tipo numérico",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Se espera tipo cadena",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Operación {operation} no disponible",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "No se puede guardar el campo porque la fórmula es inválida",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "No es compatible referenciar el campo {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Se espera tipo {type}, pero se encontró tipo {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requiere {requiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requiere un mínimo de {minRequiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requiere un máximo de {maxRequiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "La función {function} no está disponible",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "El primer parámetro de WEEKDAY() debe tener un valor de fecha",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "El segundo parámetro de WEEKDAY() debe tener el valor \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" o \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "El primer parámetro de DATEADD() debe tener un valor de fecha",
"secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "El segundo parámetro de DATEADD() debe tener un valor numérico",
"thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "El tercer parámetro de DATEADD() debe tener el valor \"día\", \"semana\", \"mes\" o \"año\".",
"firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "El primer parámetro de DATEDIFF() debe tener un valor de fecha",
@@ -1455,36 +1460,36 @@
"tooltip_desc": "Un único registro de la tabla ",
"tooltip_desc2": " puede vincularse con un único registro de la tabla "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Parece que no hay registros vinculados todavía.",
"noRecordsLinked": "No hay registros vinculados",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "No hay registros vinculados",
"recordsLinked": "registros vinculados",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Aceptar solo {type} válidos",
"apiTokenCreate": "Cree tokens de API personales para utilizarlos en la automatización o en aplicaciones externas.",
"selectFieldToSort": "Seleccionar campo para ordenar",
"selectFieldToGroup": "Seleccione el campo al grupo",
"thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "No hay registros en la tabla",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Actualmente no hay registros disponibles para vincular",
"createWebhookMsg1": "¡Empieza con web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Impulsa tus automatizaciones. Reciba notificaciones en cuanto haya cambios en sus datos",
"areYouSureUWantTo": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar lo siguiente?",
"areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar la etiqueta {deleteLabel} siguiente?",
"idColumnRequired": "El campo ID es obligatorio, puede renombrarlo más tarde si es necesario.",
"length59Required": "La longitud excede el máximo de 59 caracteres",
"noNewNotifications": "No tiene nuevas notificaciones",
"noRecordFound": "Registro no encontrado",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
+ "noRecordsFound": "No se encontraron registros",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No hay registros que coincidan con su consulta de búsqueda",
"rowDeleted": "Registro eliminado",
"saveChanges": "¿Desea guardar los cambios?",
"tooLargeFieldEntity": "El campo es demasiado grande para convertirlo a {entity}",
"roleRequired": "Rol requerido",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Los campos de botón que dependen de este webhook se verán afectados",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "La vista Kanban requiere la configuración de un campo de selección única. ¡Intenta configurar una vista Kanban después de agregar un campo de selección única!",
+ "mapNoFields": "La vista de mapa requiere la configuración de un campo de datos geográficos. ¡Intenta configurar una vista de mapa después de agregar un campo de datos geográficos!",
+ "dbValid": "Asegúrese de la validez de la base de datos para prevenir la pérdida de esquemas",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Error de código de barras - por favor, compruebe la compatibilidad entre la entrada y el tipo de código de barras"
@@ -1496,21 +1501,21 @@
"duplicateProject": "¿Está seguro de que quiere duplicar la base?",
"duplicateTable": "¿Está seguro de que quiere duplicar la tabla?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "No puedes cambiar la visibilidad de un campo que se está editando. Por favor guarda o descarta los cambios primero.",
+ "moveEditedField": "No se puede mover el campo que está siendo editado. Guarde o descarte los cambios primero",
+ "moveDeletedField": "No se puede mover el campo que ha sido eliminado. Guarde o descarte los cambios primero"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "No podrás arrastrar registros entre fechas cuando se utilicen campos calculados o de sistema.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Las alteraciones del esquema están deshabilitadas para esta fuente",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Ingrese el nombre del espacio de trabajo",
+ "enterBaseName": "Ingresa el nombre de la base",
+ "idpPaste": "Pegue estas URLs en la consola de su proveedor de identidad",
+ "noSaml": "No hay autenticaciones SAML configuradas.",
+ "noOIDC": "No hay autenticaciones configuradas de OpenID.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Deshabilitado porque la vista está bloqueada",
+ "basesMigrated": "Bases migradas. Por favor intenta de nuevo.",
"pasteNotSupported": "No se admite la operación de pegado en la celda activa",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "El creador puede crear nuevos proyectos y acceder a cualquier proyecto invitado.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Ingrese la etiqueta de entrada del formulario",
"formHelpText": "Añade algo de texto de ayuda",
"onlyCreator": "Sólo visible por el creador",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Agregar título del formulario",
"formDesc": "Añadir descripción de formulario",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restringir acceso mediante contraseña",
"afterEnablePwd": "Restricción mediante contraseña",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Accede al proyecto a través de",
"submitAnotherForm": "Mostrar el botón 'Presentar otro formulario'",
"showBlankForm": "Muestra un formulario en blanco después de 5 segundos.",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Responder correos electrónicos a",
"showSysFields": "Mostrar campos del sistema",
"filterAutoApply": "Aplicar automáticamente",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Mostrar Mensaje",
"viewNotShared": "La vista actual no está compartida!",
"showAllViews": "Mostrar todas las vistas compartidas de esta tabla",
"collabView": "Los colaboradores con permisos de edición o superior pueden cambiar la configuración de la vista.",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Sincronización de tablas de metadatos activa",
"addMultipleUsers": "Puedes agregar múltiples correos electrónicos separados de coma (,)",
"enterTableName": "Ingrese el nombre de la tabla",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Ingrese la descripción de la tabla...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Ingrese la descripción del campo...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Ingrese la descripción de la vista...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Ingrese el nombre del diseño",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Ingrese el nombre del panel de control",
+ "defaultColumns": "Campos predeterminados",
"addDefaultColumns": "Agregar columnas predeterminadas",
"tableNameInDb": "Nombre de la tabla como se guardó en la base de datos",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Este valor ya está en la lista",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No hay columnas que actualizar",
"tableDeleted": "Tabla borrada con éxito",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Diseño borrado exitosamente",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generar base de sólo lectura compartible públicamente",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta vista?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este diseño?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "¿Desea eliminar la tabla",
"showM2mTables": "Mostrar tablas M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "La relación many-yo-many se soporta a través de una tabla de unión y está oculta por defecto. Active esta opción para listar todas las tablas de este tipo junto con las existentes.",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Campo calculado: el contenido es de sólo lectura. Utilice el menú de edición de columnas para reconfigurar",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Campo calculado: el contenido es de sólo lectura. No se puede borrar el contenido.",
"noMoreRecords": "No más registros",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "El nombre del token no debe estar vacío",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "El nombre del token no debe exceder los 255 caracteres",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Se requiere el nombre de la base de datos",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Se requiere el nombre del espacio de trabajo",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "El nombre del espacio de trabajo debe tener al menos 3 caracteres",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "El nombre del espacio de trabajo debe tener como máximo 50 caracteres",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Eliminar este espacio de trabajo y todo su contenido.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Entiendo que esta acción es irreversible",
+ "pageNotFound": "Página no encontrada",
+ "makeLineBreak": "para hacer un salto de línea",
+ "goToPrevious": "Ir a anterior",
+ "goToNext": "Ir a siguiente",
+ "thankYou": "¡Gracias!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Has enviado correctamente los datos del formulario.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "La edición de la clave del sistema no es compatible",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "No disponible en este momento",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "La operación de pegar en grupo no está soportada en la columna Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "La operación de limpieza en grupo no está soportada en la columna Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Actualizar a la edición Enterprise {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Esta función solo está disponible en la edición Enterprise",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Tu rol actual es",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Por favor solicite un permiso superior al Administrador / Propietario de la Base / Propietario del Espacio de trabajo para obtener acceso a este {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "No puede ocultar todas las opciones si el campo es obligatorio"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Los hooks manuales no se pueden desactivar",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Error al cargar los datos del registro",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Error al obtener datos del calendario",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Error al obtener fechas activas",
+ "scopesRequired": "Se requieren alcances",
+ "domainRequired": "Se requiere nombre de dominio",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Se requiere la URL de autenticación",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Se requiere el atributo de nombre de usuario",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Se requiere ID de cliente",
+ "issuerRequired": "Se requiere emisor",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Se requiere contraseña del cliente",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "Se requiere URL de JWK",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Se requiere URL de Token",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "Se requiere URL de información de usuario",
+ "eitherXML": "Se requiere xml o una URL de metadatos",
+ "nameRequired": "Nombre Requerido",
+ "nameMinLength": "El nombre debe tener al menos 2 caracteres de longitud",
+ "nameMaxLength": "El nombre debe tener como máximo 60 caracteres de longitud",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Se requiere un nombre de vista",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Se requiere nombre de dominio",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "El nombre debe tener como máximo 256 caracteres de longitud",
+ "viewNameUnique": "El nombre de la vista debe ser único",
"searchProject": "Tu búsqueda de {search} no encontró resultados",
"invalidChar": "Caracteres inválidos en la ruta de la carpeta.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Credenciales de Base de Datos incorrectas.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Sin conexión a la base de datos, por favor verifica qué tu base de datos esté en línea.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Año inválido",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "El usuario no existe o tiene permisos insuficientes para crear el esquema.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Parámetros de base de datos no válidos",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Fallo de conexión:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Existe un filtro nulo. Por favor elimínelos",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Se requiere correo electrónico",
"emailInvalid": "E-mail debe ser correcto",
"passwdRequired": "Contraseña requerida",
"passwdLength": "Tu contraseña debe tener al menos 8 carácteres",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Un número",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Un carácter especial",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Lista de caracteres especiales permitidos",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Correos electrónicos inválidos",
+ "invalidEmail": "Email inválido"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "XML inválido",
"invalidURL": "URL no válida",
"invalidEmail": "Email inválido",
"internalError": "Se ha producido algún error interno",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "El nombre debe empezar por un alfabeto o _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Los siguientes caracteres no están permitidos",
"columnNameRequired": "El nombre de la columna es obligatorio",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Nombre de campo duplicado",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nombre ya utilizado para el campo del sistema",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Se requiere el tipo de dato de UI",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "El nombre {title} supera los 50 caracteres",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "El nombre {title} no puede empezar con un espacio",
"requiredField": "Campo obligatorio",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP no permitida",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "El archivo de destino no es un tipo de archivo aceptado",
@@ -1776,12 +1781,12 @@
"fieldRequired": "{value} no puede estar vacía.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Proyecto no accesible",
"copyToClipboardError": "Fallo al copiar al portapapeles",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "No se pudo pegar desde el portapapeles",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Complete la configuración de todos los campos antes de guardar",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Algo salió mal",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "El contenido arrastrado no es del tipo de imagen",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Campo para analizar datos de imagen",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Algunos de los campos requeridos están vacíos"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Metadatos del proyecto exportados con éxito.",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Contraseña cambiada con éxito. Por favor, inicie sesión de nuevo.",
"settingsSaved": "Ajustes guardados correctamente",
"roleUpdated": "Función actualizada correctamente",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integración conectada con éxito",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Los propietarios y creadores de bases ahora pueden agregar una fuente de datos sin volver a ingresar credenciales."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/eu.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/eu.json
index 2174fe2063..a18cc91142 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/eu.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/eu.json
@@ -1,109 +1,110 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Interfaze Berria Sortu",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Datu iturriak konektatu",
"alert": "Alerta",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "alert-message": "Ez da datu-baseekin konektatu. Konektatu datu-baseak interfazeak eraikitzeko. Jauzi urrats hau eta gehitu datu-baseak oinarrizko hasiera orritik geroago.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Hautatu interfaze honekin lotu nahi dituzun Datu-baseak.",
+ "create_interface": "Interfaze sortu",
+ "project_name": "Oinarri Izena",
+ "connect": "Konektatu",
"buttonActionTypes": {
"open_external_url": "Ireki kanpoko lotura",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "delete_record": "Erregistroa ezabatu",
+ "update_record": "Erregistroa eguneratu",
+ "open_layout": "Diseinua ireki"
"widgets": {
"static_text": "Testua",
"chart": "Diagrama",
"table": "Taula",
"image": "Irudia",
- "map": "Map",
+ "map": "Mapa",
"button": "Botoia",
"number": "Zenbakia",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "bar_chart": "Barra Diagrama",
+ "line_chart": "Lerro Diagrama",
+ "area_chart": "Eremu Diagrama",
+ "pie_chart": "Pastel Diagrama",
+ "donut_chart": "Donut Diagrama",
+ "scatter_plot": "Sakabanaketa Diagrama",
+ "bubble_chart": "Burbuila Diagrama",
+ "radar_chart": "Radar Diagrama",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Eremu Polar Diagrama",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Erradial Barra Diagrama",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Berotasun Diagrama",
+ "treemap_chart": "Arbola Diagrama",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Kutxa Diagrama",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Zandleku Diagrama"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Batura",
+ "count": "Zenbatu",
+ "min": "Gutxienekoa",
+ "max": "Gehienekoa",
+ "avg": "Batezbestekoa",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Desbideratze estandarra",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Erdi-tartea",
+ "percent_empty": "Hutsik",
+ "percent_filled": "Betea",
+ "percent_unique": "Bakarrak",
+ "count_unique": "Bakarrak",
+ "count_empty": "Hutsik",
+ "count_filled": "Betea",
+ "earliest_date": "Data minimoa",
+ "latest_date": "Data maximoa",
+ "date_range": "Data erdi-tartea",
+ "month_range": "Hilabete erdi-tartea",
+ "checked": "Markatuta",
+ "unchecked": "Markatu gabea",
+ "percent_checked": "Markatuta",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Markatu gabea",
+ "attachment_size": "Tamaina",
+ "none": "Ezer ez"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Batura",
+ "count": "Zenbatu",
+ "min": "Gutxienekoa",
+ "max": "Gehienekoa",
+ "avg": "Batezbestekoa",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Desbideratze estandarra",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Erdi-tartea",
+ "percent_empty": "Ehuneko hutsik",
+ "percent_filled": "Ehuneko beteak",
+ "percent_unique": "Ehuneko bakarra",
+ "count_unique": "Bakarrak",
+ "count_empty": "Hutsik",
+ "count_filled": "Betea",
+ "earliest_date": "Data minimoaren",
+ "latest_date": "Data maximoaren",
+ "date_range": "Data erdi-tartea",
+ "month_range": "Hilabete erdi-tartea",
+ "checked": "Markatuta",
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+ "percent_unchecked": "Ehuneko markatu gabea",
+ "attachment_size": "Eranskinaren tamaina",
+ "none": "Ezer ez"
"general": {
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+ "configure": "Konfiguratu",
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+ "on": "Piztuta",
+ "onMultiple": "Piztuta anitzetan",
+ "manual": "Eskuzko",
+ "trigger": "Eraldagailua",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
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- "role": "Role",
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@@ -120,17 +121,17 @@
"link": "Esteka",
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+ "logout": "Saioa Itxi",
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"save": "Gorde",
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+ "available": "Dagoeneko",
"abort": "Utzi",
"saving": "Gordetzen",
"cancel": "Ezeztatu",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "escape": "Ihes egin",
"hex": "Hex",
"clear": "Garbitu",
"slack": "Slack",
@@ -140,33 +141,33 @@
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Aipu",
"submit": "Bidali",
"create": "Sortu",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "createEntity": "Sortu {entity}",
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+ "creatingEntity": "Sortzen {entity}",
+ "details": "Xehetasunak",
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+ "action": "Ekintza",
"insert": "Txertatu",
"delete": "Ezabatu",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
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- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
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+ "bulkDelete": "Bulk Ezabatu",
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"deleting": "Ezabatzen",
"update": "Eguneratu",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Eguneratzen",
"rename": "Berrizendatu",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Berrizendatu {entity}",
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@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@
"deprecated": "Zaharkitua",
"showAll": "Dena erakutsi",
"hideAll": "Ezkutatu dena",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Ez da aurkitu",
"showMore": "Erakutsi gehiago",
"showOptions": "Erakutsi aukerak",
"hideOptions": "Ezkutatu aukerak",
@@ -188,8 +189,8 @@
"signIn": "SARTU",
"signOut": "Saioa amaitu",
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- "preferred": "Preferred",
+ "enableScanner": "Eskanerra Aktibatu betetzeko",
+ "preferred": "Lehentasunezkoa",
"mandatory": "Derrigorrezkoa",
"loading": "Kargatzen ...",
"title": "Titulua",
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
"download": "Deskargatu",
"default": "Lehenetsia",
"base": "Iturria",
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"more": "Gehiago",
"less": "Gutxiago",
"event": "Gertaera",
@@ -205,102 +206,102 @@
"after": "Ondoren",
"before": "Aurretik",
"search": "Bilatu",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Bilatu barruan",
"notification": "Jakinarazpena",
"reference": "Erreferentzia",
"function": "Funtzioa",
"confirm": "Berretsi",
- "generate": "Generate",
+ "generate": "Sortu",
"copy": "Kopiatu",
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- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Kopiatuta",
+ "are": "dira",
"misc": "Miszelanea",
"lock": "Blokeatu",
"unlock": "Desblokeatu",
"credentials": "Egiaztagiriak",
"help": "Laguntza",
"questions": "Galderak",
- "reachOut": "Reach out here",
- "betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.",
- "moreInfo": "More information can be found here",
+ "reachOut": "Jarri harremanetan hemen",
+ "betaNote": "Ezaugarri hau beta bertsioan dago gaur egun.",
+ "moreInfo": "Hemen aurki dezakezu informazio gehiago",
"logs": "Log-ak",
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- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Ezaugarriaren arabera pilatu",
+ "insertAfter": "Txertatu eskuinera",
+ "insertBefore": "Txertatu ezkerrera",
+ "insertAbove": "Txertatu aurretik",
+ "insertBelow": "Txertatu ondoren",
"hideField": "Ezkutatu eremua",
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+ "showField": "Eremua erakutsi",
"sortAsc": "Ordenatu gorantz",
"sortDesc": "Ordenatu beherantz",
- "move": "Move",
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- "name": "Name",
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- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
+ "move": "Mugitu",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData Eremua",
+ "type": "Mota",
+ "subType": "Azpi-mota",
+ "name": "Izena",
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+ "old": "Zaharra",
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+ "destination": "Helmuga",
"active": "Aktibo",
"inactive": "Ez aktibo",
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+ "linked": "lotuta",
"finish": "Amaitu",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
+ "avg": "Batezbestekoa",
+ "sum": "Batura",
+ "count": "Zenbaketa",
+ "countDistinct": "Zenbaketa Bereizgarria",
+ "sumDistinct": "Batura Bereizgarria",
+ "avgDistinct": "Batezbesteko Bereizgarria",
+ "join": "Bat egin",
"options": "Ezarpenak",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
+ "primaryValue": "Balio Nagusia",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Erabili Inkestaren Modua",
+ "shift": "Txanda",
"enter": "Sartu",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
+ "seconds": "Segunduak",
"paste": "Itsatsi",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
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- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
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- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
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- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
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- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
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+ "list": "Zerrenda",
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+ "apply": "Aplikatu",
+ "text": "Testua",
+ "appearance": "Itxura",
+ "now": "Orain",
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+ "use": "Erabili",
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+ "ipAddress": "IP helbidea",
+ "integration": "Integrazioa",
+ "integrations": "Integrazioak",
+ "connection": "Konexioa",
+ "connections": "Konexioak",
+ "private": "Pribatua",
+ "request": "Eskaera",
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+ "extensions": "Hedapenak"
"objects": {
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- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
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- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
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+ "year": "Urtea",
+ "workspace": "Lan-espazioa",
+ "workspaces": "Lan-esparruak",
"project": "Proiektua",
"projects": "Proiektuak",
"table": "Taula",
@@ -309,53 +310,53 @@
"fields": "Eremuak",
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"columns": "Zutabeak",
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"webhook": "Webhook",
"webhooks": "Webhookak",
"view": "Bistaratu",
"views": "Bistaratzeak",
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"viewType": {
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+ "grid": "Sareta",
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"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Egutegia",
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"user": "Erabiltzailea",
"users": "Erabiltzaileak",
"role": "Rola",
"roles": "Rolak",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Garatzaile",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Jabea",
"creator": "Sortzailea",
"editor": "Editorea",
"commenter": "Iruzkinlaria",
"viewer": "Ikuslea",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
+ "noaccess": "Sarrera Ez",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
- "orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
- "orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Erakunde mailako Jabea",
+ "orgLevelCreator": "Erakundearen Mailako Sortzailea",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "Erakundearen Mailako Ikuslea"
- "sqlVIew": "SQL View",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "sqlVIew": "SQL Ikuspegia",
+ "rowHeight": "Erregistroaren Altuera",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
+ "short": "Motza",
+ "medium": "Ertaina",
+ "tall": "Altu",
"extra": "Extra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Kanpoko Datu-basea",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple zenbakiak",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "serviceHub": "Zerbitzu Hub-a",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
"microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
+ "serviceCloud": "Zerbitzu Hodei-a",
"snowflake": "Snowflake",
"stripe": "Stripe",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
"postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
"sqlite": "SQLite",
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
- "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
+ "mssqlServer": "MSSQL zerbitzaria",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"telegram": "Telegram",
"whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
@@ -406,37 +407,37 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Integratze guztiak",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Lotu eta kudeatu zeure datubaseak NocoDB-rekin erraz.",
+ "communication": "Komunikazioa",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Aldaketak jasotzen ditu eta komunikazioa taldean NocoDB-rekin erraztu.",
+ "projectManagement": "Proiektuaren kudeaketa",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Hobetzeko proiektuen lan-fluxuak eta zereginen kudeaketa NocoDB-rekin.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimiza ezazu bezeroen erlazioen kudeaketa NocoDB integrazioen bidez.",
+ "marketing": "Marketinga",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Indartu zure marketin ahaleginak NocoDB integrazio boteretsuak erabiliz.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Streamline zure hautagaien jarraipen sistema NocoDB-rekin.",
+ "development": "Garapena",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Azeleratu garapen prozesuak NocoDB integrazioen bidez.",
+ "finance": "Finantzak",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Sinplifikatu finantza eragiketak eta datuei kudeaketa NocoDB-rekin.",
+ "ticketing": "Txartelak",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Kudeatu eta jarraitu laguntza txartelak modu eraginkorrean NocoDB-rekin.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integratu eta antolatu zure biltegiratze irtenbideak modu ezin hobean, NocoDB-rekin.",
+ "others": "Beste batzuk",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Deskubritu NocoDB esperientzia hobetzeko integrazio mendekotasun gehiago.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Kalkulu-orria",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Konektatu eta kudeatu zure kalkulu-orriak NocoDB-rekin."
"datatype": {
"ID": "IDa",
- "ForeignKey": "Foreign Key",
- "SingleLineText": "Single Line Text",
+ "ForeignKey": "Kanpo Gakoa",
+ "SingleLineText": "Testu-lerro Bakuna",
"LongText": "Testu luzea",
"Attachment": "Eranskina",
"Checkbox": "Kontrol laukia",
@@ -457,19 +458,19 @@
"GeoData": "GeoData",
"Rating": "Balorazioa",
"Formula": "Ekuazioa",
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"Lookup": "Lookup",
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- "Barcode": "Barcode",
+ "AutoNumber": "Zenbaki Automatikoa",
+ "Barcode": "Barra-kodea",
"Button": "Botoia",
"Password": "Pasahitza",
"relationProperties": {
"noAction": "Ekintzarik ez",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
+ "cascade": "Kaskada",
"restrict": "Mugatu",
"setNull": "Ezarri NULLa",
"setDefault": "Ezarri lehenetsia"
@@ -480,353 +481,355 @@
"isNotEqual": "ez da honen berdina",
"isLike": "honen antzekoa da",
"isNot like": "ez da honen antzekoa",
- "isEmpty": "is empty",
- "isNotEmpty": "is not empty",
- "isNull": "is null",
- "isNotNull": "is not null"
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+ "isNotEmpty": "ez dago hutsik",
+ "isNull": "null da",
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"title": {
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"webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "URL bidez igo",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
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- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
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+ "removeFile": "Kendu Fitxategia",
"hasMany": "Hainbat ditu",
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- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
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- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
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+ "deleteWs": "Ezabatu Lan-espazioa",
+ "deletingWs": "Lan-espazioa Ezabatzen",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Kopiatu Auth Token",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Auth Token kopiatu da",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Gonbidapen Tokena kopiatu",
+ "showSidebar": "Alboko barra erakutsi",
+ "hideSidebar": "Alboko barra ezkutatu",
+ "creatingTable": "Taula sortzen",
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"newProj": "New Project",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
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"myProject": "My Projects",
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- "userMgmt": "Users Management",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
- "apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokens Management",
- "rolesMgmt": "Roles Management",
+ "formTitle": "Formularioaren Izenburua",
+ "collaborative": "Elkartuta",
+ "locked": "Blokeatuta",
+ "personal": "Pertsonala",
+ "appStore": "App Denda",
+ "teamAndAuth": "Taldea eta Auth",
+ "rolesUserMgmt": "Rolak eta Erabiltzaileen Kudeaketa",
+ "userMgmt": "Erabiltzaileen Kudeaketa",
+ "apiTokens": "API Tokenak",
+ "apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokenen Kudeaketa",
+ "rolesMgmt": "Rolak Kudeaketa",
"projMeta": "Project Metadata",
- "metaMgmt": "Meta Management",
+ "metaMgmt": "Meta Kudeaketa",
"metadata": "Metadatuak",
- "exportImportMeta": "Export / Import Metadata",
- "uiACL": "UI Access Control",
- "metaOperations": "Metadata Operations",
+ "exportImportMeta": "Metadatuak Esportatu/Inportatu",
+ "uiACL": "UI Sarbide Kontrola",
+ "metaOperations": "Metadatuen Operazioak",
"audit": "Ikuskaritza",
"auditLogs": "Audit Logs",
"sqlMigrations": "SQL migrazioak",
- "dbCredentials": "Database Credentials",
- "advancedParameters": "SSL & Advanced parameters",
+ "dbCredentials": "Datubasearen Kredentzialak",
+ "advancedParameters": "SSL eta Parametro aurreratuak",
"headCreateProject": "Create Project | NocoDB",
- "headLogin": "Log In | NocoDB",
+ "headLogin": "Saioa Hasi | NocoDB",
"resetPassword": "Zure pasahitza berrezarri",
"teamAndSettings": "Taldea & ezarpenak",
- "apiDocs": "API Docs",
- "importFromAirtable": "Import From Airtable",
+ "apiDocs": "API Dokumentuak",
+ "importFromAirtable": "Importatu Airtable-tik",
"generateToken": "Sortu tokena",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIak & laguntza",
"helpCenter": "Laguntza gunea",
"noLabels": "Etiketarik ez",
- "swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
- "quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From",
- "quickImport": "Quick Import",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Dokumentazioa",
+ "quickImportFrom": "Importazio Azkarra Hemendik",
+ "quickImport": "Importazio Azkarra",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Inportazio azkarra - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Inportazio azkarra - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Inportazio azkarra - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Inportazio azkarra - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON Editorea",
+ "comingSoon": "Laster",
"advancedSettings": "Ezarpen aurreratuak",
"codeSnippet": "Kode-zatiak",
"keyboardShortcut": "Teklatuko laster-markak",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "generateRandomName": "Izena ausaz sortu",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
+ "tokenManagement": "Token Kudeaketa",
+ "addNewToken": "Token berria gehitu",
+ "createNewToken": "Sortu token berria",
+ "accountSettings": "Kontuaren Ezarpenak",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Pasahitza Berrezarri",
"tokens": "Tokenak",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
+ "userManagement": "Erabiltzaile Kudeaketa",
+ "accountManagement": "Kontuaren kudeaketa",
"licence": "Lizentzia",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Mime mota guztiak onartu",
+ "defaultView": "Ikuspegi lehenetsia",
+ "relations": "Harremanak",
+ "switchLanguage": "Hizkuntza Aldatu",
+ "renameFile": "Fitxategia Berrizendatu",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Ekintzarik ez",
+ "cascade": "Kaskada",
+ "restrict": "Mugatu",
+ "setNull": "Ezarri NULLa",
+ "setDefault": "Ezarri lehenetsia"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Hautatu eskuineko paneletik eremuak hemen gehitzeko",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Ez da aukerarik aurkitu",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Ziur al zaude inprimaki hau bidali nahi duzula?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Pila honek ez duela erregistro rik dirudi",
+ "fromScratch": "Hutsetik",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Fitxategietatik eta kanpoko iturrietatik",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Zuzenenean denbora errealean",
+ "categories": "Kategoriak",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Eremu erregungaitza",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Ez da baldintzarik gehitu"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Aldatze data",
+ "configuration": "Konfigurazioa",
+ "setup": "Konfiguratu",
+ "configLabel": "Konfiguratu {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Ekin prest dagoen aplikazio-datubasera aldatzea",
+ "sharedBase": "Partekatutako Basea",
+ "fieldID": "Zutabearen IDa",
+ "addDescription": "Gehitu deskribapena",
+ "editDescription": "Editatu deskribapena",
+ "urlFormula": "URLa Ekuazioa",
+ "selectIcon": "bat ere ez",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--webhook bat hautatu--",
+ "openUrl": "Ireki URLa",
+ "runWebHook": "Exekutatu Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Klik egitean",
+ "defaultView": "Ikuspegi lehenetsia",
+ "recordInsert": "Erregistroaren sartzea",
+ "recordUpdate": "Erregistroaren aktualizazioa",
+ "recordDelete": "Erregistroaren ezabatzea",
+ "supportDocs": "Laguntzako dokumentuak",
+ "addedOn": "Gehituta",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Erakutsi balio eremu aldatu",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Bilatu erakutsi balio eremua",
+ "changeTitleField": "Aldatu izenburuko eremua",
+ "clearAll": "Garbitu dena",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Bilatu eremuetan lotutako grabazioetatik datuak erakutsi. Aukeratu zehazki ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " taula bertan Lookup eremu bezala gehitzeko.",
+ "formatting": "Formatua",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- - Formatu mota bat aukeratu (aukerazkoa) - -",
+ "formatType": "Formatu mota",
+ "toUpload": "igortzeko",
+ "dragFilesHere": "fitxategiak hemen arrastatu",
+ "browseFiles": "fitxategiak arakatu",
+ "clickTo": "Klik egin",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Mesedez, zure kamerarako sarbidea baimendu",
+ "openFile": "Fitxategia ireki",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Sartu URL baliozko bat fitxategiak igotzeko",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Gehitu fitxategiak URL batetik",
+ "uploading": "Igortzen",
+ "dropHere": "Utzi hemen",
+ "addMore": "Gehitu gehiago",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Garbitu fitxategi guztiak",
+ "integration": "Integratzea",
+ "notRecommended": "Ez da gomendagarria",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "selectView": "Hautatu Ikuspegi bat",
+ "connectionDetails": "Iturri-konexioaren xehetasunak",
+ "metaSync": "Meta Sinkronizazioa",
+ "mention": "Aipatu",
+ "today": "Gaur",
+ "currentDate": "Egungo data",
+ "workspace": "Lan-eremua",
+ "txt": "TXT Erregistroaren balioa",
+ "transferOwnership": "Jabetza transferitu",
+ "recentActivity": "Jarduera Berria",
+ "goToMembers": "Joan Kideetara",
+ "addMember": "Kidea Gehitu",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Kide kopurua",
+ "numberOfBases": "Oinarrien kopurua",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Erregistroen kopurua",
+ "workspaceName": "Lantaldearen Izena",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Jabeik gabeko Lantaldea",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Erabiltzaileak Lantaldera Gonbidatu",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-gonbidatu nahi diren lantaldeak hautatu-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Erakundearen Kideak Gehitu",
+ "memberIn": "Kidea honakoan:",
+ "assignAs": "Esleitu honela",
+ "signOutUser": "Erabiltzailea saioa itxi",
+ "signOutUsers": "Erabiltzaileei saioa itxi",
+ "deactivateUser": "Erabiltzailea desaktibatu",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Erabiltzaileak desaktibatu",
+ "lastActive": "Azken Jardueran",
+ "dateAdded": "Gehitze Data",
+ "uploadImage": "Irudia igo",
+ "organizationProfile": "Erakundeko Profila",
+ "organizationImage": "Erakundeko Irudia",
+ "organizationName": "Erakundearen Izena",
+ "activeDomains": "Domeinu Aktiboak",
+ "domains": "Domeinuak",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Jendaurreko Partekatzea Ezkutatu",
+ "shareSettings": "Partekatzeko Ezarpenak",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Ezabatu Erabiltzailea eta haren datuak",
+ "userOptions": "Erabiltzailearen Aukerak",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Ezabatu Erakunde Hau",
+ "dangerZone": "Arriskuzona",
+ "childView": "Ikuspegi Subi",
+ "selectYear": "Aukeratu urtea",
+ "save": "Gorde",
+ "cancel": "Ezeztatu",
+ "metadataUrl": "Metadatuen URLa",
+ "audience-entityId": "Audientzia/ Entitate IDa",
+ "redirectUrl": "Berzuzendu URLa",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
+ "newProvider": "Hornitzaile berria",
+ "generalSettings": "Ezarpen orokorrak",
+ "adminPanel": "Administrazio Panela",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Lantaldea Erakundera Mugitu",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSOren ezarpenak",
+ "addDomain": "Domeinua Gehitu",
+ "domain": "Domeinua",
+ "settings": "Ezarpenak",
+ "workspaces": "Lan-eremuak",
+ "back": "Itzuli",
+ "dashboard": "Aginte-taula",
+ "organizeBy": "Antolatu honela",
+ "previous": "Aurrekoa",
+ "nextMonth": "Hurrengo hilabetea",
+ "previousMonth": "Aurreko hilabetea",
+ "next": "Hurrengoa",
+ "organiseBy": "Antolatu honela",
+ "heading1": "1. Izenburua",
+ "heading2": "2. Izenburua",
+ "heading3": "3. Izenburua",
+ "bold": "Lodia",
+ "italic": "Etzana",
+ "underline": "Azpimarratua",
+ "strike": "Marratua",
+ "taskList": "Zereginen zerrenda",
+ "bulletList": "Bulet-zerrenda",
+ "numberedList": "Zenbakizko zerrenda",
+ "downloadData": "Datuak Deskargatu",
+ "blockQuote": "Bloke Aipua",
+ "noToken": "Tokenik ez",
+ "tokenLimit": "Erabiltzaile bakoitzeko token bakarra onartzen da",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Fitxategia izenarekin {filename} jada erantsita",
+ "tableIdColon": "TAULA ID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "Ikuspegi ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Helbidera",
+ "subject": "Gaia",
+ "body": "Gorputza",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Komaz banatutako mugikorreko zenbakia",
+ "headerName": "Goiburu izena",
+ "icon": "Ikonoa",
"max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "Testu aberatsa gaitu",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Erregistroaren URL-a kopiatu da",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Erregistroaren URL-a kopiatu",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Bikoiztu errenkada",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Kodeketa formatu bitarra",
+ "syntax": "Sintaxia",
+ "examples": "Adibideak",
+ "durationInfo": "Minututan edo segundutan denbora iraupena (adibidez, 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Goiburua Gehitu",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Sartu URL lehenetsia (Hautazkoa)",
+ "negative": "Negatiboa",
+ "discard": "Baztertu",
+ "default": "Lehenetsia",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Zenbaki lehenetsia (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Iraupen formatua",
+ "dateFormat": "Data formatua",
+ "timeFormat": "Denbora formatua",
+ "singularLabel": "Etiketa singularra",
+ "pluralLabel": "Etiketa plurala",
+ "selectDateField": "Aukeratu data eremua",
+ "endDateField": "Amaiera data eremua",
+ "optional": "(Hautazkoa)",
+ "clickToMake": "Egin klik egiteko",
+ "visibleForRole": "rola ikusteko:",
+ "inUI": "UI aginte-taulan",
+ "projectSettings": "Proiektuaren ezarpenak",
+ "clickToHide": "Klik egin ezkutatzeko",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klik egin deskargatzeko",
+ "forRole": "rolarentzat",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Klik egin Taula ID kopiatzeko",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klik egin Ikuspegi IDa kopiatzeko",
+ "viewMode": "Ikusi modua",
+ "searchUsers": "Erabiltzaileak Bilatu",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "allTables": "Taula guztiak",
+ "members": "Kideak",
+ "dataSources": "Datu iturriak",
+ "connectDataSource": "Kanpoko datu-iturriak konektatu",
+ "searchProjects": "Oinarriak Bilatu",
"createdBy": "Sortzailea:",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Eranskinak ikusten",
+ "readOnly": "Irakurgai soila",
+ "createdOn": "Sortua",
"notifyVia": "Jakinarazi nazazu honekin:",
"projName": "Proiektuaren izena",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profila",
+ "accountDetails": "Kontu xehetasunak",
+ "controlAppearance": "Itxura kontrolatu.",
+ "accountEmailID": "Kontuko Email ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Itzuli Lanespaziora",
+ "untitledToken": "Izenbururik gabeko tokena",
"tableName": "Taularen izena",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Arbelaren izena",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Ikuspegia Sortzen",
+ "duplicateView": "Ikuspegi bikoiztua",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Bikoiztu Sareko Ikuspegia",
+ "createGridView": "Sortu Sareko Ikuspegia",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Bikoiztu Galeria Ikuspegia",
+ "createGalleryView": "Sortu Galeria Ikuspegia",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Bikoiztu Formulario Ikuspegia",
+ "createFormView": "Sortu Formulario Ikuspegia",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Bikoiztu Kanban Ikuspegia",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Bikoiztu egutegiaren ikuspegia",
+ "createKanbanView": "Sortu Kanban Ikuspegia",
+ "createCalendarView": "Sortu egutegiaren ikuspegia",
"viewName": "Ikusi izena",
"viewLink": "Ikusi esteka",
"columnName": "Zutabearen izena",
@@ -834,234 +837,234 @@
"columnType": "Zutabe mota",
"roleName": "Rol izena",
"roleDescription": "Rol azalpena",
- "databaseType": "Type in Database",
- "lengthValue": "Length/ value",
+ "databaseType": "Datubasean Idatzi",
+ "lengthValue": "Luzera/balioa",
"dbType": "Datubase mota",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "zerbitzari izena / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite fitxategi bidea",
+ "hostAddress": "Ostalariaren helbidea",
+ "port": "Portu zenbakia",
"username": "Erabiltzaile izena",
"password": "Pasahitza",
- "schemaName": "Schema name",
+ "schemaName": "Eskema izena",
"database": "Datu-basea",
"action": "Ekintza",
"actions": "Ekintzak",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
- "operationType": "Operation type",
- "operationSubType": "Operation sub-type",
+ "operation": "Operazioa",
+ "operationSub": "Azpi Eragiketa",
+ "operationType": "Operazio mota",
+ "operationSubType": "Operazio azpi-mota",
"description": "Deskribapena",
"authentication": "Autentifikazioa",
- "token": "Token",
- "where": "Where",
- "cache": "Cache",
- "chat": "Chat",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "token": "Tokena",
+ "where": "Non",
+ "cache": "Cachea",
+ "chat": "Txata",
+ "showOrHide": "Erakutsi edo Ezkutatu",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV Fitxategia",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON Fitxategia",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
- "email": "E-mail",
- "storage": "Storage",
+ "email": "E-posta",
+ "storage": "Biltegiratzea",
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL",
- "models": "Models",
- "syncState": "Sync state",
- "created": "Created",
- "sqlOutput": "SQL Output",
+ "models": "Modeloak",
+ "syncState": "Sync egoera",
+ "created": "Sortua",
+ "sqlOutput": "SQL Irteera",
"addOption": "Gehitu aukera",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Interfazearen Kolorea",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
- "barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
- "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
- "barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "barcodeFormat": "Barra-kode formatua",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Karaktere gehiegi QR kode batentzat",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "Karaktere gehiegi barra-kode baterako",
+ "currentLocation": "Egungo Kokapena",
"lng": "Lng",
"lat": "Lat",
- "aggregateFunction": "Aggregate function",
- "dbCreateIfNotExists": "Database : create if not exists",
- "clientKey": "Client Key",
- "clientCert": "Client Cert",
- "serverCA": "Server CA",
- "requriedCa": "Required-CA",
- "requriedIdentity": "Required-IDENTITY",
+ "aggregateFunction": "Funtzio metatzailea",
+ "dbCreateIfNotExists": "Datubasea : sortu ez bada existitzen",
+ "clientKey": "Bezeroaren Gakoa",
+ "clientCert": "Bezeroaren Ziurtagiria",
+ "serverCA": "Zerbitzariaren CA",
+ "requriedCa": "Beharrezkoa-CA",
+ "requriedIdentity": "Beharrezkoa-IDENTITATEA",
"inflection": {
- "tableName": "Inflection - Table name",
+ "tableName": "Aldaketa - Taula izena",
"columnName": "Inflection - Column name"
"community": {
- "starUs1": "Star",
- "starUs2": "us on Github",
- "bookDemo": "Book a Free DEMO",
- "getAnswered": "Get your questions answered",
- "joinDiscord": "Join Discord",
- "joinCommunity": "Join NocoDB Community",
+ "starUs1": "Izarra",
+ "starUs2": "gu GitHub-en",
+ "bookDemo": "Erreserbatu DEMO doakoa",
+ "getAnswered": "Zure galderak erantzun ditzaten",
+ "joinDiscord": "Discord-era batu",
+ "joinCommunity": "NocoDB Komunitatean sartu",
"joinReddit": "Join /r/NocoDB",
- "followNocodb": "Follow NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "followNocodb": "Jarraitu NocoDB",
+ "communityTranslated": "(Komunitate/AItik Itzulia)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
- "docReference": "Document Reference",
- "selectUserRole": "Select User Role",
- "childTable": "Child table",
+ "docReference": "Dokumentazio erreferentzia",
+ "selectUserRole": "Erabiltzaile rola aukeratu",
+ "childTable": "Haur taula",
"childColumn": "Child column",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
- "linkToAnotherRecord": "Link to another record",
- "links": "Links",
- "onUpdate": "On Update",
- "onDelete": "On Delete",
- "account": "Account",
- "language": "Language",
- "primaryColor": "Primary Color",
- "accentColor": "Accent Color",
- "customTheme": "Custom Theme",
- "requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
- "apiKey": "API Key",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
- "importData": "Import data",
- "importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
+ "childField": "Ume eremua",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Harpidetu zaitez hodeira doan",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "Beste erregistro batera esteka",
+ "links": "Estekak",
+ "onUpdate": "Eguneratzeko",
+ "onDelete": "Ezabatzeko",
+ "account": "Kontua",
+ "language": "Hizkuntza",
+ "primaryColor": "Kolore nagusia",
+ "accentColor": "Akzentu kolorea",
+ "customTheme": "Pertsonalizatutako gaia",
+ "requestDataSource": "Datu iturri bat behar duzu?",
+ "apiKey": "API Gakoa",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Pertsonal Sarbide Tokena",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Oinarriko URL Partekatu",
+ "importData": "Datuak inportatu",
+ "importSecondaryViews": "Inportatu Bigarren Mailako Ikuspegiak",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
- "noData": "No Data",
- "goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
- "importing": "Importing",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
- "flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
- "downloadAllowed": "Download allowed",
- "weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
- "primaryKey": "Primary key",
- "hasMany": "has many",
- "belongsTo": "belongs to",
- "manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
- "extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
- "commentsOnly": "Comments only",
- "documentation": "Documentation",
- "subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
- "agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
- "welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
- "inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
+ "importUsers": "Erabiltzaileak Inportatu (email bidez)",
+ "noData": "Daturik ez",
+ "goToDashboard": "Joan arbelera",
+ "importing": "Inportatzen",
+ "formatJson": "Formatua JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Zutabe Mota Automatikoki Hautatu",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Lehen Recordari Burusuak Erabili",
+ "flattenNested": "Inprimaki lehenetsia lautu",
+ "downloadAllowed": "Deskargatzea baimenduta",
+ "weAreHiring": "Lanean ari gara!",
+ "primaryKey": "Gako nagusia",
+ "hasMany": "hainbat ditu",
+ "belongsTo": "dagokio",
+ "manyToMany": "askotan askoren arteko harremana izan",
+ "oneToOne": "elkartze bat dago",
+ "extraConnectionParameters": "Konexio parametro gehigarriak",
+ "commentsOnly": "Iruzkinak soilik",
+ "documentation": "Dokumentazioa",
+ "subscribeNewsletter": "Harpidetu gure asteko buletinera",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "Izen-ematea {provider} erabilita",
+ "signInWithProvider": "Saioa hasi {provider} erabiliz",
+ "agreeToTos": "Erregistratuz, Zerbitzu Baldintzak onartzen dituzu",
+ "welcomeToNc": "Ongietorri NocoDB-ra!",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "Erregistroa soilik gonbidapen URL baten bidez onartzea",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Datuak eskuz gehitu sareko ikuspegian",
+ "addRowForm": "Datu erregistro bat sartu formulario baten bidez",
+ "noAccess": "Sarbiderik ez",
+ "restApis": "Rest APIak",
+ "apis": "APIak",
+ "apiSnippet": "API Zatiak",
+ "includeData": "Datuak Gehitu",
+ "includeView": "Ikuspegia Gehitu",
+ "includeWebhook": "Webhooka Gehitu",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom egin zutabeak ikusteko",
+ "embedInSite": "Txertatu ikuspegi hau zure gunean",
+ "titleRequired": "izena beharrezkoa da.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Iturri izena beharrezkoa da",
+ "changeWsName": "Lanberriaren Izena Aldatu",
+ "pressEnter": "Sakatu Sartu",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Eremu berria",
+ "saveChanges": "Aldaketak gorde",
+ "updatedField": "Eremua eguneratuta",
+ "deletedField": "Eremua ezabatuta",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Konfigurazio osatugabea",
+ "selectField": "Eremu bat hautatu",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Atzeko planoaren kolorea",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Ezkutatu NocoDB markagintza",
+ "showOnConditions": "Erakutsi baldintzetan",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Eremua bakarrik erakusten da baldintzak betetzen direnean",
+ "limitOptions": "Aukerak mugatu",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Erabiltzaileek ikus ditzaketen aukerak mugatu aukeren bidez",
+ "clearSelection": "Garbitu aukeraketa",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Erakutsi aurrerapen bezala",
+ "relationType": "Harremanetarako mota",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Erakutsi milaka bereizgailua",
+ "signUpForFree": "Eman izena doan",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Irudia egokitu",
+ "coverImageArea": "Azal irudia",
+ "syncData": "Datuen sinkronizazioa",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Zure intereseko zerbitzuak erregistratu hauek erabilgarri daudenean abisua jasotzeko",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Bideratu URLa"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook xehetasunak",
+ "hideWeekends": "Aste-buruak ezkutatu",
+ "renameBase": "Oinarriari izena aldatu",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Lan-eremuari izena aldatu",
+ "deactivate": "Desaktibatu",
+ "manageUsers": "Erabiltzaileak kudeatu",
+ "newWorkspace": "Lan-eremu berria",
+ "addDomain": "Domeinua gehitu",
+ "addMembers": "Kideak gehitu",
+ "enterEmail": "Sartu helbide elektronikoak",
+ "inviteToBase": "Gonbidatu Oinarrian",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Gonbidatu Lan-eremura",
+ "addMember": "Gehitu Kidea Oinarrira",
+ "noRange": "Egutegi ikuspegiak data tarte bat behar du",
+ "goToToday": "Joan gaurkotik",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Aldatu albo-barra",
+ "addEndDate": "Gehitu amaiera data",
+ "withEndDate": "amaiera datarekin",
+ "calendar": "Egutegia",
+ "viewSettings": "Ikuspegi ezarpenak",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
- "copyUrl": "Copy URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "registerOIDC": "OIDC nortasun-hornitzailea erregistratu",
+ "registerSAML": "SAML nortasun-hornitzailea erregistratu",
+ "openInANewTab": "Ireki fitxa berri batean",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "IFrame kodea kopiatu",
+ "onCondition": "Baldintzapean",
+ "bulkDownload": "Deskarga Masiboa",
+ "attachFile": "Fitxategia Erantsi",
+ "viewAttachment": "Eranskinak Ikusi",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Egin klik edo erori fitxategi bat gelaxkan",
+ "addFiles": "Gehitu Fitxategia(k)",
+ "hideInUI": "Ezkutatu Erabiltzaile Interfazean",
+ "addBase": "Oinarria Gehitu",
+ "addParameter": "Parametroa Gehitu",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Beste formulario bat bidali",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Arrastatu eta erori eremuak hemen gehitzeko",
+ "editSource": "Datu-Iturria Editatu",
+ "enterText": "Sartu testua",
+ "okEditBase": "Ados & Editatu Oinarria",
+ "showInUI": "Erakutsi Erabiltzaile Interfazean",
+ "outOfSync": "Sinkronizaziotik kanpo",
+ "newSource": "Datu-Iturri berria",
+ "newWebhook": "Webhook berria",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Jendaurreko Sarbidea Gaitu",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Aldaketak gorde nahi dituzu?",
+ "editingAccess": "Editatzeko sarbidea",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Baimendu Ikuspegi Publikoa",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Pasahitzarekin sarbidea mugatu",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Kudeatu Oinarri Sarbidea",
+ "allowDownload": "Deskargatzea baimendu",
+ "surveyMode": "Inkesta Modua",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientazioa",
+ "useTheme": "Erabili Gaia",
+ "copyLink": "Kopiatu Esteka",
+ "copiedLink": "Esteka kopiatu da",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Gonbidapen esteka kopiatu",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Gonbidapen esteka kopiatu da",
+ "copyUrl": "Kopiatu URLa",
+ "moreColors": "Kolore Gehiago",
+ "moveProject": "Oinarria Mugitu",
"createProject": "Create Project",
"importProject": "Import Project",
"searchProject": "Search Project",
@@ -1072,274 +1075,276 @@
"deleteProject": "Delete Project",
"refreshProject": "Refresh projects",
"saveProject": "Save Project",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
- "deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Gorde & Irten",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "Ezaba stack?",
"createProjectExtended": {
- "extDB": "Create By Connecting
To An External Database",
+ "extDB": "Sortu kanpoko datu-base bat
"excel": "Create Project from excel",
"template": "Create Project from template"
"OkSaveProject": "Ok & Save Project",
"upgrade": {
- "available": "Upgrade available",
- "releaseNote": "Release notes",
- "howTo": "How to upgrade ?"
+ "available": "Eguneraketa eskuragarri",
+ "releaseNote": "Bertsio-oharrak",
+ "howTo": "Nola eguneratu?"
- "translate": "Help translate",
+ "translate": "Lagundu itzultzen",
"account": {
- "authToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
- "swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
+ "authToken": "Auth Token kopiatu",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Auth Token kopiatu da",
+ "swagger": "Swagger: REST API-ak",
"projInfo": "Copy Project Info",
- "themes": "Themes"
+ "themes": "Gaiak"
- "sort": "Sort",
- "addSort": "Add Sort Option",
- "filter": "Filter",
+ "sort": "Ordenatu",
+ "addSort": "Gehitu Ordenatzeko Aukera",
+ "filter": "Iragazi",
"addFilter": "Add Filter",
- "share": "Share",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "share": "Partekatu",
+ "groupBy": "Taldekatu",
+ "addSubGroup": "Azpitalde berria",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
- "disable": "Disable shared base",
- "enable": "Anyone with the link",
- "link": "Shared base link"
+ "label": "Oinarri partekatu",
+ "disable": "Oinarria partekatzea desgaitu",
+ "enable": "Lotura duen edonork",
+ "link": "Partekatutako oinarria lotura"
- "invite": "Invite",
- "inviteMore": "Invite more",
- "inviteTeam": "Invite Team",
- "inviteUser": "Invite User",
- "inviteToken": "Invite Token",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
- "newUser": "New User",
- "editUser": "Edit user",
+ "invite": "Gonbidatu",
+ "inviteMore": "Gonbidatu gehiago",
+ "inviteTeam": "Gonbidatu taldea",
+ "inviteUser": "Gonbidatu Erabiltzailea",
+ "inviteToken": "Gonbidapen Tokena",
+ "linkedRecords": "Lotutako Erregistroak",
+ "addNewLink": "Esteka Berria Gehitu",
+ "newUser": "Erabiltzaile berria",
+ "editUser": "Editatu erabiltzailea",
"deleteUser": "Remove user from project",
"resendInvite": "Resend invite E-mail",
"copyInviteURL": "Copy invite URL",
- "copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL",
- "newRole": "New role",
- "reloadRoles": "Reload roles",
- "nextPage": "Next page",
- "prevPage": "Previous page",
- "nextRecord": "Next record",
- "previousRecord": "Previous record",
- "copyApiURL": "Copy API URL",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "Kopiatu pasahitza berrezartzeko URLa",
+ "newRole": "Rola berria",
+ "reloadRoles": "Rolak berriro kargatu",
+ "nextPage": "Hurrengo orria",
+ "prevPage": "Aurreko orria",
+ "nextRecord": "Hurrengo erregistroa",
+ "previousRecord": "Aurreko erregistroa",
+ "copyApiURL": "API URLa kopiatu",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
- "refreshTable": "Tables Refresh",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
- "addField": "Add new field to this table",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "createDashboard": "Aginte Panela Sortu",
+ "createWorkspace": "Lan-espazioa Sortu",
+ "refreshTable": "Taulak Freskatzea",
+ "renameTable": "Taula Berrizendatu",
+ "renameLayout": "Diseinua Berrizendatu",
+ "deleteTable": "Taula Ezabatu",
+ "addField": "Gehitu eremu berria taula honi",
+ "setDisplay": "Erakutsi balio gisa ezarri",
"addRow": "Add new row",
"saveRow": "Save row",
- "saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
- "saveAndStay": "Save & Stay",
+ "saveAndExit": "Gorde eta Irten",
+ "saveAndStay": "Gorde eta Egon",
"insertRow": "Insert New Row",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Delete Row",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Erregistroak Ezabatu",
+ "predictColumns": "Aurreikusi Eremuak",
+ "predictFormulas": "Aurreikusi Ekuazioak",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Delete Selected Rows",
- "importExcel": "Import Excel",
- "importCSV": "Import CSV",
+ "importExcel": "Inportatu Excel",
+ "importCSV": "Inportatu CSV",
"downloadCSV": "Download as CSV",
"downloadExcel": "Download as XLSX",
- "uploadCSV": "Upload CSV",
- "import": "Import",
- "importMetadata": "Import Metadata",
- "exportMetadata": "Export Metadata",
- "clearMetadata": "Clear Metadata",
- "exportToFile": "Export to file",
- "changePwd": "Change Password",
+ "uploadCSV": "Igo CSV",
+ "import": "Inportatu",
+ "importMetadata": "Metadatuak inportatu",
+ "exportMetadata": "Metadatuak esportatu",
+ "clearMetadata": "Metadatuak garbitu",
+ "exportToFile": "Fitxategira esportatu",
+ "changePwd": "Pasahitza aldatu",
"createView": "Create View",
- "shareView": "Share View",
+ "shareView": "Bista partekatu",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
- "listSharedView": "Shared View List",
- "ListView": "Views List",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Bete eskaneatuz",
+ "listSharedView": "Partekaturiko bisten zerrenda",
+ "ListView": "Bisten zerrenda",
"copyView": "Copy view",
- "renameView": "Rename view",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
- "deleteView": "Delete view",
- "createGrid": "Create Grid View",
- "createGallery": "Create Gallery View",
- "createCalendar": "Create Calendar View",
- "createKanban": "Create Kanban View",
- "createForm": "Create Form View",
- "showSystemFields": "Show system fields",
- "openTab": "Open new tab",
- "iFrame": "Copy embeddable HTML code",
- "addWebhook": "Add New Webhook",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
- "newToken": "Add New Token",
- "exportZip": "Export zip",
- "importZip": "Import zip",
- "metaSync": "Sync Now",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "validations": "Validations",
- "previewAs": "Preview as",
- "resetReview": "Reset Preview",
- "testDbConn": "Test Database Connection",
- "removeDbFromEnv": "Remove Database from environment",
- "editConnJson": "Edit connection JSON",
- "sponsorUs": "Sponsor Us",
- "sendEmail": "SEND EMAIL",
+ "renameView": "Ikuspegia berrizendatu",
+ "uploadData": "Datuak Igo",
+ "deleteView": "Ikuspegia ezabatu",
+ "createGrid": "Sortu Grid bista",
+ "createGallery": "Sortu Galeria bista",
+ "createCalendar": "Sortu Egutegi bista",
+ "createKanban": "Sortu Kanban bista",
+ "createForm": "Sortu Formulario bista",
+ "showSystemFields": "Erakutsi sistemaren eremuak",
+ "openTab": "Ireki laster-marka berria",
+ "iFrame": "Kopiatu txertagarri den HTML kodea",
+ "addWebhook": "Gehitu Webhook berria",
+ "enableWebhook": "Webhook Aktibatu",
+ "testWebhook": "Webhook Probatu",
+ "createWebhook": "Webhook sortu",
+ "copyWebhook": "Webhook Kopiatu",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Webhook Ezabatu",
+ "newToken": "Gehitu Token berria",
+ "exportZip": "Esportatu zip-a",
+ "importZip": "Inportatu zip-a",
+ "metaSync": "Jardueren metadatuen sinkronizazioa",
+ "settings": "Ezarpenak",
+ "validations": "Balidazioak",
+ "previewAs": "Bistaratu honela",
+ "resetReview": "Berrezarri aurrebista",
+ "testDbConn": "Datu-basearen konexioa probatu",
+ "removeDbFromEnv": "Kendu datu-basea ingurunetik",
+ "editConnJson": "Editatu konexioaren JSON-a",
+ "sponsorUs": "Egin zaitez gure babesle",
+ "sendEmail": "BIDALI EMAIL-a",
"addUserToProject": "Add user to project",
- "getApiSnippet": "Get API Snippet",
- "clearCell": "Clear cell",
+ "getApiSnippet": "Lortu API Snippet-a",
+ "clearCell": "Gelaxka garbitu",
"addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
- "linkRecord": "Link record",
- "addNewRecord": "Add new record",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
- "useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
- "toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
- "expandRecord": "Expand record",
- "deleteRecord": "Delete record",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "linkRecord": "Lotu erregistroa",
+ "addNewRecord": "Erregistro berria gehitu",
+ "newRecord": "Erregistro berria",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Erregistro berri bat sortu",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' gorde eta lotu da arrakastaz",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Erregistroa Sortu eta Lotu",
+ "useConnectionUrl": "Erabili konexio URLa",
+ "toggleCommentsDraw": "Bistaratu iruzkinen marrazkia",
+ "expandRecord": "Grabazioa zabaldu",
+ "deleteRecord": "Grabazioa ezabatu",
+ "fullWidth": "Zabalera Osoa",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Zabalera Osotik Irten",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Markatu guztiak irakurrita",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Eremua Ezabatu",
+ "addNumber": "Zenbakizko Eremua Gehitu",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Lerro Bakarreko Testua Gehitu",
+ "addLongText": "Testu Luzea Gehitu",
+ "addOther": "Beste Eremu Bat Gehitu"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Columns",
- "showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys",
- "showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views",
- "showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables",
- "showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
+ "showPkAndFk": "Erakutsi Lehen eta Kanpo Gakoak",
+ "showSqlViews": "Erakutsi SQL Ikuspegiak",
+ "showMMTables": "Erakutsi Asko-Asko taulak",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "Erakutsi Junction Taula Izenak"
"kanban": {
- "collapseStack": "Collapse stack",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
- "deleteStack": "Delete stack",
- "stackedBy": "Stacked by",
- "chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
- "addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
+ "collapseStack": "Metapila tolestu",
+ "collapseAll": "Tolestu dena",
+ "expandAll": "Zabaldu dena",
+ "renameStack": "Pilari izena aldatu",
+ "deleteStack": "Metapila ezabatu",
+ "stackedBy": "Pilatuta",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "Aukeratu Taldekatzeko Eremua",
+ "addOrEditStack": "Gehitu / Editatu Stack"
"map": {
"mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Hautatu Mapakatze Eremua",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Aldatu Mugikor Modua",
+ "startCommenting": "Hasi iruzkintzen!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Oraindik ez da iruzkinik!",
+ "clearForm": "Garbitu inprimakia",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Gehitu eremua",
+ "selectAllFields": "Hautatu eremu guztiak",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Aurrez betetzea gaitu",
+ "default": "Lehenetsia",
+ "locked": "Bilguneak irakurterrengoa bezala blokeatuta",
+ "hidden": "Ezkutatu aurreko eremuak",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Aurrez betetako balioa"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Aurrez betetako esteka lortu",
+ "group": "Taldea",
+ "goToDocs": "Joan Dokumentetara",
+ "addCondition": "Gehitu baldintza",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Gehitu baldintza-taldea"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Gaitu konexio hau pribatu eta lan-espazio honetako beste sortzaileetatik ezkutatuta uzteko.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Aukerakoa. \"{database}\" datubase lehenetsia erabiliko da hutsik uzten bada",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Aukerakoa. \"{schema}\" eskema lehenetsia erabiliko da hutsik uzten bada.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Eskema editatzea desgaituta dago datu iturri honetarako.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Datu-mota hau ez dago onartuta.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Aukera honek datu-basearen eskema aldatzea ahalbidetzen du, taulak eta zutabeak gehitzea, aldatzea edo ezabatzea barne. Erabil ezazu kontu handiz, aldaketek zure datu-basearen osotasun estrukturalean eragina izan dezaketelako.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Aukera honek datubaseko taulen erregistroak sortzea, eguneratzea edo ezabatzea ahalbidetzen du. Ideala datuetan zuzenean aldaketak behar dituzten erabiltzaile administratiboentzat.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
+ "saveChanges": "Gorde aldaketak",
"xcDB": "Create a new project",
- "extDB": "Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite",
- "apiRest": "Accessible via REST APIs",
- "apiGQL": "Accessible via GraphQL APIs",
+ "extDB": "MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server eta SQLite onartzen ditu",
+ "apiRest": "REST APIen bidez eskuragarri",
+ "apiGQL": "GraphQL APIen bidez eskuragarri",
"theme": {
- "dark": "It does come in Black (^⇧B)",
- "light": "Does it come in Black ? (^⇧B)"
+ "dark": "Hain zuzen ere beltzez dator (^⇧B)",
+ "light": "Beltzez dator? (^⇧B)"
- "addTable": "Add new table",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
- "inviteMore": "Invite more users",
- "toggleNavDraw": "Toggle navigation drawer",
- "reloadApiToken": "Reload API tokens",
- "generateNewApiToken": "Generate new API token",
- "addRole": "Add new role",
- "reloadList": "Reload list",
+ "addTable": "Gehitu taula berria",
+ "addDashboard": "Aginte Panela Berri Gehitu",
+ "inviteMore": "Gonbidatu erabiltzaile gehiago",
+ "toggleNavDraw": "Aldatu nabigazio tiradera",
+ "reloadApiToken": "API tokenak berriro kargatu",
+ "generateNewApiToken": "Sortu API token berria",
+ "addRole": "Gehitu rol berria",
+ "reloadList": "Zerrenda berriro kargatu",
"metaSync": "Sync metadata",
- "sqlMigration": "Reload migrations",
- "updateRestart": "Update & Restart",
- "cancelReturn": "Cancel and Return",
- "exportMetadata": "Export all metadata from the meta tables to meta directory.",
- "importMetadata": "Import all metadata from the meta directory to meta tables.",
- "clearMetadata": "Clear all metadata from meta tables.",
- "clientKey": "Select .key file",
- "clientCert": "Select .cert file",
- "clientCA": "Select CA file",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "sqlMigration": "Migrazioak berriro kargatu",
+ "updateRestart": "Eguneratu eta berrabiarazi",
+ "cancelReturn": "Bertan behera utzi eta itzuli",
+ "exportMetadata": "Esportatu metadatu guztiak meta taulaetatik meta direktoriara.",
+ "importMetadata": "Inportatu metadatu guztiak meta direktoriatik meta taulaetara.",
+ "clearMetadata": "Garbitu meta taulako metadatu guztiak.",
+ "clientKey": "Hautatu .key fitxategia",
+ "clientCert": "Hautatu .cert fitxategia",
+ "clientCA": "Hautatu CA fitxategia",
+ "changeIconColour": "Ikonoaren kolorea aldatu",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Inprimaki modua orri bakoitzeko eremu bakunarekin",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Erabili eremuaren edizio menu fitxategia inportatu ondoren mota bihurketetarako",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rol espazioa jatorrizko",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Laster! Egin klik behar duzun integrazioa bozkatzeko NocoDB-n."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Bilatu ikonoak",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Aukeratu Slack kanalak",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Aukeratu Microsoft Teams kanalak",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Aukeratu Discord kanalak",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Aukeratu Mattermost kanalak",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhookaren Izenburua",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Hautatu kode-barra baliorako eremu bat",
+ "notFoundContent": "Ez da eremu mota baliodunik aurkitu.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Hautatu kode-barra formatua",
"projName": "Enter Project Name",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Hautatu Taldekatzeko Eremu bat",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Ez da Eremurik aurkitu Banako Aukeratuterako. Mesedez sortu lehenik bat.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Aukeratu azal irudiaren ezaugarria",
+ "selectGeoField": "Hautatu GeoDatu Eremua",
+ "notSelected": "-aukeratu gabe-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Ez da GeoDatu Eremurik aurkitu. Mesedez sortu lehenik bat.",
"password": {
- "enter": "Enter the password",
- "current": "Current password",
- "new": "New password",
- "save": "Save password",
- "confirm": "Confirm new password"
+ "enter": "Sartu pasahitza",
+ "current": "Oraingo pasahitza",
+ "new": "Pasahitz berria",
+ "save": "Gorde pasahitza",
+ "confirm": "Berretsi pasahitz berria"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
- "searchProjectTree": "Search tables",
- "searchFields": "Search fields",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Hautatu QR kode baliorako eremu bat",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Zenbaki negatiboak onartu",
+ "searchProjectTree": "Bilatu taulak",
+ "searchFields": "Bilatu eremuak",
"searchColumn": "Search {search} column",
- "searchApps": "Search apps",
- "searchModels": "Search models",
- "noItemsFound": "No items found",
- "defaultValue": "Default value",
- "filterByEmail": "Filter by E-mail",
- "filterQuery": "Filter query",
- "selectField": "Select field",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "searchApps": "Bilatu aplikazioak",
+ "searchModels": "Bilatu ereduak",
+ "noItemsFound": "Ez da elementurik aurkitu",
+ "defaultValue": "Balio lehenetsia",
+ "filterByEmail": "Iragazi E-posta bidez",
+ "filterQuery": "Filtro kontsulta",
+ "selectField": "Hautatu eremua",
+ "precision": "Doitasuna",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,440 +1353,440 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Balioa",
+ "key": "Gakoa",
+ "createTable": "Sortu zure Lehen Taula!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "API Tokenik sortu ez da",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Zure taldea gonbidatu",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Bilatu aukerak"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Baliogabeko botoi konfigurazioa",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Baliogabeko zutabe konfigurazioa",
+ "invalidTheme": "Hautatu gai baliozko bat",
+ "invalidColor": "Hautatu kolore baliozko bat",
+ "invalidType": "Botoi mota 'webhook' edo 'url' izan daiteke",
+ "invalidLabel": "Idatzi etiketa baliozko bat",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Funtzio hau ez dago erabilgarri zure datu-basearentzat",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kudeatu zure erakundearen izena eta itxura.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Gehitu enpresa domeinuak nahi ez diren erabiltzaileei sarbidea mugatzeko.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Mugatu erabiltzaileek oinarriak publikoki partekatzeko gaitasuna.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Aukeratu kentzeko eta erakundeko lan-eremu guztietatik ezabatzeko erabiltzaileak.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Ezabatu erakunde honi lotutako erabiltzaile guztiak, oinarriak eta datuak",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Egin klik Field Id kopiatzeko",
+ "enterPassword": "Sartu pasahitza",
+ "bySigningUp": "Erregistratuta, onartzen duzu",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Harpidetu zure astero argitaratzen den buletin elektronikoan",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Pasahitza egiaztatzen",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Bistaratze partekatua babestuta dago",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Formularioaren datuak arrakastaz bidali dira",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Formularioko bistaratzea ez dago erabilgarri mugikorrean",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Agenda ikuspegia ez dago erabilgarri mugikorrean",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Formulario berria {seconds} segundo barru kargatuko da",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Kontsulta optimizatua desgaituta dago",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Kontsulta optimizatua gaituta dago",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Begirada eremua ez da Erreferentziarik gabe laguntzen",
+ "invalidTime": "Ordu baliogabea",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Ez duzu {type} onarturiko estekarik",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Erregistroa ezin izan da aurkitu",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Telefono zenbaki baliogabea",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Orri tamaina aldatu da",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Errorea datuak kargatzerakoan",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Erabili testuinguruko aldagaia",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "gorputza",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "aztertzen ari den grabazioa aipatzeko",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Argibidea: Erabili {placeholder1} eremuak aipatzeko, adibidez: {placeholder2}. Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, kontsultatu",
+ "hintEnd": "Ekuazioak.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Ez da ekuazio proposaturik aurkitu",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Ez da eremu iradokiturik aurkitu",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} {position} posizioan {type} bat behar du",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Zenbakizko mota espero da",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Kate mota espero da",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} eragiketa ez dago erabilgarri",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Eremua ezin da gorde ekuazioa baliogabea delako",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Eremua ezin da aipatu {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Espero da {type} mota baina aurkitu da {found} mota",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} {requiredArguments} argumentu behar ditu",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} gutxieneko {minRequiredArguments} argumentu behar ditu",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} gehienezko {maxRequiredArguments} argumentu behar ditu",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} funtzioa ez dago erabilgarri",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() lehen parametroak data balioa izan behar du",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() funtzioaren bigarren parametroak \"igandea\", \"astelehena\", \"asteartea\", \"asteazkena\", \"osteguna\", \"ostirala\" edo \"larunbata\" balioa izan behar du",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() funtzioaren lehen parametroak data balioa izan behar du",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() funtzioaren bigarren parametroak balio zenbakia izan behar du",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() funtzioaren hirugarren parametroak \"eguna\", \"astea\", \"hilabetea\" edo \"urtea\" balioa izan behar du",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() funtzioaren lehen parametroak data balioa izan behar du",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() funtzioaren bigarren parametroak data balioa izan behar du",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() funtzioaren hirugarren parametroak balio izan behar du: \"milisegundoak\", \"ms\", \"segundoak\", \"s\", \"minutuak\", \"m\", \"orduak\", \"h\", \"egunak\", \"d\", \"asteak\", \"w\", \"hilabeteak\", \"M\", \"hiruhilekoak\", \"Q\", \"urteak\", edo \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "{columnName} eremua ez dago erabilgarri",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Ezingo da eremua gorde, zirkular erreferentzia bat sortzen baitu",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "{columnName} eremuko {columnType} mota aurkitu da baina {expectedType} mota espero da",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} ez dator {columnType} motarekin bat"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Aukera hautatuak ezin dira hutsik egon",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect eremuetan ezin dira komak(',') egon",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Aukera hautatuek ezin dituzte bikoizketak izan",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Sortu izen berria duen aukera"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Mesedez, zenbaki bat sartu",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Mesedez, mezu elektronikoa sartu",
+ "invalidDate": "Data baliogabea",
+ "invalidLocale": "Locale baliogabea",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Moneta kode baliogabea",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'dirua' motak berezko moneta-konfigurazioak ditu",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Barcode eremuarentzako Baliozko Eremu Mota: Zenbakia, Linea Bakun Testua, Testu Luzea, Telefono Zenbakia, URL, Emaila, Hamartar. Mesedez, sortu lehenik bat.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Askok Harremana dute",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Taula bateko erregistro bakarra ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " hainbat erregistrotan lotu daiteke taula batetik "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Askok Askorekin Harremana dute",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Taula bateko erregistro anitz ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " hainbat erregistrotan lotu daiteke taula batetik "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Harreman bat Duen Zati da",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Taula bateko erregistro bakarra ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " taula bateko erregistro batekin lotu daiteke "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Bat Bat Harremana du",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Taula bateko erregistro bakarra ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " taula bateko erregistro bakar batekin lotu daiteke "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Dirudienez, oraindik ez daude erregistroak lotuta.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Ez dago erregistro loturik",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Ez dago estekatutako erregistrorik",
+ "recordsLinked": "erregistroak lotuta daude",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Onartu bakarrik {type} baliozkoa",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Sortu API token pertsonalak automatizazioan edo kanpoko aplikazioetan erabiltzeko.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Hautatu Eremua ordenatzeko",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Eremua aukeratu talde gisa",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Ez dago erregistrorik taulan",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Ez dago lotzeko erabilgarri dauden erregistroak",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Hasi zaitez web-hook-ekin!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Eman abiadura zure automatizazioei. Eman jakinarazpenak datuetan aldaketak dauden momentuan",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Ziur al zaude hauek ezabatu nahi dituzula",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Ziur zaude hau {deleteLabel} ezabatu nahi duzula",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID eremua beharrezkoa da, geroago izena aldatu dezakezu.",
+ "length59Required": "Luzerak gehienez 59 karaktere baino gehiago gainditzen du",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Ez duzu jakinarazpen berririk",
+ "noRecordFound": "Ez da erregistro aurkitu",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Ez da erregistrorik aurkitu",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Ez dago zure bilaketa-irizpideekin bat datorren erregistrorik",
+ "rowDeleted": "Erregistroa ezabatu da",
+ "saveChanges": "Aldaketak gorde nahi dituzu?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Eremua handiegia da {entity}-ra bihurtzeko",
+ "roleRequired": "Rola beharrezkoa",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Webhook honekin erlazionatutako botoi eremuak kaltetuta egongo dira",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban ikuspegiak eremu bakar bat hautatzea eskatzen du konfiguratu ahal izateko. Saiatu Kanban ikuspegia optimizatzen eremu bakar bat gehitu ondoren!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Mapa ikuspegiak geo-datu eremu bat eskatzen du konfiguratu ahal izateko. Saiatu mapa ikuspegia optimizatzen geo-datu eremu bat gehitu ondoren!",
+ "dbValid": "Ziurtatu datubasearen baliotasuna eskema-galerak ekiditeko",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
+ "renderError": "Barra-kode errorea - mesedez egiaztatu sarrera eta barra-kode motaren arteko bateragarritasuna"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
- "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Abisua: Konputatutako eremua - ezin da testua ezabatu",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Abisua: QR eremuak ezin dira zuzenean aldatu.",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Abisua: Barra-kodeen eremuak ezin dira zuzenean aldatu."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Ziur zaude oinarria bikoiztu nahi duzula?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Ziur zaude taula bikoiztu nahi duzula?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Ezingo duzu alda eremu baten ikusgarritasuna eremu hori editatzen ari den bitartean. Mesedez, gorde edo hautaz erabili aldaketak lehenik.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Ezin duzu editatzen ari den eremua mugitu. Aldaketak gorde edo baztertu lehenik",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Ezin duzu ezabatutako eremua mugitu. Aldaketak gorde edo baztertu lehenik"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Ezin izango duzu erregistroak datetan zehar arrastatu, kalkulatutako edo sistemako eremuak erabiltzen direnean.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Eskema aldaketak ez daude gaituta iturri honetarako",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Sartu lan-eremuaren izena",
+ "enterBaseName": "Sartu oinarrizko izena",
+ "idpPaste": "Itsatsi URL hauek zure nortasun-hornitzailearen kontsolan",
+ "noSaml": "Ez dago SAML autentifikazio konfiguratuta.",
+ "noOIDC": "Ez dago konfiguratutako OpenID autentifikaziorik.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Ezgaituta, Ikuspegia blokeatuta baitago",
+ "basesMigrated": "Oinarriak migratu dira. Mesedez saiatu berriro.",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "Itsatsi eragiketa ez dago erabilgarri jarduera zelulan",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Eskanerra kargatzen...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Muga gainditu duzu.",
+ "closeLimit": "Hurbiltzen ari zara mugara.",
+ "limitNumber": "Maparen ikuspegian erakusten diren markatzaile kopurua 1000 erregistrokoa da."
"footerInfo": "Rows per page",
- "upload": "Select file to Upload",
- "upload_sub": "or drag and drop file",
- "excelSupport": "Supported: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "excelURL": "Enter excel file URL",
- "csvURL": "Enter CSV file URL",
+ "upload": "Hautatu igo beharreko fitxategia",
+ "upload_sub": "edo arrastatu eta jaregin fitxategia",
+ "excelSupport": "Onartua: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "excelURL": "Sartu excel fitxategiaren URLa",
+ "csvURL": "Sartu CSV fitxategiaren URLa",
"footMsg": "# of rows to parse to infer datatype",
- "excelImport": "sheet(s) are available for import",
- "exportMetadata": "Do you want to export metadata from meta tables?",
- "importMetadata": "Do you want to import metadata from meta tables?",
- "clearMetadata": "Do you want to clear metadata from meta tables?",
+ "excelImport": "orrialde(a) inportatzeko eskuragarri daude",
+ "exportMetadata": "Meta tauletatik metadatuak esportatu nahi dituzu?",
+ "importMetadata": "Meta tauletatik metadatuak inportatu nahi dituzu?",
+ "clearMetadata": "Meta taulatik metadatuak garbitu nahi dituzu?",
"projectEmptyMessage": "Get started by creating a new project",
"stopProject": "Do you want to stop the project?",
"startProject": "Do you want to start the project?",
"restartProject": "Do you want to restart the project?",
"deleteProject": "Do you want to delete the project?",
- "shareBasePrivate": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
- "shareBasePublic": "Anyone on the internet with this link can view",
- "userInviteNoSMTP": "Looks like you have not configured mailer yet! Please copy above invite link and send it to",
- "dragDropHide": "Drag and drop fields here to hide",
- "formInput": "Enter form input label",
- "formHelpText": "Add some help text",
- "onlyCreator": "Only visible to Creator",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
- "formDesc": "Add form description",
- "beforeEnablePwd": "Restrict access with a password",
- "afterEnablePwd": "Access is password restricted",
- "privateLink": "This view is shared via a private link",
- "privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "People with private link can only see cells visible in this view",
+ "shareBasePrivate": "Sortu publikoa partekatzeko irakurgailu oinarririk",
+ "shareBasePublic": "Interneteko edonork esteka honekin ikus dezake",
+ "userInviteNoSMTP": "Badirudi ez duzula oraindik postontzia konfiguratu! Mesedez, kopiatu goiko gonbidapen esteka eta bidali",
+ "dragDropHide": "Arrastatu eta jaregin eremuak hemen ezkutatzeko",
+ "formInput": "Sartu formulario sarrera-etiketa",
+ "formHelpText": "Gehitu laguntza testu bat",
+ "onlyCreator": "Sortzaileari bakarrik ikusgai",
+ "formTitle": "Gehitu inprimakiaren izenburua",
+ "formDesc": "Gehitu formularioaren deskribapena",
+ "beforeEnablePwd": "Mugatu sarbidea pasahitz batekin",
+ "afterEnablePwd": "Sarbidea pasahitzarekin mugatuta dago",
+ "privateLink": "Ikuspegi hau esteka pribatu baten bidez partekatua da",
+ "privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Esteka pribatuarekin dutenek ikus dezakete ikuspegi honetan ikusgai dauden gelaxkak bakarrik",
"postFormSubmissionSettings": "Post Form Submission Settings",
"apiOptions": "Access Project via",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Show 'Submit Another Form' button",
- "showBlankForm": "Show a blank form after 5 seconds",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
- "showSysFields": "Show system fields",
- "filterAutoApply": "Auto apply",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
- "viewNotShared": "Current view is not shared!",
- "showAllViews": "Show all shared views of this table",
- "collabView": "Collaborators with edit permissions or higher can change the view configuration.",
- "lockedView": "No one can edit the view configuration until it is unlocked.",
- "personalView": "Only you can edit the view configuration. Other collaborators’ personal views are hidden by default.",
- "ownerDesc": "Can add/remove creators. And full edit database structures & fields.",
- "creatorDesc": "Can fully edit database structure & values.",
- "editorDesc": "Can edit records but cannot change structure of database/fields.",
- "commenterDesc": "Can view and comment the records but cannot edit anything",
- "viewerDesc": "Can view the records but cannot edit anything",
- "addUser": "Add new user",
- "staticRoleInfo": "System defined roles can't be edited",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Erakutsi 'Bete beste formulario bat' botoia",
+ "showBlankForm": "Erakutsi formulario huts bat 5 segundoren buruan",
+ "emailForm": "Bidali mezuak helbide honetara",
+ "showSysFields": "Erakutsi sistema eremuak",
+ "filterAutoApply": "Aplikatu automatikoki",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Erakutsi mezua",
+ "viewNotShared": "Oraingo ikuspegia ez dago partekatua!",
+ "showAllViews": "Erakutsi taula honen ikuspegi partekatu guztiak",
+ "collabView": "Editatzeko baimenak dituzten kolaboratzaileek edo gehiagok aldatu dezakete ikuspegiaren konfigurazioa.",
+ "lockedView": "Ez dago inork ikuspegiaren konfigurazioa editatzen itxita egon arte.",
+ "personalView": "Zu bakarrik editatu dezakezu ikuspegiaren konfigurazioa. Beste kolaboratzaileen ikuspegi pertsonalak ezkutatuta daude lehenespenez.",
+ "ownerDesc": "Sortzaileak gehitu/kendu ditzake. Eta datu baseen egiturak eta eremuak guztiz editatu.",
+ "creatorDesc": "Datu basearen egitura eta balioak guztiz editatu ditzakete.",
+ "editorDesc": "Erregistroak editatu ditzakete baina ezin dute datu basearen/eremuen egitura aldatu.",
+ "commenterDesc": "Erregistroak ikusi eta iruzkinak egin ditzake, baina ezin du ezer editatu",
+ "viewerDesc": "Erregistroak ikusi ditzake baina ezin du ezer editatu",
+ "addUser": "Gehitu erabiltzailea berria",
+ "staticRoleInfo": "Sistemak definitutako rolak ezin dira editatu",
"exportZip": "Export project meta to zip file and download.",
"importZip": "Import project meta zip file and restart.",
"importText": "Import NocoDB Project by uploading metadata zip file",
- "metaNoChange": "No change identified",
- "sqlMigration": "Schema migrations will be created automatically. Create a table and refresh this page.",
- "dbConnectionStatus": "Environment validated",
- "dbConnected": "Connection was successful",
+ "metaNoChange": "Ez da aldaketarik identifikatu",
+ "sqlMigration": "Eschemaren migraketak automatikoki sortuko dira. Sortu taula bat eta freskatu orri hau.",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "Ingurunea balioztatuta",
+ "dbConnected": "Konexioa arrakastatsua izan da",
"notifications": {
- "no_new": "No new notifications",
- "clear": "Clear"
+ "no_new": "Ez da abisu berririk",
+ "clear": "Garbitu"
"sponsor": {
- "header": "You can help us!",
- "message": "We are a tiny team working full time to make NocoDB Open-source. We believe a tool like NocoDB should be available freely to every problem solver on Internet."
+ "header": "Lagundu ahal diguzu!",
+ "message": "Talde txiki bat gara NocoDB Kode Irekia egiten jarduten denbora osoan lan egiten. Uste dugu NocoDB bezalako tresna bat interneteko konponbide bakoitzeko libre egon beharko litzatekeela."
- "loginMsg": "Log In To NocoDB",
+ "loginMsg": "Saioa hasi NocoDB",
"passwordRecovery": {
- "message_1": "Please provide the email address you used when you signed up.",
- "message_2": "We will send you an email with a link to reset your password.",
- "success": "Please check your email to reset the password"
+ "message_1": "Mesedez, eman izena eman zenuen email helbidea.",
+ "message_2": "Zure pasahitza berrezartzeko esteka bat duen email bat bidaliko dizugu.",
+ "success": "Egiaztatu zure emaila pasahitza berrezartzeko"
"signUp": {
- "superAdmin": "You will be the 'Super Admin'",
- "alreadyHaveAccount": "Already have an account ?",
- "workEmail": "Enter your work email",
- "enterPassword": "Enter your password",
- "forgotPassword": "Forgot your password ?",
- "dontHaveAccount": "Don't have an account ?"
+ "superAdmin": "'Super Admin' izango zara",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "Dagoeneko kontu bat duzu?",
+ "workEmail": "Sartu zure laneko emaila",
+ "enterPassword": "Sartu zure pasahitza",
+ "forgotPassword": "Ahaztu zaizu zure pasahitza?",
+ "dontHaveAccount": "Ez duzu konturik?"
"addView": {
- "grid": "Add Grid View",
- "gallery": "Add Gallery View",
- "form": "Add Form View",
- "kanban": "Add Kanban View",
- "map": "Add Map View",
- "calendar": "Add Calendar View"
+ "grid": "Gehitu Sareta Ikuspegia",
+ "gallery": "Gehitu Galeria Ikuspegia",
+ "form": "Gehitu Formulario Ikuspegia",
+ "kanban": "Gehitu Kanban Ikuspegia",
+ "map": "Mapa Ikuspegi Gehitzea",
+ "calendar": "Gehitu Egutegi Ikuspegia"
- "tablesMetadataInSync": "Tables metadata is in Sync",
- "addMultipleUsers": "You can add multiple comma(,) separated emails",
- "enterTableName": "Enter table name",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "tablesMetadataInSync": "Taulen metadatuak sinkronizatuta daude",
+ "addMultipleUsers": "Gehitu dezakezu koma(,)-z banatutako email anitz",
+ "enterTableName": "Sartu taularen izena",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Idatzi taula deskribapena...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Idatzi eremu deskribapena...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Idatzi ikuspegi deskribapena...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Sartu diseinuaren izena",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Sartu aginte-panelaren izena",
+ "defaultColumns": "Lehenetsitako eremuak",
"addDefaultColumns": "Add default columns",
- "tableNameInDb": "Table name as saved in database",
+ "tableNameInDb": "Taularen izena datu-basean gordeta dagoen bezala",
"airtable": {
- "credentials": "Where to find this?"
+ "credentials": "Non aurkitu dezaket hau?"
"import": {
- "clickOrDrag": "Click or drag file to this area to upload"
+ "clickOrDrag": "Klikatu edo arrastatu fitxategia eremu honetara igotzeko"
- "metaDataRecreated": "Table metadata recreated successfully",
- "invalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials",
- "downloadingMoreFiles": "Downloading more files",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Required field can't be moved",
- "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary key",
- "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment field is not editable",
- "editingPKnotSupported": "Editing primary key not supported",
- "deletedCache": "Deleted cache successfully",
- "cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty",
- "exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully",
- "valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
+ "metaDataRecreated": "Taula metadatuak berreraiki dira arrakastaz",
+ "invalidCredentials": "Egiaztagiri baliogabeak",
+ "downloadingMoreFiles": "Fitxategi gehiago deskargatzen",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "Arbelera kopiatu da",
+ "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Ezinbesteko eremua ezin da mugitu",
+ "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Eguneratzea ez da onartzen gako primariorik ez duten taulentzat",
+ "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment eremua ez da editagarria",
+ "editingPKnotSupported": "Gako primarioa editatzea ez da onartzen",
+ "deletedCache": "Cachea arrakastaz ezabatu da",
+ "cacheEmpty": "Cachea hutsik dago",
+ "exportedCache": "Cachea arrakastaz esportatu da",
+ "valueAlreadyInList": "Balio hau dagoeneko zerrendan dago",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
- "tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
- "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
- "deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
- "deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
- "showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
- "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
+ "tableDeleted": "Taula arrakastaz ezabatu da",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Diseinua arrakastaz ezabatu da",
+ "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Sortu partekatze publikoko irakurketa bakar bat",
+ "deleteViewConfirmation": "Ziur zaude ikuspegi hau ezabatu nahi duzula?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Ziur zaude diseinu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?",
+ "deleteTableConfirmation": "Mahaiari ezabatu nahi diozu",
+ "showM2mTables": "Erakutsi M2M Taulak",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Asko-asko erlazioa junction taula baten bidez onartzen da eta jatorriz ezkututa dago. Aktibatu aukera hau horrelako taulak existitzen diren taulak zerrendatzeko.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Erakutsi gelaxketan NULL",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Erakutsi 'NULL' etiketa NULL balioa duten gelaxketan. Honek testu hutsa duten gelaxken aurka bereizten laguntzen du.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Erakutsi NULL eta HUTSA Iragazkian",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Aktibatu 'gehigarriak' diren iragazkiak NULL eta Testu hutsak dituzten eremuak bereizteko. Hutsik definizioak berdintzen ditu NULL eta Testu hutsak.",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Stack hau ezabatzean `{stackToBeDeleted}` aukera kenduko da `{groupingField}`-etik. Erregistroak kategoria gabeko stack-era mugituko dira.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
- "noMoreRecords": "No more records",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "noMoreRecords": "Ez dago gehiagorik erregistroetan",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token izena ezin da hutsik egon",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token izena ezin da 255 karaktere baino gehiago izan",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Datu-basearen izena beharrezkoa da",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Lan-espazioaren izena beharrezkoa da",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Lan-espazioaren izenak gutxienez 3 karaktere izan behar ditu",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Lan-espazioaren izenak gehienez 50 karaktere izan behar ditu",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Ezabatu lan-espazio hau eta bere eduki guztiak.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Ulertzen dut ekintza hau itzulezina dela",
+ "pageNotFound": "Orrialdea ez da aurkitu",
+ "makeLineBreak": "lerro-jauzi bat egiteko",
+ "goToPrevious": "Joan aurrekora",
+ "goToNext": "Joan hurrengora",
+ "thankYou": "Eskerrik asko!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Formularioaren datuak arrakastaz aurkeztu dituzu.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Sistemaren gakoak editatzea ez da onartzen",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Une honetan ez dago eskuragarri",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Talde itsasteko eragiketa ez da onartzen Link/LinkToAnotherRecord zutabeetan",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Talde garbiketa eragiketa ez da onartzen Lotura / LoturaBesteErregistroBatera zutabean",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Eguneratu Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Ezaugarri hau Enterprise edizioan soilik eskuragarri dago",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Zure uneko rola da",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Eskatu sarbide handiagoa Administratzaileari / Base jabea / Workspace jabea {viewName} sarbidea izateko",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Ezin dituzu aukera guztiak ezkutatu eremua beharrezkoa bada"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
- "searchProject": "Your search for {search} found no results",
- "invalidChar": "Invalid character in folder path.",
- "invalidDbCredentials": "Invalid database credentials.",
- "unableToConnectToDb": "Unable to connect to database, please check your database is up.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
- "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "User does not exist or have sufficient permission to create schema.",
- "dbConnectionStatus": "Invalid database parameters",
- "dbConnectionFailed": "Connection Failure:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Eskuzko hook-ak ezin dira desgaitu",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Errorea erregistroen datuak kargatzean",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Errorea egutegiaren datuak eskuratzean",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Errorea datu aktiboak eskuratzean",
+ "scopesRequired": "Esparruak behar dira",
+ "domainRequired": "Domeinu izena beharrezkoa da",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Auth URLa behar da",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Erabiltzaile-izena atributua behar da",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Bezeroaren IDa behar da",
+ "issuerRequired": "Igorlea behar da",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Bezeroaren sekretua behar da",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URLa behar da",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URLa behar da",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "Erabiltzaile informazio URLa behar da",
+ "eitherXML": "Xml edo metadatuen url bat behar da",
+ "nameRequired": "Izena beharrezkoa da",
+ "nameMinLength": "Izenak gutxienez 2 karaktere izan behar ditu",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Izenak gehienez 60 karaktere izan behar ditu",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Ikusi izena beharrezkoa da",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Domeinu izena beharrezkoa da",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Izenak gehienez 256 karaktere izan behar ditu",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Ikusi izena bakarra izan behar da",
+ "searchProject": "Zure {search} bilaketak ez du emaitzarik aurkitu",
+ "invalidChar": "Karpetaren bidean karaktere baliogabea dago.",
+ "invalidDbCredentials": "Datu-basearen egiaztagiri baliogabeak.",
+ "unableToConnectToDb": "Ezin da konektatu datu-basera, egiaztatu zure datu-basea martxan dagoen.",
+ "invalidYear": "Urte baliogabea",
+ "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Erabiltzailea ez dago edo ez du baimen nahikorik eskema bat sortzeko.",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "Datu-basearen parametro baliogabeak",
+ "dbConnectionFailed": "Konektatzeko hutsegitea:",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Filtro hutsik dago. Kendu mesedez",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Emaila beharrezkoa da",
"emailInvalid": "E-mail must be valid",
- "passwdRequired": "Password is required",
- "passwdLength": "You password must be atleast 8 characters",
- "passwdMismatch": "Passwords do not match",
- "completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character",
- "atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters",
- "atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter",
- "atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
- "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
- "allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "passwdRequired": "Pasahitza beharrezkoa da",
+ "passwdLength": "Zure pasahitzak gutxienez 8 karaktere izan behar ditu",
+ "passwdMismatch": "Pasahitzek ez dute bat egiten",
+ "completeRuleSet": "Gutxienez 8 karaktere, letra larriz azpitik, zenbaki bat eta karaktere berezi bat",
+ "atLeast8Char": "Gutxienez 8 karaktere",
+ "atLeastOneUppercase": "Letra larri bat gutxienez",
+ "atLeastOneNumber": "Zenbaki bat",
+ "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Karaktere berezi bat",
+ "allowedSpecialCharList": "Onartutako karaktere berezien zerrenda",
+ "invalidEmails": "Emailak baliogabeak",
+ "invalidEmail": "Email baliogabea"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
- "invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
- "internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
- "templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
- "fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
+ "invalidXml": "XML baliogabea",
+ "invalidURL": "URL baliogabea",
+ "invalidEmail": "E-posta Baliogabea",
+ "internalError": "Barne errore bat gertatu da",
+ "templateGeneratorNotFound": "Txantiloi-sortzailea ezin da aurkitu!",
+ "fileUploadFailed": "Fitxategia igotzeak huts egin du",
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column",
- "formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description",
+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "Datuak luzeegiak dira formularioaren deskribapenerako",
"columnsRequired": "Following columns are required",
"selectAtleastOneColumn": "At least one column has to be selected",
"columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination column for",
- "duplicateMappingFound": "Duplicate mapping found, please remove one of the mapping",
- "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null value violates not-null constraint",
- "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Source data contains some invalid numbers",
- "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Source data contains some invalid boolean values",
- "invalidForm": "Invalid Form",
- "formValidationFailed": "Form validation failed",
- "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "You have been signed out",
- "failedToLoadList": "Failed to load list",
- "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Failed to load children list",
- "deleteFailed": "Delete failed",
- "unlinkFailed": "Unlink failed",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "Mapatze bikoiztua aurkitu da, mesedez kendu mapaketa bat",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null balioak ez-du-null murriztapena urratzen du",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Iturburu-datuek zenbaki baliogabe batzuk dituzte",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Iturburu-datuek balio boolear baliogabe batzuk dituzte",
+ "invalidForm": "Formulario baliogabea",
+ "formValidationFailed": "Formularioaren balioztatzeak huts egin du",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "Saioa amaitu duzu",
+ "failedToLoadList": "Zerrenda kargatzeak huts egin du",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Haur zerrenda kargatzeak huts egin du",
+ "deleteFailed": "Ezabapenak huts egin du",
+ "unlinkFailed": "Desestekatzeak huts egin du",
"rowUpdateFailed": "Row update failed",
"deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete row",
- "setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data",
- "formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view",
- "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
- "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
- "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "Formulario datuak ezartzeak huts egin du",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "Formulario-ikuspegia eguneratzeak huts egin du",
+ "tableNameRequired": "Taula izena beharrezkoa da",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Izenak alfabetoz edo _ -rekin hasi behar du",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Hurrengo karaktereak ez dira onartzen",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Zutabe izen bikoiztua",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Izena jada erabiltzen da sistema eremurako",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI datu mota beharrezkoa da",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
- "requiredField": "Required field",
- "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
- "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
- "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
- "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
- "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} izenak 50 karaktere baino gehiago ditu",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} izena ezin da hutsune batekin hasi",
+ "requiredField": "Eremu beharrezkoa",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IPa ez dago onartuta",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Helburu-fitxategia ez da onartutako fitxategi mota bat",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "Onartutako fitxategi mota .csv da",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Onartutako fitxategi motak .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots dira",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parametro gakoa ezin da hutsik egon",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Parametro gako bikoiztuak ez dira onartzen",
+ "fieldRequired": "Eremu hau ezin da hutsik egon.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "copyToClipboardError": "Huts egin da arbelean kopiatzean",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Akatsa, arbeletik itsatsi ezin izan da",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Mesedez, osatu eremu guztien konfigurazioa gorde aurretik",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Zerbait gaizki joan da",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Arrastatutako edukia ez da irudi mota",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Irudi datuak analizatzeko eremua",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Beharrezko eremuetako batzuk hutsik daude"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Project metadata exported successfully",
@@ -1791,55 +1796,55 @@
"startProject": "Project started successfully",
"restartProject": "Project restarted successfully",
"deleteProject": "Project deleted successfully",
- "authToken": "Auth token copied to clipboard",
+ "authToken": "Auth tokena arbelean kopiatu da",
"projInfo": "Copied project info to clipboard",
"inviteUrlCopy": "Copied invite URL to clipboard",
- "createView": "View created successfully",
- "formEmailSMTP": "Please activate SMTP plugin in App store for enabling email notification",
- "collabView": "Successfully Switched to collaborative view",
- "lockedView": "Successfully Switched to locked view",
- "futureRelease": "Coming soon!"
+ "createView": "Ikuspegia arrakastaz sortu da",
+ "formEmailSMTP": "Mesedez aktibatu SMTP plugin-a App dendan email jakinarazpenak gaitzeko",
+ "collabView": "Ikuspegi kolaboratiboan arrakastaz aldatu da",
+ "lockedView": "Ikuspegi blokeatuan arrakastaz aldatu da",
+ "futureRelease": "Laster iritsiko da!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Lizentzia giltza eguneratu da",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
- "updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
+ "updatedUIACL": "UI ACL taulentzat arrakastaz eguneratu da",
"pluginUninstalled": "Configuration reset successfully",
- "pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
- "pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
- "tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
- "viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
+ "pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin ezarpenak arrakastaz gorde dira",
+ "pluginTested": "Plugin ezarpenak arrakastaz probatu dira",
+ "tableRenamed": "Taula izenburua arrakastaz berrizendatu da",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Diseinua berrizendatu da arrakastaz",
+ "viewDeleted": "Ikuspegia arrakastaz ezabatu da",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
- "tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
- "updated": "Successfully updated",
- "sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
- "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
- "viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
- "tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
- "tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
+ "tableDataExported": "Taula-datu guztiak arrakastaz esportatu dira",
+ "updated": "Arrakastaz eguneratua",
+ "sharedViewDeleted": "Ikuspegi partekatua arrakastaz ezabatu da",
+ "userDeleted": "Erabiltzailea arrakastaz ezabatu",
+ "viewRenamed": "Ikuspegia arrakastaz berrizendatu da",
+ "tokenGenerated": "Tokena arrakastaz sortu da",
+ "tokenDeleted": "Tokena arrakastaz ezabatu da",
"userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project",
- "userAdded": "Successfully added user",
+ "userAdded": "Erabiltzailea ongi gehitu da",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project",
- "inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
- "inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
- "shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
- "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
- "userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
- "tableDataImported": "Successfully imported table data",
- "webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully",
- "webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully",
- "webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully",
+ "inviteEmailSent": "Gonbidapena bidaltzeko posta elektronikoa arrakastaz bidali da",
+ "inviteURLCopied": "Gonbidapen URLa klip-aukeran kopiatu da",
+ "commentCopied": "Iruzkina arbelean kopiatu dago",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "Pasahitza berrezartzeko URLa arbeleara kopiatuta",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "Oinarrizko partekatzailea URLa klip-aukeran kopiatu da!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Txertagarri HTML kodea kopiatu da!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "Erabiltzailearen xehetasunak arrakastaz eguneratu dira",
+ "tableDataImported": "Taula-datuak arrakastaz inportatu dira",
+ "webhookUpdated": "Webhook xehetasunak arrakastaz eguneratu dira",
+ "webhookDeleted": "Kirtena arrakastaz ezabatu da",
+ "webhookTested": "Webhoka arrakastaz probatu da",
"columnUpdated": "Column updated",
"columnCreated": "Column created",
- "passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
- "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
- "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "passwordChanged": "Pasahitza arrakastaz aldatu da. Mesedez, berriz saioa hasi.",
+ "settingsSaved": "Ezarpenak arrakastaz gorde dira",
+ "roleUpdated": "Rola arrakastaz eguneratu da",
+ "connectionAdded": "Integrazioa ongi konektatu da",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Oinarri jabeek eta sortzaileek jada datu iturri bat gehi dezakete kredentzialak berriro sartu beharrik gabe."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/fa.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/fa.json
index 1a1522a8bd..cdca9a6b24 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/fa.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/fa.json
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "یک رابط جدید ایجاد کنید",
+ "connect_data_sources": "منابع داده را متصل کنید",
"alert": "هشدار",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
+ "alert-message": "هیچ پایگاه دادهای متصل نشده است. برای ساخت رابطها، پایگاههای داده را متصل کنید. این مرحله را رد کنید و بعداً از صفحه اصلی پایگاه دادهها را اضافه کنید.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "پایگاههای دادهای که میخواهید به این رابط لینک کنید، انتخاب کنید.",
+ "create_interface": "ایجاد رابط",
"project_name": "نام پایه",
"connect": "اتصال",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
+ "open_external_url": "باز کردن لینک خارجی",
"delete_record": "حذف رکورد",
- "update_record": "بروزرسانی رکورد",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "update_record": "بهروزرسانی رکورد",
+ "open_layout": "طرحبندی را باز کنید"
"widgets": {
"static_text": "متن",
@@ -24,86 +24,87 @@
"number": "عدد",
"bar_chart": "نمودار میله ای",
"line_chart": "نمودار خطی",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
+ "area_chart": "نمودار منطقهای",
"pie_chart": "نمودار دایره ای",
"donut_chart": "نمودار دونات",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
+ "scatter_plot": "نمودار نقطهای",
+ "bubble_chart": "نمودار حبابی",
"radar_chart": "نمودار راداری",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "polar_area_chart": "نمودار منطقهای قطبی",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "نمودار میلهای شعاعی",
+ "heatmap_chart": "نمودار نقشه گرما",
+ "treemap_chart": "نمودار نقشه درختی",
+ "box_plot_chart": "نمودار جعبهای",
+ "candlestick_chart": "نمودار شمعی"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "مجموع",
+ "count": "تعداد",
+ "min": "مینیمم",
+ "max": "ماکزیمم",
+ "avg": "میانگین",
+ "median": "میانه",
+ "std_dev": "انحراف معیار",
+ "histogram": "هیستوگرام",
+ "range": "بازه",
+ "percent_empty": "خالی",
+ "percent_filled": "پر شده",
+ "percent_unique": "يکتا",
+ "count_unique": "يکتا",
+ "count_empty": "خالی",
+ "count_filled": "پر شده",
+ "earliest_date": "تاریخ مینیمم",
+ "latest_date": "تاریخ ماکزیمم",
+ "date_range": "بازه",
+ "month_range": "بازه",
+ "checked": "بررسی شده",
+ "unchecked": "بررسی نشده",
+ "percent_checked": "بررسی شده",
+ "percent_unchecked": "بررسی نشده",
+ "attachment_size": "اندازه",
+ "none": "هیچ کدام"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "مجموع",
+ "count": "تعداد",
+ "min": "مینیمم",
+ "max": "ماکزیمم",
+ "avg": "میانگین",
+ "median": "میانه",
+ "std_dev": "انحراف معیار",
+ "histogram": "هیستوگرام",
+ "range": "بازه",
+ "percent_empty": "درصد خالی",
+ "percent_filled": "درصد پر شده",
+ "percent_unique": "درصد یکتا",
+ "count_unique": "يکتا",
+ "count_empty": "خالی",
+ "count_filled": "پر شده",
+ "earliest_date": "قدیمیترین تاریخ",
+ "latest_date": "جدیدترین تاریخ",
+ "date_range": "محدوده تاریخ",
+ "month_range": "محدوده ماه",
+ "checked": "بررسی شده",
+ "unchecked": "بررسی نشده",
+ "percent_checked": "درصد چک شده",
+ "percent_unchecked": "درصد چک نشده",
+ "attachment_size": "اندازه پیوست",
+ "none": "هیچ کدام"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "اسکریپتها",
+ "configure": "پیکربندی",
+ "switch": "تعویض",
+ "on": "روشن",
+ "onMultiple": "بر روی چندگانه",
+ "manual": "راهنما",
+ "trigger": "راهانداز",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
+ "style": "سبک",
+ "label": "برچسب",
+ "role": "نقش",
+ "general": "عمومی",
"quit": "خروج",
"home": "خانه",
"load": "لود کردن",
@@ -120,63 +121,63 @@
"link": "لینک",
"links": "لینک ها",
"remove": "حذف",
- "import": "Import",
+ "import": "وارد کردن",
"logout": "خروج از حساب کاربری",
"empty": "خالی",
"changeIcon": "تغییر آیکون",
"save": "ذخیره",
"available": "در دسترس",
"abort": "لغو",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "saving": "درحال ذخیره",
"cancel": "لغو",
- "null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "null": "خالی",
+ "escape": "صرف نظر کردن",
"hex": "هگزادسیمال",
"clear": "پاک کردن",
- "slack": "Slack",
+ "slack": "اسلک",
"comment": "دیدگاه",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
- "discord": "Discord",
+ "discord": "دیسکورد",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "نقل قول",
"submit": "ارسال",
"create": "ایجاد",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "createEntity": "ایجاد {entity}",
+ "creating": "ایجاد",
+ "creatingEntity": "در حال ایجاد {entity}",
+ "details": "جزئیات",
+ "skip": "رد کردن",
+ "code": "کد",
"duplicate": "کپی کردن",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "کپی کردن",
+ "duplicateEntity": "تکرار {entity}",
+ "activate": "فعال",
+ "action": "اقدام",
"insert": "درج کردن",
"delete": "حذف",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "حذف {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "درج دسته جمعی",
+ "bulkDelete": "حذف دسته جمعی",
+ "bulkUpdate": "به روزرسانی دسته جمعی",
+ "deleting": "درحال حذف",
"update": "بهروزرسانی",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "در حال به روز رسانی",
"rename": "تغییر نام",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "تغییر نام {entity}",
"reload": "بارگذاری مجدد",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "نوسازی",
"reset": "بازنشانی",
"install": "نصب",
"show": "نمایش",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "دسترسی",
+ "visibility": "وضعیت نمایش",
"hide": "پنهان کردن",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "مستهلک شده",
"showAll": "نمایش همه",
"hideAll": "پنهان کردن همه",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "یافت نشد",
"showMore": "بیشتر",
"showOptions": "نمایش گزینهها",
"hideOptions": "پنهان کردن گزینهها",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "بارگذاری",
"download": "دانلود",
"default": "پیشفرض",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "منبع",
+ "datasource": "منبع اطلاعات",
"more": "بیشتر",
"less": "کمتر",
"event": "رویداد",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "بعد از",
"before": "قبل از",
"search": "جستوجو کردن",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "جستوجو در",
"notification": "اعلان",
"reference": "ارجاع",
"function": "تابع",
"confirm": "تایید",
"generate": "تولید کردن",
"copy": "کپی",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "کپی شد",
+ "are": "هستند",
"misc": "متفرقه",
"lock": "قفل کردن",
"unlock": "باز کردن",
@@ -224,19 +225,19 @@
"betaNote": "این ویژگی درحال حاضر در نسخه بتا می باشد.",
"moreInfo": "اطلاعات بیشتری اینجا قابل دسترسی است",
"logs": "گزارشها",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
+ "groupingField": "پشته بر اساس فیلد",
+ "insertAfter": "درج در سمت راست",
+ "insertBefore": "درج در سمت چپ",
+ "insertAbove": "درج در بالا",
"insertBelow": "درج در زیر",
"hideField": "مخفی کردن فیلد",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "نمایش فیلد",
"sortAsc": "مرتبسازی صعودی",
"sortDesc": "مرتبسازی نزولی",
"move": "انتقال",
"geoDataField": "فیلد داده جغرافیایی",
"type": "نوع",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "زیر نوع",
"name": "نام",
"changes": "تغییرات",
"new": "جدید",
@@ -258,47 +259,47 @@
"avgDistinct": "میانگین مقادیر یکتا",
"join": "پیوستن",
"options": "گزینهها",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
+ "primaryValue": "مقدار اولیه",
+ "useSurveyMode": "استفاده از حالت نظرسنجی",
"shift": "جابجایی",
"enter": "وارد کردن",
"seconds": "ثانیه ها",
"paste": "جای گذاری",
"restore": "بازیابی",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
+ "replace": "جایگزینی",
+ "banner": "بنر",
+ "logo": "لوگو",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "list": "فهرست",
+ "verify": "تأیید",
+ "apply": "اعمال",
+ "text": "متن",
+ "appearance": "ظاهر",
+ "now": "اکنون",
+ "set": "اعمال",
+ "format": "قالببندی",
+ "colour": "رنگ",
+ "use": "استفاده",
+ "stack": "دسته",
+ "ipAddress": "آدرس IP",
+ "integration": "یکپارچه سازی",
+ "integrations": "یکپارچهسازیها",
+ "connection": "اتصال",
+ "connections": "اتصالات",
+ "private": "خصوصی",
+ "request": "درخواست",
+ "languages": "زبان ها",
+ "extension": "افزونه",
+ "extensions": "افزونه ها"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
+ "files": "فایلها",
+ "owner": "مالک",
+ "member": "عضو",
+ "day": "روز",
+ "week": "هفته",
+ "month": "ماه",
+ "year": "سال",
"workspace": "فضای کار",
"workspaces": "فضاهای کاری",
"project": "پروژه",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "فیلدها",
"column": "ستون",
"columns": "ستونها",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "سلول",
+ "cells": "سلول ها",
"page": "صفحه",
"pages": "صفحات",
"record": "سابقه",
@@ -341,40 +342,40 @@
"viewer": "بیننده",
"noaccess": "بدون دسترسی",
"superAdmin": "مدیر ارشد",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "مالک سطح سازمانی",
"orgLevelCreator": "تولید کننده سطح سازمانی",
"orgLevelViewer": "مشاهده کننده سطح سازمانی"
"sqlVIew": "نمای SQL",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "ارتفاع رکورد",
"heightClass": {
"short": "کوتاه",
"medium": "متوسط",
"tall": "بلند",
"extra": "اضافه"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "پایگاه داده خارجی",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
- "asana": "Asana",
- "box": "Box",
+ "appleNumbers": "اعداد اپل",
+ "asana": "آسانا",
+ "box": "جعبه",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
"googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
- "hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "hubspot": "هاباسپات",
+ "serviceHub": "هاب خدمات",
"jira": "Jira",
- "mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
- "microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
+ "mailchimp": "میلچیمپ",
+ "microsoftAccess": "مایکروسافت اکسس",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
- "snowflake": "Snowflake",
- "stripe": "Stripe",
+ "serviceCloud": "ابر خدمات",
+ "snowflake": "اسنوفلیک",
+ "stripe": "راه راه",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
"tableau": "Tableau",
"trello": "Trello",
@@ -387,9 +388,9 @@
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
"mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
"oracle": "Oracle",
- "telegram": "Telegram",
- "whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
- "gmail": "Gmail",
+ "telegram": "تلگرام",
+ "whatsapp": "واتساپ",
+ "gmail": "جیمیل",
"pipedrive": "Pipedrive",
"microsoftDynamics365": "Microsoft Dynamics 365",
"zohoCrm": "Zoho CRM",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "همه یکپارچه سازی ها",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "بهراحتی بانک اطلاعاتی خود را با NocoDB متصل و مدیریت کنید.",
+ "communication": "ارتباطات",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "با تغییرات مطلع شوید و ارتباطات تیمی خود را با NocoDB بهبود بخشید.",
+ "projectManagement": "مدیریت پروژه",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "جریانکاری پروژه و مدیریت وظایف را با NocoDB ارتقا دهید.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "مدیریت ارتباط با مشتریان خود را از طریق یکپارچهسازیهای NocoDB بهینه کنید.",
+ "marketing": "بازاریابی",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "تلاشهای بازاریابی خود را با یکپارچهسازیهای قدرتمند NocoDB افزایش دهید.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "atsSubtitle": "سیستم پیگیری متقاضیان خود را با NocoDB سادهسازی کنید.",
+ "development": "توسعه",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "فرایندهای توسعه را با یکپارچهسازیهای NocoDB تسریع کنید.",
+ "finance": "مالی",
+ "financeSubtitle": "عملیات مالی و مدیریت دادههای خود را با NocoDB ساده کنید.",
+ "ticketing": "بلیطینگ",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "مدیریت و پیگیری بلیطهای پشتیبانی را بهصورت کارا با NocoDB انجام دهید.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "راهحلهای ذخیرهسازی خود را بهصورت یکپارچه با NocoDB ادغام و سازماندهی کنید.",
+ "others": "سایر",
+ "othersSubtitle": "کشف ادغامهای چندمنظوره اضافی برای بهبود تجربه NocoDB شما.",
+ "ai": "هوش مصنوعی",
+ "spreadSheet": "صفحهگسترده",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "صفحهگستردههای خود را با NocoDB متصل و مدیریت کنید."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "تهی نیست"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "جستجوی وبهوک",
+ "webcam": "وبکم",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "بارگذاری از طریق URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
+ "renameBase": "تغییر نام پایگاه",
+ "renameWorkspace": "تغییر نام فضای کار",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "در حال تغییر نام فضای کار",
+ "renamingBase": "در حال تغییر نام پایگاه",
+ "sso": "احراز هویت (SSO)",
"docs": "مستندات",
"forum": "انجمن",
"parameter": "پارامتر",
"headers": "سربرگ",
"parameterName": "نام پارامتر",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
+ "currencyLocale": "محل واحد پولی",
"currencyCode": "کد واحد پولی",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "searchMembers": "جستجوی اعضا",
+ "noMembersFound": "هیچ عضوی یافت نشد",
+ "dateJoined": "تاریخ پیوستن",
+ "tokenName": "نام توکن",
+ "inDesktop": "در دسکتاپ",
+ "rowData": "دادههای رکورد",
+ "creator": "ایجادکننده",
+ "qrCode": "کد QR",
+ "termsOfService": "شرایط استفاده از خدمات",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "به روز رسانی ردیفهای انتخاب شده",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "هیچ فیلتری اضافه نشده است",
+ "editCards": "ویرایش کارتها",
+ "noFieldsFound": "هیچ فیلدی یافت نشد",
+ "displayValue": "مقدار نمایش",
+ "expand": "گسترش",
+ "hideAll": "پنهان کردن همه",
+ "hideSystemFields": "مخفی کردن فیلدهای سیستم",
+ "removeFile": "حذف فایل",
+ "hasMany": "بسیار دارد",
+ "manyToMany": "بسیار به بسیار",
+ "oneToOne": "یک به یک",
+ "virtualRelation": "رابطه مجازی",
+ "linkMore": "لینک بیشتر",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "لینک کردن رکوردهای بیشتر",
+ "linkRecords": "لینک کردن رکورد",
+ "downloadFile": "دانلود فایل",
+ "renameTable": "تغییر نام جدول",
+ "renamingTable": "در حال تغییر نام جدول",
+ "renamingWs": "در حال تغییر نام فضای کار",
+ "renameWs": "تغییر نام فضای کار",
+ "deleteWs": "حذف فضای کار",
+ "deletingWs": "در حال حذف فضای کار",
+ "copyAuthToken": "کپی توکن اعتبارسنجی",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "توکن اعتبارسنجی کپی شد",
+ "copyInviteToken": "کپی توکن دعوتنامه",
+ "showSidebar": "نمایش نوار کناری",
+ "hideSidebar": "مخفی کردن نوار کناری",
+ "creatingTable": "ایجاد جدول",
"erdView": "نمای ERD",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "منبع اطلاعات جدید",
"newProj": "پروژه جدید",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "ایجاد پروژه",
"myProject": "پروژههای من",
"formTitle": "عنوان فرم",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "مشارکتی",
+ "locked": "قفل شده",
+ "personal": "شخصی",
"appStore": "اپلیکیشنها",
"teamAndAuth": "تیم و نویسندگان",
"rolesUserMgmt": "مدیریت نقشها و کاربران",
"userMgmt": "مدیریت کاربران",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "توکنهای API",
"apiTokenMgmt": "مدیریت توکنهای API",
"rolesMgmt": "مدیریت نقشها",
"projMeta": "فرادادههای پروژه",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "ایجاد کردن توکن",
"APIsAndSupport": "API ها و پشتیبانی",
"helpCenter": "مرکز کمک",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "بدون برچسب",
"swaggerDocumentation": "مستندات Swagger",
"quickImportFrom": "ایمپورت سریع از",
"quickImport": "ایمپورت سریع",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "واردات سریع - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "واردات سریع - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "واردات سریع - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "واردات سریع - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "ویرایشگر JSON",
+ "comingSoon": "به زودی",
"advancedSettings": "تنظیمات پیشرفته",
"codeSnippet": "تکه کد",
"keyboardShortcut": "میانبر های کیبورد",
"generateRandomName": "ایجاد نام تصادفی",
"findRowByScanningCode": "پیدا کردن ردیف با اسکن کیو آر کد یا بارکد",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "مدیریت توکن",
+ "addNewToken": "اضافه کردن توکن جدید",
+ "createNewToken": "ایجاد توکن جدید",
+ "accountSettings": "تنظیمات حساب کاربری",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "بازنشانی کلمه عبور",
+ "tokens": "توکنها",
+ "userManagement": "مدیریت کاربران",
+ "accountManagement": "مدیریت حساب",
+ "licence": "مجوز",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "اجازه انواع فایلهای MIME",
+ "defaultView": "نمای پیش فرض",
+ "relations": "روابط",
+ "switchLanguage": "تغییر زبان",
+ "renameFile": "تغییر نام فایل",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "بدون اقدام",
+ "cascade": "آبشاری",
+ "restrict": "محدود کردن",
+ "setNull": "تهی قرار دادن",
+ "setDefault": "تنظیم پیشفرض"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "فیلدهای انتخاب شده از پنل سمت راست را برای افزودن اینجا انتخاب کنید",
+ "noOptionsFound": "هیچ گزینه ای یافت نشد",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "آیا اطمینان دارید که میخواهید این فرم را حذف کنید؟",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "به نظر میرسد این پشته هیچ رکوردی ندارد",
+ "fromScratch": "از ابتدا",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "از فایلها و منابع خارجی",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "مستقیم در زمان واقعی",
+ "categories": "دستهبندیها",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "فیلد غیرقابل دسترس",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "هیچ شرطی اضافه نشده است"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "تغییر در",
+ "configuration": "پیکربندی",
+ "setup": "راه اندازی",
+ "configLabel": "پیکربندی {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "به یک پایگاه داده آماده تولید تغییر دهید",
+ "sharedBase": "پایگاه به اشتراک گذاشته شده",
+ "fieldID": "شناسه فیلد",
+ "addDescription": "افزودن توضیحات",
+ "editDescription": "ویرایش توضیحات",
+ "urlFormula": "فرمول URL",
+ "selectIcon": "هیچ کدام",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--انتخاب یک وبهوک--",
+ "openUrl": "باز کردن URL",
+ "runWebHook": "اجرای وبهوک",
+ "onClick": "با کلیک",
+ "defaultView": "نمای پیشفرض",
+ "recordInsert": "درج رکورد",
+ "recordUpdate": "بهروزرسانی رکورد",
+ "recordDelete": "حذف رکورد",
+ "supportDocs": "مستندات پشتیبانی",
+ "addedOn": "افزوده شده در",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "تغییر فیلد مقدار نشاندهنده",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "انتخاب فیلد مقدار نشاندهنده",
+ "changeTitleField": "تغییر فیلد عنوان",
+ "clearAll": "پاک کردن همه",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "فیلدهای جستجو دادهها را از رکوردهای مرتبط نشان میدهند. فیلدهای خاصی را از ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " جدول انتخاب کنید تا آنها را به عنوان فیلدهای جستجو به این جدول اضافه کنید.",
+ "formatting": "قالببندی",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -یک نوع فرمت را انتخاب کنید (اختیاری)- -",
+ "formatType": "قالب تایپ",
+ "toUpload": "برای بارگذاری",
+ "dragFilesHere": "فایلها را اینجا بکشید",
+ "browseFiles": "مرور فایلها",
+ "clickTo": "کلیک کنید تا",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "لطفاً به دوربین خود دسترسی بدهید",
+ "openFile": "باز کردن فایل",
+ "enterValidUrl": "یک URL معتبر برای بارگذاری فایلها وارد کنید",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "افزودن فایلها از URL",
+ "uploading": "در حال بارگذاری",
+ "dropHere": "اینجا بیندازید",
+ "addMore": "افزودن بیشتر",
+ "clearAllFiles": "پاک کردن همه فایلها",
+ "integration": "یکپارچه سازی",
+ "notRecommended": "توصیه نمیشود",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
- "oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
+ "selectView": "انتخاب نمایی",
+ "connectionDetails": "جزئیات اتصال منبع",
+ "metaSync": "همگامسازی متا",
+ "mention": "ذکر",
+ "today": "امروز",
+ "currentDate": "تاریخ جاری",
+ "workspace": "فضای کار",
+ "txt": "مقدار رکورد TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "انتقال مالکیت",
+ "recentActivity": "فعالیت اخیر",
+ "goToMembers": "برو به اعضا",
+ "addMember": "افزودن عضو",
+ "numberOfMembers": "تعداد اعضا",
+ "numberOfBases": "تعداد پایگاهها",
+ "numberOfRecords": "تعداد رکوردها",
+ "workspaceName": "نام فضای کار",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "فضای کار بدون مالک",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "دعوت کاربران به فضای کار",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-فضاهای کار برای دعوت انتخاب کنید-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "افزودن اعضا به سازمان",
+ "memberIn": "عضو در:",
+ "assignAs": "تعیین به عنوان",
+ "signOutUser": "خروج از کاربر",
+ "signOutUsers": "خروج از کاربران",
+ "deactivateUser": "غیرفعال کردن کاربر",
+ "deactivateUsers": "غیرفعال کردن کاربران",
+ "lastActive": "آخرین فعالیت",
+ "dateAdded": "تاریخ اضافه شده",
+ "uploadImage": "بارگذاری تصویر",
+ "organizationProfile": "پروفایل سازمان",
+ "organizationImage": "تصویر سازمان",
+ "organizationName": "نام سازمان",
+ "activeDomains": "دامنههای فعال",
+ "domains": "دامنهها",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "غیرفعال سازی اشتراکگذاری عمومی",
+ "shareSettings": "تنظیمات اشتراکگذاری",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "حذف کاربر و دادههای او",
+ "userOptions": "گزینههای کاربر",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "حذف این سازمان",
+ "dangerZone": "منطقه خطر",
+ "childView": "نمای فرزند",
+ "selectYear": "انتخاب سال",
+ "save": "ذخیره",
+ "cancel": "لغو",
+ "metadataUrl": "آدرس فراداده",
+ "audience-entityId": "شناسه مخاطب/ نهاد",
+ "redirectUrl": "آدرس تغییر مسیر",
+ "oidc": "اتصال OpenID (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
+ "newProvider": "ارائهدهنده جدید",
+ "generalSettings": "تنظیمات عمومی",
+ "adminPanel": "پنل مدیریت",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "انتقال فضای کاری به سازمان",
+ "ssoSettings": "تنظیمات SSO",
+ "addDomain": "افزودن دامنه",
+ "domain": "دامنه",
+ "settings": "تنظیمات",
+ "workspaces": "فضاهای کاری",
+ "back": "بازگشت",
+ "dashboard": "داشبورد",
+ "organizeBy": "سازماندهی بر اساس",
+ "previous": "قبلی",
+ "nextMonth": "ماه بعد",
+ "previousMonth": "ماه قبلی",
+ "next": "بعدی",
+ "organiseBy": "سازماندهی بر اساس",
+ "heading1": "عنوان ۱",
+ "heading2": "عنوان ۲",
+ "heading3": "عنوان ۳",
+ "bold": "پررنگ",
+ "italic": "کج",
+ "underline": "زیر خط دار",
+ "strike": "خط خورده",
+ "taskList": "لیست کارها",
+ "bulletList": "لیست بولت",
+ "numberedList": "لیست شمارهدار",
+ "downloadData": "دانلود دادهها",
+ "blockQuote": "نقل قول بلوکی",
+ "noToken": "بدون توکن",
+ "tokenLimit": "فقط یک توکن در هر کاربر مجاز است",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "فایلی با نام {filename} قبلاً پیوست شده است",
"tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "viewIdColon": "نمایش ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "آدرس گیرنده",
+ "subject": "موضوع",
+ "body": "متن",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "شماره موبایل با جداکننده ویرگول",
+ "headerName": "نام هدر",
+ "icon": "آیکون",
+ "max": "حداکثر",
+ "enableRichText": "فعالسازی متن غنی",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "URL رکورد کپی شده",
+ "copyRecordURL": "کپی کردن URL رکورد",
+ "duplicateRecord": "کپی کردن ردیف",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "فرمت کدگذاری باینری",
+ "syntax": "قواعد نگارشی",
+ "examples": "مثالها",
+ "durationInfo": "مدت زمانی به دقیقه یا ثانیه (مثلاً 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "افزودن هدر",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "URL پیشفرض را وارد کنید (اختیاری)",
+ "negative": "منفی",
+ "discard": "لغو",
+ "default": "پیشفرض",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "عدد پیش فرض (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "قالب بازه زمانی",
+ "dateFormat": "قالب تاریخ",
+ "timeFormat": "قالب زمان",
+ "singularLabel": "برچسب مفرد",
+ "pluralLabel": "برچسب جمع",
+ "selectDateField": "انتخاب فیلد تاریخ",
+ "endDateField": "فیلد تاریخ پایان",
+ "optional": "(اختیاری)",
+ "clickToMake": "برای ساخت کلیک کنید",
+ "visibleForRole": "قابل مشاهده برای نقش:",
+ "inUI": "در داشبورد UI",
+ "projectSettings": "تنظیمات پایه",
+ "clickToHide": "برای مخفی کردن کلیک کنید",
+ "clickToDownload": "برای دانلود کلیک کنید",
+ "forRole": "برای نقش",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "برای کپی کردن Table ID کلیک کنید",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "برای کپی کردن ID نمایش کلیک کنید",
+ "viewMode": "حالت نمایش",
+ "searchUsers": "جستجوی کاربران",
+ "superAdmin": "مدیر ارشد",
+ "allTables": "همهٔ جدولها",
+ "members": "اعضاء",
+ "dataSources": "منابع اطلاعات",
+ "connectDataSource": "اتصال داده های خارجی",
+ "searchProjects": "پروژهها را جستجو کنید",
"createdBy": "ایجاد شده توسط",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "پیوستهای در حال نمایش از",
+ "readOnly": "فقط خواندنی",
+ "createdOn": "ایجاد شده در",
"notifyVia": "اعلان از طریق",
"projName": "نام پروژه",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "مشخصات",
+ "accountDetails": "جزئیات حساب کاربری",
+ "controlAppearance": "ظاهر خود را کنترل کنید.",
+ "accountEmailID": "شناسه ایمیل حساب کاربری",
+ "backToWorkspace": "بازگشت به فضای کار",
+ "untitledToken": "توکن بدون عنوان",
"tableName": "نام جدول",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "نام داشبورد",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "ایجاد یک نمایش",
+ "duplicateView": "تکرار نمای",
+ "duplicateGridView": "تکثیر نمایش شبکهای",
+ "createGridView": "ایجاد نمایش شبکهای",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "تکثیر نمایش گالری",
+ "createGalleryView": "ایجاد نمایش گالری",
+ "duplicateFormView": "تکثیر نمایش فرم",
+ "createFormView": "ایجاد نمایش فرم",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "تکثیر نمایش کانبان",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "کپی نمایش تقویم",
+ "createKanbanView": "ایجاد نمایش کانبان",
+ "createCalendarView": "ایجاد نمایش تقویم",
"viewName": "نام نمایش",
"viewLink": "لینک نمایش",
"columnName": "نام ستون",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "پایگاه داده را وارد کنید",
"lengthValue": "طول/ مقدار",
"dbType": "نوع پایگاه داده",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "نام سرور / آدرس میزبان",
+ "sqliteFile": "مسیر فایل SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "آدرس میزبان",
+ "port": "شماره درگاه",
"username": "نام کاربری",
"password": "کلمه عبور",
"schemaName": "نام شماتیک",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "جایی که",
"cache": "کش",
"chat": "چت",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "نمایش یا مخفی کردن",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "فایل CSV",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "فایل JSON",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "پست الکترونیکی",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "ایجاد شده",
"sqlOutput": "خروجی SQL",
"addOption": "افزودن گزینه",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "رنگ رابط کاربری",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "ستون با مقدار کیو آر کد",
"barcodeValueColumn": "ستون با مقدار بارکد",
"barcodeFormat": "فرمت بارکد",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "ملحق شدن به انجمن Nocodb",
"joinReddit": "به NocoDB بپیوندید",
"followNocodb": "NocoDB را دنبال کنید",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(ترجمهشده توسط اجتماع/هوش مصنوعی)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "مرجع سند",
"selectUserRole": "نقش کاربر را انتخاب کنید",
"childTable": "جدول فرزند",
"childColumn": "ستون فرزند",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "فیلد فرزند",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "پیوستن به کلود بهصورت رایگان",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "لینک به رکورد دیگر",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "لینکها",
"onUpdate": "هنگام به روز رسانی",
"onDelete": "هنگام حذف",
"account": "حساب",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "تم سفارشی",
"requestDataSource": "درخواست منبع داده ای که نیاز دارید?",
"apiKey": "کلید API",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "توکن دسترسی شخصی",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "URL پایگاه به اشتراکگذاری شده",
"importData": "ایمپورد داده",
"importSecondaryViews": "ایمپورت نما های ثانویه",
"importRollupColumns": "ایمپورت ستون های جمع آوری",
"importLookupColumns": "امپورت ستون های جستجو",
"importAttachmentColumns": "ایمپورت ستون های ضمیمه",
"importFormulaColumns": "ایمپورت ستون های فرمول",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "وارد کردن کاربران (با ایمیل)",
"noData": "بدون داده",
"goToDashboard": "رفتن به داشبورد",
"importing": "در حال ایمپورت",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "قالب JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "انتخاب خودکار انواع فیلد",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "استفاده از ردیف اول بهعنوان هدر",
"flattenNested": "مسطح کردن تو در تو",
"downloadAllowed": "اجازه دانلود",
"weAreHiring": "ما استخدام میکنیم!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "بسیار دارد",
"belongsTo": "متعلق است به",
"manyToMany": "رابطه بسیار به بسیار دارد",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "رابطه یک به یک دارد",
"extraConnectionParameters": "پارامتر های اتصال اضافی",
"commentsOnly": "فقط کامنت ها",
"documentation": "مستندات",
"subscribeNewsletter": "به خبرنامه هفتگی ما سابسکرایب کنید",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "ثبتنام با {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "ورود با {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "با ثبت نام، شما با شرایط ارائه سرویس ما موافقت میکنید",
"welcomeToNc": "به NocoDB خوش آمدید!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "فقط با لینک دعوت اجازه ثبت نام دهید",
"nextRow": "ردیف بعدی",
"prevRow": "ردیف قبلی",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "افزودن داده به صورت دستی در نمای جدول",
+ "addRowForm": "وارد کردن داده رکورد از طریق فرم",
+ "noAccess": "بدون دسترسی",
+ "restApis": "APIهای استراحت",
+ "apis": "APIها",
+ "apiSnippet": "قطعهکدهای API",
+ "includeData": "شامل داده",
+ "includeView": "شامل نمای",
+ "includeWebhook": "شامل وبهوک",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "بزرگنمایی برای مشاهده ستونها",
+ "embedInSite": "قرار دادن این نما در سایت شما",
+ "titleRequired": "عنوان ضروری است.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "نام منبع لازم است",
+ "changeWsName": "تغییر نام فضای کار",
+ "pressEnter": "فشار دادن اینتر",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "وبهوک",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "فیلد جدید",
+ "saveChanges": "ذخیره تغییرات",
+ "updatedField": "فیلد بهروزرسانی شده",
+ "deletedField": "فیلد حذف شده",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "پیکربندی ناقص",
+ "selectField": "انتخاب فیلد",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "رنگ پسزمینه",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "مخفی کردن برندینگ نکو دی بی",
+ "showOnConditions": "نمایش بر اساس شرایط",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "نمایش فیلد فقط زمانی که شرایط فراهم باشد",
+ "limitOptions": "محدود کردن گزینهها",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "گزینههای قابل مشاهده برای کاربران را با انتخاب گزینههای موجود محدود کنید",
+ "clearSelection": "پاک کردن انتخاب",
+ "displayAsProgress": "نمایش به عنوان پیشرفت",
+ "relationType": "نوع ارتباط",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "نمایش جداکننده هزارگان",
+ "signUpForFree": "ثبتنام رایگان",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "اندازهٔ تصویر را تنظیم کنید",
+ "coverImageArea": "پوشش تصویر",
+ "syncData": "همگامسازی دادهها",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "خدماتی که به اتفاق آنها علاقمندید را ثبت کنید تا زمانی که در دسترس شدند، اعلان دریافت کنید",
+ "redirectToUrl": "هدایت به URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "جزئیات وبهوک",
+ "hideWeekends": "پنهانکردن آخر هفتهها",
+ "renameBase": "تغییر نام پایه",
+ "renameWorkspace": "تغییر نام فضای کاری",
+ "deactivate": "غیر فعال کنید",
+ "manageUsers": "مدیریت کاربران",
+ "newWorkspace": "فضای کار جدید",
+ "addDomain": "افزودن دامنه",
+ "addMembers": "افزودن اعضاء",
+ "enterEmail": "آدرس ایمیل را وارد کنید",
+ "inviteToBase": "دعوت به پایگاه",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "دعوت به فضای کاری",
+ "addMember": "افزودن عضو به پایگاه",
+ "noRange": "نمای تقویم نیاز به یک بازه زمانی دارد",
+ "goToToday": "رفتن به امروز",
+ "toggleSidebar": "تغییر وضعیت نوار کناری",
+ "addEndDate": "اضافه کردن تاریخ پایان",
+ "withEndDate": "با تاریخ پایان",
+ "calendar": "تقویم",
+ "viewSettings": "مشاهده تنظیمات",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "ثبت ارائهدهنده هویت OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "ثبت ارائهدهنده هویت SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "باز کردن در یک تب جدید",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "کپی کردن کد IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "بر اساس شرط",
+ "bulkDownload": "دانلود گسترده",
+ "attachFile": "ضمیمه کردن فایل",
+ "viewAttachment": "نمایش پیوستها",
+ "attachmentDrop": "برای کلیک یا انداختن یک فایل به درون سلول",
+ "addFiles": "افزودن فایل(ها)",
+ "hideInUI": "پنهان سازی در رابط کاربری",
+ "addBase": "افزودن پایه",
+ "addParameter": "افزودن پارامتر",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "ارسال فرم دیگر",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "فیلدها را بکشید و در اینجا رها کنید تا اضافه شوند",
+ "editSource": "ویرایش منبع داده",
+ "enterText": "متن را وارد کنید",
+ "okEditBase": "باشه و ویرایش پایه",
+ "showInUI": "نمایش در رابط کاربری",
+ "outOfSync": "نا همگام",
+ "newSource": "منبع داده جدید",
+ "newWebhook": "Webhook جدید",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "فعال کردن دسترسی عمومی",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "آیا میخواهید تغییرات را ذخیره کنید؟",
+ "editingAccess": "دسترسی ویرایش",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "فعال کردن دسترسی عمومی",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "محدود کردن دسترسی با کلمه عبور",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "مدیریت دسترسی پایه",
+ "allowDownload": "اجازه دانلود",
+ "surveyMode": "حالت نظرسنجی",
+ "rtlOrientation": "جهتگیری راست به چپ",
+ "useTheme": "استفاده از تم",
+ "copyLink": "کپی لینک",
+ "copiedLink": "لینک کپی شد",
+ "copyInviteLink": "کپی کردن لینک دعوت",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "لینک دعوت کپی شد",
"copyUrl": "کپی کردن URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "رنگهای بیشتر",
+ "moveProject": "انتقال پایه",
"createProject": "ایجاد پروژه",
"importProject": "وارد کردن پروژه",
"searchProject": "جستجوی پروژه",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "حذف پروژه",
"refreshProject": "نوسازی پروژهها",
"saveProject": "ذخیره پروژه",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "ذخیره و خروج",
"deleteKanbanStack": "حذف کردن دسته?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "ایجاد با اتصال
به یک پایگاه داده خارجی",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "کمک به ترجمه",
"account": {
"authToken": "کپی توکن اعتبارسنجی",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "کپی توکن اعتبارسنجی",
"swagger": "Swagger: API های REST",
"projInfo": "کپیکردن اطلاعات پروژه",
"themes": "قالبها"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "فیلتر",
"addFilter": "افزودن فیلتر",
"share": "اشتراک گذاری",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "گروهبندی با",
+ "addSubGroup": "زیرگروه جدید",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "پایگاه به اشتراک گذاشته شده",
"disable": "غیرفعال کردن پایگاه مشترک",
"enable": "هر کسی لینک را داشته باشد",
"link": "لینک پایگاه مشترک"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "دعوت از تیم",
"inviteUser": "دعوت کاربر",
"inviteToken": "توکن دعوتنامه",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "رکوردهای پیوندی",
+ "addNewLink": "افزودن پیوند جدید",
"newUser": "کاربر جدید",
"editUser": "ویرایش کاربر",
"deleteUser": "حذف کاربر از پروژه",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "رکورد قبلی",
"copyApiURL": "کپی کردن API URL",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "ایجاد داشبورد",
+ "createWorkspace": "ایجاد فضای کاری",
"refreshTable": "نوسازی جداول",
"renameTable": "تغییر نام جدول",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "تغییر نام چیدمان",
"deleteTable": "حذف جدول",
"addField": "اضافه کردن فیلد جدید به این جدول",
"setDisplay": "تنظیم به عنوان مقدار نمایش",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "وارد کردن ردیف جدید",
"duplicateRow": "کپی کردن ردیف",
"deleteRow": "حذف ردیف جدید",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "حذف سوابق",
+ "predictColumns": "پیشبینی فیلدها",
+ "predictFormulas": "پیشبینی فرمولها",
"deleteSelectedRow": "حذف ردیفهای انتخاب شده",
"importExcel": "وارد کردن فایل Excel",
"importCSV": "ایمپورت CSV",
@@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@
"ListView": "لیست نمایشها",
"copyView": "کپی نمایش",
"renameView": "تغییر نام نمایش",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "بارگذاری داده",
"deleteView": "حذف نمایش",
"createGrid": "ایجاد نمایش شبکهای",
"createGallery": "ایجاد نمایش گالری",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "اضافه کردن وبهوک جدید",
"enableWebhook": "فعال کردن وبهوک",
"testWebhook": "آزمایش وبهوک",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "ایجاد وبهوک",
"copyWebhook": "کپی وبهوک",
"deleteWebhook": "حذف وبهوک",
"newToken": "اضافه کردن توکن جدید",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "وارد کردن فایل فشرده",
"metaSync": "هماکنون همگامسازی کن",
"settings": "تنظیمات",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "اعتبارسنجیها",
"previewAs": "پیشنمایش به عنوان",
"resetReview": "تغییر پیشنمایش",
"testDbConn": "آزمایش اتصال به پایگاه داده",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "افزودن گروه فیلتر",
"linkRecord": "لینک کردن رکورد",
"addNewRecord": "افزودن رکورد جدید",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "رکورد جدید",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: ایجاد رکورد جدید",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' با موفقیت ذخیره و پیوند خورده است",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "رکورد ایجاد و پیوند شد",
"useConnectionUrl": "استفاده از لینک اتصال",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "تعویض حالت نظرات",
"expandRecord": "بسط دادن رکورد",
"deleteRecord": "حذف رکورد",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "تمام عرض",
+ "exitFullWidth": "خروج از تمام عرض",
+ "markAllAsRead": "علامتگذاری همه به عنوان خوانده شده",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "حذف فیلد",
+ "addNumber": "افزودن فیلد عددی",
+ "addSingleLineText": "افزودن فیلد تک خطی",
+ "addLongText": "افزودن فیلد متن طولانی",
+ "addOther": "افزودن فیلد دیگر"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "نمایش ستون",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "جمع کردن دسته",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "جمع کردن همه",
+ "expandAll": "گسترش دادن همه",
+ "renameStack": "تغییر نام پشته",
"deleteStack": "حذف دسته",
"stackedBy": "دستهبندی با",
"chooseGroupingField": "انتخاب فیلد گروهبندی",
@@ -1242,32 +1245,34 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "تغییر وضعیت حالت موبایل",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "startCommenting": "شروع به کامنتگذاری!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "هنوز نظری وجود ندارد!",
+ "clearForm": "فرم را پاک کنید",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "افزودن فیلد",
+ "selectAllFields": "انتخاب همه فیلدها",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "فعال کردن فیلدهای از پیش پرشده",
+ "default": "پیشفرض",
+ "locked": "قفل کردن فیلدهای از پیش پرشده به عنوان فقط خواندنی",
+ "hidden": "پنهان کردن فیلدهای از پیش پرشده",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "مقدار از پیش پرشده"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "دریافت لینک از پیش پرشده",
+ "group": "گروه",
+ "goToDocs": "رفتن به مستندات",
+ "addCondition": "افزودن شرط",
+ "addConditionGroup": "افزودن گروه شرط"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "فعال کردن برای خصوصی و پنهان ساختن این اتصال از دیگر سازندگان در این محیط کاری.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "اختیاری. از بانک داده پیشفرض \"{database}\" استفاده میکند اگر خالی بماند",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "اختیاری. از طرحواره پیشفرض \"{schema}\" استفاده میکند اگر خالی بماند.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "ویرایش طرحواره برای این منبع داده غیرفعال است.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "این نوع داده مجاز نیست.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "این گزینه اجازه اصلاح ساختار دیتابیس، شامل اضافه کردن، تغییر یا حذف جداول و ستونها را میدهد. به دقت استفاده کنید، زیرا تغییرات میتوانند بر یکپارچگی ساختاری دیتابیس شما تأثیر بگذارند.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "این گزینه اجازه میدهد تا رکوردها را در جداول دادهها ایجاد، بهروزرسانی یا حذف کنید. ایدهآل برای کاربران مدیریتی که نیاز به تغییر مستقیم دادهها دارند.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "ذخیره تغییرات",
"xcDB": "ایجاد یک پروژه جدید",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "آیا سیاه نمایش داده میشود؟ (^⇧B)"
"addTable": "افزودن جدول جدید",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "افزودن داشبورد جدید",
"inviteMore": "دعوت کاربران بیشتر",
"toggleNavDraw": "تغییر کشوی جهتیابی",
"reloadApiToken": "بارگیری مجدد توکنهای API",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "انتخاب فایل key.",
"clientCert": "انتخاب فایل cert.",
"clientCA": "انتخاب فایل CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "تغییر رنگ آیکون",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "حالت فرم با یک فیلد در هر صفحه",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "از منوی ویرایش فیلد برای تبدیل نوع پس از وارد کردن فایل استفاده کنید",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "نقش مستعار از فضای کاری",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "به زودی میآید! برای ادغامی که در NocoDB نیاز دارید رأی دهید."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "جستجو آیکون",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "انتخاب کانالهای Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "انتخاب کانالهای Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "انتخاب کانالهای Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "انتخاب کانالهای Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "عنوان وبهوک",
+ "barcodeColumn": "انتخاب یک فیلد برای مقدار بارکد",
+ "notFoundContent": "هیچ نوع فیلد معتبری یافت نشد.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "یک قالب بارکد را انتخاب کنید",
"projName": "نام پروژه را وارد کنید",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "انتخاب فیلد گروهبندی",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "هیچ فیلد انتخاب واحدی یافت نشد. لطفاً ابتدا یک فیلد ایجاد کنید.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "انتخاب فیلد تصویر پوشش",
+ "selectGeoField": "انتخاب فیلد GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-انتخاب نشده-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "هیچ فیلد GeoData یافت نشد. لطفاً ابتدا یک فیلد ایجاد کنید.",
"password": {
"enter": "کلمه عبور را وارد کنید",
"current": "کلمه عبور فعلی",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "ذخیره کلمه عبور",
"confirm": "تایید کلمه عبور جدید"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "انتخاب یک فیلد برای مقدار QR code",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "اجازه به شمارههای منفی",
"searchProjectTree": "جستوجو در جداول",
"searchFields": "جستوجو در فیلدها",
"searchColumn": "جستوجو در ستون {search}",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "فیلترکردن بر مبنای پست الکترونیکی",
"filterQuery": "فیلتر کردن پرسش",
"selectField": "انتخاب فیلد",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "دقت",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,169 +1353,169 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "مقدار",
+ "key": "کلید",
+ "createTable": "جدول اول خود را ایجاد کنید!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "توکنهای API ایجاد نشدهاند",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "دعوت تیم خود",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "گزینههای جستجو"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "پیکربندی دکمه نامعتبر است",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "پیکربندی فیلد نامعتبر است",
+ "invalidTheme": "یک تم معتبر انتخاب کنید",
+ "invalidColor": "یک رنگ معتبر انتخاب کنید",
+ "invalidType": "نوع دکمه میتواند 'webhook' یا 'url' باشد",
+ "invalidLabel": "یک برچسب دکمه معتبر وارد کنید",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "این قابلیت برای پایگاه داده شما در دسترس نمیباشد",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "کنترل نام و ظاهر سازمان شما.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "دامنههای شرکت را برای محدود کردن دسترسی کاربران ناخواسته اضافه کنید.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "محدود کردن کاربران از توانایی به اشتراکگذاری عمومی پایگاهها.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "کاربران را انتخاب کنید تا از همه فضاهای کاری سازمان حذف و پاک شوند.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "حذف همه کاربران، پایهها و دادههای مربوط به این سازمان",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "برای کپی کردن شناسه فیلد کلیک کنید",
+ "enterPassword": "گذرواژه را وارد کنید",
+ "bySigningUp": "ثبت نام کردن شما، بهمنزله این است که موافقید با",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "عضو خبرنامهٔ هفتگی ما شوید",
+ "verifyingPassword": "تایید کلمه عبور",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "این نمای به اشتراک گذاشته شده محافظت شده است",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "داده فرم با موفقیت ارسال شد",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "نمای فرم در موبایل پشتیبانی نمیشود",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "نمای تقویم در موبایل پشتیبانی نمیشود",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "فرم جدید پس از {seconds} ثانیه بارگذاری میشود",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "جستجو بهینه غیرفعال شده است",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "جستجو بهینه فعال شده است",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "فیلد Lookup برای رابطه غیر-\"متعلق به\" پشتیبانی نمیشود",
+ "invalidTime": "زمان غیر معتبر",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "شما هیچ لینک پشتیبانی شدهای برای {type} ندارید",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "رکورد یافت نشد",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "شماره تلفن نامعتبر",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "اندازه صفحه تغییر کرد",
+ "errorLoadingData": "خطا در بارگذاری دادهها",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "استفاده از متغیر context",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "متن",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "برای ارجاع به رکورد تحت بررسی",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "راهنما: از {placeholder1} برای ارجاع به فیلدها استفاده کنید، مثل: {placeholder2}. برای اطلاعات بیشتر، لطفاً مشاهده کنید",
+ "hintEnd": "فرمولها.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "هیچ فرمول پیشنهادی یافت نشد",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "هیچ فیلد پیشنهادی یافت نشد",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} نیاز به {type} در موقعیت {position} دارد",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "نوع عددی مورد انتظار است",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "نوع رشتهای مورد انتظار است",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "عملیات {operation} موجود نیست",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "نمیتوان فیلد را ذخیره کرد زیرا فرمول نامعتبر است",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "پشتیبانی نشده برای ارجاع به فیلد {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "نوع {type} مورد انتظار است اما نوع {found} یافت شد",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} دارای نیاز به {requiredArguments} پارامتر است",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} به حداقل {minRequiredArguments} پارامتر نیاز دارد",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} به حداکثر {maxRequiredArguments} پارامتر نیاز دارد",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "توابع {function} در دسترس نیست",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "پارامتر اول WEEKDAY() باید دارای مقدار تاریخ باشد",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "پارامتر دوم WEEKDAY() باید دارای یکی از مقادیر \"یکشنبه\"، \"دوشنبه\"، \"سهشنبه\"، \"چهارشنبه\"، \"پنجشنبه\"، \"جمعه\" یا \"شنبه\" باشد",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "اولین پارامتر DATEADD() باید یک مقدار تاریخ داشته باشد",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "دومین پارامتر DATEADD() باید یک مقدار عددی داشته باشد",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "سومین پارامتر DATEADD() باید 'روز'، 'هفته'، 'ماه' یا 'سال' باشد",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "اولین پارامتر DATEDIFF() باید یک مقدار تاریخ داشته باشد",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "دومین پارامتر DATEDIFF() باید یک مقدار تاریخ داشته باشد",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "سومین پارامتر DATETIME_DIFF() باید 'میلیثانیه'، 'ثانیه'، 'دقیقه'، 'ساعت'، 'روز'، 'هفته'، 'ماه'، 'ربع'، 'سال' باشد",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "فیلد {columnName} در دسترس نیست",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "عدم توانایی ذخیره فیلد به دلیل ایجاد مرجع دوری",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "فیلد {columnName} با نوع {columnType} پیدا شد اما نوع {expectedType} انتظار میرود",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} با {columnType} همخوانی ندارد"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "گزینهها نمیتوانند تهی باشند",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "فیلدهای چند انتخابی نمیتوانند کاما داشته باشند (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "گزینههای انتخاب نمیتوانند تکراری باشند",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "ایجاد گزینه جدید به نام"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "لطفاً یک شماره وارد کنید",
+ "plsInputEmail": "لطفا ایمیل را واردکنید",
+ "invalidDate": "تاریخ غیر معتبر",
+ "invalidLocale": "Locale نامعتبر",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "کد واحد پولی نامعتبر",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "نوع 'پول' PostgreSQL تنظیمات خاص خود را دارد",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "نوع فیلدهای معتبر برای یک فیلد بارکد عبارتند از: عدد، تکخطی متنی، متن طولانی، شماره تلفن، URL، ایمیل، اعشاری. لطفاً ابتدا یکی ایجاد کنید.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "رابطه چند به چند",
+ "tooltip_desc": "یک رکورد از جدول ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " میتواند با چندین رکورد از جدول مرتبط شود."
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "رابطه چند به چند",
+ "tooltip_desc": "چندین رکورد از جدول ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " میتوانند با چندین رکورد از جدول مرتبط شوند."
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "تعلق به رابطه",
+ "tooltip_desc": "یک رکورد از جدول ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " میتواند با یک رکورد از جدول مرتبط شود."
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "رابطه یک به یک",
+ "tooltip_desc": "یک رکورد از جدول ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " میتواند با یک رکورد از جدول مرتبط شود."
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "به نظر میرسد هنوز هیچ رکوردی پیوند نشده است.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "هیچ رکوردی مرتبط نیست",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "رکوردهای پیوند شدهای وجود ندارد",
+ "recordsLinked": "رکوردهای مرتبط",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "فقط {type} معتبر قبول کنید",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "توکنهای API شخصی برای استفاده در اتوماسیون یا برنامههای خارجی ایجاد کنید.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "فیلد را برای مرتبسازی انتخاب کنید",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "انتخاب فیلد برای گروهبندی",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "هیچ رکوردی در جدول موجود نیست",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "در حال حاضر هیچ رکوردی برای پیوند در دسترس نیست",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "با وبهوکها شروع کنید!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "اتوماسیونهای خود را قدرت ببخشید. به محض تغییرات در دادههای خود مطلع شوید",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "آیا اطمینان دارید که میخواهید موارد زیر را حذف کنید؟",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "آیا اطمینان دارید که میخواهید {deleteLabel} موارد زیر را انجام دهید؟",
+ "idColumnRequired": "فیلد شناسه ضروری است، میتوانید این را بعداً در صورت لزوم تغییر نام دهید.",
+ "length59Required": "طول از حداکثر 59 کاراکتر فراتر رفته است",
+ "noNewNotifications": "شما اعلانیه جدیدی ندارید",
+ "noRecordFound": "رکورد پیدا نشد",
+ "noRecordsFound": "رکوردی یافت نشد",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "هیچ رکوردی با جستجوی شما مطابق نیست",
+ "rowDeleted": "رکورد حذف شد",
+ "saveChanges": "آیا میخواهید تغییرات را ذخیره کنید؟",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "فیلد برای تبدیل به {entity} بزرگ است",
+ "roleRequired": "نقش ضروری است",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "فیلدهای دکمهای که به این وبهوک وابستهاند تحت تأثیر قرار خواهند گرفت",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "نمای کانبان نیاز به پیکربندی یک فیلد انتخاب واحد دارد. سعی کنید پس از افزودن یک فیلد انتخاب واحد، یک نمای کانبان تنظیم کنید!",
+ "mapNoFields": "نمای نقشه نیاز به تنظیم یک فیلد داده جغرافیایی دارد. سعی کنید پس از افزودن یک فیلد داده جغرافیایی، یک نمای نقشه تنظیم کنید!",
+ "dbValid": "اعتبار بانک اطلاعاتی را برای جلوگیری از از دست دادن طرحواره تضمین کنید",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "خطای بارکد - لطفا سازگاری بین ورودی و نوع بارکد را بررسی کنید"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "اخطار: فیلد محاسبه شده - نمیتوان متن را خالی کرد",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "اخطار: فیلدهای QR نمیتوانند به طور مستقیم ویرایش شوند.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "اخطار: فیلدهای بارکد نمیتوانند به طور مستقیم تغییر کنند."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "آیا اطمینان دارید که میخواهید پایه را تکثیر کنید؟",
+ "duplicateTable": "آیا اطمینان دارید که میخواهید جدول را تکثیر کنید؟",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "شما نمیتوانید قابلیت مشاهده فیلدی را که در حال ویرایش است تغییر دهید. لطفاً ابتدا تغییرات را ذخیره یا حذف کنید.",
+ "moveEditedField": "شما نمیتوانید فیلدی که در حال ویرایش است را جابجا کنید. ابتدا تغییرات را ذخیره کنید یا لغو کنید",
+ "moveDeletedField": "شما نمیتوانید فیلدی که حذف شده است را جابجا کنید. ابتدا تغییرات را ذخیره کنید یا لغو کنید"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "شما قادر به جابجایی رکوردها بین تاریخها نخواهید بود هنگامی که فیلدهای محاسبه شده یا سیستمی استفاده میشوند.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "تغییرات طرحواره برای این منبع غیرفعال است",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "نام فضای کاری را وارد کنید",
+ "enterBaseName": "نام پایه را وارد کنید",
+ "idpPaste": "این URLها را در کنسول ارائهدهنده هویت خود کپی کنید",
+ "noSaml": "هیچ احراز هویت SAML پیکربندی نشده است.",
+ "noOIDC": "هیچ احراز هویت OpenID پیکربندی نشده است.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "غیرفعال به دلیل قفل شدن نما",
+ "basesMigrated": "پایهها مهاجرت داده شدند. لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید.",
"pasteNotSupported": "عملیات جایگذاری در سلول فعال پشتیبانی نمیشود",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "تولید کننده می تواند پروژه های جدید ایجاد کند و به هر پروژه ی دعوت شده دسترسی داشته باشد.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "برچسب ورودی فرم را وارد کنید",
"formHelpText": "مقداری متن راهنما اضافه کنید",
"onlyCreator": "فقط برای نقش ایجادکننده قابل مشاهده است",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "افزودن عنوان فرم",
"formDesc": "توضیحات فرم را اضافه کنید",
"beforeEnablePwd": "محدود کردن دسترسی با لزوم ورود کلمه عبور",
"afterEnablePwd": "دسترسی با لزوم ورود کلمه عبور محدود شده",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "دسترسی به پروژه از طریق",
"submitAnotherForm": "نمایش دکمه \"ارسال فرمی دیگر\"",
"showBlankForm": "نمایش فرم خالی پس از 5 ثانیه",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "ارسال ایمیل به",
"showSysFields": "نمایش فیلدهای سیستم",
"filterAutoApply": "اعمال خودکار",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "نمایش پیام",
"viewNotShared": "نمایش فعلی به اشتراک گذاشته نشده!",
"showAllViews": "مشاهده تمام نمایش های به اشتراک گذاشته شده از این جدول",
"collabView": "همکاران با دسترسی ویرایش یا فراتر میتوانند پیکربندی نمایش را تغییر دهند.",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "متاداده جداول در حالت همگامسازی است",
"addMultipleUsers": "میتوانید چندین ایمیل را به صورت لیست جدا شده با کاما اضافه کنید",
"enterTableName": "نام جدول را وارد کنید",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "توضیحات جدول را وارد کنید...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "توضیحات فیلد را وارد کنید...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "توضیحات نما را وارد کنید...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "نام چیدمان را وارد کنید",
+ "enterDashboardName": "نام داشبورد را وارد کنید",
+ "defaultColumns": "فیلدهای پیشفرض",
"addDefaultColumns": "افزودن ستونهای پیشفرض",
"tableNameInDb": "نام جدول به عنوان ذخیره شده در پایگاه داده",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "این مقدار قبلا در لیست وجود دارد",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "ستونی برای ویرایش نیست",
"tableDeleted": "جدول با موفقیت حذف شد",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "چیدمان با موفقیت حذف شد",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "تولید پایگاه داده فقط خواندنی با قابلیت به اشتراک کذاری عمومی",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "آیا اطمینان دارید که میخواهید این نما را حذف کنید?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "آیا اطمینان دارید که میخواهید این نما را حذف کنید?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "آیا میخواهید جدول را حذف کنید",
"showM2mTables": "نمایش جدول های بسیار به بسیار",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "رابطه های بسیار به بسیار از طریق یک جدول رابط پشتیبانی می شود و به صورت پیشفرض مخفی شده است. این گزینه را فعال کنید تا همه این چنین جدول ها در کنار جدول های موجود نمایش داده شوند.",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
"noMoreRecords": "رکورد دیگری نیست",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "نام توکن نباید خالی باشد",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "نام توکن نباید بیش از ۲۵۵ کاراکتر باشد",
+ "dbNameRequired": "نام پایگاه داده الزامی است",
+ "wsNameRequired": "نام فضای کاری مورد نیاز است",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "نام فضای کاری باید حداقل ۳ کاراکتر طول داشته باشد",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "نام فضای کاری باید حداکثر ۵۰ کاراکتر طول داشته باشد",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "این فضای کاری و تمام محتویات آن را حذف کنید.",
+ "userConfirmation": "درک میکنم که این عمل غیرقابل برگشت است",
+ "pageNotFound": "صفحه یافت نشد",
+ "makeLineBreak": "برای ایجاد یک شکاف خط",
+ "goToPrevious": "رفتن به قبلی",
+ "goToNext": "رفتن به بعدی",
+ "thankYou": "متشکرم!",
+ "submittedFormData": "شما دادههای فرم را با موفقیت ارسال کردهاید.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "ویرایش کلید سیستم پشتیبانی نمیشود",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "در حال حاضر در دسترس نیست",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "عملیات جایگذاری گروهی در ستونهای لینک/لینک به رکورد دیگر پشتیبانی نمیشود",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "عملیات پاک کردن گروهی در ستونهای لینک/لینک به رکورد دیگر پشتیبانی نمیشود",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "ارتقاء به نسخه سازمانی {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "این ویژگی فقط در نسخه سازمانی موجود است",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "نقش فعلی شما است",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "لطفاً از مدیر / مالک پایگاه / مالک فضاهای کاری برای دسترسی به این {viewName} درخواست مجوز بیشتر کنید",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "نمیتوانید تمامی گزینهها را پنهان کنید اگر فیلد مورد نیاز باشد"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "قلابهای دستی نمیتوانند غیرفعال شوند",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "خطا در بارگذاری داده رکورد",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "خطا در دریافت دادههای تقویم",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "خطا در دریافت تاریخهای فعال",
+ "scopesRequired": "سطوح مجوز مورد نیاز هستند",
+ "domainRequired": "نام دامنه مورد نیاز است",
+ "authUrlRequired": "آدرس احراز هویت مورد نیاز است",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "مشخصه نام کاربری مورد نیاز است",
+ "clientIdRequired": "شناسه مشتری مورد نیاز است",
+ "issuerRequired": "صادرکننده مورد نیاز است",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "رمز مشتری مورد نیاز است",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "آدرس JWK مورد نیاز است",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "آدرس توکن مورد نیاز است",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "آدرس UserInfo مورد نیاز است",
+ "eitherXML": "یا xml یا آدرس فراداده الزامی است",
+ "nameRequired": "نام الزامی است",
+ "nameMinLength": "نام باید حداقل ۲ کاراکتر طول داشته باشد",
+ "nameMaxLength": "نام باید حداکثر ۶۰ کاراکتر طول داشته باشد",
+ "viewNameRequired": "نام نما الزامی است",
+ "domainNameRequired": "نام دامنه مورد نیاز است",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "نام باید حداکثر ۲۵۶ کاراکتر طول داشته باشد",
+ "viewNameUnique": "نام نما باید منحصر به فرد باشد",
"searchProject": "جستوجوی شما برای {search} نتیجهای نداشت",
"invalidChar": "کاراکتر نامعتبر در مسیر پوشه.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "اعتبارنامه پایگاه داده نامعتبر است.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "دسترسی به پایگاه داده امکان پذیر نیست، لطفا بررسی کنید پایگاه داده شما در حال اجرا باشد.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "سال نامعتبر",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "کاربر وجود ندارد یا اجازه کافی برای ایجاد شِما موجود نیست.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "پارامترهای پایگاه داده نامعتبر است",
"dbConnectionFailed": "قطع ارتباط:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "فیلتر نال وجود دارد. لطفا آنها را حذف کنید",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "ورود ایمیل الزامی است",
"emailInvalid": "پست الکترونیکی باید معتبر باشد",
"passwdRequired": "کلمه عبور مورد نیاز است",
"passwdLength": "کلمه عبور شما باید حداقل 8 کاراکتر داشته باشد",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "یک عدد",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "یک کاراکتر خاص",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "لیست کاراکتر های خاص مجاز",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "ایمیلها نامعتبرند",
+ "invalidEmail": "ایمیل نامعتبر است"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "XML نامعتبر است",
"invalidURL": "URL نامعتبر",
"invalidEmail": "ایمیل نامعتبر",
"internalError": "برخی خطاهای درونی رخ دادند",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "نام باید با حروف الفبا یا _ شروع شود",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "این کاراکتر ها مجاز نیستند",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "نام ستون تکراری",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "نامی که برای ستون سیستم استفاده شده است",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "نوع داده UI لازم است",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "نام {title} از حداکثر 50 کاراکتر فراتر است",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "نام {title} نمیتواند با فاصله شروع شود",
"requiredField": "فیلد الزامی",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP غیرمجاز",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "فایل مورد نظر از نوع فایل قابل قبول نیست",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "نوع فایل های مورد قبول .xls, .xlsx, .xlm, .ods, .ots هستند",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "کلید پارامتر نمیتواند خالی باشد",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "کلید های پارامتر تکراری مجاز نیستند",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "این فیلد نمیتواند خالی باشد.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
"copyToClipboardError": "کپی به کلیپ برد ناموفق",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "در چسباندن از کلیپبرد ناموفق شد",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "لطفاً نصب همه فیلدها را قبل از ذخیره تکمیل کنید",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "مشکلی پیش آمده است",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "محتوای کشیده شده از نوع تصویر نیست",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "فیلدی برای تجزیه دادههای تصویر",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "برخی از فیلدهای ضروری خالی هستند"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "فراداده پروژه با موفقیت خارج شد",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "به زودی!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "کد مجوز بهروزرسانی شد",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "UI ACL جدول ها با موفقیت بهروزرسانی شد",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "تنظیمات افزونه با موفقیت ذخیره شد",
"pluginTested": "تنظیمات افزونه با موفقیت تست شد",
"tableRenamed": "نام جدول با موفقیت تغییر پیدا کرد",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "چیدمان با موفقیت تغییر نام داده شد",
"viewDeleted": "نما با موفقیت حذف شد",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "همه داده های جدول با موفقیت اکسپورت شد",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "رمز عبور با موفقیت عوض شد. لطفاً دوباره وارد شوید.",
"settingsSaved": "تنظیمات با موفقیت ذخیره شد",
"roleUpdated": "نقش با موفقیت بهروزرسانی شد",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "اتصال با موفقیت برقرار شد",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "صاحبان و سازندگان پایگاه اکنون میتوانند یک منبع داده را بدون وارد کردن دوباره اعتبارنامهها اضافه کنند."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/fi.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/fi.json
index b5656bd4dd..345beaf478 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/fi.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/fi.json
@@ -56,55 +56,56 @@
"count_filled": "Täytetty",
"earliest_date": "Min päivämäärä",
"latest_date": "Max päivämäärä",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "date_range": "Alue",
+ "month_range": "Alue",
+ "checked": "Valittu",
+ "unchecked": "Valitsematon",
+ "percent_checked": "Valittu",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Valitsematon",
+ "attachment_size": "Koko",
+ "none": "Ei mitään"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Summa",
+ "count": "Määrä",
+ "min": "Minimi",
+ "max": "Maksimi",
+ "avg": "Keskiarvo",
+ "median": "Mediaani",
+ "std_dev": "Keskihajonta",
+ "histogram": "Histogrammi",
+ "range": "Alue",
+ "percent_empty": "Prosentti tyhjä",
+ "percent_filled": "Täytetty prosentti",
+ "percent_unique": "Uniikki prosentti",
+ "count_unique": "Uniikki",
+ "count_empty": "Tyhjä",
+ "count_filled": "Täytetty",
+ "earliest_date": "Aikaisin päivämäärä",
+ "latest_date": "Myöhäisin päivämäärä",
+ "date_range": "Päivämääräväli",
+ "month_range": "Kuukausialue",
+ "checked": "Valittu",
+ "unchecked": "Ei valittu",
+ "percent_checked": "Prosenttia valittu",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Prosenttia ei valittu",
+ "attachment_size": "Liitteen koko",
+ "none": "Ei mitään"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skriptit",
+ "configure": "Määritä",
+ "switch": "Vaihto",
+ "on": "Päällä",
+ "onMultiple": "Useilla",
+ "manual": "Manuaalinen",
+ "trigger": "Laukaisin",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "Tyyli",
+ "label": "Tunniste",
+ "role": "Rooli",
+ "general": "Yleinen",
+ "quit": "Lopeta",
"home": "Koti",
"load": "Ladata",
"open": "Avata",
@@ -112,27 +113,27 @@
"yes": "Joo",
"no": "Ei",
"ok": "Ok",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Takaisin",
"and": "Ja",
"or": "Tai",
"add": "Lisätä",
"edit": "Muokata",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "Linkki",
+ "links": "Linkit",
"remove": "Poista",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "Tuonti",
+ "logout": "Kirjaudu ulos",
+ "empty": "Tyhjä",
+ "changeIcon": "Vaihda kuvake",
"save": "Tallentaa",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Käytettävissä",
+ "abort": "Keskeytä",
+ "saving": "Tallennetaan",
"cancel": "Peruuttaa",
- "null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "null": "Nolla",
+ "escape": "Poistu",
"hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "clear": "Asia selvä",
"slack": "Slack",
"comment": "Kommentti",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "Vahvista",
"generate": "Luo",
"copy": "Kopioi",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Kopioitu",
"are": "aari",
"misc": "Sekalaiset",
"lock": "Lukitus",
@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@
"sortAsc": "Lajittelu nouseva",
"sortDesc": "Lajittelu laskeva",
"move": "Siirrä",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData-kenttä",
"type": "Tyyppi",
"subType": "Alatyyppi",
"name": "Nimi",
@@ -242,65 +243,65 @@
"new": "Uusi",
"old": "Vanha",
"data": "Tieto",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "source": "Lähde",
+ "destination": "Kohde",
+ "active": "Aktiivinen",
+ "inactive": "Epäaktiivinen",
+ "linked": "liitetty",
+ "finish": "Viimeistele",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
+ "avg": "Keskiarvo",
+ "sum": "Summa",
+ "count": "Määrä",
+ "countDistinct": "Lukemien laskenta",
+ "sumDistinct": "Unik summaan",
+ "avgDistinct": "Erillinen keskiarvo",
+ "join": "Yhdistä",
+ "options": "Vaihtoehdot",
+ "primaryValue": "Ensisijainen arvo",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Käytä kyselytilaa",
+ "shift": "Vaihto",
+ "enter": "Syötä",
+ "seconds": "Sekunti",
+ "paste": "Liitä",
+ "restore": "Palauta",
+ "replace": "Korvaa",
+ "banner": "Banneri",
"logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "dropdown": "Valikko",
+ "list": "Lista",
+ "verify": "Varmista",
+ "apply": "Käytä",
+ "text": "Teksti",
+ "appearance": "Ulkoasu",
+ "now": "Nyt",
+ "set": "Aseta",
+ "format": "Muoto",
+ "colour": "Väri",
+ "use": "Käytä",
+ "stack": "Pinoa",
+ "ipAddress": "IP-osoite",
+ "integration": "Integraatio",
+ "integrations": "Integraatiot",
+ "connection": "Yhteys",
+ "connections": "Yhteydet",
+ "private": "Yksityinen",
+ "request": "Pyyntö",
+ "languages": "Kielet",
+ "extension": "Laajennus",
+ "extensions": "Laajennukset"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "tiedostot",
+ "owner": "Omistaja",
+ "member": "Jäsen",
+ "day": "Päivä",
+ "week": "Viikko",
+ "month": "Kuukausi",
+ "year": "Vuosi",
+ "workspace": "Työtila",
+ "workspaces": "Työtilat",
"project": "Hanke",
"projects": "Hankkeet",
"table": "Pöytä",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Kentät",
"column": "Sarake",
"columns": "Sarakkeet",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Solu",
+ "cells": "Solut",
"page": "Sivu",
"pages": "Sivut",
"record": "Ennätys",
@@ -319,48 +320,48 @@
"webhooks": "Verkkokoukut",
"view": "Näkymä",
"views": "Näkymät",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Sivupalkki",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Ruudukko",
"gallery": "Galleria",
"form": "Lomake",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Kalenteri",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Kartta"
"user": "Käyttäjä",
"users": "Käyttäjät",
"role": "Rooli",
"roles": "Roolit",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Kehittäjä",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Omistaja",
"creator": "Luoja",
"editor": "Toimittaja",
"commenter": "Kommentti",
"viewer": "Katselija",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "Ei käyttöoikeutta",
+ "superAdmin": "Pääylläpitäjä",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Organisaation Tason Omistaja",
"orgLevelCreator": "Organisaatiotason luoja",
"orgLevelViewer": "Organisaatiotason katseluohjelma"
"sqlVIew": "SQL-näkymä",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Tietueen korkeus",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "Lyhyt",
+ "medium": "Keskikokoinen",
+ "tall": "Pitkä",
+ "extra": "Lisä"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Ulkoinen tietokanta",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple-laskelmat",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google-kalenteri",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Kaikki integraatiot",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Yhdistä ja hallitse tietokantojasi saumattomasti NocoDB:llä.",
+ "communication": "Viestintä",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Saat ilmoituksia muutoksista ja tehosta tiimiviestintääsi NocoDB:llä.",
+ "projectManagement": "Projektinhallinta",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Paranna projektityöskentelyä ja tehtävienhallintaa NocoDB:llä.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimoi asiakassuhdehallinta NocoDB-integraatioiden avulla.",
+ "marketing": "Markkinointi",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Tehosta markkinointiponnistelujasi NocoDB:n tehokkailla integraatioilla.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Tehosta hakijaseurantajärjestelmääsi NocoDB:llä.",
+ "development": "Kehitys",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Nopeuta kehitysprosesseja NocoDB-integraatioilla.",
+ "finance": "Taloushallinto",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Yksinkertaista taloudellisia toimintoja ja tietojen hallintaa NocoDB:llä.",
+ "ticketing": "Lipputoiminta",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Hallitse ja seuraa tukipyyntöjä tehokkaasti NocoDB:llä.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integroi ja järjestä tallennusratkaisusi saumattomasti NocoDB:llä.",
+ "others": "Muut",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Löydä lisää monipuolisia integraatioita parantaaksesi NocoDB-kokemustasi.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Taulukkolaskenta",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Yhdistä ja hallitse laskentataulukoitasi NocoDB:llä."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "ei ole nolla"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Hae webhotok",
+ "webcam": "Verkkokamera",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Lataa URL-osoitteesta",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
+ "renameBase": "Nimeä Perusta Uudelleen",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Nimeä Työtila Uudelleen",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Nimeää Työtilaa Uudelleen",
+ "renamingBase": "Nimeää Perustaa Uudelleen",
+ "sso": "Todennus (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumentit",
+ "forum": "Foorumi",
+ "parameter": "Parametri",
+ "headers": "Otsikot",
+ "parameterName": "Parametrin nimi",
+ "currencyLocale": "Valuutta-alue",
+ "currencyCode": "Valuuttakoodi",
+ "searchMembers": "Etsi jäseniä",
+ "noMembersFound": "Jäseniä ei löytynyt",
+ "dateJoined": "Liittymispäivä",
+ "tokenName": "Tokenin nimi",
+ "inDesktop": "työpöydällä",
+ "rowData": "Tietueen tiedot",
+ "creator": "Luoja",
+ "qrCode": "QR-koodi",
+ "termsOfService": "Käyttöehdot",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Päivitä valitut tietueet",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Ei suodattimia lisätty",
+ "editCards": "Muokkaa kortteja",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Kenttiä ei löytynyt",
+ "displayValue": "Näyttöarvo",
+ "expand": "Laajentaa",
+ "hideAll": "Piilota kaikki",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Piilota järjestelmäkentät",
+ "removeFile": "Poista tiedosto",
"hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "manyToMany": "Moni moneen",
+ "oneToOne": "Yksi yhdelle",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtuaalinen suhde",
+ "linkMore": "Linkitä lisää",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Linkitä lisää tietueita",
+ "linkRecords": "Linkki tietueet",
+ "downloadFile": "Lataa tiedosto",
+ "renameTable": "Nimeä taulukko uudelleen",
+ "renamingTable": "Nimeää taulukkoa uudelleen",
+ "renamingWs": "Nimeää työtilaa uudelleen",
+ "renameWs": "Nimeä työtila uudelleen",
+ "deleteWs": "Poista työtila",
+ "deletingWs": "Poistaa työtilaa",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Kopioi Auth Token",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Kopioitu Auth Token",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Kopioi kutsutoken",
+ "showSidebar": "Näytä sivupalkki",
+ "hideSidebar": "Piilota sivupalkki",
+ "creatingTable": "Luodaan taulukkoa",
"erdView": "ERD-näkymä",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "Uusi tietolähde",
"newProj": "Uusi projekti",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Luo projekti",
"myProject": "Omat hankkeet",
"formTitle": "Muodosta otsikko",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Yhteistyökykyinen",
+ "locked": "Lukittu",
+ "personal": "Henkilökohtainen",
"appStore": "Sovelluskauppa",
"teamAndAuth": "Joukkue & valtuutus",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roolit ja käyttäjien hallinta",
"userMgmt": "Käyttäjien hallinta",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "API-tokenit",
"apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokensin hallinta",
"rolesMgmt": "Roolit hallinta",
"projMeta": "Hankkeen metatiedot",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Luo tunniste",
"APIsAndSupport": "API:t ja tuki",
"helpCenter": "Ohjekeskus",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Ei tunnisteita",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swaggerin dokumentaatio",
"quickImportFrom": "Nopea tuonti",
"quickImport": "Pikatuonti",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Pikatuonti - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Pikatuonti - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Pikatuonti - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Pikatuonti - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON-editori",
+ "comingSoon": "Tulossa pian",
"advancedSettings": "Lisäasetukset",
"codeSnippet": "Koodinpätkä",
"keyboardShortcut": "Näppäimistön pikanäppäimet",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "generateRandomName": "Luo satunnainen nimi",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "Token-hallinta",
+ "addNewToken": "Lisää uusi merkki",
+ "createNewToken": "Luo uusi token",
+ "accountSettings": "Tilin asetukset",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Nollaa salasana",
+ "tokens": "Merkit",
+ "userManagement": "Käyttäjien hallinta",
+ "accountManagement": "Tilin hallinta",
+ "licence": "Lisenssi",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Salli kaikkien Mime-tyyppien käyttö",
+ "defaultView": "Oletusnäkymä",
+ "relations": "Suhteet",
+ "switchLanguage": "Vaihda kieltä",
+ "renameFile": "Nimeä tiedosto uudelleen",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Ei toimintaa",
+ "cascade": "Ryöpytä",
+ "restrict": "Rajoittaa",
+ "setNull": "Asettaa nolla",
+ "setDefault": "Aseta oletus"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Valitse oikean puolen paneelista kenttiä lisätäksesi ne tänne",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Vaihtoehtoja ei löytynyt",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Oletko varma, että haluat lähettää tämän lomakkeen?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Näyttää siltä, että tässä pinossa ei ole tietueita",
+ "fromScratch": "Tyhjästä",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Tiedostoista ja ulkoisista lähteistä",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Suoraan reaaliajassa",
+ "categories": "Kategoriat",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Kenttä ei ole käytettävissä",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Ei ehtoja lisätty"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Muutettu",
+ "configuration": "Konfiguraatio",
+ "setup": "Asetukset",
+ "configLabel": "Määritä {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Vaihda tuotantovalmiiseen sovellus-tietokantaan",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "fieldID": "Kentän ID",
+ "addDescription": "Lisää kuvaus",
+ "editDescription": "Muokkaa kuvausta",
+ "urlFormula": "URL-kaava",
+ "selectIcon": "ei mikään",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--valitse webhotok--",
+ "openUrl": "Avaa URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Suorita Webhotok",
+ "onClick": "Klikattaessa",
+ "defaultView": "Oletusnäkymä",
+ "recordInsert": "Tietueen lisäys",
+ "recordUpdate": "Tietueen päivitys",
+ "recordDelete": "Tietueen poisto",
+ "supportDocs": "Tukidokumentit",
+ "addedOn": "Lisätty",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Vaihda näyttöarvokenttä",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Valitse näyttöarvokenttä",
+ "changeTitleField": "Vaihda otsikkokenttä",
+ "clearAll": "Tyhjennä kaikki",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Linkityskentät näyttävät tietoja linkitetyistä tietueista. Valitse tietyt kentät ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " taulukosta lisätäksesi ne hakukentiksi tähän taulukkoon.",
+ "formatting": "Muotoilu",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Valitse muototyyppi (valinnainen)- -",
+ "formatType": "Muototyyppi",
+ "toUpload": "ladata tai näyttää",
+ "dragFilesHere": "vedä tiedostot tänne",
+ "browseFiles": "selaa tiedostoja",
+ "clickTo": "Klikkaa tätä",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Salli kamerasi käyttöoikeus",
+ "openFile": "Avaa tiedosto",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Anna kelvollinen URL-osoite tiedostojen lataamiseen",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Lisää tiedostot URL-osoitteesta",
+ "uploading": "Ladataan",
+ "dropHere": "Pudota tähän",
+ "addMore": "Lisää lisää",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Tyhjennä kaikki tiedostot",
+ "integration": "Integraatio",
+ "notRecommended": "Ei suositella",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "selectView": "Valitse näkymä",
+ "connectionDetails": "Lähdeyhteyden tiedot",
"metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "mention": "Mainitse",
+ "today": "Tänään",
+ "currentDate": "Nykyinen päivämäärä",
+ "workspace": "Työtila",
+ "txt": "TXT-tiedostovirhe",
+ "transferOwnership": "Siirrä Omistajuus",
+ "recentActivity": "Viimeaikainen Toiminta",
+ "goToMembers": "Siirry Jäseniin",
+ "addMember": "Lisää Jäsen",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Jäsenten lukumäärä",
+ "numberOfBases": "Perustojen lukumäärä",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Kirjojen lukumäärä",
+ "workspaceName": "Työtilan Nimi",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Työtila Ilman Omistajia",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Kutsu Käyttäjiä Työtilaan",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-valitse työtilat kutsumista varten-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Lisää Jäseniä Organisaatioon",
+ "memberIn": "Jäsen sisään:",
+ "assignAs": "Määritä kuten",
+ "signOutUser": "Kirjaa käyttäjä ulos",
+ "signOutUsers": "Kirjaa käyttäjät ulos",
+ "deactivateUser": "Deaktivoi Käyttäjä",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Deaktivoi Käyttäjät",
+ "lastActive": "Viimeksi Aktiivinen",
+ "dateAdded": "Lisäyspäivämäärä",
+ "uploadImage": "Lataa Kuva",
+ "organizationProfile": "Organisaation Profiili",
+ "organizationImage": "Organisaation Kuva",
+ "organizationName": "Organisaation Nimi",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktiiviset Toiminnot",
+ "domains": "Toiminnot",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Poista Julkinen Jakaminen",
+ "shareSettings": "Jaa Asetukset",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Poista Käyttäjä ja hänen tietonsa",
+ "userOptions": "Käyttäjäasetukset",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Poista tämä Organisaatio",
+ "dangerZone": "Vaaravyöhyke",
+ "childView": "Lapsen näkymä",
+ "selectYear": "Valitse vuosi",
+ "save": "Tallentaa",
+ "cancel": "Peruuttaa",
+ "metadataUrl": "Metatiedon URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "Yleisö/ Entiteetti-ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "Uudelleenohjaus URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
+ "newProvider": "Uusi tarjoaja",
+ "generalSettings": "Yleiset asetukset",
+ "adminPanel": "Ylläpitopaneeli",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Siirrä Työtila Organisaatioon",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO-asetukset",
+ "addDomain": "Lisää Toiminto",
+ "domain": "Toiminto",
+ "settings": "Asetukset",
+ "workspaces": "Työtilat",
+ "back": "Takaisin",
+ "dashboard": "Kojelauta",
+ "organizeBy": "Järjestä ryhmittäin",
+ "previous": "Edellinen",
+ "nextMonth": "Seuraava kuukausi",
+ "previousMonth": "Edellinen kuukausi",
+ "next": "Seuraava",
+ "organiseBy": "Järjestä ryhmittäin",
+ "heading1": "Otsikko 1",
+ "heading2": "Otsikko 2",
+ "heading3": "Otsikko 3",
+ "bold": "Lihavointi",
+ "italic": "Kursiivi",
+ "underline": "Alleviivaus",
+ "strike": "Yliviivaus",
+ "taskList": "Tehtävälista",
+ "bulletList": "Luettelomerkityt lista",
+ "numberedList": "Numeroitu lista",
+ "downloadData": "Lataa tiedot",
+ "blockQuote": "Lainauslohko",
+ "noToken": "Ei merkkiä",
+ "tokenLimit": "Vain yksi merkki käyttäjää kohden sallittu",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Tiedosto nimeltä {filename} on jo liitetty",
+ "tableIdColon": "TAULUKOID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "NÄKYMÄ ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Vastaanottaja",
+ "subject": "Aihe",
+ "body": "Ruumis",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Pilkulla erotetut matkapuhelinnumerot",
+ "headerName": "Otsikon nimi",
+ "icon": "Ikoni",
"max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "Ota käyttöön muokattu teksti",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Kopioitu tietueen URL",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Kopioi tietueen URL",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Monista tietue",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binaarikoodausformaatti",
+ "syntax": "Syntaksi",
+ "examples": "Esimerkit",
+ "durationInfo": "Aikakesto minuuteissa tai sekunneissa (esim. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Lisää otsikko",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Syötä oletus URL (valinnainen)",
+ "negative": "Negatiivinen",
+ "discard": "Hylkää",
+ "default": "Oletusarvo",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Oletusluku (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Keston muoto",
+ "dateFormat": "Päivämäärän muoto",
+ "timeFormat": "Ajan muoto",
+ "singularLabel": "Yksikön merkki",
+ "pluralLabel": "Monikkomerkki",
+ "selectDateField": "Valitse päivämääräkenttä",
+ "endDateField": "Päättymispäiväkenttä",
+ "optional": "(Valinnainen)",
+ "clickToMake": "Klikkaa luodaksesi",
+ "visibleForRole": "näkyvissä roolille:",
+ "inUI": "Käyttöliittymän kojelaudassa",
+ "projectSettings": "Perusasetukset",
+ "clickToHide": "Klikkaa piilottaaksesi",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klikkaa ladataksesi",
+ "forRole": "roolille",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Napsauta kopioidaksesi taulukon ID",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klikkaa kopioidaksesi näkymän ID",
+ "viewMode": "Näyttötila",
+ "searchUsers": "Etsi käyttäjiä",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "allTables": "Kaikki taulukot",
+ "members": "Jäsentä",
+ "dataSources": "Tietolähteet",
+ "connectDataSource": "Yhdistä ulkoinen data",
+ "searchProjects": "Etsi projekteja",
"createdBy": "Luonut",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Liitteiden katselu",
+ "readOnly": "Vain luku",
+ "createdOn": "Luotu",
"notifyVia": "Ilmoittaa kautta",
"projName": "Projektin nimi",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profiili",
+ "accountDetails": "Tilin tiedot",
+ "controlAppearance": "Ohjaa ulkoasua.",
+ "accountEmailID": "Tilin sähköposti-ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Takaisin työtilaan",
+ "untitledToken": "Nimetön merkki",
"tableName": "Taulukon nimi",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Koontinäytön nimi",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Näkymän luonti",
+ "duplicateView": "Näkymän monistaminen",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Kopioi verkkonäkymä",
+ "createGridView": "Luo verkkonäkymä",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Kopioi gallerianäkymä",
+ "createGalleryView": "Luo gallerianäkymä",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Kopioi lomakenäkymä",
+ "createFormView": "Luo lomakenäkymä",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Kopioi Kanban-näkymä",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Monista kalenterinäkymä",
+ "createKanbanView": "Luo Kanban-näkymä",
+ "createCalendarView": "Luo kalenteri-näkymä",
"viewName": "Näytä nimi",
"viewLink": "Näytä linkki",
"columnName": "Sarakkeen nimi",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Kirjoita tietokanta",
"lengthValue": "Pituus / arvo",
"dbType": "Tietokantatyyppi",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "palvelimen nimi / isäntäosoite",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite-tiedostopolku",
+ "hostAddress": "Isäntäosoite",
+ "port": "Porttinumero",
"username": "Käyttäjätunnus",
"password": "Salasana",
"schemaName": "Skeeman nimi",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Toiminta",
"actions": "Toiminnot",
"operation": "Operaatio",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Alaoperaatio",
"operationType": "Käyttötyyppi",
"operationSubType": "Käyttö Alatyyppi",
"description": "Kuvaus",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Missä",
"cache": "Kätkö",
"chat": "Keskustella",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Näytä tai piilota",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV-tiedosto",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON-tiedosto",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "Sähköposti",
@@ -873,15 +876,15 @@
"created": "Luotu",
"sqlOutput": "SQL-lähtö",
"addOption": "Lisää vaihtoehto",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Käyttöliittymän väri",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Sarake, jossa on QR-koodin arvo",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Sarake, jossa on viivakoodin arvo",
"barcodeFormat": "Viivakoodin muoto",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Liian monta merkkiä QR-koodiin",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Liikaa merkkejä viivakoodiin",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "currentLocation": "Nykyinen sijainti",
+ "lng": "Pituus",
+ "lat": "Leveys",
"aggregateFunction": "Kokonaistoiminto",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Tietokanta: Luo jos ei ole olemassa",
"clientKey": "Asiakasnäppäin",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Liity NocoDB-yhteisöön",
"joinReddit": "Liity /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Seuraa NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Yhteisö/AI käännetty)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Asiakirjan viite",
"selectUserRole": "Valitse käyttäjän rooli",
"childTable": "Lapsipöytä",
"childColumn": "Lapsipylväs",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Lapsikenttä",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Liity Pilveen Ilmaiseksi",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Linkki toiseen tietueeseen",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Linkit",
"onUpdate": "Päivitys",
"onDelete": "Poista",
"account": "Tili",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Mukautettu teema",
"requestDataSource": "Pyydätkö tarvitsemaasi tietolähdettä?",
"apiKey": "API-avain",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Henkilökohtainen käyttövaltuusmerkki",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Jaettu perus-URL",
"importData": "Tuo tietoja",
"importSecondaryViews": "Toissijaisten näkymien tuonti",
"importRollupColumns": "Rollup-sarakkeiden tuonti",
"importLookupColumns": "Tuo hakusarakkeita",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Liitesarakkeiden tuominen",
"importFormulaColumns": "Tuo kaavan sarakkeet",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Tuo käyttäjiä (sähköpostitse)",
"noData": "Ei tietoja",
"goToDashboard": "Siirry kojelautaan",
"importing": "Tuo",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Muotoile JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Automaattivalitse kenttätyypit",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Käytä ensimmäistä ennätystä otsikoina",
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
"downloadAllowed": "Lataa sallittu",
"weAreHiring": "Me palkkaamme!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "on monia",
"belongsTo": "kuuluu",
"manyToMany": "on monien suhde moniin",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "yksi yhteen suhde",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Ylimääräiset yhteysparametrit",
"commentsOnly": "Vain huomautukset",
"documentation": "Dokumentaatio",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Salli rekisteröityminen vain kutsun url-osoitteen avulla",
"nextRow": "Seuraava rivi",
"prevRow": "Edellinen rivi",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Lisää tietoja manuaalisesti verkkonäkymään",
+ "addRowForm": "Syötä tietojen tallennus lomakkeen kautta",
+ "noAccess": "Ei pääsyä",
+ "restApis": "REST-rajapinnat",
+ "apis": "Rajapinnat",
+ "apiSnippet": "API Pätkät",
+ "includeData": "Sisällytä tiedot",
+ "includeView": "Sisällytä näkymä",
+ "includeWebhook": "Sisällytä Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Lähennä nähdäksesi sarakkeet",
+ "embedInSite": "Upota tämä näkymä sivustollesi",
+ "titleRequired": "otsikko vaaditaan.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Lähdenimi on pakollinen",
+ "changeWsName": "Muuta työtilan nimeä",
+ "pressEnter": "Paina Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "Webhotok",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Uusi kenttä",
+ "saveChanges": "Tallenna muutokset",
+ "updatedField": "Päivitetty kenttä",
+ "deletedField": "Poistettu kenttä",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Epätäydellinen kokoonpano",
+ "selectField": "Valitse kenttä",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Taustaväri",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Piilota NocoDB-brändäys",
+ "showOnConditions": "Näytä ehdoilla",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Näytä kenttä vain kun ehdot täyttyvät",
+ "limitOptions": "Rajoita vaihtoehtoja",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Rajoita käyttäjille näkyviä vaihtoehtoja valitsemalla saatavilla olevat vaihtoehdot",
+ "clearSelection": "Tyhjennä valinta",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Näytä etenemisenä",
+ "relationType": "Suhde tyyppi",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Näytä tuhansien erotin",
+ "signUpForFree": "Rekisteröidy ilmaiseksi",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Sovita kuva",
+ "coverImageArea": "Peittävä kuva",
+ "syncData": "Synkronoi dataa",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Rekisteröi palvelut, joista olet kiinnostunut saadaksesi ilmoituksen, kun ne tulevat saataville",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Ohjaa URL-osoitteeseen"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhotokin tiedot",
+ "hideWeekends": "Piilota viikonloput",
+ "renameBase": "Nimeä Perusta Uudelleen",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Nimeä Uudelleen Työtila",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktivoi",
+ "manageUsers": "Hallinnoi Käyttäjiä",
+ "newWorkspace": "Uusi Työtila",
+ "addDomain": "Lisää Toiminto",
+ "addMembers": "Lisää jäseniä",
+ "enterEmail": "Kirjoita sähköpostiosoitteet",
+ "inviteToBase": "Kutsu pohjaan",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Kutsu Työtilaan",
+ "addMember": "Lisää jäsen pohjaan",
+ "noRange": "Kalenterinäkymä vaatii päivämäärä-alueen",
+ "goToToday": "Mene tähän päivään",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Vaihda sivupalkki",
+ "addEndDate": "Lisää päättymispäivä",
+ "withEndDate": "päättymispäivän kanssa",
+ "calendar": "Kalenteri",
+ "viewSettings": "Näytä asetukset",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Rekisteröi OIDC-identiteettitoimittaja",
+ "registerSAML": "Rekisteröi SAML-identiteettitoimittaja",
+ "openInANewTab": "Avaa uudessa välilehdessä",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopioi IFrame-koodi",
+ "onCondition": "Ehdolla",
+ "bulkDownload": "Tukkulataus",
+ "attachFile": "Liitä tiedosto",
+ "viewAttachment": "Näytä liitetiedostot",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Napsauta tai pudota tiedosto soluun",
+ "addFiles": "Lisää tiedosto(ja)",
+ "hideInUI": "Piilota käyttöliittymässä",
+ "addBase": "Lisää perus",
+ "addParameter": "Lisää parametri",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Lähetä toinen lomake",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Vedä ja pudota kenttiä tähän lisätäksesi",
+ "editSource": "Muokkaa tietolähdettä",
+ "enterText": "Syötä teksti",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Muokkaa perus",
+ "showInUI": "Näytä käyttöliittymässä",
+ "outOfSync": "Ei synkronoituna",
+ "newSource": "Uusi tietolähde",
+ "newWebhook": "Uusi Webhotok",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Ota julkinen pääsy käyttöön",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Haluatko tallentaa muutokset?",
+ "editingAccess": "Muokkausoikeudet",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable public viewing",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Rajoita pääsy salasanalla",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Hallinnoi projektin käyttöoikeuksia",
+ "allowDownload": "Salli lataaminen",
+ "surveyMode": "Kyselytila",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL-suuntaus",
+ "useTheme": "Käytä teemaa",
+ "copyLink": "Kopioi linkki",
+ "copiedLink": "Linkki kopioitu",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopioi kutsulinkki",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Kutsulinkki kopioitu",
"copyUrl": "Kopioi URL-osoite",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Lisää värejä",
+ "moveProject": "Siirrä projekti",
"createProject": "Luo projekti",
"importProject": "Tuontihanke",
"searchProject": "Hakuprojekti",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Poista projekti",
"refreshProject": "Päivitä projekteja",
"saveProject": "Tallenna projekti",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Tallenna & Lopeta",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Poista pino?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Luo liittämällä
ulkoiseen tietokantaan",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Ohje Käännä",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopioi Auth Token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Auth Token kopioitu",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API:t",
"projInfo": "Kopioi projektitiedot",
"themes": "Teemat"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Suodattaa",
"addFilter": "Lisää suodatin",
"share": "Jaa",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Ryhmittele",
+ "addSubGroup": "Uusi alaryhmä",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Share base",
"disable": "Poista jaettu pohja",
"enable": "Jokainen, jolla on linkki",
"link": "Jaettu peruslinkki"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Kutsu tiimi",
"inviteUser": "Kutsu käyttäjä",
"inviteToken": "Kutsua token",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Linkitetyt tietueet",
+ "addNewLink": "Lisää uusi linkki",
"newUser": "Uusi käyttäjä",
"editUser": "Muokkaa käyttäjää",
"deleteUser": "Poista käyttäjä projektista",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "Edellinen ennätys",
"copyApiURL": "Kopioi API URL",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Luo hallintapaneeli",
+ "createWorkspace": "Luo työtila",
"refreshTable": "Taulukot päivitys",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Nimeä taulukko uudelleen",
+ "renameLayout": "Ulkoasun uudelleennimeäminen",
+ "deleteTable": "Poista taulukko",
"addField": "Lisää uusi kenttä tähän taulukkoon",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Aseta näyttöarvoksi",
"addRow": "Lisää uusi rivi",
"saveRow": "Tallenna rivi",
"saveAndExit": "Tallenna & poistu",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Lisää uusi rivi",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Poista rivi",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Poista tietueet",
+ "predictColumns": "Ennusta kentät",
+ "predictFormulas": "Ennusta kaavat",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Poista valitut rivit",
"importExcel": "Tuonti excel",
"importCSV": "Tuo CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Luo näkymä",
"shareView": "Jaa näkymä",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Täytä skannaamalla",
"listSharedView": "Jaettu näkymäluettelo",
"ListView": "Näkymät",
"copyView": "Kopionä näkymä",
"renameView": "Nimeä näkymä uudelleen",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Lataa tiedot",
"deleteView": "Poista näkymä",
"createGrid": "Luo verkkokuva",
"createGallery": "Luo gallerianäkymä",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Avaa uusi välilehti",
"iFrame": "Kopioi Embeddable HTML-koodi",
"addWebhook": "Lisää uusi webhotok",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Ota Webhook käyttöön",
+ "testWebhook": "Testaa Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Luo webhotok",
+ "copyWebhook": "Kopioi Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Poista Webhook",
"newToken": "Lisää uusi merkki",
"exportZip": "Vie Zip",
"importZip": "Tuo zip",
"metaSync": "Synkronoi nyt",
"settings": "asetukset",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Vahvistukset",
"previewAs": "Esikatselua jksk",
"resetReview": "Nollaa esikatselu",
"testDbConn": "Testitietokantayhteys",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Lisää suodatinryhmä",
"linkRecord": "Linkkitietue",
"addNewRecord": "Lisää uusi tietue",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Uusi tietue",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Luo uusi tietue",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' tallennettiin ja linkitettiin onnistuneesti",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Tietue luotu ja linkitetty",
"useConnectionUrl": "Käytä yhteys-URL:ää",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle kommentit piirtää",
"expandRecord": "Laajenna ennätys",
"deleteRecord": "Poista tietue",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Täysi leveys",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Poistu täydestä leveydestä",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Merkitse kaikki luetuksi",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Poista kenttä",
+ "addNumber": "Lisää numerokenttä",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Lisää yhden rivin tekstikenttä",
+ "addLongText": "Lisää pitkä tekstikenttä",
+ "addOther": "Lisää muu kenttä"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Näytä sarakkeet",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Pinoaminen Pinoaminen",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Pienennä kaikki",
+ "expandAll": "Laajenna kaikki",
+ "renameStack": "Nimeä pino uudelleen",
"deleteStack": "Poista pino",
"stackedBy": "Pinottu by",
"chooseGroupingField": "Valitse ryhmittelykenttä",
"addOrEditStack": "Lisää / Muokkaa pinoa"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Kartoitettu",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Valitse kartoituskenttä",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Vaihda mobiilitila",
+ "startCommenting": "Aloita kommentointi!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Ei kommentteja vielä!",
+ "clearForm": "Tyhjennä lomake",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Lisää kenttä",
+ "selectAllFields": "Valitse kaikki kentät",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Ota esitäyttö käyttöön",
+ "default": "Oletusarvo",
+ "locked": "Lukitse esitäytetyt kentät vain luku -tilaan",
+ "hidden": "Piilota esitäytetyt kentät",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Esitäytetty arvo"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Hanki esitäytetty linkki",
+ "group": "Ryhmä",
+ "goToDocs": "Siirry asiakirjoihin",
+ "addCondition": "Lisää ehto",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Lisää ehtoryhmä"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Ota käyttöön, jotta tämä yhteys on yksityinen ja piilotettu muilta tekijöiltä tässä työtilassa.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Valinnainen. Käyttää oletustietokantaa \"{database}\", jos jätetään tyhjäksi",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Valinnainen. Käyttää oletusarvoista kaavaa \"{schema}\", jos jätetään tyhjäksi.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Skeeman muokkaaminen on poistettu käytöstä tälle tietolähteelle.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Tätä tietotyyppiä ei sallita.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Tämä vaihtoehto sallii tietokannan skeeman muuttamisen, mukaan lukien taulukoiden ja sarakkeiden lisäämisen, muuttamisen tai poistamisen. Käytä varovaisesti, sillä muutokset voivat vaikuttaa tietokannan rakenteelliseen eheyteen.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Tämä vaihtoehto mahdollistaa tietueiden luomisen, päivittämisen tai poistamisen tietokantatauluissa. Ihanteellinen hallinnollisille käyttäjille, jotka tarvitsevat muuttaa tietoja suoraan.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Tallenna muutokset",
"xcDB": "Luo uusi projekti",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Tuleeko se mustaksi? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Lisää uusi pöytä",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Lisää uusi hallintapaneeli",
"inviteMore": "Kutsu lisää käyttäjiä",
"toggleNavDraw": "Vaihda navigaattori",
"reloadApiToken": "Lataa API-rahakkeet uudelleen",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Valitse .key-tiedosto",
"clientCert": "Valitse .cert-tiedosto",
"clientCA": "Valitse CA-tiedosto",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Vaihda kuvakkeen väri",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Lomakemuoto yhdellä kentällä per sivu",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Käytä kentän muokkausvalikkoa tyyppimuunnoksiin tiedoston tuonnin jälkeen",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rooli peritty työtilasta",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Tulossa pian! Napsauta äänestääksesi tarvitsemaasi integraatiota NocoDB:ssä."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Etsi kuvakkeita",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Valitse Slack-kanavat",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Valitse Microsoft Teams -kanavat",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Valitse Discord-kanavat",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Valitse Mattermost-kanavat",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhotokin otsikko",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Valitse kenttä viivakoodin arvoksi",
+ "notFoundContent": "Kelvollista kenttätyyppiä ei löydy.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Valitse viivakoodimuoto",
"projName": "Anna projektin nimi",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Valitse ryhmittelykenttä",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Yhden valinnan kenttää ei löydy. Luo ensin yksi.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Valitse kansikuvan kenttä",
+ "selectGeoField": "Valitse GeoData-kenttä",
+ "notSelected": "-ei valittu-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "GeoData-kenttää ei löydy. Luo ensin yksi.",
"password": {
"enter": "Anna salasana",
"current": "Nykyinen salasana",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Tallenna salasana",
"confirm": "Vahvista uusi salasana"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Valitse kenttä QR-koodin arvoksi",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Salli negatiiviset numerot",
"searchProjectTree": "Hakupöydät",
"searchFields": "Hakukentät",
"searchColumn": "Hae {Haku} sarake",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Suodata sähköpostitse",
"filterQuery": "Suodata kysely",
"selectField": "Valitse kenttä",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Tarkkuus",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Arvo",
+ "key": "Avain",
+ "createTable": "Luo ensimmäinen taulukkosi!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Ei luotuja API-tokeneita",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Kutsu tiimisi",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Hae vaihtoehtoja"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Virheellinen painikkeen konfigurointi",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Virheellinen kentän konfigurointi",
+ "invalidTheme": "Valitse kelvollinen teema",
+ "invalidColor": "Valitse kelvollinen väri",
+ "invalidType": "Painikkeen tyyppi voi olla joko 'webhotok' tai 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Anna kelvollinen painikkeen tunniste",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Tämä toiminto ei ole käytettävissä tietokannassasi",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Hallinnoi organisaation nimeä ja ulkonäköä.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Lisää yrityksen toimintoja rajoittaaksesi pääsyn ei-toivotuilta käyttäjiltä.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Estä käyttäjiä jakamasta perustaa julkisesti.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Valitse poistettavat käyttäjät ja poista heidät kaikista organisaation työtiloista.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Poista kaikki käyttäjät, perustat ja tiedot liittyen tähän järjestöön",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Napsauta kopioidaksesi kentän tunniste",
+ "enterPassword": "Anna salasana",
"bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
"subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Vahvistetaan salasana",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Tämä jaettu näkymä on suojattu",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Lomakedatan lähetys onnistui",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Lomakenäkymä ei ole tuettu mobiililaitteilla",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Kalenterinäkymää ei tueta mobiililaitteilla",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Uusi lomake ladataan {seconds} sekunnin kuluttua",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimoitu kysely on pois käytöstä",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimoitu kysely on käytössä",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Hakukenttää ei tueta muille kuin Kuuluu-tyyppisille relaatioille",
+ "invalidTime": "Virheellinen aika",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Sinulla ei ole tuettuja linkkejä {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Tietuetta ei löydetty",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Virheellinen puhelinnumero",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Sivun koko muuttui",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Virhe ladattaessa tietoja",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Käytä kontekstimuuttujaa",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "viittaamaan käsiteltävään tietueeseen",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Vihje: Käytä {placeholder1} viitataksesi kenttiin, esim: {placeholder2}. Lisää tietoa löydät",
+ "hintEnd": "Kaavat.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Ehdotettua kaavaa ei löytynyt",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Ehdotettua kenttää ei löytynyt",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} vaatii {type} kohdassa {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeroarvoa odotetaan",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Merkkijonoa odotetaan",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operaatiota ei ole saatavilla",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Kenttää ei voi tallentaa, koska kaava on virheellinen",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Kenttää {columnName} ei tueta",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "{type} tyyppi odotettu mutta löydettiin {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vaatii {requiredArguments} argumenttia",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vaatii vähintään {minRequiredArguments} argumenttia",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vaatii enintään {maxRequiredArguments} argumenttia",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} funktio ei ole saatavilla",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY()-funktion ensimmäisellä parametrilla tulisi olla päivämääräarvo",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY()-funktion toisella parametrilla tulisi olla arvo joko \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" tai \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD()-funktion ensimmäisellä parametrilla tulisi olla päivämääräarvo",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD()-funktion toisella parametrilla tulisi olla numeerinen arvo",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD()-funktion kolmannella parametrilla tulisi olla arvo joko \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" tai \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF()-funktion ensimmäisellä parametrilla tulisi olla päivämääräarvo",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF()-funktion toisella parametrilla tulisi olla päivämääräarvo",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF()-funktion kolmannella parametrilla tulisi olla arvo joko \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\" tai \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Kenttä {columnName} ei ole käytettävissä",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Kenttää ei voi tallentaa, koska se aiheuttaa syklisen viittauksen",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Sarake {columnName}, jolla on tyyppi {columnType}, löydettiin, mutta odotettiin tyyppiä {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} ei vastaa tyyppiä {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Valintavaihtoehdot eivät voi olla tyhjiä",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Monivalintasarakkeilla ei voi olla pilkkuja(',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Valintavaihtoehdot eivät voi olla päällekkäisiä",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Luo uusi vaihtoehto, jonka nimi on"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Anna numero",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Anna sähköposti",
+ "invalidDate": "Virheellinen päivämäärä",
+ "invalidLocale": "Virheellinen kieliasetus",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Virheellinen valuuttakoodi",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' -tyypillä on omat valuutta-asetuksensa",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Viivakoodikentän kelvollisia kenttätyyppejä ovat: Numero, Yhden rivin teksti, Pitkä teksti, Puhelinnumero, URL, Sähköposti, Desimaali. Ole hyvä ja luo yksi ensin.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "On useita suhteita",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Yksi tietue taulusta ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " voidaan liittää useisiin tietueisiin taulusta "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Moni moneen -suhde",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Useat tietueet taulusta ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " voidaan liittää useampiin tietueisiin taulusta "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Kuuluu suhteeseen",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Yksi tietue taulusta ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " voidaan liittää tietueeseen taulusta "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Yksi yhteen -suhde",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Yksi tietue taulusta ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " voidaan liittää yhteen tietueeseen taulusta "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että yhtään tietuetta ei ole vielä linkitetty.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Ei linkitettyjä tietueita",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Ei linkitettyjä tietueita",
+ "recordsLinked": "tietueet linkitetty",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Hyväksy vain kelvollinen {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Luo henkilökohtaisia API-tunnuksia käytettäväksi automaatiossa tai ulkoisissa sovelluksissa.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Valitse sarake lajittelua varten",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Valitse ryhmiteltävä kenttä",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Ei tietueita taulussa",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Tällä hetkellä ei ole linkitettävissä tietueita",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Aloita web-hooksin käyttö!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Tehosta automaatioitasi. Saat ilmoituksen heti, kun tiedoissasi on muutoksia",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa seuraavan",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Oletko varma, että haluat {deleteLabel} seuraavan",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID-kenttä on pakollinen, voit nimetä tämän uudelleen myöhemmin, jos se on tarpeen.",
+ "length59Required": "Pituus ylittää enimmäismerkkimäärän 59",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Ei uusia ilmoituksia",
+ "noRecordFound": "Tietuetta ei löydy",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Ei tietueita löytynyt",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Yksikään tietue ei vastaa hakuasi",
+ "rowDeleted": "Tietue poistettu",
+ "saveChanges": "Haluatko tallentaa muutokset?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Kenttä on liian suuri muunnettavaksi {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Rooli vaaditaan",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Tämän webhotokin painikealueet vaikuttavat",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban-näkymä tarvitsee yhden valintakentän. Yritä luoda kanban-näkymä lisäämällä yksivalintakenttä!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Karttanäkymä tarvitsee geotietokentän. Yritä luoda karttanäkymä lisäämällä geotietokenttä!",
+ "dbValid": "Varmista tietokannan kelpoisuus estääksesi kaavan menetyksen",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Viivakoodivirhe - tarkista syötteen ja viivakoodityypin yhteensopivuus."
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Varoitus: Laskettu kenttä - tekstiä ei voida tyhjentää",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Varoitus: QR-kenttiä ei voi suoraan muuttaa.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Varoitus: Viivakoodikenttiä ei voi muuttaa suoraan."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Oletko varma, että haluat monistaa projektin?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Oletko varma, että haluat monistaa taulukon?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Et voi muuttaa muokattavan kentän näkyvyyttä. Tallenna tai hylkää muutokset ensin.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Et voi siirtää muokattavaa kenttää. Tallenna tai hylkää muutokset ensin",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Et voi siirtää poistettua kenttää. Tallenna tai hylkää muutokset ensin"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Et voi vetää tietueita päivämäärien välillä, kun käytetään laskettuja tai järjestelmäkenttiä.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Skeeman muutokset on poistettu käytöstä tälle lähteelle",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Anna työtilan nimi",
+ "enterBaseName": "Anna Perustan Nimi",
+ "idpPaste": "Liitä nämä URL-osoitteet Identity Providers -konsoliin",
+ "noSaml": "Ei ole määritettyjä SAML-todennuksia.",
+ "noOIDC": "Ei konfiguroituja OpenID-autentikointeja.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Poissa käytöstä, koska näkymä on lukittu",
+ "basesMigrated": "Perustiedot on siirretty. Yritä uudelleen.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Liitä-toimintoa ei tueta aktiivisessa solussa.",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Luoja voi luoda uusia projekteja ja käyttää kaikkia kutsuttuja projekteja.",
"orgViewer": "Katsoja ei saa luoda uusia projekteja, mutta hän voi käyttää mitä tahansa kutsuttua projektia."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Ladataan skanneria...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Olet ylittänyt rajan.",
+ "closeLimit": "Olet lähellä rajaa.",
+ "limitNumber": "Karttanäkymässä näytettävien merkitsimien raja on 1000 tietuetta."
"footerInfo": "Rivit sivua kohti",
"upload": "Valitse lataa tiedosto",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Anna lomakkeen syöttömerkki",
"formHelpText": "Lisää joitain ohjeita",
"onlyCreator": "Näkyy vain Luojalle",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Lisää lomakkeen otsikko",
"formDesc": "Lisää muotokuvaus",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Rajoita pääsy salasanalla",
"afterEnablePwd": "Pääsy on salasana rajoitettu",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Access Project kautta",
"submitAnotherForm": "Näytä \"Lähetä toinen lomake\" -painike",
"showBlankForm": "Näytä tyhjä lomake 5 sekunnin kuluttua",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Sähköpostivastaukset osoitteeseen",
"showSysFields": "Näytä järjestelmäkenttiä",
"filterAutoApply": "Auto Apply",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Näytä viesti",
"viewNotShared": "Nykyistä näkymää ei ole jaettu!",
"showAllViews": "Näytä kaikki tämän taulukon yhteiset näkymät",
"collabView": "Yhteistyökumppanit, joissa on muokkausoikeudet tai uudempi, voivat muuttaa näkymäasetusta.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Lisää galleria-näkymä",
"form": "Lisää lomake",
"kanban": "Lisää Kanban View",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Lisää karttanäkymä",
"calendar": "Lisää kalenteri-näkymä"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Taulukot Metatieto on synkronoitu",
"addMultipleUsers": "Voit lisätä useita pilkuja (,) erotettuja sähköposteja",
"enterTableName": "Anna taulukon nimi",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Anna taulukon kuvaus...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Anna kentän kuvaus...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Anna näkymän kuvaus...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Anna ulkoasun nimi",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Anna hallintapaneelin nimi",
+ "defaultColumns": "Oletuspylväät",
"addDefaultColumns": "Lisää oletuspylväät",
"tableNameInDb": "Taulukon nimi tallennetaan tietokantaan",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Tämä arvo on jo luettelossa",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Ei päivitettäviä sarakkeita",
"tableDeleted": "Poistettu taulukko onnistuneesti",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Ulkoasu poistettiin onnistuneesti",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Luo julkisesti jaettavissa oleva lukukelpoinen pohja",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän näkymän?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa tämän ulkoasun?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Haluatko poistaa taulukon",
"showM2mTables": "Näytä M2M-taulukot",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Moni-moni-suhde on tuettu liitostaulun kautta ja se on oletuksena piilotettu. Ota tämä vaihtoehto käyttöön luetellaksesi kaikki tällaiset taulut yhdessä olemassa olevien taulujen kanssa.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Näytä NULL soluissa",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Näytä 'NULL'-tunniste soluissa, joissa on NULL-arvo. Tämä auttaa erottamaan solut, joissa on TYHJÄ merkkijono.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Näytä NULL ja TYHJÄ suodattimessa",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Ota 'lisäsuodattimet' käyttöön erottaaksesi kentät, joissa on NULL & tyhjät merkkijonot. Oletustuki tyhjälle käsittelee yhtä hyvin NULL- ja tyhjiä merkkijonoja.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Tämän pinon poistaminen poistaa myös valintavaihtoehdon `{stackToBeDeleted}` valikosta `{groupingField}`. Tietueet siirtyvät luokittelemattomaan pinoon.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Laskettu kenttä: sisältö on vain luettavissa. Käytä sarakkeen muokkausvalikkoa uudelleenmäärittämiseen",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Laskettu kenttä: sisältö on vain luettavissa. Sisältöä ei voi tyhjentää.",
"noMoreRecords": "Ei enää tallenteita",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Tunnuksen nimi ei saa olla tyhjä",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Tunnuksen nimen pituus ei saa ylittää 255 merkkiä",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Tietokannan nimi on pakollinen",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Työtilan nimi vaaditaan",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Työtilan nimen on oltava vähintään 3 merkkiä pitkä",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Työtilan nimen on oltava enintään 50 merkkiä pitkä",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Poista tämä työtila ja kaikki sen sisältö.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Ymmärrän, että tämä toimenpide on peruuttamaton",
+ "pageNotFound": "Sivua ei löydy",
+ "makeLineBreak": "rivityksen tekemiseksi",
+ "goToPrevious": "Siirry edelliseen",
+ "goToNext": "Siirry seuraavaan",
+ "thankYou": "Kiitos!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Olet lähettänyt lomaketiedot onnistuneesti.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Järjestelmäavaimen muokkaus ei tuettu",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Ei saatavilla tällä hetkellä",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Ryhmäliitäntä ei ole tuettu linkkien/LinkToAnotherRecord -sarakkeissa",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Ryhmäselvitys ei ole tuettu linkkien/LinkToAnotherRecord -sarakkeissa",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Päivitä Enterprise Editioniin {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Tämä ominaisuus on saatavilla vain yritysversiossa",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Nykyinen roolisi on",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Pyydä korkeampia oikeuksia adminilta/pohjan omistajalta/työtilan omistajalta saadaksesi pääsyn tähän {viewName} näkymään",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Et voi piilottaa kaikkia vaihtoehtoja, jos kenttä on pakollinen"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Manuaalisia koukkuja ei voi poistaa käytöstä",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Virhe tietueen tietojen lataamisessa",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Virhe kalenteridatan haussa",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Virhe aktiivisten päivämäärien haussa",
+ "scopesRequired": "Scope-vaaditaan",
+ "domainRequired": "Toiminnon nimi on pakollinen",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Todennuksen URL on vaaditaan",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Käyttäjänimen attribuutti on vaaditaan",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Asiakkaan ID on vaaditaan",
+ "issuerRequired": "Myöntäjä on vaaditaan",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Asiakkaan salaisuus on vaaditaan",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL on vaaditaan",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token-URL on vaaditaan",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL on vaaditaan",
+ "eitherXML": "Joko xml- tai metadata-URL on pakollinen",
+ "nameRequired": "Nimi vaaditaan",
+ "nameMinLength": "Nimen on oltava vähintään 2 merkkiä pitkä",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Nimen on oltava enintään 60 merkkiä pitkä",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Näkymän nimi vaaditaan",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Toiminnon nimi on pakollinen",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Nimen on oltava enintään 256 merkkiä pitkä",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Näkymän nimen tulisi olla yksilöllinen",
"searchProject": "Hakusi {haku} ei löytänyt tuloksia",
"invalidChar": "Virheellinen merkki kansioreitillä.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Virheelliset tietokannan tunnistetiedot.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Tietokantaan ei voi muodostaa yhteyttä, tarkista tietokantaasi.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Virheellinen vuosi",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Käyttäjää ei ole olemassa tai jolla on riittävä lupa luoda kaavio.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Virheelliset tietokannan parametrit",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Yhteys epäonnistuminen:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Null-suodatin on olemassa. Poista ne",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Sähköposti vaaditaan",
"emailInvalid": "Sähköpostin on oltava voimassa",
"passwdRequired": "salasana tarvitaan",
"passwdLength": "Salasanan on oltava vähintään 8 merkkiä",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Yksi numero",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Yksi erikoismerkki",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Sallittujen erikoismerkkien luettelo",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Virheelliset sähköpostit",
+ "invalidEmail": "Virheellinen sähköposti"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Virheellinen XML",
"invalidURL": "Virheellinen URL-osoite",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite",
"internalError": "Tapahtui jokin sisäinen virhe",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generatoria ei löydy!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Tiedoston lataaminen epäonnistui",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Nimen on alettava aakkosilla tai _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Seuraavat merkit eivät ole sallittuja",
"columnNameRequired": "Sarakkeen nimi vaaditaan",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Kentän nimi on jo käytössä",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nimi on jo käytössä järjestelmäkentälle",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI-datatyyppi vaaditaan",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} nimi ylittää 50 merkkiä",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} nimi ei voi alkaa välilyönnillä",
"requiredField": "Pakollinen kenttä",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP ei sallittu",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Kohdetiedosto ei ole hyväksytty tiedostotyyppi",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Hyväksytyt tiedostotyypit ovat .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots ja .xlsx.",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parametriavain ei voi olla tyhjä",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Parametrin kaksoisavaimet eivät ole sallittuja",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Tämä kenttä ei voi olla tyhjä.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Hankkeeseen ei pääse käsiksi",
"copyToClipboardError": "Kopiointi leikepöydälle epäonnistui",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Leikepöydältä liittäminen epäonnistui",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Ole hyvä ja täytä kaikkien kenttien asetukset ennen tallentamista",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Jokin meni pieleen",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Raahattava sisältö ei ole kuvatyyppi",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Kenttä kuvadatan jäsentämiseen",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Jotkut vaaditut kentät ovat tyhjiä"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Project Metadata viedään onnistuneesti",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Tulossa pian!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Lisenssiavain päivitetty",
"columnDuplicated": "Sarake monistettu onnistuneesti",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Päivitetty UI ACL taulukoille onnistuneesti",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Liitännäisen asetukset tallennettu onnistuneesti",
"pluginTested": "Onnistuneesti testattu plugin asetukset",
"tableRenamed": "Taulukko nimetty uudelleen onnistuneesti",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Asettelu nimettiin uudelleen onnistuneesti",
"viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Onnistunut päivitys ensisijaiseksi sarakkeeksi",
"tableDataExported": "Kaikki taulukon tiedot on viety onnistuneesti",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "Käyttäjä poistettiin onnistuneesti projektista",
"inviteEmailSent": "Kutsu Sähköposti lähetetty onnistuneesti",
"inviteURLCopied": "Kutsun URL-osoite kopioitu leikepöydälle",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Kommentti kopioitu leikepöydälle",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "Salasanan palautus URL-osoite kopioitu leikepöydälle",
"shareableURLCopied": "Kopioi jaettavan pohjan URL-osoite leikepöydälle!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Kopioitu upotettava HTML-koodi!",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Salasana vaihdettu onnistuneesti. Kirjaudu uudelleen.",
"settingsSaved": "Asetukset tallennettu onnistuneesti",
"roleUpdated": "Rooli päivitetty onnistuneesti",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integraatio yhdistetty onnistuneesti",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Tietolähteitä voivat lisätä perusomistajat ja -luojat ilman uudelleenkirjautumista."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/fr.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/fr.json
index bf6b11b6fd..9fc1c596b8 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/fr.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/fr.json
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
"none": "Aucun"
"general": {
+ "scripts": "Scripts",
"configure": "Paramétrer",
"switch": "Changer",
"on": "Activé",
@@ -285,9 +286,9 @@
"integrations": "Intégrations",
"connection": "Connexion",
"connections": "Connexions",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
+ "private": "Privé",
+ "request": "Requête ",
+ "languages": "Langues",
"extension": "Extension",
"extensions": "Extensions"
@@ -355,9 +356,9 @@
"externalDb": "Base de données externe",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Nombres Apple",
"asana": "Asana",
- "box": "Box",
+ "box": "Boîte",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
"googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
@@ -385,10 +386,10 @@
"postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
"sqlite": "SQLite",
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
- "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
+ "mssqlServer": "MS SQL Serveur",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"telegram": "Telegram",
- "whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
+ "whatsapp": "WhatsApp",
"gmail": "Gmail",
"pipedrive": "Pipedrive",
"microsoftDynamics365": "Microsoft Dynamics 365",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Toutes les intégrations",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Connectez et gérez vos bases de données de manière transparente avec NocoDB.",
"communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Soyez informé des changements et rationalisez la communication au sein de l'équipe grâce à NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Gestion de projet",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Améliorez les flux de travail des projets et la gestion des tâches avec NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimisez la gestion de la relation client grâce aux intégrations NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Boostez vos efforts de marketing avec les puissantes intégrations de NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Rationalisez votre système de suivi des candidatures avec NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Développement",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Accélérez les processus de développement grâce aux intégrations NocoDB.",
"finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Simplifiez les opérations financières et la gestion des données avec NocoDB.",
"ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Gérez et suivez efficacement les tickets de support avec NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Intégrez et organisez vos solutions de stockage de façon transparente avec NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Autres",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Découvrez d'autres intégrations polyvalentes pour améliorer votre expérience NocoDB.",
+ "ai": "IA",
+ "spreadSheet": "Feuille de calcul",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connectez et gérez vos feuilles de calcul avec NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
"isNotNull": "est non null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Rechercher un webhook",
"webcam": "Webcam",
"uploadViaUrl": "Téléverser via une URL",
"localFiles": "Fichiers locaux",
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@
"parameterName": "Nom du paramètre",
"currencyLocale": "Langue de la devise",
"currencyCode": "Code de la devise",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "searchMembers": "Rechercher des membres",
"noMembersFound": "Aucun membre trouvé",
"dateJoined": "Date d'inscription",
"tokenName": "Nom du jeton",
@@ -617,43 +618,45 @@
"surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir envoyer ce formulaire ?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
"looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Il semble que ce groupe n'a pas d'enregistrements",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "fromScratch": "A partir de zéro",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Depuis des fichiers et des sources externes",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Directement en temps réel",
+ "categories": "Catégories",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Champ inaccessible",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Aucune condition ajoutée"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
+ "modifiedOn": "Modifié le",
"configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "setup": "Réglage",
+ "configLabel": "Configurer {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Passez à une base de données applicative prête pour la production",
+ "sharedBase": "Base partagée",
+ "fieldID": "Champ identifiant",
+ "addDescription": "Ajouter une description",
+ "editDescription": "Modifier la description",
+ "urlFormula": "Formule URL",
+ "selectIcon": "aucun",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--selectionner un webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Ouvrir l'URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Exécuter le Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Au clic",
+ "defaultView": "Vue par défaut",
+ "recordInsert": "Insertion d'un enregistrement",
+ "recordUpdate": "Mise à jour de l'enregistrement",
+ "recordDelete": "Suppression de l'enregistrement",
+ "supportDocs": "Documents de support",
+ "addedOn": "Ajouté le",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Changer le champ de la valeur d'affichage",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Sélectionner le champ de la valeur d'affichage",
+ "changeTitleField": "Changer le champ du titre",
+ "clearAll": "Tout effacer",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Les champs de recherche montrent les données de dossiers liés. Sélectionner des champs spécifiques du ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tableau pour les ajouter en tant que champs Lookup dans ce tableau.",
+ "formatting": "Formatage",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Sélectionner un type de format (facultatif)- -",
+ "formatType": "Type de format",
"toUpload": "à téléverser",
"dragFilesHere": "glisser les fichiers ici",
"browseFiles": "parcourir les fichiers",
@@ -666,18 +669,18 @@
"dropHere": "Déposer ici",
"addMore": "Ajouter plus",
"clearAllFiles": "Effacer tous les fichiers",
- "integration": "Integration",
+ "integration": "Intégration",
"notRecommended": "Non recommandé",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
"selectView": "Sélectionner une vue",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "connectionDetails": "Détails de connexion",
"metaSync": "Synchronisation des métadonnées",
"mention": "Mention",
"today": "Aujourd'hui",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
+ "currentDate": "Date actuelle",
"workspace": "Espace de travail",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
+ "txt": "Valeur du Record TXT",
"transferOwnership": "Définir un nouveau propriétaire",
"recentActivity": "Activité récente",
"goToMembers": "Aller aux membres",
@@ -688,34 +691,34 @@
"workspaceName": "Nom de l'espace de travail",
"workspaceWithoutOwner": "Espace de travail sans propriétaire",
"inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Inviter des utilisateurs à l'espace de travail",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-sélectionner les espaces de travail à inviter-",
"addMembersToOrganization": "Ajouter des membres à l'organisation",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
+ "memberIn": "Membre dans :",
+ "assignAs": "Assigner comme",
"signOutUser": "Déconnecter l'utilisateur",
"signOutUsers": "Déconnecter les utilisateurs",
"deactivateUser": "Désactiver l'utilisateur",
"deactivateUsers": "Désactiver les utilisateurs",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
+ "lastActive": "Dernière activité",
"dateAdded": "Date ajoutée",
"uploadImage": "Charger une image",
"organizationProfile": "Profil de l'organisation",
"organizationImage": "Image de l'organisation",
"organizationName": "Nom de l'organisation",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
+ "activeDomains": "Domaines actifs",
+ "domains": "Domaines",
"disablePublicSharing": "Désactiver le partage public",
"shareSettings": "Partager les paramètres",
"deleteUserAndData": "Supprimer l'utilisateur et ses données",
"userOptions": "Options de l'utilisateur",
"deleteThisOrganization": "Supprimer cette organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
+ "dangerZone": "Zone de danger",
+ "childView": "Vue enfant",
"selectYear": "Sélectionnez une Année",
"save": "Enregistrer",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"metadataUrl": "URL des métadonnées",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
+ "audience-entityId": "Audience/ID de l'entité",
"redirectUrl": "URL de redirection",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Langage de balisage d'assertion de sécurité (SAML)",
@@ -798,7 +801,7 @@
"allTables": "Toutes les tables",
"members": "Membres",
"dataSources": "Sources de données",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
+ "connectDataSource": "Connecter les données externes",
"searchProjects": "Base de recherche",
"createdBy": "Créé par",
"viewingAttachmentsOf": "Visualisation des pièces jointes de",
@@ -838,9 +841,9 @@
"lengthValue": "Longueur / valeur",
"dbType": "Type de base de données",
"servername": "nom du serveur / adresse de l'hôte",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "sqliteFile": "Chemin du fichier SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Adresse de l'hôte",
+ "port": "Numéro de port",
"username": "Utilisateur",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"schemaName": "Nom du schéma",
@@ -961,7 +964,7 @@
"noAccess": "Accès interdit",
"restApis": "API REST",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
+ "apiSnippet": "Extraits API",
"includeData": "Inclure les données",
"includeView": "Inclure la vue",
"includeWebhook": "Inclure le Webhook",
@@ -985,31 +988,31 @@
"appearanceSettings": "Réglages de l'apparence",
"backgroundColor": "Couleur d'arrière-plan",
"hideNocodbBranding": "Masquer la marque NocoDB",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
+ "showOnConditions": "Afficher sous conditions",
"showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Montre le champ uniquement lorsque les conditions sont réunies",
"limitOptions": "Limiter les options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limiter les options visibles par les utilisateurs en sélectionnant les options disponibles",
"clearSelection": "Effacer la sélection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Afficher comme progression",
+ "relationType": "Type de relation",
"showThousandsSeparator": "Afficher le séparateur de milliers",
"signUpForFree": "Inscrivez-vous gratuitement",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
"fitImage": "Ajuster l'image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "coverImageArea": "Image de couverture",
+ "syncData": "Synchroniser les données",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Enregistrez les services qui vous intéressent pour être averti lorsqu'ils deviennent disponibles",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Rediriger vers l'URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
+ "webhookDetails": "Détails du Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "Cacher les week-ends",
"renameBase": "Renommer la Base",
"renameWorkspace": "Renommer l'espace de travail",
"deactivate": "Désactiver",
"manageUsers": "Gérer les utilisateurs",
"newWorkspace": "Nouvel espace de travail",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
+ "addDomain": "Ajouter le domaine",
"addMembers": "Ajouter des membres",
"enterEmail": "Entrez les adresses e-mail",
"inviteToBase": "Inviter à la base",
@@ -1023,12 +1026,12 @@
"calendar": "Calendrier",
"viewSettings": "Afficher les paramètres",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
+ "registerOIDC": "Enregistrer le fournisseur d'identité OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "Enregistrer le fournisseur d'identité SAML",
"openInANewTab": "Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet",
"copyIFrameCode": "Copier le code IFrame",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
+ "onCondition": "Sur condition",
+ "bulkDownload": "Téléchargement en masse",
"attachFile": "Joindre un fichier",
"viewAttachment": "Voir les pièces jointes",
"attachmentDrop": "Cliquez ou déposez un fichier dans la cellule",
@@ -1143,8 +1146,8 @@
"duplicateRow": "Dupliquer la ligne",
"deleteRow": "Supprimer la ligne",
"deleteRows": "Supprimer les lignes",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "predictColumns": "Prédire les champs",
+ "predictFormulas": "Prédire les formules",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Supprimer les lignes sélectionnées",
"importExcel": "Importer depuis Excel",
"importCSV": "Importer un fichier CSV",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Ajout un webhook",
"enableWebhook": "Activer le Webhook",
"testWebhook": "Tester le Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Créer un webhook",
"copyWebhook": "Copier le Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "Supprimer le Webhook",
"newToken": "Ajout un nouveau jeton",
@@ -1227,8 +1230,8 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Pile d'effondrement",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
+ "collapseAll": "Réduire tout",
+ "expandAll": "Déplier tout",
"renameStack": "Renommer la pile",
"deleteStack": "Supprimer la pile",
"stackedBy": "Empilés par",
@@ -1256,18 +1259,20 @@
"getPreFilledLink": "Obtenir un lien prérempli",
"group": "Grouper par",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "goToDocs": "Accéder à la documentation",
+ "addCondition": "Ajouter une condition",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Ajouter un groupe de conditions"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
+ "privateConnection": "Activer pour rendre cette connexion privée et cachée aux autres créateurs de cet espace de travail.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Optionnel. Utilise la base de données par défaut «{database}» si laissé vide",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Optionnel. Utilise le schéma par défaut \"{schema}\" si laissé vide.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "La modification du schéma est désactivée pour cette source de données.",
"typeNotAllowed": "Ce type de données n'est pas autorisé.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
"allowMetaWrite": "Cette option permet de modifier le schéma de la base de données, notamment d'ajouter, de modifier ou de supprimer des tables et des colonnes. Utilisez-la avec précaution, car les modifications peuvent avoir un impact sur l'intégrité de la structure de votre base de données.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Cette option permet de créer, de mettre à jour ou de supprimer des enregistrements dans les tables de la base de données. Elle est idéale pour les administrateurs qui ont besoin de modifier des données directement en base.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limité à une seule source de données pour le moment",
"saveChanges": "Sauvegarder les modifications",
"xcDB": "Créer un nouveau projet",
@@ -1299,12 +1304,12 @@
"changeIconColour": "Changer la couleur de l'icône",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
"surveyFormInfo": "Mode formulaire avec un champ par page (enquête)",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Utiliser le menu d'édition de champ pour les conversions de type après l'importation du fichier",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rôle hérité de l'espace de travail",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Prochainement ! Cliquez pour voter pour l'intégration dont vous avez besoin dans NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
+ "searchIcons": "Rechercher des icônes",
"selectSlackChannels": "Sélectionnez les canaux Slack",
"selectTeamsChannels": "Sélectionnez les canaux Microsoft Teams",
"selectDiscordChannels": "Sélectionnez les canaux Discord",
@@ -1316,7 +1321,7 @@
"projName": "Saisir le nom du projet",
"selectGroupField": "Choisir un champ de regroupement",
"selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Aucun champ de sélection en liste ne peut être trouvé. Veuillez en créer un d'abord.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Sélectionner un champ d'image de couverture",
"selectGeoField": "Sélectionnez un champ de type GeoData",
"notSelected": "-non sélectionné-",
"selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Aucun champ de type GeoData n'a été trouvé. Veuillez en créer un d'abord.",
@@ -1359,12 +1364,12 @@
"searchOptions": "Options de recherche"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Configuration du bouton invalide",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Configuration de champ invalide",
+ "invalidTheme": "Sélectionnez un thème valide",
+ "invalidColor": "Sélectionnez une couleur valide",
+ "invalidType": "Le type de bouton peut être 'webhook' ou 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Entrez une étiquette de bouton valide",
"formulaNotSupported": "Cette fonction n'est pas disponible pour votre base de données",
"controlOrgAppearance": "Contrôlez le nom et l'apparence de vos organisations.",
"addCompanyDomains": "Ajoutez des domaines pour restreindre l'accès aux utilisateurs non souhaités.",
@@ -1392,22 +1397,22 @@
"errorLoadingData": "Erreur de chargement des données",
"webhookBodyMsg1": "Utiliser une variable de contexte",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "corps du message",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "pour référer l'enregistrement en cours d'examen",
"formula": {
"hintStart": "Astuce : Utilisez {placeholder1} pour référencer des champs, par exemple: {placeholder2}. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez vérifier",
"hintEnd": "Expressions.",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Aucune formule suggérée trouvée",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Aucun champ suggéré trouvé",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} nécessite un {type} à la position {position}",
"numericTypeIsExpected": "Un type numérique est attendu",
"stringTypeIsExpected": "Un type texte est attendu",
"operationNotAvailable": "Opération {operation} non disponible",
"cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Impossible d'enregistrer le champ car la formule n'est pas valide",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Non pris en charge pour référencer le champ {columnName}",
"typeIsExpectedButFound": "Le type {type} est attendu, mais le type {found} est trouvé",
"requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} nécessite les arguments {requiredArguments}",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} nécessite les arguments minimum {minRequiredArguments}",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} nécessite les arguments maximum {maxRequiredArguments}",
"functionNotAvailable": "La fonction {function} n'est pas disponible",
"firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Le premier paramètre de la fonction WEEKDAY() doit avoir une valeur de type date",
"secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Le second paramètre de WEEKDAY() doit avoir la valeur \"dimanche\", \"lundi\", \"mardi\", \"mercredi\", \"jeudi\", \"vendredi\" ou \"samedi\"",
@@ -1480,11 +1485,11 @@
"tooLargeFieldEntity": "Le champ est trop grand pour être converti en {entity}",
"roleRequired": "Rôle requis",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Les champs de bouton s'appuyant sur ce webhook seront impactés",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
"kanbanNoFields": "La vue Kanban nécessite un seul champ de type SingleSelect pour être configuré. Essayez de configurer une vue kanban après avoir ajouté un seul champ de type SingleSelect !",
"mapNoFields": "La vue cartographique nécessite un champ de données géographiques pour être configuré. Essayez de configurer une vue cartographique après avoir ajouté un champ de données géographiques !",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "dbValid": "Assurez la validité de la base de données pour éviter la perte de schéma",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Erreur de code-barres - veuillez vérifier la compatibiltié entre la donnée d'entrée et le type de code-barres"
@@ -1502,7 +1507,7 @@
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Vous ne pourrez pas faire glisser les enregistrements entre les dates lorsque des champs calculés ou système sont utilisés.",
"schemaReadOnly": "Les modifications de schéma sont désactivées pour cette source",
"enterWorkspaceName": "Entrez le nom de l'espace de travail",
"enterBaseName": "Entrez le nom de base",
@@ -1560,7 +1565,7 @@
"apiOptions": "Accéder au projet via",
"submitAnotherForm": "Afficher le bouton \"Soumettre un autre formulaire\"",
"showBlankForm": "Montrer un formulaire vierge après 5 secondes",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Envoyer les réponses par email à",
"showSysFields": "Afficher les champs système",
"filterAutoApply": "Appliquer automatiquement",
"formDisplayMessage": "Afficher le message",
@@ -1616,9 +1621,9 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Les métadonnées des tables sont synchronisées",
"addMultipleUsers": "Vous pouvez ajouter plusieurs courriels séparés par des virgules (,)",
"enterTableName": "Entrez le nom du tableau",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Entrer la description de la table...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Entrer la description du champ...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Entrer la description de la vue...",
"enterLayoutName": "Entrez le nom de la mise en page",
"enterDashboardName": "Entrez le nom du tableau de bord",
"defaultColumns": "Champs par défaut",
@@ -1675,8 +1680,8 @@
"submittedFormData": "Vous avez soumis les données du formulaire avec succès.",
"editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Modification de la clé primaire non prise en charge",
"notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Non disponible pour le moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "L'opération de collage de groupe n'est pas prise en charge sur la colonne Liens/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "L'opération de suppression de groupe n'est pas prise en charge sur la colonne Liens/LinkToAnotherRecord",
"upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Mise à niveau vers la version Entreprise {extraInfo}",
"thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Cette fonctionnalité est uniquement disponible dans l'édition Entreprise",
"yourCurrentRoleIs": "Votre rôle actuel est",
@@ -1684,11 +1689,11 @@
"preventHideAllOptions": "Vous ne pouvez pas masquer toutes les options si le champ est requis"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Les déclencheurs manuels ne peuvent pas être désactivés",
"errorLoadingRecord": "Erreur lors du chargement des données de l'enregistrement",
"fetchingCalendarData": "Erreur lors de la récupération des données du calendrier",
"fetchingActiveDates": "Erreur lors de la récupération des dates actives",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
+ "scopesRequired": "Scopes requis",
"domainRequired": "Le nom de domaine est requis",
"authUrlRequired": "L'URL d'authentification est requise",
"userNameAttributeRequired": "L'attribut nom d'utilisateur est requis",
@@ -1697,7 +1702,7 @@
"clientSecretRequired": "Le client secret est requis",
"jwkUrlRequired": "L'URL JWK est requise",
"tokenUrlRequired": "L'URL du jeton est requise",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "L'URL de UserInfo est requise",
"eitherXML": "L'URL du xml ou des métadonnées est requise",
"nameRequired": "Nom requis",
"nameMinLength": "Le nom doit comporter au moins 2 caractères",
@@ -1764,8 +1769,8 @@
"duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nom déjà utilisé par un champ système",
"uiDataTypeRequired": "Le type de données de l'interface utilisateur est requis",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Le nom de {title} dépasse 50 caractères",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Le nom de {title} ne peut pas commencer par un espace",
"requiredField": "Champ requis",
"ipNotAllowed": "Adresse IP non autorisée",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Le fichier cible n'est pas un type de fichier accepté",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Mot de passe modifié avec succès. Veuillez vous reconnecter.",
"settingsSaved": "Paramètres modifiés avec succès",
"roleUpdated": "Rôle mis à jour avec succès",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Intégration connectée avec succès",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Les propriétaires et créateurs de base peuvent désormais ajouter une source de données sans ressaisir les identifiants."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/he.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/he.json
index d01816ef69..86a69e615f 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/he.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/he.json
@@ -39,69 +39,70 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
+ "sum": "סכום",
+ "count": "ספירה",
+ "min": "מינימום",
+ "max": "מקסימום",
+ "avg": "ממוצע",
"median": "Median",
"std_dev": "Std dev",
"histogram": "Histogram",
"range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "percent_empty": "ריק",
+ "percent_filled": "מלא",
+ "percent_unique": "יוניק",
+ "count_unique": "ייחודי",
+ "count_empty": "ריק",
+ "count_filled": "ממולא",
+ "earliest_date": "תאריך מינימלי",
+ "latest_date": "תאריך מקסימלי",
+ "date_range": "טווח",
+ "month_range": "טווח",
+ "checked": "נבדק",
+ "unchecked": "לא נבדק",
+ "percent_checked": "נבדק",
+ "percent_unchecked": "לא נבדק",
+ "attachment_size": "גודל",
+ "none": "ללא"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "סכום",
+ "count": "ספירה",
+ "min": "מינימום",
+ "max": "מקסימום",
+ "avg": "ממוצע",
+ "median": "חציון",
+ "std_dev": "סטיית תקן",
+ "histogram": "היסטוגרמה",
+ "range": "טווח",
+ "percent_empty": "אחוז ריק",
+ "percent_filled": "אחוז ממולא",
+ "percent_unique": "אחוז ייחודי",
+ "count_unique": "ייחודי",
+ "count_empty": "ריק",
+ "count_filled": "ממולא",
+ "earliest_date": "תאריך מוקדם ביותר",
+ "latest_date": "תאריך מאוחר ביותר",
+ "date_range": "טווח תאריכים",
+ "month_range": "טווח חודשים",
+ "checked": "נבדק",
+ "unchecked": "לא נבדק",
+ "percent_checked": "אחוז נבדק",
+ "percent_unchecked": "אחוז לא נבדק",
+ "attachment_size": "גודל קובץ מצורף",
+ "none": "ללא"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "תסריטים",
+ "configure": "קבע תצורה",
+ "switch": "החלף",
+ "on": "על",
+ "onMultiple": "על רבים",
+ "manual": "ידני",
+ "trigger": "הפעל",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
+ "style": "סגנון",
+ "label": "תווית",
"role": "תפקיד",
"general": "כללי",
"quit": "יציאה",
@@ -129,8 +130,8 @@
"abort": "ביטול",
"saving": "שמירה",
"cancel": "ביטול",
- "null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "null": "ריק",
+ "escape": "בריחה",
"hex": "בסיס 16",
"clear": "נקה",
"slack": "סלאק",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "קוד",
"duplicate": "שכפל",
"duplicating": "משכפל",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "כפול {entity}",
"activate": "הפעל",
"action": "פעולה",
"insert": "הכנס",
@@ -164,9 +165,9 @@
"update": "עדכן",
"updating": "מעודכן",
"rename": "שנה שם",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "שנה שם ל-{entity}",
"reload": "טען מחדש",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "רענן",
"reset": "אתחל",
"install": "התקן",
"show": "הצג",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "אישור",
"generate": "יצירה",
"copy": "העתק",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "הועתק",
"are": "are",
"misc": "שונות",
"lock": "נעל",
@@ -224,9 +225,9 @@
"betaNote": "תכונה זו נמצאת כרגע בגרסת בטא.",
"moreInfo": "מידע נוסף ניתן למצוא כאן",
"logs": "רשומות יומן",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "groupingField": "קבץ לפי שדה",
+ "insertAfter": "הוסף לימין",
+ "insertBefore": "הוסף לשמאל",
"insertAbove": "הזנה מעל",
"insertBelow": "הזנה מתחת",
"hideField": "הסתר שדה",
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@
"move": "העברה",
"geoDataField": "שדה מידע גיאוגרפי",
"type": "סוג",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "תת סוג",
"name": "שם",
"changes": "שינויים",
"new": "חדש",
@@ -279,20 +280,20 @@
"format": "פורמט",
"colour": "צבע",
"use": "השתמש",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "stack": "מחסנית",
+ "ipAddress": "כתובת IP",
+ "integration": "אינטגרציה",
+ "integrations": "אינטגרציות",
+ "connection": "חיבור",
+ "connections": "חיבורים",
+ "private": "פרטי",
+ "request": "בקשה",
+ "languages": "שפות",
+ "extension": "תוסף",
+ "extensions": "תוספים"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
+ "files": "קבצים",
"owner": "בעלים",
"member": "חבר",
"day": "יום",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "שדות",
"column": "עמודה",
"columns": "עמודות",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "תא",
+ "cells": "תאים",
"page": "דף",
"pages": "דפים",
"record": "רשומה",
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "serviceHub": "מרכז שירות",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
"microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
+ "serviceCloud": "ענן שירות",
"snowflake": "Snowflake",
"stripe": "Stripe",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
"postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
"sqlite": "SQLite",
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
- "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
+ "mssqlServer": "שרת MSSQL",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"telegram": "Telegram",
"whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "כל האינטגרציות",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "חבר ונהל את מסדי הנתונים שלך בצורה מושלמת עם NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "תקשורת",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "קבל התראות על שינויים ושפר את התקשורת הצוותית עם NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "ניהול פרויקטים",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "שפר את תהליכי העבודה והניהול המשימות עם NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "הOptimize את ניהול קשרי הלקוחות באמצעות אינטגרציות NocoDB.",
+ "marketing": "שיווק",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "שפר את מאמצי השיווק עם אינטגרציות החזקות של NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "פשט את מערכת מעקב המועמדים עם NocoDB.",
+ "development": "פיתוח",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "האץ את תהליכי הפיתוח עם אינטגרציות NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "פיננסים",
+ "financeSubtitle": "פשט את הפעילות הפיננסית וניהול נתונים עם NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "ניפקי כרטיסים",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "נהל ועקוב אחר תמיכה בכרטיסים בצורה יעילה עם NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "האחד וארגן את פתרונות האחסון שלך בצורה מושלמת עם NocoDB.",
+ "others": "אחרים",
+ "othersSubtitle": "גלה אינטגרציות נוספות ומגוונות לייעול חוויית NocoDB שלך.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "גיליון נתונים",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "חבר ונהל את גיליונות הנתונים שלך עם NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,9 +487,9 @@
"isNotNull": "לא NULL"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "חיפוש Webhook",
+ "webcam": "מצלמת רשת",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "העלאה דרך כתובת URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
"renameBase": "שינוי שם בסיס",
"renameWorkspace": "שינוי שם סביבת עבודה",
@@ -500,9 +501,9 @@
"parameter": "פרמטר",
"headers": "כותרות",
"parameterName": "שם פרמטר",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "currencyLocale": "מיקום מטבע",
+ "currencyCode": "קוד מטבע",
+ "searchMembers": "חיפוש חברים",
"noMembersFound": "לא נמצאו חברים",
"dateJoined": "תאריך הצטרפות",
"tokenName": "שם אסימון",
@@ -616,66 +617,68 @@
"noOptionsFound": "לא נמצאו אפשרויות",
"surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לשלוח את הטופס הזה?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "לא נמצאו תוצאות התואמות את החיפוש שלך.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "נראה שהמחסנית הזו אינה מכילה רשומות",
+ "fromScratch": "מאפס",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "מקטעי חוץ & קבצים",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "ישירות בזמן אמת",
+ "categories": "קטגוריות",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "שדה אינו נגיש",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "לא נוספו תנאים"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "שונה ב",
+ "configuration": "תצורה",
+ "setup": "הגדרות",
+ "configLabel": "קבע תצורה ל-{label}",
+ "switchToProd": "החלף למסד נתונים מוכן לייצור",
+ "sharedBase": "בסיס משותף",
+ "fieldID": "מזהה שדה",
+ "addDescription": "הוסף תיאור",
+ "editDescription": "ערוך תיאור",
+ "urlFormula": "נוּסחָת URL",
+ "selectIcon": "אין",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--בחר Webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "פתח URL",
+ "runWebHook": "הפעל Webhook",
+ "onClick": "בלחיצה",
+ "defaultView": "תצוגת ברירת המחדל",
+ "recordInsert": "הוספת רשומה",
+ "recordUpdate": "עדכון רשומה",
+ "recordDelete": "מחיקת רשומה",
+ "supportDocs": "מסמכי תמיכה",
+ "addedOn": "נוסף בתאריך",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "שנה שדה ערך תצוגה",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "בחר שדה ערך תצוגה",
+ "changeTitleField": "שנה שדה כותרת",
+ "clearAll": "נקה הכל",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "שדות החיפוש מציגים נתונים מרשומות מקושרות. בחר שדות ספציפיים מ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " הטבלה כדי להוסיף אותם כשדות חיפוש בטבלה זו.",
+ "formatting": "עיצוב",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -בחר סוג תצוגה (אופציונלי)- -",
+ "formatType": "סוג תצוגה",
+ "toUpload": "להעלות",
+ "dragFilesHere": "גרור קבצים לכאן",
+ "browseFiles": "עיין בקבצים",
+ "clickTo": "לחץ כדי",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "אנא אפשר גישה למצלמה שלך",
+ "openFile": "פתח קובץ",
+ "enterValidUrl": "הזן כתובת URL חוקית להעלאת קבצים",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "הוסף קבצים מכתובת URL",
+ "uploading": "מעלה",
"dropHere": "שחרר כאן",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "addMore": "הוסף עוד",
+ "clearAllFiles": "נקה את כל הקבצים",
+ "integration": "אינטגרציה",
+ "notRecommended": "לא מומלץ",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "selectView": "בחר תצוגה",
+ "connectionDetails": "פרטי חיבור המקור",
"metaSync": "סנכרון מטא",
"mention": "הזכר",
"today": "היום",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
+ "currentDate": "תאריך נוכחי",
"workspace": "מרחב עבודה",
"txt": "ערך רשומת TXT",
"transferOwnership": "העברת בעלות",
@@ -710,7 +713,7 @@
"userOptions": "אפשרויות משתמש",
"deleteThisOrganization": "מחק את הארגון הזה",
"dangerZone": "אזור סיכון",
- "childView": "Child View",
+ "childView": "תצוגת ילדים",
"selectYear": "בחירת שנה",
"save": "שמירה",
"cancel": "ביטול",
@@ -760,7 +763,7 @@
"headerName": "שם הכותרת",
"icon": "סמל",
"max": "מקסימום",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "אפשר טקסט עשיר",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
"copiedRecordURL": "כתובת URL של הרשומה הועתקה",
"copyRecordURL": "העתק כתובת URL של הרשומה",
@@ -798,7 +801,7 @@
"allTables": "כל הטבלאות",
"members": "חברים",
"dataSources": "מקורות נתונים",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
+ "connectDataSource": "חבר נתונים חיצוניים",
"searchProjects": "חפש פרויקטים",
"createdBy": "נוצר על ידי",
"viewingAttachmentsOf": "צפייה בקבצים מצורפים של",
@@ -838,9 +841,9 @@
"lengthValue": "אורך / ערך",
"dbType": "סוג מסד הנתונים",
"servername": "שם השרת / כתובת המארח",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "sqliteFile": "נתיב קובץ SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "כתובת מארח",
+ "port": "מספר פורט",
"username": "שם המשתמש",
"password": "סיסמה",
"schemaName": "שם הסכמה",
@@ -880,8 +883,8 @@
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "יותר מדי תווים לקוד QR",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "יותר מדי תווים לברקוד",
"currentLocation": "מיקום נוכחי",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "lng": "לונגיטוד",
+ "lat": "לטיטוד",
"aggregateFunction": "פונקציה מצטברת",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "מסד נתונים: צור אם לא קיים",
"clientKey": "מפתח לקוח",
@@ -995,15 +998,15 @@
"showThousandsSeparator": "הצג מפריד לאלפים",
"signUpForFree": "הירשם בחינם",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "התאם תמונה",
+ "coverImageArea": "התאם שטח כיסוי לתמונה",
+ "syncData": "סנכרן נתונים",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "הרשמו לשירותים שאתם מעוניינים בהם כדי לקבל התראה כשהם זמינים",
+ "redirectToUrl": "הפניה מחדש ל-URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
+ "webhookDetails": "פרטי Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "הסתר סופי שבוע",
"renameBase": "שנה את שם הבסיס",
"renameWorkspace": "שנה את שם מרחב העבודה",
"deactivate": "השבת",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "הוסף Webhook",
"enableWebhook": "הפעל Webhook",
"testWebhook": "בדוק Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "צור Webhook",
"copyWebhook": "העתק Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "מחק Webhook",
"newToken": "הוסף טוקן חדש",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "כווץ מחסנית",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "כווץ הכל",
+ "expandAll": "הרחב הכל",
+ "renameStack": "שנה שם למחסנית",
"deleteStack": "מחק מחסנית",
"stackedBy": "מחוסנית על ידי",
"chooseGroupingField": "בחר שדה לקיבוץ",
@@ -1241,9 +1244,9 @@
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "החלף למצב נייד",
"startCommenting": "התחל להגיב!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "אין תגובות עדיין!",
"clearForm": "נקה את הטופס",
"addFieldFromFormView": "הוסף שדה",
"selectAllFields": "בחר את כל השדות",
@@ -1256,18 +1259,20 @@
"getPreFilledLink": "קבל קישור מומלא מראש",
"group": "קבוצה",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "goToDocs": "לך למדריכים",
+ "addCondition": "הוסף תנאי",
+ "addConditionGroup": "הוסף קבוצת תנאים"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "הפעל כדי להפוך חיבור זה לפרטי ומוסתר מיוצרים אחרים במרחב זה.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "אופציונלי. משתמש במסד הנתונים ברירת המחדל \"{database}\" אם לא מוזן",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "אופציונלי. משתמש בתבנית ברירת המחדל \"{schema}\" אם לא מוזן.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "העריכה של מבנה המידע מושבתת עבור מקור נתונים זה.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "סוג נתונים זה אינו מותר.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "אפשרות זו מאפשרת שינוי של מבנה בסיס הנתונים, כולל הוספה, שינוי או מחיקה של טבלאות ועמודות. השתמש בזהירות, שכן שינויים עשויים להשפיע על שלמות המבנה של בסיס הנתונים שלך.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "אפשרות זו מאפשרת יצירה, עדכון או מחיקה של רשומות במסד נתונים. אידאלי למשתמשים ניהוליים שצריכים לשנות נתונים ישירות.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "מוגבל כרגע למקור נתונים אחד בלבד",
"saveChanges": "שמור שינויים",
"xcDB": "צור פרויקט חדש",
@@ -1299,12 +1304,12 @@
"changeIconColour": "שנה צבע אייקון",
"preFillFormInfo": "צור URL לשיתוף טופס עם נתונים מראש. כדי לקבל קישור מוכן מראש, ודא שמילאת את השדות הנדרשים בבונה התצוגה של הטופס.",
"surveyFormInfo": "מצב טופס עם שדה אחד בכל דף",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "השתמש בתפריט עריכת שדה לשינוי סוג לאחר שהקובץ יובא",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "תפקיד מורש מירושת המרחב",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "בקרוב! לחץ להצבעה על האינטגרציה שאתה צריך ב-NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
+ "searchIcons": "חפש אייקונים",
"selectSlackChannels": "בחר ערוצי Slack",
"selectTeamsChannels": "בחר ערוצי Teams של Microsoft",
"selectDiscordChannels": "בחר ערוצי Discord",
@@ -1316,7 +1321,7 @@
"projName": "הזן את שם הפרויקט",
"selectGroupField": "בחר שדה לקיבוץ",
"selectGroupFieldNotFound": "לא ניתן למצוא שדה בחירה יחידה. אנא צור אחד תחילה.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "בחר שדה לכיסוי תמונה",
"selectGeoField": "בחר שדה למידע גיאוגרפי",
"notSelected": "-לא נבחר-",
"selectGeoFieldNotFound": "לא ניתן למצוא שדה למידע גיאוגרפי. אנא צור אחד תחילה.",
@@ -1359,12 +1364,12 @@
"searchOptions": "אפשרויות חיפוש"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "תצורת כפתור לא חוקית",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "תצורת שדה לא חוקית",
+ "invalidTheme": "בחר ערכת נושא חוקית",
+ "invalidColor": "בחר צבע חוקי",
+ "invalidType": "סוג כפתור יכול להיות או 'webhook' או 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "הזן תווית כפתור חוקית",
"formulaNotSupported": "פונקציה זו אינה זמינה עבור מסד הנתונים שלך",
"controlOrgAppearance": "שלוט על שם ומראה הארגונים שלך.",
"addCompanyDomains": "הוסף דומיינים של חברה כדי להגביל גישה למשתמשים שאינם רצויים.",
@@ -1379,13 +1384,13 @@
"thisSharedViewIsProtected": "תצוגה זו מוגנת",
"successfullySubmittedFormData": "הנתונים של הטופס נשלחו בהצלחה",
"formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "תצוגת טופס אינה נתמכת בנייד",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "תצוגת לוח שנה אינה נתמכת בנייד",
"newFormWillBeLoaded": "הטופס החדש יטען אחרי {seconds} שניות",
"optimizedQueryDisabled": "שאילתה מקורטת מנוטרלת",
"optimizedQueryEnabled": "שאילתה מקורטת מופעלת",
"lookupNonBtWarning": "שדה החיפוש לא נתמך לאינטרקציה מחוץ ליחס 'נמצא ב'",
"invalidTime": "זמן לא חוקי",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "אין לך שום קישורים נתמכים עבור {type}",
"recordCouldNotBeFound": "הרשומה לא נמצאה",
"invalidPhoneNumber": "מספר טלפון לא חוקי",
"pageSizeChanged": "גודל העמוד השתנה",
@@ -1395,9 +1400,9 @@
"webhookBodyMsg3": "כדי להתייחס לרשומה המתוארת",
"formula": {
"hintStart": "רמז: השתמש ב- {placeholder1} כדי להתייחס לשדות, לדוגמה: {placeholder2}. למידע נוסף, ראה את",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
+ "hintEnd": "נוּסחָה.",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "לא נמצאה פורמולה מומלצת",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "לא נמצא שדה מוצע",
"typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} מחפש {type} במיקום {position}",
"numericTypeIsExpected": "צפוי טיפוס מספרי",
"stringTypeIsExpected": "צפוי טיפוס מחרוזת",
@@ -1459,12 +1464,12 @@
"noRecordsLinked": "לא נקשרו רשומות",
"noLinkedRecords": "אין רשומות מקושרות",
"recordsLinked": "רשומות מקושרות",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "אשר רק {type} חוקי",
"apiTokenCreate": "צור אסימון API אישי כדי להשתמש באוטומציה או ביישומי חיצוניים.",
"selectFieldToSort": "בחר שדה למיון",
"selectFieldToGroup": "בחר שדה לקיבוץ",
"thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "אין רשומות בטבלה",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "אין כרגע רשומות זמינות לקישורים",
"createWebhookMsg1": "התחל עם ווב-הוקס!",
"createWebhookMsg2": "הפעל את האוטומציות שלך. קבל התראות כשיש שינויים בנתונים שלך",
"areYouSureUWantTo": "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את הבאים",
@@ -1480,11 +1485,11 @@
"tooLargeFieldEntity": "השדה גדול מדי כדי להיות ממורגן ל-{entity}",
"roleRequired": "נדרש תפקיד",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "שדות כפתור המסתמכים על ה-webhook הזה יושפעו",
"calendarNoFields": "תצוגת לוח שנה דורשת שדה תאריך או תאריך ושעה כדי להתקין. נסה להגדיר תצוגת לוח שנה לאחר הוספת שדה תאריך / תאריך ושעה!",
"kanbanNoFields": "תצוגת קאנבן דורשת שדה בחירה יחידה להתקנה. נסה להגדיר תצוגת קאנבן לאחר הוספת שדה בחירה יחידה!",
"mapNoFields": "תצוגת מפה דורשת שדה נתוני גיאוגרפי להתקנה. נסה להגדיר תצוגת מפה לאחר הוספת שדה נתוני גיאוגרפי!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "dbValid": "ודא תקיפות מסד נתונים כדי למנוע איבוד תבנית",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "שגיאת ברקוד - אנא בדוק תאימות בין הקלט לסוג הברקוד"
@@ -1502,8 +1507,8 @@
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "לא תוכל לגרור רישומים בין תאריכים כאשר נעשה שימוש בשדות מחושבים או שדה מערכת.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "שינויים במבנה המידע אינם אפשריים עבור מקור זה",
"enterWorkspaceName": "הזן שם מרחב עבודה",
"enterBaseName": "הזן שם בסיס נתונים",
"idpPaste": "הדבק את כתובות אלה במסוף ספקי הזהות שלך",
@@ -1560,7 +1565,7 @@
"apiOptions": "גישה לפרויקט דרך",
"submitAnotherForm": "הצג כפתור 'שלח עוד'",
"showBlankForm": "הצג טופס ריק אחרי 5 שניות",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "שלח תגובות ל",
"showSysFields": "הצג שדות מערכת",
"filterAutoApply": "החל אוטומטית",
"formDisplayMessage": "הצג הודעה",
@@ -1616,9 +1621,9 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "מטא נתוני הטבלאות מסונכרנים",
"addMultipleUsers": "ניתן להוסיף מיילים מרובים מופרדים בפסיקים (,)",
"enterTableName": "הזן שם טבלה",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
+ "enterTableDescription": "הזן תיאור טבלה...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "הזן תיאור שדה...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "הזן תיאור תצוגה...",
"enterLayoutName": "הזן שם פריסה",
"enterDashboardName": "הזן את שם הלוח",
"defaultColumns": "שדות ברירת מחדל",
@@ -1684,7 +1689,7 @@
"preventHideAllOptions": "לא ניתן להסתיר את כל האפשרויות אם השדה נדרש"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "לא ניתן להשבית ווים ידניים",
"errorLoadingRecord": "שגיאה בטעינת נתוני הרשומה",
"fetchingCalendarData": "שגיאה בקבלת נתוני לוח שנה",
"fetchingActiveDates": "שגיאה בקבלת תאריכים פעילים",
@@ -1764,8 +1769,8 @@
"duplicateSystemColumnName": "השם כבר בשימוש לשדה מערכת",
"uiDataTypeRequired": "נדרש סוג נתונים לממשק משתמש",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "אורך שם העמודה חורג מהמקסימום של {value} תווים",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "שם {title} חורג מ-50 תווים",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "שם {title} לא יכול להתחיל ברווח",
"requiredField": "שדה חובה",
"ipNotAllowed": "כתובת IP אינה מורשית",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "הקובץ המטרה אינו מסוג קובץ מקובל",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "הסיסמה שונתה בהצלחה. אנא היכנס לחשבון.",
"settingsSaved": "ההגדרות נשמרו בהצלחה",
"roleUpdated": "התפקיד עודכן בהצלחה",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "האינטגרציה חוברה בהצלחה",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "בעלי בסיס ויוצרים יכולים כעת להוסיף מקור נתונים בלי להקליד שוב את האישורים."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/hi.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/hi.json
index 1bfc33d4d5..43b468f70c 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/hi.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/hi.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "नया इंटरफेस बनाएं",
+ "connect_data_sources": "डेटा स्रोतों को कनेक्ट करें",
+ "alert": "अलर्ट",
+ "alert-message": "कोई डेटाबेस कनेक्ट नहीं हुआ है। इंटरफेस बनाने के लिए डेटाबेस को कनेक्ट करें। इस चरण को छोड़ें और बाद में बेस होम पेज से डेटाबेस जोड़ें।",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "उन डेटाबेस बेस का चयन करें जिन्हें आप इस इंटरफेस से लिंक करना चाहते हैं।",
+ "create_interface": "इंटरफेस बनाएं",
+ "project_name": "बेस का नाम",
+ "connect": "कनेक्ट करें",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "बाहरी लिंक खोलें",
+ "delete_record": "रिकॉर्ड को हटाएं",
+ "update_record": "रिकॉर्ड को अपडेट करें",
+ "open_layout": "लेआउट खोलें"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "पाठ",
+ "chart": "चार्ट",
+ "table": "मेज",
+ "image": "छवि",
+ "map": "मानचित्र",
+ "button": "बटन",
+ "number": "संख्या",
+ "bar_chart": "बार चार्ट",
+ "line_chart": "लाइन चार्ट",
+ "area_chart": "एरिया चार्ट",
+ "pie_chart": "पाई चार्ट",
+ "donut_chart": "डोनट चार्ट",
+ "scatter_plot": "स्कैटर प्लॉट",
+ "bubble_chart": "बबल चार्ट",
+ "radar_chart": "रडार चार्ट",
+ "polar_area_chart": "पोलर एरिया चार्ट",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "रेडियल बार चार्ट",
+ "heatmap_chart": "हीटमैप चार्ट",
+ "treemap_chart": "ट्रीमैप चार्ट",
+ "box_plot_chart": "बॉक्स प्लॉट चार्ट",
+ "candlestick_chart": "कैंडलस्टिक चार्ट"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "योग",
+ "count": "गिनती",
+ "min": "न्यूनतम",
+ "max": "अधिकतम",
+ "avg": "औसत",
+ "median": "मध्य",
+ "std_dev": "मानक विचलन",
+ "histogram": "हिस्टोग्राम",
+ "range": "रेंज",
+ "percent_empty": "खाली",
+ "percent_filled": "भरा",
+ "percent_unique": "अद्वितीय",
+ "count_unique": "अद्वितीय",
+ "count_empty": "खाली",
+ "count_filled": "भरा",
+ "earliest_date": "न्यूनतम तिथि",
+ "latest_date": "अधिकतम तिथि",
+ "date_range": "रेंज",
+ "month_range": "रेंज",
+ "checked": "चेक किया हुआ",
+ "unchecked": "अनचेक किया हुआ",
+ "percent_checked": "चेक किया गया",
+ "percent_unchecked": "अनचेक किया गया",
+ "attachment_size": "आकार",
+ "none": "कोई नहीं"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "योग",
+ "count": "गिनती",
+ "min": "न्यूनतम",
+ "max": "अधिकतम",
+ "avg": "औसत",
+ "median": "माध्यिका",
+ "std_dev": "मानक विचलन",
+ "histogram": "आकृति चित्रण",
+ "range": "श्रेणी",
+ "percent_empty": "प्रतिशत खाली",
+ "percent_filled": "प्रतिशत भरा हुआ",
+ "percent_unique": "प्रतिशत अद्वितीय",
+ "count_unique": "अद्वितीय",
+ "count_empty": "खाली",
+ "count_filled": "भरा हुआ",
+ "earliest_date": "सबसे पुरानी तारीख",
+ "latest_date": "नवीनतम तारीख",
+ "date_range": "तारीख की श्रेणी",
+ "month_range": "महीने की श्रेणी",
+ "checked": "चेक किया गया",
+ "unchecked": "अनचेक किया गया",
+ "percent_checked": "प्रतिशत चेक किया गया",
+ "percent_unchecked": "प्रतिशत अनचेक किया गया",
+ "attachment_size": "अनुरक्ति आकार",
+ "none": "कोई नहीं"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
- "addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "scripts": "स्क्रिप्ट्स",
+ "configure": "कॉन्फ़िगर करें",
+ "switch": "स्विच",
+ "on": "चालू",
+ "onMultiple": "बहु पर",
+ "manual": "मैनुअल",
+ "trigger": "ट्रिगर",
+ "addLookupField": "{count} लुकअप फील्ड जोड़ें",
+ "style": "शैली",
+ "label": "लेबल",
+ "role": "भूमिका",
+ "general": "सामान्य",
+ "quit": "छोड़ो",
"home": "घर",
"load": "भार",
"open": "खुला हुआ",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "हाँ",
"no": "नहीं",
"ok": "ठीक है",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "वापस",
"and": "और",
"or": "या",
"add": "जोड़ें",
"edit": "संपादन करना",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "लिंक",
+ "links": "लिंक",
"remove": "हटाना",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "आयात",
+ "logout": "लॉग आउट",
+ "empty": "खाली",
+ "changeIcon": "आइकन बदलें",
"save": "बचाना",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "उपलब्ध",
+ "abort": "रद्द करें",
+ "saving": "सहेज रहा है",
"cancel": "रद्द करना",
- "null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
- "hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "null": "शून्य",
+ "escape": "एस्केप",
+ "hex": "हेक्स",
+ "clear": "साफ़",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "टिप्पणी",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "उद्धरण",
"submit": "प्रस्तुत करना",
"create": "सृजन करना",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
- "duplicate": "Duplicate",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "createEntity": "सृजन करना {entity}",
+ "creating": "बनाना",
+ "creatingEntity": "बनाना {entity}",
+ "details": "विवरण",
+ "skip": "छोड़ें",
+ "code": "कोड",
+ "duplicate": "नकल करें",
+ "duplicating": "डुप्लिकेट करना",
+ "duplicateEntity": "डुप्लिकेट {entity}",
+ "activate": "सक्रिय करें",
+ "action": "गतिविधि",
"insert": "शामिल करें",
"delete": "मिटाना",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "{entity} मिटाना",
+ "bulkInsert": "सामूहिक सम्मिलन",
+ "bulkDelete": "सामूहिक मिटाना",
+ "bulkUpdate": "सामूहिक अद्यतन",
+ "deleting": "मिटाना",
"update": "अद्यतन",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "अपडेट हो रहा है",
"rename": "नाम बदलें",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "{entity} का नाम बदलें",
"reload": "पुनः लोड करें",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "ताज़ा करें",
"reset": "रीसेट",
"install": "स्थापित करना",
"show": "प्रदर्शन",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "पहुँच",
+ "visibility": "दृश्यता",
"hide": "छिपाना",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "अप्रचलित",
"showAll": "सब दिखाएं",
"hideAll": "सभी को छिपाएं",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "नहीं मिला",
"showMore": "और दिखाओ",
"showOptions": "विकल्प दिखाएं",
"hideOptions": "विकल्प छिपाएं",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "साइन इन करें",
"signOut": "साइन आउट",
"required": "आवश्यक",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "फिलिंग के लिए स्कैनर सक्षम करें",
"preferred": "पसंदीदा",
"mandatory": "अनिवार्य",
"loading": "लोड हो रहा है ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "डालना",
"download": "निकालना",
"default": "Default",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "स्रोत",
+ "datasource": "डेटा स्रोत",
"more": "ज्यादा",
"less": "कम",
"event": "घटना",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "बाद में",
"before": "पहले",
"search": "खोजे",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
- "notification": "सूचित करी",
+ "searchIn": "में खोजें",
+ "notification": "सूचना",
"reference": "संदर्भ",
"function": "समारोह",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"generate": "Generate",
"copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "कॉपी किया गया",
+ "are": "हैं",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"lock": "Lock",
"unlock": "Unlock",
@@ -224,93 +225,93 @@
"betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.",
"moreInfo": "More information can be found here",
"logs": "Logs",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
- "hideField": "Hide field",
- "showField": "Show field",
- "sortAsc": "Sort ascending",
- "sortDesc": "Sort descending",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "groupingField": "फील्ड द्वारा स्टैक करें",
+ "insertAfter": "दाईं ओर जोड़ें",
+ "insertBefore": "बाईं ओर जोड़ें",
+ "insertAbove": "ऊपर डालें",
+ "insertBelow": "नीचे डालें",
+ "hideField": "फ़ील्ड छुपाएं",
+ "showField": "फ़ील्ड दिखाएँ",
+ "sortAsc": "आरोही क्रम में छांटें",
+ "sortDesc": "अवरोही क्रम में छांटें",
+ "move": "मूव",
+ "geoDataField": "जियोडेटा क्षेत्र",
+ "type": "प्रकार",
+ "subType": "उप-प्रकार",
+ "name": "नाम",
+ "changes": "परिवर्तन",
+ "new": "नया",
+ "old": "पुराना",
+ "data": "डेटा",
+ "source": "स्रोत",
+ "destination": "गंतव्य",
+ "active": "सक्रिय",
+ "inactive": "निष्क्रिय",
+ "linked": "जुड़ा हुआ",
+ "finish": "समाप्त",
+ "min": "न्यूनतम",
+ "max": "अधिकतम",
+ "avg": "औसत",
+ "sum": "योग",
+ "count": "गणना करें",
+ "countDistinct": "जिला का गिनती करें",
+ "sumDistinct": "जिला का योग",
+ "avgDistinct": "जिला का औसत",
+ "join": "जोड़ें",
+ "options": "विकल्पों",
+ "primaryValue": "प्रधान मूल्य",
+ "useSurveyMode": "सर्वेक्षण मोड उपयोग करें",
+ "shift": "शिफ्ट",
+ "enter": "एंटर",
+ "seconds": "सेकंड",
+ "paste": "चिपकाएँ",
+ "restore": "पुनःस्थापित करें",
+ "replace": "प्रतिस्थापित करें",
+ "banner": "बैनर",
+ "logo": "लोगो",
+ "dropdown": "ड्रॉपडाउन",
+ "list": "सूची",
+ "verify": "सत्यापित करें",
+ "apply": "लागू करें",
+ "text": "पाठ",
+ "appearance": "दिखावट",
+ "now": "अभी",
+ "set": "सेट करें",
+ "format": "फॉर्मेट",
+ "colour": "रंग",
+ "use": "प्रयोग करें",
+ "stack": "स्टैक",
+ "ipAddress": "आईपी पता",
+ "integration": "एकीकरण",
+ "integrations": "एकीकरण",
+ "connection": "कनेक्शन",
+ "connections": "कनेक्शन",
+ "private": "निजी",
+ "request": "अनुरोध",
+ "languages": "भाषाएँ",
+ "extension": "एक्सटेंशन",
+ "extensions": "एक्सटेंशन्स"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "फाइलें",
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+ "member": "सदस्य",
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+ "week": "सप्ताह",
+ "month": "महीना",
+ "year": "साल",
+ "workspace": "कार्यस्थान",
+ "workspaces": "कार्यस्थल",
"project": "परियोजना",
"projects": "परियोजनाओं",
"table": "मेज",
"tables": "टेबल",
- "field": "खेत",
- "fields": "खेत",
- "column": "कॉलम",
- "columns": "कॉलम",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "field": "कॉलम",
+ "fields": "कॉलम",
+ "column": "खेत",
+ "columns": "खेत",
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+ "cells": "सेल्स",
"page": "पृष्ठ",
"pages": "पृष्ठों",
"record": "अभिलेख",
@@ -319,41 +320,41 @@
"webhooks": "Webhooks",
"view": "राय",
"views": "विचारों",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "साइडबार",
"viewType": {
"grid": "जाल",
"gallery": "गेलरी",
"form": "प्रपत्र",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "पंचांग",
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+ "map": "मानचित्र"
"user": "उपयोगकर्ता",
"users": "उपयोगकर्ताओं",
"role": "भूमिका",
"roles": "भूमिकाएँ",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "डेवलपर",
"roleType": {
"owner": "स्वामी",
"creator": "बनाने वाला",
"editor": "संपादक",
"commenter": "टिप्पणीकार",
"viewer": "दर्शक",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
- "orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
- "orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
+ "noaccess": "कोई पहुँच नहीं",
+ "superAdmin": "सुपर एडमिन",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "संगठन स्तर स्वामी",
+ "orgLevelCreator": "संगठन स्तर उत्पन्नकर्ता",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "संगठन स्तर दर्शक"
"sqlVIew": "SQL View",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "रिकॉर्ड ऊँचाई",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "छोटा",
+ "medium": "मध्यम",
+ "tall": "लंबा",
+ "extra": "अतिरिक्त"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "बाहरी डेटाबेस",
"syncData": {
"appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "serviceHub": "सेवा हब",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
"microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
+ "serviceCloud": "सेवा क्लाउड",
"snowflake": "Snowflake",
"stripe": "Stripe",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
"postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
"sqlite": "SQLite",
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
- "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
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"oracle": "Oracle",
"telegram": "Telegram",
"whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
@@ -403,34 +404,34 @@
"claude": "Claude",
"ollama": "Ollama",
"groq": "Groq",
- "freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
+ "freshdesk": "फ्रेशडेस्क"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "सभी एकीकरण",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "NocoDB के साथ अपने डेटाबेस को सहजता से कनेक्ट और प्रबंधित करें।",
+ "communication": "संचार",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "परिवर्तनों पर सूचित हो जाएं और NocoDB के साथ टीम संचार को सुगम बनाएं।",
+ "projectManagement": "प्रोजेक्ट प्रबंधन",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "NocoDB के साथ प्रोजेक्ट वर्कफ़्लो और कार्य प्रबंधन को बढ़ावा दें।",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "NocoDB एकीकरण के माध्यम से ग्राहक संबंध प्रबंधन को अनुकूलित करें।",
+ "marketing": "विपणन",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "NocoDB के शक्तिशाली इंटीग्रेशन के साथ अपने विपणन प्रयासों को बढ़ावा दें।",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "NocoDB के साथ अपने आवेदक ट्रैकिंग सिस्टम को सुगम बनाएं।",
+ "development": "विकास",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "NocoDB इंटीग्रेशन के साथ विकास प्रक्रियाओं को तेज करें।",
+ "finance": "वित्त",
+ "financeSubtitle": "NocoDB के साथ वित्तीय संचालन और डेटा प्रबंधन को सरल बनाएं।",
+ "ticketing": "टिकटिंग",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "NocoDB के साथ सहायता अनुरोधों का कुशलता से प्रबंधन और ट्रैक करें।",
+ "storageSubtitle": "NocoDB के साथ अपने स्टोरेज समाधान को बिना किसी समस्या के एकीकृत और संगठित करें।",
+ "others": "अन्य",
+ "othersSubtitle": "अपने NocoDB अनुभव को बढ़ाने के लिए अतिरिक्त बहुआयामी एकीकरण खोजें।",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "स्प्रेडशीट",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "NocoDB के साथ अपनी स्प्रेडशीट कनेक्ट और प्रबंधित करें।"
"datatype": {
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
"Currency": "मुद्रा",
"Percent": "प्रतिशत",
"Duration": "अवधि",
- "GeoData": "GeoData",
+ "GeoData": "जियोडेटा",
"Rating": "रेटिंग",
"Formula": "सूत्र",
"Rollup": "जमना",
@@ -486,84 +487,84 @@
"isNotNull": "निरर्थक नहीं है"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
- "localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
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- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
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- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
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- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
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+ "tokenName": "टोकन नाम",
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+ "noFiltersAdded": "कोई फ़िल्टर नहीं जोड़ा गया",
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+ "noFieldsFound": "कोई फ़ील्ड नहीं मिला",
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+ "renamingTable": "तालिका का नाम बदलना",
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+ "deletingWs": "कार्यस्थान हटाना",
+ "copyAuthToken": "प्रमाणिक टोकन की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "प्रमाणिक टोकन की प्रतिलिपि बनाई गई",
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+ "hideSidebar": "साइडबार छिपाएं",
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"formTitle": "प्रपत्र शीर्षक",
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"userMgmt": "उपयोगकर्ता प्रबंधन",
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"apiTokenMgmt": "एपीआई टोकन प्रबंधन",
"rolesMgmt": "भूमिका प्रबंधन",
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"metaMgmt": "मेटा प्रबंधन",
"metadata": "मेटाडाटा",
- "exportImportMeta": "निर्यात मेटाडेटा",
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"sqlMigrations": "SQL प्रवासन",
"dbCredentials": "डेटाबेस साख",
"advancedParameters": "SSL और उन्नत पैरामीटर",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Generate Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
"helpCenter": "Help center",
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+ "noLabels": "कोई लेबल नहीं",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
"quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From",
"quickImport": "Quick Import",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "त्वरित आयात - एरटेबल",
+ "quickImportCSV": "त्वरित आयात - सीएसवी",
+ "quickImportExcel": "त्वरित आयात - एक्सेल",
+ "quickImportJSON": "त्वरित आयात - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON संपादक",
+ "comingSoon": "जल्द आ रहा है",
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
"codeSnippet": "Code Snippet",
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- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट",
+ "generateRandomName": "यादृच्छिक नाम उत्पन्न करें",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
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- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
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- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "टोकन प्रबंधन",
+ "addNewToken": "नया टोकन जोड़ें",
+ "createNewToken": "नया टोकन बनाएं",
+ "accountSettings": "खाता सेटिंग",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "पासवर्ड रीसेट करें",
+ "tokens": "टोकन",
+ "userManagement": "उपयोगकर्ता प्रबंधन",
+ "accountManagement": "खाता प्रबंधन",
+ "licence": "लाइसेंस",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "सभी माइम प्रकारों की अनुमति दें",
+ "defaultView": "डिफ़ॉल्ट दृश्य",
+ "relations": "संबंध",
+ "switchLanguage": "भाषा बदलें",
+ "renameFile": "फ़ाइल का नाम बदलें",
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"noAction": "No Action",
"cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
+ "restrict": "रोके",
"setNull": "Set NULL",
"setDefault": "Set Default"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
- "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "यहां जोड़ने के लिए दाहिने पैनल से फ़ील्ड चुनें",
+ "noOptionsFound": "कोई विकल्प नहीं मिला",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "क्या आप वाकई इस फॉर्म को सबमिट करना चाहते हैं?",
+ "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "आपकी खोज से कोई मेल खाने वाले परिणाम प्राप्त नहीं हुए",
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "ऐसा लगता है कि इस स्टैक में कोई रिकॉर्ड नहीं है",
+ "fromScratch": "प्रारंभिक स्थिति से",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "फ़ाइलों और बाहरी स्रोतों से",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "प्रत्यक्ष रूप से वास्तविक समय में",
+ "categories": "श्रेणियाँ",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "क्षेत्र दुर्गम है",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "कोई शर्तें नहीं जोड़ी गईं"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
- "selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
- "allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
- "allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
- "oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
+ "modifiedOn": "पर संशोधित",
+ "configuration": "कॉन्फ़िगरेशन",
+ "setup": "सेटअप",
+ "configLabel": "{label} को कॉन्फ़िगर करें",
+ "switchToProd": "उत्पादन के लिए तैयार ऐप डेटाबेस पर स्विच करें",
+ "sharedBase": "साझा आधार",
+ "fieldID": "फ़ील्ड ID",
+ "addDescription": "विवरण जोड़ें",
+ "editDescription": "विवरण संपादित करें",
+ "urlFormula": "URL सूत्र",
+ "selectIcon": "कोई नहीं",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--एक वेबहुक चुनें--",
+ "openUrl": "URL खोलें",
+ "runWebHook": "Webhook चलाएं",
+ "onClick": "क्लिक पर",
+ "defaultView": "डिफ़ॉल्ट दृश्य",
+ "recordInsert": "अभिलेख सम्मिलित करें",
+ "recordUpdate": "अभिलेख अपडेट करें",
+ "recordDelete": "अभिलेख हटाएँ",
+ "supportDocs": "सहायता दस्तावेज़",
+ "addedOn": "पर जोड़ा गया",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "प्रदर्शन मान फ़ील्ड बदलें",
+ "selectYourNewTitleFor": "के लिए आपका नया शीर्षक फ़ील्ड चुनें ",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "प्रदर्शन मान फ़ील्ड चुनें",
+ "changeTitleField": "शीर्षक फ़ील्ड बदलें",
+ "clearAll": "सभी साफ करें",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "लुकअप फ़ील्ड जुड़े हुए रिकॉर्ड से डेटा दिखाते हैं। इस तालिका में उन्हें लुकअप फ़ील्ड के रूप में जोड़ने के लिए विशेष फ़ील्ड का चयन करें",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " तालिका।",
+ "formatting": "फॉर्मेटिंग",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- - एक फ़ॉर्मेट प्रकार चुनें (वैकल्पिक) - -",
+ "formatType": "फ़ॉर्मेट प्रकार",
+ "toUpload": "अपलोड करने के लिए",
+ "dragFilesHere": "फाइलें यहाँ खींचें",
+ "browseFiles": "फ़ाइलें ब्राउज़ करें",
+ "clickTo": "पर क्लिक करें",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "कृपया अपने कैमरे तक पहुंच की अनुमति दें",
+ "openFile": "फाइल खोलें",
+ "enterValidUrl": "फाइलें अपलोड करने के लिए एक मान्य यूआरएल दर्ज करें",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "यूआरएल से फाइलें जोड़ें",
+ "uploading": "अपलोड हो रहा है",
+ "dropHere": "यहां छोड़ें",
+ "addMore": "और जोड़ें",
+ "clearAllFiles": "सभी फाइलें साफ़ करें",
+ "integration": "एकीकरण",
+ "notRecommended": "अनुशंसित नहीं है",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "योजना परिवर्तन की अनुमति दें",
+ "allowDataWrite": "डेटा लिखें/संपादित करें की अनुमति दें",
+ "selectView": "एक दृश्य चुनें",
+ "connectionDetails": "स्रोत कनेक्शन विवरण",
+ "metaSync": "मेटा सिंक",
+ "mention": "उल्लेख",
+ "today": "आज",
+ "currentDate": "वर्तमान तिथि",
+ "workspace": "कार्यस्थान",
+ "txt": "TXT रिकॉर्ड मूल्य",
+ "transferOwnership": "स्वामित्व स्थानांतरित करें",
+ "recentActivity": "हालहीन गतिविधि",
+ "goToMembers": "सदस्यों के पास जाएं",
+ "addMember": "सदस्य जोड़ें",
+ "numberOfMembers": "सदस्यों की संख्या",
+ "numberOfBases": "बेस की संख्या",
+ "numberOfRecords": "अभिलेखों की संख्या",
+ "workspaceName": "कार्यस्थान नाम",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "बिना मालिक के कार्यस्थान",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "उपयोगकर्ताओं को कार्यस्थान में आमंत्रित करें",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-आमंत्रण के लिए कार्यस्थान चयन करें-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "संगठन में सदस्य जोड़ें",
+ "memberIn": "में सदस्य:",
+ "assignAs": "के रूप में नियुक्त करें",
+ "signOutUser": "उपयोगकर्ता को साइन आउट करें",
+ "signOutUsers": "उपयोगकर्ताओं को साइन आउट करें",
+ "deactivateUser": "उपयोगकर्ता निष्क्रिय करें",
+ "deactivateUsers": "उपयोगकर्ताओं को निष्क्रिय करें",
+ "lastActive": "अंतिम सक्रिय",
+ "dateAdded": "जोड़ी गई तिथि",
+ "uploadImage": "छवि अपलोड करें",
+ "organizationProfile": "संगठन प्रोफाइल",
+ "organizationImage": "संगठन छवि",
+ "organizationName": "संगठन का नाम",
+ "activeDomains": "सक्रिय डोमेन",
+ "domains": "डोमेन",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "सार्वजनिक साझा करना अक्षम करें",
+ "shareSettings": "सेटिंग्स साझा करें",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "उपयोगकर्ता और उनका डेटा हटाएं",
+ "userOptions": "उपयोगकर्ता विकल्प",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "इस संगठन को हटाएं",
+ "dangerZone": "खतरनाक क्षेत्र",
+ "childView": "बाल दृश्य",
+ "selectYear": "साल चुनें",
+ "save": "सहेजे",
+ "cancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "metadataUrl": "मेटाडाटा URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "दर्शक/ इकाई आईडी",
+ "redirectUrl": "पुनःनिर्देशन URL",
+ "oidc": "ओपनआईडी कनेक्ट (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
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- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
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- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
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- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
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- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
- "createdBy": "Created By",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "newProvider": "नया प्रदाता",
+ "generalSettings": "सामान्य सेटिंग्स",
+ "adminPanel": "प्रशासनिक पैनल",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "कार्यस्थान को संगठन में स्थानांतरित करें",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO सेटिंग्स",
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+ "domain": "डोमेन",
+ "settings": "समायोजन",
+ "workspaces": "कार्यस्थान",
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+ "dashboard": "डैशबोर्ड",
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+ "organiseBy": "द्वारा व्यवस्थित करें",
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+ "noToken": "कोई टोकन नहीं",
+ "tokenLimit": "प्रति उपयोगकर्ता केवल एक टोकन की अनुमति है",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "फ़ाइल जिसका नाम {filename} पहले से संलग्न है",
+ "tableIdColon": "टेबल आईडी: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "देखें आईडी: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "पता",
+ "subject": "विषय",
+ "body": "शरीर",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "कमा द्वारा अलगी गई मोबाइल नंबर",
+ "headerName": "हेडर का नाम",
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+ "max": "अधिकतम",
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+ "copyRecordURL": "रिकॉर्ड URL कॉपी करें",
+ "duplicateRecord": "डुप्लिकेट रिकॉर्ड",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "बाइनरी एनकोडिंग फॉर्मेट",
+ "syntax": "सिंटैक्स",
+ "examples": "उदाहरण",
+ "durationInfo": "मिनट या सेकंड में समय की अवधि (जैसे 1:23)।",
+ "addHeader": "हेडर जोड़ें",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "डिफ़ॉल्ट URL दर्ज करें (वैकल्पिक)",
+ "negative": "नकारात्मक",
+ "discard": "रद्द करें",
+ "default": "डिफ़ॉल्ट",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "डिफ़ॉल्ट नंबर (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "अवधि प्रारूप",
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+ "timeFormat": "समय प्रारूप",
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+ "endDateField": "समाप्ति तिथि फ़ील्ड",
+ "optional": "(वैकल्पिक)",
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+ "visibleForRole": "भूमिका के लिए दिखाई दे रहा है:",
+ "inUI": "यूआई डैशबोर्ड में",
+ "projectSettings": "बेस सेटिंग्स",
+ "clickToHide": "छिपाने के लिए क्लिक करें",
+ "clickToDownload": "डाउनलोड करने के लिए क्लिक करें",
+ "forRole": "भूमिका के लिए",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "टेबल आईडी कॉपी करने के लिए क्लिक करें",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "व्यू आईडी कॉपी करने के लिए क्लिक करें",
+ "viewMode": "दृश्य मोड",
+ "searchUsers": "उपयोगकर्ताओं को खोजें",
+ "superAdmin": "सुपर एडमिन",
+ "allTables": "सभी टेबल्स",
+ "members": "सदस्य",
+ "dataSources": "डेटा स्रोत",
+ "connectDataSource": "बाहरी डेटा कनेक्ट करें",
+ "searchProjects": "मूल खोजें",
+ "createdBy": "द्वारा बनाया गया",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "के अनुलग्नकों को देखना",
+ "readOnly": "केवल पढ़ने के लिए",
+ "createdOn": "बनाया गया",
"notifyVia": "Notify Via",
- "projName": "परियोजना का नाम",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "projName": "बेस नाम",
+ "profile": "प्रोफाइल",
+ "accountDetails": "खाता विवरण",
+ "controlAppearance": "अपनी उपस्थिति को नियंत्रित करें।",
+ "accountEmailID": "खाता ईमेल आईडी",
+ "backToWorkspace": "कार्यस्थल पर वापस जाएं",
+ "untitledToken": "शीर्षकहीन टोकन",
"tableName": "Table name",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
- "createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
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- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
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+ "createView": "दृश्य बनाएं",
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+ "duplicateView": "प्रतिलिपि दृश्य",
+ "duplicateGridView": "डुप्लिकेट ग्रिड व्यू",
+ "createGridView": "ग्रिड व्यू बनाएं",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "गैलरी दृश्य को डुप्लिकेट करें",
+ "createGalleryView": "गैलरी दृश्य बनाएं",
+ "duplicateFormView": "फॉर्म दृश्य को डुप्लिकेट करें",
+ "createFormView": "फॉर्म व्यू बनाएं",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "कनबान दृश्य को डुप्लिकेट करें",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "डुप्लिकेट कैलेंडर दृश्य",
+ "createKanbanView": "कनबान व्यू बनाएं",
+ "createCalendarView": "कैलेंडर दृश्य बनाएं",
"viewName": "नाम देखें",
"viewLink": "लिंक देखें",
"columnName": "आम नाम",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "डेटाबेस में टाइप करें",
"lengthValue": "लंबाई/ मूल्य",
"dbType": "डेटाबेस प्रकार",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
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+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite फ़ाइल पथ",
+ "hostAddress": "होस्ट पता",
+ "port": "पोर्ट संख्या",
"username": "उपयोगकर्ता नाम",
"password": "पासवर्ड",
"schemaName": "Schema name",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "गतिविधि",
"actions": "कार्रवाई",
"operation": "संचालन",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "उप संचालन",
"operationType": "प्रचालन प्रकार",
"operationSubType": "प्रचालन उप-प्रकार",
"description": "विवरण",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "कहाँ पे",
"cache": "कैश",
"chat": "बात करना",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "दिखाएं या छिपाएं",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV फ़ाइल",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON फ़ाइल",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "ईमेल",
@@ -873,22 +876,22 @@
"created": "बनाया था",
"sqlOutput": "SQL आउटपुट",
"addOption": "विकल्प जोड़े",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "इंटरफेस रंग",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
- "barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
- "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
- "barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "barcodeFormat": "बारकोड फॉर्मेट",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "क्यूआर कोड के लिए बहुत अधिक वर्ण",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "बारकोड के लिए बहुत अधिक वर्ण",
+ "currentLocation": "वर्तमान स्थान",
+ "lng": "लोडिंग",
+ "lat": "अक्षांश",
"aggregateFunction": "कुल समारोह",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "डेटाबेस: बनाएं यदि मौजूद नहीं है",
"clientKey": "ग्राहक कुंजी",
"clientCert": "ग्राहक प्रमाण पत्र",
"serverCA": "सर्वर सीए",
"requriedCa": "आवश्यक सीए",
- "requriedIdentity": "अपेक्षित-पहचान",
+ "requriedIdentity": "आवश्यक-पहचान",
"inflection": {
"tableName": "विभक्ति - तालिका का नाम",
"columnName": "विभक्ति - स्तंभ नाम"
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "NocoDB के समुदाय से जुड़े",
"joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB में जुड़े",
"followNocodb": "NocoDB से जुड़े",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(समुदाय द्वारा अनूदित)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Document Reference",
"selectUserRole": "Select User Role",
"childTable": "Child table",
"childColumn": "Child column",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
- "linkToAnotherRecord": "Link to another record",
- "links": "Links",
+ "childField": "Child column",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "बिनामूल्य बादल से जुड़ें",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "दूसरे रिकॉर्ड से लिंक करें",
+ "links": "लिंक",
"onUpdate": "On Update",
"onDelete": "On Delete",
"account": "Account",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Custom Theme",
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
"apiKey": "API Key",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
- "importData": "Import data",
+ "personalAccessToken": "व्यक्तिगत एक्सेस टोकन",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "साझा आधार URL",
+ "importData": "डेटा आयात करें",
"importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "यूजर्स आयात करें (ईमेल द्वारा)",
"noData": "No Data",
"goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
"importing": "Importing",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "JSON स्वरूपित करें",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "फ़ील्ड प्रकारों का स्वचालित चयन",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "पहले रिकॉर्ड का उपयोग हेडर्स के रूप में करें",
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
"downloadAllowed": "Download allowed",
"weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
@@ -944,229 +947,229 @@
"hasMany": "has many",
"belongsTo": "belongs to",
"manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "एक से एक संबंध रखें",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
"commentsOnly": "Comments only",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "{provider} के साथ साइन अप करें",
+ "signInWithProvider": "{provider} के साथ साइन इन करें",
"agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
"welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
- "inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
- "nextRow": "Next Row",
- "prevRow": "Previous Row",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
- "newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "केवल आमंत्रण यूआरएल का उपयोग करके साइनअप की अनुमति दें",
+ "nextRow": "अगला रिकॉर्ड",
+ "prevRow": "पिछला रिकॉर्ड",
+ "addRowGrid": "ग्रिड दृश्य में मैन्युअली डेटा जोड़ें",
+ "addRowForm": "फॉर्म के माध्यम से रिकॉर्ड डेटा दर्ज करें",
+ "noAccess": "कोई पहुंच नहीं",
+ "restApis": "रेस्ट एपीआईज़",
+ "apis": "एपीआई",
+ "apiSnippet": "एपीआई स्निपेट्स",
+ "includeData": "डेटा शामिल करें",
+ "includeView": "देखें शामिल करें",
+ "includeWebhook": "Webhook शामिल करें",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "कॉलम देखने के लिए ज़ूम इन करें",
+ "embedInSite": "इस दृश्य को अपनी साइट में एम्बेड करें",
+ "titleRequired": "शीर्षक आवश्यक है।",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "स्रोत नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "changeWsName": "कार्यस्थान नाम बदलें",
+ "pressEnter": "दबाएँ एंटर",
+ "newFormLoaded": "नए फॉर्म को लोड हो रहा है",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
- "selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
+ "newField": "नया फ़ील्ड",
+ "saveChanges": "परिवर्तनों को सुरक्षित करें",
+ "updatedField": "अद्यतन फ़ील्ड",
+ "deletedField": "हटाया गया फ़ील्ड",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "अपूर्ण विन्यास",
+ "selectField": "एक फ़ील्ड का चयन करें",
+ "selectFieldLabel": "सूची में से एक फ़ील्ड चुनकर फ़ील्ड गुणों में परिवर्तन करें"
- "appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
- "coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "appearanceSettings": "दिखावट सेटिंग्स",
+ "backgroundColor": "पृष्ठभूमि रंग",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "NocoDB ब्रांडिंग छुपाएं",
+ "showOnConditions": "शर्तों पर दिखाएं",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "केवल जब शर्तें पूरी हों तब फ़ील्ड दिखाएं",
+ "limitOptions": "विकल्पों की सीमा",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "उपलब्ध विकल्पों का चयन करके उपयोगकर्ताओं को दिखाई देने वाले विकल्पों को सीमित करें",
+ "clearSelection": "चयन साफ़ करें",
+ "displayAsProgress": "प्रगति के रूप में प्रदर्शित करें",
+ "relationType": "संबंध प्रकार",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "हजारों विभाजक दिखाएं",
+ "signUpForFree": "मुफ्त में साइन अप करें",
+ "coverImageField": "कवर छवि",
+ "fitImage": "छवि फिट करें",
+ "coverImageArea": "कवर छवि",
+ "syncData": "डेटा सिंक करें",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "उन सेवाओं को पंजीकृत करें जिनमें आप रुचि रखते हैं ताकि जब वे उपलब्ध हों आपको सूचित किया जा सके",
+ "redirectToUrl": "URL पर पुनर्निर्देशित करें"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
- "googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "webhookDetails": "वेबहूक विवरण",
+ "hideWeekends": "सप्ताहांत छिपाएँ",
+ "renameBase": "बेस का नाम बदलें",
+ "renameWorkspace": "कार्यस्थान का नाम बदलें",
+ "deactivate": "निष्क्रिय करें",
+ "manageUsers": "उपयोगकर्ताओं का प्रबंधन करें",
+ "newWorkspace": "नया कार्यस्थान",
+ "addDomain": "डोमेन जोड़ें",
+ "addMembers": "सदस्य जोड़ें",
+ "enterEmail": "ईमेल पते दर्ज करें",
+ "inviteToBase": "बेस को आमंत्रित करें",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "कार्यस्थान को आमंत्रित करें",
+ "addMember": "बेस में सदस्य जोड़ें",
+ "noRange": "कैलेंडर दृश्य के लिए एक तारीख सीमा आवश्यक है",
+ "goToToday": "आज जाओ",
+ "toggleSidebar": "साइडबार टॉगल करें",
+ "addEndDate": "समाप्ति तिथि जोड़ें",
+ "withEndDate": "समाप्ति तिथि के साथ",
+ "calendar": "पंचांग",
+ "viewSettings": "सेटिंग्स देखें",
+ "googleOAuth": "गूगल OAuth",
+ "registerOIDC": "OIDC पहचान प्रदाता पंजीकृत करें",
+ "registerSAML": "SAML पहचान प्रदाता पंजीकृत करें",
+ "openInANewTab": "नई टैब में खोलें",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "IFrame कोड कॉपी करें",
+ "onCondition": "शर्त पर",
+ "bulkDownload": "थोक डाउनलोड",
+ "attachFile": "फ़ाइल संलग्न करें",
+ "viewAttachment": "अनुलग्नकों को देखें",
+ "attachmentDrop": "क्लिक करें या एक फ़ाइल को सेल में छोड़ें",
+ "addFiles": "फाइल(s) जोड़ें",
+ "hideInUI": "UI में छुपाएं",
+ "addBase": "बेस जोड़ें",
+ "addParameter": "पैरामीटर जोड़ें",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "एक और फॉर्म सबमिट करें",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "जोड़ने के लिए यहां फ़ील्ड ड्रैग और ड्रॉप करें",
+ "editSource": "डेटा स्रोत संपादित करें",
+ "enterText": "पाठ दर्ज करें",
+ "okEditBase": "ठीक है और बेस संपादित करें",
+ "showInUI": "UI में दिखाएं",
+ "outOfSync": "सिंक्रनाइज़ नहीं है",
+ "newSource": "नया डेटा स्रोत",
+ "newWebhook": "नया वेबहूक",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "सार्वजनिक पहुँच सक्षम करें",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "क्या आप परिवर्तनों को सहेजना चाहते हैं?",
+ "editingAccess": "संपादन पहुंच",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "सार्वजनिक दृश्य सक्षम करें",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "पासवर्ड से पहुंच रोकें",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "बेस एक्सेस प्रबंधित करें",
+ "allowDownload": "डाउनलोड की अनुमति दें",
+ "surveyMode": "सर्वेक्षण मोड",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL दिशा",
+ "useTheme": "थीम का उपयोग करें",
+ "copyLink": "लिंक की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ",
+ "copiedLink": "लिंक कॉपी किया गया",
+ "copyInviteLink": "आमंत्रण लिंक की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "आमंत्रण लिंक की प्रतिलिपि बनाई गई",
"copyUrl": "यूआरएल कॉपी करें",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "अधिक रंग",
+ "moveProject": "बेस स्थानांतरित करें",
"createProject": "प्रोजेक्ट बनाएं",
- "importProject": "आयात परियोजना",
+ "importProject": "प्रोजेक्ट आयात करें",
"searchProject": "खोज परियोजना",
"editProject": "प्रोजेक्ट संपादित करें",
- "stopProject": "बंद प्रोजेक्ट",
+ "stopProject": "बेस बंद करें",
"startProject": "प्रोजेक्ट शुरू करें",
- "restartProject": "प्रोजेक्ट को पुनरारंभ करना",
- "deleteProject": "प्रोजेक्ट हटाएं",
- "refreshProject": "ताज़ा प्रोजेक्ट्स",
+ "restartProject": "प्रोजेक्ट को पुनरारंभ करें",
+ "deleteProject": "बेस हटाएं",
+ "refreshProject": "बेस को ताज़ा करें",
"saveProject": "परियोजना को सुरक्षित करो",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
- "deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
+ "saveAndQuit": "सहेजें और बाहर निकलें",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "स्टैक हटाएं?",
"createProjectExtended": {
- "extDB": "बाहरी डेटाबेस से
कनेक्ट करके बनाएँ",
+ "extDB": "Create By Connecting
To An External Database",
"excel": "एक्सेल से प्रोजेक्ट बनाएं",
"template": "टेम्पलेट से प्रोजेक्ट बनाएं"
"OkSaveProject": "ठीक है और प्रोजेक्ट सहेजें",
"upgrade": {
- "available": "अपग्रेड उपलब्द है",
- "releaseNote": "रिलीज नोट्स",
- "howTo": "अपग्रेड कैसे करें?"
+ "available": "Upgrade available",
+ "releaseNote": "Release notes",
+ "howTo": "How to upgrade ?"
- "translate": "अनुवाद करने में मदद करें",
+ "translate": "Help translate",
"account": {
- "authToken": "कॉपी प्रामाणिक टोकन",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authToken": "Copy Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "प्रामाणिक टोकन कॉपी किया गया",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
- "projInfo": "कॉपी प्रोजेक्ट जानकारी",
- "themes": "विषयों"
+ "projInfo": "प्रोजेक्ट जानकारी कॉपी करें",
+ "themes": "Themes"
- "sort": "क्रम से लगाना",
- "addSort": "सॉर्ट विकल्प जोड़ें",
- "filter": "फ़िल्टर",
+ "sort": "Sort",
+ "addSort": "Add Sort Option",
+ "filter": "Filter",
"addFilter": "फ़िल्टर जोड़ें",
- "share": "शेयर करना",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "share": "Share",
+ "groupBy": "समूह द्वारा",
+ "addSubGroup": "नया उपसमूह",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
- "disable": "साझा आधार अक्षम करें",
- "enable": "कोई भी व्यक्ति जिसके पास लिंक हो",
- "link": "साझा आधार लिंक"
+ "label": "आधार साझा करें",
+ "disable": "Disable shared base",
+ "enable": "Anyone with the link",
+ "link": "Shared base link"
- "invite": "आमंत्रित करना",
- "inviteMore": "अधिक आमंत्रित करें",
- "inviteTeam": "टीम को आमंत्रित करें",
- "inviteUser": "Invite User",
- "inviteToken": "टोकन को आमंत्रित करें",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
- "newUser": "नया उपयोगकर्ता",
- "editUser": "यूजर को संपादित करो",
+ "invite": "Invite",
+ "inviteMore": "Invite more",
+ "inviteTeam": "Invite Team",
+ "inviteUser": "उपयोगकर्ता आमंत्रित करें",
+ "inviteToken": "Invite Token",
+ "linkedRecords": "लिंक्ड रिकॉर्ड्स",
+ "addNewLink": "नया लिंक जोड़ें",
+ "newUser": "New User",
+ "editUser": "Edit user",
"deleteUser": "परियोजना से उपयोगकर्ता निकालें",
"resendInvite": "आमंत्रण ईमेल दोबारा भेजे",
"copyInviteURL": "कॉपी आमंत्रित URL",
- "copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL",
- "newRole": "नयी भूमिका",
- "reloadRoles": "पुनः लोड भूमिकाएँ",
- "nextPage": "अगला पृष्ठ",
- "prevPage": "पिछला पृष्ठ",
- "nextRecord": "अगला रिकॉर्ड",
- "previousRecord": "पिछला रिकॉर्ड",
- "copyApiURL": "API URL कॉपी करें",
- "createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
- "refreshTable": "टेबल्स रिफ्रेश",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
- "addField": "इस तालिका में नया फ़ील्ड जोड़ें",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "पासवर्ड रीसेट यूआरएल कॉपी करें",
+ "newRole": "New role",
+ "reloadRoles": "Reload roles",
+ "nextPage": "Next page",
+ "prevPage": "Previous page",
+ "nextRecord": "Next record",
+ "previousRecord": "Previous record",
+ "copyApiURL": "Copy API URL",
+ "createTable": "तालिका बनाएं",
+ "createDashboard": "डैशबोर्ड बनाएं",
+ "createWorkspace": "कार्यस्थान बनाएं",
+ "refreshTable": "Tables Refresh",
+ "renameTable": "टेबल का नाम बदलें",
+ "renameLayout": "लेआउट का नाम बदले",
+ "deleteTable": "टेबल को हटाएं",
+ "addField": "Add new field to this table",
+ "setDisplay": "प्रदर्शन मान के रूप में सेट करें",
"addRow": "नई पंक्ति जोड़ें",
"saveRow": "पंक्ति सहेजें",
- "saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
- "saveAndStay": "Save & Stay",
+ "saveAndExit": "सहेजें और बाहर निकलें",
+ "saveAndStay": "सहेजें और रहें",
"insertRow": "नई पंक्ति डालें",
- "duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
+ "duplicateRow": "पंक्ति को डुप्लिकेट करें",
"deleteRow": "पंक्ति को हटाएं",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "पंक्तियों को हटाएं",
+ "predictColumns": "कॉलम की भविष्यवाणी करें",
+ "predictFormulas": "सूत्रों की भविष्यवाणी करें",
"deleteSelectedRow": "चयनित पंक्तियों को हटा दें",
- "importExcel": "आयात एक्सेल",
+ "importExcel": "Import Excel",
"importCSV": "Import CSV",
"downloadCSV": "CSV के रूप में डाउनलोड करें",
"downloadExcel": "XLSX के रूप में डाउनलोड करें",
- "uploadCSV": "CSV अपलोड करें",
- "import": "आयात",
- "importMetadata": "आयात मेटाडेटा",
- "exportMetadata": "निर्यात मेटाडेटा",
- "clearMetadata": "स्पष्ट मेटाडेटा",
- "exportToFile": "फ़ाइल को निर्यात",
- "changePwd": "पासवर्ड बदलें",
+ "uploadCSV": "Upload CSV",
+ "import": "Import",
+ "importMetadata": "Import Metadata",
+ "exportMetadata": "Export Metadata",
+ "clearMetadata": "Clear Metadata",
+ "exportToFile": "Export to file",
+ "changePwd": "Change Password",
"createView": "एक दृश्य बनाएं",
- "shareView": "शेयर दृश्य",
- "findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "shareView": "Share View",
+ "findRowByCodeScan": "स्कैन द्वारा पंक्ति खोजें",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "स्कैन द्वारा भरें",
"listSharedView": "साझा दृश्य सूची",
"ListView": "दृश्य सूची",
"copyView": "प्रतिलिपि दृश्य",
- "renameView": "नाम बदलें",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
- "deleteView": "डिलीट व्यू",
+ "renameView": "दृश्य का नाम बदलें",
+ "uploadData": "डेटा अपलोड करें",
+ "deleteView": "दृश्य हटाएं",
"createGrid": "ग्रिड व्यू बनाएं",
"createGallery": "गैलरी दृश्य बनाएं",
"createCalendar": "कैलेंडर दृश्य बनाएं",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "नया टैब खोलें",
"iFrame": "एम्बेडेबल HTML कोड कॉपी करें",
"addWebhook": "नया वेबहूक जोड़ें",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "वेबहूक सक्षम करें",
+ "testWebhook": "वेबहूक का परीक्षण करें",
+ "createWebhook": "वेबहूक बनाएँ",
+ "copyWebhook": "वेबहूक कॉपी करें",
+ "deleteWebhook": "वेबहूक हटाएं",
"newToken": "नया टोकन जोड़ें",
"exportZip": "निर्यात ज़िप",
"importZip": "आयात ज़िप",
"metaSync": "अभी सिंक करें",
"settings": "समायोजन",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "प्रमाणीकरण",
"previewAs": "के रूप में पूर्वावलोकन",
"resetReview": "रीसेट पूर्वावलोकन",
"testDbConn": "परीक्षण डेटाबेस कनेक्शन",
@@ -1194,81 +1197,83 @@
"editConnJson": "कनेक्शन JSON संपादित करें",
"sponsorUs": "हमें प्रायोजित करें",
"sendEmail": "ईमेल भेजें",
- "addUserToProject": "Add user to project",
+ "addUserToProject": "प्रोजेक्ट में उपयोगकर्ता जोड़ें",
"getApiSnippet": "Get API Snippet",
"clearCell": "Clear cell",
- "addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
+ "addFilterGroup": "फिल्टर समूह जोड़ें",
"linkRecord": "Link record",
- "addNewRecord": "Add new record",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "addNewRecord": "नया रिकॉर्ड जोड़ें",
+ "newRecord": "नया रिकॉर्ड",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: नया रिकॉर्ड बनाएँ",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' को सफलतापूर्वक सहेजा और लिंक किया गया",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "रिकॉर्ड बनाया और लिंक किया गया",
"useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
- "expandRecord": "Expand record",
- "deleteRecord": "Delete record",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "expandRecord": "रिकॉर्ड विस्तृत करें",
+ "deleteRecord": "रिकॉर्ड हटाएं",
+ "fullWidth": "पूर्ण चौड़ाई",
+ "exitFullWidth": "पूर्ण चौड़ाई से बाहर निकलें",
+ "markAllAsRead": "सभी को पढ़ा हुआ चिह्नित करें",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "फील्ड हटाएं",
+ "addNumber": "संख्या फील्ड जोड़ें",
+ "addSingleLineText": "सिंगल लाइन टेक्स्ट फील्ड जोड़ें",
+ "addLongText": "लंबा टेक्स्ट फील्ड जोड़ें",
+ "addOther": "अन्य फील्ड जोड़ें"
"erd": {
- "showColumns": "Show Columns",
- "showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys",
- "showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views",
- "showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables",
- "showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
+ "showColumns": "कॉलम दिखाएँ",
+ "showPkAndFk": "प्राथमिक और विदेशी कुंजियाँ दिखाएँ",
+ "showSqlViews": "एसक्यूएल दृश्य दिखाएँ",
+ "showMMTables": "कई से कई तालिकाएँ दिखाएँ",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "जंक्शन टेबल के नाम दिखाएँ"
"kanban": {
- "collapseStack": "Collapse stack",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
- "deleteStack": "Delete stack",
- "stackedBy": "Stacked by",
- "chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
- "addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
+ "collapseStack": "स्टैक समेटें",
+ "collapseAll": "सभी को समेटें",
+ "expandAll": "सभी का विस्तार करें",
+ "renameStack": "स्टैक का नाम बदलें",
+ "deleteStack": "स्टैक हटाएं",
+ "stackedBy": "द्वारा स्टैक किया गया",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "समूहित करने का क्षेत्र चुनें",
+ "addOrEditStack": "स्टैक जोड़ें / संपादित करें"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
- "openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
- "openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
+ "mappedBy": "के द्वारा मैप किया गया",
+ "chooseMappingField": "मानचित्रण करने के लिए एक क्षेत्र चुनें",
+ "openInGoogleMaps": "गूगल मैप्स",
+ "openInOpenStreetMap": "ओएसएम"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "मोबाइल मोड को टॉगल करें",
+ "startCommenting": "टिप्पणी करना शुरू करें!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "अभी तक कोई टिप्पणी नहीं!",
+ "clearForm": "फॉर्म साफ़ करें",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "फ़ील्ड जोड़ें",
+ "selectAllFields": "सभी फ़ील्ड का चयन करें",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "पूर्व-भरने को सक्षम करें",
+ "default": "डिफ़ॉल्ट",
+ "locked": "पूर्व-भरे हुए फ़ील्ड्स को केवल-पढ़ने के रूप में लॉक करें",
+ "hidden": "पूर्व-भरे हुए फ़ील्ड्स छिपाएँ",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "पूर्व-भरा हुआ मूल्य"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "पूर्व-भरी हुई लिंक प्राप्त करें",
+ "group": "समूह",
+ "goToDocs": "डॉक्युमेंटेशन पर जाएं",
+ "addCondition": "शर्त जोड़ें",
+ "addConditionGroup": "शर्त समूह जोड़ें"
"tooltip": {
- "currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
- "dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
- "reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
+ "currentDateNotAvail": "डेटा स्रोत या डेटा प्रकार के लिए वर्तमान तिथि विकल्प उपलब्ध नहीं है",
+ "privateConnection": "इस कनेक्शन को निजी और इस कार्यक्षेत्र में अन्य निर्माताओं से छिपा रखने के लिए सक्षम करें।",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "वैकल्पिक। इसे खाली छोड़ने पर डिफ़ॉल्ट डेटाबेस \"{database}\" का उपयोग किया जाता है",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "वैकल्पिक। इसे खाली छोड़ने पर डिफ़ॉल्ट स्कीमा \"{schema}\" का उपयोग करता है।",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "इस डेटा स्रोत के लिए स्कीमा संपादन अक्षम है।",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "यह डेटा प्रकार अनुमति नहीं है।",
+ "dataWriteOptionDisabled": "डेटा संपादन को केवल तभी अक्षम किया जा सकता है जब 'योजना संपादन' भी अक्षम है",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "यह विकल्प डेटाबेस स्कीमा के संशोधन की अनुमति देता है, जिसमें तालिकाओं और कॉलमों को जोड़ना, बदलना, या हटाना शामिल है। सावधानी से उपयोग करें, क्योंकि परिवर्तन आपके डेटाबेस की संरचनात्मक अखंडता को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं।",
+ "allowDataWrite": "यह विकल्प डेटाबेस तालिकाओं के भीतर अभिलेख बनाने, अपडेट या हटाने की अनुमति देता है। प्रत्यक्ष रूप से डेटा बदलने की आवश्यकता वाले प्रशासनिक उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए आदर्श।",
+ "reachedSourceLimit": "प्रति आधार 10 डेटा स्रोतों तक सीमित",
"saveChanges": "परिवर्तनों को सुरक्षित करें",
"xcDB": "एक नया प्रोजेक्ट बनाएं",
"extDB": "MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL सर्वर और SQLite का समर्थन करता है",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "क्या यह काले रंग में आता है? (^⇧b)"
"addTable": "नई तालिका जोड़ें",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "नया डैशबोर्ड जोड़ें",
"inviteMore": "अधिक उपयोगकर्ताओं को आमंत्रित करें",
"toggleNavDraw": "नेविगेशन दराज को टॉगल करें",
"reloadApiToken": "एपीआई टोकन को पुनः लोड करें",
@@ -1293,33 +1298,33 @@
"exportMetadata": "मेटा टेबल से सभी मेटाडेटा को मेटा निर्देशिका में निर्यात करें।",
"importMetadata": "मेटा निर्देशिका से मेटा टेबल तक सभी मेटाडेटा आयात करें।",
"clearMetadata": "मेटा टेबल से सभी मेटाडेटा को साफ करें।",
- "clientKey": ".Key फ़ाइल का चयन करें",
- "clientCert": ".Cert फ़ाइल का चयन करें",
+ "clientKey": "Select .key file",
+ "clientCert": "Select .cert file",
"clientCA": "सीए फ़ाइल का चयन करें",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
- "preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "changeIconColour": "आइकन का रंग बदलें",
+ "preFillFormInfo": "पूर्व-भरे लिंक को प्राप्त करने के लिए, सुनिश्चित करें कि आपने फॉर्म व्यू बिल्डर में आवश्यक फ़ील्ड्स को भरा है।",
+ "surveyFormInfo": "प्रत्येक पृष्ठ पर एक क्षेत्र के साथ फॉर्म मोड",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "फाइल आयात करने के बाद प्रकार रूपांतरण के लिए फ़ील्ड संपादन मेनू का उपयोग करें",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "भूमिका कार्यक्षेत्र से विरासत में मिली",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "जल्द आ रहा है! NocoDB में आपको जिस एकीकरण की आवश्यकता है उसके लिए वोट करने के लिए क्लिक करें।"
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "आइकन खोजें",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "स्लैक चैनल चुनें",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "माइक्रोसॉफ्ट टीम चैनल चुनें",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "डिस्कॉर्ड चैनल चुनें",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "मैटरमोस्ट चैनल चुनें",
+ "webhookTitle": "वेबहूक शीर्षक",
+ "barcodeColumn": "बारकोड मान के लिए एक फील्ड चुनें",
+ "notFoundContent": "कोई मान्य फील्ड प्रकार नहीं मिल सकता है।",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "एक बारकोड स्वरूप चुनें",
"projName": "प्रोजेक्ट नाम दर्ज करें",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "समूह फील्ड का चयन करें",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "कोई एकल चयन फील्ड नहीं मिली। कृपया पहले एक बनाएँ।",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "कवर इमेज फील्ड चुनें",
+ "selectGeoField": "जियोडेटा फील्ड का चयन करें",
+ "notSelected": "-चयनित नहीं-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "कोई जियोडेटा फील्ड नहीं मिली। कृपया पहले एक बनाएँ।",
"password": {
"enter": "पासवर्ड दर्ज करे",
"current": "वर्तमान पासवर्ड",
@@ -1327,11 +1332,11 @@
"save": "पासवर्ड को बचाओ",
"confirm": "नए पासवर्ड की पुष्टि करें"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "क्यूआर कोड मान के लिए एक फील्ड चुनें",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "नकारात्मक संख्याओं की अनुमति दें",
"searchProjectTree": "खोज टेबल",
"searchFields": "खोज फ़ील्ड",
- "searchColumn": "खोज {खोज} कॉलम",
+ "searchColumn": "खोज {search} फील्ड",
"searchApps": "खोज एप्लिकेशन",
"searchModels": "खोज मॉडल",
"noItemsFound": "कुछ नहीं मिला",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "ई-मेल द्वारा फ़िल्टर",
"filterQuery": "Filter query",
"selectField": "Select field",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "प्रेसिजन",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,198 +1353,198 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
- "createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
- "noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
- "inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "value": "मान",
+ "key": "कुंजी",
+ "createTable": "अपनी पहली तालिका बनाएं!",
+ "createTableLabel": "शुरू से या आयात या बाहरी डेटाबेस से जुड़ें",
+ "noTokenCreated": "कोई API टोकन नहीं बनाया गया",
+ "noTokenCreatedLabel": "ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि आपने अभी तक कोई API टोकन उत्पन्न नहीं किया है।",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "अपनी टीम को आमंत्रित करें",
+ "inviteYourTeamLabel": "अपनी टीम के साथ सहयोग करके अपनी परियोजनाओं को फास्ट ट्रैक करें!",
+ "searchOptions": "खोज विकल्प"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "अमान्य बटन विन्यास",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "अमान्य फ़ील्ड विन्यास",
+ "invalidTheme": "एक मान्य थीम चुनें",
+ "invalidColor": "एक मान्य रंग चुनें",
+ "invalidType": "बटन प्रकार 'वेबहुक' या 'url' हो सकता है",
+ "invalidLabel": "एक मान्य बटन लेबल दर्ज करें",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "यह फ़ंक्शन आपके डेटाबेस के लिए अनुपलब्ध है",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "अपने संगठनों के नाम और रूप-रंग को नियंत्रित करें।",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "अनचाहे उपयोगकर्ताओं की पहुंच को रोकने के लिए कंपनी डोमेन जोड़ें।",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "उपयोगकर्ताओं को सार्वजनिक रूप से बेस साझा करने से रोकें।",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "हटाने और सभी संगठन कार्यक्षेत्रों से हटाने के लिए उपयोगकर्ताओं का चयन करें।",
+ "deleteOrganization": "इस संगठन से संबंधित सभी उपयोगकर्ता, बेस और डेटा हटा दें",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "फील्ड आईडी को कॉपी करने के लिए क्लिक करें",
+ "enterPassword": "पासवर्ड दर्ज करें",
+ "bySigningUp": "साइन अप करके, आप सहमत हैं",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "हमारे साप्ताहिक न्यूज़लेटर की सदस्यता लें",
+ "verifyingPassword": "पासवर्ड सत्यापित करना",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "यह साझा दृश्य सुरक्षित है",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "फॉर्म डेटा सफलतापूर्वक सबमिट किया गया",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "मोबाइल पर फॉर्म दृश्य समर्थित नहीं है",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "मोबाइल पर कैलेंडर दृश्य समर्थित नहीं है",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "नई फॉर्म {seconds} सेकंड के बाद लोड होगी",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "अनुकूलित क्वेरी अक्षम है",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "अनुकूलित क्वेरी सक्षम है",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "लुकअप फील्ड गैर-बेलॉन्ग्स टू संबंध के लिए समर्थित नहीं है",
+ "invalidTime": "अमान्य समय",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "आपके पास {type} के लिए कोई समर्थित लिंक नहीं है",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "रिकॉर्ड नहीं मिल सका",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "अवैध फोन नंबर",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "पृष्ठ आकार बदल गया",
+ "errorLoadingData": "डेटा लोड करने में त्रुटि",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "संदर्भ चर का उपयोग करें",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "बॉडी",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "अधीन रिकॉर्ड को संदर्भित करने के लिए",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "संकेत: क्षेत्रों का संदर्भ देने के लिए {placeholder1} का उपयोग करें, उदाहरण के लिए: {placeholder2}. अधिक के लिए कृपया देखें",
+ "hintEnd": "सूत्र.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "कोई सुझाया गया सूत्र नहीं मिला",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "कोई सुझाए गए फील्ड नहीं मिला",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} को स्थिति {position} पर {type} की आवश्यकता है",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "सांख्यिक प्रकार अपेक्षित है",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "स्ट्रिंग प्रकार अपेक्षित है",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} ऑपरेशन उपलब्ध नहीं है",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "फॉर्मूला अवैध होने के कारण फिल्ड सहेज नहीं सकता",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "फ़ील्ड {columnName} को संदर्भित करना समर्थित नहीं है",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "प्रकार {type} अपेक्षित है लेकिन प्रकार {found} पाया गया",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} को {requiredArguments} तर्कों की आवश्यकता होती है",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} न्यूनतम {minRequiredArguments} तर्कों की आवश्यकता होती है",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} अधिकतम {maxRequiredArguments} तर्कों की आवश्यकता होती है",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} फ़ंक्शन उपलब्ध नहीं है",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() का पहला पैरामीटर तारीख मूल्य होना चाहिए",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() का दूसरा पैरामीटर \"रविवार\", \"सोमवार\", \"मंगलवार\", \"बुधवार\", \"गुरूवार\", \"शुक्रवार\" या \"शनिवार\" में से होना चाहिए",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() का पहला पैरामीटर तारीख मूल्य होना चाहिए",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() का दूसरा पैरामीटर सांख्यिक मूल्य होना चाहिए",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() का तीसरा पैरामीटर \"दिन\", \"सप्ताह\", \"माह\" या \"वर्ष\" होना चाहिए",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() का पहला पैरामीटर तारीख मूल्य होना चाहिए",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() का दूसरा पैरामीटर तारीख मूल्य होना चाहिए",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() का तीसरा पैरामीटर \"मिलीसेकंड\", \"मिलीसेकंड\", \"सेकंड\", \"सेकंड\", \"मिनट\", \"मिनट\", \"घंटे\", \"घंटे\", \"दिन\", \"दिन\", \"सप्ताह\", \"सप्ताह\", \"माह\", \"माह\", \"त्रैमास\", \"त्रैमास\", \"वर्ष\", या \"वर्ष\" होना चाहिए",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "फ़ील्ड {columnName} उपलब्ध नहीं है",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "फ़ील्ड सहेज नहीं सकता क्योंकि यह एक परिपत्र संदर्भ का कारण बनता है",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "फ़ील्ड {columnName} के साथ {columnType} प्रकार पाया गया लेकिन {expectedType} प्रकार अपेक्षित है",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} {columnType} से मेल नहीं खाता है"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "विकल्प खाली नहीं हो सकते",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "मल्टीसेलेक्ट फ़ील्ड्स में कॉमास (',') नहीं हो सकते",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "विकल्पों में डुप्लिकेट नहीं हो सकते",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "नया विकल्प नामित करें"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "कृपया एक संख्या दर्ज करें",
+ "plsInputEmail": "ईमेल दर्ज करें",
+ "invalidDate": "अमान्य तिथि",
+ "invalidLocale": "अमान्य स्थान",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "अवैध मुद्रा कोड",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'मनी' प्रकार की अपनी मुद्रा सेटिंग्स है",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "बारकोड फ़ील्ड के लिए मान्य फ़ील्ड प्रकार हैं: संख्या, सिंगल लाइन टेक्स्ट, लॉन्ग टेक्स्ट, फोन नंबर, यूआरएल, ईमेल, दशमलव. कृपया पहले एक बनाएं।",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "इस्तेमाल कई सम्बन्ध",
+ "tooltip_desc": "टेबल से एकल रिकॉर्ड ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " कई रिकॉर्ड को टेबल से जोड़ा जा सकता है "
"mm": {
"title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "tooltip_desc": "मल्टीपल रिकॉर्ड्स टेबल से ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " को टेबल से मल्टीपल रिकॉर्ड्स के साथ जोड़ा जा सकता है "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "संबंध का हिस्सा है",
+ "tooltip_desc": "टेबल से एकल रिकॉर्ड ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " को टेबल से एक रिकॉर्ड के साथ जोड़ा जा सकता है "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "एक से एक संबंध",
+ "tooltip_desc": "टेबल से एकल रिकॉर्ड ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " को टेबल से एकल रिकॉर्ड के साथ जोड़ा जा सकता है "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "ऐसा लगता है कि कोई रिकॉर्ड लिंक नहीं किया गया है।",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "कोई रिकॉर्ड नहीं जुड़ा",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "कोई लिंक किया गया अभिलेख नहीं",
+ "recordsLinked": "रिकॉर्ड जुड़ा",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "केवल मान्य {type} स्वीकार करें",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "स्वचालन या बाहरी ऐप्स में उपयोग करने के लिए व्यक्तिगत एपीआई टोकन बनाएं।",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "सॉर्ट करने के लिए फ़ील्ड का चयन करें",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "समूह बनाने के लिए फ़ील्ड का चयन करें",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "टेबल में कोई रिकॉर्ड नहीं हैं",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "अभी तक लिंक के लिए कोई रिकॉर्ड उपलब्ध नहीं है",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "वेब-हुक के साथ शुरू करें!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "अपनी स्वचालन को सशक्त करें। जैसे ही आपके डेटा में परिवर्तन होते हैं, तुरंत सूचित हो जाएं",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "क्या आप वाकई निम्नलिखित को हटाना चाहते हैं",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "क्या आप वाकई {deleteLabel} निम्नलिखित को हटाना चाहते हैं",
+ "idColumnRequired": "आईडी फ़ील्ड आवश्यक है, यदि आवश्यक हो तो आप इसे बाद में बदल सकते हैं।",
+ "length59Required": "लंबाई अधिकतम 59 वर्णों से अधिक है",
+ "noNewNotifications": "आपके पास कोई नई सूचनाएं नहीं हैं",
+ "noRecordFound": "रिकॉर्ड नहीं मिला",
+ "noRecordsFound": "कोई अभिलेख नहीं मिला",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "आपकी खोज प्रश्न के लिए कोई रिकॉर्ड नहीं है",
+ "rowDeleted": "रिकॉर्ड हटा दिया गया",
+ "saveChanges": "क्या आप परिवर्तन सहेजना चाहते हैं?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "फ़ील्ड बहुत बड़ा है इसे {entity} में बदलने के लिए",
+ "roleRequired": "भूमिका आवश्यक है",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
- "calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "webhookDelete": "इस वेबहुक पर निर्भर बटन फील्ड प्रभावित होंगे",
+ "calendarNoFields": "कैलेंडर दृश्य के लिए एक तारीख या तारीख समय फ़ील्ड सेटअप होना आवश्यक है। एक तारीख/तिथि समय फ़ील्ड जोड़ने के बाद कैलेंडर दृश्य सेटअप करने का प्रयास करें!",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "कनबान व्यू को सेट करने के लिए एकल चयन फ़ील्ड की आवश्यकता होती है। एकल चयन फ़ील्ड जोड़ने के बाद कनबान दृश्य सेट करने का प्रयास करें!",
+ "mapNoFields": "मानचित्र दृश्य को सेट करने के लिए जियो डेटा फ़ील्ड की आवश्यकता होती है। जियो डेटा फ़ील्ड जोड़ने के बाद मानचित्र दृश्य सेट करने का प्रयास करें!",
+ "dbValid": "स्कीमा हानि को रोकने के लिए डेटाबेस की वैधता सुनिश्चित करें",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
+ "renderError": "बारकोड त्रुटि - कृपया इनपुट और बारकोड प्रकार के बीच अनुकूलता जांचें"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
- "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "चेतावनी: गणना किया गया क्षेत्र - पाठ को साफ़ करने में असमर्थ",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "चेतावनी: क्यूआर फील्ड्स को सीधे बदला नहीं जा सकता।",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "चेतावनी: बारकोड फ़ील्ड सीधे बदले नहीं जा सकते।"
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "क्या आप वाकई आधार को डुप्लिकेट करना चाहते हैं?",
+ "duplicateTable": "क्या आप वाकई टेबल को डुप्लिकेट करना चाहते हैं?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "आप वर्तमान में संपादित किए जा रहे फ़ील्ड की दृश्यता नहीं बदल सकते। पहले परिवर्तनों को सुरक्षित करें या त्यागें।",
+ "moveEditedField": "आप वर्तमान में संपादित किए जा रहे फ़ील्ड को नहीं हिला सकते। पहले परिवर्तनों को सुरक्षित करें या त्यागें।",
+ "moveDeletedField": "आप हटाए गए फ़ील्ड को नहीं हिला सकते। पहले परिवर्तनों को सुरक्षित करें या त्यागें।"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "जब गणना किए गए या सिस्टम फ़ील्ड का उपयोग किया जाता है तो आप तिथियों के बीच रिकॉर्ड्स ड्रैग नहीं कर सकेंगे।",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "इस स्रोत के लिए स्कीमा परिवर्तन अक्षम हैं",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "कार्यस्थान का नाम दर्ज करें",
+ "enterBaseName": "बेस नाम दर्ज करें",
+ "idpPaste": "इन URL को अपने पहचान प्रदाताओं के कंसोल में चिपकाएँ",
+ "noSaml": "कोई SAML प्रमाणीकरण कॉन्फ़िगर नहीं किया गया है।",
+ "noOIDC": "कोई कॉन्फ़िगर किया गया OpenID प्रमाणीकरण नहीं है।",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "दृश्य लॉक होने के कारण निष्क्रिय",
+ "basesMigrated": "आधारों को स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया है। कृपया पुनः प्रयास करें।",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "सक्रिय सेल पर चिपकाना संचालन समर्थित नहीं है",
"roles": {
- "orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
- "orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project."
+ "orgCreator": "निर्माता नए आधार बना सकता है और किसी भी आमंत्रित आधार का उपयोग कर सकता है।",
+ "orgViewer": "दर्शक को नए आधार बनाने की अनुमति नहीं है लेकिन वे किसी भी आमंत्रित आधार का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।"
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
- "selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
- "moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
- "noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
+ "loadingScanner": "स्कैनर लोड हो रहा है...",
+ "selectColumn": "स्कैन करके रिकॉर्ड खोजने के लिए आप जिस फ़ील्ड (क्यूआर कोड या बारकोड) का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं उसे चुनें।",
+ "moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "इस कोड के लिए एक से अधिक रिकॉर्ड मिले। वर्तमान में केवल अद्वितीय कोड समर्थित हैं।",
+ "noRowFoundForCode": "चयनित फ़ील्ड के लिए इस कोड के लिए कोई रिकॉर्ड नहीं मिला"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "आप सीमा से अधिक हैं।",
+ "closeLimit": "आप सीमा के करीब आ रहे हैं।",
+ "limitNumber": "एक मैप दृश्य में दिखाए गए मार्करों की सीमा 1000 अभिलेख है।"
- "footerInfo": "प्रति पृष्ठ पंक्तियाँ",
+ "footerInfo": "प्रति पृष्ठ रिकॉर्ड",
"upload": "अपलोड करने के लिए फ़ाइल का चयन करें",
"upload_sub": "या ड्रैग एंड ड्रॉप फाइल",
"excelSupport": "समर्थित: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"excelURL": "Excel फ़ाइल URL दर्ज करें",
"csvURL": "CSV फ़ाइल URL दर्ज करें",
- "footMsg": "# पंक्तियों को हीन डेटाटाइप करने के लिए पार्स करने के लिए",
+ "footMsg": "डेटाटाइप को समझने के लिए पार्स करने के लिए रिकॉर्ड की संख्या",
"excelImport": "शीट आयात के लिए उपलब्ध हैं",
"exportMetadata": "क्या आप मेटा टेबल से मेटाडेटा निर्यात करना चाहते हैं?",
"importMetadata": "क्या आप मेटा टेबल से मेटाडेटा आयात करना चाहते हैं?",
"clearMetadata": "क्या आप मेटा टेबल से मेटाडेटा को साफ करना चाहते हैं?",
- "projectEmptyMessage": "एक नई परियोजना बनाकर आरंभ करें",
- "stopProject": "क्या आप परियोजना को रोकना चाहते हैं?",
+ "projectEmptyMessage": "एक नया आधार बनाकर शुरुआत करें",
+ "stopProject": "क्या आप प्रोजेक्ट को रोकना चाहते हैं?",
"startProject": "क्या आप प्रोजेक्ट शुरू करना चाहते हैं?",
"restartProject": "क्या आप परियोजना को फिर से शुरू करना चाहते हैं?",
"deleteProject": "क्या आप परियोजना को हटाना चाहते हैं?",
@@ -1550,20 +1555,20 @@
"formInput": "फॉर्म इनपुट लेबल दर्ज करें",
"formHelpText": "कुछ सहायता पाठ जोड़ें",
"onlyCreator": "केवल निर्माता को दिखाई देता है",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "प्रपत्र शीर्षक जोड़ें",
"formDesc": "फॉर्म विवरण जोड़ें",
"beforeEnablePwd": "एक पासवर्ड के साथ पहुंच को प्रतिबंधित करें",
"afterEnablePwd": "एक्सेस पासवर्ड प्रतिबंधित है",
"privateLink": "यह दृश्य एक निजी लिंक के माध्यम से साझा किया गया है",
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "निजी लिंक वाले लोग केवल इस दृश्य में दिखाई देने वाली कोशिकाओं को देख सकते हैं",
- "postFormSubmissionSettings": "Post Form Submission Settings",
- "apiOptions": "के माध्यम से प्रोजेक्ट",
+ "postFormSubmissionSettings": "पोस्ट फॉर्म सबमिशन सेटिंग्स",
+ "apiOptions": "के माध्यम से प्रोजेक्ट एक्सेस करें",
"submitAnotherForm": "एक और फॉर्म सबमिट करें' बटन दिखाएं",
"showBlankForm": "5 सेकंड के बाद एक खाली फॉर्म दिखाएं",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "को ईमेल प्रतिक्रियाएँ",
"showSysFields": "सिस्टम फ़ील्ड दिखाएं",
"filterAutoApply": "ऑटो लागू करें",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "संदेश प्रदर्शित करें",
"viewNotShared": "वर्तमान दृश्य साझा नहीं है!",
"showAllViews": "इस तालिका के सभी साझा विचार दिखाएं",
"collabView": "संपादन अनुमतियों या उच्चतर के साथ सहयोगी दृश्य कॉन्फ़िगरेशन को बदल सकते हैं।",
@@ -1576,9 +1581,9 @@
"viewerDesc": "रिकॉर्ड देख सकते हैं लेकिन कुछ भी संपादित नहीं कर सकते",
"addUser": "नई उपयोगकर्ता को जोड़ना",
"staticRoleInfo": "सिस्टम परिभाषित भूमिकाओं को संपादित नहीं किया जा सकता है",
- "exportZip": "फाइल और डाउनलोड करने के लिए प्रोजेक्ट मेटा निर्यात करें।",
- "importZip": "आयात परियोजना मेटा ज़िप फ़ाइल और पुनरारंभ।",
- "importText": "मेटाडेटा ज़िप फ़ाइल अपलोड करके NOCODB परियोजना आयात करें",
+ "exportZip": "ज़िप फ़ाइल को निर्यात करें और डाउनलोड करें।",
+ "importZip": "आधार मेटा ज़िप फ़ाइल आयात करें और पुनरारंभ करें।",
+ "importText": "मेटाडेटा ज़िप फ़ाइल अपलोड करके NocoDB आधार आयात करें",
"metaNoChange": "कोई परिवर्तन नहीं की पहचान",
"sqlMigration": "स्कीमा माइग्रेशन स्वचालित रूप से बनाए जाएंगे। एक तालिका बनाएं और इस पृष्ठ को ताज़ा करें।",
"dbConnectionStatus": "मान्य पर्यावरण",
@@ -1589,7 +1594,7 @@
"sponsor": {
"header": "आप हमारी मदद कर सकते हैं!",
- "message": "हम एक छोटी टीम हैं जो NOCODB को ओपन-सोर्स बनाने के लिए पूरा समय काम कर रही हैं। हमारा मानना है कि एनओसीओडीबी जैसे उपकरण को इंटरनेट पर हर समस्या के लिए स्वतंत्र रूप से उपलब्ध होना चाहिए।"
+ "message": "हम एक छोटी टीम हैं जो NocoDB को ओपन-सोर्स बनाने के लिए पूरा समय काम कर रही हैं। हमारा मानना है कि एनओसीओडीबी जैसे उपकरण को इंटरनेट पर हर समस्या के लिए स्वतंत्र रूप से उपलब्ध होना चाहिए।"
"loginMsg": "NoCODB में लॉग इन करें",
"passwordRecovery": {
@@ -1610,19 +1615,19 @@
"gallery": "गैलरी दृश्य जोड़ें",
"form": "फॉर्म व्यू जोड़ें",
"kanban": "कनबान दृश्य जोड़ें",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "मैप दृश्य जोड़ें",
"calendar": "कैलेंडर दृश्य जोड़ें"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "टेबल के मेटाडेटा SYNC है",
"addMultipleUsers": "आप एकाधिक COMMA (,) द्वारा अलग ईमेल जोड़ सकते है",
"enterTableName": "टेबल का नाम लिखे",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
- "addDefaultColumns": "डिफ़ॉल्ट कॉलम जोड़े",
+ "enterTableDescription": "तालिका विवरण दर्ज करें...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "फ़ील्ड विवरण दर्ज करें...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "दृश्य विवरण दर्ज करें...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "लेआउट नाम दर्ज करें",
+ "enterDashboardName": "डैशबोर्ड नाम दर्ज करें",
+ "defaultColumns": "डिफ़ॉल्ट फ़ील्ड",
+ "addDefaultColumns": "डिफ़ॉल्ट फ़ील्ड जोड़ें",
"tableNameInDb": "डेटाबेस में टेबल का नाम बचाया गया है",
"airtable": {
"credentials": "Where to find this?"
@@ -1642,81 +1647,81 @@
"cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty",
"exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully",
"valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
- "noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
+ "noColumnsToUpdate": "अपडेट करने के लिए कोई फ़ील्ड नहीं",
"tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "लेआउट सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया गया",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "क्या आप वाकई इस लेआउट को हटाना चाहते हैं?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
- "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
- "computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
- "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
- "noMoreRecords": "No more records",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "जंक्शन तालिका के माध्यम से कई से कई संबंध समर्थित हैं और डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से छिपे हुए हैं। सभी ऐसे तालिकाओं को मौजूदा तालिकाओं के साथ सूचीबद्ध करने के लिए इस विकल्प को सक्षम करें।",
+ "showNullInCells": "सेल में NULL दिखाएँ",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "NULL मूल्य धारण करने वाले सेल में 'NULL' टैग प्रदर्शित करें। यह EMPTY स्ट्रिंग धारण करने वाले सेल के खिलाफ भेदभाव में मदद करता है।",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "फिल्टर में NULL और EMPTY दिखाएँ",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "NULL और खाली स्ट्रिंग्स वाले क्षेत्रों को पहचानने के लिए 'अतिरिक्त' फिल्टर सक्षम करें। डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से ब्लैंक समर्थन NULL और खाली स्ट्रिंग्स दोनों को एक समान मानता है।",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "इस स्टैक को हटाने से चयन विकल्प '{stackToBeDeleted}' भी '{groupingField}' से हट जाएगा। अभिलेख बिना वर्गीकृत स्टैक में स्थानांतरित हो जाएंगे।",
+ "computedFieldEditWarning": "सामग्री केवल-पढ़ी है",
+ "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "सामग्री केवल-पढ़ी है",
+ "noMoreRecords": "कोई और रिकॉर्ड नहीं",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "टोकन नाम खाली नहीं होना चाहिए",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "टोकन नाम 255 वर्णों से अधिक नहीं होना चाहिए",
+ "dbNameRequired": "डेटाबेस का नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "wsNameRequired": "कार्यस्थान का नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "कार्यस्थान का नाम कम से कम 3 वर्ण लंबा होना चाहिए",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "कार्यस्थान का नाम अधिकतम 50 वर्ण लंबा होना चाहिए",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "इस कार्यस्थान और इसकी सभी सामग्री को हटा दें।",
+ "userConfirmation": "मुझे समझ में आ गया है कि यह क्रिया अपरिवर्तनीय है",
+ "pageNotFound": "पृष्ठ नहीं मिला",
+ "makeLineBreak": "लाइन ब्रेक बनाने के लिए",
+ "goToPrevious": "पिछले पर जाएं",
+ "goToNext": "अगले पर जाएं",
+ "thankYou": "धन्यवाद!",
+ "submittedFormData": "आपने सफलतापूर्वक फ़ॉर्म डेटा सबमिट कर दिया है।",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "सिस्टम की कुंजी संपादन समर्थित नहीं है",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "वर्तमान में उपलब्ध नहीं है",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "समूह पेस्ट ऑपरेशन लिंक/LinkToAnotherRecord स्तंभ पर समर्थित नहीं है",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "समूह मिटाएं ऑपरेशन लिंक/LinkToAnotherRecord स्तंभ पर समर्थित नहीं है",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "एंटरप्राइज़ संस्करण में अपग्रेड करें {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "यह सुविधा केवल एंटरप्राइज़ संस्करण में उपलब्ध है",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "आपकी वर्तमान भूमिका है",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "कृपया इस {viewName} तक पहुँच प्राप्त करने के लिए व्यवस्थापक / बेस मालिक / कार्यक्षेत्र मालिक से उच्च अनुमति का अनुरोध करें",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "यदि फ़ील्ड आवश्यक है तो सभी विकल्प छिपा नहीं सकते"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "मैनुअल हुक को निष्क्रिय नहीं किया जा सकता",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "रिकॉर्ड डेटा लोड करने में त्रुटि",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "कैलेंडर डेटा प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "सक्रिय तिथियों को प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि",
+ "scopesRequired": "स्कोप आवश्यक हैं",
+ "domainRequired": "डोमेन नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "authUrlRequired": "प्राधिकरण URL आवश्यक है",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "उपयोगकर्ता नाम विशेषता आवश्यक है",
+ "clientIdRequired": "क्लाइंट आईडी आवश्यक है",
+ "issuerRequired": "जारीकर्ता आवश्यक है",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "क्लाइंट सीक्रेट आवश्यक है",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL आवश्यक है",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "टोकन URL आवश्यक है",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL आवश्यक है",
+ "eitherXML": "या तो xml या मेटाडेटा यूआरएल आवश्यक है",
+ "nameRequired": "नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "nameMinLength": "नाम कम से कम 2 वर्ण लंबा होना चाहिए",
+ "nameMaxLength": "नाम अधिकतम 60 वर्ण लंबा होना चाहिए",
+ "viewNameRequired": "व्यू नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "domainNameRequired": "डोमेन नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "नाम अधिकतम 256 वर्ण लंबा होना चाहिए",
+ "viewNameUnique": "व्यू नाम अद्वितीय होना चाहिए",
"searchProject": "{search} के लिए आपकी खोज कोई परिणाम नहीं मिला",
"invalidChar": "फ़ोल्डर पथ में अमान्य चरित्र।",
"invalidDbCredentials": "अमान्य डेटाबेस क्रेडेंशियल्स।",
"unableToConnectToDb": "डेटाबेस से कनेक्ट करने में असमर्थ, कृपया जांच करें कि आपका डेटाबेस ऊपर है।",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "अमान्य वर्ष",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "उपयोगकर्ता मौजूद नहीं है या स्कीमा बनाने के लिए पर्याप्त अनुमति है।",
"dbConnectionStatus": "अमान्य डेटाबेस पैरामीटर",
"dbConnectionFailed": "कनेक्शन विफलता:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "रिक्त फ़िल्टर मौजूद हैं। कृपया उन्हें हटाएँ",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "ईमेल की आवश्यकता है",
"emailInvalid": "ईमेल मान्य होना चाहिए",
"passwdRequired": "पासवर्ड की आवश्यकता है",
"passwdLength": "आप पासवर्ड कम से कम 8 वर्ण होना चाहिए",
@@ -1727,73 +1732,73 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "अमान्य ईमेल",
+ "invalidEmail": "अमान्य ईमेल"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "अमान्य XML",
"invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "अमान्य ईमेल",
"internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
- "fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
- "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column",
- "formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description",
- "columnsRequired": "Following columns are required",
- "selectAtleastOneColumn": "At least one column has to be selected",
- "columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination column for",
- "duplicateMappingFound": "Duplicate mapping found, please remove one of the mapping",
- "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null value violates not-null constraint",
- "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Source data contains some invalid numbers",
- "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Source data contains some invalid boolean values",
- "invalidForm": "Invalid Form",
- "formValidationFailed": "Form validation failed",
- "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "You have been signed out",
- "failedToLoadList": "Failed to load list",
- "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Failed to load children list",
- "deleteFailed": "Delete failed",
- "unlinkFailed": "Unlink failed",
- "rowUpdateFailed": "Row update failed",
- "deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete row",
- "setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data",
- "formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view",
- "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
- "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
- "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
- "columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
- "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
- "requiredField": "Required field",
- "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
- "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
- "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
- "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
- "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
- "projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "fileUploadFailed": "फ़ाइल अपलोड करने में विफल",
+ "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "प्राथमिक फ़ील्ड को अद्यतन करने में विफल",
+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "फॉर्म विवरण के लिए डेटा बहुत लंबा है",
+ "columnsRequired": "निम्नलिखित फ़ील्ड आवश्यक हैं",
+ "selectAtleastOneColumn": "कम से कम एक फ़ील्ड का चयन करना होगा",
+ "columnDescriptionNotFound": "इसके लिए गंतव्य फ़ील्ड नहीं मिल सका",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "डुप्लिकेट मैपिंग मिला, कृपया एक को हटाएं",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "शून्य मान शून्य न होने की बाध्यता का उल्लंघन करता है",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "स्रोत डेटा में कुछ अमान्य संख्या हैं",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "स्रोत डेटा में कुछ अमान्य बूलियन मान हैं",
+ "invalidForm": "अमान्य फॉर्म",
+ "formValidationFailed": "फॉर्म सत्यापन विफल",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "आपको साइन आउट कर दिया गया है",
+ "failedToLoadList": "सूची लोड करने में विफल",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "चिल्ड्रेन सूची लोड करने में विफल",
+ "deleteFailed": "हटाना विफल",
+ "unlinkFailed": "अनलिंक विफल",
+ "rowUpdateFailed": "रिकॉर्ड अद्यतन विफल रहा",
+ "deleteRowFailed": "रिकॉर्ड हटाने में विफल",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "फॉर्म डेटा सेट करने में विफल",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "फॉर्म व्यू अपडेट करने में विफल",
+ "tableNameRequired": "तालिका नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "नाम का प्रथम अक्षर वर्णमाला या _ होना चाहिए",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "निम्नलिखित वर्ण अनुमति नहीं हैं",
+ "columnNameRequired": "कॉलम का नाम आवश्यक है",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "डुप्लिकेट कॉलम नाम",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "सिस्टम फ़ील्ड के लिए नाम पहले से उपयोग में है",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "यूआई डेटा प्रकार आवश्यक है",
+ "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "फ़ील्ड नाम की लंबाई अधिकतम {value} वर्णों से अधिक है",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} नाम 50 अक्षरों से अधिक है",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} नाम स्थान के साथ शुरू नहीं हो सकता",
+ "requiredField": "आवश्यक फ़ील्ड",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "आईपी की अनुमति नहीं है",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "लक्षित फ़ाइल एक स्वीकृत फ़ाइल प्रकार नहीं है",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "स्वीकृत फ़ाइल प्रकार .csv है",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "स्वीकृत फ़ाइल प्रकार .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots हैं",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "पैरामीटर कुंजी खाली नहीं हो सकती",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "डुप्लिकेट पैरामीटर कुंजियाँ अनुमत नहीं हैं",
+ "fieldRequired": "यह फील्ड खाली नहीं हो सकता।",
+ "projectNotAccessible": "आधार सुलभ नहीं",
+ "copyToClipboardError": "क्लिपबोर्ड में कॉपी करने में विफल",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "क्लिपबोर्ड से चिपकाने में विफल",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "सहेजने से पहले सभी फ़ील्ड के विन्यास को पूरा करें",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "कुछ गलत हो गया",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "खींची गई सामग्री छवि के प्रकार की नहीं है",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "छवि डेटा को पार्स करने का फ़ील्ड",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "कुछ आवश्यक फ़ील्ड खाली हैं"
"toast": {
- "exportMetadata": "परियोजना मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक निर्यात की गई",
- "importMetadata": "परियोजना मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक आयात की गई",
- "clearMetadata": "प्रोजेक्ट मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक मंजूरी दे दी",
- "stopProject": "परियोजना सफलतापूर्वक बंद हो गई",
- "startProject": "परियोजना सफलतापूर्वक शुरू हुई",
- "restartProject": "परियोजना को सफलतापूर्वक फिर से शुरू किया गया",
- "deleteProject": "परियोजना को सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया गया",
+ "exportMetadata": "आधार मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक निर्यात किया गया",
+ "importMetadata": "आधार मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक आयात किया गया",
+ "clearMetadata": "आधार मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक साफ किया गया",
+ "stopProject": "आधार सफलतापूर्वक बंद किया गया",
+ "startProject": "आधार सफलतापूर्वक शुरू हुआ",
+ "restartProject": "आधार सफलतापूर्वक फिर से शुरू किया गया",
+ "deleteProject": "आधार सफलतापूर्वक हटाया गया",
"authToken": "क्लिपबोर्ड में AUTH टोकन को कॉपी किया गया है",
"projInfo": "क्लिपबोर्ड में प्रोजेक्ट की जानकारी कॉपी की गयी है",
- "inviteUrlCopy": "आमंत्रण url को क्लिपबोर्ड में कॉपी किया गया है",
+ "inviteUrlCopy": "आमंत्रण URL को क्लिपबोर्ड में कॉपी किया गया है",
"createView": "व्यू सफलतापूर्वक बनाया गया",
"formEmailSMTP": "कृपया ईमेल अधिसूचना को सक्षम करने के लिए ऐप स्टोर में SMTP प्लगइन को सक्रिय करें",
"collabView": "सफलतापूर्वक सहयोगी दृश्य पर स्विच किया गया",
@@ -1801,31 +1806,31 @@
"futureRelease": "जल्द आ रहा है!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
- "columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
- "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "लाइसेंस कुंजी अपडेट की गई",
+ "columnDuplicated": "फ़ील्ड सफलतापूर्वक डुप्लिकेट की गई",
+ "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "रेकॉर्ड डुप्लिकेट किया गया (सहेजा नहीं गया)",
"updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
- "pluginUninstalled": "Configuration reset successfully",
+ "pluginUninstalled": "प्लगइन सफलतापूर्वक अनइंस्टॉल कर दिया गया",
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
"pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
"tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "लेआउट सफलतापूर्वक नामांकित किया गया",
"viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
- "primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
+ "primaryColumnUpdated": "प्राथमिक फ़ील्ड के रूप में सफलतापूर्वक अद्यतन किया गया",
"tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
"updated": "Successfully updated",
"sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
- "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
+ "userDeleted": "उपयोगकर्ता सफलतापूर्वक हटाया गया",
"viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
"tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
"tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
- "userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project",
- "userAdded": "Successfully added user",
- "userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project",
+ "userAddedToProject": "सफलतापूर्वक उपयोगकर्ता को आधार में जोड़ा गया",
+ "userAdded": "उपयोगकर्ता सफलतापूर्वक जोड़ा गया",
+ "userDeletedFromProject": "सफलतापूर्वक उपयोगकर्ता को प्रोजेक्ट से हटाया गया",
"inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
"inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "टिप्पणी को क्लिपबोर्ड में कॉपी किया गया",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "पासवर्ड रीसेट यूआरएल क्लिपबोर्ड में कॉपी किया गया",
"shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
"userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
@@ -1833,13 +1838,13 @@
"webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully",
"webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully",
"webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully",
- "columnUpdated": "Column updated",
- "columnCreated": "Column created",
+ "columnUpdated": "कॉलम अद्यतन किया गया",
+ "columnCreated": "कॉलम बनाया गया",
"passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
- "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
- "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "settingsSaved": "सेटिंग्स सफलतापूर्वक सहेजी गईं",
+ "roleUpdated": "भूमिका सफलतापूर्वक अपडेट की गई",
+ "connectionAdded": "एकीकरण सफलतापूर्वक जुड़ा",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "बेस मालिक और रचनाकार अब क्रेडेंशियल्स फिर से दर्ज किए बिना डेटा स्रोत जोड़ सकते हैं।"
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/hr.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/hr.json
index 1f39822c18..1322997e27 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/hr.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/hr.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Stvaranje novog sučelja",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Spoji izvore podataka",
+ "alert": "Upozorenje",
+ "alert-message": "Nema povezanih baza podataka. Spojite baze podataka kako biste izradili sučelja. Preskočite ovaj korak i dodajte baze s početne stranice baze kasnije.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Odaberite baze podataka koje želite povezati s ovim sučeljem.",
+ "create_interface": "Kreiraj sučelje",
+ "project_name": "Naziv projekta",
+ "connect": "Spoji",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "Otvori vanjsku poveznicu",
+ "delete_record": "Izbriši zapis",
+ "update_record": "Ažuriranje zapisa",
+ "open_layout": "Otvoriti izgled"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "Tekst",
+ "chart": "Grafikon",
+ "table": "Tablica",
+ "image": "Slika",
+ "map": "Karta",
+ "button": "Dugme",
+ "number": "Broj",
+ "bar_chart": "Stupčasti grafikon",
+ "line_chart": "Linijski grafikon",
+ "area_chart": "Površinski grafikon",
+ "pie_chart": "Tortni grafikon",
+ "donut_chart": "Prstenasti grafikon",
+ "scatter_plot": "Raspšeni prikaz",
+ "bubble_chart": "Balončić grafikon",
+ "radar_chart": "Radar grafikon",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polarni područje grafikon",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radijalni stupčasti grafikon",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Toplinski prikaz",
+ "treemap_chart": "Stablo grafikon",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Kutijasti grafikon",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Svijećnjak grafikon"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Zbroj",
+ "count": "Računati",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "avg": "Prosjek",
+ "median": "Medijan",
+ "std_dev": "Standardna devijacija",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Raspon",
+ "percent_empty": "Prazno",
+ "percent_filled": "Ispunjeno",
+ "percent_unique": "Jedinstveno",
+ "count_unique": "Jedinstveno",
+ "count_empty": "Prazno",
+ "count_filled": "Ispunjeno",
+ "earliest_date": "Najraniji datum",
+ "latest_date": "Najkasniji datum",
+ "date_range": "Raspon datuma",
+ "month_range": "Raspon mjesec",
+ "checked": "Označeno",
+ "unchecked": "Neoznačeno",
+ "percent_checked": "Provjeren postotak",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Neprovjeren postotak",
+ "attachment_size": "Veličina",
+ "none": "Nijedan"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Zbroj",
+ "count": "Računati",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "avg": "Prosjek",
+ "median": "Medijan",
+ "std_dev": "Standardna devijacija",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Raspon",
+ "percent_empty": "Postotak prazno",
+ "percent_filled": "Postotak ispunjeno",
+ "percent_unique": "Postotak jedinstveno",
+ "count_unique": "Jedinstveno",
+ "count_empty": "Prazno",
+ "count_filled": "Ispunjeno",
+ "earliest_date": "Najraniji datum",
+ "latest_date": "Najkasniji datum",
+ "date_range": "Raspon datuma",
+ "month_range": "Raspon mjesec",
+ "checked": "Označeno",
+ "unchecked": "Neoznačeno",
+ "percent_checked": "Postotak označeno",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Postotak neoznačeno",
+ "attachment_size": "Veličina privitka",
+ "none": "Ništa"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skripte",
+ "configure": "Konfiguriraj",
+ "switch": "Prebaci",
+ "on": "Uključeno",
+ "onMultiple": "Na više",
+ "manual": "Ručno",
+ "trigger": "Okidač",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "Stil",
+ "label": "Oznaka",
+ "role": "Uloga",
+ "general": "Općenito",
+ "quit": "Izađi",
"home": "Dom",
"load": "Opterećenje",
"open": "Otvorena",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "Da",
"no": "Ne",
"ok": "u redu",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Povratak",
"and": "I",
"or": "Ili",
"add": "Dodati",
"edit": "Uredi",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "Poveznica",
+ "links": "Poveznice",
"remove": "Ukloniti",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "Uvoz",
+ "logout": "Odjava",
+ "empty": "Prazan",
+ "changeIcon": "Promijeni ikonu",
"save": "Uštedjeti",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Dostupan",
+ "abort": "Prekini",
+ "saving": "Spremanje",
"cancel": "Otkazati",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "escape": "Bijeg",
"hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "clear": "Očisti",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Komentar",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Citirati",
"submit": "podnijeti",
"create": "Stvoriti",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "createEntity": "Stvori {entity}",
+ "creating": "Stvaranje",
+ "creatingEntity": "Stvaranje {entity}",
+ "details": "Detalji",
+ "skip": "Preskoči",
+ "code": "Kod",
"duplicate": "Dupliciraj",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "Dupliciranje",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Dupliciraj {entity}",
+ "activate": "Aktiviraj",
+ "action": "Akcija",
"insert": "Umetnuti",
"delete": "Izbrisati",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "Izbriši {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "Masovno umetanje",
+ "bulkDelete": "Masovno brisanje",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Masovno ažuriranje",
+ "deleting": "Brisanje",
"update": "ažuriranje",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Ažuriranje",
"rename": "Preimenovati",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Preimenuj {entity}",
"reload": "Ponovno učitati",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Osvježi",
"reset": "Resetirati",
"install": "Instalirati",
"show": "Pokazati",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "Pristup",
+ "visibility": "Vidljivost",
"hide": "Sakriti",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Zastarjelo",
"showAll": "Pokaži sve",
"hideAll": "Sakrij sve",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Nije pronađeno",
"showMore": "Prikaži više",
"showOptions": "Prikaži opcije",
"hideOptions": "Sakrij opcije",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Prijenos datoteke",
"download": "Preuzimanje",
"default": "Zadano",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Izvor",
+ "datasource": "Izvor podataka",
"more": "Više",
"less": "Manje",
"event": "Događaj",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "Nakon",
"before": "Prije",
"search": "Traži",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Traži u",
"notification": "Obavijest",
"reference": "Referenca",
"function": "Funkcija",
"confirm": "Potvrdi",
"generate": "Generiraj",
"copy": "Kopiraj",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Kopirano",
+ "are": "jesu",
"misc": "Razno",
"lock": "Zaključaj",
"unlock": "Otključaj",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "Ova značajka je trenutno u beta verziji.",
"moreInfo": "Više informacija možete naći ovdje",
"logs": "Zapisnici",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Razvrstaj prema polju",
+ "insertAfter": "Umetni desno",
+ "insertBefore": "Umetni lijevo",
+ "insertAbove": "Umetni iznad",
+ "insertBelow": "Umetni ispod",
"hideField": "Sakrij Polje",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Prikaži polje",
"sortAsc": "Sortiraj Uzlazno",
"sortDesc": "Sortiraj Silazno",
- "move": "Move",
+ "move": "Premjesti",
"geoDataField": "Polje GeoPodataka",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "type": "Vrsta",
+ "subType": "Podvrsta",
+ "name": "Ime",
+ "changes": "Promjene",
+ "new": "Novo",
+ "old": "Staro",
+ "data": "Podaci",
+ "source": "Izvor",
+ "destination": "Odredište",
+ "active": "Aktivno",
+ "inactive": "Neaktivno",
+ "linked": "povezano",
+ "finish": "Završi",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
+ "avg": "Prosjek",
+ "sum": "Zbroj",
+ "count": "Broj",
+ "countDistinct": "Broj različitih",
+ "sumDistinct": "Zbroj različitih",
+ "avgDistinct": "Prosjek različitih",
+ "join": "Pridruži",
+ "options": "Opcije",
+ "primaryValue": "Primarna vrijednost",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Koristi način ankete",
+ "shift": "Pomak",
+ "enter": "Unesi",
+ "seconds": "Sekunde",
+ "paste": "Zalijepi",
+ "restore": "Vrati",
+ "replace": "Zamijeni",
+ "banner": "Natpis",
"logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
+ "dropdown": "Padajući izbornik",
+ "list": "Popis",
+ "verify": "Verificiraj",
+ "apply": "Primijeni",
+ "text": "Tekst",
+ "appearance": "Izgled",
+ "now": "Sada",
+ "set": "Postavi",
"format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
+ "colour": "Boja",
+ "use": "Koristi",
"stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "ipAddress": "IP Adresa",
+ "integration": "Integracija",
+ "integrations": "Integracije",
+ "connection": "Veza",
+ "connections": "Veze",
+ "private": "Privatno",
+ "request": "Zahtjev",
+ "languages": "Jezici",
+ "extension": "Ekstenzija",
+ "extensions": "Ekstenzije"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "datoteke",
+ "owner": "Vlasnik",
+ "member": "Član",
+ "day": "Dan",
+ "week": "Tjedan",
+ "month": "Mjesec",
+ "year": "Godina",
+ "workspace": "Radni prostor",
+ "workspaces": "Radni prostori",
"project": "Projekt",
"projects": "Projekti",
"table": "Stol",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Polja",
"column": "Stupac",
"columns": "Stupovi",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Ćelija",
+ "cells": "Ćelije",
"page": "Stranica",
"pages": "Stranicama",
"record": "Snimiti",
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@
"webhooks": "Web-dojavnici",
"view": "Pogled",
"views": "Pogleda",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Bočna traka",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Mreža",
"gallery": "Galerija",
@@ -332,39 +333,39 @@
"users": "Korisnik",
"role": "Uloga",
"roles": "Uloga",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Programer",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Vlasnik",
"creator": "Kreator",
"editor": "Urednik",
"commenter": "Komentator",
"viewer": "Preglednika",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "Nema pristupa",
+ "superAdmin": "Super administrator",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Vlasnik na razini organizacije",
"orgLevelCreator": "Stvaratelj na razini organizacije",
"orgLevelViewer": "Preglednik na razini organizacije"
"sqlVIew": "SQL Pregled",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Visina retka",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "Kratko",
+ "medium": "Srednje",
+ "tall": "Visoko",
+ "extra": "Ekstra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Vanjska baza podataka",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple Numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Kalendar",
+ "googleDrive": "Google Disk",
+ "googleSheets": "Google Tablice",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "serviceHub": "Servisni centar",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
"microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
+ "serviceCloud": "Servisni oblak",
"snowflake": "Snowflake",
"stripe": "Stripe",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Sve integracije",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Bešavno povežite i upravljajte svojim bazama podataka s NocoDB-om.",
+ "communication": "Komunikacija",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Primajte obavijesti o promjenama i unaprijedite timsku komunikaciju s NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Upravljanje projektima",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Unaprijedite tijekove projekata i upravljanje zadacima s NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimizirajte upravljanje odnosima s kupcima putem integracija s NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Pojačajte svoje marketinške napore s moćnim integracijama NocoDB-a.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Pojednostavite svoj sustav za praćenje kandidata s NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Razvoj",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Ubrzajte procese razvoja putem integracija s NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Financije",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Pojednostavite financijske operacije i upravljanje podacima s NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Dodjela karata",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Upravljajte i pratite karte podrške učinkovito s NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrirajte i organizirajte svoja rješenja za pohranu bez problema s NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Ostalo",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Otkrijte dodatne svestrane integracije kako biste poboljšali svoje iskustvo s NocoDB.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Proračunska tablica",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Povežite i upravljajte svojim proračunskim tablicama s NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "nije ništavan"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Pretraži webhook",
"webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Učitaj putem URL-a",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
+ "renameBase": "Preimenuj bazu",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Preimenuj radni prostor",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Preimenovanje radnog prostora",
+ "renamingBase": "Preimenovanje baze",
+ "sso": "Autentifikacija (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumenti",
"forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "parameter": "Parametar",
+ "headers": "Zaglavlja",
+ "parameterName": "Ime parametra",
+ "currencyLocale": "Valuta lokaliteta",
+ "currencyCode": "Kod valute",
+ "searchMembers": "Pretraži članove",
+ "noMembersFound": "Nema pronađenih članova",
+ "dateJoined": "Datum pridruživanja",
+ "tokenName": "Naziv tokena",
+ "inDesktop": "na Desktop-u",
+ "rowData": "Podaci o zapisu",
+ "creator": "Kreator",
+ "qrCode": "QR kod",
+ "termsOfService": "Uvjeti korištenja",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Ažuriraj odabrane zapise",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Nema dodanih filtera",
+ "editCards": "Uredi kartice",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Nema pronađenih polja",
+ "displayValue": "Prikazana vrijednost",
+ "expand": "Proširi",
+ "hideAll": "Sakrij sve",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Sakrij sustavna polja",
+ "removeFile": "Ukloni datoteku",
+ "hasMany": "Ima mnogo",
+ "manyToMany": "Mnogi prema mnogima",
+ "oneToOne": "Jedan na jedan",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtualni odnos",
+ "linkMore": "Poveži više",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Poveži više zapisa",
+ "linkRecords": "Poveži zapise",
+ "downloadFile": "Preuzimanje datoteke",
+ "renameTable": "Preimenuj tablicu",
+ "renamingTable": "Preimenovanje tablice",
+ "renamingWs": "Preimenovanje radnog prostora",
+ "renameWs": "Preimenuj radni prostor",
+ "deleteWs": "Obriši radni prostor",
+ "deletingWs": "Brisanje radnog prostora",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Kopirajte auth token",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Kopirani auth token",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Kopiraj pozivni token",
+ "showSidebar": "Prikaži bočnu traku",
+ "hideSidebar": "Sakrij bočnu traku",
+ "creatingTable": "Stvaranje tablice",
"erdView": "ERD Pregled",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "Novi izvor podataka",
"newProj": "Novi projekt",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Stvoriti projekt",
"myProject": "Moji projekti",
"formTitle": "Naslov oblika",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Suradnja",
+ "locked": "Zaključano",
+ "personal": "Osobno",
"appStore": "Trgovina aplikacijama",
"teamAndAuth": "Tima",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Upravce i korisnici",
"userMgmt": "Upravljanje korisnicima",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "API tokeni",
"apiTokenMgmt": "Upravljanje API tokena",
"rolesMgmt": "Upravljanje ulogama",
"projMeta": "Projektni metapodaci",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Generiraj token",
"APIsAndSupport": "API i Podrška",
"helpCenter": "Help center",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Bez oznaka",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Dokumentacija",
"quickImportFrom": "Brzi Uvoz Iz...",
"quickImport": "Brzi Uvoz",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Brzi uvoz - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Brzi uvoz - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Brzi uvoz - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Brzi uvoz - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON uređivač",
+ "comingSoon": "Dolazi uskoro",
"advancedSettings": "Napredne postavke",
"codeSnippet": "Dio Koda",
"keyboardShortcut": "Tipkovnički Prečaci",
"generateRandomName": "Generiraj Nasumični Naziv",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "Upravljanje tokenima",
+ "addNewToken": "Dodajte novi token",
+ "createNewToken": "Stvori novi token",
+ "accountSettings": "Postavke računa",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Vraćanje izvorne lozinke",
+ "tokens": "Tokeni",
+ "userManagement": "Upravljanje korisnicima",
+ "accountManagement": "Upravljanje računom",
+ "licence": "Licenca",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Dozvoli sve Mime vrste",
+ "defaultView": "Zadani prikaz",
+ "relations": "Relacije",
+ "switchLanguage": "Promijeni jezik",
+ "renameFile": "Preimenuj datoteku",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Nema akcije",
+ "cascade": "Kaskada",
+ "restrict": "Ograničiti",
+ "setNull": "Podešavanje NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Postavite zadane"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Odaberite polja iz desnog panela kako bi ih dodali ovdje",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Nema pronađenih opcija",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Jeste li sigurni da želite poslati ovaj obrazac?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Izgleda da ova hrpa nema zapisa",
+ "fromScratch": "Od početka",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Iz datoteka i vanjskih izvora",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Izravno u stvarnom vremenu",
+ "categories": "Kategorije",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Polje nedostupno",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Nema dodanih uvjeta"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Izmijenjeno na",
+ "configuration": "Konfiguracija",
+ "setup": "Postavljanje",
+ "configLabel": "Konfiguriraj {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Prebaci na bazu podataka spremnu za proizvodnju",
+ "sharedBase": "Dijeljena baza",
+ "fieldID": "ID polja",
+ "addDescription": "Dodaj opis",
+ "editDescription": "Uredi opis",
+ "urlFormula": "Formula URL-a",
+ "selectIcon": "nijedna",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--odaberite web-dojavnik--",
+ "openUrl": "Otvori URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Pokreni Web-dojavnik",
+ "onClick": "Na klik",
+ "defaultView": "Zadani prikaz",
+ "recordInsert": "Umetanje zapisa",
+ "recordUpdate": "Ažuriranje zapisa",
+ "recordDelete": "Brisanje zapisa",
+ "supportDocs": "Dokumenti podrške",
+ "addedOn": "Dodano na",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Promijeni polje prikaza vrijednosti",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Odaberi polje prikaza vrijednosti",
+ "changeTitleField": "Promijeni polje naslova",
+ "clearAll": "Obriši sve",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup polja prikazuju podatke iz povezanih zapisa. Odaberite određena polja iz ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tablice kako biste ih dodali kao Lookup polja u ovoj tablici.",
+ "formatting": "Formatiranje",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Odaberite vrstu formata (opcionalno)- -",
+ "formatType": "Vrsta formata",
+ "toUpload": "za prijenos",
+ "dragFilesHere": "povucite datoteke ovdje",
+ "browseFiles": "pregledaj datoteke",
+ "clickTo": "Kliknite za",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Molimo omogućite pristup svojoj kameri",
+ "openFile": "Otvori datoteku",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Unesite valjani URL za učitavanje datoteka",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Dodajte datoteke s URL-a",
+ "uploading": "Učitavanje",
+ "dropHere": "Ostavite ovdje",
+ "addMore": "Dodaj još",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Obriši sve datoteke",
+ "integration": "Integracija",
+ "notRecommended": "Ne preporučuje se",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "selectView": "Odaberite prikaz",
+ "connectionDetails": "Detalji o povezivanju izvora",
+ "metaSync": "Meta sinkronizacija",
+ "mention": "Spomeni",
+ "today": "Danas",
+ "currentDate": "Trenutni datum",
+ "workspace": "Radni prostor",
+ "txt": "Vrijednost TXT zapisa",
+ "transferOwnership": "Prenesite vlasništvo",
+ "recentActivity": "Nedavne aktivnosti",
+ "goToMembers": "Idi na članove",
+ "addMember": "Dodaj člana",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Br. članova",
+ "numberOfBases": "Br. baza",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Br. zapisa",
+ "workspaceName": "Naziv radnog prostora",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Radni prostor bez vlasnika",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Pozovi korisnike u radni prostor",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-odaberite radne prostore za pozivanje-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Dodaj članove organizaciji",
+ "memberIn": "Član od:",
+ "assignAs": "Dodijeli kao",
+ "signOutUser": "Odjava korisnika",
+ "signOutUsers": "Odjava korisnika",
+ "deactivateUser": "Deaktiviraj korisnika",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Deaktiviraj korisnike",
+ "lastActive": "Posljednja aktivnost",
+ "dateAdded": "Datum dodavanja",
+ "uploadImage": "Učitaj sliku",
+ "organizationProfile": "Profil organizacije",
+ "organizationImage": "Slika organizacije",
+ "organizationName": "Naziv organizacije",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktivne domene",
+ "domains": "Domene",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Onemogući javno dijeljenje",
+ "shareSettings": "Postavke dijeljenja",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Izbriši korisnika i njegove podatke",
+ "userOptions": "Korisničke opcije",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Izbriši ovu organizaciju",
+ "dangerZone": "Opasna zona",
+ "childView": "Dječji prikaz",
+ "selectYear": "Odaberite godinu",
+ "save": "Spremi",
+ "cancel": "Otkaži",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL metapodataka",
+ "audience-entityId": "Publika / ID entiteta",
+ "redirectUrl": "Preusmjeravanje URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
+ "newProvider": "Novi davatelj",
+ "generalSettings": "Opće postavke",
+ "adminPanel": "Admin ploča",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Premjesti radni prostor u organizaciju",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO postavke",
+ "addDomain": "Dodaj domenu",
+ "domain": "Domena",
+ "settings": "Postavke",
+ "workspaces": "Radni prostori",
+ "back": "Nazad",
+ "dashboard": "Nadzorna ploča",
+ "organizeBy": "Organiziraj po",
+ "previous": "Prethodni",
+ "nextMonth": "Sljedeći mjesec",
+ "previousMonth": "Prethodni mjesec",
+ "next": "Sljedeći",
+ "organiseBy": "Organiziraj po",
+ "heading1": "Naslov 1",
+ "heading2": "Naslov 2",
+ "heading3": "Naslov 3",
+ "bold": "Podebljano",
+ "italic": "Kurziv",
+ "underline": "Podcrtaj",
+ "strike": "Precrtano",
+ "taskList": "Popis zadataka",
+ "bulletList": "Popis s točkama",
+ "numberedList": "Numerirani popis",
+ "downloadData": "Preuzimanje podataka",
+ "blockQuote": "Blok-citat",
+ "noToken": "Nema tokena",
+ "tokenLimit": "Dopušten je samo jedan token po korisniku",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Datoteka s imenom {filename} već je priložena",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID TABLICE: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "ID PREGLEDA: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Na adresu",
+ "subject": "Predmet",
+ "body": "Tijelo",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Broj mobilnog telefona odvojen zarezom",
+ "headerName": "Ime zaglavlja",
+ "icon": "Ikona",
"max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "Omogući Rich Text",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Kopirana URL adresa zapisa",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Kopiraj URL zapisa",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Dupliciraj zapis",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binari format kodiranja",
+ "syntax": "Sintaksa",
+ "examples": "Primjeri",
+ "durationInfo": "Trajanje vremena u minutama ili sekundama (npr. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Dodaj Zaglavlje",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Unesite zadani URL (Opcionalno)",
+ "negative": "Negativan",
+ "discard": "Odbaci",
+ "default": "Zadano",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Zadani Broj (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Format Trajanja",
+ "dateFormat": "Format Datuma",
+ "timeFormat": "Format Vremena",
+ "singularLabel": "Jednina Oznaka",
+ "pluralLabel": "Množina Oznaka",
+ "selectDateField": "Odaberite polje datuma",
+ "endDateField": "Krajnje polje datuma",
+ "optional": "(Opcionalno)",
+ "clickToMake": "Kliknite za izradu",
+ "visibleForRole": "vidljivo za ulogu:",
+ "inUI": "u UI Nadzornoj Ploči",
+ "projectSettings": "Osnovne Postavke",
+ "clickToHide": "Kliknite za skrivanje",
+ "clickToDownload": "Kliknite za preuzimanje",
+ "forRole": "za ulogu",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Kliknite za kopiranje ID-a Tabllice",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Kliknite za kopiranje ID pogleda",
+ "viewMode": "Način prikaza",
+ "searchUsers": "Pretraga Korisnika",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "allTables": "Sve Tablice",
+ "members": "Članovi",
+ "dataSources": "Izvori Podataka",
+ "connectDataSource": "Povežite vanjske podatke",
+ "searchProjects": "Pretraga Projekata",
"createdBy": "Kreirao/Kreirala",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Prikazivanje Privitaka od",
+ "readOnly": "Samo za Čitanje",
+ "createdOn": "Stvoreno Dana",
"notifyVia": "Obavijestiti putem",
"projName": "Naziv projekta",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "accountDetails": "Detalji Računa",
+ "controlAppearance": "Kontroliraj svoj Izgled.",
+ "accountEmailID": "ID E-pošte Računa",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Natrag na Radni Prostoru",
+ "untitledToken": "Neimenovani token",
"tableName": "Tablica",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Naziv Nadzorne Ploče",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Stvaranje Prikaza",
+ "duplicateView": "Dupliciraj prikaz",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Dupliciraj Pogled Mreže",
+ "createGridView": "Stvorite Pogled Mreže",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Dupliciraj Pogled Galerije",
+ "createGalleryView": "Stvorite Pogled Galerije",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Dupliciraj Pogled Obrasca",
+ "createFormView": "Stvorite Pogled Obrasca",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Dupliciraj Kanban Pogled",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Dupliciraj prikaz kalendara",
+ "createKanbanView": "Stvorite Kanban Pogled",
+ "createCalendarView": "Stvorite prikaz kalendara",
"viewName": "Pregled ime",
"viewLink": "Pogledajte link",
"columnName": "Naziv stupca",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Upišite bazu podataka",
"lengthValue": "Duljina / vrijednost",
"dbType": "Vrsta baze podataka",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "ime poslužitelja / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite datoteka putanja",
+ "hostAddress": "Adresa domaćina",
+ "port": "Broj porta",
"username": "Korisničko ime",
"password": "Lozinka",
"schemaName": "Naziv Sheme",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Gdje",
"cache": "Predmemorija",
"chat": "razgovor",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Prikaži ili Sakrij",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV Datoteka",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON Datoteka",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-mail",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "Stvoren",
"sqlOutput": "SQL izlaz",
"addOption": "Dodajte opciju",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Boja Sučelja",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
"barcodeFormat": "Format Barkoda",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Pridružite se NocoDB zajednici",
"joinReddit": "Pridružite se /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Slijedite NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Zajednica/AI Prevedeno)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Referenca dokumenta",
"selectUserRole": "Odaberite korisničku ulogu",
"childTable": "Dječji stol",
"childColumn": "Dječji stupac",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Dječje Polje",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Pridružite se oblaku besplatno",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Poveži s drugim zapisom",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Linkovi",
"onUpdate": "Na ažuriranje",
"onDelete": "Na brisanje",
"account": "Račun",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Prilagođena tema",
"requestDataSource": "Zatražite izvor podataka koji vam je potreban?",
"apiKey": "API ključ",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Osobni Pristupni Token",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Dijeljeni URL Baze",
"importData": "Uvoz podataka",
"importSecondaryViews": "Uvoz sekundarnih pogleda",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Uvoz Korisnika (preko e-pošte)",
"noData": "Nema podataka",
"goToDashboard": "Idi na nadzornu ploču",
"importing": "Uvozim",
"formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Automatski odabir vrsta polja",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Koristi Prvi Zapis kao Zaglavlja",
"flattenNested": "Ispravi ugniježđene strukture",
"downloadAllowed": "Preuzimanje dozvoljeno",
"weAreHiring": "Mi Vas slušamo!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "ima mnogo",
"belongsTo": "pripada",
"manyToMany": "ima \"many to many\" relaciju",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "imati jedan na jedan odnos",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Dodatni parametri veze",
"commentsOnly": "Samo zabilješke",
"documentation": "Dokumentacija",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Prijavite se na naš tjedni newsletter",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "Registriraj se putem {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "Prijava putem {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "Prijavom, automatski prihvaćate uvjete korištenja",
"welcomeToNc": "Dobro Došli u NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "Omogućite registraciju samo putem pozivnice URL-om",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Ručno dodavanje podataka u prikazu mreže",
+ "addRowForm": "Unesite podatke zapisa putem obrasca",
+ "noAccess": "Nema pristupa",
+ "restApis": "REST API-ji",
+ "apis": "API-ji",
+ "apiSnippet": "API isječci",
+ "includeData": "Uključi podatke",
+ "includeView": "Uključi prikaz",
+ "includeWebhook": "Uključi Web-dojavnik",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Povećaj za prikaz stupaca",
+ "embedInSite": "Ugradite ovaj prikaz u svoju stranicu",
+ "titleRequired": "naslov je obavezan.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Naziv izvora je obavezan",
+ "changeWsName": "Promjena imena radnog prostora",
+ "pressEnter": "Pritisnite Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "Web-dojavnik \"Webhook\"",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Novo polje",
+ "saveChanges": "Spremi promjene",
+ "updatedField": "Ažurirano polje",
+ "deletedField": "Obrisano polje",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Nepotpuna konfiguracija",
+ "selectField": "Odaberite polje",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Pozadinska boja",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Sakrij NocoDB brendiranje",
+ "showOnConditions": "Prikaži na uvjetima",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Prikaži polje samo kada su uvjeti ispunjeni",
+ "limitOptions": "Ograniči opcije",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Ograničite opcije vidljive korisnicima odabirom dostupnih opcija",
+ "clearSelection": "Obriši odabir",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Prikaži kao napredak",
+ "relationType": "Vrsta odnosa",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Prikaži razdjelnik tisućica",
+ "signUpForFree": "Prijavite se besplatno",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Uklopi sliku",
+ "coverImageArea": "Pokrij područje slike",
+ "syncData": "Sinkroniziraj podatke",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registrirajte se za usluge koje vas zanimaju kako biste dobili obavijest kada budu dostupne",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Preusmjeri na URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Detalji o webhooku",
+ "hideWeekends": "Sakrij vikende",
+ "renameBase": "Preimenuj osnovu",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Preimenuj radni prostor",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktiviraj",
+ "manageUsers": "Upravljanje korisnicima",
+ "newWorkspace": "Novi radni prostor",
+ "addDomain": "Dodaj domenu",
+ "addMembers": "Dodaj članove",
+ "enterEmail": "Unesite e-mail adrese",
+ "inviteToBase": "Pozovite u bazu",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Pozovi u radni prostor",
+ "addMember": "Dodajte člana bazi",
+ "noRange": "Pregled kalendara zahtijeva raspon datuma",
+ "goToToday": "Idi na Danas",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Prebaci bočnu traku",
+ "addEndDate": "Dodajte krajnji datum",
+ "withEndDate": "s krajnjim datumom",
+ "calendar": "Kalendar",
+ "viewSettings": "Pogledaj postavke",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registriraj OIDC davatelja identiteta",
+ "registerSAML": "Registriraj SAML davatelja identiteta",
+ "openInANewTab": "Otvorite novu karticu",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopiraj IFrame kod",
+ "onCondition": "Na uvjet",
+ "bulkDownload": "Masovno preuzimanje",
+ "attachFile": "Priloži datoteku",
+ "viewAttachment": "Prikaži privitke",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Kliknite ili ispustite datoteku u ćeliju",
+ "addFiles": "Dodaj datoteke",
+ "hideInUI": "Sakrij u korisničkom sučelju",
+ "addBase": "Dodaj bazu",
+ "addParameter": "Dodaj parametar",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Pošalji drugi obrazac",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Povucite i ispustite polja ovdje za dodavanje",
+ "editSource": "Uredi izvor podataka",
+ "enterText": "Unesite tekst",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Uredi bazu",
+ "showInUI": "Prikaži u korisničkom sučelju",
+ "outOfSync": "Izvan sinkronizacije",
+ "newSource": "Novi izvor podataka",
+ "newWebhook": "Novi Web-dojavnik",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Omogući javni pristup",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Želite li spremiti promjene?",
+ "editingAccess": "Pristup uređivanju",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Omogući javni prikaz",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Ograničite pristup s lozinkom",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Upravljanje pristupom bazi",
+ "allowDownload": "Dopusti preuzimanje",
+ "surveyMode": "Način ankete",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL orijentacija",
+ "useTheme": "Koristi temu",
+ "copyLink": "Kopiraj poveznicu",
+ "copiedLink": "Poveznica kopirana",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopiraj pozivnicu",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Pozivnica kopirana",
"copyUrl": "Kopiraj URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Više boja",
+ "moveProject": "Premjesti bazu",
"createProject": "Stvoriti projekt",
"importProject": "Uvoz projekt",
"searchProject": "Projekt pretraživanja",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Izbriši projekt",
"refreshProject": "Osvježi projekti",
"saveProject": "Spremi projekt",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Spremi i izađi",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Izbrisati hrpu (stack)?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Stvoriti povezivanjem u vanjskoj bazi podataka",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Pomoć Prevedi",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopirajte auth token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Auth token kopiran",
"swagger": "REST API-ji",
"projInfo": "Kopirajte informacije o projektu",
"themes": "Teme"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "filtar",
"addFilter": "Dodajte filtar",
"share": "Udio",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Grupiraj po",
+ "addSubGroup": "Nova podgrupa",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Dijeli bazu",
"disable": "Onemogući zajedničku bazu",
"enable": "Bilo tko s linkom",
"link": "Zajednička baza veza"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Pozvati tim",
"inviteUser": "Pozovi Korisnika",
"inviteToken": "Pozvati token",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Povezani zapisi",
+ "addNewLink": "Dodaj novu poveznicu",
"newUser": "Novi korisnik",
"editUser": "Uredi korisnika",
"deleteUser": "Uklonite korisnika od projekta",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "Prethodni rekord",
"copyApiURL": "Kopirajte API URL",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Kreiraj nadzornu ploču",
+ "createWorkspace": "Kreiraj radni prostor",
"refreshTable": "Tablice osvježavaju",
"renameTable": "Preimenuj tablicu",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "Preimenuj izgled",
"deleteTable": "Obriši tablicu",
"addField": "Dodajte novo polje na ovu tablicu",
"setDisplay": "Postavi kao prikazanu vrijednost",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Umetnite novi red",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Brisanje retka",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Izbriši zapise",
+ "predictColumns": "Predvidi stupce",
+ "predictFormulas": "Predvidi formule",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Izbrišite odabrane retke",
"importExcel": "Uvoz Excel",
"importCSV": "Uvezi CSV",
@@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@
"ListView": "Popis pregleda",
"copyView": "Prikaz kopiranja",
"renameView": "Preimenovati pogled",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Učitaj podatke",
"deleteView": "Brisanje prikaza",
"createGrid": "Stvorite pogled na mrežu",
"createGallery": "Stvorite pogled na galeriju",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Dodajte nove webhook",
"enableWebhook": "Omogući Web-dojavnik",
"testWebhook": "Testiraj Web-dojavnik",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Kreiraj webhook",
"copyWebhook": "Kopiraj Web-dojavnik",
"deleteWebhook": "Obriši Web-dojavnik",
"newToken": "Dodajte novi token",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "Uvoz zip",
"metaSync": "Sinkronizirati sada",
"settings": "Postavke",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validacije",
"previewAs": "Pregled kao",
"resetReview": "Resetirajte pregled",
"testDbConn": "Povezivanje baze podataka test",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
"linkRecord": "Poveži zapis",
"addNewRecord": "Dodajte novi zapis",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Novi zapis",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Kreiraj novi zapis",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' je uspješno spremljen i povezan",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Zapis kreiran i povezan",
"useConnectionUrl": "Koristi URL veze",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Preklopi prikaz komentara",
"expandRecord": "Proširi Zapis",
"deleteRecord": "Izbriši Zapis",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Puna širina",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Izađi iz pune širine",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Označi sve kao pročitano",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Izbriši polje",
+ "addNumber": "Dodaj numeričko polje",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Dodaj polje s jednom linijom teksta",
+ "addLongText": "Dodaj polje s dugim tekstom",
+ "addOther": "Dodaj drugo polje"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Columns",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Sakrij hrpu (stack)",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Sažmi sve",
+ "expandAll": "Proširi sve",
+ "renameStack": "Preimenuj hrpu (stack)",
"deleteStack": "Izbriši hrpu (stack)",
"stackedBy": "Spojeno prema",
"chooseGroupingField": "Odaberite polje za grupiranje",
@@ -1242,32 +1245,34 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "Preklopi na način za mobilne uređaje",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "startCommenting": "Počni komentirati!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Još nema komentara!",
+ "clearForm": "Očisti obrazac",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Dodajte polje",
+ "selectAllFields": "Odaberite sva polja",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Omogući unaprijed popunjavanje",
+ "default": "Zadano",
+ "locked": "Zaključajte unaprijed popunjena polja kao samo za čitanje",
+ "hidden": "Sakrij unaprijed popunjena polja",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Unaprijed popunjena vrijednost"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Preuzmi unaprijed popunjenu poveznicu",
+ "group": "Grupa",
+ "goToDocs": "Idi na dokumentaciju",
+ "addCondition": "Dodaj uvjet",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Dodaj grupu uvjeta"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Omogućite ovu vezu da bude privatna i skrivena drugim kreatorima u ovom radnom prostoru.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Opcionalno. Koristi zadanu bazu podataka \"{database}\" ako je ostavljeno prazno",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opcionalno. Koristi zadani shem \"{schema}\" ako je ostavljeno prazno.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Uređivanje sheme je onemogućeno za ovaj izvor podataka.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Ovaj tip podataka nije dozvoljen.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Ova opcija omogućuje izmjenu sheme baze podataka, uključujući dodavanje, mijenjanje ili brisanje tablica i stupaca. Koristite s oprezom jer promjene mogu utjecati na strukturni integritet vaše baze podataka.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Ova opcija omogućava kreiranje, ažuriranje ili brisanje zapisa unutar tablica baze podataka. Idealno za administrativne korisnike kojima je potrebno izravno mijenjanje podataka.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Spremi promjene",
"xcDB": "Stvoriti novi projekt",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Dolazi li crno? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Dodajte novu tablicu",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Dodaj novu nadzornu ploču",
"inviteMore": "Pozovite više korisnika",
"toggleNavDraw": "Prebacivanje ladice za navigaciju",
"reloadApiToken": "Ponovno učitavanje api tokena",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Odaberite .Kekey datoteku",
"clientCert": "Odaberite .cert datoteku",
"clientCA": "Odaberite CA datoteku",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Promijeni boju ikone",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Način rada s oblikom s jednim poljem po stranici",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Upotrijebite izbornik za uređivanje polja za pretvorbe tipa nakon što je datoteka uvezena",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Uloga naslijeđena s radnog prostora",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Uskoro dolazi! Kliknite za glasanje za integraciju koju trebate u NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Pretraži ikone",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Odaberite Slack kanale",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Odaberite Microsoft Teams kanale",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Odaberite Discord kanale",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Odaberite Mattermost kanale",
+ "webhookTitle": "Naslov webhook-a",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Odaberite polje za vrijednost bar koda",
+ "notFoundContent": "Nijedan ispravan tip polja nije pronađen.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Odaberite format barkoda",
"projName": "Unesite naziv projekta",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Odaberite polje za grupiranje",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Nema polja za jednostavan odabir. Prvo ga stvorite.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Odaberite polje za naslovnu sliku",
+ "selectGeoField": "Odaberite GeoPodatkovno polje",
+ "notSelected": "-nije odabrano-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Nema GeoPodatkovnog polja. Prvo ga stvorite.",
"password": {
"enter": "Unesite zaporku",
"current": "Trenutna lozinka",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Spremi lozinku",
"confirm": "Potvrdi novu lozinku"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Odaberite polje za QR kod vrijednost",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Dozvoli negativne brojeve",
"searchProjectTree": "Stolovi za pretraživanje",
"searchFields": "Traži polja",
"searchColumn": "Pretraživanje {Search} Stupac",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtar putem e-maila",
"filterQuery": "Filtriraj upit",
"selectField": "Odaberite polje",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Preciznost",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,169 +1353,169 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Vrijednost",
+ "key": "Ključ",
+ "createTable": "Kreiraj svoju Prvu Tablicu!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Nijedan API token nije kreiran",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Pozovi svoj tim",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Pretraži opcije"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Nevažeća konfiguracija gumba",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Nevažeća konfiguracija polja",
+ "invalidTheme": "Odaberite valjanu temu",
+ "invalidColor": "Odaberite valjanu boju",
+ "invalidType": "Tip gumba može biti 'webhook' ili 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Unesite valjanu oznaku gumba",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Ova funkcija nije dostupna za vašu bazu podataka",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kontrolirajte naziv i izgled vaše organizacije.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Dodajte domene tvrtke kako biste ograničili pristup neželjenim korisnicima.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Ograničite korisnike da ne mogu dijeliti baze javno.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Odaberite korisnike koje treba ukloniti i izbrisati iz svih radnih prostora organizacije.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Izbriši sve korisnike, baze i podatke povezane s ovom organizacijom",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Kliknite za kopiranje ID polja",
+ "enterPassword": "Unesite zaporku",
+ "bySigningUp": "Prijavom, automatski prihvaćate uvjete korištenja",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Prijavite se na naš tjedni newsletter",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Verifikacija zaporke",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Ovaj podijeljeni prikaz je zaštićen",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Obrazac podataka uspješno poslan",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Prikaz obrasca nije podržan na mobilnim uređajima",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Prikaz kalendara nije podržan na mobilnim uređajima",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Novi obrazac će se učitati nakon {seconds} sekundi",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimizirani upit je onemogućen",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimizirani upit je omogućen",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup polje nije podržano za relaciju koja nije 'belongs to'",
+ "invalidTime": "Neispravno vrijeme",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Nemate nijednu podržanu vezu za {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Zapis nije pronađen",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Neispravan broj telefona",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Veličina stranice je promijenjena",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Pogreška pri učitavanju podataka",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Koristi varijablu konteksta",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "tijelo",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "za upućivanje na zapis koji se razmatra",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Savjet: Koristite {placeholder1} za referenciranje polja, npr: {placeholder2}. Za više informacija, provjerite",
+ "hintEnd": "Formule.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Nijedna predložena formula nije pronađena",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Nije pronađeno predloženo polje",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} zahtijeva {type} na poziciji {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Očekuje se numerički tip",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Očekuje se tip string",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Operacija {operation} nije dostupna",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Ne mogu spremiti polje jer formula nije valjana",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Nije podržano referenciranje polja {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Očekuje se tip {type}, ali pronađen tip {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} zahtijeva {requiredArguments} argumente",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} zahtijeva najmanje {minRequiredArguments} argumente",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} zahtijeva najviše {maxRequiredArguments} argumente",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Funkcija {function} nije dostupna",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Prvi parametar WEEKDAY() trebao bi imati vrijednost datuma",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Drugi parametar WEEKDAY() trebao bi imati vrijednost \"nedjelja\", \"ponedjeljak\", \"utorak\", \"srijeda\", \"četvrtak\", \"petak\" ili \"subota\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Prvi parametar DATEADD() trebao bi imati vrijednost datuma",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Drugi parametar DATEADD() trebao bi imati numeričku vrijednost",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Treći parametar DATEADD() trebao bi imati vrijednost \"dan\", \"tjedan\", \"mjesec\" ili \"godina\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Prvi parametar DATEDIFF() trebao bi imati vrijednost datuma",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Drugi parametar DATEDIFF() trebao bi imati vrijednost datuma",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Treći parametar DATETIME_DIFF() trebao bi imati vrijednost \"milisekunde\", \"ms\", \"sekunde\", \"s\", \"minute\", \"m\", \"sati\", \"h\", \"dani\", \"d\", \"tjedni\", \"w\", \"mjeseci\", \"M\", \"kvartali\", \"Q\", \"godine\" ili \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Polje {columnName} nije dostupno",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Ne mogu spremiti polje jer uzrokuje kružno referenciranje",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Polje {columnName} s tipom {columnType} je pronađeno, ali očekuje se tip {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} se ne podudara s {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Opcije odabira ne mogu biti prazne",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Polja za višestruki odabir ne mogu imati zareze (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Opcije odabira ne mogu se duplicirati",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Kreiraj novu opciju pod nazivom"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Molimo unesite broj",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Molimo unesite e-mail",
+ "invalidDate": "Neispravan datum",
+ "invalidLocale": "Nevažeća lokalizacija",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Neispravan kod valute",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' tip ima vlastite postavke valute",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Važeći Tipovi Polja za Kod Polja su: Broj, Tekst u Jednoj Liniji, Dugi Tekst, Broj Telefona, URL, E-mail, Decimalni. Molimo prvo stvorite jedno.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Ima mnogočlanu relaciju",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jedinstveni zapis iz tablice ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " može biti povezan s više zapisa iz tablice "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Mnogo-Prema-Mnogi Relacija",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Više zapisa iz tablice ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " može biti povezano s više zapisa iz tablice "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Pripadajuća Relacija",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jedinstveni zapis iz tablice ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " može biti povezan s jednim zapisom iz tablice "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Jedan-Prema-Jedan Relacija",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jedinstveni zapis iz tablice ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " može biti povezan s jedinstvenim zapisom iz tablice "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Izgleda da nijedan zapis još nije povezan.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Nijedan zapis nije povezan",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Nema povezanih zapisa",
+ "recordsLinked": "zapisi povezani",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Prihvaćaju se samo valjane {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Kreirajte osobne API token-e za korištenje u automatizaciji ili vanjskim aplikacijama.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Odaberite polje za sortiranje",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Odaberite polje za grupiranje",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Nema zapisa u tablici",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Trenutno nema dostupnih zapisa za povezivanje",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Započnite s web-dojavnicima!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Pokrenite svoje automatizacije. Dobijte obavijest čim dođe do promjena u vašim podacima",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati sljedeće",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Jeste li sigurni da želite {deleteLabel} sljedeće",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID polje je obavezno, kasnije ga možete preimenovati ako je potrebno.",
+ "length59Required": "Duljina premašuje maksimalno 59 znakova",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Nema novih obavijesti",
+ "noRecordFound": "Zapis nije pronađen",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Nema pronađenih zapisa",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Nema zapisa koji odgovaraju vašem upitu pretraživanja",
+ "rowDeleted": "Zapis je obrisan",
+ "saveChanges": "Želite li spremiti promjene?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Polje je preveliko da bi se moglo pretvoriti u {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Uloga je obavezna",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Polja gumba koja se oslanjaju na ovaj web-dojavnik bit će pogođena",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Pregled kanbana zahtijeva da bude postavljeno jedno selektirano polje. Pokušajte postaviti kanban pregled nakon dodavanja jednog select polja!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Pregled karte zahtijeva da bude postavljeno geo podatkovno polje. Pokušajte postaviti pregled karte nakon dodavanja geo podatkovnog polja!",
+ "dbValid": "Osigurajte valjanost baze podataka kako biste spriječili gubitak sheme",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Greška kod bar koda - provjerite kompatibilnost između unosa i vrste bar koda"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Upozorenje: Izračunato polje - nije moguće očistiti tekst",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Upozorenje: QR polja se ne mogu izravno mijenjati.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Upozorenje: Barkod polja se ne mogu izravno mijenjati."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Jeste li sigurni da želite duplicirati bazu?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Jeste li sigurni da želite duplicirati tablicu?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Ne možete promijeniti vidljivost polja koje se uređuje. Molimo prvo spremite ili odbacite promjene.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Ne možete pomaknuti polje koje se uređuje. Prvo spremite ili odbacite promjene",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Ne možete pomaknuti polje koje je obrisano. Prvo spremite ili odbacite promjene"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Nećete moći povući zapise između datuma kada se koriste izračunana ili sistemska polja.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Izmjene sheme su onemogućene za ovaj izvor",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Unesite naziv radnog prostora",
+ "enterBaseName": "Unesite naziv baze",
+ "idpPaste": "Zalijepite ove URL-ove u konzolu davatelja identiteta",
+ "noSaml": "Nema konfiguriranih SAML autentifikacija.",
+ "noOIDC": "Nema konfiguriranih OpenID autentifikacija.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Onemogućeno jer je pogled zaključan",
+ "basesMigrated": "Baze su migrirane. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Operacija \"lijepljenje\" nije podržana u aktivnoj ćeliji",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Unesite oznaku ulazne obrasce",
"formHelpText": "Dodajte neki tekst pomoći",
"onlyCreator": "Samo vidljivo kreatoru",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Dodaj naslov obrasca",
"formDesc": "Dodajte opis obrasca",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Ograničite pristup s lozinkom",
"afterEnablePwd": "Pristup je ograničen lozinkom",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Projekt pristupa putem",
"submitAnotherForm": "Prikaži \"Pošalji još jedan obrazac\"",
"showBlankForm": "Pokažite prazan obrazac nakon 5 sekundi",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Email odgovori na",
"showSysFields": "Prikaži polja sustava",
"filterAutoApply": "Automatsko primjenjivanje",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Prikaži poruku",
"viewNotShared": "Trenutni prikaz se ne dijeli!",
"showAllViews": "Prikaži sve zajedničke poglede na ovu tablicu",
"collabView": "Suradnici s uređivanjem dopuštenja ili više mogu promijeniti konfiguraciju prikaza.",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Metapodaci tablice se sinkroniziraju",
"addMultipleUsers": "Možete dodati više zareza (,) razdvojenih poruka e-pošte",
"enterTableName": "Unesite naziv tablice",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Unesite opis tablice...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Unesite opis polja...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Unesite opis prikaza...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Unesite naziv rasporeda",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Unesite naziv nadzorne ploče",
+ "defaultColumns": "Zadana polja",
"addDefaultColumns": "Dodajte zadane stupce",
"tableNameInDb": "Ime tablice kao spremljene u bazi podataka",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Ova vrijednost je već u listi",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "Tablica je uspješno izbrisana",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Raspored je uspješno obrisan",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generirajte javnu zajedničku bazu samo za čitanje",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj prikaz?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovaj raspored?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Želite li obrisati tablicu",
"showM2mTables": "Prikaži M2M Tablice",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "M2M relacije su podržane preko pomoćne tablice koja je u naravi skrivena. Omogućite ovu opciju kako bi takve tablice bile vidljive zajedno sa ostalim tablicama.",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
"noMoreRecords": "Nema Zapisa",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Naziv tokena ne smije biti prazan",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Naziv tokena ne smije biti duži od 255 znakova",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Naziv baze podataka je obavezan",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Naziv radnog prostora je obavezan",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Naziv radnog prostora mora biti najmanje 3 znaka dug",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Naziv radnog prostora mora biti najviše 50 znakova dug",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Izbrišite ovaj radni prostor i sav njegov sadržaj.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Razumijem da je ova radnja nepovratna",
+ "pageNotFound": "Stranica nije pronađena",
+ "makeLineBreak": "za dodavanje prijeloma retka",
+ "goToPrevious": "Idi na prethodni",
+ "goToNext": "Idi na sljedeći",
+ "thankYou": "Hvala vam!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Uspješno ste poslali podatke za obrazac.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Mijenjanje sistemskog ključa nije podržano",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Trenutno nije dostupno",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Grupna operacija lijepljenja nije podržana u stupcu Veze/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Grupna operacija brisanja nije podržana u stupcu Veze/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Nadogradite na Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Ova značajka dostupna je samo u enterprise izdanju",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Vaša trenutna uloga je",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Molimo zatražite veća dopuštenja od administratora / vlasnika baze / vlasnika radnog prostora kako biste dobili pristup ovom {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Ne možete sakriti sve opcije ako je polje obavezno"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Ručno okidače za hookse nije moguće onemogućiti",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Greška pri učitavanju podataka zapisa",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Pogreška pri dohvaćanju podataka kalendara",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Pogreška pri dohvaćanju aktivnih datuma",
+ "scopesRequired": "Potrebni opsezi",
+ "domainRequired": "Naziv domene je obavezan",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Potrebna je URL adresa za autentifikaciju",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Potreban je atribut korisničkog imena",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Potreban je ID klijenta",
+ "issuerRequired": "Izdavatelj je obavezan",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Klijentski tajni ključ je obavezan",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL je obavezan",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL je obavezan",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "Korisnički URL je obavezan",
+ "eitherXML": "Ili xml ili metadata url je obavezan",
+ "nameRequired": "Naziv je obavezan",
+ "nameMinLength": "Naziv mora biti najmanje 2 znaka dug",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Naziv mora biti najviše 60 znakova dug",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Naziv prikaza je obavezan",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Naziv domene je obavezan",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Naziv mora biti najviše 256 znakova dug",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Naziv prikaza mora biti jedinstven",
"searchProject": "Vaša potraga za {Search} nije pronašla rezultate",
"invalidChar": "Nevažeći znak u mapi.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Nevažeće vjerodajnice baze podataka.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Nije moguće povezati se s bazom podataka, provjerite je li vaša baza podataka gore.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Nevažeća godina",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Korisnik ne postoji ili ima dovoljno dopuštenje za stvaranje sheme.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Nevažeći parametri baze podataka",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Neuspjeh veze:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Postoji filtar s nulom. Molimo uklonite ih",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Potrebna je e-pošta",
"emailInvalid": "E-pošta mora biti valjana",
"passwdRequired": "potrebna je lozinka",
"passwdLength": "Vi lozinka mora biti najmanje 8 znakova",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Jedan broj",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Jedan specijalan znak",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Dopušta listu specijalnih znakova",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Nevažeće e-pošte",
+ "invalidEmail": "Nevažeći e-mail"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Neispravan XML",
"invalidURL": "Neispravan URL",
"invalidEmail": "Nevažeći e-mail",
"internalError": "Došlo je do greške u sustavu",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Naziv bi trebao početi slovom ili znakom _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Nije dopušteno koristiti sljedeće znakove",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Naziv polja je dupliciran",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Ime već korišteno za sistemsko polje",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Tip UI podataka je obavezan",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} naziv prelazi 50 znakova",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} naziv ne može započeti razmakom",
"requiredField": "Obvezno polje",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP adresa nije dozvoljena",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Ciljna datoteka nije dozvoljen tip datoteke",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Dozvoljeni tipovi datoteka su .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Ključ parametra ne može biti prazan",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicirani ključevi parametara nisu dopušteni",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "{value} ne može biti prazno.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
"copyToClipboardError": "Kopiranje u međuspremnik nije uspjelo",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Nije uspjelo preuzimanje iz međuspremnika",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Molimo da dovršite konfiguraciju svih polja prije spremanja",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Nešto je pošlo po krivu",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Povučeni sadržaj nije tip slike",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Polje za parsiranje podataka o slici",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Neka od obaveznih polja su prazna"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Projektni metapodaci su uspješno izvozili",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Dolazi uskoro!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Licenčni ključ ažuriran",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Uspješno ažurirane ACL postavke korisničkog sučelja za tablice",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Postavke dodatka su uspješno spremljene",
"pluginTested": "Uspješno su testirane postavke dodatka",
"tableRenamed": "Tablica je uspješno preimenovana",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Raspored je uspješno preimenovan",
"viewDeleted": "Prikaz je uspješno izbrisan",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "Uspješno izvezeni svi podaci tablice",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Vaša lozinka promijenjena je uspješno. Molimo prijavite se ponovno.",
"settingsSaved": "Postavke uspješno spremljene",
"roleUpdated": "Uloga je uspješno aktualizirana",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integracija uspješno povezana",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Vlasnici i kreatori baze sada mogu dodati izvor podataka bez ponovnog unosa vjerodajnica."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/hu.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/hu.json
index 1a6c95fc67..469f956a30 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/hu.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/hu.json
@@ -1,111 +1,112 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Új felület létrehozása",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Adatforrások csatlakoztatása",
+ "alert": "Értesítés",
+ "alert-message": "Nincs adatbázis csatlakoztatva. Csatlakoztasson adatbázisokat az felületek építéséhez. Ugorja át ezt a lépést, és később az alap kezdőlapon adjon külön adatbázisokat hozzá.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Válassza ki azokat az Adatbázis Alapokat, amelyeket ehhez a Felülethez szeretne kapcsolni.",
+ "create_interface": "Felület létrehozása",
"project_name": "Bázis neve",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "connect": "Csatlakozás",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
+ "open_external_url": "Külső link megnyitása",
"delete_record": "Rekord törlése",
"update_record": "Rekord frissítése",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_layout": "Elrendezés megnyitása"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
+ "static_text": "Szöveg",
+ "chart": "Diagram",
+ "table": "Tábla",
"image": "Kép",
- "map": "Map",
+ "map": "Térkép",
"button": "Gomb",
"number": "Szám",
"bar_chart": "Oszlopdiagram",
"line_chart": "Vonaldiagram",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
+ "area_chart": "Terület diagram",
"pie_chart": "Kördiagram",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
+ "donut_chart": "Donut diagram",
"scatter_plot": "Szórásdiagram",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "bubble_chart": "Buborék diagram",
+ "radar_chart": "Radar diagram",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polár területi diagram",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Sugár diagram",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Hőtérkép diagram",
+ "treemap_chart": "Fahasáblista diagram",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Box chart diagram",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Gyertya diagram"
"aggregation": {
"sum": "Összeg",
- "count": "Count",
+ "count": "Darab",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
+ "avg": "Átlag",
+ "median": "Medián",
+ "std_dev": "Szórás",
+ "histogram": "Hisztogram",
+ "range": "Tartomány",
+ "percent_empty": "Üres",
+ "percent_filled": "Kitöltött",
+ "percent_unique": "Egyedi",
+ "count_unique": "Egyedi",
+ "count_empty": "Üres",
+ "count_filled": "Kitöltött",
+ "earliest_date": "Min dátum",
+ "latest_date": "Max dátum",
+ "date_range": "Tartomány",
+ "month_range": "Tartomány",
+ "checked": "Bejelölve",
+ "unchecked": "Kitörölve",
+ "percent_checked": "Bejelölve",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Kitörölve",
"attachment_size": "Méret",
- "none": "None"
+ "none": "Nincs"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Összeg",
+ "count": "Darabszám",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "avg": "Átlag",
+ "median": "Medián",
+ "std_dev": "Standard Deviáció",
+ "histogram": "Hisztogram",
+ "range": "Tartomány",
+ "percent_empty": "Üres százalék",
+ "percent_filled": "Kitöltött százalék",
+ "percent_unique": "Egyedi százalék",
+ "count_unique": "Egyedi",
+ "count_empty": "Üres",
+ "count_filled": "Kitöltött",
+ "earliest_date": "Legkorábbi dátum",
+ "latest_date": "Legutóbbi dátum",
+ "date_range": "Dátumtartomány",
+ "month_range": "Hónaptartomány",
+ "checked": "Ellenőrzött",
+ "unchecked": "Nem ellenőrzött",
+ "percent_checked": "Ellenőrzött százalék",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Nem ellenőrzött százalék",
+ "attachment_size": "Melléklet mérete",
+ "none": "Nincs"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
+ "scripts": "Scriptek",
+ "configure": "Konfiguráció",
+ "switch": "Váltás",
+ "on": "Be",
+ "onMultiple": "Több csatlakozáson",
+ "manual": "Manuális",
"trigger": "Trigger",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
+ "style": "Stílus",
+ "label": "Címke",
+ "role": "Szerep",
"general": "Általános",
"quit": "Kilépés",
- "home": "Home",
+ "home": "Főoldal",
"load": "Betöltés",
"open": "Megnyitás",
"close": "Bezárás",
@@ -119,28 +120,28 @@
"edit": "Szerkesztés",
"link": "Hivatkozás",
"links": "Hivatkozások",
- "remove": "Remove",
- "import": "Import",
+ "remove": "Eltávolítás",
+ "import": "Importálás",
"logout": "Kijelentkezés",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "empty": "Üres",
+ "changeIcon": "Ikon módosítása",
"save": "Mentés",
"available": "Elérhető",
- "abort": "Abort",
+ "abort": "Megszakítás",
"saving": "Mentés",
"cancel": "Mégse",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
- "hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "escape": "Kilépés",
+ "hex": "Hexa",
+ "clear": "Törlés",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Megjegyzés",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Idézet",
"submit": "Beküldés",
"create": "Létrehozás",
"createEntity": "{entity} létrehozása",
@@ -151,48 +152,48 @@
"code": "Kód",
"duplicate": "Kettőzés",
"duplicating": "Kettőzés",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "{entity} duplikálása",
"activate": "Aktiválás",
"action": "Művelet",
"insert": "Beillesztés",
"delete": "Törlés",
"deleteEntity": "{entity} törlése",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
+ "bulkInsert": "Tömeges beszúrás",
+ "bulkDelete": "Tömeges törlés",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Tömeges frissítés",
"deleting": "Törlés",
"update": "Frissítés",
"updating": "Frissítés",
"rename": "Átnevezés",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "{entity} átnevezése",
"reload": "Újratöltés",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Frissítés",
"reset": "Visszaállítás",
"install": "Telepítés",
- "show": "Show",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
- "hide": "Hide",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "show": "Megjelenítés",
+ "access": "Hozzáférés",
+ "visibility": "Láthatóság",
+ "hide": "Elrejtés",
+ "deprecated": "Elavult",
"showAll": "Összes megjelenítése",
"hideAll": "Összes elrejtése",
- "notFound": "Not found",
- "showMore": "Show more",
- "showOptions": "Show options",
- "hideOptions": "Hide options",
- "showMenu": "Show menu",
- "hideMenu": "Hide menu",
- "addAll": "Add all",
- "removeAll": "Remove all",
- "signUp": "SIGN UP",
- "signIn": "SIGN IN",
- "signOut": "Sign Out",
- "required": "Required",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
- "preferred": "Preferred",
- "mandatory": "Mandatory",
- "loading": "Loading ...",
- "title": "Title",
+ "notFound": "Nem található",
+ "showMore": "Továbbiak megjelenítése",
+ "showOptions": "Beállítások megjelenítése",
+ "hideOptions": "Beállítások elrejtése",
+ "showMenu": "Menü megjelenítése",
+ "hideMenu": "Menü elrejtése",
+ "addAll": "Összes hozzáadása",
+ "removeAll": "Összes eltávolítása",
+ "signUp": "REGISZTRÁCIÓ",
+ "signIn": "BEJELENTKEZÉS",
+ "signOut": "Kijelentkezés",
+ "required": "Kötelező",
+ "enableScanner": "Szkenner engedélyezése kitöltéshez",
+ "preferred": "Előnyös",
+ "mandatory": "Kötelező",
+ "loading": "Betöltés...",
+ "title": "Cím",
"upload": "Feltöltés",
"download": "Letöltás",
"default": "Alapértelmezett",
@@ -205,49 +206,49 @@
"after": "Utána",
"before": "Előtte",
"search": "Keresés",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Keresés",
"notification": "Értesítés",
- "reference": "Reference",
- "function": "Function",
+ "reference": "Hivatkozás",
+ "function": "Funkció",
"confirm": "Megerősítés",
- "generate": "Generate",
+ "generate": "Generálás",
"copy": "Másolás",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
- "misc": "Miscellaneous",
+ "copied": "Másolva",
+ "are": "vannak",
+ "misc": "Vegyes",
"lock": "Zárolás",
"unlock": "Feloldás",
"credentials": "Hitelesítési adatok",
"help": "Súgó",
"questions": "Kérdések",
- "reachOut": "Reach out here",
- "betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.",
- "moreInfo": "More information can be found here",
+ "reachOut": "Kapcsolatfelvétel itt",
+ "betaNote": "Ez a funkció jelenleg béta verzióban van.",
+ "moreInfo": "További információ itt található",
"logs": "Naplók",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
- "hideField": "Hide field",
- "showField": "Show field",
- "sortAsc": "Sort ascending",
- "sortDesc": "Sort descending",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
+ "groupingField": "Csoportosítás mező szerint",
+ "insertAfter": "Beszúrás jobbra",
+ "insertBefore": "Beszúrás balra",
+ "insertAbove": "Beillesztés fölé",
+ "insertBelow": "Beillesztés alá",
+ "hideField": "Mező elrejtése",
+ "showField": "Mező megjelenítése",
+ "sortAsc": "Növekvő rendezés",
+ "sortDesc": "Csökkenő rendezés",
+ "move": "Mozgatás",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData mező",
+ "type": "Típus",
+ "subType": "Al-típus",
+ "name": "Név",
+ "changes": "Változások",
"new": "Új",
"old": "Régi",
"data": "Adat",
"source": "Forrás",
- "destination": "Destination",
+ "destination": "Cél",
"active": "Aktív",
"inactive": "Inaktív",
"linked": "hivatkozva",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "finish": "Befejezés",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"avg": "Átlag",
@@ -259,13 +260,13 @@
"join": "Egyesítés",
"options": "Opciók",
"primaryValue": "Elsődleges érték",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Felmérés mód használata",
"shift": "Shift",
"enter": "Enter",
"seconds": "Másodperc",
"paste": "Beillesztés",
"restore": "Visszaállítás",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "replace": "Csere",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logó",
"dropdown": "Legördülő lista",
@@ -278,21 +279,21 @@
"set": "Beállítás",
"format": "Formátum",
"colour": "Szín",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
+ "use": "Használ",
+ "stack": "Verem",
"ipAddress": "IP cím",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "integration": "Integráció",
+ "integrations": "Integrációk",
+ "connection": "Kapcsolat",
+ "connections": "Kapcsolatok",
+ "private": "Privát",
+ "request": "Kérelem",
+ "languages": "Nyelvek",
+ "extension": "Bővítmény",
+ "extensions": "Bővítmények"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
+ "files": "fájlok",
"owner": "Tulajdonos",
"member": "Tag",
"day": "Nap",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Mezők",
"column": "Mező",
"columns": "Mezők",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Cella",
+ "cells": "Cellák",
"page": "Oldal",
"pages": "Oldalak",
"record": "rekord",
@@ -326,7 +327,7 @@
"form": "Űrlap",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Naptár",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Térkép"
"user": "Felhasználó",
"users": "Felhasználók",
@@ -360,11 +361,11 @@
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Naptár",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "serviceHub": "Szolgáltatási Központ",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
"microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
+ "serviceCloud": "Szolgáltatási Felhő",
"snowflake": "Snowflake",
"stripe": "Stripe",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
@@ -406,36 +407,36 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Összes integráció",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Csatlakoztassa és kezelje zökkenőmentesen az adatbázisait a NocoDB-vel.",
+ "communication": "Kommunikáció",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Értesüljön a változásokról, és tegye hatékonyabbá a csapat kommunikációját a NocoDB segítségével.",
+ "projectManagement": "Projektmenedzsment",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Fejlessze a projekt munkafolyamatokat és feladatkezelést a NocoDB segítségével.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimalizálja az ügyfélkapcsolat-kezelést a NocoDB integrációival.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Fokozza marketing erőfeszítéseit a NocoDB hatékony integrációival.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Egyszerűsítse a pályázói nyomon követési rendszert a NocoDB-vel.",
+ "development": "Fejlesztés",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Gyorsítsa fel a fejlesztési folyamatokat a NocoDB integrációkkal.",
+ "finance": "Pénzügy",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Egyszerűsítse a pénzügyi műveleteket és az adatok kezelését a NocoDB-vel.",
+ "ticketing": "Jegykezelés",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Kezelje és kövesse nyomon a támogatási jegyeket hatékonyan a NocoDB-vel.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrálja és szervezze meg tárolási megoldásait zökkenőmentesen a NocoDB-vel.",
+ "others": "Egyéb",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Fedezzen fel további sokoldalú integrációkat a NocoDB élmény fokozására.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Táblázat",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Csatlakoztassa és kezelje táblázatait a NocoDB-vel."
"datatype": {
"ID": "ID",
- "ForeignKey": "Foreign Key",
+ "ForeignKey": "Idegen kulcs",
"SingleLineText": "Egysoros szöveg",
"LongText": "Hosszú szöveg",
"Attachment": "Melléklet",
@@ -469,9 +470,9 @@
"Password": "Jelszó",
"relationProperties": {
"noAction": "Nincs művelet",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
+ "cascade": "Lépcsőzet",
"restrict": "Korlátozás",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
+ "setNull": "NULL beállítása",
"setDefault": "Alapértelmezés beállítása"
@@ -486,376 +487,378 @@
"isNotNull": "nem null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Webhook keresése",
+ "webcam": "Webkamera",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Feltöltés URL-en keresztül",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
"renameBase": "Bázis átnevezése",
"renameWorkspace": "Munkaterület átnevezése",
"renamingWorkspace": "Munkaterület átnevezése",
"renamingBase": "Bázis átnevezése",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
+ "sso": "Hitelesítés (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumentumok",
+ "forum": "Fórum",
+ "parameter": "Paraméter",
+ "headers": "Fejlécek",
+ "parameterName": "Paraméter neve",
+ "currencyLocale": "Pénznem Terület",
+ "currencyCode": "Pénznem Kód",
+ "searchMembers": "Tagok keresése",
+ "noMembersFound": "Nincs tag",
+ "dateJoined": "Csatlakozás dátuma",
+ "tokenName": "Token neve",
+ "inDesktop": "az asztali gépen",
+ "rowData": "Rekord adatok",
+ "creator": "Létrehozó",
+ "qrCode": "QR-kód",
+ "termsOfService": "Szolgáltatási feltételek",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Kiválasztott rekordok frissítése",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Nincsenek szűrők hozzáadva",
+ "editCards": "Kártyák szerkesztése",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Nincsenek mezők",
+ "displayValue": "Megjelenítési érték",
+ "expand": "Kiterjesztés",
+ "hideAll": "Összes elrejtése",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Rendszermezők elrejtése",
+ "removeFile": "Fájl eltávolítása",
+ "hasMany": "Többszörös kapcsolat",
+ "manyToMany": "Több-több",
+ "oneToOne": "Egy az Egyhez",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtuális kapcsolat",
"linkMore": "Több hivatkozása",
"linkMoreRecords": "Több rekord hivatkozása",
"linkRecords": "Rekordok hivatkozása",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
+ "downloadFile": "Fájl letöltése",
+ "renameTable": "Táblázat átnevezése",
+ "renamingTable": "Táblázat átnevezése folyamatban",
"renamingWs": "Munkaterület átnevezése",
"renameWs": "Munkaterület átnevezése",
"deleteWs": "Munkaterület törlése",
"deletingWs": "Munkaterület törlése",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
- "erdView": "ERD View",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Hitelesítési token másolása",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Hitelesítési token másolva",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Meghívó token másolása",
+ "showSidebar": "Oldalsáv megjelenítése",
+ "hideSidebar": "Oldalsáv elrejtése",
+ "creatingTable": "Táblázat létrehozása",
+ "erdView": "ERD nézet",
+ "newBase": "Új adatforrás",
"newProj": "Új bázis",
"createBase": "Bázis létrehozása",
"myProject": "Saját bázisok",
"formTitle": "Űrlap címe",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Közös munka",
+ "locked": "Zárolt",
+ "personal": "Személyes",
"appStore": "App Store",
"teamAndAuth": "Csapat és bejelentkezés",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Szerepkörök és felhasználók kezelése",
"userMgmt": "Felhasználók kezelése",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
- "apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokens Management",
- "rolesMgmt": "Roles Management",
+ "apiTokens": "API tokenek",
+ "apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokenek Kezelése",
+ "rolesMgmt": "Szerepkörök Kezelése",
"projMeta": "Bázis metaadatok",
- "metaMgmt": "Meta Management",
- "metadata": "Metadata",
- "exportImportMeta": "Export / Import Metadata",
- "uiACL": "UI Access Control",
- "metaOperations": "Metadata Operations",
+ "metaMgmt": "Meta Kezelés",
+ "metadata": "Metaadatok",
+ "exportImportMeta": "Metaadatok Exportálása/Importálása",
+ "uiACL": "UI Hozzáférés-ellenőrzés",
+ "metaOperations": "Metaadat Műveletek",
"audit": "Audit",
"auditLogs": "Audit Logs",
- "sqlMigrations": "SQL Migrations",
+ "sqlMigrations": "SQL Migrációk",
"dbCredentials": "Adatbázis hitelesítési adatok",
- "advancedParameters": "SSL & Advanced parameters",
+ "advancedParameters": "SSL és Speciális Beállítások",
"headCreateProject": "Bázis létrehozása | NocoDB",
- "headLogin": "Log In | NocoDB",
- "resetPassword": "Reset your password",
+ "headLogin": "Bejelentkezés | NocoDB",
+ "resetPassword": "Jelszó Visszaállítása",
"teamAndSettings": "Csapat és beállítások",
- "apiDocs": "API Docs",
- "importFromAirtable": "Import From Airtable",
- "generateToken": "Generate Token",
- "APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
- "helpCenter": "Help Center",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
- "swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
+ "apiDocs": "API Dokumentáció",
+ "importFromAirtable": "Importálás Airtable-ből",
+ "generateToken": "Token Generálása",
+ "APIsAndSupport": "API-k & Támogatás",
+ "helpCenter": "Súgó központ",
+ "noLabels": "Nincsenek címkék",
+ "swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Dokumentáció",
"quickImportFrom": "Gyors importálás ebből",
"quickImport": "Gyors importálás",
"quickImportAirtable": "Gyors importálás - Airtable",
"quickImportCSV": "Gyors importálás - CSV",
"quickImportExcel": "Gyors importálás - Excel",
"quickImportJSON": "Gyors importálás - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
- "advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
- "codeSnippet": "Code Snippet",
- "keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
- "findRowByScanningCode": "Find record by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON szerkesztő",
+ "comingSoon": "Hamarosan",
+ "advancedSettings": "Speciális Beállítások",
+ "codeSnippet": "Kódrészlet",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "Billentyűparancsok",
+ "generateRandomName": "Véletlen név generálása",
+ "findRowByScanningCode": "Rekord keresése QR vagy vonalkód beolvasásával",
+ "tokenManagement": "Token kezelése",
+ "addNewToken": "Új token hozzáadása",
+ "createNewToken": "Új token létrehozása",
+ "accountSettings": "Fiók beállítások",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Jelszó visszaállítása",
+ "tokens": "Tokenek",
"userManagement": "Felhasználó kezelése",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "accountManagement": "Fiókkezelés",
+ "licence": "Licenc",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Minden MIME típus engedélyezése",
+ "defaultView": "Alapértelmezett nézet",
+ "relations": "Kapcsolatok",
+ "switchLanguage": "Nyelv váltása",
+ "renameFile": "Fájl átnevezése",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Nincs művelet",
+ "cascade": "Láncolás",
+ "restrict": "Korlátozás",
+ "setNull": "NULL beállítása",
+ "setDefault": "Alapértelmezés beállítása"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
- "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Válassz mezőket a jobb oldali panelből, hogy ide add hozzá",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Nincs elérhető opció",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Biztos benne, hogy el akarja küldeni ezt az űrlapot?",
+ "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "A keresés nem hozott eredményeket",
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Úgy tűnik, hogy ez a verem nem tartalmaz rekordokat",
+ "fromScratch": "Az alapoktól",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Fájlokból és külső forrásokból",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Közvetlenül valós időben",
+ "categories": "Kategóriák",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Mező elérhetetlen",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Nincsenek hozzáadott feltételek"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Módosítva",
+ "configuration": "Konfiguráció",
+ "setup": "Beállítás",
+ "configLabel": "Konfigurálja: {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Váltás termelésre kész alkalmazás adatbázisra",
+ "sharedBase": "Megosztott Bázis",
+ "fieldID": "Mező ID",
+ "addDescription": "Leírás hozzáadása",
+ "editDescription": "Leírás szerkesztése",
+ "urlFormula": "URL Képlet",
+ "selectIcon": "nincs",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--válasszon egy webhook-ot--",
+ "openUrl": "URL megnyitása",
+ "runWebHook": "Webhook futtatása",
+ "onClick": "Kattintásra",
+ "defaultView": "Alapértelmezett nézet",
+ "recordInsert": "Rekord beszúrása",
+ "recordUpdate": "Rekord frissítése",
+ "recordDelete": "Rekord törlése",
+ "supportDocs": "Támogatási Dokumentumok",
+ "addedOn": "Hozzáadva ekkor",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Kijelző érték mező módosítása",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Kijelző érték mező kiválasztása",
+ "changeTitleField": "Cím mező módosítása",
+ "clearAll": "Összes törlése",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Keresőmezők kapcsolt rekordok adatait mutatják. Válasszon ki konkrét mezőket a ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " táblázatba, hogy hozzáadja azokat keresési mezőként ebben a táblázatban.",
+ "formatting": "Formázás",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Válassza ki a formátum típusát (opcionális)- -",
+ "formatType": "Formátum típus",
+ "toUpload": "feltölteni",
+ "dragFilesHere": "húzza ide a fájlokat",
+ "browseFiles": "fájlok böngészése",
+ "clickTo": "Kattints a",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Kérjük, engedélyezze a kamerájához való hozzáférést",
+ "openFile": "Fájl megnyitása",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Adjon meg egy érvényes URL-t a fájlok feltöltéséhez",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Fájlok hozzáadása URL-ről",
+ "uploading": "Feltöltés",
+ "dropHere": "Dobja ide",
+ "addMore": "További hozzáadása",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Összes fájl törlése",
+ "integration": "Integráció",
+ "notRecommended": "Nem ajánlott",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "selectView": "Válasszon egy Nézetet",
+ "connectionDetails": "Forráskapcsolat részletei",
"metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
+ "mention": "Említés",
+ "today": "Ma",
+ "currentDate": "Jelenlegi dátum",
"workspace": "Munkaterület",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
+ "txt": "TXT Rekord érték",
+ "transferOwnership": "Tulajdon átruházása",
+ "recentActivity": "Legutóbbi tevékenység",
+ "goToMembers": "Tagokhoz menni",
+ "addMember": "Tag hozzáadása",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Tagok száma",
"numberOfBases": "Nincsenek. Bázisok",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Rekordok száma",
"workspaceName": "Munkaterület neve",
"workspaceWithoutOwner": "Tulajdonos nélküli munkaterületek",
"inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Felhasználók meghívása a munkaterületbe",
"selectWorkspace": "-munkaterületek kiválasztása a meghíváshoz-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Tagok hozzáadása a szervezethez",
+ "memberIn": "Tag itt:",
+ "assignAs": "Hozzárendelés",
"signOutUser": "Felhasználó kijelentkeztetése",
"signOutUsers": "Felhasználók kijelentkeztetése",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
+ "deactivateUser": "Felhasználó deaktiválása",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Felhasználók deaktiválása",
+ "lastActive": "Legutóbbi aktivitás",
+ "dateAdded": "Hozzáadás dátuma",
+ "uploadImage": "Kép feltöltése",
+ "organizationProfile": "Szervezet profilja",
+ "organizationImage": "Szervezet képe",
+ "organizationName": "Szervezet neve",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktív domainek",
+ "domains": "Domainek",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Nyilvános megosztás letiltása",
+ "shareSettings": "Megosztási beállítások",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Felhasználó és adatainak törlése",
"userOptions": "Felhasználó beállításai",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "A szervezet törlése",
+ "dangerZone": "Veszélyzóna",
+ "childView": "Gyermek Nézet",
+ "selectYear": "Év kiválasztása",
+ "save": "Mentés",
+ "cancel": "Mégse",
+ "metadataUrl": "Metaadat URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "Közönség/Entitás ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "Átirányítás URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "SAML",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
+ "newProvider": "Új szolgáltató",
+ "generalSettings": "Általános beállítások",
"adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
"moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Munkaterület áthelyezése szervezetbe",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO beállítások",
+ "addDomain": "Domain hozzáadása",
"domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
+ "settings": "Beállítások",
"workspaces": "Munkaterületek",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
+ "back": "Vissza",
+ "dashboard": "Irányítópult",
+ "organizeBy": "Rendezés alapja",
+ "previous": "Előző",
+ "nextMonth": "Következő hónap",
+ "previousMonth": "Előző hónap",
+ "next": "Következő",
+ "organiseBy": "Rendezés alapja",
+ "heading1": "Fejléc 1",
+ "heading2": "Fejléc 2",
+ "heading3": "Fejléc 3",
+ "bold": "Félkövér",
+ "italic": "Dőlt",
+ "underline": "Aláhúzott",
+ "strike": "Áthúzott",
+ "taskList": "Feladatlista",
+ "bulletList": "Pontozott lista",
+ "numberedList": "Számozott lista",
+ "downloadData": "Adatok letöltése",
+ "blockQuote": "Blokk idézet",
+ "noToken": "Nincs token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Felhasználónként csak egy token engedélyezett",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "A fájl {filename} névvel már csatolva van",
+ "tableIdColon": "TÁBLA ID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "NÉZET AZONOSÍTÓ: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Címzett",
+ "subject": "Tárgy",
+ "body": "Szöveg",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Vesszővel elválasztott telefonszámok",
+ "headerName": "Fejléc neve",
+ "icon": "Ikon",
"max": "Max",
"enableRichText": "Enable Rich Text",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
"copiedRecordURL": "Rekord URL másolva",
"copyRecordURL": "Rekord URL másolása",
"duplicateRecord": "Rekord duplikálása",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Bináris kódolási formátum",
+ "syntax": "Szintaxis",
+ "examples": "Példák",
+ "durationInfo": "Egy időtartam percben vagy másodpercben (pl. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Fejléc hozzáadása",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Adja meg az alapértelmezett URL-t (opcionális)",
+ "negative": "Negatív",
+ "discard": "Elvetés",
+ "default": "Alapértelmezett",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Alapértelmezett szám (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Időtartam formátum",
+ "dateFormat": "Dátum formátum",
+ "timeFormat": "Idő formátum",
+ "singularLabel": "Szinguláris címke",
+ "pluralLabel": "Többes számú címke",
+ "selectDateField": "Válassz ki egy dátum mezőt",
+ "endDateField": "Befejezési dátum mező",
+ "optional": "(Opcionális)",
+ "clickToMake": "Kattintással előállítható",
+ "visibleForRole": "szerepkörhöz látható:",
+ "inUI": "a felhasználói felületi irányítópulton",
"projectSettings": "Bázis beállítások",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
+ "clickToHide": "Kattintással elrejthető",
+ "clickToDownload": "Letöltéshez kattintson",
+ "forRole": "szerepkörhöz",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Kattintson a Tábla ID másolásához",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Kattintással View ID másolása",
+ "viewMode": "Nézet mód",
"searchUsers": "Felhasználók keresése",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
+ "superAdmin": "Szuper adminisztrátor",
+ "allTables": "Összes táblázat",
+ "members": "Tagok",
+ "dataSources": "Adatforrások",
+ "connectDataSource": "Külső adatkapcsolat",
"searchProjects": "Bázisok keresése",
- "createdBy": "Created By",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
- "notifyVia": "Notify Via",
+ "createdBy": "Létrehozta",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Mellékletek megtekintése:",
+ "readOnly": "Csak olvasható",
+ "createdOn": "Létrehozva",
+ "notifyVia": "Értesítés Küldése",
"projName": "Bázis neve",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "accountDetails": "Fiók részletei",
+ "controlAppearance": "Irányítsa a megjelenést.",
+ "accountEmailID": "Fiók Email ID",
"backToWorkspace": "Vissza a munkaterületekhez",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
- "tableName": "Table name",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
- "createView": "Create view",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
- "viewName": "View name",
+ "untitledToken": "Cím nélküli token",
+ "tableName": "Tábla neve",
+ "dashboardName": "Irányítópult neve",
+ "createView": "Nézet létrehozása",
+ "creatingView": "Nézet létrehozása",
+ "duplicateView": "Nézet duplikálása",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Rács nézet másolása",
+ "createGridView": "Rács nézet létrehozása",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Galéria nézet másolása",
+ "createGalleryView": "Galéria nézet létrehozása",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Űrlap nézet másolása",
+ "createFormView": "Űrlap nézet létrehozása",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Kanban nézet másolása",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Naptárnézet másolása",
+ "createKanbanView": "Kanban nézet létrehozása",
+ "createCalendarView": "Naptárnézet létrehozása",
+ "viewName": "Nézet neve",
"viewLink": "Hivatkozás megjelenítése",
- "columnName": "Field Name",
- "columnToScanFor": "Field to scan",
- "columnType": "Field Type",
- "roleName": "Role Name",
- "roleDescription": "Role Description",
+ "columnName": "Mező neve",
+ "columnToScanFor": "Mező a kereséshez",
+ "columnType": "Mező típusa",
+ "roleName": "Szerepkör neve",
+ "roleDescription": "Szerepkör leírása",
"databaseType": "Típus az adatbázisban",
- "lengthValue": "Length/ value",
+ "lengthValue": "Hossz/érték",
"dbType": "Adatbázis típusa",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "szervernév / hostCím",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite fájl elérési út",
+ "hostAddress": "Host cím",
+ "port": "Portszám",
"username": "Felhasználónév",
"password": "Jelszó",
- "schemaName": "Schema name",
+ "schemaName": "Séma neve",
"database": "Adatbázis",
"action": "Művelet",
"actions": "Műveletek",
- "operation": "Operation",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
- "operationType": "Operation type",
- "operationSubType": "Operation sub-type",
+ "operation": "Művelet",
+ "operationSub": "Alművelet",
+ "operationType": "Művelet típusa",
+ "operationSubType": "Művelet altípusa",
"description": "Leírás",
"authentication": "Hitelesítés",
"token": "Token",
"where": "Ahol",
- "cache": "Cache",
+ "cache": "Gyorsítótár",
"chat": "Chat",
"showOrHide": "Megjelenítés vagy elrejtés",
"airtable": "Airtable",
@@ -866,201 +869,201 @@
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-mail",
- "storage": "Storage",
- "uiAcl": "UI ACL",
- "models": "Models",
- "syncState": "Sync state",
- "created": "Created",
- "sqlOutput": "SQL Output",
- "addOption": "Add option",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
- "qrCodeValueColumn": "Field with QR code value",
- "barcodeValueColumn": "Field with Barcode value",
- "barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
- "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
- "barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
- "aggregateFunction": "Aggregate function",
- "dbCreateIfNotExists": "Database : create if not exists",
- "clientKey": "Client Key",
- "clientCert": "Client Cert",
- "serverCA": "Server CA",
- "requriedCa": "Required-CA",
- "requriedIdentity": "Required-IDENTITY",
+ "storage": "Tárolás",
+ "uiAcl": "Felhasználói felület ACL",
+ "models": "Modellek",
+ "syncState": "Szinkron állapot",
+ "created": "Létrehozva",
+ "sqlOutput": "SQL Kimenet",
+ "addOption": "Opció hozzáadása",
+ "interfaceColor": "Felület színe",
+ "qrCodeValueColumn": "Mező QR kód értékkel",
+ "barcodeValueColumn": "Mező vonalkód értékkel",
+ "barcodeFormat": "Vonalkód formátum",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Túl sok karakter egy QR kódhoz",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "Túl sok karakter egy vonalkódhoz",
+ "currentLocation": "Jelenlegi helyzet",
+ "lng": "Hossz",
+ "lat": "Szél",
+ "aggregateFunction": "Aggegált funkció",
+ "dbCreateIfNotExists": "Adatbázis: létrehozás, ha nem létezik",
+ "clientKey": "Ügyfél Kulcs",
+ "clientCert": "Ügyfél Tanúsítvány",
+ "serverCA": "Szerver CA",
+ "requriedCa": "Kötelező-CA",
+ "requriedIdentity": "Kötelező-IDENTITÁS",
"inflection": {
- "tableName": "Inflection - Table name",
- "columnName": "Inflection - Field name"
+ "tableName": "Ragozás - Táblanév",
+ "columnName": "Inflection – Mező neve"
"community": {
- "starUs1": "Star",
- "starUs2": "us on Github",
- "bookDemo": "Book a Free DEMO",
- "getAnswered": "Get your questions answered",
- "joinDiscord": "Join Discord",
- "joinCommunity": "Join NocoDB Community",
+ "starUs1": "Csillag",
+ "starUs2": "minket a Githubon",
+ "bookDemo": "Foglaljon egy ingyenes DEMÓT",
+ "getAnswered": "Kapja meg kérdéseire a választ",
+ "joinDiscord": "Csatlakozz a Discordhoz",
+ "joinCommunity": "Csatlakozz a NocoDB közösséghez",
"joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "NocoDB követése",
"communityTranslated": "(Közösségi fordítás)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
- "docReference": "Document Reference",
- "selectUserRole": "Select User Role",
- "childTable": "Child table",
- "childColumn": "Child field",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "docReference": "Dokumentum hivatkozás",
+ "selectUserRole": "Felhasználói szerepkör kiválasztása",
+ "childTable": "Gyerek tábla",
+ "childColumn": "Gyermek mező",
+ "childField": "Gyermek mező",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Csatlakozás a Cloudhoz ingyen",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Másik rekord hivatkozása",
"links": "Hivatkozások",
- "onUpdate": "On Update",
- "onDelete": "On Delete",
- "account": "Account",
+ "onUpdate": "Frissítéskor",
+ "onDelete": "Törléskor",
+ "account": "Fiók",
"language": "Nyelv",
"primaryColor": "Elsődleges szín",
"accentColor": "Kiemelőszín",
"customTheme": "Egyedi téma",
- "requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
+ "requestDataSource": "Kérheti a szükséges adatforrást?",
"apiKey": "API kulcs",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Személyes hozzáférési token",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Megosztott alap URL",
"importData": "Adat importálása",
- "importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
- "importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Fields",
- "importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Fields",
- "importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Fields",
- "importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Fields",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
- "noData": "No Data",
- "goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
+ "importSecondaryViews": "Másodlagos nézetek importálása",
+ "importRollupColumns": "Összesítő mezők importálása",
+ "importLookupColumns": "Kereső mezők importálása",
+ "importAttachmentColumns": "Csatolmány mezők importálása",
+ "importFormulaColumns": "Képlet mezők importálása",
+ "importUsers": "Felhasználók importálása (email alapján)",
+ "noData": "Nincs adat",
+ "goToDashboard": "Irányítópulthoz",
"importing": "Importálás",
"formatJson": "JSON formázása",
"autoSelectFieldTypes": "Mezőtípus automatikus kiválasztása",
"firstRowAsHeaders": "Az első sor fejléc",
- "flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
+ "flattenNested": "Beágyazott elemek lapítása",
"downloadAllowed": "Letöltés engedélyezve",
- "weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
+ "weAreHiring": "Foglalkozunk!",
"primaryKey": "Elsődleges kulcs",
- "hasMany": "has many",
- "belongsTo": "belongs to",
- "manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
- "extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
- "commentsOnly": "Comments only",
- "documentation": "Documentation",
- "subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
- "agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
- "welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
- "inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
- "nextRow": "Next Record",
- "prevRow": "Previous Record",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
+ "hasMany": "sok van",
+ "belongsTo": "tartozik",
+ "manyToMany": "sok-sok kapcsolattal rendelkezik",
+ "oneToOne": "egy az egyhez kapcsolata van",
+ "extraConnectionParameters": "Extra csatlakozási paraméterek",
+ "commentsOnly": "Csak megjegyzések",
+ "documentation": "Dokumentáció",
+ "subscribeNewsletter": "Iratkozzon fel a heti hírlevelünkre",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "Regisztráció {provider}-al",
+ "signInWithProvider": "Bejelentkezés {provider}-al",
+ "agreeToTos": "A regisztrációval elfogadja a Szolgáltatási feltételeket",
+ "welcomeToNc": "Üdvözöljük a NocoDB-ben!",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "Regisztráció csak meghívó URL-lel engedélyezett",
+ "nextRow": "Következő rekord",
+ "prevRow": "Előző rekord",
+ "addRowGrid": "Adatok manuális hozzáadása a rács nézetben",
+ "addRowForm": "Adatok bevitele űrlapon keresztül",
+ "noAccess": "Nincs hozzáférés",
+ "restApis": "REST API-k",
+ "apis": "API-k",
+ "apiSnippet": "API Snippet-ek",
+ "includeData": "Adatok beillesztése",
+ "includeView": "Nézet beillesztése",
+ "includeWebhook": "Webhook beillesztése",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Közelítés az oszlopok megtekintéséhez",
+ "embedInSite": "Beágyazása az adott nézetnek a webhelyen",
+ "titleRequired": "cím megadása kötelező.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Forrás neve kötelező",
"changeWsName": "Munkaterület nevének megváltoztatása",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
- "newFormLoaded": "Loading new form in",
+ "pressEnter": "Nyomja meg az Entert",
+ "newFormLoaded": "Új űrlap betöltése",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
"newField": "Új mező",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
- "selectFieldLabel": "Make changes to field properties by selecting a field from the list"
+ "saveChanges": "Változások mentése",
+ "updatedField": "Frissített mező",
+ "deletedField": "Törölt mező",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Hiányos konfiguráció",
+ "selectField": "Válasszon egy mezőt",
+ "selectFieldLabel": "A mezőtulajdonságok módosítása egy mező kiválasztásával a listáról"
- "appearanceSettings": "Appearance settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on condtions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
- "coverImageField": "Cover image",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "appearanceSettings": "Megjelenési beállítások",
+ "backgroundColor": "Háttérszín",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "NocoDB márkajelzés elrejtése",
+ "showOnConditions": "Megjelenítés feltételeknél",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Mező megjelenítése csak akkor, ha a feltételek teljesülnek",
+ "limitOptions": "Lehetőségek korlátozása",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Korlátozd a felhasználók számára látható opciókat az elérhető opciók kiválasztásával",
+ "clearSelection": "Kiválasztás törlése",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Megjelenítés mint folyamat",
+ "relationType": "Kapcsolat típusa",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Ezres elválasztó megjelenítése",
+ "signUpForFree": "Ingyenes regisztráció",
+ "coverImageField": "Borító kép",
+ "fitImage": "Kép igazítása",
+ "coverImageArea": "Borító kép",
+ "syncData": "Adatok szinkronizálása",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Regisztrálja az Önt érdeklő szolgáltatásokat, hogy értesítést kapjon, amikor elérhetővé válnak",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Átirányítás URL-re"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook Részletek",
+ "hideWeekends": "Hétvégék elrejtése",
"renameBase": "Bázis átnevezése",
"renameWorkspace": "Munkaterület átnevezése",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktiválás",
"manageUsers": "Felhasználók kezelése",
"newWorkspace": "Új munkaterület",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
+ "addDomain": "Domain hozzáadása",
+ "addMembers": "Tagok hozzáadása",
+ "enterEmail": "Adja meg az email címeket",
"inviteToBase": "Meghívás bázisba",
"inviteToWorkspace": "Meghívása a munkaterületbe",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "addMember": "Tag hozzáadása a bázishoz",
+ "noRange": "A naptárnézethez egy dátumtartomány szükséges",
+ "goToToday": "Ugrás a mai napra",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Oldalsáv váltása",
+ "addEndDate": "Befejezési dátum hozzáadása",
+ "withEndDate": "befejezési dátummal",
+ "calendar": "Naptár",
+ "viewSettings": "Nézet beállításai",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
+ "registerOIDC": "OIDC Azonosító Szolgáltató regisztrálása",
+ "registerSAML": "SAML Azonosító Szolgáltató regisztrálása",
+ "openInANewTab": "Új lapon való megnyitás",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "IFrame kód másolása",
+ "onCondition": "Feltétel alapján",
+ "bulkDownload": "Tömeges letöltés",
+ "attachFile": "Fájl csatolása",
+ "viewAttachment": "Mellékletek megtekintése",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Kattintson vagy húzzon egy fájlt a cellába",
"addFiles": "Fájl(ok) hozzáadása",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
+ "hideInUI": "Elrejtés a felületen",
"addBase": "Bázis hozáádaása",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
+ "addParameter": "Paraméter hozzáadása",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Más űrlap beküldése",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Fogd és vidd mezők ide a hozzáadásukhoz",
+ "editSource": "Adatforrás szerkesztése",
+ "enterText": "Szöveg bevitele",
"okEditBase": "Ok és bázis szerkesztése",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
+ "showInUI": "Megjelenítés a felületen",
+ "outOfSync": "Nincs szinkronizálva",
+ "newSource": "Új adatforrás",
+ "newWebhook": "Új webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Nyilvános hozzáférés engedélyezése",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Menteni szeretné a módosításokat?",
+ "editingAccess": "Szerkesztési hozzáférés",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Nyilvános megtekintés engedélyezése",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Hozzáférés korlátozása jelszóval",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Alap-hozzáférés kezelése",
+ "allowDownload": "Letöltés engedélyezése",
+ "surveyMode": "Kérdőív mód",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL tájolás",
+ "useTheme": "Téma használata",
"copyLink": "Hivatkozás másolása",
"copiedLink": "Hivatkozás másolva",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
- "copyUrl": "Copy URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Meghívó hivatkozás másolása",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Meghívó hivatkozás másolva",
+ "copyUrl": "URL másolása",
+ "moreColors": "További színek",
"moveProject": "Bázis áthelyezése",
"createProject": "Bázis létrehozása",
"importProject": "Bázis importálása",
@@ -1072,274 +1075,276 @@
"deleteProject": "Bázis törlése",
"refreshProject": "Bázis frissítése",
"saveProject": "Bázis mentése",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
- "deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Mentés és kilépés",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "Verem törlése?",
"createProjectExtended": {
- "extDB": "Create By Connecting
To An External Database",
+ "extDB": "Létrehozás külső adatbázishoz kapcsolódva
"excel": "Bázis létrehozása Excelből",
"template": "Bázis létrehozása sablonból"
"OkSaveProject": "Ok és bázis mentése",
"upgrade": {
- "available": "Upgrade available",
- "releaseNote": "Release notes",
- "howTo": "How to upgrade ?"
+ "available": "Frissítés elérhető",
+ "releaseNote": "Kiadási jegyzetek",
+ "howTo": "Hogyan frissítsem?"
- "translate": "Help translate",
+ "translate": "Segíts fordítani",
"account": {
- "authToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
- "swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
+ "authToken": "Auth Token másolása",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Auth token másolva",
+ "swagger": "Swagger: REST API-k",
"projInfo": "Bázis infók másolása",
- "themes": "Themes"
+ "themes": "Témák"
- "sort": "Sort",
- "addSort": "Add Sort Option",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "addFilter": "Add filter",
- "share": "Share",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "sort": "Rendezés",
+ "addSort": "Rendezési lehetőség hozzáadása",
+ "filter": "Szűrő",
+ "addFilter": "Szűrő hozzáadása",
+ "share": "Megosztás",
+ "groupBy": "Csoportosítás",
+ "addSubGroup": "Új alcsopor",
"shareBase": {
"label": "Bázis megosztása",
- "disable": "Disable shared base",
- "enable": "Anyone with the link",
- "link": "Shared base link"
+ "disable": "Megosztott bázis letiltása",
+ "enable": "Bárki a linkkel",
+ "link": "Megosztott bázis linkje"
- "invite": "Invite",
- "inviteMore": "Invite more",
+ "invite": "Meghívás",
+ "inviteMore": "Meghívj többet",
"inviteTeam": "Csapat meghívása",
"inviteUser": "Felhasználó meghívása",
- "inviteToken": "Invite Token",
+ "inviteToken": "Meghívási Token",
"linkedRecords": "Hivatkozott rekordok",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "addNewLink": "Új hivatkozás hozzáadása",
"newUser": "Új felhasználó",
"editUser": "Felhasználó szerkesztése",
"deleteUser": "Felhasználó eltávolítása a bázisról",
- "resendInvite": "Resend Invite E-mail",
- "copyInviteURL": "Copy Invite URL",
- "copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL",
- "newRole": "New role",
- "reloadRoles": "Reload roles",
- "nextPage": "Next page",
- "prevPage": "Previous page",
+ "resendInvite": "Meghívó e-mail újraküldése",
+ "copyInviteURL": "Meghívó URL másolása",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "Jelszó visszaállítás URL másolása",
+ "newRole": "Új szerepkör",
+ "reloadRoles": "Szerepkörök újratöltése",
+ "nextPage": "Következő oldal",
+ "prevPage": "Előző oldal",
"nextRecord": "Következő rekord",
"previousRecord": "Előző rekord",
- "copyApiURL": "Copy API URL",
- "createTable": "Create Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
+ "copyApiURL": "API URL másolása",
+ "createTable": "Táblázat létrehozása",
+ "createDashboard": "Irányítópult létrehozása",
"createWorkspace": "Munkaterület létrehozása",
- "refreshTable": "Tables Refresh",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
- "addField": "Add new field to this table",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
- "addRow": "Add new record",
- "saveRow": "Save record",
- "saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
- "saveAndStay": "Save & Stay",
- "insertRow": "Insert new record",
- "duplicateRow": "Duplicate record",
- "deleteRow": "Delete record",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
- "deleteSelectedRow": "Delete Selected Records",
- "importExcel": "Import Excel",
- "importCSV": "Import CSV",
- "downloadCSV": "Download CSV",
- "downloadExcel": "Download Excel",
- "uploadCSV": "Upload CSV",
- "import": "Import",
- "importMetadata": "Import Metadata",
- "exportMetadata": "Export Metadata",
- "clearMetadata": "Clear Metadata",
- "exportToFile": "Export to file",
- "changePwd": "Change Password",
- "createView": "Create a View",
- "shareView": "Share View",
- "findRowByCodeScan": "Find record by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
- "listSharedView": "Shared View List",
- "ListView": "Views List",
- "copyView": "Copy View",
- "renameView": "Rename view",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
- "deleteView": "Delete view",
- "createGrid": "Create Grid View",
- "createGallery": "Create Gallery View",
- "createCalendar": "Create Calendar View",
- "createKanban": "Create Kanban View",
- "createForm": "Create Form View",
- "showSystemFields": "Show system fields",
- "openTab": "Open new tab",
- "iFrame": "Copy embeddable HTML code",
- "addWebhook": "Add New Webhook",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
- "newToken": "Add New Token",
- "exportZip": "Export zip",
- "importZip": "Import zip",
- "metaSync": "Sync Now",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "validations": "Validations",
- "previewAs": "Preview as",
- "resetReview": "Reset Preview",
+ "refreshTable": "Táblák frissítése",
+ "renameTable": "Tábla átnevezése",
+ "renameLayout": "Elrendezés átnevezése",
+ "deleteTable": "Tábla törlése",
+ "addField": "Új mező hozzáadása ehhez a táblához",
+ "setDisplay": "Beállítás megjelenítési értékként",
+ "addRow": "Új rekord hozzáadása",
+ "saveRow": "Rekord mentése",
+ "saveAndExit": "Mentés és kilépés",
+ "saveAndStay": "Mentés és maradás",
+ "insertRow": "Új rekord beillesztése",
+ "duplicateRow": "Rekord duplikálása",
+ "deleteRow": "Rekord törlése",
+ "deleteRows": "Rekordok törlése",
+ "predictColumns": "Mezők előrejelzése",
+ "predictFormulas": "Képletek előrejelzése",
+ "deleteSelectedRow": "Kiválasztott rekordok törlése",
+ "importExcel": "Excel importálása",
+ "importCSV": "CSV importálása",
+ "downloadCSV": "CSV letöltése",
+ "downloadExcel": "Excel letöltése",
+ "uploadCSV": "CSV feltöltése",
+ "import": "Importál",
+ "importMetadata": "Metaadatok importálása",
+ "exportMetadata": "Metaadatok exportálása",
+ "clearMetadata": "Metaadatok törlése",
+ "exportToFile": "Exportálás fájlba",
+ "changePwd": "Jelszó megváltoztatása",
+ "createView": "Nézet létrehozása",
+ "shareView": "Nézet megosztása",
+ "findRowByCodeScan": "Rekord keresése szkenneléssel",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Kitöltés szkenneléssel",
+ "listSharedView": "Megosztott nézet lista",
+ "ListView": "Nézet lista",
+ "copyView": "Nézet másolása",
+ "renameView": "Nézet átnevezése",
+ "uploadData": "Adatok feltöltése",
+ "deleteView": "Nézet törlése",
+ "createGrid": "Rács nézet létrehozása",
+ "createGallery": "Galéria nézet létrehozása",
+ "createCalendar": "Naptár nézet létrehozása",
+ "createKanban": "Kanban nézet létrehozása",
+ "createForm": "Űrlap nézet létrehozása",
+ "showSystemFields": "Rendszer mezők megjelenítése",
+ "openTab": "Új lap megnyitása",
+ "iFrame": "Beágyazható HTML kód másolása",
+ "addWebhook": "Új webhook hozzáadása",
+ "enableWebhook": "Webhook engedélyezése",
+ "testWebhook": "Webhook tesztelése",
+ "createWebhook": "Webhook Létrehozása",
+ "copyWebhook": "Webhook másolása",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Webhook törlése",
+ "newToken": "Új token hozzáadása",
+ "exportZip": "Zip exportálása",
+ "importZip": "Zip importálása",
+ "metaSync": "Most szinkronizálás",
+ "settings": "Beállítások",
+ "validations": "Érvényesítések",
+ "previewAs": "Előnézet mint",
+ "resetReview": "Előnézet visszaállítása",
"testDbConn": "Adatbázis kapcsolat tesztelése",
- "removeDbFromEnv": "Remove Database from environment",
- "editConnJson": "Edit connection JSON",
- "sponsorUs": "Sponsor Us",
- "sendEmail": "SEND EMAIL",
+ "removeDbFromEnv": "Adatbázis eltávolítása a környezetből",
+ "editConnJson": "Kapcsolati JSON szerkesztése",
+ "sponsorUs": "Támogass minket",
+ "sendEmail": "EMAIL KÜLDÉS",
"addUserToProject": "Felhasználó hozzáadása a bázishoz",
- "getApiSnippet": "Get API Snippet",
- "clearCell": "Clear cell",
- "addFilterGroup": "Add filter group",
- "linkRecord": "Link record",
- "addNewRecord": "Add new record",
+ "getApiSnippet": "API részlet lekérése",
+ "clearCell": "Cella törlése",
+ "addFilterGroup": "Szűrőcsoport hozzáadása",
+ "linkRecord": "Rekord hivatkozása",
+ "addNewRecord": "Új rekord hozzáadása",
"newRecord": "Új rekord",
"tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Új rekord létrehozása",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' sikeresen elmentve és hivatkozva",
"recordCreatedLinked": "Rekord létrehozva és hivatkozva",
- "useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
- "toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
- "expandRecord": "Expand record",
+ "useConnectionUrl": "Kapcsolat URL használata",
+ "toggleCommentsDraw": "Megjegyzések panel váltása",
+ "expandRecord": "Rekord kibontása",
"deleteRecord": "Rekord törlése",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Teljes szélesség",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Kilépés a teljes szélességből",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Mind megjelölése olvasottként",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Mező törlése",
+ "addNumber": "Szám mező hozzáadása",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Egysoros szövegmező hozzáadása",
+ "addLongText": "Hosszú szöveg mező hozzáadása",
+ "addOther": "Egyéb mező hozzáadása"
"erd": {
- "showColumns": "Show Fields",
- "showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys",
- "showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views",
- "showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables",
- "showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
+ "showColumns": "Mezők megjelenítése",
+ "showPkAndFk": "Elsődleges és külső kulcsok megjelenítése",
+ "showSqlViews": "SQL nézetek megjelenítése",
+ "showMMTables": "Sok-sok kapcsolat megjelenítése",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "Kapcsolótábla nevek megjelenítése"
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Collapse Stack",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Összes bezárása",
+ "expandAll": "Összes kinyitása",
+ "renameStack": "Verem átnevezése",
"deleteStack": "Delete Stack",
"stackedBy": "Stacked By",
- "chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
- "addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
+ "chooseGroupingField": "Csoportosítási mező választása",
+ "addOrEditStack": "Verem hozzáadása/szerkesztése"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Térképezte",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Térkép mező választása",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Mobil mód váltása",
+ "startCommenting": "Kezdj el kommentelni!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Még nincs megjegyzés!",
+ "clearForm": "Űrlap törlése",
"addFieldFromFormView": "Mező hozzáadása",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "selectAllFields": "Összes mező kiválasztása",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Előre kitöltés engedélyezése",
+ "default": "Alapértelmezett",
+ "locked": "Előre kitöltött mezők zárolása csak olvashatóként",
+ "hidden": "Előre kitöltött mezők elrejtése",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Előre kitöltött érték"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Előre kitöltött link lekérése",
+ "group": "Csoport",
+ "goToDocs": "Dokumentációkhoz",
+ "addCondition": "Feltétel hozzáadása",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Feltételcsoport hozzáadása"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
+ "privateConnection": "Engedélyezze, hogy ez a kapcsolat privát maradjon és rejtve legyen a többi készítő elől ezen a munkaterületen belül.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Nem kötelező. Alapértelmezett adatbázis \"{database}\" használata, ha üresen hagyja",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opcionális. Használja az alapértelmezett sémát \"{schema}\", ha üresen hagyja.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Séma szerkesztése tiltva van ezen adatforrás esetén.",
"typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed due to restricted schema alterations for this source.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
"allowMetaWrite": "Enable this option to allow modifications to the database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may affect application functionality.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
- "reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to 10 data sources per base",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Ez az opció lehetővé teszi, hogy rekordokat hozzon létre, frissítsen vagy töröljön az adatbázis táblákon belül. Ideális az adminisztratív felhasználóknak, akiknek közvetlenül kell adatokat módosítaniuk.",
+ "reachedSourceLimit": "Az adattípusok száma 10-re korlátozva bázisonként",
+ "saveChanges": "Változtatások mentése",
"xcDB": "Új bázis létrehozása",
- "extDB": "Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite",
- "apiRest": "Accessible via REST APIs",
- "apiGQL": "Accessible via GraphQL APIs",
+ "extDB": "Támogatja a MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server és SQLite viszonyítási alapokat",
+ "apiRest": "Elérhető a REST API-ken keresztül",
+ "apiGQL": "Elérhető a GraphQL API-ken keresztül",
"theme": {
- "dark": "It does come in Black (^⇧B)",
- "light": "Does it come in Black ? (^⇧B)"
+ "dark": "Fekete színben is elérhető (⌃⇧B)",
+ "light": "Elérhető fekete színben? (⌃⇧B)"
- "addTable": "Add new table",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
- "inviteMore": "Invite more users",
- "toggleNavDraw": "Toggle navigation drawer",
- "reloadApiToken": "Reload API tokens",
- "generateNewApiToken": "Generate new API token",
- "addRole": "Add new role",
- "reloadList": "Reload list",
- "metaSync": "Sync Metadata",
- "sqlMigration": "Reload migrations",
- "updateRestart": "Update & Restart",
- "cancelReturn": "Cancel and Return",
- "exportMetadata": "Export all metadata from the meta tables to meta directory.",
- "importMetadata": "Import all metadata from the meta directory to meta tables.",
- "clearMetadata": "Clear all metadata from meta tables.",
- "clientKey": "Select .key file",
- "clientCert": "Select .cert file",
- "clientCA": "Select CA file",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
- "preFillFormInfo": "To get a prefilled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "addTable": "Új tábla hozzáadása",
+ "addDashboard": "Új irányítópult hozzáadása",
+ "inviteMore": "Több felhasználó meghívása",
+ "toggleNavDraw": "Navigációs panel váltása",
+ "reloadApiToken": "API tokenek újratöltése",
+ "generateNewApiToken": "Új API token generálása",
+ "addRole": "Új szerepkör hozzáadása",
+ "reloadList": "Lista újratöltése",
+ "metaSync": "Metaadatok szinkronizálása",
+ "sqlMigration": "Migrációk újratöltése",
+ "updateRestart": "Frissítés és újraindítás",
+ "cancelReturn": "Mégse és vissza",
+ "exportMetadata": "Minden metaadat exportálása a meta táblákból a meta könyvtárba.",
+ "importMetadata": "Minden metaadat importálása a meta könyvtárból a meta táblákba.",
+ "clearMetadata": "Minden metaadat törlése a meta táblákból.",
+ "clientKey": ".key fájl kiválasztása",
+ "clientCert": ".cert fájl kiválasztása",
+ "clientCA": "CA fájl kiválasztása",
+ "changeIconColour": "Ikon színének módosítása",
+ "preFillFormInfo": "Az előre kitöltött link eléréséhez győződjön meg arról, hogy a szükséges mezőket kitöltötte az űrlap tervezőjében.",
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Űrlap mód egy mezővel oldalanként",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "A fájl importálása után használja a mező szerkesztési menüjét a típus konverziókhoz",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Szerepkör öröklődött a munkaterületről",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Hamarosan! Kattintson, hogy szavazatával jelezze a szükséges integrációt a NocoDB-ben."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
+ "searchIcons": "Ikonok keresése",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Slack csatornák kiválasztása",
"selectTeamsChannels": "Mixrosoft Teams csatorna kiválasztása",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Discord csatornák kiválasztása",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Mattermost csatornák kiválasztása",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook címe",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Mező kiválasztása a vonalkód értékéhez",
+ "notFoundContent": "Nem található érvényes mezőtípus.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Vonalkód formátum kiválasztása",
"projName": "Bázis neve",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Csoportosítási mező kiválasztása",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Nem található egysoros kiválasztás mező. Kérjük, hozzon létre először egyet.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Válasszon egy borítóképes mezőt",
+ "selectGeoField": "GeoData mező kiválasztása",
+ "notSelected": "-nem kiválasztott-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Nem található GeoData mező. Kérjük, hozzon létre először egyet.",
"password": {
- "enter": "Enter the password",
- "current": "Current password",
- "new": "New password",
- "save": "Save password",
- "confirm": "Confirm new password"
+ "enter": "Jelszó megadása",
+ "current": "Jelenlegi jelszó",
+ "new": "Új jelszó",
+ "save": "Jelszó mentése",
+ "confirm": "Új jelszó megerősítése"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
- "searchProjectTree": "Search tables",
- "searchFields": "Search fields",
- "searchColumn": "Search {search} field",
- "searchApps": "Search apps",
- "searchModels": "Search models",
- "noItemsFound": "No items found",
- "defaultValue": "Default value",
- "filterByEmail": "Filter by E-mail",
- "filterQuery": "Filter query",
- "selectField": "Select field",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Mező kiválasztása a QR kód értékéhez",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Negatív számok engedélyezése",
+ "searchProjectTree": "Táblák keresése",
+ "searchFields": "Mezők keresése",
+ "searchColumn": "{search} mező keresése",
+ "searchApps": "Alkalmazások keresése",
+ "searchModels": "Modellek keresése",
+ "noItemsFound": "Nincs találat",
+ "defaultValue": "Alapértelmezett érték",
+ "filterByEmail": "Szűrés e-mail alapján",
+ "filterQuery": "Szűrési lekérdezés",
+ "selectField": "Mező kiválasztása",
+ "precision": "Pontosság",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,498 +1353,498 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
- "createTableLabel": "From scratch or import or connect to external database",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
- "noTokenCreatedLabel": "Looks like you haven’t generated any API tokens yet.",
+ "value": "Érték",
+ "key": "Kulcs",
+ "createTable": "Hozd létre az első tábládat!",
+ "createTableLabel": "A semmiből vagy importálás, vagy csatlakozás külső adatbázishoz",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Nincsenek létrehozott API tokenek",
+ "noTokenCreatedLabel": "Úgy tűnik, hogy még nem hozott létre API tokeneket.",
"inviteYourTeam": "Csapat meghívása",
- "inviteYourTeamLabel": "Fast track your projects by collaborating on them with your team!",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "inviteYourTeamLabel": "Gyorsítsd fel a projektjeidet, együttműködve a csapatoddal!",
+ "searchOptions": "Keresési opciók"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Érvénytelen gomb konfiguráció",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Érvénytelen mező konfiguráció",
+ "invalidTheme": "Válasszon érvényes témát",
+ "invalidColor": "Válasszon érvényes színt",
+ "invalidType": "A gomb típusa lehet 'webhook' vagy 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Adjon meg érvényes gomb feliratot",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Ez a funkció nem elérhető az adatbázisában",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kontrollálja szervezetének nevét és megjelenését.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Adjon hozzá céges domaineket a nem kívánt felhasználók hozzáférésének korlátozásához.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Korátozza a felhasználókat a bázisok nyilvános megosztásától.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Válassza ki az eltávolítandó és törlendő felhasználókat az összes szervezeti munkaterületről.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Törölje az összes felhasználót, bázist és adatot, amely ehhez a szervezethez kapcsolódik",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Kattints a mező azonosító másolásához",
+ "enterPassword": "Jelszó megadása",
+ "bySigningUp": "A regisztrációval elfogadod a",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Iratkozz fel heti hírlevelünkre",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Jelszó ellenőrzése",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Ez a megosztott nézet védett",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Az űrlapadatok sikeresen benyújtva",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Az űrlapnézet nem támogatott mobil eszközön",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "A naptár nézet nem támogatott mobilon",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Új űrlap töltődik be {seconds} másodperc múlva",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimalizált lekérdezés letiltva",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimalizált lekérdezés engedélyezve",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "A lookup mező nem támogatott nem 'Tartozik'-típusú kapcsolatok esetén",
+ "invalidTime": "Érvénytelen idő",
"linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for Lookup",
"recordCouldNotBeFound": "Rekord nem található",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Érvénytelen telefonszám",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Oldalméret megváltozott",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Hiba az adatok betöltésekor",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Kontextus változó használata",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "törzs",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "hivatkozás az érintett rekordra",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Tipp: Használja a {placeholder1} mezőhivatkozásokhoz, pl.: {placeholder2}. További információért nézze meg",
+ "hintEnd": "Képletek.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Nem található javasolt képlet",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Nem található javasolt mező",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} egy {type}-t igényel a {position} pozícióban",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numerikus típus várható",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Szöveg típus várható",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} művelet nem elérhető",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Nem lehet menteni a mezőt, mert a képlet érvénytelen",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Nem támogatott a(z) {columnName} mező hivatkozása",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "{type} típusra van szükség, de {found} típus található",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} {requiredArguments} argumentumot igényel",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} minimálisan {minRequiredArguments} argumentumot igényel",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} maximálisan {maxRequiredArguments} argumentumot igényel",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} függvény nem elérhető",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "A WEEKDAY() első paraméterének dátumértékkel kell rendelkeznie",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "A WEEKDAY() második paraméterének az értéke \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" vagy \"saturday\" kell legyen",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "A DATEADD() első paraméterének dátumértékkel kell rendelkeznie",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "A DATEADD() második paraméterének numerikus értékkel kell rendelkeznie",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "A DATEADD() harmadik paraméterének az értéke \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" vagy \"year\" lehet",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "A DATEDIFF() első paraméterének dátumértékkel kell rendelkeznie",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "A DATEDIFF() második paraméterének dátumértékkel kell rendelkeznie",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "A DATETIME_DIFF() harmadik paraméterének az értéke \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", vagy \"y\" lehet",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "{columnName} mező nem elérhető",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Nem lehet menteni a mezőt, mert körkörös hivatkozást okoz",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "{columnType} típusú {columnName} mező található, de {expectedType} típus szükséges",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} nem egyezik meg a(z) {columnType} típussal"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "A kiválasztási lehetőségek nem lehetnek null értékűek",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "A Többszörös kiválasztási mezők nem tartalmazhatnak vesszőket (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "A kiválasztási lehetőségek nem lehetnek duplikáltak",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Hozzon létre egy új lehetőséget ezzel a névvel:"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Kérjük, adjon meg egy számot",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Kérjük, adjon meg egy e-mail címet",
+ "invalidDate": "Érvénytelen dátum",
+ "invalidLocale": "Érvénytelen területi beállítás",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Érvénytelen valutakód",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "A PostgreSQL 'money' típusnak saját valutabeállításai vannak",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "A vonalkód mező érvényes mezőtípusai a következők: Szám, Egysoros szöveg, Hosszú szöveg, Telefonszám, URL, E-mail, Tört szám. Kérjük, hozzon létre egyet először.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Többes kapcsolatok",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Egyetlen rekord a táblázatból ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " összekapcsolható több rekorddal a táblázatból "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Több-több kapcsolatok",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Több rekord a táblázatból ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " összekapcsolható több rekorddal a táblázatból "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Tartozik kapcsolatok",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Egyetlen rekord a táblázatból ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " összekapcsolható egy rekorddal a táblázatból "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Egy az egyhez kapcsolat",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Egyetlen rekord a táblából ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " összekapcsolható egyetlen rekorddal a táblából "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Úgy tűnik, még nincsenek csatolt rekordok.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Nincsenek hivatkozott rekordok",
"noLinkedRecords": "Nincsenek hivatkozott rekordok",
"recordsLinked": "hivatkozott rekordok",
"acceptOnlyValid": "Accepts only",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Hozzon létre személyes API tokeneket az automatizáláshoz vagy külső alkalmazásokhoz való használathoz.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Mező kiválasztása rendezéshez",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Válassza ki a csoportosítandó mezőt",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Nincsenek rekordok a táblában",
"noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Jelenleg nem található hivatkozható rekord",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Kezdjen hozzá a webhooks használatához!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Hajtson végre automatizálásokat. Értesüléseket kap, amint változások történnek az adatai között",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Biztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné a következőt?",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Biztos benne, hogy {deleteLabel} a következőt?",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Az ID mező megadása kötelező, később átnevezheti igény szerint.",
+ "length59Required": "A hossz meghaladja a maximális 59 karaktert",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Nincsenek új értesítései",
+ "noRecordFound": "Rekord nem található",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Nem találhatók rekordok",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Nincs olyan rekord, amely megfelel a keresésnek",
+ "rowDeleted": "Rekord törölve",
+ "saveChanges": "Szeretné menteni a változtatásokat?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "A mező túl nagy ahhoz, hogy {entity} formátumba konvertálódjon",
+ "roleRequired": "Szerep szükséges",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
- "calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date/ date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "webhookDelete": "A gomb mezőit, amelyek erre a webhookra támaszkodnak, érinteni fogja",
+ "calendarNoFields": "A naptár nézethez egy dátum vagy dátum és idő mező beállítása szükséges. Próbáld újra a naptár nézet beállítását egy dátum/dátum és idő mező hozzáadása után!",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "A Kanban nézethez egyetlen választási mező beállítása szükséges. Próbáld újra a kanban nézet beállítását egyetlen választási mező hozzáadása után!",
+ "mapNoFields": "A Térkép nézethez egy földrajzi adatok mező beállítása szükséges. Próbáld újra a térkép nézet beállítását egy földrajzi adatok mező hozzáadása után!",
+ "dbValid": "Biztosítsa az adatbázis érvényességét a séma elvesztésének megelőzéséhez",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
+ "renderError": "Vonalkód hiba - ellenőrizze a bemenet és a vonalkód típus közötti kompatibilitást"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
- "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Figyelmeztetés: Számított mező - nem lehet törölni a szöveget",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Figyelmeztetés: QR mezők közvetlenül nem módosíthatók.",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Figyelmeztetés: vonalkód mezők közvetlenül nem változtathatók meg."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Biztos benne, hogy meg akarja duplikálni az alapot?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Biztos benne, hogy meg akarja duplikálni a táblát?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Nem változtathatja meg egy szerkesztés alatt álló mező láthatóságát. Először mentse vagy vetítse el a változtatásokat.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Nem lehet áthelyezni a módosított mezőt. Először mentse vagy elvetje a módosításokat",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Nem lehet áthelyezni a törölt mezőt. Először mentse vagy elvetje a módosításokat"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Nem fog tudni rekordokat áthúzni dátumok között, ha számított vagy rendszermezők kerülnek használatra.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Séma módosítások tiltva vannak ezen forrás esetében",
"enterWorkspaceName": "Munkaterület nevének megadása",
"enterBaseName": "Bázis neve",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
+ "idpPaste": "Illessze be ezeket az URL-eket az Azonosító Szolgáltatók konzoljába",
+ "noSaml": "Nincsenek konfigurált SAML hitelesítések.",
+ "noOIDC": "Nincsenek konfigurált OpenID hitelesítések.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Letiltva, mivel a nézet zárolva van",
+ "basesMigrated": "Az alapok migrálva lettek. Kérjük, próbálja újra.",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "A beillesztés művelet nem támogatott az aktív cellában",
"roles": {
- "orgCreator": "Creator can create new bases and access any invited base.",
- "orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new bases but they can access any invited base."
+ "orgCreator": "A létrehozó új alapokat hozhat létre, és hozzáférhet minden meghívott alaphoz.",
+ "orgViewer": "A néző nem hozhat létre új alapokat, de hozzáférhet a meghívott alapokhoz."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
- "selectColumn": "Select a field (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a record by scanning.",
- "moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one record found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
- "noRowFoundForCode": "No record found for this code for the selected field"
+ "loadingScanner": "A szkenner betöltése...",
+ "selectColumn": "Válasszon ki egy mezőt (QR-kód vagy vonalkód), amelyet használni szeretne a rekord megtalálásához szkenneléssel.",
+ "moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "Több mint egy rekord található ennél a kódnál. Jelenleg csak egyedi kódok támogatottak.",
+ "noRowFoundForCode": "Nincs rekord található a megadott mezőhöz tartozó kódhoz"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Túllépte a határt.",
+ "closeLimit": "Közel van a határhoz.",
+ "limitNumber": "A Térkép nézetnél legfeljebb 1000 rekord jeleníthető meg."
- "footerInfo": "Records per page",
- "upload": "Select file to Upload",
- "upload_sub": "or drag and drop file",
- "excelSupport": "Supported: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "excelURL": "Enter excel file URL",
- "csvURL": "Enter CSV file URL",
- "footMsg": "# of records to parse to infer datatype",
- "excelImport": "sheet(s) are available for import",
- "exportMetadata": "Do you want to export metadata from meta tables?",
- "importMetadata": "Do you want to import metadata from meta tables?",
- "clearMetadata": "Do you want to clear metadata from meta tables?",
- "projectEmptyMessage": "Get started by creating a new base",
- "stopProject": "Do you want to stop the base?",
- "startProject": "Do you want to start the base?",
- "restartProject": "Do you want to restart the base?",
- "deleteProject": "Do you want to delete the base?",
- "shareBasePrivate": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
- "shareBasePublic": "Anyone on the internet with this link can view",
- "userInviteNoSMTP": "Looks like you have not configured mailer yet! Please copy above invite link and send it to",
- "dragDropHide": "Drag and drop fields here to hide",
- "formInput": "Enter form input label",
- "formHelpText": "Add some help text",
- "onlyCreator": "Only visible to Creator",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
- "formDesc": "Add form description",
- "beforeEnablePwd": "Restrict access with a password",
- "afterEnablePwd": "Access is password restricted",
- "privateLink": "This view is shared via a private link",
- "privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "People with private link can only see cells visible in this view",
- "postFormSubmissionSettings": "Post form submission settings",
- "apiOptions": "Access Base via",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Show 'Submit Another Form' button",
- "showBlankForm": "Show a blank form after 5 seconds",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
- "showSysFields": "Show system fields",
- "filterAutoApply": "Auto apply",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
- "viewNotShared": "Current view is not shared!",
- "showAllViews": "Show all shared views of this table",
- "collabView": "Collaborators with edit permissions or higher can change the view configuration.",
- "lockedView": "No one can edit the view configuration until it is unlocked.",
- "personalView": "Only you can edit the view configuration. Other collaborators’ personal views are hidden by default.",
- "ownerDesc": "Can add/remove creators. And full edit database structures & fields.",
- "creatorDesc": "Can fully edit database structure & values.",
- "editorDesc": "Can edit records but cannot change structure of database/fields.",
- "commenterDesc": "Can view and comment the records but cannot edit anything",
- "viewerDesc": "Can view the records but cannot edit anything",
+ "footerInfo": "Rekordok oldalonként",
+ "upload": "Fájl kiválasztása feltöltéshez",
+ "upload_sub": "vagy húzza ide a fájlt",
+ "excelSupport": "Támogatott: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "excelURL": "Adja meg az excel fájl URL-jét",
+ "csvURL": "Adja meg a CSV fájl URL-jét",
+ "footMsg": "Rekordok száma, amelyeket elemezni kell az adattípus megállapításához",
+ "excelImport": "lap(ok) állnak rendelkezésre importálásra",
+ "exportMetadata": "Szeretné exportálni a metaadatokat a meta táblákból?",
+ "importMetadata": "Szeretné importálni a metaadatokat a meta táblákba?",
+ "clearMetadata": "Szeretné törölni a metaadatokat a meta táblákból?",
+ "projectEmptyMessage": "Kezdjen hozzá egy új alap létrehozásával",
+ "stopProject": "Szeretné leállítani az alapot?",
+ "startProject": "Szeretné elindítani az alapot?",
+ "restartProject": "Szeretné újraindítani az alapot?",
+ "deleteProject": "Szeretné törölni az alapot?",
+ "shareBasePrivate": "Nyilvánosan megosztható, csak olvasható bázis generálása",
+ "shareBasePublic": "Bárki az interneten ezzel a linkkel megtekintheti",
+ "userInviteNoSMTP": "Úgy tűnik, még nem konfigurálta a levelezőt! Kérjük, másolja ki a fenti meghívó linket és küldje el",
+ "dragDropHide": "Húzza ide a mezőket a rejtéshez",
+ "formInput": "Űrlap beviteli címke megadása",
+ "formHelpText": "Adjon hozzá segítő szöveget",
+ "onlyCreator": "Csak a Létrehozó számára látható",
+ "formTitle": "Űrlap címe hozzáadása",
+ "formDesc": "Űrlap leírás hozzáadása",
+ "beforeEnablePwd": "Hozzáférés korlátozása jelszóval",
+ "afterEnablePwd": "A hozzáférés jelszóval korlátozott",
+ "privateLink": "Ez a nézet privát linken keresztül van megosztva",
+ "privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Az emberek, akik rendelkeznek privát linkkel, csak az ebben a nézetben látható cellákat tekinthetik meg",
+ "postFormSubmissionSettings": "Űrlap beküldés utáni beállítások",
+ "apiOptions": "Az alap elérése a következőn keresztül",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "'További űrlap benyújtása' gomb megjelenítése",
+ "showBlankForm": "Üres űrlap megjelenítése 5 másodperc múlva",
+ "emailForm": "Email válaszok erre a címre",
+ "showSysFields": "Rendszer mezők megjelenítése",
+ "filterAutoApply": "Automatikus alkalmazás",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Üzenet megjelenítése",
+ "viewNotShared": "A jelenlegi nézet nincs megosztva!",
+ "showAllViews": "A tábla összes megosztott nézetének megjelenítése",
+ "collabView": "Az együttműködők szerkesztési vagy magasabb jogosultsággal megváltoztathatják a nézet beállításait.",
+ "lockedView": "Senki nem szerkesztheti a nézet beállításait, amíg az nincs feloldva.",
+ "personalView": "Csak Ön szerkesztheti a nézet beállításait. Más együttműködők személyes nézetei alapértelmezés szerint rejtve vannak.",
+ "ownerDesc": "Létrehozókat hozzáadhat/eltávolíthat. Teljes szerkesztés az adatbázis struktúráihoz és mezőihez.",
+ "creatorDesc": "Teljes körűen szerkesztheti az adatbázis struktúráit és értékeit.",
+ "editorDesc": "Rekordok szerkesztése lehetséges, de az adatbázis/mezők struktúrájának módosítása nem.",
+ "commenterDesc": "Megtekintheti és kommentálhatja a rekordokat, de nem szerkeszthet semmit",
+ "viewerDesc": "Megtekintheti a rekordokat, de nem szerkeszthet semmit",
"addUser": "Új felhasználó hozzáadása",
- "staticRoleInfo": "System defined roles can't be edited",
- "exportZip": "Export base meta to zip file and download.",
- "importZip": "Import base meta zip file and restart.",
- "importText": "Import NocoDB Base by uploading metadata zip file",
- "metaNoChange": "No change identified",
- "sqlMigration": "Schema migrations will be created automatically. Create a table and refresh this page.",
- "dbConnectionStatus": "Environment validated",
- "dbConnected": "Connection was successful",
+ "staticRoleInfo": "A rendszer által definiált szerepek nem szerkeszthetők",
+ "exportZip": "Az alap metaadatainak exportálása zip fájlba és letöltés.",
+ "importZip": "Az alap metaadatok zip fájljának importálása és újraindítása.",
+ "importText": "NocoDB alap importálása a metaadat zip fájl feltöltésével",
+ "metaNoChange": "Nincs azonosított változás",
+ "sqlMigration": "A séma migrációk automatikusan létrejönnek. Hozzon létre egy táblát és frissítse ezt az oldalt.",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "A környezet ellenőrizve",
+ "dbConnected": "A kapcsolat sikeres volt",
"notifications": {
- "no_new": "No new notifications",
- "clear": "Clear"
+ "no_new": "Nincs új értesítés",
+ "clear": "Törlés"
"sponsor": {
- "header": "You can help us!",
- "message": "We are a tiny team working full time to make NocoDB Open-source. We believe a tool like NocoDB should be available freely to every problem solver on Internet."
+ "header": "Segíthet nekünk!",
+ "message": "Kis csapatként dolgozunk teljes időben, hogy a NocoDB open-source maradjon. Hiszünk benne, hogy egy NocoDB-hez hasonló eszköz szabadon elérhető kell legyen minden problémamegoldó számára az interneten."
- "loginMsg": "Log In To NocoDB",
+ "loginMsg": "Bejelentkezés a NocoDB-be",
"passwordRecovery": {
- "message_1": "Please provide the email address you used when you signed up.",
- "message_2": "We will send you an email with a link to reset your password.",
- "success": "Please check your email to reset the password"
+ "message_1": "Kérjük, adja meg azt az e-mail címet, amit a feliratkozáskor használt.",
+ "message_2": "Küldünk Önnek egy e-mailt a jelszó alaphelyzetbe állításához szükséges linkkel.",
+ "success": "Kérjük, ellenőrizze az e-mailjét a jelszó alaphelyzetbe állításához"
"signUp": {
- "superAdmin": "You will be the 'Super Admin'",
- "alreadyHaveAccount": "Already have an account ?",
- "workEmail": "Enter your work email",
- "enterPassword": "Enter your password",
- "forgotPassword": "Forgot your password ?",
- "dontHaveAccount": "Don't have an account ?"
+ "superAdmin": "Ön lesz a 'Szuper Adminisztrátor'",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "Már van fiókja?",
+ "workEmail": "Adja meg a munkahelyi e-mailjét",
+ "enterPassword": "Írja be a jelszavát",
+ "forgotPassword": "Elfelejtette a jelszavát?",
+ "dontHaveAccount": "Nincs még fiókja?"
"addView": {
- "grid": "Add Grid View",
- "gallery": "Add Gallery View",
- "form": "Add Form View",
- "kanban": "Add Kanban View",
- "map": "Add Map View",
- "calendar": "Add Calendar View"
+ "grid": "Hálózati nézet hozzáadása",
+ "gallery": "Galéria nézet hozzáadása",
+ "form": "Űrlap nézet hozzáadása",
+ "kanban": "Kanban nézet hozzáadása",
+ "map": "Térkép nézet hozzáadása",
+ "calendar": "Naptár nézet hozzáadása"
- "tablesMetadataInSync": "Tables metadata is in Sync",
- "addMultipleUsers": "You can add multiple comma(,) separated emails",
- "enterTableName": "Enter table name",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
- "addDefaultColumns": "Add default fields",
- "tableNameInDb": "Table name as saved in database",
+ "tablesMetadataInSync": "Tábla metaadatok szinkronban vannak",
+ "addMultipleUsers": "Több, vesszővel (,) elválasztott e-mail címet is megadhat",
+ "enterTableName": "Írja be a tábla nevét",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Írjon be táblaleírást...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Írjon be mezőleírást...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Írjon be nézetleírást...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Adja meg az elrendezés nevét",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Adja meg a műszerfal nevét",
+ "defaultColumns": "Alapértelmezett mezők",
+ "addDefaultColumns": "Alapértelmezett mezők hozzáadása",
+ "tableNameInDb": "A tábla neve, ahogy az adatbázisban mentve van",
"airtable": {
- "credentials": "Where to find this?"
+ "credentials": "Hol található ez?"
"import": {
- "clickOrDrag": "Click or drag file to this area to upload"
+ "clickOrDrag": "Kattintson vagy húzza ide a fájlt a feltöltéshez"
- "metaDataRecreated": "Table metadata recreated successfully",
- "invalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials",
- "downloadingMoreFiles": "Downloading more files",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Required field can't be moved",
- "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary key",
- "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment field is not editable",
- "editingPKnotSupported": "Editing primary key not supported",
- "deletedCache": "Deleted cache successfully",
- "cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty",
- "exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully",
- "valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
- "noColumnsToUpdate": "No fields to update",
- "tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
- "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
- "deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
- "deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
- "showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
- "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
- "computedFieldEditWarning": "contents are read-only",
- "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "contents are read-only",
- "noMoreRecords": "No more records",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
+ "metaDataRecreated": "A táblázat metaadatok sikeresen újra lett alkotva",
+ "invalidCredentials": "Érvénytelen hitelesítő adatok",
+ "downloadingMoreFiles": "További fájlok letöltése folyamatban",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "Vágólapra másolva",
+ "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Szükséges mező nem mozgatható",
+ "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Frissítés nem engedélyezett olyan táblában, amelynek nincs elsődleges kulcsa",
+ "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Az automatikusan növekvő mező nem szerkeszthető",
+ "editingPKnotSupported": "Az elsődleges kulcs szerkesztése nem támogatott",
+ "deletedCache": "Gyorsítótár sikeresen törölve",
+ "cacheEmpty": "A gyorsítótár üres",
+ "exportedCache": "A gyorsítótár sikeresen exportálva",
+ "valueAlreadyInList": "Ez az érték már szerepel a listában",
+ "noColumnsToUpdate": "Nincs frissítendő mező",
+ "tableDeleted": "Tábla sikeresen törölve",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Az elrendezés sikeresen törölve",
+ "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Nyilvánosan megosztható csak olvasható alap létrehozása",
+ "deleteViewConfirmation": "Biztosan törölni szeretné ezt a nézetet?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Biztosan törölni szeretné ezt az elrendezést?",
+ "deleteTableConfirmation": "Szeretné törölni a táblát",
+ "showM2mTables": "M2M táblák megjelenítése",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "A sok-sok kapcsolatok támogatottak egy kapcsolótábla segítségével, és alapértelmezés szerint el vannak rejtve. Engedélyezze ezt az opciót, hogy megjelenítse az összes ilyen táblát a meglévőkkel együtt.",
+ "showNullInCells": "NULL megjelenítése a cellákban",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "'NULL' címke megjelenítése azokban a cellákban, amelyeken NULL érték van. Ez segít megkülönböztetni azokat a cellákat, amelyekben ÜRES karakterlánc van.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "NULL és ÜRES megjelenítése a szűrőben",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Engedélyezze a 'további' szűrőket, hogy megkülönböztesse a NULL és az üres karakterláncokat tartalmazó mezőket. Az alapértelmezett üres támogatás mind a NULL, mind az üres karakterláncokat hasonlóan kezeli.",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Ennek a kötegnek a törlése eltávolítja a kiválasztott opciót `{stackToBeDeleted}` a `{groupingField}`-ből is. A rekordok az osztályozatlan kötegbe kerülnek át.",
+ "computedFieldEditWarning": "a tartalom csak olvasható",
+ "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "a tartalom csak olvasható",
+ "noMoreRecords": "Nincs több rekord",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "A token neve nem lehet üres",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "A token neve nem lehet több mint 255 karakter",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Az adatbázis neve szükséges",
"wsNameRequired": "Munkaterület neve szükséges",
"wsNameMinLength": "Munkaterület neve legalább 3 karakter hosszú kell legyen",
"wsNameMaxLength": "Munkaterület neve legfeljebb 50 karakter hosszú lehet",
"wsDeleteDlg": "Munkaterület törlése az összes tartalommal együtt.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "userConfirmation": "Megértem, hogy ez a művelet visszafordíthatatlan",
+ "pageNotFound": "Az oldal nem található",
+ "makeLineBreak": "sorváltáshoz",
+ "goToPrevious": "Ugrás az előzőre",
+ "goToNext": "Ugrás a következőre",
+ "thankYou": "Köszönöm!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Az űrlap adatainak sikeres beküldése megtörtént.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "A rendszerkulcs szerkesztése nem támogatott",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Jelenleg nem érhető el",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Csoportos beillesztési művelet nem támogatott a Linkek/LinkToAnotherRecord oszlopban",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Csoportos törlési művelet nem támogatott a Linkek/LinkToAnotherRecord oszlopban",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Frissíts Enterprise Editionre {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Ez a funkció csak az üzleti kiadásban elérhető",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Jelenlegi szerepköröd",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Kérj magasabb jogosultságot az adminisztrátortól / Bázis tulajdonostól / Munkaterület tulajdonostól, hogy hozzáférhess ehhez a {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Nem rejtheted el az összes opciót, ha a mező kötelező"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
- "searchProject": "Your search for {search} found no results",
- "invalidChar": "Invalid character in folder path.",
- "invalidDbCredentials": "Invalid database credentials.",
- "unableToConnectToDb": "Unable to connect to database, please check your database is up.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
- "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "User does not exist or have sufficient permission to create schema.",
- "dbConnectionStatus": "Invalid database parameters",
- "dbConnectionFailed": "Connection Failure:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "A kézi horgokat nem lehet letiltani",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Hiba a rekordadatok betöltése közben",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Hiba a naptár adatok lekérésekor",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Hiba az aktív dátumok lekérésekor",
+ "scopesRequired": "Kívánt tartományok szükségesek",
+ "domainRequired": "A domain név megadása kötelező",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Hitelesítési URL szükséges",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Felhasználónév attribútum szükséges",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Ügyfél ID szükséges",
+ "issuerRequired": "Kibocsátó szükséges",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Ügyfél titok szükséges",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL szükséges",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL szükséges",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL szükséges",
+ "eitherXML": "Vagy az xml vagy a metaadat url szükséges",
+ "nameRequired": "Név megadása kötelező",
+ "nameMinLength": "A név legalább 2 karakter hosszú kell legyen",
+ "nameMaxLength": "A név legfeljebb 60 karakter hosszú lehet",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Nézet neve szükséges",
+ "domainNameRequired": "A domain név megadása kötelező",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "A név legfeljebb 256 karakter hosszú lehet",
+ "viewNameUnique": "A nézet neve egyedi kell legyen",
+ "searchProject": "A(z) {search} keresése nem hozott eredményt",
+ "invalidChar": "Érvénytelen karakter a mappa elérési útjában.",
+ "invalidDbCredentials": "Érvénytelen adatbázis hitelesítési adatok.",
+ "unableToConnectToDb": "Nem sikerült csatlakozni az adatbázishoz, ellenőrizze, hogy az adatbázis működik-e.",
+ "invalidYear": "Érvénytelen év",
+ "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "A felhasználó nem létezik, vagy nincs elegendő jogosultság a sémalétrehozáshoz.",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "Érvénytelen adatbázis paraméterek",
+ "dbConnectionFailed": "Csatlakozási hiba:",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Nulla szűrő létezik. Kérem távolítsa el őket",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
- "emailInvalid": "Email must be valid",
- "passwdRequired": "Password is required",
- "passwdLength": "You password must be atleast 8 characters",
- "passwdMismatch": "Passwords do not match",
- "completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character",
- "atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters",
- "atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter",
- "atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
- "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
- "allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "emailRequired": "Email megadása kötelező",
+ "emailInvalid": "Az email cím érvényes kell legyen",
+ "passwdRequired": "A jelszó megadása kötelező",
+ "passwdLength": "A jelszónak legalább 8 karakter hosszúnak kell lennie",
+ "passwdMismatch": "A jelszavak nem egyeznek",
+ "completeRuleSet": "Legalább 8 karakter egy nagybetűvel, egy számmal és egy különleges karakterrel",
+ "atLeast8Char": "Legalább 8 karakter",
+ "atLeastOneUppercase": "Egy nagybetű",
+ "atLeastOneNumber": "Egy szám",
+ "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Egy különleges karakter",
+ "allowedSpecialCharList": "Engedélyezett különleges karakterek listája",
+ "invalidEmails": "Érvénytelen email címek",
+ "invalidEmail": "Érvénytelen e-mail"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
- "invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
- "internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
- "templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
- "fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
- "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary field",
- "formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description",
- "columnsRequired": "Following fields are required",
- "selectAtleastOneColumn": "At least one field has to be selected",
- "columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination field for",
- "duplicateMappingFound": "Duplicate mapping found, please remove one of the mapping",
- "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null value violates not-null constraint",
- "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Source data contains some invalid numbers",
- "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Source data contains some invalid boolean values",
- "invalidForm": "Invalid Form",
- "formValidationFailed": "Form validation failed",
- "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "You have been signed out",
- "failedToLoadList": "Failed to load list",
- "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Failed to load children list",
- "deleteFailed": "Delete failed",
- "unlinkFailed": "Unlink failed",
- "rowUpdateFailed": "Record update failed",
- "deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete record",
- "setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data",
- "formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view",
- "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
- "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
- "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
- "columnNameRequired": "Field name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
- "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of field name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
- "requiredField": "Required field",
- "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
- "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
- "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
- "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
- "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
- "projectNotAccessible": "Base not accessible",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "invalidXml": "Érvénytelen XML",
+ "invalidURL": "Érvénytelen URL",
+ "invalidEmail": "Érvénytelen email",
+ "internalError": "Valamilyen belső hiba történt",
+ "templateGeneratorNotFound": "A sablongenerátor nem található!",
+ "fileUploadFailed": "Nem sikerült feltölteni a fájlt",
+ "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Az elsődleges mező frissítése nem sikerült",
+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "Adat túl hosszú az űrlap leíráshoz",
+ "columnsRequired": "Az alábbi mezők megadása kötelező",
+ "selectAtleastOneColumn": "Legalább egy mezőt ki kell választani",
+ "columnDescriptionNotFound": "Nem található a célmező a következőhöz",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "Kettős leképezés található, kérjük, távolítson el egyet a leképezésből",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null érték megsérti a nem-null megkötést",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "A forrásadatok néhány érvénytelen számot tartalmaznak",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "A forrásadatok néhány érvénytelen logikai értéket tartalmaznak",
+ "invalidForm": "Érvénytelen űrlap",
+ "formValidationFailed": "Az űrlap érvényesítése nem sikerült",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "Ki lett jelentkeztetve",
+ "failedToLoadList": "Nem sikerült betölteni a listát",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Nem sikerült betölteni a gyermek listát",
+ "deleteFailed": "A törlés nem sikerült",
+ "unlinkFailed": "A kapcsolat megszüntetése nem sikerült",
+ "rowUpdateFailed": "Rekord frissítése nem sikerült",
+ "deleteRowFailed": "Rekord törlése nem sikerült",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "Nem sikerült beállítani az űrlap adatokat",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "Az űrlap nézet frissítése nem sikerült",
+ "tableNameRequired": "A tábla neve kötelező",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "A névnek egy betűvel vagy _ jellel kell kezdődnie",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Az alábbi karakterek nem engedélyezettek",
+ "columnNameRequired": "Mezőnév megadása kötelező",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Duplikált mezőnév",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "A név már használatban van a rendszermezőhöz",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI adattípus megadása kötelező",
+ "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "A mezőnév hossza meghaladja a megengedett {value} karaktert",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} név meghaladja az 50 karaktert",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} név nem kezdődhet szóközzel",
+ "requiredField": "Kötelező mező",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP nem engedélyezett",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "A célfájl nem támogatott fájltípus",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "A támogatott fájltípus a .csv",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "A támogatott fájltípusok a .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "A paraméterkulcs nem lehet üres",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Ismétlődő paraméterkulcsok nem engedélyezettek",
+ "fieldRequired": "Ez a mező nem lehet üres.",
+ "projectNotAccessible": "Bázis nem érhető el",
+ "copyToClipboardError": "Nem sikerült a vágólapra másolás",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Nem sikerült a vágólapból beilleszteni",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Kérjük, fejezze be az összes mező konfigurációját mentés előtt",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Valami elromlott",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "A húzott tartalom nem kép típusú",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Mező kép adatok elemzésére",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Néhány szükséges mező üresen maradt"
"toast": {
- "exportMetadata": "Base metadata exported successfully",
- "importMetadata": "Base metadata imported successfully",
- "clearMetadata": "Base metadata cleared successfully",
- "stopProject": "Base stopped successfully",
- "startProject": "Base started successfully",
- "restartProject": "Base restarted successfully",
- "deleteProject": "Base deleted successfully",
- "authToken": "Auth token copied to clipboard",
- "projInfo": "Copied base info to clipboard",
- "inviteUrlCopy": "Copied Invite URL to clipboard",
- "createView": "View created successfully",
- "formEmailSMTP": "Please activate SMTP plugin in App store for enabling email notification",
- "collabView": "Successfully Switched to collaborative view",
- "lockedView": "Successfully Switched to locked view",
- "futureRelease": "Coming soon!"
+ "exportMetadata": "Bázis metaadatai sikeresen exportálva",
+ "importMetadata": "Bázis metaadatai sikeresen importálva",
+ "clearMetadata": "Bázis metaadatai sikeresen törölve",
+ "stopProject": "Bázis sikeresen leállítva",
+ "startProject": "Bázis sikeresen elindítva",
+ "restartProject": "Bázis sikeresen újraindítva",
+ "deleteProject": "Bázis sikeresen törölve",
+ "authToken": "Hitelesítési token átmásolva a vágólapra",
+ "projInfo": "Bázis információi átmásolva a vágólapra",
+ "inviteUrlCopy": "Meghívó URL átmásolva a vágólapra",
+ "createView": "Nézet sikeresen létrehozva",
+ "formEmailSMTP": "Kérjük, aktiválja az SMTP bővítményt az App Store-ban az e-mail értesítések engedélyezéséhez",
+ "collabView": "Sikeresen váltott együttműködési nézetre",
+ "lockedView": "Sikeresen váltott zárolt nézetre",
+ "futureRelease": "Hamarosan!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
- "columnDuplicated": "Field duplicated successfully",
- "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Record duplicated (not saved)",
- "updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Licence kulcs frissítve",
+ "columnDuplicated": "Mező sikeresen duplikálva",
+ "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Rekord duplikálva (még nincs mentve)",
+ "updatedUIACL": "UI ACL sikeresen frissítve a táblákhoz",
"pluginUninstalled": "Configuration reset successfully",
- "pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
- "pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
- "tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
- "viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
- "primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary field",
- "tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
- "updated": "Successfully updated",
- "sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
- "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
- "viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
- "tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
- "tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
- "userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to base",
- "userAdded": "Successfully added user",
- "userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from base",
- "inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
- "inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
- "shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
- "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
- "userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
- "tableDataImported": "Successfully imported table data",
- "webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully",
- "webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully",
- "webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully",
- "columnUpdated": "Field updated",
- "columnCreated": "Field created",
- "passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
- "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
- "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "pluginSettingsSaved": "A bővítmény beállításai sikeresen mentve",
+ "pluginTested": "A bővítmény beállításai sikeresen tesztelve",
+ "tableRenamed": "A tábla sikeresen átnevezve",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Elrendezés sikeresen átnevezve",
+ "viewDeleted": "A nézet sikeresen törölve",
+ "primaryColumnUpdated": "Sikeresen elsődleges mezőként frissítve",
+ "tableDataExported": "Minden tábla adatainak sikeres exportálása",
+ "updated": "Sikeresen frissítve",
+ "sharedViewDeleted": "Megosztott nézet sikeresen törölve",
+ "userDeleted": "Felhasználó sikeresen törölve",
+ "viewRenamed": "A nézet sikeresen átnevezve",
+ "tokenGenerated": "Token sikeresen generálva",
+ "tokenDeleted": "Token sikeresen törölve",
+ "userAddedToProject": "Felhasználó sikeresen hozzáadva a bázishoz",
+ "userAdded": "Felhasználó sikeresen hozzáadva",
+ "userDeletedFromProject": "Felhasználó sikeresen törölve a bázisból",
+ "inviteEmailSent": "Invitation Email sikeresen elküldve",
+ "inviteURLCopied": "Meghívó URL átmásolva a vágólapra",
+ "commentCopied": "Megjegyzés a vágólapra másolva",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "Jelszó visszaállítás URL vágólapra másolva",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "A megosztható alap URL másolva a vágólapra!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Beágyazható HTML kód másolva!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "A felhasználó adatai sikeresen frissítve",
+ "tableDataImported": "Tábla adatai sikeresen importálva",
+ "webhookUpdated": "Webhook részletei sikeresen frissítve",
+ "webhookDeleted": "Webhook sikeresen törölve",
+ "webhookTested": "Webhook sikeresen tesztelve",
+ "columnUpdated": "Mező frissítve",
+ "columnCreated": "Mező létrehozva",
+ "passwordChanged": "Jelszó sikeresen megváltoztatva. Kérjük, jelentkezzen be újra.",
+ "settingsSaved": "Beállítások sikeresen elmentve",
+ "roleUpdated": "Szerepkör sikeresen frissítve",
+ "connectionAdded": "Az integráció sikeresen csatlakoztatva",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Mostantól az alap tulajdonosok és készítők hozzáadhatnak adatforrást anélkül, hogy újra beírnák a hitelesítő adatokat."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/id.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/id.json
index 9b5ef20b20..9577507671 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/id.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/id.json
@@ -39,71 +39,72 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
+ "sum": "Jumlah",
+ "count": "Hitung",
+ "min": "Minimal",
+ "max": "Maksimal",
+ "avg": "Rata-rata",
"median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "std_dev": "Deviasi standar",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Rentang",
+ "percent_empty": "Kosong",
+ "percent_filled": "Terisi",
+ "percent_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_empty": "Kosong",
+ "count_filled": "Terisi",
+ "earliest_date": "Tanggal minimal",
+ "latest_date": "Tanggal maksimal",
+ "date_range": "Rentang tanggal",
+ "month_range": "Rentang bulan",
+ "checked": "Ditandai",
+ "unchecked": "Tidak ditandai",
+ "percent_checked": "Ditandai",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Tidak ditandai",
+ "attachment_size": "Ukuran",
+ "none": "Tidak ada"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
+ "sum": "Jumlah",
+ "count": "Hitung",
+ "min": "Minimal",
+ "max": "Maksimal",
+ "avg": "Rata-rata",
"median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "std_dev": "Deviasi Standar",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Rentang",
+ "percent_empty": "Persen Kosong",
+ "percent_filled": "Persen Terisi",
+ "percent_unique": "Persen Unik",
+ "count_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_empty": "Kosong",
+ "count_filled": "Terisi",
+ "earliest_date": "Tanggal Teringkat Awal",
+ "latest_date": "Tanggal Terakhir",
+ "date_range": "Rentang Tanggal",
+ "month_range": "Rentang Bulan",
+ "checked": "Ditandai",
+ "unchecked": "Tidak Ditandai",
+ "percent_checked": "Persen Ditandai",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Persen Tidak Ditandai",
+ "attachment_size": "Ukuran Lampiran",
+ "none": "Tidak Ada"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
+ "scripts": "Skrip",
+ "configure": "Konfigurasikan",
+ "switch": "Beralih",
+ "on": "Hidup",
+ "onMultiple": "Pada Beberapa",
"manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "trigger": "Pemicu",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
+ "style": "Gaya",
"label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
+ "role": "Peran",
+ "general": "Umum",
"quit": "Keluar",
"home": "Rumah",
"load": "Memuat",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Kode",
"duplicate": "Duplikat",
"duplicating": "Menduplikasi",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Duplikat {entity}",
"activate": "Aktifkan",
"action": "Tindakan",
"insert": "Memasukkan",
@@ -162,11 +163,11 @@
"bulkUpdate": "Pembaruan Massal",
"deleting": "Menghapus",
"update": "Memperbarui",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Memperbarui",
"rename": "Ganti nama",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Ganti nama {entity}",
"reload": "Reload.",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Segarkan",
"reset": "Mengatur ulang",
"install": "Memasang",
"show": "Menunjukkan",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "Konfirmasi",
"generate": "Menghasilkan",
"copy": "Salin",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Disalin",
"are": "adalah",
"misc": "Lain-lain",
"lock": "Kunci",
@@ -224,19 +225,19 @@
"betaNote": "Fitur ini saat ini dalam versi beta.",
"moreInfo": "Informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di sini",
"logs": "Log",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "groupingField": "Tumpukan menurut bidang",
+ "insertAfter": "Masukkan di kanan",
+ "insertBefore": "Masukkan di kiri",
"insertAbove": "Sisipkan di atas",
"insertBelow": "Masukkan di bawah ini",
"hideField": "Sembunyikan Bidang",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Tampilkan kolom",
"sortAsc": "Urutkan Menaik",
"sortDesc": "Urutkan Menurun",
"move": "Pindah",
"geoDataField": "Bidang GeoData",
"type": "Jenis",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "Sub-Tipe",
"name": "Nama",
"changes": "Perubahan",
"new": "Baru",
@@ -265,40 +266,40 @@
"seconds": "Detik",
"paste": "Tempel",
"restore": "Pulihkan",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "replace": "Ganti",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logo",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
+ "list": "Daftar",
+ "verify": "Verifikasi",
+ "apply": "Terapkan",
+ "text": "Teks",
+ "appearance": "Tampilan",
+ "now": "Sekarang",
+ "set": "Atur",
"format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "colour": "Warna",
+ "use": "Gunakan",
+ "stack": "Tumpukan",
+ "ipAddress": "Alamat IP",
+ "integration": "Integrasi",
+ "integrations": "Integrasi-integrasi",
+ "connection": "Koneksi",
+ "connections": "Koneksi-koneksi",
+ "private": "Pribadi",
+ "request": "Permintaan",
+ "languages": "Bahasa",
+ "extension": "Ekstensi",
+ "extensions": "Ekstensi"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
+ "files": "file",
+ "owner": "Pemilik",
+ "member": "Anggota",
+ "day": "Hari",
+ "week": "Minggu",
+ "month": "Bulan",
+ "year": "Tahun",
"workspace": "Ruang Kerja",
"workspaces": "Ruang kerja",
"project": "Proyek",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Bidang",
"column": "Kolom",
"columns": "Kolom.",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Sel",
+ "cells": "Sel-sel",
"page": "Halaman",
"pages": "Halaman",
"record": "Catatan",
@@ -341,21 +342,21 @@
"viewer": "Penonton",
"noaccess": "Tidak ada akses",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Pemilik Tingkat Organisasi",
"orgLevelCreator": "Pembuat Tingkat Organisasi",
"orgLevelViewer": "Penampil Tingkat Organisasi"
"sqlVIew": "Tampilan SQL",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Tinggi Catatan",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "Pendek",
+ "medium": "Sedang",
+ "tall": "Tinggi",
+ "extra": "Ekstra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Database Eksternal",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Nomor-nomor Apple",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Semua Integrasi",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Hubungkan dan kelola database Anda dengan NocoDB dengan lancar.",
+ "communication": "Komunikasi",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Dapatkan pemberitahuan tentang perubahan dan alirkan komunikasi tim dengan NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Manajemen Proyek",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Tingkatkan alur kerja proyek dan manajemen tugas dengan NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimalkan manajemen hubungan pelanggan melalui integrasi NocoDB.",
+ "marketing": "Pemasaran",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Tingkatkan upaya pemasaran Anda dengan integrasi kuat NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Permudah sistem pelacakan pelamar Anda dengan NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Pengembangan",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Percepat proses pengembangan dengan integrasi NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Keuangan",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Permudah operasi keuangan dan manajemen data dengan NocoDB.",
"ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Kelola dan lacak tiket dukungan dengan efisien menggunakan NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrasikan dan atur solusi penyimpanan Anda dengan lancar menggunakan NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Lainnya",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Temukan integrasi tambahan serbaguna untuk meningkatkan pengalaman NocoDB Anda.",
"ai": "AI",
"spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Hubungkan dan kelola spreadsheet Anda dengan NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "bukan null."
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Cari webhook",
+ "webcam": "Kamera Web",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Unggah melalui URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
+ "renameBase": "Ganti Nama Proyek",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Ganti Nama Ruang Kerja",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Mengganti Nama Ruang Kerja",
+ "renamingBase": "Mengganti Nama Proyek",
+ "sso": "Autentikasi (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumen",
"forum": "Forum",
"parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "headers": "Header",
+ "parameterName": "Nama Parameter",
+ "currencyLocale": "Lokal Mata Uang",
+ "currencyCode": "Kode Mata Uang",
+ "searchMembers": "Cari anggota",
+ "noMembersFound": "Tidak ditemukan anggota",
+ "dateJoined": "Tanggal Bergabung",
+ "tokenName": "Nama Token",
+ "inDesktop": "di Desktop",
+ "rowData": "Data Catatan",
+ "creator": "Pencipta",
+ "qrCode": "Kode QR",
+ "termsOfService": "Syarat Layanan",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Perbarui Catatan Terpilih",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Tidak ada filter yang ditambahkan",
+ "editCards": "Edit Kartu",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Tidak ditemukan bidang",
+ "displayValue": "Tampilkan Nilai",
+ "expand": "Perluas",
+ "hideAll": "Sembunyikan Semua",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Sembunyikan bidang sistem",
+ "removeFile": "Hapus File",
+ "hasMany": "Memiliki Banyak",
+ "manyToMany": "Banyak ke Banyak",
+ "oneToOne": "Satu ke Satu",
+ "virtualRelation": "Relasi Virtual",
+ "linkMore": "Tautkan Lebih Banyak",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Tautkan lebih banyak rekaman",
+ "linkRecords": "Hubungkan Rekam",
+ "downloadFile": "Unduh File",
+ "renameTable": "Ganti Nama Tabel",
+ "renamingTable": "Mengganti Nama Tabel",
+ "renamingWs": "Mengganti Nama Ruang Kerja",
+ "renameWs": "Ganti Nama Ruang Kerja",
+ "deleteWs": "Hapus Ruang Kerja",
+ "deletingWs": "Menghapus Ruang Kerja",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Salin Token Auth",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Token Auth Tersalin",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Salin Token Undangan",
+ "showSidebar": "Tampilkan Sidebar",
+ "hideSidebar": "Sembunyikan Sidebar",
+ "creatingTable": "Membuat Tabel",
"erdView": "Tampilan ERD",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "Sumber Data Baru",
"newProj": "Proyek baru",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Buat Proyek",
"myProject": "Proyek saya",
"formTitle": "Bentuk judul",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Kolaboratif",
+ "locked": "Terkunci",
+ "personal": "Pribadi",
"appStore": "Toko aplikasi",
"teamAndAuth": "Tim & AUTH.",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Manajemen Peran & Pengguna",
"userMgmt": "Manajemen Pengguna",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "Token API",
"apiTokenMgmt": "API Token Management.",
"rolesMgmt": "Manajemen peran.",
"projMeta": "Metadata proyek",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Hasilkan Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "API & Dukungan",
"helpCenter": "Pusat bantuan",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Tidak Ada Label",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Dokumentasi Kesombongan",
"quickImportFrom": "Impor Cepat Dari",
"quickImport": "Impor Cepat",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Impor Cepat - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Impor Cepat - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Impor Cepat - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Impor Cepat - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "Editor JSON",
+ "comingSoon": "Segera akan datang",
"advancedSettings": "Pengaturan Lanjutan",
"codeSnippet": "Cuplikan Kode",
"keyboardShortcut": "Pintasan Papan Ketik",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "generateRandomName": "Generate Nama Acak",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "Manajemen Token",
+ "addNewToken": "Tambahkan Token Baru",
+ "createNewToken": "Buat token baru",
+ "accountSettings": "Pengaturan Akun",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Atur Ulang Kata Sandi",
+ "tokens": "Token",
+ "userManagement": "Manajemen Pengguna",
+ "accountManagement": "Manajemen Akun",
+ "licence": "Lisensi",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Izinkan Semua Jenis Mime",
+ "defaultView": "Tampilan Default",
+ "relations": "Relasi",
+ "switchLanguage": "Ganti Bahasa",
+ "renameFile": "Ganti Nama File",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Tidak Ada Tindakan",
+ "cascade": "Riam",
+ "restrict": "Membatasi",
+ "setNull": "Atur NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Set standar"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Pilih bidang dari panel kanan untuk ditambahkan ke sini",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Tidak ada opsi ditemukan",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Anda yakin ingin mengirim formulir ini?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Sepertinya tumpukan ini tidak memiliki catatan",
+ "fromScratch": "Dari awal",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Dari file & sumber eksternal",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Langsung dalam waktu nyata",
+ "categories": "Kategori",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Bidang tidak dapat diakses",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Tidak ada kondisi yang ditambahkan"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Dimodifikasi pada",
+ "configuration": "Konfigurasi",
+ "setup": "Pengaturan",
+ "configLabel": "Konfigurasi {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Beralih ke basis data aplikasi siap produksi",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
+ "fieldID": "ID Bidang",
+ "addDescription": "Tambahkan deskripsi",
+ "editDescription": "Edit deskripsi",
+ "urlFormula": "Rumus URL",
"selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--pilih webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Buka URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Jalankan Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Saat diklik",
+ "defaultView": "Tampilan default",
+ "recordInsert": "Penyisipan Rekor",
+ "recordUpdate": "Perbarui Rekor",
+ "recordDelete": "Hapus Rekor",
+ "supportDocs": "Dokumen Dukungan",
+ "addedOn": "Ditambahkan pada",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Ubah kolom nilai tampilan",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Pilih kolom nilai tampilan",
+ "changeTitleField": "Ubah kolom judul",
+ "clearAll": "Bersihkan semua",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Bidang lookup menampilkan data dari catatan terkait. Pilih kolom spesifik dari ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabel untuk menambahkannya sebagai bidang lookup dalam tabel ini.",
+ "formatting": "Pemformatan",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Pilih jenis format (opsional)- -",
+ "formatType": "Jenis format",
+ "toUpload": "untuk mengunggah",
+ "dragFilesHere": "seret berkas ke sini",
+ "browseFiles": "cari berkas",
+ "clickTo": "Klik untuk",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Mohon izinkan akses ke kamera Anda",
+ "openFile": "Buka berkas",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Masukkan URL yang valid untuk mengunggah berkas",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Tambahkan berkas dari URL",
+ "uploading": "Mengunggah",
+ "dropHere": "Jatuhkan di sini",
+ "addMore": "Tambah lagi",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Bersihkan semua berkas",
+ "integration": "Integrasi",
+ "notRecommended": "Tidak direkomendasikan",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "selectView": "Pilih Tampilan",
+ "connectionDetails": "Detail Koneksi Sumber",
+ "metaSync": "Sinkronisasi Meta",
+ "mention": "Sebutkan",
+ "today": "Hari ini",
+ "currentDate": "Tanggal saat ini",
+ "workspace": "Ruang Kerja",
+ "txt": "Nilai Rekaman TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "Alihkan Kepemilikan",
+ "recentActivity": "Aktivitas terbaru",
+ "goToMembers": "Pergi ke Anggota",
+ "addMember": "Tambahkan Anggota",
+ "numberOfMembers": "No. Anggota",
+ "numberOfBases": "No. Proyek",
+ "numberOfRecords": "No. Catatan",
+ "workspaceName": "Nama Ruang Kerja",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Ruang Kerja tanpa Pemilik",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Undang Pengguna ke Ruang Kerja",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-pilih ruang kerja untuk mengundang-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Tambahkan Anggota ke Organisasi",
+ "memberIn": "Anggota di:",
+ "assignAs": "Tentukan sebagai",
+ "signOutUser": "Keluar pengguna",
+ "signOutUsers": "Keluar pengguna",
+ "deactivateUser": "Nonaktifkan Pengguna",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Nonaktifkan Pengguna",
+ "lastActive": "Terakhir Aktif",
+ "dateAdded": "Tanggal Ditambahkan",
+ "uploadImage": "Unggah Gambar",
+ "organizationProfile": "Profil Organisasi",
+ "organizationImage": "Gambar Organisasi",
+ "organizationName": "Nama Organisasi",
+ "activeDomains": "Domain Aktif",
+ "domains": "Domain",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Nonaktifkan Berbagi Publik",
+ "shareSettings": "Pengaturan Berbagi",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Hapus Pengguna dan datanya",
+ "userOptions": "Opsi Pengguna",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Hapus Organisasi ini",
+ "dangerZone": "Zona Bahaya",
+ "childView": "Tampilan Anak",
+ "selectYear": "Pilih Tahun",
+ "save": "Simpan",
+ "cancel": "Batal",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL Metadata",
+ "audience-entityId": "ID Audiens/ Entitas",
+ "redirectUrl": "URL Pengalihan",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
+ "newProvider": "Penyedia Baru",
+ "generalSettings": "Pengaturan Umum",
+ "adminPanel": "Panel Admin",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Pindahkan Ruang Kerja ke Organisasi",
+ "ssoSettings": "Pengaturan SSO",
+ "addDomain": "Tambahkan Domain",
"domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
+ "settings": "Pengaturan",
+ "workspaces": "Ruang kerja",
+ "back": "Kembali",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "organizeBy": "Atur berdasarkan",
+ "previous": "Sebelumnya",
+ "nextMonth": "Bulan Berikutnya",
+ "previousMonth": "Bulan Sebelumnya",
+ "next": "Berikutnya",
+ "organiseBy": "Atur menurut",
+ "heading1": "Judul 1",
+ "heading2": "Judul 2",
+ "heading3": "Judul 3",
+ "bold": "Tebal",
+ "italic": "Miring",
+ "underline": "Garis Bawah",
+ "strike": "Coret",
+ "taskList": "Daftar Tugas",
+ "bulletList": "Daftar Berbutir",
+ "numberedList": "Daftar Bernomor",
+ "downloadData": "Unduh Data",
+ "blockQuote": "Kutipan Blok",
+ "noToken": "Tidak Ada Token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Hanya satu token per pengguna yang diizinkan",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "File dengan nama {filename} sudah terlampir",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID TABEL: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "ID TAMPILAN: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Ke Alamat",
+ "subject": "Subjek",
+ "body": "Badan",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Dipisahkan Koma Nomor Mobile #",
+ "headerName": "Nama Header",
+ "icon": "Ikon",
+ "max": "Maksimal",
+ "enableRichText": "Aktifkan teks kaya",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "URL Rekaman Tersalin",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Salin URL Rekaman",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Duplikat rekaman",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Format enkoding biner",
+ "syntax": "Sintaks",
+ "examples": "Contoh",
+ "durationInfo": "Durasi waktu dalam menit atau detik (mis. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Tambahkan Header",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Masukkan URL default (Opsional)",
+ "negative": "Negatif",
+ "discard": "Membuang",
+ "default": "Bawaan",
"defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
+ "durationFormat": "Format Durasi",
+ "dateFormat": "Format Tanggal",
+ "timeFormat": "Format Waktu",
+ "singularLabel": "Label Tunggal",
+ "pluralLabel": "Label Jamak",
+ "selectDateField": "Pilih bidang tanggal",
+ "endDateField": "Bidang tanggal akhir",
+ "optional": "(Opsional)",
+ "clickToMake": "Klik untuk membuat",
+ "visibleForRole": "terlihat untuk peran:",
+ "inUI": "di UI Dashboard",
+ "projectSettings": "Pengaturan Dasar",
+ "clickToHide": "Klik untuk menyembunyikan",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klik untuk mengunduh",
+ "forRole": "untuk peran",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Klik untuk menyalin ID Tabel",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klik untuk menyalin View ID",
+ "viewMode": "Mode tampilan",
+ "searchUsers": "Cari Pengguna",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "allTables": "Semua Tabel",
+ "members": "Anggota",
+ "dataSources": "Sumber Data",
+ "connectDataSource": "Hubungkan Data Eksternal",
+ "searchProjects": "Cari Proyek",
"createdBy": "Dibuat oleh",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Melihat Lampiran dari",
+ "readOnly": "Hanya-baca",
+ "createdOn": "Dibuat Pada",
"notifyVia": "Beri tahu VIA.",
"projName": "Nama Proyek",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "accountDetails": "Detail Akun",
+ "controlAppearance": "Kendalikan Penampilan Anda.",
+ "accountEmailID": "ID Email Akun",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Kembali ke Ruang Kerja",
+ "untitledToken": "Token tanpa judul",
"tableName": "Nama meja",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Nama Dasbor",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Membuat Tampilan",
+ "duplicateView": "Duplikat tampilan",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Duplikasi Tampilan Grid",
+ "createGridView": "Buat Tampilan Grid",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplikasi Tampilan Galeri",
+ "createGalleryView": "Buat Tampilan Galeri",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Duplikasi Tampilan Formulir",
+ "createFormView": "Buat Tampilan Formulir",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplikasi Tampilan Kanban",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplikat Tampilan Kalender",
+ "createKanbanView": "Buat Tampilan Kanban",
+ "createCalendarView": "Buat tampilan kalender",
"viewName": "Lihat nama",
"viewLink": "Lihat Tautan",
"columnName": "Nama kolom",
@@ -838,9 +841,9 @@
"lengthValue": "Panjang / Nilai",
"dbType": "DATABASE TYPE.",
"servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "sqliteFile": "Jalur file SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Alamat Tuan Rumah",
+ "port": "Nomor port",
"username": "Nama pengguna",
"password": "Kata sandi",
"schemaName": "Nama skema",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Tindakan",
"actions": "Tindakan",
"operation": "Operasi",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Sub Operasi",
"operationType": "Jenis operasi",
"operationSubType": "SUB-tipe operasi",
"description": "Keterangan",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Di mana",
"cache": "Cache",
"chat": "Mengobrol",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Tampilkan atau Sembunyikan",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "File CSV",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "File JSON",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "Surel",
@@ -873,13 +876,13 @@
"created": "Dibuat.",
"sqlOutput": "Keluaran SQL",
"addOption": "Tambahkan opsi",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Warna Antarmuka",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Kolom dengan nilai kode QR",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Kolom dengan nilai Barcode",
"barcodeFormat": "Format kode batang",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Terlalu banyak karakter untuk kode QR",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Terlalu banyak karakter untuk barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "currentLocation": "Lokasi Saat Ini",
"lng": "Lng",
"lat": "Lat",
"aggregateFunction": "Fungsi agregat.",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Bergabunglah dengan Komunitas NocoDB",
"joinReddit": "Bergabunglah /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Ikuti NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Diterjemahkan oleh Komunitas/AI)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Referensi Dokumen",
"selectUserRole": "Pilih Peran Pengguna",
"childTable": "Tabel Anak",
"childColumn": "Kolom anak.",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Kolom anak",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Gabung Cloud Gratis",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Tautan ke catatan lain",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Tautan",
"onUpdate": "Pada pembaruan",
"onDelete": "Hapus",
"account": "Akun",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Tema Khusus",
"requestDataSource": "Meminta sumber data yang Anda butuhkan?",
"apiKey": "Kunci API",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
- "importData": "Import data",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Token Akses Pribadi",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "URL Basis Bersama",
+ "importData": "Impor data",
"importSecondaryViews": "Impor Tampilan Sekunder",
"importRollupColumns": "Impor Kolom Rollup",
"importLookupColumns": "Impor Kolom Pencarian",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Impor Kolom Lampiran",
"importFormulaColumns": "Kolom Formula Impor",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Impor Pengguna (dengan email)",
"noData": "Tidak ada data",
"goToDashboard": "Buka Dasbor",
"importing": "Mengimpor",
"formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Pilih Jenis Bidang Otomatis",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Gunakan Rekor Pertama sebagai Headers",
"flattenNested": "Ratakan Bersarang",
"downloadAllowed": "Unduh diizinkan",
"weAreHiring": "Kami merekrut!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "memiliki banyak",
"belongsTo": "milik",
"manyToMany": "memiliki hubungan banyak ke banyak",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "memiliki hubungan satu banding satu",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Parameter koneksi tambahan",
"commentsOnly": "Hanya komentar",
"documentation": "Dokumentasi",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Izinkan pendaftaran hanya menggunakan url undangan",
"nextRow": "Baris Berikutnya",
"prevRow": "Baris sebelumnya",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
+ "addRowGrid": "Tambahkan data secara manual dalam tampilan grid",
+ "addRowForm": "Masukkan data melalui formulir",
+ "noAccess": "Tidak ada akses",
+ "restApis": "Rest API",
+ "apis": "API",
"apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "includeData": "Sertakan Data",
+ "includeView": "Sertakan Tampilan",
+ "includeWebhook": "Sertakan Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Perbesar untuk melihat kolom",
+ "embedInSite": "Sematkan tampilan ini dalam situs Anda",
+ "titleRequired": "judul diperlukan.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Nama sumber harus diisi",
+ "changeWsName": "Ubah Nama Ruang Kerja",
+ "pressEnter": "Tekan Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "WebHook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Bidang baru",
+ "saveChanges": "Simpan perubahan",
+ "updatedField": "Bidang diperbarui",
+ "deletedField": "Bidang dihapus",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Konfigurasi tidak lengkap",
+ "selectField": "Pilih bidang",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
+ "backgroundColor": "Warna Latar Belakang",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Sembunyikan Branding NocoDB",
"showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Menampilkan bidang hanya jika persyaratan terpenuhi",
+ "limitOptions": "Batas opsi",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Batasi opsi yang terlihat oleh pengguna dengan memilih opsi yang tersedia",
+ "clearSelection": "Hapus pilihan",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Tampilkan sebagai kemajuan",
+ "relationType": "Jenis hubungan",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Tampilkan pemisah ribuan",
+ "signUpForFree": "Daftar untuk gratis",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Sesuaikan gambar",
+ "coverImageArea": "Tutup area gambar",
+ "syncData": "Sinkronkan data",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Daftarkan layanan yang Anda minati untuk mendapatkan pemberitahuan saat tersedia",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Alihkan ke URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Detail Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "Sembunyikan akhir pekan",
+ "renameBase": "Ganti Nama Dasar",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Ganti Nama Ruang Kerja",
+ "deactivate": "Nonaktifkan",
+ "manageUsers": "Kelola Pengguna",
+ "newWorkspace": "Ruang Kerja Baru",
+ "addDomain": "Tambahkan Domain",
+ "addMembers": "Tambahkan Anggota",
+ "enterEmail": "Masukkan alamat email",
+ "inviteToBase": "Undang ke Proyek",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Undang ke Ruang Kerja",
+ "addMember": "Tambahkan Anggota ke Proyek",
+ "noRange": "Tampilan kalender memerlukan rentang tanggal",
+ "goToToday": "Pergi ke Hari Ini",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Tukar Sidebar",
+ "addEndDate": "Tambahkan tanggal akhir",
+ "withEndDate": "dengan tanggal akhir",
+ "calendar": "Kalender",
+ "viewSettings": "Lihat pengaturan",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Daftarkan Penyedia Identitas OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "Daftarkan Penyedia Identitas SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "Buka di tab baru",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Salin kode IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "Pada Kondisi",
+ "bulkDownload": "Unduhan Massal",
+ "attachFile": "Lampirkan Berkas",
+ "viewAttachment": "Lihat Lampiran",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Klik atau jatuhkan berkas ke dalam sel",
+ "addFiles": "Tambahkan Berkas",
+ "hideInUI": "Sembunyikan di UI",
+ "addBase": "Tambahkan Dasar",
+ "addParameter": "Tambahkan Parameter",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Ajukan Formulir Lain",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Seret dan jatuhkan kolom di sini untuk menambahkan",
+ "editSource": "Edit Sumber Data",
+ "enterText": "Masukkan teks",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Proyek",
+ "showInUI": "Tampilkan di UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Tidak sinkron",
+ "newSource": "Sumber Data Baru",
+ "newWebhook": "Webhook Baru",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Aktifkan Akses Publik",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Apakah Anda ingin menyimpan perubahan ini?",
+ "editingAccess": "Akses pengeditan",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Aktifkan Tampilan Publik",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Batasi akses dengan kata sandi",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Kelola Akses Proyek",
+ "allowDownload": "Izinkan Unduhan",
+ "surveyMode": "Mode Survei",
+ "rtlOrientation": "Orientasi RTL",
+ "useTheme": "Gunakan Tema",
+ "copyLink": "Salin Tautan",
+ "copiedLink": "Tautan Disalin",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Salin tautan undangan",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Tautan undangan disalin",
"copyUrl": "Salin URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Lebih Banyak Warna",
+ "moveProject": "Pindahkan Proyek",
"createProject": "Buat Proyek",
"importProject": "Proyek Impor",
"searchProject": "Cari proyek",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Hapus proyek",
"refreshProject": "Refresh Projects.",
"saveProject": "Simpan proyek",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Simpan & Keluar",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Hapus tumpukan?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Buat dengan menghubungkan
ke basis data eksternal",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Bantu Terjemahkan.",
"account": {
"authToken": "Salin token auth.",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Token Auth Disalin",
"swagger": "Kesombongan: API REST",
"projInfo": "Salin info proyek",
"themes": "Tema"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Saring",
"addFilter": "Tambahkan Filter",
"share": "Membagikan",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Kelompokkan Berdasarkan",
+ "addSubGroup": "Sub Grup Baru",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Bagikan Basis",
"disable": "Nonaktifkan basis bersama",
"enable": "Siapa pun dengan tautannya",
"link": "Tautan dasar bersama"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Undang Tim",
"inviteUser": "Undang Pengguna",
"inviteToken": "Undang token.",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Catatan Tertaut",
+ "addNewLink": "Tambahkan Tautan Baru",
"newUser": "Pengguna baru",
"editUser": "Edit Pengguna",
"deleteUser": "Hapus pengguna dari proyek",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "Rekor sebelumnya",
"copyApiURL": "Salin API URL.",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Buat Dasbor",
+ "createWorkspace": "Buat Ruang Kerja",
"refreshTable": "Tabel Refresh.",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Ganti Nama Tabel",
+ "renameLayout": "Ganti Nama Tata Letak",
+ "deleteTable": "Hapus Tabel",
"addField": "Tambahkan bidang baru ke tabel ini",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Tetapkan sebagai nilai tampilan",
"addRow": "Tambahkan baris baru",
"saveRow": "Hemat Baris",
"saveAndExit": "Simpan & Keluar",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Masukkan baris baru.",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Hapus Baris",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Hapus catatan",
+ "predictColumns": "Prediksi Kolom",
+ "predictFormulas": "Prediksi Rumus",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Hapus baris yang dipilih",
"importExcel": "Impor Excel.",
"importCSV": "Impor CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Buat tampilan",
"shareView": "Bagikan Lihat",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Isi dengan pindai",
"listSharedView": "Daftar Tampilan Bersama",
"ListView": "Tampilan daftar",
"copyView": "Salin Lihat",
"renameView": "Ganti nama tampilan",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Unggah Data",
"deleteView": "Hapus Lihat",
"createGrid": "Buat tampilan grid",
"createGallery": "Buat Tampilan Galeri",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Buka tab baru.",
"iFrame": "Salin kode HTML yang dapat disematkan",
"addWebhook": "Tambahkan WebHook Baru",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Aktifkan Webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "Uji Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Buat Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Salin Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Hapus Webhook",
"newToken": "Tambahkan Token Baru.",
"exportZip": "Ekspor Zip.",
"importZip": "Impor Zip.",
"metaSync": "Sinkronkan sekarang",
"settings": "Pengaturan",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validasi",
"previewAs": "Pratinjau sebagai",
"resetReview": "Reset Pratinjau",
"testDbConn": "Tes Koneksi Basis Data",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Tambahkan Grup Filter",
"linkRecord": "Catatan tautan",
"addNewRecord": "Menambahkan catatan baru",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Catatan baru",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Buat catatan baru",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' berhasil disimpan & ditautkan",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Catatan Dibuat & Ditautkan",
"useConnectionUrl": "Gunakan URL Koneksi",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Beralih komentar menggambar",
"expandRecord": "Perluas Catatan",
"deleteRecord": "Menghapus Catatan",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Lebar penuh",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Keluar dari lebar penuh",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Tandai semua sebagai sudah dibaca",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Hapus Kolom",
+ "addNumber": "Tambahkan Kolom Angka",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Tambahkan Kolom TeksBarisTunggal",
+ "addLongText": "Tambahkan Kolom Teks Panjang",
+ "addOther": "Tambahkan Kolom Lainnya"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Tampilkan Kolom",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Tumpukan Runtuh",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Kecilkan semua",
+ "expandAll": "Perluas semua",
+ "renameStack": "Ubah nama tumpukan",
"deleteStack": "Hapus Tumpukan",
"stackedBy": "Ditumpuk oleh",
"chooseGroupingField": "Pilih Bidang Pengelompokan",
"addOrEditStack": "Tambah / Edit Tumpukan"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Dipetakan Oleh",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Pilih Bidang Pemetaan",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Alihkan Mode Mobile",
+ "startCommenting": "Mulai memberi komentar!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Belum ada komentar!",
+ "clearForm": "Bersihkan Formulir",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Tambahkan Bidang",
+ "selectAllFields": "Pilih semua bidang",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Aktifkan Pengisian Awal",
+ "default": "Bawaan",
+ "locked": "Kunci kolom yang sudah terisi sebagai baca-saja",
+ "hidden": "Sembunyikan kolom yang sudah terisi",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Nilai yang sudah terisi"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Dapatkan Tautan yang Sudah Terisi",
+ "group": "Grup",
+ "goToDocs": "Pergi ke Dokumen",
+ "addCondition": "Tambahkan kondisi",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Tambahkan grup kondisi"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Aktifkan untuk menjadikan koneksi ini pribadi dan tersembunyi dari pembuat lain di ruang kerja ini.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Opsional. Menggunakan database default \"{database}\" jika dibiarkan kosong",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opsional. Menggunakan skema default \"{schema}\" jika dibiarkan kosong.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Pengeditan skema dinonaktifkan untuk sumber data ini.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Tipe data ini tidak diizinkan.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Opsi ini memungkinkan modifikasi skema database, termasuk menambah, mengubah, atau menghapus tabel dan kolom. Gunakan dengan hati-hati, karena perubahan dapat mempengaruhi integritas struktural database Anda.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Opsi ini memungkinkan membuat, memperbarui, atau menghapus catatan dalam tabel database. Ideal untuk pengguna administratif yang perlu mengubah data secara langsung.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Simpan perubahan",
"xcDB": "Buat proyek baru",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Apakah itu datang hitam? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Tambahkan Tabel Baru",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Tambahkan Dashboard baru",
"inviteMore": "Undang lebih banyak pengguna",
"toggleNavDraw": "Toggle Navigation Drawer.",
"reloadApiToken": "Reload API Token.",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Pilih .Key File.",
"clientCert": "Pilih file .cert.",
"clientCA": "Pilih CA File.",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Ubah warna ikon",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Mode formulir dengan satu kolom per halaman",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Gunakan menu edit kolom untuk konversi tipe setelah berkas diimpor",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Peran diwariskan dari workspace",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Segera datang! Klik untuk mengunduh integrasi yang Anda butuhkan di NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Cari ikon",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Pilih saluran Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Pilih saluran Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Pilih saluran Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Pilih saluran Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "Judul Webhook",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Pilih kolom untuk nilai Barcode",
+ "notFoundContent": "Tidak ada Tipe kolom valid yang ditemukan.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Pilih format Barcode",
"projName": "Masukkan nama proyek",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Pilih Kolom Pengelompokan",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Tidak ada Kolom Pilih Tunggal yang ditemukan. Harap buat satu terlebih dahulu.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Pilih bidang gambar sampul",
+ "selectGeoField": "Pilih Kolom GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-tidak terpilih-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Tidak ada Kolom GeoData yang ditemukan. Harap buat satu terlebih dahulu.",
"password": {
"enter": "Masukkan kata sandi",
"current": "Kata sandi saat ini",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Simpan kata sandi",
"confirm": "Konfirmasi password baru"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Pilih kolom untuk nilai Kode QR",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Izinkan angka negatif",
"searchProjectTree": "Cari tabel",
"searchFields": "Cari bidang",
"searchColumn": "Cari kolom {search}",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Saring melalui email",
"filterQuery": "Kueri filter",
"selectField": "Pilih bidang",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Presisi",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Nilai",
+ "key": "Kunci",
+ "createTable": "Buat Tabel Pertama Anda!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Tidak ada Token API yang dibuat",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Undang Tim Anda",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Cari opsi"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Konfigurasi tombol tidak valid",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Konfigurasi bidang tidak valid",
+ "invalidTheme": "Pilih tema yang valid",
+ "invalidColor": "Pilih warna yang valid",
+ "invalidType": "Jenis tombol bisa berupa 'webhook' atau 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Masukkan label tombol yang valid",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Fungsi ini tidak tersedia untuk basis data Anda",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kontrol nama dan tampilan organisasi Anda.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Tambahkan domain perusahaan untuk membatasi akses pengguna yang tidak diinginkan.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Batasi pengguna agar tidak dapat berbagi basis secara publik.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Pilih pengguna untuk dihapus dan dihapus dari seluruh ruang kerja organisasi.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Hapus semua pengguna, basis, dan data yang terkait dengan organisasi ini",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Klik untuk menyalin Id Kolom",
+ "enterPassword": "Masukkan kata sandi",
+ "bySigningUp": "Dengan mendaftar, Anda menyetujui",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Berlangganan buletin mingguan kami",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Memverifikasi Kata Sandi",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Tampilan bersama ini dilindungi",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Data formulir berhasil diserahkan",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Tampilan formulir tidak didukung di ponsel",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Tampilan kalender tidak didukung di ponsel",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Formulir baru akan dimuat setelah {seconds} detik",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Kueri yang dioptimalkan dinonaktifkan",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Kueri yang dioptimalkan diaktifkan",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Kolom pencarian tidak didukung untuk hubungan non-Kebergantungan",
+ "invalidTime": "Waktu Tidak Valid",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Anda tidak memiliki tautan yang didukung untuk {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Catatan tidak dapat ditemukan",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Nomor telepon tidak valid",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Ukuran halaman diubah",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Kesalahan memuat data",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Gunakan variabel konteks",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "badan",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "untuk merujuk rekaman yang sedang dipertimbangkan",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Petunjuk: Gunakan {placeholder1} untuk merujuk kolom, misalnya: {placeholder2}. Untuk lebih lanjut, silakan lihat",
+ "hintEnd": "Rumus.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Tidak ada rumus yang disarankan ditemukan",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Tidak ada kolom yang disarankan ditemukan",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} memerlukan {type} pada posisi {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Tipe numerik diharapkan",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Tipe string diharapkan",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operasi tidak tersedia",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Tidak dapat menyimpan kolom karena rumus tidak valid",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Tidak didukung untuk merujuk kolom {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Tipe {type} diharapkan tetapi ditemukan Tipe {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} memerlukan {requiredArguments} argumen",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} memerlukan minimal {minRequiredArguments} argumen",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} memerlukan maksimal {maxRequiredArguments} argumen",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Fungsi {function} tidak tersedia",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Parameter pertama WEEKDAY() harus memiliki nilai tanggal",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Parameter kedua WEEKDAY() harus memiliki nilai \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\", atau \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Parameter pertama DATEADD() harus memiliki nilai tanggal",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Parameter kedua DATEADD() harus memiliki nilai numerik",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Parameter ketiga DATEADD() harus memiliki nilai \"day\", \"week\", \"month\", atau \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Parameter pertama DATEDIFF() harus memiliki nilai tanggal",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Parameter kedua DATEDIFF() harus memiliki nilai tanggal",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Parameter ketiga DATETIME_DIFF() harus memiliki nilai \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", atau \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Kolom {columnName} tidak tersedia",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Tidak dapat menyimpan kolom karena menyebabkan referensi sirkulasi",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Kolom {columnName} dengan tipe {columnType} ditemukan tetapi tipe {expectedType} diharapkan",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} tidak cocok dengan {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Opsi pilihan tidak boleh null",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Kolom MultiSelect tidak boleh mengandung tanda koma (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Opsi pilihan tidak boleh memiliki duplikasi",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Buat opsi baru bernama"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Silakan masukkan sebuah angka",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Silakan masukkan email",
+ "invalidDate": "Tanggal tidak valid",
+ "invalidLocale": "Lokasi tidak valid",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Kode Mata Uang Tidak Valid",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "Tipe 'money' PostgreSQL memiliki pengaturan mata uang sendiri",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Jenis Kolom yang valid untuk Kolom Barcode adalah: Angka, Teks Garis Tunggal, Teks Panjang, Nomor Telepon, URL, Email, Desimal. Silakan buat satu dulu.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Hubungan Memiliki Banyak",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Sebuah catatan tunggal dari tabel ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " dapat dihubungkan dengan banyak catatan dari tabel "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Relasi Banyak ke Banyak",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Beberapa catatan dari tabel ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " dapat dihubungkan dengan banyak catatan dari tabel "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Milik ke Relasi",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Sebuah catatan tunggal dari tabel ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " dapat dihubungkan dengan sebuah catatan dari tabel "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Hubungan Satu ke Satu",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Sebuah catatan tunggal dari tabel ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " dapat dihubungkan dengan sebuah catatan tunggal dari tabel "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Sepertinya belum ada catatan yang terhubung.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Tidak ada catatan yang terhubung",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Tidak ada catatan terkait",
+ "recordsLinked": "catatan terhubung",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Terima hanya {type} yang valid",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Buat token API pribadi untuk digunakan dalam otomatisasi atau aplikasi eksternal.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Pilih Kolom untuk Mengurutkan",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Pilih Bidang untuk Dikelompokkan",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Tidak ada catatan dalam tabel",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Saat ini tidak ada catatan yang tersedia untuk ditautkan",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Mulailah dengan web-hooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Perkuat otomatisasi Anda. Dapatkan notifikasi segera setelah ada perubahan dalam data Anda",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus yang berikut",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin {deleteLabel} yang berikut",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Kolom ID diperlukan, Anda dapat mengganti namanya nanti jika diperlukan.",
+ "length59Required": "Panjang melebihi maksimal 59 karakter",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Tidak ada pemberitahuan baru",
+ "noRecordFound": "Catatan tidak ditemukan",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Tidak ada catatan ditemukan",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Tidak ada catatan yang cocok dengan kueri pencarian Anda",
+ "rowDeleted": "Catatan terhapus",
+ "saveChanges": "Apakah Anda ingin menyimpan perubahan?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Kolom terlalu besar untuk dikonversi ke {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Peran diperlukan",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Kolom tombol yang mengandalkan webhook ini akan terpengaruh",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Tampilan Kanban memerlukan bidang pilihan tunggal untuk diatur. Cobalah mengatur tampilan Kanban setelah menambahkan bidang pilihan tunggal!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Tampilan peta memerlukan bidang data geo untuk diatur. Cobalah mengatur tampilan peta setelah menambahkan bidang data geo!",
+ "dbValid": "Pastikan validitas database untuk mencegah kehilangan skema",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Kesalahan kode batang - periksa kompatibilitas antara input dan jenis kode batang"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Peringatan: Bidang yang dihitung - tidak dapat menghapus teks",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Peringatan: Bidang QR tidak dapat diubah secara langsung.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Peringatan: Kolom barcode tidak dapat diubah langsung."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menduplikasi proyek?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menduplikasi tabel?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Anda tidak dapat mengubah visibilitas bidang yang sedang diedit. Silakan simpan atau batalkan perubahan terlebih dahulu.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Anda tidak dapat memindahkan bidang yang sedang diedit. Simpan atau batalkan perubahan terlebih dahulu",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Anda tidak dapat memindahkan bidang yang sudah dihapus. Simpan atau batalkan perubahan terlebih dahulu"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Anda tidak dapat menyeret catatan antar tanggal ketika bidang terhitung atau sistem digunakan.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Perubahan skema dinonaktifkan untuk sumber ini",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Masukkan nama Ruang Kerja",
+ "enterBaseName": "Masukkan nama dasar",
+ "idpPaste": "Tempel URL ini di konsol Penyedia Identitas Anda",
+ "noSaml": "Tidak ada autentikasi SAML yang dikonfigurasi.",
+ "noOIDC": "Tidak ada autentikasi OpenID yang dikonfigurasi.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Nonaktif karena Tampilan terkunci",
+ "basesMigrated": "Proyek telah dimigrasi. Silakan coba lagi.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Operasi tempel tidak didukung pada sel aktif",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Kreator dapat membuat proyek baru dan mengakses proyek yang diundang.",
"orgViewer": "Penonton tidak diizinkan untuk membuat proyek baru, tetapi mereka dapat mengakses proyek yang diundang."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Memuat pemindai...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Anda melebihi batas.",
+ "closeLimit": "Anda mendekati batas.",
+ "limitNumber": "Batas penanda yang ditampilkan dalam Tampilan Peta adalah 1000 catatan."
"footerInfo": "Baris per halaman",
"upload": "Pilih file untuk diunggah",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Masukkan label input formulir",
"formHelpText": "Tambahkan beberapa teks bantuan",
"onlyCreator": "Hanya terlihat oleh pencipta",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Tambahkan Judul Formulir",
"formDesc": "Tambahkan Deskripsi Formulir ..",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Batasi akses dengan kata sandi",
"afterEnablePwd": "Akses dibatasi kata sandi",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "PROYEK AKSES VIA.",
"submitAnotherForm": "Tampilkan tombol 'Kirim formulir lain'",
"showBlankForm": "Tampilkan formulir kosong setelah 5 detik",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Kirim tanggapan email ke",
"showSysFields": "Tampilkan bidang sistem",
"filterAutoApply": "Terapkan secara otomatis",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Tampilkan Pesan",
"viewNotShared": "Tampilan saat ini tidak dibagikan!",
"showAllViews": "Tampilkan semua tampilan bersama dari tabel ini",
"collabView": "Kolaborator dengan izin edit atau lebih tinggi dapat mengubah konfigurasi tampilan.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Tambahkan Tampilan Galeri",
"form": "Tambahkan tampilan formulir",
"kanban": "Tambahkan Kanban Lihat",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Tambahkan Tampilan Peta",
"calendar": "Tambahkan tampilan kalender"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabel metadata sedang disinkronkan",
"addMultipleUsers": "Anda dapat menambahkan beberapa email terpisah koma (,)",
"enterTableName": "Masukkan nama tabel",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Masukkan deskripsi tabel...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Masukkan deskripsi bidang...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Masukkan deskripsi tampilan...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Masukkan nama Tata Letak",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Masukkan nama Dasbor",
+ "defaultColumns": "Kolom default",
"addDefaultColumns": "Tambahkan kolom default.",
"tableNameInDb": "Nama tabel sebagaimana disimpan dalam basis data",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Nilai ini sudah ada dalam daftar",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Tidak ada kolom untuk diperbarui",
"tableDeleted": "Tabel berhasil dihapus",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Tata letak berhasil dihapus",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Menghasilkan basis hanya baca yang dapat dibagikan secara publik",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus tampilan ini?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus Tata Letak ini?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Apakah Anda ingin menghapus tabel",
"showM2mTables": "Tampilkan Tabel M2M",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Relasi Many-to-Many didukung melalui tabel junction & disembunyikan secara default. Aktifkan opsi ini untuk mencantumkan semua tabel tersebut bersama dengan tabel yang ada.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Tampilkan NULL di Sel",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Tampilkan tag 'NULL' di sel yang memegang nilai NULL. Ini membantu membedakan terhadap sel yang memegang string KOSONG.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Tampilkan NULL dan KOSONG di Filter",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Aktifkan 'filter tambahan' untuk membedakan bidang yang mengandung NULL & String Kosong. Dukungan default untuk Blank memperlakukan NULL & String Kosong sama.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Menghapus tumpukan ini juga akan menghapus opsi pilihan `{stackToBeDeleted}` dari `{groupingField}`. Catatan akan berpindah ke tumpukan yang tidak dikategorikan.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Bidang yang dihitung: isinya hanya dapat dibaca. Gunakan menu edit kolom untuk mengkonfigurasi ulang",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Bidang yang dihitung: isinya hanya dapat dibaca. Tidak dapat menghapus konten.",
"noMoreRecords": "Tidak ada lagi catatan",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Nama token tidak boleh kosong",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Nama token tidak boleh lebih dari 255 karakter",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Nama database diperlukan",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Nama ruang kerja diperlukan",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Nama ruang kerja harus setidaknya 3 karakter",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Nama ruang kerja harus paling banyak 50 karakter",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Hapus ruang kerja ini dan semua isinya.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Saya mengerti bahwa tindakan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan",
+ "pageNotFound": "Halaman Tidak Ditemukan",
+ "makeLineBreak": "untuk membuat garis baru",
+ "goToPrevious": "Ke sebelumnya",
+ "goToNext": "Ke berikutnya",
+ "thankYou": "Terima kasih!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Anda telah berhasil mengirimkan data formulir.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Mengedit kunci sistem tidak didukung",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Tidak tersedia saat ini",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operasi tempel grup tidak didukung pada kolom Tautan/TautanKeCatatanLain",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operasi hapus grup tidak didukung pada kolom Tautan/TautanKeCatatanLain",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Tingkatkan ke Edisi Perusahaan {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Fitur ini hanya tersedia di edisi perusahaan",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Peran Anda saat ini adalah",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Silakan minta izin lebih tinggi dari Admin/Pemilik Dasar/Pemilik Ruang Kerja untuk mendapatkan akses ke {viewName} ini",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Anda tidak dapat menyembunyikan semua opsi jika kolom wajib diisi"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Hook manual tidak dapat dinonaktifkan",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Kesalahan memuat data catatan",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Kesalahan mengambil data kalender",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Kesalahan mengambil tanggal aktif",
+ "scopesRequired": "Ruang lingkup diperlukan",
+ "domainRequired": "Nama domain harus diisi",
+ "authUrlRequired": "URL Auth diperlukan",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Atribut nama pengguna diperlukan",
+ "clientIdRequired": "ID Klien diperlukan",
+ "issuerRequired": "Penerbit diperlukan",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Rahasia Klien diperlukan",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "URL JWK diperlukan",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "URL Token diperlukan",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "URL UserInfo diperlukan",
+ "eitherXML": "Diperlukan xml atau url metadata",
+ "nameRequired": "Nama diperlukan",
+ "nameMinLength": "Nama harus setidaknya 2 karakter",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Nama harus paling banyak 60 karakter",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Nama tampilan diperlukan",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Nama domain harus diisi",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Nama harus paling banyak 256 karakter",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Nama tampilan harus unik",
"searchProject": "Pencarian Anda untuk {Search} tidak menemukan hasil",
"invalidChar": "Karakter tidak valid di jalur folder.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Kredensial basis data tidak valid.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke database, silakan periksa basis data Anda.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Tahun tidak valid",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Pengguna tidak ada atau memiliki izin yang cukup untuk membuat skema.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Parameter basis data tidak valid.",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Koneksi Bermasalah:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Filter null ada. Silakan hapus",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Email diperlukan",
"emailInvalid": "E-mail harus valid",
"passwdRequired": "katakunci dibutuhkan",
"passwdLength": "Kata sandi Anda harus minimal 8 karakter",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Satu Nomor",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Satu karakter khusus",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Daftar karakter khusus yang diizinkan",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Email tidak valid",
+ "invalidEmail": "Email tidak valid"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "XML tidak valid",
"invalidURL": "URL tidak valid",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Email Tidak Valid",
"internalError": "Beberapa kesalahan internal terjadi",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Pembuat Templat tidak dapat ditemukan!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Gagal mengunggah file",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Nama harus dimulai dengan alfabet atau _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Karakter berikut tidak diperbolehkan",
"columnNameRequired": "Nama kolom harus diisi",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Nama kolom duplikat",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nama sudah digunakan untuk bidang sistem",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Jenis data UI diperlukan",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Nama {title} melebihi 50 karakter",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Nama {title} tidak boleh dimulai dengan spasi",
"requiredField": "Bidang yang dibutuhkan",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP tidak diizinkan",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "File target bukan jenis file yang diterima",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Jenis file yang diterima adalah .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Kunci parameter tidak boleh kosong",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Kunci parameter duplikat tidak diperbolehkan",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Bidang ini tidak boleh kosong.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Proyek tidak dapat diakses",
"copyToClipboardError": "Gagal menyalin ke papan klip",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Gagal menempel dari clipboard",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Harap selesaikan konfigurasi semua bidang sebelum menyimpan",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Terjadi kesalahan",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Konten yang diseret bukan tipe gambar",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Kesalahan memparse data gambar",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Beberapa bidang wajib masih kosong"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Metadata proyek berhasil diekspor",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Segera akan datang!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Kunci Lisensi Diperbarui",
"columnDuplicated": "Kolom berhasil diduplikasi",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Berhasil memperbarui ACL UI untuk tabel",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Pengaturan plugin berhasil disimpan",
"pluginTested": "Pengaturan plugin yang berhasil diuji",
"tableRenamed": "Tabel berhasil diganti namanya",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Tata letak berhasil diganti nama",
"viewDeleted": "Tampilan berhasil dihapus",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Berhasil diperbarui sebagai kolom utama",
"tableDataExported": "Berhasil mengekspor semua data tabel",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "Berhasil menghapus pengguna dari proyek",
"inviteEmailSent": "Email undangan berhasil dikirim",
"inviteURLCopied": "Mengundang URL yang disalin ke papan klip",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Komentar disalin ke clipboard",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "URL pengaturan ulang kata sandi disalin ke papan klip",
"shareableURLCopied": "Menyalin URL dasar yang dapat dibagikan ke papan klip!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Menyalin kode HTML yang dapat disematkan!",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Kata sandi berhasil diubah. Silakan masuk lagi.",
"settingsSaved": "Pengaturan berhasil disimpan",
"roleUpdated": "Peran berhasil diperbarui",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integrasi berhasil terhubung",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Pemilik basis dan kreator sekarang dapat menambahkan sumber data tanpa memasukkan kembali kredensial."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/it.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/it.json
index 5362e2f3f9..ae8257bcb4 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/it.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/it.json
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
"none": "Nulla"
"general": {
+ "scripts": "Script",
"configure": "Configura",
"switch": "Cambia",
"on": "Attivo",
@@ -620,7 +621,9 @@
"fromScratch": "Partire da zero",
"fromFileAndExternalSources": "Da file e fonti esterne",
"directlyInRealTime": "Direttamente in tempo reale",
- "categories": "Categorie"
+ "categories": "Categorie",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Campo inaccessibile",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Nessuna condizione aggiunta"
"labels": {
"modifiedOn": "Modificato il",
@@ -985,7 +988,7 @@
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
"backgroundColor": "Colore dello sfondo",
"hideNocodbBranding": "Nascondere il marchio NocoDB",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
+ "showOnConditions": "Mostra su condizioni",
"showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Mostra il campo solo quando le condizioni sono soddisfatte",
"limitOptions": "Limitare le opzioni",
"limitOptionsSubtext": "Limita le opzioni visibili agli utenti selezionando le opzioni disponibili",
@@ -1256,7 +1259,9 @@
"getPreFilledLink": "Ottenere il link precompilato",
"group": "Gruppo",
- "goToDocs": "Vai ai documenti"
+ "goToDocs": "Vai ai documenti",
+ "addCondition": "Aggiungi condizione",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Aggiungi gruppo di condizioni"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ja.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ja.json
index 5e4d5d1824..aa11b96626 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ja.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ja.json
@@ -49,50 +49,51 @@
"histogram": "ヒストグラム",
"range": "範囲",
"percent_empty": "空白",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
+ "percent_filled": "入力済み",
+ "percent_unique": "ユニーク",
+ "count_unique": "ユニーク",
+ "count_empty": "空白",
+ "count_filled": "入力済み",
"earliest_date": "最短日時",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "latest_date": "最大日付",
+ "date_range": "範囲",
+ "month_range": "範囲",
+ "checked": "チェック済み",
+ "unchecked": "未チェック",
+ "percent_checked": "チェック済み",
+ "percent_unchecked": "未チェック",
+ "attachment_size": "サイズ",
+ "none": "なし"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "合計",
+ "count": "カウント",
+ "min": "最小値",
+ "max": "最大値",
+ "avg": "平均",
+ "median": "中央値",
+ "std_dev": "標準偏差",
+ "histogram": "ヒストグラム",
+ "range": "範囲",
+ "percent_empty": "空白率",
+ "percent_filled": "入力済み率",
+ "percent_unique": "ユニーク率",
+ "count_unique": "ユニーク",
+ "count_empty": "空白",
+ "count_filled": "入力済み",
+ "earliest_date": "最短日付",
+ "latest_date": "最大日付",
+ "date_range": "日付範囲",
+ "month_range": "月範囲",
+ "checked": "チェック済み",
+ "unchecked": "未チェック",
+ "percent_checked": "チェック済み率",
+ "percent_unchecked": "未チェック率",
+ "attachment_size": "添付ファイルサイズ",
+ "none": "なし"
"general": {
+ "scripts": "Scripts",
"configure": "Configure",
"switch": "Switch",
"on": "On",
@@ -102,8 +103,8 @@
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
"style": "Style",
"label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
+ "role": "役割",
+ "general": "一般",
"quit": "終了",
"home": "ホーム",
"load": "読み込み",
@@ -117,66 +118,66 @@
"or": "または",
"add": "追加",
"edit": "編集",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "リンク",
+ "links": "リンク",
"remove": "削除",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "インポート",
+ "logout": "ログアウト",
+ "empty": "空",
+ "changeIcon": "アイコンを変更",
"save": "保存",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "利用可能",
+ "abort": "中止",
+ "saving": "保存中",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
- "null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
- "hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
- "slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
- "microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
- "discord": "Discord",
- "matterMost": "Mattermost",
- "twilio": "Twilio",
- "whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "null": "ヌル",
+ "escape": "エスケープ",
+ "hex": "16進数",
+ "clear": "クリア",
+ "slack": "スラック",
+ "comment": "コメント",
+ "microsoftTeams": "マイクロソフトチーム",
+ "discord": "ディスコード",
+ "matterMost": "マターモスト",
+ "twilio": "トゥイリオ",
+ "whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp トゥイリオ",
+ "quote": "引用",
"submit": "送信",
"create": "作成",
"createEntity": "{entity}を作成",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "creating": "作成中",
+ "creatingEntity": "{entity}を作成中",
+ "details": "詳細",
+ "skip": "スキップ",
+ "code": "コード",
"duplicate": "複製",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "複製中",
+ "duplicateEntity": "{entity}を複製",
+ "activate": "有効化",
+ "action": "アクション",
"insert": "挿入",
"delete": "削除",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "{entity}を削除",
+ "bulkInsert": "一括挿入",
+ "bulkDelete": "一括削除",
+ "bulkUpdate": "一括更新",
+ "deleting": "削除中",
"update": "更新",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "更新中",
"rename": "リネーム",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "{entity}を名前変更",
"reload": "リロード",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "更新",
"reset": "リセット",
"install": "インストール",
"show": "表示",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "アクセス",
+ "visibility": "可視性",
"hide": "隠す",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "非推奨",
"showAll": "すべて表示",
"hideAll": "すべて隠す",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "見つかりません",
"showMore": "もっと表示",
"showOptions": "オプションを表示",
"hideOptions": "オプションを隠す",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "ログイン",
"signOut": "サインアウト",
"required": "必須",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "スキャナーを有効にする",
"preferred": "推奨",
"mandatory": "必須",
"loading": "読込中...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "アップロード",
"download": "ダウンロード",
"default": "デフォルト",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "ソース",
+ "datasource": "データソース",
"more": "もっと見る",
"less": "少ない",
"event": "イベント",
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@
"after": "後",
"before": "前",
"search": "検索",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "検索対象",
"notification": "通知",
"reference": "リファレンス",
"function": "関数",
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@
"generate": "生成",
"copy": "コピー",
"copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "are": "です",
"misc": "その他",
"lock": "ロック",
"unlock": "アンロック",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "この機能はまだベータ版です",
"moreInfo": "詳細はこちらでご確認ください。",
"logs": "ログ",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "フィールドでスタックする",
+ "insertAfter": "右に挿入",
+ "insertBefore": "左に挿入",
+ "insertAbove": "上に挿入",
+ "insertBelow": "下に挿入",
"hideField": "フィールドを隠す",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "フィールドを表示",
"sortAsc": "昇順",
"sortDesc": "降順",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
+ "move": "移動",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoDataフィールド",
+ "type": "タイプ",
+ "subType": "サブタイプ",
+ "name": "名前",
+ "changes": "変更点",
+ "new": "新規",
+ "old": "古い",
+ "data": "データ",
+ "source": "ソース",
+ "destination": "目的地",
+ "active": "アクティブ",
+ "inactive": "非アクティブ",
+ "linked": "リンク済み",
+ "finish": "終了",
+ "min": "最小値",
+ "max": "最大値",
+ "avg": "平均",
+ "sum": "合計",
+ "count": "カウント",
+ "countDistinct": "ユニークカウント",
+ "sumDistinct": "ユニーク合計",
+ "avgDistinct": "ユニーク平均",
+ "join": "参加",
+ "options": "オプション",
+ "primaryValue": "プライマリ値",
+ "useSurveyMode": "調査モードを使用",
+ "shift": "シフト",
+ "enter": "入力",
+ "seconds": "秒",
+ "paste": "貼り付け",
+ "restore": "復元",
+ "replace": "置換",
+ "banner": "バナー",
+ "logo": "ロゴ",
+ "dropdown": "ドロップダウン",
+ "list": "リスト",
+ "verify": "確認",
+ "apply": "適用",
+ "text": "テキスト",
+ "appearance": "外観",
+ "now": "今",
+ "set": "設定",
+ "format": "フォーマット",
+ "colour": "色",
+ "use": "使用",
+ "stack": "スタック",
+ "ipAddress": "IPアドレス",
+ "integration": "インテグレーション",
+ "integrations": "インテグレーション",
+ "connection": "接続",
+ "connections": "接続",
+ "private": "プライベート",
+ "request": "リクエスト",
"languages": "Languages",
"extension": "Extension",
"extensions": "Extensions"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "ファイル",
+ "owner": "所有者",
+ "member": "メンバー",
+ "day": "日",
+ "week": "週",
+ "month": "月",
+ "year": "年",
+ "workspace": "ワークスペース",
+ "workspaces": "ワークスペース",
"project": "プロジェクト",
"projects": "プロジェクト",
"table": "テーブル",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "フィールド",
"column": "列",
"columns": "列",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "セル",
+ "cells": "セル",
"page": "ページ",
"pages": "ページ",
"record": "レコード",
@@ -319,50 +320,50 @@
"webhooks": "Webhook",
"view": "ビュー",
"views": "ビュー",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "サイドバー",
"viewType": {
"grid": "グリッド",
"gallery": "ギャラリー",
"form": "フォーム",
"kanban": "カンバン",
"calendar": "カレンダー",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "マップ"
"user": "ユーザー",
"users": "ユーザー",
"role": "役割",
"roles": "役割",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "開発者",
"roleType": {
"owner": "所有者",
"creator": "作成者",
"editor": "編集者",
"commenter": "コメンター",
"viewer": "閲覧者",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "アクセスなし",
+ "superAdmin": "スーパー管理者",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "組織レベルの所有者",
"orgLevelCreator": "組織レベルのクリエイター",
"orgLevelViewer": "組織レベルビューワ"
"sqlVIew": "SQL ビュー",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "レコード高さ",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "短い",
+ "medium": "中",
+ "tall": "高い",
+ "extra": "余分"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "外部データベース",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple Numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google カレンダー",
+ "googleDrive": "Google ドライブ",
+ "googleSheets": "Google スプレッドシート",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -487,73 +488,73 @@
"title": {
"searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "webcam": "ウェブカメラ",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "URL経由でアップロード",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "renameBase": "ベースの名前を変更",
+ "renameWorkspace": "ワークスペースの名前を変更",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "ワークスペースの名前を変更中",
+ "renamingBase": "ベースの名前を変更中",
+ "sso": "認証 (SSO)",
+ "docs": "ドキュメント",
+ "forum": "フォーラム",
+ "parameter": "パラメーター",
+ "headers": "ヘッダー",
+ "parameterName": "パラメーター名",
+ "currencyLocale": "通貨ロケール",
+ "currencyCode": "通貨コード",
+ "searchMembers": "メンバーを検索",
+ "noMembersFound": "メンバーが見つかりません",
+ "dateJoined": "参加日",
+ "tokenName": "トークン名",
+ "inDesktop": "デスクトップに",
+ "rowData": "レコードデータ",
+ "creator": "作成者",
+ "qrCode": "QRコード",
+ "termsOfService": "利用規約",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "選択したレコードを更新",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "フィルターが追加されていません",
+ "editCards": "カード編集",
+ "noFieldsFound": "フィールドが見つかりません",
+ "displayValue": "表示値",
+ "expand": "拡大",
+ "hideAll": "すべて隠す",
+ "hideSystemFields": "システムフィールドを隠す",
+ "removeFile": "ファイルを削除",
+ "hasMany": "複数あり",
+ "manyToMany": "多対多",
+ "oneToOne": "一対一",
+ "virtualRelation": "仮想関係",
+ "linkMore": "さらにリンク",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "レコードをさらにリンク",
+ "linkRecords": "レコードをリンク",
+ "downloadFile": "ファイルをダウンロード",
+ "renameTable": "テーブル名を変更",
+ "renamingTable": "テーブル名の変更中",
+ "renamingWs": "ワークスペース名の変更中",
+ "renameWs": "ワークスペース名を変更",
+ "deleteWs": "ワークスペースを削除",
+ "deletingWs": "ワークスペースの削除中",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Auth Tokenをコピー",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Auth Tokenをコピー済み",
+ "copyInviteToken": "招待トークンをコピー",
+ "showSidebar": "サイドバーを表示",
+ "hideSidebar": "サイドバーを隠す",
+ "creatingTable": "テーブル作成中",
"erdView": "ERDビュー",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "新しいデータソース",
"newProj": "新規プロジェクト",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "プロジェクトを作成",
"myProject": "マイプロジェクト",
"formTitle": "フォームタイトル",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "コラボレーティブ",
+ "locked": "ロック済み",
+ "personal": "パーソナル",
"appStore": "アプリストア",
"teamAndAuth": "チームと認可",
"rolesUserMgmt": "ロールとユーザー管理",
"userMgmt": "ユーザー管理",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "APIトークン",
"apiTokenMgmt": "APIトークン管理",
"rolesMgmt": "ロール管理",
"projMeta": "プロジェクトのメタデータ",
@@ -576,51 +577,53 @@
"generateToken": "トークンを生成",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIとサポート",
"helpCenter": "ヘルプセンター",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "ラベルなし",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger ドキュメント",
"quickImportFrom": "クイックインポート元",
"quickImport": "クイックインポート",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "クイックインポート - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "クイックインポート - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "クイックインポート - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "クイックインポート - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSONエディター",
+ "comingSoon": "近日公開",
"advancedSettings": "詳細設定",
"codeSnippet": "コードスニペット",
"keyboardShortcut": "キーボードショートカット",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "generateRandomName": "ランダムな名前を生成",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "トークン管理",
+ "addNewToken": "新しいトークンを追加",
+ "createNewToken": "新しいトークンを作成",
+ "accountSettings": "アカウント設定",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "パスワードをリセット",
+ "tokens": "トークン",
+ "userManagement": "ユーザー管理",
+ "accountManagement": "アカウント管理",
+ "licence": "ライセンス",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "すべてのMIMEタイプを許可",
+ "defaultView": "デフォルトビュー",
+ "relations": "関係",
+ "switchLanguage": "言語を切り替え",
+ "renameFile": "ファイル名を変更",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "何もしない",
+ "cascade": "カスケード",
+ "restrict": "制約",
+ "setNull": "NULLに設定",
+ "setDefault": "デフォルトに設定"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "右のパネルからフィールドを選択してここに追加",
+ "noOptionsFound": "オプションが見つかりません",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "このフォームを送信してもよろしいですか?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "このスタックには記録がないようです",
"fromScratch": "From scratch",
"fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
"directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "categories": "Categories",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Field inaccessible",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "No conditions added"
"labels": {
"modifiedOn": "Modified on",
@@ -644,189 +647,189 @@
"recordDelete": "Record Delete",
"supportDocs": "Support Docs",
"addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "表示値フィールドを変更",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "表示値フィールドを選択",
+ "changeTitleField": "タイトルフィールドを変更",
+ "clearAll": "すべてクリア",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "ルックアップフィールドはリンクされたレコードからデータを表示します。特定のフィールドを選択してください",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": "これらをこのテーブルのルックアップフィールドとして追加します。",
+ "formatting": "書式設定",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- - 形式タイプを選択 (オプション) - -",
+ "formatType": "フォーマット タイプ",
+ "toUpload": "アップロードする",
+ "dragFilesHere": "ファイルをここにドラッグ",
+ "browseFiles": "ファイルを参照",
+ "clickTo": "クリックして",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "カメラへのアクセスを許可してください",
+ "openFile": "ファイルを開く",
+ "enterValidUrl": "ファイルをアップロードするために有効なURLを入力してください",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "URLからファイルを追加",
+ "uploading": "アップロード中",
+ "dropHere": "ここにドロップ",
+ "addMore": "さらに追加",
+ "clearAllFiles": "すべてのファイルをクリア",
"integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "notRecommended": "推奨されません",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
+ "selectView": "ビューを選択",
"connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
+ "metaSync": "メタ同期",
+ "mention": "メンション",
+ "today": "今日",
"currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "workspace": "作業スペース",
+ "txt": "TXT レコード値",
+ "transferOwnership": "所有権を移譲",
+ "recentActivity": "最近のアクティビティ",
+ "goToMembers": "メンバーに移動",
+ "addMember": "メンバーを追加",
+ "numberOfMembers": "メンバーの数",
+ "numberOfBases": "ベースの数",
+ "numberOfRecords": "レコードの数",
+ "workspaceName": "ワークスペース名",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "所有者なしのワークスペース",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "ワークスペースにユーザーを招待",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-招待するワークスペースを選択-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "組織にメンバーを追加",
+ "memberIn": "所属メンバー:",
+ "assignAs": "として割り当て",
+ "signOutUser": "ユーザーをサインアウト",
+ "signOutUsers": "ユーザーをサインアウト",
+ "deactivateUser": "ユーザーを無効化",
+ "deactivateUsers": "ユーザーを無効化",
+ "lastActive": "最後に活動した",
+ "dateAdded": "追加日",
+ "uploadImage": "画像をアップロード",
+ "organizationProfile": "組織プロフィール",
+ "organizationImage": "組織画像",
+ "organizationName": "組織名",
+ "activeDomains": "アクティブドメイン",
+ "domains": "ドメイン",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "パブリック共有を無効にする",
+ "shareSettings": "共有設定",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "ユーザーとそのデータを削除",
+ "userOptions": "ユーザーオプション",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "この組織を削除",
+ "dangerZone": "危険ゾーン",
+ "childView": "子ビュー",
+ "selectYear": "年を選択",
+ "save": "保存",
+ "cancel": "キャンセル",
+ "metadataUrl": "メタデータURL",
+ "audience-entityId": "視聴者/エンティティID",
+ "redirectUrl": "リダイレクトURL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
+ "newProvider": "新しいプロバイダー",
+ "generalSettings": "一般設定",
+ "adminPanel": "管理パネル",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "ワークスペースを組織に移動",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO設定",
+ "addDomain": "ドメインを追加",
+ "domain": "ドメイン",
+ "settings": "設定",
+ "workspaces": "作業スペース",
+ "back": "戻る",
+ "dashboard": "ダッシュボード",
+ "organizeBy": "で整理",
+ "previous": "前へ",
+ "nextMonth": "次の月",
+ "previousMonth": "前の月",
+ "next": "次へ",
+ "organiseBy": "で整理",
+ "heading1": "ヘッディング1",
+ "heading2": "見出し 2",
+ "heading3": "見出し 3",
+ "bold": "太字",
+ "italic": "イタリック",
+ "underline": "下線",
+ "strike": "打ち消し線",
+ "taskList": "タスクリスト",
+ "bulletList": "箇条書き",
+ "numberedList": "番号リスト",
+ "downloadData": "データをダウンロード",
+ "blockQuote": "引用ブロック",
+ "noToken": "トークンなし",
+ "tokenLimit": "各ユーザーに1つのトークンのみ許可されます",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "名前 {filename} のファイルはすでに添付されています",
+ "tableIdColon": "テーブルID: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "toAddress": "宛先アドレス",
+ "subject": "件名",
+ "body": "本文",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "カンマ区切りの携帯番号",
+ "headerName": "ヘッダー名",
+ "icon": "アイコン",
+ "max": "最大値",
+ "enableRichText": "リッチテキストを有効にする",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "レコードURLをコピー済み",
+ "copyRecordURL": "レコードURLをコピー",
+ "duplicateRecord": "レコード重複",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "バイナリエンコード形式",
+ "syntax": "構文",
+ "examples": "例",
+ "durationInfo": "分または秒での時間の長さ(例: 1:23)。",
+ "addHeader": "ヘッダーを追加",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "デフォルトURLを入力(オプション)",
+ "negative": "ネガティブ",
+ "discard": "破棄",
+ "default": "デフォルト",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "デフォルト値 (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "期間フォーマット",
+ "dateFormat": "日付フォーマット",
+ "timeFormat": "時間フォーマット",
+ "singularLabel": "単一ラベル",
+ "pluralLabel": "複数ラベル",
+ "selectDateField": "日付のフィールドを選択",
+ "endDateField": "終了日フィールド",
+ "optional": "(オプション)",
+ "clickToMake": "クリックして作成",
+ "visibleForRole": "役割に対して表示可能:",
+ "inUI": "UI ダッシュボード内",
+ "projectSettings": "基本設定",
+ "clickToHide": "クリックして非表示",
+ "clickToDownload": "クリックしてダウンロード",
+ "forRole": "役割のため",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "テーブルIDをコピーするにはクリック",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "クリックしてView IDをコピー",
+ "viewMode": "ビュー モード",
+ "searchUsers": "ユーザーを検索",
+ "superAdmin": "スーパ管理者",
+ "allTables": "すべてのテーブル",
+ "members": "メンバー",
+ "dataSources": "データソース",
"connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "searchProjects": "プロジェクトを検索",
"createdBy": "クリエイティッド バイ",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "の添付ファイルを表示",
+ "readOnly": "読み取り専用",
+ "createdOn": "作成日",
"notifyVia": "次で通知する",
"projName": "プロジェクト名",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "プロフィール",
+ "accountDetails": "アカウント詳細",
+ "controlAppearance": "外観を制御します。",
+ "accountEmailID": "アカウントのメールID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "ワークスペースに戻る",
+ "untitledToken": "無題のトークン",
"tableName": "テーブルの名前",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "ダッシュボード名",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "ビューを作成中",
+ "duplicateView": "ビューを複製",
+ "duplicateGridView": "グリッドビューを複製",
+ "createGridView": "グリッドビューを作成",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "ギャラリービューを複製",
+ "createGalleryView": "ギャラリービューを作成",
+ "duplicateFormView": "フォームビューを複製",
+ "createFormView": "フォームビューを作成",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "カンバンビューを複製",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "カレンダービューを複製",
+ "createKanbanView": "カンバンビューを作成",
+ "createCalendarView": "カレンダービューを作成",
"viewName": "ビューの名前",
"viewLink": "ビューのリンク",
"columnName": "列名",
@@ -837,7 +840,7 @@
"databaseType": "データベースでのデータ型",
"lengthValue": "長さ/値",
"dbType": "データベースのデータ型",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
+ "servername": "サーバー名/ホストアドレス",
"sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
"hostAddress": "Host address",
"port": "Port number",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "アクション",
"actions": "アクション",
"operation": "操作",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "サブ操作",
"operationType": "操作タイプ",
"operationSubType": "操作サブタイプ",
"description": "説明",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "対象",
"cache": "キャッシュ",
"chat": "チャット",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "表示または非表示",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSVファイル",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSONファイル",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "Eメール",
@@ -873,15 +876,15 @@
"created": "作成済",
"sqlOutput": "SQL出力",
"addOption": "オプションを追加",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "インターフェイスカラー",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "QRコード値付きカラム",
"barcodeValueColumn": "バーコードの値を持つ列",
"barcodeFormat": "バーコードのフォーマット",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "QRコードにするには文字数が多すぎる",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "バーコードの文字数が多すぎる",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "currentLocation": "現在地",
+ "lng": "経度",
+ "lat": "緯度",
"aggregateFunction": "集約関数",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "データベース:存在しない場合は作成",
"clientKey": "クライアントキー",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "NocoDB のコミュニティに参加",
"joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB に参加",
"followNocodb": "NocoDB をフォロー",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(コミュニティ/AI翻訳済み)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "リファレンスドキュメント",
"selectUserRole": "ユーザーのロールを選択してください",
"childTable": "子テーブル",
"childColumn": "子カラム",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "子カラム",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "クラウドに無料で参加",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "他のレコードへのリンク",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "リンク",
"onUpdate": "更新中",
"onDelete": "削除中",
"account": "アカウント",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "カスタムテーマ",
"requestDataSource": "必要なデータソースをリクエストしてください。",
"apiKey": "API キー",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "個人用アクセストークン",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "共有ベースのURL",
"importData": "インポートデータ",
"importSecondaryViews": "セカンダリビューのインポート",
"importRollupColumns": "ロールアップカラムのインポート",
"importLookupColumns": "インポートルックアップカラム",
"importAttachmentColumns": "添付ファイルのカラムをインポートする",
"importFormulaColumns": "インポート式カラム",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "ユーザーをインポート (メールで)",
"noData": "データがありません",
"goToDashboard": "ダッシュボードに移動",
"importing": "インポート中",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "JSONをフォーマット",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "フィールドタイプを自動選択",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "最初のレコードをヘッダーとして使う",
"flattenNested": "入れ子を平坦化",
"downloadAllowed": "ダウンロードを許可",
"weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "多い",
"belongsTo": "属す",
"manyToMany": "多岐に渡る",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "一対一の関係を持つ",
"extraConnectionParameters": "追加接続パラメータ",
"commentsOnly": "コメントのみ",
"documentation": "ドキュメント",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "招待URL からのサインアップのみ許可",
"nextRow": "次の行",
"prevRow": "前の行",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "グリッドビューにデータを手動追加",
+ "addRowForm": "フォームを通じてレコードデータを入力",
+ "noAccess": "アクセスなし",
+ "restApis": "REST API",
+ "apis": "API",
+ "apiSnippet": "APIスニペット",
+ "includeData": "データを含む",
+ "includeView": "ビューを含む",
+ "includeWebhook": "Webhookを含む",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "列を表示するにはズームインしてください",
+ "embedInSite": "このビューをサイトに埋め込む",
+ "titleRequired": "タイトルは必須です。",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "ソース名が必要です",
+ "changeWsName": "ワークスペース名を変更",
+ "pressEnter": "Enterキーを押してください",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "新しいフィールド",
+ "saveChanges": "変更を保存",
+ "updatedField": "フィールドを更新しました",
+ "deletedField": "フィールドを削除しました",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "設定が不完全です",
+ "selectField": "フィールドを選択",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
+ "backgroundColor": "背景色",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "NocoDBのブランドを隠す",
"showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "条件が満たされたときのみフィールドを表示",
+ "limitOptions": "オプションを制限",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "ユーザーに見えるオプションを制限するには、利用可能なオプションを選択します",
+ "clearSelection": "選択をクリア",
+ "displayAsProgress": "進行状況として表示",
+ "relationType": "関係タイプ",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "千の位の区切りを表示",
+ "signUpForFree": "無料でサインアップ",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
+ "fitImage": "画像を適合",
+ "coverImageArea": "カバー画像",
"syncData": "Sync data",
"syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
"redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
"activity": {
"webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "hideWeekends": "週末を隠す",
+ "renameBase": "ベース名を変更",
+ "renameWorkspace": "作業スペースの名前を変更",
+ "deactivate": "無効化",
+ "manageUsers": "ユーザー管理",
+ "newWorkspace": "新しい作業スペース",
+ "addDomain": "ドメインを追加",
+ "addMembers": "メンバーを追加",
+ "enterEmail": "メールアドレスを入力",
+ "inviteToBase": "ベースに招待",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "作業スペースに招待",
+ "addMember": "ベースにメンバーを追加",
+ "noRange": "カレンダービューには日付範囲が必要です",
+ "goToToday": "今日へ移動",
+ "toggleSidebar": "サイドバーを切り替え",
+ "addEndDate": "終了日を追加",
+ "withEndDate": "終了日付き",
+ "calendar": "カレンダー",
+ "viewSettings": "設定を表示",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
+ "registerOIDC": "OIDCアイデンティティプロバイダーを登録",
+ "registerSAML": "SAMLアイデンティティプロバイダーを登録",
+ "openInANewTab": "新しいタブで開く",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "IFrameコードをコピー",
+ "onCondition": "条件で",
+ "bulkDownload": "一括ダウンロード",
+ "attachFile": "ファイルを添付",
+ "viewAttachment": "添付ファイルを表示",
+ "attachmentDrop": "クリックまたはファイルをセルにドロップ",
+ "addFiles": "ファイルを追加",
+ "hideInUI": "UIで非表示",
+ "addBase": "ベースを追加",
+ "addParameter": "パラメータを追加",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "別のフォームを送信",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "フィールドをここにドラッグ&ドロップして追加",
+ "editSource": "データソースを編集",
+ "enterText": "テキストを入力",
"okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "showInUI": "UIで表示",
+ "outOfSync": "同期が取れていない",
+ "newSource": "新しいデータソース",
+ "newWebhook": "新しいWebhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "パブリックアクセスを有効にする",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "変更を保存しますか?",
+ "editingAccess": "編集アクセス",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "公開表示を有効にする",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "パスワードでアクセスを制限",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "ベースアクセスを管理",
+ "allowDownload": "ダウンロードを許可",
+ "surveyMode": "調査モード",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL方向",
+ "useTheme": "テーマを使用",
+ "copyLink": "リンクをコピー",
+ "copiedLink": "リンクをコピーしました",
+ "copyInviteLink": "招待リンクをコピー",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "招待リンクがコピーされました",
"copyUrl": "URLをコピー",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "もっと色",
+ "moveProject": "ベースを移動",
"createProject": "プロジェクトを作成",
"importProject": "プロジェクトをインポート",
"searchProject": "プロジェクトを検索",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "プロジェクトを削除",
"refreshProject": "プロジェクトを更新",
"saveProject": "プロジェクトを保存",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "保存して終了",
"deleteKanbanStack": "スタックを削除しますか?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "外部データベースに
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "翻訳に協力する",
"account": {
"authToken": "Auth Tokenをコピー",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "認証トークンをコピーしました",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API",
"projInfo": "プロジェクト情報をコピー",
"themes": "テーマ"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "フィルター",
"addFilter": "フィルターを追加",
"share": "共有",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "グループ化",
+ "addSubGroup": "新しいサブグループ",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "ベースを共有",
"disable": "テーブルの共有を無効にする",
"enable": "リンクを持つ人なら誰でも",
"link": "テーブルの共有リンク"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "チームへ招待",
"inviteUser": "ユーザーを招待",
"inviteToken": "招待用トークン",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "リンクされたレコード",
+ "addNewLink": "新しいリンクを追加",
"newUser": "ユーザーを作成",
"editUser": "ユーザーを編集",
"deleteUser": "プロジェクトからユーザーを削除",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "前のレコード",
"copyApiURL": "API URL をコピー",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "ダッシュボードを作成",
+ "createWorkspace": "ワークスペースを作成",
"refreshTable": "テーブルを更新",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "テーブル名を変更",
+ "renameLayout": "レイアウトの名前を変更",
+ "deleteTable": "テーブルを削除",
"addField": "新しいフィールドを追加",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "表示値として設定",
"addRow": "行を追加",
"saveRow": "行を保存",
"saveAndExit": "保存して終了",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "行を挿入",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "行を削除",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "レコードを削除",
+ "predictColumns": "フィールドを予測",
+ "predictFormulas": "式を予測",
"deleteSelectedRow": "選択行を削除",
"importExcel": "エクセルファイルをインポート",
"importCSV": "CSV のインポート",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "ビューを作成",
"shareView": "ビューを共有",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "スキャンで入力",
"listSharedView": "共有されているビューの一覧",
"ListView": "ビューの一覧",
"copyView": "ビューをコピー",
"renameView": "ビューの名前を変更",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "データをアップロード",
"deleteView": "ビューを削除",
"createGrid": "グリッドビューを作成",
"createGallery": "ギャラリービューを作成",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "新しいタブで開く",
"iFrame": "埋め込み用 HTML をコピー",
"addWebhook": "WebHookを追加",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Webhookを有効にする",
+ "testWebhook": "Webhookをテスト",
"createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Webhookをコピー",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Webhookを削除",
"newToken": "トークンを追加",
"exportZip": "zip ファイルをエクスポート",
"importZip": "zip ファイルをインポート",
"metaSync": "今すぐ同期",
"settings": "設定",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "検証",
"previewAs": "次のロールとしてプレビュー",
"resetReview": "リセットプレビュー",
"testDbConn": "データベース接続をテスト",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "フィルターグループを追加",
"linkRecord": "レコードをリンク",
"addNewRecord": "レコードを追加",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "新しいレコード",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: 新しいレコードを作成",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' が保存され正常にリンクされました",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "レコード作成&リンク",
"useConnectionUrl": "接続 URL を使用",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "トグルコメントドロー",
"expandRecord": "レコードを展開",
"deleteRecord": "レコードを削除",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "全幅",
+ "exitFullWidth": "全幅を終了",
+ "markAllAsRead": "すべて既読としてマーク",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "フィールドを削除",
+ "addNumber": "数値フィールドを追加",
+ "addSingleLineText": "シングルラインテキストフィールドを追加",
+ "addLongText": "長文テキストフィールドを追加",
+ "addOther": "その他のフィールドを追加"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "列を表示",
@@ -1227,46 +1230,48 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "スタックを折りたたむ",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "すべてを折りたたむ",
+ "expandAll": "すべてを展開",
+ "renameStack": "スタック名を変更",
"deleteStack": "スタックを削除",
"stackedBy": "スタック",
"chooseGroupingField": "グループ化するフィールドを選択",
"addOrEditStack": "スタックの追加/編集"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
- "openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "mappedBy": "によってマッピング",
+ "chooseMappingField": "マッピングフィールドを選択",
+ "openInGoogleMaps": "Googleマップ",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "モバイルモードの切り替え",
+ "startCommenting": "コメントを開始!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "コメントはまだありません!",
+ "clearForm": "フォームをクリア",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "フィールドを追加",
+ "selectAllFields": "すべてのフィールドを選択",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "入力を有効にする",
+ "default": "デフォルト",
+ "locked": "入力済みフィールドを読み取り専用としてロック",
+ "hidden": "入力済みフィールドを非表示にする",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "入力済みの値"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "入力済みリンクを取得",
+ "group": "グループ",
+ "goToDocs": "Go to Docs",
+ "addCondition": "Add condition",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Add condition group"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
"privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
"optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
"optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "このデータソースのスキーマ編集は無効です。",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "このデータ型は使用できません。",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "このオプションではテーブルや列の追加、変更、削除を含むデータベーススキーマの変更が許可されます。慎重に使用してください。変更はデータベースの構造的整合性に影響を与える可能性があります。",
"allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "変更を保存",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "ダークモード (Shift + Ctrl + B)"
"addTable": "テーブルを追加",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "新しいダッシュボードを追加",
"inviteMore": "さらにユーザーを招待",
"toggleNavDraw": "ナビゲーション・ドロワーの表示切替",
"reloadApiToken": "APIトークンを再読み込み",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": ".key ファイルを選択してください",
"clientCert": ".cert ファイルを選択してください",
"clientCA": "CA ファイルを選択してください",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "アイコンの色を変更",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
+ "surveyFormInfo": "1ページあたり1フィールドのフォームモード",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "ファイルインポート後にタイプ変換用フィールド編集メニューを使用",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "ワークスペースからの役割承継",
"comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
"searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Slackチャンネルを選択",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Microsoft Teamsチャンネルを選択",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Discordチャンネルを選択",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Mattermostチャンネルを選択",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhookのタイトル",
+ "barcodeColumn": "バーコード値のフィールドを選択",
+ "notFoundContent": "有効なフィールドタイプが見つかりません。",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "バーコード形式を選択",
"projName": "プロジェクト名を入力してください",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "グループ化するフィールドを選択",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "単一選択フィールドが見つかりません。まず作成してください。",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "カバー画像フィールドを選択",
+ "selectGeoField": "GeoDataフィールドを選択",
+ "notSelected": "-未選択-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "GeoDataフィールドが見つかりません。まず作成してください。",
"password": {
"enter": "パスワードを入力してください",
"current": "現在のパスワード",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "パスワードを保存",
"confirm": "新しいパスワードの確認"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "QRコード値のフィールドを選択",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "負の数を許可",
"searchProjectTree": "テーブルを検索",
"searchFields": "フィールドを検索",
"searchColumn": "{search} 列を検索",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "メールアドレスでフィルタ",
"filterQuery": "クエリを入力",
"selectField": "フィールドを選択",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "精度",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,15 +1353,15 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "値",
+ "key": "キー",
+ "createTable": "最初のテーブルを作成しましょう!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "APIトークンが作成されていません",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "チームを招待",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "オプションを検索"
"msg": {
"invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
@@ -1365,125 +1370,125 @@
"invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
"invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
"invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "このデータベースではこの機能は使用できません",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "組織名と外観を管理する。",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "アクセスを制限するために会社のドメインを追加する。",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "ユーザーがベースを公開共有できないように制限する。",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "削除されるユーザーを選択し、すべての組織作業スペースから削除する。",
+ "deleteOrganization": "この組織に関連するすべてのユーザー、ベース、およびデータを削除",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "フィールドIDをコピーするにはクリック",
+ "enterPassword": "パスワードを入力",
+ "bySigningUp": "サインアップすることで、利用規約に同意するものとみなされます。",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "週刊ニュースレターを購読する",
+ "verifyingPassword": "パスワードを検証中",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "この共有ビューは保護されています",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "フォームデータが正常に送信されました",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "フォームビューはモバイルではサポートされていません",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "カレンダー表示はモバイルではサポートされていません",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "{seconds}秒後に新しいフォームがロードされます",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "最適化クエリが無効化されています",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "最適なクエリが有効になっています",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "非「Belongs to」関係にはルックアップフィールドはサポートされていません",
+ "invalidTime": "無効な時間",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "{type} に対応するリンクはありません",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "レコードが見つかりませんでした",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "無効な電話番号",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "ページサイズが変更されました",
+ "errorLoadingData": "データの読み込み中にエラーが発生しました",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "コンテキスト変数を使用",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "本文",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "考慮中のレコードを参照する",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "ヒント: フィールドを参照するには{placeholder1}を使用してください。例: {placeholder2}。詳細は",
+ "hintEnd": "方式。",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "提案された式が見つかりません",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "提案フィールドが見つかりませんでした",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} は {position} 番目に {type} を必要とします",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "数値型が期待されます",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "文字列型が期待されます",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} 操作は利用できません",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "数式が無効なためフィールドを保存できません",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "フィールド {columnName} を参照することはサポートされていません",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "{type} 型が期待されましたが、{found} 型が見つかりました",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName}は{requiredArguments}個の引数が必要です",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName}は最低でも{minRequiredArguments}個の引数が必要です",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName}は最大でも{maxRequiredArguments}個の引数が必要です",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} 関数は利用できません",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() の最初のパラメータには日付の値が必要です",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() の2番目のパラメータは \"sunday\"、\"monday\"、\"tuesday\"、\"wednesday\"、\"thursday\"、\"friday\"、または \"saturday\" のいずれかの値でなければなりません",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() の最初のパラメータには日付の値が必要です",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() の2番目のパラメータには数値の値が必要です",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() の3番目のパラメータは \"day\"、\"week\"、\"month\"、または \"year\" のいずれかの値でなければなりません",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() の最初のパラメータには日付の値が必要です",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() の2番目のパラメータには日付の値が必要です",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() の3番目のパラメータは \"milliseconds\"、\"ms\"、\"seconds\"、\"s\"、\"minutes\"、\"m\"、\"hours\"、\"h\"、\"days\"、\"d\"、\"weeks\"、\"w\"、\"months\"、\"M\"、\"quarters\"、\"Q\"、\"years\"、または \"y\" のいずれかの値でなければなりません",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "フィールド{columnName}は利用できません",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "循環参照を引き起こすためフィールドを保存できません",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "{columnType} タイプのフィールド {columnName} が見つかりましたが、{expectedType} タイプが期待されています",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} は {columnType} と一致しません"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "選択オプションをnullにすることはできません",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "マルチセレクトフィールドにはコンマ(',')を含めることはできません",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "選択オプションに重複を含めることはできません",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "新しいオプション名を作成する"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "数値を入力してください",
+ "plsInputEmail": "メールを入力してください",
+ "invalidDate": "無効な日付",
+ "invalidLocale": "無効なロケール",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "無効な通貨コード",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQLの'money'型は独自の通貨設定を持っています",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "バーコードフィールドに使用可能なフィールドタイプは:数値、シングルラインテキスト、ロングテキスト、電話番号、URL、メール、10進数です。まずは1つ作成してください。",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "多対多の関係",
+ "tooltip_desc": "テーブルからの単一のレコード",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "はテーブルからの複数のレコードとリンクできます"
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "多対多の関係",
+ "tooltip_desc": "テーブルからの複数のレコード",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "はテーブルからの複数のレコードとリンクできます"
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "所属する関係",
+ "tooltip_desc": "テーブルからの単一のレコード",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "はテーブルからの単一のレコードとリンクできます"
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "1対1の関係",
+ "tooltip_desc": "テーブルからの単一のレコード",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "はテーブルからの単一のレコードとリンクできます"
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "まだリンクされたレコードがないようです。",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "リンクされたレコードはありません",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "リンクされたレコードはありません",
+ "recordsLinked": "リンクされたレコード",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "有効な {type} のみを受け入れる",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "自動化や外部アプリで使用するための個人用APIトークンを作成します。",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "並べ替えるフィールドを選択",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "フィールドをグループ化するために選択してください",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "テーブルにレコードがありません",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "リンク可能なレコードが現在ありません",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Webhook で始めましょう!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "自動化を強化します。データに変化があるとすぐに通知されます",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "次を削除しますか",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "次の{deleteLabel}を本当に行いますか?",
+ "idColumnRequired": "IDフィールドは必須です。必要に応じて後で名前を変更できます。",
+ "length59Required": "長さが最大59文字を超えています",
+ "noNewNotifications": "新しい通知はありません",
+ "noRecordFound": "レコードが見つかりません",
+ "noRecordsFound": "レコードが見つかりません",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "検索クエリに一致するレコードはありません",
+ "rowDeleted": "レコードが削除されました",
+ "saveChanges": "変更を保存しますか?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "このフィールドは大きすぎて{entity}に変換できません",
+ "roleRequired": "役割が必要です",
"warning": {
"webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "カンバンビューは単一選択フィールドが設定されている必要があります。単一選択フィールドを追加してからカンバンビューを設定してみてください!",
+ "mapNoFields": "マップビューはジオデータフィールドが設定されている必要があります。ジオデータフィールドを追加してからマップビューを設定してみてください!",
"dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "バーコードエラー - 入力とバーコードの種類の互換性を確認してください。"
@@ -1491,41 +1496,41 @@
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "警告: 計算フィールド - テキストをクリアできません",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "警告:QRコードフィールドは直接変更できません。",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "警告:バーコードフィールドは直接変更できません。"
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "ベースを複製しますか?",
+ "duplicateTable": "テーブルを複製しますか?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "編集中のフィールドの可視性を変更できません。まず変更を保存するか、破棄してください。",
+ "moveEditedField": "編集中のフィールドを移動できません。最初に変更を保存するか破棄してください",
+ "moveDeletedField": "削除済みのフィールドを移動できません。最初に変更を保存するか破棄してください"
"info": {
"calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "このソースではスキーマの変更が無効になっています",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "作業スペース名を入力",
+ "enterBaseName": "ベース名を入力",
+ "idpPaste": "これらのURLをIDプロバイダーのコンソールに貼り付けてください",
+ "noSaml": "構成済みのSAML認証はありません。",
+ "noOIDC": "設定されたOpenID認証がありません。",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "ビューがロックされているため無効",
+ "basesMigrated": "ベースが移行されました。もう一度お試しください。",
"pasteNotSupported": "現在アクティブなセルでは貼り付けはサポートされていません",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "「作成者」は新しいプロジェクトを作成でき、かつ招待されたプロジェクトにもアクセスできます。",
"orgViewer": "ビューアーは新規プロジェクトを作成することはできませんが、招待されたプロジェクトにアクセスできます。"
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "スキャナーを読み込んでいます...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "制限を超えています。",
+ "closeLimit": "制限に近づいています。",
+ "limitNumber": "マップビューで表示されるマーカーの制限は1000レコードです。"
"footerInfo": "1ページあたりの行数",
"upload": "アップロードするファイルを選択してください",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "フォーム入力ラベルを入力してください",
"formHelpText": "ヘルプテキストを追加してください",
"onlyCreator": "作成者だけが閲覧できます",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "フォームタイトルを追加",
"formDesc": "フォームの説明を追加する",
"beforeEnablePwd": "パスワードでアクセスを制限",
"afterEnablePwd": "アクセスするにはパスワードが必要です",
@@ -1563,7 +1568,7 @@
"emailForm": "Email responses to",
"showSysFields": "システムフィールドを表示",
"filterAutoApply": "自動適用",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "メッセージを表示",
"viewNotShared": "共有されているビューはありません!",
"showAllViews": "このテーブルのすべての共有されているビューを表示する",
"collabView": "編集権限を持つコラボレータは、ビュー構成を変更できます。",
@@ -1610,7 +1615,7 @@
"gallery": "ギャラリービューを追加",
"form": "フォームビューを追加",
"kanban": "カンバンビューを追加",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "マップビューを追加",
"calendar": "カレンダービューを追加"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "テーブルメタデータは同期されています",
@@ -1619,9 +1624,9 @@
"enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
"enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
"enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterLayoutName": "レイアウト名を入力してください",
+ "enterDashboardName": "ダッシュボード名を入力してください",
+ "defaultColumns": "デフォルトフィールド",
"addDefaultColumns": "デフォルトの列を追加",
"tableNameInDb": "データベースに保存されているテーブル名",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "この値は既にリストにあります",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "更新するカラムはありません",
"tableDeleted": "テーブルを削除しました",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "レイアウトを正常に削除しました",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "一般に共有可能な読み取り専用ベースを生成する",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "このビューを本当に削除しますか?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "このレイアウトを削除しますか?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "テーブルを削除しますか?",
"showM2mTables": "M2Mテーブルを表示する",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "多対多のリレーションは、結合テーブルを通じてサポートされ、デフォルトで非表示になっています。このオプションを有効にすると、既存のテーブルとともにすべてのそのようなテーブルを一覧表示できます。",
+ "showNullInCells": "セルにNULLを表示",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "セルにNULLのタグを表示し、NULL値を持つセルと空文字列を持つセルとを区別しやすくします。",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "フィルターでNULLと空を表示",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "NULLと空文字列を含むフィールドを区別するための「追加」フィルターを有効にします。ブランクに対するデフォルトサポートは、NULLと空文字列の両方を同じに扱います。",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "スタックを削除すると、`{stackToBeDeleted}`から選択肢`{groupingField}`も削除されます。レコードは未分類スタックに移動します。",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "計算フィールド: コンテンツは読み取り専用です。列編集メニューを使用して再設定してください。",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "計算フィールド: コンテンツは読み取り専用です。コンテンツを消去できません。",
"noMoreRecords": "これ以上の記録はない",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "トークン名は空ではいけません",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "トークン名は255文字を超えてはいけません",
+ "dbNameRequired": "データベース名は必須です",
+ "wsNameRequired": "ワークスペース名は必須です",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "ワークスペース名は少なくとも3文字必要です",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "ワークスペース名は最大50文字までです",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "このワークスペースとそのすべての内容を削除します。",
+ "userConfirmation": "この操作が取り消せないことを理解しています",
+ "pageNotFound": "ページが見つかりません",
+ "makeLineBreak": "改行を追加する",
+ "goToPrevious": "前へ移動",
+ "goToNext": "次へ移動",
+ "thankYou": "ありがとうございます!",
+ "submittedFormData": "フォームデータが正常に送信されました。",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "システムキーの編集はサポートされていません",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "現在利用できません",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "グループペースト操作はリンク/LinkToAnotherRecord列ではサポートされていません",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "グループクリア操作はリンク/LinkToAnotherRecord列ではサポートされていません",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "エンタープライズエディションにアップグレード {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "この機能はエンタープライズ版でのみ利用可能です",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "あなたの現在の役割は",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "この{viewName}にアクセスするには管理者/Baseオーナー/ワークスペースオーナーからより高い権限をリクエストしてください",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "必須フィールドの場合、すべてのオプションを隠すことはできません"
"error": {
"manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "レコードデータの読み込みエラー",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "カレンダーデータの取得エラー",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "アクティブな日付の取得エラー",
+ "scopesRequired": "スコープが必要です",
+ "domainRequired": "ドメイン名が必要です",
+ "authUrlRequired": "認証URLが必要です",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "ユーザー名属性が必要です",
+ "clientIdRequired": "クライアントIDが必要です",
+ "issuerRequired": "発行者が必要です",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "クライアントシークレットが必要です",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URLが必要です",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "トークンURLが必要です",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URLは必須です",
+ "eitherXML": "XMLまたはメタデータURLが必要です",
+ "nameRequired": "名前は必須です",
+ "nameMinLength": "名前は少なくとも2文字必要です",
+ "nameMaxLength": "名前は最大60文字です",
+ "viewNameRequired": "表示名は必須です",
+ "domainNameRequired": "ドメイン名が必要です",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "名前は最大256文字です",
+ "viewNameUnique": "表示名は一意でなければなりません",
"searchProject": "{search} の検索結果が見つかりませんでした",
"invalidChar": "フォルダパスに無効な文字が存在します",
"invalidDbCredentials": "データベースの認証情報が無効です",
"unableToConnectToDb": "データベースに接続できない場合は、データベースが起動していることを確認してください。",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "無効な年",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "ユーザーが存在しないか、スキーマを作成するのに十分な権限がありません。",
"dbConnectionStatus": "無効なデータベースパラメータ",
"dbConnectionFailed": "接続失敗:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "空のフィルタが存在します。削除してください",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "メールアドレスが必要です",
"emailInvalid": "有効なメールアドレスを入力してください",
"passwdRequired": "パスワードが必要です",
"passwdLength": "パスワードは8文字以上にしてください",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "数字 1 文字",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "記号 1 文字",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "利用できる記号の一覧",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "無効なメールアドレス",
+ "invalidEmail": "無効なメールアドレス"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "無効なXML",
"invalidURL": "無効なURL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "無効なメールアドレス",
"internalError": "内部エラーが発生しました",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "テンプレートジェネレーターが見つかりません!",
"fileUploadFailed": "ファイルのアップロードに失敗しました",
@@ -1760,9 +1765,9 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "名前はアルファベットまたは_で始まる必要があります",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "以下の文字種は使用できません",
"columnNameRequired": "列名が必要です",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "フィールド名が重複しています",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "システムフィールドの名前がすでに使用されています",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UIデータタイプは必須です",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
"projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
"projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "使用可能なファイル形式は、.xls、.xlsx、.xlsm、.ods、.ots です。",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "パラメータキーは空にできません",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "パラメータキーの重複は許可されていません",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "このフィールドを空にすることはできません。",
"projectNotAccessible": "このプロジェクトにはアクセスできません",
"copyToClipboardError": "クリップボードへのコピーに失敗しました",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "クリップボードからの貼り付けに失敗しました",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "すべてのフィールドの設定を完了してから保存してください",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "問題が発生しました",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "ドラッグされたコンテンツは画像タイプではありません",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "画像データを解析するフィールド",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "必須フィールドのいくつかが空です"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "プロジェクトメタデータは正常にエクスポートされました",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "近日公開!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "ライセンスキーが更新されました",
"columnDuplicated": "カラムを複製しました",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "テーブルの UI ACL を更新しました",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "プラグインの設定を保存しました",
"pluginTested": "プラグイン設定のテストに成功しました",
"tableRenamed": "テーブル名を変更しました",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "レイアウト名を変更しました",
"viewDeleted": "ビューを削除しました",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "主カラムとしての更新に成功",
"tableDataExported": "テーブルの全データをエクスポートしました",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "プロジェクトからユーザーを削除しました",
"inviteEmailSent": "招待メールを送信しました",
"inviteURLCopied": "招待 URL をクリップボードにコピーしました",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "コメントがクリップボードにコピーされました",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "パスワードリセット URL をクリップボードにコピーしました",
"shareableURLCopied": "共有可能なベースURLをクリップボードにコピーしました。",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "埋め込み用 HTML をコピーしました",
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/km.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/km.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91bfe15f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/km.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1850 @@
+ "dashboards": {
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "បង្កើតចំណុចតំណាងថ្មី",
+ "connect_data_sources": "ភ្ជាប់ទិន្នន័យទាំងឡាយ",
+ "alert": "ការជូនដំណឹង",
+ "alert-message": "គ្មានមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់។ ភ្ជាប់មូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យដើម្បីកសាងចំណុចតំណាង។ អាចរំលងជំហាននេះហើយបន្ថែមមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យពីទំព័រមូលដ្ឋានទីប្រជុំនៅពេលក្រោយ។",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "ជ្រើសរើសមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យ ដែលអ្នកចង់ភ្ជាប់ទៅកាន់ចំណុចតំណាងនេះ។",
+ "create_interface": "បង្កើតចំណុចតំណាង",
+ "project_name": "ឈ្មោះមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "connect": "ភ្ជាប់",
+ "buttonActionTypes": {
+ "open_external_url": "បើកតំណំកៅស៊ូខាងក្រៅ",
+ "delete_record": "លុបកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "update_record": "ទាន់អាប់ដេតកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "open_layout": "បើកប្លង់"
+ },
+ "widgets": {
+ "static_text": "អត្ថបទ",
+ "chart": "តារាងតារាងតារាង",
+ "table": "តារាង",
+ "image": "រូបភាព",
+ "map": "ផែនទី",
+ "button": "ប៊ូតុង",
+ "number": "លេខ",
+ "bar_chart": "តារាងកូតា",
+ "line_chart": "តារាងខ្សែ",
+ "area_chart": "តារាងផ្ទៃ",
+ "pie_chart": "តារាងភ្លើង",
+ "donut_chart": "តារាងដូណូត",
+ "scatter_plot": "ពន្លត់ហ្វាលរ",
+ "bubble_chart": "តារាងមុជូស",
+ "radar_chart": "តារាងខូរបៀត",
+ "polar_area_chart": "តារាងតំបន់ធីទង់",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "តារាងក្បាលរធារ",
+ "heatmap_chart": "តារាងក្តើនតាមក្ដារ",
+ "treemap_chart": "តារាងផែនទីពណ៌",
+ "box_plot_chart": "តារាងបង្ហាញសំណួរ",
+ "candlestick_chart": "តារាងបង្ហាញមូលដ្ឋាន"
+ }
+ },
+ "aggregation": {
+ "sum": "សរុប",
+ "count": "រាប់",
+ "min": "អតិបរមា",
+ "max": "រូបធំបំផុត",
+ "avg": "មធ្យម",
+ "median": "មេដៀន",
+ "std_dev": "ឈូកស្តង់ដា",
+ "histogram": "ប្រវែងបន្ទុក",
+ "range": "ជួរ",
+ "percent_empty": "ទទេ",
+ "percent_filled": "បានបំពេញ",
+ "percent_unique": "មិនធម្មតា",
+ "count_unique": "មិនធម្មតា",
+ "count_empty": "ទទេ",
+ "count_filled": "បានបំពេញ",
+ "earliest_date": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទអប្បបរមា",
+ "latest_date": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទអវិច្ឆារឬ",
+ "date_range": "ជួរ",
+ "month_range": "ជួរ",
+ "checked": "សម្រេច",
+ "unchecked": "មិនមើល",
+ "percent_checked": "សម្រេច",
+ "percent_unchecked": "មិនមើល",
+ "attachment_size": "ទំហំ",
+ "none": "គ្មាន"
+ },
+ "aggregation_type": {
+ "sum": "សរុប",
+ "count": "រាប់",
+ "min": "តិចបំផុត",
+ "max": "ច្រើនបំផុត",
+ "avg": "មធ្យមភាគ",
+ "median": "មេឌៀន",
+ "std_dev": "ខុសគ្នាផ្សេងៗ",
+ "histogram": "តារាងបង្ហាញ",
+ "range": "ជួរប្រែប្រួល",
+ "percent_empty": "ភាគរយទទេ",
+ "percent_filled": "ភាគរយបានបំពេញ",
+ "percent_unique": "ភាគរយប្លែក",
+ "count_unique": "ប្លែក",
+ "count_empty": "ទទេ",
+ "count_filled": "បានបំពេញ",
+ "earliest_date": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទដំបូងបង្អស់",
+ "latest_date": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទចុងក្រោយ",
+ "date_range": "ជួរតែខែ",
+ "month_range": "ជួរប្រែប្រួលខែ",
+ "checked": "ការត្រួតពិនិត្យ",
+ "unchecked": "មិនត្រួតពិនិត្យ",
+ "percent_checked": "ភាគរយបានត្រួតពិនិត្យ",
+ "percent_unchecked": "ភាគរយមិនបានត្រួតពិនិត្យ",
+ "attachment_size": "ទំហំឯកសារ",
+ "none": "គ្មាន"
+ },
+ "general": {
+ "scripts": "Scripts",
+ "configure": "កំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ",
+ "switch": "ប្តូរទិស",
+ "on": "បើក",
+ "onMultiple": "បើកមួយច្រើន",
+ "manual": "សៀវភៅណែនាំ",
+ "trigger": "ចាប់ផ្តើម",
+ "addLookupField": "បន្ថែម {count} វាលស្វែងរក",
+ "style": "ស្ទីល",
+ "label": "ស្លាកយោង",
+ "role": "តួនាទី",
+ "general": "ទូទៅ",
+ "quit": "បោះបង់ចោល",
+ "home": "ផ្ទះ",
+ "load": "ដោនឡូដ",
+ "open": "បើក",
+ "close": "បិទ",
+ "yes": "បាទ/ចាស",
+ "no": "ទេ",
+ "ok": "យល់ព្រម",
+ "back": "ត្រលប់ក្រោយ",
+ "and": "និង",
+ "or": "ឬ",
+ "add": "បន្ថែម",
+ "edit": "កែសម្រួល",
+ "link": "តំណភ្ជាប់",
+ "links": "តំណភ្ជាប់",
+ "remove": "លុបចេញ",
+ "import": "នាំចូល",
+ "logout": "ចាកចេញ",
+ "empty": "ទទេ",
+ "changeIcon": "ផ្លាស់ប្ដូរភាពក្លាយ",
+ "save": "រក្សាទុក",
+ "available": "មានជម្រើស",
+ "abort": "បោះបង់",
+ "saving": "កំពុងរក្សាទុក",
+ "cancel": "បោះបង់",
+ "null": "ទទេ",
+ "escape": "បញ្ញើគេចធ្លុះ",
+ "hex": "Hex",
+ "clear": "ជម្រះ",
+ "slack": "Slack",
+ "comment": "មតិយោបល់",
+ "microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
+ "discord": "Discord",
+ "matterMost": "Mattermost",
+ "twilio": "Twilio",
+ "whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
+ "quote": "សម្រង់",
+ "submit": "ដាក់ស្នើ",
+ "create": "បង្កើត",
+ "createEntity": "បង្កើត {entity}",
+ "creating": "កំពុងបង្កើត",
+ "creatingEntity": "កំពុងបង្កើត {entity}",
+ "details": "ព័ត៌មានលម្អិត",
+ "skip": "រំលង",
+ "code": "លេខកូដ",
+ "duplicate": "ចម្លង",
+ "duplicating": "កំពុងចម្លង",
+ "duplicateEntity": "ស្ទួន {entity}",
+ "activate": "បើកដំណើរការ",
+ "action": "សកម្មភាព",
+ "insert": "បញ្ចូល",
+ "delete": "លុប",
+ "deleteEntity": "លុប {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "បញ្ចូលច្រើនបញ្ចូល",
+ "bulkDelete": "លុបច្រើនលុប",
+ "bulkUpdate": "ធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពច្រើន",
+ "deleting": "កំពុងលុប",
+ "update": "ធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព",
+ "updating": "កំពុងធ្វើឱ្យទាន់សម័យ",
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+ "misc": "ផ្សេងៗ",
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+ "moreInfo": "ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែមអាចត្រូវបានគេប្រមូលនៅទីនេះ",
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+ "allIntegrations": "ការរួមបញ្ចូលទាំងអស់",
+ "allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "ភ្ជាប់ និងគ្រប់គ្រងមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នកដោយ suangly ជាមួយ NocoDB។",
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+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "បង្កើនជំនួយខាងការងារគម្រោង និងការគ្រប់គ្រងកិច្ចការជាមួយ NocoDB។",
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+ "marketingSubtitle": "ជំនាញព្វិភាគទីផ្សាររបស់អ្នកជាមួយនឹងកិច្ចរួមបញ្ចូលដ៏មានពលកម្មរបស់ NocoDB។",
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+ "atsSubtitle": "កែសម្រួលប្រព័ន្ធដាក់ពាក្យសុំការងាររបស់អ្នកជាមួយ NocoDB។",
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+ "financeSubtitle": "ស្រួលការងារហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ និងកិច្ចការគ្រប់គ្រងទិន្នន័យជាមួយ NocoDB។",
+ "ticketing": "សំបុត្រ",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "គ្រប់គ្រង និងតាមដានសំបុត្រគាំទ្រដោយមានប្រសិទ្ធភាពជាមួយ NocoDB។",
+ "storageSubtitle": "ភ្ជាប់ និងរៀបចំដំណោះស្រាយផ្ទុករបស់អ្នកជាមួយ NocoDB ដោយរលូន។",
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+ "othersSubtitle": "ស្វែងរកការរួមបញ្ចូលចម្រុះបន្ថែមដើម្បីពង្រឹងបទពិសោធន៍ NocoDB របស់អ្នក។",
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+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "ភ្ជាប់ និងគ្រប់គ្រងសៀវភៅគំនូសតារាងរបស់អ្នកជាមួយ NocoDB។"
+ }
+ },
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+ "SingleLineText": "អត្ថបទបន្ទាត់តែមួយ",
+ "LongText": "អត្ថបទវែង",
+ "Attachment": "ឯកសារភ្ជាប់",
+ "Checkbox": "ប្រអប់សង្កត់",
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+ "Collaborator": "អ្នកសហការណ៍",
+ "Date": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទ",
+ "Year": "ឆ្នាំ",
+ "Time": "ពេលវេលា",
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+ "Email": "អ៊ីមែល",
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+ "Lookup": "ស្វែងរក",
+ "DateTime": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទ និង ពេលវេលា",
+ "CreatedTime": "បង្កើតពេលវេលា",
+ "LastModifiedTime": "ពេលវេលាកែប្រែចុងក្រោយ",
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+ "setDefault": "កំណត់លំនាំដើម"
+ }
+ },
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+ "isEqual": "ស្មើគ្នា",
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+ "isNot like": "មិនដូច",
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+ "isNull": "គឺទទេ",
+ "isNotNull": "មិនទទេ"
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "searchWebhook": "ស្វែងរក webhook",
+ "webcam": "វេបកាម",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "បញ្ចូលតាមអាសយដ្ឋាន URL",
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+ "renamingWorkspace": "ប្ដូរឈ្មោះកន្លែងធ្វើការ",
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+ "forum": "កិច្ចពិភាក្សា",
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+ "termsOfService": "ល័ក្ខខ័ណ្ឌសេវាកម្ម",
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+ "renamingTable": "កំពុងប្ដូរឈ្មោះតារាង",
+ "renamingWs": "កំពុងប្ដូរឈ្មោះបន្ទប់ការងារ",
+ "renameWs": "ប្ដូរឈ្មោះបន្ទប់ការងារ",
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+ "copyAuthToken": "ចម្លងតូខឺនភាពសុពលភាព",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "បានចម្លងតូខឺនភាពសុពលភាព",
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+ "newBase": "ប្រភពទិន្នន័យថ្មី",
+ "newProj": "មូលដ្ឋានថ្មី",
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+ "myProject": "មូលដ្ឋានរបស់ខ្ញុំ",
+ "formTitle": "ចំណងជើងបែបបទ",
+ "collaborative": "រួមបញ្ចូលគ្នា",
+ "locked": "បានចាក់សោ",
+ "personal": "ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន",
+ "appStore": "ឯកសារអ្នកទេសចរ",
+ "teamAndAuth": "ក្រុម និង អាថ៍",
+ "rolesUserMgmt": "គ្រប់គ្រងតួនាទី និង អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់",
+ "userMgmt": "គ្រប់គ្រងអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់",
+ "apiTokens": "តូខឺន API",
+ "apiTokenMgmt": "គ្រប់គ្រងសេចក្តីថា API",
+ "rolesMgmt": "គ្រប់គ្រងតួនាទី",
+ "projMeta": "Metadata មូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "metaMgmt": "គ្រប់គ្រងគណនី",
+ "metadata": "ទិន្នន័យ Metadata",
+ "exportImportMeta": "នាំចេញ / នាំចូល ទិន្នន័យ Metadata",
+ "uiACL": "UI Access Control",
+ "metaOperations": "សកម្មភាព Metadata",
+ "audit": "ត្រួតពិនិត្យ",
+ "auditLogs": "កំណត់ហេតុនៃការត្រួតពិនិត្យ",
+ "sqlMigrations": "ការធ្វើដំណើរការវិវត្តន៍ SQL",
+ "dbCredentials": "សុពលភាពទិន្នន័យមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "advancedParameters": "SSL & ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រមូកែគ្នា",
+ "headCreateProject": "បង្កើតមូលដ្ឋាន | NocoDB",
+ "headLogin": "ចូលគណនី | NocoDB",
+ "resetPassword": "កំណត់សម្គាល់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នក",
+ "teamAndSettings": "ក្រុម & ការកំណត់",
+ "apiDocs": "ឯកសារ API",
+ "importFromAirtable": "នាំចូល ពី Airtable",
+ "generateToken": "បង្កើត សញ្ញាសម្ងាត់",
+ "APIsAndSupport": "API និង ការគាំទ្រ",
+ "helpCenter": "មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលជំនួយ",
+ "noLabels": "គ្មានស្លាក",
+ "swaggerDocumentation": "ឯកសារ Swagger",
+ "quickImportFrom": "នាំចូល រហ័ស ពី",
+ "quickImport": "នាំចូល រហ័ស",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "នាំចូលផ្ទុក - Airtable ខ្នុរវេរ",
+ "quickImportCSV": "នាំចូលផ្ទុក - CSV ខ្នុរវេរ",
+ "quickImportExcel": "នាំចូលផ្ទុក - Excel ខ្នុរវេរ",
+ "quickImportJSON": "នាំចូលផ្ទុក - JSON ខ្នុរវេរ",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON អ្នកនិពន្ធ",
+ "comingSoon": "កំពុងនឹងមកឆាប់ៗ",
+ "advancedSettings": "ការកំណត់ ជំពូក",
+ "codeSnippet": "អត្ថបទខ្លី",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "ផ្លូវក្រោមក្តារចុច",
+ "generateRandomName": "បង្កើត ឈ្មោះចៃដន្យ",
+ "findRowByScanningCode": "រកកំណត់ត្រាដោយស្កែនកូដ QR ឬ Barcode",
+ "tokenManagement": "ការគ្រប់គ្រងតូខឺន",
+ "addNewToken": "បន្ថែមតូខឺនថ្មី",
+ "createNewToken": "បង្កើតTokenថ្មី",
+ "accountSettings": "ការកំណត់គណនី",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "កំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ឡើងវិញ",
+ "tokens": "តូខឺន",
+ "userManagement": "ការគ្រប់គ្រងអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់",
+ "accountManagement": "ការគ្រប់គ្រងគណនី",
+ "licence": "លិខិតអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "អនុញ្ញាតប្រភេទ Mime ទាំងអស់",
+ "defaultView": "ទិដ្ឋភាពលំនាំដើម",
+ "relations": "ទំនាក់ទំនង",
+ "switchLanguage": "ប្ដូរភាសា",
+ "renameFile": "ប្ដូរឈ្មោះឯកសារ",
+ "links": {
+ "noAction": "គ្មានសកម្មភាព",
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+ "setNull": "កំណត់ជាNULL",
+ "setDefault": "កំណត់ជាDefault"
+ },
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "ជ្រើសវាលពីថាសង្វែងដើម្បីបន្ថែមទីនេះ",
+ "noOptionsFound": "រកមិនឃើញជម្រើស",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "តើអ្នកប្រាកដថាចង់បញ្ជូនបែបបទនេះឬ?",
+ "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "ការស្វែងរករបស់អ្នកមិនបានផ្តល់លទ្ធផលណាមួយផងទេ",
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "មើលទៅដូចជាស្តែននេះមិនមានកំណត់ត្រាអ្វីទេ",
+ "fromScratch": "ពីដូនក្មេក",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "ពីឯកសារ & ប្រភពខាងក្រៅ",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "បញ្ចូលតាមរយៈប្រព័ន្ធពិត",
+ "categories": "ប្រភេទ",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "វាលមិនអាចចូលដំណើរការ",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "គ្មានលក្ខខណ្ឌត្រូវបានបន្ថែម"
+ },
+ "labels": {
+ "modifiedOn": "បានផ្លាស់ប្តូរកាលបរិច្ឆេទ",
+ "configuration": "ការកំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ",
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+ "fieldID": "លេខសំគាល់វាល",
+ "addDescription": "បន្ថែមពិពណ៌នា",
+ "editDescription": "កែសម្រួលពិពណ៌នា",
+ "urlFormula": "រូបមន្ត URL",
+ "selectIcon": "គ្មាន",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--ជ្រើសរើស webhook មួយ--",
+ "openUrl": "បើក URL",
+ "runWebHook": "រត់ Webhook",
+ "onClick": "នៅពេលចុច",
+ "defaultView": "ទិដ្ឋភាពលំនាំដើម",
+ "recordInsert": "បញ្ចូលកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "recordUpdate": "ធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "recordDelete": "លុបកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "supportDocs": "ឯកសារគាំទ្រ",
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+ "selectYourNewTitleFor": "ជ្រើសរើសចំណងជើងថ្មីរបស់អ្នកសម្រាប់ ",
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+ "changeTitleField": "ផ្លាស់ប្ដូរផ្នែកចំណងជើង",
+ "clearAll": "លុបអស់គ្រប់គ្នា",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "វាលស្វែងរកបង្ហាញទិន្នន័យពីកំណត់ត្រាដែលភ្ជាប់។ ជ្រើសវាលជាក់លាក់ទៅពី ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " តារាងដើម្បីបន្ថែមវាលស្វែងរកនៅក្នុងតារាងនេះ។",
+ "formatting": "រៀបចំ",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -ជ្រើសប្រភេទទំរង់ (សម្រេចចិត្តដោយឬប្រសិនបើអាចលែងបាន)- -",
+ "formatType": "ប្រភេទទំរង់",
+ "toUpload": "ដើម្បីបញ្ចូល",
+ "dragFilesHere": "រុញឯកសារដែលនៅទីនេះ",
+ "browseFiles": "រកឯកសារ",
+ "clickTo": "ចុចដើម្បី",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "សូមអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យចូលទៅកាមេរ៉ារបស់អ្នក",
+ "openFile": "បើកឯកសារ",
+ "enterValidUrl": "បញ្ចូលអាសយដ្ឋាន URL ដែលសុវត្ថិភាពដើម្បីបញ្ចូលឯកសារ",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "បញ្ចូលឯកសារពី URL",
+ "uploading": "កំពុងបញ្ចូល",
+ "dropHere": "ទម្លាក់នៅទីនេះ",
+ "addMore": "បន្ថែមទៀត",
+ "clearAllFiles": "សម្អាតឯកសារទាំងអស់",
+ "integration": "ការរួមបញ្ចូល",
+ "notRecommended": "មិនត្រូវបានណែនាំ",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "អនុញ្ញាតឲ្យផ្លាស់ប្តូរស្ថាបរិមា",
+ "allowDataWrite": "អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យសរសេរ/កែសម្រួលទិន្នន័យ",
+ "selectView": "ជ្រើសមើល",
+ "connectionDetails": "ព័ត៌មានលម្អិត ស្តុបទានសមទំនាក់ទំនង",
+ "metaSync": "ឯកសាររមាំ",
+ "mention": "ការបញ្ជាក់",
+ "today": "ថ្ងៃនេះ",
+ "currentDate": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទបច្ចុប្បន្ន",
+ "workspace": "កន្លែងធ្វើការ",
+ "txt": "តម្លៃកំណត់ត្រា TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "ផ្ទេរកម្មសិទ្ធិ",
+ "recentActivity": "សកម្មភាពថ្មីៗ",
+ "goToMembers": "ទៅកាន់សមាជិក",
+ "addMember": "បន្ថែមសមាជិក",
+ "numberOfMembers": "ចំនួនសមាជិក",
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+ "numberOfRecords": "ចំនួនកំណត់ត្រា",
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+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "កន្លែងធ្វើការដែលគ្មានម្ចាស់",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "អញ្ជើញអ្នកប្រើទៅកន្លែងធ្វើការ",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-ជ្រើសរើសកន្លែងធ្វើការដើម្បីអញ្ជើញទៅ-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "បន្ថែមសមាជិកទៅអង្គការ",
+ "memberIn": "សមាជិកនៅក្នុង:",
+ "assignAs": "ផ្ដល់សិទ្ធិជាម៉េច",
+ "signOutUser": "ចាកចេញពីគណនេយ្យអ្នកប្រើ",
+ "signOutUsers": "ចាកចេញពីគណនេយ្យអ្នកប្រើ",
+ "deactivateUser": "បំផ្លាញប្រើប្រាស់",
+ "deactivateUsers": "បំផ្លាញប្រើប្រាស់",
+ "lastActive": "សកម្មចុងក្រោយ",
+ "dateAdded": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទបន្ថែម",
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+ "organizationProfile": "ពត៌មានអង្គការ",
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+ "organizationName": "ឈ្មោះអង្គការ",
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+ "deleteUserAndData": "លុបអ្នកប្រើ និងទិន្នន័យរបស់ពួកគេ",
+ "userOptions": "ជម្រើសអ្នកប្រើ",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "លុបអង្គការនេះ",
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+ "selectYear": "ជ្រើសរើសឆ្នាំ",
+ "save": "រក្សាទុក",
+ "cancel": "បោះបង់",
+ "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "សមាជិក ID / Existing ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
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+ "newProvider": "អ្នកផ្តល់សេវាថ្មី",
+ "generalSettings": "ការកំណត់ទូទៅ",
+ "adminPanel": "បន្ទប់គ្រប់គ្រង",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "ផ្លាស់ទីកន្លែងធ្វើការទៅអង្គការ",
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+ "dashboard": "ផ្ទាំងគ្រប់គ្រង",
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+ "previousMonth": "ខែស្ថិតិមុន",
+ "next": "បន្ទាប់",
+ "organiseBy": "រៀបចំដោយ",
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+ "duplicateAttachment": "ឯកសារជាមួយឈ្មោះ {filename} បានភ្ជាប់រួចហើយ",
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+ "subject": "ប្រធានបទ",
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+ "duplicateRecord": "កំណត់ត្រចៀកស្ទួន",
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+ "examples": "ឧទាហរណ៍",
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+ "optional": "(ជាជម្រើស)",
+ "clickToMake": "ចុចដើម្បីធ្វើការបង្កើត",
+ "visibleForRole": "ឱ្យមើលឃើញសម្រាប់តួការងារ:",
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+ "projectSettings": "ការកំណត់មូលដ្ឋាន",
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+ "clickToDownload": "ចុចដើម្បីទាញយក",
+ "forRole": "សម្រាប់តួការងារ",
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+ "clickToCopyViewID": "ចុចដើម្បីចម្លងទិដ្ឋភាព ID",
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+ "superAdmin": "អ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងធំ",
+ "allTables": "តារាងទាំងអស់",
+ "members": "សមាជិក",
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+ "connectDataSource": "តភ្ជាប់ ទិន្នន័យខាងក្រៅ",
+ "searchProjects": "ស្វែងរកមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "createdBy": "បង្កើតដោយ",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "កំពុងមើលអសថិដមួយ",
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+ "profile": "ទម្រង់ផ្ទៃ",
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+ "backToWorkspace": "ត្រឡប់ទៅមុខការងារ",
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+ "createFormView": "បង្កើតទិដ្ឋភាពសំណុំបែបបទ",
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+ "duplicateCalendarView": "ស្ទួនទម្រង់កាលបរិច្ឆេទ",
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+ "operationSubType": "ប្រភេទបន្ទាប់សម័យប្រតិបត្តិការ",
+ "description": "ពណ៌នា",
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+ "airtable": "Airtable",
+ "csv": "CSV",
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+ "microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
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+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "តួអក្សរច្រើនពេក សម្រាប់ កូដ QR",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "តួអក្សរច្រើនពេកសម្រាប់បាកូដ",
+ "currentLocation": "ទីតាំងបច្ចុប្បន្ន",
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+ "lat": "Latitude",
+ "aggregateFunction": "មុខងារភាគហ៊ុន",
+ "dbCreateIfNotExists": "ទិន្នន័យមូលដ្ឋាន : បង្កើតបានប្រសិនបើអត់មាន",
+ "clientKey": "ការពិនិត្យគណនី",
+ "clientCert": "សញ្ញាសម្គាល់គណនី",
+ "serverCA": "ម៉ាករកលេខសាកល្បង",
+ "requriedCa": "CA-តម្រុយ",
+ "requriedIdentity": "IDENTITY-តម្រុយ",
+ "inflection": {
+ "tableName": "ភាសាបដិសណ្ឋារកិច្ច - ឈ្មោះ តារាង",
+ "columnName": "ព្យាបាទ - ឈ្មោះវាល"
+ },
+ "community": {
+ "starUs1": "ផ្កាយ",
+ "starUs2": "លើ Github",
+ "bookDemo": "កក់ផ្ញើការបង្ហាញ ដោយគ្មានគិតសំលេង",
+ "getAnswered": "ទទួលបានការឆ្លើយសំនួរសម្រាប់អ្នក",
+ "joinDiscord": "ចូលរួម Discord",
+ "joinCommunity": "ចូលរួមជាមួយសហគមន៍ NocoDB",
+ "joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB",
+ "followNocodb": "ធ្វើតាម NocoDB",
+ "communityTranslated": "(ជាសហគមន៍/បកប្រែដោយ AI)"
+ },
+ "twitter": "Twitter",
+ "docReference": "ព័ត៌មាន ឯកសារ",
+ "selectUserRole": "ជ្រើសរើស តួនាទីអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់",
+ "childTable": "តារាងកូន",
+ "childColumn": "វាលកូន",
+ "childField": "វាលកូន",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "ចូលរួម Cloud ដោយឥតគិតថ្លៃ",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "ភ្ជាប់ទៅ កំណត់ត្រាផ្សេងទៀត",
+ "links": "តំណភ្ជាប់",
+ "onUpdate": "នៅលើការធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព",
+ "onDelete": "នៅលើការលុប",
+ "account": "គណនី",
+ "language": "ភាសា",
+ "primaryColor": "ពណ៌មូលដ្ឋាន",
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+ "requestDataSource": "សំណើប្រភពទិន្នន័យដែលអ្នកត្រូវការ?",
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+ "personalAccessToken": "កូនសូមការចូលទៅ",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "ទីលានដែលបានចែករំលែក URL",
+ "importData": "នាំចូលទិន្នន័យ",
+ "importSecondaryViews": "នាំចូលទិដ្ឋភាពទោះបី",
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+ "importLookupColumns": "នាំចូលវាល Lookup",
+ "importAttachmentColumns": "នាំចូលវាលឯកសារភ្ជាប់",
+ "importFormulaColumns": "នាំចូលវាលផ្ទុយវីវរវិភាគ",
+ "importUsers": "នាំចូលអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ (តាមអ៊ីមែល)",
+ "noData": "គ្មានទិន្នន័យ",
+ "goToDashboard": "ទៅកាន់ផ្ទាំងគ្រប់គ្រង",
+ "importing": "កំពុងនាំចូល",
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+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "ប្រើទីតំាងជាលើកដំបូងជាស្ថានភាគិដ្ឋាន",
+ "flattenNested": "រាបស្មើបន្តរយៈ",
+ "downloadAllowed": "ការទាញយកត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាត",
+ "weAreHiring": "យើងកំពុងជ្រើសរើសបុគ្គលិក!",
+ "primaryKey": "គន្លឹះមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "hasMany": "មានច្រើន",
+ "belongsTo": "ឥទ្ធិពលទៅ",
+ "manyToMany": "មានទំនាក់ទំនងច្រើនទៅច្រើន",
+ "oneToOne": "មានទំនាក់ទំនងម្ចាស់កម្មសិទ្ធិតើយ",
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+ "commentsOnly": "កំណត់ត្រាការមតិតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ",
+ "documentation": "ឯកសារបង្ហាញ",
+ "subscribeNewsletter": "ជាវព្រឹត្តិបត្រព័ត៌មានប្រចាំសប្តាហ៍របស់យើង",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "ចុះឈ្មោះជាមួយ {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "ចូលមើលជាមួយ {provider}",
+ "agreeToTos": "ដោយចុះឈ្មោះ អ្នកយល់ព្រមចំពោះលក្ខខ័ណ្ឌសេវាកម្ម",
+ "welcomeToNc": "សូមស្វាគមន៍មកកាន់ NocoDB!",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យចុះឈ្មោះតាមរយៈ URL ការអញ្ជើញប៉ុណ្ណោះ",
+ "nextRow": "ទ្រនំបន្ទាប់",
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+ "noAccess": "គ្មានការចូលទៅ",
+ "restApis": "Rest APIs",
+ "apis": "APIs",
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+ "includeData": "រួមបញ្ចូលទិន្នន័យ",
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+ "includeWebhook": "រួមបញ្ចូល Webhook",
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+ "embedInSite": "បញ្ចូលទិដ្ឋភាពនេះនៅក្នុងគេហទំព័ររបស់អ្នក",
+ "titleRequired": "ចំណងជើងត្រូវការជាក្រមតំណាង។",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "ចំណងត្រូវការជា",
+ "changeWsName": "ផ្លាស់ប្តូរឈ្មោះទីធ្លា",
+ "pressEnter": "ចុច Enter",
+ "newFormLoaded": "កំពុងផ្ទុកបែបបទថ្មីនៅ",
+ "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "multiField": {
+ "newField": "វាលថ្មី",
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+ "updatedField": "បានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពវាល",
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+ "incompleteConfiguration": "កំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធមិនទាន់បានបំពេញ",
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+ "selectFieldLabel": "ធ្វើកែប្រែលក្ខណៈសម្បត្តិវាលដោយជ្រើសរើសវាលពីបញ្ជី"
+ },
+ "appearanceSettings": "ការកំណត់រូបរាង",
+ "backgroundColor": "ពណ៌ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "លាក់ទីតាំងលេខពណ៌",
+ "showOnConditions": "បង្ហាញលើលក្ខខណ្ឌ",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "បង្ហាញវាលនៃបទលំនាំតាមសេចក្តីកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "limitOptions": "ដាក់ការរឹតត្បិត",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "កំណត់គំលានជម្រើសដែលអាចមើលឃើញអោយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដោយជ្រើសរើសជម្រើសដែលអាចប្រើបាន",
+ "clearSelection": "សម្អាតការជ្រើសរើស",
+ "displayAsProgress": "បង្ហាញជាការរីកចម្រើន",
+ "relationType": "ប្រភេទទំនាក់ទំនង",
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+ "signUpForFree": "ចុះឈ្មោះឥតគិតថ្លៃ",
+ "coverImageField": "រូបបិទ",
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+ "redirectToUrl": "ប្តូរទិសទៅ URL"
+ },
+ "activity": {
+ "webhookDetails": "ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតរបស់ Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "លាក់ចុងសប្ដាហ៍",
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+ "renameWorkspace": "ផ្លាស់ប្ដូរឈ្មោះកន្លែងធ្វើការ",
+ "deactivate": "បំផ្លាញ",
+ "manageUsers": "គ្រប់គ្រងអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់",
+ "newWorkspace": "កន្លែងធ្វើការថ្មី",
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+ "addMembers": "បន្ថែមសមាជិក",
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+ "inviteToWorkspace": "អញ្ជើញទៅកន្លែងធ្វើការ",
+ "addMember": "បន្ថែមសមាជិកទៅកាន់មូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "noRange": "ទិដ្ឋភាពប្រតិទាញត្រូវការជួរថ្ងៃខែ",
+ "goToToday": "ទៅដល់ថ្ងៃនេះ",
+ "toggleSidebar": "បើកបន្ទាត់នាវា",
+ "addEndDate": "បញ្ចូលកាលបរិច្ឆេទបញ្ចប់",
+ "withEndDate": "ឬធ្វើដំណើរកាលបរិច្ឆេទបញ្ចប់",
+ "calendar": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទ",
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+ "registerOIDC": "ចុះឈ្មោះដល់អ្នកផ្តល់សេវា OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "ចុះឈ្មោះដល់អ្នកផ្តល់សេវា SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "បើកនៅក្នុងផ្ទាំងថ្មី",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "ចម្លងកូដ IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "ដើម្បីមានលក្ខខណ្ឌ",
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+ "attachFile": "ភ្ជាប់ឯកសារ",
+ "viewAttachment": "មើលឯកសារភ្ជាប់",
+ "attachmentDrop": "ចុច ឬទម្លាក់ឯកសារដើម្បីបញ្ចូលបន្ទាត់",
+ "addFiles": "បន្ថែមឯកសារ(ច្រើន)",
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+ "submitAnotherForm": "ដាក់ស្នើសំណុំបែបបទផ្សេងទៀត",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "អូសនិងទម្លាក់វាលនៅទីនេះដើម្បីបន្ថែម",
+ "editSource": "កែប្រែប្រភពទិន្នន័យ",
+ "enterText": "បញ្ចូលអត្ថបទ",
+ "okEditBase": "យល់ព្រមនិងកែប្រែមូលដ្ឋាន",
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+ "outOfSync": "មិនជ្រុងជ្រែង",
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+ "newWebhook": "Webhook ថ្មី",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "បើកការចូលជាសាធារណៈ",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "តើអ្នកចង់រក្សាទុកការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទេ?",
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+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "កំណត់ការចូលដំណើរការដោយពាក្យសម្ងាត់",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "គ្រប់គ្រងការចូលដំណើរការមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "allowDownload": "អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យទាញយក",
+ "surveyMode": "របៀបស្ទង់មតិ",
+ "rtlOrientation": "ការប្រែប្រួល RTL",
+ "useTheme": "ប្រើគំរោងសាប៊ូ",
+ "copyLink": "ចម្លងតំណ",
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+ "copiedInviteLink": "តំណអញ្ជើញបានចម្លង",
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+ "moreColors": "ពណ៌ច្រើនទៀត",
+ "moveProject": "ផ្លាស់ទីមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "createProject": "បង្កើតមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "importProject": "នាំចូលមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "searchProject": "ស្វែងរកមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "editProject": "កែសម្រួលមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "stopProject": "បញ្ឈប់មូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "startProject": "ចាប់ផ្តើមមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "restartProject": "ចាប់ផ្តើមមូលដ្ឋានឡើងវិញ",
+ "deleteProject": "លុបមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "refreshProject": "ធ្វើឱ្យមូលដ្ឋានស្រឺតបន្តិច",
+ "saveProject": "រក្សាទុកមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "saveAndQuit": "រក្សាទុក និងបញ្ឈប់",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "លុបកំពសុំ?",
+ "createProjectExtended": {
+ "extDB": "បង្កើតដោយការតភ្ជាប់
+ "excel": "បង្កើតមូលដ្ឋានពី Excel",
+ "template": "បង្កើតមូលដ្ឋានពីគំរូ"
+ },
+ "OkSaveProject": "យល់ព្រមនិងរក្សាទុកមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "upgrade": {
+ "available": "អាប់ដ្រេសដែលអាចប្រើបាន",
+ "releaseNote": "កំណត់ចំណាំបញ្ចេញ",
+ "howTo": "ធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរដោយរបៀബណា ?"
+ },
+ "translate": "ជួយបកប្រែ",
+ "account": {
+ "authToken": "ចម្លងអតិថិជន Auth",
+ "authTokenCopied": "ថូខេនអាម្មណ៌ត្រូវបានចម្លង",
+ "swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
+ "projInfo": "ចម្លងព័ត៌មានមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "themes": "ស្បែក"
+ },
+ "sort": "តម្រៀប",
+ "addSort": "បន្ថែមជម្រើសតម្រៀប",
+ "filter": "តម្រង",
+ "addFilter": "បន្ថែមតម្រង",
+ "share": "ចែករំលែក",
+ "groupBy": "ដាក់ជាទ្រុមតាម",
+ "addSubGroup": "ក្រុមរងថ្មី",
+ "shareBase": {
+ "label": "ចែករំលែកមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "disable": "បិទមូលដ្ឋានដែលបានចែករំលែក",
+ "enable": "នរណាម្នាក់មានតំណភ្ជាប់",
+ "link": "តំណភ្ជាប់មូលដ្ឋានដែលបានចែករំលែក"
+ },
+ "invite": "អញ្ជើញ",
+ "inviteMore": "អញ្ជើញបន្ថែម",
+ "inviteTeam": "អញ្ជើញក្រុម",
+ "inviteUser": "អញ្ជើញអ្នកប្រើ",
+ "inviteToken": "អញ្ជើញសញ្ញាសម្គាល់",
+ "linkedRecords": "កំណត់ត្រាដែលគេបានភ្ជាប់",
+ "addNewLink": "បន្ថែមតំណថ្មី",
+ "newUser": "អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ថ្មី",
+ "editUser": "កែសម្រួលអ្នកប្រើ",
+ "deleteUser": "ដកអ្នកប្រើចេញពីមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "resendInvite": "ផ្ញើអីមែលអញ្ជើញម្តងទៀត",
+ "copyInviteURL": "ចម្លង URL អញ្ជើញ",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "ចម្លង URL សម្ងាត់",
+ "newRole": "តួនាទីថ្មី",
+ "reloadRoles": "បញ្ជូលតួនាទីឡើងវិញ",
+ "nextPage": "ទំព័របន្ទាប់",
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+ "previousRecord": "កំណត់ត្រាមុន",
+ "copyApiURL": "ចម្លងតំណ API",
+ "createTable": "បង្កើតតារាង",
+ "createDashboard": "បង្កើតផ្ទាំងគ្រប់គ្រង",
+ "createWorkspace": "បង្កើតផ្ទាំងការងារ",
+ "refreshTable": "ធ្វើឱ្យតារាងស្រទាប់ស្រង",
+ "renameTable": "ប្តូរឈ្មោះតារាង",
+ "renameLayout": "ប្តូរឈ្មោះប្លង់",
+ "deleteTable": "លបតារាង",
+ "addField": "បន្ថែមវាលថ្មីទៅតារាងនេះ",
+ "setDisplay": "កំណត់បង្ហាញនៃតម្លៃ",
+ "addRow": "បន្ថែមកំណត់ត្រាថ្មី",
+ "saveRow": "រក្សាទុកកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "saveAndExit": "រក្សាទុក & ចាកចេញ",
+ "saveAndStay": "រក្សាទុក & ស្នាក់នៅ",
+ "insertRow": "បញ្ចូលកំណត់ត្រាថ្មី",
+ "duplicateRow": "ចម្លងកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "deleteRow": "លុបកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "deleteRows": "លុបកំណត់ត្រាច្រើន",
+ "predictColumns": "ទាយវាល",
+ "predictFormulas": "ទាយរូបមន្ត",
+ "deleteSelectedRow": "លុបកំណត់ត្រាដែលបានជ្រើស",
+ "importExcel": "នាំចូល Excel",
+ "importCSV": "នាំចូល CSV",
+ "downloadCSV": "ទាញយក CSV",
+ "downloadExcel": "ទាញយក Excel",
+ "uploadCSV": "ផ្ទុកឡើង CSV",
+ "import": "នាំចូល",
+ "importMetadata": "នាំចូល Metadata",
+ "exportMetadata": "នាំចេញ Metadata",
+ "clearMetadata": "សម្អាត Metadata",
+ "exportToFile": "នាំចេញទៅឯកសារ",
+ "changePwd": "ប្តូរពាក្យសម្ងាត់",
+ "createView": "ចេះបង្កើតការមើល",
+ "shareView": "ចែករំលែកទិដ្ឋភាព",
+ "findRowByCodeScan": "ស្វែងរកកំណត់ត្រដោយស្កេនកូដ",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "បំពេញដោយស្កេន",
+ "listSharedView": "បញ្ជីទិដ្ឋភាពចែករំលែក",
+ "ListView": "បញ្ជីទិដ្ឋភាព",
+ "copyView": "ចម្លងទិដ្ឋភាព",
+ "renameView": "ប្ដូរឈ្មោះមើល",
+ "uploadData": "ផ្ទុកទិន្នន័យឡើង",
+ "deleteView": "លុបមើល",
+ "createGrid": "បង្កើតទិដ្ឋភាពក្រឡា",
+ "createGallery": "បង្កើតទិដ្ឋភាពវិចិត្រសាល",
+ "createCalendar": "បង្កើតទិដ្ឋភាពប្រតិទិន",
+ "createKanban": "បង្កើតទិដ្ឋភាពកន្ទប",
+ "createForm": "បង្កើតទិដ្ឋភាពបែបបទ",
+ "showSystemFields": "បង្អួតវាលប្រព័ន្ធ",
+ "openTab": "បើកផ្ទាំងថ្មី",
+ "iFrame": "ចម្លងកូដ HTML ដែលអាចបញ្ចូលបាន",
+ "addWebhook": "បន្ថែម Webhook ថ្មី",
+ "enableWebhook": "បើក Webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "សាកល្បង Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "បង្កើត Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "ចម្លង Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "លុប Webhook",
+ "newToken": "បន្ថែម Token ថ្មី",
+ "exportZip": "នាំចេញ zip",
+ "importZip": "នាំចូល zip",
+ "metaSync": "ធ្វើសមកាលកម្មឥឡូវ",
+ "settings": "ការកំណត់",
+ "validations": "ការបញ្ជាក់",
+ "previewAs": "កម្រិតមើលជាមុនជា",
+ "resetReview": "កំណត់ជាថាសម្រង់មើលជាមុន",
+ "testDbConn": "សាកល្បងការតភ្ជាប់មូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យ",
+ "removeDbFromEnv": "យកមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យចេញពីបរិស្ថាន",
+ "editConnJson": "កែសម្រួល JSON ការតភ្ជាប់",
+ "sponsorUs": "ឧបត្ថម្ភយើង",
+ "sendEmail": "ផ្ញើអ៊ីម៉ែល",
+ "addUserToProject": "បន្ថែមអ្នកប្រើទៅគោលដៅ",
+ "getApiSnippet": "ទាញយក API Snippet",
+ "clearCell": "ជម្រះក្រឡា",
+ "addFilterGroup": "បន្ថែមក្រុមតម្រង",
+ "linkRecord": "ភ្ជាប់កំណត់ត្រា",
+ "addNewRecord": "បន្ថែមកំណត់ត្រាថ្មី",
+ "newRecord": "កំណត់ត្រាថ្មី",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: បង្កើតកំណត់ត្រាថ្មី",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' បានរក្សាទុក និងតភ្ជាប់ ជោគជ័យ",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "កំណត់ត្រាបានបង្កើត និងតភ្ជាប់",
+ "useConnectionUrl": "ប្រើ URL ការតភ្ជាប់",
+ "toggleCommentsDraw": "ប្ដូរចាក់សោមតិខ្ចាត់ខ្ខាយ",
+ "expandRecord": "ពង្រីកកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "deleteRecord": "លុបកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "fullWidth": "ពេញទំហំនោះ",
+ "exitFullWidth": "ចាកចេញពីពេញទំហំណោះ",
+ "markAllAsRead": "សម្គាល់ទាំងអស់ថាជាអានរួច",
+ "column": {
+ "delete": "លុបវាល",
+ "addNumber": "បន្ថែមវាលលេខ",
+ "addSingleLineText": "បន្ថែមវាលតេកស្តួទ្រង់",
+ "addLongText": "បន្ថែមវាលតេកផ្ចិត",
+ "addOther": "បន្ថែមវាលផ្សេងៗ"
+ },
+ "erd": {
+ "showColumns": "បង្ហាញវាល",
+ "showPkAndFk": "បង្ហាញ គន្លឹះប្រធាន & គន្លឹះ បរទេស",
+ "showSqlViews": "បង្ហាញ ទិដ្ឋភាព SQL",
+ "showMMTables": "បង្ហាញ តារាង ហើររហូត",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "បង្ហាញ ឈ្មោះ តារាង ចល័ត"
+ },
+ "kanban": {
+ "collapseStack": "បង្រួមចង្កៀង",
+ "collapseAll": "បង្រួមគ្រប់គ្នា",
+ "expandAll": "ពង្រីកគ្រប់គ្នា",
+ "renameStack": "ប្តូរឈ្មោះស្តែន",
+ "deleteStack": "លុបចង្កៀង",
+ "stackedBy": "គូរចង្កៀងតាម",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "ជ្រើសអន្តរាគមន៍ ក្រុម",
+ "addOrEditStack": "បន្ថែម / កែសម្រួល កំពសុំ"
+ },
+ "map": {
+ "mappedBy": "លក្ខណៈអនុគ្រូព្យាបាល",
+ "chooseMappingField": "ជ្រើសប្រភេទអនុគ",
+ "openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
+ },
+ "toggleMobileMode": "ប្ដូរទិសដៅទូរស័ព្ទ ដោយផ្លាស់ប្ដូរម៉ូដ",
+ "startCommenting": "ចាប់ផ្តើមផ្តល់មតិយោបល់!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "មិនទាន់មានប្រសិនបើចែកចាយ!",
+ "clearForm": "ជម្រះប្រថាមតែណេប័រួយ៖",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "បន្ថែមវាល",
+ "selectAllFields": "ជ្រើសវាលទាំងអស់",
+ "preFilledFields": {
+ "title": "បើកការបំពេញរួច",
+ "default": "លំនាំដើម",
+ "locked": "ចាក់សោវាលដែលបានបំពេញជាមុន ដើម្បីអានតែបាន",
+ "hidden": "លាក់វាលដែលបានបំពេញជាមុន",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "តម្លៃដែលបានបំពេញជាមុន"
+ },
+ "getPreFilledLink": "យកតំណដែលបានបំពេញជាមុន",
+ "group": "ក្រុម",
+ "goToDocs": "ទៅកាន់ឯកសារ",
+ "addCondition": "បន្ថែមលក្ខខណ្ឌ",
+ "addConditionGroup": "បន្ថែមក្រុមលក្ខខណ្ឌ"
+ },
+ "tooltip": {
+ "currentDateNotAvail": "ជម្រើសកាលបរិច្ឆេទបច្ចុប្បន្នមិនមានសម្រាប់ប្រភពទិន្នន័យ ឬប្រភេទទិន្នន័យ",
+ "privateConnection": "បើកដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យការតភ្ជាប់នេះមានការឯកជន និងលាក់ពីអ្នកបង្កើតផ្សេងទៀតនៅក្នុងកន្លែងធ្វើការនេះ។",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "ជាជម្រើស។ ប្រើមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យលំនាំដើម \"{database}\" ប្រសិនបើស្ទេរ ទុក។",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "ជាជម្រើស។ ប្រើ esquisse លំនាំដើម \"{schema}\" ប្រសិនបើទុកទទេ។",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "ការកែសម្រួលស្តែកត្រូវបានបិទសម្រាប់តាមប្រភពទិន្នន័យនេះ។",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "ប្រភេទទិន្នន័យនេះមិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាត។",
+ "dataWriteOptionDisabled": "ការកែសម្រួលទិន្នន័យអាចបិទបានពេល 'កែសម្រួលផ្លូតស្ថាបរិមា' ត្រូវបានបិទ និងក្លាយជាមិនបិទនៅភាពវិញ.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "ជម្រើសនេះអនុញ្ញាតការកែសម្រួលផ្នែកស្ថានទិន្ន័យប្រតេយ្យ ចូលក្នុងន័យបន្ថែម, កែប្រែ, ឬលុប तालិកានិងជួរ។ ប្រើប្រាស់ដោយប្រយុទ្ធណាស់, ព្រោះការផ្លាស់ប្តូរអាចប្រឈមគ្រោះអោយទៅការបើកលេខនៃប្រតិទិនរបស់អ្នក។",
+ "allowDataWrite": "ជម្រើសនេះអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យបង្កើត, បន្ថែមទិន្នន័យឬលុបកំណត់ត្រាជាមួយតារាងបញ្ជីទិន្នន័យ។ ជាមូលដ្ឋានសម្រាប់អ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងដែលមានតម្រូវការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទិន្នន័យដោយផ្ទាល់។",
+ "reachedSourceLimit": "កម្រិតដល់ ១០ ប្រភពទិន្នន័យក្នុងមូលដ្ឋានមួយ",
+ "saveChanges": "រក្សាទុកការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ",
+ "xcDB": "បង្កើតគំនិតថ្មី",
+ "extDB": "គាំទ្រដោយ MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite",
+ "apiRest": "អាចចូលដំណើរការតាម REST APIs",
+ "apiGQL": "អាចចូលដំណើរការតាម GraphQL APIs",
+ "theme": {
+ "dark": "វាមានពណ៌ខ្មៅអញ្ចឹង (^⇧B)",
+ "light": "វាមានពណ៌ខ្មៅទេ ? (^⇧B)"
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+ "updateRestart": "ធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព & ចាប់ផ្ដើមឡើងវិញ",
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+ "clearMetadata": "ជម្រះទិន្នន័យមេតាទាំងអស់ពីតារាងមេតា។",
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+ "clientCA": "ជ្រើសរើស CA file",
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+ "surveyFormInfo": "របៀបបែបបទជាមួយវាលមួយក្នុងមួយទំព័រ",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "ប្រើមីនុយកែសម្រួលវាលសម្រាប់ការបម្លែងប្រភេទបន្ទាប់ពីឯកសារនាំចូល",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "តួនាទីបានទទួលសិទ្ធពី បណ្ដាញធ្វើការ",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "នឹងមានក្នុងមូលអាឡែង! ចុចដើម្បីផ្តល់សំលៀកបំពាក់សម្រាប់ការរួមបញ្ចូលដែលអ្នកត្រូវការជាផ្នែកមួយនៃ NocoDB។"
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+ "selectTeamsChannels": "ជ្រើសរើសបណ្ដាញ Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "ជ្រើសរើសបណ្ដាញ Discord",
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+ "controlOrgAppearance": "គ្រប់គ្រងឈ្មោះនិងរូបភាពអង្គការរបស់អ្នក។",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "បន្ថែមដែនក្រុមហ៊ុនដើម្បីដាក់ទូន្មានចូលខ្នាតការដល់អ្នកប្រើដែលមិនចង់បាន។",
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+ "bySigningUp": "ដោយចុះឈ្មោះអ្នកយល់ព្រម",
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+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "ប្រើអថេររួមបញ្ចូល",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "ដើម្បីយោងទៅនឹងកំណត់ត្រាក្នុងការវិភាគ",
+ "formula": {
+ "hintStart": "ពាក្យជ្រើសរើស៖ ប្រើ {placeholder1} ដើម្បីយោងទី...ប្រោសរីំនាញ, សូមពិនិត្យ",
+ "hintEnd": "สูตร",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "រកមិនឃើញផែនការនៃកន្លែងសន្សំ",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "គ្មានវាលដែលស៊ើបអង្កេតត្រូវបានអាចរកឃើញ",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} ត្រូវការក្នុងចំណាត់ថ្នាក់ {type} នៅទីតាំង {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "ប្រភេទលេខត្រូវបានគេសន្និដ្ឋាន",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "ប្រភេទខ្សែអក្សរត្រូវបានគេសន្និដ្ឋាន",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "ប្រតិបត្តិ {operation} មិនអាចប្រើបាន",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "មិនអាចរក្សាទុកវាលបានព្រោះសម្រង់មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "មិនអាចប្រើសម្រាប់យោងខ្សែង {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "ប្រភេទ {type} ត្រូវបានគេរំពឹងទុកប៉ុន្តែរកឃើញប្រភេទ {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ត្រូវការគណនាគូសស័ង្កសិច {requiredArguments}",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ត្រូវការរួមបញ្ចូលគូសន្ធឹកសអុងទាបបំផុត {minRequiredArguments}",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ត្រូវការរួមបញ្ចូលគូដូចសន្ធឹកសអុងខ្ពស់បំផុត {maxRequiredArguments}",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "មុខងារ {function} មិនអាចប្រើបាន",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រដំបូងនៃ WEEKDAY() គួរតែមានតម្លៃកាលបរិច្ឆេទ",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រទីពីរនៃ WEEKDAY() គួរតែមានតម្លៃជា \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" ឬ \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រដំបូងនៃ DATEADD() គួរតែមានតម្លៃកាលបរិច្ឆេទ",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រទីពីរនៃ DATEADD() គួរតែមានតម្លៃចំនួនសំរាប់គណនា",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រទីបីនៃ DATEADD() គួរតែមានតម្លៃជា \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" ឬ \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រដំបូងនៃ DATEDIFF() គួរតែមានតម្លៃកាលបរិច្ឆេទ",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រទីពីរនៃ DATEDIFF() គួរតែមានតម្លៃកាលបរិច្ឆេទ",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រទីបីនៃ DATETIME_DIFF() គួរតែមានតម្លៃជា \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", ឬ \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "វាល {columnName} មិនអាចប្រើបាន",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "មិនអាចរក្សាទុកវាលបានព្រោះវាបង្កើតភាពនិរចស្សសំបុក",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "វាល {columnName} ដែលមានប្រភេទ {columnType} ត្រូវបានគេរៀបឿក្តែសន្និដ្ឋានវាគួរតែជាប្រភេទ {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} មិនផ្គូរផ្គងជាមួយ {columnType}"
+ },
+ "selectOption": {
+ "cantBeNull": "ជ្រើសរើសជម្រើសមិនអាចជាបទពិសោធន៏ទេ",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "វាលសំរួលពហុមិនអាចមានក្បាច់គូស(',',)",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "ជ្រើសរើសអាចមិនមានជម្រើសមួយមានប្រាសសៃ ។",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "បង្កើតជម្រើសថ្មីដែលមានឈ្មោះ"
+ },
+ "plsEnterANumber": "សូមបញ្ចូលលេខ",
+ "plsInputEmail": "សូមបញ្ចូលអ៊ីម៉ែល",
+ "invalidDate": "កាលបរិច្ឆេទមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "invalidLocale": "ភាសាទីតាំងមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "លេខកូដប្រាក់ផ្លាស់ទៅមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "ប្រភេទប្រាក់ 'លំដាប់ទី' ក្នុង PostgreSQL មានការកំណត់ប្រាក់ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "ប្រភេទវាលដែលត្រឹមត្រូវសម្រាប់វាលបាកូដគឺ៖ ចំនួន, អក្សរបន្ទាត់មួយ, អត្ថបទវែង, លេខទូរស័ព្ទ, URL, អ៊ីមែល, គោលតម្លៃ. សូមបង្កើតមួយជាមុនសិន។",
+ "hm": {
+ "title": "មានភាពទាក់ទងជាច្រើន",
+ "tooltip_desc": "កំណត់ត្រាតែមួយពីតារាង ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " អាចត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់ជាមួយកំណត់ត្រាច្រើនពីតារាង "
+ },
+ "mm": {
+ "title": "ទំនាក់ទំនងច្រើនទៅច្រើន",
+ "tooltip_desc": "កំណត់ត្រាច្រើនពីតារាង ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " អាចភ្ជាប់ជាមួយកំណត់ត្រាច្រើនពីតារាង "
+ },
+ "bt": {
+ "title": "ទំនាក់ទំនងដែលស្ថិតក្នុង",
+ "tooltip_desc": "កំណត់ត្រា១ពីតារាង ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " អាចភ្ជាប់ជាមួយកំណត់ត្រាមួយពីតារាង "
+ },
+ "oo": {
+ "title": "ទំនាក់ទំនងមួយទៅមួយ",
+ "tooltip_desc": "កំណត់ត្រា១ពីតារាង ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " អាចភ្ជាប់ជាមួយកំណត់ត្រាមួយពីតារាង "
+ },
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "ហាក់ដូចជាគ្មានកំណត់ត្រាត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់នៅឡើយ។",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "គ្មានកំណត់ត្រាត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់",
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+ "recordsLinked": "កំណត់ត្រាត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "ទទួលយកគ្រាន់តែ {type} ជន្មានផ្លូវល្អ",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "បង្កើត token API ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនដើម្បីប្រើក្នុងការរើសអូសឬកម្មវិធីខាងក្រៅ។",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "ជ្រើសវាលដើម្បីតម្រៀប",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "ជ្រើសវាលដើម្បីក្រុម",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "មិនមានកំណត់ត្រានៅតារាងនេះទេ",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "មិនមានកំណត់ត្រាដែលកំពុងតាំងមុខសម្រាប់ភ្ជាប់",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "ចាប់ផ្តើមជាមួយ web-hooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "ផែនការរបស់អ្នក។ បង្កើតការផ្ដល់សំណល់នៅពេលមានភាពបែបដូចគ្នានៅក្នុងទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នក",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "តើអ្នកបញ្ជាក់ថាចង់លុបបន្ទាប់?",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "តើអ្នកជохойнថាចង់ {deleteLabel} បន្ទាប់នេះ?",
+ "idColumnRequired": "វាល ID ត្រូវបានទាមទារ អ្នកអាចប្តូរឈ្មោះវាលនេះបន្ទាប់ប្រសិនបើចាំបាច់។",
+ "length59Required": "ប្រវែងលើសអតិបរមា 59 តួអក្សរ",
+ "noNewNotifications": "អ្នកមិនមានការជូនដំណឹងថ្មី",
+ "noRecordFound": "រកមិនឃើញកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "noRecordsFound": "គ្មានកំណត់ត្រាត្រូវបានរកឃើញ",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "គ្មានកំណត់ត្រាត្រូវនឹងការស្វែងរករបស់អ្នក",
+ "rowDeleted": "កំណត់ត្រាត្រូវបានលុប",
+ "saveChanges": "តើអ្នកចង់រក្សាទុកការផ្លាស់ប្តូរនេះទេ?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "វាលមានទំហំធំដើម្បីបំលែងទៅជា {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "តួនាទីត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "warning": {
+ "webhookDelete": "ប៊ូតុងវាលពឹងផ្អែកលើ webhook នេះនឹងទទួលផលប៉ះពាល់",
+ "calendarNoFields": "ទិដ្ឋភាពប្រតិទាញត្រូវការវាលថ្ងៃខែ ឬថ្ងៃខែដោយយកម៉ោងដាក់ទៅដើម្បីរៀបចំ។ សាកល្បងរៀបចំទិដ្ឋភាពប្រតិទាម្តងទៀតបន្ទាប់ពីបន្ថែមវាលថ្ងៃខែនោះ/វាលថ្ងៃខែដោយយកម៉ោងថ្មីចូលទៅ!",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "ទិដ្ឋភាពកាណាប៊ីតទាមទារឱ្យមានការជ្រើសមួយជាមួយបើត្រូវបានតម្លើងបន្ថែមនព្ជ្រីបមួយ។ សាកល្បងបង្កើតទំនាក់ទំនងកាណាប៊ីតបន្ទាប់ពីការបន្ថែមនព្ជ្រីបមួយ!",
+ "mapNoFields": "ទំនាក់ទំនងផែនទីត្រូវការមានវមើរភូមិសាស្ត្រក្នុងពាស់លើការជ្រើសរឡើង។ សាកល្បងធ្វើទំនាក់ទំនងផែនទីបន្ទាប់ពីបន្ថែមវមើរផ្នែកភូមិសាស្ត្រ!",
+ "dbValid": "ធ្វើធានានូវភាពត្រឹមត្រូវនៃមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យដើម្បីទប់ស្កាត់ការបាត់ Schemas",
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+ "renderError": "កំហុស បាកូដ - សូមពិនិត្យការរួមបញ្ចូល រវាងការបញ្ចូល និងប្រភេទបាកូដ"
+ },
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+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "ការព្រមាន៖ វាលគណនា - មិនអាចសម្អាតអត្ថបទ",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "ការព្រមាន៖ វាល QR មិនអាចប្តូរដោយផ្ទាល់។",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "ការព្រមាន៖ វាលBarcode មិនអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរបញ្ចាំងបាន។"
+ },
+ "duplicateProject": "តើអ្នកជាការពិតពេញចិត្តធ្វើតេស្តទៅទៅរកមូលដ្ឋាន?",
+ "duplicateTable": "តើអ្នកជាការពិតពេញចិត្តធ្វើតេស្តទៅទៅរកតារាង?",
+ "multiField": {
+ "fieldVisibility": "អ្នកមិនអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរទស្សនភាពនៃវាលដែលកំពុងកែសម្រួល។ សូមរក្សាទុកឬលុបចោលការផ្លាស់ប្តូរជាមុនសិន។",
+ "moveEditedField": "អ្នកមិនអាចផ្លាស់ទីវាលដែលកំពុងកែសម្រួលបានទេ។ ធ្វើការរក្សាទុកឬលុបចោលការផ្លាស់ប្តូរក្នុងការខាងមុនសិន។",
+ "moveDeletedField": "អ្នកមិនអាចផ្លាស់ទីវាលដែលត្រូវបានលុបទេ។ ធ្វើការរក្សាទុកឬលុបចោលការផ្លាស់ប្តូរក្នុងការខាងមុនសិន។"
+ }
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+ "schemaReadOnly": "កំណែទំរង់ស្ថិតិត្រូវបានបិទសម្រាប់ប្រភពនេះ",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "បញ្ចូលឈ្មោះកន្លែងធ្វើការ",
+ "enterBaseName": "បញ្ចូលឈ្មោះមូលដ្ឋាន",
+ "idpPaste": "បិទភ្ជាប់ URL នេះក្នុងបន្ទប់សាកសមធាតុផ្ទាល់របស់អ្នកផ្តល់វត្តមានអត្តសញ្ញាណ",
+ "noSaml": "គ្មានការបញ្ជូនកំណត់អ្នកដែលបានកំណត់សម្រាប់ SAML។",
+ "noOIDC": "គ្មានការផ្ទៀងធៀបការផ្ទៀងធៀបធំណាមួយត្រូវបានកំណត់។",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "បានបិទសកម្មភាពព្រោះទិដ្ឋភាពត្រូវបានចាក់សោរ",
+ "basesMigrated": "មូលដ្ឋានត្រូវបានផ្ទេរ។ សម្គាល់សាកល្បងម្តងទៀត។",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "ការប្រតិបត្តិ បិទមិនបានគាំទ្រ គ្រប់ក្រលាឯកទាក់ទង",
+ "roles": {
+ "orgCreator": "អ្នកបង្កើតអាចបង្កើតមូលដ្ឋានមូលដ្ឋានថ្មី និងចូលដំណើរការជាមួយដែលប្រើប្រាស់។",
+ "orgViewer": "មើលមិនអនុញ្ញាទន្ទឹងអាចបង្កើតមូលដ្ឋានថ្មី តែកម្មវត្ថុប្រើប្រាស់ត្រូវបានសកូចូលញ្ចូល។"
+ },
+ "codeScanner": {
+ "loadingScanner": "កំពុងផ្ទុកឧបករណ៍ស្កេន...",
+ "selectColumn": "ជ្រើសវាល (QR code ឬ Barcode) ដែលអ្នកចង់ឱ្យប្រើសំរាប់រកអត្ថប័ណ្ណដោយធ្វើការស្កេន។",
+ "moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "មួយទល់មួយមិនអាចបានរកឃើញសម្រាប់លេខនេះ។ ភាពជាធម្មតា តំណក់ជាតិតូចដាច់។",
+ "noRowFoundForCode": "កំណត់ត្រាមិនបានរកឃើញសម្រាប់លេខនេះនៅក្នុងវាលដែលបានជ្រើស"
+ },
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+ "upload_sub": "ឬអូសនិងទម្លាក់ឯកសារ",
+ "excelSupport": "គាំទ្រ: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "excelURL": "បញ្ចូល URL ឯកសារ excel",
+ "csvURL": "បញ្ចូល URL ឯកសារ CSV",
+ "footMsg": "# កំណត់ត្រាដែលត្រូវស្កេនដើម្បីដឹងពីទិន្នន័យនិពន្ធ",
+ "excelImport": "sheet(s) មានសម្រាប់នាំចូល",
+ "exportMetadata": "តើអ្នកចង់នាំចេញ metadata ពីតារាង meta ទេ?",
+ "importMetadata": "តើអ្នកចង់នាំចូល metadata ពីតារាង meta ទេ?",
+ "clearMetadata": "តើអ្នកចង់លុប metadata ពីតារាង meta ទេ?",
+ "projectEmptyMessage": "ចាប់ផ្តើមដោយបង្កើតមូលដ្ឋានថ្មី",
+ "stopProject": "តើអ្នកចង់បញ្ឈប់មូលដ្ឋាននោះទេ?",
+ "startProject": "តើអ្នកចង់ចាប់ផ្តើមមូលដ្ឋាននោះទេ?",
+ "restartProject": "តើអ្នកចង់ចាប់ផ្តើមសម្រាប់មូលដ្ឋានម្តងទៀតទេ?",
+ "deleteProject": "តើអ្នកចង់លុបមូលដ្ឋាននេះមែនទេ?",
+ "shareBasePrivate": "បង្កើតមូលដ្ឋាន readonly ដែលអាចចែកចាយបានសាធារណៈ",
+ "shareBasePublic": "នរណាម្នាក់នៅលើអ៊ីនធឺណិតដោយមានតំណភ្ជាប់នេះអាចមើលបាន",
+ "userInviteNoSMTP": "មើលទៅដូចជាអ្នកមិនបានកំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ mailer នៅឡើយទេ! សូមចម្លងតំណប្រាកដខាងលើនិងផ្ញើរទៅ",
+ "dragDropHide": "អូសនិងទម្លាក់វាលនៅទីនេះដើម្បីលាក់",
+ "formInput": "បញ្ចូលស្លាកជាសញ្ញាបញ្ជាក់បញ្ចូល",
+ "formHelpText": "បន្ថែមអត្ថបទជំនួយខ្លះ",
+ "onlyCreator": "មើលឃើញតាមបាទិញ្ញាគបបាង",
+ "formTitle": "បន្ថែមចំណងជើងផ្ទាំងខាងលើ",
+ "formDesc": "បន្ថែមការពិពណ៌នាផលបំផុត",
+ "beforeEnablePwd": "កំណត់ការចូលដំណើរការដោយពាក្យសម្ងាត់",
+ "afterEnablePwd": "ការចូលដំណើរការត្រូវបានកំណត់ប្រការដោយពាក្យសម្ងាត់",
+ "privateLink": "ទិដ្ឋភាពនេះត្រូវបានចែកចាយតាមតំណភាពឯកជន",
+ "privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "មនុស្សដែលមានតំណភ្ជាប់ឯកជនអាចមើលតែខុសនែមួយក្នុងទិដ្ឋភាពនេះเท่านั้น",
+ "postFormSubmissionSettings": "កំណត់ប៉ុស្ត៍ដោយកំណត់ទំរង់ព្រះរៀប",
+ "apiOptions": "ចូលដំណើរការមូលដ្ឋានតាម",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "បង្ហាញប៊ូតុង 'ដាក់សំណុំបែបបទផ្សេងទៀត'",
+ "showBlankForm": "បង្ហាញទម្រង់ទទេបន្ទាប់ពី 5 វិនាទី",
+ "emailForm": "អ៊ីមែលព្យាក់ផ្ទួនទៅ",
+ "showSysFields": "បង្ហាញវាលប្រព័ន្ធ",
+ "filterAutoApply": "អនុវត្តដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "បង្ហាញសារ",
+ "viewNotShared": "ទិដ្ឋភាពបច្ចុប្បន្នមិនត្រូវបានចែក!",
+ "showAllViews": "បង្ហាញទិដ្ឋភាពដែលបានចែកមកពីតារាងនេះទាំងអស់",
+ "collabView": "អ្នកសហការដែលមានការអនុញ្ញាតបន្ទាត់ឬលើសពីនេះអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូររចនាសម្ព័ន្ធទិដ្ឋភាព។",
+ "lockedView": "គ្មាននរណាម្នាក់អាចកែសម្រួលរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធទិដ្ឋភាពបានរហូតដល់វាត្រូវបានចែក!",
+ "personalView": "មានតែអ្នកមិត្តហើយមើលបាននិងកែសំគ្រឹស្តទៀត។ គោលបំណាលិនឹងមានទានាប៉នំបែបនិងថ្លៃ។",
+ "ownerDesc": "អាចបន្ថែម / លុបក្រុមរូបភាព័ក្ស។ ហើយកែសម្រួលរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធអង្គភាពទិន្នន័យវត្ថុ និងវាលបាន។",
+ "creatorDesc": "អាចយកចំណុចទិន្នន័យនិងតំឡើង។",
+ "editorDesc": "អាចកែសម្រួលកំណត់ត្រាប៉ុន្តែមិនអាចប្តូររចនាសម្ព័ន្ធអង្គភាព / វាលអង្គភាព។",
+ "commenterDesc": "អាចមើលនិងផ្សាយពត៌មានរកម្ចាស់កំណត់សន្ធប់តែមិនអាចកែសម្រួលអ្វី។",
+ "viewerDesc": "អាចមើលកំណត់ត្រាប៉ុន្តែមិនអាចកែសម្រួលអ្វី។",
+ "addUser": "បន្ថែមអ្នកប្រើថ្មី",
+ "staticRoleInfo": "តួនាទីដែលបានកំណត់ដោយប្រព័ន្ធមិនអាចកែសម្រួលបាន",
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+ "importText": "នាំចូលមូលដ្ឋាន NocoDB ដោយបញ្ចូលឯកសាររុំមូលដ្ឋានmeta",
+ "metaNoChange": "គ្មានការផ្លាស់ប្តូរដែលបានកំណត់",
+ "sqlMigration": "ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរស្គេដូមិនសំគ្គសំចាញ្អតាៅ។ បង្កើតតារាងញ្មាទ გამომបុកំិលន៏។",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "បរិស្ថានត្រូវបានផ្តល់យុទ្ធភាព",
+ "dbConnected": "ការតភ្ចាប់បានជោគជ័យ",
+ "notifications": {
+ "no_new": "គ្មានការជូនដំណឹងថ្មីទេ",
+ "clear": "សម្អាត"
+ },
+ "sponsor": {
+ "header": "អ្នកអាចជួយយើងបាន!",
+ "message": "យើងគឺជាក្រុមតូចមួយដែលធ្វើការក្នុងពេញម៉ោងដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យ NocoDB ក្លាយជាបើកចំហរនិងឥតគិតថ្លៃ។ យើងជឿជាក់ថាឧបករណ៍ដូចកំណត់ត្រាបាន NocoDB គួរតែអាចရំនាញាទដោយសេរីដល់អ្នកដែលចង់ឆ្នាំាេរដើម្បីដោះស្រាយបញ្ហានានារបស់ខ្លួនលើអ៊ីនធឺណិត។"
+ },
+ "loginMsg": "ចូលទៅ NocoDB",
+ "passwordRecovery": {
+ "message_1": "សូមផ្តល់អាសយដ្ឋានអ៊ីមែលដែលអ្នកបានប្រើពេលដែលអ្នកបានចុះឈ្មោះ។",
+ "message_2": "យើងនឹងផ្ញើអ៊ីមែលមួយទៅអ្នកដោយអ៊ីមែលជាមួយតំណភ្ជាប់ដើម្បីកំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកឡើងវិញ។",
+ "success": "សូមពិនិត្យមើលនៅអ៊ីមែលរបស់អ្នកដើម្បីកំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ឡើងវិញ"
+ },
+ "signUp": {
+ "superAdmin": "អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានកត់ធ្យាប៉ាន់ជាមេ \"ចាប់ផ្ដើម\"",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "មានគណនីមួយហើយ?",
+ "workEmail": "បញ្ចូលអ៊ីម៉ែលការងាររបស់អ្នក",
+ "enterPassword": "បញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នក",
+ "forgotPassword": "ភ្លេចពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នក?",
+ "dontHaveAccount": "តើអ្នកមិនមានគណនីមែនទេ?"
+ },
+ "addView": {
+ "grid": "បន្ថែមមើលជាបណ្តោយស៊ុម",
+ "gallery": "បន្ថែមមើលជាស្នាម",
+ "form": "បន្ថែមមើលជាបែបផែនមួយ",
+ "kanban": "បន្ថែមមើលជាបណ្តានានា",
+ "map": "បន្ថែម ទិដ្ឋភាព ផែនទី",
+ "calendar": "បន្ថែមមើលប្រតិទិន"
+ },
+ "tablesMetadataInSync": "ទិន្នន័យតារាងត្រូវបានធ្វើសមកាលកម្ម",
+ "addMultipleUsers": "អ្នកអាចបន្ថែមអ៊ីម៉ែលជាច្រើន ដោយបំបែកជាក្បៀស(,)",
+ "enterTableName": "បញ្ចូលឈ្មោះតារាង",
+ "enterTableDescription": "បញ្ចូលពិពណ៌នាតារាង...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "បញ្ចូលពិពណ៌នាវាល...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "បញ្ចូលពិពណ៌នាមើល...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "បញ្ចូលឈ្មោះប្លង់",
+ "enterDashboardName": "បញ្ចូលឈ្មោះផ្ទាំងបង្អួច",
+ "defaultColumns": "វាលលំនាំដើម",
+ "addDefaultColumns": "បន្ថែមវាលលំនាំដើម",
+ "tableNameInDb": "ឈ្មោះតារាងដូចបានរក្សាទុកនៅក្នុងមូលបញ្ជី",
+ "airtable": {
+ "credentials": "តើត្រូវរកឃើញនៅឯណា?"
+ },
+ "import": {
+ "clickOrDrag": "ចុចឬអូសឯកសារទៅតំបន់នេះដើម្បីផ្ទុកឡើង"
+ },
+ "metaDataRecreated": "ទិន្នន័យអត្ថិប្បំពីតារាងត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងវិញដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "invalidCredentials": "ព័ត៌មានសម្ងាត់មិនត្រឹមត្រូ",
+ "downloadingMoreFiles": "កំពុងទាញយកឯកសារបន្ថែម",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "បានចម្លងទៅក្តារចម្លង",
+ "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "វាលដែលត្រូវមិនអាចផ្លាស់ទីបាន",
+ "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "មិនអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យធ្វើឱ្យទាន់សម័យសម្រាប់តារាងដែលមិនមានគន្លឹះចម្បង",
+ "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "វាលបន្ថែមដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិនឹងមិនអាចកែបាន",
+ "editingPKnotSupported": "ការកែសម្រួលគន្លឹះចម្បងមិនត្រូវបានគាំទ្រទេ",
+ "deletedCache": "បានលុបឃ្លាំងដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "cacheEmpty": "ឃ្លាំងគឺទទេ",
+ "exportedCache": "បាននាំចេញឃ្លាំងដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "valueAlreadyInList": "តម្លៃនេះគឺមានរួចហើយក្នុងបញ្ជី",
+ "noColumnsToUpdate": "មិនមានវាលដែលត្រូវអាប់ដេត",
+ "tableDeleted": "បានលុបតារាងដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "layoutDeleted": "លុបឡាយភ្លែងបានសមស្រប",
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+ "deleteViewConfirmation": "តើអ្នកពិតជាចង់លុបការមើលនេះមែនទេ?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "តើអ្នកជាការពិតពេញចិត្តលុបឡូមនឹកមួយទៀតទេ?",
+ "deleteTableConfirmation": "តើអ្នកចង់លុបតារាងនេះឬ?",
+ "showM2mTables": "បង្ហាញតារាង M2M",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "ការតភ្ជាប់ហើររហូតត្រូវបានគាំទ្រតាមតារាងចល័ត & ត្រូវបានលាក់ដោយលំនាំដើម។ ធ្វើឱ្យជម្រើសនេះអនុវត្ត ដើម្បីបង្ហាញ នៅយ៉ាងតារាងទាំងអស់ជាមួយ តារាងមានស្រាប់។",
+ "showNullInCells": "បង្ហាញ ច្រើន ជារយៈភាព NULL",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "បង្ហាញ អត្ថបទ 'NULL' ក្នុង ក្រលាថោងសម្រាប់តម្លៃ អត់បន្ថែម ។ នេះជួយបំបែក ជាមួយក្រលាថោងសម្រាប់អចោគ ស្នេហ៍រតត។",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "បង្ហាញ NULL និង EMPY ក្នុង តម្រង",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "ធ្វើឱ្យ 'បន្ថែម' ជម្រើសផលិត ដើម្បីបំបែក វាលតំរូវដែលអត់បន្ថែម & EMPY។ ការគាំទ្រ លំនាំដើមសម្រាប់ ស្វ្យេខ្លួនទាំងអស់ ធ្លាក់ទាំង លក្ខណៈសម្បត្តិអ៊ីន NaN & EMPY។",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "ការលុប កំពសុំនេះនឹងផងដែរ យកចេញ ជម្រើស ទទេ `{stackToBeDeleted}` ពី `{groupingField}`។ រូបភាព នៅកំពសុំដោយមិនមានគុណភាព។",
+ "computedFieldEditWarning": "ខ្លឹមសារគឺអានបានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ",
+ "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "ខ្លឹមសារគឺអានបានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ",
+ "noMoreRecords": "មិនមានកំណត់ត្រាមាននៅ",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "ឈ្មោះ Token មិនគួរតែទទេ",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "ឈ្មោះ Token មិនគួរមានតួអក្សរច្រើនជាង 255 តួ",
+ "dbNameRequired": "ត្រូវការឈ្មោះមូលដ្ឋានទន់",
+ "wsNameRequired": "ត្រូវការឈ្មោះ Workspace",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "ឈ្មោះ Workspace ត្រូវតែយ៉ាងហោចណាស់មាន 3 តួអក្សរ",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "ឈ្មោះ Workspace មិនត្រូវតែមានច្រើនជាង 50 តួអក្សរ",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "លុប workspace នេះ និងខ្លឹមសារទាំងអស់របស់វា។",
+ "userConfirmation": "ខ្ញុំយល់ថាសកម្មភាពនេះមិនអាចត្រឡប់វិញបានទេ",
+ "pageNotFound": "រកមិនឃើញទំព័រ",
+ "makeLineBreak": "ដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យបន្ទាត់បែក",
+ "goToPrevious": "ទៅកាន់មុន",
+ "goToNext": "ទៅកាន់បន្ទាប់",
+ "thankYou": "សូមអរគុណ!",
+ "submittedFormData": "អ្នកបានដាក់ប្រកាសទិន្នន័យបែបបទដោយជោគជ័យ។",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "ការកែសម្រួលកូនសោប្រព័ន្ធមិនគាំទ្រ",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "មិនអាចទទួលយកបាននៅពេលនេះ",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "ប្រតិបត្តិការបញ្ចូលជាសមណ្ឌលមិនត្រូវបានគាំទ្រនៅលើទ្រង់ទ្រាយ/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "ប្រតិបត្តិការលុបទ្រង់ទ្រាយមួយមិនត្រូវបានគាំទ្រនៅលើទ្រង់ទ្រាយ/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "ធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងទៅជាគ្រឹះស្ថាន Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "លក្ខណៈពិសេសនេះអាចប្រើបានតែនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីក្រុមហ៊ុនប៉ុណ្ណោះ",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "តួនាទីបច្ចុប្បន្នរបស់អ្នកគឺ",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "សូមស្នើសុំការអនុញ្ញាតខ្ពស់ជាងនេះពីអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រង / ម្ចាស់មូលដ្ឋាន / ម្ចាស់កន្លែងធ្វើការ ដើម្បីទទួលបានការចូលដល់ {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "អ្នកមិនអាចលាក់ជម្រើសទាំងអស់បានទេអាយផ្នែកនេះត្រូវមាន"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "manualTriggerHook": "ទំព័រមុខគឺមិនអាចបិទបាន",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "មានបញ្ហាក្នុងការផ្ទុកទិន្នន័យក្នុងកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "មានកំហុសក្នុងការទាញយកទិន្នន័យប្រតិទា",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "មានកំហុសក្នុងការទាញយកកាលបរិច្ឆេទសកម្ម",
+ "scopesRequired": "តម្រូវការកំណត់ស្តាប",
+ "domainRequired": "ឈ្មោះដែនត្រូវបានទាមទារជារបៀបបញ្ចូល",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL គឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "អាធ្រិប្យូតឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើគឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Client ID គឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "issuerRequired": "Issuer គឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret គឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL គឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL គឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL គឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "eitherXML": "Either xml ឬ metadata url គឺត្រូវបានទាមទារ",
+ "nameRequired": "ត្រូវការឈ្មោះ",
+ "nameMinLength": "ឈ្មោះត្រូវតែមានយ៉ាងហោចណាស់ 2 តួអក្សរ",
+ "nameMaxLength": "ឈ្មោះត្រូវតែមានច្រើនបំផុត 60 តួអក្សរ",
+ "viewNameRequired": "ត្រូវការឈ្មោះទិដ្ឋភាព",
+ "domainNameRequired": "ឈ្មោះដែនត្រូវបានទាមទារជារបៀបបញ្ចូល",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "ឈ្មោះត្រូវតែមានច្រើនបំផុត 256 តួអក្សរ",
+ "viewNameUnique": "ឈ្មោះទិដ្ឋភាពគួរតែមានភាពលក្ខណៈពិសេស",
+ "searchProject": "ការស្វែងរក {search} របស់អ្នកគ្មានលទ្ធផល",
+ "invalidChar": "តួអក្សរមិនត្រឹមត្រូវនៅក្នុងផ្លូវថ្នល់ថត។",
+ "invalidDbCredentials": "ព័ត៌មានសម្ងាត់មូលបញ្ជីមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ។",
+ "unableToConnectToDb": "មិនអាចភ្ជាប់ទៅមូលបញ្ជីបានទេ សូមពិនិត្យមូលបញ្ជីរបស់អ្នក។",
+ "invalidYear": "ឆ្នាំឥតបានការ",
+ "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "អ្នកប្រើមិនមានឬមិនមានសិទ្ធិគ្រប់គ្រាន់ដើម្បីបង្កើតស្ទង់។",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រមូលបញ្ជីមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "dbConnectionFailed": "ការភ្ជាប់បរាជ័យ៖",
+ "nullFilterExists": "មិនបញ្ឈប់តម្រងតម្លៃទទេ។ សូមយកចេញវា",
+ "signUpRules": {
+ "emailRequired": "ត្រូវការអ៊ីម៉ែល",
+ "emailInvalid": "អ៊ីម៉ែលត្រូវតែត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "passwdRequired": "ត្រូវការពាក្យសម្ងាត់",
+ "passwdLength": "ពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកត្រូវមានយ៉ាងហោច ៨ តួអក្សរ",
+ "passwdMismatch": "ពាក្យសម្ងាត់មិនផ្គូផ្គងគ្នាទេ",
+ "completeRuleSet": "យ៉ាងតិច ៨ តួអក្សរ ដោយមានអក្សរធំមួយ លេខមួយ និងតួអក្សរពិសេសមួយ",
+ "atLeast8Char": "យ៉ាងតិច ៨ តួអក្សរ",
+ "atLeastOneUppercase": "អក្សរធំមួយ",
+ "atLeastOneNumber": "លេខមួយ",
+ "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "តួអក្សរពិសេសមួយ",
+ "allowedSpecialCharList": "បញ្ជីតួអក្សរពិសេសដែលបានអនុញ្ញាត",
+ "invalidEmails": "អ៊ីម៉ែលមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "invalidEmail": "អ៊ីម៉ែលមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ"
+ },
+ "invalidXml": "XML មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "invalidURL": "URL មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "invalidEmail": "អ៊ីម៉ែលមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "internalError": "មានកំហុសខាងក្នុងខ្លះកើតឡើង",
+ "templateGeneratorNotFound": "មិនអាចរកមគ្គផលងទើត្រូវបានទឹកតៃគង់្នេបានទេ!",
+ "fileUploadFailed": "បរាជ័យក្នុងការបញ្ចូលឯកសារ",
+ "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "ការបញ្ចូល ហាផ្សំជ្រមើសភ្នែកមិនបានជោគជ័យទេ",
+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "ទិន្នន័យបានវែងពេកសម្រាប់ការពិពណ៌នារូបមន្ត",
+ "columnsRequired": "តម្រងរង្វង់ត្រូវការចំពោះម៉េធានិលណា",
+ "selectAtleastOneColumn": "ជាប់កំពុងខ្ចប់ចំងួនត្រូចានមួយ",
+ "columnDescriptionNotFound": "រកមិនឃើញការពន្យល់របៀបរចនាសម្រាប់",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "ការចំណាត់ថ្នាក់ស្ទួនត្រូវបានរកឃើញ សូមលុបចេញមួយចំណាត់ថ្នាក់",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "តម្លៃឥតអ្វីផ្ទុះនឹងការកំណត់មិនឲ្យឥតអ្វី",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "ទិន្នន័យប្រភពមានលេខមិនត្រឹមត្រូវខ្លះ",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "ទិន្នន័យប្រភពមានតម្លៃ boolean មិនត្រឹមត្រូវខ្លះ",
+ "invalidForm": "បែបបទមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ",
+ "formValidationFailed": "ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់បែបបទបានបរាជ័យ",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "អ្នកត្រូវបានចេញពីប្រព័ន្ធ",
+ "failedToLoadList": "បរាជ័យក្នុងការផ្ទុកបញ្ជី",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "បរាជ័យក្នុងការផ្ទុកបញ្ជីកូន",
+ "deleteFailed": "ការលុបបានបរាជ័យ",
+ "unlinkFailed": "ការដកចេញបានបរាជ័យ",
+ "rowUpdateFailed": "ការធ្វើបច្ចប្បន្នភាពកំណត់ត្រាមិនបានជោគជ័យ",
+ "deleteRowFailed": "បរាជ័យក្នុងការលុបកំណត់ត្រា",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "បរាជ័យក្នុងការកំណត់ទិន្នន័យបែបបទ",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "បរាជ័យក្នុងការធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពទិដ្ឋភាពបែបបទ",
+ "tableNameRequired": "ត្រូវការឈ្មោះតារាង",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "ឈ្មោះគួរតែចាប់ផ្តើមដោយអក្សរឬ _",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "តួអក្សរខាងក្រោមមិនអនុញ្ញាត",
+ "columnNameRequired": "ត្រូវការឈ្មោះផ្ទាល់បន្ទាត់",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "ឈ្មោះផ្ទាល់បន្ទាត់មានឯកត្តភាព",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "ឈ្មោះត្រូវបានប្រើរួចហើយសម្រាប់វាលប្រព័ន្ធ",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "ត្រូវការផ្ទាល់ប្រភេទទិន្នន័យ UI",
+ "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "ប្រវែងនៃឈ្មោះផ្ទាល់បន្ទាត់លើសចំនួនអក្សរអតិបរមា {value}",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} ឈ្មោះលើសពី 50 តួ",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} ឈ្មោះមិនអាចផ្តើមជាមួយដាច់ដែលមានផាស។",
+ "requiredField": "វាលត្រូវការ",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP មិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាត",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "ឯកសារគោលគឺមិនមែនជាប្រភេទឯកសារដែលទទួលយកបាន",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "ប្រភេទឯកសារដែលទទួលយកគឺ .csv",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "ប្រភេទឯកសារដែលទទួលយកគឺ .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "គន្លឹះប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រមិនអាចទទេបាន",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "គន្លឹះប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រស្ទួនមិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាត",
+ "fieldRequired": "វាលនេះមិនអាចទទេនោះទេ។",
+ "projectNotAccessible": "មូលដ្ឋានមិនអាចចូលបាន",
+ "copyToClipboardError": "បរាជ័យក្នុងការចម្លងទៅឧបករណ៍ផ្ទុកចល័ត",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "បានបរាជ័យក្នុងការបិទភ្ជាប់ពីផ្លុកចំលាក់",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "សូមបំពេញការលៃតម្រូវរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធនៃវាលទាំងអស់មុននឹងរក្សាទុក",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "មានអ្វីមួយពុំបានចុះ។",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "មាតិកាដែលត្រូវបានបង្គន់មិនមែនជាប្រភេទរូបភាព",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "វាលត្រូវបានបញ្ចីនឈ្មោះដើម្បីបម្លែងទិន្នន័យរូបភាព",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "ខ្លះនៃវាលដែលត្រូវការគឺទទេ"
+ },
+ "toast": {
+ "exportMetadata": "ធាតុមូលដ្ឋានត្រូវបាននាំចេញដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "importMetadata": "ធាតុមូលដ្ឋានត្រូវបាននាំចូលដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "clearMetadata": "ធាតុមូលដ្ឋានត្រូវបានសំអាតដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "stopProject": "មូលដ្ឋានត្រូវបានបញ្ចប់ដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "startProject": "មូលដ្ឋានត្រូវបានចាប់ផ្ដើមដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "restartProject": "មូលដ្ឋានត្រូវបានចាប់ផ្ដើមឡើងវិញដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "deleteProject": "មូលដ្ឋានត្រូវបានលុបដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "authToken": "ផ្ទាប Auth token ទៅក្តារចម្លង",
+ "projInfo": "បានចម្លងព័ត៌មានមូលដ្ឋានទៅកាន់ក្រាល",
+ "inviteUrlCopy": "បានចម្លង URL អញ្ជើញទៅកាន់ក្រាល",
+ "createView": "បានបង្កើតទិដ្ឋភាពដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "formEmailSMTP": "សូមបើកដំណើរការ SMTP plugin នៅក្នុង App store ដើម្បីអនុញ្ញាតការជូនដំណឹងអ៊ីមែល",
+ "collabView": "បង្កើនទិដ្ឋភាពដំណើរការក្នុងអាជ្ញាធរជុំគ្នាបានជោគជ័យ",
+ "lockedView": "បង្កើនទិដ្ឋភាពខ្លួនឯងបានជោគជ័យ",
+ "futureRelease": "នឹងមកដល់ឆាប់ៗ!"
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "បានធ្វើបច្ចប្បន្នភាពកូនសោអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ",
+ "columnDuplicated": "បានស្ទាងផ្ទាល់ដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "កំណត់ត្រាត្រូវបានស្ទឹងដោយ (មិនបានរក្សាទុក)",
+ "updatedUIACL": "បានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព UI ACL សម្រាប់តារាងដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "pluginUninstalled": "ផ្ដល់ផ្ទុកបន្ថែមដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "pluginSettingsSaved": "ការកំណត់ Plugin រក្សាទុកបានដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "pluginTested": "បានសាកល្បងការកំណត់ Plugin ជោគជ័យ",
+ "tableRenamed": "បានប្តូរឈ្មោះតារាងដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "layoutRenamed": "ប្លង់បានប្តូរឈ្មោះដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "viewDeleted": "បានលុបទិដ្ឋភាពដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "primaryColumnUpdated": "បានធ្វើបច្ចប្បន្នភាពជាផ្ទាល់ដើមដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "tableDataExported": "បាននាំចេញទិន្នន័យតារាងទាំងអស់ដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "updated": "ធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "sharedViewDeleted": "បានលុបទិដ្ឋភាពដែលបានចែករំលែកដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "userDeleted": "ការលុបអ្នកប្រើជោគជ័យ",
+ "viewRenamed": "បានប្តូរឈ្មោះទិដ្ឋភាពដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "tokenGenerated": "បានបង្កើត Token ជោគជ័យ",
+ "tokenDeleted": "បានលុប Token ជោគជ័យ",
+ "userAddedToProject": "បានបន្ថែមអ្នកប្រើរួចទៅមូលដ្ឋានដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "userAdded": "អ្នកប្រើបានបន្ថែមដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "userDeletedFromProject": "លុបអ្នកប្រើពីមូលដ្ឋានដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "inviteEmailSent": "បានផ្ញើអ៊ីមែលអញ្ជើញដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "inviteURLCopied": "បានចម្លង URL អញ្ជើញទៅក្តារចម្លង",
+ "commentCopied": "យោបល់ត្រូវបានចម្លងទៅក្តារចម្លង",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "URL សំលោលសេចក្តីសេទកទៅកាន់ក្តារចម្លង",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "បានចម្លង URL គោលដែលអាចចែករំលែកទៅក្តារចម្លង!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "បានចម្លងកូដ HTML ដែលអាចបញ្ចូលបាន!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "បានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពព័ត៌មានលំអិតអ្នកប្រើដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "tableDataImported": "បាននាំចូលទិន្នន័យតារាងដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "webhookUpdated": "ព័ត៌មានលំអិតនៃ Webhook បានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "webhookDeleted": "បង្ហាញ Hook ទម្លាក់ទៅ",
+ "webhookTested": "បានសាកល្បង Webhook ដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "columnUpdated": "បានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពវាល",
+ "columnCreated": "បានបង្កើតវាល",
+ "passwordChanged": "បានប្តូរពាក្យសម្ងាត់ដោយជោគជ័យ សូមចូលជាថ្មី។",
+ "settingsSaved": "ការកំណត់ រួមជាមួយជោគជ័យ",
+ "roleUpdated": "តួនាទី បានធ្វើឱ្យទាន់សម័យដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "connectionAdded": "ការរួមបញ្ចូលបានតភ្ជាប់ដោយជោគជ័យ",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "ម្ចាស់មូលដ្ឋាន និងអ្នកបង្កើតឥឡូវនេះអាចបន្ថែមប្រភពទិន្នន័យ ដោយមិនចាំបាច់បញ្ចូលសក្ខីប័ត្រឡើងវិញទេ។"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/kn.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/kn.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e1c9bac2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/kn.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1850 @@
+ "dashboards": {
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "ಹೊಸ ಇಂಟರ್ಫೇಸ್ನು ಸೃಜಿಸಿ",
+ "connect_data_sources": "ಡೇಟಾ ಮೂಲಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ",
+ "alert": "ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆ",
+ "alert-message": "ಯಾವುದೇ ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ಇಂಟರ್ಫೇಸ್ಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲು ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ. ಈ ಹೆಜ್ಜೆಯನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟು ವಿಶ್ರಾಂತಿಯ ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಮೂಲ ಹೋಮ್ ಪುಟದಿಂದ ಕನೆಕ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "ಈ ಇಂಟರ್ಫೇಸ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಲಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡ ಬೇಕಾದ ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆಮಾಡಿ.",
+ "create_interface": "ಇಂಟರ್ಫೇಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸೃಜಿಸಿ",
+ "project_name": "ಮೂಲ ಹೆಸರು",
+ "connect": "ಕನೆಕ್ಟ್",
+ "buttonActionTypes": {
+ "open_external_url": "ಬಾಹ್ಯ ಲಿಂಕ್ ತೆರೆಯಿರಿ",
+ "delete_record": "ರೆಕಾರ್ಡ್ ಅಳಿಸಿ",
+ "update_record": "ರೆಕಾರ್ಡ್ ನವೀಕರಿಸಿ",
+ "open_layout": "ಆಕೃತಿಯನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಿರಿ"
+ },
+ "widgets": {
+ "static_text": "ಪಠ್ಯ",
+ "chart": "ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "table": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕ",
+ "image": "ಚಿತ್ರ",
+ "map": "ನಕ್ಷೆ",
+ "button": "ಬಟನ್",
+ "number": "ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ",
+ "bar_chart": "ಬಾರ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "line_chart": "ಲೈನ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "area_chart": "ಏರಿಯಾ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "pie_chart": "ಪೈ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "donut_chart": "ಡೋನಟ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "scatter_plot": "ಸ್ಕ್ಯಾಟರ್ ಪ್ಲಾಟ್",
+ "bubble_chart": "ಬಬಲ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "radar_chart": "ರಾಡಾರ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "polar_area_chart": "ಪೋಲರ್ ಏರಿಯಾ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "ರಾಡಿಯಲ್ ಬಾರ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "heatmap_chart": "ಹೀಟ್ಮ್ಯಾಪ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "treemap_chart": "ಟ್ರಿಮ್ಯಾಪ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "box_plot_chart": "ಬಾಕ್ಸ್ ಪ್ಲಾಟ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್",
+ "candlestick_chart": "ಕ್ಯಾಂಡಲ್ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ ಚಾರ್ಟ್"
+ }
+ },
+ "aggregation": {
+ "sum": "ಮೊತ್ತ",
+ "count": "ಎಣಿಕೆ",
+ "min": "ಕಗ್ಗಲ",
+ "max": "ತಿ ಹೇಳೋಜು",
+ "avg": "ಸರಾಸರಿ",
+ "median": "ಮಧ್ಯಿಕ",
+ "std_dev": "ಪ್ರಸಾರ",
+ "histogram": "ವಿತರಣಾಂಶ",
+ "range": "ವಿಸ್ತರ",
+ "percent_empty": "ಖಾಲಿ",
+ "percent_filled": "ಪೂರ್ಣ",
+ "percent_unique": "ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟ",
+ "count_unique": "ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟ",
+ "count_empty": "ಖಾಲಿ",
+ "count_filled": "ಪೂರ್ಣ",
+ "earliest_date": "ಕಗ್ಗಲ ದಿನಾಂಕ",
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+ "date_range": "ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆ",
+ "month_range": "ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆ",
+ "checked": "ಪರಿಶೀಲಿತವಿರ",
+ "unchecked": "ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಬಹುದು",
+ "percent_checked": "ಪರಿಶೀಲಿತವಿಲ್ಲದು",
+ "percent_unchecked": "ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಬಹುದು",
+ "attachment_size": "ಗಾತ್ರ",
+ "none": "ಯಾವುದೂ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+ },
+ "aggregation_type": {
+ "sum": "ಮೊತ್ತ",
+ "count": "ಎಣಿಕೆ",
+ "min": "ಕನಿಷ್ಟ",
+ "max": "ಗರಿಷ್ಟ",
+ "avg": "ಸರಾಸರಿ",
+ "median": "ಮಧ್ಯಮ",
+ "std_dev": "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಿತ ವಿಚಲನ",
+ "histogram": "ಹಿಸ್ಟೋಗ್ರಾಮ್",
+ "range": "ರೆಂಜ್",
+ "percent_empty": "ರಿಕ್ತ ಶೇಕಡಾವಾರು",
+ "percent_filled": "ಪೂರ್ಣ ಶೇಕಡಾವಾರು",
+ "percent_unique": "ಅದೇ ಶೇಕಡಾವಾರು",
+ "count_unique": "ಅದೇ",
+ "count_empty": "ರಿಕ್ತ",
+ "count_filled": "ಪೂರ್ಣ",
+ "earliest_date": "ಕೊನೆಯ ದಿನಾಂಕ",
+ "latest_date": "ಇತ್ತೀಚಿನ ದಿನಾಂಕ",
+ "date_range": "ದಿನಾಂಕ ಶ್ರೇಣಿ",
+ "month_range": "ತಿಂಗಳ ಶ್ರೇಣಿ",
+ "checked": "ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "unchecked": "ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "percent_checked": "ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿದ ಶೇಕಡಾವಾರು",
+ "percent_unchecked": "ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸದ ಶೇಕಡಾವಾರು",
+ "attachment_size": "ಜೋಡಣೆಯ ಗಾತ್ರ",
+ "none": "ಯಾವುದೂ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+ },
+ "general": {
+ "scripts": "ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟ್ಗಳು",
+ "configure": "ಸಂರಚಿಸು",
+ "switch": "ಸ್ವಿಚ್",
+ "on": "ಆನ್",
+ "onMultiple": "ಅನೇಕದ ಮೇಲೆ",
+ "manual": "ಮ್ಯಾನುಯಲ್",
+ "trigger": "ಕಾರಣ",
+ "addLookupField": "{count} ಹುಡುಕಾಟ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "style": "ಶೈಲಿ",
+ "label": "ಲೇಬಲ್",
+ "role": "ಪಾತ್ರ",
+ "general": "ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ",
+ "quit": "ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡಿ",
+ "home": "ಮನೆ",
+ "load": "ಲೋಡ್",
+ "open": "ತೆರೆಯಿರಿ",
+ "close": "ಮುಚ್ಚಿ",
+ "yes": "ಹೌದು",
+ "no": "ಇಲ್ಲ",
+ "ok": "ಸರಿ",
+ "back": "ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ",
+ "and": "ಮತ್ತು",
+ "or": "ಅಥವಾ",
+ "add": "ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "edit": "ತಿದ್ದುಪಡಿ",
+ "link": "ಲಿಂಕ್",
+ "links": "ಲಿಂಕುಗಳು",
+ "remove": "ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಿ",
+ "import": "ಆಮದು",
+ "logout": "ಲಾಗ್ ಔಟ್",
+ "empty": "ಖಾಲಿ",
+ "changeIcon": "ಚಿಹ್ನೆಯನ್ನು ಬದಲಿಸಿ",
+ "save": "ಉಳಿಸಿ",
+ "available": "ಲಭ್ಯವಿದೆ",
+ "abort": "ಸ್ಥಗಿತಗೊಳಿಸಿ",
+ "saving": "ಉಳಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ",
+ "cancel": "ರದ್ದುಮಾಡಿ",
+ "null": "Null",
+ "escape": "ಎಸ್ಕೇಪ್",
+ "hex": "Hex",
+ "clear": "ಂತರಾಳ",
+ "slack": "Slack",
+ "comment": "ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್",
+ "microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
+ "discord": "Discord",
+ "matterMost": "Mattermost",
+ "twilio": "Twilio",
+ "whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
+ "quote": "ಉದ್ಧರಣ",
+ "submit": "ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಿ",
+ "create": "ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸಿ",
+ "createEntity": "{entity} ಅನ್ನು ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸಿ",
+ "creating": "ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ",
+ "creatingEntity": "{entity} ಅನ್ನು ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ",
+ "details": "ವಿವರಗಳು",
+ "skip": "ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡಿ",
+ "code": "ಕೋಡ್",
+ "duplicate": "ನಕಲು",
+ "duplicating": "ನಕಲಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ",
+ "duplicateEntity": "ನಕಲು {entity}",
+ "activate": "ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿ",
+ "action": "ಕ್ರಿಯೆ",
+ "insert": "ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "delete": "ಅಳಿಸಿ",
+ "deleteEntity": "{entity} ಅಳಿಸಿ",
+ "bulkInsert": "ಥೋಕಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "bulkDelete": "ಥೋಕಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಅಳಿಸಿ",
+ "bulkUpdate": "ಥೋಕಿನಲ್ಲಿ ನವೀಕರಿಸಿ",
+ "deleting": "ಅಳಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ",
+ "update": "ನವೀಕರಿಸಿ",
+ "updating": "ನವೀಕರಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ",
+ "rename": "ಮರೆಯಿರಿ",
+ "renameEntity": "ಮರುಹೆಸರಿಸಿ {entity}",
+ "reload": "ಮರುಲೋಡ್",
+ "refresh": "ಪುನಃ ಸಿಕ್ಕಿಸಿದ್ದೇನೆ",
+ "reset": "ಮರುಹೊಂದಿಸಿ",
+ "install": "ಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ",
+ "show": "ತೋರಿಸು",
+ "access": "ಪ್ರವೇಶ",
+ "visibility": "ದೃಶ್ಯਸ਼ೀಲತೆ",
+ "hide": "ಮರೆಮಾಡಿ",
+ "deprecated": "ದಿನೋಸಾರು",
+ "showAll": "ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
+ "hideAll": "ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನು ಮರೆಮಾಡಿ",
+ "notFound": "ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "showMore": "ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
+ "showOptions": "ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
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+ "hideMenu": "ಮೆನು ಮರೆಮಾಡಿ",
+ "addAll": "ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನೂ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "removeAll": "ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಿ",
+ "signUp": "ಸೈನ್ ಅಪ್",
+ "signIn": "ಸೈನ್ ಇನ್",
+ "signOut": "ಸೈನ್ ಔಟ್",
+ "required": "ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ",
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+ "preferred": "ಆದ್ಯತೆಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ",
+ "mandatory": "ಅನಿವಾರ್ಯ",
+ "loading": "ಲೋಡಿಂಗ್ ...",
+ "title": "ಶೀರ್ಷಿಕೆ",
+ "upload": "ಅಪ್ಲೋಡ್",
+ "download": "ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್",
+ "default": "ಮುಖ್ಯ ವಸ್ತುವು",
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+ "datasource": "ಡೇಟಾ ಮೂಲ",
+ "more": "ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು",
+ "less": "ಕಡಿಮೆ",
+ "event": "ಘಟನೆ",
+ "condition": "ಅವಸ್ಥೆ",
+ "after": "ನಂತರ",
+ "before": "ಮ النقل ma النقل ಉಚ್ಚರಣೆ ಹೆಚರ್īsūnā",
+ "search": "ಹುಡುಕಿ",
+ "searchIn": "ಅಸಡ್ಡೆ",
+ "notification": "ಅದ್ದಾರಿ",
+ "reference": "ಉಲ್ಲೇಖ",
+ "function": "ಕಾರ್ಯ",
+ "confirm": "ಸ್ಥಿರೀಕರಿಸಿ",
+ "generate": "ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "copy": "ನಕಲಿಸಿ",
+ "copied": "ನಕಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "are": "ಅರೆ",
+ "misc": "ಇತರೆ",
+ "lock": "ಅಕಲಿಸು",
+ "unlock": "ಬಿಡುಗಡೆ",
+ "credentials": "ಅಂಗೀಕಾರ ಪತ್ರಗಳು",
+ "help": "ಸಹಾಯ",
+ "questions": "ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಗಳು",
+ "reachOut": "ಇಲ್ಲಿ ತಲುಪಿ",
+ "betaNote": "ಈ ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯ ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಇದೆ.",
+ "moreInfo": "ಇಲ್ಲಿಯೇ ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಲಭ್ಯವಿದೆ",
+ "logs": "ದಿನಚರಿಗಳು",
+ "groupingField": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ಗುಚ್ಛಿಸಿ",
+ "insertAfter": "ಬಲಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "insertBefore": "ಎಡಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "insertAbove": "ಮೇಲೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "insertBelow": "ಕೆಳಗೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "hideField": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ಮರೆಮಾಡಿ",
+ "showField": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
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+ "sortDesc": "ಏರಿಕೆ ಕ್ರಮದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸಿ",
+ "move": "ಸರಿಸಲು",
+ "geoDataField": "ಜಿಯೋಡೇಟಾ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ",
+ "type": "ಪ್ರಕಾರ",
+ "subType": "ಉಪ-ಪ್ರಕಾರ",
+ "name": "ಹೆಸರು",
+ "changes": "ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳು",
+ "new": "ಹೊಸದು",
+ "old": "ಹಳೆಯದು",
+ "data": "ಡೇಟಾ",
+ "source": "ಮೂಲ",
+ "destination": "ಗಮ್ಯಸ್ಥಾನ",
+ "active": "ಸಕ್ರಿಯ",
+ "inactive": "ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯ",
+ "linked": "ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
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+ "othersSubtitle": "ನಿಮ್ಮ NocoDB ಅನುಭವವನ್ನು ಸುಧಾರಿಸಲು ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ಬದಲಾಯಕ ಹೊಂದಾಣಿಕೆಗಳನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಹಿಡಿಯಿರಿ.",
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+ "createTable": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕ ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "createDashboard": "ಡ್ಯಾಶ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "createWorkspace": "ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ",
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+ "renameLayout": "ಸ್ಫೋ ವಿಶಾಲತೆಯನ್ನು ಪರಿವರ್ತಿಸಿ",
+ "deleteTable": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕ ಅಳಿಸಿ",
+ "addField": "ಈ ಕಡ್ಡಿಯನ್ನು ಹೊಸ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "setDisplay": "ಪ್ರದರ್ಶಿತ ಮೌಲ್ಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸಿ",
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+ "saveAndExit": "ಉಳಿಸಿ & ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿ",
+ "saveAndStay": "ಉಳಿಸಿ & ಉಳಿದು",
+ "insertRow": "ಹೊಸ ದಾಖಲೆ ಸೇರ್",
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+ "deleteRows": "ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿ",
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+ "importExcel": "ಮಸ್ಸೆಯ ಆಮದು",
+ "importCSV": "CSV ಆಮದು",
+ "downloadCSV": "CSV ಅನ್ನು ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
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+ "uploadCSV": "CSV ಅಪ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
+ "import": "ಐತಿಹಾಸಿಕ ದಾಖಲೆ",
+ "importMetadata": "ಮೆಟಾಆದಾ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿ",
+ "exportMetadata": "ಮೆಟಾಆದಾ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ರಫ್ತು ಮಾಡಿ",
+ "clearMetadata": "ಮೆಟಾಆದಾ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ತೆರವುಗೊಳಿಸಿ",
+ "exportToFile": "ಫೈಲಿಗೆ ರಫ್ತು ಮಾಡಿ",
+ "changePwd": "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ",
+ "createView": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ಮಾಡುವಾತ",
+ "shareView": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ಹಂಚಿಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ",
+ "findRowByCodeScan": "ಸ್ಕ್ಯಾನ್ ಮೂಲಕ ದಾಖಲೆಯನ್ನು ಹುಡುಕಿ",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "ಸ್ಕ್ಯಾನ್ ಮೂಲಕ ತುಂಬಿ",
+ "listSharedView": "ಹಂಚಿದ ವೀಕ್ಷಣಾ ಪಟ್ಟಿ",
+ "ListView": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ",
+ "copyView": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ನಕಲಿಸಿ",
+ "renameView": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಗೆ ಮರುಹೆಸರಿಸು",
+ "uploadData": "ಡೇಟಾವನ್ನು ಅಪ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
+ "deleteView": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸು",
+ "createGrid": "ಗ್ರಿಡ್ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "createGallery": "ಗ್ಯಾಲರಿ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "createCalendar": "ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "createKanban": "ಕಾನ್ಬಾನ್ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "createForm": "ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "showSystemFields": "ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಿತ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
+ "openTab": "ಹೊಸ ಟ್ಯಾಬ್ ತೆರೆಯಿರಿ",
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+ "addWebhook": "ಹೊಸ ವೆಬ್ಹುಕ್ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
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+ "testWebhook": "Webhook ಪರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿ",
+ "createWebhook": "ವೆಬ್ಹುಕ್ ರಚಿಸಿ",
+ "copyWebhook": "Webhook ನಕಲಿಸಿ",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Webhook ಅಳಿಸಿ",
+ "newToken": "ಹೊಸ ಟೋಕನ್ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
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+ "importZip": "ಜಿಪ್ ಆಮದು",
+ "metaSync": "ಈಗ ಸಮಕರಿಸಿ",
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+ "resetReview": "ಮುನ್ಮುಚ್ಚನ್ನು ಮರುಹೊಂದಿಸಿ",
+ "testDbConn": "ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಪರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿ",
+ "removeDbFromEnv": "ಪರಿಸರದಿಂದ ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಿ",
+ "editConnJson": "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ JSON ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ",
+ "sponsorUs": "ನಮಗೆ ಆಶ್ರಯಕಿಸಿ",
+ "sendEmail": "ಇಮೇಲ್ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ",
+ "addUserToProject": "ಬೇಸ್ಗೆ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "getApiSnippet": "API ಭಾಗವನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಿರಿ",
+ "clearCell": "ಕೋಶವನ್ನು ತೆರವುಗೊಳಿಸಿ",
+ "addFilterGroup": "ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಗುಂಪು ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "linkRecord": "ಆಂತರಿಕ ದಾಖಲೆ",
+ "addNewRecord": "ಹೊಸ ದಾಖಲೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "newRecord": "ಹೆಸರು ಪದರ",
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+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಉಳಿಸಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದೆ & ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "ಪದರವನ್ನು ಉಲಿಸಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
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+ "delete": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿ",
+ "addNumber": "ನಂಕ್ಹೆಪಟ್ಟಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
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+ "addLongText": "ಲಾಂಗ್ ಟೆಕ್ಸ್ಟ್ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "addOther": "ಇತರೆ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ"
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+ "showSqlViews": "SQL ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
+ "showMMTables": "ಅನೇಕ-ತ-ಅನೇಕ ಟೇಬಲ್ಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಟೇಬಲ್ ಹೆಸರುಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ"
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+ "expandAll": "ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನು ವಿಸ್ತರಿಸು",
+ "renameStack": "ಗುಚ್ಛವನ್ನು ಮರುಹೆಸರುಗೈ",
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+ "addOrEditStack": "ಸ್ಟಾಕ್ ಸೇರಿಸಿ / ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ"
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+ "mappedBy": "ನಕ್ಷೆಯ ಯೋಜನೆಯವರು",
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+ "openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
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+ "startCommenting": "ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯ ನೀಡಲು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಿ!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ಯಾವುದೇ ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ಗಳಿಲ್ಲ!",
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+ "addFieldFromFormView": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವಾದರೂ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "selectAllFields": "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ",
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+ "title": "ಪೂರಕ ಪೂರ್ವ-ನಿರ್ವಹಣೆಯನ್ನು ಎನಬಲ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
+ "default": "ಪೂರ್ವನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟ",
+ "locked": "ಪೂರಕಗೊಂಡ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ವಾಚನ ಮಾತ್ರವಾಗಿ ಲಾಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
+ "hidden": "ಪೂರಕಗೊಂಡ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಮರೆಮಾಡಿ",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "ಪೂರಕಗೊಂಡ ಮೌಲ್ಯ"
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+ "getPreFilledLink": "ಪೂರಕಗೊಂಡ ಲಿಂಕ್ ಪಡೆಯಿರಿ",
+ "group": "ಗುಂಪು",
+ "goToDocs": "ಡಾಕ್ಸ್ಗೆ ಹೋಗಿ",
+ "addCondition": "ಶರತ್ತು ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "addConditionGroup": "ಶರತ್ತು ಗುಂಪು ಸೇರಿಸಿ"
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+ "tooltip": {
+ "currentDateNotAvail": "ಡೇಟಾ ಮೂಲ ಅಥವಾ ಡೇಟಾ ಪ್ರಕಾರಕ್ಕೆ ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ದಿನಾಂಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "privateConnection": "ಈ ಹಿಂದೆ ಎಲ್ಲ ಲೋಕಪಾಲರಿಗೆ ಮುಚ್ಚಿಕೊಡುವುದಾಕುವಿರಿಯಾಗಿ ಈ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಖಾಸಗಿ ಮತ್ತು ಅಡಗಿಸಿಡಲು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿ.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ. ಖಾಲಿ ಉಳಿದರೆ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ \"{database}\" ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿದೆ",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ. ಖಾಲಿ ಉಳಿದರೆ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಪುಟಕ \"{schema}\" ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿದೆ.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "ಈ ಡೇಟಾ ಮೂಲಕ್ಕೆ ಪರಿಕಲ್ಪನೆ ಸಂಪಾದನೆ ನಿಷೇಧಾರ್ಪಣೆ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "ಈ ಡೇಟಾ ತುಂಡಿಗೆ ಅನುಮತಿ ದೊರೆಯಿಲ್ಲ.",
+ "dataWriteOptionDisabled": "'ಸ್ಕಿಮ್ ನುಡಿಕೆ' ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸಿದ್ದಾಗ ಮಾತ್ರ ಡೇಟಾ ಸಂಪಾದನೆ ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸಿದಾಗ ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಬೆನ್ನಿಂತು ಸಕ್ರಿಯವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "ಈ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯನ್ನು ಯಾವ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಗಳು ಬಿಡಬಹುದು ಪರಿಕಲ್ಪನಾางวัลವನ್ನು ಪರಿಗಣಿಸುತ್ತವೆ, ುದ್ದющего ಮಿತ್ರತ್ಸತರು ಕರಣಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ, ಅವಳಂದಾಗಿ ಕೊಡುಗೆ.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "ಈ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ ಟೇಬಲ್ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ದಾಖಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲು, ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಅಥವಾ ಅಳಿಸಲು ಅನುಮತಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಮುಖ್ಯವಾಗಿ ನಿರ್ವಾಹಕ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರು ಡೇಟಾವನ್ನು ನೇರವಾಗಿ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲು ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ.",
+ "reachedSourceLimit": "ಪ್ರತಿ ಮೂಲಕ್ಕೆ 10 ಡೇಟಾ ಮೂಲಗಳಿಗೆ ಸೀಮಿತವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "saveChanges": "ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಿ",
+ "xcDB": "ಹೊಸ ಬೇಸ್ ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸಿ",
+ "extDB": "MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server ಮತ್ತು SQLite ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆ",
+ "apiRest": "REST API ಮೂಲಕ ಪ್ರವೇಶಯೋಗ್ಯ",
+ "apiGQL": "GraphQL API ಮೂಲಕ ಪ್ರವೇಶಯೋಗ್ಯ",
+ "theme": {
+ "dark": "ಇದು ಕಪ್ಪರಲ್ಲಿ ಬರುತ್ತದೆ (^⇧B)",
+ "light": "ಇದು ಕಪ್ಪಳಲ್ಲಾ? (^⇧B)"
+ },
+ "addTable": "ಹೊಸ ಹುಡುಕಾಟವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "addDashboard": "ಹೊಸ ಡ್ಯಾಶ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ ಸೇರಿಸಿ",
+ "inviteMore": "ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರನ್ನು ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸಿ",
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+ "comingSoonIntegration": "ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯ ಸೀಘ್ರದಲ್ಲೇ ಲಭ್ಯವಿರಲು ನಿರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಬಹುದು! ನಿಮ್ಮ NocoDBನಲ್ಲಿ ಅವಶ್ಯಕವಾಗಿರುವ ಹೊಂದಾಣಿಕೆಯ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ ಮತ್ತು ಮೆಚ್ಚುಗೆಯನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸುವಿಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ."
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+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "{type} ಪ್ರಮಾಣವನ್ನು ನಿರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲಾಗಿತ್ತು ಆದರೆ {found} ಪ್ರಮಾಣವನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಹಿಡಿಯಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ಗೆ {requiredArguments} ಆರ್ಗ್ಯುಮೊಂಟ್ಗಳು ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ಕನಿಷ್ಠ {minRequiredArguments} ಆರ್ಗ್ಯುಮೊಂಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ಗರಿಷ್ಠ {maxRequiredArguments} ಆರ್ಗ್ಯುಮೊಂಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} ಕಾರ್ಯ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() ಅವರ ಪ್ರಥಮ பராமேಟರ್ ದಿನಾಂಕ ಮೌಲ್ಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರಬೇಕು",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() ಅವರ ದ್ವೀತಿ ಯ பராமேಟರ್ ಮೌಲ್ಯವು \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" ಅಥವಾ \"saturday\" ಇವೆಯಾಗಿ ಇರಬೇಕು",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() ಅವರ ಪ್ರಥಮ பராமேಟರ್ ದಿನಾಂಕ ಮೌಲ್ಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರಬೇಕು",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() ಅವರ ದ್ವಿತಿ ய பராமேಟರ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯಾತ್ಮಕ ಮೌಲ್ಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರಬೇಕು",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() ಅವರ ತೃತೀಯ பராமேடರ್ ಮೌಲ್ಯವು \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" ಅಥವಾ \"year\" ಇದೆಯಾಗಿ ಇರಬೇಕು",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() ಅವರ ಪ್ರಥಮ பரಾಮேಟರ್ ದಿನಾಂಕ ಮೌಲ್ಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರಬೇಕು",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() ಅವರ ದ್ವಿತಿ ய பரಾಮேಟರ್ ದಿನಾಂಕ ಮೌಲ್ಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರಬೇಕು",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() அவர ತೃತೀಯ பரಾಮேಟರ್ ಮೌಲ್ಯವು \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", ಅಥವಾ \"y\" ಇದೆಯಾಗಿ ಇರಬೇಕು",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ {columnName} ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಇದು ವಲಯೀಯ ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಕ್ಕೆ ಕಾರಣವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "{columnName} ಜತೆಗೆ {columnType} ಸಂಪದಮೂಲವನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಹಿಡಿಯಲಾಗಿದೆ ಆದರೆ {expectedType} ಸಂಪದಮೂಲವನ್ನು ನಿರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} {columnType} ಗೆ ಹೊಂದಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ"
+ },
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+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "ಮಲ್ಟಿಸೆಲೆಕ್ಟ್ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳು ಅಲ್ಪವಿರಾಮವನ್ನು(',') ಹೊಂದಿರಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "ಆಯ್ಕೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಕಲುಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "ಹೊಸ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ"
+ },
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+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' ಪ್ರಕಾರದ ತನ್ನದೇ ಆದ ಕರೆನ್ಸಿ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ",
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+ },
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+ "title": "ಸಂಬಂಧ ಹೊಂದಿದೆ",
+ "tooltip_desc": "ಟೇಬಲ್ನಿಂದ ಒಂದು ದಾಖಲೆ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "ಟೇಬಲ್ನಿಂದ ಒಂದು ದಾಖಲೆ ಲಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು"
+ },
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+ "tooltip_desc": "ಟೇಬಲ್ನಿಂದ ಒಂದು ದಾಖಲೆ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "ಟೇಬಲ್ನಿಂದ ಒಂದು ದಾಖಲೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಲಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು"
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+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆ: ಬಾರ್ಕೋಡ್ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳು ನೇರವಾಗಿ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಬಹುದಾದವುಗಳಲ್ಲ."
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+ "schemaReadOnly": "ಈ ಮೂಲಕ್ಕೆ ಯೋಜನೆಯ ವೈಳ್ಯ ತರಲು ಅಸ್ಪಷ್ಟ",
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+ "commenterDesc": "ರೆಕಾರ್ಡ್ಸ್ಗಳನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲು ಮತ್ತು ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ ಆದರೆ ಏನನ್ನೂ ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "viewerDesc": "ರೆಕಾರ್ಡ್ಸ್ಗಳನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲು ಆದರೆ ಏನನ್ನೂ ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ",
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+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ಖಾತೆ ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದೀರಾ ?",
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+ "enterTableDescription": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕ ವಿವರಣೆ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ ವಿವರಣೆ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "ದೃಶ್ಯ ವಿವರಣೆ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ...",
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+ "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "ಪ್ರಾಥಮಿಕ ಕೀ ಇಲ್ಲದ ಕೋಷ್ಟಕದ ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟಗೊಂಡಿಲ್ಲ",
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+ "thankYou": "ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!",
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+ "passwdMismatch": "ಪಾಸ್ವರ್ಡ್ಗಳು ಹೊಂದಿಕೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "completeRuleSet": "ಕನಿಷ್ಟ 8 ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳು ಒಂದು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಅಕ್ಷರ, ಒಂದು ಸಂಖ್ಯಾ ಮತ್ತು ಒಂದು ವಿಶೇಷ ಅಕ್ಷರದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಇರಲಿ",
+ "atLeast8Char": "ಕನಿಷ್ಟ 8 ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳು",
+ "atLeastOneUppercase": "ಒಂದು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಅಕ್ಷರ",
+ "atLeastOneNumber": "ಒಂದು ಸಂಖ್ಯಾ",
+ "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "ಒಂದು ವಿಶೇಷ ಅಕ್ಷರ",
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+ "invalidEmails": "ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಇಮೇಲ್ಗಳು",
+ "invalidEmail": "ಅಮಾನ್ಯ ಇಮೇಲ್"
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+ "invalidXml": "ಅಮಾನ್ಯ XML",
+ "invalidURL": "ಅಮಾನ್ಯ URL",
+ "invalidEmail": "ಅಮಾನ್ಯ ಇಮೇಲ್",
+ "internalError": "ಕೆಲವು ಆಂತರಿಕ ದೋಷ ಸಂಭವಿಸಿದೆ",
+ "templateGeneratorNotFound": "ಟೆಂಪ್ಲೇಟ್ ಜನರೇಟರ್ ಕಂಡು ಬರಲಿಲ್ಲ!",
+ "fileUploadFailed": "ಫೈಲ್ ಅಪ್ಲೋಡ್ ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "ಪ್ರಾಥಮಿಕ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ವಿವರಕ್ಕೆ ಡೇಟಾ ತುಂಬಾ ಉದ್ದವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "columnsRequired": "ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಗಳು ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ",
+ "selectAtleastOneColumn": "ಕನಿಷ್ಠ ಒಂದೇ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಯನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಕು",
+ "columnDescriptionNotFound": "ಗಮ್ಯ ಸ್ಥಳದ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ಕಾಣಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "ನಕಲಿ ಮೆಪ್ಪಿಂಗ್ ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿತು, ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಒಂದು ಮೆಪ್ಪಿಂಗ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಿ",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "ಶೂನ್ಯ ಮೌಲ್ಯವು ಶೂನ್ಯವಲ್ಲದ ನಿರ್ಬಂಧವನ್ನು ಉಲ್ಲಂಘಿಸುತ್ತದೆ",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "ಮೂಲ ಡೇಟಾದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಲವು ಅಮಾನ್ಯ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಗಳು ಸೇರಿವೆ",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "ಮೂಲ ಡೇಟಾದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಲವು ಅಮಾನ್ಯ ಬೂಲಿಯನ್ ಮೌಲ್ಯಗಳಿವೆ",
+ "invalidForm": "ಅಮಾನ್ಯ ಫಾರ್ಮ್",
+ "formValidationFailed": "ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ಪರಿಶೀಲನೆ ವಿಫಲವಾಯಿತು",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "ನೀವು ಲಾಗ್ ಔಟ್ ಆಗಿದ್ದೀರಿ",
+ "failedToLoadList": "ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡುವುದು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "deleteFailed": "ಅಳಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಯಿತು",
+ "unlinkFailed": "ಅನ್ಲಿಂಕ್ ವಿಫಲವಾಯಿತು",
+ "rowUpdateFailed": "ರೆಕಾರ್ಡ್ ಪರಿಷ್ಕರಣೆ ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "deleteRowFailed": "ರೆಕಾರ್ಡ್ ಅಳಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ಡೇಟಾ ಹೊಂದಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ನವೀಕರಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಯಿತು",
+ "tableNameRequired": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕದ ಹೆಸರು ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "ಹೆಸರು ಅಕ್ಷರ ಅಥವಾ _ ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಪ್ರಾರಂಭವಾಗಬೇಕು",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "ಹೀಗಿರುವ ಚಿಹ್ನೆಗಳು ಅನುಮತಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "columnNameRequired": "ಶ್ರೇಣಿಯ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಬೇಕು",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "ಹೆಸರಿನ ಪ್ರತಿಗಳು ಏರ್ಪಟ್ಟಿವೆ",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "ಸಿಸ್ಟಮ್ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಹೆಸರು ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ಬಳಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI ಡೇಟಾ ಕೌಟುಂಬಿಕತೆಯ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ",
+ "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "ಕೋಲಮ್ ಹೆಸರಿನ ಉದ್ದವು ಗರಿಷ್ಠ {value} ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳನ್ನು ಮೀರುತ್ತದೆ",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} ಹೆಸರು 50 ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳ ಗಡಿಯನ್ನು ಮೀರಿ ಹೋಗುತ್ತದೆ",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} ಹೆಸರು ಶೂನ್ಯದಿಂದ ಆರಂಭಗೊಳ್ಳದಿರಬೇಕು",
+ "requiredField": "ಅಗತ್ಯ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP ಅನುಮತಿಸಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "ಗುರಿ ಫೈಲ್ ಒಪ್ಪಿದ ಫೈಲ್ ಪ್ರಕಾರದಲ್ಲ",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "ಒಪ್ಪಿಕೊಂಡ ಫೈಲ್ ಪ್ರಕಾರವು .csv",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "ಒಪ್ಪಿಕೊಂಡಿರುವ ಫೈಲ್ ಪ್ರಕಾರಗಳು .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "ಪ್ಯಾರಾಮೀಟರ್ ಕೀ ಖಾಲಿ ಇರಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "ನಕಲಿ ಪ್ಯಾರಾಮೀಟರ್ ಕೀಲಿಗಳು ಅನುಮತಿಸಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "fieldRequired": "ಈ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ ಖಾಲಿಯಾಗಿರದು.",
+ "projectNotAccessible": "ಮೂಲಪ್ರದೇಶ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ",
+ "copyToClipboardError": "ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ಗೆ ನಕಲಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ನಿಂದ ಅಂಟಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಯಿತು",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸುವ ಮೊದಲು ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳ ಕಾಂಫಿಗುರೇಶನ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸಿ",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "ಏನೋ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "ಇಳಕಿ ತಂದ ವಿಷಯ ಚಿತ್ರ ಪ್ರಕಾರವಲ್ಲ",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "ಚಿತ್ರದ ಡೇಟಾವನ್ನು ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಿಸಲು ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕವನ್ನು ಅಗತ್ಯವಲ್ಲದ ರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ಖಾಲಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+ },
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+ "exportMetadata": "ಮೂಲಮಾಹಿತಿ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ರಫ್ತು ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "importMetadata": "ಮೂಲಮಾಹಿತಿ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "clearMetadata": "ಮೂಲಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ತೆರವು ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "stopProject": "ಮೂಲಪ್ರದೇಶವನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "startProject": "ಮೂಲಪ್ರದೇಶವನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "restartProject": "ಮೂಲಪ್ರದೇಶವನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಮರುಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "deleteProject": "ಮೂಲಪ್ರದೇಶವನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "authToken": "ಪ್ರಾಮಾಣಿಕತೆ ಟೊಕೆನ್ ಅನ್ನು ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ಗೆ ನಕಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "projInfo": "ಮೂಲಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ಗೆ ನಕಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "inviteUrlCopy": "ನಿಮಂತ್ರಣ URL ಅನ್ನು ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ಗೆ ನಕಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "createView": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ರಚಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "formEmailSMTP": "ಇಮೇಲ್ ನೋಟಿಫಿಕೇಶನ್ ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಲು ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಅಪ್ ಸ್ಟೋರ್ನಲ್ಲಿ SMTP ಪ್ಲಗಿನ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿ",
+ "collabView": "ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಸಹಯೋಗದ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಗೆ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "lockedView": "ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಲಾಕ್ ಮಾಡಿದ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಗೆ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "futureRelease": "ಶೀಘ್ರದಲ್ಲೇ ಬರಲಿದೆ!"
+ },
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+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "ಲೈಸೆನ್ಸ್ ಕೀ ಅಪ್ಡ್ಟೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಿರಬೆಕಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "columnDuplicated": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಪ್ರತಿದರ್ಶಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "ರೆಕಾರ್ಡ್ ದ್ವಿಪತಿತಡಿತ (ಉಳಿಸಿದಿಲ್ಲ)",
+ "updatedUIACL": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ UI ACL ಅನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ನವೀಕರಿಸಿದೆ",
+ "pluginUninstalled": "ಪ್ಲಗಿನ್ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "pluginSettingsSaved": "ಪ್ಲಗಿನ್ ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಉಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "pluginTested": "ಪ್ಲಗಿನ್ ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "tableRenamed": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕದ ಹೆಸರು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "layoutRenamed": "ನಿರೂಪಣೆಯನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಮರುಹೊಂದಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "viewDeleted": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "primaryColumnUpdated": "ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಪ್ರಾಥಮಿಕ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವಾಗಿ ಸುಧಾರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "tableDataExported": "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಕೋಷ್ಟಕ ಡೇಟಾವನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ರಫ್ತು ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "updated": "ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ನವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "sharedViewDeleted": "ಹಂಚಿದ ವೀಕ್ಷಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "userDeleted": "ಬಳಕೆದಾರನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "viewRenamed": "ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "tokenGenerated": "ಟೊಕೆನ್ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ರಚಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "tokenDeleted": "ಟೊಕೆನ್ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "userAddedToProject": "ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನನ್ನು ಮೂಲಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "userAdded": "ಬಳಕೆದಾರನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "userDeletedFromProject": "ಬೇಸ್ ನಿಂದ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "inviteEmailSent": "ಆಮಂತ್ರಣ ಇಮೇಲಿ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "inviteURLCopied": "ಆಮಂತ್ರಣ URL ಅನ್ನು ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ಗೆ ನಕಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "commentCopied": "ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ಗೆ ನಕಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "ಗೋಪ್ಯತೆಯನ್ನು ನವೀಕರಿಸಿ ಎಂಬ URL ನುclipboard ಗೆ ನಕಲು ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "ಹಂಚಬಹುದಾದ ಮೂಲ URL ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಬೋರ್ಡ್ಗೆ ನಕಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "ಎಂಬೆಡ್ಡೆಬಲ್ HTML ಕೋಡ್ ನಕಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ನವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "tableDataImported": "ಕೋಷ್ಟಕದ ಡೇಟಾವನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "webhookUpdated": "Webhook ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ನವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "webhookDeleted": "Hook ಅನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "webhookTested": "Webhook ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "columnUpdated": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ನವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "columnCreated": "ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರವನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "passwordChanged": "ಪಾಸ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮರುಲಾಗಿನ್ ಆಗಿ.",
+ "settingsSaved": "ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ ಕಸರತ್ತು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಿಂದ ತಳ್ಳಿದೆ",
+ "roleUpdated": "ಪಾತ್ರವನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ನವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ",
+ "connectionAdded": "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿಯೇ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲಾಯಿತು",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "ಬೇಸ್ ಮಾಲೀಕರು ಮತ್ತು ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಕರ್ತರು ಇದೀಗ ಡೇಟಾ ಮೂಲವನ್ನು ಪುನಃ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸುವ credentials ಇಲ್ಲದೆ ಸೇರಿಸಬಹುದು."
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ko.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ko.json
index 2194446361..3a4625cfe1 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ko.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ko.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "새 대시보드 프로젝트 만들기",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "새 인터페이스 만들기",
"connect_data_sources": "데이터소스 연결",
"alert": "알림",
"alert-message": "이 대시보드는 데이터베이스에 연결되어 있지 않습니다. 데이터베이스에 연결하려면 대시보드 프로젝트를 편집하십시오.",
@@ -39,71 +39,72 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "합계",
+ "count": "수량",
+ "min": "최소",
+ "max": "최대",
+ "avg": "평균",
+ "median": "중간값",
+ "std_dev": "표준 편차",
+ "histogram": "히스토그램",
+ "range": "범위",
+ "percent_empty": "비어있음",
+ "percent_filled": "채워짐",
+ "percent_unique": "고유 값",
+ "count_unique": "고유 값",
+ "count_empty": "비어있음",
+ "count_filled": "채워짐",
+ "earliest_date": "최소 날짜",
+ "latest_date": "최대 날짜",
+ "date_range": "범위",
+ "month_range": "범위",
+ "checked": "체크 됨",
+ "unchecked": "체크 안 됨",
+ "percent_checked": "체크 됨",
+ "percent_unchecked": "체크 안 됨",
+ "attachment_size": "크기",
+ "none": "없음"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "합계",
+ "count": "수량",
+ "min": "최소",
+ "max": "최대",
+ "avg": "평균",
+ "median": "중간값",
+ "std_dev": "표준 편차",
+ "histogram": "히스토그램",
+ "range": "범위",
+ "percent_empty": "빈 항목의 백분율",
+ "percent_filled": "채워진 항목의 백분율",
+ "percent_unique": "고유 항목의 백분율",
+ "count_unique": "고유 값",
+ "count_empty": "비어있음",
+ "count_filled": "채워짐",
+ "earliest_date": "가장 빠른 날짜",
+ "latest_date": "가장 최근 날짜",
+ "date_range": "날짜 범위",
+ "month_range": "월 범위",
+ "checked": "체크 됨",
+ "unchecked": "체크 안 됨",
+ "percent_checked": "체크 된 항목의 백분율",
+ "percent_unchecked": "체크 안 된 항목의 백분율",
+ "attachment_size": "첨부 파일 크기",
+ "none": "없음"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
- "addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
+ "scripts": "스크립트",
+ "configure": "구성",
+ "switch": "전환",
+ "on": "켜짐",
+ "onMultiple": "다중 켜짐",
+ "manual": "수동",
+ "trigger": "트리거",
+ "addLookupField": "{count} 조회 필드 추가",
+ "style": "스타일",
+ "label": "라벨",
+ "role": "역할",
+ "general": "일반",
"quit": "나가기",
"home": "홈",
"load": "불러오기",
@@ -133,14 +134,14 @@
"escape": "Escape",
"hex": "16진수",
"clear": "지우기",
- "slack": "슬랙",
+ "slack": "Slack",
"comment": "코멘트",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "인용문",
"submit": "제출",
"create": "생성",
"createEntity": "{entity} 생성",
@@ -148,10 +149,10 @@
"creatingEntity": "{entity} 생성 중",
"details": "세부사항",
"skip": "건너뛰기",
- "code": "Code",
+ "code": "코드",
"duplicate": "복사",
"duplicating": "복사 중",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "{entity} 복제",
"activate": "활성화",
"action": "동작",
"insert": "삽입",
@@ -162,11 +163,11 @@
"bulkUpdate": "대량 업데이트",
"deleting": "삭제 중",
"update": "업데이트",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "업데이트 중",
"rename": "이름 바꾸기",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "이름 바꾸기 {entity}",
"reload": "다시 불러오기",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "새로 고침",
"reset": "초기화",
"install": "설치",
"show": "보기",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "업로드",
"download": "다운로드",
"default": "기본",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "소스",
+ "datasource": "데이터 소스",
"more": "기타",
"less": "더 적은",
"event": "이벤트",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "확인",
"generate": "생성",
"copy": "복사",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "복사됨",
"are": "are",
"misc": "기타",
"lock": "잠금",
@@ -224,19 +225,19 @@
"betaNote": "이 기능은 현재 베타입니다.",
"moreInfo": "자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하십시오.",
"logs": "로그",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "필드별 스택",
+ "insertAfter": "오른쪽에 삽입",
+ "insertBefore": "왼쪽에 삽입",
+ "insertAbove": "위에 삽입",
+ "insertBelow": "아래에 삽입",
"hideField": "필드 숨기기",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "필드 표시",
"sortAsc": "오름차순 정렬",
"sortDesc": "내림차순 정렬",
"move": "이동",
"geoDataField": "GeoData 필드",
"type": "타입",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "하위 유형",
"name": "이름",
"changes": "변경",
"new": "새로운",
@@ -263,42 +264,42 @@
"shift": "Shift",
"enter": "Enter",
"seconds": "초",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "paste": "붙여넣기",
+ "restore": "복원",
+ "replace": "교체",
+ "banner": "배너",
+ "logo": "로고",
+ "dropdown": "드롭다운",
+ "list": "목록",
+ "verify": "확인",
+ "apply": "적용",
+ "text": "텍스트",
+ "appearance": "외관",
+ "now": "지금",
+ "set": "설정",
+ "format": "서식",
+ "colour": "색상",
+ "use": "사용",
+ "stack": "스택",
+ "ipAddress": "IP 주소",
+ "integration": "연동",
+ "integrations": "연동",
+ "connection": "연결",
+ "connections": "연결",
+ "private": "비공개",
+ "request": "요청",
+ "languages": "언어",
+ "extension": "확장",
+ "extensions": "확장"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
+ "files": "파일",
+ "owner": "소유자",
+ "member": "사용자",
+ "day": "일",
+ "week": "주",
+ "month": "월",
+ "year": "년",
"workspace": "작업 공간",
"workspaces": "작업 공간",
"project": "프로젝트",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "필드",
"column": "열",
"columns": "열",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "셀",
+ "cells": "셀",
"page": "페이지",
"pages": "페이지",
"record": "레코드",
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@
"viewType": {
"grid": "그리드",
"gallery": "갤러리",
- "form": "폼",
+ "form": "양식",
"kanban": "파이프라인",
"calendar": "캘린더",
"map": "지도"
@@ -337,11 +338,11 @@
"owner": "소유자",
"creator": "생성자",
"editor": "편집자",
- "commenter": "해설자",
+ "commenter": "댓글 작성자",
"viewer": "뷰어",
"noaccess": "권한 없음",
"superAdmin": "최고 운영자",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "조직 수준 소유자",
"orgLevelCreator": "조직 수준 생성",
"orgLevelViewer": "조직 수준 뷰어"
@@ -373,10 +374,10 @@
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
"serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
- "snowflake": "Snowflake",
+ "snowflake": "스노우플레이크",
"stripe": "Stripe",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
- "tableau": "Tableau",
+ "tableau": "타블로",
"trello": "Trello",
"typeform": "Typeform",
"workday": "Workday",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "모든 연동",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "NocoDB를 사용하여 데이터베이스를 원활하게 연결하고 관리하세요.",
+ "communication": "커뮤니케이션",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "NocoDB를 통해 변경 사항에 대한 알림을 받고 팀 커뮤니케이션을 간소화하세요.",
+ "projectManagement": "프로젝트 관리",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "NocoDB를 사용하여 프로젝트 워크플로와 작업 관리를 개선하세요.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
- "ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "NocoDB 통합을 통해 고객 관계 관리를 최적화하세요.",
+ "marketing": "마케팅",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "NocoDB의 강력한 연동 기능으로 마케팅 효과를 높여보세요.",
+ "ats": "채용 관리 시스템",
+ "atsSubtitle": "NocoDB로 채용 관리 시스템을 더 효율적으로 만들어보세요.",
+ "development": "개발",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "NocoDB 연동으로 개발 프로세스를 더욱 빠르게 진행하세요.",
+ "finance": "금융",
+ "financeSubtitle": "NocoDB로 재무 운영과 데이터 관리를 간소화하세요.",
+ "ticketing": "티켓팅",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "NocoDB로 고객 지원 티켓을 효율적으로 관리하고 추적하세요.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "NocoDB로 스토리지 솔루션을 손쉽게 연동하고 정리하세요.",
+ "others": "기타",
+ "othersSubtitle": "NocoDB 활용을 더욱 향상시킬 다양한 연동 기능을 확인해 보세요.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "스프레드시트",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "NocoDB로 스프레드시트를 연결하고 관리하세요."
"datatype": {
@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@
"ForeignKey": "외래 키",
"SingleLineText": "한 줄 텍스트",
"LongText": "긴 텍스트",
- "Attachment": "첨부",
+ "Attachment": "첨부파일",
"Checkbox": "체크 박스",
"MultiSelect": "다중 선택",
"SingleSelect": "단일 선택",
@@ -454,13 +455,13 @@
"Currency": "통화",
"Percent": "퍼센트",
"Duration": "기간",
- "GeoData": "GeoData",
+ "GeoData": "위치데이터",
"Rating": "등급",
- "Formula": "포뮬러",
+ "Formula": "수식",
"Rollup": "롤업",
"Count": "카운트",
"Lookup": "조회",
- "DateTime": "일시",
+ "DateTime": "날짜/시간",
"CreatedTime": "생성시간",
"LastModifiedTime": "최종수정시간",
"AutoNumber": "자동번호",
@@ -486,15 +487,15 @@
"isNotNull": "null 값이 아님"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
- "localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
+ "searchWebhook": "웹훅 검색",
+ "webcam": "웹캠",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "URL을 통해 업로드",
+ "localFiles": "로컬 파일",
+ "renameBase": "베이스 이름 바꾸기",
+ "renameWorkspace": "워크스페이스 이름 바꾸기",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "워크스페이스 이름 바꾸기",
+ "renamingBase": "베이스 이름 바꾸기",
+ "sso": "인증(SSO)",
"docs": "문서",
"forum": "포럼",
"parameter": "매개 변수",
@@ -502,8 +503,8 @@
"parameterName": "매개변수 이름",
"currencyLocale": "통화 로케일",
"currencyCode": "통화 코드",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "회원을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "searchMembers": "사용자 검색",
+ "noMembersFound": "사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"dateJoined": "가입일",
"tokenName": "토큰명",
"inDesktop": "데스크톱에서",
@@ -522,11 +523,11 @@
"removeFile": "파일삭제",
"hasMany": "많이",
"manyToMany": "다대다",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
+ "oneToOne": "일대일",
"virtualRelation": "가상 관계",
"linkMore": "링크 더 보기",
"linkMoreRecords": "더 많은 레코드 연결",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
+ "linkRecords": "링크 레코드",
"downloadFile": "파일 다운로드",
"renameTable": "테이블 이름 변경",
"renamingTable": "테이블 이름 바꾸기",
@@ -540,8 +541,8 @@
"showSidebar": "사이드바 표시",
"hideSidebar": "사이드바 숨김",
"creatingTable": "테이블 생성 중",
- "erdView": "ERD View",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "erdView": "ERD 보기",
+ "newBase": "새 데이터 소스",
"newProj": "새 프로젝트",
"createBase": "데이터 소스 생성",
"myProject": "내 프로젝트",
@@ -563,7 +564,7 @@
"uiACL": "UI 액세스 제어",
"metaOperations": "메타 데이터 작업",
"audit": "감사",
- "auditLogs": "Audit Logs",
+ "auditLogs": "활동 기록",
"sqlMigrations": "SQL 마이그레이션",
"dbCredentials": "데이터베이스 자격 증명",
"advancedParameters": "SSL 및 고급 매개 변수",
@@ -584,7 +585,7 @@
"quickImportCSV": "빠른 가져오기 - CSV",
"quickImportExcel": "빠른 가져오기 - Excel",
"quickImportJSON": "빠른 가져오기 - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON 편집기",
"comingSoon": "곧 출시 예정",
"advancedSettings": "고급 설정",
"codeSnippet": "코드 스니펫",
@@ -593,7 +594,7 @@
"findRowByScanningCode": "QR 또는 바코드를 스캔하여 행 찾기",
"tokenManagement": "토큰 관리",
"addNewToken": "새 토큰 추가",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
+ "createNewToken": "새 토큰 만들기",
"accountSettings": "계정 설정",
"resetPasswordMenu": "비밀번호 재설정",
"tokens": "토큰",
@@ -612,147 +613,149 @@
"setNull": "null 설정",
"setDefault": "기본값 설정"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "오른쪽 패널에서 필드를 선택하여 여기에 추가",
+ "noOptionsFound": "옵션을 찾을 수 없습니다",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "이 양식을 제출하시겠습니까?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "이 목록에는 현재 데이터가 없습니다",
+ "fromScratch": "처음부터",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "파일 & 외부 소스에서",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "실시간으로 직접",
+ "categories": "카테고리",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "필드에 액세스할 수 없음",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "조건이 추가되지 않았습니다"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
- "selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
+ "modifiedOn": "수정된 날짜",
+ "configuration": "구성",
+ "setup": "설정",
+ "configLabel": "{label} 구성",
+ "switchToProd": "프로덕션에 적합한 앱 데이터베이스로 전환",
+ "sharedBase": "공유 베이스",
+ "fieldID": "필드 ID",
+ "addDescription": "설명 추가",
+ "editDescription": "설명 편집",
+ "urlFormula": "URL 수식",
+ "selectIcon": "없음",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--웹훅 선택--",
+ "openUrl": "URL 열기",
+ "runWebHook": "웹훅 실행",
+ "onClick": "클릭",
+ "defaultView": "기본 보기",
+ "recordInsert": "레코드 삽입",
+ "recordUpdate": "레코드 업데이트",
+ "recordDelete": "레코드 삭제",
+ "supportDocs": "지원 문서",
+ "addedOn": "추가됨",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "표시 값 필드 변경",
+ "selectYourNewTitleFor": "새 제목 필드를 선택하세요 ",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "표시 값 필드 선택",
+ "changeTitleField": "제목 필드 변경",
+ "clearAll": "모두 지우기",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "조회 필드는 연결된 레코드의 데이터를 표시합니다. 다음에서 특정 필드를 선택하세요 ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": "이 테이블에 조회 필드로 추가하려면 테이블을 클릭합니다.",
+ "formatting": "서식 설정",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -양식 유형을 선택하세요(선택 사항)- -",
+ "formatType": "형식 유형",
+ "toUpload": "업로드하기",
+ "dragFilesHere": "여기로 파일 드래그",
+ "browseFiles": "파일 찾아보기",
+ "clickTo": "클릭하여",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "카메라에 대한 접근을 허용해주세요",
+ "openFile": "파일 열기",
+ "enterValidUrl": "파일을 업로드하려면 유효한 URL을 입력하세요.",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "URL에서 파일 추가",
+ "uploading": "업로드 중",
"dropHere": "이곳에 끌어다 놓기",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
- "allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
- "allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "addMore": "더 추가",
+ "clearAllFiles": "모든 파일 지우기",
+ "integration": "연동",
+ "notRecommended": "권장하지 않습니다",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "스키마 변경 허용",
+ "allowDataWrite": "데이터 쓰기/편집 허용",
+ "selectView": "보기 선택",
+ "connectionDetails": "소스 연결 세부 정보",
+ "metaSync": "메타 동기화",
+ "mention": "언급",
+ "today": "오늘",
+ "currentDate": "현재 날짜 ",
+ "workspace": "워크스페이스",
+ "txt": "TXT 레코드 값",
+ "transferOwnership": "소유권 이전",
+ "recentActivity": "최근 활동",
+ "goToMembers": "사용자로 이동",
+ "addMember": "사용자 추가",
+ "numberOfMembers": "구성원 수",
+ "numberOfBases": "프로젝트 수",
+ "numberOfRecords": "기록 수",
+ "workspaceName": "워크스페이스 이름",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "소유자가 없는 워크스페이스",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "사용자를 워크스페이스에 초대",
+ "selectWorkspace": "초대할 워크스페이스 선택",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "조직에 구성원 추가",
+ "memberIn": "소속:",
+ "assignAs": "다음으로 지정",
+ "signOutUser": "사용자 로그아웃",
+ "signOutUsers": "사용자 로그아웃",
+ "deactivateUser": "사용자 비활성화",
+ "deactivateUsers": "사용자 비활성화",
+ "lastActive": "마지막 활동",
+ "dateAdded": "추가된 날짜",
+ "uploadImage": "이미지 업로드",
+ "organizationProfile": "조직 프로필",
+ "organizationImage": "조직 이미지",
+ "organizationName": "조직 이름",
+ "activeDomains": "활성 도메인",
+ "domains": "도메인",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "공개 공유 비활성화",
+ "shareSettings": "공유 설정",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "사용자 및 사용자 데이터 삭제",
+ "userOptions": "사용자 옵션",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "이 조직 삭제",
+ "dangerZone": "위험구역",
+ "childView": "자식 보기",
+ "selectYear": "년도 선택",
+ "save": "저장",
+ "cancel": "취소",
+ "metadataUrl": "메타데이터 URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "청중/엔티티 ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "리디렉션 URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
+ "newProvider": "새 공급자",
+ "generalSettings": "일반 설정",
+ "adminPanel": "관리자 패널",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "워크스페이스를 조직으로 이동",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO 설정",
+ "addDomain": "도메인 추가",
+ "domain": "도메인",
+ "settings": "설정",
+ "workspaces": "워크스페이스",
+ "back": "뒤로",
+ "dashboard": "대시보드",
+ "organizeBy": "기준별 정리",
+ "previous": "이전",
+ "nextMonth": "다음 달",
+ "previousMonth": "이전 달",
+ "next": "다음",
+ "organiseBy": "정렬 기준",
+ "heading1": "제목 1",
+ "heading2": "제목 2",
+ "heading3": "제목 3",
+ "bold": "굵게",
+ "italic": "기울이기",
+ "underline": "밑줄",
+ "strike": "취소선",
+ "taskList": "작업 목록",
+ "bulletList": "글머리 기호 목록",
+ "numberedList": "번호 매기기 목록",
"downloadData": "데이터 다운로드",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
+ "blockQuote": "인용문 블록",
"noToken": "토큰 없음",
"tokenLimit": "사용자당 하나의 토큰만 허용됩니다",
"duplicateAttachment": "이름이 {filename}인 파일이 이미 연결됨",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
+ "tableIdColon": "테이블 ID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "뷰 ID: {viewId}",
"toAddress": "받는 사람",
"subject": "제목",
"body": "내용",
@@ -760,7 +763,7 @@
"headerName": "헤더 이름",
"icon": "아이콘",
"max": "최대",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "서식있는 텍스트 활성화",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
"copiedRecordURL": "레코드 URL을 복사했습니다.",
"copyRecordURL": "레코드 URL 복사",
@@ -780,8 +783,8 @@
"timeFormat": "시간 형식",
"singularLabel": "단수 레이블",
"pluralLabel": "복수 레이블",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
+ "selectDateField": "날짜 필드 선택",
+ "endDateField": "종료 날짜 필드",
"optional": "(선택사항)",
"clickToMake": "클릭하여 생성",
"visibleForRole": "역할에 표시:",
@@ -790,15 +793,15 @@
"clickToHide": "클릭하여 숨김",
"clickToDownload": "클릭하여 다운로드",
"forRole": "역할",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "클릭하여 ID 복사",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "클릭하여 테이블 ID 복사",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "클릭하여 뷰 ID 복사",
"viewMode": "보기 모드",
"searchUsers": "사용자 검색",
"superAdmin": "최고 운영자",
"allTables": "모든 테이블",
- "members": "회원",
+ "members": "사용자",
"dataSources": "데이터 소스",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
+ "connectDataSource": "외부 데이터 연결",
"searchProjects": "프로젝트 검색",
"createdBy": "생성자",
"viewingAttachmentsOf": "첨부 파일 보기",
@@ -821,12 +824,12 @@
"createGridView": "그리드 뷰 생성",
"duplicateGalleryView": "갤러리 뷰 복제",
"createGalleryView": "갤러리 뷰 생성",
- "duplicateFormView": "폼 뷰 복제",
- "createFormView": "폼 뷰 생성",
+ "duplicateFormView": "양식 뷰 복제",
+ "createFormView": "양식 뷰 생성",
"duplicateKanbanView": "칸반 뷰 복제",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "캘린더 뷰 복제",
"createKanbanView": "칸반 뷰 생성",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "createCalendarView": "캘린더 뷰 생성",
"viewName": "이름 보기",
"viewLink": "링크 보기",
"columnName": "열 이름",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "데이터베이스 입력",
"lengthValue": "길이 / 값",
"dbType": "데이터베이스 유형",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "서버이름 / 호스트주소",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite 파일 경로",
+ "hostAddress": "호스트 주소",
+ "port": "포트 번호",
"username": "사용자 이름",
"password": "비밀번호",
"schemaName": "스키마 이름",
@@ -867,7 +870,7 @@
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "이메일",
"storage": "스토리지",
- "uiAcl": "UI-ACL",
+ "uiAcl": "UI 접근권한",
"models": "모델",
"syncState": "동기화 상태",
"created": "생성",
@@ -904,13 +907,13 @@
"followNocodb": "NocoDB 팔로우",
"communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
- "twitter": "Twitter",
+ "twitter": "트위터",
"docReference": "참조 문서",
"selectUserRole": "사용자 역할을 선택하세요",
"childTable": "자식 테이블",
"childColumn": "자식 컬럼",
"childField": "자식 필드",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Cloud 무료 시작",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "다른 레코드에 링크",
"links": "링크",
"onUpdate": "업데이트 시 ",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "많이",
"belongsTo": "속해있다",
"manyToMany": "다대다 관계",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "일대일 관계 있음",
"extraConnectionParameters": "추가 연결 매개 변수",
"commentsOnly": "댓글 만",
"documentation": "문서",
@@ -961,7 +964,7 @@
"noAccess": "접근 권한 없음",
"restApis": "Rest APIs",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
+ "apiSnippet": "API 스니펫",
"includeData": "데이터 포함",
"includeView": "뷰 포함",
"includeWebhook": "웹훅 포함",
@@ -972,59 +975,59 @@
"changeWsName": "작업 공간 이름 변경",
"pressEnter": "Enter를 누르세요",
"newFormLoaded": "새로운 폼이 로드되었습니다.",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "웹훅",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "새 필드",
+ "saveChanges": "변경 사항 저장",
+ "updatedField": "업데이트된 필드",
+ "deletedField": "삭제된 필드",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "구성 불완전",
+ "selectField": "필드 선택",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "배경색",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "NocoDB 브랜드 숨기기",
+ "showOnConditions": "조건에 따라 표시",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "조건이 충족되는 경우에만 필드를 표시",
+ "limitOptions": "제한 옵션",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "사용자가 볼 수 있는 옵션을 선택하여 제한합니다",
+ "clearSelection": "선택 지우기",
+ "displayAsProgress": "진행률로 표시",
+ "relationType": "관계 유형",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "천 단위 구분 기호 표시",
+ "signUpForFree": "무료로 가입",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "이미지 맞춤",
+ "coverImageArea": "표지 이미지",
+ "syncData": "데이터 동기화",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "관심 있는 서비스를 등록하면 해당 서비스가 사용 가능해질 때 알림을 받을 수 있습니다.",
+ "redirectToUrl": "URL로 리디렉션"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
- "googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
+ "webhookDetails": "웹훅 상세",
+ "hideWeekends": "주말 숨기기",
+ "renameBase": "베이스 이름 바꾸기",
+ "renameWorkspace": "워크스페이스 이름 바꾸기",
+ "deactivate": "비활성화",
+ "manageUsers": "사용자 관리",
+ "newWorkspace": "새 워크스페이스",
+ "addDomain": "도메인 추가",
+ "addMembers": "구성원 추가",
+ "enterEmail": "이메일 주소 입력",
+ "inviteToBase": "베이스에 초대",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "워크스페이스에 초대",
+ "addMember": "베이스에 사용자 추가",
+ "noRange": "캘린더 뷰에는 날짜 범위가 필요합니다",
+ "goToToday": "오늘로 이동",
+ "toggleSidebar": "사이드바 토글",
+ "addEndDate": "종료 날짜 추가",
+ "withEndDate": "종료 날짜 포함",
+ "calendar": "캘린더",
+ "viewSettings": "뷰 설정",
+ "googleOAuth": "구글 OAuth",
+ "registerOIDC": "OIDC ID 공급자 등록",
+ "registerSAML": "SAML ID 공급자 등록",
"openInANewTab": "새 탭에서 열기",
"copyIFrameCode": "IFrame 코드 복사",
"onCondition": "조건에 따라",
@@ -1048,7 +1051,7 @@
"enablePublicAccess": "전체 공개",
"doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "바뀐 내용을 저장할까요?",
"editingAccess": "수정 권한",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "공개 보기 활성화",
"restrictAccessWithPassword": "비밀번호로 액세스 제한",
"manageProjectAccess": "프로젝트 접근 권한",
"allowDownload": "다운로드 허용",
@@ -1099,9 +1102,9 @@
"addFilter": "필터 추가",
"share": "공유",
"groupBy": "분류 기준",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "addSubGroup": "새 하위 그룹",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "베이스 공유",
"disable": "공유 베이스 비활성화",
"enable": "링크가 있는 모든 사용자",
"link": "공유 링크"
@@ -1156,7 +1159,7 @@
"exportMetadata": "메타 데이터 내보내기",
"clearMetadata": "메타 데이터 지우기",
"exportToFile": "파일로 내보내기",
- "changePwd": "암호 변경",
+ "changePwd": "비밀번호 변경",
"createView": "뷰 생성",
"shareView": "뷰 공유",
"findRowByCodeScan": "QR 또는 바코드를 스캔하여 행 찾기",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "새 웹훅 추가",
"enableWebhook": "웹훅 활성화",
"testWebhook": "웹훅 테스트",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "웹훅 생성",
"copyWebhook": "웹훅 URL 복사",
"deleteWebhook": "웹훅 삭제",
"newToken": "새 토큰 추가",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "zip 파일 가져오기",
"metaSync": "지금 동기화",
"settings": "설정",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "유효성 검사",
"previewAs": "미리보기",
"resetReview": "미리보기 재설정",
"testDbConn": "데이터베이스 연결 테스트",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "스택 축소",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "모두 축소",
+ "expandAll": "모두 펼치기",
+ "renameStack": "스택 이름 바꾸기",
"deleteStack": "스택 삭제",
"stackedBy": "스택 기준",
"chooseGroupingField": "그룹화 필드 선택",
@@ -1243,31 +1246,33 @@
"toggleMobileMode": "모바일 모드 전환",
"startCommenting": "댓글 달기",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "noCommentsYet": "아직 댓글이 없습니다!",
+ "clearForm": "양식 초기화",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "필드 추가",
+ "selectAllFields": "모든 필드 선택",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "사전 채우기 활성화",
+ "default": "기본",
+ "locked": "미리 채워진 필드를 읽기 전용으로 잠금",
+ "hidden": "미리 채워진 필드 숨기기",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "미리 채워진 값"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "미리 채워진 링크 받기",
+ "group": "그룹",
+ "goToDocs": "Docs로 이동",
+ "addCondition": "조건 추가",
+ "addConditionGroup": "조건 그룹 추가"
"tooltip": {
- "currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "currentDateNotAvail": "데이터 소스 또는 데이터 유형에 대해 현재 날짜 옵션을 사용할 수 없습니다.",
+ "privateConnection": "이 연결을 비공개로 설정하고 이 워크스페이스의 다른 작성자에게 숨기도록 설정합니다.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "선택 사항. 비워두면 기본 데이터베이스 \"{database}\"를 사용합니다.",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "선택 사항. 비워두면 기본 스키마 \"{schema}\"를 사용합니다.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "이 데이터 소스에 대한 스키마 편집이 비활성화되어 있습니다.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "이 데이터 유형은 허용되지 않습니다.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "이 옵션은 테이블과 열을 추가, 변경 또는 삭제하는 것을 포함하여 데이터베이스 스키마를 수정할 수 있습니다. 변경 사항이 데이터베이스의 구조적 무결성에 영향을 미칠 수 있으므로 주의해서 사용하십시오.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "이 옵션을 사용하면 데이터베이스 테이블 내에서 레코드를 생성, 업데이트 또는 삭제할 수 있습니다. 데이터를 직접 변경해야 하는 관리자에게 이상적입니다.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "데이터 소스 제한에 도달했습니다.",
"saveChanges": "변경 사항 저장",
"xcDB": "새 프로젝트 생성",
@@ -1296,15 +1301,15 @@
"clientKey": "키 파일을 선택하십시오",
"clientCert": ".cert 파일을 선택하십시오",
"clientCA": "CA 파일을 선택하십시오",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "아이콘 색상 변경",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "페이지당 하나의 필드로 폼 모드",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "파일을 가져온 후 유형 변환을 위해 필드 편집 메뉴 사용",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "워크스페이스에서 상속된 역할",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "곧 출시됩니다! NocoDB에서 필요한 연동을 추천하려면 클릭하세요."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
+ "searchIcons": "아이콘 검색",
"selectSlackChannels": "슬랙 채널 선택",
"selectTeamsChannels": "Microsoft Teams 채널 선택",
"selectDiscordChannels": "Discord 채널 선택",
@@ -1316,16 +1321,16 @@
"projName": "프로젝트 이름을 입력하십시오",
"selectGroupField": "그룹화 필드 선택",
"selectGroupFieldNotFound": "단일 선택 필드를 찾을 수 없습니다. 최소한 하나의 단일 선택 필드를 만들어야 합니다.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "GeoField 선택",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "GeoField를 찾을 수 없습니다. 최소한 하나의 GeoField를 만들어야 합니다.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "표지 이미지 필드 선택",
+ "selectGeoField": "위치 데이터 필드 선택",
+ "notSelected": "-선택되지 않음-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "위치데이터 필드를 찾을 수 없습니다. 최소한 하나의 필드를 만들어야 합니다.",
"password": {
"enter": "비밀번호를 입력하십시오",
"current": "현재 비밀번호",
"new": "새 비밀번호",
"save": "비밀번호 저장",
- "confirm": "새 암호를 확인합니다"
+ "confirm": "새 비밀번호 확인"
"selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "QR 코드 값에 대한 열을 선택하십시오",
"allowNegativeNumbers": "음수 허용",
@@ -1350,27 +1355,27 @@
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
"value": "값",
"key": "키",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "createTable": "첫 번째 테이블을 만드세요!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "생성된 API 토큰이 없습니다.",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "팀 초대",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "검색 옵션"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "잘못된 버튼 구성",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "잘못된 필드 구성",
+ "invalidTheme": "유효한 테마 선택",
+ "invalidColor": "유효한 색상을 선택",
+ "invalidType": "버튼 유형은 'webhook' 또는 'url'일 수 있습니다.",
+ "invalidLabel": "유효한 버튼 라벨을 입력합니다.",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "데이터베이스에는 이 함수를 사용할 수 없습니다",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "조직 이름과 모양을 관리하세요.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "회사 도메인을 추가하여 원치 않는 사용자의 접근을 제한하세요.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "사용자가 공개적으로 베이스를 공유하지 못하도록 제한합니다.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "모든 조직 워크스페이스에서 제거 및 삭제할 사용자를 선택합니다.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "이 조직과 관련된 모든 사용자, 베이스 및 데이터를 삭제합니다",
"clickToCopyFieldId": "클릭하여 필드 ID 복사",
"enterPassword": "비밀번호를 입력하십시오",
"bySigningUp": "회원가입시 다음 약관에 동의한 것으로 간주합니다.",
@@ -1379,26 +1384,26 @@
"thisSharedViewIsProtected": "이 공유 뷰는 비밀번호로 보호됩니다.",
"successfullySubmittedFormData": "양식 데이터가 성공적으로 제출되었습니다.",
"formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "모바일에서는 폼 뷰가 지원되지 않습니다.",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "캘린더 뷰는 모바일에서 지원되지 않습니다",
"newFormWillBeLoaded": "{seconds}초 후에 새 양식이 로드됩니다.",
"optimizedQueryDisabled": "최적화된 쿼리가 비활성화되었습니다",
"optimizedQueryEnabled": "최적화된 쿼리가 활성화되었습니다",
"lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup 필드는 Belongs To 관계에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"invalidTime": "유효하지 않은 시간형식입니다.",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "{type}에 대해 지원되는 링크가 없습니다.",
"recordCouldNotBeFound": "레코드를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"invalidPhoneNumber": "유효하지 않은 전화번호입니다.",
"pageSizeChanged": "페이지 크기가 변경되었습니다.",
"errorLoadingData": "데이터를 로드하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "컨텍스트 변수 사용",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "해당 기록을 참조하기 위해",
"formula": {
"hintStart": "팁:{placeholder1}을(를) 사용하여 필드(예: {placeholder2})를 참조하십시오.",
"hintEnd": "Formulas.",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "제안된 공식이 없습니다.",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "추천 필드를 찾을 수 없습니다",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName}에는 {position} 위치에 {type}이(가) 필요합니다",
"numericTypeIsExpected": "숫자 유형이 필요합니다.",
"stringTypeIsExpected": "문자열 유형이 필요합니다.",
"operationNotAvailable": "{operation} 작업을 사용할 수 없습니다.",
@@ -1455,36 +1460,36 @@
"tooltip_desc": "테이블의 단일 레코드 ",
"tooltip_desc2": " 테이블의 단일 레코드와 연결될 수 있습니다."
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "아직 연결된 기록이 없는 것 같습니다.",
"noRecordsLinked": "레코드가 연결되지 않았습니다.",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "연결된 기록 없음",
"recordsLinked": "레코드가 연결되었습니다.",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "유효한 {type}만 허용",
"apiTokenCreate": "새 API 토큰 생성",
"selectFieldToSort": "정렬할 필드 선택",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "그룹 지정할 필드 선택",
"thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "테이블에 레코드가 없습니다.",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "웹훅을 생성하여 자동화를 구동하고,",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "현재 연결할 수 있는 레코드가 없습니다",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "웹훅을 시작해 보세요!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "자동화를 강화하세요. 데이터에 변경 사항이 발생하면 즉시 알림을 받으세요",
"areYouSureUWantTo": "삭제하시겠습니까?",
"areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "{deleteLabel}을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"idColumnRequired": "ID 필드가 필요합니다. 필요한 경우 나중에 이름을 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"length59Required": "길이는 59자 이하여야 합니다.",
"noNewNotifications": "새 알림 없음",
"noRecordFound": "레코드를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
+ "noRecordsFound": "기록을 찾을 수 없습니다",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "검색어와 일치하는 레코드가 없습니다",
"rowDeleted": "행이 삭제되었습니다.",
"saveChanges": "변경 사항을 저장하시겠습니까?",
"tooLargeFieldEntity": "{entity}를 저장할 수 없습니다. 필드가 너무 큽니다.",
"roleRequired": "역할이 필요합니다.",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "이 웹훅에 의존하는 버튼 필드는 영향을 받습니다",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "칸반 보기를 사용하려면 단일 선택 필드를 설정해야 합니다. 단일 선택 필드를 추가한 후 칸반 보기를 설정해 보세요!",
+ "mapNoFields": "지도 보기를 사용하려면 지리 데이터 필드를 설정해야 합니다. 지리 데이터 필드를 추가한 후 지도 보기를 설정해 보세요!",
+ "dbValid": "스키마 손실을 방지하기 위해 데이터베이스의 유효성을 확인하세요",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "바코드를 렌더링하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다."
@@ -1496,20 +1501,20 @@
"duplicateProject": "프로젝트를 복제하려고 합니다. 계속하시겠습니까?",
"duplicateTable": "테이블을 복제하려고 합니다. 계속하시겠습니까?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "편집 중인 필드의 표시 여부는 변경할 수 없습니다. 먼저 변경 내용을 저장하거나 취소하세요.",
+ "moveEditedField": "편집 중인 필드는 이동할 수 없습니다. 변경 사항을 먼저 저장하거나 취소하세요",
+ "moveDeletedField": "삭제된 필드는 이동할 수 없습니다. 변경 사항을 먼저 저장하거나 취소하세요"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "계산되거나 시스템 필드가 사용될 경우 날짜 간 레코드를 드래그할 수 없습니다.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "이 소스에 대한 스키마 변경이 비활성화되어 있습니다",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "워크스페이스 이름 입력",
+ "enterBaseName": "베이스 이름 입력",
+ "idpPaste": "이 URL을 ID 공급자 콘솔에 붙여넣으세요",
+ "noSaml": "구성된 SAML 인증이 없습니다.",
+ "noOIDC": "구성된 OpenID 인증이 없습니다.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "뷰가 잠겨있으므로 비활성화됨",
"basesMigrated": "베이스가 마이그레이션되었습니다. 다시 시도하십시오.",
"pasteNotSupported": "활성 셀에서는 붙여넣기 작업이 지원되지 않습니다.",
"roles": {
@@ -1550,20 +1555,20 @@
"formInput": "양식 입력 레이블 입력",
"formHelpText": "도움말 텍스트 추가",
"onlyCreator": "작성자에게만 표시",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "양식 제목 추가",
"formDesc": "양식 설명 추가",
"beforeEnablePwd": "비밀번호로 액세스 제한",
"afterEnablePwd": "엑세스 비밀번호 제한",
"privateLink": "비공개 링크로 현재 뷰 공유",
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "비공개 링크가 있는 사용자는 현재 보기에서 표시되는 셀만 볼 수 있습니다.",
- "postFormSubmissionSettings": "Post Form Submission Settings",
+ "postFormSubmissionSettings": "게시물 양식 제출 설정",
"apiOptions": "API 옵션",
"submitAnotherForm": "다른 양식 제출",
"showBlankForm": "5 초 후에 빈 양식을 보여줍니다",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "이메일 응답 대상",
"showSysFields": "시스템 필드 표시",
"filterAutoApply": "자동 적용",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "메시지 표시",
"viewNotShared": "현재 뷰가 공유되지 않습니다!",
"showAllViews": "테이블의 공유된 모든 뷰 표시",
"collabView": "편집 권한 이상의 권한을 보유한 공동 작업자는 뷰 구성을 변경할 수 있습니다.",
@@ -1595,11 +1600,11 @@
"passwordRecovery": {
"message_1": "가입할 때 사용한 이메일 주소를 입력하십시오.",
"message_2": "이메일을 통해 비밀번호를 재설정할 링크를 보내드리겠습니다.",
- "success": "이메일을 확인하여 암호를 재설정하십시오"
+ "success": "비밀번호를 재설정하려면 이메일을 확인하세요"
"signUp": {
- "superAdmin": "당신은 'Super Admin'가 될 것입니다.",
- "alreadyHaveAccount": "이미 계정이 있습니까?",
+ "superAdmin": "당신은 '슈퍼 관리자'가 될 것입니다",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "이미 계정이 있습니까 ?",
"workEmail": "이메일을 입력하십시오",
"enterPassword": "비밀번호를 입력하십시오",
"forgotPassword": "비밀번호를 잊어 버렸습니까 ?",
@@ -1610,22 +1615,22 @@
"gallery": "갤러리 뷰 추가",
"form": "폼 뷰 추가",
"kanban": "칸반 뷰 추가",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "맵 뷰 추가",
"calendar": "캘린더 뷰 추가"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "테이블 메타 데이터가 동기화되어 있습니다",
"addMultipleUsers": "쉼표로 분리된 이메일을 여러 개 추가할 수 있습니다.",
"enterTableName": "테이블 이름을 입력하십시오",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "테이블 설명 입력...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "필드 설명 입력...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "보기 설명 입력...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "레이아웃 이름 입력",
+ "enterDashboardName": "대시보드 이름 입력",
+ "defaultColumns": "기본 필드들",
"addDefaultColumns": "기본 열 추가",
"tableNameInDb": "테이블 이름은 데이터베이스에 저장된 것입니다",
"airtable": {
- "credentials": "Where to find this?"
+ "credentials": "이걸 어디서 찾을 수 있나요?"
"import": {
"clickOrDrag": "클릭하거나 파일을 여기로 드래그하십시오."
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "값이 이미 목록에 있습니다.",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "업데이트 할 열이 없습니다.",
"tableDeleted": "테이블이 삭제되었습니다.",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
- "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
+ "layoutDeleted": "레이아웃을 성공적으로 삭제했습니다.",
+ "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "공개적으로 공유 가능한 읽기 전용 기반 생성",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "이 뷰를 삭제 하시겠습니까?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "이 레이아웃을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "이 테이블을 삭제 하시겠습니까?",
"showM2mTables": "여러개의 테이블 표시",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "다대다 관계는 연결 테이블을 통해 지원되며 기본적으로 숨겨져 있습니다. 이러한 테이블을 모두 기존 테이블과 함께 나열하려면 이 옵션을 사용합니다.",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "계산 필드: 내용이 읽기 전용입니다. 열 편집 메뉴를 사용하여 재구성합니다",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "계산 필드: 내용이 읽기 전용이므로 내용을 지울 수 없습니다.",
"noMoreRecords": "더 이상 레코드가 없습니다.",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "토큰 이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "토큰 이름은 255자를 넘지 않아야 합니다.",
+ "dbNameRequired": "데이터베이스 이름이 필요합니다.",
+ "wsNameRequired": "워크스페이스 이름 필요",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "워크스페이스 이름은 3자 이상이어야 합니다.",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "워크스페이스 이름은 최대 50자여야 합니다.",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "이 작업 영역과 모든 내용을 삭제합니다.",
+ "userConfirmation": "이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없음을 이해합니다.",
+ "pageNotFound": "페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다",
+ "makeLineBreak": "줄 바꿈을 만들려면",
+ "goToPrevious": "이전으로 이동",
+ "goToNext": "다음으로 이동",
+ "thankYou": "감사합니다!",
+ "submittedFormData": "양식 데이터를 성공적으로 제출했습니다.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "시스템 키 편집이 지원되지 않음",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "지금은 사용할 수 없습니다",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Links/LinkToAnotherRecord 열에서는 그룹 붙여넣기 작업이 지원되지 않습니다",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Links/LinkToAnotherRecord 열에서는 그룹 지우기 작업이 지원되지 않습니다",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "엔터프라이즈 에디션으로 업그레이드하세요 {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "이 기능은 엔터프라이즈 에디션에서만 사용할 수 있습니다",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "현재 귀하의 역할은",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "이 {viewName}에 액세스하려면 관리자/베이스 소유자/워크스페이스 소유자에게 상위 권한을 요청하세요.",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "필드가 필수인 경우 모든 옵션을 숨길 수 없습니다"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "수동 후크는 비활성화할 수 없습니다",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "레코드 데이터 로딩 오류",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "캘린더 데이터를 가져오는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "활성 날짜를 가져오는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.",
+ "scopesRequired": "필요한 범위",
+ "domainRequired": "도메인 이름이 필요합니다",
+ "authUrlRequired": "인증 URL이 필요합니다",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "사용자 이름 속성이 필요합니다",
+ "clientIdRequired": "클라이언트 ID가 필요합니다",
+ "issuerRequired": "발급자가 필요합니다",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "클라이언트 비밀번호가 필요합니다.",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL이 필요합니다",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "토큰 URL이 필요합니다",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "사용자 정보 URL이 필요합니다",
+ "eitherXML": "xml 또는 메타데이터 url이 필요합니다.",
+ "nameRequired": "이름 필수 입력",
+ "nameMinLength": "이름은 2자 이상이어야 합니다.",
+ "nameMaxLength": "이름은 최대 60자여야 합니다.",
+ "viewNameRequired": "뷰 이름은 필수입니다",
+ "domainNameRequired": "도메인 이름이 필요합니다.",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "이름은 최대 256자여야 합니다.",
+ "viewNameUnique": "뷰 이름은 고유해야 합니다.",
"searchProject": "검색 결과가 없습니다",
"invalidChar": "잘못된 폴더 경로입니다.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "데이터베이스 자격 증명 오류",
"unableToConnectToDb": "데이터베이스에 연결할 수 없습니다. 데이터베이스 상태를 확인하십시오.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "유효하지 않은 연도",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "사용자가 존재하지 않거나 스키마를 만들 수있는 권한이 없습니다.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "잘못된 데이터베이스 매개 변수",
"dbConnectionFailed": "연결 실패 :",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Null 필터가 존재합니다. 제거해 주세요",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "이메일 주소는 필수입니다",
"emailInvalid": "이메일이 유효하지 않습니다.",
"passwdRequired": "비밀번호를 입력하십시오.",
"passwdLength": "비밀번호는 8자 이상이어야 합니다.",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "숫자 1개",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "특수 문자 1개",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "허용된 특수 문자",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "유효하지 않은 이메일",
+ "invalidEmail": "유효하지 않은 이메일"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "유효하지 않은 XML",
"invalidURL": "유효하지 않은 URL",
"invalidEmail": "유효하지 않은 이메일",
"internalError": "내부 오류",
@@ -1760,28 +1765,28 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "이름은 영문자 또는 _로 시작해야 합니다.",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "다음 문자는 허용되지 않습니다.",
"columnNameRequired": "컬럼 이름이 필요합니다.",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "중복된 필드 이름",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "시스템 필드에 이미 사용된 이름",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI 데이터 유형이 필요합니다",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "열 이름의 길이가 최대 {value}자를 초과합니다.",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} 이름이 50자를 초과합니다",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} 이름은 공백으로 시작할 수 없습니다",
"requiredField": "필수 필드입니다.",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP가 허용되지 않습니다.",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "대상 파일이 허용되는 파일 유형이 아닙니다.",
"theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "허용되는 파일 유형은 .csv입니다.",
- "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "허용되는 파일 형식은 .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots입니다",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "허용되는 파일 유형은 .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots입니다",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "매개 변수 키는 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "중복 매개 변수 키는 허용되지 않습니다.",
"fieldRequired": "{value}은(는) 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"projectNotAccessible": "프로젝트에 액세스할 수 없습니다.",
"copyToClipboardError": "클립 보드에 복사할 수 없습니다.",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "클립보드에서 붙여넣기 실패",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "저장하기 전에 모든 필드의 구성을 완료하세요.",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "문제가 발생했습니다",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "드래그된 콘텐츠가 이미지 유형이 아닙니다.",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "이미지 데이터를 구문 분석할 필드",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "필수 필드 중 일부가 비어 있습니다."
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "프로젝트 메타 데이터를 성공적으로 내보냈습니다.",
@@ -1801,15 +1806,15 @@
"futureRelease": "향후 릴리스에서 사용할 수 있습니다."
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
- "columnDuplicated": "열 복제",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "라이센스 키 업데이트됨",
+ "columnDuplicated": "필드가 성공적으로 복제되었습니다",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "행이 중복됨(저장되지 않음)",
"updatedUIACL": "테이블에 대한 UI ACL을 업데이트했습니다.",
- "pluginUninstalled": "Configuration reset successfully",
+ "pluginUninstalled": "플러그인이 성공적으로 제거되었습니다",
"pluginSettingsSaved": "플러그인 설정이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다.",
"pluginTested": "플러그인이 성공적으로 테스트되었습니다.",
"tableRenamed": "테이블 이름이 성공적으로 변경되었습니다.",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "레이아웃 이름이 성공적으로 변경되었습니다",
"viewDeleted": "뷰가 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다.",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "기본 열이 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다.",
"tableDataExported": "테이블 데이터가 성공적으로 내보내졌습니다.",
@@ -1835,11 +1840,11 @@
"webhookTested": "Webhook가 성공적으로 테스트되었습니다.",
"columnUpdated": "열이 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다.",
"columnCreated": "열이 성공적으로 생성되었습니다.",
- "passwordChanged": "비밀번호가 성공적으로 변경되었습니다.",
+ "passwordChanged": "비밀번호가 성공적으로 변경되었습니다. 다시 로그인해 주세요.",
"settingsSaved": "설정이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다.",
"roleUpdated": "역할이 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다.",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "연동이 성공적으로 완료되었습니다.",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "이제 베이스 소유자와 생성자는 자격 증명을 다시 입력하지 않고도 데이터 소스를 추가할 수 있습니다."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/lv.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/lv.json
index 9b92df5675..5529598b84 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/lv.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/lv.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Izveidot jaunu saskarni",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Savienot datu avotus",
"alert": "Brīdinājums",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
+ "alert-message": "Nav izveidots savienojums ar datubāzēm. Izveidojiet savienojumu, lai veidotu saskarnes. Izlaidiet šo soli un pievienojiet datubāzes no sākumlapas vēlāk.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Izvēlieties datubāzes, kuras vēlaties sasaistīt ar šo saskarni.",
+ "create_interface": "Izveidot saskarni",
"project_name": "Bāzes nosaukums",
"connect": "Savienot",
"buttonActionTypes": {
"open_external_url": "Atvērt ārējo saiti",
"delete_record": "Dzēst ierakstu",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "update_record": "Atjaunot ierakstu",
+ "open_layout": "Atvērt izkārtojumu"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "Teksts",
+ "chart": "Diagramma",
+ "table": "Tabula",
+ "image": "Attēls",
+ "map": "Karte",
+ "button": "Poga",
+ "number": "Skaitlis",
+ "bar_chart": "Stieņu diagramma",
+ "line_chart": "Līniju diagramma",
+ "area_chart": "Virsmas diagramma",
+ "pie_chart": "Kūkas diagramma",
+ "donut_chart": "Donuta diagramma",
+ "scatter_plot": "Izkliedes diagramma",
+ "bubble_chart": "Burbuļu diagramma",
+ "radar_chart": "Radara diagramma",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polārās virsmas diagramma",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radiāla stieņu diagramma",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Siltumkartes diagramma",
+ "treemap_chart": "Kokdiagramma",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Lodziņu diagramma",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Sveces diagramma"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Summa",
+ "count": "Skaits",
+ "min": "Minimums",
+ "max": "Maksimums",
+ "avg": "Vidējais",
+ "median": "Mediāna",
+ "std_dev": "Standarta novirze",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Diapazons",
+ "percent_empty": "Tukšs",
+ "percent_filled": "Aizpildīts",
+ "percent_unique": "Unikāls",
+ "count_unique": "Unikāls",
+ "count_empty": "Tukšs",
+ "count_filled": "Aizpildīts",
+ "earliest_date": "Min datums",
+ "latest_date": "Maks datums",
+ "date_range": "Diapazons",
+ "month_range": "Diapazons",
+ "checked": "Atzīmēts",
+ "unchecked": "Neatzīmēts",
+ "percent_checked": "Atzīmēts",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Neatzīmēts",
+ "attachment_size": "Izmērs",
+ "none": "Neviens"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Summa",
+ "count": "Skaits",
+ "min": "Minimums",
+ "max": "Maksimums",
+ "avg": "Vidējais",
+ "median": "Mediāna",
+ "std_dev": "Standarta novirze",
+ "histogram": "Histogramma",
+ "range": "Diapazons",
+ "percent_empty": "Procentuāli tukšs",
+ "percent_filled": "Procentuāli aizpildīts",
+ "percent_unique": "Procentuāli unikāls",
+ "count_unique": "Unikāls",
+ "count_empty": "Tukšs",
+ "count_filled": "Aizpildīts",
+ "earliest_date": "Agrākais datums",
+ "latest_date": "Vēlākais datums",
+ "date_range": "Datuma diapazons",
+ "month_range": "Mēneša diapazons",
+ "checked": "Atzīmēts",
+ "unchecked": "Neatzīmēts",
+ "percent_checked": "Procentuāli atzīmēts",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Procentuāli neatzīmēts",
+ "attachment_size": "Pielikuma izmērs",
+ "none": "Neviens"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skripti",
+ "configure": "Konfigurēt",
+ "switch": "Pārslēgt",
+ "on": "Ieslēgts",
+ "onMultiple": "Ieslēgts vairākiem",
+ "manual": "Manuāls",
+ "trigger": "Izraisītājs",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "Stils",
+ "label": "Etiķete",
+ "role": "Loma",
+ "general": "Vispārīgi",
+ "quit": "Beigt",
"home": "Sākumlapa",
"load": "Ielādēt",
"open": "Atvērt",
@@ -112,27 +113,27 @@
"yes": "Jā",
"no": "Nē",
"ok": "LABI",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Atpakaļ",
"and": "Un",
"or": "Vai",
"add": "Pievienot",
"edit": "Labot",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "Saite",
+ "links": "Saites",
"remove": "Noņemt",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "Importēt",
+ "logout": "Izrakstīties",
+ "empty": "Tukšs",
+ "changeIcon": "Mainīt ikonu",
"save": "Saglabāt",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Pieejams",
+ "abort": "Atcelt",
+ "saving": "Saglabāšana",
"cancel": "Atcelt",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "escape": "Izbēgt",
"hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "clear": "Notīrīt",
"slack": "Slack",
"comment": "Komentârs",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Citāts",
"submit": "Iesniegt",
"create": "Izveidot",
"createEntity": "Izveidot {entity}",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Kods",
"duplicate": "Dublikāts",
"duplicating": "Dublēšana",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Dublēt {entity}",
"activate": "Aktivizēt",
"action": "Darbība",
"insert": "Ievietot",
@@ -162,18 +163,18 @@
"bulkUpdate": "Masveida atjaunināšana",
"deleting": "Dzēš",
"update": "Atjaunot",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Atjaunināšana",
"rename": "Pārsaukt",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Pārsaukt {entity}",
"reload": "Pātlādēt",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Atsvaidzināt",
"reset": "Atiestatīt",
"install": "Instalēt",
"show": "Parādīt",
"access": "Piekļuve",
"visibility": "Redzamība",
"hide": "Paslēpt",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Novecojis",
"showAll": "Parādīt visu",
"hideAll": "Paslēpt visu",
"notFound": "Nav Atrasts",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "Apstipriniet",
"generate": "Izveidot",
"copy": "Kopēt",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Nokopēts",
"are": "ir",
"misc": "Dažādi",
"lock": "Bloķēt",
@@ -224,26 +225,26 @@
"betaNote": "Pašlaik šī funkcija ir beta versijā.",
"moreInfo": "Vairāk informācijas var atrast šeit",
"logs": "Žurnāli",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "groupingField": "Grupēt pēc lauka",
+ "insertAfter": "Ievietot pa labi",
+ "insertBefore": "Ievietot pa kreisi",
"insertAbove": "Ievietot virs",
"insertBelow": "Ievietot zem",
"hideField": "Slēpt lauku",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Rādīt lauku",
"sortAsc": "Kārtot augošā secībā",
"sortDesc": "Kārtot dilstošā secībā",
"move": "Pārvietot",
"geoDataField": "ĢeoDatu lauks",
"type": "Veids",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "Apakštips",
"name": "Vārds",
"changes": "Izmaiņas",
"new": "Jauns",
"old": "Vecs",
"data": "Dati",
"source": "Avots",
- "destination": "Destination",
+ "destination": "Galamērķis",
"active": "Aktīvs",
"inactive": "Neaktīvs",
"linked": "savienots",
@@ -259,48 +260,48 @@
"join": "Savienot",
"options": "Iespējas",
"primaryValue": "Primārā vērtība",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "useSurveyMode": "Izmantojiet aptaujas režīmu",
+ "shift": "Maiņa",
+ "enter": "Ievadiet",
+ "seconds": "Sekundes",
+ "paste": "Ielīmēt",
+ "restore": "Atjaunot",
+ "replace": "Aizstāt",
+ "banner": "Baneris",
+ "logo": "Logotips",
+ "dropdown": "Izvelne",
+ "list": "Saraksts",
+ "verify": "Verificēt",
+ "apply": "Lietot",
+ "text": "Teksts",
+ "appearance": "Izskats",
+ "now": "Tagad",
+ "set": "Uzstādīt",
+ "format": "Formāts",
+ "colour": "Krāsa",
+ "use": "Izmantot",
+ "stack": "Kaudze",
+ "ipAddress": "IP Adrese",
+ "integration": "Integrācija",
+ "integrations": "Integrācijas",
+ "connection": "Savienojums",
+ "connections": "Savienojumi",
+ "private": "Privāts",
+ "request": "Pieprasījums",
+ "languages": "Valodas",
+ "extension": "Paplašinājums",
+ "extensions": "Paplašinājumi"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "faili",
+ "owner": "Īpašnieks",
+ "member": "Dalībnieks",
+ "day": "Diena",
+ "week": "Nedēļa",
+ "month": "Mēnesis",
+ "year": "Gads",
+ "workspace": "Darbtelpa",
+ "workspaces": "Darbtelpas",
"project": "Projekts",
"projects": "Projekti",
"table": "Tabula",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Lauki",
"column": "Kolonna",
"columns": "Kolonnas",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Šūna",
+ "cells": "Šūnas",
"page": "Lapa",
"pages": "Lapas",
"record": "Ieraksts",
@@ -319,55 +320,55 @@
"webhooks": "Webhooks",
"view": "Skatījums",
"views": "Skatījumi",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Sānjosla",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Režģis",
"gallery": "Galerija",
"form": "Forma",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Kalendārs",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Karte"
"user": "Lietotājs",
"users": "Lietotāji",
"role": "Loma",
"roles": "Lomas",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Izstrādātājs",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Īpašnieks",
"creator": "Autors",
"editor": "Redaktors",
"commenter": "Komentētājs",
"viewer": "Skatītājs",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "Nav piekļuves",
+ "superAdmin": "Super Administrators",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Organizācijas līmeņa Īpašnieks",
"orgLevelCreator": "Organizācijas līmeņa radītājs",
"orgLevelViewer": "Organizācijas līmeņa skatītājs"
"sqlVIew": "SQL skats",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Ieraksta augstums",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "Īss",
+ "medium": "Vidējs",
+ "tall": "Garš",
+ "extra": "Papildu"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Ārējā datubāze",
"syncData": {
"appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google kalendārs",
+ "googleDrive": "Google disks",
+ "googleSheets": "Google tabulas",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
- "microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
+ "microsoftAccess": "Microsoft piekļuve",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Visas integrācijas",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Vienkāršā veidā savienojiet un pārvaldiet savas datubāzes ar NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Saziņa",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Saņemiet paziņojumus par izmaiņām un vienkāršojiet komandas saziņu ar NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Projekta vadība",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Uzlabojiet projektu darba plūsmas un uzdevumu pārvaldību, izmantojot NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimizējiet klientu attiecību pārvaldību, izmantojot NocoDB integrācijas.",
+ "marketing": "Mārketings",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Veiciniet savus mārketinga centienus, izmantojot NocoDB spēcīgās integrācijas.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Vienkāršojiet kandidātu izsekošanas sistēmu ar NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Izstrāde",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Paātriniet izstrādes procesus ar NocoDB integrācijām.",
+ "finance": "Finanses",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Vienkāršojiet finanšu darbības un datu pārvaldību ar NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Biļetes",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Efektīvi pārvaldiet un izsekojiet atbalsta biļetes ar NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Pieslēdzieties un organizējiet savus glabāšanas risinājumus bez šķēršļiem ar NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Citi",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Atklājiet papildus daudzpusīgās integrācijas, lai uzlabotu savu NocoDB pieredzi.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Izklājlapas",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Savienojiet un pārvaldiet savas izklājlapas ar NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
"Currency": "Valūta",
"Percent": "Procenti",
"Duration": "Ilgums",
- "GeoData": "GeoData",
+ "GeoData": "ĢeoDati",
"Rating": "Vērtējums",
"Formula": "Formula",
"Rollup": "Apkopojums",
@@ -486,30 +487,30 @@
"isNotNull": "nav null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Meklēt webhook",
+ "webcam": "Webkamera",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Augšupielādēt caur URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
+ "renameBase": "Pārdēvēt bāzi",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Pārdēvēt Darbavismu",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Pārdēvē Darbavismu",
+ "renamingBase": "Pārdēvē bāzi",
+ "sso": "Autentifikācija (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumenti",
+ "forum": "Forums",
+ "parameter": "Parametrs",
+ "headers": "Galvenes",
+ "parameterName": "Parametra nosaukums",
+ "currencyLocale": "Valūtas lokalizācija",
+ "currencyCode": "Valūtas kods",
+ "searchMembers": "Meklēt dalībniekus",
+ "noMembersFound": "Nav atrasts neviens dalībnieks",
+ "dateJoined": "Pievienošanās datums",
+ "tokenName": "Tokenu nosaukums",
+ "inDesktop": "darbvirsmā",
+ "rowData": "Ierakstīt datus",
+ "creator": "Autors",
+ "qrCode": "QR Kods",
"termsOfService": "Lietošanas nosacījumi",
"updateSelectedRows": "Atlasīto ierakstu atjaunināšana",
"noFiltersAdded": "Filtri nav pievienoti",
@@ -597,163 +598,165 @@
"accountSettings": "Konta iestatījumi",
"resetPasswordMenu": "Paroles nomešana",
"tokens": "Žetons",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
+ "userManagement": "Lietotāju pārvaldība",
+ "accountManagement": "Konta pārvaldība",
"licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Atļaut visus MIME veidus",
+ "defaultView": "Noklusējuma skats",
+ "relations": "Attiecības",
+ "switchLanguage": "Pārslēgt valodu",
+ "renameFile": "Pārdēvēt failu",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Nekāda darbība",
+ "cascade": "Kaskāde",
+ "restrict": "Ierobežot",
+ "setNull": "Iestatīt NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Iestatīt Noklusējuma vērtību"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Izvēlieties laukus no labās puses paneļa, lai pievienotu šeit",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Nav opciju atrasts",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Vai tiešām vēlaties iesniegt šo formu?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Izskatās, ka šai kaudzei nav neviena ieraksta",
+ "fromScratch": "No sākuma",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "No failiem un ārējiem avotiem",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Tiešā real-time režīmā",
+ "categories": "Kategorijas",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Lauks nav pieejams",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Nav pievienoti nosacījumi"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Modificēts",
+ "configuration": "Konfigurācija",
+ "setup": "Iestatīšana",
+ "configLabel": "Konfigurēt {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Pārslēgties uz ražošanas gatavu lietotnes datubāzi",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "fieldID": "Lauka ID",
+ "addDescription": "Pievienot aprakstu",
+ "editDescription": "Rediģēt aprakstu",
+ "urlFormula": "URL formula",
+ "selectIcon": "nav",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--izvēlieties webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Atvērt URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Palaist Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Uzklikšķinot",
+ "defaultView": "Noklusējuma skats",
+ "recordInsert": "Ieraksta pievienošana",
+ "recordUpdate": "Ieraksta atjaunināšana",
+ "recordDelete": "Ieraksta dzēšana",
+ "supportDocs": "Atbalsta dokumenti",
+ "addedOn": "Pievienots par",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Mainīt displeja vērtības lauku",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Izvēlieties displeja vērtības lauku",
+ "changeTitleField": "Mainīt titula lauku",
+ "clearAll": "Notīrīt visu",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Izvietojuma lauki rāda datus no saistītajiem ierakstiem. Atlasiet konkrētus laukus no ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabula, lai pievienotu tos kā Izvietojuma laukus šajā tabulā.",
+ "formatting": "Formatēšana",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Izvēlieties formāta tipu (pēc izvēles)- -",
+ "formatType": "Formāta tips",
+ "toUpload": "lai augšupielādētu",
+ "dragFilesHere": "velciet failus šeit",
+ "browseFiles": "pārlūkot failus",
+ "clickTo": "Noklikšķiniet, lai",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Lūdzu, atļaujiet piekļuvi jūsu kamerai",
+ "openFile": "Atvērt failu",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Ievadiet derīgu URL, lai augšupielādētu failus",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Pievienot failus no URL",
+ "uploading": "Augšupielādē",
+ "dropHere": "Nomest šeit",
+ "addMore": "Pievienot vairāk",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Notīrīt visus failus",
+ "integration": "Integrācija",
+ "notRecommended": "Nav ieteicams",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "selectView": "Izvēlēties skatu",
+ "connectionDetails": "Savienojuma detaļas",
+ "metaSync": "Meta sinhronizācija",
+ "mention": "Pieminēt",
+ "today": "Šodien",
+ "currentDate": "Pašreizējais datums",
+ "workspace": "Darbavieta",
+ "txt": "TXT ieraksta vērtība",
+ "transferOwnership": "Pārnest īpašumtiesības",
+ "recentActivity": "Nesenā aktivitāte",
+ "goToMembers": "Doties uz dalībniekiem",
+ "addMember": "Pievienot dalībnieku",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Dalībnieku skaits",
+ "numberOfBases": "Bāzu skaits",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Ierakstu skaits",
+ "workspaceName": "Darba nosaukums",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Darbavirsma bez īpašniekiem",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Ielūgt lietotājus uz darbavirsmu",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-izvēlēties darbavirsmas, kurām nosūtīt ielūgumus-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Pievienot dalībniekus organizācijai",
+ "memberIn": "Dalībnieks:",
+ "assignAs": "Piešķirt kā",
+ "signOutUser": "Izrakstīt lietotāju",
+ "signOutUsers": "Izrakstīt lietotājus",
+ "deactivateUser": "Deaktivizēt lietotāju",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Deaktivizēt lietotājus",
+ "lastActive": "Pēdējā darbība",
+ "dateAdded": "Pievienošanas datums",
+ "uploadImage": "Augšupielādēt attēlu",
+ "organizationProfile": "Organizācijas profils",
+ "organizationImage": "Organizācijas attēls",
+ "organizationName": "Organizācijas nosaukums",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktīvie domēni",
+ "domains": "Domēni",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Atspējot publisko koplietošanu",
+ "shareSettings": "Koplietošanas iestatījumi",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Dzēst lietotāju un viņa datus",
+ "userOptions": "Lietotāju opcijas",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Dzēst šo organizāciju",
+ "dangerZone": "Bīstamā zona",
+ "childView": "Apakšskats",
+ "selectYear": "Izvēlieties gadu",
+ "save": "Saglabāt",
+ "cancel": "Atcelt",
+ "metadataUrl": "Metadatu URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "Auditorija/Entitātes ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "Novirzīšanas URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
+ "newProvider": "Jauns pakalpojuma sniedzējs",
+ "generalSettings": "Vispārējie iestatījumi",
+ "adminPanel": "Administratora panelis",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Pārvietot darbinieku organizācijā",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO iestatījumi",
+ "addDomain": "Pievienot domēnu",
+ "domain": "Domēns",
+ "settings": "Iestatījumi",
+ "workspaces": "Darba vietas",
+ "back": "Atpakaļ",
+ "dashboard": "Vadības panelis",
+ "organizeBy": "Organizēt pēc",
+ "previous": "Iepriekšējais",
+ "nextMonth": "Nākammēnes",
+ "previousMonth": "Iepriekšējais mēnesis",
+ "next": "Tālāk",
+ "organiseBy": "Organizējiet pēc",
+ "heading1": "Virsraksts 1",
+ "heading2": "Virsraksts 2",
+ "heading3": "Virsraksts 3",
+ "bold": "Trekns",
+ "italic": "Slīpraksts",
+ "underline": "Pasvītrojums",
+ "strike": "Svītrojums",
+ "taskList": "Uzdevumu saraksts",
+ "bulletList": "Ulletsar",
+ "numberedList": "Numurēts saraksts",
+ "downloadData": "Lejupielādēt datus",
+ "blockQuote": "Bloka citāts",
+ "noToken": "Nav atslēgas",
+ "tokenLimit": "Katram lietotājam atļauta tikai viena atslēga",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Fails ar nosaukumu {filename} jau ir pievienots",
+ "tableIdColon": "TABULAS ID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "SKATA ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Uz Adresi",
"subject": "Temats",
"body": "Saturs",
"commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Ar komatu atdalīts mobilais tālrunis #",
@@ -790,43 +793,43 @@
"clickToHide": "Noklikšķiniet, lai paslēptu",
"clickToDownload": "Noklikšķiniet, lai lejupielādētu",
"forRole": "par lomu",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Noklikšķiniet, lai kopētu Tabulas ID",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Noklikšķiniet, lai kopētu Skata ID",
+ "viewMode": "Skata režīms",
+ "searchUsers": "Meklēt lietotājus",
+ "superAdmin": "Super Administrators",
+ "allTables": "Visas Tabulas",
+ "members": "Dalībnieki",
+ "dataSources": "Datu Avoti",
+ "connectDataSource": "Pievienot ārējos datus",
+ "searchProjects": "Meklēt bāzes",
"createdBy": "Izveidoja",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Aplūko Pielikumus No",
+ "readOnly": "Tikai Lasāms",
+ "createdOn": "Izveidots",
"notifyVia": "Paziņot izmantojot",
"projName": "Projekta nosaukums",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profils",
+ "accountDetails": "Konta Detaļas",
+ "controlAppearance": "Kontrolēt savu Izskatu.",
+ "accountEmailID": "Konta Epasta ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Atpakaļ uz Darbvietu",
+ "untitledToken": "Beznosaukuma talons",
"tableName": "Tabulas nosaukums",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Informācijas paneļa nosaukums",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Izveido Skatu",
+ "duplicateView": "Dublikāta skats",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Dublēt režģa skatu",
+ "createGridView": "Izveidot režģa skatu",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Dublēt galerijas skatu",
+ "createGalleryView": "Izveidot galerijas skatu",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Dublēt formas skatu",
+ "createFormView": "Izveidot formas skatu",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Dublēt Kanban skatu",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Dublēt kalendāra skatu",
+ "createKanbanView": "Izveidot Kanban skatu",
+ "createCalendarView": "Izveidot kalendāra skatu",
"viewName": "Skata nosaukums",
"viewLink": "Skata saite",
"columnName": "Kolonnas nosaukums",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Tips datubāzē",
"lengthValue": "Garums/ Vērtība",
"dbType": "Datubāzes tips",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "servera nosaukums / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite datnes ceļš",
+ "hostAddress": "Saimniekdatora adrese",
+ "port": "Porta numurs",
"username": "Lietotājvārds",
"password": "Parole",
"schemaName": "Shēmas nosaukums",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Darbība",
"actions": "Darbības",
"operation": "Operācija",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Apakš operācija",
"operationType": "Operācijas tips",
"operationSubType": "Operācijas apakštips",
"description": "Apraksts",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Kur",
"cache": "Kešatmiņa",
"chat": "Čats",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Rādīt vai Slēpt",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV Datne",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON Datne",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-pasts",
@@ -873,15 +876,15 @@
"created": "Izveidots",
"sqlOutput": "SQL izvade",
"addOption": "Pievienot iespēju",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Interfeisa krāsa",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Kolonna ar QR koda vērtību",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Kolonna ar svītrkoda vērtību",
"barcodeFormat": "Svītrkoda formāts",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Pārāk daudz rakstzīmju QR kodam",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Pārāk daudz zīmju svītrkodam",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "currentLocation": "Pašreizējā atrašanās vieta",
+ "lng": "Gar",
+ "lat": "Plat",
"aggregateFunction": "Agregācijas funkcija",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Datubāze : izveidotm ja neeksistē",
"clientKey": "Klienta atslēga",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Pievienojieties NocoDB kopienai",
"joinReddit": "Pievienoties /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Sekot NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Kopienas/AI Tulkojums)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Dokumenta atsauce",
"selectUserRole": "Izvēlēties lietotāja lomu",
"childTable": "Apakštabula",
"childColumn": "Apakškolonna",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Apakšlauks",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Pievienojieties Cloud bez maksas",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Saite uz citu ierakstu",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Saites",
"onUpdate": "Atjaunojot",
"onDelete": "Dzēšot",
"account": "Konts",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Pielāgotā tēma",
"requestDataSource": "Pieprasīt nepieciešamo datu avotu?",
"apiKey": "API atslēga",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Personīgais Piekļuves Talons",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Koplietotās Bāzes URL",
"importData": "Importēt datus",
"importSecondaryViews": "Sekundāro skatu importēšana",
"importRollupColumns": "Rullīšu kolonnu importēšana",
"importLookupColumns": "Uzlasīšanas kolonnu importēšana",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Pielikuma kolonnu importēšana",
"importFormulaColumns": "Formulas kolonnu importēšana",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Importēt lietotājus (pēc epasta)",
"noData": "Nav datu",
"goToDashboard": "Dodieties uz paneli",
"importing": "Importēšana",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Formatēt JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Automātiski izvēlēties lauka tipus",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Izmantot pirmo rindu kā galvenes",
"flattenNested": "Izlīdzināt ligzdotās",
"downloadAllowed": "Lejupielādēt atļauts",
"weAreHiring": "Mēs pieņemam darbā!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "ir daudz",
"belongsTo": "pieder",
"manyToMany": "ir daudz ar daudzām attiecībām",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "ir viens pret vienu attiecība",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Papildu savienojuma parametri",
"commentsOnly": "Tikai komentāri",
"documentation": "Dokumentācija",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Atļaut reģistrēties tikai izmantojot ielūguma url",
"nextRow": "Nākamā rinda",
"prevRow": "Iepriekšējā rinda",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Rokasgrāmatas datu pievienošana režģa skatā",
+ "addRowForm": "Ierakstu datu ievadīšana caur formu",
+ "noAccess": "Nav piekļuves",
+ "restApis": "Rest API",
+ "apis": "API",
+ "apiSnippet": "API fragmenti",
+ "includeData": "Iekļaut Datus",
+ "includeView": "Iekļaut Skatu",
+ "includeWebhook": "Iekļaut Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Tuvināt, lai skatītu kolonnas",
+ "embedInSite": "Iegult šo skatu jūsu vietnē",
+ "titleRequired": "nosaukums ir obligāts.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Avota nosaukums ir obligāts",
+ "changeWsName": "Mainīt Darbvietas Nosaukumu",
+ "pressEnter": "Nospiediet Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Jauns lauks",
+ "saveChanges": "Saglabāt izmaiņas",
+ "updatedField": "Atjaunināts lauks",
+ "deletedField": "Dzēsts lauks",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Nepilnīga konfigurācija",
+ "selectField": "Izvēlieties lauku",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Fona krāsa",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Slēpt NocoDB zīmolu",
+ "showOnConditions": "Parādīt pie nosacījumiem",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Parāda lauku tikai tad, ja tiek izpildīti nosacījumi",
+ "limitOptions": "Limitēšanas opcijas",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Lietotājiem redzamo opciju ierobežošana, izvēloties pieejamās opcijas",
+ "clearSelection": "Notīrīt izvēli",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Parādīt kā progresu",
+ "relationType": "Attiecību tips",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Rādīt tūkstošu atdalītāju",
+ "signUpForFree": "Pieteikties bez maksas",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Pielāgot attēlu",
+ "coverImageArea": "Vāka attēls",
+ "syncData": "Sinhronizēt datus",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Reģistrējiet pakalpojumus, kas jūs interesē, lai saņemtu paziņojumus, kad tie kļūst pieejami",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Pāradresēt uz URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook detaļas",
+ "hideWeekends": "Slēpt nedēļas nogales",
+ "renameBase": "Pārdēvēt bāzi",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Pārdēvēt darbavirsmu",
+ "deactivate": "De-aktivizēt",
+ "manageUsers": "Pārvaldīt lietotājus",
+ "newWorkspace": "Jauna darbavirsma",
+ "addDomain": "Pievienot domēnu",
+ "addMembers": "Pievienot biedrus",
+ "enterEmail": "Ievadiet e-pasta adreses",
+ "inviteToBase": "Uzaicināt bāzē",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Ielūgt uz darbavirsmu",
+ "addMember": "Pievienot biedru bāzē",
+ "noRange": "Kalendāra skatam nepieciešams datumu diapazons",
+ "goToToday": "Doties uz šodienu",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Pārslēgt sānrāmi",
+ "addEndDate": "Pievienot beigu datumu",
+ "withEndDate": "ar beigu datumu",
+ "calendar": "Kalendārs",
+ "viewSettings": "Skata iestatījumi",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Reģistrēt OIDC Identitātes pakalpojuma sniedzēju",
+ "registerSAML": "Reģistrēt SAML Identitātes pakalpojuma sniedzēju",
+ "openInANewTab": "Atvērt jaunā cilnē",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopēt IFrame kodu",
+ "onCondition": "Nosacījumā",
+ "bulkDownload": "Masveida Lejupielāde",
+ "attachFile": "Pievienot Datni",
+ "viewAttachment": "Apskatīt pielikumus",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Noklikšķiniet vai ievelciet failu šūnā",
+ "addFiles": "Pievienot failu(s)",
+ "hideInUI": "Slēpt lietotāja interfeisā",
+ "addBase": "Pievienot bāzi",
+ "addParameter": "Pievienot parametru",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Iesniegt citu formu",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Vilkt un nomest laukus šeit, lai pievienotu",
+ "editSource": "Rediģēt datu avotu",
+ "enterText": "Ievadiet tekstu",
+ "okEditBase": "Labi & Rediģēt bāzi",
+ "showInUI": "Rādīt lietotāja interfeisā",
+ "outOfSync": "Nesinhronizēts",
+ "newSource": "Jauns datu avots",
+ "newWebhook": "Jauns Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Iespējot publisko piekļuvi",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Vai vēlaties saglabāt izmaiņas?",
+ "editingAccess": "Rediģēšanas piekļuve",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Iespējot publisko skatījumu",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Ierobežot piekļuvi ar paroli",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Pārvaldīt bāzes piekļuvi",
+ "allowDownload": "Atļaut lejupielādi",
+ "surveyMode": "Aptaujas režīms",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL orientācija",
+ "useTheme": "Izmantot tēmu",
+ "copyLink": "Kopēt saiti",
+ "copiedLink": "Saite nokopēta",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopēt uzaicinājuma saiti",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Uzaicinājuma saite nokopēta",
"copyUrl": "Kopēt saiti",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Vairāk krāsu",
+ "moveProject": "Pārvietot bāzi",
"createProject": "Izveidot projektu",
"importProject": "Importēt projektu",
"searchProject": "Meklēt projektu",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Dzēst projektu",
"refreshProject": "Atjaunot projektu",
"saveProject": "Saglabāt projektu",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Saglabāt & Iziet",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Izdzēst kaudze?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Izveidot pieslēdzoties
ārējai datubāzei",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Palīdzi ar tulkojumu",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopēt pieslēgšanās talonu",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Autentifikācijas žetons nokopēts",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API",
"projInfo": "Kopēt projekta informāciju",
"themes": "Tēmas"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Filtrēt",
"addFilter": "Pievienot filtru",
"share": "Koplietot",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Grupēt pēc",
+ "addSubGroup": "Jauna apakšgrupa",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Koplietot bāzi",
"disable": "Atspējot koplietošanu",
"enable": "Jebkurš ar saiti",
"link": "Koplietota pamatsaite"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Uzaicināt komandu",
"inviteUser": "Uzaicināt lietotāju",
"inviteToken": "Uzaicināšanas talons",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Sasaistītie ieraksti",
+ "addNewLink": "Pievienot jaunu saiti",
"newUser": "Jauns lietotājs",
"editUser": "Rediģēt lietotāju",
"deleteUser": "Noņemt lietotāju no projektu",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "Iepriekšējais ieraksts",
"copyApiURL": "Kopēt API saiti",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Izveidot informācijas paneli",
+ "createWorkspace": "Izveidot darbavietu",
"refreshTable": "Tabulas atsvaidzināšana",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Pārdēvēt tabulu",
+ "renameLayout": "Noformējuma pārsaukšana",
+ "deleteTable": "Dzēst tabulu",
"addField": "Jauna lauka pievienošana",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Uzstādīt kā displeja vērtību",
"addRow": "Pievienot ierakstu",
"saveRow": "Saglabāt ierakstu",
"saveAndExit": "Saglabāt un iziet",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Pievienot jaunu ierakstu",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Dzēst ierakstu",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Dzēst ierakstus",
+ "predictColumns": "Prognozēt laukus",
+ "predictFormulas": "Prognozēt formulas",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Dzēst izvēlētos ierakstus",
"importExcel": "Importēt Excel",
"importCSV": "CSV importēšana",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Veidot skatu",
"shareView": "Koplietot skatu",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Aizpildīt ar skenēšanu",
"listSharedView": "Koplietoto skatu saraksts",
"ListView": "Skatu saraksts",
"copyView": "Kopēt skatu",
"renameView": "Pārsaukt skatu",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Augšupielādēt datus",
"deleteView": "Dzēst skatu",
"createGrid": "Izveidot režģa skatu",
"createGallery": "Izveidot galerijas skatu",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Atvērt jaunā cilnē",
"iFrame": "Kopēt ieguļamo HTML kodu",
"addWebhook": "Pievienot Webhook",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Iespējot Webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "Pārbaudīt Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Izveidot Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Kopēt Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Dzēst Webhook",
"newToken": "Jauns talons",
"exportZip": "Eksportēt zip",
"importZip": "Importēt zip",
"metaSync": "Sinhronizēt",
"settings": "Iestatījumi",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validācijas",
"previewAs": "Priekšskatīt kā",
"resetReview": "Atiestatīt priekšskatu",
"testDbConn": "Pārbaudīt datubāzes pieslēgumu",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Pievienot filtru grupu",
"linkRecord": "Saites ieraksts",
"addNewRecord": "Pievienot jaunu ierakstu",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Jauns ieraksts",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Izveidot jaunu ierakstu",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' saglabāts un veiksmīgi sasaistīts",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Ieraksts izveidots un sasaistīts",
"useConnectionUrl": "Savienojuma URL izmantošana",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Pārslēgt komentārus izdarīt",
"expandRecord": "Izvērst ierakstu",
"deleteRecord": "Dzēst ierakstu",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Pilna platuma",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Iziet no pilna platuma",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Atzīmēt visus kā lasītus",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Dzēst lauku",
+ "addNumber": "Pievienot Skaitļa lauku",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Pievienot Vienrindas teksta lauku",
+ "addLongText": "Pievienot Garā teksta lauku",
+ "addOther": "Pievienot citu lauku"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Rādīt kolonnas",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Salocīt kaudze",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Salocīt visu",
+ "expandAll": "Izvērst visu",
+ "renameStack": "Pārdēvēt kaudzi",
"deleteStack": "Izdzēst kaudze",
"stackedBy": "Sakrautas ar",
"chooseGroupingField": "Izvēlieties grupēšanas lauku",
"addOrEditStack": "Pievienot / rediģēt kaudzi"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Kartēts pēc",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Izvēlieties kartēšanas lauku",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Pārslēgt Mobilo Režīmu",
+ "startCommenting": "Sākt komentēšanu!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Vēl nav komentāru!",
+ "clearForm": "Notīrīt formu",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Pievienot lauku",
+ "selectAllFields": "Izvēlēties visus laukus",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Iespējot iepriekš aizpildi",
+ "default": "Noklusējuma",
+ "locked": "Bloķēt aizpildītus laukus kā tikai lasāmas",
+ "hidden": "Slēpt aizpildītus laukus",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Aizpildītā vērtība"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Iegūt aizpildīto saiti",
+ "group": "Grupa",
+ "goToDocs": "Doties uz dokumentiem",
+ "addCondition": "Pievienot nosacījumu",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Pievienot nosacījumu grupu"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Iespējojiet, lai padarītu šo savienojumu privātu un paslēptu no citiem veidotājiem šajā darbvietā.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Pēc izvēles. Ja atstāts tukšs, tiks izmantots noklusētā datu bāze \"{database}\"",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Pēc izvēles. Ja atstāts tukšs, tiks izmantot noklusētais shēma \"{schema}\".",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Šim datu avotam shēmas rediģēšana ir atspējota.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Šis datu tips nav atļauts.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Šī opcija ļauj modificēt datubāzes shēmu, ieskaitot tabulu un kolonnu pievienošanu, pārveidošanu vai dzēšanu. Izmantojiet piesardzīgi, jo izmaiņas var ietekmēt jūsu datubāzes strukturālo integritāti.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Šī opcija ļauj izveidot, atjaunināt vai dzēst ierakstus datubāzu tabulās. Ideāli piemērots administratīviem lietotājiem, kuriem nepieciešams tieši mainīt datus.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Saglabāt izmaiņas",
"xcDB": "Izveidot jaunu projektu",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Gaišais režīms (^⇧B)"
"addTable": "Pievienot jaunu tabulu",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Pievienot jaunu informācijas paneli",
"inviteMore": "Uzaicināt vairāk lietotāju",
"toggleNavDraw": "Pārslēgt izvēlni",
"reloadApiToken": "Pārlādēt API talonus",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Izvēlēties .key datni",
"clientCert": "Izvēlēties .cert datni",
"clientCA": "Izvēlēties CA datni",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Mainīt ikonas krāsu",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Formas režīms ar vienu lauku uz vienu lapu",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Izmantojiet lauka rediģēšanas izvēlni, lai pēc faila importēšanas veiktu tipa konvertēšanu",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Loma, kas mantota no darbvietas",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Drīzumā! Klikšķiniet, lai balsotu par jums nepieciešamo integrāciju NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Meklēt ikonas",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Izvēlēties Slack kanālus",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Izvēlēties Microsoft Teams kanālus",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Izvēlēties Discord kanālus",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Izvēlēties Mattermost kanālus",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook nosaukums",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Izvēlēties lauku svītrkoda vērtībai",
+ "notFoundContent": "Netika atrasts derīgs lauka tips.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Izvēlēties svītrkoda formātu",
"projName": "Ievadīt projekta nosaukumu",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Izvēlieties grupēšanas lauku",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Netika atrasts neviens vienkāršs atlases lauks. Vispirms, lūdzu, izveidojiet vienu.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Izvēlieties vāka attēla lauku",
+ "selectGeoField": "Izvēlieties GeoData lauku",
+ "notSelected": "-nav izvēlēts-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Netika atrasts neviens GeoData lauks. Vispirms, lūdzu, izveidojiet vienu.",
"password": {
"enter": "Ievadīt paroli",
"current": "Pašreizējā parole",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Saglabāt paroli",
"confirm": "Parole atkārtoti"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Izvēlieties lauku QR koda vērtībai",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Atļaut negatīvus skaitļus",
"searchProjectTree": "Meklēt tabulas",
"searchFields": "Meklēt laukus",
"searchColumn": "Meklēt {search} tabulu",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrēt pēc e-pasta",
"filterQuery": "Filtrēšanas vaicājums",
"selectField": "Atlasiet lauku",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Precizitāte",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Vērtība",
+ "key": "Atslēga",
+ "createTable": "Izveidot savu pirmo tabulu!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Nav izveidoti API žetoni",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Uzaicināt savu komandu",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Meklēt opcijas"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Nederīga pogas konfigurācija",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Nederīga lauka konfigurācija",
+ "invalidTheme": "Izvēlieties derīgu motīvu",
+ "invalidColor": "Izvēlieties derīgu krāsu",
+ "invalidType": "Pogas tips var būt vai nu 'webhook', vai 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Ievadiet derīgu pogas etiķeti",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Šī funkcija nav pieejama jūsu datubāzei",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kontrolējiet savas organizācijas nosaukumu un izskatu.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Pievienot uzņēmuma domēnus, lai ierobežotu piekļuvi nevēlamiem lietotājiem.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Ierobežot lietotājus, liedzot tiem iespēju publiski koplietot bāzes.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Izvēlieties lietotājus, kuri tiks noņemti un dzēsti no visām organizācijas darbavietām.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Dzēst visus lietotājus, datu bāzes un datus, kas saistīti ar šo organizāciju",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Noklikšķiniet, lai kopētu lauka ID",
+ "enterPassword": "Ievadīt paroli",
"bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
"subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Pārbauda paroli",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Šis koplietotais skats ir aizsargāts",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Veidlapa veiksmīgi iesniegta",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Formas skats mobilajā ierīcē netiek atbalstīts",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Kalendāra skats nav atbalstīts mobilajā ierīcē",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Jauna veidlapa tiks ielādēta pēc {seconds} sekundēm",
"optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
"optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
"lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
+ "invalidTime": "Nepareizs laiks",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Jums nav nevienas atbalstītas saites {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Ierakstu neizdevās atrast",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Nepareizs tālruņa numurs",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Lapas izmērs mainīts",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Kļūda ielādējot datus",
"webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "saturs",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "atsaucoties uz apskatāmo ierakstu",
"formula": {
"hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
"hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Ierosinātā formula netika atrasta",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Ieteiktais lauks nav atrasts",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} nepieciešams {type} pozīcijā {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Tiek gaidīts skaitliskais tips",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Tiek gaidīts virknes tips",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Darbība {operation} nav pieejama",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Nav iespējams saglabāt lauku, jo formula ir nederīga",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Nav atbalsta atsaucēm uz kolonnu {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Tiek gaidīts tips {type}, bet atrasts tips {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} prasa {requiredArguments} argumentus",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} prasa minimums {minRequiredArguments} argumentus",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} prasa maksimums {maxRequiredArguments} argumentus",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Funkcija {function} nav pieejama",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Pirmajam parametrs WEEKDAY() ir jābūt datuma vērtība",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Otrajam parametrs WEEKDAY() ir jābūt vērtība vai nu \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" vai \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Pirmajam parametrs DATEADD() ir jābūt datuma vērtība",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() otrajam parametram jābūt skaitliskai vērtībai",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() trešajam parametram jābūt vai nu \"diena\", \"nedēļa\", \"mēnesis\" vai \"gads\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() pirmajam parametram jābūt datuma vērtībai",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() otrajam parametram jābūt datuma vērtībai",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() trešajam parametram jābūt vērtībai vai nu \"milisekundes\", \"ms\", \"sekundes\", \"s\", \"minūtes\", \"m\", \"stundas\", \"h\", \"dienas\", \"d\", \"nedēļas\", \"w\", \"mēneši\", \"M\", \"ceturkšņi\", \"Q\", \"gads\" vai \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Lauks {columnName} nav pieejams",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Nevar saglabāt lauku, jo tas izraisa apļveida atsauci",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Lauks {columnName} ar {columnType} tipu ir atrasts, bet {expectedType} tips ir sagaidāms",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} nesaskan ar {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Izvēles iespējas nevar būt nulles",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Vairākizvēļu lauki nedrīkst saturēt komatus (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Izvēles iespējas nevar būt dublētas",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Izveidot jaunu iespēju ar nosaukumu"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Lūdzu, ievadiet skaitli",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Lūdzu, ievadiet e-pastu",
+ "invalidDate": "Nederīgs datums",
+ "invalidLocale": "Nederīga lokalizācija",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Nederīgs valūtas kods",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' tipam ir savi valūtas iestatījumi",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Derīgie lauku tipi svītrkoda laukam ir: Skaitlis, Viens teksta rindiņš, Garš teksts, Tālruņa numurs, URL, E-pasts, Decimālais. Lūdzu, izveidojiet vienu vispirms.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Daudzveidīga saite",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Viena ieraksts no tabulas ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " var tikt saistīts ar vairākiem ierakstiem no tabulas "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Daudz uz daudz attiecība",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Vairāki ieraksti no tabulas ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " var tikt saistīti ar vairākiem ierakstiem no tabulas "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Pieder pie attiecība",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Viena ieraksts no tabulas ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " var tikt saistīts ar vienu ierakstu no tabulas "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Viens uz vienu attiecība",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Viena ieraksts no tabulas ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " var tikt saistīts ar vienu ierakstu no tabulas "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Izskatās, ka vēl nav saistīti ieraksti.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Nav saistītu ierakstu",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Nav saistītu ierakstu",
+ "recordsLinked": "saistītie ieraksti",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Pieņemt tikai derīgu {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Izveidojiet personīgos API žetonus, lai izmantotu automatizācijā vai ārējās lietotnēs.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Izvēlēties lauku kārtošanai",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Atlasīt lauku grupai",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Tabulā nav ierakstu",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Pašlaik nav pieejamu ierakstu, ko saistīt",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Sāciet ar tīmekļa āķiem!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Uzlabojiet savas automatizācijas. Saņemiet paziņojumus, tiklīdz jūsu datos notiek izmaiņas",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst sekojošo",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Vai tiešām vēlaties {deleteLabel} sekojošo",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID lauks ir obligāts, to var pārdēvēt vēlāk, ja nepieciešams.",
+ "length59Required": "Garums pārsniedz maksimāli 59 rakstzīmes",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Jums nav jaunu paziņojumu",
+ "noRecordFound": "Ieraksts nav atrasts",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Nav ierakstu atrasti",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Nav ierakstu, kas atbilstu jūsu meklēšanas pieprasījumam",
+ "rowDeleted": "Ieraksts izdzēsts",
+ "saveChanges": "Vai vēlaties saglabāt izmaiņas?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Lauks ir pārāk liels, lai to varētu pārvērst par {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Loma ir nepieciešama",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Pogu lauki, kas paļaujas uz šo webhook, tiks ietekmēti",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban skats pieprasa vienas izvēles lauku iestatīšanu. Mēģiniet iestatīt Kanban skatu pēc viena izvēles lauka pievienošanas!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Kartes skatam nepieciešams iestatīt ģeo datu lauku. Mēģiniet iestatīt kartes skatu pēc ģeo datu lauka pievienošanas!",
+ "dbValid": "Pārliecinieties par datubāzes derīgumu, lai novērstu shēmas zudumu",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Svītrkoda kļūda - lūdzu, pārbaudiet savietojamību starp ievades un svītrkoda tipu."
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Brīdinājums: Aprēķinātais lauks - nav iespējams dzēst tekstu",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Brīdinājums: QR laukus nevar tieši mainīt.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Brīdinājums: svītrkstu laukus nevar tieši mainīt."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties dublēt pamatu?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties dublēt tabulu?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Jūs nevarat mainīt lauka redzamību, kas tiek rediģēts. Lūdzu, vispirms saglabājiet vai atceliet izmaiņas.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Jūs nevarat pārvietot rediģējamu lauku. Vispirms saglabājiet vai atmetiet izmaiņas",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Jūs nevarat pārvietot dzēstu lauku. Vispirms saglabājiet vai atmetiet izmaiņas"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Jūs nevarēsiet vilkt ierakstus starp datumiem, ja tiek izmantoti aprēķinātie vai sistēmas lauki.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Šim avotam shēmas izmaiņas ir atspējotas",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Ievadiet darbavietas nosaukumu",
+ "enterBaseName": "Ievadīt projekta nosaukumu",
+ "idpPaste": "Ielīmējiet šos URL savā Identitātes pakalpojumu vadības panelī",
+ "noSaml": "Nav konfigurētas SAML autentifikācijas.",
+ "noOIDC": "Nav konfigurētu OpenID autentifikāciju.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Atspējots, jo skats ir bloķēts",
+ "basesMigrated": "Bāzes ir migrētas. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Aktīvajā šūnā netiek atbalstīta operācija \"ielīmēt\".",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Radītājs var izveidot jaunus projektus un piekļūt jebkuram uzaicinātajam projektam.",
"orgViewer": "Skatītājs nedrīkst veidot jaunus projektus, bet var piekļūt jebkuram uzaicinātajam projektam."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Skenētājs tiek ielādēts...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Jums ir pārsniegts ierobežojums.",
+ "closeLimit": "Jūs tuvojat ierobežojumam.",
+ "limitNumber": "Marķieru skaita ierobežojums Karšu skatā ir 1000 ieraksti."
"footerInfo": "ieraksti lapā",
"upload": "Izvēlēties datni augšupielādei",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Ievadiet formas ievades lauka birku",
"formHelpText": "Pievienot norādījumus",
"onlyCreator": "Redzams tikai autoram",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Pievienot formas nosaukumu",
"formDesc": "Pievienot formas aprakstu",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Ierobežot piekļuvi ar paroli",
"afterEnablePwd": "Piekļuve ir ierobežota ar paroli",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Piekļūt projektam caur",
"submitAnotherForm": "Parādīt 'Iesniegt vēl vienu formu' pogu",
"showBlankForm": "Parādīt tukšu formu pēc 5 sekundēm",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "E-pasta atbildes uz",
"showSysFields": "Parādīt sistēmas laukus",
"filterAutoApply": "Automātiski pielietot",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Ziņojuma parādīšana",
"viewNotShared": "Esošais skats nav koplietots!",
"showAllViews": "Parādīt visus šīs tabulas koplietotos skatus",
"collabView": "Līdzautori ar rediģēšanas vai augstākām atļaujām var mainīt šī skata konfigurāciju.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Pievienot galerijas skatu",
"form": "Pievienot formas skatu",
"kanban": "Pievienot Kanban skatu",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Pievienot karšu skatu",
"calendar": "Pievienot kalendāra skatu"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabulu metadati ir sinhronizācijā",
"addMultipleUsers": "Tu vari pievienot vairākas epasta adreses atdalītas ar komatu(,)",
"enterTableName": "Ievadiet tabulas nosaukumu",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Ievadiet tabulas aprakstu...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Ievadiet lauka aprakstu...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Ievadiet skata aprakstu...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Ievadiet izkārtojuma nosaukumu",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Ievadiet informācijas paneļa nosaukumu",
+ "defaultColumns": "Noklusētie lauki",
"addDefaultColumns": "Pievienot noklusētās kolonnas",
"tableNameInDb": "Tabulas nosaukums ar kādu tā tiks saglabāta datubāzē",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Šī vērtība jau ir sarakstā",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Nav atjaunināmu kolonnu",
"tableDeleted": "Veiksmīgi izdzēsta tabula",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Izkārtojums veiksmīgi dzēsts",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Izveidot publiski koplietojamu tikai lasāmo bāzi",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Vai esat pārliecināts, ka vēlaties dzēst šo skatījumu?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties dzēst šo izkārtojumu?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Vai vēlaties izdzēst tabulu",
"showM2mTables": "Rādīt M2M tabulas",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Daudz pret daudzi attiecība ir atbalstīta caur sasaistes tabulu un ir noklusēti paslēpta. Iespējojiet šo opciju, lai sarakstā parādītu visas šādas tabulas kopā ar esošajām tabulām.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Rādīt NULL šūnās",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Parādīt 'NULL' marķējumu šūnās, kas satur NULL vērtību. Tas palīdz atšķirt no šūnām, kas satur TUKŠU virkni.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Rādīt NULL un TUKŠU filtrā",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Iespējojiet 'papildus' filtrus, lai atšķirtu laukus, kas satur NULL un Tukšas virknes. Noklusētais atbalsts tukšajam uzskata gan NULL, gan Tukšas virknes kā līdzīgas.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Dzēšot šo kaudzīti, no `{groupingField}` tiks noņemta arī atlases opcija `{stackToBeDeleted}`. Ieraksti tiks pārvietoti uz neklasificēto kaudzi.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Izrēķināts lauks: saturs ir tikai lasāms. Izmantojiet kolonnas rediģēšanas izvēlni, lai mainītu konfigurāciju",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Izrēķināts lauks: saturs ir tikai lasāms. Nevar dzēst saturu.",
"noMoreRecords": "Nav vairāk ierakstu",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Tokena nosaukumam nevajadzētu būt tukšam",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Tokena nosaukums nedrīkst pārsniegt 255 rakstzīmes",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Datubāzes nosaukums ir nepieciešams",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Darbtelpas nosaukums ir nepieciešams",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Darbtelpas nosaukumam jābūt vismaz 3 rakstzīmes garam",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Darbtelpas nosaukumam jābūt ne vairāk kā 50 rakstzīmes garam",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Dzēsiet šo darbtelpu un visu tās saturu.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Es saprotu, ka šo darbību nevar mainīt",
+ "pageNotFound": "Lapa nav atrasta",
+ "makeLineBreak": "lai izveidotu rindu pārrāvumu",
+ "goToPrevious": "Doties uz iepriekšējo",
+ "goToNext": "Doties uz nākamo",
+ "thankYou": "Paldies!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Jūs veiksmīgi iesniedzāt veidlapas datus.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Sistēmas atslēgas rediģēšana nav atbalstīta",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Pašlaik nav pieejams",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Grupas ielīmēšanas operācija nav atbalstīta Links/LinkToAnotherRecord kolonnā",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Grupas dzēšanas operācija nav atbalstīta Links/LinkToAnotherRecord kolonnā",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Jaunināt uz Enterprise versiju {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Šī funkcija ir pieejama tikai uzņēmuma versijā",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Jūsu pašreizējā loma ir",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Lūdzu, pieprasiet lielākas atļaujas no administratora / bāzes īpašnieka / darbavirsmas īpašnieka, lai iegūtu piekļuvi šim {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Jūs nevarat paslēpt visas opcijas, ja lauks ir nepieciešams"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Manuālie āķi nevar tikt atspējoti",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Kļūda, ielādējot ierakstu datus",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Kļūda kalendāra datu iegūšanā",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Kļūda aktīvo datumu iegūšanā",
+ "scopesRequired": "Nepieciešami diapazoni",
+ "domainRequired": "Domēna nosaukums ir nepieciešams",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Autentifikācijas URL ir nepieciešams",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Lietotājvārda atribūts ir nepieciešams",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Klienta ID ir nepieciešams",
+ "issuerRequired": "Izdevējs ir nepieciešams",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Klienta Secret ir nepieciešams",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL ir nepieciešams",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Tokena URL ir nepieciešams",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL ir nepieciešams",
+ "eitherXML": "Nepieciešama vai nu XML vai metadatu URL",
+ "nameRequired": "Nosaukums ir nepieciešams",
+ "nameMinLength": "Nosaukumam jābūt vismaz 2 rakstzīmes garam",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Nosaukumam jābūt ne vairāk kā 60 rakstzīmes garam",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Skata nosaukums ir nepieciešams",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Domēna nosaukums ir nepieciešams",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Nosaukumam jābūt ne vairāk kā 256 rakstzīmes garam",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Skata nosaukumam jābūt unikālam",
"searchProject": "Nav atrasti rezultāti meklējot pēc atslēgvārda {search}",
"invalidChar": "Nederīgs simbols mapes ceļā.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Nederīgi datubāzes lietotājvārds un/vai parole.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Nevar pieslēgties datubāzei, lūdzu pārlieciniets vai tava datubāze darbojas.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Nederīgs gads",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Lietotājs neeksistē vai tam nav pietiekamas atļaujas lai izveidotu shēmu.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Nederīgi datubāzes parametri",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Pieslēguma kļūda:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Eksistē tukšs filtrs. Lūdzu, noņemiet tos",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "E-pasts ir nepieciešams",
"emailInvalid": "E-pastam ir jābūt korektam",
"passwdRequired": "Parole ir obligāta",
"passwdLength": "Parolei jābūt vismaz 8 simboli",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Viens numurs",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Viena īpaša rakstzīme",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Atļauto īpašo rakstzīmju saraksts",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Nederīgi e-pasti",
+ "invalidEmail": "Nederīgs e-pasts"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Nederīgs XML",
"invalidURL": "Nederīgs URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Nederīgs e-pasts",
"internalError": "Notika kāda iekšēja kļūda",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Šablonu ģenerators nav atrodams!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload file",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Vārdam jāsākas ar alfabētu vai _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Šādas rakstzīmes nav atļautas",
"columnNameRequired": "Slejas nosaukums ir obligāts",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Dublikāta lauka nosaukums",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nosaukums jau tiek izmantots sistēmas laukam",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI datu tips ir nepieciešams",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} nosaukums pārsniedz 50 rakstzīmes",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} nosaukums nedrīkst sākties ar atstarpi",
"requiredField": "Obligātais lauks",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP nav atļauts",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Mērķa fails nav pieņemts faila tips",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Pieņemtie failu tipi ir .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots.",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parametra atslēga nedrīkst būt tukša",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Parametru taustiņu dublēšanās nav atļauta",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Šis lauks nevar būt tukšs.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projekts nav pieejams",
"copyToClipboardError": "Neizdevās kopēt uz starpliktuvi",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Neizdevās ielīmēt no starpliktuves",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Lūdzu, pabeidziet visu lauku konfigurāciju pirms saglabāšanas",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Kaut kas nogāja greizi",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Pievilktais saturs nav attēla tips",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Lauks attēla datu parsēšanai",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Daži no nepieciešamajiem laukiem ir tukši"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Projekta metadati eksportēti veiksmīgi",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Drīzumā!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Licences atslēga atjaunota",
"columnDuplicated": "Sekmīgi dublēta sleja",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Veiksmīgi atjaunināts UI ACL tabulām",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Veiksmīgi saglabāti spraudņa iestatījumi",
"pluginTested": "Veiksmīgi pārbaudīti spraudņa iestatījumi",
"tableRenamed": "Tabula veiksmīgi pārdēvēta",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Izkārtojums veiksmīgi pārsaukts",
"viewDeleted": "Skatīt veiksmīgi dzēsts",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Veiksmīgi atjaunināts kā primārā sleja",
"tableDataExported": "Veiksmīgi eksportēti visu tabulu dati",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "Veiksmīgi dzēsts lietotājs no projekta",
"inviteEmailSent": "Uzaicinājuma e-pasta vēstule ir veiksmīgi nosūtīta",
"inviteURLCopied": "Uzaicinājuma URL nokopēts uz starpliktuvi",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Komentārs nokopēts starpliktuvē",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "Paroles atiestatīšanas URL nokopēts uz starpliktuvi",
"shareableURLCopied": "Kopēts koplietojamais bāzes URL uz starpliktuvi!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Kopēts HTML kods, ko var ievietot!",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Parole veiksmīgi mainīta. Lūdzu, piesakieties vēlreiz.",
"settingsSaved": "Veiksmīgi saglabāti iestatījumi",
"roleUpdated": "Loma veiksmīgi atjaunināta",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integrācija veiksmīgi izveidota",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Bāzes īpašnieki un veidotāji tagad var pievienot datu avotu, nepārievadot akreditācijas datus."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ml.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ml.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1549c028a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ml.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1850 @@
+ "dashboards": {
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "പുതിയ ഇന്റര്ഫേസ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "connect_data_sources": "ഡാറ്റ സോഴ്സുകളുമായി ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "alert": "അലേര്ട്ട്",
+ "alert-message": "ആര്ട് കോണ്ഫിഗറേഷനുകള് ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിട്ടില്ല. ഇന്റര്ഫെയ്സുകള് നിര്മിക്കാന് ഡാറ്റാബേസ് അടിസ്ഥാനങ്ങള് ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കുക. ഈ ഘട്ടം ഒഴിവാക്കി പിന്നീട് അടിസ്ഥാന ഹോം പേജില്നിന്ന് ഡാറ്റാബേസുകള് കൂട്ടിച്ചേര്ക്കുക.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "ഈ ഇന്റര്ഫേസുമായി ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കേണ്ട ഡാറ്റാബേസ് അടിസ്ഥാനങ്ങള് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
+ "create_interface": "ഇന്റര്ഫേസ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "project_name": "അടിസ്ഥാന നാമം",
+ "connect": "ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "buttonActionTypes": {
+ "open_external_url": "പുറത്തേക്കുള്ള കണ്ണി തുറക്കുക",
+ "delete_record": "റിക്കോര്ഡ് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "update_record": "റിക്കോര്ഡ് പുതുക്കുക",
+ "open_layout": "ലേഖനം തുറക്കുക"
+ },
+ "widgets": {
+ "static_text": "വാചകം",
+ "chart": "ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "table": "ടേബിള്",
+ "image": "ചിത്രം",
+ "map": "മാച്ചി",
+ "button": "ബട്ടണ്",
+ "number": "സംഖ്യ",
+ "bar_chart": "ബാര് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "line_chart": "ലൈന് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "area_chart": "ഏരിയ ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "pie_chart": "പൈ ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "donut_chart": "ഡോണട്ട് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "scatter_plot": "സ്കാറ്റര് പ്ലോട്ട്",
+ "bubble_chart": "ബബിള് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "radar_chart": "റഡാര് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "polar_area_chart": "പോളാര് ഏരിയ ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "റാഡിയല് ബാര് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "heatmap_chart": "ഹീട്മാപ്പ് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "treemap_chart": "ട്രിമാപ്പ് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "box_plot_chart": "ബോക്സ് പ്ലോട്ട് ചാര്ട്ട്",
+ "candlestick_chart": "കാന്ഡില്സ്റ്റിക്ക്ബാര് ചാര്ട്ട്"
+ }
+ },
+ "aggregation": {
+ "sum": "കൂട്ടി",
+ "count": "എണ്ണുക",
+ "min": "ചുരുങ്ങിയത്",
+ "max": "പരമാവധി",
+ "avg": "ശരാശരി",
+ "median": "മദ്ധ്യസ്ഥയായി",
+ "std_dev": "Std std",
+ "histogram": "ഹിസ്റ്റോഗ്രാം",
+ "range": "വ്യത്യാസം",
+ "percent_empty": "ശൂന്യം",
+ "percent_filled": "നിറവേറ്റിയിട്ടുണ്ട്",
+ "percent_unique": "അദ്വിതീയമായ",
+ "count_unique": "അദ്വിതീയമായ",
+ "count_empty": "ശൂന്യം",
+ "count_filled": "നിറവേറ്റിയിട്ടുണ്ട്",
+ "earliest_date": "കുറഞ്ഞത് തീയതി",
+ "latest_date": "ഏറ്റവും കൂടിയ തീയതി",
+ "date_range": "വ്യത്യാസം",
+ "month_range": "വ്യത്യാസം",
+ "checked": "സിനിമ",
+ "unchecked": "Unchecked",
+ "percent_checked": "Checked",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
+ "attachment_size": "വലുപ്പം",
+ "none": "ഒന്നുമില്ല"
+ },
+ "aggregation_type": {
+ "sum": "തുക",
+ "count": "എണ്ണം",
+ "min": "കുറഞ്ഞത്",
+ "max": "പെരുപ്പം",
+ "avg": "ശരാശരി",
+ "median": "മിഡ്യൻ",
+ "std_dev": "സ്റ്റാൻഡേർഡ് ഡെവിയേഷൻ",
+ "histogram": "ഹിസ്റ്റോഗ്രാം",
+ "range": "പരിധി",
+ "percent_empty": "ശൂന്യമായ ശതമാനം",
+ "percent_filled": "നിറയ്ക്കപ്പെട്ട ശതമാനം",
+ "percent_unique": "ആമുഖ്യശതം",
+ "count_unique": "ആമുഖ്യ",
+ "count_empty": "ശൂന്യം",
+ "count_filled": "നിറയ്ക്കിയത്",
+ "earliest_date": "മുന്നേറുന്ന തീയതി",
+ "latest_date": "ഇടയ്ക്കടുത്ത തീയതി",
+ "date_range": "തീയതിയുടെ പരിധി",
+ "month_range": "മാസ പരിധി",
+ "checked": "അറിയിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "unchecked": "ചെക്ബോക്സ് അടയാക്കി",
+ "percent_checked": "ചെക്ബോക്സ് ഡയറക്ടറേറ്റിങ്ങ് ശതമാനം",
+ "percent_unchecked": "ചെക്ബോക്സ് ക്ലിയറിങ് ശതമാനം",
+ "attachment_size": "അറ്റാച്ച്മെന്റ് വലുപ്പം",
+ "none": "ഒന്നുമില്ല"
+ },
+ "general": {
+ "scripts": "സ്ക്രിപ്റുകൾ",
+ "configure": "ക്രമീകരിക്കുക",
+ "switch": "മാറ്റുക",
+ "on": "ഓൺ",
+ "onMultiple": "ഓൺ മൊറിപ്പിൽ",
+ "manual": "മാനുവൽ",
+ "trigger": "ട്രിഗർ",
+ "addLookupField": "{count} ലുക്കപ്പ് ഫീൽഡ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "style": "ഷൈൽ",
+ "label": "ലേബൽ",
+ "role": "പങ്ക്",
+ "general": "പൊതു",
+ "quit": "ബഹിഷ്കരിക്കുക",
+ "home": "ഹോം",
+ "load": "ചാർജ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "open": "തുറക്കുക",
+ "close": "അടയ്ക്കുക",
+ "yes": "അതെ",
+ "no": "ഇല്ല",
+ "ok": "ശരി",
+ "back": "മടങ്ങികോട്ട്",
+ "and": "ഒപ്പം",
+ "or": "അല്ലെങ്കിൽ",
+ "add": "കൂട്ടിച്ചേർക്കുക",
+ "edit": "തിരുത്തുക",
+ "link": "കണ്ണി",
+ "links": "കണ്ണികള്",
+ "remove": "ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "import": "ഇമ്പോര്ട്ട്",
+ "logout": "ലോഗ് ഔട്ട്",
+ "empty": "ശൂന്യം",
+ "changeIcon": "ഐക്കണ് മാറ്റുക",
+ "save": "സംരക്ഷിക്കുക",
+ "available": "ലഭ്യമാണ്",
+ "abort": "വില്ലിക്കൂറ്മാകുക",
+ "saving": "സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നു",
+ "cancel": "റദ്ദാക്കുക",
+ "null": "ശൂന്യം",
+ "escape": "എസ്കേപ്",
+ "hex": "ഹെക്സ്",
+ "clear": "ശുദ്ധമാക്കുക",
+ "slack": "Slack",
+ "comment": "കമന്റുചെയ്യുക",
+ "microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
+ "discord": "Discord",
+ "matterMost": "Mattermost",
+ "twilio": "Twilio",
+ "whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
+ "quote": "ഉദ്ധരണി",
+ "submit": "സമർപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "create": "സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "createEntity": "{entity} സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "creating": "സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നു",
+ "creatingEntity": "{entity} സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നു",
+ "details": "വിശദാംശങ്ങൾ",
+ "skip": "വിട്ടുക",
+ "code": "കോഡ്",
+ "duplicate": "പകര്പ്പിക്കുക",
+ "duplicating": "പകര്ത്തിക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "duplicateEntity": "മറുകൂടി {entity}",
+ "activate": "സജീവമാക്കുക",
+ "action": "നടപടി",
+ "insert": "ചേർക്കുക",
+ "delete": "ഡിലീറ്റ്",
+ "deleteEntity": "{entity} മായ്ക്കുക",
+ "bulkInsert": "കൂട്ടത്തൽകരുതൽ",
+ "bulkDelete": "കൂട്ടം മാറ്റുന്നുവെക്കുക",
+ "bulkUpdate": "കൂട്ട സംശോധന",
+ "deleting": "മായ്ച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "update": "നവീകരണം",
+ "updating": "നവീകരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "rename": "പേരുമാറ്റം",
+ "renameEntity": "{entity} പുനർനാമകരണം ചെയ്യുക",
+ "reload": "മറികിട്ടൽ",
+ "refresh": "പുനരവതരിച്ചു",
+ "reset": "റീസറ്റ്",
+ "install": "ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾ",
+ "show": "കാണിക്കുക",
+ "access": "ആക്സസ്",
+ "visibility": "ദർശ്യമാനം",
+ "hide": "മറച്ചുവയ്ക്കുക",
+ "deprecated": "കാലഹരണപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "showAll": "എല്ലാം കാണിക്കുക",
+ "hideAll": "എല്ലാം മറച്ചുവയ്ക്കുക",
+ "notFound": "കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല",
+ "showMore": "കൂടുതൽ കാണിക്കുക",
+ "showOptions": "ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ കാണിക്കുക",
+ "hideOptions": "ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ മറച്ചുവയ്ക്കുക",
+ "showMenu": "മെനു കാണിക്കുക",
+ "hideMenu": "മെനു മറച്ചുവയ്ക്കുക",
+ "addAll": "എല്ലാം ചേർക്കുക",
+ "removeAll": "എല്ലാം നീക്കംചെയ്യുക",
+ "signUp": "സൈൻ അപ്പ്",
+ "signIn": "സൈൻ ഇൻ",
+ "signOut": "സൈൻ ഔട്ട്",
+ "required": "ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "enableScanner": "പൂരിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള സ്കാനര് സജ്ജമാക്കുക",
+ "preferred": "മുന്നണി",
+ "mandatory": "ബാധ്യതാ",
+ "loading": "ചാർജ് ചെയ്യുന്നു ...",
+ "title": "ശീർഷകം",
+ "upload": "അപ് ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "download": "ഡൗൺലോഡ്",
+ "default": "പൂജ്യം",
+ "base": "ഉറവിടം",
+ "datasource": "ഡാറ്റ ഉറവിടം",
+ "more": "കൂടുതൽ",
+ "less": "കുറവ്",
+ "event": "ഇവന്റ്",
+ "condition": "സ്ഥിതി",
+ "after": "ശേഷം",
+ "before": "മുമ്പ്",
+ "search": "തിരയുക",
+ "searchIn": "അവയിൽ തിരയുക",
+ "notification": "പരിരക്ഷണ അറിയിപ്പ്",
+ "reference": "അവലംബം",
+ "function": "പ്രവർത്തനം",
+ "confirm": "സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കൂ",
+ "generate": "സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "copy": "പകർത്തുക",
+ "copied": "പകർത്തി",
+ "are": "ആണ്",
+ "misc": "ഇതരാചാരങ്ങൾ",
+ "lock": "ലോക്ക്",
+ "unlock": "ലോക്കുകൾ തുറക്കുക",
+ "credentials": "ക്രെഡൻഷ്യൽസ്",
+ "help": "സഹായം",
+ "questions": "ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ",
+ "reachOut": "ഇവിടെ എത്തിനോക്കൂ",
+ "betaNote": "ഈ സവിശേഷത നിലവിൽ ബീറ്റയിലാണ്.",
+ "moreInfo": "കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇവിടെ കാണുക",
+ "logs": "ലോഗുകൾ",
+ "groupingField": "ക്ഷത്രയാക്ഷരം ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന സ്റ്റാക്ക്",
+ "insertAfter": "പ്രവേശിക്കുക വലത്തുഭാഗത്ത്",
+ "insertBefore": "പ്രവേശിക്കുക ഇടത്തുഭാഗത്ത്",
+ "insertAbove": "മുകളിലേക്ക് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "insertBelow": "താഴേക്ക് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "hideField": "ഫീൽഡ് മറയ്ക്കുക",
+ "showField": "ഫീൽഡ് കാണിക്കുക",
+ "sortAsc": "ആരോഹണം ക്രമീകരിക്കുക",
+ "sortDesc": "ഇറക്കം ക്രമപ്പെടുത്തുക",
+ "move": "മാറ്റുക",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData ഫീൽഡ്",
+ "type": "തരം",
+ "subType": "ഉപ-തരം",
+ "name": "പേര്",
+ "changes": "മാറ്റങ്ങൾ",
+ "new": "പുതിയത്",
+ "old": "ഐതിഹ്യമുള്ള",
+ "data": "ഡാറ്റ",
+ "source": "ഉറവിടം",
+ "destination": "ലക്ഷ്യം",
+ "active": "സജീവം",
+ "inactive": "നിഷ്ക്രിയം",
+ "linked": "കൈകോര്ക്കും",
+ "finish": "പൂര്ത്തിയാക്കുക",
+ "min": "കുറഞ്ഞത്",
+ "max": "പരമാവധി",
+ "avg": "ശരാശരി",
+ "sum": "ആകെ",
+ "count": "എണ്ണം",
+ "countDistinct": "പേരിനു കീഴിലുള്ള എണ്ണം",
+ "sumDistinct": "പേരിനു കീഴിലുള്ള തുക",
+ "avgDistinct": "പേരിനു കീഴിലുള്ള ശരാശരി",
+ "join": "ചേരുക",
+ "options": "ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ",
+ "primaryValue": "പ്രാഥമിക മൂല്യം",
+ "useSurveyMode": "സർവേ മോഡ് ഉപയോഗിക്കുക",
+ "shift": "ഷിഫ്റ്റ്",
+ "enter": "എന്റർ",
+ "seconds": "സെക്കൻഡുകൾ",
+ "paste": "ചുസുക",
+ "restore": "പുനഃസ്ഥാപിക്കുക",
+ "replace": "മാറ്റിസ്ഥാപിക്കുക",
+ "banner": "ബാനർ",
+ "logo": "ലോഗോ",
+ "dropdown": "ഡ്രോപ്പ്ഡൗൺ",
+ "list": "പട്ടിക",
+ "verify": "സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കുക",
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+ "formTitle": "ഫോം ടൈറ്റിൽ",
+ "collaborative": "സഹകരണം",
+ "locked": "അടയ്ക്കപ്പെട്ടിട്ടുള്ള",
+ "personal": "വ്യക്തിപരമായ",
+ "appStore": "ആപ്പ് സ്റ്റോർ",
+ "teamAndAuth": "ടീം & ഓത്ത്",
+ "rolesUserMgmt": "ഭൂമികയും ഉപയോക്താക്കളുടെ മാനേജ്മെന്റും",
+ "userMgmt": "ഉപയോക്താക്കളുടെ മാനേജ്മെന്റ്",
+ "apiTokens": "API ടോക്കനുകൾ",
+ "apiTokenMgmt": "API ടോക്കൺ മാനേജ്മെന്റ്",
+ "rolesMgmt": "ഭൂമികയുടെ മാനേജ്മെന്റ്",
+ "projMeta": "അടിസ്ഥാന സ്വഭാവാംശം",
+ "metaMgmt": "മെറ്റാ മാനേജ്മെന്റ്",
+ "metadata": "മെറ്റാഡാറ്റ",
+ "exportImportMeta": "മെറ്റാഡാറ്റ എക്സ്പോർട്ട് / ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "uiACL": "യൂഐ ആക്സസ് കൺട്രോൾ",
+ "metaOperations": "മെറ്റാഡാറ്റ ഓപ്പറേഷനുകൾ",
+ "audit": "ഓഡിറ്റ്",
+ "auditLogs": "ഓഡിറ്റ് ലോഗ്",
+ "sqlMigrations": "SQL മാറ്റങ്ങൾ",
+ "dbCredentials": "ഡാറ്റാബേസ് പൂർത്തിയാക്കലുകൾ",
+ "advancedParameters": "എസ്എസ്എല്ലും വികസിത പാരാമീറ്ററുകളും",
+ "headCreateProject": "അടിസ്ഥാനത്തെ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക | NocoDB",
+ "headLogin": "ലോഗിൻ | NocoDB",
+ "resetPassword": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പാസ്സ്വേഡ് വീണ്ടും ക്രമീകരിക്കുക",
+ "teamAndSettings": "ടീമും ക്രമീകരണവും",
+ "apiDocs": "API ഡോക്സ്",
+ "importFromAirtable": "Airtable ൽ നിന്ന് ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "generateToken": "ടോകൺ ജനറേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "APIsAndSupport": "APIs & പിന്തുണ",
+ "helpCenter": "സഹായ കേന്ദ്രം",
+ "noLabels": "യാതൊന്നിലുള്ളതു ലേബലുകൾ",
+ "swaggerDocumentation": "സ്വാഗർ ഡോക്കുമെന്റേഷൻ",
+ "quickImportFrom": "അതിവേഗം ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "quickImport": "അതിവേഗം ഇറക്കുമതി",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "പെട്ടെന്ന് ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "പെട്ടെന്ന് ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "പെട്ടെന്ന് ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "പെട്ടെന്ന് ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON എഡിറ്റർ",
+ "comingSoon": "വരാനിരിക്കുന്നതാണ്",
+ "advancedSettings": "വികസിത ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ",
+ "codeSnippet": "കോഡ് സ്നിപ്പെറ്റ്",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "കീബോർഡ് ചുരുക്കങ്ങൾ",
+ "generateRandomName": "യാദൃച്ഛിക നാമം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "findRowByScanningCode": "QR അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ബാർകോഡ് സ്കാൻ ചെയ്ത് രേഖ കണ്ടെത്തുക",
+ "tokenManagement": "ടോക്കൺ മാനേജ്മെന്റ്",
+ "addNewToken": "പുതിയ ടോക്കൺ ചേർക്കുക",
+ "createNewToken": "പുതിയ ടോക്കൺ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "accountSettings": "അക്കൗണ്ട് ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "പാസ്വേഡ്ഡ് പുനഃസജ്ജമാക്കുക",
+ "tokens": "ടോക്കനുകൾ",
+ "userManagement": "ഉപയോക്തൃ നടത്തിപ്പ്",
+ "accountManagement": "അക്കൗണ്ട് മാനേജ്മെന്റ്",
+ "licence": "ലൈസൻസ്",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "എല്ലാ മൈം തരം മുതൽ സമ്മതിക്കുക",
+ "defaultView": "ഡീഫോൾട്ട് വ്യൂ",
+ "relations": "ബന്ധങ്ങൾ",
+ "switchLanguage": "മലയാളം ഭാഷയിലേക്ക് മാറ്റുക",
+ "renameFile": "ഫയലിന്റെ പേര് മാറ്റുക",
+ "links": {
+ "noAction": "വിനോദം ഇല്ല",
+ "cascade": "കാസ്കേഡ്",
+ "restrict": "പരിമിതപ്പെടുത്തുക",
+ "setNull": "NULL സെറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "setDefault": "സ്ഥിരസ്ഥിതി സെറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക"
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+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "ഇവിടെ ചേർക്കാമെന്നതിലേക്ക് പടിയിലുള്ള പാനലിൽനിന്ന് ഫീൽഡുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "noOptionsFound": "ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "ഈ ഫോം സമർപ്പിക്കാൻ നിങ്ങൾ ഉറപ്പാണോ?",
+ "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "താങ്കളുടെ തിരയൽ യഥാർത്ഥ ഫലങ്ങൾ ലഭിച്ചില്ല",
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "ഈ സ്റ്റാക്കിനു രേഖകള് ഇല്ല എന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു",
+ "fromScratch": "അടിവസ്ത്രം",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "ഫയലുകളിൽ നിന്ന് & ബാഹ്യ ഉറവിടങ്ങളിൽ നിന്ന്",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "നേരിട്ട് യഥാർത്ഥ സമയത്ത്",
+ "categories": "വിഭാഗങ്ങൾ",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "ഫീൽഡ് ലഭ്യമല്ല",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "ആവശ്യങ്ങൾ ഒന്നും ചേർക്കാത്തത്"
+ },
+ "labels": {
+ "modifiedOn": "മാറ്റിയ തീയതി",
+ "configuration": "ക്രമീകരണം",
+ "setup": "ക്രമീകരിക്കുക",
+ "configLabel": "{label} ക്രമീകരിക്കുക",
+ "switchToProd": "പ്രൊഡക്ഷന് തയ്യാറായ ആപ്പ് ഡാറ്റാബേസിലേക്ക് മാറ്റുക",
+ "sharedBase": "പങ്കിട്ട ബേസ്",
+ "fieldID": "ഫീൽഡ് ID",
+ "addDescription": "വിവരണം ചേർക്കുക",
+ "editDescription": "വിവരണം തിരുത്തുക",
+ "urlFormula": "URL ഫോർമുല",
+ "selectIcon": "ഒന്നുമില്ല",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--ഒരു വെബ്ഹുക്ക് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക--",
+ "openUrl": "URL തുറക്കുക",
+ "runWebHook": "Webhook പ്രവർത്തിപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "onClick": "ക്ലിക്കിൽ",
+ "defaultView": "സ്വതേയുള്ള കാഴ്ച",
+ "recordInsert": "റെക്കോർഡ് ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തൽ",
+ "recordUpdate": "റെക്കോർഡ് അപ്ഡേറ്റ്",
+ "recordDelete": "റെക്കോർഡ് ഇല്ലാതാക്കൽ",
+ "supportDocs": "സഹായ ഡോക്യുമെന്റുകൾ",
+ "addedOn": "ചേർത്ത ദിവസവും",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "പ്രദര്ശന മൂല്യ ഫീൽഡ് മാറ്റുക",
+ "selectYourNewTitleFor": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പുതിയ തലക്കെട്ട് ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തുക ",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "പ്രദര്ശന മൂല്യ ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "changeTitleField": "ശീർഷക ഫീൽഡ് മാറ്റുക",
+ "clearAll": "എല്ലാം ശുദ്ധമാക്കൂ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "ലിങ്കുചെയ്ത റെക്കോർഡുകളിൽ നിന്ന് ഡാറ്റ കാണിക്കാൻ ലുക്കപ്പ് ഫീൽഡുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നു. പകുതിയിലായി നിൽക്കുന്ന ഫീൽഡുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " ടേബിളില് ഇവയെ ലുക്ക്അപ്പ് ഫീല്ഡുകള് ആയി കൂട്ടിച്ചേര്ക്കാൻ പ്രത്യേക ഫീല്ഡുകള് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
+ "formatting": "ഫോർമാറ്റിംഗ്",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -ഒരു ഫോർമാറ്റ് തരം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക (ഐച്ഛികം)- -",
+ "formatType": "ഫോർമാറ്റ് തരം",
+ "toUpload": "അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ളത്",
+ "dragFilesHere": "ഫയലുകൾ ഇവിടെ വലയിടുക",
+ "browseFiles": "ഫയലുകൾ തിരയുക",
+ "clickTo": "ഓർമ്മപ്പെടുത്തുക",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "താങ്കളുടെ ക്യാമറക്ക് പ്രവേശനം അനുവദിക്കുക",
+ "openFile": "ഫയൽ തുറക്കുക",
+ "enterValidUrl": "ഫയലുകൾ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ സാധിക്കുന്ന URL നൽകുക",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "URL വഴി ഫയലുകൾ ചേർക്കുക",
+ "uploading": "അപ്ലോഡിംഗ് ചെയ്യുന്നു",
+ "dropHere": "ഇവിടെ വിടുക",
+ "addMore": "കൂടുതൽ ചേർക്കൂ",
+ "clearAllFiles": "സാമ്പത്തിക വാര്ത്തകളെല്ലാം നീക്കുക",
+ "integration": "സമികരണം",
+ "notRecommended": "ലഭ്യമായില്ല",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "സ്കീമ മാറ്റം അനുവദിക്കുക",
+ "allowDataWrite": "ഡാറ്റ എഴുത്തു/തിരുത്തൽ അനുവദിക്കുക",
+ "selectView": "ഒരു കാഴ്ച തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "connectionDetails": "ഉറവിടം സാധനങ്ങൾ വിശദാംശങ്ങൾ",
+ "metaSync": "മേതാ സിങ്ക്",
+ "mention": "മത്സരം",
+ "today": "ഇന്ന്",
+ "currentDate": "ഇതിവേൃത്തിന്റെ തീയതി",
+ "workspace": "വർക്ക്സ്പേസ്",
+ "txt": "TXT റെക്കോർഡിന്റെ മൂല്യം",
+ "transferOwnership": "ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം കൈമാറുക",
+ "recentActivity": "സമീപകാല ക്രിയത്മകത",
+ "goToMembers": "അംഗങ്ങളിലേക്ക് പോകുക",
+ "addMember": "അംഗം ചേർക്കുക",
+ "numberOfMembers": "നമ്പർ. അംഗങ്ങൾ",
+ "numberOfBases": "പേരുകളില്ലാത്ത അടിസ്ഥാനങ്ങൾ",
+ "numberOfRecords": "പേരുകളില്ലാത്ത രേഖകൾ",
+ "workspaceName": "വർക്ക്സ്പേസ് പേര്",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "ഓണർമാർ ഇല്ലാത്ത വർക്ക്സ്പേസ്",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "ഉപയോക്താക്കളെ വർക്ക്സ്പേസിലേക്ക് ക്ഷണിക്കുക",
+ "selectWorkspace": "- ക്ഷണിക്കാൻ വർക്ക്സ്പേസുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക -",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "സംഘടനയിലേക്ക് അംഗങ്ങളെ കൂട്ടിച്ചേർക്കുക",
+ "memberIn": "അംഗം:",
+ "assignAs": "ഇവയായി നിയോഗിക്കുക",
+ "signOutUser": "ഉപയോക്താവിൽ നിന്നും സൈൻ-ഓൺട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "signOutUsers": "ഉപയോക്താക്കളിൽ നിന്നും സൈൻ-ഓൺട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "deactivateUser": "ഉപയോക്താവിനെ ഐനിവര്ത്തിരിക്കുക",
+ "deactivateUsers": "ഉപയോക്താക്കളെ ഐനിവര്ത്തിരിക്കുക",
+ "lastActive": "അവസാനമായി സജീവമായി",
+ "dateAdded": "ചേർത്ത തീയതി",
+ "uploadImage": "ചിത്രം അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "organizationProfile": "സംഘടന പ്രൊഫൈൽ",
+ "organizationImage": "സംഘടന ചിത്രം",
+ "organizationName": "സംഘടനയുടെ പേര്",
+ "activeDomains": "സജീവ ഡൊമെയ്നുകൾ",
+ "domains": "ഡൊമെയ്നുകൾ",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "പൊതു പങ്കാംഷി ഒറ്റിടുകമേയ്",
+ "shareSettings": "പങ്കിടൽ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "ഉപയോക്താവിനെയും അവരുടെ ഡാറ്റയെയും ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "userOptions": "ഉപയോക്തൃ ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "ഈ സംഘടന ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "dangerZone": "ആപൽ മേഖല",
+ "childView": "കുട്ടികളുടെ കാഴ്ച",
+ "selectYear": "വർഷം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "save": "രക്ഷിക്കുക",
+ "cancel": "റദ്ദാക്കുക",
+ "metadataUrl": "മെറ്റാഡാറ്റ URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "ഓഡിയൻസ്/ എന്റിറ്റി ഐഡി",
+ "redirectUrl": "പുനർനയന URL",
+ "oidc": "ഓപ്പോൺID കണക്റ്റ് (OIDC)",
+ "saml": "SAML",
+ "newProvider": "പുതിയ പ്രദാതാവ്",
+ "generalSettings": "പൊതു ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ",
+ "adminPanel": "അഡ്മിൻ പാനൽ",
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+ "examples": "ഉദാഹരണങ്ങൾ",
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+ "projectSettings": "അടിസ്ഥാനം ക്രമീകരണം",
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+ "superAdmin": "സുപർ അഡ്മിൻ",
+ "allTables": "എല്ലാ പട്ടികകൾ",
+ "members": "അംഗങ്ങൾ",
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+ "connectDataSource": "ബാഹ്യ ഡാറ്റ ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "searchProjects": "അടിസ്ഥാനം തിരയുക",
+ "createdBy": "സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത്",
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+ "readOnly": "ക്ഷയമില്ലാതെ മാത്രം",
+ "createdOn": "സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത്",
+ "notifyVia": "മാർഗ്ഗം വഴി അറിയിക്കുക",
+ "projName": "അടിസ്ഥാന പേര്",
+ "profile": "പ്രൊഫൈൽ",
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+ "accountEmailID": "അക്കൗണ്ട് ഇമെയിൽ ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "വർക്ക്സ്പേസിലേക്ക് മടങ്ങുക",
+ "untitledToken": "ശീർഷകണമില്ലാത്ത ടോക്കൺ",
+ "tableName": "ടേബിൾ നാമം",
+ "dashboardName": "ഡാഷ്ബോഡ് പേര്",
+ "createView": "കാഴ്ച സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "creatingView": "കാഴ്ച സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നു",
+ "duplicateView": "പകര്ത്തിയ കാഴ്ച",
+ "duplicateGridView": "യഥാ കണ്ട്രക്ട് ചട്ടം കാഴ്ച",
+ "createGridView": "ചട്ടം കാഴ്ച സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "ഡ്യൂപ്ലിക്കേറ്റ് ഗാലറി കാഴ്ച",
+ "createGalleryView": "ഗാലറി കാഴ്ച സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "duplicateFormView": "ഡ്യൂപ്ലിക്കേറ്റ് ഫോം കാഴ്ച",
+ "createFormView": "ഫോം കാഴ്ച സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "ഡ്യൂപ്ലിക്കേറ്റ് കാൻബാൻ കാഴ്ച",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "പകർപ്പ് കലണ്ടർ ദൃശ്യം",
+ "createKanbanView": "കാൻബാൻ കാഴ്ച സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "createCalendarView": "കലണ്ടർ ദൃശ്യം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "viewName": "വീക്ഷണ നാമം",
+ "viewLink": "വീക്ഷണ ലിങ്ക്",
+ "columnName": "ഫീൽഡ് നാമം",
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+ "columnType": "ഫീൽഡ് തരം",
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+ "roleDescription": "റോൾ വിവരണം",
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+ "servername": "സെർവറ്നെയിം / ഹോസ്റ്റ് അഡ്രസ്",
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+ "database": "ഡാറ്റാബേസ്",
+ "action": "പരിശ്രമം",
+ "actions": "പരിശ്രമങ്ങൾ",
+ "operation": "ഓപ്പറേഷൻ",
+ "operationSub": "ഉപ ഓപ്പറേഷൻ",
+ "operationType": "ഓപ്പറേഷൻ തരപ്രകാരം",
+ "operationSubType": "ഓപ്പറേഷൻ ഉപതരം",
+ "description": "വിവരണം",
+ "authentication": "പരിശ്രമം వెల్లడിക്കുക",
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+ "where": "എവിടെ",
+ "cache": "കാഷെ",
+ "chat": "ചാറ്റ്",
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+ "microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
+ "email": "ഇ-മെയിൽ",
+ "storage": "സംഭരണം",
+ "uiAcl": "UI ACL",
+ "models": "മോഡലുകൾ",
+ "syncState": "സിംകി നില",
+ "created": "ചെയ്തു",
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+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "QR കോഡിന് വളരെ അധികം പ്രതീകങ്ങളുണ്ട്",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "ബാർകോഡിനായി വളരെ അധികം പ്രതീകങ്ങൾ",
+ "currentLocation": "നിലവിലുള്ള സ്ഥലം",
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+ "lat": "Lat",
+ "aggregateFunction": "കൂട്ടിചേർക്കൽ ഫംഗ്ഷൻ",
+ "dbCreateIfNotExists": "ഡാറ്റാബേസ്: ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ ഉണ്ടാക്കുക",
+ "clientKey": "ക്ലയന്റ് കീ",
+ "clientCert": "ക്ലയന്റ് സർട്ട്",
+ "serverCA": "സെർവർ CA",
+ "requriedCa": "ആവശ്യമായ CA",
+ "requriedIdentity": "ആവശ്യമായ ആദരവ്",
+ "inflection": {
+ "tableName": "ചലനം - ടേബിൾ നാമം",
+ "columnName": "വേര്സ് - ഫീൽഡ് നാമം"
+ },
+ "community": {
+ "starUs1": "സ്റ്റാർ",
+ "starUs2": "ഞങ്ങളെ Github ൽ",
+ "bookDemo": "ഒരു സൗജന്യ ഡെമോ ഉറപ്പാക്കുക",
+ "getAnswered": "നിങ്ങളുടെ ചോദ്യങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉത്തരം ലഭിക്കുക",
+ "joinDiscord": "ഡിസ്കോർഡിൽ ചേരുക",
+ "joinCommunity": "NocoDB സമൂഹത്തിൽ ചേരുക",
+ "joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB",
+ "followNocodb": "NocoDB നെ പിന്തുടരുക",
+ "communityTranslated": "(കോമ്യുണിറ്റി/AI വിവർത്തനം)"
+ },
+ "twitter": "Twitter",
+ "docReference": "ഡോക്യുമെന്റ് റഫറൻസ്",
+ "selectUserRole": "ഉപയോക്തൃന്റെ റോളെ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "childTable": "കുട്ടികളുടെ പട്ടിക",
+ "childColumn": "കിളി ഫീൽഡ്",
+ "childField": "കിളി ഫീൽഡ്",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "ഫ്രീ ആയി ക്ലൗഡിൽ ചേരുക",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "മറ്റ് ഒരു രേഖയിലേക്ക് ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "links": "കണക്ഷനുകൾ",
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+ "onDelete": "മായ്ക്കുമ്പോൾ",
+ "account": "അക്കൗണ്ട്",
+ "language": "മൊഴി",
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+ "customTheme": "കസ്റ്റം തീം",
+ "requestDataSource": "നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ആവശ്യമുള്ള ഡാറ്റാ സോഴ്സ് അഭ്യർത്ഥിക്കണോ?",
+ "apiKey": "API കീ",
+ "personalAccessToken": "വ്യക്തിഗത ആക്സസ് ടോക്കൺ",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "പങ്കിടുന്ന അടിസ്ഥാന URL",
+ "importData": "ഡേറ്റ നിരക്കുക",
+ "importSecondaryViews": "സെക്കൻഡറി കാഴ്ചപ്പാടുകൾ ഇമ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "importRollupColumns": "റോളപ്പ് ഫീൽഡുകൾ ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "importLookupColumns": "ലുക്കപ്പ് ഫീൽഡുകൾ ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "importAttachmentColumns": "അറ്റാച്ചുമെന്റ് ഫീൽഡുകൾ ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "importFormulaColumns": "ഫോർമുല ഫീൽഡുകൾ ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "importUsers": "ഉപയോക്താക്കളെ (ഇമെയിൽ വഴി) ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "noData": "ഡാറ്റയില്ല",
+ "goToDashboard": "ഡാഷ്ബോർഡിലേക്ക് പോകുക",
+ "importing": "ഇമ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നു",
+ "formatJson": "ജെയ്സൺ ഫോർമാറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "ഫീൽഡ് ടൈപ്പുകൾ സ്വയമേവ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തുക",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "ഹെഡർകളായി ആദ്യ റെക്കോർഡ് ഉപയോഗിക്കുക",
+ "flattenNested": "നెట్టേസ്ടഡ് ലഘൂകരിക്കുക",
+ "downloadAllowed": "ഡൗൺലോഡ് അനുവദിച്ചു",
+ "weAreHiring": "ഞങ്ങൾ ജോലി നൽകുന്നു!",
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+ "welcomeToNc": "NocoDB-ലേക്ക് സ്വാഗതം!",
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+ "deleteKanbanStack": "സ്റ്റാക്ക് നീക്കംചെയ്തേക്കണമോ?",
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+ "extDB": "ഒരുപുറം ഡാറ്റാബേസുമായി കണക്റ്റുചെയ്തുകൂടി
ഘട്ടങ്ങൾ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "excel": "എക്സ്സെൽ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ബേസ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "template": "ടെമ്പ്ലേറ്റ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ബേസ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക"
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+ "available": "അപ്ഗ്രേഡ് ചെയ്യൽ ലഭ്യമാണ്",
+ "releaseNote": "റിലീസ് അറിയിപ്പുകൾ",
+ "howTo": "എങ്ങനെയാണ് അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യൽ?"
+ },
+ "translate": "ഭാഷ പരിഭാഷയിൽ സഹായിക്കുക",
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+ "authToken": "ഓതുപസിനയ ഭാഷ കൈപിടക്കുക",
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+ "newUser": "പുതിയ ഉപയോക്താവ്",
+ "editUser": "ഉപയോക്താവിനെ തിരുത്തുക",
+ "deleteUser": "ഉപയോക്താവിനെ ബേസിൽ നിന്നും നീക്കുക",
+ "resendInvite": "ആമന്ത്രണ ഇമെയിൽ വീണ്ടും അയയ്ക്കുക",
+ "copyInviteURL": "ആമന്ത്രണ URL കോപ്പി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "പാസ്വേഡ് വീണ്ടും സജ്ജമാക്കൽ URL പകര്ക്കുക",
+ "newRole": "പുതിയ പദവി",
+ "reloadRoles": "പദവികൾ റീലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "nextPage": "അടുത്ത പേജ്",
+ "prevPage": "മുന്പത്തെ പേജ്",
+ "nextRecord": "അടുത്ത റെക്കോർഡ്",
+ "previousRecord": "മുൻപത്തെ റെക്കോർഡ്",
+ "copyApiURL": "API URL കോപ്പി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "createTable": "പട്ടിക സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "createDashboard": "ഡാഷ്ബോർഡ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "createWorkspace": "വർക്ക്സ്പേസ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "refreshTable": "പട്ടിക പുതുക്കൽ",
+ "renameTable": "ടേബിള് പുനര്നാമകരണം ചെയ്യുക",
+ "renameLayout": "ലേഔട്ട് പുനർനാമകരണം ചെയ്യുക",
+ "deleteTable": "ടേബിള് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "addField": "ഈ പട്ടികയിലേക്ക് പുതിയ ഫീൽഡ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "setDisplay": "പ്രദര്ശന മൂല്യം ആയി സജ്ജമാക്കുക",
+ "addRow": "പുതിയ രേഖ ചേർക്കുക",
+ "saveRow": "രേഖയെ സേവ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "saveAndExit": "സംരക്ഷിക്കുക & പുറത്തുകൂടുക",
+ "saveAndStay": "സംരക്ഷിക്കുക & തുടരുക",
+ "insertRow": "പുതിയ രേഖ പെടുത്തുക",
+ "duplicateRow": "രേഖയെ ഡ്യൂപ്ലിക്കേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "deleteRow": "രേഖ ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "deleteRows": "രേഖകൾ ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "predictColumns": "കലങ്ങൾ പ്രവചിക്കുക",
+ "predictFormulas": "സൂത്രങ്ങൾ പ്രവചിക്കുക",
+ "deleteSelectedRow": "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത രേഖകൾ ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "importExcel": "എക്സ്െലൽ ഇമ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "importCSV": "CSV ഇമ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "downloadCSV": "CSV ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "downloadExcel": "എക്സ്സെൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "uploadCSV": "CSV അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "import": "ഇമ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "importMetadata": "മെറ്റാഡാറ്റ ഇമ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "exportMetadata": "മെറ്റാഡാറ്റ എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "clearMetadata": "മെറ്റാഡാറ്റ മായ്ക്കുക",
+ "exportToFile": "ഫയലിലേക്ക് എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "changePwd": "പാസ്വേർഡ് മാറ്റുക",
+ "createView": "ഒരു കാഴ്ച സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "shareView": "കാഴ്ചപ്പ് തിരിച്ച് നൽകുക",
+ "findRowByCodeScan": "സ്കാൻക്കൊണ്ട് രേഖ കണ്ടെത്തുക",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "സ്കാനിലൂടെ പൂരിപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "listSharedView": "പങ്കിട്ട ദൃശ്യങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടിക",
+ "ListView": "ദൃശ്യം പട്ടിക",
+ "copyView": "കാഴ്ച കോപ്പി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "renameView": "കാഴ്ചയുടെ പേര് മാറ്റുക",
+ "uploadData": "ഡാറ്റ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "deleteView": "കാഴ്ച ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "createGrid": "ഗ്രിഡ് ദൃശ്യം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "createGallery": "ഗാലറി ദൃശ്യം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "createCalendar": "കലണ്ടർ ദൃശ്യം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "createKanban": "കാൻബൻ ദൃശ്യം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "createForm": "ഫോം ദൃശ്യം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "showSystemFields": "സിസ്റ്റം ഫീൽഡുകൾ കാണിക്കുക",
+ "openTab": "പുതിയ ടാബ് തുറക്കുക",
+ "iFrame": "എംബഡുചെയ്യാവുന്ന HTML കോഡ് പകർത്തുക",
+ "addWebhook": "പുതിയ വെബ്ഹുക്ക് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "enableWebhook": "Webhook സജ്ജമാക്കുക",
+ "testWebhook": "Webhook പരിശോധിക്കുക",
+ "createWebhook": "വെബ്ഹുക്ക് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "copyWebhook": "Webhook പകര്ക്കുക",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Webhook ഒഴിവാക്കുക",
+ "newToken": "പുതിയ ടോക്കൺ ചേർക്കുക",
+ "exportZip": "Zip കയറ്റുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "importZip": "Zip ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക",
+ "metaSync": "ഇപ്പൊളത്തെ സ്വയം ഏകീകരിക്കുക",
+ "settings": "ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ",
+ "validations": "ചിരോപന്മാർ",
+ "previewAs": "എന്ന് പ്രിവ്യൂ ചെയ്യുക",
+ "resetReview": "പ്രിവ്യൂ പുനഃക്രമീകരിക്കുക",
+ "testDbConn": "ഡാറ്റാബേസ് കണക്ഷൻ പരീക്ഷിക്കുക",
+ "removeDbFromEnv": "പരിസ്ഥിതിയിൽ നിന്ന് ഡാറ്റാബേസ് നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക",
+ "editConnJson": "കണക്ഷൻ JSON എഡിറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "sponsorUs": "ഞങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കുക",
+ "sendEmail": "ഇമെയിൽ അയയ്ക്കുക",
+ "addUserToProject": "ഉപയോക്താവിനെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിലേക്ക് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "getApiSnippet": "API ഓര്മ്മപകർ ചർച്ച ചെയ്യുക",
+ "clearCell": "സെല്ലിന് ക്ലിയർ ചെയ്യുക",
+ "addFilterGroup": "ഫിൽറ്റർ ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "linkRecord": "റെക്കോർഡ് ലിങ്ക് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "addNewRecord": "പുതിയ റെക്കോർഡ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "newRecord": "പുതിയ രേഖ",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: പുതിയ രേഖ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' വിജയകരമായി സംരക്ഷിക്കുകയും ലിങ്ക് ചെയ്യുകയും ചെയ്തു",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "രേഖ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ടു & ലിങ്ക് ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "useConnectionUrl": "കണക്ഷൻ URL ഉപയോഗിക്കുക",
+ "toggleCommentsDraw": "പരാമർശങ്ങളുടെ ഡ്രോൾ ടോഗിൾ ചെയ്യുക",
+ "expandRecord": "റെക്കോർഡ് വിപുലീകരിക്കുക",
+ "deleteRecord": "റെക്കോർഡ് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "fullWidth": "സമ്പൂർണ്ണ വീതി",
+ "exitFullWidth": "സമ്പൂർണ്ണ വീതി നിന്നും പുറത്ത് പോകുക",
+ "markAllAsRead": "എല്ലാം വായിച്ചതായി അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തുക",
+ "column": {
+ "delete": "ഫീൽഡ് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "addNumber": "നമ്പർ ഫീൽഡ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "addSingleLineText": "ഒറ്റ വരി ടെക്സ്റ്റ് ഫീൽഡ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "addLongText": "മ واضحة ടെക്സ്റ്റ് ഫില്ഡ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "addOther": "മറ്റു ഫീൽഡ് ചേർക്കുക"
+ },
+ "erd": {
+ "showColumns": "ഫീൽഡുകൾ കാണിക്കുക",
+ "showPkAndFk": "പ്രാഥമികവും വിദേശവും കീകൾ കാണിക്കുക",
+ "showSqlViews": "SQL കാഴ്ചകളുടെ പ്രദർശനം",
+ "showMMTables": "മേനിയ്ക്ക്-മെനി പട്ടികകള് കാണിക്കുക",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "കണക്ടർ പട്ടിക നാമങ്ങള് കാണിക്കുക"
+ },
+ "kanban": {
+ "collapseStack": "സ്റ്റാക്ക് ചുരുക്കുക",
+ "collapseAll": "എല്ലാം ചുരുക്കുക",
+ "expandAll": "എല്ലാം വിപുലീകരിക്കുക",
+ "renameStack": "സ്റ്റാക്കിനമായി പുനർനാമകരണം ചെയ്യുക",
+ "deleteStack": "സ്റ്റാക്ക് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "stackedBy": "സ്റ്റാക്ക് ചെയ്തത്",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "ഗ്രൂപ്പിംഗ് ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "addOrEditStack": "സ്റ്റാക്ക് ചേർക്കുക / തിരുത്തുക"
+ },
+ "map": {
+ "mappedBy": "ഭൂപടം നിർണ്ണയിച്ചത്",
+ "chooseMappingField": "ഭൂപട ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "openInGoogleMaps": "ഗൂഗിള് മാപ്പ്",
+ "openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
+ },
+ "toggleMobileMode": "മൊബൈല് മോഡ് ടോഗിള് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "startCommenting": "അഭിപ്രായം നൽകെടുക്കൽ ആരംഭിക്കുക!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "ഇന്നും അഭിപ്രായങ്ങൾ ഇല്ല!",
+ "clearForm": "ഫോം ക്ളിയർ ചെയ്യുക",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "ഫീൽഡ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "selectAllFields": "എല്ലാ ഫീൽഡുകളും തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "preFilledFields": {
+ "title": "പ്രീ-ഫിൽ സജീവമാക്കുക",
+ "default": "സ്ഥിരസ്ഥിതി",
+ "locked": "പ്രീ-ഫില്ലഡ് ഫീൽഡുകൾ വായനയ്ക്ക് മാത്രം ആയി ലോക്ക് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "hidden": "പ്രീ-ഫില്ലഡ് ഫീൽഡുകൾ ഒളിപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "പ്രിഫില്ലഡ് മൂല്യം"
+ },
+ "getPreFilledLink": "പ്രീ-ഫിൽഡ് ലിങ്ക് നേടുക",
+ "group": "ഗ്രൂപ്പ്",
+ "goToDocs": "Docs-ലേക്ക് പോകുക",
+ "addCondition": "ആവശ്യം ചേർക്കുക",
+ "addConditionGroup": "ആവശ്യ ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ചേർക്കുക"
+ },
+ "tooltip": {
+ "currentDateNotAvail": "ഡാറ്റാ സ്രോതസ്സിനോ ഡാറ്റാ തരം കൊണ്ടോ നിലവിലെ ശൈലിയ്ക്ക് ഓപ്ഷൻ ലഭ്യമല്ല",
+ "privateConnection": "ഈ കണക്ഷൻ സ്വകാര്യവും ഈ വർക്ക്സ്പേസിലെ മറ്റ് സ്രഷ്ടാക്കൾക്ക് മറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നതും ആക്കാൻ പ്രാപ്തമാക്കുക.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "ഐച്ഛികം. ഒഴിച്ചിട്ടാൽ യുഗമ ശൂന്യമാണെങ്കിൽ സ്ഥിരസ്ഥിതി ഡാറ്റാബേസ് \"{database}\" ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നു",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "ഓപ്ഷണൽ. റദ്ദാക്കിയാല് പൂർവനിയമബന്ധിത സ്കീമ \"{schema}\" ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നു.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "ഈ ഡാറ്റാ സ്രോതസ്സിനായുള്ള സ്ക്കീമ എഡിറ്റിംഗ് നിലനിർത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "ഈ ഡാറ്റാ തരം അനുവദനീയമല്ല.",
+ "dataWriteOptionDisabled": "‘സ്കീമ എഡിറ്റ്’ പ്രവർത്തനരഹിതമാക്കുമ്പോൾ മാത്രമേ ഡാറ്റ എഡിറ്റിംഗ് പ്രവർത്തനരഹിതമാക്കാൻ കഴിയുകയുള്ളൂ, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ പ്രവര്ത്തനക്ഷമമാക്കുന്നു",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "ഈ ഓപ്ഷൻ ഡാറ്റാബേസ് സ്ക്കീമയുടെ മാറ്റം അനുവദിക്കുന്നു. കാർമികമായി ഉപയോഗിക്കുക, കാരണം മാറ്റങ്ങൾ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഡാറ്റബേസിന്റെ ഘടനാ സമഗ്രതയെ ബാധിച്ചേക്കാം.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "ഈ ഓപ്ഷൻ ഡാറ്റാബേസ് ടേബിളുകളിൽ റെക്കോഡുകൾ സൃഷ്ടിക്കാനും, അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനും, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഇല്ലാതാക്കാനും അനുവദിക്കുന്നു. ഡാറ്റ നേരിട്ട് മാറ്റേണ്ടതായ കച്ചവട ഉപയോക്താക്കൾക്ക് ഇത് അനുയോജ്യമാണ്.",
+ "reachedSourceLimit": "ഓരോ ബേസിലും 10 ഡാറ്റാ സ്രോതസ്സുകൾക്ക് പരിമിതപ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "saveChanges": "മാറ്റങ്ങൾ ലയിപ്പിക്കുക",
+ "xcDB": "പുതിയ അടിസ്ഥാനമൊരുക്കുക",
+ "extDB": "MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite നെ പിന്തുണയ്ക്കുന്നു",
+ "apiRest": "REST API കളിലൂടെ ലഭിക്കുന്നു",
+ "apiGQL": "GraphQL API കളിലൂടെ ലഭിക്കുന്നു",
+ "theme": {
+ "dark": "ഇതിൽ ബ്ലാക്കിൽ വരുന്നു (^⇧B)",
+ "light": "ഇതിൽ ബ്ലാക്കിൽ വരുമോ? (^⇧B)"
+ },
+ "addTable": "പുതിയ പട്ടിക ചേർക്കുക",
+ "addDashboard": "പുതിയ ഡാഷ്ബോർഡ് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "inviteMore": "കൂടുതൽ ഉപയോക്താക്കളെ ക്ഷണിക്കുക",
+ "toggleNavDraw": "വിമർശക ഡ്രോൾ ടോഗിൾ ചെയ്യുക",
+ "reloadApiToken": "API ടോക്കണുകൾ പുനഃലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "generateNewApiToken": "പുതിയ API ടോക്കൺ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
+ "addRole": "പുതിയൊരു പങ്ക് ചേർക്കുക",
+ "reloadList": "പട്ടിക പുനഃലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "metaSync": "മെറ്റാഡാറ്റാ ഒത്തുചേരുക",
+ "sqlMigration": "മൈഗ്രേഷനുകൾ പുനഃലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "updateRestart": "അപ്ഡേറ്റ് & പുനഃപ്രാരംഭിക്കുക",
+ "cancelReturn": "റദ്ദാക്കുക കൂടാതെ മടങ്ങുക",
+ "exportMetadata": "മാറ്റാ പട്ടികകൾക്ക് മാറ്റാ ഡയറക്ടറിയിലേക്ക് എല്ലാ മെറ്റാഡാറ്റയും കയറ്റുമതി ചെയ്യുക.",
+ "importMetadata": "മാറ്റാ പട്ടികകളിലേക്ക് മാറ്റാ ഡയറക്ടറിയിൽ നിന്ന് എല്ലാ മെറ്റാഡാറ്റയും ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്യുക.",
+ "clearMetadata": "മാറ്റാ പട്ടികകളിൽ നിന്ന് എല്ലാ മെറ്റാഡാറ്റയും മായ്ക്കുക.",
+ "clientKey": ".key ഫയൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "clientCert": ".cert ഫയൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "clientCA": "CA ഫയൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "changeIconColour": "ഐക്യത്തിന്റെ നിറം മാറ്റുക",
+ "preFillFormInfo": "ഒരു പ്രിഫില്ലഡ് ലിങ്ക് ലഭിക്കാൻ, ഫോം കാഴ്ച നിർമ്മാതാവിൽ ആവശ്യമായ ഫീൽഡുകൾ പൂരിപ്പിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടെന്ന് ഉറപ്പാക്കുക.",
+ "surveyFormInfo": "ഒരു പേജ്ക്ക് ഒരു ഫീൽഡ് എന്ന രീതിയിലെ ഫോം മോഡ്",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "ഫീൽഡ് തരം രൂപപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിന് ഫീൽഡ് എഡിറ്റ് മെനു ഉപയോഗിക്കുക ഫയൽ ഇമ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനു ശേഷം",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "അകമാക്കിയ ജോലിസ്ഥലത്തിൽ നിന്നുള്ള പാത",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "വരാനിരിക്കുന്നവ! നിങ്ങൾക്ക് വേണ്ട സംയോജനം NocoDB-യിൽ ലഭിക്കാൻ വോട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക."
+ },
+ "placeholder": {
+ "searchIcons": "ചിഹ്നങ്ങൾ തിരയുക",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Slack ചാനലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Microsoft Teams ചാനലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Discord ചാനലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Mattermost ചാനലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook തലക്കെട്ട്",
+ "barcodeColumn": "ബാർകോഡ് മൂല്യത്തിനുള്ള ഒരു ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "notFoundContent": "സാധുവായ ഫീൽഡ് തരമൊന്നും കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "ബാർകോഡ് ഫോർമാറ്റ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "projName": "അടിസ്ഥാന നാമം നൽകുക",
+ "selectGroupField": "ഗ്രൂപ്പിംഗിനായുള്ള ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "ഒറ്റ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഫീൽഡ് കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല. ദയവായി ആദ്യം ഒന്നൊരിക്കുവാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുക.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "ഒരു മൂടി ചിത്രം മേഖല തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "selectGeoField": "GeoData ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "notSelected": "-തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാത്തത്-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "GeoData ഫീൽഡ് കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല. ദയവായി ആദ്യം ഒന്നൊരിക്കുവാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുക.",
+ "password": {
+ "enter": "പാസ്വേഡ് നൽകുക",
+ "current": "നിലവിലുള്ള പാസ്വേഡ്",
+ "new": "നൂ യൂണിയൻ പാസ്വേഡ്",
+ "save": "പാസ്വേഡ് സംരക്ഷിക്കുക",
+ "confirm": "പുതിയ പാസ്വേഡ് സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കുക"
+ },
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "QR കോഡ് മൂല്യത്തിനുള്ള ഒരു ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "ഋണാത്മക സംഖ്യകൾ അനുവദിക്കുക",
+ "searchProjectTree": "പട്ടിക തിരയുക",
+ "searchFields": "ഫീൽഡുകൾ തിരയുക",
+ "searchColumn": "{search} ഫീൽഡ് തിരയുക",
+ "searchApps": "ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനുകൾ തിരയുക",
+ "searchModels": "മോഡലുകൾ തിരയുക",
+ "noItemsFound": "ഇനം ഒന്നും കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല",
+ "defaultValue": "സ്ഥിരസ്ഥിതി മൂലി",
+ "filterByEmail": "ഇമെയിൽ ആവയുടെ വാർത്തകൾ പിൻവലിക്കുക",
+ "filterQuery": "പ്രവൃത്തി നിർത്തലാക്കൽ",
+ "selectField": "ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
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+ "decimal1": "1.0",
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+ "decimal6": "1.000000",
+ "decimal7": "1.0000000",
+ "decimal8": "1.00000000",
+ "value": "മൂല്യം",
+ "key": "കീ",
+ "createTable": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രഥമ പട്ടിക സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക!",
+ "createTableLabel": "From scratch அல்லது import അല്ലെങ്കിൽ പുറം ഡാറ്റാബേസുമായി കണക്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "noTokenCreated": "API ടോക്കണുകൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിട്ടില്ല",
+ "noTokenCreatedLabel": "നിങ്ങൾക്ക് API ടോക്കണുകൾ ഉണ്ടാക്കാത്തതുപോലെ കാണുക.",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "നിങ്ങളുടെ ടീമിനെ ക്ഷണിക്കുക",
+ "inviteYourTeamLabel": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രോജക്റ്റുകൾക്ക് വേഗം എത്തിയ്ക്കാൻ, നിങ്ങളുടെ ടീമിനൊപ്പം സഹകരിക്കുക!",
+ "searchOptions": "തിരയൽ ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ"
+ },
+ "msg": {
+ "invalidConfiguration": "അസാധുവായ ബട്ടൺ ക്രമീകരണം",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "അസാധുവായ ഫീൽഡ് ക്രമീകരണം",
+ "invalidTheme": "ഒരു സാധുവായ തീം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "invalidColor": "ഒരു സാധുവായ നിറം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "invalidType": "ബട്ടൺ തരം 'webhook' അല്ലെങ്കിൽ 'url' ആയിരിക്കണം",
+ "invalidLabel": "ഒരു സാധുവായ ബട്ടൺ ലേബൽ ചേർക്കുക",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "ഈ പ്രവർത്തനം നിങ്ങളുടെ ഡാറ്റാബേസിനായി അപ്ലിക്കേഷനായി വരുന്നതുമില്ല",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "നിങ്ങളുടെ സംഘടനകളുടെ പേര് ഡിസ്സ്പരിവർത്തന ശേഷവും നിരീക്ഷിക്കാം.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "അപ്രിയമായ ഉപഭോക്താക്കളിൽ നിന്ന് പ്രവേശനത്തെ നിയന്ത്രിക്കുന്നതിന് കമ്പനി ഡൊമെയ്നുകൾ ചേർക്കുക.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "ഉപയോക്താക്കളുടെപേരുകളെ പൊതു പങ്കിടുന്നതിൽ നിന്ന് നിയന്ത്രിക്കുക.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "ഓൾ സംഘടന വർക്ക്സ്പേസുകളിൽ നിന്നും നീക്കംചെയ്യപ്പെടേണ്ട ഉപയോക്താക്കളെ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "ഈ സംഘടനയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട എല്ലാ ഉപയോക്താക്കളും, അടിസ്ഥാനങ്ങളും ഡാറ്റയും ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "ഫീൽഡ് ഐഡി പകർത്താൻ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "enterPassword": "പാസ്വേഡ് നൽകുക",
+ "bySigningUp": "താങ്കളുടെ അംഗീകാരം നല്കിയതിന് നന്ദിയുള്ളവരുടെ നിബന്ധനകള്",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "ആഴ്ചതോറും ഞങ്ങളുടെ വാർത്താവിനിമയം സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യുക",
+ "verifyingPassword": "പാസ്വേഡ് സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "ഈ പങ്കിട്ട നോട്ടം സംരക്ഷിതമാണ്",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "ഫോമിലെ ഡാറ്റ വിജയകരമായി സമർപ്പിച്ചു",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "ചലിക്കുന്നതിൽ ഫോമിന്റെ കാഴ്ച പിന്തുണയില്ല",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "മൊബൈലിൽ കലണ്ടർ കാഴ്ച പിന്തുണയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "പുതിയ ഫോർം {seconds} സെക്കന്റുകൾക്കു ശേഷം ലോഡുചെയ്യും",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "ഓപ്റ്റിമൈസ്ഡ് ക്വ്വറി ഹൈക്കുകാൽ നിറുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "ഓപ്റ്റിമൈസ്ഡ് ക്വ്വറി പ്രവർത്തനം സാധിക്കും",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "ബെലോംഗ്സ് ടു ബന്ധമല്ലാത്തത് کیلئے തിരയുന്ന ഫീൽഡ് പിന്തുണയില്ല",
+ "invalidTime": "നല്കിയ സമയം അസാധുവാണ്",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "{type} ആവശ്യമായ പിന്തുണ ലഭ്യമല്ല",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "റെക്കോർഡ് കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "അസാധുവായ ഫോൺ നമ്പർ",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "പേജ് വലിപ്പം മാറ്റി",
+ "errorLoadingData": "ഡേറ്റ ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനിടെ പിശക്",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "സന്ദർഭ ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "ശരീരഭാഗം",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "പരിപാലിക്കുന്ന റെക്കോർഡിനെ പരാമർശിക്കാൻ",
+ "formula": {
+ "hintStart": "സൂചന: ഫീൽഡുകൾ പരാമർശിക്കാൻ {placeholder1} ഉപയോഗിക്കുക, ഉദാ: {placeholder2}. കൂടുതല് അറിയാൻ, പരിശോദിക്കൂ",
+ "hintEnd": "ഫോർമുലുകൾ.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "ശുപാർശ ചെയ്ത ഫോർമുല കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "പറയുന്ന ഫീൽഡ് കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} ക്ക് {position} ലെ സ്ഥാനത്ത് {type} ആവശ്യമുണ്ട്",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "സംഖ്യാ തരം പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "സന്ദേശ തരം പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} ഓപ്പറേഷൻ ലഭ്യമല്ല",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "ഫീൽഡ് സേവ് ചെയ്യാൻ സാധിക്കില്ല കാരണം ഫോർമുല അസാധുവാണ്",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "ഫീൽഡ് {columnName} നു പിന്തുണയില്ല",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "{type} എന്ന തരം പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചിരുന്നെങ്കിൽ {found} തരം കണ്ടെത്തി",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} {requiredArguments} വാദങ്ങൾ ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} കുറഞ്ഞത് {minRequiredArguments} വാദങ്ങൾ ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} പരമവദ് {maxRequiredArguments} വാദങ്ങൾ ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} ഫംഗ്ഷൻ ലഭ്യമല്ല",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() യുടെ ആദ്യ പാരാമീറ്റർ തീയതി മൂല്യം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() യുടെ രണ്ടാം പാരാമീറ്റർ \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" അല്ലെങ്കിൽ \"saturday\" തരത്തിൽ മൂല്യം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() യുടെ ആദ്യ പാരാമീറ്റർ തീയതി മൂല്യം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() യുടെ രണ്ടാം പാരാമീറ്റർ സംഖ്യാത്മകമായ മൂല്യം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() യുടെ മൂന്നാം പാരാമീറ്റർ \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" അല്ലെങ്കിൽ \"year\" തരത്തിൽ മൂല്യം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() യുടെ ആദ്യ പാരാമീറ്റർ തീയതി മൂല്യം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() യുടെ രണ്ടാം പാരാമീറ്റർ തീയതി മൂല്യം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() യുടെ മൂന്നാം പാരാമീറ്റർ \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", അല്ലെങ്കിൽ \"y\" തരത്തിൽ മൂല്യം ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "ഫീൽഡ് {columnName} ലഭ്യമല്ല",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "ഫീൽഡ് സംരക്ഷിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല കാരണം അത് വൃത്താകൃതിയിലുള്ള സാക്കം അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തുന്നു",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "{columnName} ഫീൽഡ് {columnType} തരം കണ്ടെത്തി എന്നാൽ {expectedType} തരം പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചിരുന്നു",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} {columnType} എന്നതിൽ പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുന്നില്ല"
+ },
+ "selectOption": {
+ "cantBeNull": "ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാൻ നിക്ക് ഏർപ്പെടുത്താൻ കഴിയില്ല",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "മൾട്ടിസെലെക്ട് ഫീൽഡുകളിൽ കാമ്മകൾ (',') സ്വീകരിക്കാനാവില്ല",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "ഐച്ഛികങ്ങൾ ഡ്യൂപ്ലിക്കേറ്റ് ആക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "പുതിയ ഓപ്ഷൻ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക"
+ },
+ "plsEnterANumber": "ദയവായി ഒരു സംഖ്യ നൽകുക",
+ "plsInputEmail": "ദയവായി ഇമെയിൽ നൽകുക",
+ "invalidDate": "അസാധുവായ തീതി",
+ "invalidLocale": "അസാധുവായ ലോക്കേൽ",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "അസാധുവായ കറൻസി കോഡ്",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' തരം തന്റെ സ്വന്തം കറൻസി ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ട്",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "ബാർകോഡ് ഫീൽഡിനായി സാധുവായ ഫീൽഡ് തരം: സംഖ്യ, സിംഗിൾ ലൈൻ ടെക്സ്റ്റ്, ലോംഗ് ടെക്സ്റ്റ്, ഫോൺ നമ്പർ, URL, ഇമെയിൽ, ഡെസിമൽ. ആദ്യതതായി ഒരു സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക.",
+ "hm": {
+ "title": "അनेक ബന്ധങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ട്",
+ "tooltip_desc": "മേശയിൽ നിന്ന് ഒരു റെക്കോർഡ് ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " നേരിട്ട് ബന്ധപ്പെടുത്താവുന്ന ടെബിളിൽ നിന്ന് പല റെക്കോർഡുകളും "
+ },
+ "mm": {
+ "title": "വലിയതോതിലുള്ള ബന്ധം",
+ "tooltip_desc": "പട്ടികയിൽ നിന്ന് ബഹുവിഷയങ്ങളാണ് ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " പട്ടികയിൽ നിന്ന് ബഹു വിഭാഗങ്ങൾ ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കാം "
+ },
+ "bt": {
+ "title": "ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കുന്നു",
+ "tooltip_desc": "പട്ടികയിൽ നിന്ന് ഒരു റെക്കോർഡ് ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " പട്ടികയിൽ നിന്ന് ഒരു റെക്കോർഡുമായി ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കാം "
+ },
+ "oo": {
+ "title": "ഒന്ന് ടു ഒന്ന് ബന്ധം",
+ "tooltip_desc": "പട്ടികയിൽ നിന്ന് ഒരു റെക്കോർഡ് ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " പട്ടികയിൽ നിന്ന് ഒരു റെക്കോർഡുമായി ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കാം "
+ },
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "ഇനിയും രേഖകൾ ബന്ധിപ്പിച്ചിട്ടില്ല എന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "എന്തിനോടും ബന്ധം കാണുന്നില്ല",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "കണക്ഷൻ ചെയ്ത റെക്കോഡുകൾ ഇല്ല",
+ "recordsLinked": "ബഹുനിലകൾ ബന്ധിപ്പിച്ചു",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "മെച്ചപ്പെട്ട {type} മാത്രം സ്വീകരിക്കുക",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "ഓട്ടോമേഷൻ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ബാഹ്യ ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനുകളിൽ ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ വ്യക്തിഗത API ടോക്കണുകൾ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "ക്രമക്രമത്തിൽ തരത്തി തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "ഗ്രൂപ്പിൽ ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "പട്ടികയിൽ റെക്കോർഡുകൾ ഒന്നുമില്ല",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "ഇപ്പോൾ ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കാൻ റെക്കോർഡുകൾ ലഭ്യമല്ല",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "വെബ്-ഹുക്കുകൾക്കൊപ്പം ആരംഭിക്കൂ!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഓട്ടോമേഷനുകൾ സജീവമാക്കുക. നിങ്ങളുടെ ഡാറ്റയിൽ മാറ്റങ്ങൾ ഉള്ളപ്പോൾ ഉടൻ അറിയിപ്പ് ലഭിക്കൂ",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "താഴെ പറയുന്നവ മായ്ക്കേണ്ടതാണ് എന്ന് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉറപ്പായോ",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "താഴെ പറഞ്ഞ {deleteLabel} മായ്ക്കുന്നതിനുണ്ടോ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉറപ്പായോ",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ഐഡി ഫീൽഡ് ആവശ്യമാണ്, ആവശ്യമെങ്കില് ഇത് പിന്നീട് പുനർനാമകരണം ചെയ്യാം.",
+ "length59Required": "ഇതിനു പറ്റിയ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ നീളം 59 വാക്കുകൾക്ക് ഏറെയാണ്",
+ "noNewNotifications": "നിങ്ങൾക്ക് പുതിയ അറിയിപ്പുകൾ ഒന്നുമില്ല",
+ "noRecordFound": "റെക്കോർഡ് കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല",
+ "noRecordsFound": "റെക്കോഡുകൾ കണിക്കില്ല",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "നിങ്ങളുടെ തിരച്ചിൽ ചോദ്യം ഒന്നുമില്ല",
+ "rowDeleted": "റെക്കോർഡ് നീക്കം ചെയ്തു",
+ "saveChanges": "മാറ്റങ്ങൾ സംരക്ഷിക്കണോ?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "ഫീൽഡിനെ {entity} ആക്കി മാറ്റാൻ അതിശയോക്തിയാണു",
+ "roleRequired": "പങ്കു ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "warning": {
+ "webhookDelete": "ഈ വെബ്ഹുക്കിനെ ആശ്രയിക്കുന്ന ബട്ടൺ ഫീൽഡുകൾ ബാധിതമാകും",
+ "calendarNoFields": "കലണ്ടർ കാഴ്ച സ്ഥാപിക്കാൻ ഒരു തീയതി അല്ലെങ്കിൽ തീയതി താർക്ഷൻ കളം ആവശ്യമാണ്. തീയതി/ തീയതി താർക്ഷൻ കോഴിയ കൂട്ടിച്ചേർത്ത ശേഷം കലണ്ടർ കാഴ്ച സ്ഥാപിക്കാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുക!",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "കൺബൻ ദൃശ്യം സജ്ജീകരിക്കാൻ ഒരു സിംഗിൾ സിലക്ട് ഫീൽഡ് വേണം. ഒരു സിംഗിൾ സിലക്ട് ഫീൽഡ് ചേർത്തതിനു ശേഷം ഒരു കൺബൻ ദൃശ്യം സജ്ജമാക്കാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുക!",
+ "mapNoFields": "മാപ് വ്യൂ സജ്ജീകരിക്കാൻ ഒരു ജിയോ ഡാറ്റ ഫീൽഡ് വേണം. ഒരു ജിയോ ഡാറ്റ ഫീൽഡ് ചേർത്തു കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ മാപ് വ്യൂ സജ്ജമാക്കാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുക!",
+ "dbValid": "സ്കീമ നഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നുവെന്ന് തടയാൻ ഡാറ്റാബേസ് സാധുത ഉറപ്പാക്കുക",
+ "barcode": {
+ "renderError": "ബാർകോഡ് തകരാറ് - ഇൻപുട്ടും ബാർകോഡ് തരം തമ്മിലെ പൊരുത്തം പരിശോധിക്കുക"
+ },
+ "nonEditableFields": {
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "മുന്നറിയിപ്പ്: കണക്കാക്കിയ ഫീൽഡ് - എഴുത്ത് മായ്ക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "മുന്നറിയിപ്പ്: QR ഫീൽഡുകൾ നേരിട്ട് മാറ്റാൻ കഴിയില്ല.",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "മുന്നറിയിപ്പ്: ബാറ്കോഡ് ഫീൽഡുകൾ നേരിട്ട് മാറ്റാൻ കഴിയില്ല."
+ },
+ "duplicateProject": "ഈ അടിസ്ഥാനം പകര്ത്തണമെന്ന്確 ജമയം നിലനിര്ത്തണോ?",
+ "duplicateTable": "ഈ പട്ടിക പകര്ത്തണമെന്ന്確択ണം ഇടപ്പഴകبатсяം അവ്യാത്തം ഇലയടോ?",
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+ "fieldVisibility": "എഡിറ്റ് ചെയ്യുന്ന ഫീൽഡിന്റെ ദൃശ്യതയും മാറ്റാൻ കഴിയില്ല. ആദ്യം മാറ്റങ്ങൾ സംരക്ഷിക്കുക അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഒഴിവാക്കുക.",
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+ "commenterDesc": "രേഖകൾ കാണാനും അഭിപ്രായം പറയാനും കഴിയും, പക്ഷേ ഒന്നും എഡിറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയില്ല",
+ "viewerDesc": "രേഖകൾ കാണാനും കഴിയും, പക്ഷേ ഒന്നും എഡിറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയില്ല",
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+ "passwordRecovery": {
+ "message_1": "നിങ്ങൾ സൈൻഅപ്പ് ചെയ്തപ്പോൾ ഉപയോഗിച്ച ഇമെയിൽ വിലാസം നൽകുക.",
+ "message_2": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പാസ്വേഡ് റീസെറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ലിങ്ക് ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തിയ ഒരു മെയിൽ നമുക്ക് അയയ്ക്കും.",
+ "success": "പാസ്വേഡ് റീസെറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇമെയിൽ പരിശോധിക്കുക"
+ },
+ "signUp": {
+ "superAdmin": "നിങ്ങൾ 'സൂപ്പർ അഡ്മിൻ' ആയിരിക്കും",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "ഇതിനകം ഒരു അക്കൌണ്ട് ഉണ്ടോ?",
+ "workEmail": "താങ്കളുടെ ജോലി ഇമെയിൽ നൽകുക",
+ "enterPassword": "താങ്കളുടെ പാസ്വേഡ് നൽകുക",
+ "forgotPassword": "താങ്കളുടെ പാസ്വേഡ് മറന്നോ ?",
+ "dontHaveAccount": "ഒരു അക്കൗണ്ട് ഇല്ലേ ?"
+ },
+ "addView": {
+ "grid": "ഗ്രിഡ് കാഴ്ച ചേർക്കുക",
+ "gallery": "ഗ്യാലറി കാഴ്ച ചേർക്കുക",
+ "form": "ഫോറം കാഴ്ച ചേർക്കുക",
+ "kanban": "കാൻബാൻ കാഴ്ച ചേർക്കുക",
+ "map": "മാപ്പ് കാഴ്ച ചേർക്കുക",
+ "calendar": "കലണ്ടർ കാഴ്ച ചേർക്കുക"
+ },
+ "tablesMetadataInSync": "ടേബിളുകൾ മെറ്റാഡേറ്റ ഉത്തമാവസ്ഥയിലുണ്ട്",
+ "addMultipleUsers": "ചെറിയവിരാമം (,) ഉപയോഗിച്ച് നിരവധി ഇമെയിലുകൾ ചേർക്കാം",
+ "enterTableName": "ടേബിളിന്റെ പേര് നൽകുക",
+ "enterTableDescription": "ടേബിള് വിവരണം നൽകുക...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "ഫീല്ഡ് വിവരണം നൽകുക...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "ദൃശ്യം വിവരണം നൽകുക...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "ലേഔട്ട് പേര് നൽകുക",
+ "enterDashboardName": "ഡാഷ്ബോർഡ് പേര് നൽകുക",
+ "defaultColumns": "ഡീഫോൾട്ട് ഫീൽഡുകൾ",
+ "addDefaultColumns": "ഡീഫോൾട്ട് ഫീൽഡുകൾ ചേർക്കുക",
+ "tableNameInDb": "ഡേറ്റാബേസിൽ സംഭരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന ടേബിളിന്റെ പേര്",
+ "airtable": {
+ "credentials": "ഇത് എവിടെ കണ്ടെത്താം?"
+ },
+ "import": {
+ "clickOrDrag": "അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഫയൽ ഇശലൂക്കുക"
+ },
+ "metaDataRecreated": "ടേബിൾ മെറ്റാഡേറ്റ വിജയകരമായി പുനഃസൃഷ്ടിച്ചു",
+ "invalidCredentials": "പരിഷിലനം തെറ്റാണ്",
+ "downloadingMoreFiles": "കൂടുതൽ ഫയലുകൾ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നു",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "ക്ലിപ്പ്ബോർഡിലേക്ക് പകർത്തി",
+ "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "ആവശ്യമായ ഫീൽഡ് നീക്കാൻ പാടില്ല",
+ "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "പ്രാഥമിക കി ഇല്ലാത്ത ടേബിളിന് അപ്ഡേറ്റ് അനുവദനീയമല്ല",
+ "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "സ്വയമേവ വർദ്ധിക്കുന്ന ഫീൽഡ് എഡിറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനാകില്ല",
+ "editingPKnotSupported": "പ്രാഥമിക കി എഡിറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ പിന്തുണയില്ല",
+ "deletedCache": "കാഷെ വിജയകരമായി മായിച്ചു",
+ "cacheEmpty": "കാഷെ ശൂന്യം ആണ്",
+ "exportedCache": "കാഷെ വിജയകരമായി കയറ്റുമതി ചെയ്തു",
+ "valueAlreadyInList": "ഈ മൂല്യം ഇതിനകം പട്ടികയിലുണ്ട്",
+ "noColumnsToUpdate": "പുതുക്കാനുളള ഫീൽഡുകളൊന്നുമില്ല",
+ "tableDeleted": "ടേബിൾ വിജയകരമായി മായിച്ചു",
+ "layoutDeleted": "ലേഔട്ട് വിജയകരമായി നീക്കി",
+ "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "പൊതു ഷെയർ ചെയ്യാവുന്നതും വായിക്കാവുന്നതും ശരിവയ്ക്കാവുന്നതുമായ അടിസ്ഥാനുണ്ടാക്കുക",
+ "deleteViewConfirmation": "ഈ കാഴ്ച മായിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹമാണോ?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "ഈ ലേഔട്ട് നിശ്ചയം ഇല്ലാതാക്കണോ?",
+ "deleteTableConfirmation": "ടേബിൾ മായിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹമാണോ",
+ "showM2mTables": "M2M ടേബിളുകൾ കാണിക്കുക",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "ജങ്ഷന് ടേബിളിലൂടെയുള്ള ഒട്ടുമിക്ക-ഒത്തുമിക്ക ബന്ധം പിന്തുണയ്ക്കുന്നു & മൂലസ്ഥിതിയിൽ മറച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു. നിലവിലുള്ള പട്ടികകളോടൊപ്പം ആ പട്ടികകളെല്ലാം ലിസ്റ്റുചെയ്യാൻ ഈ ഓപ്ഷൻ പ്രവർത്തിപ്പിക്കുക.",
+ "showNullInCells": "സെല്ലുകളിൽ NULL കാണിക്കുക",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "NULL മൂല്യം നൽകുന്ന സെല്ലുകളിൽ 'NULL' ടാഗ് പ്രദർശിപ്പിക്കുക. ഇത് ശൂന്യമായ തെക്സ്റ്റ് പിടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന സെല്ലുകൾക്കിടയിൽ വ്യത്യാസപ്പെടുത്താൻ സഹായിക്കുന്നു.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "ശൂന്യവും കാലിയുമായി ഫിൽറ്ററിൽ കാണിക്കുക",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "शൂन്യവും സമയമുള്ള സ്റ്റ്രിംഗുകൾ അടങ്ങിയ ഫീൽഡുകൾ സവിശേഷം തിരിച്ചറിയാനായി 'അധിക' ഫിൽറ്ററുകൾ പ്രാപ്തമാക്കുക. കാലി തരങ്ങൾക്ക് ഡീഫോൾട്ട് പിന്തുണ NULL & കാലിയുള്ള രീതികളെ ഒരുപോലെ പരിഗണിക്കുന്നു.",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "ഈ സ്റ്റാക്ക് നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നതിലൂടെ `{stackToBeDeleted}` എന്ന തിരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പും `{groupingField}` മുതൽ നീക്കംചെയ്യപ്പെടും. രേഖകൾ വർഗ്ഗീകരണമില്ലാത്ത സ്റ്റാക്കിലേക്ക് നീങ്ങും.",
+ "computedFieldEditWarning": "ഉള്ളടക്കങ്ങൾ വായനക്കായിരിക്കും",
+ "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "ഉള്ളടക്കങ്ങൾ വായനക്കായിരിക്കും",
+ "noMoreRecords": "കൂടുതൽ രേഖകളില്ല",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "ടോക്കൺ നാമം ശൂന്യമായിരിക്കരുത്",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "ടോക്കൺ നാമം 255 അക്ഷരങ്ങളെ കടക്കരുത്",
+ "dbNameRequired": "ഡേറ്റാബേസ് നാമം ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "wsNameRequired": "പ്രവൃത്തി ഉദ്യാനം ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "പ്രവൃത്തി ഉദ്യാനം കുറഞ്ഞത് 3 അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ നീളമുള്ളതായിരിക്കണം",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "പ്രവൃത്തി ഉദ്യാനം പരമാവധി 50 അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ നീളമുള്ളതാകാം",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "ഈ പ്രവൃത്തി ഉദ്യാനം അതിന്റെ എല്ലാ ഉള്ളടക്കങ്ങളോടും കൂടി മായ്ക്കുക.",
+ "userConfirmation": "ഈ പ്രവർത്തി തിരികെ മാറ്റാൻ കഴിയില്ലെന്ന് ഞാൻ ഒരുമിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "pageNotFound": "പേജ് കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല",
+ "makeLineBreak": "വരിയുടെ ഇടവേള നിർമ്മിക്കാൻ",
+ "goToPrevious": "മുന്കൂടെ പോകുക",
+ "goToNext": "അടുത്തതായി പോകുക",
+ "thankYou": "നന്ദി!",
+ "submittedFormData": "നീ എടുക്കിയത് ഫോം ഡാറ്റ വിജയകരമായി സമർപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "സിസ്റ്റം കീ എഡിറ്റിംഗ് പിന്തുണയില്ല",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "ഗ്രൂപ്പിൻറെ പെയ്സ്റ്റ് പ്രവർത്തനം Links/LinkToAnotherRecord കോളമിൽ പിന്തുണയ്ക്കപ്പെടുന്നില്ല",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "ഗ്രൂപ്പ് അടിക്ക എന്ന പ്രവർത്തനം Links/LinkToAnotherRecord കോളമിൽ പിന്തുണയ്ക്കപ്പെടുന്നില്ല",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "എന്റർപ്രൈസ് എഡിഷനിലേക്ക് ആർഗ്രേഡ് ചെയ്യുക {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "ഈ സവിശേഷത എന്റർപ്രൈസ് എഡിഷനിൽ മാത്രമെ ലഭ്യമാവുകയുള്ളു",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "താങ്കളുടെ നിലവിലെ പങ്ക്",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "ബഹുദയാളിത്വത്തിനുള്ള അനുമതി നേടാൻ അഡ്മിന്നിൽ നിന്ന് / അടിസ്ഥാന ഉടമയിൽ നിന്ന് / വർക്ക്സ്പെയ്സ് ഉടമയിൽ നിന്ന് ആവശ്യം ചെയ്യുക {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "ഫീൽഡ് ആവശ്യമാണ് എങ്കിൽ എല്ലാ ഓപ്ഷനുകളും ഒളിപ്പിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "manualTriggerHook": "മാനുവൽ ഹുക്കുകൾ അപ്രാപ്തമാക്കാനാവില്ല",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "റെക്കോർഡ് ഡാറ്റ ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ പിശക്",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "കലണ്ടർ ഡാറ്റ നേടുമ്പോൾ പിശക് സംഭവിച്ചു",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "സജീവമായ തീയതികൾ നേടുന്നതിൽ പിശക്",
+ "scopesRequired": "സ്കോപ്പ് ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "domainRequired": "ഡൊമെയിൻ പേര് ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL ആവശ്യമുണ്ട്",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "ഉപയോക്തൃനാമ atributo ആവശ്യമുണ്ട്",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Client ID ആവശ്യമുണ്ട്",
+ "issuerRequired": "Issuer ആവശ്യമുണ്ട്",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL ആവശ്യമുണ്ട്",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL ആവശ്യമുണ്ട്",
+ "eitherXML": "xml അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മെറ്റാഡാറ്റ url ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "nameRequired": "നാമം ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "nameMinLength": "നാമം കുറഞ്ഞത് 2 അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ നീളമുള്ളതായിരിക്കണം",
+ "nameMaxLength": "നാമം പരമാവധി 60 അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ നീളമുള്ളതാകാം",
+ "viewNameRequired": "കാഴ്ച നാമം ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "domainNameRequired": "ഡൊമെയിൻ പേര് ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "നാമം പരമാവധി 256 അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ നീളമുള്ളതാകാം",
+ "viewNameUnique": "കാഴ്ച നാമം എറ്റവും സംവേദനശീലമായിരിക്കണം",
+ "searchProject": "{search} എന്ന തിരച്ചിലിന് ഫലങ്ങളൊന്നുമില്ല",
+ "invalidChar": "ഫോൾഡർ പാതയിൽ തെറ്റായ അക്ഷരം.",
+ "invalidDbCredentials": "ഡാറ്റാബേസിലെ പരമിതികൾ തെറ്റാണ്.",
+ "unableToConnectToDb": "ഡാറ്റാബേസുമായി ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല, ദയവായി ഡാറ്റാബേസിന് സജ്ജമായി സ്ഥിതിചെയ്യുന്നെന്ന് പരിശോധിക്കുക.",
+ "invalidYear": "അസാധുവായ വർഷം",
+ "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "ഉപയോക്താവ് നിലവിലില്ല അല്ലെങ്കിൽ സ്കീമ സൃഷ്ടിക്കാൻ പോരായ മഹിദ ആവശ്യമില്ല.",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "ഡാറ്റാബേസ് മാതൃകങ്ങൾ തെറ്റാണ്",
+ "dbConnectionFailed": "ബന്ധം തോറ്റു:",
+ "nullFilterExists": "ശൂന്യമായ ഫിൽട്ടർ ഉണ്ട്. ദയവായി അവ നീക്കുക",
+ "signUpRules": {
+ "emailRequired": "ഇമെയിൽ ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "emailInvalid": "ഇമെയിൽ സാധുവായിരിക്കണം",
+ "passwdRequired": "പാസ്വേഡ് ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "passwdLength": "താങ്കളുടെ പാസ്വേഡ് കിഴിവിന് 8 അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ ആയിരിക്കണം",
+ "passwdMismatch": "പാസ്വേഡുകൾ ഒന്നുമല്ല",
+ "completeRuleSet": "കിഴിവിന് 8 അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ, ഒരു വലിയക്ഷരം, ഒരു എണ്ണം, ഒരു പ്രത്യേക ചിഹ്നം കൂടാതെ",
+ "atLeast8Char": "കിഴിവിന് 8 അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ",
+ "atLeastOneUppercase": "ഒരു വലിയക്ഷരം",
+ "atLeastOneNumber": "ഒരു എണ്ണം",
+ "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "ഒരു പ്രത്യേക ചിഹ്നം",
+ "allowedSpecialCharList": "അനുവദിച്ച പ്രത്യേക ചിഹ്നങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടിക",
+ "invalidEmails": "അസാധുവായ ഇമെയിലുകൾ",
+ "invalidEmail": "അസാധുവായ ഇമെയിൽ"
+ },
+ "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidURL": "അസാധുവായ URL",
+ "invalidEmail": "അസാധുവായ ഇമെയില്",
+ "internalError": "കുറച്ചു ആന്തരിക പിഴവ് സംഭവിച്ചു",
+ "templateGeneratorNotFound": "ടെംപ്ലേറ്റ് ജനറേറ്റർ കണ്ടെത്തുക കഴിയില്ല!",
+ "fileUploadFailed": "ഫയൽ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "പ്രാഥമിക ഫീൽഡ് അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "ഫോം വിവരണം വളരെ വലുതാണ്",
+ "columnsRequired": "താഴെ കാണിക്കപ്പെട്ട ഫീൽഡുകൾ ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "selectAtleastOneColumn": "കുറഞ്ഞവനെങ്കിലും ഒരു ഫീൽഡ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കൽ ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "columnDescriptionNotFound": "ലക്ഷ്യ ഫീൽഡ് കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "പുനരാവർത്തന മാപ്പിങ്ങ് കണ്ടെത്തി, ദയവായി മാപ്പിങ്ങുകളിൽ ഒന്ന് നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "ശൂന്യമായ മൂല്യം നോട്ട്-ശൂന്യതാവ്യവസ്ഥയ്ക്ക് വിരുദ്ധമാണ്",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "മൂല്യങ്ങൾ അസാധുവായ സംഖ്യകളടങ്ങിയല്",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "മൂല്യങ്ങളിൽ ചില അസാധുവായ ബൂലിയൻ മൂല്യങ്ങൾ അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "invalidForm": "അസാധുവായ ഫോം",
+ "formValidationFailed": "ഫോം സാധൂകരണം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "നിങ്ങളെ സൈൻ ഔട്ട് ചെയ്തു",
+ "failedToLoadList": "പട്ടിക ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "കുട്ടികളുടെ പട്ടിക ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നതു പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "deleteFailed": "മായ്ക്കൽ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "unlinkFailed": "അൺലിങ്ക് പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "rowUpdateFailed": "റെക്കോർഡ് അപ്ഡേറ്റ് പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "deleteRowFailed": "റെക്കോർഡ് മായ്ക്കാൻ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "ഫോം ഡാറ്റ സെറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനാകാതിരുന്നൂ",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "ഫോം കാഴ്ച അപ്ടേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനാകാതിരുന്നൂ",
+ "tableNameRequired": "പട്ടികയുടെ പേര് ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "പേര് പലഭാഗമായതോ _ കൊണ്ട് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അക്ഷരങ്ങൾ കൊണ്ടോ ആരംഭിക്കണം",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "അക്കം നിയന്ത്രണങ്ങൾ അനുവദിക്കാത്തവ",
+ "columnNameRequired": "ഫീൽഡ് നാമം ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "പുനരാവൃത്ത ഫീൽഡ് നാമം",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "സിസ്റ്റം ഫീൽഡിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കപ്പെട്ട പേര്",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "യുഐ ഡാറ്റ തരം ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "ഫീൽഡ് നാമത്തിന്റെ നീളം {value} അക്ഷരങ്ങളെ അതിക്രമിക്കുന്നു",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} പേര് 50 അക്ഷരങ്ങളെ കവിഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} പേര് സ്പേസിൽ തുടങ്ങാൻ കഴിയില്ല",
+ "requiredField": "ആവശ്യമായ ഫീൽഡ്",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP അനുവദനീയമല്ല",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "ലക്ഷ്യ ഫയൽ ഒരുപദേശിക്കപ്പെടുന്ന ഫയൽ തരം അല്ല",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "അംഗീകരിക്കപ്പെട്ട ഫയൽ തരം .csv ആണ്",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "അംഗീകരിക്കപ്പെട്ട ഫയൽ തരം .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots ആണ്",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "പാരാമീറ്റർ കീ ശൂന്യമായിരിക്കരുത്",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "പുനരാവർത്തനം വരുന്ന പാരാമീറ്റർ കീകൾ അനുവദനീയമല്ല",
+ "fieldRequired": "ഈ ഫീൽഡ് ശൂന്യമാകാൻ കഴിയില്ല.",
+ "projectNotAccessible": "അടിസ്ഥാനം ദൃശ്യവത്ക്കരിക്കാനമായില്ല",
+ "copyToClipboardError": "ക്ലിപ്ബോർഡിലേക്ക് പകർത്തുന്നത് പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "ക്ലിപ്പ്ബോർഡിൽ നിന്ന് ചുകസിക്കാൻ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "രക്ഷിക്കാൻ മുമ്പ് എല്ലാ ഫീൽഡിന്റെ ക്രമീകരണം പൂർത്തിയാക്കുക",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "എന്തോ ഒരു പിശക് സംഭവിച്ചു",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "വലിച്ചിടൽ ഉള്ളടക്കം ചിത്രമല്ലാത്ത തരത്തിൽ ഉണ്ട്",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "ചിത്ര ഡാറ്റ പാഴ്സ് ചെയ്യാൻ ഫീൽഡ് ആവശ്യമാണ്",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "ആവശ്യമായ ചില കളങ്ങൾ ശൂന്യമാണ്"
+ },
+ "toast": {
+ "exportMetadata": "അടിസ്ഥാന ഡാറ്റയുടെ മീറ്റാ വിവരങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി കയറ്റുമതി ചെയ്തു",
+ "importMetadata": "അടിസ്ഥാന ഡാറ്റയുടെ മീറ്റാ വിവരങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്തു",
+ "clearMetadata": "അടിസ്ഥാന ഡാറ്റയുടെ മീറ്റാ വിവരങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി മായിച്ചു",
+ "stopProject": "അടിസ്ഥാനം വിജയകരമായി നിർത്തിവച്ചു",
+ "startProject": "അടിസ്ഥാന വിജയകരമായി ആരംഭിച്ചു",
+ "restartProject": "അടസ്ഥാനം വിജയകരമായി പുനരാരംഭിച്ചു",
+ "deleteProject": "അടസ്ഥാനം വിജയകരമായി മായിച്ചു",
+ "authToken": "ഓത്തിംഗ് ടോക്കൺ ക്ലിപ്പ്ബോർഡിലേക്ക് പകർത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "projInfo": "അടിസ്ഥാന വിവരങ്ങൾ ക്ലിപ്പ്ബോർഡിലേക്ക് പകർത്തി",
+ "inviteUrlCopy": "നിമിഷം URL ക്ലിപ്പ്ബോർഡിലേക്ക് പകർത്തി",
+ "createView": "കാഴ്ച വിജയകരമായി സൃഷ്ടിച്ചു",
+ "formEmailSMTP": "ഇമെയിൽ അറിയിപ്പുകൾ സജ്ജമാക്കാൻ അപ്ലിക്കേഷൻ സ്റ്റോറിൽ SMTP പ്ലഗിൻ സജ്ജീകരിക്കുക",
+ "collabView": "സഹകരണം കാഴ്ചയ്ക്ക് വിജയകരമായി മാറ്റി",
+ "lockedView": "പൂട്ടിയ കാഴ്ചയ്ക്ക് വിജയകരമായി മാറ്റി",
+ "futureRelease": "വാത്ക്ഷണേ!"
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "ലൈസൻസ് കീ അപ്ഡേറ്റായി",
+ "columnDuplicated": "ഫീൽഡ് വിജയകരമായി പ പകർത്തി",
+ "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "റെക്കോർഡ് പകർത്തി (സേവിക്കാത്തത്)",
+ "updatedUIACL": "പട്ടികക്കുള്ള UI ACL വിജയകരമായി അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്തു",
+ "pluginUninstalled": "പ്ലഗിൻ വിജയകരമായി അൺഇൻസ്റ്റാള് ചെയ്തു",
+ "pluginSettingsSaved": "പ്ലഗിൻ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി സംരക്ഷിച്ചു",
+ "pluginTested": "പ്ലഗിൻ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി പരീക്ഷിച്ചു",
+ "tableRenamed": "പട്ടിക വേണ്ടി വിജയകരമായി മറീനുഒവും",
+ "layoutRenamed": "തരംഫലങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി പുനർനാമകരണം ചെയ്തു",
+ "viewDeleted": "കാഴ്ച വിജയകരമായി മായ്ച്ചു",
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+ "tableDataExported": "എല്ലാ പട്ടിക ഡാറ്റയും വിജയകരമായി എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്തു",
+ "updated": "വിജയകരമായി അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്തു",
+ "sharedViewDeleted": "പങ്ക് വെച്ച കാഴ്ച വിജയകരമായി മായ്ച്ചു",
+ "userDeleted": "ഉപയോക്താവ് വിജയകരമായി നീക്കംചെയ്തു",
+ "viewRenamed": "കാഴ്ച വിജയകരമായി മറീനുഒവും",
+ "tokenGenerated": "ടോക്കൺ വിജയകരമായി ഉല്പാദിപ്പിച്ചു",
+ "tokenDeleted": "ടോക്കൺ വിജയകരമായി മായ്ച്ചു",
+ "userAddedToProject": "ഉപയോക്താവിനെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തേക്ക് വിജയകരമായി ചേർത്തു",
+ "userAdded": "ഉപയോക്താവിനെ വിജയകരമായി ചേർത്തു",
+ "userDeletedFromProject": "അടിസ്ഥാനം നിന്ന് ഉപയോക്താവിനെ വിജയകരമായി നീക്കി",
+ "inviteEmailSent": "നെന്മ അംഗം ഇമെയിൽ വിജയകരമായി അയച്ചു",
+ "inviteURLCopied": "നെന്മ URL ക്ലിപ്പ്ബോർഡിലേയ്ക്ക് പകർത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "commentCopied": "കമന്റ് ക്ലിപ്പ്ബോര്ഡിലേക്ക് പകര്ക്കപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "പാസ്വേഡ് വീണ്ടും സജ്ജമാക്കൽ URL പകര്പ്പ് ബോർഡിലേക്ക് പകര്ത്തി",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "പകർത്തിയ പങ്കായുളള അടിസ്ഥാന URL ക്ലിപ്പ്ബോർഡിൽ!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "പകർത്തിയ ഹ്രസ്വ HTML കോഡ്!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "ഉപയോക്തൃ വിവരങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്തു",
+ "tableDataImported": "പട്ടിക ഡാറ്റ വിജയകരമായി ഇറക്കുമതി ചെയ്തു",
+ "webhookUpdated": "വെബ്ഹുക്ക് വിശദാംശങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്തു",
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+ "alert-message": "कुनै पनि डाटाबेसहरू जडान गरिएको छैन। इन्टरफेसहरू निर्माण गर्न डाटाबेसहरू जडान गर्नुहोस्। यस चरणलाई छोड्नुहोस् र पछि मूल होम पृष्ठबाट डाटाबेसहरू थप्नुहोस्।",
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+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "फारम विवरणका लागि डेटा धेरै लामो छ",
+ "columnsRequired": "निम्न फिल्डहरू आवश्यक छन्",
+ "selectAtleastOneColumn": "कम्तिमा एउटा फिल्ड चयन गर्नु पर्छ",
+ "columnDescriptionNotFound": "गन्तव्य फिल्ड फेला पार्न सकिँदैन",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "नक्शा दोहोरिएको फेला पर्यो, कृपया मध्ये एउटा नक्शा हटाउनुहोस्",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "शून्य मुल्यले अशून्य बाधालाई उल्लङ्घन गर्दछ",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "स्रोत डेटा केही अवैध सङ्ख्याहरू समावेश गर्दछ",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "स्रोत डेटा केही अवैध बूलियन मानहरू समावेश गर्दछ",
+ "invalidForm": "अवैध फारम",
+ "formValidationFailed": "फारम मान्यीकरण असफल भयो",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "तपाईं बाहिर निस्किसकेका हुनुहुन्छ",
+ "failedToLoadList": "सूची लोड गर्न असफल भयो",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "बालबालिका सूची लोड गर्न असफल भयो",
+ "deleteFailed": "हटाउन असफल भयो",
+ "unlinkFailed": "अनलिंक गर्न असफल भयो",
+ "rowUpdateFailed": "रेकर्ड अपडेट असफल भएको छ",
+ "deleteRowFailed": "रेकर्ड मेटाउन असफल भयो",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "फारम डेटा सेट गर्न असफल भयो",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "फारम दृश्य अपडेट गर्न असफल भयो",
+ "tableNameRequired": "टेबलको नाम आवश्यक छ",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "नामले अक्षर वा _ बाट सुरु हुनुपर्छ",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "तल उल्लेख गरिएका वर्णहरू अनुमति छैनन्",
+ "columnNameRequired": "फील्ड नाम आवश्यक छ",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "नक्कली फील्ड नाम",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "प्रणाली फिल्डको लागि पहिले नै नाम प्रयोग गरिएको छ",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI डेटा प्रकार आवश्यक छ",
+ "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "फील्ड नामको लम्बाई अधिकतम {value} क्यारेक्टरहरू भन्दा बढी छ",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} नाम ५० अक्षर भन्दा बढी छ",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} नाम खाली स्थानबाट सुरु हुन सक्दैन",
+ "requiredField": "आवश्यक क्षेत्र",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP अनुमति छैन",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "लक्षित फाइल स्वीकार गरिने फाइल प्रकार होइन",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "स्वीकार गरिएको फाइल प्रकार .csv हो",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "स्वीकार गरिएका फाइल प्रकारहरू .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots हुन्",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "प्यारामीटर कुञ्जी खाली हुनु हुँदैन",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "दोहोरिने प्यारामीटर कुञ्जीहरू अनुमति छैनन्",
+ "fieldRequired": "यो क्षेत्र खाली हुन सक्दैन।",
+ "projectNotAccessible": "आधार पहुँचयोग्य छैन",
+ "copyToClipboardError": "क्लिपबोर्डमा प्रतिलिपि गर्न असफल",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "क्लिपबोर्डबाट पेस्ट गर्न असफल भयो",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "सुरक्षित गर्नु भन्दा पहिले सबै फिल्डहरुको कन्फिगरेसन पूरा गर्नुहोस्",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "केहि गलत भयो",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "तानेको सामग्री छवि प्रकारको छैन",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "छवि डेटा पार्स गर्न क्षेत्र",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "केही आवश्यक फिल्डहरू खाली छन्"
+ },
+ "toast": {
+ "exportMetadata": "आधार मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक निर्यात गरिएको छ",
+ "importMetadata": "आधार मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक आयात गरिएको छ",
+ "clearMetadata": "आधार मेटाडेटा सफलतापूर्वक सफा गरिएको छ",
+ "stopProject": "आधार सफलतापूर्वक रोकियो",
+ "startProject": "आधार सफलतापूर्वक सुरु भयो",
+ "restartProject": "आधार सफलतापूर्वक पुनः सुरु भयो",
+ "deleteProject": "आधार सफलतापूर्वक हटाइयो",
+ "authToken": "प्रमाणीकरण टोकन क्लिपबोर्डमा कपि गरियो",
+ "projInfo": "आधार जानकारी क्लिपबोर्डमा प्रतिलिपि गरियो",
+ "inviteUrlCopy": "आमन्त्रण URL क्लिपबोर्डमा प्रतिलिपि गरियो",
+ "createView": "दृश्य सफलतापूर्वक सिर्जना गरियो",
+ "formEmailSMTP": "ईमेल सूचना सक्षम गर्नको लागि एप स्टोरमा SMTP प्लगइन सक्रिय गर्नुहोस्",
+ "collabView": "सहकार्यात्मक दृश्यमा सफलतापूर्वक सुइच गरियो",
+ "lockedView": "लक गरिएको दृश्यमा सफलतापूर्वक सुइच गरियो",
+ "futureRelease": "शीघ्र आउँदैछ!"
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "लाइसेन्स कुञ्जी अद्यावधिक गरियो",
+ "columnDuplicated": "फील्ड सफलतापूर्वक नक्कल गरियो",
+ "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "रेकर्ड नक्कल गरियो (अझै सम्म बचत गरिएको छैन)",
+ "updatedUIACL": "टेबलहरूको लागि UI ACL सफलतापूर्वक अपडेट गरियो",
+ "pluginUninstalled": "प्लगइन सफलतापूर्वक अनइन्स्टल गरियो",
+ "pluginSettingsSaved": "प्लगइन सेटिङहरू सफलतापूर्वक सुरक्षित गरियो",
+ "pluginTested": "प्लगइन सेटिङहरू सफलतापूर्वक परीक्षण गरियो",
+ "tableRenamed": "टेबलको नाम सफलतापूर्वक परिवर्तन गरियो",
+ "layoutRenamed": "लेआउट सफलतापूर्वक पुनः नामांकन गरियो",
+ "viewDeleted": "दृश्य सफलतापूर्वक हटाइयो",
+ "primaryColumnUpdated": "प्राथमिक फील्डको रूपमा सफलतापूर्वक अद्यावधिक गरियो",
+ "tableDataExported": "सबै टेबल डेटा सफलतापूर्वक निर्यात गरियो",
+ "updated": "सफलतापूर्वक अपडेट गरियो",
+ "sharedViewDeleted": "साझा दृश्य सफलतापूर्वक हटाइयो",
+ "userDeleted": "प्रयोगकर्ता सफलतापूर्वक मेटियो",
+ "viewRenamed": "दृश्य सफलतापूर्वक पुनः नामाकरण गरियो",
+ "tokenGenerated": "टोकन सफलतापूर्वक उत्पन्न गरियो",
+ "tokenDeleted": "टोकन सफलतापूर्वक हटाइयो",
+ "userAddedToProject": "प्रयोगकर्तालाई आधारमा सफलतापूर्वक थपियो",
+ "userAdded": "प्रयोगकर्ता सफलतापूर्वक थपियो",
+ "userDeletedFromProject": "आधारबाट प्रयोगकर्ता सफलतापूर्वक मेटियो",
+ "inviteEmailSent": "आमन्त्रण ईमेल सफलतापूर्वक पठाइयो",
+ "inviteURLCopied": "आमन्त्रण URL क्लिपबोर्डमा कपि गरियो",
+ "commentCopied": "टिप्पणी क्लिपबोर्डमा प्रतिलिपि गरियो",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "पासवर्ड रिसेट URL क्लिपबोर्डमा प्रतिलिपि गरिएको",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "साझा गर्न सकिने आधार URL क्लिपबोर्डमा कपि गरियो!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "एम्बेड गर्न सकिने HTML कोड कपि गरियो!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "प्रयोगकर्ता विवरणहरू सफलतापूर्वक अपडेट गरियो",
+ "tableDataImported": "टेबल डेटा सफलतापूर्वक आयात गरियो",
+ "webhookUpdated": "वेबहुक विवरणहरू सफलतापूर्वक अपडेट गरियो",
+ "webhookDeleted": "हेक सफलतापूर्वक हटाइयो",
+ "webhookTested": "वेबहुक सफलतापूर्वक परीक्षण गरियो",
+ "columnUpdated": "फिल्ड अद्यावधिक गरियो",
+ "columnCreated": "फिल्ड सिर्जना गरियो",
+ "passwordChanged": "पासवर्ड सफलतापूर्वक परिवर्तन भयो। कृपया फेरि लगइन गर्नुहोस्।",
+ "settingsSaved": "सेटिङ सफलतापूर्वक सुरक्षित गरियो",
+ "roleUpdated": "भूमिका सफलतापूर्वक अद्यावधिक गरियो",
+ "connectionAdded": "एकीकरण सफलतापूर्वक जडान भयो",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "आधार मालिकहरू र सिर्जनाकर्ताहरूले अब प्रमाणहरू पुनः प्रविष्ट नगरी डाटा स्रोत थप्न सक्छन्।"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/nl.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/nl.json
index aacca0b84b..793651daa6 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/nl.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/nl.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Nieuwe Interface Maken",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Verbind gegevensbronnen",
+ "alert": "Waarschuwing",
+ "alert-message": "Er zijn geen databases verbonden. Verbind databasebases om interfaces te bouwen. Sla deze stap over en voeg later databases toe vanaf de projecthomepage.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Selecteer Databasebases die u wilt koppelen aan deze Interface.",
"create_interface": "Interface maken",
"project_name": "Basisnaam",
"connect": "Verbinden",
@@ -12,99 +12,100 @@
"open_external_url": "Open externe link",
"delete_record": "Record verwijderen",
"update_record": "Update Record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_layout": "Open lay-out"
"widgets": {
"static_text": "Tekst",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "chart": "Grafiek",
+ "table": "Tabel",
+ "image": "Afbeelding",
+ "map": "Kaart",
+ "button": "Knop",
+ "number": "Nummer",
+ "bar_chart": "Staafdiagram",
+ "line_chart": "Lijndiagram",
+ "area_chart": "Vlakdiagram",
+ "pie_chart": "Cirkeldiagram",
+ "donut_chart": "Donutdiagram",
+ "scatter_plot": "Spreidingsdiagram",
+ "bubble_chart": "Bellendiagram",
+ "radar_chart": "Radardiagram",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polair Gebied Diagram",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radiale Staafdiagram",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Diagram",
+ "treemap_chart": "Blokdiagram",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Boxplotgrafiek",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick-grafiek"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Som",
+ "count": "Aantal",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "avg": "Gemiddelde",
+ "median": "Mediaan",
+ "std_dev": "Stdev",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Bereik",
+ "percent_empty": "Leeg",
+ "percent_filled": "Gevuld",
+ "percent_unique": "Uniek",
+ "count_unique": "Uniek",
+ "count_empty": "Leeg",
+ "count_filled": "Gevuld",
+ "earliest_date": "Vroegste datum",
+ "latest_date": "Laatste datum",
+ "date_range": "Bereik",
+ "month_range": "Bereik",
+ "checked": "Aangevinkt",
+ "unchecked": "Niet aangevinkt",
+ "percent_checked": "Aangevinkt",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Niet aangevinkt",
+ "attachment_size": "Grootte",
+ "none": "Geen"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Som",
+ "count": "Telling",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "avg": "Gemiddelde",
+ "median": "Mediaan",
+ "std_dev": "Standaardafwijking",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Bereik",
+ "percent_empty": "Percentage Leeg",
+ "percent_filled": "Percentage Gevuld",
+ "percent_unique": "Percentage Uniek",
+ "count_unique": "Uniek",
+ "count_empty": "Leeg",
+ "count_filled": "Gevuld",
+ "earliest_date": "Vroegste Datum",
+ "latest_date": "Laatste Datum",
+ "date_range": "Datumbereik",
+ "month_range": "Maandbereik",
+ "checked": "Aangevinkt",
+ "unchecked": "Niet Aangevinkt",
+ "percent_checked": "Percentage Aangevinkt",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Percentage Niet Aangevinkt",
+ "attachment_size": "Bijlage Grootte",
+ "none": "Geen"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
+ "scripts": "Scripts",
+ "configure": "Configureren",
+ "switch": "Overschakelen",
+ "on": "Aan",
+ "onMultiple": "Op meerdere",
+ "manual": "Handleiding",
"trigger": "Trigger",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
+ "style": "Stijl",
"label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "role": "Rol",
+ "general": "Algemeen",
+ "quit": "Afsluiten",
"home": "Dashboard",
"load": "Laden",
"open": "Openen",
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nee",
"ok": "OK",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Terug",
"and": "En",
"or": "Of",
"add": "Toevoegen",
@@ -120,63 +121,63 @@
"link": "Link",
"links": "Links",
"remove": "Verwijderen",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "Importeren",
+ "logout": "Afmelden",
+ "empty": "Leeg",
+ "changeIcon": "Pictogram wijzigen",
"save": "Opslaan",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Beschikbaar",
+ "abort": "Afbreken",
+ "saving": "Opslaan",
"cancel": "Annuleren",
- "null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "null": "Nul",
+ "escape": "Escapetoets",
"hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "clear": "Wissen",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Opmerking",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Citaat",
"submit": "Indienen",
"create": "Creëren",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
+ "createEntity": "Maak {entity} aan",
+ "creating": "Maken",
+ "creatingEntity": "{entity} aan het maken",
"details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
+ "skip": "Overslaan",
"code": "Code",
"duplicate": "Dubbele",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicating": "Dupliceren",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Dupliceer {entity}",
"activate": "Activeer",
"action": "Actie",
"insert": "Invoegen",
"delete": "Verwijderen",
"deleteEntity": "Verwijder {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
+ "bulkInsert": "Bulk Invoegen",
+ "bulkDelete": "Bulk Verwijderen",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Bijwerken",
"deleting": "Verwijderen",
"update": "Bijwerken",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Bijwerken",
"rename": "Hernoemen",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Hernoem {entity}",
"reload": "Herladen",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Vernieuwen",
"reset": "Resetten",
"install": "Installeren",
"show": "Tonen",
- "access": "Access",
+ "access": "Toegang",
"visibility": "Zichtbaarheid",
"hide": "Verbergen",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Verouderd",
"showAll": "Toon alles",
"hideAll": "Verberg alles",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Niet gevonden",
"showMore": "Laat meer zien",
"showOptions": "Toon opties",
"hideOptions": "Verbergd opties",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "AANMELDEN",
"signOut": "Afmelden",
"required": "Verplicht",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "Scanner Inschakelen voor invullen",
"preferred": "Gewenst",
"mandatory": "Verplicht",
"loading": "Bezig met laden ...",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "Na",
"before": "Voor",
"search": "Zoeken",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Zoeken In",
"notification": "Melding",
"reference": "Verwijzing",
"function": "Functie",
"confirm": "Bevestig",
"generate": "genereren",
"copy": "Kopie",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Gekopieerd",
+ "are": "zijn",
"misc": "Diverse",
"lock": "Slot",
"unlock": "Ontgrendel",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "Deze functie is momenteel in bèta.",
"moreInfo": "Meer informatie vindt u hier",
"logs": "Logboeken",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Stapel per veld",
+ "insertAfter": "Rechts invoegen",
+ "insertBefore": "Links invoegen",
+ "insertAbove": "Invoegen boven",
+ "insertBelow": "Invoegen onder",
"hideField": "Verberg veld",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Veld tonen",
"sortAsc": "Oplopend sorteren",
"sortDesc": "Aflopend sorteren",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
+ "move": "Verplaatsen",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData Veld",
"type": "Type",
"subType": "Sub-Type",
"name": "Naam",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
+ "changes": "Wijzigingen",
+ "new": "Nieuw",
+ "old": "Oud",
"data": "Gegevens",
"source": "Bron",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "destination": "Bestemming",
+ "active": "Actief",
+ "inactive": "Inactief",
+ "linked": "gekoppeld",
+ "finish": "Voltooien",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
+ "avg": "Gem",
"sum": "Som",
"count": "Aantal",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
+ "countDistinct": "Aantal Uniek",
+ "sumDistinct": "Som Uniek",
+ "avgDistinct": "Gemiddeld Uniek",
+ "join": "Deelnemen",
"options": "Opties",
"primaryValue": "Primaire waarde",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Gebruik Onderzoek Modus",
"shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "enter": "Invoegen",
+ "seconds": "Seconden",
+ "paste": "Plakken",
+ "restore": "Herstellen",
+ "replace": "Vervangen",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logo",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "list": "Lijst",
+ "verify": "Verifieer",
+ "apply": "Toepassen",
+ "text": "Tekst",
+ "appearance": "Weergave",
+ "now": "Nu",
+ "set": "Instellen",
+ "format": "Opmaak",
+ "colour": "Kleur",
+ "use": "Gebruik",
+ "stack": "Stapel",
+ "ipAddress": "IP-adres",
+ "integration": "Integratie",
+ "integrations": "Integraties",
+ "connection": "Verbinding",
+ "connections": "Verbindingen",
+ "private": "Privé",
+ "request": "Verzoek",
+ "languages": "Talen",
+ "extension": "Extensie",
+ "extensions": "Extensies"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
+ "files": "bestanden",
+ "owner": "Eigenaar",
+ "member": "Lid",
+ "day": "Dag",
"week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "month": "Maand",
+ "year": "Jaar",
+ "workspace": "Werkruimte",
+ "workspaces": "Werkruimtes",
"project": "Project",
"projects": "Projecten",
"table": "Tabel",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Velden",
"column": "Kolom",
"columns": "Kolommen",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Cel",
+ "cells": "Cellen",
"page": "Pagina",
"pages": "Pagina's",
"record": "Record",
@@ -319,50 +320,50 @@
"webhooks": "Webhooks",
"view": "Weergave",
"views": "Weergaven",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Zijbalk",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Rooster",
"gallery": "Galerij",
"form": "Formulier",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Kalender",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Kaart"
"user": "Gebruiker",
"users": "Gebruikers",
"role": "Rol",
"roles": "Rollen",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Ontwikkelaar",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Eigenaar",
"creator": "Schepper",
"editor": "Bewerker",
"commenter": "Reviewer",
"viewer": "Kijker",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "Geen Toegang",
+ "superAdmin": "Superbeheerder",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Organisatieniveau Eigenaar",
"orgLevelCreator": "Schepper op organisatieniveau",
"orgLevelViewer": "Viewer op organisatieniveau"
"sqlVIew": "SQL-weergave",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Recordhoogte",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
+ "short": "Kort",
"medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
+ "tall": "Lang",
"extra": "Extra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Externe Database",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple-nummers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Agenda",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleSheets": "Google Spreadsheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Alle Integraties",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Koppel en beheer naadloos uw databases met NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Communicatie",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Ontvang meldingen over wijzigingen en stroomlijn de communicatie met NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Projectbeheer",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Verbeter projectworkflows en taakbeheer met NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimaliseer klantrelatiebeheer via NocoDB-integraties.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Boost uw marketinginspanningen met de krachtige integraties van NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Stroomlijn uw sollicitantvolgsysteem met NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Ontwikkeling",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Versnel ontwikkelingsprocessen met NocoDB-integraties.",
+ "finance": "Financiën",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Vereenvoudig financiële operaties en databeheer met NocoDB.",
"ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Beheer en volg supporttickets efficiënt met NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integreer en organiseer uw opslagoplossingen naadloos met NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Overige",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Ontdek aanvullende veelzijdige integraties om uw NocoDB-ervaring te verbeteren.",
"ai": "AI",
"spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Verbind en beheer uw spreadsheets met NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,69 +487,69 @@
"isNotNull": "is niet NULL"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Zoek webhook",
"webcam": "Webcam",
"uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
+ "renameBase": "Hernoem Base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Hernoem Werkruimte",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Hernoemen van Werkruimte",
+ "renamingBase": "Hernoemen van Base",
+ "sso": "Authenticatie (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Documentatie",
"forum": "Forum",
"parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
+ "headers": "Koppen",
+ "parameterName": "Parameternaam",
+ "currencyLocale": "Valutalocatie",
+ "currencyCode": "Valutacode",
+ "searchMembers": "Zoek leden",
+ "noMembersFound": "Geen leden gevonden",
+ "dateJoined": "Datum lid geworden",
+ "tokenName": "Tokennaam",
+ "inDesktop": "op Desktop",
+ "rowData": "Leg gegevens vast",
"creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
+ "qrCode": "QR-code",
+ "termsOfService": "Servicevoorwaarden",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Geselecteerde records bijwerken",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Geen filters toegevoegd",
+ "editCards": "Kaarten bewerken",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Geen velden gevonden",
+ "displayValue": "Weergavewaarde",
+ "expand": "Uitklappen",
+ "hideAll": "Verberg alles",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Systeemvelden verbergen",
+ "removeFile": "Verwijder bestand",
+ "hasMany": "Heeft Veel",
+ "manyToMany": "Veel op Veel",
+ "oneToOne": "Eén op één",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtuele Relatie",
+ "linkMore": "Koppel Meer",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Koppel meer records",
"linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "downloadFile": "Download Bestand",
+ "renameTable": "Hernoem Tabel",
+ "renamingTable": "Tabel hernoemen",
+ "renamingWs": "Werkruimte hernoemen",
+ "renameWs": "Hernoem Werkruimte",
+ "deleteWs": "Verwijder Werkruimte",
+ "deletingWs": "Werkruimte verwijderen",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Kopieer Auth Token",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Gekopieerd Auth Token",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Kopieer Invite Token",
+ "showSidebar": "Toon zijbalk",
+ "hideSidebar": "Verberg zijbalk",
+ "creatingTable": "Tabel aanmaken",
"erdView": "ERD-weergave",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "Nieuwe Gegevensbron",
"newProj": "Nieuw Project",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Maak Project",
"myProject": "Mijn Projecten",
"formTitle": "Formuliertitel",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Samenwerking",
+ "locked": "Gesloten",
+ "personal": "Persoonlijk",
"appStore": "App Store",
"teamAndAuth": "Team & Auth",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Rollen & Gebruikersbeheer",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Token genereren",
"APIsAndSupport": "API's en ondersteuning",
"helpCenter": "Hulpcentrum",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Geen Labels",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger-documentatie",
"quickImportFrom": "Snel importeren van",
"quickImport": "Snel importeren",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Snelle Import - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Snelle Import - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Snelle Import - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Snelle Import - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "comingSoon": "Binnenkort beschikbaar",
"advancedSettings": "Geavanceerde instellingen",
"codeSnippet": "Codefragment",
"keyboardShortcut": "Sneltoetsen",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "generateRandomName": "Genereer Willekeurige Naam",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
+ "tokenManagement": "Tokenbeheer",
+ "addNewToken": "Nieuwe token toevoegen",
+ "createNewToken": "Maak nieuw token",
+ "accountSettings": "Accountinstellingen",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen",
"tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "userManagement": "Gebruikersbeheer",
+ "accountManagement": "Accountbeheer",
+ "licence": "Licentie",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Sta alle Mime-typen toe",
+ "defaultView": "Standaardweergave",
+ "relations": "Relaties",
+ "switchLanguage": "Wijzig Taal",
+ "renameFile": "Bestand hernoemen",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
+ "noAction": "Geen Actie",
"cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "restrict": "Beperken",
+ "setNull": "Maak NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Standaard instellen"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Selecteer velden uit het rechterpaneel om hier toe te voegen",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Geen opties gevonden",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Weet u zeker dat u dit formulier wilt indienen?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Het lijkt erop dat deze stapel geen records bevat",
+ "fromScratch": "Vanaf het begin",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Van bestanden & externe bronnen",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Direct in real-time",
+ "categories": "Categorieën",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Veld niet toegankelijk",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Geen voorwaarden toegevoegd"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Gewijzigd op",
+ "configuration": "Configuratie",
+ "setup": "Installatie",
+ "configLabel": "Configureer {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Schakel over naar een productieklare app-database",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
+ "fieldID": "Veld-ID",
+ "addDescription": "Beschrijving toevoegen",
+ "editDescription": "Beschrijving bewerken",
+ "urlFormula": "URL-formule",
+ "selectIcon": "geen",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--selecteer een webhook--",
"openUrl": "Open URL",
"runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "onClick": "Bij klik",
+ "defaultView": "Standaardweergave",
+ "recordInsert": "Recordinvoeging",
+ "recordUpdate": "Record bijwerken",
+ "recordDelete": "Record verwijderen",
+ "supportDocs": "Ondersteuningsdocumenten",
+ "addedOn": "Toegevoegd op",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Wijzig weergaveveldenwaarde",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Selecteer weergaveveldenwaarde",
+ "changeTitleField": "Wijzig titelveld",
+ "clearAll": "Alles wissen",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Opzoekvelden tonen gegevens uit gekoppelde records. Selecteer specifieke velden van ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabel om deze als Opzoekvelden toe te voegen in deze tabel.",
+ "formatting": "Opmaak",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Selecteer een opmaaktype (optioneel)- -",
+ "formatType": "Opmaaktype",
+ "toUpload": "te uploaden",
+ "dragFilesHere": "sleep bestanden hierheen",
+ "browseFiles": "blader door bestanden",
+ "clickTo": "Klik om",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Sta toegang tot uw camera toe",
+ "openFile": "Bestand openen",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Voer een geldige URL in om bestanden te uploaden",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Bestanden toevoegen van URL",
+ "uploading": "Uploaden",
+ "dropHere": "Hier neerzetten",
+ "addMore": "Meer toevoegen",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Alle bestanden wissen",
+ "integration": "Integratie",
+ "notRecommended": "Niet aanbevolen",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "selectView": "Selecteer een weergave",
+ "connectionDetails": "Bronverbindingdetails",
"metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "mention": "Vermelden",
+ "today": "Vandaag",
+ "currentDate": "Huidige datum",
+ "workspace": "Werkruimte",
+ "txt": "TXT Record waarde",
+ "transferOwnership": "Eigendom overdragen",
+ "recentActivity": "Recente Activiteit",
+ "goToMembers": "Ga naar Leden",
+ "addMember": "Lid toevoegen",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Aantal Leden",
+ "numberOfBases": "Aantal Bases",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Aantal Records",
+ "workspaceName": "Werkruimte Naam",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Werkruimte zonder Eigenaren",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Gebruikers uitnodigen in Werkruimte",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-selecteer werkruimten om uit te nodigen-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Leden toevoegen aan Organisatie",
+ "memberIn": "Lid in:",
+ "assignAs": "Toewijzen als",
+ "signOutUser": "Gebruiker uitloggen",
+ "signOutUsers": "Gebruikers uitloggen",
+ "deactivateUser": "Gebruiker deactiveren",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Gebruikers deactiveren",
+ "lastActive": "Laatst Actief",
+ "dateAdded": "Datum Toegevoegd",
+ "uploadImage": "Afbeelding Uploaden",
+ "organizationProfile": "Organisatieprofiel",
+ "organizationImage": "Organisatieafbeelding",
+ "organizationName": "Organisatienaam",
+ "activeDomains": "Actieve Domeinen",
+ "domains": "Domeinen",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Publiek Delen Uitschakelen",
+ "shareSettings": "Deel Instellingen",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Verwijder Gebruiker en hun gegevens",
+ "userOptions": "Gebruikersopties",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Verwijder deze Organisatie",
+ "dangerZone": "Gevaarzone",
+ "childView": "Kinderweergave",
+ "selectYear": "Selecteer Jaar",
+ "save": "Opslaan",
+ "cancel": "Annuleren",
"metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
+ "audience-entityId": "Publiek/ Entiteit ID",
"redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
+ "newProvider": "Nieuwe aanbieder",
+ "generalSettings": "Algemene Instellingen",
+ "adminPanel": "Beheer Paneel",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Verplaats Werkruimte naar Organisatie",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO Instellingen",
+ "addDomain": "Domein Toevoegen",
+ "domain": "Domein",
+ "settings": "Instellingen",
+ "workspaces": "Werkruimten",
+ "back": "Terug",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
+ "organizeBy": "Organiseer op",
+ "previous": "Vorige",
+ "nextMonth": "Volgende Maand",
+ "previousMonth": "Vorige Maand",
+ "next": "Volgende",
+ "organiseBy": "Organiseer op",
+ "heading1": "Kop 1",
+ "heading2": "Kop 2",
+ "heading3": "Kop 3",
+ "bold": "Vet",
+ "italic": "Cursief",
+ "underline": "Onderstrepen",
+ "strike": "Doorhalen",
+ "taskList": "Takenlijst",
+ "bulletList": "Opsommingstekens",
+ "numberedList": "Genummerde lijst",
+ "downloadData": "Downloaden gegevens",
+ "blockQuote": "Blokcitaat",
+ "noToken": "Geen Token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Slechts één token per gebruiker toegestaan",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Bestand met naam {filename} al bijgevoegd",
+ "tableIdColon": "TABEL ID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "WEERGAVE-ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Aan adres",
+ "subject": "Onderwerp",
+ "body": "Tekst",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Komma gescheiden Mobiel #",
+ "headerName": "Header Naam",
+ "icon": "Icoon",
"max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "Rijke tekst inschakelen",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Gekopieerde Record URL",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Kopieer Record URL",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Duplicaatrecord",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binaire codeerformaat",
"syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
+ "examples": "Voorbeelden",
+ "durationInfo": "Een tijdsduur in minuten of seconden (bijv. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Header toevoegen",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Voer standaard URL in (Optioneel)",
+ "negative": "Negatief",
+ "discard": "Verwijderen",
+ "default": "Standaard",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Standaard Nummer (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Duurformaat",
+ "dateFormat": "Datumformaat",
+ "timeFormat": "Tijdformaat",
+ "singularLabel": "Enkelvoudig Label",
+ "pluralLabel": "Meervoudig Label",
+ "selectDateField": "Selecteer een datumveld",
+ "endDateField": "Einddatum veld",
+ "optional": "(Optioneel)",
+ "clickToMake": "Klik om te maken",
+ "visibleForRole": "zichtbaar voor rol:",
"inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
+ "projectSettings": "Basisinstellingen",
+ "clickToHide": "Klik om te verbergen",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klik om te downloaden",
+ "forRole": "voor rol",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Klik om Tabel ID te kopiëren",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klik om View ID te kopiëren",
+ "viewMode": "Weergavemodus",
+ "searchUsers": "Zoek Gebruikers",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "allTables": "Alle Tabellen",
+ "members": "Leden",
+ "dataSources": "Gegevensbronnen",
+ "connectDataSource": "Externe gegevens verbinden",
+ "searchProjects": "Zoek Bases",
"createdBy": "Gemaakt door",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Bijlagen bekijken van",
+ "readOnly": "Alleen-lezen",
+ "createdOn": "Gemaakt op",
"notifyVia": "Melding via",
"projName": "Projectnaam",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profiel",
+ "accountDetails": "Accountgegevens",
+ "controlAppearance": "Beheer uw Uiterlijk.",
+ "accountEmailID": "Account E-mail-ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Terug naar Werkruimte",
+ "untitledToken": "Naamloos token",
"tableName": "Tabelnaam",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Dashboard naam",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Weergave maken",
+ "duplicateView": "Dupliceer weergave",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Duplicaat Gridweergave",
+ "createGridView": "Maak rasterweergave",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicaat Galerie Weergave",
+ "createGalleryView": "Maak galerijweergave",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Duplicaat Formulier Weergave",
+ "createFormView": "Maak formulierweergave",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicaat Kanban Weergave",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Dupliceer Kalenderweergave",
+ "createKanbanView": "Maak kanbanweergave",
+ "createCalendarView": "Maak Kalenderweergave",
"viewName": "Weergavenaam",
"viewLink": "Toon Link",
"columnName": "Kolomnaam",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Type in Database",
"lengthValue": "Lengte/ waarde",
"dbType": "Database-type",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "servernaam / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite-bestandspad",
+ "hostAddress": "Hostadres",
+ "port": "Poortnummer",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"password": "Wachtwoord",
"schemaName": "Schemanaam",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Actie",
"actions": "Acties",
"operation": "Operatie",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Sub Operatie",
"operationType": "Operatietype",
"operationSubType": "Operatiesubtype",
"description": "Beschrijving",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Waar",
"cache": "Cache",
"chat": "Chat",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Tonen of Verbergen",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV-bestand",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON-bestand",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-mail",
@@ -873,13 +876,13 @@
"created": "Gemaakt",
"sqlOutput": "SQL Uitvoer",
"addOption": "Optie toevoegen",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Kleur van de interface",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Kolom met QR-code waarde",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Kolom met barcodewaarde",
"barcodeFormat": "Barcode formaat",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Te veel tekens voor een QR-code",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Te veel tekens voor een streepjescode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "currentLocation": "Huidige Locatie",
"lng": "Lng",
"lat": "Lat",
"aggregateFunction": "Geaggregeerde functie",
@@ -902,15 +905,15 @@
"joinCommunity": "Word lid van de NocoDB-gemeenschap",
"joinReddit": "Word lid van /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Volg NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Vertaald)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Documentreferentie",
"selectUserRole": "Selecteer de rol van de gebruiker",
"childTable": "Child Tabel",
"childColumn": "Child Kolom",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Child Kolom",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Word lid van Cloud gratis",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Link naar een ander record",
"links": "Links",
"onUpdate": "Bij update",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Aangepast thema",
"requestDataSource": "Hebt u een gegevensbron nodig?",
"apiKey": "API sleutel",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Persoonlijke Toegangstoken",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Gedeelde Basis-URL",
"importData": "Gegevens importeren",
"importSecondaryViews": "Secundaire schermen importeren",
"importRollupColumns": "Rollup Kolommen importeren",
"importLookupColumns": "Lookup-kolommen importeren",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Kolommen met bijlagen importeren",
"importFormulaColumns": "Formulekolommen importeren",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Importeer gebruikers (via e-mail)",
"noData": "Geen gegevens",
"goToDashboard": "Ga naar het dashboard",
"importing": "Importeren",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Formatteer JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Automatisch veldtypen selecteren",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Gebruik eerste record als koppen",
"flattenNested": "Afvlakken genest",
"downloadAllowed": "Downloaden toegestaan",
"weAreHiring": "Wij nemen mensen aan!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "heeft vele",
"belongsTo": "behoort tot",
"manyToMany": "hebben veel tot veel relaties",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "hebben een een- op-eenrelatie",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra verbindingsparameters",
"commentsOnly": "Alleen opmerkingen",
"documentation": "Documentatie",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Aanmelden alleen toestaan via invite url",
"nextRow": "Volgende rij",
"prevRow": "Vorige rij",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
+ "addRowGrid": "Handmatig gegevens toevoegen in rasterweergave",
+ "addRowForm": "Voer recordgegevens in via een formulier",
+ "noAccess": "Geen toegang",
+ "restApis": "Rest API's",
+ "apis": "API's",
"apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "includeData": "Gegevens opnemen",
+ "includeView": "Weergave opnemen",
+ "includeWebhook": "Webhook opnemen",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Inzoomen om kolommen te bekijken",
+ "embedInSite": "Embed deze weergave in je site",
+ "titleRequired": "Titel is verplicht.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Bronnaam is verplicht",
+ "changeWsName": "Wijzig werkruimte naam",
+ "pressEnter": "Druk op Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Nieuw veld",
+ "saveChanges": "Wijzigingen opslaan",
+ "updatedField": "Veld bijgewerkt",
+ "deletedField": "Veld verwijderd",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Onvolledige configuratie",
+ "selectField": "Selecteer een veld",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Achtergrondkleur",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Verberg NocoDB Branding",
+ "showOnConditions": "Tonen bij voorwaarden",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Toont veld alleen wanneer voorwaarden zijn vervuld",
+ "limitOptions": "Beperk Opties",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Beperk zichtbare opties voor gebruikers door beschikbare opties te selecteren",
+ "clearSelection": "Selectie wissen",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Weergave als voortgang",
+ "relationType": "Relatietype",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Tonen als duizendtalafscheiding",
+ "signUpForFree": "Meld je gratis aan",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
+ "fitImage": "Afbeelding passend maken",
"coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "syncData": "Gegevens synchroniseren",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registreer de diensten waarin u geïnteresseerd bent om op de hoogte te blijven wanneer ze beschikbaar komen",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Redirect naar URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhookdetails",
+ "hideWeekends": "Verberg weekenden",
+ "renameBase": "Hernoem Basis",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Werkruimte hernoemen",
+ "deactivate": "De-activeren",
+ "manageUsers": "Gebruikers Beheren",
+ "newWorkspace": "Nieuwe Werkruimte",
+ "addDomain": "Domein Toevoegen",
+ "addMembers": "Leden toevoegen",
+ "enterEmail": "Voer e-mailadressen in",
+ "inviteToBase": "Uitnodigen voor Base",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Uitnodigen naar Werkruimte",
+ "addMember": "Lid toevoegen aan Base",
+ "noRange": "Kalenderweergave vereist een datumbereik",
+ "goToToday": "Ga naar Vandaag",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Zijbalk",
+ "addEndDate": "Voeg einddatum toe",
+ "withEndDate": "met einddatum",
+ "calendar": "Kalender",
+ "viewSettings": "Bekijk instellingen",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registreer OIDC Identiteitsprovider",
+ "registerSAML": "Registreer SAML Identiteitsprovider",
+ "openInANewTab": "Open in een nieuw tabblad",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopieer IFrame-code",
+ "onCondition": "Op Voorwaarde",
"bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "attachFile": "Bestand Bijvoegen",
+ "viewAttachment": "Bekijk Bijlagen",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Klik of plaats een bestand in de cel",
+ "addFiles": "Bestand(en) Toevoegen",
+ "hideInUI": "Verbergen in UI",
+ "addBase": "Basis Toevoegen",
+ "addParameter": "Parameter Toevoegen",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Dien Een Ander Formulier In",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Sleep velden hierheen om toe te voegen",
+ "editSource": "Bron Bewerken",
+ "enterText": "Voer tekst in",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Basis Bewerken",
+ "showInUI": "Weergeven in UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Sync Uit",
+ "newSource": "Nieuwe Gegevensbron",
+ "newWebhook": "Nieuwe Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Openbare toegang inschakelen",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Wil je de wijzigingen opslaan?",
+ "editingAccess": "Bewerkingsrechten",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Openbaar kijken inschakelen",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Toegang beperken met wachtwoord",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Beheer Basis Toegang",
+ "allowDownload": "Download Toestaan",
+ "surveyMode": "Enquête Modus",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL-oriëntatie",
+ "useTheme": "Thema Gebruiken",
+ "copyLink": "Kopieer Link",
+ "copiedLink": "Link Gekopieerd",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopieer uitnodigingslink",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Uitnodigingslink gekopieerd",
"copyUrl": "Kopieer URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Meer Kleuren",
+ "moveProject": "Verplaats Project",
"createProject": "Maak project",
"importProject": "Importeer project",
"searchProject": "Doorzoek project",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Verwijder project",
"refreshProject": "Projecten vernieuwen",
"saveProject": "Bewaar dit project",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Opslaan & Afsluiten",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Stapel verwijderen?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Creëer door verbinding te maken met een externe database",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Help met vertaling",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopieer Auth-token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Gekopieerd Auth-token",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API's",
"projInfo": "Kopieer projectinformatie",
"themes": "Thema's"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Filter",
"addFilter": "Voeg filter toe",
"share": "Deel",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Groeperen Op",
+ "addSubGroup": "Nieuwe subgroep",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Deel basis",
"disable": "Schakel de gedeelde database uit",
"enable": "Iedereen met de link",
"link": "Gedeelde databaselink"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Nodig team uit",
"inviteUser": "Gebruiker uitnodigen",
"inviteToken": "Uitnodigingstoken",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Gekoppelde Records",
+ "addNewLink": "Nieuwe Link Toevoegen",
"newUser": "Nieuwe gebruiker",
"editUser": "Bewerk gebruiker",
"deleteUser": "Verwijder gebruiker van project",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "Vorig record",
"copyApiURL": "Kopieer API URL",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Maak Dashboard",
+ "createWorkspace": "Maak Werkruimte",
"refreshTable": "Tabellen verversen",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Tabel Hernoemen",
+ "renameLayout": "Layout Hernoemen",
+ "deleteTable": "Tabel Verwijderen",
"addField": "Voeg nieuw veld toe aan deze tabel",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Instellen als weergavewaarde",
"addRow": "Nieuwe rij toevoegen",
"saveRow": "Sla rij op",
"saveAndExit": "Opslaan en afsluiten",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Voeg nieuwe rij toe",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Verwijder rij",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Records verwijderen",
+ "predictColumns": "Voorspel Velden",
+ "predictFormulas": "Voorspel Formules",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Verwijder geselecteerde rijen",
"importExcel": "Excel importeren",
"importCSV": "CSV importeren",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Maak een weergave",
"shareView": "Deel weergave",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Invullen door scan",
"listSharedView": "Lijst van gedeelde weergaven",
"ListView": "Weergavelijst",
"copyView": "Kopieer weergave",
"renameView": "Hernoem weergave",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Gegevens Uploaden",
"deleteView": "Weergave verwijderen",
"createGrid": "Maak rasterweergave",
"createGallery": "Maak galerijweergave",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Open nieuw tabblad",
"iFrame": "Insluitbare HTML-code kopiëren",
"addWebhook": "Webhook toevoegen",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Webhook Inschakelen",
"testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Maak webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Webhook Kopiëren",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Webhook Verwijderen",
"newToken": "Token toevoegen",
"exportZip": "Exporteer als zip",
"importZip": "Importeer van zip",
"metaSync": "Synchroniseer Nu",
"settings": "Instellingen",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validaties",
"previewAs": "Voorvertoning als",
"resetReview": "Reset Voorvertoning",
"testDbConn": "Test Databaseverbinding",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Filtergroep toevoegen",
"linkRecord": "Link record",
"addNewRecord": "Nieuw record toevoegen",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Nieuw record",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Maak nieuw record",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' is succesvol opgeslagen & gekoppeld",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Gemaakt & Gekoppeld",
"useConnectionUrl": "Verbindings URL gebruiken",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle opmerkingen trekken",
"expandRecord": "Record uitbreiden",
"deleteRecord": "Record verwijderen",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Volledige breedte",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Verlaat volledige breedte",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Markeer alles als gelezen",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Kolom Verwijderen",
+ "addNumber": "Nummerkolom Toevoegen",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Enkelregelig Tekstkolom Toevoegen",
+ "addLongText": "Lange Tekstkolom Toevoegen",
+ "addOther": "Andere Kolom Toevoegen"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Kolommen tonen",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Stapel samenvouwen",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Alles samenvouwen",
+ "expandAll": "Alles uitvouwen",
+ "renameStack": "Stapel hernoemen",
"deleteStack": "Stapel verwijderen",
"stackedBy": "Gestapeld door",
"chooseGroupingField": "Kies een groepeerveld",
"addOrEditStack": "Stapel toevoegen / bewerken"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Gekaart Door",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Kies een Kaartveld",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Schakel Mobiele Modus in",
+ "startCommenting": "Begin met reageren!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Nog geen reacties!",
+ "clearForm": "Formulier wissen",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Veld toevoegen",
+ "selectAllFields": "Selecteer alle velden",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Vooraf invullen inschakelen",
+ "default": "Standaard",
+ "locked": "Vergrendel vooraf ingevulde velden als alleen-lezen",
+ "hidden": "Verberg vooraf ingevulde velden",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Vooraf ingevulde waarde"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Verkrijg vooraf ingevulde link",
+ "group": "Groep",
+ "goToDocs": "Ga naar Documenten",
+ "addCondition": "Voorwaarde toevoegen",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Voorwaardengroep toevoegen"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Inschakelen om deze verbinding privé te maken en verborgen voor andere makers in deze werkruimte.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Optioneel. Gebruikt standaarddatabase \"{database}\" als deze leeg blijft",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Optioneel. Gebruikt standaardschema \"{schema}\" als deze leeg blijft.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema bewerken is uitgeschakeld voor deze gegevensbron.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Dit datatype is niet toegestaan.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Deze optie staat wijzigingen in het databaseschema toe, waaronder het toevoegen, wijzigen of verwijderen van tabellen en kolommen. Gebruik met voorzichtigheid, aangezien wijzigingen de structurele integriteit van uw database kunnen beïnvloeden.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Deze optie maakt het mogelijk om records binnen databasetabellen te maken, bij te werken of te verwijderen. Ideaal voor administratieve gebruikers die direct gegevens willen wijzigen.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Wijzigingen opslaan",
"xcDB": "Maak een nieuw project",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Komt het in het zwart? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Voeg een nieuwe tabel toe",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Voeg nieuw Dashboard Toe",
"inviteMore": "Nodig meer gebruikers uit",
"toggleNavDraw": "Open/sluit navigatiebalk",
"reloadApiToken": "API tokens verversen",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Selecteer .key-bestand",
"clientCert": "Selecteer .cert-bestand",
"clientCA": "Selecteer CA-bestand",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Wijzig pictogramkleur",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Formuliermodus met één veld per pagina",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Gebruik het veld bewerkingsmenu voor typeconversies nadat het bestand is geïmporteerd",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rol geërfd van werkruimte",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Binnenkort beschikbaar! Klik om te stemmen op de integratie die u nodig hebt in NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Zoek pictogrammen",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Selecteer Slack-kanalen",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Selecteer Microsoft Teams-kanalen",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Selecteer Discord-kanalen",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Selecteer Mattermost-kanalen",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook Titel",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Selecteer een veld voor de Barcode-waarde",
+ "notFoundContent": "Geen geldig veldtype gevonden.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Selecteer een Barcode-formaat",
"projName": "Geef de Projectnaam",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Selecteer een groepeerveld",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Geen Enkel Selectieveld gevonden. Maak er eerst een aan.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Selecteer een dekkingsafbeeldingsveld",
+ "selectGeoField": "Selecteer een GeoData-veld",
+ "notSelected": "-niet geselecteerd-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Geen GeoData-veld gevonden. Maak er eerst een aan.",
"password": {
"enter": "Geef het Wachtwoord",
"current": "Huidig wachtwoord",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Wachtwoord opslaan",
"confirm": "Bevestig nieuw wachtwoord"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Selecteer een veld voor de QR-code waarde",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Negatieve getallen toestaan",
"searchProjectTree": "Zoek in tabellen",
"searchFields": "Zoek in velden",
"searchColumn": "Doorzoek kolom {search}",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filteren per e-mail",
"filterQuery": "Filtervraag",
"selectField": "Selecteer veld",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Precisie",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Waarde",
+ "key": "Sleutel",
+ "createTable": "Maak uw Eerste Tabel!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Geen API Tokens aangemaakt",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Nodig je team uit",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Zoekopties"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Ongeldige knopconfiguratie",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Ongeldige veldconfiguratie",
+ "invalidTheme": "Selecteer een geldig thema",
+ "invalidColor": "Selecteer een geldige kleur",
+ "invalidType": "Knoptype kan 'webhook' of 'url' zijn",
+ "invalidLabel": "Voer een geldige knoplabel in",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Deze functie is niet beschikbaar voor uw database",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Beheer de naam en uitstraling van uw organisatie.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Voeg bedrijfsdomeinen toe om toegang door ongewenste gebruikers te beperken.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Voorkom dat gebruikers bases openbaar kunnen delen.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Selecteer gebruikers om te verwijderen en te schrappen uit alle organisatie werkruimten.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Verwijder alle gebruikers, bases en gegevens gerelateerd aan deze organisatie",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Klik om veld-ID te kopiëren",
+ "enterPassword": "Voer wachtwoord in",
+ "bySigningUp": "Door u aan te melden, gaat u akkoord met de",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Abonneer je op onze wekelijkse nieuwsbrief",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Wachtwoord verificatie",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Deze gedeelde weergave is beschermd",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Formuliergegevens succesvol ingediend",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Formulierweergave wordt niet ondersteund op mobiel",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Kalenderweergave wordt niet ondersteund op mobiel",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Nieuw formulier wordt geladen na {seconds} seconden",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Geoptimaliseerde query is uitgeschakeld",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Geoptimaliseerde query is ingeschakeld",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Bladeringsveld wordt niet ondersteund voor niet-Behoort tot relatie",
+ "invalidTime": "Ongeldige tijd",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Je hebt geen ondersteunde links voor {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record kon niet worden gevonden",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Ongeldig telefoonnummer",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Paginagrootte gewijzigd",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Fout bij laden van gegevens",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Gebruik contextvariabele",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "om het betreffende record aan te spreken",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Tip: Gebruik {placeholder1} om velden te refereren, bijvoorbeeld: {placeholder2}. Voor meer, kijk op",
+ "hintEnd": "Formules.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Geen voorgestelde formule gevonden",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Geen voorgesteld veld gevonden",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} vereist een {type} op positie {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeriek type wordt verwacht",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Stringtype wordt verwacht",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operatie niet beschikbaar",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Kan veld niet opslaan omdat formule ongeldig is",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Niet ondersteund om veld {columnName} te refereren",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} wordt verwacht maar Type {found} gevonden",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vereist {requiredArguments} argumenten",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vereist minimaal {minRequiredArguments} argumenten",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vereist maximaal {maxRequiredArguments} argumenten",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} functie is niet beschikbaar",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "De eerste parameter van WEEKDAY() moet een datumwaarde hebben",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "De tweede parameter van WEEKDAY() moet de waarde \"zondag\", \"maandag\", \"dinsdag\", \"woensdag\", \"donderdag\", \"vrijdag\" of \"zaterdag\" hebben",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "De eerste parameter van DATEADD() moet een datumwaarde hebben",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "De tweede parameter van DATEADD() moet een numerieke waarde hebben",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "De derde parameter van DATEADD() moet de waarde \"dag\", \"week\", \"maand\" of \"jaar\" hebben",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "De eerste parameter van DATEDIFF() moet een datumwaarde hebben",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "De tweede parameter van DATEDIFF() moet een datumwaarde hebben",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "De derde parameter van DATETIME_DIFF() moet de waarde \"milliseconden\", \"ms\", \"seconden\", \"s\", \"minuten\", \"m\", \"uren\", \"h\", \"dagen\", \"d\", \"weken\", \"w\", \"maanden\", \"m\", \"kwartalen\", \"q\", \"jaren\" of \"j\" hebben",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Veld {columnName} is niet beschikbaar",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Kan veld niet opslaan omdat het een cirkelverwijzing veroorzaakt",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Veld {columnName} met {columnType} type is gevonden maar {expectedType} type wordt verwacht",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} komt niet overeen met {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Selecteer opties kan niet null zijn",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect velden kunnen geen komma's (',') bevatten",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Selecteer opties mag geen duplicaten bevatten",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Maak nieuwe optie genaamd"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Voer een nummer in",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Voer e-mailadres in",
+ "invalidDate": "Ongeldige datum",
+ "invalidLocale": "Ongeldige taalinstelling",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Ongeldige valuta code",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type heeft eigen valutainstellingen",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "De geldige veldtypen voor een barcodeveld zijn: Nummer, Enkele regel tekst, Lange tekst, Telefoonnummer, URL, E-mail, Decimaal. Maak er eerst een aan.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Heeft veel relatie",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Een enkel record van tabel ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan gekoppeld worden met meerdere records van tabel "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Veel-tot-veel relatie",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Meerdere records van tabel ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan gekoppeld worden met meerdere records van tabel "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Behoort tot relatie",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Een enkel record van tabel ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan gekoppeld worden met een record van tabel "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Eén-op-één relatie",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Een enkel record van tabel ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan gekoppeld worden met een enkel record van tabel "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Het lijkt erop dat er nog geen records zijn gekoppeld.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Geen records gekoppeld",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Geen gekoppelde records",
+ "recordsLinked": "records gekoppeld",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Alleen geldige {type} accepteren",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Maak persoonlijke API-tokens aan voor gebruik in automatisering of externe apps.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Selecteer veld om te sorteren",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Selecteer veld om te groeperen",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Er zijn geen records in de tabel",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Er zijn momenteel geen records beschikbaar voor koppeling",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Aan de slag met webhooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Verbeter je automatiseringen. Krijg een melding zodra er wijzigingen zijn in je gegevens",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Weet u zeker dat u het volgende wilt verwijderen",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Weet u zeker dat u {deleteLabel} het volgende wilt",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID-veld is vereist, je kunt dit later hernoemen indien nodig.",
+ "length59Required": "De lengte overschrijdt het maximum van 59 tekens",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Je hebt geen nieuwe meldingen",
+ "noRecordFound": "Record niet gevonden",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Geen records gevonden",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Geen records komen overeen met uw zoekopdracht",
+ "rowDeleted": "Record verwijderd",
+ "saveChanges": "Wil je de wijzigingen opslaan?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Het veld is te groot om te worden geconverteerd naar {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Rol vereist",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Knopvelden die op deze webhook vertrouwen, worden beïnvloed",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanбанweergave vereist dat een enkele selectiekolom is ingesteld. Probeer een kanbanweergave in te stellen nadat een enkele selectiekolom is toegevoegd!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Kaartweergave vereist dat er een geodata veld is ingesteld. Probeer een kaartweergave in te stellen nadat een geodata veld is toegevoegd!",
+ "dbValid": "Zorg voor databasegeldigheid om schemaverlies te voorkomen",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Barcodefout - controleer compatibiliteit tussen invoer en type barcode"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Waarschuwing: Berekend veld - kan tekst niet wissen",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Waarschuwing: QR-velden kunnen niet rechtstreeks worden gewijzigd.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Waarschuwing: Barcodevelden kunnen niet direct worden gewijzigd."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Weet u zeker dat u de basis wilt dupliceren?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Weet u zeker dat u de tabel wilt dupliceren?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "U kunt de zichtbaarheid van een veld dat wordt bewerkt niet wijzigen. Sla eerst de wijzigingen op of annuleer ze.",
+ "moveEditedField": "U kunt een veld dat wordt bewerkt niet verplaatsen. Sla eerst de wijzigingen op of annuleer ze.",
+ "moveDeletedField": "U kunt een verwijderd veld niet verplaatsen. Sla eerst de wijzigingen op of annuleer ze."
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Je zult geen records tussen data kunnen slepen wanneer berekende of systeemvelden worden gebruikt.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Schema-aanpassingen zijn uitgeschakeld voor deze bron",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Voer werkruimtenaam in",
+ "enterBaseName": "Voer basisnaam in",
+ "idpPaste": "Plak deze URL's in de console van uw identiteitsprovider",
+ "noSaml": "Er zijn geen geconfigureerde SAML-authenticaties.",
+ "noOIDC": "Er zijn geen geconfigureerde OpenID-authenticaties.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Uitgeschakeld omdat weergave vergrendeld is",
+ "basesMigrated": "Bases zijn gemigreerd. Probeer het opnieuw.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Plakken wordt niet ondersteund op de actieve cel",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator kan nieuwe projecten aanmaken en heeft toegang tot elk uitgenodigd project.",
"orgViewer": "De Viewer mag geen nieuwe projecten aanmaken, maar heeft wel toegang tot elk uitgenodigd project."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Scanner laden...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Je zit over de limiet.",
+ "closeLimit": "Je bereikt bijna de limiet.",
+ "limitNumber": "De limiet van markeringen getoond in een Kaart Weergave is 1000 records."
"footerInfo": "Rijen per pagina",
"upload": "Selecteer bestand om te uploaden",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Voer formulier invoerlabel in",
"formHelpText": "Voeg wat hulptekst toe",
"onlyCreator": "Alleen zichtbaar voor Creators",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Formuliertitel toevoegen",
"formDesc": "Voeg een formulierbeschrijving toe",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Beperk de toegang met een wachtwoord",
"afterEnablePwd": "Toegang is wachtwoord beperkt",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Krijg toegang tot het project via",
"submitAnotherForm": "Toon 'Stuur een nieuwe inzending' in",
"showBlankForm": "Toon een leeg formulier na 5 seconden",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "E-mailreacties naar",
"showSysFields": "Toon systeemvelden",
"filterAutoApply": "Automatisch toepassen",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Bericht weergeven",
"viewNotShared": "Huidige weergave is niet gedeeld!",
"showAllViews": "Toon alle gedeelde weergaven van deze tabel",
"collabView": "Collaborators met bewerkingsmachtigingen of hoger kunnen de weergaveconfiguratie wijzigen.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Gallerijweergave toevoegen",
"form": "Formulierweergave toevoegen",
"kanban": "Kanbanweergave toevoegen",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Kaartweergave Toevoegen",
"calendar": "Kalenderweergave toevoegen"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabelmetadata is gesynchroniseerd",
"addMultipleUsers": "U kunt meerdere komma (,) gescheiden e-mails toevoegen",
"enterTableName": "Voer de tabelnaam in",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Voer tafelb beschrijving in...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Voer veld beschrijving in...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Voer weergavebeschrijving in...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Voer lay-outnaam in",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Voer dashboardnaam in",
+ "defaultColumns": "Standaardvelden",
"addDefaultColumns": "Voeg standaardkolommen toe",
"tableNameInDb": "Tabelnaam zoals opgeslagen in de database",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Deze waarde staat al in de lijst",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Geen kolommen om bij te werken",
"tableDeleted": "Tabel succesvol verwijderd",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Layout succesvol verwijderd",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Openbaar deelbare readonly basis genereren",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Weet u zeker dat u deze weergave wilt verwijderen?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Weet u zeker dat u deze lay-out wilt verwijderen?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Wilt u de tabel verwijderen",
"showM2mTables": "Toon M2M-tabellen",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Veel-op-veel relaties worden ondersteund via een koppelings-tabel en zijn standaard verborgen. Schakel deze optie in om alle dergelijke tabellen samen met bestaande tabellen weer te geven.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Toon NULL in Cellen",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Toon 'NULL' tag in cellen met een NULL waarde. Dit helpt onderscheid te maken met cellen die een LEEG tekenreeks bevatten.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Toon NULL en LEEG in Filter",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Schakel 'extra' filters in om velden die NULL en Lege Tekenreeksen bevatten te onderscheiden. Standaardondersteuning voor Blanks behandelt zowel NULL als Lege tekenreeksen gelijk.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Door deze stapel te verwijderen wordt ook de selectieoptie `{stackToBeDeleted}` van de `{groupingField}` verwijderd. De records worden verplaatst naar de ongecategoriseerde stapel.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Berekend veld: de inhoud is alleen leesbaar. Gebruik het kolombewerkingsmenu om opnieuw te configureren",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Berekend veld: inhoud is alleen-lezen. Kan inhoud niet wissen.",
"noMoreRecords": "Geen records meer",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Tokennaam mag niet leeg zijn",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Tokennaam mag niet meer dan 255 tekens bevatten",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Databasenaam is vereist",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Werkspacenaam vereist",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Werkspacenaam moet minimaal 3 tekens lang zijn",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Werkspacenaam mag maximaal 50 tekens lang zijn",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Dit werkbestand en alle inhoud verwijderen.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Ik begrijp dat deze actie onomkeerbaar is",
+ "pageNotFound": "Pagina niet gevonden",
+ "makeLineBreak": "om een regel te breken",
+ "goToPrevious": "Ga naar vorige",
+ "goToNext": "Ga naar volgende",
+ "thankYou": "Dank je!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Je hebt de formuliervelden met succes ingediend.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Bewerken van systeem sleutel niet ondersteund",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Momenteel niet beschikbaar",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Groepsplakbewerking wordt niet ondersteund voor Links/KoppelAanAnderRecord kolom",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Groepswisbewerking wordt niet ondersteund voor Links/KoppelAanAnderRecord kolom",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade naar Enterprise editie {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Deze functie is alleen beschikbaar in enterprise editie",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Uw huidige rol is",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Vraag om hogere rechten van de Admin / Base eigenaar / Werkruimte eigenaar om toegang te krijgen tot deze {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "U kunt niet alle opties verbergen als een veld verplicht is"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Handmatige hooks kunnen niet worden uitgeschakeld",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Fout bij het laden van recordgegevens",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Fout bij ophalen van kalendergegevens",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Fout bij ophalen van actieve data",
+ "scopesRequired": "Benodigde reikwijdtes",
+ "domainRequired": "Domeinnaam is vereist",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is vereist",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Gebruikersnaamattribuut is vereist",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Client-ID is vereist",
+ "issuerRequired": "Uitgever is vereist",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Clientsleutel is vereist",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is vereist",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is vereist",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is vereist",
+ "eitherXML": "Of xml of metadata url is vereist",
+ "nameRequired": "Naam vereist",
+ "nameMinLength": "Naam moet minimaal 2 tekens lang zijn",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Naam mag maximaal 60 tekens lang zijn",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Weergavenaam is vereist",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Domeinnaam is vereist",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Naam mag maximaal 256 tekens lang zijn",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Weergavenaam moet uniek zijn",
"searchProject": "Uw zoekopdracht voor {search} heeft geen resultaten opgeleverd",
"invalidChar": "Ongeldig karakter in folderlocatie.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ongeldige database-inloggegevens.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Kan geen verbinding maken met de database, controleer dat uw database actief is.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Ongeldig jaar",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Gebruiker bestaat niet of heeft onvoldoende toestemming om schema te maken.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Ongeldige databaseparameters",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Verbindingsstoring:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Lege filter bestaat. Verwijder deze alstublieft",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "E-mail is vereist",
"emailInvalid": "E-mail moet geldig zijn",
"passwdRequired": "Wachtwoord is verplicht",
"passwdLength": "Je wachtwoord moet ten minste 8 tekens hebben",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Een nummer",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Eén speciaal teken",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Lijst met toegestane speciale tekens",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Ongeldige e-mails",
+ "invalidEmail": "Ongeldige e-mail"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Ongeldige XML",
"invalidURL": "Ongeldige URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Ongeldig Email",
"internalError": "Er is een interne fout opgetreden",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Sjabloongenerator kan niet worden gevonden!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Bestand niet geüpload",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "De naam moet beginnen met een alfabet of _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "De volgende tekens zijn niet toegestaan",
"columnNameRequired": "Kolomnaam is verplicht",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Dubbele kolomnaam",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Naam al gebruikt voor systeemkolom",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI-gegevens type is vereist",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} naam overschrijdt 50 tekens",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} naam mag niet beginnen met spatie",
"requiredField": "Verplicht veld",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP niet toegestaan",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Doelbestand is geen geaccepteerd bestandstype",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "De geaccepteerde bestandstypen zijn .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parametersleutel kan niet leeg zijn",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Dubbele parametersleutels zijn niet toegestaan",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Dit veld kan niet leeg zijn.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project niet toegankelijk",
"copyToClipboardError": "Kopiëren naar klembord mislukt",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Mislukt om van klembord te plakken",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Voltooi de configuratie van alle velden vóór het opslaan",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Er is iets fout gegaan",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Gesleepte inhoud is niet van het type afbeelding",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Veld om afbeeldingsgegevens te parseren",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Enkele verplichte velden zijn leeg"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Project metadata met succes geëxporteerd",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Binnenkort beschikbaar!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Licentiesleutel bijgewerkt",
"columnDuplicated": "Kolom succesvol gedupliceerd",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "UI ACL voor tabellen met succes bijgewerkt",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin-instellingen succesvol opgeslagen",
"pluginTested": "Succesvol geteste plugin-instellingen",
"tableRenamed": "Tabel hernoemd met succes",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Layout succes vol hernoemd",
"viewDeleted": "Met succes verwijderd bekijken",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Succesvol bijgewerkt als primaire kolom",
"tableDataExported": "Alle tabelgegevens succesvol geëxporteerd",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "Gebruiker succesvol verwijderd uit project",
"inviteEmailSent": "Uitnodigingsmail succesvol verzonden",
"inviteURLCopied": "Uitnodiging URL gekopieerd naar klembord",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Opmerking gekopieerd naar klembord",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "Wachtwoord reset URL gekopieerd naar klembord",
"shareableURLCopied": "Deelbare basis URL gekopieerd naar klembord!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Gekopieerde insluitbare HTML-code!",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Wachtwoord succesvol gewijzigd. Gelieve opnieuw in te loggen.",
"settingsSaved": "Instellingen succesvol opgeslagen",
"roleUpdated": "Rol succesvol bijgewerkt",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integratie succesvol verbonden",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Basis eigenaren en makers kunnen nu een gegevensbron toevoegen zonder inloggegevens opnieuw in te voeren."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/no.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/no.json
index 4b8f7e43df..8eb1979072 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/no.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/no.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Opprett ny grensesnitt",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Koble datakilder",
+ "alert": "Varsel",
+ "alert-message": "Ingen databaser er koblet til. Koble database for å bygge grensesnitt. Hopp over dette trinnet og legg til databaser fra startsiden for basis senere.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Velg database baser som du vil koble til denne grensesnittet.",
+ "create_interface": "Opprett grensesnitt",
+ "project_name": "Prosjektnavn",
+ "connect": "Koble til",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "Åpne ekstern lenke",
+ "delete_record": "Slett post",
+ "update_record": "Oppdater post",
+ "open_layout": "Åpne layout"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "Tekst",
+ "chart": "Diagram",
+ "table": "Bord",
+ "image": "Bilde",
+ "map": "Kart",
+ "button": "Knapp",
+ "number": "Nummer",
+ "bar_chart": "Søylediagram",
+ "line_chart": "Linje diagram",
+ "area_chart": "Område diagram",
+ "pie_chart": "Sektor Diagram",
+ "donut_chart": "Smultring Diagram",
+ "scatter_plot": "Punktdiagram",
+ "bubble_chart": "Boblediagram",
+ "radar_chart": "Radar Diagram",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polart Avsnittsdiagram",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Stolpediagram",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Varme Kart Diagram",
+ "treemap_chart": "Trestruktur Diagram",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Boksplott Diagram",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Lysestake Diagram"
"aggregation": {
"sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "count": "Telle",
"min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
+ "max": "Maks",
+ "avg": "Gj.snitt",
"median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "std_dev": "Standardavvik",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Område",
+ "percent_empty": "Tomt",
+ "percent_filled": "Fylt",
+ "percent_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_empty": "Tomt",
+ "count_filled": "Fylt",
+ "earliest_date": "Tidligste dato",
+ "latest_date": "Seneste dato",
+ "date_range": "Datointervall",
+ "month_range": "Månedsintervall",
+ "checked": "Sjekket",
+ "unchecked": "Uverifisert",
+ "percent_checked": "Prosent sjekket",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Prosent uverifisert",
+ "attachment_size": "Størrelse",
+ "none": "Ingen"
"aggregation_type": {
"sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "count": "Telle",
"min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
+ "max": "Maks",
+ "avg": "Gjennomsnitt",
"median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "std_dev": "Standardavvik",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Intervall",
+ "percent_empty": "Prosent tomt",
+ "percent_filled": "Prosent fylt",
+ "percent_unique": "Prosent unik",
+ "count_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_empty": "Tomt",
+ "count_filled": "Fylt",
+ "earliest_date": "Tidligste Dato",
+ "latest_date": "Seneste Dato",
+ "date_range": "Datointervall",
+ "month_range": "Månedsintervall",
+ "checked": "Sjekket",
+ "unchecked": "Uverifisert",
+ "percent_checked": "Prosent sjekket",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Prosent uverifisert",
+ "attachment_size": "Vedleggsstørrelse",
+ "none": "Ingen"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skript",
+ "configure": "Konfigurer",
+ "switch": "Bytt",
+ "on": "På",
+ "onMultiple": "På flere",
+ "manual": "Manuell",
+ "trigger": "Utløser",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "Stil",
+ "label": "Etikett",
+ "role": "Rolle",
+ "general": "Generelt",
+ "quit": "Avslutt",
"home": "Hjem",
"load": "Laste",
"open": "Åpen",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nei",
"ok": "OK",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Tilbake",
"and": "Og",
"or": "Eller",
"add": "Legg til",
"edit": "Redigere",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "Kobling",
+ "links": "Koblinger",
"remove": "Fjerne",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "Importer",
+ "logout": "Logg ut",
+ "empty": "Tom",
+ "changeIcon": "Endre Ikon",
"save": "Lagre",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Tilgjengelig",
+ "abort": "Avbryt",
+ "saving": "Lagrer",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"null": "Null",
"escape": "Escape",
- "hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "hex": "Heks",
+ "clear": "Tøm",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Kommentar",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Sitér",
"submit": "Sende inn",
"create": "Opprett",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
- "duplicate": "Duplicate",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "createEntity": "Opprett {entity}",
+ "creating": "Oppretter",
+ "creatingEntity": "Oppretter {entity}",
+ "details": "Detaljer",
+ "skip": "Hopp over",
+ "code": "Kode",
+ "duplicate": "Dupliser",
+ "duplicating": "Kopierer",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Dupliser {entity}",
+ "activate": "Aktiver",
+ "action": "Handling",
"insert": "Sett inn",
"delete": "Slett",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "Slett {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "Massivt Innlegg",
+ "bulkDelete": "Massesletting",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Oppdater",
+ "deleting": "Sletter",
"update": "Oppdater",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Oppdaterer",
"rename": "Gi nytt navn til",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Gi nytt navn til {entity}",
"reload": "Last på nytt",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Oppdater",
"reset": "Nullstill",
"install": "Installere",
"show": "Forestilling",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "Tilgang",
+ "visibility": "Synlighet",
"hide": "Gjemme seg",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Utgått",
"showAll": "Vis alt",
"hideAll": "Gjem alle",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Ikke funnet",
"showMore": "Vis mer",
"showOptions": "Vis alternativer",
"hideOptions": "Skjul alternativer",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "LOGG INN",
"signOut": "Logg ut",
"required": "Kreves",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "Aktiver skanner for utfylling",
"preferred": "Foretrukket",
"mandatory": "Påbudt, bindende",
"loading": "Laster ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Laste opp",
"download": "nedlasting",
"default": "Misligholde",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Kilde",
+ "datasource": "Datakilde",
"more": "Mer",
"less": "Mindre",
"event": "Begivenhet",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "Etter",
"before": "Før",
"search": "Søk",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Søk I",
"notification": "Melding",
"reference": "Referanse",
"function": "Funksjon",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"generate": "Generate",
"copy": "Copy",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Kopiert",
+ "are": "er",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"lock": "Lock",
"unlock": "Unlock",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.",
"moreInfo": "More information can be found here",
"logs": "Logs",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
- "hideField": "Hide field",
- "showField": "Show field",
- "sortAsc": "Sort ascending",
- "sortDesc": "Sort descending",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
+ "groupingField": "Stable etter felt",
+ "insertAfter": "Sett inn til høyre",
+ "insertBefore": "Sett inn til venstre",
+ "insertAbove": "Sett inn over",
+ "insertBelow": "Sett inn under",
+ "hideField": "Skjul felt",
+ "showField": "Vis felt",
+ "sortAsc": "Sorter stigende",
+ "sortDesc": "Sorter synkende",
+ "move": "Flytt",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData-felt",
"type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
+ "subType": "Under-type",
+ "name": "Navn",
+ "changes": "Endringer",
+ "new": "Ny",
+ "old": "Gammel",
"data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "source": "Kilde",
+ "destination": "Destinasjon",
+ "active": "Aktiv",
+ "inactive": "Inaktiv",
+ "linked": "linket",
+ "finish": "Fullfør",
"min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
+ "max": "Maks",
+ "avg": "Gj.sn",
"sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
+ "count": "Telle",
+ "countDistinct": "Telle Distinkt",
+ "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinkt",
+ "avgDistinct": "Gjennomsnitt Distinkt",
+ "join": "Bli med",
+ "options": "Alternativer",
+ "primaryValue": "Primærverdi",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Bruk undersøkelsesmodus",
+ "shift": "Flytte",
"enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "seconds": "Sekunder",
+ "paste": "Lim inn",
+ "restore": "Gjenopprett",
+ "replace": "Erstatt",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
+ "dropdown": "Nedtrekksmeny",
+ "list": "Liste",
+ "verify": "Verifiser",
+ "apply": "Bruk",
+ "text": "Tekst",
+ "appearance": "Utseende",
+ "now": "Nå",
+ "set": "Sett",
"format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "colour": "Farge",
+ "use": "Bruk",
+ "stack": "Stable",
+ "ipAddress": "IP-adresse",
+ "integration": "Integrasjon",
+ "integrations": "Integrasjoner",
+ "connection": "Tilkobling",
+ "connections": "Tilkoblinger",
+ "private": "Privat",
+ "request": "Forespørsel",
+ "languages": "Språk",
+ "extension": "Utvidelse",
+ "extensions": "Utvidelser"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "filer",
+ "owner": "Eieren",
+ "member": "Medlem",
+ "day": "Dag",
+ "week": "Uke",
+ "month": "Måned",
+ "year": "År",
+ "workspace": "Arbeidsområde",
+ "workspaces": "Arbeidsområder",
"project": "Prosjekt",
"projects": "Prosjekter",
"table": "Bord",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Enger",
"column": "Kolonne",
"columns": "Kolonner",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Celle",
+ "cells": "Celler",
"page": "Side",
"pages": "Sider",
"record": "Ta opp",
@@ -319,49 +320,49 @@
"webhooks": "Webhooks.",
"view": "Utsikt",
"views": "Visninger",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Sidepanel",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Rutenett",
"gallery": "Galleri",
"form": "Skjema",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Kalender",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Kart"
"user": "Bruker",
"users": "Brukere",
"role": "Rolle",
"roles": "Roller",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Utvikler",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Eieren",
"creator": "Skaperen.",
"editor": "Redaktør",
"commenter": "Kommenterer",
"viewer": "Seer.",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
- "orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
- "orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
+ "noaccess": "Ingen tilgang",
+ "superAdmin": "Superadministrator",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Organisasjonsnivået eier",
+ "orgLevelCreator": "Organisasjonsnivå skaper",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "Organisasjonsnivå seer"
- "sqlVIew": "SQL View",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "sqlVIew": "SQL-visning",
+ "rowHeight": "Post Høyde",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
+ "short": "Kort",
"medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "tall": "Høy",
+ "extra": "Ekstra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Ekstern Database",
"syncData": {
"appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Kalender",
+ "googleDrive": "Google Disk",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Alle Integrasjoner",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Sømløst koble til og administrer databasene dine med NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Kommunikasjon",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Bli varslet om endringer og effektiviser teamkommunikasjon med NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Prosjektledelse",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Forbedre prosjektarbeidsflyter og oppgavehåndtering med NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimaliser kundehåndtering gjennom NocoDB-integrasjoner.",
+ "marketing": "Markedsføring",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Gjør dine markedsføringsinnsatser bedre med NocoDBs kraftige integrasjoner.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Effektiviser ditt system for sporing av søkere med NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Utvikling",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Akselerer utviklingsprosesser med NocoDB-integrasjoner.",
+ "finance": "Finans",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Forenkle økonomiske operasjoner og databehandling med NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Billettsystem",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Administrer og følg opp support-billetter effektivt med NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrer og organiser lagringsløsningene dine sømløst med NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Andre",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Oppdag flere allsidige integrasjoner for å forbedre NocoDB-opplevelsen din.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Regneark",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Koble til og administrer regnearkene dine med NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,69 +487,69 @@
"isNotNull": "er ikke null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Søk webhook",
+ "webcam": "Webkamera",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Last opp via URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
+ "renameBase": "Gi nytt navn til base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Gi nytt navn til arbeidsområde",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Omdøper arbeidsområde",
+ "renamingBase": "Omdøper base",
+ "sso": "Autentisering (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumenter",
"forum": "Forum",
"parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
- "erdView": "ERD View",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "headers": "Overskrifter",
+ "parameterName": "Parameternavn",
+ "currencyLocale": "Valuta-lokalitet",
+ "currencyCode": "Valuta-kode",
+ "searchMembers": "Søk medlemmer",
+ "noMembersFound": "Ingen medlemmer funnet",
+ "dateJoined": "Dato Bli med",
+ "tokenName": "Token-navn",
+ "inDesktop": "på Desktop",
+ "rowData": "Postdata",
+ "creator": "Skaperen",
+ "qrCode": "QR-kode",
+ "termsOfService": "Tjenestevilkår",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Oppdater valgte poster",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Ingen filtre lagt til",
+ "editCards": "Rediger kort",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Ingen felt funnet",
+ "displayValue": "Vis Verdi",
+ "expand": "Utvid",
+ "hideAll": "Gjem alle",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Skjul systemfelt",
+ "removeFile": "Fjern Fil",
+ "hasMany": "Har Mange",
+ "manyToMany": "Mange til Mange",
+ "oneToOne": "En til En",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtuell Relasjon",
+ "linkMore": "Link Mer",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Koble flere poster",
+ "linkRecords": "Lenk poster",
+ "downloadFile": "Last ned fil",
+ "renameTable": "Omdøpe Tabell",
+ "renamingTable": "Omdøper Tabell",
+ "renamingWs": "Omdøper Arbeidsområde",
+ "renameWs": "Omdøpe Arbeidsområde",
+ "deleteWs": "Slett Arbeidsområde",
+ "deletingWs": "Sletter Arbeidsområde",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Kopier Auth Token",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Kopiert Auth Token",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Kopier Invitasjonstoken",
+ "showSidebar": "Vis sidepanel",
+ "hideSidebar": "Skjul sidepanel",
+ "creatingTable": "Oppretter Tabell",
+ "erdView": "ERD-visning",
+ "newBase": "Ny Datakilde",
"newProj": "Nytt prosjekt",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Opprett prosjekt",
"myProject": "Mine prosjekter",
"formTitle": "Skjema tittel",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Samarbeidsvillig",
+ "locked": "Låst",
+ "personal": "Personlig",
"appStore": "App Store",
"teamAndAuth": "Team og Auth.",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roller og brukeradministrasjon",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Generate Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
"helpCenter": "Help center",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Ingen etiketter",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
"quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From",
"quickImport": "Quick Import",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Rask import - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Rask import - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Rask import - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Rask import - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "comingSoon": "Kommer snart",
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
"codeSnippet": "Code Snippet",
- "keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "Hurtigtaster",
+ "generateRandomName": "Generer tilfeldig navn",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
+ "tokenManagement": "Tokenadministrasjon",
+ "addNewToken": "Legg til nytt token",
+ "createNewToken": "Opprett nytt token",
+ "accountSettings": "Konto Innstillinger",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Tilbakestill passord",
"tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "userManagement": "Brukeradministrasjon",
+ "accountManagement": "Kontoadministrasjon",
+ "licence": "Lisens",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Tillat alle Mime-typer",
+ "defaultView": "Standardvisning",
+ "relations": "Relasjoner",
+ "switchLanguage": "Bytt språk",
+ "renameFile": "Gi nytt navn til filen",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
+ "noAction": "Ingen handling",
"cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "restrict": "Begrense",
+ "setNull": "Sett null",
+ "setDefault": "Sett standard"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Velg felter fra høyre panel for å legge til her",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Ingen alternativer funnet",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Er du sikker på at du vil sende inn dette skjemaet?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Det ser ut som om denne stakken ikke har noen poster",
+ "fromScratch": "Fra grunnen",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Fra filer & eksterne kilder",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Direkte i sanntid",
+ "categories": "Kategorier",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Felt utilgjengelig",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Ingen betingelser lagt til"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Endret på",
+ "configuration": "Konfigurasjon",
+ "setup": "Oppsett",
+ "configLabel": "Konfigurer {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Bytt til en produksjonsklar appdatabase",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "fieldID": "Felt-ID",
+ "addDescription": "Legg til beskrivelse",
+ "editDescription": "Rediger beskrivelse",
+ "urlFormula": "URL Formel",
+ "selectIcon": "ingen",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--velg en webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Åpne URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Kjør Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Ved klikk",
+ "defaultView": "Standardvisning",
+ "recordInsert": "Sett inn oppføring",
+ "recordUpdate": "Oppdater oppføring",
+ "recordDelete": "Slett oppføring",
+ "supportDocs": "Støttedokumenter",
+ "addedOn": "Lagt til",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Endre visningsverdi felt",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Velg visningsverdi felt",
+ "changeTitleField": "Endre tittelfelt",
+ "clearAll": "Tøm alt",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Oppslagsfelt viser data fra tilkoblede poster. Velg spesifikke felt fra ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabell for å legge dem til som oppslagsfelt i denne tabellen.",
+ "formatting": "Formatering",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Velg en formattype (valgfritt)- -",
+ "formatType": "Formattype",
+ "toUpload": "å laste opp",
+ "dragFilesHere": "dra filer her",
+ "browseFiles": "bla gjennom filer",
+ "clickTo": "Klikk for å",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Vennligst gi tilgang til kameraet ditt",
+ "openFile": "Åpne fil",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Skriv inn en gyldig URL for å laste opp filer",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Legg til filer fra URL",
+ "uploading": "Laster opp",
+ "dropHere": "Slipp her",
+ "addMore": "Legg til flere",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Tøm alle filer",
+ "integration": "Integrasjon",
+ "notRecommended": "Ikke anbefalt",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "selectView": "Velg en visning",
+ "connectionDetails": "Tilkoblingsdetaljer for kilde",
"metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "mention": "Nevne",
+ "today": "I dag",
+ "currentDate": "Dagens dato",
+ "workspace": "Arbeidsområde",
+ "txt": "TXT postverdi",
+ "transferOwnership": "Overfør eierskap",
+ "recentActivity": "Nylig aktivitet",
+ "goToMembers": "Gå til medlemmer",
+ "addMember": "Legg til medlem",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Antall medlemmer",
+ "numberOfBases": "Antall baser",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Antall poster",
+ "workspaceName": "Arbeidsområdenavn",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Arbeidsområde uten eiere",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Inviter brukere til arbeidsområde",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-velg arbeidsområder å invitere til-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Legg til medlemmer i organisasjon",
+ "memberIn": "Medlem i:",
+ "assignAs": "Tildel som",
+ "signOutUser": "Logg ut bruker",
+ "signOutUsers": "Logg ut brukere",
+ "deactivateUser": "Deaktiver bruker",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Deaktiver brukere",
+ "lastActive": "Sist aktiv",
+ "dateAdded": "Dato lagt til",
+ "uploadImage": "Last opp bilde",
+ "organizationProfile": "Organisasjonsprofil",
+ "organizationImage": "Organisasjonsbilde",
+ "organizationName": "Organisasjonsnavn",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktive domener",
+ "domains": "Domener",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Deaktiver offentlig deling",
+ "shareSettings": "Delingsinnstillinger",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Slett bruker og deres data",
+ "userOptions": "Brukeralternativer",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Slett denne organisasjonen",
+ "dangerZone": "Faresone",
+ "childView": "Barnevisning",
+ "selectYear": "Velg år",
+ "save": "Lagre",
+ "cancel": "Avbryt",
"metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "Målgruppe/ Enhet ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "Omdirigerings-URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "newProvider": "Ny leverandør",
+ "generalSettings": "Generelle innstillinger",
+ "adminPanel": "Administratorpanel",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Flytt arbeidsområde til organisasjon",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO-innstillinger",
+ "addDomain": "Legg til domene",
+ "domain": "Domene",
+ "settings": "Innstillinger",
+ "workspaces": "Arbeidsområder",
+ "back": "Tilbake",
+ "dashboard": "Dashbord",
+ "organizeBy": "Organiser etter",
+ "previous": "Forrige",
+ "nextMonth": "Neste måned",
+ "previousMonth": "Forrige måned",
+ "next": "Neste",
+ "organiseBy": "Organiser etter",
+ "heading1": "Overskrift 1",
+ "heading2": "Overskrift 2",
+ "heading3": "Overskrift 3",
+ "bold": "Fet",
+ "italic": "Kursiv",
+ "underline": "Understreket",
+ "strike": "Gjennomstreking",
+ "taskList": "Oppgaveliste",
+ "bulletList": "Punktliste",
+ "numberedList": "Nummerert liste",
+ "downloadData": "Last ned data",
+ "blockQuote": "Blokksitat",
+ "noToken": "Ingen token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Bare én token per bruker er tillatt",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Fil med navn {filename} allerede vedlagt",
+ "tableIdColon": "TABELL ID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "VISNINGS-ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Til adresse",
+ "subject": "Emne",
+ "body": "Hoveddel",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Kommaseparerte mobilnumre",
+ "headerName": "Overskriftsnavn",
+ "icon": "Ikon",
+ "max": "Maks",
+ "enableRichText": "Aktiver rik tekst",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
- "createdBy": "Created By",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Kopiert rekord-URL",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Kopier rekord-URL",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Dupliser post",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binært kodingsformat",
+ "syntax": "Syntaks",
+ "examples": "Eksempler",
+ "durationInfo": "En tidsvarighet i minutter eller sekunder (f.eks. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Legg til overskrift",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Oppgi standard-URL (Valgfritt)",
+ "negative": "Negativ",
+ "discard": "Forkast",
+ "default": "Misligholde",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Standardnummer (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Varighetsformat",
+ "dateFormat": "Datoformat",
+ "timeFormat": "Tidsformat",
+ "singularLabel": "Entallsetikett",
+ "pluralLabel": "Flertallsetikett",
+ "selectDateField": "Velg et datofelt",
+ "endDateField": "Sluttdato felt",
+ "optional": "(Valgfritt)",
+ "clickToMake": "Klikk for å lage",
+ "visibleForRole": "synlig for rolle:",
+ "inUI": "i UI-dashbordet",
+ "projectSettings": "Grunnleggende innstillinger",
+ "clickToHide": "Klikk for å skjule",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klikk for å laste ned",
+ "forRole": "for rolle",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Klikk for å kopiere tabell ID",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klikk for å kopiere visnings-ID",
+ "viewMode": "Visningsmodus",
+ "searchUsers": "Søk brukere",
+ "superAdmin": "Superadministrator",
+ "allTables": "Alle tabeller",
+ "members": "Medlemmer",
+ "dataSources": "Datakilder",
+ "connectDataSource": "Koble til ekstern data",
+ "searchProjects": "Søkebaser",
+ "createdBy": "Opprettet av",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viser vedlegg for",
+ "readOnly": "Skrivebeskyttet",
+ "createdOn": "Opprettet den",
"notifyVia": "Varsle Via.",
"projName": "Prosjektnavn",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "accountDetails": "Kontodetaljer",
+ "controlAppearance": "Kontroller utseendet ditt.",
+ "accountEmailID": "Kontoens e-post-ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Tilbake til arbeidsområde",
+ "untitledToken": "Uten tittel-token",
"tableName": "Tabellnavn",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Dashbord navn",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Oppretter visning",
+ "duplicateView": "Dupliser visning",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Dupliser rutenettvisning",
+ "createGridView": "Opprett rutenettvisning",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Dupliser galleriutsikt",
+ "createGalleryView": "Lag galleriutsikt",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Dupliser skjemavisning",
+ "createFormView": "Opprett skjemavisning",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Dupliser Kanban-visning",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Dupliser kalenderutsikt",
+ "createKanbanView": "Lag Kanban View",
+ "createCalendarView": "Opprett kalenderutsikt",
"viewName": "Se navn",
"viewLink": "Vis lenke",
"columnName": "Kolonne navn",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Skriv inn database",
"lengthValue": "Lengde / verdi",
"dbType": "Databasetype",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "servernavn / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite-filbane",
+ "hostAddress": "Vertsadresse",
+ "port": "Portnummer",
"username": "Brukernavn",
"password": "Passord",
"schemaName": "Schema name",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Handling",
"actions": "Handlinger",
"operation": "Operasjon",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Sub-operasjon",
"operationType": "Operasjonstype",
"operationSubType": "OPERATION SUB-TYPE",
"description": "Beskrivelse",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Hvor",
"cache": "Cache.",
"chat": "Chat",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Vis eller skjul",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV-fil",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON-fil",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-post",
@@ -873,13 +876,13 @@
"created": "Opprettet",
"sqlOutput": "SQL-utgang",
"addOption": "Legg til alternativ",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Grensesnittfarge",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
- "barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
- "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
- "barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "barcodeFormat": "Strekkodeformat",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "For mange tegn for en QR-kode",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "For mange tegn for en strekkode",
+ "currentLocation": "Nåværende plassering",
"lng": "Lng",
"lat": "Lat",
"aggregateFunction": "Samlet funksjon",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Join NocoDB Community",
"joinReddit": "Bli med /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Følg NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Fellesskap/AI Oversatt)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Dokumentreferanse",
"selectUserRole": "Velg Brukerrolle",
"childTable": "Barnbord",
"childColumn": "Barn kolonne",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
- "linkToAnotherRecord": "Link to another record",
- "links": "Links",
+ "childField": "Barn kolonne",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Bli med i skyen gratis",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "Lenke til en annen post",
+ "links": "Lenker",
"onUpdate": "På oppdatering",
"onDelete": "På slette",
"account": "Account",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Custom Theme",
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
"apiKey": "API Key",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
- "importData": "Import data",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Personlig tilgangstoken",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Delt grunnlinje-URL",
+ "importData": "Importér data",
"importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Importer brukere (via e-post)",
"noData": "No Data",
"goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
"importing": "Importing",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Formater JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-velg felttyper",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Bruk første rad som overskrifter",
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
"downloadAllowed": "Download allowed",
"weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "has many",
"belongsTo": "belongs to",
"manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "har en-til-en relasjon",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
"commentsOnly": "Comments only",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "Registrer deg med {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "Logg inn med {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
"welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
- "inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "Tillat påmelding kun ved bruk av invitasjonslenke",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Legg til data manuelt i rutenettvisning",
+ "addRowForm": "Legg inn data via et skjema",
+ "noAccess": "Ingen tilgang",
+ "restApis": "Rest-APIer",
+ "apis": "APIer",
+ "apiSnippet": "API-utdrag",
+ "includeData": "Inkluder data",
+ "includeView": "Inkluder visning",
+ "includeWebhook": "Inkluder Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom inn for å se kolonner",
+ "embedInSite": "Bygg inn denne visningen på nettstedet ditt",
+ "titleRequired": "tittel er påkrevd.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Kildenavn er påkrevd",
+ "changeWsName": "Endre navn på arbeidsområde",
+ "pressEnter": "Trykk Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Nytt felt",
+ "saveChanges": "Lagre endringer",
+ "updatedField": "Oppdatert felt",
+ "deletedField": "Slettet felt",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Ufullstendig konfigurasjon",
+ "selectField": "Velg et felt",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
+ "backgroundColor": "Bakgrunnsfarge",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Skjul NocoDB Branding",
"showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Viser feltet kun når betingelser er oppfylt",
+ "limitOptions": "Begrens alternativer",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Begrens alternativer som brukere kan se ved å velge tilgjengelige alternativer",
+ "clearSelection": "Tøm valg",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Vis som fremdrift",
+ "relationType": "Relasjonstype",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Vis tusenskiller",
+ "signUpForFree": "Registrer deg gratis",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Tilpass bilde",
+ "coverImageArea": "Dekke bilde",
+ "syncData": "Synkroniser data",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registrer tjenestene du er interessert i for å bli varslet når de blir tilgjengelige",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Omdiriger til URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook Detaljer",
+ "hideWeekends": "Skjul helger",
+ "renameBase": "Gi nytt navn til base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Gi nytt navn til arbeidsområde",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktiver",
+ "manageUsers": "Administrer brukere",
+ "newWorkspace": "Nytt arbeidsområde",
+ "addDomain": "Legg til domene",
+ "addMembers": "Legg til medlemmer",
+ "enterEmail": "Skriv inn e-postadresser",
+ "inviteToBase": "Inviter til Base",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Inviter til arbeidsområde",
+ "addMember": "Legg til medlem i Base",
+ "noRange": "Kalenderutsikt krever et datointervall",
+ "goToToday": "Gå til i dag",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Bytt sidepanel",
+ "addEndDate": "Legg til sluttdato",
+ "withEndDate": "med sluttdato",
+ "calendar": "Kalender",
+ "viewSettings": "Vis innstillinger",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registrer OIDC-Identitetsleverandør",
+ "registerSAML": "Registrer SAML-Identitetsleverandør",
+ "openInANewTab": "Åpne i en ny fane",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopier IFrame-kode",
+ "onCondition": "På betingelse",
+ "bulkDownload": "Bulk nedlasting",
+ "attachFile": "Legg til fil",
+ "viewAttachment": "Se vedlegg",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Klikk eller slipp en fil i cellen",
+ "addFiles": "Legg til fil(er)",
+ "hideInUI": "Skjul i UI",
+ "addBase": "Legg til Base",
+ "addParameter": "Legg til parameter",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Send inn et annet skjema",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Dra og slipp felt her for å legge til",
+ "editSource": "Rediger datakilde",
+ "enterText": "Angi tekst",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Rediger Base",
+ "showInUI": "Vis i UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Ute av synkronisering",
+ "newSource": "Ny datakilde",
+ "newWebhook": "Ny Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Aktiver offentlig tilgang",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Ønsker du å lagre endringene?",
+ "editingAccess": "Redigeringstilgang",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Aktiver offentlig visning",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Begrens tilgang med passord",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Administrer Base Tilgang",
+ "allowDownload": "Tillat nedlasting",
+ "surveyMode": "Undersøkelsesmodus",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL-orientering",
+ "useTheme": "Bruk Tema",
+ "copyLink": "Kopier lenke",
+ "copiedLink": "Lenke kopiert",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopier invitasjonslenke",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Invitasjonslenke kopiert",
"copyUrl": "Kopier URL.",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Flere farger",
+ "moveProject": "Flytt Base",
"createProject": "Opprett prosjekt",
"importProject": "Importprosjekt",
"searchProject": "Søk etter prosjekt",
@@ -1072,8 +1075,8 @@
"deleteProject": "Slett prosjekt",
"refreshProject": "Oppdater prosjekter",
"saveProject": "Lagre prosjekt",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
- "deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Lagre & Avslutt",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "Slette bunke?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Opprett ved å koble til
til en ekstern database",
"excel": "Opprett prosjekt fra Excel",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Hjelp oversette",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopier Auth Token",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Autentiseringstoken kopiert",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "Kopier prosjektinfo",
"themes": "Temaer"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Filter",
"addFilter": "Legg til filter",
"share": "Dele",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Grupper etter",
+ "addSubGroup": "Ny undergruppe",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Del base",
"disable": "Deaktiver delt base",
"enable": "Alle med linken",
"link": "Delt grunnlinje"
@@ -1109,16 +1112,16 @@
"invite": "Invitere",
"inviteMore": "Inviter mer",
"inviteTeam": "Invitere team",
- "inviteUser": "Invite User",
+ "inviteUser": "Inviter bruker",
"inviteToken": "Inviter TOKEN.",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Koblede poster",
+ "addNewLink": "Legg til ny lenke",
"newUser": "Ny bruker",
"editUser": "Rediger bruker",
"deleteUser": "Fjern brukeren fra prosjektet",
"resendInvite": "Resend invitere e-post",
"copyInviteURL": "Kopier Inviter URL.",
- "copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "Kopier passord reset URL",
"newRole": "Ny rolle",
"reloadRoles": "Oppdater roller",
"nextPage": "Neste side",
@@ -1127,24 +1130,24 @@
"previousRecord": "Tidligere post",
"copyApiURL": "Kopier API URL",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Opprett Dashboard",
+ "createWorkspace": "Opprett Arbeidsområde",
"refreshTable": "Tabeller oppdatering",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Gi nytt navn til tabell",
+ "renameLayout": "Omdøp Layout",
+ "deleteTable": "Slett tabell",
"addField": "Legg til nytt felt i denne tabellen",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Sett som visningsverdi",
"addRow": "Legg til ny rad",
"saveRow": "Lagre rad",
- "saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
- "saveAndStay": "Save & Stay",
+ "saveAndExit": "Lagre & Avslutt",
+ "saveAndStay": "Lagre & Forbli",
"insertRow": "Sett inn ny rad",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Slett rad",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Slett poster",
+ "predictColumns": "Forutsi felter",
+ "predictFormulas": "Forutsi formler",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Slett utvalgte rader",
"importExcel": "Importer Excel.",
"importCSV": "Import CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Opprett en visning",
"shareView": "Del visning",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Fyll ved skanning",
"listSharedView": "Felles visningsliste",
"ListView": "Visningsliste",
"copyView": "Kopier visning",
"renameView": "Gi nytt navn til visning",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Last opp data",
"deleteView": "Slett visning",
"createGrid": "Opprett rutenettvisning",
"createGallery": "Lag Gallery View.",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Åpne ny fanering",
"iFrame": "Kopier EmbedDable HTML-kode",
"addWebhook": "Legg til ny webhook.",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Aktiver Webhook",
"testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Opprett Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Kopier Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Slett Webhook",
"newToken": "Legg til nytt Token.",
"exportZip": "Eksporter zip",
"importZip": "Importer zip",
"metaSync": "Synkroniser nå",
"settings": "Innstillinger",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Valideringer",
"previewAs": "Forhåndsvisning som",
"resetReview": "Tilbakestill forhåndsvisning",
"testDbConn": "Test databaseforbindelse",
@@ -1199,75 +1202,77 @@
"clearCell": "Clear cell",
"addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
"linkRecord": "Link record",
- "addNewRecord": "Add new record",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "addNewRecord": "Legg til ny post",
+ "newRecord": "Ny post",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Opprett ny post",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' ble lagret & lenket med suksess",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Post opprettet & lenket",
"useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
- "expandRecord": "Expand record",
- "deleteRecord": "Delete record",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "expandRecord": "Utvid post",
+ "deleteRecord": "Slett post",
+ "fullWidth": "Full bredde",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Avslutt full bredde",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Merk alle som lest",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Slett felt",
+ "addNumber": "Legg til nummerfelt",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Legg til enkeltlinjet tekstfelt",
+ "addLongText": "Legg til langtekstfelt",
+ "addOther": "Legg til annet felt"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Columns",
- "showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys",
- "showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views",
- "showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables",
- "showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
+ "showPkAndFk": "Vis primær- og fremmednøkler",
+ "showSqlViews": "Vis SQL-visninger",
+ "showMMTables": "Vis mange-til-mange-tabeller",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "Vis overgangstabellnavn"
"kanban": {
- "collapseStack": "Collapse stack",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
- "deleteStack": "Delete stack",
- "stackedBy": "Stacked by",
- "chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
- "addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
+ "collapseStack": "Skjul stabel",
+ "collapseAll": "Kollaps alle",
+ "expandAll": "Utvid alle",
+ "renameStack": "Omdøpe stabling",
+ "deleteStack": "Slett stabel",
+ "stackedBy": "Stablet av",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "Velg et grupperingsfelt",
+ "addOrEditStack": "Legg til / Rediger bunke"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Kartlagt Av",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Velg et kartleggingsfelt",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Bytt til mobilmodus",
+ "startCommenting": "Start kommenteringen!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Ingen kommentarer ennå!",
+ "clearForm": "Fjern skjema",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Legg til felt",
+ "selectAllFields": "Velg alle felt",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Aktiver forhåndsutfylling",
+ "default": "Misligholde",
+ "locked": "Lås forhåndsutfylte felt som skrivebeskyttet",
+ "hidden": "Skjul forhåndsutfylte felt",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Forhåndsutfylt verdi"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Få forhåndsutfylt lenke",
+ "group": "Gruppe",
+ "goToDocs": "Gå til dokumenter",
+ "addCondition": "Legg til betingelse",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Legg til betingelsesgruppe"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Aktiver for å gjøre denne tilkoblingen privat og skjult fra andre skapere i arbeidsområdet.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Valgfritt. Bruker standarddatabasen \"{database}\" hvis feltet blir stående tomt",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Valgfritt. Bruker standardskjema \"{schema}\" hvis den er tom.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Endring av skjema er deaktivert for denne datakilden.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Denne datatypen er ikke tillatt.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Dette alternativet tillater endring av databasens skjema, inkludert å legge til, endre eller slette tabeller og kolonner. Bruk med forsiktighet, da endringer kan påvirke din databasens strukturelle integritet.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Dette alternativet gjør det mulig å opprette, oppdatere eller slette oppføringer i databasetabeller. Ideelt for administrative brukere som trenger å endre data direkte.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Lagre endringer",
"xcDB": "Opprett et nytt prosjekt",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Kommer det i svart? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Legg til nytt bord",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Legg til nytt Dashboard",
"inviteMore": "Inviter flere brukere",
"toggleNavDraw": "Toggle Navigation Skuff",
"reloadApiToken": "Reload Api Tokens",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Velg .KEY-fil",
"clientCert": "Velg .CERT-fil",
"clientCA": "Velg CA-fil",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Endre ikonfarge",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Skjema modus med ett felt per side",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Bruk feltredigeringsmenyen for typekonverteringer etter at filen er importert",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rolle arvet fra arbeidsområde",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Kommer snart! Klikk for å gi støtte til integrasjonen du trenger i NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Søk ikoner",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Velg Slack-kanaler",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Velg Microsoft Teams-kanaler",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Velg Discord-kanaler",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Velg Mattermost-kanaler",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook-tittel",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Velg et felt for strekkodeverdien",
+ "notFoundContent": "Ingen gyldig felttype kan finnes.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Velg et strekkodeformat",
"projName": "Skriv inn prosjektnavn",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Velg et grupperingfelt",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Ingen enkeltvalg felt kan bli funnet. Vennligst opprett et først.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Velg et dekkbildefelt",
+ "selectGeoField": "Velg et GeoData-felt",
+ "notSelected": "-ikke valgt-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Ingen GeoData-felt kan bli funnet. Vennligst opprett ett først.",
"password": {
"enter": "Skriv inn passordet",
"current": "Nåværende passord",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Lagre passord",
"confirm": "Bekrefte nytt passord"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Velg et felt for QR-kodeverdi",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Tillat negative tall",
"searchProjectTree": "Søketabeller",
"searchFields": "Søk markeringer",
"searchColumn": "Søk {Søk} Kolonne",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrer via e-post",
"filterQuery": "Filter query",
"selectField": "Select field",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Presisjon",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Verdi",
+ "key": "Nøkkel",
+ "createTable": "Opprett din første tabell!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Ingen API Token opprettet",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Inviter teamet ditt",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Søk alternativer"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Ugyldig knappkonfigurasjon",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Ugyldig feltkonfigurasjon",
+ "invalidTheme": "Velg et gyldig tema",
+ "invalidColor": "Velg en gyldig farge",
+ "invalidType": "Knapptype kan være enten 'webhook' eller 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Angi en gyldig knappetikett",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Denne funksjonen er ikke tilgjengelig for din database",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kontroller organisasjonens navn og utseende.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Legg til bedriftsdomener for å begrense tilgangen for uønskede brukere.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Begrens brukere fra å kunne dele prosjektmapper offentlig.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Velg brukere som skal fjernes og slettes fra alle organisasjonens arbeidsområder.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Slett alle brukere, prosjektmapper og data relatert til denne organisasjonen",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Klikk for å kopiere felt-ID",
+ "enterPassword": "Skriv inn passord",
+ "bySigningUp": "Ved å registrere deg, godtar du",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Abonner på vårt ukentlige nyhetsbrev",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Verifiserer passord",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Denne delte visningen er beskyttet",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Skjema data innsendt",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Skjemavisning støttes ikke på mobil",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Kalendervisning støttes ikke på mobil",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Nytt skjema lastes etter {seconds} sekunder",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimalisert spørring er deaktivert",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimalisert spørring er aktivert",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Oppslagsfelt støttes ikke for ikke-belongsto forhold",
+ "invalidTime": "Ugyldig tid",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Du har ingen støttede linker for {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Posten kunne ikke finnes",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Ugyldig telefonnummer",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Sidestørrelse endret",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Feil ved lasting av data",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Bruk kontekstvariabel",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "for å referere posten under vurdering",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Tips: Bruk {placeholder1} for å referere til felter, f.eks: {placeholder2}. For mer, vennligst sjekk ut",
+ "hintEnd": "Formler.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Ingen foreslått formel funnet",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Fant ikke foreslått felt",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} krever en {type} på posisjon {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Nummerisk type er forventet",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Strengtype er forventet",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operasjonen er ikke tilgjengelig",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Kan ikke lagre felt fordi formelen er ugyldig",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Ikke støttet å referere felt {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} er forventet men fant type {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} krever {requiredArguments} argumenter",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} krever minimum {minRequiredArguments} argumenter",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} krever maksimalt {maxRequiredArguments} argumenter",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} funksjon er ikke tilgjengelig",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Den første parameteren til WEEKDAY() bør ha en datoverdi",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Den andre parameteren til WEEKDAY() bør ha verdien enten \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" eller \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Den første parameteren til DATEADD() bør ha en datoverdi",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Den andre parameteren til DATEADD() bør ha en numerisk verdi",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Den tredje parameteren til DATEADD() bør ha verdien enten \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" eller \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den første parameteren til DATEDIFF() skal ha datoverdi",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den andre parameteren til DATEDIFF() skal ha datoverdi",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den tredje parameteren til DATETIME_DIFF() skal ha verdien enten \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", eller \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Feltet {columnName} er ikke tilgjengelig",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Kan ikke lagre feltet fordi det forårsaker en sirkulær referanse",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Feltet {columnName} med typen {columnType} er funnet, men det forventes type {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} stemmer ikke overens med {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Valg kan ikke være null",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect-felt kan ikke ha komma (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Valg kan ikke ha duplikater",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Opprett nytt alternativ kalt"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Vennligst skriv inn et tall",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Vennligst skriv inn e-post",
+ "invalidDate": "Ugyldig dato",
+ "invalidLocale": "Ugyldig språkkode",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Ugyldig valutakode",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money'-type har egne valutainnstillinger",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Gyldige felttyper for en strekkodefelt er: Nummer, Enkelt linje tekst, Lang tekst, Telefonnummer, URL, E-post, Desimal. Vennligst opprett en først.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Har mange relasjoner",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enkelt post fra tabell ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan knyttes til flere poster fra tabell "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Mange til mange relasjoner",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Flere poster fra tabell ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan knyttes til flere poster fra tabell "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Tilhører relasjon",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enkelt post fra tabell ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan knyttes til en post fra tabell "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "En til en relasjon",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enkelt post fra tabell ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan knyttes til en enkelt post fra tabell "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Det ser ut som om ingen poster har blitt lenket ennå.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Ingen poster koblet",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Ingen koblede poster",
+ "recordsLinked": "poster koblet",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Godta kun gyldig {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Opprett personlige API-tokens for bruk i automatisering eller eksterne apper.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Velg felt å sortere",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Velg felt for å gruppere",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Det er ingen poster i tabellen",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Ingen oppføringer er for øyeblikket tilgjengelig for kobling",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Kom i gang med webhooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Powers automasjonene dine. Få varsler så snart det er endringer i dataene dine",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette følgende",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Er du sikker på at du vil {deleteLabel} følgende",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID-felt er nødvendig, du kan gi nytt navn til dette senere hvis nødvendig.",
+ "length59Required": "Lengden overstiger maks 59 tegn",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Du har ingen nye varsler",
+ "noRecordFound": "Post ikke funnet",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Ingen poster funnet",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Ingen oppføringer samsvarer med søket ditt",
+ "rowDeleted": "Post slettet",
+ "saveChanges": "Vil du lagre endringene?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Feltet er for stort til å konverteres til {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Rolle kreves",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Knappfelt avhengig av denne webhook vil bli påvirket",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban-visning krever at et en-tilvalg felt er oppsettet. Prøv å sette opp en kanban-visning etter å ha lagt til et en-tilvalg felt!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Kartvisning krever et geo datafelt for å være oppsatt. Prøv å sette opp en kartvisning etter å ha lagt til et geo datafelt!",
+ "dbValid": "Sørg for database gyldighet for å forhindre tap av skjema",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
+ "renderError": "Strekkodefeil - vennligst sjekk at inndata og strekkodetype er kompatible"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
- "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Advarsel: Beregnet felt - kan ikke fjerne tekst",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Advarsel: QR-felt kan ikke endres direkte.",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Advarsel: Strekkodefelt kan ikke endres direkte."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Er du sikker på at du vil duplisere basen?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Er du sikker på at du vil duplisere tabellen?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Du kan ikke endre synligheten av et felt som redigeres. Vennligst lagre eller forkast endringer først.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Du kan ikke flytte et felt som redigeres. Lagre eller forkast endringer først",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Du kan ikke flytte et felt som er slettet. Lagre eller forkast endringer først"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Du vil ikke kunne dra poster mellom datoer når beregnede eller systemfelter brukes.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Skjemaendringer er deaktivert for denne kilden",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Skriv inn arbeidsområdet navn",
+ "enterBaseName": "Skriv inn prosjektnavn",
+ "idpPaste": "Lim inn disse URL-ene i konsollen til identitetsleverandørene dine",
+ "noSaml": "Det er ingen konfigurerte SAML-autentiseringer.",
+ "noOIDC": "Det er ingen konfigurerte OpenID-autentiseringer.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Deaktivert da visning er låst",
+ "basesMigrated": "Basene er migrert. Vennligst prøv igjen.",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "Lim inn operasjon støttes ikke på den aktive cellen",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Laster inn skanneren...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Du har overskredet grensen.",
+ "closeLimit": "Du nærmer deg grensen.",
+ "limitNumber": "Begrensningen for antall markører vist i kartvisning er 1000 poster."
"footerInfo": "Rader per side.",
"upload": "Velg Fil for å laste opp",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Skriv inn skjema inngangsetikett",
"formHelpText": "Legg til litt hjelpetekst",
"onlyCreator": "Bare synlig for skaperen",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Legg til skjema tittel",
"formDesc": "Legg til form Beskrivelse",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Begrens tilgang med et passord",
"afterEnablePwd": "Tilgang er passordbegrenset",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Tilgang til prosjekt via",
"submitAnotherForm": "Vis 'Send inn en annen form' -knapp",
"showBlankForm": "Vis et tomt skjema etter 5 sekunder",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "E-postsvar til",
"showSysFields": "Vis systemfelt",
"filterAutoApply": "Auto gjelder",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Vis melding",
"viewNotShared": "Nåværende visning er ikke delt!",
"showAllViews": "Vis alle felles syn på dette bordet",
"collabView": "Samarbeidspartnere med redigeringsrettigheter eller høyere kan endre visningskonfigurasjonen.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Legg til galleriutsikt",
"form": "Legg til skjemavisning",
"kanban": "Legg til Kanban View",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Legg til kartvisning",
"calendar": "Legg til kalendervisning"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabeller Metadata er synkronisert",
"addMultipleUsers": "Du kan legge til flere komma (,) separerte e-poster",
"enterTableName": "Skriv inn tabellnavn",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Skriv inn tabellbeskrivelse...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Skriv inn feltbeskrivelse...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Skriv inn visningsbeskrivelse...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Skriv inn layoutnavn",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Skriv inn dashboardnavn",
+ "defaultColumns": "Standard felt",
"addDefaultColumns": "Legg til standard kolonner",
"tableNameInDb": "Tabellnavn som lagret i databasen",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Layout slettet vellykket",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette layoutet?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
- "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Mange-til-mange-forhold støttes via en mellomtabell og er skjult som standard. Aktiver dette alternativet for å liste alle slike tabeller sammen med eksisterende tabeller.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Vis NULL i celler",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Vis 'NULL'-tag i celler som inneholder NULL-verdi. Dette hjelper med å skille mot celler som inneholder TOM streng.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Vis NULL og TOM i filter",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Aktiver 'tilleggsfiltre' for å skille felt som inneholder NULL & tomme strenger. Standard støtte for Blank behandler både NULL & tomme strenger likt.",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Å slette denne bunken vil også fjerne det valgte alternativet `{stackToBeDeleted}` fra `{groupingField}`. Postene vil bli flyttet til den ukategoriserte bunken.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
- "noMoreRecords": "No more records",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "noMoreRecords": "Ingen flere poster",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token-navn skal ikke være tomt",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token-navn skal ikke være mer enn 255 tegn",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Databasenavn er påkrevd",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Arbeidsområdenavn påkrevet",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Arbeidsområdenavnet må være minst 3 tegn langt",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Arbeidsområdenavnet må være maksimalt 50 tegn langt",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Slett dette arbeidsområdet og alt dets innhold.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Jeg forstår at denne handlingen er irreversibel",
+ "pageNotFound": "Side ikke funnet",
+ "makeLineBreak": "for å lage et linjeskift",
+ "goToPrevious": "Gå til forrige",
+ "goToNext": "Gå til neste",
+ "thankYou": "Takk!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Du har sendt inn skjemadataene dine vellykket.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Redigering av systemnøkkel støttes ikke",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Ikke tilgjengelig for øyeblikket",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Gruppeinnlimingsoperasjon støttes ikke på koblinger/LinkToAnotherRecord-kolonne",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Gruppe sletteoperasjon støttes ikke på koblinger/LinkToAnotherRecord-kolonne",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Oppgrader til Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Denne funksjonen er kun tilgjengelig i enterprise edition",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Din nåværende rolle er",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Vennligst be om høyere tillatelser fra Admin/Basiseier/Arbeidsroms-eier for å få tilgang til denne {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Du kan ikke skjule alle alternativer hvis feltet er obligatorisk"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Manuelle kroker kan ikke deaktiveres",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Feil ved lasting av postdata",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Feil ved uthenting av kalenderdata",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Feil ved uthenting av aktive datoer",
+ "scopesRequired": "Områder er påkrevd",
+ "domainRequired": "Domenenavn er nødvendig",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL er påkrevd",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Brukernavn attributt er påkrevd",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Klient-ID er påkrevd",
+ "issuerRequired": "Utsteder er påkrevd",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Klienthemmelighet er påkrevd",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK-URL er påkrevd",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token-URL er påkrevd",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL er påkrevd",
+ "eitherXML": "Enten xml eller metadata-url er påkrevd",
+ "nameRequired": "Navn er påkrevd",
+ "nameMinLength": "Navnet må være minst 2 tegn langt",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Navnet må være maksimalt 60 tegn langt",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Visningsnavn er påkrevd",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Domenenavn er nødvendig",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Navnet må være maksimalt 256 tegn langt",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Visningsnavn skal være unikt",
"searchProject": "Søket ditt etter {søk} fant ingen resultater",
"invalidChar": "Ugyldig karakter i mappebanen.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ugyldig databaseautentisering.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Kan ikke koble til database, vennligst sjekk om databasen din er oppe.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Ugyldig år",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Brukeren eksisterer ikke eller har ikke tilstrekkelig tillatelse til å opprette skjema.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Ugyldige databaseparametere",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Tilkoblingsfeil:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Null filter finnes. Vennligst fjern dem",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "E-post er nødvendig",
"emailInvalid": "E-post må være gyldig",
"passwdRequired": "Passord er påkrevd",
"passwdLength": "Ditt passord må være minst 8 tegn",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Ugyldige e-poster",
+ "invalidEmail": "Ugyldig e-post"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Ugyldig XML",
"invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Ugyldig e-post",
"internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
@@ -1756,32 +1761,32 @@
"deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete row",
"setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data",
"formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view",
- "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
- "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
- "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
+ "tableNameRequired": "Tabellnavn er påkrevd",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Navn bør starte med en bokstav eller _",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Følgende tegn er ikke tillatt",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Duplikat felt navn",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Navn allerede brukt for systemfelt",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI datatype er påkrevd",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
- "requiredField": "Required field",
- "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
- "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
- "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
- "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
- "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} navn overskrider 50 tegn",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} navn kan ikke starte med mellomrom",
+ "requiredField": "Påkrevd felt",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP ikke tillatt",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Målfil er ikke en akseptert filtype",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "Den aksepterte filtypen er .csv",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "De aksepterte filtypene er .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter nøkkel kan ikke være tom",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplikat parameter nøkler er ikke tillatt",
+ "fieldRequired": "Dette feltet kan ikke være tomt.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "copyToClipboardError": "Kopiering til utklippstavle mislyktes",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Kunne ikke lime inn fra utklippstavlen",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Vennligst fullfør konfigurasjonen av alle feltene før du lagrer",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Noe gikk galt",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dratt innhold er ikke av bilde type",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Felt for å analysere bilde data",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Noen av de nødvendige feltene er tomme"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Prosjektmetadata eksporteres vellykket",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Kommer snart!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Lisensnøkkel oppdatert",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
@@ -1809,37 +1814,37 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
"pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
"tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Layout omdøpt vellykket",
"viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
"updated": "Successfully updated",
"sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
- "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
+ "userDeleted": "Bruker slettet vellykket",
"viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
"tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
"tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
"userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project",
- "userAdded": "Successfully added user",
+ "userAdded": "Bruker lagt til vellykket",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project",
"inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
"inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
- "shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
- "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
- "userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
- "tableDataImported": "Successfully imported table data",
- "webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully",
- "webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully",
- "webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully",
+ "commentCopied": "Kommentar kopiert til utklippstavlen",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "Passord reset URL kopiert til utklippstavle",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "Kopiert delbar base URL til utklippstavle!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Kopiert innbyggbar HTML-kode!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "Brukerdetaljer oppdatert vellykket",
+ "tableDataImported": "Tabell data importert vellykket",
+ "webhookUpdated": "Webhook detaljer oppdatert vellykket",
+ "webhookDeleted": "Hook slettet vellykket",
+ "webhookTested": "Webhook testet vellykket",
"columnUpdated": "Column updated",
"columnCreated": "Column created",
- "passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
- "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
- "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "passwordChanged": "Passord endret vellykket. Vennligst logg inn igjen.",
+ "settingsSaved": "Innstillinger lagret vellykket",
+ "roleUpdated": "Rolle oppdatert vellykket",
+ "connectionAdded": "Integrasjon koblet til vellykket",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Base-eiere og skaperne kan nå legge til en datakilde uten å angi legitimasjon på nytt."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/pl.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/pl.json
index 09c9c56200..f772d581d0 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/pl.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/pl.json
@@ -93,15 +93,16 @@
"none": "Brak"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skrypty",
+ "configure": "Konfiguruj",
+ "switch": "Przełącz",
+ "on": "Włączone",
+ "onMultiple": "Na wielu",
+ "manual": "Instrukcja obsługi",
+ "trigger": "Wyzwalacz",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
+ "style": "Styl",
+ "label": "Etykieta",
"role": "Rola",
"general": "Ogólne",
"quit": "Wyjdź",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Kod",
"duplicate": "Duplikuj",
"duplicating": "Duplikowanie",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Zduplikuj {entity}",
"activate": "Aktywuj",
"action": "Akcja",
"insert": "Wstaw",
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@
"update": "Aktualizuj",
"updating": "Aktualizacja",
"rename": "Zmień nazwę",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Zmień nazwę {entity}",
"reload": "Przeładuj",
"refresh": "Odśwież",
"reset": "Zresetuj",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "Potwierdź",
"generate": "Generuj",
"copy": "Kopiuj",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Skopiowano",
"are": "są",
"misc": "Różne",
"lock": "Zablokuj",
@@ -224,9 +225,9 @@
"betaNote": "Ta funkcja jest jeszcze w fazie beta.",
"moreInfo": "Więcej informacji znajdziesz tutaj",
"logs": "Logi",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "groupingField": "Grupuj według pola",
+ "insertAfter": "Wstaw po",
+ "insertBefore": "Wstaw przed",
"insertAbove": "Wstaw powyżej",
"insertBelow": "Wstaw poniżej",
"hideField": "Ukryj pole",
@@ -281,18 +282,18 @@
"use": "Użyj",
"stack": "Stos",
"ipAddress": "Adres IP",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "integration": "Integracja",
+ "integrations": "Integracje",
+ "connection": "Połączenie",
+ "connections": "Połączenia",
+ "private": "Prywatny",
+ "request": "Żądanie",
+ "languages": "Języki",
+ "extension": "Rozszerzenie",
+ "extensions": "Rozszerzenia"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
+ "files": "pliki",
"owner": "Właściciel",
"member": "Członek",
"day": "Dzień",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Pola",
"column": "Kolumna",
"columns": "Kolumny",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Komórka",
+ "cells": "Komórki",
"page": "Strona",
"pages": "Strony",
"record": "Rekord",
@@ -360,11 +361,11 @@
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Kalendarz",
+ "googleDrive": "Google Dysk",
+ "googleSheets": "Google Arkusze",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "serviceHub": "Serwis Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
"microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Wszystkie integracje",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Bezproblemowo łącz i zarządzaj swoimi bazami danych z NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Komunikacja",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Otrzymuj powiadomienia o zmianach i usprawniaj komunikację zespołu z NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Zarządzanie projektami",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Ulepszanie przepływów pracy i zarządzanie zadaniami z NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optymalizuj zarządzanie relacjami z klientami dzięki integracjom NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Zwiększ swoje wysiłki marketingowe dzięki potężnym integracjom NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Usprawnij swój system śledzenia kandydatów za pomocą NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Rozwój",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Przyspiesz procesy rozwoju dzięki integracjom NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Finanse",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Uprość operacje finansowe i zarządzanie danymi dzięki NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Zarządzanie zgłoszeniami",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Zarządzaj i śledź zgłoszenia wsparcia efektywnie z NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integruj i organizuj rozwiązania do przechowywania bez zbędnych komplikacji dzięki NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Inne",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Odkryj dodatkowe wszechstronne integracje, aby ulepszyć swoje doświadczenie z NocoDB.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Arkusz kalkulacyjny",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Połącz i zarządzaj swoimi arkuszami kalkulacyjnymi z NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,9 +487,9 @@
"isNotNull": "Nie jest null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Szukaj webhooka",
+ "webcam": "Kamera internetowa",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Prześlij przez URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
"renameBase": "Zmień nazwę tabeli",
"renameWorkspace": "Zmień nazwę przestrzeni roboczej",
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@
"parameterName": "Nazwa parametru",
"currencyLocale": "Lokalizacja waluty",
"currencyCode": "Kod waluty",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "searchMembers": "Szukaj członków",
"noMembersFound": "Nie znaleziono członków",
"dateJoined": "Data dołączenia",
"tokenName": "Nazwa tokena",
@@ -617,65 +618,67 @@
"surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Czy na pewno chcesz przesłać ten formularz?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
"looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Wygląda na to, że ten stos nie ma żadnych rekordów",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "fromScratch": "Od podstaw",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Z plików i źródeł zewnętrznych",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Bezpośrednio w czasie rzeczywistym",
+ "categories": "Kategorie",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Pole niedostępne",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Brak dodanych warunków"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Zmodyfikowano",
+ "configuration": "Konfiguracja",
+ "setup": "Instalacja",
+ "configLabel": "Skonfiguruj {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Przełącz na gotową do produkcji bazę aplikacji",
+ "sharedBase": "Udostępniona baza",
+ "fieldID": "ID pola",
+ "addDescription": "Dodaj opis",
+ "editDescription": "Edytuj opis",
+ "urlFormula": "Formuła URL",
+ "selectIcon": "brak",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--wybierz webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Otwórz URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Uruchom Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Po kliknięciu",
+ "defaultView": "Domyślny widok",
+ "recordInsert": "Wstawianie rekordu",
+ "recordUpdate": "Aktualizacja rekordu",
+ "recordDelete": "Usuwanie rekordu",
+ "supportDocs": "Dokumentacja wsparcia",
+ "addedOn": "Dodano na",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Zmień pole wartości wyświetlanej",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Wybierz pole wartości wyświetlanej",
+ "changeTitleField": "Zmień pole tytułu",
+ "clearAll": "Wyczyść wszystko",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Pola Lookup pokazują dane z powiązanych rekordów. Wybierz konkretne pola z ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabeli, aby dodać je jako pola Lookup w tej tabeli.",
+ "formatting": "Formatowanie",
"selectAFormatType": "-Wybierz typ formularza (opcjonalnie)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
+ "formatType": "Typ formatu",
+ "toUpload": "do prześlij",
+ "dragFilesHere": "przeciągnij pliki tutaj",
"browseFiles": "przeglądaj pliki",
"clickTo": "Kliknij aby",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Proszę zezwolić na dostęp do kamery",
+ "openFile": "Otwórz plik",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Wprowadź prawidłowy URL, aby przesłać pliki",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Dodaj pliki z URL",
+ "uploading": "Przesyłanie",
"dropHere": "Upuść tutaj",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
+ "addMore": "Dodaj więcej",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Usuń wszystkie pliki",
+ "integration": "Integracja",
"notRecommended": "Nie zalecane",
"allowMetaWrite": "Zezwól na modyfikację schematu",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
"selectView": "Wybierz widok",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
+ "connectionDetails": "Szczegóły połączenia",
"metaSync": "Synchronizacja Meta",
"mention": "Wzmianka",
"today": "Dziś",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
+ "currentDate": "Bieżąca data",
"workspace": "Obszar roboczy",
"txt": "Wartość rekordu TXT",
"transferOwnership": "Zmień właściciela",
@@ -798,7 +801,7 @@
"allTables": "Wszystkie tabele",
"members": "Członkowie",
"dataSources": "Źródła danych",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
+ "connectDataSource": "Podłącz zewnętrzne dane",
"searchProjects": "Szukaj projektów",
"createdBy": "Stworzony przez",
"viewingAttachmentsOf": "Przeglądanie załączników",
@@ -838,9 +841,9 @@
"lengthValue": "Długość / wartość",
"dbType": "Typ bazy danych",
"servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "sqliteFile": "Ścieżka pliku SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Adres hosta",
+ "port": "Numer portu",
"username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"password": "Hasło",
"schemaName": "Nazwa schematu",
@@ -961,7 +964,7 @@
"noAccess": "Brak dostępu",
"restApis": "Rest APIs",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
+ "apiSnippet": "Pobierz fragment API",
"includeData": "Dołącz dane",
"includeView": "Dołącz widok",
"includeWebhook": "Dołącz Webhook",
@@ -997,12 +1000,12 @@
"coverImageField": "Obraz okładki",
"fitImage": "Dopasuj zdjęcie",
"coverImageArea": "Obraz okładki",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "syncData": "Synchronizuj dane",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Zarejestruj usługi, które Cię interesują, aby otrzymywać powiadomienia, kiedy staną się dostępne",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Przekieruj do URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
+ "webhookDetails": "Szczegóły Webhooka",
"hideWeekends": "Ukryj weekendy",
"renameBase": "Zmień nazwę tabeli",
"renameWorkspace": "Zmień nazwę przestrzeni roboczej",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Dodaj nowy webhook",
"enableWebhook": "Włącz webhook",
"testWebhook": "Testuj webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Utwórz Webhook",
"copyWebhook": "Kopiuj webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "Usuń webhook",
"newToken": "Dodaj nowy token",
@@ -1256,18 +1259,20 @@
"getPreFilledLink": "Uzyskaj link z wstępnie wypełnionymi danymi",
"group": "Grupa",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "goToDocs": "Przejdź do dokumentacji",
+ "addCondition": "Dodaj warunek",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Dodaj grupę warunków"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
+ "privateConnection": "Włącz, aby to połączenie było prywatne i ukryte przed innymi twórcami w tej przestrzeni roboczej.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Opcjonalne. Używa domyślnej bazy danych \"{database}\", jeśli zostanie pozostawiona pusta",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opcjonalne. Używa domyślnego schematu \"{schema}\", jeśli zostanie pozostawiony pusty.",
"schemaChangeDisabled": "Modyfikacja schematu jest wyłączona dla tego źródła danych.",
"typeNotAllowed": "Ten typ danych jest niedozwolony.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Modyfikacja danych może być wyłączona tylko wtedy, gdy 'modyfikacja schematu' jest wyłączona",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Ta opcja umożliwia modyfikację schematu bazy danych, w tym dodawanie, zmienianie lub usuwanie tabel i kolumn. Używaj z ostrożnością, ponieważ zmiany mogą wpłynąć na integralność strukturalną bazy danych.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Ta opcja pozwala na tworzenie, aktualizowanie lub usuwanie rekordów w tabelach bazy danych. Idealna dla użytkowników administracyjnych wymagających bezpośredniej zmiany danych.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Ograniczenie do jednego źródła danych w tej chwili",
"saveChanges": "Zapisz zmiany",
"xcDB": "Utwórz nowy projekt",
@@ -1299,12 +1304,12 @@
"changeIconColour": "Zmiana koloru ikony",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generuj URL formularza udostępniania z wstępnie wypełnionymi danymi pola. Aby uzyskać link z wstępnie wypełnionymi danymi, upewnij się, że wypełniłeś wymagane pola w kreatorze widoku formularza.",
"surveyFormInfo": "Tryb formularza z jednym polem na stronę",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Użyj menu edycji pola do konwersji typu po zaimportowaniu pliku",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rola dziedziczona z obszaru roboczego",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Wkrótce dostępne! Kliknij, aby zagłosować za integracją, której potrzebujesz w NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
+ "searchIcons": "Wyszukaj ikony",
"selectSlackChannels": "Wybierz kanały Slack",
"selectTeamsChannels": "Wybierz kanały Microsoft Teams",
"selectDiscordChannels": "Wybierz kanały Discord",
@@ -1359,12 +1364,12 @@
"searchOptions": "Opcje wyszukiwania"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Nieprawidłowa konfiguracja przycisku",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Nieprawidłowa konfiguracja pola",
+ "invalidTheme": "Wybierz prawidłowy motyw",
+ "invalidColor": "Wybierz prawidłowy kolor",
+ "invalidType": "Typ przycisku może być ‚webhook’ lub ‚url’",
+ "invalidLabel": "Wpisz prawidłową etykietę przycisku",
"formulaNotSupported": "Ta funkcja jest niedostępna dla Twojej bazy danych",
"controlOrgAppearance": "Kontroluj nazwę i wygląd organizacji.",
"addCompanyDomains": "Dodaj domeny firmy, aby ograniczyć dostęp od niechcianych użytkowników.",
@@ -1385,7 +1390,7 @@
"optimizedQueryEnabled": "Zoptymalizowane zapytanie jest włączone",
"lookupNonBtWarning": "Pole wyszukiwania nie jest obsługiwane dla relacji innych niż 'Należy do'",
"invalidTime": "Nieprawidłowy Czas",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Nie masz jeszcze żadnych obsługiwanych linków do pola {type}",
"recordCouldNotBeFound": "Nie można znaleźć rekordu",
"invalidPhoneNumber": "Nieprawidłowy numer telefonu",
"pageSizeChanged": "Zmieniono rozmiar strony",
@@ -1459,7 +1464,7 @@
"noRecordsLinked": "Żadne rekordy nie są powiązane",
"noLinkedRecords": "Brak powiązanych rekordów",
"recordsLinked": "rekordy powiązane",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Akceptuj tylko prawidłowe {type}",
"apiTokenCreate": "Utwórz osobiste tokeny API do użytku w automatyzacji lub zewnętrznych aplikacjach.",
"selectFieldToSort": "Wybierz pole do sortowania",
"selectFieldToGroup": "Wybierz pole do grupowania",
@@ -1480,11 +1485,11 @@
"tooLargeFieldEntity": "Pole jest zbyt duże, aby przekonwertować je na {entity}",
"roleRequired": "Wymagana rola",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Pola przycisku zależne od tego webhooka będą miały wpływ",
"calendarNoFields": "Widok kalendarza wymaga ustawienia pola daty lub daty i czasu. Spróbuj ustawić widok kalendarza po dodaniu pola daty/daty i czasu!",
"kanbanNoFields": "Widok Kanban wymaga ustawienia pola z pojedynczym wyborem. Spróbuj ustawić widok Kanban po dodaniu pola z pojedynczym wyborem!",
"mapNoFields": "Widok mapy wymaga ustawienia pola z danymi geograficznymi. Spróbuj ustawić widok mapy po dodaniu pola z danymi geograficznymi!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "dbValid": "Upewnij się o ważności bazy danych, aby zapobiec utracie schematu",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Błąd kodu kreskowego - proszę sprawdzić kompatybilność między typem kodu wejściowego i kreskowego"
@@ -1502,7 +1507,7 @@
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Nie będzie można przeciągać rekordów między datami, gdy używane są pola systemowe lub obliczeniowe.",
"schemaReadOnly": "Zmiany schematu są wyłączone dla tego źródła",
"enterWorkspaceName": "Wprowadź nazwę projektu",
"enterBaseName": "Wpisz nazwę tabeli",
@@ -1560,7 +1565,7 @@
"apiOptions": "Dostęp do projektu przez",
"submitAnotherForm": "Pokaż przycisk \"Prześlij inny formularz\"",
"showBlankForm": "Pokaż pustą formę po 5 sekundach",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Odpowiedz na email",
"showSysFields": "Pokaż pola systemowe.",
"filterAutoApply": "Automatyczne zastosowanie",
"formDisplayMessage": "Wyświetl wiadomość",
@@ -1616,9 +1621,9 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Metadane tabel są zsynchronizowane",
"addMultipleUsers": "Możesz dodać wielu użytkowników, oddzielając adresy e-mail przecinkami (,)",
"enterTableName": "Wpisz nazwę tabeli",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Wprowadź opis tabeli...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Wprowadź opis pola...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Wprowadź opis widoku...",
"enterLayoutName": "Wpisz nazwę układu",
"enterDashboardName": "Wpisz nazwę deski rozdzielczej",
"defaultColumns": "Domyślne pola",
@@ -1684,7 +1689,7 @@
"preventHideAllOptions": "Nie możesz ukryć wszystkich opcji, jeśli pole jest wymagane"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Ręczne haki nie mogą być dezaktywowane",
"errorLoadingRecord": "Błąd ładowania danych",
"fetchingCalendarData": "Błąd podczas pobierania danych kalendarza",
"fetchingActiveDates": "Błąd podczas pobierania aktywnych dat",
@@ -1764,8 +1769,8 @@
"duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nazwa jest już używana dla pola systemowego",
"uiDataTypeRequired": "Typ danych UI jest wymagany",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "Nazwa kolumny przekracza maksymalną długość {value} znaków",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Nazwa {title} przekracza 50 znaków",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Nazwa {title} nie może zaczynać się od spacji",
"requiredField": "Pole wymagane",
"ipNotAllowed": "Adres IP niedozwolony",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Plik docelowy nie jest akceptowanym typem pliku",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Hasło zostało pomyślnie zmienione. Proszę zalogować się ponownie.",
"settingsSaved": "Zapisano ustawienia",
"roleUpdated": "Rola została pomyślnie zaktualizowana",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integracja połączona pomyślnie",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Właściciele i twórcy bazy mogą teraz dodać źródło danych bez ponownego wprowadzania danych uwierzytelniających."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/pt.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/pt.json
index d9c74e7cc5..a49f67c746 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/pt.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/pt.json
@@ -39,47 +39,47 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Soma",
+ "count": "Contar",
+ "min": "Mínimo",
+ "max": "Máximo",
+ "avg": "Média",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Desvio padrão",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Intervalo",
+ "percent_empty": "Vazio",
+ "percent_filled": "Preenchido",
+ "percent_unique": "Único",
+ "count_unique": "Único",
+ "count_empty": "Vazio",
+ "count_filled": "Preenchido",
+ "earliest_date": "Data mínima",
+ "latest_date": "Data máxima",
+ "date_range": "Intervalo",
+ "month_range": "Intervalo",
+ "checked": "Marcado",
+ "unchecked": "Desmarcado",
+ "percent_checked": "Marcado",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Desmarcado",
+ "attachment_size": "Tamanho",
+ "none": "Nenhum"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
+ "sum": "Soma",
+ "count": "Contar",
+ "min": "Mínimo",
+ "max": "Máximo",
+ "avg": "Média",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Desvio Padrão",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Intervalo",
"percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
"percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
"percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
"count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
+ "count_empty": "Vazio",
"count_filled": "Filled",
"earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
"latest_date": "Latest Date",
@@ -93,17 +93,18 @@
"none": "None"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
+ "scripts": "Scripts",
+ "configure": "Configurar",
+ "switch": "Alternar",
+ "on": "Ligado",
+ "onMultiple": "No Múltiplo",
"manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "trigger": "Acionar",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
+ "style": "Estilo",
+ "label": "Etiqueta",
+ "role": "Função",
+ "general": "Geral",
"quit": "Sair",
"home": "Casa",
"load": "Carga",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Código",
"duplicate": "Duplicado",
"duplicating": "Duplicando",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Duplicar {entity}",
"activate": "Ativar",
"action": "Ação",
"insert": "Inserir",
@@ -162,9 +163,9 @@
"bulkUpdate": "Atualização em massa",
"deleting": "Apagando",
"update": "Atualizar",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Atualizando",
"rename": "Renomear",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Renomear {entity}",
"reload": "recarregar",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"reset": "Redefinir",
@@ -212,8 +213,8 @@
"confirm": "Confirme",
"generate": "Gerar",
"copy": "Cópia",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Copiado",
+ "are": "são",
"misc": "Miscelânea",
"lock": "Fechadura",
"unlock": "Desbloquear",
@@ -224,19 +225,19 @@
"betaNote": "Esta característica está actualmente em fase beta.",
"moreInfo": "Mais informações podem ser encontradas aqui",
"logs": "Registos",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "groupingField": "Agrupar por campo",
+ "insertAfter": "Inserir à direita",
+ "insertBefore": "Inserir à esquerda",
"insertAbove": "Inserir acima",
"insertBelow": "Inserir abaixo",
"hideField": "Ocultar Campo",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Mostrar campo",
"sortAsc": "Ordenar Ascendente",
"sortDesc": "Ordenar Descendente",
"move": "Mover",
"geoDataField": "Campo de dados geográficos",
"type": "Tipo",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "Sub-Tipo",
"name": "Nome",
"changes": "Alterações",
"new": "Novo",
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@
"count": "Contar",
"countDistinct": "Contagem distinta",
"sumDistinct": "Soma distinta",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
+ "avgDistinct": "Média Distinta",
"join": "Juntar",
"options": "Opções",
"primaryValue": "Valor primário",
@@ -265,36 +266,36 @@
"seconds": "Segundos",
"paste": "Colar",
"restore": "Restaurar",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "replace": "Substituir",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logo",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
+ "list": "Lista",
+ "verify": "Verificar",
"apply": "Aplicar",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "appearance": "Aparência",
+ "now": "Agora",
+ "set": "Definir",
+ "format": "Formatar",
+ "colour": "Cor",
+ "use": "Usar",
+ "stack": "Pilha",
+ "ipAddress": "Endereço IP",
+ "integration": "Integração",
+ "integrations": "Integrações",
+ "connection": "Conexão",
+ "connections": "Conexões",
+ "private": "Privado",
+ "request": "Solicitação",
+ "languages": "Idiomas",
+ "extension": "Extensão",
+ "extensions": "Extensões"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
+ "files": "arquivos",
+ "owner": "Proprietário",
+ "member": "Membro",
"day": "Dia",
"week": "Semana",
"month": "Mês",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Campos",
"column": "Coluna",
"columns": "Colunas",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Célula",
+ "cells": "Células",
"page": "Página",
"pages": "Páginas",
"record": "Registro",
@@ -341,12 +342,12 @@
"viewer": "Viewer.",
"noaccess": "Sem acesso",
"superAdmin": "Administrador Geral",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Proprietário no Nível da Organização",
"orgLevelCreator": "Nível de Organização Criador",
"orgLevelViewer": "Visor de Nível de Organização"
"sqlVIew": "Vista SQL",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Altura do Registro",
"heightClass": {
"short": "Curto",
"medium": "Médio",
@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@
"externalDb": "Base de dados externa",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple números",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Todas as Integrações",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Conecte e gerencie suas bases de dados com NocoDB sem interrupções.",
+ "communication": "Comunicação",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Receba notificações sobre alterações e otimize a comunicação da equipe com o NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Gestão de Projetos",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Melhore os fluxos de trabalho e a gestão de tarefas com o NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Otimize a gestão do relacionamento com clientes através das integrações do NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Impulsione seus esforços de marketing com as poderosas integrações do NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Simplifique seu sistema de rastreamento de candidatos com o NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Desenvolvimento",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Acelere os processos de desenvolvimento com as integrações do NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Finanças",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Simplifique as operações financeiras e a gestão de dados com o NocoDB.",
"ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Gerencie e acompanhe os tickets de suporte de forma eficiente com o NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integre e organize suas soluções de armazenamento de forma contínua com o NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Outros",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Descubra integrações adicionais versáteis para melhorar sua experiência com o NocoDB.",
+ "ai": "IA",
+ "spreadSheet": "Planilha",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Conecte e gerencie suas planilhas com o NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,14 +487,14 @@
"isNotNull": "não é nulo"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Procurar webhook",
"webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Carregar via URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
+ "renameBase": "Renomear Base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Renomear Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Renomeando Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "renamingBase": "Renomeando Base",
"sso": "Autenticação (SSO)",
"docs": "Documentação",
"forum": "Fórum",
@@ -502,12 +503,12 @@
"parameterName": "Nome do parâmetro",
"currencyLocale": "Moeda local",
"currencyCode": "Código de moeda",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "searchMembers": "Procurar membros",
"noMembersFound": "Nenhum membro encontrado",
"dateJoined": "Data de adesão",
"tokenName": "Nome do token",
"inDesktop": "no ambiente de trabalho",
- "rowData": "Record data",
+ "rowData": "Dados do registro",
"creator": "Autor",
"qrCode": "Código QR",
"termsOfService": "Termos de Utilização",
@@ -522,7 +523,7 @@
"removeFile": "Remover ficheiro",
"hasMany": "Tem muitos",
"manyToMany": "De muitos para muitos",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
+ "oneToOne": "Um para Um",
"virtualRelation": "Relação virtual",
"linkMore": "Vincular mais",
"linkMoreRecords": "Vincular mais registos",
@@ -576,15 +577,15 @@
"generateToken": "Gerar Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Apoio",
"helpCenter": "Centro de ajuda",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Sem Rótulos",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Documentação Swagger",
"quickImportFrom": "Importação rápida de",
"quickImport": "Importação rápida",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Importação Rápida - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Importação Rápida - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Importação Rápida - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Importação Rápida - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "Editor JSON",
"comingSoon": "Brevemente",
"advancedSettings": "Configurações avançadas",
"codeSnippet": "Código Snippet",
@@ -613,104 +614,106 @@
"setDefault": "Definir como padrão"
"selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Seleccione campos do painel direito para adicionar aqui",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Nenhuma opção encontrada",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Tem certeza de que deseja enviar este formulário?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Parece que esta pilha não possui nenhum registro",
+ "fromScratch": "Do zero",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "De arquivos e fontes externas",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Diretamente em tempo real",
+ "categories": "Categorias",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Campo inacessível",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Nenhuma condição adicionada"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Modificado em",
+ "configuration": "Configuração",
+ "setup": "Configurar",
+ "configLabel": "Configurar {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Alternar para um banco de dados de aplicativo pronto para produção",
+ "sharedBase": "Base Compartilhada",
+ "fieldID": "ID do Campo",
+ "addDescription": "Adicionar descrição",
+ "editDescription": "Editar descrição",
+ "urlFormula": "Fórmula de URL",
+ "selectIcon": "nenhum",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--selecione um webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Abrir URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Executar Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Ao clicar",
+ "defaultView": "Vista Padrão",
+ "recordInsert": "Inserir Registro",
+ "recordUpdate": "Atualizar Registro",
+ "recordDelete": "Excluir Registro",
+ "supportDocs": "Documentos de Suporte",
+ "addedOn": "Adicionado em",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Alterar campo de valor de exibição",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Selecionar campo de valor de exibição",
+ "changeTitleField": "Alterar campo de título",
+ "clearAll": "Limpar tudo",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Os campos de pesquisa mostram dados de registros vinculados. Selecione campos específicos de ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabela para adicioná-los como campos de pesquisa nesta tabela.",
+ "formatting": "Formatação",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Selecione um tipo de formato (opcional)- -",
+ "formatType": "Tipo de formato",
+ "toUpload": "carregar",
+ "dragFilesHere": "arraste os arquivos aqui",
+ "browseFiles": "procurar arquivos",
+ "clickTo": "Clique para",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Por favor, permita o acesso à sua câmera",
+ "openFile": "Abrir arquivo",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Digite uma URL válida para carregar arquivos",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Adicionar arquivos da URL",
+ "uploading": "Carregando",
+ "dropHere": "Solte aqui",
+ "addMore": "Adicionar mais",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Limpar todos os arquivos",
+ "integration": "Integração",
+ "notRecommended": "Não recomendado",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
+ "selectView": "Selecionar uma visualização",
+ "connectionDetails": "Detalhes da Conexão de Origem",
+ "metaSync": "Sincronização Meta",
+ "mention": "Mencionar",
+ "today": "Hoje",
+ "currentDate": "Data atual",
+ "workspace": "Área de trabalho",
+ "txt": "Valor do registro TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "Transferir Propriedade",
+ "recentActivity": "Atividade Recente",
+ "goToMembers": "Ir para Membros",
+ "addMember": "Adicionar Membro",
+ "numberOfMembers": "No. Membros",
"numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
+ "numberOfRecords": "No. Registros",
+ "workspaceName": "Nome do Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Espaço de Trabalho sem Proprietários",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Convidar Usuários para o Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-selecione espaços de trabalho para convidar-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Adicionar Membros à Organização",
+ "memberIn": "Membro em:",
+ "assignAs": "Atribuir como",
+ "signOutUser": "Sair do usuário",
+ "signOutUsers": "Sair dos usuários",
+ "deactivateUser": "Desativar Usuário",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Desativar Usuários",
+ "lastActive": "Última Atividade",
+ "dateAdded": "Data de Adição",
+ "uploadImage": "Carregar Imagem",
+ "organizationProfile": "Perfil da Organização",
+ "organizationImage": "Imagem da Organização",
+ "organizationName": "Nome da Organização",
+ "activeDomains": "Domínios Ativos",
+ "domains": "Domínios",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Desativar Compartilhamento Público",
+ "shareSettings": "Configurações de Compartilhamento",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Excluir Usuário e seus dados",
+ "userOptions": "Opções do Usuário",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Excluir esta Organização",
+ "dangerZone": "Zona de Perigo",
+ "childView": "Visualização Filha",
"selectYear": "Selecionar ano",
"save": "Guardar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
@@ -721,15 +724,15 @@
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
"newProvider": "Novo provedor",
"generalSettings": "Configurações gerais",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
+ "adminPanel": "Painel de Administração",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Mover Espaço de Trabalho para a Organização",
"ssoSettings": "Configurações SSO",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
+ "addDomain": "Adicionar Domínio",
+ "domain": "Domínio",
+ "settings": "Definições",
+ "workspaces": "Áreas de trabalho",
+ "back": "Voltar",
+ "dashboard": "Painel de Controle",
"organizeBy": "Organizar por",
"previous": "Anterior",
"nextMonth": "Próximo mês",
@@ -742,7 +745,7 @@
"bold": "Negrito",
"italic": "Itálico",
"underline": "Sublinhado",
- "strike": "Strike",
+ "strike": "Riscar",
"taskList": "Lista de tarefas",
"bulletList": "Lista com marcadores",
"numberedList": "Lista numerada",
@@ -751,19 +754,19 @@
"noToken": "Nenhum Token",
"tokenLimit": "Só é permitido um token por utilizador",
"duplicateAttachment": "Arquivo com o nome {filename} já está anexado",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID TABELA: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "ID DE VISUALIZAÇÃO: {viewId}",
"toAddress": "Para o endereço",
"subject": "Assunto",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
+ "body": "Corpo",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Números móveis separados por vírgulas",
"headerName": "Nome do cabeçalho",
"icon": "Ícone",
- "max": "Max",
+ "max": "Máximo",
"enableRichText": "Ativar texto rico",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "URL do registro copiado",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Copiar URL do registro",
"duplicateRecord": "Duplicar registo",
"binaryEncodingFormat": "Formato de codificação binária",
"syntax": "Sintaxe",
@@ -778,31 +781,31 @@
"durationFormat": "Formato de duração",
"dateFormat": "Formato da data",
"timeFormat": "Formato da hora",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "singularLabel": "Rótulo Singular",
+ "pluralLabel": "Rótulo Plural",
+ "selectDateField": "Selecione um campo de data",
+ "endDateField": "Campo de data final",
+ "optional": "(Opcional)",
+ "clickToMake": "Clique para fazer",
+ "visibleForRole": "visível para o papel:",
+ "inUI": "no Painel de UI",
+ "projectSettings": "Configurações Base",
+ "clickToHide": "Clique para ocultar",
+ "clickToDownload": "Clique para baixar",
+ "forRole": "para o papel",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Clique para copiar o ID da Tabela",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Clique para copiar ID da Visualização",
+ "viewMode": "Modo de visualização",
+ "searchUsers": "Pesquisar Usuários",
+ "superAdmin": "Administrador Geral",
+ "allTables": "Todas as Tabelas",
+ "members": "Membros",
+ "dataSources": "Fontes de Dados",
+ "connectDataSource": "Conectar Dados Externos",
+ "searchProjects": "Pesquisar Bases",
"createdBy": "Criado por",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Visualizando Anexos de",
+ "readOnly": "Somente leitura",
"createdOn": "Criado em",
"notifyVia": "Notificar via.",
"projName": "Nome do Projeto",
@@ -838,9 +841,9 @@
"lengthValue": "Comprimento / valor",
"dbType": "Tipo de Base de Dados",
"servername": "nomeServidor /endrCliente",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "sqliteFile": "Caminho do ficheiro SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Endereço do servidor",
+ "port": "Número da Porta",
"username": "Utilizador",
"password": "Palavra-passe",
"schemaName": "Nome do esquema",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Açao",
"actions": "Ações",
"operation": "Operação",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Suboperação",
"operationType": "Tipo de operação",
"operationSubType": "Sub-tipo de operação",
"description": "Descrição",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "tem muitos",
"belongsTo": "pertence a",
"manyToMany": "têm muitas ou muitas relações",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "têm uma relação de um para um",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Parâmetros de ligação adicionais",
"commentsOnly": "Apenas comentários",
"documentation": "Documentação",
@@ -961,107 +964,107 @@
"noAccess": "Sem acesso",
"restApis": "APIs Rest",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
+ "apiSnippet": "Trechos de API",
"includeData": "Incluir dados",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "includeView": "Incluir Vista",
+ "includeWebhook": "Incluir Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Aumente o zoom para ver as colunas",
+ "embedInSite": "Incorporar esta vista no seu site",
+ "titleRequired": "O título é obrigatório.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Nome da fonte é obrigatório",
+ "changeWsName": "Mudar nome do Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "pressEnter": "Pressione Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "WebHook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Novo campo",
+ "saveChanges": "Salvar alterações",
+ "updatedField": "Campo atualizado",
+ "deletedField": "Campo eliminado",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Configuração incompleta",
+ "selectField": "Selecionar um campo",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Cor de fundo",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Ocultar Branding NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "Mostrar em condições",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Mostra campo apenas quando as condições são atendidas",
+ "limitOptions": "Limitar opções",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limite as opções visíveis aos usuários selecionando as opções disponíveis",
+ "clearSelection": "Limpar seleção",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Exibir como progresso",
+ "relationType": "Tipo de relação",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Mostrar separador de milhares",
+ "signUpForFree": "Registre-se gratuitamente",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Ajustar imagem",
+ "coverImageArea": "Cobrir área da imagem",
+ "syncData": "Sincronizar dados",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registre os serviços do seu interesse para ser notificado quando estiverem disponíveis",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Redirecionar para URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Detalhes do Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "Ocultar fins de semana",
+ "renameBase": "Renomear Base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Renomear espaço de trabalho",
+ "deactivate": "Desativar",
+ "manageUsers": "Gerenciar Usuários",
+ "newWorkspace": "Novo Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "addDomain": "Adicionar Domínio",
+ "addMembers": "Adicionar Membros",
+ "enterEmail": "Inserir endereços de email",
+ "inviteToBase": "Convidar para Base",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Convidar para o Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "addMember": "Adicionar Membro à Base",
+ "noRange": "A visualização do calendário requer um intervalo de datas",
+ "goToToday": "Ir para Hoje",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Alternar Barra Lateral",
+ "addEndDate": "Adicionar data final",
+ "withEndDate": "com data final",
+ "calendar": "Calendário",
+ "viewSettings": "Ver configurações",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registrar Provedor de Identidade OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "Registrar Provedor de Identidade SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "Abrir em uma nova aba",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Copiar código do IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "Em Condição",
+ "bulkDownload": "Download em Lote",
+ "attachFile": "Anexar Arquivo",
+ "viewAttachment": "Ver Anexos",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Clique ou solte um arquivo na célula",
+ "addFiles": "Adicionar Arquivo(s)",
+ "hideInUI": "Ocultar na UI",
+ "addBase": "Adicionar Base",
+ "addParameter": "Adicionar Parâmetro",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Enviar Outro Formulário",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Arraste e solte campos aqui para adicionar",
+ "editSource": "Editar Fonte de Dados",
+ "enterText": "Insira o texto",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Editar Base",
+ "showInUI": "Mostrar na UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Fora de Sincronização",
+ "newSource": "Nova Fonte de Dados",
+ "newWebhook": "Novo Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Habilitar Acesso Público",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Deseja salvar as alterações?",
+ "editingAccess": "Acesso de edição",
"enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restringir acesso com senha",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Gerenciar Acesso à Base",
+ "allowDownload": "Permitir Download",
+ "surveyMode": "Modo de Inquérito",
+ "rtlOrientation": "Orientação RTL",
+ "useTheme": "Usar Tema",
+ "copyLink": "Copiar Link",
+ "copiedLink": "Link Copiado",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Copiar link de convite",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Link de convite copiado",
"copyUrl": "Copiar URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Mais Cores",
+ "moveProject": "Mover Base",
"createProject": "Criar Projecto",
"importProject": "Projeto de importação",
"searchProject": "Procurar Projecto",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Apagar Projecto",
"refreshProject": "Actualizar Projectos",
"saveProject": "Guardar Projecto",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Salvar & Sair",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Eliminar a pilha?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Criar por Ligação
a Base de Dados Externa",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Ajude a traduzir.",
"account": {
"authToken": "Copie o token de autenticação",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Token de Autenticação Copiado",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "Copiar informações do projeto",
"themes": "Temas"
@@ -1098,8 +1101,8 @@
"filter": "Filtro",
"addFilter": "Adicionar filtro",
"share": "Compartilhado",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Agrupar Por",
+ "addSubGroup": "Novo Subgrupo",
"shareBase": {
"label": "Share Base",
"disable": "Desativar a base compartilhada",
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Convidar equipe",
"inviteUser": "Convidar Utilizador",
"inviteToken": "Convidar Token.",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Registros Vinculados",
+ "addNewLink": "Adicionar Novo Link",
"newUser": "Novo usuário",
"editUser": "Editar usuário",
"deleteUser": "Remover usuário do projeto",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "Registro anterior",
"copyApiURL": "Copiar URL da API",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Criar Dashboard",
+ "createWorkspace": "Criar Espaço de Trabalho",
"refreshTable": "Tabelas atualizam",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Mudar o nome da Tabela",
+ "renameLayout": "Renomear Layout",
+ "deleteTable": "Excluir Tabela",
"addField": "Adicionar novo campo a esta tabela",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Definir como valor de exibição",
"addRow": "Adicionar nova linha",
"saveRow": "Salvar linha",
"saveAndExit": "Salvar & Sair",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Insira a nova linha",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Excluir linha",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Excluir Registros",
+ "predictColumns": "Prever Campos",
+ "predictFormulas": "Prever Fórmulas",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Excluir linhas selecionadas",
"importExcel": "Importar Excel.",
"importCSV": "Importar CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Criar Vista",
"shareView": "Partilhar Vista",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Preencher por digitalização de código",
"listSharedView": "Lista de visualização compartilhada",
"ListView": "Lista de Vistas",
"copyView": "Copiar vista",
"renameView": "Renomear vista",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Carregar Dados",
"deleteView": "Apagar vista",
"createGrid": "Crie a exibição da grade",
"createGallery": "Criar vista da galeria",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Abra a nova guia",
"iFrame": "Copiar código HTML incorporado",
"addWebhook": "Adicionar novo webhook.",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Habilitar Webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "Testar Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Criar Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Copiar Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Excluir Webhook",
"newToken": "Adicionar novo token",
"exportZip": "Exportar zip",
"importZip": "Importar zip",
"metaSync": "Sincronize agora",
"settings": "Definições",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validações",
"previewAs": "Pré-visualizar como",
"resetReview": "Redefinir pré-visualização",
"testDbConn": "Testar ligação à Base de Dados",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Adicionar grupo de filtros",
"linkRecord": "Registo de ligação",
"addNewRecord": "Adicionar novo registo",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Novo registro",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Criar novo registro",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' foi salvo & vinculado com sucesso",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Registro Criado & Vinculado",
"useConnectionUrl": "Usar URL de ligação",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Sorteio dos comentários de alternância",
"expandRecord": "Expandir Registo",
"deleteRecord": "Apagar registo",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Largura total",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Sair da largura total",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Marcar todos como lidos",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Excluir Campo",
+ "addNumber": "Adicionar Campo Numérico",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Adicionar Campo de Texto Única Linha",
+ "addLongText": "Adicionar Campo de Texto Longo",
+ "addOther": "Adicionar Outro Campo"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Mostrar Colunas",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Pilha de Colapso",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Recolher tudo",
+ "expandAll": "Expandir tudo",
+ "renameStack": "Renomear pilha",
"deleteStack": "Apagar pilha",
"stackedBy": "Empilhado por",
"chooseGroupingField": "Escolha um Campo de Agrupamento",
"addOrEditStack": "Adicionar / Editar Pilha"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Mapeado Por",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Escolha um Campo de Mapeamento",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Alternar para Modo Mobile",
+ "startCommenting": "Comece a comentar!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Ainda não há comentários!",
+ "clearForm": "Limpar Formulário",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Adicionar Campo",
+ "selectAllFields": "Selecionar todos os campos",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Habilitar Pré-preenchimento",
+ "default": "Padrão",
+ "locked": "Bloquear campos pré-preenchidos como somente leitura",
+ "hidden": "Ocultar campos pré-preenchidos",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Valor pré-preenchido"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Obter Link Pré-preenchido",
+ "group": "Grupo",
+ "goToDocs": "Ir para Documentação",
+ "addCondition": "Adicionar condição",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Adicionar grupo de condições"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Ative para tornar esta conexão privada e oculta de outros criadores neste espaço de trabalho.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Opcional. Usa o banco de dados padrão \"{database}\" se deixado em branco",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opcional. Usa o esquema padrão \"{schema}\" se deixado em branco.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Edição de esquema está desativada para esta fonte de dados.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Este tipo de dado não é permitido.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Esta opção permite modificação do esquema de banco de dados, incluindo adicionar, alterar ou excluir tabelas e colunas. Use com cautela, pois mudanças podem impactar a integridade estrutural do seu banco de dados.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Esta opção permite criar, atualizar ou excluir registros dentro das tabelas do banco de dados. Ideal para usuários administrativos que precisam alterar dados diretamente.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Salvar alterações",
"xcDB": "Criar um novo projecto",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Ele vem em preto? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Adicionar nova tabela",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Adicionar novo Dashboard",
"inviteMore": "Convide mais usuários",
"toggleNavDraw": "Alternar gaveta de navegação",
"reloadApiToken": "Reload API Tokens.",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Seleccione ficheiro .key",
"clientCert": "Seleccione ficheiro .cert",
"clientCA": "Seleccione ficheiro CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Mudar a cor do ícone",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Modo de formulário com um campo por página",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use o menu de edição de campo para conversões de tipo após o arquivo ser importado",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Papel herdado do espaço de trabalho",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Em breve! Clique para votar na integração que você precisa no NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Pesquisar ícones",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Selecionar canais Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Selecionar canais Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Selecionar canais Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Selecionar canais Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "Título do Webhook",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Selecione um campo para o valor do Código de Barras",
+ "notFoundContent": "Nenhum Tipo de campo válido pode ser encontrado.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Selecionar um formato de Código de Barras",
"projName": "Introduzir Nome de Projecto",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Selecionar um Campo de Agrupamento",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Nenhum Campo de Seleção Única pode ser encontrado. Por favor, crie um primeiro.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Selecione um campo de imagem de capa",
+ "selectGeoField": "Selecionar um Campo GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-não selecionado-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Nenhum Campo GeoData pode ser encontrado. Por favor, crie um primeiro.",
"password": {
"enter": "Introduza a palavra-passe",
"current": "Senha atual",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Guarde a palavra-passe",
"confirm": "Confirme a nova senha"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Selecione um campo para o valor do Código QR",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Permitir números negativos",
"searchProjectTree": "Tabelas de pesquisa",
"searchFields": "Campos de pesquisa.",
"searchColumn": "Pesquisar {pesquisar} Coluna",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrar por e-mail",
"filterQuery": "Filtrar consulta",
"selectField": "Seleccionar campo",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Precisão",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Valor",
+ "key": "Chave",
+ "createTable": "Crie sua Primeira Tabela!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Nenhum Token API criado",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Convide sua equipe",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Buscar opções"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Configuração de botão inválida",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Configuração de campo inválida",
+ "invalidTheme": "Selecione um tema válido",
+ "invalidColor": "Selecione uma cor válida",
+ "invalidType": "O tipo de botão pode ser 'webhook' ou 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Insira uma etiqueta de botão válida",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Esta função não está disponível para o seu banco de dados",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Controle o nome e a aparência da sua organização.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Adicione domínios da empresa para restringir o acesso a usuários indesejados.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restringir usuários de compartilhar bases publicamente.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Selecione usuários para serem removidos e excluídos de todos os espaços de trabalho da organização.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Excluir todos os usuários, bases e dados relacionados a esta organização",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Clique para copiar Id do Campo",
+ "enterPassword": "Introduza a palavra-passe",
+ "bySigningUp": "Ao inscrever-se, você concorda com o",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Assine nosso boletim informativo semanal",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Verificando Senha",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Esta visualização compartilhada está protegida",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Dados do formulário enviados com sucesso",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Visualização do formulário não é suportada em dispositivos móveis",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Visualização de calendário não é suportada em dispositivos móveis",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Novo formulário será carregado após {seconds} segundos",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Consulta otimizada está desativada",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Consulta otimizada está ativada",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Campo de pesquisa não é suportado para relações que não são pertencidas",
+ "invalidTime": "Hora Inválida",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Você não tem nenhum link suportado para {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Registo não pode ser encontrado",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Número de telefone inválido",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Tamanho da página alterado",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Erro ao carregar dados",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Usar variável de contexto",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "corpo",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "para se referir ao registo em consideração",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Dica: Utilize {placeholder1} para referenciar campos, por exemplo: {placeholder2}. Para mais informações, consulte",
+ "hintEnd": "Fórmulas.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Nenhuma fórmula sugerida encontrada",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Nenhum campo sugerido encontrado",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requer um {type} na posição {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Tipo numérico é esperado",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Tipo de string é esperado",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Operação {operation} não está disponível",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Não é possível salvar o campo porque a fórmula é inválida",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Não é suportado referenciar o campo {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Tipo {type} é esperado mas foi encontrado Tipo {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requer {requiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requer no mínimo {minRequiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requer no máximo {maxRequiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Função {function} não está disponível",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "O primeiro parâmetro de WEEKDAY() deve ter valor de data",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "O segundo parâmetro de WEEKDAY() deve ter o valor \"domingo\", \"segunda\", \"terça\", \"quarta\", \"quinta\", \"sexta\" ou \"sábado\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "O primeiro parâmetro de DATEADD() deve ter valor de data",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "O segundo parâmetro de DATEADD() deve ter valor numérico",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "O terceiro parâmetro de DATEADD() deve ter o valor \"dia\", \"semana\", \"mês\" ou \"ano\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "O primeiro parâmetro de DATEDIFF() deve ter valor de data",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "O segundo parâmetro de DATEDIFF() deve ter valor de data",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "O terceiro parâmetro de DATETIME_DIFF() deve ter valor \"milissegundos\", \"ms\", \"segundos\", \"s\", \"minutos\", \"m\", \"horas\", \"h\", \"dias\", \"d\", \"semanas\", \"w\", \"meses\", \"M\", \"trimestres\", \"Q\", \"anos\" ou \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Campo {columnName} não está disponível",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Não é possível salvar o campo porque causa uma referência circular",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Campo {columnName} com tipo {columnType} foi encontrado mas tipo {expectedType} era esperado",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} não combina com {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "As opções de seleção não podem ser nulas",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Campos MultiSelect não podem ter vírgulas (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "As opções de seleção não podem ter duplicatas",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Criar nova opção chamada"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Por favor, insira um número",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Por favor, insira o e-mail",
+ "invalidDate": "Data inválida",
+ "invalidLocale": "Localidade inválida",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Código de moeda inválido",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "O tipo 'money' do PostgreSQL tem suas próprias configurações de moeda",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Os tipos de campo válidos para um Campo de Código de Barras são: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Por favor, crie um primeiro.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Relação Tem Muitas",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Um único registro da tabela ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " pode ser vinculado a vários registros da tabela "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Relação Muitos-para-Muitos",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Vários registros da tabela ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " podem ser vinculados a múltiplos registros da tabela "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Relação Pertence a",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Um único registro da tabela ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " pode ser vinculado a um registro da tabela "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Relação Um-para-Um",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Um único registro da tabela ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " pode ser vinculado a um único registro da tabela "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Parece que ainda não foram vinculados registros.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Nenhum registro vinculado",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Nenhum registro vinculado",
+ "recordsLinked": "registros vinculados",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Aceitar apenas {type} válidos",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Crie tokens de API pessoais para usar em automações ou aplicativos externos.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Selecione o Campo para Ordenar",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Selecione o campo para agrupar",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Não há registros na tabela",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No momento, não há registros disponíveis para vinculação",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Comece com web-hooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Impulsione suas automações. Seja notificado assim que houver mudanças em seus dados",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir o seguinte",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Tem certeza de que deseja {deleteLabel} o seguinte",
+ "idColumnRequired": "O campo de ID é obrigatório, pode renomeá-lo mais tarde, se necessário.",
+ "length59Required": "O comprimento excede o máximo de 59 caracteres",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Sem novas notificações",
+ "noRecordFound": "Registro não encontrado",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Nenhum registro encontrado",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Nenhum registro corresponde à sua consulta de pesquisa",
+ "rowDeleted": "Registro excluído",
+ "saveChanges": "Deseja salvar as alterações?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "O campo é muito grande para ser convertido em {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Função obrigatória",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Os campos de botão que dependem deste webhook serão afetados",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Visualização Kanban requer um campo de seleção única para ser configurado. Tente configurar uma visualização kanban após adicionar um campo de seleção única!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Visualização de mapa requer um campo de dados geográficos para ser configurado. Tente configurar uma visualização de mapa após adicionar um campo de dados geográficos!",
+ "dbValid": "Garanta a validade do banco de dados para evitar a perda de esquema",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Erro de código de barras - por favor verifique a compatibilidade entre a entrada e o tipo de código de barras"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Advertência: Campo calculado - incapaz de limpar texto",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Advertência: Os campos QR não podem ser directamente alterados.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Aviso: os campos de código de barras não podem ser alterados diretamente."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Tem certeza de que deseja duplicar a base?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Tem certeza de que deseja duplicar a tabela?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Você não pode mudar a visibilidade de um campo que está sendo editado. Por favor, salve ou descarte as alterações primeiro.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Você não pode mover o campo que está sendo editado. Ou salve ou descarte as alterações primeiro",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Você não pode mover o campo que foi eliminado. Ou salve ou descarte as alterações primeiro"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Você não poderá arrastar registros entre datas quando campos computados ou de sistema forem usados.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Alterações no esquema estão desativadas para esta fonte",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Digite o nome do espaço de trabalho",
+ "enterBaseName": "Digite o nome da base",
+ "idpPaste": "Cole estas URLs no console de seus Provedores de Identidade",
+ "noSaml": "Não há autenticações SAML configuradas.",
+ "noOIDC": "Não há autenticações OpenID configuradas.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Desativado pois a visualização está bloqueada",
+ "basesMigrated": "As bases foram migradas. Por favor, tente novamente.",
"pasteNotSupported": "A operação de colar não é suportada na célula activa",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "O criador pode criar novos projectos e aceder a qualquer projecto convidado.",
"orgViewer": "O espectador não está autorizado a criar novos projectos, mas pode aceder a qualquer projecto convidado."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Carregando o scanner...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
+ "overLimit": "Você está acima do limite.",
"closeLimit": "Você está chegando perto do limite.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "limitNumber": "O limite de marcadores mostrados em uma Visualização de Mapa é de 1000 registros."
"footerInfo": "Linhas por página",
"upload": "Selecione Arquivo para upload",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Digite a etiqueta de entrada do formulário",
"formHelpText": "Adicione um texto de ajuda",
"onlyCreator": "Apenas visível para o Criador",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Adicionar Título do Formulário",
"formDesc": "Adicionar Formulário Descrição.",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restringir acesso com uma palavra-passe",
"afterEnablePwd": "O acesso está protegido por uma palavra-passe",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Aceder ao Projecto por",
"submitAnotherForm": "Mostrar 'enviar outro formulário' botão",
"showBlankForm": "Mostre um formulário em branco após 5 segundos",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Respostas por email para",
"showSysFields": "Mostrar campos do sistema",
"filterAutoApply": "Aplicar automaticamente",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Exibir Mensagem",
"viewNotShared": "A visão atual não é compartilhada!",
"showAllViews": "Mostrar todas as vistas compartilhadas desta mesa",
"collabView": "Colaboradores com permissões de edição ou maiores podem alterar a configuração da visualização.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Adicionar vista de galeria",
"form": "Adicionar vista de formulário",
"kanban": "Adicionar vista de Kanban",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Adicionar Visualização de Mapa",
"calendar": "Adicionar vista de calendário"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Metadados de tabelas está em sincronia",
"addMultipleUsers": "Você pode adicionar vários e-mails separados (,)",
"enterTableName": "Digite o nome da tabela.",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Introduza a descrição da tabela...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Introduza a descrição do campo...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Introduza a descrição da vista...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Digite o nome do Layout",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Digite o nome do painel",
+ "defaultColumns": "Colunas padrão",
"addDefaultColumns": "Adicionar colunas padrão",
"tableNameInDb": "Nome da tabela como salvo no banco de dados",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Este valor já está na lista",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Sem colunas a actualizar",
"tableDeleted": "Tabela eliminada com sucesso",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Layout excluído com sucesso",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Gerar uma base de leitura publicamente partilhável",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Tem a certeza de que quer apagar esta vista?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este layout?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Deseja apagar a tabela",
"showM2mTables": "Mostrar Mesas M2M",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "A relação muitos-para-muitos é suportada através de uma tabela de junção e está oculta por padrão. Habilite esta opção para listar todas essas tabelas junto com as tabelas existentes.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Mostrar NULL nas Células",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Exibir etiqueta 'NULL' em células que mantêm valor NULL. Isso ajuda a diferenciar de células contendo strings vazias.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Mostrar NULL e VAZIO no Filtro",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Habilite filtros 'adicionais' para diferenciar campos contendo NULL e strings vazias. O suporte padrão para em branco trata ambos NULL e strings vazias de forma igual.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "A eliminação desta pilha irá também remover a opção seleccionada `{stackToBeDeleted}` do `{groupingField}`. Os registos serão movidos para a pilha não categorizada.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Campo computorizado: o conteúdo é apenas de leitura. Utilizar o menu de edição de colunas para reconfigurar",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Campo computorizado: o conteúdo é apenas de leitura. Incapaz de limpar o conteúdo.",
"noMoreRecords": "Acabaram-se os registos",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "O nome do token não deve estar vazio",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "O nome do token não deve ter mais de 255 caracteres",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Nome do banco de dados é obrigatório",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Nome do espaço de trabalho obrigatório",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "O nome do espaço de trabalho deve ter pelo menos 3 caracteres",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "O nome do espaço de trabalho deve ter no máximo 50 caracteres",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Excluir este espaço de trabalho e todo o seu conteúdo.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Entendo que esta ação é irreversível",
+ "pageNotFound": "Página Não Encontrada",
+ "makeLineBreak": "para fazer uma quebra de linha",
+ "goToPrevious": "Ir para o anterior",
+ "goToNext": "Ir para o próximo",
+ "thankYou": "Obrigado!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Você enviou os dados do formulário com sucesso.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editar chave do sistema não suportado",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Não disponível no momento",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operação de colagem em grupo não é suportada na coluna Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operação de limpeza em grupo não é suportada na coluna Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Atualizar para Edição Enterprise {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Este recurso está disponível apenas na edição enterprise",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Seu papel atual é",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Por favor, solicite permissões mais elevadas ao Admin / Proprietário da Base / Proprietário do Espaço de Trabalho para obter acesso a esta {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Você não pode ocultar todas as opções se o campo for obrigatório"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Ganchos manuais não podem ser desativados",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Erro ao carregar dados do registro",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Erro ao buscar dados do calendário",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Erro ao buscar datas ativas",
+ "scopesRequired": "Escopos necessários",
+ "domainRequired": "Nome do domínio é obrigatório",
+ "authUrlRequired": "URL de Autenticação é necessária",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Atributo de nome de usuário é necessário",
+ "clientIdRequired": "ID do Cliente é necessário",
+ "issuerRequired": "Emissor é necessário",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Segredo do Cliente é necessário",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "URL JWK é necessário",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "URL do Token é necessário",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "URL do UserInfo é necessário",
+ "eitherXML": "Ou xml ou url de metadata é necessário",
+ "nameRequired": "Nome Obrigatório",
+ "nameMinLength": "O nome deve ter pelo menos 2 caracteres",
+ "nameMaxLength": "O nome deve ter no máximo 60 caracteres",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Nome da visualização é obrigatório",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Nome do domínio é obrigatório",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "O nome deve ter no máximo 256 caracteres",
+ "viewNameUnique": "O nome da visualização deve ser único",
"searchProject": "A sua pesquisa por {search} não encontrou resultados",
"invalidChar": "Caracter inválido no caminho da pasta.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Credenciais de Base de Dados inválidas.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Incapaz de ligar à Base de Dados, por favor verifique que esta se encontra operacional.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Ano inválido",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "O Utilizador não existe ou não tem privilégios suficientes para criar o esquema.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Parâmetros de banco de dados inválidos",
"dbConnectionFailed": "A ligação falhou:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Existe um filtro nulo. Por favor, remova-os",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "E-mail é obrigatório",
"emailInvalid": "O Email deve ser válido",
"passwdRequired": "A Palavra-passe é obrigatória",
"passwdLength": "A sua palavra-passe deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Um número",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Um carácter especial",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Lista de caracteres especiais permitidos",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "E-mails inválidos",
+ "invalidEmail": "E-mail inválido"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "XML inválido",
"invalidURL": "URL inválido",
"invalidEmail": "E-mail inválido",
"internalError": "Ocorreu algum erro interno",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "O nome deve começar com um alfabeto ou _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Os seguintes caracteres não são permitidos",
"columnNameRequired": "O nome da coluna é obrigatório",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Nome de campo duplicado",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nome já usado para campo do sistema",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "O tipo de dado da IU é obrigatório",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "O nome {title} excede 50 caracteres",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "O nome {title} não pode começar com espaço",
"requiredField": "Campo obrigatório",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP não permitido",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "O ficheiro alvo não é um tipo de ficheiro aceite",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Os tipos de ficheiro aceites são .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "A chave do parâmetro não pode estar vazia",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Não são permitidas chaves de parâmetros duplicadas",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Este campo não pode estar vazio.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projecto não acessível",
"copyToClipboardError": "Falha na cópia para a prancheta",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Falha ao colar da área de transferência",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Por favor, complete a configuração de todos os campos antes de salvar",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Algo deu errado",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Conteúdo arrastado não é do tipo imagem",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Campo para analisar dados da imagem",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Alguns dos campos obrigatórios estão vazios"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Metadados do projeto exportado com sucesso",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Em breve!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Chave de licença atualizada",
"columnDuplicated": "Coluna duplicada com sucesso",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "UI ACL actualizada para tabelas com sucesso",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Configurações de plugin guardadas com sucesso",
"pluginTested": "Configurações de plugin testadas com sucesso",
"tableRenamed": "Tabela renomeada com sucesso",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Layout renomeado com sucesso",
"viewDeleted": "Vista eliminada com sucesso",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Actualizado com sucesso como coluna primária",
"tableDataExported": "Exportou com sucesso todos os dados da tabela",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "Utilizador eliminado com sucesso do projecto",
"inviteEmailSent": "Convidar Email enviado com sucesso",
"inviteURLCopied": "Convidar URL copiado para a área de transferência",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Comentário copiado para a área de transferência",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "URL de redefinição de senha copiada para a área de transferência",
"shareableURLCopied": "URL de base compartilhável copiado para a prancheta!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Código HTML copiado e encaixável!",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Senha alterada com sucesso. Por favor, faça novamente o login.",
"settingsSaved": "Definições guardadas com sucesso",
"roleUpdated": "Papel actualizado com sucesso",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integração conectada com sucesso",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Os proprietários e criadores da base agora podem adicionar uma fonte de dados sem reintroduzir as credenciais."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/pt_BR.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/pt_BR.json
index 9b63e51f87..9a24d55ca3 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/pt_BR.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/pt_BR.json
@@ -39,69 +39,70 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Soma",
+ "count": "Contagem",
+ "min": "Mínimo",
+ "max": "Máxima",
+ "avg": "Média",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Desvio padrão",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Intervalo",
+ "percent_empty": "Vazio",
+ "percent_filled": "Preenchido",
+ "percent_unique": "Único",
+ "count_unique": "Único",
+ "count_empty": "Vazio",
+ "count_filled": "Preenchido",
+ "earliest_date": "Data mínima",
+ "latest_date": "Data máxima",
+ "date_range": "Intervalo",
+ "month_range": "Intervalo",
+ "checked": "Marcado",
+ "unchecked": "Desmarcado",
+ "percent_checked": "Marcado",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Desmarcado",
+ "attachment_size": "Tamanho",
+ "none": "Nenhum"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Soma",
+ "count": "Contagem",
+ "min": "Mínimo",
+ "max": "Máxima",
+ "avg": "Média",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Desvio padrão",
+ "histogram": "Histograma",
+ "range": "Intervalo",
+ "percent_empty": "Percentagem Vazia",
+ "percent_filled": "Percentagem Preenchida",
+ "percent_unique": "Percentagem Única",
+ "count_unique": "Único",
+ "count_empty": "Vazio",
+ "count_filled": "Preenchido",
+ "earliest_date": "Primeira Data",
+ "latest_date": "Última Data",
+ "date_range": "Intervalo de Datas",
+ "month_range": "Intervalo de Meses",
+ "checked": "Marcado",
+ "unchecked": "Desmarcado",
+ "percent_checked": "Percentagem Marcada",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Percentagem Desmarcada",
+ "attachment_size": "Tamanho do Anexo",
+ "none": "Nenhum"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
+ "scripts": "Scripts",
+ "configure": "Configurar",
+ "switch": "Alternar",
+ "on": "Ligado",
+ "onMultiple": "Em Múltiplos",
"manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "trigger": "Gatilho",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
+ "style": "Estilo",
+ "label": "Etiqueta",
"role": "Função",
"general": "Geral",
"quit": "Sair",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Código",
"duplicate": "Duplicar",
"duplicating": "Duplicando",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Duplicar {entity}",
"activate": "Ativar",
"action": "Ação",
"insert": "Inserir",
@@ -164,9 +165,9 @@
"update": "Atualizar",
"updating": "Atualizando",
"rename": "Renomear",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Renomear {entity}",
"reload": "Recarregar",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Atualizar",
"reset": "Redefinir",
"install": "Instalar",
"show": "Mostrar",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"generate": "Gerar",
"copy": "Copiar",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Copiado",
"are": "estão",
"misc": "Diversos",
"lock": "Bloquear",
@@ -224,9 +225,9 @@
"betaNote": "Este recurso está atualmente em fase beta.",
"moreInfo": "Mais informações podem ser encontradas aqui",
"logs": "Registos",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "groupingField": "Agrupar por campo",
+ "insertAfter": "Inserir à direita",
+ "insertBefore": "Inserir à esquerda",
"insertAbove": "Inserir acima",
"insertBelow": "Inserir abaixo",
"hideField": "Ocultar Campo",
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@
"move": "Mover",
"geoDataField": "Campo GeoData",
"type": "Tipo",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "Sub-Tipo",
"name": "Nome",
"changes": "Mudanças",
"new": "Novo",
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@
"primaryValue": "Valor primário",
"useSurveyMode": "Usar o modo de pesquisa",
"shift": "Mudar",
- "enter": "Enter",
+ "enter": "Entrar",
"seconds": "Segundos",
"paste": "Colar",
"restore": "Restaurar",
@@ -275,32 +276,32 @@
"text": "Texto",
"appearance": "Aparência",
"now": "Agora",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "set": "Definir",
+ "format": "Formato",
+ "colour": "Cor",
+ "use": "Usar",
+ "stack": "Pilha",
+ "ipAddress": "Endereço IP",
+ "integration": "Integração",
+ "integrations": "Integrações",
+ "connection": "Conexão",
+ "connections": "Conexões",
+ "private": "Privado",
+ "request": "Solicitar",
+ "languages": "Idiomas",
+ "extension": "Extensão",
+ "extensions": "Extensões"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
+ "files": "arquivos",
+ "owner": "Proprietário",
+ "member": "Membro",
"day": "Dia",
"week": "Semana",
"month": "Mês",
"year": "Ano",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "workspace": "Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "workspaces": "Espaços de Trabalho",
"project": "Projeto",
"projects": "Projetos",
"table": "Tabela",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Campos",
"column": "Coluna",
"columns": "Colunas",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Célula",
+ "cells": "Células",
"page": "Página",
"pages": "Páginas",
"record": "Registro",
@@ -339,23 +340,23 @@
"editor": "Editor",
"commenter": "Comentarista",
"viewer": "Visualizador",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
+ "noaccess": "Sem Acesso",
"superAdmin": "Super Administrador",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Proprietário Nível da Organização",
"orgLevelCreator": "Criador de Nível da Organização",
"orgLevelViewer": "Visualizador de nível da organização"
"sqlVIew": "Exibição SQL",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Altura do Registro",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
+ "short": "Curto",
+ "medium": "Médio",
+ "tall": "Alto",
"extra": "Extra"
"externalDb": "Banco de Dados externo",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple Numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
- "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "serviceHub": "Hub de Serviços",
"jira": "Jira",
"mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
"microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
"microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
"miro": "Miro",
"salesforce": "Salesforce",
- "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
+ "serviceCloud": "Nuvem de Serviços",
"snowflake": "Snowflake",
"stripe": "Stripe",
"surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Todas as Integrações",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Conecte e gerencie seus bancos de dados sem interrupções com o NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Comunicação",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Receba notificações sobre alterações e agilize a comunicação da equipe com o NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Aprimore fluxos de trabalho de projetos e gerenciamento de tarefas com o NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Otimize a gestão do relacionamento com o cliente através das integrações do NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Impulsione seus esforços de marketing com as integrações poderosas do NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "atsSubtitle": "Simplifique seu sistema de acompanhamento de candidatos com o NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Desenvolvimento",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Acelere os processos de desenvolvimento com as integrações do NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Finanças",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Simplifique as operações financeiras e o gerenciamento de dados com o NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Atendimento",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Gerencie e acompanhe os tickets de suporte de forma eficiente com o NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integre e organize suas soluções de armazenamento perfeitamente com o NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Outros",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Descubra integrações adicionais versáteis para melhorar sua experiência com o NocoDB.",
+ "ai": "IA",
+ "spreadSheet": "Planilha",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Conecte e gerencie suas planilhas com o NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,23 +487,23 @@
"isNotNull": "não é nulo"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Pesquisar webhook",
"webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Enviar via URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
+ "renameBase": "Renomear Base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Renomear Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Renomeando Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "renamingBase": "Renomeando Base",
"sso": "Autenticação (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
+ "docs": "Documentos",
+ "forum": "Fórum",
+ "parameter": "Parâmetro",
+ "headers": "Cabeçalhos",
"parameterName": "Nome do parâmetro",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "currencyLocale": "Localidade de Moeda",
+ "currencyCode": "Código da Moeda",
+ "searchMembers": "Buscar membros",
"noMembersFound": "Nenhum membro encontrado",
"dateJoined": "Data de inscrição",
"tokenName": "Nome do token",
@@ -581,120 +582,122 @@
"quickImportFrom": "Importação rápida de",
"quickImport": "Importação rápida",
"quickImportAirtable": "Importação rápida - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Importação Rápida - CSV",
"quickImportExcel": "Importação rápida - Excel",
"quickImportJSON": "Importação rápida - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "jsonEditor": "Editor JSON",
+ "comingSoon": "Em breve",
"advancedSettings": "Configurações avançadas",
"codeSnippet": "Código Snippet",
"keyboardShortcut": "Atalhos de teclado",
"generateRandomName": "Gerar nome aleatório",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
+ "tokenManagement": "Gerenciamento de Tokens",
+ "addNewToken": "Adicionar novo token",
+ "createNewToken": "Criar novo token",
+ "accountSettings": "Configurações da Conta",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Redefinir Senha",
"tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "userManagement": "Gerenciamento de Usuários",
+ "accountManagement": "Gerenciamento de Conta",
+ "licence": "Licença",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Permitir Todos os Tipos de Mime",
+ "defaultView": "Visualização Padrão",
+ "relations": "Relações",
+ "switchLanguage": "Alternar Idioma",
+ "renameFile": "Renomear Arquivo",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Sem Ação",
+ "cascade": "Cascata",
+ "restrict": "Restringir",
+ "setNull": "Definir NULO",
+ "setDefault": "Definir como Padrão"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Selecione campos do painel à direita para adicionar aqui",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Nenhuma opção encontrada",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Tem certeza de que deseja enviar este formulário?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
"looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Parece que essa pilha não tem nenhum registro",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "fromScratch": "Do zero",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "De arquivos e fontes externas",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Diretamente em tempo real",
+ "categories": "Categorias",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Campo inacessível",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Nenhuma condição adicionada"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Modificado em",
+ "configuration": "Configuração",
+ "setup": "Configuração",
+ "configLabel": "Configurar {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Mudar para um banco de dados de aplicativo pronto para produção",
+ "sharedBase": "Base Compartilhada",
+ "fieldID": "ID do Campo",
+ "addDescription": "Adicionar descrição",
+ "editDescription": "Editar descrição",
+ "urlFormula": "Fórmula URL",
+ "selectIcon": "nenhum",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--selecione um webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Abrir URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Executar Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Ao clicar",
+ "defaultView": "Visualização padrão",
+ "recordInsert": "Inserção de Registro",
+ "recordUpdate": "Atualização de Registro",
+ "recordDelete": "Exclusão de Registro",
+ "supportDocs": "Documentação de Suporte",
+ "addedOn": "Adicionado em",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Alterar campo de valor de exibição",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Selecionar campo de valor de exibição",
+ "changeTitleField": "Alterar campo de título",
+ "clearAll": "Limpar tudo",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Campos de pesquisa mostram dados de registros vinculados. Selecione campos específicos de ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " adicioná-los como campos de pesquisa nesta tabela.",
+ "formatting": "Formatação",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Selecione um tipo de formatação (opcional)- -",
+ "formatType": "Tipo de formatação",
+ "toUpload": "para enviar",
+ "dragFilesHere": "arraste arquivos aqui",
+ "browseFiles": "navegar pelos arquivos",
+ "clickTo": "Clique para",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Por favor, permita acesso à sua câmera",
+ "openFile": "Abrir arquivo",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Digite uma URL válida para enviar arquivos",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Adicionar arquivos de URL",
+ "uploading": "Enviando",
+ "dropHere": "Solte aqui",
+ "addMore": "Adicionar mais",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Limpar todos os arquivos",
+ "integration": "Integração",
+ "notRecommended": "Não recomendado",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
+ "selectView": "Selecionar uma visão",
+ "connectionDetails": "Detalhes de Conexão de Fonte",
+ "metaSync": "Sincronização Meta",
+ "mention": "Mencionar",
+ "today": "Hoje",
+ "currentDate": "Data atual",
+ "workspace": "Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "txt": "Valor do Registro TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "Transferir Propriedade",
+ "recentActivity": "Atividade Recente",
+ "goToMembers": "Ir para Membros",
+ "addMember": "Adicionar Membro",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Nº de Membros",
+ "numberOfBases": "Nº de Bases",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Nº de Registros",
+ "workspaceName": "Nome do Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Espaço de Trabalho sem Proprietários",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Convidar Usuários para Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-selecionar espaços de trabalho para convidar-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Adicionar Membros à Organização",
+ "memberIn": "Membro em:",
+ "assignAs": "Atribuir como",
+ "signOutUser": "Sair usuário",
+ "signOutUsers": "Sair usuários",
+ "deactivateUser": "Desativar Usuário",
"deactivateUsers": "Desativar usuários",
"lastActive": "Ativo pela última vez",
"dateAdded": "Data de Adição",
@@ -746,87 +749,87 @@
"taskList": "Lista de tarefas",
"bulletList": "Lista de marcadores",
"numberedList": "Lista numerada",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "downloadData": "Baixar Dados",
+ "blockQuote": "Bloco de Citação",
+ "noToken": "Sem Token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Apenas um token por usuário é permitido",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Arquivo com o nome {filename} já anexado",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID DA TABELA: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "ID da VISUALIZAÇÃO: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Para Endereço",
+ "subject": "Assunto",
+ "body": "Corpo",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Números Móveis Separados por Vírgula",
+ "headerName": "Nome do Cabeçalho",
+ "icon": "Ícone",
+ "max": "Máximo",
+ "enableRichText": "Ativar texto rico",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "URL do Registro Copiado",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Copiar URL do Registro",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Duplicar registro",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Formato de codificação binária",
+ "syntax": "Sintaxe",
+ "examples": "Exemplos",
+ "durationInfo": "Uma duração de tempo em minutos ou segundos (ex.: 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Adicionar Cabeçalho",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Digite o URL padrão (Opcional)",
+ "negative": "Negativo",
+ "discard": "Descartar",
+ "default": "Padrão",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Número Padrão (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Formato de Duração",
+ "dateFormat": "Formato de Data",
+ "timeFormat": "Formato de Hora",
+ "singularLabel": "Rótulo Singular",
+ "pluralLabel": "Rótulo Plural",
+ "selectDateField": "Selecione um campo de data",
+ "endDateField": "Campo de data final",
+ "optional": "(Opcional)",
+ "clickToMake": "Clique para tornar",
+ "visibleForRole": "visível para papel:",
+ "inUI": "no Painel de Controle da UI",
+ "projectSettings": "Configurações Base",
+ "clickToHide": "Clique para ocultar",
+ "clickToDownload": "Clique para baixar",
+ "forRole": "para papel",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Clique para copiar o ID da Tabela",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Clique para copiar o ID da Visualização",
+ "viewMode": "Modo de visualização",
+ "searchUsers": "Pesquisar Usuários",
+ "superAdmin": "Super Administrador",
+ "allTables": "Todas as Tabelas",
+ "members": "Membros",
+ "dataSources": "Fontes de Dados",
+ "connectDataSource": "Conectar Fonte de Dados Externa",
+ "searchProjects": "Procurar Projetos",
"createdBy": "Criado por",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Visualizando Anexos de",
+ "readOnly": "Somente leitura",
+ "createdOn": "Criado em",
"notifyVia": "Notificar por",
"projName": "Nome do Projeto",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "accountDetails": "Detalhes da Conta",
+ "controlAppearance": "Controle sua Aparência.",
+ "accountEmailID": "ID de E-mail da Conta",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Voltar ao Workspace",
+ "untitledToken": "Token não titulado",
"tableName": "Nome da tabela",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Nome do Dashboard",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Criando Visualização",
+ "duplicateView": "Duplicar visualização",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Duplicar Visualização em Grade",
+ "createGridView": "Criar Visualização em Grade",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicar Visualização em Galeria",
+ "createGalleryView": "Criar Visualização em Galeria",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Duplicar Visualização de Formulário",
+ "createFormView": "Criar Visualização de Formulário",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicar Visualização Kanban",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicar visualização do calendário",
+ "createKanbanView": "Criar Visualização Kanban",
+ "createCalendarView": "Criar visualização de calendário",
"viewName": "Visualizar nome",
"viewLink": "Visualizar link",
"columnName": "Nome da coluna",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Tipo no banco de dados",
"lengthValue": "Comprimento / valor",
"dbType": "Tipo do Banco de Dados",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "nome do servidor / endereço do host",
+ "sqliteFile": "Caminho do arquivo SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Endereço do servidor",
+ "port": "Número da porta",
"username": "Usuário",
"password": "Senha",
"schemaName": "Nome do esquema",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Onde",
"cache": "Cache",
"chat": "Bate-papo",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Mostrar ou Ocultar",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "Arquivo CSV",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "Arquivo JSON",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-mail",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "Criado",
"sqlOutput": "Saída SQL",
"addOption": "Adicionar opção",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Cor da Interface",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Coluna com valor de código QR",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Coluna com valor de código de barras",
"barcodeFormat": "Formato do código de barras",
@@ -902,15 +905,15 @@
"joinCommunity": "Junte-se à Comunidade NocoDB",
"joinReddit": "Junte-se /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Siga NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Traduzido pela Comunidade/AI)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Referência do documento",
"selectUserRole": "Selecione a função do usuário",
"childTable": "Tabela filha",
"childColumn": "Coluna de criança",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Campo filho",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Junte-se à Nuvem Gratuitamente",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Link para outro registo",
"links": "Links",
"onUpdate": "Ao atualizar",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Tema personalizado",
"requestDataSource": "Solicitar uma fonte de dados que você precisa?",
"apiKey": "Chave de API",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Token de Acesso Pessoal",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "URL da Base Compartilhada",
"importData": "Importar dados",
"importSecondaryViews": "Importar Visualizações Secundárias",
"importRollupColumns": "Importar Colunas de Rollup",
"importLookupColumns": "Importar colunas de pesquisa",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Colunas de Anexos de Importação",
"importFormulaColumns": "Colunas de Fórmula de Importação",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Importar Usuários (por email)",
"noData": "Sem dados",
"goToDashboard": "Ir para o Painel de Controle",
"importing": "Importando",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Formatar JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Selecionar Tipos de Campos Automaticamente",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Usar o Primeiro Registro como Cabeçalhos",
"flattenNested": "Achatamento aninhado",
"downloadAllowed": "Download permitido",
"weAreHiring": "Estamos contratando!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "tem muitos",
"belongsTo": "pertence a",
"manyToMany": "têm uma relação de muitos para muitos",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "têm uma relação de um para um",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Parâmetros de conexão adicionais",
"commentsOnly": "Apenas comentários",
"documentation": "Documentação",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Permitir inscrição somente com a URL de convite",
"nextRow": "Fila seguinte",
"prevRow": "Fila Anterior",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
+ "addRowGrid": "Adicionar dados manualmente na visualização em grade",
+ "addRowForm": "Inserir dados de registro através de um formulário",
+ "noAccess": "Sem acesso",
+ "restApis": "APIs REST",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "apiSnippet": "Trechos de API",
+ "includeData": "Incluir Dados",
+ "includeView": "Incluir Visualização",
+ "includeWebhook": "Incluir Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Aumente o zoom para ver as colunas",
+ "embedInSite": "Incorporar esta visualização no seu site",
+ "titleRequired": "título é obrigatório.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Nome da fonte é obrigatório",
+ "changeWsName": "Alterar Nome do Workspace",
+ "pressEnter": "Pressione Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Novo campo",
+ "saveChanges": "Salvar alterações",
+ "updatedField": "Campo atualizado",
+ "deletedField": "Campo excluído",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Configuração incompleta",
+ "selectField": "Selecione um campo",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Cor de fundo",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Ocultar marca NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "Mostrar em condições",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Mostra campo apenas quando condições são atendidas",
+ "limitOptions": "Limitar opções",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limite as opções visíveis aos usuários selecionando as opções disponíveis",
+ "clearSelection": "Limpar seleção",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Exibir como progresso",
+ "relationType": "Tipo de relação",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Mostrar separador de milhares",
+ "signUpForFree": "Inscreva-se gratuitamente",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Ajustar imagem",
+ "coverImageArea": "Cobrir imagem",
+ "syncData": "Sincronizar dados",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registre os serviços de seu interesse para ser notificado quando estiverem disponíveis",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Redirecionar para URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Detalhes do Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "Ocultar fins de semana",
+ "renameBase": "Renomear Base",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Renomear Espaço de trabalho",
+ "deactivate": "Desativar",
+ "manageUsers": "Gerenciar Usuários",
+ "newWorkspace": "Novo Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "addDomain": "Adicionar domínio",
+ "addMembers": "Adicionar Membros",
+ "enterEmail": "Insira endereços de e-mail",
+ "inviteToBase": "Convidar para Base",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Convidar para Espaço de Trabalho",
+ "addMember": "Adicionar Membro à Base",
+ "noRange": "A visualização de calendário requer um intervalo de datas",
+ "goToToday": "Ir para Hoje",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Alternar barra lateral",
+ "addEndDate": "Adicionar data final",
+ "withEndDate": "com data final",
+ "calendar": "Calendário",
+ "viewSettings": "Ver configurações",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registrar Provedor de Identidade OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "Registrar Provedor de Identidade SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "Abrir em uma nova aba",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Copiar código IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "Na Condição",
+ "bulkDownload": "Download em Massa",
+ "attachFile": "Anexar Arquivo",
+ "viewAttachment": "Visualizar Anexos",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Clique ou solte um arquivo na célula",
+ "addFiles": "Adicionar Arquivo(s)",
+ "hideInUI": "Ocultar na UI",
+ "addBase": "Adicionar Projeto",
+ "addParameter": "Adicionar Parâmetro",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Submeter Outro Formulário",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Arraste e solte os campos aqui para adicionar",
+ "editSource": "Editar Fonte de Dados",
+ "enterText": "Digite o texto",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Editar Projeto",
+ "showInUI": "Mostrar na UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Fora de sincronia",
+ "newSource": "Nova Fonte de Dados",
+ "newWebhook": "Novo Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Habilitar Acesso Público",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Você quer salvar as alterações?",
+ "editingAccess": "Acesso à edição",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Habilitar visualização pública",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restringir acesso com senha",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Gerenciar Acesso ao Projeto",
+ "allowDownload": "Permitir Download",
+ "surveyMode": "Modo Pesquisa",
+ "rtlOrientation": "Orientação RTL",
+ "useTheme": "Usar Tema",
+ "copyLink": "Copiar Link",
+ "copiedLink": "Link Copiado",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Copiar link de convite",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Link de convite copiado",
"copyUrl": "Copiar URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Mais Cores",
+ "moveProject": "Mover Projeto",
"createProject": "Criar Projeto",
"importProject": "Projeto de importação",
"searchProject": "Procurar Projeto",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Apagar Projeto",
"refreshProject": "Atualizar Projetos",
"saveProject": "Salvar projeto",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Salvar e Sair",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Excluir a pilha?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Criar por Conexão
a um Banco de Dados Externo",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Ajude a traduzir",
"account": {
"authToken": "Copie o token de autenticação",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "'Token' de autenticação copiado",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "Copiar informações do projeto",
"themes": "Temas"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Filtro",
"addFilter": "Adicionar filtro",
"share": "Compartilhar",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Agrupar Por",
+ "addSubGroup": "Novo Subgrupo",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Compartilhar base",
"disable": "Desativar a base compartilhada",
"enable": "Qualquer um com o link",
"link": "Link da base compartilhada"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Convidar equipe",
"inviteUser": "Convidar Usuário",
"inviteToken": "Convidar Token",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Registros Vinculados",
+ "addNewLink": "Adicionar Novo Link",
"newUser": "Novo usuário",
"editUser": "Editar usuário",
"deleteUser": "Remover usuário do projeto",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "Registro anterior",
"copyApiURL": "Copiar URL da API",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Criar Painel",
+ "createWorkspace": "Criar Espaço de Trabalho",
"refreshTable": "Atualizar Tabelas",
"renameTable": "Renomear Tabela",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "Renomear Layout",
"deleteTable": "Excluir Tabela",
"addField": "Adicionar um novo campo para esta tabela",
"setDisplay": "Defina como valor a ser apresentado",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Insira a nova linha",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Excluir linha",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Excluir registros",
+ "predictColumns": "Prever Campos",
+ "predictFormulas": "Prever Fórmulas",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Excluir linhas selecionadas",
"importExcel": "Importar Excel",
"importCSV": "Importar CSV",
@@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@
"ListView": "Lista de visões",
"copyView": "Copiar vizualização",
"renameView": "Renomear vizualização",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Carregar Dados",
"deleteView": "Apagar vizualização",
"createGrid": "Criar visão em Grade",
"createGallery": "Criar visão em Galeria",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Adicionar novo Webhook",
"enableWebhook": "Habilitar Webhook",
"testWebhook": "Testar Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Criar Webhook",
"copyWebhook": "Copiar Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "Excluir Webhook",
"newToken": "Adicionar novo Token",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "Importar zip",
"metaSync": "Sincronizar agora",
"settings": "Configurações",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validações",
"previewAs": "Pré-visualizar como",
"resetReview": "Redefinir pré-visualização",
"testDbConn": "Testar conexão do banco de dados",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Adicionar grupo de filtros",
"linkRecord": "Link de registo",
"addNewRecord": "Adicionar novo registo",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Novo registro",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Criar novo registro",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' foi salvo e vinculado com sucesso",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Registro Criado e Vinculado",
"useConnectionUrl": "Usar URL de conexão",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Alternar desenho de comentários",
"expandRecord": "Expandir Registo",
"deleteRecord": "Apagar registo",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Largura total",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Sair da largura total",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Marcar tudo como lido",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Excluir Campo",
+ "addNumber": "Adicionar Campo Numérico",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Adicionar Campo de Texto Único",
+ "addLongText": "Adicionar Campo de Texto Longo",
+ "addOther": "Adicionar Outro Campo"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Mostrar Colunas",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Recolher pilha",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Recolher tudo",
+ "expandAll": "Expandir tudo",
+ "renameStack": "Renomear pilha",
"deleteStack": "Apagar pilha",
"stackedBy": "Empilhado por",
"chooseGroupingField": "Escolha um Campo de Agrupamento",
@@ -1242,32 +1245,34 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "Alternar o modo móvel",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "startCommenting": "Comece a comentar!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Ainda não há comentários!",
+ "clearForm": "Limpar Formulário",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Adicionar Campo",
+ "selectAllFields": "Selecionar todos os campos",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Habilitar Pré-preenchimento",
+ "default": "Padrão",
+ "locked": "Bloquear campos pré-preenchidos como somente leitura",
+ "hidden": "Ocultar campos pré-preenchidos",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Valor pré-preenchido"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Obter Link Pré-preenchido",
+ "group": "Grupo",
+ "goToDocs": "Ir para a Documentação",
+ "addCondition": "Adicionar condição",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Adicionar grupo de condições"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Habilite para tornar esta conexão privada e oculta de outros criadores neste ambiente de trabalho.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Opcional. Usa o banco de dados padrão \"{database}\" se deixado em branco",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opcional. Usa o esquema padrão \"{schema}\" se deixado em branco.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Edição de esquema está desativada para esta fonte de dados.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Este tipo de dado não é permitido.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Esta opção permite a modificação do esquema do banco de dados, incluindo adicionar, alterar ou excluir tabelas e colunas. Use com cautela, pois alterações podem impactar a integridade estrutural do seu banco de dados.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Esta opção permite criar, atualizar ou excluir registros dentro das tabelas do banco de dados. Ideal para usuários administrativos que precisam alterar dados diretamente.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Salvar alterações",
"xcDB": "Criar um novo projeto",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Ele vem em preto? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Adicionar nova tabela",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Adicionar novo Painel",
"inviteMore": "Convide mais usuários",
"toggleNavDraw": "Alternar gaveta de navegação",
"reloadApiToken": "Recarregar tokens de API",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Selecione arquivo .key",
"clientCert": "Selecione arquivo .cert",
"clientCA": "Selecione arquivo CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Mudar a cor do ícone",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Modo de formulário com um campo por página",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use o menu de edição de campo para conversões de tipo após importar o arquivo",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Papel herdado do espaço de trabalho",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Em breve! Clique para votar na integração que você precisa no NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Pesquisar ícones",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Selecionar canais do Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Selecionar canais do Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Selecionar canais do Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Selecionar canais do Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "Título do Webhook",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Selecionar um campo para o valor do Código de Barras",
+ "notFoundContent": "Nenhum Tipo de campo válido pode ser encontrado.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Selecione um formato de Código de Barras",
"projName": "Insira o nome do projeto",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Selecione um Campo de Agrupamento",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Nenhum Campo de Seleção Única pode ser encontrado. Por favor, crie um primeiro.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Selecione um campo de imagem de capa",
+ "selectGeoField": "Selecione um Campo de GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-não selecionado-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Nenhum Campo de GeoData pode ser encontrado. Por favor, crie um primeiro.",
"password": {
"enter": "Insira a senha",
"current": "Senha atual",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Salve a senha",
"confirm": "Confirme a nova senha"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Selecione um campo para o valor do QR code",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Permitir números negativos",
"searchProjectTree": "Pesquisar tabelas",
"searchFields": "Campos de pesquisa.",
"searchColumn": "Pesquisar {pesquisar} Coluna",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrar por e-mail",
"filterQuery": "Consulta de filtro",
"selectField": "Seleccionar campo",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Precisão",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,169 +1353,169 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Valor",
+ "key": "Chave",
+ "createTable": "Crie sua primeira tabela!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Nenhum token de API criado",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Parece que você ainda não gerou nenhum token de API.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Convide sua equipe",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Procure opções"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Configuração de botão inválida",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Configuração de campo inválida",
+ "invalidTheme": "Selecione um tema válido",
+ "invalidColor": "Selecione uma cor válida",
+ "invalidType": "O tipo de botão pode ser 'webhook' ou 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Insira um rótulo de botão válido",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Esta função não está disponível para seu banco de dados",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Controle o nome e a aparência de suas organizações.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Adicione domínios da empresa para restringir o acesso a usuários indesejados.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restringir usuários de compartilhar bases publicamente.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Selecione os usuários a serem removidos e deletados de todos os espaços de trabalho da organização.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Excluir todos os usuários, bases e dados relacionados a esta organização",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Clique para copiar o Id do Campo",
+ "enterPassword": "Insira a senha",
+ "bySigningUp": "Ao se inscrever, você concorda com os Termos de Serviço",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Inscreva-se no nosso informativo semanal",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Verificando Senha",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Essa visualização compartilhada está protegida",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Dados do formulário enviados com sucesso",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Visualização de formulário não é suportada no celular",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Visualização de calendário não é suportada no celular",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Novo formulário será carregado após {seconds} segundos",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Consulta otimizada está desativada",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Consulta otimizada está ativada",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Campo de pesquisa não é suportado para relação não-Pertence a",
+ "invalidTime": "Hora inválida",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Você não tem links suportados para {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Registro não pôde ser encontrado",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Número de telefone inválido",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Tamanho da página alterado",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Erro ao carregar dados",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use variável de contexto",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "corpo",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "para referir o registro em consideração",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Dica: Use {placeholder1} para referenciar campos, ex: {placeholder2}. Para mais, por favor, confira",
+ "hintEnd": "Fórmulas.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Nenhuma fórmula sugerida encontrada",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Nenhum campo sugerido encontrado",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requer um {type} na posição {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Tipo numérico é esperado",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Tipo string é esperado",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Operação {operation} não disponível",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Não é possível salvar campo porque a fórmula é inválida",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Não suportado para referenciar o campo {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Esperado Tipo {type} mas encontrado Tipo {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requer {requiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requer no mínimo {minRequiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requer no máximo {maxRequiredArguments} argumentos",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Função {function} não está disponível",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "O primeiro parâmetro de WEEKDAY() deve ter valor de data",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "O segundo parâmetro de WEEKDAY() deve ter o valor \"domingo\", \"segunda-feira\", \"terça-feira\", \"quarta-feira\", \"quinta-feira\", \"sexta-feira\" ou \"sábado\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "O primeiro parâmetro de DATEADD() deve ter valor de data",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "O segundo parâmetro de DATEADD() deve ter valor numérico",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "O terceiro parâmetro de DATEADD() deve ter o valor \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" ou \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "O primeiro parâmetro de DATEDIFF() deve ter valor de data",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "O segundo parâmetro de DATEDIFF() deve ter valor de data",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "O terceiro parâmetro de DATETIME_DIFF() deve ter o valor \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\" ou \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Campo {columnName} não está disponível",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Não é possível salvar o campo porque isso causa uma referência circular",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Campo {columnName} com tipo {columnType} foi encontrado, mas era esperado o tipo {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} não corresponde com {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Opções de seleção não podem ser nulas",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Campos MultiSelect não podem ter vírgulas(',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Opções de seleção não podem ter duplicatas",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Criar nova opção chamada"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Por favor, insira um número",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Por favor, insira o e-mail",
+ "invalidDate": "Data inválida",
+ "invalidLocale": "Localidade inválida",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Código de moeda inválido",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "O tipo 'money' do PostgreSQL tem suas próprias configurações de moeda",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Os tipos de campos válidos para um campo de código de barras são: Número, Texto de Linha Única, Texto Longo, Número de Telefone, URL, E-mail, Decimal. Por favor, crie um primeiro.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Tem Relação com Muitos",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Um único registro da tabela ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " pode ser vinculado a vários registros da tabela "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Relação de Muitos para Muitos",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Vários registros da tabela ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " podem ser vinculados a vários registros da tabela "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Pertence à Relação",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Um único registro da tabela ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " pode ser vinculado a um registro da tabela "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Relação de Um para Um",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Um único registro da tabela ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " pode ser vinculado a um único registro da tabela "
"clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Parece que nenhum registro foi vinculado ainda.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Nenhum registro vinculado",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Nenhum registro vinculado",
+ "recordsLinked": "registros vinculados",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Aceite apenas {type} válido",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Crie tokens de API pessoais para usar em automação ou aplicativos externos.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Selecione o Campo para Ordenar",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Selecione o Campo para Agrupar",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Não há registros na tabela",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Atualmente, não há registros disponíveis para vinculação",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Comece com web-hooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Potencialize suas automações. Seja notificado assim que houver mudanças em seus dados",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir o seguinte",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Tem certeza de que deseja {deleteLabel} o seguinte",
+ "idColumnRequired": "O campo ID é obrigatório, você pode renomeá-lo mais tarde, se necessário.",
+ "length59Required": "O comprimento excede o máximo de 59 caracteres",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Você não tem novas notificações",
+ "noRecordFound": "Registro não encontrado",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Nenhum registro encontrado",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Nenhum registro corresponde à sua consulta de pesquisa",
+ "rowDeleted": "Registro excluído",
+ "saveChanges": "Você quer salvar as alterações?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "O campo é muito grande para ser convertido em {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Papel necessário",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Campos de botão que dependem deste webhook serão impactados",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "A visualização kanban requer um campo de seleção única para ser configurado. Tente configurar uma visualização kanban após adicionar um campo de seleção única!",
+ "mapNoFields": "A visualização de mapa requer um campo de dados geográficos para ser configurado. Tente configurar uma visualização de mapa após adicionar um campo de dados geográficos!",
+ "dbValid": "Garantir a validade do banco de dados para evitar a perda do esquema",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Erro de código de barras - por favor verifique a compatibilidade entre a entrada e o tipo de código de barras"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Aviso: Campo calculado - não é possível limpar o texto",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Aviso: Os campos QR não podem ser alterados diretamente.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Aviso: Os campos de código de barras não podem ser alterados diretamente."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Tem certeza de que deseja duplicar o projeto?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Tem certeza de que deseja duplicar a tabela?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Você não pode alterar a visibilidade de um campo que está sendo editado. Por favor, salve ou descarte as alterações primeiro.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Você não pode mover um campo que está sendo editado. Primeiro, salve ou descarte as alterações",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Você não pode mover um campo que foi deletado. Primeiro, salve ou descarte as alterações"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Você não poderá arrastar registros entre datas quando campos computados ou de sistema são usados.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Alterações de esquema estão desativadas para esta fonte",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Insira o nome do espaço de trabalho",
+ "enterBaseName": "Insira o nome do projeto",
+ "idpPaste": "Cole essas URLs no console dos seus Provedores de Identidade",
+ "noSaml": "Não há autenticações SAML configuradas.",
+ "noOIDC": "Não há autenticações OpenID configuradas.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Desativado porque a Visualização está bloqueada",
+ "basesMigrated": "Os projetos foram migrados. Por favor, tente novamente.",
"pasteNotSupported": "A operação de colar não é suportada na célula activa",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "O criador pode criar novos projectos e aceder a qualquer projecto convidado.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Digite a etiqueta de entrada do formulário",
"formHelpText": "Adicione um texto de ajuda",
"onlyCreator": "Apenas visível para o Criador",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Adicionar Título do Formulário",
"formDesc": "Adicionar Formulário Descrição.",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restringir acesso com uma senha",
"afterEnablePwd": "O acesso está protegido por uma senha",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Acesse o projeto via",
"submitAnotherForm": "Mostrar 'enviar outro formulário' botão",
"showBlankForm": "Mostre um formulário em branco após 5 segundos",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Enviar respostas para",
"showSysFields": "Mostrar campos do sistema",
"filterAutoApply": "Aplicar automaticamente",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Exibir Mensagem",
"viewNotShared": "A visão atual não é compartilhada!",
"showAllViews": "Mostrar todas as vistas compartilhadas desta mesa",
"collabView": "Colaboradores com permissões de edição ou maiores podem alterar a configuração da visualização.",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Sincronizando metadados das tabelas",
"addMultipleUsers": "Você pode adicionar vários e-mails separados (,)",
"enterTableName": "Digite o nome da tabela",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Insira a descrição da tabela...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Insira a descrição do campo...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Insira a descrição da visualização...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Insira o nome do layout",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Insira o nome do dashboard",
+ "defaultColumns": "Campos padrão",
"addDefaultColumns": "Adicionar colunas padrão",
"tableNameInDb": "Nome da tabela conforme salvo no banco de dados",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Este valor já está na lista",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Sem colunas a actualizar",
"tableDeleted": "Tabela excluída com sucesso",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Layout excluído com sucesso",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Gerar uma base de leitura publicamente partilhável",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Tem a certeza de que quer apagar esta vista?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este layout?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Deseja excluir a tabela",
"showM2mTables": "Mostrar Tabelas M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "A relação muitos-para-muitos é feita com tabela associativa e fica oculta por padrão. Ative esta opção para listar todas essas tabelas junto com as tabelas existentes.",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Campo computorizado: o conteúdo é apenas de leitura. Utilizar o menu de edição de colunas para reconfigurar",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Campo computorizado: o conteúdo é apenas de leitura. Incapaz de limpar o conteúdo.",
"noMoreRecords": "Acabaram-se os registos",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "O nome do token não deve estar vazio",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "O nome do token não deve ter mais de 255 caracteres",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Nome do banco de dados é obrigatório",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Nome do espaço de trabalho é obrigatório",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "O nome do espaço de trabalho deve ter pelo menos 3 caracteres",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "O nome do espaço de trabalho deve ter no máximo 50 caracteres",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Excluir este espaço de trabalho e todo o seu conteúdo.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Eu entendo que esta ação é irreversível",
+ "pageNotFound": "Página Não Encontrada",
+ "makeLineBreak": "para fazer uma quebra de linha",
+ "goToPrevious": "Ir para o anterior",
+ "goToNext": "Ir para o próximo",
+ "thankYou": "Obrigado!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Você enviou os dados do formulário com sucesso.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Edição de chave de sistema não suportada",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Não disponível no momento",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operação de colagem em grupo não é suportada na coluna Links/LinkParaOutroRegistro",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operação de limpar grupo não é suportada na coluna Links/LinkParaOutroRegistro",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Atualize para a Edição Enterprise {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Este recurso está disponível apenas na edição enterprise",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Seu papel atual é",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Por favor, solicite permissão superior do Admin / Proprietário Base / Proprietário Espaço de Trabalho para acessar este {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Você não pode ocultar todas as opções se o campo for obrigatório"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Gatilhos manuais não podem ser desativados",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Erro ao carregar dados do registro",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Erro ao buscar dados do calendário",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Erro ao buscar datas ativas",
+ "scopesRequired": "Escopos obrigatórios",
+ "domainRequired": "Nome do domínio é obrigatório",
+ "authUrlRequired": "URL de autenticação é obrigatória",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Atributo de nome de usuário é obrigatório",
+ "clientIdRequired": "ID do cliente é obrigatório",
+ "issuerRequired": "Emissor é obrigatório",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Secreto do cliente é obrigatório",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "URL JWK é obrigatória",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "URL de token é obrigatória",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "URL de informações do usuário é obrigatória",
+ "eitherXML": "É necessário fornecer xml ou a URL dos metadados",
+ "nameRequired": "Nome Obrigatório",
+ "nameMinLength": "O nome deve ter pelo menos 2 caracteres",
+ "nameMaxLength": "O nome deve ter no máximo 60 caracteres",
+ "viewNameRequired": "O nome da visualização é obrigatório",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Nome do domínio é obrigatório",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "O nome deve ter no máximo 256 caracteres",
+ "viewNameUnique": "O nome da visualização deve ser único",
"searchProject": "A sua pesquisa por {search} não encontrou resultados",
"invalidChar": "Caracter inválido no caminho da pasta.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Credenciais de Base de Dados inválidas.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Incapaz de ligar à Base de Dados, por favor verifique que esta se encontra operacional.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Ano inválido",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "O Utilizador não existe ou não tem privilégios suficientes para criar o esquema.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Parâmetros de banco de dados inválidos",
"dbConnectionFailed": "A conexão falhou:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Existe um filtro nulo. Por favor, remova-os",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "O Email é obrigatório",
"emailInvalid": "O Email deve ser válido",
"passwdRequired": "A Palavra-passe é obrigatória",
"passwdLength": "A sua palavra-passe deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Um número",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Um carácter especial",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Lista de caracteres especiais permitidos",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "E-mails inválidos",
+ "invalidEmail": "E-mail inválido"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "XML inválido",
"invalidURL": "URL inválido",
"invalidEmail": "E-mail inválido",
"internalError": "Ocorreu algum erro interno",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "O nome deve começar com um alfabeto ou _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Os seguintes caracteres não são permitidos",
"columnNameRequired": "O nome da coluna é obrigatório",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Nome de campo duplicado",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nome já usado para campo de sistema",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Tipo de dado da interface é obrigatório",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} nome excede 50 caracteres",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} nome não pode começar com espaço",
"requiredField": "Campo obrigatório",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP não permitido",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "O ficheiro alvo não é um tipo de ficheiro aceite",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Os tipos de ficheiro aceites são .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "A chave do parâmetro não pode estar vazia",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Não são permitidas chaves de parâmetros duplicadas",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Este campo não pode estar vazio.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projecto não acessível",
"copyToClipboardError": "Falha na cópia para a prancheta",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Falha ao colar da área de transferência",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Por favor, complete a configuração de todos os campos antes de salvar",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Algo deu errado",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Conteúdo arrastado não é do tipo imagem",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Campo para analisar dados de imagem",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Alguns campos obrigatórios estão vazios"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Metadados do projeto exportado com sucesso",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Em breve!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Chave de Licença Atualizada",
"columnDuplicated": "Coluna duplicada com sucesso",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "UI ACL para tabelas atualizada com sucesso",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Configurações de plugin guardadas com sucesso",
"pluginTested": "Configurações de plugin testadas com sucesso",
"tableRenamed": "Tabela renomeada com sucesso",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Layout renomeado com sucesso",
"viewDeleted": "Vista eliminada com sucesso",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Actualizado com sucesso como coluna primária",
"tableDataExported": "Exportou com sucesso todos os dados da tabela",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Senha alterada com sucesso. Por favor, faça novamente o login.",
"settingsSaved": "Definições guardadas com sucesso",
"roleUpdated": "Papel actualizado com sucesso",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integração conectada com sucesso",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Proprietários e criadores de bases agora podem adicionar uma fonte de dados sem reintroduzir credenciais."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ro.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ro.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef7fedf642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ro.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1850 @@
+ "dashboards": {
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Crează o nouă interfață",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Conectează sursele de date",
+ "alert": "Alertă",
+ "alert-message": "Nici o bază de date nu a fost conectată. Conectează bazele de date pentru a construi interfețe. Omite acest pas și adaugă bazele de date de pe pagina principală a bazei ulterior.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Selectează bazele de date pe care dorești să le legi de această interfață.",
+ "create_interface": "Crează interfață",
+ "project_name": "Numele Bazei",
+ "connect": "Conectează",
+ "buttonActionTypes": {
+ "open_external_url": "Deschide link extern",
+ "delete_record": "Șterge înregistrarea",
+ "update_record": "Actualizează înregistrarea",
+ "open_layout": "Deschide layout-ul"
+ },
+ "widgets": {
+ "static_text": "Text",
+ "chart": "Grafic",
+ "table": "Tabel",
+ "image": "Imagine",
+ "map": "Hartă",
+ "button": "Buton",
+ "number": "Număr",
+ "bar_chart": "Diagramă cu bare",
+ "line_chart": "Diagramă liniară",
+ "area_chart": "Diagramă de zonă",
+ "pie_chart": "Diagramă circulară",
+ "donut_chart": "Diagramă tip donut",
+ "scatter_plot": "Grafic tip scatter plot",
+ "bubble_chart": "Diagramă cu bule",
+ "radar_chart": "Grafic radar",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Diagramă de zonă polară",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Diagramă radială cu bare",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Diagramă tip heatmap",
+ "treemap_chart": "Diagramă tip treemap",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Diagramă Box Plot",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Grafice tip Candlestick"
+ }
+ },
+ "aggregation": {
+ "sum": "Sumă",
+ "count": "Numără",
+ "min": "Minim",
+ "max": "Maxim",
+ "avg": "Medie",
+ "median": "Mediană",
+ "std_dev": "Deviație standard",
+ "histogram": "Histogramă",
+ "range": "Interval",
+ "percent_empty": "Gol",
+ "percent_filled": "Completat",
+ "percent_unique": "Unic",
+ "count_unique": "Unic",
+ "count_empty": "Gol",
+ "count_filled": "Completat",
+ "earliest_date": "Data minimă",
+ "latest_date": "Data maximă",
+ "date_range": "Interval",
+ "month_range": "Interval",
+ "checked": "Bifat",
+ "unchecked": "Nebifat",
+ "percent_checked": "Bifat",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Nebifat",
+ "attachment_size": "Dimensiune",
+ "none": "Niciunul"
+ },
+ "aggregation_type": {
+ "sum": "Sumă",
+ "count": "Număr",
+ "min": "Minim",
+ "max": "Maxim",
+ "avg": "Medie",
+ "median": "Mediană",
+ "std_dev": "Abatere standard",
+ "histogram": "Istogramă",
+ "range": "Interval",
+ "percent_empty": "Procent Gol",
+ "percent_filled": "Procent Completat",
+ "percent_unique": "Procent Unic",
+ "count_unique": "Unic",
+ "count_empty": "Gol",
+ "count_filled": "Completat",
+ "earliest_date": "Prima Dată",
+ "latest_date": "Ultima Dată",
+ "date_range": "Interval Dată",
+ "month_range": "Interval Lună",
+ "checked": "Bifat",
+ "unchecked": "Nebifat",
+ "percent_checked": "Procent Bifat",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Procent Nebifat",
+ "attachment_size": "Dimensiunea Atașamentului",
+ "none": "Niciunul"
+ },
+ "general": {
+ "scripts": "Scripturi",
+ "configure": "Configurează",
+ "switch": "Comută",
+ "on": "Activat",
+ "onMultiple": "Activat pentru mai multe",
+ "manual": "Manual",
+ "trigger": "Declanșator",
+ "addLookupField": "Adăugați {count} câmp de căutare",
+ "style": "Stil",
+ "label": "Etichetă",
+ "role": "Rol",
+ "general": "General",
+ "quit": "Ieşire",
+ "home": "Acasă",
+ "load": "Încărcare",
+ "open": "Deschide",
+ "close": "Închide",
+ "yes": "Da",
+ "no": "Nu",
+ "ok": "OK",
+ "back": "Înapoi",
+ "and": "Și",
+ "or": "Sau",
+ "add": "Adaugă",
+ "edit": "Editează",
+ "link": "Legătură",
+ "links": "Legături",
+ "remove": "Elimină",
+ "import": "Importare",
+ "logout": "Delogare",
+ "empty": "Gol",
+ "changeIcon": "Schimbare iconiță",
+ "save": "Salvare",
+ "available": "Disponibil",
+ "abort": "Anulează",
+ "saving": "Se salvează",
+ "cancel": "Anulare",
+ "null": "Null",
+ "escape": "Evadare",
+ "hex": "Hex",
+ "clear": "Șterge",
+ "slack": "Slack",
+ "comment": "Comentariu",
+ "microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
+ "discord": "Discord",
+ "matterMost": "Mattermost",
+ "twilio": "Twilio",
+ "whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
+ "quote": "Citație",
+ "submit": "Trimite",
+ "create": "Creează",
+ "createEntity": "Creați {entity}",
+ "creating": "Creând",
+ "creatingEntity": "Creând {entity}",
+ "details": "Detalii",
+ "skip": "Săriți",
+ "code": "Cod",
+ "duplicate": "Duplicat",
+ "duplicating": "Duplicare",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Duplică {entity}",
+ "activate": "Activați",
+ "action": "Acțiune",
+ "insert": "Inserează",
+ "delete": "Șterge",
+ "deleteEntity": "Ștergeți {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "Inserare în masă",
+ "bulkDelete": "Ștergere în masă",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Actualizare în masă",
+ "deleting": "Ștergând",
+ "update": "Actualizează",
+ "updating": "Se actualizează",
+ "rename": "Redenumește",
+ "renameEntity": "Redenumește {entity}",
+ "reload": "Reîncărcare",
+ "refresh": "Reîmprospătare",
+ "reset": "Resetează",
+ "install": "Instalează",
+ "show": "Afișează",
+ "access": "Acces",
+ "visibility": "Vizibilitate",
+ "hide": "Ascunde",
+ "deprecated": "Depășit",
+ "showAll": "Afișează tot",
+ "hideAll": "Ascunde tot",
+ "notFound": "Nu este găsit",
+ "showMore": "Afișează mai mult",
+ "showOptions": "Afișează opțiuni",
+ "hideOptions": "Ascunde opțiuni",
+ "showMenu": "Afișează meniu",
+ "hideMenu": "Ascunde meniu",
+ "addAll": "Adaugă tot",
+ "removeAll": "Elimină tot",
+ "signIn": "AUTENTIFICĂ-TE",
+ "signOut": "Deconectează-te",
+ "required": "Obligatoriu",
+ "enableScanner": "Activează scanerul pentru completare",
+ "preferred": "Preferat",
+ "mandatory": "Obligatoriu",
+ "loading": "Încarcare...",
+ "title": "Titlu",
+ "upload": "Încărcare",
+ "download": "Descărcare",
+ "default": "Implicit",
+ "base": "Sursă",
+ "datasource": "Sursă de date",
+ "more": "Mai mult",
+ "less": "Mai puțin",
+ "event": "Eveniment",
+ "condition": "Condiție",
+ "after": "După",
+ "before": "Înainte",
+ "search": "Caută",
+ "searchIn": "Căutați în",
+ "notification": "Notificare",
+ "reference": "Referință",
+ "function": "Funcție",
+ "confirm": "Confirmă",
+ "generate": "Generează",
+ "copy": "Copiază",
+ "copied": "Copiat",
+ "are": "sunt",
+ "misc": "Diverse",
+ "lock": "Blochează",
+ "unlock": "Deblochează",
+ "credentials": "Acreditive",
+ "help": "Ajutor",
+ "questions": "Întrebări",
+ "reachOut": "Contactează aici",
+ "betaNote": "Această caracteristică este în prezent în beta.",
+ "moreInfo": "Mai multe informații pot fi găsite aici",
+ "logs": "Jurnale",
+ "groupingField": "Stivați după câmp",
+ "insertAfter": "Inserează la dreapta",
+ "insertBefore": "Inserează la stânga",
+ "insertAbove": "Inserează deasupra",
+ "insertBelow": "Inserează dedesubt",
+ "hideField": "Ascunde câmpul",
+ "showField": "Arată câmpul",
+ "sortAsc": "Sortează crescător",
+ "sortDesc": "Sortare descrescătoare",
+ "move": "Mutare",
+ "geoDataField": "Câmp GeoData",
+ "type": "Tip",
+ "subType": "Sub-Tip",
+ "name": "Nume",
+ "changes": "Modificări",
+ "new": "Nou",
+ "old": "Vechi",
+ "data": "Date",
+ "source": "Sursă",
+ "destination": "Destinație",
+ "active": "Activ",
+ "inactive": "Inactiv",
+ "linked": "legat",
+ "finish": "Finalizați",
+ "min": "Min",
+ "max": "Max",
+ "avg": "Medie",
+ "sum": "Sumă",
+ "count": "Numărați",
+ "countDistinct": "Număr distinct",
+ "sumDistinct": "Suma distinct",
+ "avgDistinct": "Media distinct",
+ "join": "Îmbină",
+ "options": "Opțiuni",
+ "primaryValue": "Valoare primară",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Utilizați modul de sondaj",
+ "shift": "Schimb",
+ "enter": "Intrare",
+ "seconds": "Secunde",
+ "paste": "Lipire",
+ "restore": "Restaurează",
+ "replace": "Înlocuire",
+ "banner": "Banner",
+ "logo": "Logo",
+ "dropdown": "Dropdown",
+ "list": "Listă",
+ "verify": "Verifică",
+ "apply": "Aplică",
+ "text": "Text",
+ "appearance": "Aspect",
+ "now": "Acum",
+ "set": "Setare",
+ "format": "Format",
+ "colour": "Culoare",
+ "use": "Utilizare",
+ "stack": "Stivă",
+ "ipAddress": "Adresă IP",
+ "integration": "Integrare",
+ "integrations": "Integrații",
+ "connection": "Conexiune",
+ "connections": "Conexiuni",
+ "private": "Privat",
+ "request": "Cerere",
+ "languages": "Limbi",
+ "extension": "Extensie",
+ "extensions": "Extensii"
+ },
+ "objects": {
+ "files": "fișiere",
+ "owner": "Proprietar",
+ "member": "Membru",
+ "day": "Zi",
+ "week": "Săptămână",
+ "month": "Lună",
+ "year": "An",
+ "workspace": "Spațiu de lucru",
+ "workspaces": "Spații de lucru",
+ "project": "Bază",
+ "projects": "Baze",
+ "table": "Tabel",
+ "tables": "Tabele",
+ "field": "Câmp",
+ "fields": "Câmpuri",
+ "column": "Câmp",
+ "columns": "Câmpuri",
+ "cell": "Celulă",
+ "cells": "Celule",
+ "page": "Pagină",
+ "pages": "Pagini",
+ "record": "înregistrare",
+ "records": "înregistrări",
+ "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "view": "Vizualizare",
+ "views": "Vizualizări",
+ "sidebar": "Bară laterală",
+ "viewType": {
+ "grid": "Grilă",
+ "gallery": "Galerie",
+ "form": "Formular",
+ "kanban": "Kanban",
+ "calendar": "Calendar",
+ "map": "Hartă"
+ },
+ "user": "Utilizator",
+ "users": "Utilizatori",
+ "role": "Rol",
+ "roles": "Roluri",
+ "developer": "Dezvoltator",
+ "roleType": {
+ "owner": "Proprietar",
+ "creator": "Creator",
+ "editor": "Editor",
+ "commenter": "Comentarator",
+ "viewer": "Vizualizator",
+ "noaccess": "Fără acces",
+ "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Proprietar de nivel organizațional",
+ "orgLevelCreator": "Creator la Nivel de Organizație",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "Vizualizator la Nivel de Organizație"
+ },
+ "sqlVIew": "Vizualizare SQL",
+ "rowHeight": "Înregistrare înălțime",
+ "heightClass": {
+ "short": "Scurt",
+ "medium": "Mediu",
+ "tall": "Înalt",
+ "extra": "Extra"
+ },
+ "externalDb": "Bază de date externă",
+ "syncData": {
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "asana": "Asana",
+ "box": "Box",
+ "github": "Github",
+ "gitlab": "Gitlab",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
+ "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
+ "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "hubspot": "Hubspot",
+ "serviceHub": "Service Hub",
+ "jira": "Jira",
+ "mailchimp": "Mailchimp",
+ "microsoftAccess": "Microsoft Access",
+ "microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
+ "microsoftOutlook": "Microsoft Outlook",
+ "miro": "Miro",
+ "salesforce": "Salesforce",
+ "serviceCloud": "Service Cloud",
+ "snowflake": "Snowflake",
+ "stripe": "Stripe",
+ "surveyMonkey": "SurveyMonkey",
+ "tableau": "Tableau",
+ "trello": "Trello",
+ "typeform": "Typeform",
+ "workday": "Workday",
+ "zendesk": "Zendesk",
+ "mysql": "MySQL",
+ "postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
+ "sqlite": "SQLite",
+ "dataBricks": "DataBricks",
+ "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
+ "oracle": "Oracle",
+ "telegram": "Telegram",
+ "whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
+ "gmail": "Gmail",
+ "pipedrive": "Pipedrive",
+ "microsoftDynamics365": "Microsoft Dynamics 365",
+ "zohoCrm": "Zoho CRM",
+ "greenhouse": "Greenhouse",
+ "lever": "Lever",
+ "bitbucket": "BitBucket",
+ "quickbooks": "Quickbooks",
+ "intercom": "Intercom",
+ "dropbox": "Dropbox",
+ "openai": "OpenAI",
+ "claude": "Claude",
+ "ollama": "Ollama",
+ "groq": "Groq",
+ "freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
+ },
+ "integrationCategories": {
+ "allIntegrations": "Toate Integrările",
+ "allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Conectați și gestionați fără probleme bazele de date cu NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Comunicare",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Fiți notificat despre modificări și eficientizați comunicarea echipei cu NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Management de Proiect",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Îmbunătățiți fluxurile de lucru ale proiectului și gestionarea sarcinilor cu NocoDB.",
+ "crm": "CRM",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimizarea gestionării relației cu clienții prin integrările NocoDB.",
+ "marketing": "Marketing",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Îmbunătățiți eforturile de marketing cu integrările puternice ale NocoDB.",
+ "ats": "ATS",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Îmbunătățiți sistemul de urmărire a aplicanților cu NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Dezvoltare",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerați procesurile de dezvoltare cu integrările NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Finanțe",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Simplificați operațiunile financiare și gestionarea datelor cu NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Ticketing",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Gestionați și urmăriți eficient tichetele de suport cu NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrați și organizați soluțiile de stocare fără probleme cu NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Altele",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Descoperă integrări suplimentare versatile pentru a îmbunătăți experiența ta cu NocoDB.",
+ "ai": "IA",
+ "spreadSheet": "Tabel",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Conectează și gestionează tabelele tale cu NocoDB."
+ }
+ },
+ "datatype": {
+ "ID": "ID",
+ "ForeignKey": "Cheie străină",
+ "SingleLineText": "Text cu un singur rând",
+ "LongText": "Text lung",
+ "Attachment": "Atașament",
+ "Checkbox": "Casetă de selectare",
+ "MultiSelect": "Selectare multiplă",
+ "SingleSelect": "Selectare simplă",
+ "Collaborator": "Colaborator",
+ "Date": "Dată",
+ "Year": "An",
+ "Time": "Timp",
+ "PhoneNumber": "Număr de telefon",
+ "Email": "Email",
+ "URL": "URL",
+ "Number": "Număr",
+ "Decimal": "Zecimal",
+ "Currency": "Monedă",
+ "Percent": "Procent",
+ "Duration": "Durată",
+ "GeoData": "GeoData",
+ "Rating": "Evaluare",
+ "Formula": "Formulă",
+ "Rollup": "Rollup",
+ "Count": "Numărătoare",
+ "Lookup": "Căutare",
+ "DateTime": "Dată și oră",
+ "CreatedTime": "Timp de creare",
+ "LastModifiedTime": "Ultima modificare a timpului",
+ "AutoNumber": "Număr automat",
+ "Barcode": "Cod de bare",
+ "Button": "Buton",
+ "Password": "Parolă",
+ "relationProperties": {
+ "noAction": "Fără acțiune",
+ "cascade": "Cascadă",
+ "restrict": "Restricționează",
+ "setNull": "Setează NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Setează implicit"
+ }
+ },
+ "filterOperation": {
+ "isEqual": "este egal",
+ "isNotEqual": "nu este egal",
+ "isLike": "este ca",
+ "isNot like": "nu este ca",
+ "isEmpty": "este gol",
+ "isNotEmpty": "nu este gol",
+ "isNull": "este nul",
+ "isNotNull": "nu este nul"
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "searchWebhook": "Căutare webhook",
+ "webcam": "Webcam",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Încarcă prin URL",
+ "localFiles": "Fișiere locale",
+ "renameBase": "Redenumește Bază",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Redenumește Spațiu de Lucru",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Se redenumește Spațiul de Lucru",
+ "renamingBase": "Se redenumește Baza",
+ "sso": "Autentificare (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Documente",
+ "forum": "Forum",
+ "parameter": "Parametru",
+ "headers": "Anteturi",
+ "parameterName": "Nume Parametru",
+ "currencyLocale": "Localizare valută",
+ "currencyCode": "Cod valutar",
+ "searchMembers": "Caută membri",
+ "noMembersFound": "Niciun membru găsit",
+ "dateJoined": "Data Alăturării",
+ "tokenName": "Nume Token",
+ "inDesktop": "pe Desktop",
+ "rowData": "Înregistrare date",
+ "creator": "Creator",
+ "qrCode": "Cod QR",
+ "termsOfService": "Termeni și condiții",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Actualizează înregistrările selectate",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Nu au fost adăugate filtre",
+ "editCards": "Editează Carduri",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Nu au fost găsite câmpuri",
+ "displayValue": "Afișează Valoarea",
+ "expand": "Extinde",
+ "hideAll": "Ascunde tot",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Ascunde câmpurile de sistem",
+ "removeFile": "Șterge Fișier",
+ "hasMany": "Are multe",
+ "manyToMany": "Multe la Multe",
+ "oneToOne": "Unu la Unu",
+ "virtualRelation": "Relație Virtuală",
+ "linkMore": "Link Mai Mult",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Leagă mai multe înregistrări",
+ "linkRecords": "Linkuri de înregistrare",
+ "downloadFile": "Descarcă Fișier",
+ "renameTable": "Redenumește Tabel",
+ "renamingTable": "Redenumirea Tabelului",
+ "renamingWs": "Redenumirea Spațiului de Lucru",
+ "renameWs": "Redenumește Spațiul de Lucru",
+ "deleteWs": "Șterge Spațiul de Lucru",
+ "deletingWs": "Ștergerea Spațiului de Lucru",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Copiază Token de Autentificare",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Token de Autentificare Copiat",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Copiază Token de Invitație",
+ "showSidebar": "Afișează Bara Laterală",
+ "hideSidebar": "Ascunde Bara Laterală",
+ "creatingTable": "Crearea Tabelului",
+ "erdView": "Vizualizare ERD",
+ "newBase": "Sursă de Date Nouă",
+ "newProj": "Bază Nouă",
+ "createBase": "Creează Bază",
+ "myProject": "Proiectele Mele",
+ "formTitle": "Titlul formularului",
+ "collaborative": "Colaborativ",
+ "locked": "Blocat",
+ "personal": "Personal",
+ "appStore": "App Store",
+ "teamAndAuth": "Echipă și autorizare",
+ "rolesUserMgmt": "Gestionare roluri și utilizatori",
+ "userMgmt": "Gestionare utilizatori",
+ "apiTokens": "Tokenuri API",
+ "apiTokenMgmt": "Gestionare token-uri API",
+ "rolesMgmt": "Gestionare roluri",
+ "projMeta": "Metadata de Bază",
+ "metaMgmt": "Gestionare meta",
+ "metadata": "Metadate",
+ "exportImportMeta": "Export / Import Metadate",
+ "uiACL": "Control Acces UI",
+ "metaOperations": "Operațiuni Metadate",
+ "audit": "Audit",
+ "auditLogs": "Jurnal de Audit",
+ "sqlMigrations": "Migrații SQL",
+ "dbCredentials": "Credențiale Bază de Date",
+ "advancedParameters": "SSL & Parametri Avansați",
+ "headCreateProject": "Creează Bază | NocoDB",
+ "headLogin": "Conectare | NocoDB",
+ "resetPassword": "Resetează parola ta",
+ "teamAndSettings": "Echipă & Setări",
+ "apiDocs": "Documentație API",
+ "importFromAirtable": "Importă Din Airtable",
+ "generateToken": "Generează Token",
+ "APIsAndSupport": "API-uri & Suport",
+ "helpCenter": "Centru de Ajutor",
+ "noLabels": "Fără Etichete",
+ "swaggerDocumentation": "Documentație Swagger",
+ "quickImportFrom": "Import Rapid Din",
+ "quickImport": "Import Rapid",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Import Rapid - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Import Rapid - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Import Rapid - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Import Rapid - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "Editor JSON",
+ "comingSoon": "În curând",
+ "advancedSettings": "Setări Avansate",
+ "codeSnippet": "Fragment Cod",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "Scurtături de Tastatură",
+ "generateRandomName": "Generează Nume Aleatoriu",
+ "findRowByScanningCode": "Găsește înregistrarea prin scanarea unui QR sau cod de bare",
+ "tokenManagement": "Gestionare Tokenuri",
+ "addNewToken": "Adaugă token nou",
+ "createNewToken": "Creează un nou token",
+ "accountSettings": "Setări cont",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Resetare Parolă",
+ "tokens": "Tokenuri",
+ "userManagement": "Gestionare Utilizatori",
+ "accountManagement": "Gestionare cont",
+ "licence": "Licență",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Permite Toate Tipurile Mime",
+ "defaultView": "Vizualizare Implicită",
+ "relations": "Relații",
+ "switchLanguage": "Schimbă Limba",
+ "renameFile": "Redenumește Fișierul",
+ "links": {
+ "noAction": "Fără Acțiune",
+ "cascade": "Cascadează",
+ "restrict": "Restricționează",
+ "setNull": "Setează NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Setează Implicit"
+ },
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Selectează câmpurile din panoul din dreapta pentru a le adăuga aici",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Nu s-au găsit opțiuni",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Ești sigur că vrei să trimiți acest formular?",
+ "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Căutarea ta nu a returnat rezultate corespunzătoare",
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Se pare că această stivă nu are înregistrări",
+ "fromScratch": "De la zero",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Din fișiere și surse externe",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Direct în timp real",
+ "categories": "Categorii",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Câmp inaccesibil",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Nicio condiție adăugată"
+ },
+ "labels": {
+ "modifiedOn": "Modificat la",
+ "configuration": "Configurație",
+ "setup": "Instalare",
+ "configLabel": "Configurează {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Comută la o bază de date de aplicație gata de producție",
+ "sharedBase": "Bază Partajată",
+ "fieldID": "ID câmp",
+ "addDescription": "Adaugă descriere",
+ "editDescription": "Modifică descriere",
+ "urlFormula": "Formulă URL",
+ "selectIcon": "niciun",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--selectează un webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Deschide URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Rulează Webhook",
+ "onClick": "La clic",
+ "defaultView": "Vedere implicită",
+ "recordInsert": "Inserare Înregistrare",
+ "recordUpdate": "Actualizare Înregistrare",
+ "recordDelete": "Ștergere Înregistrare",
+ "supportDocs": "Suport Documente",
+ "addedOn": "Adăugat la",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Schimbă câmpul valorii afișate",
+ "selectYourNewTitleFor": "Selectați noul câmp de titlu pentru ",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Selectează câmpul valorii afișate",
+ "changeTitleField": "Schimbă câmpul titlului",
+ "clearAll": "Golește tot",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Câmpurile de tip Lookup arată date din înregistrări legate. Selectați câmpuri specifice din ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabel pentru a le adăuga ca câmpuri de tip Lookup în acest tabel.",
+ "formatting": "Formatare",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Selectează un tip de format (opțional)- -",
+ "formatType": "Tip de format",
+ "toUpload": "de încărcat",
+ "dragFilesHere": "trageți fișierele aici",
+ "browseFiles": "navighează fișiere",
+ "clickTo": "Faceți clic pe",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Vă rugăm să permiteți accesul la cameră",
+ "openFile": "Deschide fișierul",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Introduceți un URL valid pentru a încărca fișiere",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Adaugă fișiere din URL",
+ "uploading": "Încărcare",
+ "dropHere": "Aruncă aici",
+ "addMore": "Adaugă mai multe",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Șterge toate fișierele",
+ "integration": "Integrare",
+ "notRecommended": "Nu este recomandat",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Permite Modificarea Schemei",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Permite Scriere/Editare Date",
+ "selectView": "Selectează o vizualizare",
+ "connectionDetails": "Detalii despre conexiunea sursei",
+ "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
+ "mention": "Menționare",
+ "today": "Astăzi",
+ "currentDate": "Data curentă",
+ "workspace": "Spațiu de lucru",
+ "txt": "Valoare înregistrare TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "Transferă Proprietatea",
+ "recentActivity": "Activitate recentă",
+ "goToMembers": "Mergi la Membri",
+ "addMember": "Adaugă Membru",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Nr. Membri",
+ "numberOfBases": "Nr. Baze",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Nr. Înregistrări",
+ "workspaceName": "Nume Spațiu de lucru",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Spațiu de lucru fără Proprietari",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invită Utilizatori în Spațiul de lucru",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-selectează spațiile de lucru la care să inviți-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Adaugă Membri la Organizație",
+ "memberIn": "Membru în:",
+ "assignAs": "Atribuie ca",
+ "signOutUser": "Deconectează utilizator",
+ "signOutUsers": "Deconectează utilizatori",
+ "deactivateUser": "Dezactivează Utilizator",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Dezactivează Utilizatori",
+ "lastActive": "Ultima Activitate",
+ "dateAdded": "Data Adăugării",
+ "uploadImage": "Încarcă Imagine",
+ "organizationProfile": "Profil Organizație",
+ "organizationImage": "Imagine Organizație",
+ "organizationName": "Nume Organizație",
+ "activeDomains": "Domenii Active",
+ "domains": "Domenii",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Dezactivează Partajarea Publică",
+ "shareSettings": "Setări Partajare",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Șterge Utilizatorul și datele acestuia",
+ "userOptions": "Opțiuni Utilizator",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Șterge această Organizație",
+ "dangerZone": "Zonă de Pericol",
+ "childView": "Vizualizare copil",
+ "selectYear": "Selectează anul",
+ "save": "Salvează",
+ "cancel": "Anulează",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL metadata",
+ "audience-entityId": "ID de audiență / entitate",
+ "redirectUrl": "URL de redirecționare",
+ "oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
+ "saml": "SAML",
+ "newProvider": "Furnizor nou",
+ "generalSettings": "Setări generale",
+ "adminPanel": "Panou Admin",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Mută Spațiul de lucru În Organizație",
+ "ssoSettings": "Setări SSO",
+ "addDomain": "Adaugă Domeniu",
+ "domain": "Domeniu",
+ "settings": "Setări",
+ "workspaces": "Spații de lucru",
+ "back": "Înapoi",
+ "dashboard": "Tablou de bord",
+ "organizeBy": "Organizați după",
+ "previous": "Anterior",
+ "nextMonth": "Luna viitoare",
+ "previousMonth": "Luna trecută",
+ "next": "Următorul",
+ "organiseBy": "Organizează după",
+ "heading1": "Titlu 1",
+ "heading2": "Titlu 2",
+ "heading3": "Titlu 3",
+ "bold": "Îngroșat",
+ "italic": "Italic",
+ "underline": "Subliniat",
+ "strike": "Tăiat",
+ "taskList": "Listă de sarcini",
+ "bulletList": "Listă cu puncte",
+ "numberedList": "Listă numerotată",
+ "downloadData": "Descarcă Datele",
+ "blockQuote": "Bloc de citație",
+ "noToken": "Fără Token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Este permis un singur token per utilizator",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Fișierul cu numele {filename} este deja atașat",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID TABEL: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "VIZUALIZARE ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Adresa Destinatarului",
+ "subject": "Subiect",
+ "body": "Conținut",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Numere de Mobil separate prin Virgulă",
+ "headerName": "Numele Anteturii",
+ "icon": "Iconiță",
+ "max": "Maxim",
+ "enableRichText": "Activează text îmbogățit",
+ "idColon": "Id: {id}",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "URL-ul Înregistrării Copiate",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Copiază URL-ul Înregistrării",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Înregistrare Duplicat",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Format de codificare binară",
+ "syntax": "Sintaxă",
+ "examples": "Exemple",
+ "durationInfo": "O durată de timp în minute sau secunde (de ex. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Adaugă Antet",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Introdu URL-ul implicit (Opțional)",
+ "negative": "Negativ",
+ "discard": "Renunță",
+ "default": "Implicit",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Număr Implicit (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Format Durată",
+ "dateFormat": "Format Dată",
+ "timeFormat": "Format Oră",
+ "singularLabel": "Etichetă Singulară",
+ "pluralLabel": "Etichetă Plurală",
+ "selectDateField": "Selectează un câmp de dată",
+ "endDateField": "Câmp de finalizare dată",
+ "optional": "(Opțional)",
+ "clickToMake": "Click pentru a face",
+ "visibleForRole": "vizibil pentru rol:",
+ "inUI": "în Tabloul de Bord UI",
+ "projectSettings": "Setări Bază",
+ "clickToHide": "Click pentru a ascunde",
+ "clickToDownload": "Click pentru a descărca",
+ "forRole": "pentru rol",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Dă clic pentru a copia ID-ul tabelului",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Click pentru a copia ID-ul Vederii",
+ "viewMode": "Mod vizualizare",
+ "searchUsers": "Caută Utilizatori",
+ "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
+ "allTables": "Toate Tabelele",
+ "members": "Membri",
+ "dataSources": "Surse de Date",
+ "connectDataSource": "Conectează date externe",
+ "searchProjects": "Caută Baze",
+ "createdBy": "Creat de",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Vizualizează Atașamentele lui",
+ "readOnly": "Doar citire",
+ "createdOn": "Creat La",
+ "notifyVia": "Notifică Prin",
+ "projName": "Numele Bazei",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "accountDetails": "Detalii Cont",
+ "controlAppearance": "Controlează-ți Apariția.",
+ "accountEmailID": "ID Email Cont",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Înapoi la Workspace",
+ "untitledToken": "Token fără titlu",
+ "tableName": "Nume tabel",
+ "dashboardName": "Numele Tabloului de Bord",
+ "createView": "Creează vizualizare",
+ "creatingView": "Crearea Vederii",
+ "duplicateView": "Duplicare vizualizare",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Duplică Vederea de Tip Grid",
+ "createGridView": "Creează Vedere de Tip Grid",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplică vizualizarea galeriei",
+ "createGalleryView": "Creează vizualizarea galeriei",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Duplică vizualizarea formularului",
+ "createFormView": "Creează vizualizarea formularului",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplică vizualizarea Kanban",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplică vizualizarea calendarului",
+ "createKanbanView": "Creează vizualizarea Kanban",
+ "createCalendarView": "Creează vizualizare calendar",
+ "viewName": "Nume vizualizare",
+ "viewLink": "Link Vizualizare",
+ "columnName": "Nume câmp",
+ "columnToScanFor": "Câmp de scanat",
+ "columnType": "Tip câmp",
+ "roleName": "Nume Rol",
+ "roleDescription": "Descriere Rol",
+ "databaseType": "Tip în Bază de Date",
+ "lengthValue": "Lungime/ valoare",
+ "dbType": "Tip Bază de Date",
+ "servername": "nume server / adresă gazdă",
+ "sqliteFile": "Calea fișierului SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Adresă gazdă",
+ "port": "Număr port",
+ "username": "Nume utilizator",
+ "password": "Parolă",
+ "schemaName": "Nume schemă",
+ "database": "Bază de date",
+ "action": "Acțiune",
+ "actions": "Acțiuni",
+ "operation": "Operațiune",
+ "operationSub": "Operație Sub",
+ "operationType": "Tip operațiune",
+ "operationSubType": "Sub-tip operațiune",
+ "description": "Descriere",
+ "authentication": "Autentificare",
+ "token": "Token",
+ "where": "Unde",
+ "cache": "Cache",
+ "chat": "Chat",
+ "showOrHide": "Afișare sau ascundere",
+ "airtable": "Airtable",
+ "csv": "CSV",
+ "csvFile": "Fișier CSV",
+ "json": "JSON",
+ "jsonFile": "Fișier JSON",
+ "excel": "Excel",
+ "microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
+ "email": "E-mail",
+ "storage": "Depozitare",
+ "uiAcl": "UI ACL",
+ "models": "Modele",
+ "syncState": "Stare sincronizare",
+ "created": "Creat",
+ "sqlOutput": "Output SQL",
+ "addOption": "Adaugă opțiune",
+ "interfaceColor": "Culoarea interfeței",
+ "qrCodeValueColumn": "Câmp cu valoarea codului QR",
+ "barcodeValueColumn": "Câmp cu valoarea codului de bare",
+ "barcodeFormat": "Format cod de bare",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Prea multe caractere pentru un cod QR",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "Prea multe caractere pentru un cod de bare",
+ "currentLocation": "Locație Curentă",
+ "lng": "Lng",
+ "lat": "Lat",
+ "aggregateFunction": "Funcție de agregare",
+ "dbCreateIfNotExists": "Baza de date: creează dacă nu există",
+ "clientKey": "Cheie Client",
+ "clientCert": "Certificat Client",
+ "serverCA": "CA Server",
+ "requriedCa": "CA Necesară",
+ "requriedIdentity": "IDENTITATE Necesară",
+ "inflection": {
+ "tableName": "Inflexiune - Nume tabel",
+ "columnName": "Flexiune - Numele câmpului"
+ },
+ "community": {
+ "starUs1": "Star",
+ "starUs2": "noi pe GitHub",
+ "bookDemo": "Rezervă un DEMO Gratuit",
+ "getAnswered": "Obține răspuns la întrebările tale",
+ "joinDiscord": "Alătură-te pe Discord",
+ "joinCommunity": "Alătură-te Comunității NocoDB",
+ "joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB",
+ "followNocodb": "Urmărește NocoDB",
+ "communityTranslated": "(Comunitate/Tradus de AI)"
+ },
+ "twitter": "Twitter",
+ "docReference": "Referință Document",
+ "selectUserRole": "Selectează Rol Utilizator",
+ "childTable": "Tabel copil",
+ "childColumn": "Câmp copil",
+ "childField": "Câmp copil",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Alăturați-vă la Cloud gratuit",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "Link către altă înregistrare",
+ "links": "Linkuri",
+ "onUpdate": "La actualizare",
+ "onDelete": "La ștergere",
+ "account": "Cont",
+ "language": "Limbă",
+ "primaryColor": "Culoare primară",
+ "accentColor": "Culoare accent",
+ "customTheme": "Temă personalizată",
+ "requestDataSource": "Solicitați o sursă de date de care aveți nevoie?",
+ "apiKey": "Cheie API",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Token de acces personal",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "URL de bază partajat",
+ "importData": "Importă date",
+ "importSecondaryViews": "Importă vizualizări secundare",
+ "importRollupColumns": "Importă câmpuri de tip rollup",
+ "importLookupColumns": "Importă câmpuri de tip lookup",
+ "importAttachmentColumns": "Importă câmpuri de atașament",
+ "importFormulaColumns": "Importă câmpuri de formulă",
+ "importUsers": "Importă utilizatori (după email)",
+ "noData": "Fără date",
+ "goToDashboard": "Du-te la Tablou de bord",
+ "importing": "Importare",
+ "formatJson": "Formatează JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Selectare automată a tipurilor de câmpuri",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Folosește primul rând ca antete",
+ "flattenNested": "Aplatizează imbricate",
+ "downloadAllowed": "Descărcare permisă",
+ "weAreHiring": "Noi angajăm!",
+ "primaryKey": "Cheie primară",
+ "hasMany": "are multe",
+ "belongsTo": "aparține",
+ "manyToMany": "au multe relații de tip mulți-la-mulți",
+ "oneToOne": "au relație unu la unu",
+ "extraConnectionParameters": "Parametri extra de conectare",
+ "commentsOnly": "Doar comentarii",
+ "documentation": "Documentație",
+ "subscribeNewsletter": "Abonați-vă la newsletterul nostru săptămânal",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "Înscrie-te cu {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "Autentifică-te cu {provider}",
+ "agreeToTos": "Prin înscriere, sunteți de acord cu Termenii de serviciu",
+ "welcomeToNc": "Bun venit la NocoDB!",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "Permiteți înregistrarea doar utilizând url-ul de invitație",
+ "nextRow": "Următoarea înregistrare",
+ "prevRow": "Înregistrarea anterioară",
+ "addRowGrid": "Adaugă date manual în vizualizarea grilă",
+ "addRowForm": "Introduceți date de înregistrare printr-un formular",
+ "noAccess": "Fără acces",
+ "restApis": "API-uri REST",
+ "apis": "API-uri",
+ "apiSnippet": "Fragmente API",
+ "includeData": "Include date",
+ "includeView": "Include vizualizare",
+ "includeWebhook": "Include webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom pentru a vizualiza coloanele",
+ "embedInSite": "Incorporează această vizualizare în site-ul tău",
+ "titleRequired": "titlul este obligatoriu.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Numele sursei este necesar",
+ "changeWsName": "Schimbă numele zonei de lucru",
+ "pressEnter": "Apasă Enter",
+ "newFormLoaded": "Se încarcă un nou formular în",
+ "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "multiField": {
+ "newField": "Câmp nou",
+ "saveChanges": "Salvează modificările",
+ "updatedField": "Câmp actualizat",
+ "deletedField": "Câmp șters",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Configurare incompletă",
+ "selectField": "Selectați un câmp",
+ "selectFieldLabel": "Efectuează modificări la proprietățile câmpului selectând un câmp din listă"
+ },
+ "appearanceSettings": "Setări de aspect",
+ "backgroundColor": "Culoare de fundal",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Ascunde brandingul NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "Arată în condiții",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Afișează câmpul numai când condițiile sunt îndeplinite",
+ "limitOptions": "Limitează opțiunile",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limitează opțiunile vizibile pentru utilizatori selectând opțiunile disponibile",
+ "clearSelection": "Șterge selecția",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Afișează ca progres",
+ "relationType": "Tip de relație",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Afișează separatorul de mii",
+ "signUpForFree": "Înscrie-te gratuit",
+ "coverImageField": "Imagine de copertă",
+ "fitImage": "Potrivește imaginea",
+ "coverImageArea": "Acoperă imaginea",
+ "syncData": "Sincronizează date",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Înregistrează serviciile care te interesează pentru a fi notificat când devin disponibile",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Redirecționează către URL"
+ },
+ "activity": {
+ "webhookDetails": "Detalii Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "Ascunde weekendurile",
+ "renameBase": "Redenumire Bază",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Redenumire spațiu de lucru",
+ "deactivate": "Dezactivează",
+ "manageUsers": "Administrează Utilizatori",
+ "newWorkspace": "Spațiu de Lucru Nou",
+ "addDomain": "Adaugă Domeniu",
+ "addMembers": "Adaugă membri",
+ "enterEmail": "Introdu adrese de email",
+ "inviteToBase": "Invită la bază",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Invită la Spațiul de Lucru",
+ "addMember": "Adaugă membru la bază",
+ "noRange": "Vizualizarea calendarului necesită un interval de date",
+ "goToToday": "Mergi la azi",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Comută bara laterală",
+ "addEndDate": "Adaugă dată de finalizare",
+ "withEndDate": "cu dată de finalizare",
+ "calendar": "Calendar",
+ "viewSettings": "Vizualizare setări",
+ "googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
+ "registerOIDC": "Înregistrează furnizorul de identitate OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "Înregistrează furnizorul de identitate SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "Deschide într-o filă nouă",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Copiază codul IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "Pe condiție",
+ "bulkDownload": "Descărcare în bloc",
+ "attachFile": "Atașează fișier",
+ "viewAttachment": "Vizualizează atașamentele",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Click sau trage un fișier în celulă",
+ "addFiles": "Adaugă fișier(e)",
+ "hideInUI": "Ascunde în UI",
+ "addBase": "Adaugă Bază",
+ "addParameter": "Adaugă Parametru",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Trimite un alt formular",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Trage și plasează câmpuri aici pentru a adăuga",
+ "editSource": "Editează sursa de date",
+ "enterText": "Introdu text",
+ "okEditBase": "Ok & Editează Bază",
+ "showInUI": "Afișează în UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Ne sincronizat",
+ "newSource": "Sursă de date nouă",
+ "newWebhook": "Webhook nou",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Activează Accesul Public",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Doriți să salvați modificările?",
+ "editingAccess": "Acces pentru editare",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Activează vizualizarea publică",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restricționează accesul cu parolă",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Gestionează Access Bază",
+ "allowDownload": "Permite descărcarea",
+ "surveyMode": "Mod Chestionar",
+ "rtlOrientation": "Orientare RTL",
+ "useTheme": "Folosește Tema",
+ "copyLink": "Copiază Link",
+ "copiedLink": "Link Copiat",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Copiază link de invitație",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Link de invitație copiat",
+ "copyUrl": "Copiază URL",
+ "moreColors": "Mai multe culori",
+ "moveProject": "Mută Bază",
+ "createProject": "Creează Bază",
+ "importProject": "Importă Bază",
+ "searchProject": "Caută Bază",
+ "editProject": "Editează Bază",
+ "stopProject": "Oprește Bază",
+ "startProject": "Pornește Bază",
+ "restartProject": "Repornește Bază",
+ "deleteProject": "Șterge Bază",
+ "refreshProject": "Reîmprospătează Bază",
+ "saveProject": "Salvează Bază",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Salvează & Ieși",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "Ștergeți stiva?",
+ "createProjectExtended": {
+ "extDB": "Creați prin conectare
La o bază de date externă",
+ "excel": "Creează Bază din Excel",
+ "template": "Creează Bază din șablon"
+ },
+ "OkSaveProject": "Ok & Salvează Bază",
+ "upgrade": {
+ "available": "Upgrade disponibil",
+ "releaseNote": "Notele versiunii",
+ "howTo": "Cum să fac upgrade?"
+ },
+ "translate": "Ajută la traducere",
+ "account": {
+ "authToken": "Copiați Token de Autentificare",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Token de Autentificare Copiat",
+ "swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
+ "projInfo": "Copiază Info Bază",
+ "themes": "Teme"
+ },
+ "sort": "Sortare",
+ "addSort": "Adaugă opțiune de sortare",
+ "filter": "Filtru",
+ "addFilter": "Adaugă filtru",
+ "share": "Partajează",
+ "groupBy": "Grupează după",
+ "addSubGroup": "Subgrup Nou",
+ "shareBase": {
+ "label": "Partajează baza",
+ "disable": "Dezactivează baza partajată",
+ "enable": "Oricine cu link-ul",
+ "link": "Link baza partajată"
+ },
+ "invite": "Invită",
+ "inviteMore": "Invită mai mulți",
+ "inviteTeam": "Invită echipă",
+ "inviteUser": "Invită Utilizator",
+ "inviteToken": "Token de invitație",
+ "linkedRecords": "Înregistrări Link",
+ "addNewLink": "Adaugă Link Nou",
+ "newUser": "Utilizator nou",
+ "editUser": "Editează utilizator",
+ "deleteUser": "Elimină utilizator din bază",
+ "resendInvite": "Retrimite email de invitație",
+ "copyInviteURL": "Copiază URL de invitație",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "Copiază URL-ul de resetare a parolei",
+ "newRole": "Rol nou",
+ "reloadRoles": "Reîncarcă rolurile",
+ "nextPage": "Pagina următoare",
+ "prevPage": "Pagina anterioară",
+ "nextRecord": "Înregistrarea următoare",
+ "previousRecord": "Înregistrarea anterioară",
+ "copyApiURL": "Copiază URL API",
+ "createTable": "Creează Tabel",
+ "createDashboard": "Creează Panou de Control",
+ "createWorkspace": "Creează Spațiu de lucru",
+ "refreshTable": "Reîmprospătare tabele",
+ "renameTable": "Redenumește tabelul",
+ "renameLayout": "Redenumește aspect",
+ "deleteTable": "Șterge tabelul",
+ "addField": "Adaugă un câmp nou la acest tabel",
+ "setDisplay": "Setează ca valoare de afișare",
+ "addRow": "Adaugă înregistrare nouă",
+ "saveRow": "Salvează înregistrarea",
+ "saveAndExit": "Salvează & Ieși",
+ "saveAndStay": "Salvează & Rămâi",
+ "insertRow": "Inserează înregistrare nouă",
+ "duplicateRow": "Duplicare înregistrare",
+ "deleteRow": "Șterge înregistrarea",
+ "deleteRows": "Șterge înregistrări",
+ "predictColumns": "Prezicere câmpuri",
+ "predictFormulas": "Prezicere formule",
+ "deleteSelectedRow": "Șterge înregistrările selectate",
+ "importExcel": "Importă Excel",
+ "importCSV": "Importă CSV",
+ "downloadCSV": "Descarcă CSV",
+ "downloadExcel": "Descarcă Excel",
+ "uploadCSV": "Încarcă CSV",
+ "import": "Importă",
+ "importMetadata": "Importă Metadate",
+ "exportMetadata": "Exportă Metadate",
+ "clearMetadata": "Șterge Metadate",
+ "exportToFile": "Exportă în fișier",
+ "changePwd": "Schimbă parola",
+ "createView": "Creează o vizualizare",
+ "shareView": "Partajează vizualizare",
+ "findRowByCodeScan": "Găsește înregistrarea prin scanare",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Completează prin scanare",
+ "listSharedView": "Listă Vizualizări Partajate",
+ "ListView": "Listă Vizualizări",
+ "copyView": "Copiază Vizualizare",
+ "renameView": "Redenumește vizualizarea",
+ "uploadData": "Încărcați date",
+ "deleteView": "Șterge vizualizarea",
+ "createGrid": "Creare Vizualizare Grilă",
+ "createGallery": "Creare Vizualizare Galerie",
+ "createCalendar": "Creare Vizualizare Calendar",
+ "createKanban": "Creare Vizualizare Kanban",
+ "createForm": "Creare Vizualizare Formular",
+ "showSystemFields": "Afișează câmpurile sistemului",
+ "openTab": "Deschide filă nouă",
+ "iFrame": "Copiază cod HTML integrabil",
+ "addWebhook": "Adaugă Nou Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Activează Webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "Testează Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Creare Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Copiază Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Șterge Webhook",
+ "newToken": "Adaugă Token Nou",
+ "exportZip": "Exportă zip",
+ "importZip": "Importă zip",
+ "metaSync": "Sincronizează Acum",
+ "settings": "Setări",
+ "validations": "Validări",
+ "previewAs": "Previzualizare ca",
+ "resetReview": "Resetează Previzualizare",
+ "testDbConn": "Testează Conexiunea la Baza de Date",
+ "removeDbFromEnv": "Elimină Baza de Date din mediu",
+ "editConnJson": "Editează conexiunea JSON",
+ "sponsorUs": "Sponsorizați-ne",
+ "sendEmail": "TRIMITE EMAIL",
+ "addUserToProject": "Adăugați utilizator la bază",
+ "getApiSnippet": "Obține Fragment API",
+ "clearCell": "Șterge celula",
+ "addFilterGroup": "Adăugați grup de filtre",
+ "linkRecord": "Conectează înregistrare",
+ "addNewRecord": "Adaugă o nouă înregistrare",
+ "newRecord": "Nou înregistrare",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Creați nou înregistrare",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' a fost salvat & legat cu succes",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Înregistrare creată & legată",
+ "useConnectionUrl": "Folosește URL-ul Conexiunii",
+ "toggleCommentsDraw": "Comută desen comentarii",
+ "expandRecord": "Extinde înregistrarea",
+ "deleteRecord": "Șterge înregistrarea",
+ "fullWidth": "Lățime completă",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Ieșiți din lățime completă",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Marcați totul ca citit",
+ "column": {
+ "delete": "Ștergeți câmpul",
+ "addNumber": "Adăugați câmp numeric",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Adăugați câmp text linie unică",
+ "addLongText": "Adăugați câmp text lung",
+ "addOther": "Adăugați alt câmp"
+ },
+ "erd": {
+ "showColumns": "Afișați câmpuri",
+ "showPkAndFk": "Afișează Chei Primare și Străine",
+ "showSqlViews": "Afișează Vizualizări SQL",
+ "showMMTables": "Afișează tabele Multe la Multe",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "Afișează Numele Tabelului de Intersecție"
+ },
+ "kanban": {
+ "collapseStack": "Colapsează stiva",
+ "collapseAll": "Restrânge tot",
+ "expandAll": "Extinde tot",
+ "renameStack": "Redenumește stiva",
+ "deleteStack": "Șterge stiva",
+ "stackedBy": "Stivuit de",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "Alegeți un Câmp de Grupare",
+ "addOrEditStack": "Adăugare / Editare Stivă"
+ },
+ "map": {
+ "mappedBy": "Mapat de",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Alegeți un Câmp de Cartografiere",
+ "openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
+ },
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Comută modul mobil",
+ "startCommenting": "Începeți să comentați!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Încă nu există comentarii!",
+ "clearForm": "Șterge formularul",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Adaugă câmp",
+ "selectAllFields": "Selectează toate câmpurile",
+ "preFilledFields": {
+ "title": "Activează precompletarea",
+ "default": "Implicit",
+ "locked": "Blochează câmpurile precompletate ca doar în citire",
+ "hidden": "Ascunde câmpurile precompletate",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Valoare precompletată"
+ },
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Obține linkul precompletat",
+ "group": "Grup",
+ "goToDocs": "Mergi la Documentație",
+ "addCondition": "Adaugă condiție",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Adaugă grup de condiții"
+ },
+ "tooltip": {
+ "currentDateNotAvail": "Opțiunea de dată curentă nu este disponibilă pentru sursa de date sau tipul de date",
+ "privateConnection": "Activează pentru a face această conexiune privată și ascunsă de alți creatori în acest spațiu de lucru.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Opțional. Utilizează baza de date implicită \"{database}\" dacă este lăsată necompletată",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opțional. Utilizează schema implicită \"{schema}\" dacă este lăsată necompletată.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Editarea schemei este dezactivată pentru această sursă de date.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Acest tip de date nu este permis.",
+ "dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Editarea datelor se poate dezactiva doar când ‘Editarea schemei’ este dezactivată și devine activă altfel",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Această opțiune permite modificarea schemei bazei de date, inclusiv adăugarea, modificarea sau ștergerea tabelelor și coloanelor. Utilizați cu precauție, deoarece modificările pot afecta integritatea structurală a bazei de date.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Această opțiune permite crearea, actualizarea sau ștergerea înregistrărilor în cadrul tabelelor bazelor de date. Ideală pentru utilizatorii administratori care trebuie să modifice direct datele.",
+ "reachedSourceLimit": "Limitat la 10 surse de date pe bază",
+ "saveChanges": "Salvează modificările",
+ "xcDB": "Creați o nouă bază",
+ "extDB": "Suportă MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite",
+ "apiRest": "Accesibil prin API-uri REST",
+ "apiGQL": "Accesibil prin API-uri GraphQL",
+ "theme": {
+ "dark": "Este disponibil și pe Negru (^⇧B)",
+ "light": "Este disponibil și pe Negru? (^⇧B)"
+ },
+ "addTable": "Adaugă tabel nou",
+ "addDashboard": "Adăugați nou tablou de bord",
+ "inviteMore": "Invită mai mulți utilizatori",
+ "toggleNavDraw": "Comută sertarul de navigare",
+ "reloadApiToken": "Reîncarcă token-urile API",
+ "generateNewApiToken": "Generează token API nou",
+ "addRole": "Adaugă rol nou",
+ "reloadList": "Reîncarcă lista",
+ "metaSync": "Sincronizați metadatele",
+ "sqlMigration": "Reîncarcă migrațiile",
+ "updateRestart": "Actualizează și Restart",
+ "cancelReturn": "Anulează și Revino",
+ "exportMetadata": "Exportă toate metadatele din tabelele meta în directorul meta.",
+ "importMetadata": "Importă toate metadatele din directorul meta în tabele meta.",
+ "clearMetadata": "Șterge toate metadatele din tabelele meta.",
+ "clientKey": "Selectează fișierul .key",
+ "clientCert": "Selectează fișierul .cert",
+ "clientCA": "Selectează fișierul CA",
+ "changeIconColour": "Schimbă culoarea pictogramei",
+ "preFillFormInfo": "Pentru a obține un link precompletat, asigură-te că ai completat câmpurile necesare în constructorul de vizualizări de formulare.",
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Modul de formular cu un câmp pe pagină",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Folosește meniul de editare pentru conversii de tip după ce fișierul este importat",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rol moștenit din spațiul de lucru",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "În curând! Dă click pentru a vota integrările de care ai nevoie în NocoDB."
+ },
+ "placeholder": {
+ "searchIcons": "Caută icoane",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Selectați canale Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Selectați canale Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Selectați canale Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Selectați canale Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "Titlul Webhook",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Selectați un câmp pentru valoarea codului de bare",
+ "notFoundContent": "Nu se poate găsi un tip de câmp valid.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Selectați un format de cod de bare",
+ "projName": "Introduceți numele bazei",
+ "selectGroupField": "Selectați un câmp de grupare",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Nu se poate găsi un câmp de selecție unică. Vă rugăm să creați unul mai întâi.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Selectează un câmp de imagine pentru copertă",
+ "selectGeoField": "Selectați un câmp GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-neales-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Nu se poate găsi un câmp GeoData. Vă rugăm să creați unul mai întâi.",
+ "password": {
+ "enter": "Introduceți parola",
+ "current": "Parolă curentă",
+ "new": "Parolă nouă",
+ "save": "Salvează parola",
+ "confirm": "Confirmă parola nouă"
+ },
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Selectați un câmp pentru valoarea codului QR",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Permiteți numere negative",
+ "searchProjectTree": "Caută tabele",
+ "searchFields": "Caută câmpuri",
+ "searchColumn": "Căutați câmpul {search}",
+ "searchApps": "Caută aplicații",
+ "searchModels": "Caută modele",
+ "noItemsFound": "Nu au fost găsite articole",
+ "defaultValue": "Valoare implicită",
+ "filterByEmail": "Filtrează după e-mail",
+ "filterQuery": "Interogare filtru",
+ "selectField": "Selectează câmpul",
+ "precision": "Precizie",
+ "decimal1": "1.0",
+ "decimal2": "1.00",
+ "decimal3": "1.000",
+ "decimal4": "1.0000",
+ "decimal5": "1.00000",
+ "decimal6": "1.000000",
+ "decimal7": "1.0000000",
+ "decimal8": "1.00000000",
+ "value": "Valoare",
+ "key": "Cheie",
+ "createTable": "Creează primul tău tabel!",
+ "createTableLabel": "De la zero sau importă sau conectează-te la o bază de date externă",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Nu au fost create token-uri API",
+ "noTokenCreatedLabel": "Se pare că nu ai generat încă niciun token API.",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Invită-ți echipa",
+ "inviteYourTeamLabel": "Accelerează proiectele tale colaborând la ele cu echipa ta!",
+ "searchOptions": "Caută opțiuni"
+ },
+ "msg": {
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Configurație buton invalidă",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Configurație câmp invalidă",
+ "invalidTheme": "Selectează o temă validă",
+ "invalidColor": "Selectează o culoare validă",
+ "invalidType": "Tipul de buton poate fi fie 'webhook', fie 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Introdu o etichetă de buton validă",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Această funcție nu este disponibilă pentru baza ta de date",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Controlează numele și apariția organizației tale.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Adaugă domenii ale companiei pentru a restricționa accesul utilizatorilor nedoriți.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restricționează utilizatorii de la a putea partaja bazele public.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Selectează utilizatorii ce trebuie eliminați și șterși din toate spațiile de lucru ale organizației.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Șterge toți utilizatorii, bazele și datele legate de această organizație",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click pentru a copia Id-ul câmpului",
+ "enterPassword": "Introduceți parola",
+ "bySigningUp": "Prin înscriere, sunteți de acord cu",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Abonați-vă la newsletterul nostru săptămânal",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Verificarea parolei",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Această vizualizare partajată este protejată",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Datele formularului au fost trimise cu succes",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Vizualizarea formularului nu este suportată pe mobil",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Vizualizarea calendarului nu este suportată pe mobil",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Nou formular va fi încărcat după {seconds} secunde",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Interogarea optimizată este dezactivată",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Interogarea optimizată este activată",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Câmpul de tip Lookup nu este suportat pentru relațiile non-apartenență",
+ "invalidTime": "Timp nevalid",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Nu aveți niciun link suportat pentru {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Înregistrarea nu a putut fi găsită",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Număr de telefon invalid",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Dimensiunea paginii a fost schimbată",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Eroare la încărcarea datelor",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Folosește variabila de context",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "corp",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "pentru a face referință la înregistrarea în cauză",
+ "formula": {
+ "hintStart": "Sugestie: Folosește {placeholder1} pentru a face referință la câmpuri, de exemplu: {placeholder2}. Pentru mai multe informații, vă rugăm să consultați",
+ "hintEnd": "Formulele.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Nu a fost găsită nicio formulă sugerată",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Nu a fost găsit niciun câmp sugerat",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} necesită un {type} la poziția {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Se așteaptă un tip numeric",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Se așteaptă un tip string",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Operațiunea {operation} nu este disponibilă",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Nu se poate salva câmpul deoarece formula este invalidă",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Nu este suportată referința la câmpul {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Se așteaptă tipul {type} dar a fost găsit tipul {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} necesită {requiredArguments} argumente",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} necesită minimum {minRequiredArguments} argumente",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} necesită maximum {maxRequiredArguments} argumente",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Funcția {function} nu este disponibilă",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Primul parametru al WEEKDAY() ar trebui să aibă valoare de tip dată",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Al doilea parametru al WEEKDAY() ar trebui să aibă valoarea fie \"duminică\", \"luni\", \"marți\", \"miercuri\", \"joi\", \"vineri\" sau \"sâmbătă\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Primul parametru al DATEADD() ar trebui să aibă valoare de tip dată",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Al doilea parametru al DATEADD() ar trebui să aibă valoare numerică",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Al treilea parametru al DATEADD() ar trebui să aibă valoarea fie \"zi\", \"săptămână\", \"lună\" sau \"an\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Primul parametru al DATEDIFF() ar trebui să aibă valoare de tip dată",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Al doilea parametru al DATEDIFF() ar trebui să aibă valoare de tip dată",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Al treilea parametru al DATETIME_DIFF() ar trebui să aibă valoarea fie \"milisecunde\", \"ms\", \"secunde\", \"s\", \"minute\", \"m\", \"ore\", \"h\", \"zile\", \"d\", \"săptămâni\", \"w\", \"luni\", \"M\", \"trimestre\", \"Q\", \"ani\", sau \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Câmpul {columnName} nu este disponibil",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Nu se poate salva câmpul deoarece cauzează o referință circulară",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Câmpul {columnName} cu tip {columnType} este găsit dar se așteaptă tipul {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} nu se potrivește cu {columnType}"
+ },
+ "selectOption": {
+ "cantBeNull": "Opțiunile de selecție nu pot fi nule",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Câmpurile MultiSelect nu pot avea virgule(',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Opțiunile de selecție nu pot avea duplicate",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Creați o nouă opțiune denumită"
+ },
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Vă rugăm să introduceți un număr",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Vă rugăm să introduceți un e-mail",
+ "invalidDate": "Dată invalidă",
+ "invalidLocale": "Localizare invalidă",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Cod valutar invalid",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "Tipul 'money' din PostgreSQL are propriile setări valutare",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Tipurile de câmp valide pentru un câmp de coduri de bare sunt: Număr, Text pe o singură linie, Text lung, Număr de telefon, URL, Email, Decimal. Vă rugăm să creați mai întâi unul.",
+ "hm": {
+ "title": "Relație de tip Mulți cu",
+ "tooltip_desc": "O singură înregistrare din tabelul ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " poate fi legată de mai multe înregistrări din tabelul "
+ },
+ "mm": {
+ "title": "Relație de tip mulți la mulți",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Mai multe înregistrări din tabelul ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " pot fi legate de mai multe înregistrări din tabelul "
+ },
+ "bt": {
+ "title": "Relație de apartenență",
+ "tooltip_desc": "O singură înregistrare din tabelul ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " poate fi legată de o înregistrare din tabelul "
+ },
+ "oo": {
+ "title": "Relație de tip unu la unu",
+ "tooltip_desc": "O singură înregistrare din tabelul ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " poate fi legată de o singură înregistrare din tabelul "
+ },
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Se pare că nu au fost legate încă înregistrări.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Nicio înregistrare legată",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Nu există înregistrări legate",
+ "recordsLinked": "înregistrări legate",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Acceptă doar {type} valid",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Creează token-uri API personale pentru a le folosi în automatizări sau aplicații externe.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Selectați Câmpul pentru Sortare",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Selectați câmpul pentru grupare",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Nu există înregistrări în tabel",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Nu există înregistrări disponibile pentru legare",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Începeți cu webhook-uri!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Alimentează automatizările tale. Primește notificări imediat ce există modificări în datele tale",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi următoarele",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Ești sigur că vrei să {deleteLabel} următoarele",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Câmpul ID este necesar, poți renumi acest lucru ulterior, dacă este necesar.",
+ "length59Required": "Lungimea depășește maximum 59 de caractere",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Nu ai notificări noi",
+ "noRecordFound": "Înregistrare negăsită",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Nu s-au găsit înregistrări",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Nicio înregistrare nu corespunde interogării tale",
+ "rowDeleted": "Înregistrare ștearsă",
+ "saveChanges": "Dorești să salvezi modificările?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Câmpul este prea mare pentru a fi convertit la {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Rol necesar",
+ "warning": {
+ "webhookDelete": "Câmpurile butonului care se bazează pe acest webhook vor fi afectate",
+ "calendarNoFields": "Vizualizarea calendarului necesită configurarea unui câmp de dată sau de dată și oră. Încearcă să configurezi o vizualizare de calendar după adăugarea unui câmp de dată/dată și oră!",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Vizualizarea Kanban necesită configurarea unui câmp de selecție unic. Încercați să configurați o vizualizare kanban după adăugarea unui câmp de selecție unic!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Vizualizarea hărții necesită configurarea unui câmp de date geo. Încercați să configurați o vizualizare hartă după adăugarea unui câmp de date geo!",
+ "dbValid": "Asigură validitatea bazei de date pentru a preveni pierderea schemei",
+ "barcode": {
+ "renderError": "Eroare cod de bare - vă rugăm să verificați compatibilitatea între intrare și tipul codului de bare"
+ },
+ "nonEditableFields": {
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Avertisment: Câmp calculat - imposibil de șters text",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Avertisment: Câmpurile QR nu pot fi modificate direct.",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Avertisment: Câmpurile pentru cod de bare nu pot fi modificate direct."
+ },
+ "duplicateProject": "Ești sigur că vrei să duplici baza?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Ești sigur că vrei să duplici tabelul?",
+ "multiField": {
+ "fieldVisibility": "Nu puteți schimba vizibilitatea unui câmp care este editat. Vă rugăm să salvați sau să anulați modificările mai întâi.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Nu puteți muta câmpul care este editat. Fie salvați, fie anulați modificările mai întâi",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Nu puteți muta câmpul care este șters. Fie salvați, fie anulați modificările mai întâi"
+ }
+ },
+ "info": {
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Nu vei putea trage înregistrări între date atunci când se folosesc câmpuri calculate sau de sistem.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Modificările schemelor sunt dezactivate pentru această sursă",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Introdu numele spațiului de lucru",
+ "enterBaseName": "Introdu numele bazei",
+ "idpPaste": "Lipiți aceste URL-uri în consola furnizorilor de identitate",
+ "noSaml": "Nu există autentificări SAML configurate.",
+ "noOIDC": "Nu există autentificări OpenID configurate.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Dezactivat deoarece Vizualizarea este blocată",
+ "basesMigrated": "Baze migrate. Te rog încearcă din nou.",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "Operația Lipire nu este suportată pe celula activă",
+ "roles": {
+ "orgCreator": "Creatorul poate crea baze noi și accesa orice bază la care este invitat.",
+ "orgViewer": "Vizualizatorul nu are voie să creeze baze noi, dar poate accesa orice bază la care este invitat."
+ },
+ "codeScanner": {
+ "loadingScanner": "Se încarcă scanerul...",
+ "selectColumn": "Selectați un câmp (cod QR sau cod de bare) pe care doriți să îl utilizați pentru a găsi o înregistrare prin scanare.",
+ "moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "Mai mult de o înregistrare găsită pentru acest cod. În prezent, sunt acceptate doar coduri unice.",
+ "noRowFoundForCode": "Nicio înregistrare găsită pentru acest cod la câmpul selectat"
+ },
+ "map": {
+ "overLimit": "Ați depășit limita.",
+ "closeLimit": "Sunteți aproape de limită.",
+ "limitNumber": "Limita de marcaje afișate într-o Vizualizare Hartă este de 1000 de înregistrări."
+ },
+ "footerInfo": "Înregistrări pe pagină",
+ "upload": "Selectați fișierul pentru încărcare",
+ "upload_sub": "sau trageți și plasați fișierul",
+ "excelSupport": "Suportate: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "excelURL": "Introduceți URL-ul fișierului excel",
+ "csvURL": "Introduceți URL-ul fișierului CSV",
+ "footMsg": "# de înregistrări de analizat pentru a deduce tipul de date",
+ "excelImport": "fișă(e) sunt disponibile pentru import",
+ "exportMetadata": "Doriți să exportați metadatele din tabelele meta?",
+ "importMetadata": "Doriți să importați metadatele din tabelele meta?",
+ "clearMetadata": "Doriți să ștergeți metadatele din tabelele meta?",
+ "projectEmptyMessage": "Începeți prin a crea o nouă bază",
+ "stopProject": "Dorești să oprești baza?",
+ "startProject": "Dorești să pornești baza?",
+ "restartProject": "Dorești să repornești baza?",
+ "deleteProject": "Dorești să ștergi baza?",
+ "shareBasePrivate": "Generați o bază readonly distribuită public",
+ "shareBasePublic": "Oricine de pe internet cu acest link poate vizualiza",
+ "userInviteNoSMTP": "Se pare că încă nu ați configurat mailerul! Vă rugăm să copiați linkul de invitație de mai sus și să-l trimiteți către",
+ "dragDropHide": "Trageți și plasați câmpurile aici pentru a le ascunde",
+ "formInput": "Introduceți eticheta de intrare a formularului",
+ "formHelpText": "Adăugați un text de ajutor",
+ "onlyCreator": "Vizibil doar pentru creator",
+ "formTitle": "Adaugă titlu formular",
+ "formDesc": "Adăugați o descriere a formularului",
+ "beforeEnablePwd": "Restricționați accesul cu o parolă",
+ "afterEnablePwd": "Accesul este restricționat prin parolă",
+ "privateLink": "Această vizualizare este partajată printr-un link privat",
+ "privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Persoanele cu link privat pot vedea doar celulele vizibile în această vizualizare",
+ "postFormSubmissionSettings": "Setări după trimiterea formularului",
+ "apiOptions": "Accesează Baza prin",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Afișați butonul 'Trimiteți un alt formular'",
+ "showBlankForm": "Afișați un formular gol după 5 secunde",
+ "emailForm": "Răspunsuri prin email către",
+ "showSysFields": "Afișați câmpurile de sistem",
+ "filterAutoApply": "Aplicare automată",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Afișare mesaj",
+ "viewNotShared": "Vizualizarea curentă nu este partajată!",
+ "showAllViews": "Afișați toate vizualizările partajate ale acestei tabele",
+ "collabView": "Colaboratorii cu permisiuni de editare sau mai mari pot modifica configurarea vizualizării.",
+ "lockedView": "Nimeni nu poate edita configurarea vizualizării până când nu este deblocată.",
+ "personalView": "Doar dumneavoastră puteți edita configurarea vizualizării. Alte vizualizări personale ale colaboratorilor sunt ascunse implicit.",
+ "ownerDesc": "Pot adăuga/elimina creatori. Și editarea completă a structurilor și câmpurilor bazei de date.",
+ "creatorDesc": "Poate edita complet structura și valorile bazei de date.",
+ "editorDesc": "Poate edita înregistrările, dar nu poate schimba structura bazei de date/câmpurilor.",
+ "commenterDesc": "Poate vizualiza și comenta înregistrările, dar nu poate edita nimic",
+ "viewerDesc": "Poate vizualiza înregistrările, dar nu poate edita nimic",
+ "addUser": "Adăugați un utilizator nou",
+ "staticRoleInfo": "Rolurile definite în sistem nu pot fi editate",
+ "exportZip": "Exportă meta baza în fișier zip și descarcă.",
+ "importZip": "Importă meta baza din fișier zip și repornește.",
+ "importText": "Importă Baza NocoDB prin încărcarea fișierului zip cu metadata",
+ "metaNoChange": "Nicio modificare identificată",
+ "sqlMigration": "Migrațiile de schemă vor fi create automat. Creați un tabel și reîmprospătați această pagină.",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "Mediul a fost validat",
+ "dbConnected": "Conexiunea a fost reușită",
+ "notifications": {
+ "no_new": "Nicio notificare nouă",
+ "clear": "Ștergeți"
+ },
+ "sponsor": {
+ "header": "Ne puteți ajuta!",
+ "message": "Suntem o mică echipă care lucrează cu normă întreagă pentru a face NocoDB Open-source. Credem că un instrument ca NocoDB ar trebui să fie disponibil gratuit fiecărui solver de probleme de pe Internet."
+ },
+ "loginMsg": "Autentificați-vă în NocoDB",
+ "passwordRecovery": {
+ "message_1": "Vă rugăm să furnizați adresa de email pe care ați utilizat-o când v-ați înregistrat.",
+ "message_2": "Vă vom trimite un email cu un link pentru resetarea parolei.",
+ "success": "Vă rugăm să verificați emailul pentru a reseta parola"
+ },
+ "signUp": {
+ "superAdmin": "Veți fi 'Super Admin'",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "Aveți deja un cont?",
+ "workEmail": "Introduceți e-mailul de serviciu",
+ "enterPassword": "Introduceți parola",
+ "forgotPassword": "Ați uitat parola?",
+ "dontHaveAccount": "Nu aveți un cont?"
+ },
+ "addView": {
+ "grid": "Adăugați Vizualizare Grid",
+ "gallery": "Adăugați Vizualizare Galeria",
+ "form": "Adăugați Vizualizare Formular",
+ "kanban": "Adăugați Vizualizare Kanban",
+ "map": "Adăugați Vizualizare Hartă",
+ "calendar": "Adăugați Vizualizare Calendar"
+ },
+ "tablesMetadataInSync": "Metadata tabelelor este sincronizată",
+ "addMultipleUsers": "Puteți adăuga mai multe adrese de e-mail separate prin virgulă(,)",
+ "enterTableName": "Introduceți numele tabelului",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Introdu descriere tabel...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Introdu descriere câmp...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Introdu descriere vizualizare...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Introdu numele Layout-ului",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Introdu numele Tabloului de Bord",
+ "defaultColumns": "Câmpuri implicite",
+ "addDefaultColumns": "Adaugă câmpuri implicite",
+ "tableNameInDb": "Numele tabelului așa cum este salvat în baza de date",
+ "airtable": {
+ "credentials": "Unde se găsește aceasta?"
+ },
+ "import": {
+ "clickOrDrag": "Faceți clic sau trageți fișierul în această zonă pentru a încărca"
+ },
+ "metaDataRecreated": "Metadata tabelului creată cu succes",
+ "invalidCredentials": "Acreditive invalide",
+ "downloadingMoreFiles": "Se descarcă mai multe fișiere",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "Copiat în clipboard",
+ "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Câmpul obligatoriu nu poate fi mutat",
+ "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Actualizarea nu este permisă pentru tabelele care nu au cheie primară",
+ "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Câmpul auto-increment nu este editabil",
+ "editingPKnotSupported": "Editarea cheii primare nu este suportată",
+ "deletedCache": "Cache-ul a fost șters cu succes",
+ "cacheEmpty": "Cache-ul este gol",
+ "exportedCache": "Cache-ul exportat cu succes",
+ "valueAlreadyInList": "Această valoare este deja în listă",
+ "noColumnsToUpdate": "Nu există câmpuri de actualizat",
+ "tableDeleted": "Tabelul a fost șters cu succes",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Layout șters cu succes",
+ "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generați bază partajabilă public, doar pentru citire",
+ "deleteViewConfirmation": "Sigur doriți să ștergeți această vizualizare?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi acest Layout?",
+ "deleteTableConfirmation": "Doriți să ștergeți tabelul",
+ "showM2mTables": "Afișați Tabele M2M",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Relația multe-la-multe este suportată printr-un tabel de intersecție și este ascunsă în mod implicit. Activați această opțiune pentru a lista toate astfel de tabele împreună cu tabelele existente.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Afișează NULL în Celule",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Afișați eticheta 'NULL' în celulele care dețin valoarea NULL. Acest lucru ajută la diferențierea față de celulele care dețin un șir gol.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Afișați NULL și EMPTY în Filtru",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Activați 'filtre suplimentare' pentru a diferenția câmpurile care conțin NULL & Strings goale. Suportul implicit pentru gol tratează atât NULL, cât și Strings goale la fel.",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Ștergerea acestei stive va elimina, de asemenea, opțiunea selectată `{stackToBeDeleted}` din `{groupingField}`. Înregistrările vor fi mutate în stiva necategorizată.",
+ "computedFieldEditWarning": "conținutul este doar în citire",
+ "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "conținutul este doar în citire",
+ "noMoreRecords": "Nu mai există înregistrări",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Numele tokenului nu ar trebui să fie gol",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Numele tokenului nu ar trebui să aibă mai mult de 255 de caractere",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Numele bazei de date este necesar",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Numele spațiului de lucru este necesar",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Numele spațiului de lucru trebuie să aibă cel puțin 3 caractere",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Numele spațiului de lucru trebuie să aibă cel mult 50 de caractere",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Șterge acest spațiu de lucru și tot conținutul acestuia.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Înțeleg că această acțiune este ireversibilă",
+ "pageNotFound": "Pagina nu a fost găsită",
+ "makeLineBreak": "pentru a face o întrerupere de linie",
+ "goToPrevious": "Mergi la precedentul",
+ "goToNext": "Mergi la următorul",
+ "thankYou": "Mulțumesc!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Datele formularului au fost trimise cu succes.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editarea cheii de sistem nu este suportată",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Nu este disponibil momentan",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operațiunea de lipire în grup nu este suportată pe coloana Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operațiunea de ștergere în grup nu este suportată pe coloana Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade la Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Această funcționalitate este disponibilă doar în ediția enterprise",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Rolul tău actual este",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Solicită permisiuni mai mari de la Administrator / Proprietarul bazei / Proprietarul spațiului de lucru pentru a obține acces la acest {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Nu poți ascunde toate opțiunile dacă câmpul este obligatoriu"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Hook-urile manuale nu pot fi dezactivate",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Eroare la încărcarea datelor înregistrării",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Eroare la preluarea datelor din calendar",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Eroare la preluarea datelor active",
+ "scopesRequired": "Domenii necesare",
+ "domainRequired": "Numele domeniului este necesar",
+ "authUrlRequired": "URL de autentificare este necesar",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Atributul de nume de utilizator este necesar",
+ "clientIdRequired": "ID-ul clientului este necesar",
+ "issuerRequired": "Emitentul este necesar",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Secretul clientului este necesar",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "URL JWK este necesar",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "URL token este necesar",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "URL UserInfo este necesar",
+ "eitherXML": "Fie xml, fie URL-ul metadatelor este necesar",
+ "nameRequired": "Nume necesar",
+ "nameMinLength": "Numele trebuie să aibă cel puțin 2 caractere",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Numele trebuie să aibă cel mult 60 de caractere",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Numele vizualizării este necesar",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Numele domeniului este necesar",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Numele trebuie să aibă cel mult 256 de caractere",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Numele vizualizării trebuie să fie unic",
+ "searchProject": "Căutarea dumneavoastră pentru {search} nu a găsit rezultate",
+ "invalidChar": "Caracter invalid în calea dosarului.",
+ "invalidDbCredentials": "Acreditive de bază de date invalide.",
+ "unableToConnectToDb": "Imposibil de conectat la baza de date, vă rugăm să verificați dacă baza de date este activă.",
+ "invalidYear": "An invalid",
+ "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Utilizatorul nu există sau nu are permisiuni suficiente pentru a crea schema.",
+ "dbConnectionStatus": "Parametrii bazei de date invalizi",
+ "dbConnectionFailed": "Eșec de conectare:",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Există un filtru nul. Te rugăm să-l elimini",
+ "signUpRules": {
+ "emailRequired": "Emailul este necesar",
+ "emailInvalid": "Emailul trebuie să fie valid",
+ "passwdRequired": "Parola este necesară",
+ "passwdLength": "Parola trebuie să aibă cel puțin 8 caractere",
+ "passwdMismatch": "Parolele nu se potrivesc",
+ "completeRuleSet": "Cel puțin 8 caractere cu o majusculă, un număr și un caracter special",
+ "atLeast8Char": "Cel puțin 8 caractere",
+ "atLeastOneUppercase": "O literă majusculă",
+ "atLeastOneNumber": "Un număr",
+ "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Un caracter special",
+ "allowedSpecialCharList": "Lista de caractere speciale permise",
+ "invalidEmails": "Emailuri nevalide",
+ "invalidEmail": "Email nevalid"
+ },
+ "invalidXml": "XML invalid",
+ "invalidURL": "URL invalid",
+ "invalidEmail": "Email nevalid",
+ "internalError": "A apărut o eroare internă",
+ "templateGeneratorNotFound": "Generatorul de șabloane nu a fost găsit!",
+ "fileUploadFailed": "Nu a reușit încărcarea fișierului",
+ "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Eșec la actualizarea câmpului principal",
+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "Datele sunt prea lungi pentru descrierea formularului",
+ "columnsRequired": "Următoarele câmpuri sunt obligatorii",
+ "selectAtleastOneColumn": "Trebuie să fie selectat cel puțin un câmp",
+ "columnDescriptionNotFound": "Nu se poate găsi câmpul de destinație pentru",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "Mapare duplicată găsită, vă rugăm să eliminați una dintre mapări",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Valoare nulă încalcă constrângerea de non-nul",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Datele sursă conțin câteva numere invalide",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Datele sursă conțin câteva valori booleene invalide",
+ "invalidForm": "Formular invalid",
+ "formValidationFailed": "Validarea formularului a eșuat",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "Ați fost deconectat",
+ "failedToLoadList": "Nu a reușit încărcarea listei",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Nu a reușit încărcarea listei de copii",
+ "deleteFailed": "Ștergerea a eșuat",
+ "unlinkFailed": "Deconectarea a eșuat",
+ "rowUpdateFailed": "Eșec la actualizarea înregistrării",
+ "deleteRowFailed": "Eșec la ștergerea înregistrării",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "Nu a reușit setarea datelor formularului",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "Nu a reușit actualizarea vizualizării formularului",
+ "tableNameRequired": "Numele tabelului este necesar",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Numele ar trebui să înceapă cu o literă sau _",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Următoarele caractere nu sunt permise",
+ "columnNameRequired": "Numele câmpului este necesar",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Nume de câmp duplicat",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Nume deja folosit pentru câmpul de sistem",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Tipul de date UI este necesar",
+ "columnNameExceedsCharacters": "Lungimea numelui câmpului depășește maximul de {value} caractere",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Numele {title} depășește 50 de caractere",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Numele {title} nu poate începe cu spațiu",
+ "requiredField": "Câmp necesar",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP-ul nu este permis",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Fișierul țintă nu este un tip de fișier acceptat",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "Tipul de fișier acceptat este .csv",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Tipurile de fișiere acceptate sunt .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Cheia parametrului nu poate fi goală",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Cheile parametrilor duplicate nu sunt permise",
+ "fieldRequired": "Acest câmp nu poate fi gol.",
+ "projectNotAccessible": "Baza inaccesibilă",
+ "copyToClipboardError": "Eșec la copierea în clipboard",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Nu s-a reușit lipirea din clipboard",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Vă rugăm să completați configurarea tuturor câmpurilor înainte de a salva",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Ceva a mers prost",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Conținutul tras nu este de tip imagine",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Câmp pentru a analiza datele imaginii",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Unele câmpuri obligatorii sunt necompletate"
+ },
+ "toast": {
+ "exportMetadata": "Metadatele bazei au fost exportate cu succes",
+ "importMetadata": "Metadatele bazei au fost importate cu succes",
+ "clearMetadata": "Metadatele bazei au fost șterse cu succes",
+ "stopProject": "Baza a fost oprită cu succes",
+ "startProject": "Baza a fost pornită cu succes",
+ "restartProject": "Baza a fost repornită cu succes",
+ "deleteProject": "Baza a fost ștearsă cu succes",
+ "authToken": "Token de autentificare copiat în clipboard",
+ "projInfo": "Informațiile bazei au fost copiate în clipboard",
+ "inviteUrlCopy": "URL-ul de invitație copiat în clipboard",
+ "createView": "Vizualizare creată cu succes",
+ "formEmailSMTP": "Vă rugăm să activați pluginul SMTP în Magazinul de aplicații pentru a permite notificarea prin e-mail",
+ "collabView": "Comutat cu succes la vizualizarea colaborativă",
+ "lockedView": "Comutat cu succes la vizualizarea blocată",
+ "futureRelease": "În curând!"
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Cheia de licență actualizată",
+ "columnDuplicated": "Câmp duplicat cu succes",
+ "rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Înregistrare duplicată (nu a fost salvată)",
+ "updatedUIACL": "ACL interfață UI actualizat pentru tabele cu succes",
+ "pluginUninstalled": "Plugin dezinstalat cu succes",
+ "pluginSettingsSaved": "Setările pluginului au fost salvate cu succes",
+ "pluginTested": "Setările pluginului au fost testate cu succes",
+ "tableRenamed": "Numele tabelului a fost schimbat cu succes",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Aspect redenumit cu succes",
+ "viewDeleted": "Vizualizarea a fost ștearsă cu succes",
+ "primaryColumnUpdated": "Actualizat cu succes ca câmp principal",
+ "tableDataExported": "Toate datele din tabel au fost exportate cu succes",
+ "updated": "Actualizat cu succes",
+ "sharedViewDeleted": "Vizualizare partajată ștearsă cu succes",
+ "userDeleted": "Utilizator șters cu succes",
+ "viewRenamed": "Numele vizualizării a fost schimbat cu succes",
+ "tokenGenerated": "Token generat cu succes",
+ "tokenDeleted": "Token șters cu succes",
+ "userAddedToProject": "Utilizator adăugat cu succes la baza de date",
+ "userAdded": "Utilizator adăugat cu succes",
+ "userDeletedFromProject": "Utilizatorul a fost șters cu succes din baza de date",
+ "inviteEmailSent": "E-mailul de invitație a fost trimis cu succes",
+ "inviteURLCopied": "URL-ul de invitație a fost copiat în clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Comentariul a fost copiat în clipboard",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "URL-ul de resetare a parolei copiat în clipboard",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "URL-ul bazei partajabile a fost copiat în clipboard!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Codul HTML încorporabil copiat!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "Detaliile utilizatorului au fost actualizate cu succes",
+ "tableDataImported": "Datele tabelului au fost importate cu succes",
+ "webhookUpdated": "Detaliile webhook-ului au fost actualizate cu succes",
+ "webhookDeleted": "Hook șters cu succes",
+ "webhookTested": "Webhook testat cu succes",
+ "columnUpdated": "Câmp actualizat",
+ "columnCreated": "Câmp creat",
+ "passwordChanged": "Parola a fost schimbată cu succes. Vă rugăm să vă autentificați din nou.",
+ "settingsSaved": "Setările au fost salvate cu succes",
+ "roleUpdated": "Rol actualizat cu succes",
+ "connectionAdded": "Integrare conectată cu succes",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Proprietarii și creatorii de baze pot acum adăuga o sursă de date fără a reintroduce acreditivele."
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ru.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ru.json
index c0644aeb07..22aefccd24 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/ru.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/ru.json
@@ -39,71 +39,72 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Сумма",
+ "count": "Количество",
+ "min": "Минимум",
+ "max": "Максимум",
+ "avg": "Среднее",
+ "median": "Медиана",
+ "std_dev": "Стандартное отклонение",
+ "histogram": "Гистограмма",
+ "range": "Диапазон",
+ "percent_empty": "Пусто",
+ "percent_filled": "Заполнено",
+ "percent_unique": "Уникальные",
+ "count_unique": "Уникальные",
+ "count_empty": "Пусто",
+ "count_filled": "Заполнено",
+ "earliest_date": "Минимальная дата",
+ "latest_date": "Максимальная дата",
+ "date_range": "Диапазон дат",
+ "month_range": "Диапазон месяца",
+ "checked": "Отмеченные",
+ "unchecked": "Неотмеченные",
+ "percent_checked": "Отмеченные",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Неотмеченные",
+ "attachment_size": "Размер вложения",
+ "none": "Нет"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Сумма",
+ "count": "Количество",
+ "min": "Минимум",
+ "max": "Максимум",
+ "avg": "Среднее",
+ "median": "Медиана",
+ "std_dev": "Стандартное отклонение",
+ "histogram": "Гистограмма",
+ "range": "Диапазон",
+ "percent_empty": "Процент пустых",
+ "percent_filled": "Процент заполненных",
+ "percent_unique": "Процент уникальных",
+ "count_unique": "Уникальные",
+ "count_empty": "Пусто",
+ "count_filled": "Заполненные",
+ "earliest_date": "Самая ранняя дата",
+ "latest_date": "Самая поздняя дата",
+ "date_range": "Диапазон дат",
+ "month_range": "Диапазон месяцев",
+ "checked": "Выбрано",
+ "unchecked": "Не выбрано",
+ "percent_checked": "Процент выбранных",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Процент не выбранных",
+ "attachment_size": "Размер вложения",
+ "none": "Нет"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Скрипты",
+ "configure": "Настроить",
+ "switch": "Переключить",
+ "on": "Включено",
+ "onMultiple": "На нескольких",
+ "manual": "Руководство",
+ "trigger": "Триггер",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
+ "style": "Стиль",
+ "label": "Метка",
"role": "Роль",
- "general": "General",
+ "general": "Общие",
"quit": "Выйти",
"home": "На главную",
"load": "Загрузка",
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Цитата",
"submit": "Отправить",
"create": "Создать",
"createEntity": "Создать {entity}",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Код",
"duplicate": "Копировать",
"duplicating": "Дублирование",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Дублировать {entity}",
"activate": "Активация",
"action": "Действие",
"insert": "Вставить",
@@ -162,11 +163,11 @@
"bulkUpdate": "Массовое обновление",
"deleting": "Удаление",
"update": "Обновить",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Обновление",
"rename": "Переименовать",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Переименовать {entity}",
"reload": "Перезагрузить",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Обновить",
"reset": "Сброс настроек",
"install": "Установить",
"show": "Показать",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "Подтвердить",
"generate": "Создать",
"copy": "Копировать",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Скопировано",
"are": "are",
"misc": "Прочее",
"lock": "Блокировать",
@@ -224,19 +225,19 @@
"betaNote": "Эта функция пока на бета-тестировании.",
"moreInfo": "Узнать подробнее",
"logs": "Логи",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "groupingField": "Стек по полю",
+ "insertAfter": "Вставить справа",
+ "insertBefore": "Вставить слева",
"insertAbove": "Вставить выше",
"insertBelow": "Вставить ниже",
"hideField": "Скрыть поле",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Показать поле",
"sortAsc": "По Возрастанию",
"sortDesc": "По убыванию",
"move": "Переместить",
"geoDataField": "Поле геоданных",
"type": "Тип",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "Подтип",
"name": "Имя",
"changes": "Изменения",
"new": "Создать",
@@ -270,31 +271,31 @@
"logo": "Логотип",
"dropdown": "Выпадающий список",
"list": "Список",
- "verify": "Verify",
+ "verify": "Проверить",
"apply": "Применить",
"text": "Текст",
"appearance": "Внешний вид",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
+ "now": "Сейчас",
+ "set": "Установить",
+ "format": "Формат",
+ "colour": "Цвет",
+ "use": "Использовать",
+ "stack": "Стек",
+ "ipAddress": "IP адрес",
+ "integration": "Интеграция",
"integrations": "Интеграции",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
+ "connection": "Соединение",
+ "connections": "Соединения",
+ "private": "Частный",
+ "request": "Запрос",
"languages": "Языки",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "extension": "Расширение",
+ "extensions": "Расширения"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
+ "files": "файлы",
+ "owner": "Владелец",
+ "member": "Участник",
"day": "День",
"week": "Неделя",
"month": "Месяц",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Поля",
"column": "Столбец",
"columns": "Столбцы",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Ячейка",
+ "cells": "Ячейки",
"page": "Страница",
"pages": "Страницы",
"record": "Запись",
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@
"viewer": "Наблюдатель",
"noaccess": "Нет доступа",
"superAdmin": "Супер админ",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Организационный Уровень Владелец",
"orgLevelCreator": "Уровень Создатель",
"orgLevelViewer": "Уровень Наблюдатель"
@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@
"externalDb": "Внешняя база данных",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple Numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Все интеграции",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Безпрепятственно подключайте и управляйте вашими базами данных с NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Коммуникация",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Получайте уведомления об изменениях и оптимизируйте командную коммуникацию с NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Управление проектами",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Улучшите рабочие процессы проектов и управление задачами с NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Оптимизируйте управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами через интеграции с NocoDB.",
+ "marketing": "Маркетинг",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Повышайте усилия в маркетинге с мощными интеграциями NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "atsSubtitle": "Упростите систему отслеживания кандидатов с NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Разработка",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Ускоряйте процессы разработки благодаря интеграциям с NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Финансы",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Упрощайте финансовые операции и управление данными с NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Тикеты",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Эффективно управляйте и отслеживайте обращения в службу поддержки с помощью NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Интегрируйте и организуйте свои решения для хранения без усилий с NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Другие",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Откройте для себя дополнительные универсальные интеграции, чтобы улучшить ваш опыт использования NocoDB.",
+ "ai": "ИИ",
+ "spreadSheet": "Таблица",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Подключайте и управляйте вашими электронными таблицами с NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,9 +487,9 @@
"isNotNull": "не равно Null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Поиск вебхука",
+ "webcam": "Веб-камера",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Загрузить через URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
"renameBase": "Переименовать базу",
"renameWorkspace": "Переименовать рабочую область",
@@ -526,7 +527,7 @@
"virtualRelation": "Виртуальные отношения",
"linkMore": "Ссылка Подробнее",
"linkMoreRecords": "Связать больше записей",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
+ "linkRecords": "Связать записи",
"downloadFile": "Скачать файл",
"renameTable": "Переименовать таблицу",
"renamingTable": "Переименование таблицы",
@@ -546,9 +547,9 @@
"createBase": "Создать базу",
"myProject": "Мои проекты",
"formTitle": "Заголовок формы",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Совместное",
+ "locked": "Заблокирован",
+ "personal": "Персональное",
"appStore": "App Store",
"teamAndAuth": "Пользватели и API",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Роли и управление пользователями",
@@ -576,7 +577,7 @@
"generateToken": "Создать Токен",
"APIsAndSupport": "API и поддержка",
"helpCenter": "Центр поддержки",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Нет меток",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Документация Swagger",
"quickImportFrom": "Быстрый импорт из",
"quickImport": "Быстрый импорт",
@@ -585,7 +586,7 @@
"quickImportExcel": "Быстрый импорт - Excel",
"quickImportJSON": "Быстрый импорт - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "Редактор JSON",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "comingSoon": "Скоро",
"advancedSettings": "Расширенные настройки",
"codeSnippet": "Сниппет кода",
"keyboardShortcut": "Горячие клавиши",
@@ -606,143 +607,145 @@
"switchLanguage": "Переключить язык",
"renameFile": "Переименовать файл",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
+ "noAction": "Бездействие",
+ "cascade": "Каскад",
+ "restrict": "Ограничивать",
"setNull": "Установить в NULL",
"setDefault": "Установить по умолчанию"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Выберите поля из правой панели для добавления здесь",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Опции не найдены",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Вы действительно хотите отправить эту форму?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Похоже, в этом стеке нет записей",
+ "fromScratch": "С нуля",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Из файлов и внешних источников",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Прямо в реальном времени",
+ "categories": "Категории",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Поле недоступно",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Условия не добавлены"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
+ "modifiedOn": "Изменено",
+ "configuration": "Конфигурация",
"setup": "Настройки",
"configLabel": "Настроить {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "switchToProd": "Переключиться на подготовленную к производству базу данных приложения",
"sharedBase": "Поделиться базой",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
+ "fieldID": "ID Поля",
"addDescription": "Добавить описание",
"editDescription": "Редактировать описание",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "urlFormula": "Формула URL",
+ "selectIcon": "нет",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--выберите вебхук--",
+ "openUrl": "Открыть URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Запустить вебхук",
+ "onClick": "При нажатии",
+ "defaultView": "Представление по умолчанию",
+ "recordInsert": "Вставка записи",
+ "recordUpdate": "Обновление записи",
+ "recordDelete": "Удаление записи",
+ "supportDocs": "Документы поддержки",
+ "addedOn": "Добавлено",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Изменить поле значения отображения",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Выберите поле значения отображения",
+ "changeTitleField": "Изменить поле заголовка",
+ "clearAll": "Очистить всё",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Поля поиска показывают данные из связанных записей. Выберите конкретные поля из ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " таблицы, чтобы добавить их как поля поиска в эту таблицу.",
+ "formatting": "Форматирование",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Выберите тип формата (необязательно)- -",
+ "formatType": "Тип формата",
+ "toUpload": "загрузить",
+ "dragFilesHere": "перетащите файлы сюда",
+ "browseFiles": "просмотреть файлы",
+ "clickTo": "Нажмите, чтобы",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Пожалуйста, разрешите доступ к вашей камере",
+ "openFile": "Открыть файл",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Введите правильный URL для загрузки файлов",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Добавить файлы из URL",
+ "uploading": "Загрузка",
+ "dropHere": "Перетащите сюда",
+ "addMore": "Добавить больше",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Очистить все файлы",
+ "integration": "Интеграция",
+ "notRecommended": "Не рекомендуется",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
+ "selectView": "Выберите представление",
+ "connectionDetails": "Детали подключения источника",
+ "metaSync": "Синхронизация метаданных",
+ "mention": "Упоминание",
"today": "Cегодня",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
+ "currentDate": "Текущая дата",
+ "workspace": "Рабочее пространство",
+ "txt": "Значение TXT записи",
+ "transferOwnership": "Передача собственности",
+ "recentActivity": "Недавние действия",
+ "goToMembers": "Перейти к участникам",
+ "addMember": "Добавить участника",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Кол-во участников",
+ "numberOfBases": "Кол-во баз",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Кол-во записей",
+ "workspaceName": "Имя рабочего пространства",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Рабочее пространство без владельцев",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Пригласить пользователей в рабочее пространство",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-выберите рабочие пространства для приглашения-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Добавить участников в организацию",
+ "memberIn": "Участник в:",
+ "assignAs": "Назначить как",
+ "signOutUser": "Выйти из пользователя",
+ "signOutUsers": "Выйти из пользователей",
"deactivateUser": "Отключить пользователя",
"deactivateUsers": "Отключить пользователей",
"lastActive": "Последняя активность",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
+ "dateAdded": "Дата добавления",
+ "uploadImage": "Загрузить изображение",
+ "organizationProfile": "Профиль организации",
+ "organizationImage": "Изображение организации",
+ "organizationName": "Название организации",
+ "activeDomains": "Активные домены",
+ "domains": "Домены",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Отключить публичный доступ",
+ "shareSettings": "Настройки доступа",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Удалить пользователя и его данные",
"userOptions": "Настройки пользователя",
"deleteThisOrganization": "Удалить эту организацию",
"dangerZone": "Опасная зона",
- "childView": "Child View",
+ "childView": "Дочернее представление",
"selectYear": "Выберите год",
"save": "Сохранить",
"cancel": "Отмена",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL метаданных",
+ "audience-entityId": "Идентификатор аудитории/сущности",
+ "redirectUrl": "URL переадресации",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
+ "newProvider": "Новый провайдер",
+ "generalSettings": "Общие настройки",
+ "adminPanel": "Административная панель",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Переместить рабочее пространство в организацию",
"ssoSettings": "Настройки SSO",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
+ "addDomain": "Добавить домен",
+ "domain": "Домен",
+ "settings": "Настройки",
+ "workspaces": "Рабочие пространства",
+ "back": "Назад",
+ "dashboard": "Дашборд",
+ "organizeBy": "Упорядочить по",
"previous": "Предыдущий",
"nextMonth": "Следующий месяц",
"previousMonth": "Предыдущий месяц",
"next": "Следующий",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
+ "organiseBy": "Организовать по",
"heading1": "Заголовок 1",
"heading2": "Заголовок 2",
"heading3": "Заголовок 3",
"bold": "Жирный",
"italic": "Курсив",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
+ "underline": "Подчеркивание",
+ "strike": "Перечеркнуть",
"taskList": "Список задач",
"bulletList": "Маркированный список",
"numberedList": "Нумерованный список",
@@ -751,7 +754,7 @@
"noToken": "Нет токена",
"tokenLimit": "Для каждого пользователя разрешен только один токен",
"duplicateAttachment": "Файл с именем {filename} уже прикреплен",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
+ "tableIdColon": "ИД ТАБЛИЦЫ: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
"toAddress": "Адрес",
"subject": "Тема",
@@ -780,8 +783,8 @@
"timeFormat": "Формат времени",
"singularLabel": "Единственное число",
"pluralLabel": "Множественное число",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
+ "selectDateField": "Выберите поле даты",
+ "endDateField": "Поле конечной даты",
"optional": "(Необязательно)",
"clickToMake": "Нажмите, чтобы сделать",
"visibleForRole": "видимый для роли:",
@@ -790,7 +793,7 @@
"clickToHide": "Нажмите, чтобы скрыть",
"clickToDownload": "Нажмите, чтобы загрузить",
"forRole": "для роли",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Нажмите, чтобы скопировать ИД таблицы",
"clickToCopyViewID": "Нажмите, чтобы скопировать ID вида",
"viewMode": "Режим просмотра",
"searchUsers": "Поиск пользователей",
@@ -798,35 +801,35 @@
"allTables": "Все таблицы",
"members": "Участники",
"dataSources": "Источники данных",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "connectDataSource": "Подключить внешние данные",
+ "searchProjects": "Найти базы",
"createdBy": "Автор",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Просмотр вложений",
+ "readOnly": "Только для чтения",
+ "createdOn": "Создано",
"notifyVia": "Уведомлять через",
"projName": "Название проекта",
"profile": "Профиль",
"accountDetails": "Данные аккаунта",
"controlAppearance": "Настройка отображения",
"accountEmailID": "Адрес электронной почты",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Назад к рабочему пространству",
+ "untitledToken": "Безымянный токен",
"tableName": "Название таблицы",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Название панели",
"createView": "Create a View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Создание представления",
+ "duplicateView": "Дублировать вид",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Копировать представление сетки",
+ "createGridView": "Создать представление сетку",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Копировать представление галереи",
+ "createGalleryView": "Создать представление галереи",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Копировать представление формы",
+ "createFormView": "Создать представление формы",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Копировать представление канбан",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Дублировать вид календаря",
+ "createKanbanView": "Создать представление канбан",
+ "createCalendarView": "Создать вид календаря",
"viewName": "Название представления",
"viewLink": "Ссылка на представление",
"columnName": "Название столбца",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Тип в базе данных",
"lengthValue": "Длина / значение",
"dbType": "Тип базы данных",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "имя сервера / адрес хоста",
+ "sqliteFile": "Путь к файлу SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Адрес хоста",
+ "port": "Номер порта",
"username": "Имя пользователя",
"password": "Пароль",
"schemaName": "Название схемы",
@@ -909,10 +912,10 @@
"selectUserRole": "Выберите роль пользователя",
"childTable": "Дочерняя таблица",
"childColumn": "Дочерний столбец",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Дочернее поле",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Присоединяйтесь к облаку бесплатно",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Ссылка на другую запись",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Ссылки",
"onUpdate": "При обновлении",
"onDelete": "При удалении",
"account": "Учётная запись",
@@ -923,7 +926,7 @@
"requestDataSource": "Запросить источник данных?",
"apiKey": "API-ключ",
"personalAccessToken": "Токен для персонального доступа",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "URL общей базы",
"importData": "Импорт данных",
"importSecondaryViews": "Импорт вспомогательных представлений",
"importRollupColumns": "Импорт итоговых (Rollup) столбцов",
@@ -934,9 +937,9 @@
"noData": "Нет данных",
"goToDashboard": "Перейти к Дашборду",
"importing": "Импорт",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Формат JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Автовыбор типов полей",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Использовать первую запись в качестве заголовков",
"flattenNested": "Вложенные",
"downloadAllowed": "Скачивание разрешено",
"weAreHiring": "Вакансии!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "имеет много",
"belongsTo": "принадлежит",
"manyToMany": "имеет отношение \"многие-ко-многим\"",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "имеют отношение один-к-одному",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Дополнительные параметры соединения",
"commentsOnly": "Только комментарии",
"documentation": "Документация",
@@ -956,11 +959,11 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Разрешить регистрацию только по ссылке",
"nextRow": "Следующая строка",
"prevRow": "Предыдущая строка",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
+ "addRowGrid": "Добавить данные вручную в представление сетки",
+ "addRowForm": "Ввести данные записи через форму",
"noAccess": "Нет доступа",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
+ "restApis": "REST API",
+ "apis": "API",
"apiSnippet": "Сниппеты API",
"includeData": "Включить данные",
"includeView": "Включить вид",
@@ -978,53 +981,53 @@
"saveChanges": "Сохранить изменения",
"updatedField": "Обновить поле",
"deletedField": "Удалить поле",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Неполная конфигурация",
"selectField": "Выбрать поле",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Цвет фона",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Скрыть брендинг NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "Показать при условиях",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Показывается поле, только когда условия выполнены",
+ "limitOptions": "Ограничить параметры",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Ограничьте видимые пользователям опции, выбрав доступные",
+ "clearSelection": "Очистить выбор",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Отображать как процесс",
+ "relationType": "Тип отношения",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Показать разделитель тысяч",
+ "signUpForFree": "Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Подогнать изображение",
+ "coverImageArea": "Обложка изображения",
+ "syncData": "Синхронизировать данные",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Зарегистрируйте интересующие вас сервисы, чтобы получать уведомления, когда они станут доступны",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Перенаправление на URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
+ "webhookDetails": "Детали вебхука",
+ "hideWeekends": "Скрыть выходные",
+ "renameBase": "Переименовать базу",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Переименовать рабочую область",
+ "deactivate": "Деактивировать",
+ "manageUsers": "Управление пользователями",
+ "newWorkspace": "Новое рабочее пространство",
+ "addDomain": "Добавить домен",
"addMembers": "Добавить пользователя",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
+ "enterEmail": "Введите адреса электронной почты",
+ "inviteToBase": "Пригласить в базу",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Пригласить в рабочее пространство",
"addMember": "Добавить пользователя в проект",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "noRange": "Вид календаря требует диапазон дат",
+ "goToToday": "Перейти к сегодняшнему дню",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Переключить боковую панель",
+ "addEndDate": "Добавить конечную дату",
+ "withEndDate": "с конечной датой",
+ "calendar": "Календарь",
+ "viewSettings": "Настройки вида",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
+ "registerOIDC": "Зарегистрировать OIDC провайдера идентификаций",
+ "registerSAML": "Зарегистрировать SAML провайдера идентификаций",
"openInANewTab": "Открыть в новой вкладке",
"copyIFrameCode": "Копировать код IFrame",
"onCondition": "На Условии",
@@ -1101,7 +1104,7 @@
"groupBy": "Группировать по",
"addSubGroup": "Добавить подгруппу",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Поделиться базой",
"disable": "Отключить общую базу",
"enable": "Включить общую базу",
"link": "Ссылка на общую базу"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Пригласить команду",
"inviteUser": "Пригласить пользователя",
"inviteToken": "Токен приглашения",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Связанные записи",
+ "addNewLink": "Добавить новую ссылку",
"newUser": "Новый пользователь",
"editUser": "Редактировать пользователя",
"deleteUser": "Удалить пользователя из проекта",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "Предыдущая запись",
"copyApiURL": "Скопируйте URL API",
"createTable": "Создать новую таблицу",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Создать панель",
+ "createWorkspace": "Создать рабочую область",
"refreshTable": "Обновление таблицы",
"renameTable": "Переименовать таблицу",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "Переименование макета",
"deleteTable": "Удалить таблицу",
"addField": "Добавить новое поле в эту таблицу",
"setDisplay": "Установить как значение отображения",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Вставить новую строку",
"duplicateRow": "Копировать запись",
"deleteRow": "Удалить строку",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Удалить записи",
+ "predictColumns": "Предсказать поля",
+ "predictFormulas": "Предсказать формулы",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Удалить выбранные строки",
"importExcel": "Импорт из Excel",
"importCSV": "Импорт CSV",
@@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@
"ListView": "Список представлений",
"copyView": "Скопировать представление",
"renameView": "Переименовать представление",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Загрузить данные",
"deleteView": "Удалить представление",
"createGrid": "Создать представление сетку",
"createGallery": "Создать Галерею",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Добавить новый Web Hook",
"enableWebhook": "Включить Webhook",
"testWebhook": "Проверить Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Создать Вебхук",
"copyWebhook": "Копировать Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "Удалить Webhook",
"newToken": "Добавить новый токен",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "Импорт из zip",
"metaSync": "Синхронизировать",
"settings": "Настройки",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Валидации",
"previewAs": "Предварительный просмотр как",
"resetReview": "Сбросить предпросмотр",
"testDbConn": "Проверить подключение к базе данных",
@@ -1214,9 +1217,9 @@
"column": {
"delete": "Удалить поле",
"addNumber": "Добавить числовое поле",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "addSingleLineText": "Добавить поле однострочного текста",
+ "addLongText": "Добавить поле длинного текста",
+ "addOther": "Добавить другое поле"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Показать колонки",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Свернуть стек",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Свернуть все",
+ "expandAll": "Развернуть все",
+ "renameStack": "Переименовать стек",
"deleteStack": "Удалить стек",
"stackedBy": "Группировка по",
"chooseGroupingField": "Выберите поле группировки",
@@ -1242,32 +1245,34 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "Переключить мобильный режим",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
+ "startCommenting": "Начать комментирование!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Пока нет комментариев!",
"clearForm": "Очистить форму",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Добавить поле",
+ "selectAllFields": "Выбрать все поля",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Включить автозаполнение",
+ "default": "По умолчанию",
+ "locked": "Заблокировать заранее заполненные поля для чтения",
+ "hidden": "Скрыть заранее заполненные поля",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Предварительно заполненное значение"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Получить ссылку с предварительным заполнением",
"group": "Группировка",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "goToDocs": "Перейти в Документацию",
+ "addCondition": "Добавить условие",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Добавить группу условий"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Включите, чтобы сделать это соединение приватным и скрытым от других создателей в этом рабочем пространстве.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Необязательно. Использует базу данных по умолчанию \"{database}\", если оставить поле пустым",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Необязательно. Использует схему по умолчанию \"{schema}\", если оставить поле пустым.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Редактирование схемы отключено для этого источника данных.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Этот тип данных не разрешен.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Эта опция позволяет изменять схему базы данных, включая добавление, изменение или удаление таблиц и столбцов. Используйте с осторожностью, так как изменения могут повлиять на структурную целостность вашей базы данных.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Эта опция позволяет создавать, обновлять или удалять записи в таблицах базы данных. Идеально для административных пользователей, которым нужно напрямую изменять данные.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Сохранить изменения",
"xcDB": "Создать новый проект",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Это приходит в черном? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Добавить новую таблицу",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Добавить новую панель",
"inviteMore": "Пригласите еще пользователей",
"toggleNavDraw": "Переключить навигационный ящик",
"reloadApiToken": "Перезагрузка API токенов",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Выберите файл .key.",
"clientCert": "Выберите файл .cert",
"clientCA": "Выберите файл CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Изменение цвета иконки",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Режим формы с одним полем на страницу",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Используйте меню редактирования поля для конверсии типов после импорта файла",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Роль унаследована из рабочего пространства",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Скоро появится! Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за необходимые вам интеграции в NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
+ "searchIcons": "Поиск значков",
"selectSlackChannels": "Выберите каналы Slack",
"selectTeamsChannels": "Выберите каналы Microsoft Teams",
"selectDiscordChannels": "Выберите каналы Discord",
"selectMattermostChannels": "Выберите каналы Mattermost",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "webhookTitle": "Название Webhook",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Выберите поле для значения штрих-кода",
+ "notFoundContent": "Тип поля не может быть найден.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Выберите формат штрих-кода",
"projName": "Введите название проекта",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Выберите поле группировки",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Поле для единственного выбора не найдено. Сначала создайте его.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Выберите поле обложки изображения",
+ "selectGeoField": "Выберите поле GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-не выбрано-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Поле GeoData не найдено. Сначала создайте его.",
"password": {
"enter": "Введите пароль",
"current": "Текущий пароль",
@@ -1327,7 +1332,7 @@
"save": "Сохранить пароль",
"confirm": "Подтвердите новый пароль"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Выберите поле для значения QR-кода",
"allowNegativeNumbers": "Разрешить отрицательные числа",
"searchProjectTree": "Искать таблицы",
"searchFields": "Поиск полей",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Фильтр по электронной почте",
"filterQuery": "Фильтр запроса",
"selectField": "Выбрать поле",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Точность",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1350,167 +1355,167 @@
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
"value": "Значение",
"key": "Ключ",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "createTable": "Создайте свою первую таблицу!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "API токены не созданы",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Пригласите вашу команду",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Поиск опций"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Неправильная конфигурация кнопки",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Неправильная конфигурация поля",
+ "invalidTheme": "Выберите корректную тему",
+ "invalidColor": "Выберите корректный цвет",
+ "invalidType": "Тип кнопки может быть либо 'webhook', либо 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Введите допустимую метку кнопки",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Эта функция недоступна для вашей базы данных",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Контролируйте имя и внешний вид вашей организации.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Добавьте домены компании, чтобы ограничить доступ ненужных пользователей.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Запретите пользователям публиковать базы данных для общего доступа.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Выберите пользователей для удаления из всех рабочих пространств организации.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Удалить всех пользователей, базы и данные, связанные с этой организацией",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Нажмите, чтобы скопировать ID поля",
"enterPassword": "Введите пароль",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "bySigningUp": "Регистрируясь, вы соглашаетесь с",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Подпишитесь на нашу еженедельную рассылку",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Проверка пароля",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Это общее представление защищено",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Форма успешно отправлена",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Просмотр формы не поддерживается на мобильных устройствах",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Просмотр календаря не поддерживается на мобильных устройствах",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Новая форма будет загружена через {seconds} секунд",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Оптимизированный запрос отключен",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Оптимизированный запрос включен",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Поле поиска не поддерживается для несоответствующей связи",
+ "invalidTime": "Неверное время",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "У вас нет поддерживаемых ссылок для {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Запись не найдена",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Неверный номер телефона",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Размер страницы изменен",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Ошибка загрузки данных",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Используйте переменную контекста",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "тело письма",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "чтобы сослаться на рассматриваемую запись",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
+ "hintStart": "Подсказка: используйте {placeholder1} для ссылки на поля, например: {placeholder2}. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, проверьте",
+ "hintEnd": "Формулы.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Рекомендуемая формула не найдена",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Предлагаемое поле не найдено",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} требует {type} в позиции {position}",
"numericTypeIsExpected": "Ожидается числовой тип",
"stringTypeIsExpected": "Ожидается строковый тип",
"operationNotAvailable": "{operation} операция недоступна",
"cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Не удалось сохранить поле, потому что формула недопустима",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Ссылка на поле {columnName} не поддерживается",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Ожидается тип {type}, но найден тип {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} требует {requiredArguments} аргументов",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} требует минимум {minRequiredArguments} аргументов",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} требует максимум {maxRequiredArguments} аргументов",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Функция {function} недоступна",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Первый параметр WEEKDAY() должен иметь дату",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Второй параметр WEEKDAY() должен иметь значение \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" или \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Первый параметр DATEADD() должен иметь дату",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Второй параметр DATEADD() должен быть числовым",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Третий параметр DATEADD() должен иметь значение \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" или \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Первый параметр DATEDIFF() должен иметь дату",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Второй параметр DATEDIFF() должен иметь дату",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Третий параметр DATETIME_DIFF() должен иметь значение \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", или \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Поле {columnName} недоступно",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Невозможно сохранить поле, потому что оно вызывает циклическую ссылку",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Найдено поле {columnName} с типом {columnType}, но ожидался тип {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} не соответствует {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Опции выбора не могут быть пустыми",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "В полях MultiSelect не может быть запятых (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Опции выбора не могут дублироваться",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Создать новый вариант под названием"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Пожалуйста, введите число",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Пожалуйста, введите адрес электронной почты",
+ "invalidDate": "Неверная дата",
+ "invalidLocale": "Неверная локаль",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Недопустимый код валюты",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "Тип 'money' в PostgreSQL имеет собственные настройки валюты",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Допустимые типы полей для поля штрих-кода: Число, Текст в одну строку, Длинный текст, Телефонный номер, URL, Электронная почта, Десятичное число. Сначала создайте одно из них.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Отношение \"многие\"",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Одна запись из таблицы ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " может быть связана с несколькими записями из таблицы "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Отношение \"многие ко многим\"",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Несколько записей из таблицы ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " могут быть связаны с несколькими записями из таблицы "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Отношение \"принадлежит\"",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Одна запись из таблицы ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " может быть связана с записью из таблицы "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Отношение \"один к одному\"",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Одна запись из таблицы ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " может быть связана с одной записью из таблицы "
"clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Click 'Link Records' to begin associating data with '{tableName}'.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Нет связанных записей",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Нет связанных записей",
+ "recordsLinked": "записи связаны",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Принимать только допустимые {type}",
"apiTokenCreate": "Создайте персональные API-токены для использования в автоматизации или внешних приложениях.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Выберите поле для сортировки",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Выберите поле для группировки",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "В таблице нет записей",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "В настоящее время нет доступных записей для соединения",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Начните с веб-хуков!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Подключите свои автоматизации. Получайте уведомления, как только в ваших данных происходят изменения",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить следующее",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Вы уверены, что хотите {deleteLabel} следующее",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Требуется поле ID, вы можете переименовать его позже, если потребуется.",
+ "length59Required": "Длина превышает максимум в 59 символов",
+ "noNewNotifications": "У вас нет новых уведомлений",
+ "noRecordFound": "Запись не найдена",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Записи не найдены",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Нет записей, соответствующих вашему запросу",
+ "rowDeleted": "Запись удалена",
+ "saveChanges": "Вы хотите сохранить изменения?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Поле слишком большое для преобразования в {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Требуется роль",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Поля кнопки, зависящие от этого webhook, будут затронуты",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Вид канбана требует настройки единственного поля выбора. Попробуйте настроить вид канбана после добавления единственного поля выбора!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Вид карты требует настройки поля геоданных. Попробуйте настроить вид карты после добавления поля геоданных!",
+ "dbValid": "Убедитесь в корректности базы данных, чтобы предотвратить потерю схемы",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Ошибка штрих-кода - пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость между вводом и типом штрих-кода"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Предупреждение: Вычисляемое поле - невозможно очистить текст",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Внимание: QR-поля не могут быть изменены напрямую.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Предупреждение: поля штрих-кодов не могут быть изменены напрямую."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Вы уверены, что хотите дублировать базу?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Вы уверены, что хотите дублировать таблицу?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Вы не можете изменить видимость редактируемого поля. Сначала сохраните или отмените изменения.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Вы не можете переместить поле, которое редактируется. Сначала сохраните или отмените изменения",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Вы не можете переместить поле, которое удалено. Сначала сохраните или отмените изменения"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Вы не сможете перемещать записи между датами, когда используются вычисляемые или системные поля.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Изменение схемы отключено для этого источника",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Введите имя рабочего пространства",
+ "enterBaseName": "Введите имя базы",
+ "idpPaste": "Вставьте эти URL в консоль вашего провайдера идентификаций",
+ "noSaml": "Конфигурации SAML аутентификаций не настроены.",
+ "noOIDC": "Отсутствуют настроенные OpenID-аутентификации.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Недоступно, так как представление заблокировано",
+ "basesMigrated": "Базы мигрированы. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Операция Вставки не поддерживается в выделенной ячейке",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Создатель может создавать новые проекты и получать доступ к любому приглашенному проекту.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Введите форму ввода формы",
"formHelpText": "Добавьте текст подсказки",
"onlyCreator": "Видно только для создателя",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Добавить заголовок формы",
"formDesc": "Добавить описание формы",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Ограничить доступ с паролем",
"afterEnablePwd": "Доступ защищенный паролем",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Доступ проекта через",
"submitAnotherForm": "Показать кнопку «Отправить другую форму»",
"showBlankForm": "Показать пустую форму через 5 секунд",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Email-ответы на",
"showSysFields": "Показать системные поля",
"filterAutoApply": "Применять автоматически",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Отображаемое сообщение",
"viewNotShared": "Текущим представлением не поделились",
"showAllViews": "Показать все общие представление этой таблицы",
"collabView": "Сотрудники с разрешениями редактирования или выше могут изменить конфигурацию представления",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Таблицы метаданные синхронизируются",
"addMultipleUsers": "Вы можете разделять запятыми электронные почты",
"enterTableName": "Введите имя таблицы",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Введите описание таблицы...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Введите описание поля...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Введите описание представления...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Введите название макета",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Введите название дашборда",
+ "defaultColumns": "Поля по умолчанию",
"addDefaultColumns": "Добавьте столбцы по умолчанию",
"tableNameInDb": "Название таблицы как сохранено в базе данных",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Это значение уже есть в списке",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Нет столбцов для обновления",
"tableDeleted": "Таблица успешно удалена",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Макет успешно удален",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Создайте базу, доступную для общего пользования и доступную только для чтения",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Вы действительно хотите удалить это представление?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот макет?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Вы действительно хотите удалить эту таблицу",
"showM2mTables": "Показать таблицы M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Отношения \"многие-ко-многим\" поддерживаются через таблицу пересечения и по умолчанию скрыты. Включите эту опцию, чтобы перечислить все такие таблицы вместе с существующими таблицами.",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Вычисляемое поле: содержимое доступно только для чтения. Используйте меню редактирования столбцов для изменения конфигурации",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Вычисляемое поле: содержимое доступно только для чтения. Невозможно очистить содержимое.",
"noMoreRecords": "Больше никаких записей",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Название токена не должно быть пустым",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Название токена не должно быть длиннее 255 символов",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Требуется имя базы данных",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Требуется имя рабочего пространства",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Имя рабочего пространства должно содержать не менее 3 символов",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Имя рабочего пространства должно содержать не более 50 символов",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Удалите это рабочее пространство и все его содержимое.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Я понимаю, что это действие необратимо",
+ "pageNotFound": "Страница не найдена",
+ "makeLineBreak": "чтобы сделать перенос строки",
+ "goToPrevious": "Перейти к предыдущему",
+ "goToNext": "Перейти к следующему",
+ "thankYou": "Спасибо!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Вы успешно отправили данные формы.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Редактирование системного ключа не поддерживается",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "В данный момент недоступно",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Групповая вставка не поддерживается в колонке Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Групповое очищение не поддерживается в колонке Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Обновите до корпоративной версии {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Эта функция доступна только в корпоративной версии",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Ваша текущая роль:",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Пожалуйста, запросите более высокий уровень доступа у администратора / владельца базы / владельца рабочего пространства для доступа к этому {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Вы не можете скрыть все опции, если поле обязательно"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Ручные хуки не могут быть отключены",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Ошибка загрузки данных записи",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Ошибка получения данных календаря",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Ошибка получения активных дат",
+ "scopesRequired": "Требуются области",
+ "domainRequired": "Требуется имя домена",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Требуется URL авторизации",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Требуется атрибут имени пользователя",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Требуется идентификатор клиента",
+ "issuerRequired": "Требуется эмитент",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Требуется секрет клиента",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "Требуется URL JWK",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Требуется URL токена",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "Требуется URL UserInfo",
+ "eitherXML": "Требуется либо xml, либо url метаданных",
+ "nameRequired": "Имя обязательно",
+ "nameMinLength": "Имя должно содержать не менее 2 символов",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Имя должно содержать не более 60 символов",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Требуется имя представления",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Требуется имя домена",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Имя должно содержать не более 256 символов",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Имя представления должно быть уникальным",
"searchProject": "Ваш поиск {поиск} не дал результатов",
"invalidChar": "Неверный символ в пути папки.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Неверные учетные данные базы данных.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Невозможно подключиться к базе данных, пожалуйста, проверьте вашу базу данных.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Неверный год",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Пользователь не существует или не имеет разрешения на создание схемы.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Неверные параметры базы данных",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Сбой соединения:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Существует нулевой фильтр. Пожалуйста, удалите его",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Требуется электронная почта",
"emailInvalid": "Электронная почта должна быть действительной",
"passwdRequired": "необходим пароль",
"passwdLength": "Ваш пароль должен быть не короче 8 символов",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Одна цифра",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Один специальный символ",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Список разрешенных специальных символов",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Неверные электронные адреса",
+ "invalidEmail": "Неверный адрес электронной почты"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Неверный XML",
"invalidURL": "Неверный URL",
"invalidEmail": "Неверный адрес электронной почты",
"internalError": "Произошла какая-то внутренняя ошибка",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Имя должно начинаться с алфавита или _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Нельзя использовать следующие символы",
"columnNameRequired": "Требуется название столбца",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Дублирующееся имя поля",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Имя уже используется для системного поля",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Требуется тип данных для пользовательского интерфейса",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "Длина имени колонки превышает максимальную {value} символов",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Название {title} превышает 50 символов",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Название {title} не может начинаться с пробела",
"requiredField": "Обязательное поле",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP не разрешен",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Целевой файл не является допустимым типом файла",
@@ -1776,12 +1781,12 @@
"fieldRequired": "{value} не может быть пустым.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Проект недоступен",
"copyToClipboardError": "Не удалось скопировать в буфер обмена",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Не удалось вставить из буфера обмена",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Пожалуйста, завершите настройку всех полей перед сохранением",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Что-то пошло не так",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Перетаскиваемый контент не является изображением",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Ошибка при анализе данных изображения",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Некоторые из обязательных полей пусты"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Метаданные проекта успешно экспортированы",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Скоро!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Ключ лицензии обновлен",
"columnDuplicated": "Столбец успешно скопирован",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Строка продублирована (не сохранена)",
"updatedUIACL": "Успешно обновлен пользовательский интерфейс ACL для таблиц",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Настройки плагина сохранены",
"pluginTested": "Успешно протестированы настройки плагина",
"tableRenamed": "Таблица успешно переименована",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Макет успешно переименован",
"viewDeleted": "Представление успешно удалено",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Успешно обновлен как первичный столбец",
"tableDataExported": "Все данные таблицы успешно экспортированы",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Пароль успешно изменен. Пожалуйста, войдите в систему снова.",
"settingsSaved": "Настройки успешно сохранены",
"roleUpdated": "Роль успешно обновлена",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Интеграция успешно подключена",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Владельцы баз данных и создатели теперь могут добавлять источник данных без повторного ввода учетных данных."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/sk.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/sk.json
index 915b767c6b..a964f7a982 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/sk.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/sk.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Vytvoriť nové rozhranie",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Pripojiť zdroje dát",
+ "alert": "Upozornenie",
+ "alert-message": "Žiadne databázy neboli pripojené. Pripojte databázové základne, aby ste vytvorili rozhranie. Preskočte tento krok a pridajte databázy neskôr z domovskej stránky základne.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Vyberte databázové základne, ktoré chcete prepojiť s týmto rozhraním.",
+ "create_interface": "Vytvoriť rozhranie",
+ "project_name": "Názov základne",
+ "connect": "Pripojiť",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "Otvoriť externý odkaz",
+ "delete_record": "Odstrániť záznam",
+ "update_record": "Aktualizovať záznam",
+ "open_layout": "Otvoriť rozvrhnutie"
"widgets": {
"static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "chart": "Graf",
+ "table": "Tabuľka",
+ "image": "Obrázok",
+ "map": "Mapa",
+ "button": "Tlačítko",
+ "number": "Číslo",
+ "bar_chart": "Stĺpcový graf",
+ "line_chart": "Čiarový graf",
+ "area_chart": "Plošný graf",
+ "pie_chart": "Koláčový graf",
+ "donut_chart": "Prstencový graf",
+ "scatter_plot": "Rozptylový Graf",
+ "bubble_chart": "Bublinový Graf",
+ "radar_chart": "Radarový Graf",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polárny Oblastný Graf",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radiálny Stĺpcový Graf",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Heatmapový Graf",
+ "treemap_chart": "Stromový Graf",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Graf",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Sviečkový Graf"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "sum": "Suma",
+ "count": "Počet",
+ "min": "Minimum",
+ "max": "Maximum",
+ "avg": "Priemer",
+ "median": "Medián",
+ "std_dev": "Štandardná odchýlka",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Rozsah",
+ "percent_empty": "Prázdne",
+ "percent_filled": "Vyplnené",
+ "percent_unique": "Unikátne",
+ "count_unique": "Unikátne",
+ "count_empty": "Prázdne",
+ "count_filled": "Vyplnené",
+ "earliest_date": "Minimálny dátum",
+ "latest_date": "Maximálny dátum",
+ "date_range": "Rozsah",
+ "month_range": "Rozsah",
+ "checked": "Začiarknuté",
+ "unchecked": "Nezačiarknuté",
+ "percent_checked": "Začiarknuté",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Nezačiarknuté",
+ "attachment_size": "Veľkosť",
+ "none": "Žiadne"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "sum": "Súčet",
+ "count": "Počet",
+ "min": "Minimum",
+ "max": "Maximum",
+ "avg": "Priemer",
+ "median": "Medián",
+ "std_dev": "Štandardná odchýlka",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Rozsah",
+ "percent_empty": "Percento prázdnych",
+ "percent_filled": "Percento vyplnených",
+ "percent_unique": "Percento unikátnych",
+ "count_unique": "Unikátne",
+ "count_empty": "Prázdne",
+ "count_filled": "Vyplnené",
+ "earliest_date": "Najskorší dátum",
+ "latest_date": "Posledný dátum",
+ "date_range": "Rozsah dátumov",
+ "month_range": "Rozsah mesiacov",
+ "checked": "Začiarknuté",
+ "unchecked": "Nezačiarknuté",
+ "percent_checked": "Percento začiarknutých",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Percento nezačiarknutých",
+ "attachment_size": "Veľkosť prílohy",
+ "none": "Žiadne"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skripty",
+ "configure": "Konfigurovať",
+ "switch": "Prepínač",
+ "on": "Zapnuté",
+ "onMultiple": "Zapnuté Viaceré",
+ "manual": "Manuál",
+ "trigger": "Spustiť",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "Štýl",
+ "label": "Označenie",
+ "role": "Rola",
+ "general": "Všeobecné",
+ "quit": "Ukončiť",
"home": "Domov",
"load": "Zaťaženie",
"open": "Otvoriť",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "Áno",
"no": "Nie",
"ok": "OK",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Späť",
"and": "A",
"or": "Alebo",
"add": "Pridať",
"edit": "Upraviť",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "Odkaz",
+ "links": "Odkazy",
"remove": "Odstránenie stránky",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "Importovať",
+ "logout": "Odhlásiť sa",
+ "empty": "Prázdny",
+ "changeIcon": "Zmeniť Ikonu",
"save": "Uložiť",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Dostupný",
+ "abort": "Zrušiť",
+ "saving": "Ukladanie",
"cancel": "Zrušiť",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "escape": "Únik",
"hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "clear": "Vymazať",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Komentár",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Citát",
"submit": "Odoslať",
"create": "Vytvoriť stránku",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "createEntity": "Vytvoriť {entity}",
+ "creating": "Vytváranie",
+ "creatingEntity": "Vytváranie {entity}",
+ "details": "Detaily",
+ "skip": "Preskočiť",
+ "code": "Kód",
"duplicate": "Duplikát",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "Duplikovanie",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Duplikovať {entity}",
+ "activate": "Aktivovať",
+ "action": "Akcia",
"insert": "Vložte",
"delete": "Odstrániť",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "Odstrániť {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "Hromadná Vložka",
+ "bulkDelete": "Hromadné Odstránenie",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Hromadná Aktualizácia",
+ "deleting": "Mazanie",
"update": "Aktualizácia",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Aktualizácia",
"rename": "Premenovať stránku",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Premenovať {entity}",
"reload": "Znovu načítať",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Obnoviť",
"reset": "Obnovenie",
"install": "Inštalácia stránky",
"show": "Zobraziť",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "Prístup",
+ "visibility": "Viditeľnosť",
"hide": "Skryť",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Zastaralé",
"showAll": "Zobraziť všetky",
"hideAll": "Skryť všetko",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Nenájdené",
"showMore": "Zobraziť viac",
"showOptions": "Zobraziť možnosti",
"hideOptions": "Skryť možnosti",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "PRIHLÁSENIE",
"signOut": "Odhlásiť sa",
"required": "Požadované",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "Povoliť skener na vyplnenie",
"preferred": "Uprednostňované",
"mandatory": "Povinné",
"loading": "Načítanie ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Nahrať",
"download": "Stiahnite si",
"default": "Predvolené nastavenie",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Zdroj",
+ "datasource": "Dátový Zdroj",
"more": "Viac na",
"less": "Menej",
"event": "Udalosť",
@@ -205,14 +206,14 @@
"after": "Po stránke",
"before": "Pred",
"search": "Vyhľadávanie",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Hľadať V",
"notification": "Oznámenie",
"reference": "Odkaz",
"function": "Funkcia",
"confirm": "Potvrďte",
"generate": "Generovať",
"copy": "Kopírovať",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Skopírované",
"are": "are",
"misc": "Rôzne",
"lock": "Zámok",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "Táto funkcia je v súčasnosti vo fáze beta.",
"moreInfo": "Viac informácií nájdete tu",
"logs": "Protokoly",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Zoskupiť podľa políčka",
+ "insertAfter": "Vložiť vpravo",
+ "insertBefore": "Vložiť vľavo",
+ "insertAbove": "Vložiť hore",
+ "insertBelow": "Vložiť dole",
"hideField": "Skryť pole",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Zobraziť pole",
"sortAsc": "Zoradiť vzostupne",
"sortDesc": "Zoradiť zostupne",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "move": "Presunúť",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData Pole",
+ "type": "Typ",
+ "subType": "Podtyp",
+ "name": "Názov",
+ "changes": "Zmeny",
+ "new": "Nový",
+ "old": "Starý",
+ "data": "Údaje",
+ "source": "Zdroj",
+ "destination": "Destinácia",
+ "active": "Aktívny",
+ "inactive": "Neaktívny",
+ "linked": "prepojené",
+ "finish": "Dokončiť",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
+ "avg": "Priem",
+ "sum": "Súčet",
+ "count": "Počet",
+ "countDistinct": "Počet Rôznych",
+ "sumDistinct": "Súčet Rôznych",
+ "avgDistinct": "Priemerný počet rôznych",
+ "join": "Pripojiť",
+ "options": "Možnosti",
+ "primaryValue": "Primárna hodnota",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Použiť prieskumný režim",
+ "shift": "Zmena",
"enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "seconds": "Sekundy",
+ "paste": "Vložiť",
+ "restore": "Obnoviť",
+ "replace": "Nahradiť",
"banner": "Banner",
"logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
+ "dropdown": "Rozbaľovací zoznam",
+ "list": "Zoznam",
+ "verify": "Overiť",
+ "apply": "Použiť",
"text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "appearance": "Výzor",
+ "now": "Teraz",
+ "set": "Nastaviť",
+ "format": "Formátovať",
+ "colour": "Farba",
+ "use": "Použiť",
+ "stack": "Zásobník",
+ "ipAddress": "IP adresa",
+ "integration": "Integrácia",
+ "integrations": "Integrácie",
+ "connection": "Pripojenie",
+ "connections": "Pripojenia",
+ "private": "Súkromné",
+ "request": "Požiadavka",
+ "languages": "Jazyky",
+ "extension": "Rozšírenie",
+ "extensions": "Rozšírenia"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "súbory",
+ "owner": "Vlastník",
+ "member": "Člen",
+ "day": "Deň",
+ "week": "Týždeň",
+ "month": "Mesiac",
+ "year": "Rok",
+ "workspace": "Pracovný priestor",
+ "workspaces": "Pracovné priestory",
"project": "Projekt",
"projects": "Projekty",
"table": "Tabuľka",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Polia",
"column": "Stĺpec",
"columns": "Stĺpce",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Bunka",
+ "cells": "Bunky",
"page": "Strana",
"pages": "Stránky",
"record": "záznam",
@@ -319,41 +320,41 @@
"webhooks": "Webové háčiky",
"view": "Zobraziť",
"views": "Zobrazenia",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Bočný panel",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Sieť",
"gallery": "Galéria",
"form": "Formulár",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Kalendár",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Mapa"
"user": "Používateľ",
"users": "Používatelia",
"role": "Úloha",
"roles": "Úlohy",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Vývojár",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Vlastník",
"creator": "Tvorca",
"editor": "Editor",
"commenter": "Komentátor",
"viewer": "Prehliadač",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "Bez prístupu",
+ "superAdmin": "Super admin",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Vlastník na úrovni organizácie",
"orgLevelCreator": "Tvorca na úrovni organizácie",
"orgLevelViewer": "Prehliadač na úrovni organizácie"
"sqlVIew": "Zobrazenie SQL",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Výška záznamu",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
+ "short": "Krátky",
+ "medium": "Stredný",
+ "tall": "Vysoký",
"extra": "Extra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Externá databáza",
"syncData": {
"appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Všetky Integrácie",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Bezproblémovo prepojte a spravujte vaše databázy s NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Komunikácia",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Buďte informovaní o zmenách a zjednodušte tímovú komunikáciu s NocoDB.",
"projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Zlepšite pracovné postupy a správu úloh s NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimalizujte správu vzťahov so zákazníkmi prostredníctvom integrácií NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Posilnite vaše marketingové úsilie pomocou výkonných integrácií NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Zjednodušte váš systém sledovania uchádzačov s NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Vývoj",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Urychlite vývojové procesy s integráciami NocoDB.",
"finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Zjednodušte finančné operácie a správu údajov s NocoDB.",
"ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Efektívne spravujte a sledujte podporné lístky s NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Bezproblémovo integrujte a organizujte vaše úložné riešenia s NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Iné",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Objavte ďalšie všestranné integrácie na zlepšenie vašich skúseností s NocoDB.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Tabuľk",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Spojte a spravujte svoje tabuľky s NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "nie je null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Vyhľadávanie webhooku",
+ "webcam": "Webkamera",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Nahrávať cez URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
+ "renameBase": "Premenovanie Základu",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Premenovať Pracovný Priestor",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Premenúvanie Pracovného Priestoru",
+ "renamingBase": "Premenúvanie Základu",
+ "sso": "Autentifikácia (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumenty",
+ "forum": "Fórum",
"parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "headers": "Hlavičky",
+ "parameterName": "Názov parametra",
+ "currencyLocale": "Mena Locale",
+ "currencyCode": "Kód meny",
+ "searchMembers": "Hľadať členov",
+ "noMembersFound": "Žiadni členovia neboli nájdení",
+ "dateJoined": "Dátum pripojenia",
+ "tokenName": "Názov tokenu",
+ "inDesktop": "v Desktop",
+ "rowData": "Údaje záznamu",
+ "creator": "Tvorca",
+ "qrCode": "QR kód",
+ "termsOfService": "Podmienky používania",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Aktualizovať vybrané záznamy",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Neboli pridané žiadne filtre",
+ "editCards": "Upraviť karty",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Neboli nájdené žiadne polia",
+ "displayValue": "Hodnota zobrazenia",
+ "expand": "Rozšíriť",
+ "hideAll": "Skryť všetko",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Skryť systémové polia",
+ "removeFile": "Odstrániť súbor",
+ "hasMany": "Má mnoho",
+ "manyToMany": "Mnoho na mnoho",
+ "oneToOne": "Jeden na Jedného",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtuálny vzťah",
+ "linkMore": "Pripojiť viac",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Prepojiť viac záznamov",
+ "linkRecords": "Odkazovať záznamy",
+ "downloadFile": "Stiahnuť súbor",
+ "renameTable": "Premenovať tabuľku",
+ "renamingTable": "Premenovávanie tabuľky",
+ "renamingWs": "Premenovávanie pracovného priestoru",
+ "renameWs": "Premenovať pracovný priestor",
+ "deleteWs": "Odstrániť pracovný priestor",
+ "deletingWs": "Odstraňovanie pracovného priestoru",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Skopírovať overovací token",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Skopírovaný overovací token",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Skopírovať pozývací token",
+ "showSidebar": "Zobraziť bočný panel",
+ "hideSidebar": "Skryť bočný panel",
+ "creatingTable": "Vytváranie tabuľky",
"erdView": "Zobrazenie ERD",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "Nový zdroj dát",
"newProj": "Nový projekt",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Vytvoriť projekt",
"myProject": "Moje projekty",
"formTitle": "Názov formulára",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Kolaboratívny",
+ "locked": "Uzamknutý",
+ "personal": "Osobné",
"appStore": "App Store",
"teamAndAuth": "Tím a autorizácia",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Správa rolí a používateľov",
"userMgmt": "Správa používateľov",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "API tokeny",
"apiTokenMgmt": "Správa tokenov API",
"rolesMgmt": "Správa rolí",
"projMeta": "Metadáta projektu",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Generovanie tokenu",
"APIsAndSupport": "Rozhrania API a podpora",
"helpCenter": "Centrum pomoci",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Žiadne štítky",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Dokumentácia Swagger",
"quickImportFrom": "Rýchly import z",
"quickImport": "Rýchly import",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Rýchly import - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Rýchly import - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Rýchly import - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Rýchly import - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "comingSoon": "Už čoskoro",
"advancedSettings": "Rozšírené nastavenia",
"codeSnippet": "Úryvok kódu",
"keyboardShortcut": "Klávesové skratky",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "generateRandomName": "Generovať náhodné meno",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "Správa tokenov",
+ "addNewToken": "Pridať nový token",
+ "createNewToken": "Vytvoriť nový token",
+ "accountSettings": "Nastavenia účtu",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Obnoviť heslo",
+ "tokens": "Tokeny",
+ "userManagement": "Správa používateľov",
+ "accountManagement": "Správa účtov",
+ "licence": "Licencia",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Povoliť všetky typy MIME",
+ "defaultView": "Predvolený pohľad",
+ "relations": "Vzťahy",
+ "switchLanguage": "Prepnúť jazyk",
+ "renameFile": "Premenovať súbor",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Bez akcie",
+ "cascade": "Kaskáda",
+ "restrict": "Obmedziť",
+ "setNull": "Nastaviť NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Nastaviť predvolené"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Vyberte polia z pravého panelu na pridanie",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Nenašli sa žiadne možnosti",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Ste si istí, že chcete odoslať tento formulár?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Zdá sa, že tento zásobník nemá žiadne záznamy",
+ "fromScratch": "Od začiatku",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Z súborov a externých zdrojov",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Priamo v reálnom čase",
+ "categories": "Kategórie",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Stĺpec neviditeľný",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Žiadne podmienky neboli pridané"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Upravené",
+ "configuration": "Konfigurácia",
+ "setup": "Nastavenie",
+ "configLabel": "Konfigurovať {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Prepnúť na produkčnú aplikáciu",
+ "sharedBase": "Zdieľaná základňa",
+ "fieldID": "ID stĺpec",
+ "addDescription": "Pridať popis",
+ "editDescription": "Upraviť popis",
+ "urlFormula": "URL vzorec",
+ "selectIcon": "žiadne",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--vyberte webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Otvoriť URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Spustiť Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Na kliknutie",
+ "defaultView": "Predvolený pohľad",
+ "recordInsert": "Vloženie záznamu",
+ "recordUpdate": "Aktualizácia záznamu",
+ "recordDelete": "Vymazanie záznamu",
+ "supportDocs": "Dokumentácia Podpora",
+ "addedOn": "Pridané dňa",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Zmeniť pole zobrazovanej hodnoty",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Vybrať pole zobrazovanej hodnoty",
+ "changeTitleField": "Zmeniť pole názvu",
+ "clearAll": "Vyčistiť všetko",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Vyhľadávacie polia zobrazujú údaje z prepojených záznamov. Vyberte konkrétne polia z ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabuľky na pridanie ako vyhľadávacie polia v tejto tabuľke.",
+ "formatting": "Formátovanie",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Vyberte typ formátu (voliteľný)- -",
+ "formatType": "Typ formátu",
+ "toUpload": "na nahratie",
+ "dragFilesHere": "pretiahnuť súbory sem",
+ "browseFiles": "prehliadať súbory",
+ "clickTo": "Kliknite k",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Prosím, povoľte prístup k vašej kamere",
+ "openFile": "Otvoriť súbor",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Zadajte platnú URL pre nahranie súborov",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Pridať súbory z URL",
+ "uploading": "Nahrávanie",
+ "dropHere": "Sem presuňte",
+ "addMore": "Pridať ďalšie",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Vymazať všetky súbory",
+ "integration": "Integrácia",
+ "notRecommended": "Neodporúča sa",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "selectView": "Vyberte zobrazenie",
+ "connectionDetails": "Detaily pripojenia zdroja",
+ "metaSync": "Meta Synchronizácia",
+ "mention": "Zmieniť",
+ "today": "Dnes",
+ "currentDate": "Aktuálny dátum",
+ "workspace": "Pracovný priestor",
+ "txt": "Hodnota TXT záznamu",
+ "transferOwnership": "Prenos Vlastníctva",
+ "recentActivity": "Nedávna Aktivita",
+ "goToMembers": "Prejsť na Členov",
+ "addMember": "Pridať Člena",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Č. Členov",
+ "numberOfBases": "Č. Základov",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Č. Záznamov",
+ "workspaceName": "Názov Pracovného Priestoru",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Pracovný Priestor bez Vlastníkov",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Pozvať Užívateľov do Pracovného Priestoru",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-vybrať pracovné priestory na pozvanie-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Pridať Členov do Organizácie",
+ "memberIn": "Člen v:",
+ "assignAs": "Priradiť ako",
+ "signOutUser": "Odhlásiť užívateľa",
+ "signOutUsers": "Odhlásiť užívateľov",
+ "deactivateUser": "Deaktivovať Užívateľa",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Deaktivovať Užívateľov",
+ "lastActive": "Posledná Aktivita",
+ "dateAdded": "Dátum Pridania",
+ "uploadImage": "Nahrať Obrázok",
+ "organizationProfile": "Profil Organizácie",
+ "organizationImage": "Obrázok Organizácie",
+ "organizationName": "Názov Organizácie",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktívne Domény",
+ "domains": "Domény",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Zakázať Verejné Zdieľanie",
+ "shareSettings": "Nastavenia Zdieľania",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Vymazať Užívateľa a jeho dáta",
+ "userOptions": "Možnosti Užívateľa",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Vymazať túto Organizáciu",
+ "dangerZone": "Nebezpečná Zóna",
+ "childView": "Detské zobrazenie",
+ "selectYear": "Vyberte rok",
+ "save": "Uložiť",
+ "cancel": "Zrušiť",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL metadát",
+ "audience-entityId": "Publikum/ID subjektu",
+ "redirectUrl": "URL presmerovania",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "newProvider": "Nový poskytovateľ",
+ "generalSettings": "Všeobecné nastavenia",
+ "adminPanel": "Administratívny Panel",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Presunúť Pracovný Priestor do Organizácie",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO nastavenia",
+ "addDomain": "Pridať Doménu",
+ "domain": "Doména",
+ "settings": "Nastavenia",
+ "workspaces": "Pracovné Priestory",
+ "back": "Späť",
+ "dashboard": "Palubná Doska",
+ "organizeBy": "Zoradiť podľa",
+ "previous": "Predchádzajúci",
+ "nextMonth": "Nasledujúci mesiac",
+ "previousMonth": "Predchádzajúci mesiac",
+ "next": "Ďalší",
+ "organiseBy": "Zoradiť podľa",
+ "heading1": "Nadpis 1",
+ "heading2": "Nadpis 2",
+ "heading3": "Nadpis 3",
+ "bold": "Tučné",
+ "italic": "Kurzíva",
+ "underline": "Podčiarknutie",
+ "strike": "Prečiarknuť",
+ "taskList": "Zoznam úloh",
+ "bulletList": "Bodkovaný zoznam",
+ "numberedList": "Číslovaný zoznam",
+ "downloadData": "Stiahnuť údaje",
+ "blockQuote": "Blokový citát",
+ "noToken": "Žiadny token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Každý používateľ môže mať iba jeden token",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Súbor s názvom {filename} je už pripojený",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID TABUĽKY: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "ID ZOBRAZENIA: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Na adresu",
+ "subject": "Predmet",
+ "body": "Telo",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Čísla mobilných telefónov oddelené čiarkou",
+ "headerName": "Názov hlavičky",
+ "icon": "Ikona",
+ "max": "Maximum",
+ "enableRichText": "Povoliť formátovaný text",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Adresa skopírovaného záznamu",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Kopírovať adresu URL záznamu",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Duplikovať záznam",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Formát binárneho kódovania",
"syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
+ "examples": "Príklady",
+ "durationInfo": "Trvanie v minútach alebo sekundách (napr. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Pridať hlavičku",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Zadajte predvolenú URL (voliteľné)",
+ "negative": "Negatívne",
+ "discard": "Zahodiť",
+ "default": "Predvolený",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Predvolené číslo (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Formát trvania",
+ "dateFormat": "Formát dátumu",
+ "timeFormat": "Formát času",
+ "singularLabel": "Titulok v jednotnom čísle",
+ "pluralLabel": "Titulok v množnom čísle",
+ "selectDateField": "Vyberte pole dátumu",
+ "endDateField": "Pole dátumu konca",
+ "optional": "(Voliteľné)",
+ "clickToMake": "Kliknite na vytvorenie",
+ "visibleForRole": "viditeľné pre rolu:",
+ "inUI": "v UI Dashboard",
+ "projectSettings": "Základné nastavenia",
+ "clickToHide": "Kliknite na skrytie",
+ "clickToDownload": "Kliknite na stiahnutie",
+ "forRole": "pre úlohu",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Kliknite pre skopírovanie ID tabuľky",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Kliknite na kopírovanie ID zobrazenia",
+ "viewMode": "Režim zobrazenia",
+ "searchUsers": "Hľadať používateľov",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "allTables": "Všetky tabuľky",
+ "members": "Členovia",
+ "dataSources": "Zdrojové dáta",
+ "connectDataSource": "Pripojiť externé údaje",
+ "searchProjects": "Hľadať databázy",
"createdBy": "Vytvoril",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Zobrazovanie príloh z",
+ "readOnly": "Len na čítanie",
+ "createdOn": "Vytvorené dňa",
"notifyVia": "Upozorniť prostredníctvom",
"projName": "Názov projektu",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "accountDetails": "Detaily účtu",
+ "controlAppearance": "Ovládajte svoj vzhľad.",
+ "accountEmailID": "ID emailu účtu",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Späť do pracovného priestoru",
+ "untitledToken": "Nepomenovaný token",
"tableName": "Názov tabuľky",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Názov dashboardu",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Vytvára sa zobrazenie",
+ "duplicateView": "Duplikovať zobrazenie",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Duplikovať zobrazenie mriežky",
+ "createGridView": "Vytvoriť zobrazenie mriežky",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplikovať zobrazenie galérie",
+ "createGalleryView": "Vytvoriť zobrazenie galérie",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Duplikovať zobrazenie formulára",
+ "createFormView": "Vytvoriť zobrazenie formulára",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplikovať zobrazenie Kanban",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplikovať zobrazenie kalendára",
+ "createKanbanView": "Vytvoriť zobrazenie Kanban",
+ "createCalendarView": "Vytvoriť zobrazenie kalendára",
"viewName": "Zobraziť názov",
"viewLink": "Zobraziť odkaz",
"columnName": "Názov stĺpca",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Zadajte do databázy",
"lengthValue": "Dĺžka/hodnota",
"dbType": "Typ databázy",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "názov serveru / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "Cesta k súboru SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Adresa hostiteľa",
+ "port": "Číslo portu",
"username": "Používateľské meno",
"password": "Heslo",
"schemaName": "Názov schémy",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Akcia",
"actions": "Činnosti",
"operation": "Operácia",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Podopácia",
"operationType": "Typ operácie",
"operationSubType": "Podtyp operácie",
"description": "Popis",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Kde",
"cache": "Cache",
"chat": "Chat",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Zobraziť alebo skryť",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV súbor",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON súbor",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-mail",
@@ -873,13 +876,13 @@
"created": "Vytvorené",
"sqlOutput": "Výstup SQL",
"addOption": "Pridať možnosť",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Farba rozhrania",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Stĺpec s hodnotou QR kódu",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Stĺpec s hodnotou čiarového kódu",
"barcodeFormat": "Formát čiarového kódu",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Príliš veľa znakov pre kód QR",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Príliš veľa znakov pre čiarový kód",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "currentLocation": "Aktuálna poloha",
"lng": "Lng",
"lat": "Lat",
"aggregateFunction": "Súhrnná funkcia",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Pripojte sa ku komunite NocoDB",
"joinReddit": "Pripojte sa k /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Sledujte NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Preložené komunitou/AI)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Odkaz na dokument",
"selectUserRole": "Vyberte rolu používateľa",
"childTable": "Detský stôl",
"childColumn": "Detský stĺpec",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Detské pole",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Pripojte sa k cloudu zadarmo",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Prepojenie na iný záznam",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Odkazy",
"onUpdate": "O aktualizácii",
"onDelete": "Na vymazanie",
"account": "Účet",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Vlastná téma",
"requestDataSource": "Požadujete zdroj údajov, ktorý potrebujete?",
"apiKey": "Kľúč API",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Osobný prístupový token",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Zdieľaná základná URL",
"importData": "Import údajov",
"importSecondaryViews": "Import sekundárnych zobrazení",
"importRollupColumns": "Importovanie stĺpcov rolovania",
"importLookupColumns": "Importovanie stĺpcov vyhľadávania",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import stĺpcov príloh",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import stĺpcov vzorca",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Import užívateľov (podľa emailu)",
"noData": "Žiadne údaje",
"goToDashboard": "Prejsť na prístrojový panel",
"importing": "Importovanie",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Formátovať JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Automaticky vybrať typy polí",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Použiť prvý záznam ako hlavičky",
"flattenNested": "Sploštenie vnorených",
"downloadAllowed": "Stiahnuť povolené",
"weAreHiring": "Prijímame zamestnancov!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "má mnoho",
"belongsTo": "patrí",
"manyToMany": "majú veľa k mnohým vzťah",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "majú jeden na jedného vzťah",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Ďalšie parametre pripojenia",
"commentsOnly": "Len pripomienky",
"documentation": "Dokumentácia",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Prihláste sa na odber nášho týždenného spravodajcu",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "Zaregistrujte sa pomocou {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "Prihlásiť sa pomocou {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "Registráciou súhlasíte s podmienkami služby",
"welcomeToNc": "Vitajte na NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "Povoľte registráciu len pomocou url pozvánky",
"nextRow": "Ďalší riadok",
"prevRow": "Predchádzajúci rad",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Manuálne pridanie údajov v zobrazení mriežky",
+ "addRowForm": "Zadajte údaje záznamu cez formulár",
+ "noAccess": "Žiadny prístup",
+ "restApis": "REST API",
+ "apis": "API",
+ "apiSnippet": "API výstrižky",
+ "includeData": "Zahrnúť údaje",
+ "includeView": "Zahrnúť zobrazenie",
+ "includeWebhook": "Zahrnúť webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Priblížte sa na zobrazenie stĺpcov",
+ "embedInSite": "Vložte toto zobrazenie do vašej stránky",
+ "titleRequired": "Titul je povinný.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Je vyžadovaný názov zdroja",
+ "changeWsName": "Zmeniť názov pracovného priestoru",
+ "pressEnter": "Stlačte Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Nové pole",
+ "saveChanges": "Uložiť zmeny",
+ "updatedField": "Aktualizované pole",
+ "deletedField": "Odstránené pole",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Neúplná konfigurácia",
+ "selectField": "Vyberte pole",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Farba pozadia",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Skryť značku NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "Zobrazovať pod podmienkami",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Zobrazuje pole iba po splnení podmienok",
+ "limitOptions": "Obmedziť možnosti",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Obmedzte možnosti viditeľné pre používateľov výberom dostupných možností",
+ "clearSelection": "Vymazať výber",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Zobraziť ako priebeh",
+ "relationType": "Typ vzťahu",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Zobraziť tisícové oddeľovače",
+ "signUpForFree": "Zaregistrujte sa zadarmo",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Prispôsobiť obrázok",
+ "coverImageArea": "Obrázok na titulnú stranu",
+ "syncData": "Synchronizácia údajov",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Zaregistrujte služby, o ktoré máte záujem, aby ste dostali oznámenia, keď budú dostupné",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Presmerovať na URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Detaily Webhooku",
+ "hideWeekends": "Skryť víkendy",
+ "renameBase": "Premenovanie Základu",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Premenovať pracovný priestor",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktivovať",
+ "manageUsers": "Spravovať Užívateľov",
+ "newWorkspace": "Nový Pracovný Priestor",
+ "addDomain": "Pridať Doménu",
+ "addMembers": "Pridať členov",
+ "enterEmail": "Vložiť e-mailové adresy",
+ "inviteToBase": "Pozvať do projektu",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Pozvať do Pracovného Priestoru",
+ "addMember": "Pridať člena do projektu",
+ "noRange": "Zobrazenie kalendára vyžaduje rozsah dátumov",
+ "goToToday": "Prejsť na dnešný deň",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Prepnúť bočný panel",
+ "addEndDate": "Pridať dátum konca",
+ "withEndDate": "s dátumom konca",
+ "calendar": "Kalendár",
+ "viewSettings": "Zobraziť nastavenia",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Zaregistrujte poskytovateľa identity OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "Zaregistrujte poskytovateľa identity SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "Otvoriť na novej karte",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopírovať IFrame kód",
+ "onCondition": "Na podmienkach",
+ "bulkDownload": "Hromadné stiahnutie",
+ "attachFile": "Priložiť súbor",
+ "viewAttachment": "Zobraziť prílohy",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Kliknite alebo presuňte súbor do bunky",
+ "addFiles": "Pridať súbor(y)",
+ "hideInUI": "Skryť v rozhraní",
+ "addBase": "Pridať základ",
+ "addParameter": "Pridať parameter",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Odoslať ďalší formulár",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Presuňte a pustite polia sem na pridanie",
+ "editSource": "Upraviť zdroj údajov",
+ "enterText": "Zadajte text",
+ "okEditBase": "Projekt Ok & Edit Base",
+ "showInUI": "Zobraziť v UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Nie je synchronizované",
+ "newSource": "Nový zdroj údajov",
+ "newWebhook": "Nový Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Povoliť verejný prístup",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Chcete uložiť zmeny?",
+ "editingAccess": "Prístup k úpravám",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable public viewing",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Obmedziť prístup heslom",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Spravovať prístup k projektu",
+ "allowDownload": "Povoliť stiahnutie",
+ "surveyMode": "Anketový režim",
+ "rtlOrientation": "Orientácia RTL",
+ "useTheme": "Použiť tému",
+ "copyLink": "Kopírovať odkaz",
+ "copiedLink": "Odkaz skopírovaný",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopírovať odkaz na pozvanie",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Skopírovaný odkaz na pozvanie",
"copyUrl": "Kopírovanie adresy URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Viac farieb",
+ "moveProject": "Presunúť projekt",
"createProject": "Vytvoriť projekt",
"importProject": "Import projektu",
"searchProject": "Vyhľadávací projekt",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Odstrániť projekt",
"refreshProject": "Projekty Refresh",
"saveProject": "Uložiť projekt",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Uložiť & ukončiť",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Vymazať zásobník?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Vytvorenie pripojením
k externej databáze",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Pomoc preložiť",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopírovanie autentifikačného tokenu",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Skopírovaný autentifikačný token",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API",
"projInfo": "Kopírovanie informácií o projekte",
"themes": "Témy"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Filter",
"addFilter": "Pridať filter",
"share": "Zdieľať",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Zoskupiť podľa",
+ "addSubGroup": "Nová podskupina",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Share base",
"disable": "Zakázanie zdieľanej základne",
"enable": "Ktokoľvek s odkazom",
"link": "Spoločné základné prepojenie"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Pozvať tím",
"inviteUser": "Pozvať používateľa",
"inviteToken": "Pozývací žetón",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Prepojené záznamy",
+ "addNewLink": "Pridať nový odkaz",
"newUser": "Nový používateľ",
"editUser": "Upraviť používateľa",
"deleteUser": "Odstránenie používateľa z projektu",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "Predchádzajúci rekord",
"copyApiURL": "Kopírovanie adresy URL API",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Vytvoriť dashboard",
+ "createWorkspace": "Vytvoriť pracovný priestor",
"refreshTable": "Tabuľky Obnovenie",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Premenovať tabuľku",
+ "renameLayout": "Premenovať rozloženie",
+ "deleteTable": "Odstrániť tabuľku",
"addField": "Pridanie nového poľa do tejto tabuľky",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Nastaviť ako zobrazovanú hodnotu",
"addRow": "Pridanie nového riadku",
"saveRow": "Uložiť riadok",
"saveAndExit": "Uložiť a ukončiť",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Vložiť nový riadok",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Odstrániť riadok",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Odstrániť záznamy",
+ "predictColumns": "Predvídať polia",
+ "predictFormulas": "Predvídať vzorce",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Odstránenie vybraných riadkov",
"importExcel": "Importovať aplikáciu Excel",
"importCSV": "Import CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Vytvorenie zobrazenia",
"shareView": "Zdieľať pohľad",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Vyplniť skenerom",
"listSharedView": "Zoznam zdieľaných zobrazení",
"ListView": "Zoznam zobrazení",
"copyView": "Zobrazenie kópie",
"renameView": "Premenovanie zobrazenia",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Nahrať údaje",
"deleteView": "Odstrániť zobrazenie",
"createGrid": "Vytvorenie zobrazenia mriežky",
"createGallery": "Vytvorenie zobrazenia galérie",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Otvoriť novú kartu",
"iFrame": "Kopírovanie vložiteľného kódu HTML",
"addWebhook": "Pridanie nového webového háčika",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Povoliť webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "Testovať webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Vytvoriť Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Kopírovať webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Odstrániť webhook",
"newToken": "Pridanie nového tokenu",
"exportZip": "Export zip",
"importZip": "Import zip",
"metaSync": "Synchronizovať teraz",
"settings": "Nastavenia",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validácie",
"previewAs": "Náhľad ako",
"resetReview": "Obnovenie náhľadu",
"testDbConn": "Testovanie pripojenia k databáze",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Pridať skupinu filtrov",
"linkRecord": "Záznam o prepojení",
"addNewRecord": "Pridať nový záznam",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Nový záznam",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Vytvoriť nový záznam",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' bol úspešne uložený a prepojený",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Záznam vytvorený a prepojený",
"useConnectionUrl": "Použitie adresy URL pripojenia",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
"expandRecord": "Rozšíriť záznam",
"deleteRecord": "Odstrániť záznam",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Celá šírka",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Ukončiť celú šírku",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Označiť všetko ako prečítané",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Odstrániť pole",
+ "addNumber": "Pridať pole pre číslo",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Pridať pole pre jedno riadkové texty",
+ "addLongText": "Pridať pole pre dlhé texty",
+ "addOther": "Pridať iné pole"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Zobraziť stĺpce",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Zrútiť zásobník",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Zbaliť všetko",
+ "expandAll": "Rozbaliť všetko",
+ "renameStack": "Premenovať zásobník",
"deleteStack": "Odstrániť zásobník",
"stackedBy": "Naskladané podľa",
"chooseGroupingField": "Výber zoskupovacieho poľa",
"addOrEditStack": "Pridať / upraviť zásobník"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Mapované podľa",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Vyberte mapové pole",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Prepnutie mobilného režimu",
+ "startCommenting": "Začnite komentovať!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Zatiaľ žiadne komentáre!",
+ "clearForm": "Vyčistiť formulár",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Pridať pole",
+ "selectAllFields": "Vybrať všetky polia",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Povoliť predvyplnenie",
+ "default": "Predvolené",
+ "locked": "Zamknúť vopred vyplnené polia ako iba na čítanie",
+ "hidden": "Skryť vopred vyplnené polia",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Vopred vyplnená hodnota"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Získať odkaz s vopred vyplnenou hodnotou",
+ "group": "Skupina",
+ "goToDocs": "Prejsť na dokumenty",
+ "addCondition": "Pridať podmienku",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Pridať skupinu podmienok"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Povoliť, aby toto pripojenie bolo súkromné a skryté pred ostatnými tvorcami v tomto pracovnom priestore.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Voliteľné. Použije sa predvolená databáza \"{database}\", ak zostane prázdne",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Voliteľné. Použije sa predvolená schéma \"{schema}\", ak zostane prázdne.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Úprava schémy je pre tento zdroj údajov zakázaná.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Tento typ údajov nie je povolený.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Táto možnosť umožňuje modifikáciu schémy databázy vrátane pridávania, zmeny alebo mazania tabuliek a stĺpcov. Používajte s opatrnosťou, pretože zmeny môžu ovplyvniť štrukturálnu integritu vašej databázy.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Táto možnosť umožňuje vytváranie, aktualizáciu alebo mazanie záznamov v databázových tabuľkách. Ideálne pre administratívnych používateľov, ktorí potrebujú meniť údaje priamo.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Uloženie zmien",
"xcDB": "Vytvorenie nového projektu",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Dodáva sa v čiernej farbe ? (^⇧B)"
"addTable": "Pridanie novej tabuľky",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Pridať nový dashboard",
"inviteMore": "Pozvanie ďalších používateľov",
"toggleNavDraw": "Prepnúť navigačnú zásuvku",
"reloadApiToken": "Načítanie tokenov API",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Vyberte súbor .key",
"clientCert": "Vyberte súbor .cert",
"clientCA": "Vyberte súbor CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Zmeniť farbu ikony",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Režim formulára s jedným poľom na stránku",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Použiť editačné menu pre typové konverzie po importovaní súboru",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Úloha zdedená z pracovného priestoru",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Už čoskoro! Kliknite na podporu integrácie, ktorú potrebujete v NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Vyhľadať ikony",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Vybrať kanály Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Vybrať kanály Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Vybrať kanály Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Vybrať kanály Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "Názov Webhooku",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Vybrať pole pre hodnotu čiarového kódu",
+ "notFoundContent": "Nie je možné nájsť platný typ poľa.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Vybrať formát čiarového kódu",
"projName": "Zadajte názov projektu",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Vybrať pole pre zoskupenie",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Nie je možné nájsť pole s jednoduchým výberom. Najprv ho prosím vytvorte.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Vyberte pole pre obrázok na titulnú stranu",
+ "selectGeoField": "Vybrať pole pre GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-nevybrané-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Nie je možné nájsť pole GeoData. Najprv ho prosím vytvorte.",
"password": {
"enter": "Zadajte heslo",
"current": "Aktuálne heslo",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Uložiť heslo",
"confirm": "Potvrdenie nového hesla"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Vybrať pole pre hodnotu QR kódu",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Povoliť záporné čísla",
"searchProjectTree": "Vyhľadávacie tabuľky",
"searchFields": "Vyhľadávacie polia",
"searchColumn": "Vyhľadávanie v stĺpci {search}",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrovanie podľa e-mailu",
"filterQuery": "Filtrovanie dotazu",
"selectField": "Vyberte pole",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Presnosť",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Hodnota",
+ "key": "Kľúč",
+ "createTable": "Vytvorte si svoju prvú tabuľku!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Neboli vytvorené žiadne API tokeny",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Pozvite svoj tím",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Vyhľadávanie možností"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Neplatná konfigurácia tlačidla",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Neplatná konfigurácia stĺpca",
+ "invalidTheme": "Vyberte platnú tému",
+ "invalidColor": "Vyberte platnú farbu",
+ "invalidType": "Typ tlačidla môže byť buď 'webhook' alebo 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Zadajte platný názov tlačidla",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Táto funkcia nie je dostupná pre vašu databázu",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kontrolujte názov a výzor vašej organizácie.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Pridajte firemné domény na obmedzenie prístupu nežiaducim užívateľom.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Obmedzte užívateľov pred možnosťou zdieľania základov verejne.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Vyberte používateľov, ktorí budú odstránení zo všetkých pracovných priestorov organizácie a zmazaní.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Vymazať všetkých používateľov, projekty a dáta súvisiace s touto organizáciou",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Kliknite pre kopírovanie Id poľa",
+ "enterPassword": "Zadajte heslo",
+ "bySigningUp": "Pri registrácii súhlasíte s",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Prihláste sa na odber nášho týždenného newslettera",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Overenie hesla",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Tento zdieľaný pohľad je chránený",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Údaje formulára boli úspešne odoslané",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Formulárové zobrazenie nie je podporované na mobilných zariadeniach",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Zobrazenie kalendára nie je podporované na mobilných zariadeniach",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Nový formulár sa načíta po {seconds} sekundách",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimalizovaný dotaz je zakázaný",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimalizovaný dotaz je povolený",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Pole vyhľadávania nie je podporované pre vzťah nepatrí do",
+ "invalidTime": "Neplatný čas",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Nemáte žiadne podporované odkazy pre {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Záznam sa nepodarilo nájsť",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Neplatné číslo telefónu",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Veľkosť stránky sa zmenila",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Chyba pri načítaní údajov",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Použite premennú kontextu",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "telo",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "na odkaz na daný záznam",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Nápoveda: Použite {placeholder1} na odkazovanie na polia, napríklad: {placeholder2}. Viac informácií nájdete v",
+ "hintEnd": "Formuly.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Nebola nájdená žiadna navrhovaná formula",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Nenašlo sa žiadne odporúčané pole",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} vyžaduje {type} na mieste {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Očakáva sa číselný typ",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Očakáva sa typ reťazca",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Operácia {operation} nie je k dispozícii",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Nemôžeme uložiť pole, pretože formula je neplatná",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Nie je podporované odkazovanie na pole {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Očakáva sa typ {type}, ale nájdený typ {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vyžaduje {requiredArguments} argumentov",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vyžaduje minimálne {minRequiredArguments} argumentov",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} vyžaduje maximálne {maxRequiredArguments} argumentov",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Funkcia {function} nie je k dispozícii",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Prvým parametrom WEEKDAY() by mala byť hodnota dátumu",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Druhým parametrom WEEKDAY() by mala byť hodnota buď \"nedeľa\", \"pondelok\", \"utorok\", \"streda\", \"štvrtok\", \"piatok\" alebo \"sobota\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Prvým parametrom DATEADD() by mala byť hodnota dátumu",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Druhým parametrom DATEADD() by mala byť číselná hodnota",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Tretím parametrom DATEADD() by mala byť hodnota buď \"deň\", \"týždeň\", \"mesiac\" alebo \"rok\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Prvým parametrom DATEDIFF() by mala byť hodnota dátumu",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Druhým parametrom DATEDIFF() by mala byť hodnota dátumu",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Tretí parameter DATETIME_DIFF() by mal mať hodnotu buď \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", alebo \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Pole {columnName} nie je dostupné",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Pole sa nedá uložiť, pretože spôsobuje cyklickú referenciu",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Pole {columnName} s typom {columnType} je nájdené, ale očakáva sa typ {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} nezodpovedá typu {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Možnosti výberu nemôžu byť nulové",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Polia MultiSelect nemôžu obsahovať čiarky (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Možnosti výberu nemôžu obsahovať duplicity",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Vytvoriť novú možnosť s názvom"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Zadajte číslo, prosím",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Zadajte email, prosím",
+ "invalidDate": "Neplatný dátum",
+ "invalidLocale": "Neplatný jazyk",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Neplatný kód meny",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL typ 'money' má vlastné nastavenia meny",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Platné Typy Polí pre Pole Čiarového Kódu sú: Číslo, Text na Jeden Riadok, Dlhý Text, Telefónne Číslo, URL, Email, Desatinné Číslo. Najskôr prosím vytvorte jedno.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Má veľa vzťahov",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jeden záznam z tabuľky ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " môže byť prepojený s viacerými záznamami z tabuľky "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Mnoho na Mnoho Vzťah",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Viacero záznamov z tabuľky ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " môže byť prepojených s viacerými záznamami z tabuľky "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Patrí do Vzťahu",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jeden záznam z tabuľky ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " môže byť prepojený s jedným záznamom z tabuľky "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Jedno na Jeden Vzťah",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Jeden záznam z tabuľky ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " môže byť prepojený s jedným záznamom z tabuľky "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Zdá sa, že ešte neboli prepojené žiadne záznamy.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Žiadne záznamy nie sú prepojené",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Žiadne prepojené záznamy",
+ "recordsLinked": "záznamy prepojené",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Akceptovať iba platné {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Vytvorte osobné API tokeny na použitie v automatizácii alebo externých aplikáciách.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Vyberte pole na triedenie",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Vyberte pole na zoskupenie",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "V tabuľke nie sú žiadne záznamy",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Momentálne nie sú dostupné záznamy na prepojenie",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Začnite s web-hookmi!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Napájajte svoje automatizácie. Nechajte sa okamžite notifikovať, ak sa objavia zmeny vo vašich údajoch",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Naozaj chcete odstrániť nasledujúce",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Naozaj chcete {deleteLabel} nasledujúce",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Pole ID je povinné, môžete ho neskôr premenovať, ak je to potrebné.",
+ "length59Required": "Dĺžka presahuje maximálne 59 znakov",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Nemáte žiadne nové oznámenia",
+ "noRecordFound": "Záznam nenájdený",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Nenašli sa žiadne záznamy",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Žiadne záznamy nevyhovujú vášmu dopytu",
+ "rowDeleted": "Záznam bol vymazaný",
+ "saveChanges": "Chcete uložiť zmeny?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Pole je príliš veľké na prevod na {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Je požadovaná rola",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Polia tlačidiel spoliehajúce sa na tento webhook budú ovplyvnené",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban zobrazenie vyžaduje nastavenie jedného výberového poľa. Skúste nastaviť kanban zobrazenie po pridaní jedného výberového poľa!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Zobrazenie mapy vyžaduje nastavenie poľa pre geografické údaje. Skúste nastaviť zobrazenie mapy po pridaní poľa pre geografické údaje!",
+ "dbValid": "Zabezpečte platnosť databázy, aby ste predišli strate schémy",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Chyba čiarového kódu - skontrolujte kompatibilitu medzi vstupom a typom čiarového kódu"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Varovanie: Vypočítané pole - nie je možné vymazať text",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Varovanie: Polia QR nie je možné priamo meniť.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Upozornenie: Polia čiarového kódu nemožno priamo zmeniť."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Naozaj chcete duplicovať základ?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Naozaj chcete duplicovať tabuľku?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Nemôžete zmeniť viditeľnosť poľa, ktoré sa upravuje. Najprv uložte alebo zrušte zmeny.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Nie je možné presunúť pole, ktoré sa práve upravuje. Najprv uložte alebo zrušte zmeny.",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Nie je možné presunúť pole, ktoré bolo odstránené. Najprv uložte alebo zrušte zmeny."
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Nebudete môcť posúvať záznamy medzi dátumami, keď sú použité vypočítané alebo systémové stĺpce.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Zmeny schémy sú pre tento zdroj zakázané",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Zadajte názov pracovného priestoru",
+ "enterBaseName": "Zadajte názov projektu",
+ "idpPaste": "Vložte tieto URL do konzoly poskytovateľov identity",
+ "noSaml": "Neexistujú žiadne nakonfigurované autentifikácie SAML.",
+ "noOIDC": "Nie sú nakonfigurované žiadne OpenID autentifikácie.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Zakázané, pretože zobrazenie je uzamknuté",
+ "basesMigrated": "Základy sú migrované. Skúste znova.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Operácia Vložiť nie je podporovaná v aktívnej bunke",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator môže vytvárať nové projekty a pristupovať k ľubovoľnému pozvanému projektu.",
"orgViewer": "Prehliadač nemôže vytvárať nové projekty, ale môže pristupovať k ľubovoľnému pozvanému projektu."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Načítavam skener...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Prekročili ste limit.",
+ "closeLimit": "Blížite sa k limitu.",
+ "limitNumber": "Limit ukazovateľov zobrazených v zobrazení Mapy je 1000 záznamov."
"footerInfo": "Riadky na stránku",
"upload": "Vyberte súbor na odoslanie",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Zadajte vstupný štítok formulára",
"formHelpText": "Pridanie textu nápovedy",
"onlyCreator": "Viditeľné len pre Stvoriteľa",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Pridať názov formulára",
"formDesc": "Pridanie popisu formulára",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Obmedzenie prístupu pomocou hesla",
"afterEnablePwd": "Prístup je obmedzený heslom",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Prístup k projektu cez",
"submitAnotherForm": "Zobrazenie tlačidla Odoslať ďalší formulár",
"showBlankForm": "Zobrazenie prázdneho formulára po 5 sekundách",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Odoslať odpovede emailom",
"showSysFields": "Zobrazenie systémových polí",
"filterAutoApply": "Automatická aplikácia",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Zobraziť správu",
"viewNotShared": "Súčasný pohľad nie je zdieľaný!",
"showAllViews": "Zobrazenie všetkých zdieľaných zobrazení tejto tabuľky",
"collabView": "Spolupracovníci s oprávneniami na úpravu alebo vyššími môžu zmeniť konfiguráciu zobrazenia.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Pridanie zobrazenia galérie",
"form": "Pridanie zobrazenia formulára",
"kanban": "Pridanie zobrazenia Kanban",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Pridať zobrazenie Mapy",
"calendar": "Pridanie zobrazenia kalendára"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Metadáta tabuliek sú synchronizované",
"addMultipleUsers": "Môžete pridať viacero e-mailov oddelených čiarkou(,)",
"enterTableName": "Zadajte názov tabuľky",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Zadajte popis tabuľky...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Zadajte popis stĺpca...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Zadajte popis pohľadu...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Zadajte názov rozloženia",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Zadajte názov dashboardu",
+ "defaultColumns": "Predvolené polia",
"addDefaultColumns": "Pridanie predvolených stĺpcov",
"tableNameInDb": "Názov tabuľky uložený v databáze",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Táto hodnota je už v zozname",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Žiadne stĺpce na aktualizáciu",
"tableDeleted": "Úspešne odstránená tabuľka",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Rozloženie bolo úspešne odstránené",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generovanie verejne zdieľateľnej základne len na čítanie",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Ste si istí, že chcete toto zobrazenie odstrániť?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Ste si istí, že chcete toto rozloženie odstrániť?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Chcete odstrániť tabuľku",
"showM2mTables": "Zobraziť tabuľky M2M",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Vzťah mnohí k mnohým je podporovaný prostredníctvom spojovacej tabuľky a je v predvolenom nastavení skrytý. Zapnite túto možnosť, aby boli všetky takéto tabuľky zobrazené spolu s existujúcimi tabuľkami.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Zobraziť NULL v bunkách",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Zobraziť štítok 'NULL' v bunkách, ktoré obsahujú hodnotu NULL. To pomáha rozlíšiť od buniek obsahujúcich PRÁZDNÝ reťazec.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Zobraziť NULL a PRÁZDNY vo filtri",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Zapnite 'ďalšie' filtre, aby ste rozlíšili polia, ktoré obsahujú NULL a Prázdne reťazce. Predvolené spracovanie Prázdna zaobchádza s NULL a Prázdnymi reťazcami rovnako.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Odstránením tohto zásobníka sa odstráni aj možnosť výberu `{stackToBeDeleted}` z `{groupingField}`. Záznamy sa presunú do zásobníka bez kategórií.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Vypočítané pole: obsah je len na čítanie. Na zmenu konfigurácie použite ponuku úprav stĺpcov",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Vypočítané pole: obsah je len na čítanie. Nie je možné vymazať obsah.",
"noMoreRecords": "Žiadne ďalšie záznamy",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Názov tokenu nesmie byť prázdny",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Názov tokenu by nemal presahovať 255 znakov",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Je vyžadovaný názov databázy",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Názov pracovného priestoru je vyžadovaný",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Názov pracovného priestoru musí byť aspoň 3 znaky dlhý",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Názov pracovného priestoru môže mať najviac 50 znakov",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Odstrániť tento pracovný priestor a všetok jeho obsah.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Chápem, že táto akcia je nevratná",
+ "pageNotFound": "Stránka nenájdená",
+ "makeLineBreak": "na vytvorenie zalomenia riadku",
+ "goToPrevious": "Choď na predchádzajúce",
+ "goToNext": "Choď na ďalšie",
+ "thankYou": "Ďakujem!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Údaje z formulára boli úspešne odoslané.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Úprava systémového kľúča nie je podporovaná",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Momentálne nie je k dispozícii",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operácia skupinového vloženia nie je podporovaná na stĺpci Odkazy/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operácia skupinového vymazania nie je podporovaná na stĺpci Odkazy/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade na edíciu Enterprise {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Táto funkcia je dostupná iba v edícii Enterprise",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Vaša aktuálna rola je",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Požiadajte o vyššie povolenie od administrátora / vlastníka projektu / vlastníka pracovného priestoru, aby ste získali prístup k tomuto {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Nemôžete skryť všetky možnosti, ak je pole povinné"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Manuálne spúšťače nemôžu byť deaktivované",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Chyba pri načítaní dát záznamu",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Chyba pri načítaní údajov kalendára",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Chyba pri načítaní aktívnych dátumov",
+ "scopesRequired": "Vyžadujú sa povolenia",
+ "domainRequired": "Vyžaduje sa názov domény",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Je vyžadovaná URL adresa pre autentifikáciu",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Je vyžadovaný atribút používateľského mena",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Je vyžadované ID klienta",
+ "issuerRequired": "Je vyžadovaný vydavateľ",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Je vyžadovaný klientska tajomstvo",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "Je vyžadovaný JWK URL",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Je vyžadovaný URL tokenu",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "Je vyžadovaný URL UserInfo",
+ "eitherXML": "Buď je vyžadovaný xml alebo url metadát.",
+ "nameRequired": "Názov je povinný",
+ "nameMinLength": "Názov musí byť aspoň 2 znaky dlhý",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Názov môže mať najviac 60 znakov",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Je vyžadovaný názov zobrazenia",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Vyžaduje sa názov domény",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Názov môže mať najviac 256 znakov",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Názov zobrazenia musí byť unikátny",
"searchProject": "Vaše vyhľadávanie na {search} nenašlo žiadne výsledky",
"invalidChar": "Neplatný znak v ceste k priečinku.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Neplatné poverenia databázy.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Nie je možné sa pripojiť k databáze, skontrolujte, či je databáza funkčná.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Neplatný rok",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Používateľ neexistuje alebo nemá dostatočné oprávnenie na vytvorenie schémy.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Neplatné parametre databázy",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Zlyhanie pripojenia:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Existuje nulový filter. Prosím, odstráňte ich",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Email je povinný",
"emailInvalid": "E-mail musí byť platný",
"passwdRequired": "Vyžaduje sa heslo",
"passwdLength": "Heslo musí mať aspoň 8 znakov.",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Jedno číslo",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Jeden špeciálny znak",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Zoznam povolených špeciálnych znakov",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Neplatné emaily",
+ "invalidEmail": "Neplatný email"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Neplatný XML",
"invalidURL": "Neplatná adresa URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Neplatný email",
"internalError": "Vyskytla sa nejaká vnútorná chyba",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Generátor šablón nemožno nájsť!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Nepodarilo sa nahrať súbor",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Meno by malo začínať abecedou alebo _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Nasledujúce znaky nie sú povolené",
"columnNameRequired": "Vyžaduje sa názov stĺpca",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicitný názov stĺpca",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Názov už použitý pre systémové pole",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Typ dát UI je povinný",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} názov presahuje 50 znakov",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} názov nemôže začínať medzerou",
"requiredField": "Povinné pole",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP nie je povolená",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Cieľový súbor nie je akceptovaný typ súboru",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Akceptované typy súborov sú .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Kľúč parametra nemôže byť prázdny",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicitné kľúče parametrov nie sú povolené",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Toto pole nemôže byť prázdne.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projekt nie je prístupný",
"copyToClipboardError": "Nepodarilo sa skopírovať do schránky",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Nepodarilo sa vložiť z clipbortu",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Pred uložením dokončite konfiguráciu všetkých polí",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Niečo sa pokazilo",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Presunutý obsah nie je typu obrázka",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Pole na spracovanie údajov z obrázka",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Niektoré z povinných polí sú prázdne"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Úspešný export metadát projektu",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Už čoskoro!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Licenčný kľúč bol aktualizovaný",
"columnDuplicated": "Stĺpec bol úspešne duplikovaný",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Úspešne aktualizované používateľské rozhranie ACL pre tabuľky",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Nastavenia zásuvného modulu boli úspešne uložené",
"pluginTested": "Úspešne otestované nastavenia zásuvného modulu",
"tableRenamed": "Tabuľka bola úspešne premenovaná",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Rozloženie bolo úspešne premenované",
"viewDeleted": "Zobrazenie úspešne odstránené",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Úspešne aktualizované ako primárny stĺpec",
"tableDataExported": "Úspešný export všetkých údajov tabuľky",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "Úspešné odstránenie používateľa z projektu",
"inviteEmailSent": "Pozývací e-mail bol úspešne odoslaný",
"inviteURLCopied": "Adresa URL pozvánky skopírovaná do schránky",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Komentár skopírovaný do schránky",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "Adresa URL na obnovenie hesla skopírovaná do schránky",
"shareableURLCopied": "Skopírovaná zdieľateľná základná adresa URL do schránky!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Skopírovaný vložiteľný kód HTML!",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Heslo bolo úspešne zmenené. Prihláste sa znova.",
"settingsSaved": "Nastavenia boli úspešne uložené",
"roleUpdated": "Úloha bola úspešne aktualizovaná",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integrácia bola úspešne pripojená",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Základní používatelia a tvorcovia môžu teraz pridať zdroj dát bez opätovného zadávania prihlasovacích údajov."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/sl.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/sl.json
index ceebce7511..fb7210d547 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/sl.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/sl.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "Ustvari nov vmesnik",
+ "connect_data_sources": "Poveži vire podatkov",
+ "alert": "Opozorilo",
+ "alert-message": "Nobena baza podatkov ni bila povezana. Povežite baze za gradnjo vmesnikov. Preskočite ta korak in kasneje dodajte baze s domače strani baze.",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Izberite baze podatkov, ki jih želite povezati s tem vmesnikom.",
+ "create_interface": "Ustvari vmesnik",
+ "project_name": "Ime baze",
+ "connect": "Poveži",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "Odpri zunanjo povezavo",
+ "delete_record": "Izbriši zapis",
+ "update_record": "Posodobi zapis",
+ "open_layout": "Odpri postavitev"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "Besedilo",
+ "chart": "Graf",
+ "table": "Tabela",
+ "image": "Slika",
+ "map": "Zemljevid",
+ "button": "Gumb",
+ "number": "Številka",
+ "bar_chart": "Stolpčni graf",
+ "line_chart": "Črtni graf",
+ "area_chart": "Površinski graf",
+ "pie_chart": "Tortni graf",
+ "donut_chart": "Graf krofa",
+ "scatter_plot": "Razpršeni graf",
+ "bubble_chart": "Mehurčni grafikon",
+ "radar_chart": "Radarski grafikon",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polarni področni grafikon",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radialni stolpični grafikon",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Toplotna karta",
+ "treemap_chart": "Drevesna karta",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Boksplos grafikon",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Svečni grafikon"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
+ "sum": "Vsota",
+ "count": "Število",
+ "min": "Minimum",
+ "max": "Maksimum",
+ "avg": "Povprečje",
+ "median": "Mediana",
"std_dev": "Std dev",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Razpon",
+ "percent_empty": "Prazno",
+ "percent_filled": "Izpolnjeno",
+ "percent_unique": "Unikatno",
+ "count_unique": "Unikatno",
+ "count_empty": "Prazno",
+ "count_filled": "Izpolnjeno",
+ "earliest_date": "Najzgodnejši datum",
+ "latest_date": "Najpoznejši datum",
+ "date_range": "Razpon datuma",
+ "month_range": "Razpon meseca",
+ "checked": "Označeno",
+ "unchecked": "Neoznačeno",
+ "percent_checked": "Odstotek označenih",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Odstotek neoznačenih",
+ "attachment_size": "Velikost",
+ "none": "Noben"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "sum": "Vsota",
+ "count": "Število",
+ "min": "Najmanj",
+ "max": "Največ",
+ "avg": "Povprečje",
+ "median": "Mediana",
+ "std_dev": "Standardni odklon",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Razpon",
+ "percent_empty": "Odstotek praznih",
+ "percent_filled": "Odstotek izpolnjenih",
+ "percent_unique": "Odstotek unikatnih",
+ "count_unique": "Unikatno",
+ "count_empty": "Prazno",
+ "count_filled": "Izpolnjeno",
+ "earliest_date": "Najzgodnejši datum",
+ "latest_date": "Najpoznejši datum",
+ "date_range": "Razpon datuma",
+ "month_range": "Razpon meseca",
+ "checked": "Označeno",
+ "unchecked": "Neoznačeno",
+ "percent_checked": "Odstotek označenih",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Odstotek neoznačenih",
+ "attachment_size": "Velikost priloge",
+ "none": "Noben"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skripte",
+ "configure": "Konfiguriraj",
+ "switch": "Preklopi",
+ "on": "Vključeno",
+ "onMultiple": "Na več",
+ "manual": "Ročno",
+ "trigger": "Sprožilec",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "Slog",
+ "label": "Oznaka",
+ "role": "Vloga",
+ "general": "Splošno",
+ "quit": "Izhod",
"home": "Doma",
"load": "Load.",
"open": "Odprto",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "Da",
"no": "Ne",
"ok": "v redu",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Nazaj",
"and": "In",
"or": "Ali",
"add": "Dodaj",
"edit": "Uredi",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "Povezava",
+ "links": "Povezave",
"remove": "Odstrani",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "Uvozi",
+ "logout": "Odjava",
+ "empty": "Prazen",
+ "changeIcon": "Spremeni ikono",
"save": "Shrani",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Na voljo",
+ "abort": "Prekini",
+ "saving": "Shranjevanje",
"cancel": "Prekliči",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "escape": "Escap",
"hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "clear": "Počisti",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Komentar",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Citiraj",
"submit": "Pošlji",
"create": "Ustvari",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "createEntity": "Ustvari {entity}",
+ "creating": "Ustvarjanje",
+ "creatingEntity": "Ustvarjanje {entity}",
+ "details": "Podrobnosti",
+ "skip": "Preskoči",
+ "code": "Koda",
"duplicate": "Duplikatni",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "Podvajanje",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Podvoji {entity}",
+ "activate": "Aktiviraj",
+ "action": "Akcija",
"insert": "Vstavi",
"delete": "Izbrišite",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "Izbriši {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "Serijsko vstavljanje",
+ "bulkDelete": "Serijsko brisanje",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Serijska posodobitev",
+ "deleting": "Brisanje",
"update": "Nadgradnja",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Posodabljanje",
"rename": "Preimenovanje",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Preimenuj {entity}",
"reload": "Ponovno nalaganje",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Osveži",
"reset": "Ponastavi",
"install": "Namestite",
"show": "Pokaži",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "Dostop",
+ "visibility": "Vidnost",
"hide": "Skrij",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Zastarelo",
"showAll": "Pokaži vse",
"hideAll": "Skrij vse",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Ni najdeno",
"showMore": "Pokaži več",
"showOptions": "Prikaži možnosti",
"hideOptions": "Skrij možnosti",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "PRIJAVITI SE",
"signOut": "Odjava",
"required": "Obvezno",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "Omogoči skener za izpolnjevanje",
"preferred": "Prednost",
"mandatory": "Obvezno",
"loading": "Nalaganje ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Nalaganje",
"download": "Prenesi",
"default": "Privzeto",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Vir",
+ "datasource": "Vir podatkov",
"more": "Več.",
"less": "Manj",
"event": "Dogodek",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "Po tem",
"before": "Prej",
"search": "Iskanje",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Iskanje v",
"notification": "Obvestilo",
"reference": "Referenca",
"function": "Funkcija",
"confirm": "Potrdite",
"generate": "Ustvarjanje",
"copy": "Kopiraj",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Kopirano",
+ "are": "so",
"misc": "Različni",
"lock": "Zaklepanje",
"unlock": "Odklepanje",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "Ta funkcija je trenutno v beta različici.",
"moreInfo": "Več informacij je na voljo tukaj",
"logs": "Dnevniki",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Skladišči po polju",
+ "insertAfter": "Vstavi desno",
+ "insertBefore": "Vstavi levo",
+ "insertAbove": "Vstavi zgoraj",
+ "insertBelow": "Vstavi spodaj",
"hideField": "Skrij polje",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Prikaži polje",
"sortAsc": "Razvrsti naraščajoče",
"sortDesc": "Razvrsti padajoče",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "move": "Premakni",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoPodatkovno polje",
+ "type": "Vrsta",
+ "subType": "Podtip",
+ "name": "Ime",
+ "changes": "Spremembe",
+ "new": "Novo",
+ "old": "Staro",
+ "data": "Podatki",
+ "source": "Vir",
+ "destination": "Cilj",
+ "active": "Aktivno",
+ "inactive": "Neaktivno",
+ "linked": "povezano",
+ "finish": "Končaj",
"min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
+ "max": "Maks",
+ "avg": "Povp",
+ "sum": "Vsota",
+ "count": "Število",
+ "countDistinct": "Števci različni",
+ "sumDistinct": "Vsota različnih",
+ "avgDistinct": "Povp Distinct",
+ "join": "Poveži",
+ "options": "Možnosti",
+ "primaryValue": "Primarna Vrednost",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Uporabi Način Ankete",
+ "shift": "Premik",
+ "enter": "Vnesite",
+ "seconds": "Sekunde",
+ "paste": "Prilepi",
+ "restore": "Obnovi",
+ "replace": "Zamenjaj",
+ "banner": "Pasica",
+ "logo": "Logotip",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
+ "list": "Seznam",
+ "verify": "Potrdi",
+ "apply": "Uporabi",
+ "text": "Besedilo",
+ "appearance": "Videz",
+ "now": "Zdaj",
+ "set": "Nastavi",
"format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "colour": "Barva",
+ "use": "Uporabite",
+ "stack": "Kup",
+ "ipAddress": "IP naslov",
+ "integration": "Integracija",
+ "integrations": "Integracije",
+ "connection": "Povezava",
+ "connections": "Povezave",
+ "private": "Zasebno",
+ "request": "Zahteva",
+ "languages": "Jeziki",
+ "extension": "Razširitev",
+ "extensions": "Razširitve"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "datoteke",
+ "owner": "Lastnik",
+ "member": "Član",
+ "day": "Dan",
+ "week": "Teden",
+ "month": "Mesec",
+ "year": "Leto",
+ "workspace": "Delovni prostor",
+ "workspaces": "Delovni prostori",
"project": "Project.",
"projects": "Projekti",
"table": "Tabela",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Polja",
"column": "Stolpec",
"columns": "Stolpci",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Celica",
+ "cells": "Celice",
"page": "Stran.",
"pages": "Strani",
"record": "Record.",
@@ -319,50 +320,50 @@
"webhooks": "Webhooks.",
"view": "Pogled",
"views": "Ogledi",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Stranska vrstica",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Mreža",
"gallery": "Galerija",
"form": "Obrazec",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Koledar",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Zemljevid"
"user": "Uporabnik",
"users": "Uporabniki",
"role": "Vlogo",
"roles": "Vlogi",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Razvijalec",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Lastnik",
"creator": "Ustvarjalec",
"editor": "Urednik",
"commenter": "Komentar",
"viewer": "Gledalca.",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "Brez dostopa",
+ "superAdmin": "Glavni skrbnik",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Lastnik na ravni organizacije",
"orgLevelCreator": "Ustvarjalec na ravni organizacije",
"orgLevelViewer": "Pregledovalnik na ravni organizacije"
"sqlVIew": "Pogled SQL",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Višina zapisa",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "Kratko",
+ "medium": "Srednje",
+ "tall": "Visoko",
+ "extra": "Ekstra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Zunanja baza podatkov",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple Numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Koledar",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleSheets": "Google Preglednice",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Vse integracije",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Brezšivno povezujte in upravljajte svoje baze podatkov z NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Komunikacija",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Bodite obveščeni o spremembah in poenostavite komunikacijo ekipe z NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Upravljanje projektov",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Izboljšajte delovne tokove projektov in upravljanje nalog z NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimizirajte upravljanje odnosov s strankami s integracijami NocoDB.",
"marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Povečajte svoje marketinške napore z močnimi integracijami NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Poenostavite sistem za sledenje kandidatov z NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Razvoj",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Pospešite razvojne procese z integracijami NocoDB.",
"finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Poenostavite finančne operacije in upravljanje podatkov z NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Izdajanje vstopnic",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Učinkovito upravljajte in sledite podpornim vstopnicam z NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Brezšivno integrirajte in organizirajte svoje rešitve za shranjevanje z NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Drugo",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Odkrijte dodatne vsestranske integracije, da izboljšate vašo izkušnjo z NocoDB.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Preglednica",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Povežite in upravljajte svoje preglednice z NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
"Currency": "Valuta",
"Percent": "Odstotek",
"Duration": "Trajanje",
- "GeoData": "GeoData",
+ "GeoData": "GeoPodatki",
"Rating": "Ocena",
"Formula": "Formula",
"Rollup": "Zavihamo",
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "ni null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Iskanje webhook",
+ "webcam": "Spletna kamera",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Naloži preko URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
+ "renameBase": "Preimenuj bazo",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Preimenuj delovni prostor",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Preimenovanje delovnega prostora",
+ "renamingBase": "Preimenovanje baze",
+ "sso": "Overjanje (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Dokumenti",
"forum": "Forum",
"parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "headers": "Glave",
+ "parameterName": "Ime parametra",
+ "currencyLocale": "Lokalna valuta",
+ "currencyCode": "Oznaka valute",
+ "searchMembers": "Išči člane",
+ "noMembersFound": "Ni najdenih članov",
+ "dateJoined": "Datum pridružitve",
+ "tokenName": "Ime žetona",
+ "inDesktop": "v namizju",
+ "rowData": "Podatki zapisa",
+ "creator": "Ustvarjalec",
+ "qrCode": "QR Koda",
+ "termsOfService": "Pogoji uporabe",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Posodobi izbrane zapise",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Brez dodanih filtrov",
+ "editCards": "Uredi kartice",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Ni najdenih polj",
+ "displayValue": "Prikaži vrednost",
+ "expand": "Razširi",
+ "hideAll": "Skrij vse",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Skrij sistemska polja",
+ "removeFile": "Odstrani datoteko",
+ "hasMany": "Ima veliko",
+ "manyToMany": "Mnogi na mnoge",
+ "oneToOne": "Ena na Ena",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtualna povezava",
+ "linkMore": "Poveži več",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Poveži več zapisov",
+ "linkRecords": "Povežite zapise",
+ "downloadFile": "Prenesi datoteko",
+ "renameTable": "Preimenuj tabelo",
+ "renamingTable": "Preimenovanje tabele",
+ "renamingWs": "Preimenovanje delovnega prostora",
+ "renameWs": "Preimenuj delovni prostor",
+ "deleteWs": "Izbriši delovni prostor",
+ "deletingWs": "Brisanje delovnega prostora",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Kopiraj žeton za preverjanje pristnosti",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Žeton za preverjanje pristnosti kopiran",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Kopiraj povabilo žeton",
+ "showSidebar": "Prikaži stransko vrstico",
+ "hideSidebar": "Skrij stransko vrstico",
+ "creatingTable": "Ustvarjanje tabele",
"erdView": "Pogled ERD",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "Nov vir podatkov",
"newProj": "Novi projekt",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Ustvari bazo",
"myProject": "Moji projekti",
"formTitle": "Naslov obrazca",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Sodelovalna",
+ "locked": "Zaklenjeno",
+ "personal": "Osebno",
"appStore": "Trgovina z aplikacijami",
"teamAndAuth": "Ekipa in avtorizacija",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Upravljanje vlog in uporabnikov",
"userMgmt": "Upravljanje uporabnikov",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "API žetoni",
"apiTokenMgmt": "Upravljanje žetonov API",
"rolesMgmt": "Upravljanje vlog",
"projMeta": "Projekt metapodatkov",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Ustvarjanje žetona",
"APIsAndSupport": "API-ji in podpora",
"helpCenter": "Center za pomoč",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Brez etiket",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Dokumentacija Swagger",
"quickImportFrom": "Hitri uvoz iz",
"quickImport": "Hitri uvoz",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Hiter uvoz - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Hiter uvoz - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Hitri uvoz - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Hitri uvoz - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "Urejevalnik JSON",
+ "comingSoon": "Prihaja kmalu",
"advancedSettings": "Napredne nastavitve",
"codeSnippet": "Odlomek kode",
"keyboardShortcut": "Bližnjice na tipkovnici",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "generateRandomName": "Generiraj naključno ime",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "Upravljanje žetonov",
+ "addNewToken": "Dodajte nov žeton",
+ "createNewToken": "Ustvari nov žeton",
+ "accountSettings": "Nastavitve računa",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Ponastavi geslo",
+ "tokens": "Žetoni",
+ "userManagement": "Upravljanje uporabnikov",
+ "accountManagement": "Upravljanje računov",
+ "licence": "Licenca",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Dovoli vse mime tipe",
+ "defaultView": "Privzeti pogled",
+ "relations": "Relacije",
+ "switchLanguage": "Zamenjaj jezik",
+ "renameFile": "Preimenuj datoteko",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Brez akcije",
+ "cascade": "Kaskada",
+ "restrict": "Omeji",
+ "setNull": "Nastavite NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Privzeto nastavljeno"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Izberite polja iz desnega panela, da jih dodate tukaj",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Ni najdenih možnosti",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite poslati ta obrazec?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Izgleda, da ta kup nima nobenih zapisov",
+ "fromScratch": "Od začetka",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Iz datotek in zunanjih virov",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Neposredno v realnem času",
+ "categories": "Kategorije",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Polje ni dostopno",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Brez dodanih pogojev"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Spremenjeno dne",
+ "configuration": "Konfiguracija",
+ "setup": "Nastavi",
+ "configLabel": "Konfiguriraj {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Preklopite na aplikacijsko bazo, pripravljeno za produkcijo",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
+ "fieldID": "ID polja",
+ "addDescription": "Dodaj opis",
+ "editDescription": "Uredi opis",
"urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "selectIcon": "brez",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--izberite webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Odpri URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Zaženi WebHook",
+ "onClick": "Ob kliku",
+ "defaultView": "Privzeti pogled",
+ "recordInsert": "Vnos zapisa",
+ "recordUpdate": "Posodobitev zapisa",
+ "recordDelete": "Brisanje zapisa",
+ "supportDocs": "Dokumenti podpore",
+ "addedOn": "Dodano dne",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Spremeni polje za prikaz vrednosti",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Izberi polje prikaza vrednosti",
+ "changeTitleField": "Spremeni polje naslova",
+ "clearAll": "Počisti vse",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Polja za iskanje prikazujejo podatke iz povezanih zapisov. Izberite določena polja iz ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabele, da jih dodate kot polja za iskanje v tej tabeli.",
+ "formatting": "Oblikovanje",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Izberite vrsto oblike (izbirno)- -",
+ "formatType": "Vrsta oblike",
+ "toUpload": "za nalaganje",
+ "dragFilesHere": "povlecite datoteke sem",
+ "browseFiles": "brskajte po datotekah",
+ "clickTo": "Kliknite za",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Prosimo, omogočite dostop do vaše kamere",
+ "openFile": "Odpri datoteko",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Vnesite veljaven URL za nalaganje datotek",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Dodaj datoteke iz URL",
+ "uploading": "Nalagam",
+ "dropHere": "Spustite tukaj",
+ "addMore": "Dodaj več",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Počisti vse datoteke",
+ "integration": "Integracija",
+ "notRecommended": "Ni priporočljivo",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "selectView": "Izberite pogled",
+ "connectionDetails": "Podrobnosti o povezavi",
+ "metaSync": "Meta sinhronizacija",
+ "mention": "Omenite",
+ "today": "Danes",
+ "currentDate": "Trenutni datum",
+ "workspace": "Delovni prostor",
+ "txt": "Vrednost TXT zapisa",
+ "transferOwnership": "Prenos lastništva",
+ "recentActivity": "Nedavna dejavnost",
+ "goToMembers": "Pojdi na člane",
+ "addMember": "Dodaj člana",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Št. članov",
+ "numberOfBases": "Št. baz",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Št. zapisov",
+ "workspaceName": "Ime delovnega prostora",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Delovni prostor brez lastnikov",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Povabi uporabnike v delovni prostor",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-izberite delovne prostore za povabilo-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Dodaj člane organizaciji",
+ "memberIn": "Član v:",
+ "assignAs": "Dodeli kot",
+ "signOutUser": "Odjavi uporabnika",
+ "signOutUsers": "Odjavi uporabnike",
+ "deactivateUser": "Deaktiviraj uporabnika",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Deaktiviraj uporabnike",
+ "lastActive": "Zadnji aktivnost",
+ "dateAdded": "Datum dodan",
+ "uploadImage": "Naloži sliko",
+ "organizationProfile": "Profil organizacije",
+ "organizationImage": "Slika organizacije",
+ "organizationName": "Ime organizacije",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktivne domene",
+ "domains": "Domene",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Onemogoči javno deljenje",
+ "shareSettings": "Nastavitve deljenja",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Izbriši uporabnika in njegove podatke",
+ "userOptions": "Možnosti uporabnika",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Izbriši to organizacijo",
+ "dangerZone": "Nevarno območje",
+ "childView": "Podpogled",
+ "selectYear": "Izberi leto",
+ "save": "Shrani",
+ "cancel": "Prekliči",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL metapodatkov",
+ "audience-entityId": "Publika/ ID entitete",
+ "redirectUrl": "Preusmeri URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "newProvider": "Nov ponudnik",
+ "generalSettings": "Splošne nastavitve",
+ "adminPanel": "Administratorska plošča",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Premakni delovni prostor v organizacijo",
+ "ssoSettings": "Nastavitve SSO",
+ "addDomain": "Dodaj domeno",
+ "domain": "Domena",
+ "settings": "Nastavitve",
+ "workspaces": "Delovni prostori",
+ "back": "Nazaj",
+ "dashboard": "Nadzorna plošča",
+ "organizeBy": "Organiziraj po",
+ "previous": "Prejšnji",
+ "nextMonth": "Naslednji mesec",
+ "previousMonth": "Prejšnji mesec",
+ "next": "Naprej",
+ "organiseBy": "Uredi po",
+ "heading1": "Naslov 1",
+ "heading2": "Naslov 2",
+ "heading3": "Naslov 3",
+ "bold": "Krepko",
+ "italic": "Ležeče",
+ "underline": "Podčrtano",
+ "strike": "Prečrtano",
+ "taskList": "Seznam opravil",
+ "bulletList": "Označen seznam",
+ "numberedList": "Oštevilčen seznam",
+ "downloadData": "Prenesi podatke",
+ "blockQuote": "Blok citat",
+ "noToken": "Brez žetona",
+ "tokenLimit": "Dovoljen je le en žeton na uporabnika",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Datoteka z imenom {filename} je že priložena",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID Tabele: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "OGLED ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Na naslov",
+ "subject": "Zadeva",
+ "body": "Telo",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Telefonska številka ločena z vejico",
+ "headerName": "Ime glave",
+ "icon": "Ikona",
+ "max": "Maks",
+ "enableRichText": "Omogoči obogateno besedilo",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Kopirano URL zapisa",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Kopiraj URL zapisa",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Podvoji zapis",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binarni kodirni format",
+ "syntax": "Sintaksa",
+ "examples": "Primeri",
+ "durationInfo": "Trajanje časa v minutah ali sekundah (npr. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Dodaj glavo",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Vnesite privzeti URL (neobvezno)",
+ "negative": "Negativno",
+ "discard": "Prekliči",
+ "default": "Privzeto",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Privzeta številka (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Format trajanja",
+ "dateFormat": "Format datuma",
+ "timeFormat": "Format časa",
+ "singularLabel": "Edninska oznaka",
+ "pluralLabel": "Množinska oznaka",
+ "selectDateField": "Izberite polje datuma",
+ "endDateField": "Končno polje datuma",
+ "optional": "(Neobvezno)",
+ "clickToMake": "Klikni za ustvarjanje",
+ "visibleForRole": "vidno za vlogo:",
+ "inUI": "v uporabniškem vmesniku",
+ "projectSettings": "Osnovne nastavitve",
+ "clickToHide": "Klikni za skrivanje",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klikni za prenos",
+ "forRole": "za vlogo",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Kliknite za kopiranje ID-ja tabele",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klikni za kopiranje ogleda ID",
+ "viewMode": "Način pogleda",
+ "searchUsers": "Išči uporabnike",
+ "superAdmin": "Super skrbnik",
+ "allTables": "Vse tabele",
+ "members": "Člani",
+ "dataSources": "Viri podatkov",
+ "connectDataSource": "Poveži Zunanji Podatki",
+ "searchProjects": "Išči baze",
"createdBy": "Ustvaril je",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Ogled prilog od",
+ "readOnly": "Samo za branje",
+ "createdOn": "Ustvarjeno dne",
"notifyVia": "Obvestite VIO.",
"projName": "Ime Projekta",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "accountDetails": "Podrobnosti računa",
+ "controlAppearance": "Nadzorujte svoj videz.",
+ "accountEmailID": "E-poštni ID računa",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Nazaj na delovni prostor",
+ "untitledToken": "Nepojmenovan žeton",
"tableName": "Ime tabele",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Ime nadzorne plošče",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Ustvarjanje pogleda",
+ "duplicateView": "Podvoji pogled",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Podvoji pogled mreže",
+ "createGridView": "Ustvarite pogled na mrežo",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Podvoji galerijski pogled",
+ "createGalleryView": "Ustvarite galerijo Pogled",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Podvoji pogled obrazca",
+ "createFormView": "Ustvarite pogled obrazca",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Podvoji Kanban pogled",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Podvoji pogled koledarja",
+ "createKanbanView": "Ustvarite Kanban Pogled",
+ "createCalendarView": "Ustvarite pogled koledarja",
"viewName": "Ogled imena",
"viewLink": "Ogled povezave",
"columnName": "Ime stolpca",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Vnesite v podatkovno bazo",
"lengthValue": "Dolžina / vrednost",
"dbType": "Vrsta baze podatkov",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "ime strežnika / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "Pot do SQLite datoteke",
+ "hostAddress": "Naslov gostitelja",
+ "port": "Številka vrat",
"username": "Uporabniško ime",
"password": "Geslo",
"schemaName": "Ime sheme",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Akcija",
"actions": "Akcijah",
"operation": "Operacija",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Podoperacija",
"operationType": "Tip operacije.",
"operationSubType": "Podpis delovanja",
"description": "Opis",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Kje",
"cache": "predpomnilnik",
"chat": "Chat.",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Prikaži ali skrij",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV datoteka",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON datoteka",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-naslov",
@@ -873,15 +876,15 @@
"created": "Ustvarjeno",
"sqlOutput": "SQL izhod",
"addOption": "Dodaj možnost",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Barva vmesnika",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Stolpec z vrednostjo kode QR",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Stolpec z vrednostjo črtne kode",
"barcodeFormat": "Format črtne kode",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Preveč znakov za kodo QR",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Preveč znakov za črtno kodo",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "currentLocation": "Trenutna lokacija",
+ "lng": "Dolž",
+ "lat": "Šir",
"aggregateFunction": "Agregatna funkcija",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Baza podatkov: Ustvari, če ne obstaja",
"clientKey": "Odjemalski ključ",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Pridružite se skupnosti NocoDB",
"joinReddit": "Pridružite se /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Sledite NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Prevedeno v skupnosti/AI)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Referenca dokumentov",
"selectUserRole": "Izberite vlogo uporabnika",
"childTable": "Otroška miza",
"childColumn": "Otroška stolpec",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Otroška polje",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Pridružite se oblaku brezplačno",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Povezava na drug zapis",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Povezave",
"onUpdate": "Na posodobitvi",
"onDelete": "Na izbrisu",
"account": "Račun",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Tema po meri",
"requestDataSource": "Zahtevate vir podatkov, ki ga potrebujete?",
"apiKey": "Ključ API",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Osebni dostopni žeton",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Deli osnovni URL",
"importData": "Uvoz podatkov",
"importSecondaryViews": "Uvoz sekundarnih pogledov",
"importRollupColumns": "Uvoz stolpcev v zvitku",
"importLookupColumns": "Uvoz stolpcev za iskanje",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Uvoz stolpcev priloge",
"importFormulaColumns": "Uvoz stolpcev formule",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Uvozi uporabnike (po e-pošti)",
"noData": "Ni podatkov",
"goToDashboard": "Pojdite na nadzorno ploščo",
"importing": "Uvoz",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Oblikujte JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Samodejno izberite tipe polj",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Uporabi prvi zapis kot glave",
"flattenNested": "Ploščati vgnezdeno",
"downloadAllowed": "Prenos dovoljen",
"weAreHiring": "Zaposlujemo!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "ima veliko",
"belongsTo": "pripada",
"manyToMany": "imajo veliko do veliko razmerje",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "imajo odnos 1 na 1",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Dodatni parametri povezave",
"commentsOnly": "Samo pripombe",
"documentation": "Dokumentacija",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Dovolite prijavo samo z uporabo url za povabilo",
"nextRow": "Naslednja vrstica",
"prevRow": "Prejšnja vrstica",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "addRowGrid": "Ročno dodajte podatke v mrežnem pogledu",
+ "addRowForm": "Vnesite podatke o zapisu skozi obrazec",
+ "noAccess": "Ni dostopa",
+ "restApis": "REST API-ji",
+ "apis": "API-ji",
+ "apiSnippet": "API Izrezki",
+ "includeData": "Vključi podatke",
+ "includeView": "Vključi pogled",
+ "includeWebhook": "Vključi spletni klic",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Povečajte, da vidite stolpce",
+ "embedInSite": "Vdelajte ta pogled na svojo spletno stran",
+ "titleRequired": "naslov je obvezen.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Ime vira je obvezno",
+ "changeWsName": "Spremenite ime delovnega prostora",
+ "pressEnter": "Pritisnite Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Novo polje",
+ "saveChanges": "Shrani spremembe",
+ "updatedField": "Posodobljeno polje",
+ "deletedField": "Izbrisano polje",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Nepopolna konfiguracija",
+ "selectField": "Izberite polje",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Barva ozadja",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Skrij NocoDB blagovno znamko",
+ "showOnConditions": "Prikaži ob pogojih",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Prikaže polje samo, ko so pogoji izpolnjeni",
+ "limitOptions": "Omeji možnosti",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Omejite možnosti, vidne uporabnikom, z izbiro razpoložljivih možnosti",
+ "clearSelection": "Počisti izbiru",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Prikaži kot napredek",
+ "relationType": "Vrsta odnosa",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Prikaži ločilo tisočic",
+ "signUpForFree": "Prijavite se brezplačno",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Prilagodite sliko",
+ "coverImageArea": "Pokrijte sliko",
+ "syncData": "Sinhroniziraj podatke",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registrirajte se za storitve, ki vas zanimajo, da boste obveščeni, ko bodo na voljo",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Preusmeri na URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Podrobnosti Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "Skrij vikende",
+ "renameBase": "Preimenuj bazo",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Preimenuj delovni prostor",
+ "deactivate": "Deaktivira",
+ "manageUsers": "Upravljaj uporabnike",
+ "newWorkspace": "Nov delovni prostor",
+ "addDomain": "Dodaj domeno",
+ "addMembers": "Dodaj člane",
+ "enterEmail": "Vnesite e-poštne naslove",
+ "inviteToBase": "Povabite v bazo",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Povabi v delovni prostor",
+ "addMember": "Dodaj člana v bazo",
+ "noRange": "Pogled koledarja zahteva časovno obdobje",
+ "goToToday": "Pojdi na danes",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Preklopi stransko vrstico",
+ "addEndDate": "Dodaj končni datum",
+ "withEndDate": "z končnim datumom",
+ "calendar": "Koledar",
+ "viewSettings": "Nastavitve pogleda",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registriraj OIDC ponudnika identitete",
+ "registerSAML": "Registriraj SAML ponudnika identitete",
+ "openInANewTab": "Odpri v novem zavihku",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopiraj IFrame kodo",
+ "onCondition": "Na pogoj",
+ "bulkDownload": "Prenos v razsutem stanju",
+ "attachFile": "Pripni datoteko",
+ "viewAttachment": "Ogled priponk",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Klikni ali spusti datoteko v celico",
+ "addFiles": "Dodaj datoteko(e)",
+ "hideInUI": "Skrij v vmesniku",
+ "addBase": "Dodaj bazo",
+ "addParameter": "Dodaj parameter",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Pošlji drug obrazec",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Povlecite in spustite polja tukaj, da dodate",
+ "editSource": "Urejanje vira podatkov",
+ "enterText": "Vnesite besedilo",
+ "okEditBase": "OK & Uredi projekt",
+ "showInUI": "Prikaži v UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Neusklajeno",
+ "newSource": "Nov vir podatkov",
+ "newWebhook": "Nov Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Omogoči javni dostop",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Ali želite shraniti spremembe?",
+ "editingAccess": "Dostop za urejanje",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Omogoči javni ogled",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Omeji dostop z geslom",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Upravi dostop do baze",
+ "allowDownload": "Dovoli prenos",
+ "surveyMode": "Način ankete",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL usmeritev",
+ "useTheme": "Uporabi temo",
+ "copyLink": "Kopiraj povezavo",
+ "copiedLink": "Povezava kopirana",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopiraj povabilo",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Povabilo kopirano",
"copyUrl": "Kopiraj URL.",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Več barv",
+ "moveProject": "Premakni bazo",
"createProject": "Ustvari projek",
"importProject": "Uvozi projekt.",
"searchProject": "Poišči projekt",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Izbriši projekt",
"refreshProject": "Osveži projekte",
"saveProject": "Shrani projekt",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Shrani in zapusti",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Izbriši kup?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Ustvari s povezovanjem
z zunanjo bazo podatkov",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Pomoč Prevedi",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopiraj auth token.",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Auth token kopiran",
"swagger": "Swagger: API-ji REST",
"projInfo": "Kopiraj projekt Info.",
"themes": "Teme"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Filter.",
"addFilter": "Dodaj filter",
"share": "Deliti",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Skupina po",
+ "addSubGroup": "Nova podskupina",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Deli bazo",
"disable": "Onemogoči skupno bazo",
"enable": "Kdorkoli s povezavo",
"link": "Skupna bazna povezava"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Povabite ekipo",
"inviteUser": "Povabiti uporabnika",
"inviteToken": "Povabite žeton",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Povezani zapisi",
+ "addNewLink": "Dodaj novo povezavo",
"newUser": "Nov uporabnik",
"editUser": "Uredite uporabnika",
"deleteUser": "Odstrani uporabnika iz projekta",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "Prejšnji zapisnik",
"copyApiURL": "Kopiraj API URL",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Ustvari nadzorno ploščo",
+ "createWorkspace": "Ustvari delovni prostor",
"refreshTable": "Osveži",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Preimenuj tabelo",
+ "renameLayout": "Preimenuj postavitev",
+ "deleteTable": "Izbriši tabelo",
"addField": "V to tabelo dodajte novo polje",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Nastavi kot prikazno vrednost",
"addRow": "Dodaj novo vrstico",
"saveRow": "Shrani vrstico",
"saveAndExit": "Shranjevanje in izhod",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Vstavite novo vrstico",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Izbriši vrstico",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Izbriši zapise",
+ "predictColumns": "Napoved polja",
+ "predictFormulas": "Napoved formule",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Izbrišite izbrane vrstice",
"importExcel": "Uvoz Excel.",
"importCSV": "Uvoz CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Ustvari pogled",
"shareView": "Deli pogled",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Izpolni s skenom",
"listSharedView": "Seznam v skupni rabi",
"ListView": "Seznam pogledov",
"copyView": "Kopiraj pogled",
"renameView": "Preimenuj pogled",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Naloži podatke",
"deleteView": "Izbriši pogled",
"createGrid": "Ustvarite pogled na mrežo",
"createGallery": "Ustvarite galerijo Pogled",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Odprite novo TAB.",
"iFrame": "Kopiranje vgrajenega HTML kode",
"addWebhook": "Dodaj novo Webhook.",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Omogoči Webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "Preizkusi Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Ustvari Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Kopiraj Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Izbriši Webhook",
"newToken": "Dodajte nov žeton",
"exportZip": "Izvozi zip",
"importZip": "Uvozi zip",
"metaSync": "Sinhronizacija",
"settings": "Nastavitve",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Validacije",
"previewAs": "Predogled kot",
"resetReview": "Ponastavi predogled",
"testDbConn": "Priključek za preskusno bazo podatkov",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Dodajanje skupine filtrov",
"linkRecord": "Zapis povezave",
"addNewRecord": "Dodajanje novega zapisa",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Nov zapis",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Ustvari nov zapis",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' je bil uspešno shranjen in povezan",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Zapis ustvarjen in povezan",
"useConnectionUrl": "Uporabite URL povezave",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle komentarji draw",
"expandRecord": "Razširiti zapis",
"deleteRecord": "Brisanje zapisa",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Celotna širina",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Izhodna celotna širina",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Označi vse kot prebrano",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Izbriši polje",
+ "addNumber": "Dodaj polje s številko",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Dodaj polje z enovrstičnim besedilom",
+ "addLongText": "Dodaj polje z dolgim besedilom",
+ "addOther": "Dodaj drugo polje"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Prikaži stolpce",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Zbijanje kupa",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Strni vse",
+ "expandAll": "Razširi vse",
+ "renameStack": "Preimenuj kup",
"deleteStack": "Brisanje sklada",
"stackedBy": "Zloženo po",
"chooseGroupingField": "Izberite polje za združevanje",
"addOrEditStack": "Dodajanje / urejanje sklada"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
- "openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
+ "mappedBy": "Zemljevid po",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Izberite polje za kartiranje",
+ "openInGoogleMaps": "Google Zemljevidi",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Preklopi na mobilni način",
+ "startCommenting": "Začnite komentirati!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Ni še nobenih komentarjev!",
+ "clearForm": "Počisti obrazec",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Dodaj polje",
+ "selectAllFields": "Izberite vsa polja",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Omogoči predizpolnitev",
+ "default": "Privzeto",
+ "locked": "Zakleni predizpolnjena polja kot samo za branje",
+ "hidden": "Skrij predizpolnjena polja",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Predizpolnjena vrednost"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Dobi povezavo za predizpolnitev",
+ "group": "Skupina",
+ "goToDocs": "Pojdi na dokumentacijo",
+ "addCondition": "Dodaj pogoj",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Dodaj skupino pogojev"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Omogočite, da bo ta povezava zasebna in skrita pred drugimi ustvarjalci v tem delovnem prostoru.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Neobvezno. Če pustite prazno, se uporabi privzeta baza podatkov \"{database}\"",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Izbirno. Uporablja privzeto shemo \"{schema}\", če pustite prazno.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Urejanje sheme je onemogočeno za ta vir podatkov.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Ta tip podatkov ni dovoljen.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Ta možnost omogoča spreminjanje sheme baze podatkov, vključno z dodajanjem, spreminjanjem ali brisanjem tabel in stolpcev. Uporabite previdno, saj lahko spremembe vplivajo na strukturno celovitost vaše baze podatkov.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Ta možnost omogoča ustvarjanje, posodabljanje ali brisanje zapisov znotraj tabel v podatkovni bazi. Idealno za administrativne uporabnike, ki morajo neposredno spreminjati podatke.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Shrani spremembe",
"xcDB": "Ustvari nov projekt",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Ali pride v črni? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Dodaj novo tabelo",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Dodaj novo nadzorno ploščo",
"inviteMore": "Povabite več uporabnikov",
"toggleNavDraw": "Predal navigacije",
"reloadApiToken": "Ponovno naložite API žetone",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Izberi .key datoteko",
"clientCert": "Izberi .cert datoteko",
"clientCA": "Izberit CA datoteko",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Spremenite barvo ikone",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Način obrazca z enim poljem na stran",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Uporabite meni za urejanje polja za pretvorbo vrste po uvozu datoteke",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Vloga podedovana iz delovnega prostora",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Kmalu na voljo! Kliknite, da glasujete za integracijo, ki jo potrebujete v NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Iskanje ikon",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Izberi kanale Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Izberi kanale Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Izberi kanale Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Izberi kanale Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "Naslov Webhooka",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Izberi polje za vrednost črtne kode",
+ "notFoundContent": "Ni mogoče najti veljavnega tipa polja.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Izberi format črtne kode",
"projName": "Vnesite ime projekta",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Izberi polje za združevanje",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Ni mogoče najti polja za posamezno izbiro. Prosimo, najprej ustvarite eno.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Izberite polje slike naslovnice",
+ "selectGeoField": "Izberi polje GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-ni izbrano-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Ni mogoče najti polja GeoData. Prosimo, najprej ustvarite eno.",
"password": {
"enter": "Vnesi geslo",
"current": "Trenutno geslo",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Shrani geslo",
"confirm": "Potrdite novo geslo"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Izberi polje za vrednost QR kode",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Dovoli negativna števila",
"searchProjectTree": "Iskanje tabele",
"searchFields": "Iskanje polja",
"searchColumn": "Iskanje {Iskanje} Stolpec",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrirajte po e-pošti",
"filterQuery": "Poizvedba za filtriranje",
"selectField": "Izberite polje",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Natančnost",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Vrednost",
+ "key": "Ključ",
+ "createTable": "Ustvarite svojo prvo tabelo!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Ni ustvarjenih API žetonov",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Povabi svojo ekipo",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Išči možnosti"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Neveljavna konfiguracija gumba",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Neveljavna konfiguracija polja",
+ "invalidTheme": "Izberite veljavno temo",
+ "invalidColor": "Izberite veljavno barvo",
+ "invalidType": "Tip gumba je lahko bodisi 'webhook' ali 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Vnesite veljavno oznako gumba",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Ta funkcija ni na voljo za vašo bazo podatkov",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Nadzor nad imenom in videzom vaše organizacije.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Dodajte domene podjetja za omejitev dostopa neželenih uporabnikov.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Omejite uporabnikom možnost javnega deljenja baz.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Izberite uporabnike, ki bodo odstranjeni in izbrisani iz vseh delovnih prostorov organizacije.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Izbriši vse uporabnike, baze in podatke, povezane s to organizacijo",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Kliknite, da kopirate ID polja",
+ "enterPassword": "Vnesite geslo",
+ "bySigningUp": "Z registracijo se strinjate z",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Naročite se na naše tedenske novice",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Preverjanje gesla",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Ta deljeni pogled je zaščiten",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Podatki obrazca uspešno poslani",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Pogled obrazca ni podprt na mobilnih napravah",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Pogled koledarja ni podprt na mobilnih napravah",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Novi obrazec bo naložen po {seconds} sekundah",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimizirano poizvedbo je onemogočena",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimizirano poizvedbo je omogočena",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Iskalno polje ni podprto za odnos, ki ni 'Belongs to'",
+ "invalidTime": "Neveljaven čas",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Nimate nobene podprte povezave za {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Zapiska ni mogoče najti",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Neveljavna telefonska številka",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Velikost strani je bila spremenjena",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Napaka pri nalaganju podatkov",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Uporabi kontekstno spremeljivko",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "telo",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "za sklicevanje na obravnavani zapis",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Namig: Uporabite {placeholder1} za sklicevanje na polja, npr.: {placeholder2}. Za več, prosimo preverite",
+ "hintEnd": "Formula.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Predlagana formula ni bila najdena",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Predlagano polje ni bilo najdeno",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} zahteva {type} na poziciji {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Pričakuje se numerični tip",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Pričakuje se nizovni tip",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Operacija {operation} ni na voljo",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Ni mogoče shraniti polja, ker je formula neveljavna",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Ni podprto, da bi sklicevali polje {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Pričakovani tip {type}, vendar najden tip {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} zahteva {requiredArguments} argumente",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} zahteva najmanj {minRequiredArguments} argumentov",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} zahteva največ {maxRequiredArguments} argumentov",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Funkcija {function} ni na voljo",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Prvi parameter WEEKDAY() mora imeti datumsko vrednost",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Drugi parameter WEEKDAY() mora imeti vrednost \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" ali \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Prvi parameter DATEADD() mora imeti datumsko vrednost",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Drugi parameter DATEADD() mora imeti numerično vrednost",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Tretji parameter DATEADD() mora imeti vrednost \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" ali \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Prvi parameter DATEDIFF() mora imeti datumsko vrednost",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Drugi parameter DATEDIFF() mora imeti datumsko vrednost",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Tretji parameter DATETIME_DIFF() mora imeti vrednost bodisi \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", ali \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Polje {columnName} ni na voljo",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Polja ni mogoče shraniti, ker povzroča krožno referenco",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Polje {columnName} s tipom {columnType} je najdeno, vendar je pričakovan tip {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} ni skladen s tipom {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Izberite možnosti ne morejo biti null",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Polja MultiSelect ne smejo vsebovati vejic(',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Izberite možnosti ne smejo imeti podvojenih vrednosti",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Ustvari novo možnost z imenom"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Prosimo, vnesite številko",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Prosimo, vnesite e-pošto",
+ "invalidDate": "Neveljaven datum",
+ "invalidLocale": "Neveljavna lokalizacija",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Neveljavna koda valute",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL tip 'money' ima lastne nastavitve valute",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Veljavne vrste polj za polje črte so: Število, Enovrstično besedilo, Dolgo besedilo, Telefonska številka, URL, Elektronska pošta, Decimal. Prosim, najprej ustvarite eno.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Ima veliko odnos",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En zapis iz tabele ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " se lahko poveže z več zapisi iz tabele "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Mnogi do mnogih odnos",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Več zapisov iz tabele ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " se lahko poveže z več zapisi iz tabele "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Pripada k odnos",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En zapis iz tabele ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " se lahko poveže z zapisom iz tabele "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Ena na ena odnos",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En zapis iz tabele ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " se lahko poveže z enim zapisom iz tabele "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Izgleda, da še ni povezanih zapisov.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Ni povezanih zapisov",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Ni povezanih zapisov",
+ "recordsLinked": "povezani zapisi",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Sprejmi samo veljavne {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Ustvarite osebne API žetone za uporabo v avtomatizaciji ali zunanjih aplikacijah.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Izberite polje za razvrščanje",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Izberite polje za združevanje",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "V tabeli ni zapisov",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Trenutno ni na voljo zapisov za povezovanje",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Začnite z web-hooki!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Omogočite svoje avtomatizacije. Prejemajte obvestila takoj, ko pride do sprememb v vaših podatkih",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati naslednje",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite {deleteLabel} naslednje",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Polje ID je obvezno, kasneje ga lahko preimenujete, če je potrebno.",
+ "length59Required": "Dolžina presega največ 59 znakov",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Nimate novih obvestil",
+ "noRecordFound": "Zapis ni najden",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Ni zapisov",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Noben zapis ne ustreza vašemu iskalnemu poizvedovanju",
+ "rowDeleted": "Zapis izbrisan",
+ "saveChanges": "Ali želite shraniti spremembe?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Polje je preveliko, da bi ga lahko pretvorili v {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Vloga je obvezna",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Polja gumbov, ki se zanašajo na ta webhook, bodo prizadeta",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Pogled Kanban zahteva nastavitev polja z enim izborom. Poskusite nastaviti pogled Kanban po dodajanju polja z enim izborom!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Zemljevidni pogled zahteva nastavitev geopolja. Poskusite nastaviti zemljevidni pogled po dodajanju geopolja!",
+ "dbValid": "Prepričajte se o veljavnosti baze podatkov, da preprečite izgubo sheme",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Napaka pri črtni kodi - preverite združljivost med vnosom in vrsto črtne kode"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Opozorilo: Izračunano polje - ni mogoče izbrisati besedila",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Opozorilo: Polja QR ni mogoče neposredno spreminjati.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Opozorilo: polj črtne kode ni mogoče neposredno spremeniti."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite podvojiti bazo?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite podvojiti tabelo?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Ne morete spremeniti vidljivosti polja, ki se ureja. Najprej shranite ali zavrzite spremembe.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Polja, ki je v urejanju, ni mogoče premakniti. Najprej shranite ali zavrzite spremembe",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Polja, ki je izbrisano, ni mogoče premakniti. Najprej shranite ali zavrzite spremembe"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Ne boste mogli vleči zapisov med datumi, ko so uporabljena izračunana ali sistemska polja.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Spremembe sheme so onemogočene za ta vir",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Vnesite ime delovnega prostora",
+ "enterBaseName": "Vnesite ime baze",
+ "idpPaste": "Prilepite te URL-je v konzolo vaših ponudnikov identitete",
+ "noSaml": "Ni konfiguriranih SAML overjanj.",
+ "noOIDC": "Ni konfiguriranih OpenID avtentikacij.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Onemogočeno, ker je pogled zaklenjen",
+ "basesMigrated": "Baze so bile prenesene. Poskusite znova.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Operacija Vstavi ni podprta v aktivni celici",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Ustvarjalec lahko ustvarja nove projekte in dostopa do vseh povabljenih projektov.",
"orgViewer": "Pregledovalec ne sme ustvarjati novih projektov, lahko pa dostopa do vseh povabljenih projektov."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Nalagam skener...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Presegli ste omejitev.",
+ "closeLimit": "Približujete se omejitvi.",
+ "limitNumber": "Omejitev prikazanih markerjev v pogledu zemljevida je 1000 zapisi."
"footerInfo": "Vrstice na stran.",
"upload": "Izberite datoteko za nalaganje",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Vnesite nalepko vnosa obrazca",
"formHelpText": "Dodajte nekaj besedila pomoči",
"onlyCreator": "Viden samo ustvarjalcu",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Dodajte naslov obrazca",
"formDesc": "Dodajte Opis obrazca",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Omeji dostop z geslom",
"afterEnablePwd": "Za dostop je potrebno geslo",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Dostopaj projekt prek",
"submitAnotherForm": "Pokaži gumb \"Pošljite gumb\"",
"showBlankForm": "Po 5 sekundah pokažite prazno obliko",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "E-poštni odgovori na",
"showSysFields": "Pokaži sistemska polja",
"filterAutoApply": "Auto Nanesite",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Prikaži sporočilo",
"viewNotShared": "Trenutni pogled ni v skupni rabi!",
"showAllViews": "Pokaži vse skupne poglede na to tabelo",
"collabView": "Sodelavci z dovoljenji za urejanje ali višje lahko spremenijo konfiguracijo pogleda.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Dodaj ogled galerije",
"form": "Dodaj pogled obrazca",
"kanban": "Dodaj pogled Kanban-a",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Dodaj pogled zemljevida",
"calendar": "Dodaj pogled koledarja"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabele metapodatkov je v sinhronizaciji",
"addMultipleUsers": "Dodate lahko več e-pošte, ločenih z vejicami (,)",
"enterTableName": "Vnesite ime tabele",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Vnesite opis tabele...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Vnesite opis polja...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Vnesite opis pogleda...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Vnesite ime postavitve",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Vnesite ime nadzorne plošče",
+ "defaultColumns": "Privzeta polja",
"addDefaultColumns": "Dodajte privzete stolpce",
"tableNameInDb": "Ime tabele kot shranjeno v bazi podatkov",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Ta vrednost je že na seznamu",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Ni stolpcev za posodobitev",
"tableDeleted": "Uspešno izbrisana tabela",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Postavitev je bila uspešno izbrisana",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Ustvari bazo, ki jo je mogoče javno deliti samo za branje",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta pogled?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to postavitev?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Ali želite izbrisati tabelo",
"showM2mTables": "Prikaži tabele M2M",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Relacija mnogi-na-mnoge se podpora z vmesno tabelo in je privzeto skrita. Omogočite to možnost za seznam vseh takšnih tabel skupaj z obstoječimi tabelami.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Prikaži NULL v Celicah",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Prikaži oznako 'NULL' v celicah, ki držijo vrednost NULL. To pomaga razlikovati nasproti celicam, ki držijo PRAZNO vrvico.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Prikaži NULL in PRAZNO v filtru",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Omogočite 'dodatne' filtre za razlikovanje polj, ki vsebujejo NULL in prazne zveze. Privzeta podpora za Blank obravnava tako NULL kot tudi prazne zveze kot enake.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Z brisanjem tega sklada se odstrani tudi možnost izbire `{stackToBeDeleted}` iz `{groupingField}`. Zapisi se bodo premaknili v kup nekategoriziranih zapisov.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Izračunano polje: vsebina je namenjena samo branju. Uporabite meni za urejanje stolpcev, da ponovno konfigurirate",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Izračunano polje: vsebina je namenjena samo branju. Vsebine ni mogoče izbrisati.",
"noMoreRecords": "Ni več zapisov",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Ime žetona ne sme biti prazno",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Ime žetona ne sme biti daljše od 255 znakov",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Ime baze podatkov je obvezno",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Ime delovnega prostora je obvezno",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Ime delovnega prostora mora biti dolgo vsaj 3 znake",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Ime delovnega prostora mora biti dolgo največ 50 znakov",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Izbrišite ta delovni prostor in vso njegovo vsebino.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Razumem, da je ta postopek nepovraten",
+ "pageNotFound": "Stran ni najdena",
+ "makeLineBreak": "za prelom vrstice",
+ "goToPrevious": "Pojdi na prejšnjo",
+ "goToNext": "Pojdi na naslednjo",
+ "thankYou": "Hvala!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Uspešno ste poslali podatke obrazca.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Urejanje sistemskega ključa ni podprto",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Trenutno ni na voljo",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operacija skupinskega lepljenja ni podprta v stolpcu Povezave/Povezava do drugega zapisa",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Operacija skupinskega čiščenja ni podprta v stolpcu Povezave/Povezava do drugega zapisa",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Nadgradnja na Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Ta funkcija je na voljo samo v izdaji Enterprise",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Vaša trenutna vloga je",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Prosim, zahtevajte višja dovoljenja od skrbnika / lastnika baze / lastnika prostora za dostop do tega {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Ne morete skriti vseh možnosti, če je polje obvezno"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Ročnih klicev ni mogoče onemogočiti",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Napaka pri nalaganju podatkov zapisa",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz koledarja",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Napaka pri pridobivanju aktivnih datumov",
+ "scopesRequired": "Zahtevani obsegi",
+ "domainRequired": "Ime domene je obvezno",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Zahtevani URL za overjanje",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Zahtevana atribut uporabniškega imena",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Zahtevani ID stranke",
+ "issuerRequired": "Zahtevani izdajatelj",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Zahtevana skrivnost odjemalca",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "Zahtevani URL za JWK",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Zahtevani URL žetona",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "Zahtevani URL za informacije o uporabniku",
+ "eitherXML": "Zahtevan je bodisi xml bodisi url metapodatkov",
+ "nameRequired": "Ime je obvezno",
+ "nameMinLength": "Ime mora biti dolgo vsaj 2 znaka",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Ime mora biti dolgo največ 60 znakov",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Ime pogleda je obvezno",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Ime domene je obvezno",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Ime mora biti dolgo največ 256 znakov",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Ime pogleda mora biti edinstveno",
"searchProject": "Vaše iskanje {search} ni dalo rezultatov",
"invalidChar": "Neveljaven znak v poti map.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Neveljavne poverilnice baze podatkov.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Ne morem se povezati z bazo podatkov, preverite bazo podatkov.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Neveljavno leto",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Uporabnik ne obstaja ali nima zadostnega dovoljenja za ustvarjanje sheme.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Neveljavne parametre baze podatkov",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Povezava ni uspela:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Obstaja prazen filter. Prosim, odstranite ga",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Potrebna je e-pošta",
"emailInvalid": "E-pošta mora biti veljavna",
"passwdRequired": "zahtevano je geslo",
"passwdLength": "Geslo mora biti vsaj 8 znakov",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Ena številka",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "En poseben znak",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Seznam dovoljenih posebnih znakov",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Neveljavni e-poštni naslovi",
+ "invalidEmail": "Neveljaven e-poštni naslov"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Neveljaven XML",
"invalidURL": "Nepravilen URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Neveljaven email",
"internalError": "Zgodila se je neka notranja napaka",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Generatorja predlog ni mogoče najti!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Ni uspelo naložiti datoteke",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Ime se mora začeti z abecedo ali _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Naslednji znaki niso dovoljeni",
"columnNameRequired": "Ime stolpca je obvezno",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Podvojeno ime polja",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Ime že uporabljeno za sistemsko polje",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Tip podatkov uporabniškega vmesnika je obvezen",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Ime {title} presega 50 znakov",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Ime {title} se ne sme začeti s presledkom",
"requiredField": "Obvezno polje",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP ni dovoljen",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Ciljna datoteka ni sprejeta vrsta datoteke",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Sprejete vrste datotek so .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Ključ parametra ne more biti prazen",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Podvojeni ključi parametrov niso dovoljeni",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "To polje ne more biti prazno.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projekt ni dostopen",
"copyToClipboardError": "Neuspešno kopiranje v odložišče",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Neuspešno kopiranje iz odložišča",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Prosimo, zaključite konfiguracijo vseh polj pred shranjevanjem",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Nekaj je šlo narobe",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Povlečena vsebina ni vrsta slike",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Polje za razčlenitev slikovnih podatkov",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Nekatera obvezna polja so prazna"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Projekt Metapodatki se je uspešno izvozil",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Prihaja kmalu!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Ključ licence je posodobljen",
"columnDuplicated": "Stolpec je bil uspešno podvojen",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Uspešno posodobljen uporabniški vmesnik ACL za tabele",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Nastavitve vtičnika so bile uspešno shranjene",
"pluginTested": "Uspešno preizkušene nastavitve vtičnika",
"tableRenamed": "Tabela je bila uspešno preimenovana",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Uspešno preimenovana postavitev",
"viewDeleted": "Poglej uspešno izbrisane",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Uspešno posodobljeno kot primarni stolpec",
"tableDataExported": "Uspešno izvozil vse podatke tabele",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "Uspešno izbrisan uporabnik iz projekta",
"inviteEmailSent": "Uspešno poslano e-poštno sporočilo z vabilom",
"inviteURLCopied": "URL vabila kopiran v odložišče",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Komentar skopiran v odložišče",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "URL za ponastavitev gesla kopiran v odložišče",
"shareableURLCopied": "V odložišče kopirajte osnovni naslov URL, ki ga je mogoče deliti!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Kopiranje kode HTML, ki jo je mogoče vgraditi!",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Geslo je bilo uspešno spremenjeno. Ponovno se prijavite.",
"settingsSaved": "Nastavitve so bile uspešno shranjene",
"roleUpdated": "Vloga je bila uspešno posodobljena",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integracija uspešno povezana",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Lastniki in ustvarjalci baze lahko zdaj dodajo vir podatkov brez ponovnega vnosa poverilnic."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/sv.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/sv.json
index 791f4671c9..4e1970592c 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/sv.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/sv.json
@@ -16,95 +16,96 @@
"widgets": {
"static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
+ "chart": "Diagram",
"table": "Tabell",
"image": "Bild",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "map": "Karta",
+ "button": "Knapp",
+ "number": "Nummer",
+ "bar_chart": "Stapeldiagram",
+ "line_chart": "Linjediagram",
+ "area_chart": "Ytdiagram",
+ "pie_chart": "Cirkeldiagram",
+ "donut_chart": "Donutdiagram",
+ "scatter_plot": "Punktdiagram",
+ "bubble_chart": "Bubbel diagram",
+ "radar_chart": "Radardiagram",
+ "polar_area_chart": "Polar ytdiagram",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "Radial stapeldiagram",
+ "heatmap_chart": "Värmekartediagram",
+ "treemap_chart": "Trädiagram",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Låddiagram",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Ljusstaksdiagram"
"aggregation": {
"sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "count": "Räkna",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
+ "avg": "Medel",
"median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "std_dev": "Standardavvikelse",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
+ "range": "Omfång",
+ "percent_empty": "Tomt",
+ "percent_filled": "Fylld",
+ "percent_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_unique": "Unik",
+ "count_empty": "Tom",
+ "count_filled": "Fylld",
+ "earliest_date": "Min datum",
+ "latest_date": "Max datum",
+ "date_range": "Områdesintervall",
+ "month_range": "Områdesintervall",
+ "checked": "Kontrollerad",
+ "unchecked": "Okontrollerad",
+ "percent_checked": "Kontrollerad",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Okontrollerad",
"attachment_size": "Storlek",
- "none": "None"
+ "none": "Ingen"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Summa",
+ "count": "Antal",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
+ "avg": "Genomsnitt",
"median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "std_dev": "Standardavvikelse",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Område",
+ "percent_empty": "Procent tom",
+ "percent_filled": "Procent ifylld",
+ "percent_unique": "Procent unika",
+ "count_unique": "Unika",
+ "count_empty": "Tom",
+ "count_filled": "Ifylld",
+ "earliest_date": "Tidigaste Datum",
+ "latest_date": "Senaste Datum",
+ "date_range": "Datumomfång",
+ "month_range": "Månadsomfång",
+ "checked": "Kontrollerad",
+ "unchecked": "Okontrollerad",
+ "percent_checked": "Procent kontrollerad",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Procent okontrollerad",
+ "attachment_size": "Bilagans storlek",
+ "none": "Ingen"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Skript",
+ "configure": "Konfigurera",
+ "switch": "Växla",
+ "on": "På",
+ "onMultiple": "På flera",
+ "manual": "Manuell",
+ "trigger": "Triggers",
"addLookupField": "Lägg till {count} uppslagsfält",
- "style": "Style",
+ "style": "Stil",
"label": "Etikett",
"role": "Roll",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "general": "Allmän",
+ "quit": "Avsluta",
"home": "Hem",
"load": "Ladda",
"open": "Öppen",
@@ -120,63 +121,63 @@
"link": "Länk",
"links": "Länkar",
"remove": "Avlägsna",
- "import": "Import",
+ "import": "Importera",
"logout": "Logga ut",
- "empty": "Empty",
+ "empty": "Tom",
"changeIcon": "Ändra ikon",
"save": "Spara",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Tillgänglig",
+ "abort": "Avbryt",
+ "saving": "Sparar",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"null": "Null",
"escape": "Escape",
"hex": "Hex",
"clear": "Rensa",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Kommentar",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Citat",
"submit": "Skicka in",
"create": "Skapa",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
+ "createEntity": "Skapa {entity}",
+ "creating": "Skapar",
+ "creatingEntity": "Skapar {entity}",
+ "details": "Detaljer",
+ "skip": "Hoppa över",
"code": "Kod",
"duplicate": "Dubbla",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicating": "Duplicerar",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Duplicera {entity}",
"activate": "Aktivera",
- "action": "Action",
+ "action": "Handling",
"insert": "Föra in",
"delete": "Radera",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "Radera {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "Massa Infoga",
+ "bulkDelete": "Massa Radera",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Massa Uppdatera",
+ "deleting": "Raderar",
"update": "Uppdatering",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Uppdaterar",
"rename": "Döp om",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Byt namn på {entity}",
"reload": "Ladda om",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Uppdatera",
"reset": "Återställa",
"install": "Installera",
"show": "Visa",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "Åtkomst",
+ "visibility": "Synlighet",
"hide": "Dölj",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Föråldrad",
"showAll": "Visa allt",
"hideAll": "Göm alla",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Inte hittad",
"showMore": "Visa mer",
"showOptions": "Visa alternativ",
"hideOptions": "Dölj alternativ",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "LOGGA IN",
"signOut": "Logga ut",
"required": "Nödvändig",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "Aktivera skanner för ifyllning",
"preferred": "Föredraget",
"mandatory": "Obligatorisk",
"loading": "Läser in ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Ladda upp",
"download": "Ladda ner",
"default": "Standard",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Källa",
+ "datasource": "Datakälla",
"more": "Mer",
"less": "Mindre",
"event": "Händelse",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "Efter",
"before": "Innan",
"search": "Sök",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Sök I",
"notification": "Underrättelse",
"reference": "Referens",
"function": "Fungera",
"confirm": "Bekräfta",
"generate": "Generera",
"copy": "Kopiera",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Kopierat",
+ "are": "är",
"misc": "Diverse",
"lock": "Lås",
"unlock": "Lås upp",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "Den här funktionen är för närvarande i betaversion.",
"moreInfo": "Mer information finns här",
"logs": "Loggar",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "Stack efter fält",
+ "insertAfter": "Sätt in höger",
+ "insertBefore": "Sätt in vänster",
+ "insertAbove": "Infoga ovanför",
+ "insertBelow": "Infoga nedanför",
"hideField": "Dölj fältet",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Visa fält",
"sortAsc": "Sortera i stigande riktning",
"sortDesc": "Sortera fallande",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "move": "Flytta",
+ "geoDataField": "GeoData-fält",
+ "type": "Typ",
+ "subType": "Under-Typ",
"name": "Namn",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
+ "changes": "Ändringar",
+ "new": "Ny",
+ "old": "Gammal",
"data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
+ "source": "Källa",
"destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
+ "active": "Aktiv",
+ "inactive": "Inaktiv",
+ "linked": "länkad",
+ "finish": "Avsluta",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
- "enter": "Enter",
+ "avg": "Genomsnitt",
+ "sum": "Summa",
+ "count": "Räkna",
+ "countDistinct": "Räkna Distinkt",
+ "sumDistinct": "Summa Distinkt",
+ "avgDistinct": "Genomsnitt Distinkt",
+ "join": "Anslut",
+ "options": "Alternativ",
+ "primaryValue": "Primärt Värde",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Använd Surveys Läge",
+ "shift": "Skift",
+ "enter": "Ange",
"seconds": "Sekunder",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "paste": "Klistra in",
+ "restore": "Återställ",
+ "replace": "Ersätt",
"banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
+ "logo": "Logotyp",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"list": "Lista",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
+ "verify": "Verifiera",
+ "apply": "Tillämpa",
"text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
+ "appearance": "Utseende",
+ "now": "Nu",
+ "set": "Ange",
"format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
+ "colour": "Färg",
+ "use": "Använd",
"stack": "Stack",
"ipAddress": "IP-adress",
"integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
+ "integrations": "Integrationer",
+ "connection": "Anslutning",
+ "connections": "Anslutningar",
+ "private": "Privat",
+ "request": "Förfrågan",
"languages": "Språk",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "extension": "Tillägg",
+ "extensions": "Tillägg"
"objects": {
"files": "filer",
- "owner": "Owner",
+ "owner": "Ägare",
"member": "Medlem",
"day": "Dag",
"week": "Vecka",
"month": "Månad",
"year": "År",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "workspace": "Arbetsyta",
+ "workspaces": "Arbetsytor",
"project": "Projekt",
"projects": "Projekt",
"table": "Tabell",
@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@
"column": "Kolumn",
"columns": "Kolumner",
"cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cells": "Celler",
"page": "Sida",
"pages": "Sidor",
"record": "Spela in",
@@ -326,41 +327,41 @@
"form": "Formulär",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"calendar": "Kalender",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Karta"
"user": "Användare",
"users": "Användare",
"role": "Roll",
"roles": "Roller",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Utvecklare",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Ägare",
"creator": "Skapare",
"editor": "Redaktör",
"commenter": "Kommentare",
"viewer": "Visare",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
+ "noaccess": "Ingen Åtkomst",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Organisationsnivå Ägare",
"orgLevelCreator": "Organisatorisk nivå Skapare",
"orgLevelViewer": "Visare för organisationsnivå"
"sqlVIew": "SQL-vy",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Rad Höjd",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
+ "short": "Kort",
"medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
+ "tall": "Lång",
"extra": "Extra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Extern Databas",
"syncData": {
"appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "GitHub",
"gitlab": "GitLab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google Kalender",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Alla Integrationer",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Anslut och hantera dina databaser sömlöst med NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Kommunikation",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Få notiser om ändringar och effektivisera teamets kommunikation med NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Projektledning",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Förbättra projektarbetsflöden och uppgiftshantering med NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Optimera kundrelationshantering genom NocoDB-integreringar.",
+ "marketing": "Marknadsföring",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Stärk dina marknadsföringsinsatser med NocoDBs kraftfulla integrationer.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Effektivisera din rekryteringsprocess med NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Utveckling",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerera utvecklingsprocesser med NocoDB integreringar.",
+ "finance": "Finans",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Förenkla finansiella operationer och datahantering med NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Ärendehantering",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Hantera och spåra supportärenden effektivt med NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Integrera och organisera dina lagringslösningar sömlöst med NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Andra",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Upptäck ytterligare mångsidiga integreringar för att förbättra din NocoDB-upplevelse.",
"ai": "AI",
"spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Anslut och hantera dina kalkylblad med NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "är inte noll"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "Sök webhook",
+ "webcam": "Webbkamera",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Ladda upp via URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
+ "renameBase": "Byt namn på Bas",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Byt namn på Arbetsyta",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Byter namn på Arbetsyta",
+ "renamingBase": "Byter namn på Bas",
"sso": "Autentisering (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
+ "docs": "Dokument",
"forum": "Forum",
"parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
+ "headers": "Rubriker",
+ "parameterName": "Parameter Namn",
+ "currencyLocale": "Valuta Locale",
+ "currencyCode": "Valutakod",
+ "searchMembers": "Sök medlemmar",
+ "noMembersFound": "Inga medlemmar hittades",
+ "dateJoined": "Datum Gick med",
+ "tokenName": "Token namn",
+ "inDesktop": "i Skrivbordet",
+ "rowData": "Spela in data",
+ "creator": "Skapare",
"qrCode": "QR-kod",
"termsOfService": "Användarvillkor",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Uppdatera valda poster",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Inga filter tillagda",
+ "editCards": "Redigera kort",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Inga fält hittades",
+ "displayValue": "Visa värde",
+ "expand": "Expandera",
+ "hideAll": "Göm alla",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Dölj systemfält",
+ "removeFile": "Ta bort fil",
+ "hasMany": "Har många",
+ "manyToMany": "Många till många",
+ "oneToOne": "En till en",
+ "virtualRelation": "Virtuell relation",
+ "linkMore": "Länka fler",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Länka fler poster",
+ "linkRecords": "Länka poster",
+ "downloadFile": "Ladda ner fil",
+ "renameTable": "Byt namn på tabellen",
+ "renamingTable": "Byter namn på tabellen",
+ "renamingWs": "Byter namn på arbetsyta",
+ "renameWs": "Byt namn på arbetsyta",
+ "deleteWs": "Radera arbetsyta",
+ "deletingWs": "Raderar arbetsyta",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Kopiera authoken",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Authoken kopierad",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Kopiera inbjudningstoken",
+ "showSidebar": "Visa sidopanel",
+ "hideSidebar": "Dölj sidopanel",
+ "creatingTable": "Skapar tabell",
"erdView": "ERD-vy",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "Ny datakälla",
"newProj": "Nytt projekt",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Skapa projekt",
"myProject": "Mina projekt",
"formTitle": "Formtitel",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Samarbetsvänlig",
+ "locked": "Låst",
+ "personal": "Personligt",
"appStore": "Appbutik",
"teamAndAuth": "Team och auktorisation",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roller och användarhantering",
"userMgmt": "Användarhantering",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "API-tokens",
"apiTokenMgmt": "Hantering av API-token",
"rolesMgmt": "Roller hantering",
"projMeta": "Projektmetadata",
@@ -580,253 +581,255 @@
"swaggerDocumentation": "Dokumentation om Swagger",
"quickImportFrom": "Snabb import från",
"quickImport": "Snabb import",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Snabbimport - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Snabbimport - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Snabbimport - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Snabbimport - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON-redigerare",
+ "comingSoon": "Kommer snart",
"advancedSettings": "Avancerade inställningar",
"codeSnippet": "Kodutdrag",
"keyboardShortcut": "Tangentbordsgenvägar",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "generateRandomName": "Generera slumpmässigt namn",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
+ "tokenManagement": "Tokenhantering",
+ "addNewToken": "Lägg till ny token",
+ "createNewToken": "Skapa en ny token",
"accountSettings": "Kontoinställningar",
"resetPasswordMenu": "Återställ lösenord",
"tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
+ "userManagement": "Användarhantering",
+ "accountManagement": "Kontohantering",
"licence": "Licens",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Tillåt alla MIME-typer",
+ "defaultView": "Standardvy",
+ "relations": "Relationer",
+ "switchLanguage": "Byt språk",
+ "renameFile": "Byt namn på filen",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "Ingen action",
+ "cascade": "Kaskad",
+ "restrict": "Begränsa",
+ "setNull": "Noll",
+ "setDefault": "Sätta som normalt"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Välj fält från högra panelen att lägga till här",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Inga alternativ hittades",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Är du säker på att du vill skicka in detta formulär?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Kategorier"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Det verkar som att denna stack inte har några poster",
+ "fromScratch": "Från början",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Från filer & externa källor",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Direkt i realtid",
+ "categories": "Kategorier",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Fält otillgängligt",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Inga villkor har lagts till"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Ändrad den",
+ "configuration": "Konfiguration",
+ "setup": "Inställning",
+ "configLabel": "Konfigurera {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Växla till en produktionsfärdig appdatabas",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
+ "fieldID": "Fält ID",
"addDescription": "Lägg till beskrivning",
"editDescription": "Redigera beskrivning",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "urlFormula": "URL Formel",
+ "selectIcon": "ingen",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--välj en webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Öppna URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Kör Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Vid klick",
+ "defaultView": "Standardvy",
+ "recordInsert": "Inläggning av post",
+ "recordUpdate": "Uppdatering av post",
+ "recordDelete": "Radering av post",
+ "supportDocs": "Stöddokumentation",
+ "addedOn": "Tillagd den",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Ändra visningsvärdefält",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Välj visningsvärdefält",
+ "changeTitleField": "Ändra titelfält",
+ "clearAll": "Rensa alla",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Uppslagsfält visar data från länkade poster. Välj specifika fält från ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " tabell för att lägga till dem som uppslagsfält i denna tabell.",
+ "formatting": "Formatering",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Välj en formaterings typ (valfritt)- -",
+ "formatType": "Formateringstyp",
+ "toUpload": "för att ladda upp",
+ "dragFilesHere": "dra filer hit",
+ "browseFiles": "bläddra filer",
+ "clickTo": "Klicka för att",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Vänligen tillåt åtkomst till din kamera",
+ "openFile": "Öppna fil",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Ange en giltig URL för att ladda upp filer",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Lägg till filer från URL",
+ "uploading": "Laddar upp",
+ "dropHere": "Släpp här",
+ "addMore": "Lägg till fler",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Rensa alla filer",
"integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "notRecommended": "Rekommenderas inte",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
+ "selectView": "Välj en vy",
+ "connectionDetails": "Källanslutningsdetaljer",
+ "metaSync": "Meta Synk",
+ "mention": "Nämn",
+ "today": "Idag",
+ "currentDate": "Aktuellt datum",
+ "workspace": "Arbetsyta",
+ "txt": "TXT Post värde",
+ "transferOwnership": "Överför Ägarskap",
+ "recentActivity": "Senaste Aktivitet",
+ "goToMembers": "Gå till Medlemmar",
"addMember": "Lägg till medlem",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Antal Medlemmar",
+ "numberOfBases": "Antal Baser",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Antal Uppgifter",
+ "workspaceName": "Arbetsytans namn",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Arbetsyta utan Ägare",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Bjud in Användare till Arbetsyta",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-välj arbetsytor att bjuda in till-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Lägg till Medlemmar till Organisation",
+ "memberIn": "Medlem i:",
+ "assignAs": "Tilldela som",
+ "signOutUser": "Logga ut användare",
+ "signOutUsers": "Logga ut användare",
+ "deactivateUser": "Avaktivera Användare",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Avaktivera Användare",
+ "lastActive": "Senast Aktiv",
+ "dateAdded": "Datum Tillagd",
+ "uploadImage": "Ladda upp Bild",
+ "organizationProfile": "Organisationsprofil",
+ "organizationImage": "Organisationsbild",
+ "organizationName": "Organisationsnamn",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktiva Domäner",
"domains": "Domäner",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Inaktivera Public Delning",
+ "shareSettings": "Dela Inställningar",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Radera Användare och deras data",
+ "userOptions": "Användaralternativ",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Radera denna Organisation",
"dangerZone": "Farozon",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
+ "childView": "Underordnad vy",
+ "selectYear": "Välj År",
"save": "Spara",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "Audiencene/ Entity ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "Omdirigerings-URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
+ "newProvider": "Ny leverantör",
+ "generalSettings": "Allmänna inställningar",
+ "adminPanel": "Administratörspanel",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Flytta Arbetsyta Till Organisation",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO-inställningar",
"addDomain": "Lägg till domän",
"domain": "Domän",
"settings": "Inställningar",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "workspaces": "Arbetsytor",
"back": "Tillbaka",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
+ "dashboard": "Instrumentpanel",
+ "organizeBy": "Organisera efter",
+ "previous": "Föregående",
+ "nextMonth": "Nästa månad",
+ "previousMonth": "Föregående månad",
"next": "Nästa",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
+ "organiseBy": "Organisera efter",
+ "heading1": "Rubrik 1",
+ "heading2": "Rubrik 2",
+ "heading3": "Rubrik 3",
+ "bold": "Fetstil",
+ "italic": "Kursiv",
+ "underline": "Understruken",
+ "strike": "Genomstruken",
+ "taskList": "Uppgiftslista",
+ "bulletList": "Punktlista",
+ "numberedList": "Numrerad lista",
+ "downloadData": "Ladda ner data",
+ "blockQuote": "Blockcitat",
+ "noToken": "Ingen token",
+ "tokenLimit": "Endast en token per användare är tillåten",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Fil med namn {filename} redan bifogad",
+ "tableIdColon": "BORD ID: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "VY-ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "Till adress",
"subject": "Ämne",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
+ "body": "Brödtext",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Kommaseparerat mobilnummer",
+ "headerName": "Huvudnamn",
"icon": "Ikon",
"max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "enableRichText": "Aktivera rik text",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Kopierad post-URL",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Kopiera post-URL",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Dubbla poster",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binärt kodningsformat",
"syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
+ "examples": "Exempel",
+ "durationInfo": "En tidsperiod i minuter eller sekunder (t.ex. 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Lägg till rubrik",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Ange standard-URL (valfritt)",
+ "negative": "Negativ",
+ "discard": "Kassera",
"default": "Standard",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Standardnummer (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Varaktighetsformat",
+ "dateFormat": "Datumformat",
+ "timeFormat": "Tidsformat",
+ "singularLabel": "Singular etikett",
+ "pluralLabel": "Plural etikett",
+ "selectDateField": "Välj ett datumfält",
+ "endDateField": "Slutdatumfält",
+ "optional": "(Valfri)",
+ "clickToMake": "Klicka för att göra",
+ "visibleForRole": "synlig för roll:",
+ "inUI": "i UI-dashboard",
+ "projectSettings": "Grundinställningar",
+ "clickToHide": "Klicka för att dölja",
+ "clickToDownload": "Klicka för att ladda ner",
+ "forRole": "för roll",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Klicka för att kopiera bord ID",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Klicka för att kopiera vy-ID",
+ "viewMode": "Visningsläge",
+ "searchUsers": "Sök användare",
+ "superAdmin": "Superadmin",
+ "allTables": "Alla tabeller",
"members": "Medlemmar",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "dataSources": "Datakällor",
+ "connectDataSource": "Anslut extern data",
+ "searchProjects": "Sök projekt",
"createdBy": "Skapad av",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Visa bilagor från",
+ "readOnly": "Endast läsning",
+ "createdOn": "Skapad den",
"notifyVia": "Meddela via",
"projName": "Projektnamn",
"profile": "Profil",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "accountDetails": "Kontouppgifter",
+ "controlAppearance": "Kontrollera ditt utseende.",
+ "accountEmailID": "Kontots e-post-ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Tillbaka till arbetsytan",
+ "untitledToken": "Omkategoriserat token",
"tableName": "Tabellnamn",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Dashboardnamn",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Skapar vy",
+ "duplicateView": "Duplicera vy",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Duplicera rutnät",
+ "createGridView": "Skapa rutnät",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicera gallerivy",
+ "createGalleryView": "Skapa gallerivy",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Duplicera formulärvy",
+ "createFormView": "Skapa formulärvy",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicera Kanban-vy",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicera kalendervy",
+ "createKanbanView": "Skapa Kanban-vy",
+ "createCalendarView": "Skapa kalendervy",
"viewName": "Visa namn",
"viewLink": "Visa länk",
"columnName": "Kolumnnamn",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Skriv in databasen",
"lengthValue": "Längd / värde",
"dbType": "Databastyp",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "servernamn / värdadress",
+ "sqliteFile": "Sökväg till SQLite-fil",
+ "hostAddress": "Värdadress",
+ "port": "Portnummer",
"username": "Användarnamn",
"password": "Lösenord",
"schemaName": "Schemanamn",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Handling",
"actions": "Handlingar",
"operation": "Drift",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Underoperation",
"operationType": "Driftstyp",
"operationSubType": "Driftstyp",
"description": "Beskrivning",
@@ -857,7 +860,7 @@
"where": "Var",
"cache": "Cache",
"chat": "Chatt",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Visa eller dölj",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
"csvFile": "CSV-fil",
@@ -873,13 +876,13 @@
"created": "Skapad",
"sqlOutput": "SQL-utgång",
"addOption": "Lägg till alternativ",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Gränssnitts färg",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Kolumn med QR-kodvärde",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Kolumn med streckkodsvärde",
"barcodeFormat": "Streckkodsformat",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "För många tecken för en QR-kod",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "För många tecken för en streckkod",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
+ "currentLocation": "Nuvarande plats",
"lng": "Lng",
"lat": "Lat",
"aggregateFunction": "Aggregatfunktion",
@@ -902,15 +905,15 @@
"joinCommunity": "Gå med i NocoDB-gemenskapen",
"joinReddit": "Gå med /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Följ NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Gemenskap/AI översatt)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Dokumentreferens",
"selectUserRole": "Välj användarroll",
"childTable": "Barnbord",
"childColumn": "Barnkolonn",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Barnkolonn",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Gå med i Cloud gratis",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Länk till en annan post",
"links": "Länkar",
"onUpdate": "Vid uppdatering",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Anpassat tema",
"requestDataSource": "Behöver du en datakälla?",
"apiKey": "API-nyckel",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Personlig åtkomsttoken",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Delad bas-URL",
"importData": "Importera data",
"importSecondaryViews": "Importera sekundära vyer",
"importRollupColumns": "Importera kolumner i rullgardinsystemet",
"importLookupColumns": "Importera kolumner för uppslagsfunktioner",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Importera kolumner för bilagor",
"importFormulaColumns": "Importera formelkolumner",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Importera användare (via e-post)",
"noData": "Inga uppgifter",
"goToDashboard": "Gå till instrumentpanelen",
"importing": "Importera",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Formatera JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-val av fälttyper",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Använd första posten som rubriker",
"flattenNested": "Platta och inbäddade",
"downloadAllowed": "Nedladdning tillåten",
"weAreHiring": "Vi anställer!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "har många",
"belongsTo": "hör till",
"manyToMany": "har många till många relationer",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "har en-till-en relation",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra anslutningsparametrar",
"commentsOnly": "Endast kommentarer",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Tillåt registrering endast med hjälp av url för inbjudan",
"nextRow": "Nästa rad",
"prevRow": "Föregående rad",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
+ "addRowGrid": "Lägg till data manuellt i rutnät",
+ "addRowForm": "Ange postdata via ett formulär",
+ "noAccess": "Ingen åtkomst",
+ "restApis": "Vilar APIs",
"apis": "APIs",
"apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "includeData": "Inkludera data",
+ "includeView": "Inkludera vyn",
+ "includeWebhook": "Inkludera webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zooma in för att visa kolumner",
+ "embedInSite": "Bädda in denna vy på din webbplats",
+ "titleRequired": "Titel krävs.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Källnamn krävs",
+ "changeWsName": "Byt arbetsytans namn",
+ "pressEnter": "Tryck på Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
"newField": "Nytt fält",
"saveChanges": "Spara ändringar",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "updatedField": "Uppdaterat fält",
+ "deletedField": "Raderat fält",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Ofullständig konfiguration",
+ "selectField": "Välj ett fält",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
"backgroundColor": "Bakgrundsfärg",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Dölj NocoDB-branding",
+ "showOnConditions": "Visa vid villkor",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Visar fält endast när villkor är uppfyllda",
+ "limitOptions": "Begränsningsalternativ",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Begränsa alternativ synliga för användare genom att välja tillgängliga alternativ",
+ "clearSelection": "Rensa val",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Visa som framsteg",
+ "relationType": "Relationstyp",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Visa tusental avskiljare",
"signUpForFree": "Registrera dig gratis",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Anpassa bild",
+ "coverImageArea": "Täckningsbild",
+ "syncData": "Synkronisera data",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Registrera de tjänster du är intresserad av för att få ett meddelande när de blir tillgängliga",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Omdirigera till URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook Detaljer",
+ "hideWeekends": "Dölj helger",
+ "renameBase": "Byt namn på Bas",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Byt namn på arbetsyta",
+ "deactivate": "Avaktivera",
"manageUsers": "Hantera användare",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
+ "newWorkspace": "Ny Arbetsyta",
"addDomain": "Lägg till domän",
"addMembers": "Lägg till medlemmar",
"enterEmail": "Ange e-postadresser",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
+ "inviteToBase": "Bjud in till projekt",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Bjud in till Arbetsyta",
+ "addMember": "Lägg till medlem i projekt",
+ "noRange": "Kalendervy kräver ett datumintervall",
+ "goToToday": "Gå till idag",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Växla sidofält",
+ "addEndDate": "Lägg till slutdatum",
+ "withEndDate": "med slutdatum",
"calendar": "Kalender",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "viewSettings": "Visa inställningar",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
+ "registerOIDC": "Registrera OIDC Identitetsleverantör",
+ "registerSAML": "Registrera SAML Identitetsleverantör",
+ "openInANewTab": "Öppna i ny flik",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Kopiera IFrame-kod",
+ "onCondition": "Vid villkor",
+ "bulkDownload": "Massnedladdning",
+ "attachFile": "Bifoga fil",
+ "viewAttachment": "Visa bilagor",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Klicka eller släpp en fil i cellen",
+ "addFiles": "Lägg till fil(er)",
+ "hideInUI": "Dölj i UI",
+ "addBase": "Lägg till bas",
+ "addParameter": "Lägg till parameter",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Skicka in ytterligare ett formulär",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Dra och släpp fält här för att lägga till",
+ "editSource": "Redigera datakälla",
+ "enterText": "Skriv in text",
+ "okEditBase": "OK och redigera projekt",
+ "showInUI": "Visa i UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Ur synk",
+ "newSource": "Ny datakälla",
+ "newWebhook": "Ny Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Aktivera offentlig åtkomst",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Vill du spara ändringarna?",
+ "editingAccess": "Redigeringsåtkomst",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Aktivera offentlig visning",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Begränsa åtkomst med lösenord",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Hantera Basåtkomst",
+ "allowDownload": "Tillåt nedladdning",
+ "surveyMode": "Enkätläge",
+ "rtlOrientation": "RTL-orientering",
+ "useTheme": "Använd tema",
"copyLink": "Kopiera länk",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "copiedLink": "Länk kopierad",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Kopiera inbjudningslänk",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Kopierad inbjudningslänk",
"copyUrl": "Kopiera URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Fler färger",
+ "moveProject": "Flytta projekt",
"createProject": "Skapa projekt",
"importProject": "Importprojekt",
"searchProject": "Sökprojekt",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Radera projekt",
"refreshProject": "Uppdatera projekt",
"saveProject": "Spara projekt",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Spara och avsluta",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Ta bort stacken?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Skapa genom att ansluta
till en extern databas",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Hjälp översätt",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopiera authoken",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Kopierad auth-token",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API:er",
"projInfo": "Kopiera projektinfo",
"themes": "Teman"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Filtrera",
"addFilter": "Lägg till filter",
"share": "Dela med sig",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Gruppera efter",
+ "addSubGroup": "Ny undergrupp",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Dela bas",
"disable": "Inaktivera delad bas",
"enable": "Någon med länken",
"link": "Delad baslänk"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Bjud in lag",
"inviteUser": "Bjuda in användare",
"inviteToken": "Bjud in token",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Länkade poster",
+ "addNewLink": "Lägg till ny länk",
"newUser": "Ny användare",
"editUser": "Redigera användaren",
"deleteUser": "Ta bort användaren från projektet",
@@ -1127,14 +1130,14 @@
"previousRecord": "Tidigare post",
"copyApiURL": "Kopiera API-URL",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Skapa instrumentpanel",
+ "createWorkspace": "Skapa arbetsyta",
"refreshTable": "Tabeller uppdateras",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Byt namn på tabell",
+ "renameLayout": "Byt namn på layout",
+ "deleteTable": "Radera tabell",
"addField": "Lägg till nytt fält till den här tabellen",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Ställ in som visningsvärde",
"addRow": "Lägg till ny rad",
"saveRow": "Spara rad",
"saveAndExit": "Spara och avsluta",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Infoga ny rad",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Radera raden",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Ta bort poster",
+ "predictColumns": "Förutsäg fält",
+ "predictFormulas": "Förutsäg formler",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Ta bort valda rader",
"importExcel": "Import excel",
"importCSV": "Importera CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Skapa en vy",
"shareView": "Visa vy",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Fyll genom skanning",
"listSharedView": "Delad visningslista",
"ListView": "Visningar lista",
"copyView": "Kopiera",
"renameView": "Byt namn på",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Ladda upp data",
"deleteView": "Radera syn",
"createGrid": "Skapa rutnät",
"createGallery": "Skapa Gallery View",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Öppna ny flik",
"iFrame": "Kopiera inbäddbar HTML-kod",
"addWebhook": "Lägg till ny webhook",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Aktivera webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "Testa webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Skapa Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Kopiera webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Radera webhook",
"newToken": "Lägg till ny token",
"exportZip": "Exportera zip",
"importZip": "Importera zip",
"metaSync": "Synkronisera nu",
"settings": "inställningar",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Valideringar",
"previewAs": "Förhandsgranskning som",
"resetReview": "Återställ förhandsgranskning",
"testDbConn": "Testdatabasanslutning",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Lägg till filtergrupp",
"linkRecord": "Länkavsnitt",
"addNewRecord": "Lägg till en ny post",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Ny post",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Skapa ny post",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' har sparats och länkats framgångsrikt",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Post skapad och länkad",
"useConnectionUrl": "Använda URL för anslutning",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Växla kommentarer dra",
"expandRecord": "Expandera rekord",
"deleteRecord": "Ta bort en post",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
+ "fullWidth": "Full bredd",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Avsluta full bredd",
"markAllAsRead": "Markera alla som lästa",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Ta bort fält",
+ "addNumber": "Lägg till sifferfält",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Lägg till enradstextfält",
+ "addLongText": "Lägg till långtextfält",
+ "addOther": "Lägg till annat fält"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Visa kolumner",
@@ -1227,47 +1230,49 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Kollaps av stapeln",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Kollapsa alla",
+ "expandAll": "Expandera alla",
+ "renameStack": "Byt namn på stack",
"deleteStack": "Ta bort stacken",
"stackedBy": "Staplade av",
"chooseGroupingField": "Välj ett grupperingsfält",
"addOrEditStack": "Lägg till/redigera stacken"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Kartlagd av",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Välj ett kartläggningsfält",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Växla mobil läge",
+ "startCommenting": "Börja kommentera!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Inga kommentarer ännu!",
+ "clearForm": "Rensa formulär",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Lägg till fält",
+ "selectAllFields": "Välj alla fält",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Aktivera förifyllning",
+ "default": "Standard",
+ "locked": "Lås förifyllda fält som skrivskyddade",
+ "hidden": "Dölj förifyllda fält",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Förifyllt värde"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Hämta förifylld länk",
+ "group": "Grupp",
+ "goToDocs": "Gå till dokumentation",
+ "addCondition": "Lägg till villkor",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Lägg till en grupp av villkor"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Aktivera för att göra denna anslutning privat och dold från andra skapare i denna arbetsyta.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Valfritt. Använder standarddatabas \"{database}\" om den lämnas tom",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Valfritt. Använder standardschema \"{schema}\" om den lämnas tom.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schemaredigering är inaktiverad för denna datakälla.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Denna datatyp är inte tillåten.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Detta alternativ gör det möjligt att ändra databasens schema, inklusive att lägga till, ändra eller ta bort tabeller och kolumner. Används med försiktighet, eftersom ändringar kan påverka databasen strukturella integritet.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Detta alternativ tillåter att skapa, uppdatera eller ta bort poster inom databastabeller. Perfekt för administrativa användare som behöver ändra data direkt.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Spara ändringar",
"xcDB": "Skapa ett nytt projekt",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Kommer det i svart? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Lägg till nytt bord",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Lägg till ny Dashboard",
"inviteMore": "Bjud in fler användare",
"toggleNavDraw": "Växla navigeringslådan",
"reloadApiToken": "Ladda om api tokens",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Välj. Key-filen",
"clientCert": "Välj .cert-fil",
"clientCA": "Välj CA-fil",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Ändra ikonfärg",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Formulärläge med ett fält per sida",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Använd fältredigeringsmenyn för att konvertera typ efter att filen importerats",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Roll ärvd från arbetsyta",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Kommer snart! Klicka för att rösta på den integrering du behöver i NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Sök ikoner",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Välj Slack-kanaler",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Välj Microsoft Teams-kanaler",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Välj Discord-kanaler",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Välj Mattermost-kanaler",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook-titel",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Välj ett fält för streckkodsvärdet",
+ "notFoundContent": "Ingen giltig fälttyp kan hittas.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Välj ett streckkodsformat",
"projName": "Ange projektnamn",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Välj ett grupperingsfält",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Inget enkelvalfält kan hittas. Vänligen skapa ett först.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Välj ett täckbildsfält",
+ "selectGeoField": "Välj ett GeoData-fält",
+ "notSelected": "-inte valt-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Inget GeoData-fält kan hittas. Vänligen skapa ett först.",
"password": {
"enter": "Ange lösenordet",
"current": "Nuvarande lösenord",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Spara lösenord",
"confirm": "Bekräfta nytt lösenord"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Välj ett fält för QR-kodvärdet",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Tillåt negativa tal",
"searchProjectTree": "Sökbord",
"searchFields": "Sökfält",
"searchColumn": "Sök {Sök} Kolumn",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Värde",
+ "key": "Nyckel",
+ "createTable": "Skapa din första tabell!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Inga API-token skapade",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Bjud in ditt team",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Sök alternativ"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Ogiltig knappkonfiguration",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Ogiltig fältkonfiguration",
+ "invalidTheme": "Välj ett giltigt tema",
+ "invalidColor": "Välj en giltig färg",
+ "invalidType": "Knappens typ kan vara antingen 'webhook' eller 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Ange en giltig etikett för knapp",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Den här funktionen är inte tillgänglig för din databas",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kontrollera ditt organisationsnamn och utseende.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Lägg till företagsdomäner för att begränsa åtkomst för oönskade användare.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Begränsa användare från att kunna dela baser offentligt.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Välj användare som ska tas bort och raderas från alla organisationsarbetsytor.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Radera alla användare, baser och data relaterade till denna organisation",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Klicka för att kopiera fält-ID",
"enterPassword": "Ange lösenord",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
+ "bySigningUp": "Genom att registrera dig godkänner du",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Prenumerera på vårt veckovisa nyhetsbrev",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Verifierar lösenord",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Denna delade vy är skyddad",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Formulärdata inskickat framgångsrikt",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Formulärvy stöds inte på mobil",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Kalendervy stöds inte på mobila enheter",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Nytt formulär kommer att laddas efter {seconds} sekunder",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimerad fråga är inaktiverad",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimerad fråga är aktiverad",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup-fält stöds inte för icke-tillhör relation",
+ "invalidTime": "Ogiltig tid",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Du har inga stödjer länkar för {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Posten kunde inte hittas",
"invalidPhoneNumber": "Ogiltigt telefonnummer",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Sidstorleken har ändrats",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Fel vid laddning av data",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Använd kontextvariabel",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "för att referera till den aktuella posten",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Tips: Använd {placeholder1} för att referera fält, t.ex: {placeholder2}. För mer info, vänligen besök",
+ "hintEnd": "Formler.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Ingen föreslagen formel hittades",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Inget föreslaget fält hittades",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} kräver en {type} på position {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numerisk typ förväntas",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Strängtyp förväntas",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation inte tillgänglig",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Kan inte spara fält eftersom formeln är ogiltig",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Det stöds inte att referera fält {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Typ {type} förväntas men typ {found} hittades",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} kräver {requiredArguments} argument",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} kräver minst {minRequiredArguments} argument",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} kräver högst {maxRequiredArguments} argument",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} funktionen är inte tillgänglig",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Den första parametern i WEEKDAY() bör ha ett datumvärde",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Den andra parametern i WEEKDAY() bör vara antingen \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" eller \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Den första parametern i DATEADD() bör ha ett datumvärde",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Den andra parametern i DATEADD() bör ha ett numeriskt värde",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Den tredje parametern i DATEADD() bör vara antingen \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" eller \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den första parametern i DATEDIFF() bör ha ett datumvärde",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den andra parametern i DATEDIFF() bör ha ett datumvärde",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Den tredje parametern i DATETIME_DIFF() bör vara antingen \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", eller \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Fält {columnName} är inte tillgängligt",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Kan inte spara fält eftersom det orsakar en cirkulär referens",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Fält {columnName} med {columnType} typ hittades men {expectedType} typ förväntades",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} matchar inte med {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Valmöjligheter kan inte vara null",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect-fält kan inte ha kommatecken(',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Valmöjligheter kan inte ha dubbletter",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Skapa ett nytt alternativ namngivet"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Ange ett nummer",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Ange e-post",
+ "invalidDate": "Ogiltigt datum",
+ "invalidLocale": "Ogiltigt lokal",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Ogiltig valutakod",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money'-typen har egna valutainställningar",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "De giltiga fälttyperna för ett streckkodfält är: Nummer, Enkel rad text, Lång text, Telefonnummer, URL, E-post, Decimaltal. Vänligen skapa en först.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Har Många Relation",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enstaka post från tabellen ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan länkas med flera poster från tabellen "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Många till Många Relation",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Flera poster från tabellen ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan länkas med flera poster från tabellen "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Tillhör Relation",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enstaka post från tabellen ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan länkas med en post från tabellen "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "En till En Relation",
+ "tooltip_desc": "En enstaka post från tabellen ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " kan länkas med en enstaka post från tabellen "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Det ser ut som att inga uppgifter har länkats än.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Inga poster länkade",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Inga länkade poster",
+ "recordsLinked": "poster länkade",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Acceptera endast giltig {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Skapa personliga API-token för att använda i automatisering eller externa appar.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Välj fält att sortera",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Välj fält att gruppera",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Det finns inga poster i tabellen",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Inga poster är för närvarande tillgängliga för länkning",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Kom igång med webhooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Driv dina automationer. Få aviseringar så snart det sker ändringar i dina data",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort följande",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Är du säker på att du vill {deleteLabel} följande",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID-fält krävs, du kan byta namn på detta senare om det behövs.",
+ "length59Required": "Längden överstiger max 59 tecken",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Du har inga nya meddelanden",
+ "noRecordFound": "Posten hittades inte",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Inga poster hittades",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Inga poster matchar din sökfråga",
+ "rowDeleted": "Posten raderad",
+ "saveChanges": "Vill du spara ändringarna?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Fältet är för stort för att konverteras till {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Roll krävs",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Knappfält som förlitar sig på denna webhook kommer att påverkas",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban-vy kräver ett enskilt valfält för att ställas in. Försök ställa in en kanban-vy efter att ha lagt till ett enskilt valfält!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Kartvy kräver ett geodatafält för att ställas in. Försök ställa in en kartvy efter att ha lagt till ett geodatafält!",
+ "dbValid": "Säkerställ databasens giltighet för att förhindra schemaförlust",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Streckkodfel - kontrollera kompatibiliteten mellan inmatning och streckkodstyp."
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Varning: Beräknat fält - kan inte rensa texten",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Varning: QR-fält kan inte ändras direkt.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Varning: Streckkodsfält kan inte ändras direkt."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Är du säker på att du vill duplicera projektet?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Är du säker på att du vill duplicera tabellen?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Du kan inte ändra synligheten för ett fält som redigeras. Spara eller kassera ändringar först.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Du kan inte flytta ett fält som håller på att redigeras. Spara eller avbryt ändringarna först",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Du kan inte flytta ett fält som har tagits bort. Spara eller avbryt ändringarna först"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Du kommer inte kunna dra poster mellan datum när beräknade eller systemfält används.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Schemaändringar är inaktiverade för denna källa",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Ange arbetsytans namn",
+ "enterBaseName": "Ange basnamn",
+ "idpPaste": "Klistra in dessa URL i din identitetsleverantörs-konsol",
+ "noSaml": "Det finns inga konfigurerade SAML-autentiseringar.",
+ "noOIDC": "Det finns inga konfigurerade OpenID-autentiseringar.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Inaktiverad eftersom vyn är låst",
+ "basesMigrated": "Projekt migrerades. Vänligen försök igen.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Klistra in stöds inte på den aktiva cellen.",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Skaparen kan skapa nya projekt och få tillgång till alla inbjudna projekt.",
"orgViewer": "Visaren får inte skapa nya projekt, men kan få tillgång till alla inbjudna projekt."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Laddar skannern...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Du har överskridit gränsen.",
+ "closeLimit": "Du närmar dig gränsen.",
+ "limitNumber": "Gränsen för markörer som visas i Kartvy är 1000 poster."
"footerInfo": "Rader per sida",
"upload": "Välj fil för att ladda upp",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Ange formulärinmatningslabel",
"formHelpText": "Lägg till lite hjälptext",
"onlyCreator": "Bara synlig för skaparen",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Lägg till formulärtitel",
"formDesc": "Lägg till formulär Beskrivning",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Begränsa åtkomsten med ett lösenord",
"afterEnablePwd": "Åtkomst är lösenordsbegränsad",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Åtkomstprojekt via",
"submitAnotherForm": "Visa \"Skicka en annan formulär\" -knapp",
"showBlankForm": "Visa en tom form efter 5 sekunder",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "E-postsvar till",
"showSysFields": "Visa systemfält",
"filterAutoApply": "Auto ansöker",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Visa meddelande",
"viewNotShared": "Aktuell vy är inte delad!",
"showAllViews": "Visa alla delade utsikt över denna tabell",
"collabView": "Samarbetare med redigeringsbehörigheter eller högre kan ändra visningskonfigurationen.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Lägg till Gallery View",
"form": "Lägg till formulärvy",
"kanban": "Lägg till Kanban View",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Lägg till Kartvy",
"calendar": "Lägg till kalendervisning"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tabeller Metadata är synkroniserad",
"addMultipleUsers": "Du kan lägga till flera kommatecken (,) separerade e-postmeddelanden",
"enterTableName": "Ange tabellnamn",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Ange bordsbeskrivning...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Ange fältbeskrivning...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Ange visningsbeskrivning...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Ange layoutnamn",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Ange instrumentpanelsnamn",
+ "defaultColumns": "Standardkolumner",
"addDefaultColumns": "Lägg till standardkolumner",
"tableNameInDb": "Tabellnamn som sparats i databasen",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Detta värde finns redan i listan",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Inga kolumner att uppdatera",
"tableDeleted": "Tabellen raderades framgångsrikt",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Layout raderad framgångsrikt",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generera en allmänt delbar, läsbar bas",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort den här vyn?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill radera denna layout?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Vill du radera tabellen?",
"showM2mTables": "Visa M2M-tabeller",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Många-till-många relation stöds via en skarvtabell och är dold som standard. Aktivera det här alternativet för att lista alla sådana tabeller tillsammans med befintliga tabeller.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Visa NULL i celler",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Visa 'NULL'-tag i celler som håller NULL-värde. Detta hjälper till att skilja mot celler som håller en tom sträng.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Visa NULL och TOM i filter",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Aktivera 'tilläggs'filter för att skilja fält som innehåller NULL & tomma strängar. Standardsupport för Blank behandlar både NULL & tomma strängar lika.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Om du raderar denna stapel kommer även alternativet \"{stackToBeDeleted}\" att tas bort från \"{groupingField}\". Posterna kommer att flyttas till stapeln \"uncategorized\".",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Beräknat fält: innehållet är skrivskyddat. Använd kolumnredigeringsmenyn för att konfigurera om.",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Beräknat fält: innehållet är skrivskyddat. Det går inte att rensa innehållet.",
"noMoreRecords": "Inga fler register",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Tolkens namn får inte vara tomt",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Tolkens namn får inte vara mer än 255 tecken",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Databasnamn krävs",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Arbetsytenamn krävs",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Arbetsytenamnet måste vara minst 3 tecken långt",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Arbetsytenamnet måste vara högst 50 tecken långt",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Radera denna arbetsyta och allt dess innehåll.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Jag förstår att denna åtgärd är oåterkallelig",
+ "pageNotFound": "Sidan hittas inte",
+ "makeLineBreak": "för att göra ett radbyte",
+ "goToPrevious": "Gå till föregående",
+ "goToNext": "Gå till nästa",
"thankYou": "Tack!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "submittedFormData": "Du har skickat in formulärdata framgångsrikt.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Redigering av systemnyckel stöds inte",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Inte tillgänglig för tillfället",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Grupperingsoperation för att klistra in stöds inte på länkar/LinkToAnotherRecord-kolumn",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Grupperingsoperation för att rensa stöds inte på länkar/LinkToAnotherRecord-kolumn",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Uppgradera till Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Denna funktion är endast tillgänglig i Enterprise Edition",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Din nuvarande roll är",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Vänligen begär högre behörighet från Admin / Base-ägare / Arbetsytesägare för att få åtkomst till detta {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Du kan inte dölja alla alternativ om fältet är obligatoriskt"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Manuella krokar kan inte inaktiveras",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Fel vid inläsning av postdata",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Fel vid hämtning av kalenderdata",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Fel vid hämtning av aktiva datum",
+ "scopesRequired": "Omfång krävs",
+ "domainRequired": "Domännamn krävs",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL krävs",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Användarnamn attribut krävs",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Klient-ID krävs",
+ "issuerRequired": "Issuer krävs",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Klienthemlighet krävs",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL krävs",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token-URL krävs",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL krävs",
+ "eitherXML": "Antingen xml eller metadata-url krävs",
+ "nameRequired": "Namn krävs",
+ "nameMinLength": "Namnet måste vara minst 2 tecken långt",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Namnet får vara högst 60 tecken långt",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Visningsnamn krävs",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Domännamn krävs",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Namnet får vara högst 256 tecken långt",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Visningsnamnet bör vara unikt",
"searchProject": "Din sökning efter {Sök} har inga resultat",
"invalidChar": "Ogiltigt tecken i mappbanan.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ogiltiga databasuppgifter.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Det går inte att ansluta till databasen, kolla din databas är upp.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Ogiltigt år",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Användaren existerar inte eller har tillräcklig tillåtelse att skapa schema.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Ogiltiga databasparametrar",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Anslutningsfel:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Null-filter finns. Vänligen ta bort dem",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "E-post krävs",
"emailInvalid": "Email måste vara giltig",
"passwdRequired": "lösenord krävs",
"passwdLength": "Du lösenord måste vara minst 8 tecken",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Ett nummer",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Ett specialtecken",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Förteckning över tillåtna specialtecken",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Ogiltiga e-postadresser",
+ "invalidEmail": "Ogiltig e-postadress"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Ogiltig XML",
"invalidURL": "Ogiltig URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Ogiltig e-post",
"internalError": "Ett internt fel har uppstått.",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Mallgeneratorn kan inte hittas!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Uppladdning av filen misslyckades",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Namnet ska börja med ett alfabet eller _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Följande tecken är inte tillåtna",
"columnNameRequired": "Kolumnnamn krävs",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Dubbelt fältnamn",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Namnet används redan för systemfält",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI-datatyper krävs",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} namnet har mer än 50 tecken",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} namnet kan inte börja med ett mellanslag",
"requiredField": "Obligatoriskt fält",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP inte tillåten",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Målfilen är inte en godkänd filtyp",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "De accepterade filtyperna är .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameternyckeln kan inte vara tom",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Dubbla parameternycklar är inte tillåtna",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Det här fältet får inte vara tomt.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projektet är inte tillgängligt",
"copyToClipboardError": "Kopiering till urklipp misslyckades",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Misslyckades med att klistra in från urklipp",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Vänligen slutför konfigurationen av alla fält innan du sparar",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Något gick fel",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dra innehåll är inte av bilden typ",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Fält för att tolka bilddata",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Vissa av de obligatoriska fälten är tomma"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Projektmetadata exporterades framgångsrikt",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Kommer snart!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Licensnyckeln uppdaterades",
"columnDuplicated": "Kolumnen duplicerades framgångsrikt",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Uppdaterade UI ACL för tabeller framgångsrikt",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin-inställningarna har sparats framgångsrikt",
"pluginTested": "Testade framgångsrikt inställningar för insticksmodulet",
"tableRenamed": "Tabellen har bytt namn framgångsrikt",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Layout döptes om framgångsrikt",
"viewDeleted": "Visa raderad framgångsrikt",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Framgångsrikt uppdaterad som primärkolumn",
"tableDataExported": "Alla tabelldata exporterades framgångsrikt",
@@ -1824,7 +1829,7 @@
"userDeletedFromProject": "Användaren har framgångsrikt tagits bort från projektet",
"inviteEmailSent": "Inbjudningsmejl skickat framgångsrikt",
"inviteURLCopied": "URL för inbjudan kopieras till urklipp",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Kommentar kopierad till urklipp",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "URL för återställning av lösenord kopieras till urklipp",
"shareableURLCopied": "Kopierade delbar bas-URL till urklipp!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Kopierad inbäddningsbar HTML-kod!",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Lösenordet har ändrats framgångsrikt. Vänligen logga in igen.",
"settingsSaved": "Inställningarna har sparats framgångsrikt",
"roleUpdated": "Rollen har uppdaterats framgångsrikt",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Integrering ansluten framgångsrikt",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Databaskreatörer och ägare kan nu lägga till en datakälla utan att ange inloggningsuppgifter igen."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/th.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/th.json
index 4eb7819f7d..5ab132d600 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/th.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/th.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "สร้างอินเตอร์เฟซใหม่",
+ "connect_data_sources": "เชื่อมต่อแหล่งข้อมูล",
"alert": "แจ้งเตือน",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "alert-message": "ไม่มีฐานข้อมูลที่เชื่อมต่อ เชื่อมต่อฐานข้อมูลเพื่อสร้างอินเตอร์เฟซ ข้ามขั้นตอนนี้และเพิ่มฐานข้อมูลจากหน้าแรกของฐานภายหลัง",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "เลือกฐานข้อมูลที่ต้องการเชื่อมต่อกับอินเตอร์เฟซนี้",
+ "create_interface": "สร้างอินเตอร์เฟซ",
+ "project_name": "ชื่อฐาน",
+ "connect": "เชื่อมต่อ",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "เปิดลิงก์ภายนอก",
+ "delete_record": "ลบบันทึก",
+ "update_record": "อัปเดตบันทึก",
+ "open_layout": "เปิดเลย์เอาต์"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
+ "static_text": "ข้อความ",
+ "chart": "แผนภูมิ",
+ "table": "ตาราง",
+ "image": "ภาพ",
"map": "แผนที่",
"button": "ปุ่ม",
"number": "ปุ่ม",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "bar_chart": "แผนภูมิแท่ง",
+ "line_chart": "แผนภูมิเส้น",
+ "area_chart": "แผนที่ภูมิภาค",
+ "pie_chart": "แผนภูมิวงกลม",
+ "donut_chart": "แผนภูมิวงแหวน",
+ "scatter_plot": "กราฟกระจาย",
+ "bubble_chart": "กราฟฟอง",
+ "radar_chart": "กราฟเรดาร์",
+ "polar_area_chart": "กราฟพื้นที่ขั้วโลก",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "กราฟแท่งเรเดียล",
+ "heatmap_chart": "กราฟฮีทแมพ",
+ "treemap_chart": "กราฟทรีแมพ",
+ "box_plot_chart": "กราฟบ็อกซ์พล็อต",
+ "candlestick_chart": "กราฟแท่งเทียน"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "รวม",
+ "count": "นับ",
+ "min": "น้อยสุด",
+ "max": "มากสุด",
+ "avg": "เฉลี่ย",
+ "median": "มัธยฐาน",
+ "std_dev": "ส่วนเบี่ยงเบนมาตรฐาน",
+ "histogram": "ฮิสโตแกรม",
+ "range": "ช่วง",
+ "percent_empty": "ว่างเปล่า",
+ "percent_filled": "เต็ม",
+ "percent_unique": "ไม่ซ้ำ",
+ "count_unique": "ไม่ซ้ำ",
+ "count_empty": "ว่างเปล่า",
+ "count_filled": "เต็ม",
+ "earliest_date": "วันที่ต่ำสุด",
+ "latest_date": "วันที่สูงสุด",
+ "date_range": "ช่วง",
+ "month_range": "ช่วง",
+ "checked": "ตรวจสอบแล้ว",
+ "unchecked": "ไม่ได้ตรวจสอบ",
+ "percent_checked": "ตรวจสอบแล้ว",
+ "percent_unchecked": "ไม่ได้ตรวจสอบ",
+ "attachment_size": "ขนาด",
+ "none": "ไม่มี"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "ผลรวม",
+ "count": "นับ",
+ "min": "น้อยที่สุด",
+ "max": "มากที่สุด",
+ "avg": "เฉลี่ย",
+ "median": "มัธยฐาน",
+ "std_dev": "ส่วนเบี่ยงเบนมาตรฐาน",
+ "histogram": "ฮิสโตแกรม",
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+ "percent_empty": "เปอร์เซ็นต์ว่างเปล่า",
+ "percent_filled": "เปอร์เซ็นต์เต็ม",
+ "percent_unique": "เปอร์เซ็นต์ไม่ซ้ำ",
+ "count_unique": "ไม่ซ้ำ",
+ "count_empty": "ว่างเปล่า",
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+ "percent_unchecked": "เปอร์เซ็นต์ไม่ได้ตรวจสอบ",
+ "attachment_size": "ขนาดไฟล์แนบ",
+ "none": "ไม่มี"
"general": {
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- "trigger": "Trigger",
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+ "configure": "กำหนดค่า",
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+ "trigger": "ทริกเกอร์",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
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"home": "บ้าน",
"load": "โหลด",
"open": "เปิด",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
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"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
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- "creating": "Creating",
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"duplicate": "คัดลอก",
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- "action": "Action",
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+ "activate": "เปิดใช้งาน",
+ "action": "การกระทำ",
"insert": "แทรก",
"delete": "ลบ",
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"update": "อัปเดต",
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"rename": "เปลี่ยนชื่อ",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "เปลี่ยนชื่อ {entity}",
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"showOptions": "แสดงตัวเลือก",
"hideOptions": "ซ่อนตัวเลือก",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
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"preferred": "ที่ชอบ",
"mandatory": "บังคับ",
"loading": "กำลังโหลด ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
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"download": "ดาวน์โหลด",
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"event": "เหตุการณ์",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
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"confirm": "ยืนยัน",
"generate": "Generate",
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"lock": "ล็อค",
"unlock": "ปลดล็อค",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "ฟีเจอร์นี้อยู่ในเวอร์ชั่นเบต้า",
"moreInfo": "หาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่นี่",
"logs": "Logs",
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- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
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- "showField": "Show field",
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+ "insertBefore": "แทรกด้านซ้าย",
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+ "insertBelow": "แทรกด้านล่าง",
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"sortDesc": "เรียงจากมากไปน้อย",
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+ "integrations": "การรวม",
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+ "workspaces": "พื้นที่ทำงาน",
"project": "โครงการ",
"projects": "โครงการ",
"table": "ตาราง",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "ฟิลด์",
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@@ -319,41 +320,41 @@
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"users": "ผู้ใช้",
"role": "บทบาท",
"roles": "บทบาท",
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"roleType": {
"owner": "เจ้าของ",
"creator": "ผู้สร้าง",
"editor": "บรรณาธิการ",
"commenter": "ผู้วิจารณ์",
"viewer": "ผู้ดู",
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- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "ไม่มีการเข้าถึง",
+ "superAdmin": "ผู้ดูแลระบบขั้นสูง",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "เจ้าของระดับองค์กร",
"orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
"orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
"sqlVIew": "SQL View",
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"syncData": {
"appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "การเชื่อมต่อทั้งหมด",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "เชื่อมต่อและจัดการฐานข้อมูลของคุณด้วย NocoDB ได้อย่างราบรื่น.",
+ "communication": "การสื่อสาร",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "รับการแจ้งเตือนเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงและปรับปรุงการสื่อสารภายในทีมด้วย NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "การจัดการโครงการ",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "เพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการทำงานของโครงการและการจัดการงานด้วย NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "ปรับปรุงการจัดการความสัมพันธ์กับลูกค้าผ่านการเชื่อมต่อของ NocoDB.",
+ "marketing": "การตลาด",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "ส่งเสริมความพยายามทางการตลาดของคุณด้วยการเชื่อมต่อที่ทรงพลังของ NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "ปรับปรุงระบบการติดตามผู้สมัครของคุณด้วย NocoDB.",
+ "development": "การพัฒนา",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "เร่งกระบวนการพัฒนาด้วยการเชื่อมต่อของ NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "การเงิน",
+ "financeSubtitle": "ทำให้การดำเนินงานด้านการเงินและการจัดการข้อมูลเป็นเรื่องง่ายด้วย NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "การจัดการตั๋ว",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "จัดการและติดตามบัตรสนับสนุนอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพกับ NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "ผสานและจัดระเบียบโซลูชันการจัดเก็บของคุณอย่างราบรื่นกับ NocoDB.",
+ "others": "อื่นๆ",
+ "othersSubtitle": "ค้นหาการผสานที่หลากหลายเพิ่มเติมเพื่อเพิ่มประสบการณ์ของคุณกับ NocoDB.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "สเปรดชีต",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "เชื่อมต่อและจัดการสเปรดชีตของคุณกับ NocoDB."
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@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
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"Formula": "สูตร",
"Rollup": "ม้วน",
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
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- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "renameBase": "เปลี่ยนชื่อฐาน",
+ "renameWorkspace": "เปลี่ยนชื่อพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "กำลังเปลี่ยนชื่อพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "renamingBase": "กำลังเปลี่ยนชื่อฐาน",
+ "sso": "การรับรองตัวตน (SSO)",
+ "docs": "เอกสาร",
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+ "parameter": "พารามิเตอร์",
+ "headers": "ส่วนหัว",
+ "parameterName": "ชื่อพารามิเตอร์",
+ "currencyLocale": "พื้นที่สกุลเงิน",
+ "currencyCode": "รหัสสกุลเงิน",
+ "searchMembers": "ค้นหาสมาชิก",
+ "noMembersFound": "ไม่พบสมาชิก",
+ "dateJoined": "วันที่เข้าร่วม",
+ "tokenName": "ชื่อโทเค็น",
+ "inDesktop": "ในเดสก์ท็อป",
+ "rowData": "บันทึกข้อมูล",
+ "creator": "ผู้สร้าง",
+ "qrCode": "รหัส QR",
+ "termsOfService": "ข้อกำหนดในการให้บริการ",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "อัปเดตบันทึกที่เลือก",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "ยังไม่ได้เพิ่มตัวกรอง",
+ "editCards": "แก้ไขการ์ด",
+ "noFieldsFound": "ไม่พบฟิลด์",
+ "displayValue": "ค่าแสดง",
+ "expand": "ขยาย",
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+ "hideSystemFields": "ซ่อนฟิลด์ระบบ",
+ "removeFile": "ลบไฟล์",
+ "hasMany": "มีหลายรายการ",
+ "manyToMany": "หลายต่อหลาย",
+ "oneToOne": "หนึ่งต่อหนึ่ง",
+ "virtualRelation": "ความสัมพันธ์เสมือน",
+ "linkMore": "เชื่อมโยงเพิ่มเติม",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "เชื่อมโยงบันทึกเพิ่มเติม",
+ "linkRecords": "เชื่อมโยงบันทึก",
+ "downloadFile": "ดาวน์โหลดไฟล์",
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+ "renamingTable": "กำลังเปลี่ยนชื่อตาราง",
+ "renamingWs": "กำลังเปลี่ยนชื่อพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "renameWs": "เปลี่ยนชื่อพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "deleteWs": "ลบพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "deletingWs": "กำลังลบพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "copyAuthToken": "คัดลอกโทเค็นรับรองความถูกต้อง",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "คัดลอกโทเค็นรับรองความถูกต้องแล้ว",
+ "copyInviteToken": "คัดลอกโทเค็นเชิญ",
+ "showSidebar": "แสดงแถบด้านข้าง",
+ "hideSidebar": "ซ่อนแถบด้านข้าง",
+ "creatingTable": "กำลังสร้างตาราง",
"erdView": "ERD View",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "แหล่งข้อมูลใหม่",
"newProj": "โครงการใหม่",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "สร้างฐาน",
"myProject": "โครงการของฉัน",
"formTitle": "ชื่อรูปแบบ",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "ร่วมมือกัน",
+ "locked": "ถูกล็อค",
+ "personal": "ส่วนบุคคล",
"appStore": "แอพสโตร์",
"teamAndAuth": "ทีม & Auth",
"rolesUserMgmt": "บทบาทและผู้ใช้การจัดการ",
"userMgmt": "การจัดการผู้ใช้",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "โทเค็น API",
"apiTokenMgmt": "การจัดการโทเค็น API",
"rolesMgmt": "การจัดการบทบาท",
"projMeta": "ข้อมูลเมตาโครงการ",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Generate Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
"helpCenter": "ศูนย์ช่วยเหลือ",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "ไม่มีป้ายกำกับ",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
"quickImportFrom": "นำเข้าด่วนจาก",
"quickImport": "นำเข้าด่วน",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "นำเข้าด่วน - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "นำเข้าด่วน - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "นำเข้าด่วน - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "นำเข้าด่วน - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "comingSoon": "เร็ว ๆ นี้!",
"advancedSettings": "การตั้งค่าขั้นสูง",
"codeSnippet": "Code Snippet",
"keyboardShortcut": "คีย์ลัดแป้นพิมพ์",
"generateRandomName": "สุ่มชื่อ",
"findRowByScanningCode": "หาแถวโดยสแกน QR โค้ด",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "การจัดการโทเค็น",
+ "addNewToken": "เพิ่มโทเค็นใหม่",
+ "createNewToken": "สร้างโทเค็นใหม่",
+ "accountSettings": "การตั้งค่าบัญชี",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "รีเซ็ตรหัสผ่าน",
+ "tokens": "โทเค็น",
+ "userManagement": "การจัดการผู้ใช้",
+ "accountManagement": "การจัดการบัญชี",
+ "licence": "ใบอนุญาต",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "อนุญาตทุก Mime Types",
+ "defaultView": "มุมมองค่าเริ่มต้น",
+ "relations": "ความสัมพันธ์",
+ "switchLanguage": "สลับภาษา",
+ "renameFile": "เปลี่ยนชื่อไฟล์",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "ไม่มีการตอบสนอง",
+ "cascade": "น้ำตก",
+ "restrict": "จำกัด",
+ "setNull": "ตั้งค่า null",
+ "setDefault": "ตั้งค่าเริ่มต้น"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "เลือกช่องจากแผงด้านขวาเพื่อเพิ่มที่นี่",
+ "noOptionsFound": "ไม่พบตัวเลือก",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "คุณแน่ใจหรือว่าต้องการส่งฟอร์มนี้?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "ดูเหมือนว่าสแต็กนี้ไม่มีระเบียนใด ๆ",
+ "fromScratch": "จากเริ่มต้น",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "จากไฟล์และแหล่งภายนอก",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "โดยตรงในเวลาจริง",
+ "categories": "หมวดหมู่",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "ฟิลด์ไม่สามารถเข้าถึงได้",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "ไม่มีเงื่อนไขที่เพิ่ม"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "แก้ไขเมื่อ",
+ "configuration": "การกำหนดค่า",
+ "setup": "ติดตั้ง",
+ "configLabel": "ตั้งค่า {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "สลับไปที่ฐานข้อมูลแอปพร้อมใช้งาน",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "fieldID": "รหัสฟิลด์",
+ "addDescription": "เพิ่มคำอธิบาย",
+ "editDescription": "แก้ไขคำอธิบาย",
+ "urlFormula": "สูตร URL",
+ "selectIcon": "ไม่มี",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--เลือก webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "เปิด URL",
+ "runWebHook": "เรียกใช้ Webhook",
+ "onClick": "เมื่อคลิก",
+ "defaultView": "มุมมองเริ่มต้น",
+ "recordInsert": "บันทึกการเพิ่ม",
+ "recordUpdate": "บันทึกการอัปเดต",
+ "recordDelete": "บันทึกการลบ",
+ "supportDocs": "เอกสารสนับสนุน",
+ "addedOn": "เพิ่มเมื่อ",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "เปลี่ยนคอลัมน์ค่าแสดงผล",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "เลือกคอลัมน์ค่าแสดงผล",
+ "changeTitleField": "เปลี่ยนคอลัมน์ชื่อ",
+ "clearAll": "ล้างทั้งหมด",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "ฟิลด์โล้โก้อัพแสดงข้อมูลจากรายการที่เชื่อมโยง เลือกฟิลด์เฉพาะจาก ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " ตารางเพื่อเพิ่มเป็นฟิลด์โล้โก้อัพในตารางนี้",
+ "formatting": "การจัดรูปแบบ",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -เลือกรูปแบบ (ไม่บังคับ)- -",
+ "formatType": "ประเภทการจัดรูปแบบ",
+ "toUpload": "เพื่ออัปโหลด",
+ "dragFilesHere": "ลากไฟล์มาที่นี่",
+ "browseFiles": "เลือกไฟล์",
+ "clickTo": "คลิกเพื่อ",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "โปรดอนุญาตการเข้าถึงกล้องของคุณ",
+ "openFile": "เปิดไฟล์",
+ "enterValidUrl": "ใส่ URL ที่ถูกต้องเพื่ออัปโหลดไฟล์",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "เพิ่มไฟล์จาก URL",
+ "uploading": "กำลังอัปโหลด",
+ "dropHere": "วางที่นี่",
+ "addMore": "เพิ่มอีก",
+ "clearAllFiles": "ล้างไฟล์ทั้งหมด",
+ "integration": "การรวม",
+ "notRecommended": "ไม่แนะนำ",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
+ "selectView": "เลือกมุมมอง",
+ "connectionDetails": "รายละเอียดการเชื่อมต่อของแหล่งที่มา",
+ "metaSync": "เมตาซิงค์",
+ "mention": "การกล่าวถึง",
+ "today": "วันนี้",
+ "currentDate": "วันที่ปัจจุบัน",
+ "workspace": "พื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "txt": "ค่า TXT Record",
+ "transferOwnership": "โอนความเป็นเจ้าของ",
+ "recentActivity": "กิจกรรมล่าสุด",
+ "goToMembers": "ไปที่สมาชิก",
+ "addMember": "เพิ่มสมาชิก",
+ "numberOfMembers": "จำนวนสมาชิก",
+ "numberOfBases": "จำนวนฐานข้อมูล",
+ "numberOfRecords": "จำนวนระเบียน",
+ "workspaceName": "ชื่อพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "พื้นที่ทำงานที่ไม่มีเจ้าของ",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "เชิญผู้ใช้สู่พื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-เลือกพื้นที่ทำงานเพื่อเชิญ-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "เพิ่มสมาชิกสู่องค์กร",
+ "memberIn": "สมาชิกใน:",
+ "assignAs": "กำหนดเป็น",
+ "signOutUser": "ออกจากระบบผู้ใช้",
+ "signOutUsers": "ออกจากระบบผู้ใช้หลายคน",
+ "deactivateUser": "ปิดใช้งานผู้ใช้",
+ "deactivateUsers": "ปิดใช้งานผู้ใช้หลายคน",
+ "lastActive": "ใช้งานล่าสุด",
+ "dateAdded": "วันที่เพิ่ม",
+ "uploadImage": "อัปโหลดภาพ",
+ "organizationProfile": "โปรไฟล์องค์กร",
+ "organizationImage": "ภาพองค์กร",
+ "organizationName": "ชื่อองค์กร",
+ "activeDomains": "โดเมนที่ใช้งาน",
+ "domains": "โดเมน",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "ปิดการแชร์สาธารณะ",
+ "shareSettings": "การตั้งค่าการแชร์",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "ลบผู้ใช้และข้อมูลของพวกเขา",
+ "userOptions": "ตัวเลือกผู้ใช้",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "ลบองค์กรนี้",
+ "dangerZone": "พื้นที่อันตราย",
+ "childView": "มุมมองลูก",
+ "selectYear": "เลือกปี",
+ "save": "บันทึก",
+ "cancel": "ยกเลิก",
+ "metadataUrl": "เมทาดาทา URL",
"audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
"redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
+ "newProvider": "ผู้ให้บริการใหม่",
+ "generalSettings": "การตั้งค่าทั่วไป",
+ "adminPanel": "แผงการจัดการ",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "ย้ายพื้นที่ทำงานไปยังองค์กร",
+ "ssoSettings": "การตั้งค่า SSO",
+ "addDomain": "เพิ่มโดเมน",
+ "domain": "โดเมน",
+ "settings": "การตั้งค่า",
+ "workspaces": "พื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "back": "กลับ",
+ "dashboard": "แดชบอร์ด",
+ "organizeBy": "จัดระเบียบตาม",
+ "previous": "ก่อนหน้า",
+ "nextMonth": "เดือนถัดไป",
+ "previousMonth": "เดือนก่อนหน้า",
+ "next": "ถัดไป",
+ "organiseBy": "จัดระเบียบตาม",
+ "heading1": "หัวข้อ 1",
+ "heading2": "หัวข้อ 2",
+ "heading3": "หัวข้อ 3",
+ "bold": "หนา",
+ "italic": "ตัวเอียง",
+ "underline": "ขีดเส้นใต้",
+ "strike": "ขีดทับ",
+ "taskList": "รายการงาน",
+ "bulletList": "รายการหัวข้อ",
+ "numberedList": "รายการเลขที่",
+ "downloadData": "ดาวน์โหลดข้อมูล",
+ "blockQuote": "ใบเสนอราคาบล็อก",
+ "noToken": "ไม่มีโทเค็น",
+ "tokenLimit": "อนุญาตโทเค็นเพียงหนึ่งรายการต่อผู้ใช้เท่านั้น",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "ไฟล์ชื่อ {filename} ได้แนบแล้ว",
"tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "toAddress": "ไปยังที่อยู่",
+ "subject": "หัวเรื่อง",
+ "body": "เนื้อหา",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "หมายเลขมือถือแยกด้วยเครื่องหมายจุลภาค",
+ "headerName": "ชื่อส่วนหัว",
+ "icon": "ไอคอน",
+ "max": "สูงสุด",
+ "enableRichText": "เปิดใช้งาน Rich Text",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "URL ของบันทึกที่คัดลอก",
+ "copyRecordURL": "คัดลอก URL ของบันทึก",
+ "duplicateRecord": "คัดลอกแถว",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "รูปแบบการเข้ารหัสแบบไบนารี่",
+ "syntax": "ไวยากรณ์",
+ "examples": "ตัวอย่าง",
+ "durationInfo": "ระยะเวลาของเวลาเป็นนาทีหรือวินาที (เช่น 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "เพิ่มส่วนหัว",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "ป้อน URL เริ่มต้น (เลือกได้)",
+ "negative": "ลบล้าง",
+ "discard": "ทิ้ง",
+ "default": "ค่าเริ่มต้น",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "หมายเลขค่าเริ่มต้น (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "รูปแบบระยะเวลา",
+ "dateFormat": "รูปแบบวันที่",
+ "timeFormat": "รูปแบบเวลา",
+ "singularLabel": "ป้ายกำกับเอกพจน์",
+ "pluralLabel": "ป้ายกำกับพหูพจน์",
+ "selectDateField": "เลือกช่องวันที่",
+ "endDateField": "ช่องวันที่สิ้นสุด",
+ "optional": "(เลือกได้)",
+ "clickToMake": "คลิกเพื่อทำให้",
+ "visibleForRole": "มองเห็นสำหรับบทบาท:",
+ "inUI": "ในแดชบอร์ด UI",
+ "projectSettings": "การตั้งค่าพื้นฐาน",
+ "clickToHide": "คลิกเพื่อซ่อน",
+ "clickToDownload": "คลิกเพื่อดาวน์โหลด",
+ "forRole": "สำหรับบทบาท",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "คลิกเพื่อคัดลอก TABLE ID",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "คลิกเพื่อคัดลอก VIEW ID",
+ "viewMode": "โหมดดู",
+ "searchUsers": "ค้นหาผู้ใช้",
+ "superAdmin": "ซูเปอร์แอดมิน",
+ "allTables": "ทุกตาราง",
+ "members": "สมาชิก",
+ "dataSources": "แหล่งข้อมูล",
+ "connectDataSource": "เชื่อมต่อข้อมูลภายนอก",
+ "searchProjects": "ค้นหาโครงการ",
"createdBy": "Created By",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "แนบไฟล์ของ",
+ "readOnly": "อ่านอย่างเดียว",
+ "createdOn": "สร้างเมื่อ",
"notifyVia": "แจ้งเตือนผ่าน",
"projName": "ชื่อโครงการ",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "โปรไฟล์",
+ "accountDetails": "รายละเอียดบัญชี",
+ "controlAppearance": "ควบคุมลักษณะที่ปรากฏของคุณ",
+ "accountEmailID": "อีเมลของบัญชี",
+ "backToWorkspace": "กลับไปที่ Workspace",
+ "untitledToken": "โทเค็นที่ไม่ได้ตั้งชื่อ",
"tableName": "ชื่อตาราง",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "ชื่อแดชบอร์ด",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "กำลังสร้างมุมมอง",
+ "duplicateView": "คัดลอกมุมมอง",
+ "duplicateGridView": "คัดลอกมุมมองกริด",
+ "createGridView": "สร้างมุมมองกริด",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "คัดลอกมุมมองแกลเลอรี่",
+ "createGalleryView": "สร้างมุมมองแกลเลอรี่",
+ "duplicateFormView": "คัดลอกมุมมองแบบฟอร์ม",
+ "createFormView": "สร้างมุมมองแบบฟอร์ม",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "คัดลอกมุมมอง Kanban",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "คัดลอกมุมมองปฏิทิน",
+ "createKanbanView": "สร้างมุมมอง Kanban",
+ "createCalendarView": "สร้างมุมมองปฏิทิน",
"viewName": "ดูชื่อ",
"viewLink": "ดูลิงค์",
"columnName": "ชื่อคอลัมน์",
@@ -838,9 +841,9 @@
"lengthValue": "ความยาว / ค่า",
"dbType": "ประเภทฐานข้อมูล",
"servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "sqliteFile": "เส้นทางไฟล์ SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "ที่อยู่โฮสต์",
+ "port": "หมายเลขพอร์ต",
"username": "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
"password": "รหัสผ่าน",
"schemaName": "Schema name",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "หนังบู๊",
"actions": "การกระทำ",
"operation": "การดำเนินการ",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "ประเภทการทำงานย่อย",
"operationType": "ประเภทการทำงาน",
"operationSubType": "การดำเนินงานประเภทย่อย",
"description": "คำอธิบาย",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "ที่ไหน",
"cache": "แคช",
"chat": "แชท",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "แสดงหรือซ่อน",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "ไฟล์ CSV",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "ไฟล์ JSON",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "อีเมล",
@@ -873,15 +876,15 @@
"created": "สร้าง",
"sqlOutput": "เอาต์พุต SQL",
"addOption": "เพิ่มตัวเลือก",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "สีส่วนติดต่อผู้ใช้",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
- "barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
- "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
- "barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "barcodeFormat": "รูปแบบบาร์โค้ด",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "จำนวนอักขระมากเกินไปสำหรับรหัส QR",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "จำนวนอักขระมากเกินไปสำหรับบาร์โค้ด",
+ "currentLocation": "ตำแหน่งปัจจุบัน",
+ "lng": "ลองจิจูด",
+ "lat": "ละติจูด",
"aggregateFunction": "ฟังก์ชั่นรวม",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "ฐานข้อมูล: สร้างถ้าไม่มีอยู่",
"clientKey": "รหัสลูกค้า",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "เข้าร่วมคอมมูนิตี้ของ NocoDB",
"joinReddit": "เข้าร่วม /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "ติดตาม NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(แปลโดยชุมชน/AI)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "เอกสารอ้างอิง",
"selectUserRole": "เลือกบทบาทผู้ใช้",
"childTable": "ตารางลูก",
"childColumn": "คอลัมน์เด็ก",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "คอลัมน์เด็ก",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "เข้าร่วมคลาวด์ฟรี",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "เชื่อมไปยังตารางอื่น",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "ลิงก์",
"onUpdate": "เมื่ออัปเดต",
"onDelete": "ในการลบ",
"account": "Account",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Custom Theme",
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
"apiKey": "API Key",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
- "importData": "Import data",
+ "personalAccessToken": "โทเค็นการเข้าถึงส่วนบุคคล",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "URL ฐานที่ใช้ร่วมกัน",
+ "importData": "Import Data",
"importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "นำเข้าผู้ใช้ (ตามอีเมล)",
"noData": "No Data",
"goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
"importing": "Importing",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "จัดรูปแบบ JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "เลือกประเภทฟิลด์อัตโนมัติ",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "ใช้บันทึกแรกเป็นส่วนหัว",
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
"downloadAllowed": "อนุญาตให้ดาวน์โหลด",
"weAreHiring": "เรากำลังรับสมัคร!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "has many",
"belongsTo": "belongs to",
"manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "มีความสัมพันธ์แบบ 1 ต่อ 1",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
"commentsOnly": "Comments only",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "สมัครใช้งานด้วย {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้ด้วย {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "เมื่อคุณสมัครใช้งานแล้ว ถือว่ายอมรับข้อตกลงการใช้งาน",
"welcomeToNc": "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "อนุญาตให้สมัครได้ผ่านลิงก์เชิญชวนเท่านั้น",
"nextRow": "แถวต่อไป",
"prevRow": "แถวที่แล้ว",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
+ "addRowGrid": "เพิ่มข้อมูลเองในมุมมองกริด",
+ "addRowForm": "กรอกข้อมูลบันทึกผ่านแบบฟอร์ม",
+ "noAccess": "ไม่มีการเข้าถึง",
"restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
+ "apis": "API",
"apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "includeData": "รวมข้อมูล",
+ "includeView": "รวมมุมมอง",
+ "includeWebhook": "รวม Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "ซูมเข้าดูคอลัมน์",
+ "embedInSite": "ฝังมุมมองนี้ในเว็บไซต์ของคุณ",
+ "titleRequired": "จำเป็นต้องมีชื่อเรื่อง",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "ต้องระบุชื่อแหล่งที่มา",
+ "changeWsName": "เปลี่ยนชื่อ Workspace",
+ "pressEnter": "กด Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "ฟิลด์ใหม่",
+ "saveChanges": "บันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลง",
+ "updatedField": "ฟิลด์ที่ได้รับการอัพเดต",
+ "deletedField": "ฟิลด์ที่ถูกลบ",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "การตั้งค่าที่ไม่สมบูรณ์",
+ "selectField": "เลือกฟิลด์",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "สีพื้นหลัง",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "ซ่อนการสร้างแบรนด์ของ NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "แสดงบนเงื่อนไข",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "แสดงช่องเมื่อเงื่อนไขถูกพบ",
+ "limitOptions": "จำกัดตัวเลือก",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "จำกัดตัวเลือกที่มองเห็นได้ให้กับผู้ใช้โดยเลือกตัวเลือกที่มี",
+ "clearSelection": "ล้างการเลือก",
+ "displayAsProgress": "แสดงเป็นความก้าวหน้า",
+ "relationType": "ประเภทความสัมพันธ์",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "แสดงตัวคั่นหลักพัน",
+ "signUpForFree": "สมัครฟรี",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "ปรับภาพให้พอดี",
+ "coverImageArea": "ครอบคลุมภาพ",
+ "syncData": "ซิงค์ข้อมูล",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "ลงทะเบียนบริการที่คุณสนใจเพื่อรับการแจ้งเตือนเมื่อพร้อมใช้งาน",
+ "redirectToUrl": "เปลี่ยนเส้นทางไปที่ URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "รายละเอียด Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "ซ่อนวันหยุดสุดสัปดาห์",
+ "renameBase": "เปลี่ยนชื่อฐาน",
+ "renameWorkspace": "เปลี่ยนชื่อพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "deactivate": "ปิดใช้งาน",
+ "manageUsers": "จัดการผู้ใช้",
+ "newWorkspace": "พื้นที่ทำงานใหม่",
+ "addDomain": "เพิ่มโดเมน",
+ "addMembers": "เพิ่มสมาชิก",
+ "enterEmail": "ป้อนที่อยู่อีเมล",
+ "inviteToBase": "เชิญเข้าร่วมฐาน",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "เชิญสู่พื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "addMember": "เพิ่มสมาชิกในฐาน",
+ "noRange": "มุมมองปฏิทินต้องการช่วงเวลา",
+ "goToToday": "ไปที่วันนี้",
+ "toggleSidebar": "สลับแถบด้านข้าง",
+ "addEndDate": "เพิ่มวันที่สิ้นสุด",
+ "withEndDate": "กับวันที่สิ้นสุด",
+ "calendar": "ปฏิทิน",
+ "viewSettings": "ดูการตั้งค่า",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "ลงทะเบียนผู้ให้บริการ Identity OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "ลงทะเบียนผู้ให้บริการ Identity SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "เปิดในแท็บใหม่",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "คัดลอกรหัส IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "ตามเงื่อนไข",
+ "bulkDownload": "ดาวน์โหลดแบบกลุ่ม",
+ "attachFile": "แนบไฟล์",
+ "viewAttachment": "ดูไฟล์ที่แนบมา",
+ "attachmentDrop": "คลิกหรือลากไฟล์แล้วปล่อยลงในเซลล์",
+ "addFiles": "เพิ่มไฟล์",
+ "hideInUI": "ซ่อนใน UI",
+ "addBase": "เพิ่มฐาน",
+ "addParameter": "เพิ่มพารามิเตอร์",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "ส่งแบบฟอร์มอีกฉบับ",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "ลากและวางฟิลด์ที่นี่เพื่อเพิ่ม",
+ "editSource": "แก้ไขแหล่งข้อมูล",
+ "enterText": "ป้อนข้อความ",
+ "okEditBase": "ตกลงและแก้ไขฐานข้อมูล",
+ "showInUI": "แสดงใน UI",
+ "outOfSync": "ไม่ตรงกัน",
+ "newSource": "แหล่งข้อมูลใหม่",
+ "newWebhook": "Webhook ใหม่",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "เปิดใช้งานการเข้าถึงแบบสาธารณะ",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "คุณต้องการบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงหรือไม่?",
+ "editingAccess": "การแก้ไขการเข้าถึง",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "เปิดการดูสาธารณะ",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "จำกัด การเข้าถึงด้วยรหัสผ่าน",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "จัดการการเข้าถึงฐานข้อมูล",
+ "allowDownload": "อนุญาตให้ดาวน์โหลด",
+ "surveyMode": "โหมดสำรวจ",
+ "rtlOrientation": "การจัดแนว RTL",
+ "useTheme": "ใช้ธีม",
+ "copyLink": "คัดลอกลิงค์",
+ "copiedLink": "ลิงค์ถูกคัดลอก",
+ "copyInviteLink": "คัดลอกลิงค์เชิญ",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "ลิงค์เชิญถูกคัดลอก",
"copyUrl": "คัดลอก URL",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "สีเพิ่มเติม",
+ "moveProject": "ย้ายฐานข้อมูล",
"createProject": "สร้างโครงการ",
"importProject": "โครงการนำเข้า",
"searchProject": "ค้นหาโครงการ",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "ลบโครงการ",
"refreshProject": "โครงการรีเฟรช",
"saveProject": "บันทึกโครงการ",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "บันทึกและออก",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "สร้างโดยเชื่อมต่อ
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "ช่วยแปล",
"account": {
"authToken": "คัดลอกโทเค็นรับรองความถูกต้อง",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "โทเค็นการรับรองความถูกต้องถูกคัดลอก",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "คัดลอกข้อมูลโครงการ",
"themes": "ธีม"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "กรอง",
"addFilter": "เพิ่มตัวกรอง",
"share": "แบ่งปัน",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "กลุ่มโดย",
+ "addSubGroup": "กลุ่มย่อยใหม่",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "แชร์ฐานข้อมูล",
"disable": "ปิดใช้งานฐานที่ใช้ร่วมกัน",
"enable": "ทุกคนที่มีลิงค์",
"link": "ลิงค์ฐานที่ใช้ร่วมกัน"
@@ -1111,13 +1114,13 @@
"inviteTeam": "เชิญทีม",
"inviteUser": "เชิญผู้ใช้",
"inviteToken": "เชิญโทเค็น",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "บันทึกข้อมูลที่เชื่อมโยง",
+ "addNewLink": "เพิ่มลิงค์ใหม่",
"newUser": "ผู้ใช้ใหม่",
"editUser": "แก้ไขผู้ใช้",
"deleteUser": "ลบผู้ใช้จากโครงการ",
"resendInvite": "ส่งอีเมลเชิญส่งอีเมลอีกครั้ง",
- "copyInviteURL": "Copy Invite URL",
+ "copyInviteURL": "คัดลอก URL เชิญ",
"copyPasswordResetURL": "คัดลอก URL รีเซ็ตรหัสผ่าน",
"newRole": "บทบาทใหม่",
"reloadRoles": "โหลดบทบาทใหม่",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "บันทึกก่อนหน้า",
"copyApiURL": "คัดลอก URL API",
"createTable": "สร้างตารางใหม่",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "สร้างแดชบอร์ด",
+ "createWorkspace": "สร้างพื้นที่ทำงาน",
"refreshTable": "รีเฟรชตาราง",
"renameTable": "เปลี่ยนชื่อตาราง",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "เปลี่ยนชื่อลักษณะการจัดวาง",
"deleteTable": "ลบตาราง",
"addField": "เพิ่มฟิลด์ใหม่ลงในตารางนี้",
"setDisplay": "ตั้งเป็นค่าแสดง",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "แทรกแถวใหม่",
"duplicateRow": "คัดลอกแถว",
"deleteRow": "ลบแถว",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "ลบแถว",
+ "predictColumns": "ทำนายฟิลด์",
+ "predictFormulas": "ทำนายสูตร",
"deleteSelectedRow": "ลบแถวที่เลือก",
"importExcel": "นำเข้า Excel",
"importCSV": "นำเข้า CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "สร้างมุมมอง",
"shareView": "แบ่งปันมุมมอง",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "กรอกโดยการสแกน",
"listSharedView": "รายการมุมมองที่ใช้ร่วมกัน",
"ListView": "รายการมุมมอง",
"copyView": "คัดลอกมุมมอง",
"renameView": "เปลี่ยนชื่อมุมมอง",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "อัปโหลดข้อมูล",
"deleteView": "ลบมุมมอง",
"createGrid": "สร้างมุมมองกริด",
"createGallery": "สร้างมุมมองแกลเลอรี่",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "เพิ่ม webhook ใหม่",
"enableWebhook": "เปิดการใช้งาน Webhook",
"testWebhook": "ทดสอบ Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "สร้าง Webhook",
"copyWebhook": "คัดลอก Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "ลบ Webhook",
"newToken": "เพิ่มโทเค็นใหม่",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "zip นำเข้า",
"metaSync": "ซิงค์ตอนนี้",
"settings": "การตั้งค่า",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "การตรวจสอบ",
"previewAs": "ดูตัวอย่างเป็น",
"resetReview": "รีเซ็ตดูตัวอย่าง",
"testDbConn": "ทดสอบการเชื่อมต่อฐานข้อมูล",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
"linkRecord": "เชื่อมตาราง",
"addNewRecord": "เพิ่มตารางใหม่",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "บันทึกใหม่",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: สร้างบันทึกใหม่",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' ถูกบันทึกและเชื่อมโยงสำเร็จ",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "บันทึกถูกสร้างและเชื่อมโยง",
"useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
"expandRecord": "ขยายตาราง",
"deleteRecord": "ลบตาราง",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "เต็มความกว้าง",
+ "exitFullWidth": "ออกจากเต็มความกว้าง",
+ "markAllAsRead": "ทำเครื่องหมายทั้งหมดว่าอ่านแล้ว",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "ลบฟิลด์",
+ "addNumber": "เพิ่มฟิลด์หมายเลข",
+ "addSingleLineText": "เพิ่มฟิลด์ข้อความบรรทัดเดียว",
+ "addLongText": "เพิ่มฟิลด์ข้อความยาว",
+ "addOther": "เพิ่มฟิลด์อื่น"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Columns",
@@ -1226,48 +1229,50 @@
"showJunctionTableNames": "แสดงตารางที่เชื่อมกัน 2 ตารางขึ้นไป"
"kanban": {
- "collapseStack": "Collapse stack",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
- "deleteStack": "Delete stack",
- "stackedBy": "Stacked by",
+ "collapseStack": "ยุบสแต็ก",
+ "collapseAll": "ยุบทั้งหมด",
+ "expandAll": "ขยายทั้งหมด",
+ "renameStack": "เปลี่ยนชื่อสแต็ก",
+ "deleteStack": "ลบสแต็ก",
+ "stackedBy": "ซ้อนโดย",
"chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
"addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "จัดทำแผนที่โดย",
+ "chooseMappingField": "เลือกฟิลด์การทำแผนที่",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "เปิดโหมดมือถือ",
+ "startCommenting": "เริ่มแสดงความคิดเห็น!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "ยังไม่มีความคิดเห็น!",
+ "clearForm": "ล้างแบบฟอร์ม",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "เพิ่มช่อง",
+ "selectAllFields": "เลือกทุกช่อง",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "เปิดใช้งานการกรอกล่วงหน้า",
+ "default": "ค่าเริ่มต้น",
+ "locked": "ล็อคช่องที่กรอกล่วงหน้าให้อ่านได้เท่านั้น",
+ "hidden": "ซ่อนช่องที่กรอกล่วงหน้า",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "ค่าที่กรอกล่วงหน้า"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "รับลิงก์ที่กรอกล่วงหน้า",
+ "group": "กลุ่ม",
+ "goToDocs": "ไปที่เอกสาร",
+ "addCondition": "เพิ่มเงื่อนไข",
+ "addConditionGroup": "เพิ่มกลุ่มเงื่อนไข"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "เปิดใช้งานเพื่อทำให้การเชื่อมต่อนี้เป็นส่วนตัวและซ่อนจากผู้สร้างอื่น ๆ ในพื้นที่ทำงานนี้",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "ไม่บังคับ ใช้ฐานข้อมูลค่าเริ่มต้น \"{database}\" หากเว้นว่างไว้",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "ไม่บังคับ ใช้ข้อมูลสคีมาค่าเริ่มต้น \"{schema}\" หากเว้นว่างไว้.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "การแก้ไขสคีมาในการนี้ถูกปิดใช้งานแล้ว",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "ไม่อนุญาตประเภทข้อมูลนี้",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "ตัวเลือกนี้อนุญาตให้มีการแก้ไขสคีมาฐานข้อมูล รวมถึงการเพิ่ม แก้ไข หรือลบตารางและคอลัมน์ ใช้ด้วยความระมัดระวังเนื่องจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงอาจมีผลกระทบต่อความสมบูรณ์ของโครงสร้างฐานข้อมูลของคุณ",
+ "allowDataWrite": "ตัวเลือกนี้ช่วยให้สร้าง อัปเดต หรือลบข้อมูลในตารางฐานข้อมูล เหมาะสำหรับผู้ดูแลระบบที่ต้องการเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูลโดยตรง.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "บันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลง",
"xcDB": "สร้างโครงการใหม่",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "มันมาเป็นสีดำหรือไม่? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "เพิ่มตารางใหม่",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "เพิ่มแดชบอร์ดใหม่",
"inviteMore": "เชิญผู้ใช้มากขึ้น",
"toggleNavDraw": "สลับลิ้นชักนำทาง",
"reloadApiToken": "โหลดโทเค็น API ใหม่",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "เลือก. ไฟล์. คีย์",
"clientCert": "เลือกไฟล์ .cert",
"clientCA": "เลือกไฟล์ CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "เปลี่ยนสีไอคอน",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "โหมดฟอร์มที่มีหนึ่งช่องต่อหน้า",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "ใช้เมนูแก้ไขเพื่อเปลี่ยนประเภทหลังจากนำเข้าไฟล์",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "บทบาทสืบทอดจากเวิร์กสเปซ",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "เร็วๆ นี้! คลิกเพื่อโหวตการผสานที่คุณต้องการใน NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "ค้นหาไอคอน",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "เลือกช่อง Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "เลือกช่อง Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "เลือกช่อง Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "เลือกช่อง Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "ชื่อ Webhook",
+ "barcodeColumn": "เลือกฟิลด์สำหรับค่า Barcode",
+ "notFoundContent": "ไม่สามารถพบประเภทฟิลด์ที่ถูกต้อง",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "เลือกรูปแบบ Barcode",
"projName": "ป้อนชื่อโครงการ",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "เลือกฟิลด์การจัดกลุ่ม",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "ไม่สามารถพบฟิลด์เลือกเดี่ยวได้ โปรดสร้างก่อน",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "เลือกฟิลด์ภาพปก",
+ "selectGeoField": "เลือกฟิลด์ข้อมูลภูมิศาสตร์",
+ "notSelected": "-ไม่ถูกเลือก-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "ไม่สามารถพบฟิลด์ข้อมูลภูมิศาสตร์ได้ โปรดสร้างก่อน",
"password": {
"enter": "ป้อนรหัสผ่าน",
"current": "รหัสผ่านปัจจุบัน",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "บันทึกรหัสผ่าน",
"confirm": "ยืนยันรหัสผ่านใหม่"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "เลือกฟิลด์สำหรับค่า QR โค้ด",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "อนุญาตตัวเลขติดลบ",
"searchProjectTree": "ค้นหาตาราง",
"searchFields": "ค้นหาฟิลด์",
"searchColumn": "ค้นหาคอลัมน์ {ค้นหา}",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "กรองทางอีเมล",
"filterQuery": "Filter query",
"selectField": "Select field",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "ความละเอียด",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "ค่า",
+ "key": "คีย์",
+ "createTable": "สร้างตารางแรกของคุณ!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "ไม่ได้สร้างโทเค็น API",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "เชิญทีมของคุณ",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "ค้นหาตัวเลือก"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "การกำหนดค่าปุ่มไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "การกำหนดค่าฟิลด์ไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "invalidTheme": "เลือกธีมที่ถูกต้อง",
+ "invalidColor": "เลือกสีที่ถูกต้อง",
+ "invalidType": "ประเภทของปุ่มสามารถเป็น 'webhook' หรือ 'url' ได้",
+ "invalidLabel": "ป้อนป้ายชื่อปุ่มที่ถูกต้อง",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "ฟังก์ชันนี้ไม่สามารถใช้ได้กับฐานข้อมูลของคุณ",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "ควบคุมชื่อและลักษณะที่ปรากฏขององค์กรคุณ",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "เพิ่มโดเมนของบริษัทเพื่อจำกัดการเข้าถึงจากผู้ใช้ที่ไม่ต้องการ",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "จำกัดผู้ใช้ไม่ให้สามารถแชร์ฐานข้อมูลในที่สาธารณะได้",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "เลือกผู้ใช้ที่จะถูกลบและลบออกจากพื้นที่ทำงานขององค์กรทั้งหมด",
+ "deleteOrganization": "ลบผู้ใช้ ฐานข้อมูล และข้อมูลทั้งหมดที่เกี่ยวข้องกับองค์กรนี้",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "คลิกเพื่อคัดลอกหมายเลขฟิลด์",
+ "enterPassword": "ป้อนรหัสผ่าน",
+ "bySigningUp": "เมื่อคุณสมัครใช้งานแล้ว ถือว่ายอมรับข้อตกลงการใช้งาน",
"subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "verifyingPassword": "กำลังตรวจสอบรหัสผ่าน",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "มุมมองที่ใช้ร่วมกันนี้ได้รับการป้องกัน",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "ส่งข้อมูลฟอร์มสำเร็จ",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "มุมมองฟอร์มไม่รองรับบนอุปกรณ์เคลื่อนที่",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "มุมมองปฏิทินไม่ได้รับการสนับสนุนบนมือถือ",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "ฟอร์มใหม่จะโหลดหลังจาก {seconds} วินาที",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "การค้นหาที่ปรับให้เหมาะสมถูกปิดใช้งาน",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "การค้นหาที่ปรับให้เหมาะสมถูกเปิดใช้งาน",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "เขตข้อมูลการค้นหาไม่รองรับสำหรับความสัมพันธ์ที่ไม่ใช่ระบบ Belongs to",
+ "invalidTime": "เวลาไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "คุณไม่มีลิงก์ที่สนับสนุนสำหรับ {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "ไม่พบบันทึก",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "เปลี่ยนขนาดหน้าสำเร็จ",
+ "errorLoadingData": "ข้อผิดพลาดในการโหลดข้อมูล",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "ใช้ตัวแปรบริบท",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "ร่างกาย",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "เพื่ออ้างอิงบันทึกที่กำลังพิจารณา",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "คำแนะนำ: ใช้ {placeholder1} เพื่ออ้างอิงฟิลด์ เช่น {placeholder2} สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม โปรดตรวจสอบ",
+ "hintEnd": "สูตร.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "ไม่พบสูตรที่แนะนำ",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "ไม่พบบริเวณข้อมูลที่แนะนำ",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} ต้องการ {type} ที่ตำแหน่ง {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "คาดว่าจะเป็นประเภทตัวเลข",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "คาดว่าจะเป็นประเภทข้อความ",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} การดำเนินการไม่มีอยู่",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "ไม่สามารถบันทึกฟิลด์เนื่องจากสูตรไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "ไม่สนับสนุนการอ้างอิงฟิลด์ {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "คาดว่าประเภท {type} แต่พบประเภท {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ต้องการอาร์กิวเมนต์ {requiredArguments} อาร์กิวเมนต์",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ต้องการอาร์กิวเมนต์ขั้นต่ำ {minRequiredArguments} อาร์กิวเมนต์",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} ต้องการอาร์กิวเมนต์สูงสุด {maxRequiredArguments} อาร์กิวเมนต์",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "ฟังก์ชัน {function} ไม่มีอยู่",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "พารามิเตอร์แรกของ WEEKDAY() ควรมีค่าวันที่",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "พารามิเตอร์ที่สองของ WEEKDAY() ควรมีค่าเป็น \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" หรือ \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "พารามิเตอร์แรกของ DATEADD() ควรมีค่าวันที่",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "พารามิเตอร์ที่สองของ DATEADD() ควรมีค่าเป็นตัวเลข",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "พารามิเตอร์ที่สามของ DATEADD() ควรมีค่าเป็น \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" หรือ \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "พารามิเตอร์แรกของ DATEDIFF() ควรมีค่าวันที่",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "พารามิเตอร์ที่สองของ DATEDIFF() ควรมีค่าเป็นวันที่",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "พารามิเตอร์ที่สามของ DATETIME_DIFF() ควรมีค่าเป็น \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", หรือ \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "ไม่สามารถใช้งาน คอลัมน์ {columnName}",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "ไม่สามารถบันทึกฟิลด์เนื่องจากทำให้เกิดการอ้างอิงเวียนวน",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "พบคอลัมน์ {columnName} ซึ่งมีประเภท {columnType} แต่ขอประเภท {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} ไม่ตรงกับ {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "ตัวเลือกไม่สามารถเป็นค่าว่างได้",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "ฟิลด์ MultiSelect ไม่สามารถมีเครื่องหมายจุลภาค (',') ได้",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "ตัวเลือกไม่สามารถซ้ำกันได้",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "สร้างตัวเลือกใหม่ชื่อ"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "กรุณากรอกตัวเลข",
+ "plsInputEmail": "กรุณาป้อนอีเมล",
+ "invalidDate": "วันที่ไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "invalidLocale": "ระบบภาษาที่ไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "รหัสสกุลเงินที่ไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "ประเภท 'money' ใน PostgreSQL มีการตั้งค่าสกุลเงินของตัวเอง",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "ประเภทฟิลด์ที่ถูกต้องสำหรับฟิลด์บาร์โค้ด ได้แก่: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal กรุณาสร้างหนึ่งฟิลด์ก่อน",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "มีหลายความสัมพันธ์",
+ "tooltip_desc": "เรคคอร์ดเดี่ยวจากตาราง ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " สามารถเชื่อมโยงกับหลายๆเรคคอร์ดจากตาราง "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "มีหลายต่อหลายความสัมพันธ์",
+ "tooltip_desc": "หลายๆเรคคอร์ดจากตาราง ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " สามารถเชื่อมโยงกับหลายๆเรคคอร์ดจากตาราง "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "เป็นเจ้าของความสัมพันธ์",
+ "tooltip_desc": "เรคคอร์ดเดี่ยวจากตาราง ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " สามารถเชื่อมโยงกับเรคคอร์ดจากตาราง "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "ความสัมพันธ์แบบหนึ่งต่อหนึ่ง",
+ "tooltip_desc": "เรคคอร์ดเดี่ยวจากตาราง ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " สามารถเชื่อมโยงกับเรคคอร์ดเดี่ยวจากตาราง "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "ดูเหมือนว่ายังไม่มีการเชื่อมโยงระเบียนใด ๆ",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "ไม่มีเรคคอร์ดที่เชื่อมต่อ",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "ไม่มีบันทึกที่เชื่อมโยง",
+ "recordsLinked": "เรคคอร์ดที่เชื่อมโยง",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "ยอมรับเฉพาะ {type} ที่ถูกต้อง",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "สร้างโทเค็น API ส่วนตัวเพื่อใช้ในระบบอัตโนมัติหรือแอปภายนอก",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "เลือกฟิลด์เพื่อเรียงลำดับ",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "เลือกฟิลด์เพื่อกลุ่ม",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "ไม่มีเรคคอร์ดในตาราง",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "ขณะนี้ไม่มีระเบียนที่พร้อมใช้งานสำหรับการเชื่อมโยง",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "เริ่มต้นด้วยเว็บฮุค!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "เพิ่มพลังงานให้การทำงานอัตโนมัติของคุณ รับการแจ้งเตือนทันทีเมื่อมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงในข้อมูลของคุณ",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "คุณแน่ใจว่าต้องการลบดังต่อไปนี้หรือไม่",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "คุณแน่ใจว่าต้องการ {deleteLabel} ดังต่อไปนี้หรือไม่",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ฟิลด์ ID จำเป็นต้องใช้ คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนชื่อภายหลังได้หากจำเป็น",
+ "length59Required": "ความยาวเกินที่กำหนดไว้ 59 อักขระ",
+ "noNewNotifications": "คุณไม่มีการแจ้งเตือนใหม่",
+ "noRecordFound": "ไม่พบเรคคอร์ด",
+ "noRecordsFound": "ไม่พบรายการ",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "ไม่มีระเบียนที่ตรงกับคำค้นหาของคุณ",
+ "rowDeleted": "ลบเรคคอร์ดแล้ว",
+ "saveChanges": "คุณต้องการบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงหรือไม่?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "ฟิลด์ใหญ่เกินไปที่จะถูกแปลงเป็น {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "ต้องการบทบาท",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "ฟิลด์ปุ่มที่พึ่งพา webhook นี้จะถูกกระทบ",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "มุมมอง Kanban ต้องมีช่องตัวเลือกเดียวในการตั้งค่า การตั้งค่ามุมมอง Kanban หลังจากเพิ่มช่องตัวเลือกเดียว!",
+ "mapNoFields": "มุมมองแผนที่ต้องมีข้อมูลตำแหน่งในการตั้งค่า การตั้งค่ามุมมองแผนที่หลังจากเพิ่มข้อมูลตำแหน่ง!",
+ "dbValid": "ตรวจสอบความสมบูรณ์ของฐานข้อมูลเพื่อป้องกันการสูญเสียสคีมา",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
+ "renderError": "ข้อผิดพลาดบาร์โค้ด - โปรดตรวจสอบความเข้ากันได้ระหว่างการนำเข้าและประเภทบาร์โค้ด"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
- "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "คำเตือน: ฟิลด์ที่คำนวณ - ไม่สามารถล้างข้อความได้",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "คำเตือน: ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนฟิลด์ QR โดยตรงได้",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "คำเตือน: ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนฟิลด์บาร์โค้ดโดยตรงได้"
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "คุณแน่ใจหรือว่าต้องการทำสำเนาฐาน?",
+ "duplicateTable": "คุณแน่ใจหรือว่าต้องการทำสำเนาตาราง?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "คุณไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนการมองเห็นของฟิลด์ที่กำลังแก้ไขอยู่ โปรดบันทึกหรือยกเลิกการแก้ไขก่อน",
+ "moveEditedField": "คุณไม่สามารถย้ายฟิลด์ที่กำลังแก้ไขอยู่ กรุณาบันทึกหรือยกเลิกการเปลี่ยนแปลงก่อน",
+ "moveDeletedField": "คุณไม่สามารถย้ายฟิลด์ที่ถูกลบได้ กรุณาบันทึกหรือยกเลิกการเปลี่ยนแปลงก่อน"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "คุณจะไม่สามารถลากบันทึกระหว่างวันที่ได้เมื่อใช้ฟิลด์ที่คำนวณหรือระบบ.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "การเปลี่ยนแปลงสคีมาถูกปิดใช้งานสำหรับแหล่งนี้",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "ป้อนชื่อพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "enterBaseName": "ป้อนชื่อโครงการ",
+ "idpPaste": "วาง URL เหล่านี้ในคอนโซลผู้ให้บริการ Identity ของคุณ",
+ "noSaml": "ไม่มีการตั้งค่าการรับรองตัวตน SAML",
+ "noOIDC": "ยังไม่มีการกำหนดค่า OpenID",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "ปิดใช้งานเนื่องจากการดูถูกล็อค",
+ "basesMigrated": "ฐานถูกย้าย กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "การวางไม่รองรับในเซลล์ที่เลือก",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "กำลังโหลดเครื่องสแกน...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "คุณเกินขีดจำกัดแล้ว",
+ "closeLimit": "คุณใกล้จะถึงขีดจำกัดแล้ว",
+ "limitNumber": "ขีดจำกัดของมาร์กเกอร์ที่แสดงในมุมมองแผนที่คือ 1000 รายการ"
"footerInfo": "แถวต่อหน้า",
"upload": "เลือกไฟล์ที่จะอัปโหลด",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "ป้อนป้ายชื่ออินพุตแบบฟอร์ม",
"formHelpText": "เพิ่มข้อความช่วยเหลือบางอย่าง",
"onlyCreator": "มองเห็นเฉพาะกับผู้สร้างเท่านั้น",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "เพิ่มชื่อแบบฟอร์ม",
"formDesc": "เพิ่มคำอธิบายแบบฟอร์ม",
"beforeEnablePwd": "จำกัด การเข้าถึงด้วยรหัสผ่าน",
"afterEnablePwd": "การเข้าถึงคือรหัสผ่านที่ จำกัด",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "เข้าถึงโครงการผ่านทาง",
"submitAnotherForm": "แสดงปุ่ม 'ส่งฟอร์มอื่น'",
"showBlankForm": "แสดงแบบฟอร์มเปล่าหลังจาก 5 วินาที",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "ส่งอีเมลไปที่",
"showSysFields": "แสดงฟิลด์ระบบ",
"filterAutoApply": "ใช้อัตโนมัติ",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "แสดงข้อความ",
"viewNotShared": "มุมมองปัจจุบันไม่ได้แชร์!",
"showAllViews": "แสดงมุมมองที่แชร์ทั้งหมดของตารางนี้",
"collabView": "ผู้ทำงานร่วมกันที่มีสิทธิ์แก้ไขหรือสูงกว่าสามารถเปลี่ยนการกำหนดค่ามุมมอง",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "เพิ่มมุมมองแกลลอรี่",
"form": "เพิ่มมุมมองแบบฟอร์ม",
"kanban": "เพิ่มมุมมอง Kanban",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "เพิ่มมุมมองแผนที่",
"calendar": "เพิ่มมุมมองปฏิทิน"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "ตารางเมตาดาต้ากำลังซิงค์",
"addMultipleUsers": "คุณสามารถเพิ่มอีเมลคั่นด้วยเครื่องหมายจุลภาค (,) หลายรายการ",
"enterTableName": "ป้อนชื่อตาราง",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "ป้อนคำอธิบายตาราง...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "ป้อนคำอธิบายฟิลด์...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "ป้อนคำอธิบายมุมมอง...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "กรุณากรอกชื่อเลย์เอาต์",
+ "enterDashboardName": "ป้อนชื่อแดชบอร์ด",
+ "defaultColumns": "คอลัมน์เริ่มต้น",
"addDefaultColumns": "เพิ่มคอลัมน์เริ่มต้น",
"tableNameInDb": "ชื่อตารางตามที่บันทึกไว้ในฐานข้อมูล",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,13 +1649,13 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "ลบตารางสำเร็จ",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "ลบเค้าโครงสำเร็จ",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "คุณแน่ใจหรือว่าต้องการลบเค้าโครงนี้?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "คุณต้องการลบตารางหรือไม่",
"showM2mTables": "แสดงตารางที่สัมพันธ์แบบกลุ่มต่อกลุ่ม",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "ความสัมพันธ์แบบหลายต่อหลายได้รับการสนับสนุนผ่านตารางจุดเชื่อมต่อ & ถูกซ่อนตามค่าเริ่มต้น เปิดใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้เพื่อแสดงตารางทั้งหมดรวมถึงตารางที่มีอยู่",
"showNullInCells": "แสดงค่า NULL ในช่อง",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "แสดงแท็ก 'NULL' ที่มีค่าเป็น NULL ในช่องตาราง ตัวเลือกนี้ช่วยแยกระหว่างช่องที่เป็น EMPTY ได้ชัดเจนขึ้น",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "แสดงค่า NULL และ EMPTY ในตัวกรอง",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
"noMoreRecords": "ไม่มีตารางใดๆ",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "ชื่อโทเค็นไม่ควรว่างเปล่า",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "ชื่อโทเค็นไม่ควรเกิน 255 อักขระ",
+ "dbNameRequired": "จำเป็นต้องมีชื่อฐานข้อมูล",
+ "wsNameRequired": "จำเป็นต้องมีชื่อพื้นที่ทำงาน",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "ชื่อพื้นที่ทำงานต้องมีอย่างน้อย 3 อักขระ",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "ชื่อพื้นที่ทำงานต้องมีไม่เกิน 50 อักขระ",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "ลบพื้นที่ทำงานนี้และเนื้อหาทั้งหมด",
+ "userConfirmation": "ฉันเข้าใจว่ากิจกรรมนี้ไม่สามารถย้อนกลับได้",
+ "pageNotFound": "ไม่พบหน้า",
+ "makeLineBreak": "เพื่อลงบรรทัดใหม่",
+ "goToPrevious": "ไปที่หน้าก่อนหน้า",
+ "goToNext": "ไปที่หน้าถัดไป",
+ "thankYou": "ขอบคุณ!",
+ "submittedFormData": "คุณได้ส่งข้อมูลฟอร์มสำเร็จแล้ว",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "ไม่รองรับการแก้ไขคีย์ระบบ",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "ไม่พร้อมใช้งานในขณะนี้",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "ไม่รองรับการดำเนินการวางกลุ่มในคอลัมน์ Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "ไม่รองรับการดำเนินการล้างกลุ่มในคอลัมน์ Links/LinkToAnotherRecord",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "อัปเกรดเป็นเวอร์ชันสำหรับองค์กร {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "คุณสมบัตินี้มีเฉพาะในเวอร์ชันสำหรับองค์กรเท่านั้น",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "บทบาทปัจจุบันของคุณคือ",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "โปรดขอสิทธิ์สูงสุดจากผู้ดูแลระบบ / เจ้าของฐาน / เจ้าของพื้นที่ทำงานเพื่อเข้าถึง {viewName} นี้",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "คุณไม่สามารถซ่อนทุกตัวเลือกหากช่องถูกกำหนดให้จำเป็น"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "ไม่สามารถปิดใช้งาน Hooks ด้วยตนเองได้",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการโหลดข้อมูลบันทึก",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะดึงข้อมูลปฏิทิน",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะดึงวันที่ที่ใช้งาน",
+ "scopesRequired": "ต้องการขอบเขต",
+ "domainRequired": "จำเป็นต้องมีชื่อโดเมน",
+ "authUrlRequired": "ต้องการ URL การยืนยันตัวตน",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "ต้องการ attribute ชื่อผู้ใช้",
+ "clientIdRequired": "ต้องการ ID ลูกค้า",
+ "issuerRequired": "ต้องการผู้ออก",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "ต้องการความลับลูกค้า",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "ต้องการ URL ของ JWK",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "ต้องการ URL โทเค็น",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "ต้องการ URL ข้อมูลผู้ใช้",
+ "eitherXML": "ต้องการ xml หรือ url เมทาดาทา",
+ "nameRequired": "จำเป็นต้องมีชื่อ",
+ "nameMinLength": "ชื่อจะต้องมีความยาวอย่างน้อย 2 อักขระ",
+ "nameMaxLength": "ชื่อจะต้องมีความยาวไม่เกิน 60 อักขระ",
+ "viewNameRequired": "จำเป็นต้องมีชื่อการดู",
+ "domainNameRequired": "จำเป็นต้องมีชื่อโดเมน",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "ชื่อจะต้องมีความยาวไม่เกิน 256 อักขระ",
+ "viewNameUnique": "ชื่อการดูควรจะแตกต่างกัน",
"searchProject": "การค้นหาของคุณสำหรับ {search} ไม่พบผลลัพธ์",
"invalidChar": "อักขระไม่ถูกต้องในเส้นทางโฟลเดอร์",
"invalidDbCredentials": "ข้อมูลรับรองฐานข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง",
"unableToConnectToDb": "ไม่สามารถเชื่อมต่อกับฐานข้อมูลโปรดตรวจสอบฐานข้อมูลของคุณขึ้น",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "ปีไม่ถูกต้อง",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "ผู้ใช้ไม่มีอยู่หรือมีสิทธิ์เพียงพอในการสร้างสคีมา",
"dbConnectionStatus": "พารามิเตอร์ฐานข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง",
"dbConnectionFailed": "การเชื่อมต่อล้มเหลว:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "มีตัวกรองที่เป็นศูนย์ กรุณาลบออก",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "จำเป็นต้องใช้อีเมล",
"emailInvalid": "อีเมลจะต้องถูกต้อง",
"passwdRequired": "ต้องการรหัสผ่าน",
"passwdLength": "รหัสผ่านของคุณต้องมีอักขระอย่างน้อย 8 ตัว",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "อีเมลไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ "invalidEmail": "อีเมลไม่ถูกต้อง"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "XML ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "อีเมลไม่ถูกต้อง",
"internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "ซ้ำชื่อคอลัมน์",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "ชื่อถูกใช้แล้วสำหรับฟิลด์ระบบ",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "ต้องการประเภทข้อมูล UI",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} ชื่อเกิน 50 ตัวอักษร",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} ชื่อไม่สามารถเริ่มด้วยช่องว่าง",
"requiredField": "Required field",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "ฟิลด์นี้ห้ามเว้นว่างไว้",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "copyToClipboardError": "ไม่สามารถคัดลอกไปยังคลิปบอร์ดได้",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "ไม่สำเร็จในการวางจากคลิปบอร์ด",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "กรุณาดำเนินการตั้งค่าฟิลด์ทั้งหมดให้เรียบร้อยก่อนบันทึก",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "มีบางอย่างผิดพลาด",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "เนื้อหาที่ลากไม่ใช่ประเภทของรูปภาพ",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "ฟิลด์เพื่อวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลรูปภาพ",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "ช่องที่จำเป็นบางช่องว่าง"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "ข้อมูลเมตาของโครงการส่งออกเรียบร้อยแล้ว",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "เร็ว ๆ นี้!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "อัปเดตคีย์ใบอนุญาตแล้ว",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
@@ -1809,23 +1814,23 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
"pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
"tableRenamed": "เปลี่ยนชื่อตารางสำเร็จ",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "เปลี่ยนชื่อเค้าโครงสำเร็จ",
"viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
"updated": "Successfully updated",
"sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
- "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
+ "userDeleted": "ลบผู้ใช้สำเร็จแล้ว",
"viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
"tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
"tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
"userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project",
- "userAdded": "Successfully added user",
+ "userAdded": "เพิ่มผู้ใช้สำเร็จแล้ว",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project",
"inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
"inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "คัดลอกความคิดเห็นไปยังคลิปบอร์ดแล้ว",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "คัดลอก URL รีเซ็ตรหัสผ่านไปยังคลิปบอร์ด",
"shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
"userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
@@ -1836,10 +1841,10 @@
"columnUpdated": "Column updated",
"columnCreated": "Column created",
"passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
- "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
- "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "settingsSaved": "บันทึกการตั้งค่าสำเร็จ",
+ "roleUpdated": "อัปเดตบทบาทสำเร็จแล้ว",
+ "connectionAdded": "เชื่อมต่อการผสานสำเร็จแล้ว",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "เจ้าของฐานและผู้สร้างสามารถเพิ่มแหล่งข้อมูลโดยไม่ต้องป้อนข้อมูลประจำตัวอีกครั้งแล้ว."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/tr.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/tr.json
index 351d04b3e0..cf9ad7f0d1 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/tr.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/tr.json
@@ -39,71 +39,72 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
+ "sum": "Toplam",
+ "count": "Say",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
+ "avg": "Ort",
+ "median": "Medyan",
+ "std_dev": "Std sapma",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Aralık",
+ "percent_empty": "Boş",
+ "percent_filled": "Dolu",
+ "percent_unique": "Benzersiz",
+ "count_unique": "Benzersiz",
+ "count_empty": "Boş",
+ "count_filled": "Dolu",
+ "earliest_date": "Asgari tarih",
+ "latest_date": "Azami tarih",
+ "date_range": "Aralık",
+ "month_range": "Aralık",
+ "checked": "Seçili",
+ "unchecked": "Seçili Değil",
+ "percent_checked": "Seçili",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Seçili Değil",
+ "attachment_size": "Boyut",
+ "none": "Hiçbiri"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
+ "sum": "Toplam",
+ "count": "Miktar",
+ "min": "Minimum",
+ "max": "Maksimum",
+ "avg": "Ortalama",
+ "median": "Medyan",
+ "std_dev": "Standart Sapma",
"histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "range": "Aralık",
+ "percent_empty": "Boş Yüzde",
+ "percent_filled": "Dolu Yüzde",
+ "percent_unique": "Benzersiz Yüzde",
+ "count_unique": "Benzersiz",
+ "count_empty": "Boş",
+ "count_filled": "Dolu",
+ "earliest_date": "İlk tarih",
+ "latest_date": "Son tarih",
+ "date_range": "Tarih Aralığı",
+ "month_range": "Ay Aralığı",
+ "checked": "Seçili",
+ "unchecked": "Seçili Değil",
+ "percent_checked": "Seçili Yüzde",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Seçili Değil Yüzde",
+ "attachment_size": "Eklenti Boyutu",
+ "none": "Hiçbiri"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
+ "scripts": "Scriptler",
+ "configure": "Yapılandır",
+ "switch": "Değiştir",
"on": "On",
"onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
- "addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
+ "manual": "Elle",
+ "trigger": "Tetik",
+ "addLookupField": "{count} arama alanı ekle",
+ "style": "Stil",
+ "label": "Etiket",
+ "role": "Rol",
+ "general": "Genel",
"quit": "Çıkış",
"home": "Ana Sayfa",
"load": "Yükle",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Kod",
"duplicate": "Yinelenen",
"duplicating": "Kopyalanıyor",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "{entity} kopyala",
"activate": "Etkinleştir",
"action": "Eylem",
"insert": "Ekle",
@@ -162,11 +163,11 @@
"bulkUpdate": "Toplu Güncelle",
"deleting": "Siliniyor",
"update": "Güncelle",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Güncelleniyor",
"rename": "Yeniden Adlandır",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "{entity} yeniden adlandır",
"reload": "Yenile",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Yenile",
"reset": "Sıfırla",
"install": "Yükle",
"show": "Göster",
@@ -209,34 +210,34 @@
"notification": "Bildirim",
"reference": "Referans",
"function": "Fonksiyon",
- "confirm": "Onaylayın",
- "generate": "Oluşturmak",
- "copy": "Anlaşıldı",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "confirm": "Onayla",
+ "generate": "Oluştur",
+ "copy": "Kopyala",
+ "copied": "Kopyalandı",
"are": "are",
- "misc": "Çeşitli",
+ "misc": "Diğer",
"lock": "Kilit",
- "unlock": "Kilit açma",
+ "unlock": "Kilidi Aç",
"credentials": "Kimlik Bilgileri",
"help": "Yardım",
"questions": "Sorular",
"reachOut": "Buradan ulaşın",
- "betaNote": "Bu özellik şu anda beta aşamasındadır.",
- "moreInfo": "Daha fazla bilgiye buradan ulaşabilirsiniz",
- "logs": "Günlükler",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
+ "betaNote": "Bu özellik şu anda beta aşamasında.",
+ "moreInfo": "Daha fazla bilgi burada bulunabilir",
+ "logs": "Kayıtlar",
+ "groupingField": "Sütun ile grupla",
+ "insertAfter": "Sağa ekle",
+ "insertBefore": "Sola ekle",
"insertAbove": "Yukarıya ekle",
"insertBelow": "Aşağı ekle",
"hideField": "Alanı Gizle",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "Sütunu göster",
"sortAsc": "Artan Sırala",
"sortDesc": "Azalan Sıralama",
"move": "Taşı",
"geoDataField": "GeoData Alanı",
"type": "Tür",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
+ "subType": "Alt Tip",
"name": "Ad",
"changes": "Değişiklikler",
"new": "Yeni",
@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"avg": "Ort",
- "sum": "Top",
+ "sum": "Toplam",
"count": "Say",
"countDistinct": "Tekrarsız Say",
"sumDistinct": "Tekrarsız Toplam",
@@ -270,31 +271,31 @@
"logo": "Logo",
"dropdown": "Açılır menü",
"list": "Liste",
- "verify": "Verify",
+ "verify": "Doğrula",
"apply": "Uygula",
"text": "Metin",
"appearance": "Görünüm",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "now": "Şimdi",
+ "set": "Ayarla",
+ "format": "Biçim",
+ "colour": "Renk",
+ "use": "Kullan",
+ "stack": "Grup",
+ "ipAddress": "IP adresi",
+ "integration": "Entegrasyon",
+ "integrations": "Entegrasyonlar",
+ "connection": "Bağlantı",
+ "connections": "Bağlantılar",
+ "private": "Özel",
+ "request": "İstek",
+ "languages": "Diller",
+ "extension": "Eklenti",
+ "extensions": "Eklentiler"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
+ "files": "dosyalar",
+ "owner": "Sahip",
+ "member": "Üye",
"day": "Gün",
"week": "Hafta",
"month": "Ay",
@@ -307,14 +308,14 @@
"tables": "Tablolar",
"field": "Alan",
"fields": "Alanlar",
- "column": "Sütun",
- "columns": "Sütunlar",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "column": "Alan",
+ "columns": "Alanlar",
+ "cell": "Hücre",
+ "cells": "Hücreler",
"page": "Sayfa",
"pages": "Sayfalar",
"record": "Kayıt",
- "records": "Kayıtlar",
+ "records": "kayıtlar",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"webhooks": "Webhooklar",
"view": "Görünüm",
@@ -341,11 +342,11 @@
"viewer": "İzleyici",
"noaccess": "Erişim Yok",
"superAdmin": "Süper Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
- "orgLevelCreator": "Organizasyon Seviyesi Oluşturucu",
- "orgLevelViewer": "Organizasyon Seviyesi Görüntüleyici"
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Organizasyon Sahibi",
+ "orgLevelCreator": "Organizasyon Düzeyi Yaratıcı",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "Organizasyon Düzeyi Görüntüleyici"
- "sqlVIew": "SQL Görünümü",
+ "sqlVIew": "SQL View",
"rowHeight": "Sütun Yüksekliği",
"heightClass": {
"short": "Kısa",
@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
"googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleSheets": "Google E-Tablolar",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -406,35 +407,35 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Tüm Entegrasyonlar",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "NocoDB ile veritabanlarınızı sorunsuz bir şekilde bağlayın ve yönetin.",
+ "communication": "İletişim",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "NocoDB ile değişikliklerden haberdar olun ve ekip iletişimini kolaylaştırın.",
+ "projectManagement": "Proje Yönetimi",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "NocoDB ile proje akışlarınızı ve görev yönetiminizi geliştirin.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "NocoDB entegrasyonları ile müşteri ilişkileri yönetimini optimize edin.",
+ "marketing": "Pazarlama",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "NocoDB'nin güçlü entegrasyonlarıyla pazarlama çabalarınızı artırın.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "NocoDB ile aday takip sisteminizi kolaylaştırın.",
+ "development": "Geliştirme",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "NocoDB entegrasyonları ile geliştirme süreçlerinizi hızlandırın.",
+ "finance": "Finans",
+ "financeSubtitle": "NocoDB ile finansal operasyonlarınızı ve veri yönetiminizi basitleştirin.",
+ "ticketing": "Biletleme",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "NocoDB ile destek biletlerini verimli bir şekilde yönetin ve takip edin.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "NocoDB ile depolama çözümlerinizi sorunsuz bir şekilde entegre edin ve düzenleyin.",
+ "others": "Diğerleri",
+ "othersSubtitle": "NocoDB deneyiminizi geliştirmek için ek çeşitli entegrasyonları keşfedin.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Hesap Tablosu",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Elektronik tablolarınızı NocoDB ile bağlayın ve yönetin."
"datatype": {
- "ID": "KIMLIK",
+ "ID": "ID",
"ForeignKey": "Yabancı anahtar",
"SingleLineText": "Tek satır metin",
"LongText": "Uzun metin",
@@ -449,7 +450,7 @@
"PhoneNumber": "Telefon numarası",
"Email": "E-posta",
"URL": "URL",
- "Number": "Numara",
+ "Number": "Sayı",
"Decimal": "Ondalık",
"Currency": "Para birimi",
"Percent": "Yüzde",
@@ -458,7 +459,7 @@
"Rating": "Değerlendirme",
"Formula": "Formül",
"Rollup": "Referans hesapla",
- "Count": "Say",
+ "Count": "Miktar",
"Lookup": "Referans",
"DateTime": "Tarih saat",
"CreatedTime": "Oluşturma zamanı",
@@ -468,11 +469,11 @@
"Button": "Buton",
"Password": "Şifre",
"relationProperties": {
- "noAction": "Hiçbir Eylem",
- "cascade": "Kademeli",
+ "noAction": "Eylem Yok",
+ "cascade": "Kaskat",
"restrict": "Kısıtla",
- "setNull": "NULL yap",
- "setDefault": "Varsayılan yap"
+ "setNull": "NULL olarak ayarla",
+ "setDefault": "Varsayılan olarak ayarla"
"filterOperation": {
@@ -486,14 +487,14 @@
"isNotNull": "null değil"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Webhook Ara",
"webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "URL ile Yükle",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
+ "renameBase": "Projeyi Yeniden Adlandır",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Çalışma Alanını Yeniden Adlandır",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Çalışma Alanı Yeniden Adlandırılıyor",
+ "renamingBase": "Proje Yeniden Adlandırılıyor",
"sso": "Kimlik Doğrulama (SSO)",
"docs": "Dokümantasyon",
"forum": "Forum",
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@
"parameterName": "Parametre Adı",
"currencyLocale": "Para Birimi Dili",
"currencyCode": "Para Birimi",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
+ "searchMembers": "Üyeleri Bul",
"noMembersFound": "Üye bulunamadı",
"dateJoined": "Katılım Tarihi",
"tokenName": "Token adı",
@@ -563,7 +564,7 @@
"uiACL": "UI Erişim Kontrolü",
"metaOperations": "Metaveri İşlemleri",
"audit": "Denetim",
- "auditLogs": "Audit Logs",
+ "auditLogs": "Denetim günlüğü",
"sqlMigrations": "SQL Aktarımı",
"dbCredentials": "Veritabanı Kimlik Bilgileri",
"advancedParameters": "SSL & Gelişmiş parametreler",
@@ -573,21 +574,21 @@
"teamAndSettings": "Takım & Ayarlar",
"apiDocs": "API Yardım",
"importFromAirtable": "Airtable'dan içe aktar",
- "generateToken": "Belirteç Oluştur",
- "APIsAndSupport": "API'ler & Destek",
+ "generateToken": "Generate Token",
+ "APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
"helpCenter": "Yardım merkezi",
"noLabels": "Etiket Yok",
- "swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Dokümantasyonu",
- "quickImportFrom": "Hızlı İçe Aktarma",
- "quickImport": "Hızlı İçe Aktarma",
+ "swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
+ "quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From",
+ "quickImport": "Quick Import",
"quickImportAirtable": "Hızlı İçe Aktarma - Airtable",
"quickImportCSV": "Hızlı İçe Aktarma - CSV",
"quickImportExcel": "Hızlı İçe Aktarma - Excel",
"quickImportJSON": "Hızlı İçe Aktarma - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON Düzenleyici",
"comingSoon": "Çok Yakında",
- "advancedSettings": "Gelişmiş Ayarlar",
- "codeSnippet": "Kod Parçacığı",
+ "advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
+ "codeSnippet": "Code Snippet",
"keyboardShortcut": "Klavye Kısayolları",
"generateRandomName": "Rastgele Ad Oluştur",
"findRowByScanningCode": "QR veya Barkod okutarak satır bulun",
@@ -615,102 +616,104 @@
"selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Buraya eklemek için sağ panelden alanları seçin",
"noOptionsFound": "Seçenek bulunamadı",
"surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Bu formu göndermek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
- "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Aramanız herhangi bir sonuç vermedi",
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Görünüşe göre bu grup herhangi bir kayıt içermiyor",
+ "fromScratch": "Sıfırdan",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Dosyalardan & Dış Kaynaklardan",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Gerçek Zamanlı Olarak",
+ "categories": "Kategoriler",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Alan erişilemez",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Koşul eklenmedi"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
- "selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
+ "modifiedOn": "Güncellenme tarihi",
+ "configuration": "Yapılandırma",
+ "setup": "Kurulum",
+ "configLabel": "{label} yapılandır",
+ "switchToProd": "Kullanıma hazır bir uygulama veritabanına geçin",
+ "sharedBase": "Paylaşılan Taban",
+ "fieldID": "Alan Kimliği",
+ "addDescription": "Açıklama ekle",
+ "editDescription": "Açıklamayı düzenle",
+ "urlFormula": "URL Formülü",
+ "selectIcon": "hiçbiri",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--bir webhook seçin--",
+ "openUrl": "URL'yi Aç",
+ "runWebHook": "Webhook'u Çalıştır",
+ "onClick": "Tıkladığınızda",
+ "defaultView": "Varsayılan görünüm",
+ "recordInsert": "Kayıt Ekle",
+ "recordUpdate": "Kaydı Güncelle",
+ "recordDelete": "Kaydı Sil",
+ "supportDocs": "Destek Dokümanları",
+ "addedOn": "Eklendi",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Gösterge sütununu değiştir",
+ "selectYourNewTitleFor": "Yeni unvan alanınızı seçin ",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Gösterge sütununu seç",
+ "changeTitleField": "Başlık sütununu değiştir",
+ "clearAll": "Tümünü temizle",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Bakış alanları bağlı kayıtların verilerini gösterir. Belirli alanları seçin ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " bu tabloya Bakış alanları olarak eklemek için tabloyu seçin.",
+ "formatting": "Biçimlendirme",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Bir biçim türü seç (isteğe bağlı)- -",
+ "formatType": "Biçim türü",
+ "toUpload": "yüklemek için",
+ "dragFilesHere": "dosyaları buraya sürükleyin",
+ "browseFiles": "dosyaları gözden geçir",
+ "clickTo": "Tıklayın",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Kameranıza erişime izin verin",
+ "openFile": "Dosya aç",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Dosya yüklemek için geçerli bir URL girin",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "URL'den dosya ekle",
+ "uploading": "Yükleniyor",
"dropHere": "Buraya bırak",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
- "allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
- "allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
+ "addMore": "Daha fazlasını ekle",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Tüm dosyaları temizle",
+ "integration": "Entegrasyon",
+ "notRecommended": "Tavsiye edilmez",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Şema Değişikliğine İzin Ver",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Veri Yazma/Düzenlemeye İzin Ver",
+ "selectView": "Bir Görünüm Seçin",
+ "connectionDetails": "Bağlantı Detayları",
+ "metaSync": "Meta Senkronizasyonu",
+ "mention": "Bahset",
+ "today": "Bugün",
+ "currentDate": "Mevcut tarih",
+ "workspace": "Çalışma Alanı",
+ "txt": "TXT Kayıt değeri",
+ "transferOwnership": "Mülkiyeti Aktar",
+ "recentActivity": "Son Aktiviteler",
+ "goToMembers": "Üyelere Git",
+ "addMember": "Üye Ekle",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Üye Sayısı",
"numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
"numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
+ "workspaceName": "Çalışma Alanı Adı",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Sahibi Olmayan Çalışma Alanı",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Çalışma Alanına Kullanıcı Davet Et",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-davet etmek için çalışma alanlarını seçiniz-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Kuruluşa Üye Ekle",
+ "memberIn": "Üye:",
+ "assignAs": "Atama olarak",
+ "signOutUser": "Kullanıcıdan çıkış yap",
+ "signOutUsers": "Kullanıcılardan çıkış yap",
+ "deactivateUser": "Kullanıcıyı Devre Dışı Bırak",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Kullanıcıları Devre Dışı Bırak",
+ "lastActive": "Son Aktif",
+ "dateAdded": "Eklenme Tarihi",
+ "uploadImage": "Resim Yükle",
+ "organizationProfile": "Kuruluş Profili",
+ "organizationImage": "Kuruluş Resmi",
+ "organizationName": "Kuruluş Adı",
+ "activeDomains": "Aktif Alan Adları",
+ "domains": "Alan Adları",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Genel Paylaşımı Devre Dışı Bırak",
+ "shareSettings": "Paylaşım Ayarları",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Kullanıcıyı ve verilerini sil",
+ "userOptions": "Kullanıcı Seçenekleri",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Bu Kuruluşu Sil",
+ "dangerZone": "Tehlike Alanı",
+ "childView": "Alt Görünüm",
"selectYear": "Yıl Seçin",
"save": "Kaydet",
"cancel": "İptal",
@@ -721,21 +724,21 @@
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
"newProvider": "Yeni Sağlayıcı",
"generalSettings": "Genel Ayarlar",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
+ "adminPanel": "Yönetici Paneli",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Çalışma Alanını Kuruluşa Taşı",
"ssoSettings": "SSO Ayarları",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
+ "addDomain": "Alan Adı Ekle",
+ "domain": "Alan Adı",
+ "settings": "Ayarlar",
+ "workspaces": "Çalışma Alanları",
+ "back": "Geri",
+ "dashboard": "Gösterge Paneli",
+ "organizeBy": "Organize et",
"previous": "Önceki",
"nextMonth": "Sonraki Ay",
"previousMonth": "Önceki Ay",
"next": "Sonraki",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
+ "organiseBy": "Organize et",
"heading1": "Başlık 1",
"heading2": "Başlık 2",
"heading3": "Başlık 3",
@@ -759,9 +762,9 @@
"commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Virgülle ayrılmış Cep #",
"headerName": "Başlık Adı",
"icon": "Simge",
- "max": "Max",
+ "max": "Maksimum",
"enableRichText": "Zengin Metni Etkinleştir",
- "idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
+ "idColon": "Id: {id}",
"copiedRecordURL": "Kayıt URL'si Kopyalandı",
"copyRecordURL": "Kayıt URL'sini Kopyala",
"duplicateRecord": "Kaydı Çoğalt",
@@ -785,7 +788,7 @@
"optional": "(Opsiyonel)",
"clickToMake": "Yapmak için tıklayın",
"visibleForRole": "rol için görünür:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
+ "inUI": "UI Kontrol Panelinde",
"projectSettings": "Proje Ayarları",
"clickToHide": "Gizlemek için tıklayın",
"clickToDownload": "İndirmek için tıklayın",
@@ -798,9 +801,9 @@
"allTables": "Tüm Tablolar",
"members": "Üyeler",
"dataSources": "Veri Kaynakları",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
+ "connectDataSource": "Harici Veriyi Bağla",
"searchProjects": "Proje Ara",
- "createdBy": "Tarafından Oluşturuldu",
+ "createdBy": "Oluşturan",
"viewingAttachmentsOf": "Ekleri Görüntüleniyor",
"readOnly": "Salt okunur",
"createdOn": "Oluşturuldu",
@@ -813,20 +816,20 @@
"backToWorkspace": "Çalışma Alanına Geri Dön",
"untitledToken": "İsimsiz token",
"tableName": "Tablo adı",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
- "createView": "Bir görünüm oluştur",
+ "dashboardName": "Dashboard adı",
+ "createView": "Görünüm oluştur",
"creatingView": "Görünüm Oluşturuluyor",
"duplicateView": "Görünümü Kopyala",
"duplicateGridView": "Tablo Görünümü Kopyala",
"createGridView": "Tablo görünümü oluştur",
"duplicateGalleryView": "Galeri Görünümü Kopyala",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "createGalleryView": "Galeri görünümü oluştur",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Form Görünümünü Kopyala",
+ "createFormView": "Form görünümü oluştur",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Kanban Görünümünü Kopyala",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Takvim görünümü kopyala",
+ "createKanbanView": "Kanban görünümü oluştur",
+ "createCalendarView": "Takvim görünümü oluştur",
"viewName": "Görünüm adı",
"viewLink": "Görünüm Linki",
"columnName": "Sütun Adı",
@@ -837,15 +840,15 @@
"databaseType": "Veritabanındaki Tipi",
"lengthValue": "Uzunluk / Değer",
"dbType": "Veritabanı Tipi",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "sunucu adı / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite dosya yolu",
+ "hostAddress": "Host Adresi",
+ "port": "Port Numarası",
"username": "Kullanıcı Adı",
"password": "Şifre",
"schemaName": "Şema adı",
"database": "Veritabanı",
- "action": "Aksiyon",
+ "action": "Eylem",
"actions": "Aksiyonlar",
"operation": "İşlem",
"operationSub": "Alt İşlem",
@@ -853,16 +856,16 @@
"operationSubType": "İşlem alt-türü",
"description": "Tanım",
"authentication": "Kimlik Doğrulama",
- "token": "Jeton",
+ "token": "Token",
"where": "Koşul",
"cache": "Önbellek",
"chat": "Sohbet",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Göster veya Gizle",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV Dosyası",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON Dosyası",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "E-posta",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "Oluşturuldu",
"sqlOutput": "SQL Çıktısı",
"addOption": "Seçenek ekle",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Arayüz Rengi",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "QR kod değerine sahip sütun",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Barkod değeri içeren sütun",
"barcodeFormat": "Barkod formatı",
@@ -891,7 +894,7 @@
"requriedIdentity": "Gerekli-Kimlik",
"inflection": {
"tableName": "Düzelt - Tablo Adları",
- "columnName": "Düzelt - Sütun Adları"
+ "columnName": "Düzelt - Sütun Adı"
"community": {
"starUs1": "Bizi",
@@ -902,118 +905,118 @@
"joinCommunity": "NocoDB topluluğuna katıl",
"joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB'ye katıl",
"followNocodb": "NocoDB'yi takip et",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Topluluk Çevirisi)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Dosya Referansı",
"selectUserRole": "Kullanıcı Rolü Seç",
"childTable": "Alt tablo",
"childColumn": "Alt sütun",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
- "linkToAnotherRecord": "Başka bir kayda bağlantı",
- "links": "Links",
+ "childField": "Alt sütun",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Bulut'a Ücretsiz Katıl",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "Başka bir kayda bağla",
+ "links": "Bağlantılar",
"onUpdate": "Güncellenince",
"onDelete": "Silinince",
- "account": "Hesap",
- "language": "Dil",
- "primaryColor": "Ana Renk",
- "accentColor": "Vurgu Rengi",
- "customTheme": "Özel Tema",
- "requestDataSource": "İhtiyacınız olan bir veri kaynağı mı talep ediyorsunuz?",
- "apiKey": "API Anahtarı",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "account": "Account",
+ "language": "Language",
+ "primaryColor": "Primary Color",
+ "accentColor": "Accent Color",
+ "customTheme": "Custom Theme",
+ "requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
+ "apiKey": "API Key",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Kişisel Erişim Jetonu",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Paylaşılan Proje URL'si",
"importData": "Veri İçe Aktarma",
- "importSecondaryViews": "İkincil Görünümleri İçe Aktarma",
+ "importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
"importRollupColumns": "Rollup Sütunlarını İçe Aktarma",
"importLookupColumns": "Arama Sütunlarını İçe Aktarma",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Ek Sütunlarını İçe Aktar",
"importFormulaColumns": "Formül Sütunlarını İçe Aktarma",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
- "noData": "Veri Yok",
- "goToDashboard": "Gösterge Tablosuna Git",
- "importing": "İthalat",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
- "flattenNested": "Yuvalanmış Düzleştir",
- "downloadAllowed": "İndirme izni verildi",
- "weAreHiring": "İşe Alım Yapıyoruz!",
- "primaryKey": "Birincil anahtar",
- "hasMany": "birçok",
- "belongsTo": "aittir",
- "manyToMany": "çoktan çoka ilişkisi var",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
- "extraConnectionParameters": "Ekstra bağlantı parametreleri",
- "commentsOnly": "Sadece yorumlar",
- "documentation": "Dokümantasyon",
- "subscribeNewsletter": "Haftalık bültenimize abone olun",
+ "importUsers": "Kullanıcıları İçe Aktar (e-posta ile)",
+ "noData": "No Data",
+ "goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
+ "importing": "Importing",
+ "formatJson": "JSON'u Biçimlendir",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Alan Türlerini Otomatik Seç",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "İlk Satırı Başlık Olarak Kullan",
+ "flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
+ "downloadAllowed": "Download allowed",
+ "weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
+ "primaryKey": "Primary key",
+ "hasMany": "has many",
+ "belongsTo": "belongs to",
+ "manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
+ "oneToOne": "birbirleriyle bire bir ilişkiye sahip",
+ "extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
+ "commentsOnly": "Comments only",
+ "documentation": "Documentation",
+ "subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
"signUpWithProvider": "{provider} ile kaydolun",
"signInWithProvider": "{provider} ile oturum açın",
- "agreeToTos": "Kaydolarak Hizmet Koşullarını kabul etmiş olursunuz",
- "welcomeToNc": "NocoDB'ye hoş geldiniz!",
- "inviteOnlySignup": "Yalnızca davet url'si kullanarak kaydolmaya izin ver",
- "nextRow": "Sonraki Sıra",
- "prevRow": "Önceki Sıra",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
- "apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
- "newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
+ "agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
+ "welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "Yalnızca davet URL'si kullanarak kaydolmaya izin ver",
+ "nextRow": "Sonraki Kayıt",
+ "prevRow": "Önceki Kayıt",
+ "addRowGrid": "Tablo görünümüne elle veri ekle",
+ "addRowForm": "Bir form aracılığıyla kayıt verisi girin",
+ "noAccess": "Erişim Yok",
+ "restApis": "Rest API'ler",
+ "apis": "API'ler",
+ "apiSnippet": "API Kod Parçacıkları",
+ "includeData": "Veriyi Ekle",
+ "includeView": "Görünümü Ekle",
+ "includeWebhook": "Webhook'u Ekle",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Sütunları Görmek İçin Yakınlaştırın",
+ "embedInSite": "Bu görünümü sitenize yerleştirin",
+ "titleRequired": "başlık gerekli.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Kaynak adı gerekli",
+ "changeWsName": "Çalışma Alanı Adını Değiştir",
+ "pressEnter": "Enter Tuşuna Basın",
+ "newFormLoaded": "Yeni form şu anda yükleniyor",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
+ "newField": "Yeni alan",
+ "saveChanges": "Değişiklikleri Kaydet",
"updatedField": "Güncellenen sütun",
"deletedField": "Silinen sütun",
"incompleteConfiguration": "Eksik yapılandırma",
"selectField": "Bir sütun seç",
- "selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
+ "selectFieldLabel": "Sütun özelliklerini özelleştirmek için bir sütun seçerek başlayın"
"appearanceSettings": "Görüntü Ayarları",
"backgroundColor": "Arkaplan Rengi",
"hideNocodbBranding": "NocoDB Markasını Gizle",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
+ "showOnConditions": "Koşulları göster",
"showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Sütunu yalnızca koşullar karşılandığında göster",
- "limitOptions": "Seçenekleri sınırlayın",
+ "limitOptions": "Seçenekleri sınırla",
"limitOptionsSubtext": "Kullanıcıya görüntülenen seçenekleri mevcut seçeneklerden seçerek sınırlayın",
"clearSelection": "Seçimi temizle",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
- "coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "displayAsProgress": "İlerlemiş gibi göster",
+ "relationType": "İlişki türü",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Binlik ayırıcıyı göster",
+ "signUpForFree": "Ücretsiz kayıt olun",
+ "coverImageField": "Kapak resmi",
+ "fitImage": "Görüntüyü Sığdır",
+ "coverImageArea": "Kapak resmi",
+ "syncData": "Veriyi Senkronize Et",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "İlgilendiğiniz hizmetleri kayıt edin ve uygun olduklarında bildirim alın",
+ "redirectToUrl": "URL'ye Yönlendir"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook Detayları",
+ "hideWeekends": "Hafta sonlarını gizle",
+ "renameBase": "Tabanı Yeniden Adlandır",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Çalışma Alanını Yeniden Adlandır",
+ "deactivate": "Devre Dışı Bırak",
+ "manageUsers": "Kullanıcıları Yönet",
+ "newWorkspace": "Yeni Çalışma Alanı",
+ "addDomain": "Alan Adı Ekle",
"addMembers": "Üye Ekle",
"enterEmail": "E-posta adresi girin",
"inviteToBase": "Projeye Davet Et",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Çalışma Alanına Davet Et",
"addMember": "Projeye Üye Ekle",
"noRange": "Takvim görünümü bir tarih aralığı gerektirir",
"goToToday": "Bugün",
@@ -1073,7 +1076,7 @@
"refreshProject": "Projeleri Yenile",
"saveProject": "Projeyi Kaydet",
"saveAndQuit": "Kaydet ve Çık",
- "deleteKanbanStack": "Yığını silelim mi?",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "Yığını Sil?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Dışarıdan bir veritabanına
bağlanarak oluştur",
"excel": "Excel'den Proje Oluştur",
@@ -1099,7 +1102,7 @@
"addFilter": "Filtre Ekle",
"share": "Paylaş",
"groupBy": "Grupla",
- "addSubGroup": "Alt grup ekle",
+ "addSubGroup": "Yeni Alt Grup",
"shareBase": {
"label": "Projeyi Paylaş",
"disable": "Paylaşılan bağlantıyı devre dışı bırak",
@@ -1118,7 +1121,7 @@
"deleteUser": "Kullanıcıyı projeden kaldır",
"resendInvite": "Davet e-postasını yeniden gönder",
"copyInviteURL": "Davet linkini kopyala",
- "copyPasswordResetURL": "Parola sıfırlama URL'sini kopyala",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "Şifre sıfırlama URL'sini kopyala",
"newRole": "Yeni rol",
"reloadRoles": "Rolleri yeniden yükle",
"nextPage": "Sonraki Sayfa",
@@ -1135,10 +1138,10 @@
"deleteTable": "Tabloyu Sil",
"addField": "Tabloya yeni alan ekle",
"setDisplay": "Görünüm değeri olarak ayarla",
- "addRow": "Yeni satır ekle",
+ "addRow": "Yeni kayıt ekle",
"saveRow": "Satırı kaydet",
- "saveAndExit": "Kaydet ve Çık",
- "saveAndStay": "Kaydet ve Kal",
+ "saveAndExit": "Kaydet & Çık",
+ "saveAndStay": "Kaydet & Kal",
"insertRow": "Yeni Satır Ekle",
"duplicateRow": "Satırı Çoğalt",
"deleteRow": "Satırı Sil",
@@ -1178,15 +1181,15 @@
"addWebhook": "Yeni Webhook ekle",
"enableWebhook": "Webhook'u Etkinleştir",
"testWebhook": "Webhook'u Test Et",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Webhook Oluştur",
"copyWebhook": "Webhook'u Kopyala",
"deleteWebhook": "Webhook'u Sil",
"newToken": "Yeni Token ekle",
"exportZip": "Zip olarak dışa aktar",
"importZip": "Zip olarak içe aktar",
- "metaSync": "Senkronize et",
+ "metaSync": "Şimdi senkronize et",
"settings": "Ayarlar",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Doğrulamalar",
"previewAs": "Önizleme modu",
"resetReview": "Önizlemeyi sıfırla",
"testDbConn": "Veritabanı Bağlantısını Test Et",
@@ -1195,19 +1198,19 @@
"sponsorUs": "Bizi Destekle",
"sendEmail": "E-POSTA GÖNDER",
"addUserToProject": "Projeye kullanıcı ekleme",
- "getApiSnippet": "API Snippet'i Alın",
- "clearCell": "Temiz hücre",
+ "getApiSnippet": "Get API Snippet",
+ "clearCell": "Hücreyi temizle",
"addFilterGroup": "Filtre Grubu Ekle",
- "linkRecord": "Bağlantı kaydı",
+ "linkRecord": "Kaydı bağlantıla",
"addNewRecord": "Yeni kayıt ekle",
"newRecord": "Yeni kayıt",
"tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Yeni kayıt oluştur",
"gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' kaydedildi ve başarıyla ilişkilendirildi",
"recordCreatedLinked": "Kayıt Oluşturuldu ve İlişkilendirildi",
- "useConnectionUrl": "Bağlantı URL'sini Kullan",
- "toggleCommentsDraw": "Yorum çizimini değiştir",
+ "useConnectionUrl": "Bağlantı URL'sini kullan",
+ "toggleCommentsDraw": "Yorumları aç/kapat",
"expandRecord": "Kaydı Genişlet",
- "deleteRecord": "Kayıt Silme",
+ "deleteRecord": "Kaydı sil",
"fullWidth": "Tam genişlik",
"exitFullWidth": "Tam genişlikten çık",
"markAllAsRead": "Tümünü okundu olarak işaretle",
@@ -1222,17 +1225,17 @@
"showColumns": "Sütunları Göster",
"showPkAndFk": "Birincil ve Yabancı Anahtarları Göster",
"showSqlViews": "SQL Görünümlerini Göster",
- "showMMTables": "Çoktan Çoka tabloları göster",
- "showJunctionTableNames": "Bağlantı Tablosu Adlarını Göster"
+ "showMMTables": "Çoktan Çoğa Tabloları Göster",
+ "showJunctionTableNames": "Bağlantı Tablosu İsimlerini Göster"
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Yığını Daralt",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Tümünü Daralt",
+ "expandAll": "Tümünü Genişlet",
+ "renameStack": "Grubu Yeniden Adlandır",
"deleteStack": "Yığını Sil",
"stackedBy": "Tarafından Yığılmış",
- "chooseGroupingField": "Bir Gruplama Alanı Seçin",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "Gruplama Sütunu Seçin",
"addOrEditStack": "Yığın Ekle / Düzenle"
"map": {
@@ -1243,32 +1246,34 @@
"toggleMobileMode": "Mobil Modu Aç / Kapat",
"startCommenting": "Yorum yapmaya başlayın!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Henüz yorum yok!",
"clearForm": "Formu Temizle",
"addFieldFromFormView": "Sütun Ekle",
"selectAllFields": "Tüm sütunları seç",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Önceden Doldurmayı Etkinleştir",
+ "default": "Varsayılan",
+ "locked": "Önceden doldurulmuş alanları salt okunur olarak kilitle",
+ "hidden": "Önceden doldurulmuş alanları gizle",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Önceden doldurulmuş değer"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Önceden Doldurulmuş Bağlantıyı Al",
+ "group": "Grup",
+ "goToDocs": "Dokümanlara Git",
+ "addCondition": "Koşul ekle",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Koşul grubu ekle"
"tooltip": {
- "currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
- "dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
- "reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
+ "currentDateNotAvail": "Geçerli tarih seçeneği veri kaynağı veya veri türü için mevcut değil",
+ "privateConnection": "Bu bağlantıyı özel ve bu çalışma alanındaki diğer yaratıcıların erişimine kapalı yapmak için etkinleştirin.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Opsiyonel. Boş bırakıldığında \"{database}\" varsayılan veritabanını kullanır",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Opsiyonel. Boş bırakıldığında \"{schema}\" varsayılan şemayı kullanır.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Bu veri kaynağı için şema düzenleme devre dışı bırakıldı.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Bu veri tipi kabul edilmiyor.",
+ "dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Veri düzenleme, yalnızca 'Şema düzenleme' devre dışı bırakıldığında devre dışı hale gelebilir ve aksi halde etkin olur",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Bu seçenek, veritabanı şemasının değiştirilmesine, tablo ve sütun ekleme, değiştirme veya silmeye olanak tanır. Dikkatli kullanın çünkü değişiklikler veritabanınızın yapısal bütünlüğünü etkileyebilir.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Bu seçenek, veritabanı tablolarında kayıt oluşturma, güncelleme veya silme işlemlerine olanak tanır. Verileri doğrudan değiştirmesi gereken idari kullanıcılar için idealdir.",
+ "reachedSourceLimit": "Temel başına 10 veri kaynağı ile sınırlıdır",
"saveChanges": "Değişiklikleri Kaydet",
"xcDB": "Yeni bir proje oluştur",
"extDB": "MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite destekler",
@@ -1290,22 +1295,22 @@
"sqlMigration": "Aktarımları yenile",
"updateRestart": "Güncelle & Yeniden Başlat",
"cancelReturn": "İptal et ve geri dön",
- "exportMetadata": "Tüm metaverileri meta tablolarından meta dizinine aktar",
- "importMetadata": "Tüm metaverileri meta dizininden meta tablolarına aktar",
- "clearMetadata": "Tüm metaverileri meta tablolarından temizle",
+ "exportMetadata": "Tüm metaverileri meta tablolarından meta dizinine aktar.",
+ "importMetadata": "Tüm metaverileri meta dizininden meta tablolarına aktar.",
+ "clearMetadata": "Tüm metaverileri meta tablolarından temizle.",
"clientKey": ".key dosyasını seçin",
"clientCert": ".cert dosyasını seçin",
"clientCA": "CA dosyasını seçin",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
- "preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "changeIconColour": "Simge rengini değiştir",
+ "preFillFormInfo": "Önceden doldurulmuş bir bağlantı almak için, form görünümü oluşturucusunda gerekli alanları doldurduğunuzdan emin olun.",
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Sayfa başına bir alanla form modu",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Dosya içe aktarıldıktan sonra tür dönüşümleri için alan düzenleme menüsünü kullanın",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Rol, çalışma alanından miras alınmıştır",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Çok yakında! NocoDB'de ihtiyacınız olan entegrasyon için oy vermek üzere tıklayın."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
+ "searchIcons": "İkonları ara",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Slack kanallarını seçin",
"selectTeamsChannels": "Microsoft Teams kanallarını seçin",
"selectDiscordChannels": "Discord kanallarını seçin",
"selectMattermostChannels": "Mattermost kanallarını seçin",
@@ -1316,7 +1321,7 @@
"projName": "Proje Adını Girin",
"selectGroupField": "Gruplama Sütunu Seçin",
"selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Tekil seçim sütunu bulunamadı. Lütfen önce bir tane oluşturun.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Bir kapak resmi sütunu seçin",
"selectGeoField": "GeoData Sütunu Seçin",
"notSelected": "-seçilmedi-",
"selectGeoFieldNotFound": "GeoData Sütunu bulunamadı. Lütfen önce bir tane oluşturun.",
@@ -1338,7 +1343,7 @@
"defaultValue": "Varsayılan değer",
"filterByEmail": "E-posta ile filtrele",
"filterQuery": "Filtre sorgusu",
- "selectField": "Alan seçin",
+ "selectField": "Sütunu seç",
"precision": "Precision",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
@@ -1348,192 +1353,192 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
- "createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
- "noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
- "inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "value": "Değer",
+ "key": "Anahtar",
+ "createTable": "İlk Tablonuzu Oluşturun!",
+ "createTableLabel": "İlk tablonuzu kolayca oluşturun, boş bir sayfadan başlayarak veya bir dış veritabanına ithal ederek/bağlanarak",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Hiçbir API Tokenı oluşturulmadı",
+ "noTokenCreatedLabel": "İleri düzey işlevselliklerin kilidini açmak için API tokenları oluşturarak başlayın.",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Ekibinizi davet edin",
+ "inviteYourTeamLabel": "Takımınızla işbirliği yaparak projelerinizi hızlandırın!",
+ "searchOptions": "Seçenekleri ara"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Geçersiz buton yapılandırması",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Geçersiz alan yapılandırması",
+ "invalidTheme": "Geçerli bir tema seçin",
+ "invalidColor": "Geçerli bir renk seçin",
+ "invalidType": "Düğme türü 'webhook' veya 'url' olabilir",
+ "invalidLabel": "Geçerli bir buton etiketi girin",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Bu işlev veritabanınız için kullanılamaz",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Kuruluş adını ve görünümünü kontrol edin.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "İstenmeyen kullanıcıların erişimini kısıtlamak için şirket alan adları ekleyin.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Kullanıcıların projeleri herkese açık şekilde paylaşmasını kısıtlayın.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Kaldırılacak ve kuruluş çalışma alanlarından silinecek kullanıcıları seçin.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Bu kuruluşa bağlı tüm kullanıcıları, projeleri ve verileri sil",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Alan ID'sini kopyalamak için tıklayın",
+ "enterPassword": "Şifreyi Girin",
+ "bySigningUp": "Kaydolarak kabul etmiş oluyorsunuz",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Haftalık bültenimize abone olun",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Şifre Doğrulanıyor",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Bu paylaşılan görünüm korumalıdır",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Form verileri başarıyla gönderildi",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form görünümü mobilde desteklenmiyor",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Takvim görünümü mobilde desteklenmiyor",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Yeni form {seconds} saniye sonra yüklenecek",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimize edilmiş sorgu devre dışı",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimize edilmiş sorgu etkin",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Bağlantılı olmayan ilişki için arama alanı desteklenmiyor",
+ "invalidTime": "Geçersiz Zaman",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "{type} için desteklenen bağlantılarınız yok",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Kayıt bulunamadı",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Geçersiz telefon numarası",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Sayfa boyutu değiştirildi",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Veri yükleme hatası",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Bağlam değişkeni kullan",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "sayfa Gövdesi",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "ilgili kaydı atıfta bulunmak için",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "İpucu: Alanlara atıfta bulunmak için {placeholder1} kullanın, örn: {placeholder2}. Daha fazlası için, lütfen kontrol edin",
+ "hintEnd": "Formüller.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Önerilen formül bulunamadı",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Önerilen alan bulunamadı",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} konum {position}'da bir {type} gerektirir",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Sayısal türü bekleniyor",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Dize türü bekleniyor",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} işlemi mevcut değil",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Alanı kaydedemiyorum çünkü formül geçersiz",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Alan {columnName} referans alınması desteklenmiyor",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "{type} türü bekleniyordu ama {found} türü bulundu",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName}, {requiredArguments} argüman gerektirir",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName}, en az {minRequiredArguments} argüman gerektirdi",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName}, en fazla {maxRequiredArguments} argüman gerektirdi",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "{function} işlevi mevcut değil",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() fonksiyonunun ilk parametresi tarih değeri içermelidir",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() fonksiyonunun ikinci parametresi \"pazar\", \"pazartesi\", \"salı\", \"çarşamba\", \"perşembe\", \"cuma\" veya \"cumartesi\" olmalıdır",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() fonksiyonunun ilk parametresi tarih değeri içermelidir",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() fonksiyonunun ikinci parametresi sayısal değer içermelidir",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() fonksiyonunun üçüncü parametresi \"gün\", \"hafta\", \"ay\" veya \"yıl\" değeri içermelidir",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() fonksiyonunun ilk parametresi tarih değeri içermelidir",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() fonksiyonunun ikinci parametresi tarih değeri içermelidir",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() fonksiyonunun üçüncü parametresi \"milisaniye\", \"ms\", \"saniye\", \"s\", \"dakika\", \"m\", \"saat\", \"h\", \"gün\", \"d\", \"hafta\", \"w\", \"ay\", \"M\", \"çeyrek\", \"Q\", \"yıl\" veya \"y\" değerini içermelidir",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Alan {columnName} mevcut değil",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Alanı kaydedemiyorum çünkü dairesel bir referansa neden oluyor",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "{columnType} türündeki alan {columnName} bulundu ama {expectedType} türü bekleniyordu",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName}, {columnType} ile eşleşmiyor"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Seçenekler null olamaz",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Çoklu Seçim alanları virgül(',') içeremez",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Seçeneklerde kopya olamaz",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Adı verilen yeni seçenek oluştur"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Lütfen bir sayı giriniz",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Lütfen e-posta giriniz",
+ "invalidDate": "Geçersiz tarih",
+ "invalidLocale": "Geçersiz yerel ayar",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Geçersiz Para Birimi Kodu",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' türü kendi para birimi ayarlarına sahiptir",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Barkod Alanı için geçerli Alan Türleri: Sayı, Tek Satır Metin, Uzun Metin, Telefon Numarası, URL, E-posta, Ondalık. Lütfen önce bir tane oluşturun.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Çoklu İlişki Sahibi",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Tablodan tek bir kayıt ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " birden fazla kayıtla ilişkilendirilebilir "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Çoka Çoka İlişki",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Tablodan birden fazla kayıt ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " tablodan birden fazla kayıt ile ilişkilendirilebilir "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Ait Olma İlişkisi",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Tablodan tek bir kayıt ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " tablodan bir kayıt ile ilişkilendirilebilir "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Bire Bir İlişki",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Tablodan tek bir kayıt ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " tablodan tek bir kayıt ile ilişkilendirilebilir "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Henüz herhangi bir kaydın ilişkilendirilmediği anlaşılıyor.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "İlişkili kayıt yok",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "İlişkili kayıt yok",
+ "recordsLinked": "ilişkili kayıtlar",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Yalnızca geçerli {type} kabul edilir",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Otomasyon veya harici uygulamalarda kullanmak için kişisel API tokenları oluşturun.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Sıralamak için Alanı Seçin",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Grup İçin Alan Seçin",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Tabloda kayıt yok",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Bağlanabilecek kayıtlar şu anda yok",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Web-hook'larla başlamaya hazır olun!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Otomasyonlarınızı güçlendirin. Verilerinizde bir değişiklik olduğunda hemen bilgilendirileceksiniz",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Aşağıdakini silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Aşağıdakini {deleteLabel} istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
+ "idColumnRequired": "ID alanı gereklidir, gerekirse daha sonra yeniden adlandırabilirsiniz.",
+ "length59Required": "Uzunluk maksimum 59 karakter limitini aşıyor",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Yeni bildirim yok",
+ "noRecordFound": "Kayıt bulunamadı",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Kayıt bulunamadı",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Arama sorgunuzla eşleşen kayıt yok",
+ "rowDeleted": "Kayıt silindi",
+ "saveChanges": "Değişiklikleri kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Alan çok büyük, {entity} için dönüştürülemiyor",
+ "roleRequired": "Rol gerekli",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
- "calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "webhookDelete": "Bu webhook'a bağlı düğme alanları etkilenecek",
+ "calendarNoFields": "Takvim görünümü bir tarih veya tarih saat alanının ayarlanmasını gerektirir. Bir tarih/tarih saat alanı ekledikten sonra bir takvim görünümü ayarlamayı deneyin!",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban görünümü için bir seçim sütunu ayarlanmalıdır. Bir seçim sütunu ekleyerek kanban görünümünü ayarlamayı deneyin!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Harita görünümü için bir coğrafi veri sütunu ayarlanmalıdır. Bir coğrafi veri sütunu ekleyerek harita görünümünü ayarlamayı deneyin!",
+ "dbValid": "Şema kaybını önlemek için veritabanı geçerliliğini sağlayın",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barkod hatası - lütfen giriş ve barkod türü arasındaki uyumluluğu kontrol edin"
+ "renderError": "Barkod hatası - giriş ve barkod türü arasında uyumluluğu kontrol edin"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Uyarı: Hesaplanmış alan - metin temizlenemiyor",
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Uyarı: Hesaplanan alan - metin temizlenemiyor",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Uyarı: QR alanları doğrudan değiştirilemez.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Uyarı: Barkod alanları doğrudan değiştirilemez."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Ana yapıyı kopyalamak istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Tabloyu kopyalamak istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Düzenlenen alanın görünürlüğünü değiştiremezsiniz. Lütfen önce değişiklikleri kaydedin veya iptal edin.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Düzenlenen bir alan taşınamaz. Önce değişiklikleri kaydedin veya iptal edin.",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Silinmiş bir alan taşınamaz. Önce değişiklikleri kaydedin veya iptal edin."
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Etkin hücre üzerinde yapıştırma işlemi desteklenmiyor",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Hesaplanmış veya sistem alanları kullanıldığında tarih arası kayıtlarda sürükleme yapamayacaksınız.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Bu kaynak için şema değişiklikleri devre dışı bırakıldı",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Çalışma alanı adını girin",
+ "enterBaseName": "Taban adını girin",
+ "idpPaste": "Bu URL'leri Kimlik Sağlayıcılarınızın konsoluna yapıştırın",
+ "noSaml": "Yapılandırılmış SAML kimlik doğrulamaları yok.",
+ "noOIDC": "Yapılandırılmış OpenID kimlik doğrulamaları yok.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Görünüm kilitli olduğu için devre dışı bırakıldı",
+ "basesMigrated": "Yapılar taşındı. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "Yapıştırma işlemi aktif hücrede desteklenmiyor",
"roles": {
- "orgCreator": "İçerik oluşturucu yeni projeler oluşturabilir ve davet edilen herhangi bir projeye erişebilir.",
+ "orgCreator": "Oluşturucu, yeni projeler oluşturabilir ve davet edilen herhangi bir projeye erişebilir.",
"orgViewer": "İzleyicinin yeni proje oluşturmasına izin verilmez ancak davet edilen herhangi bir projeye erişebilir."
"codeScanner": {
"loadingScanner": "Tarayıcı yükleniyor...",
- "selectColumn": "Tarayarak satır bulmak için kullanmak istediğiniz sütunu (QR kodu veya Barkod) seçin.",
- "moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "Bu kod için birden fazla satır bulundu. Şu anda yalnızca benzersiz kodlar desteklenmektedir.",
- "noRowFoundForCode": "Seçilen sütunda bu kod için satır bulunamadı"
+ "selectColumn": "Tarayarak satır bulmak için kullanmak istediğiniz alanı (QR kodu veya Barkod) seçin.",
+ "moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "Bu kod için birden fazla kayıt bulundu. Şu anda yalnızca benzersiz kodlar desteklenmektedir.",
+ "noRowFoundForCode": "Seçilen alanda bu kod için kayıt bulunamadı"
"map": {
"overLimit": "Sınırı aştınız.",
"closeLimit": "Sınıra yaklaşıyorsunuz.",
"limitNumber": "Bir Harita Görünümünde en fazla 1000 kayıt gösterilebilir."
- "footerInfo": "Sayfa başına satır",
+ "footerInfo": "Sayfa başına kayıtlar",
"upload": "Yüklenecek Dosyayı Seçin",
"upload_sub": "veya dosyayı sürükleyip bırakın",
"excelSupport": "Desteklenen: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"excelURL": "Excel dosyası linkini girin",
"csvURL": "CSV dosyası linkini girin",
- "footMsg": "Veri türünü bulmak için ayrıştırılacak satır sayısı #",
+ "footMsg": "Veri türünü bulmak için ayrıştırılacak kayıt sayısı",
"excelImport": "sayfa(lar) içe aktarılabilir",
"exportMetadata": "Metaverileri meta tablolarından dışa aktarmak ister misiniz?",
"importMetadata": "Metaverileri meta tablolarından içe aktarmak ister misiniz?",
@@ -1550,20 +1555,20 @@
"formInput": "Form girdi etiketini girin",
"formHelpText": "Yardım metni ekleyin",
"onlyCreator": "Sadece Yaratıcı'ya görünür",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Form Başlığını Ekle",
"formDesc": "Form açıklaması ekleyin",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Erişimi parola ile sınırlandırın",
"afterEnablePwd": "Erişim parola ile kısıtlanmış",
"privateLink": "Bu görünüm özel bir bağlantı üzerinden paylaşılıyor",
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Özel bağlantısı olan kişiler yalnızca bu görünümdeki hücreleri görebilir",
- "postFormSubmissionSettings": "Post Form Submission Settings",
- "apiOptions": "Projeye ile eriş",
+ "postFormSubmissionSettings": "Form gönderim ayarları sonrası",
+ "apiOptions": "Proje ile eriş",
"submitAnotherForm": "Başka Bir Form Gönder' düğmesini göster",
"showBlankForm": "5 saniye sonra boş bir form göster",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "E-posta yanıtları",
"showSysFields": "Sistem alanlarını göster",
"filterAutoApply": "Otomatik Uygula",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Mesajı Göster",
"viewNotShared": "Geçerli görünüm paylaşılmıyor!",
"showAllViews": "Bu tablonun tüm paylaşılan görünümlerini göster",
"collabView": "Düzenleme ya da üzeri yetkiye sahip katılımcılar görünüm ayarlarını değiştirebilir.",
@@ -1616,172 +1621,172 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tablonun meta verileri senkronize",
"addMultipleUsers": "Birden çok virgül(,) ile ayrılmış e-posta ekleyebilirsin",
"enterTableName": "Tablo adı gir",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
- "addDefaultColumns": "Varsayılan kolonları ekle",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Tablo açıklaması girin...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Alan açıklaması girin...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Görünüm açıklaması girin...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Düzen adı girin",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Gösterge paneli adı girin",
+ "defaultColumns": "Varsayılan sütunlar",
+ "addDefaultColumns": "Varsayılan sütunları ekle",
"tableNameInDb": "Veritabanında kayıt edildiği şekilde tablo adları",
"airtable": {
- "credentials": "Bunu nerede bulabilirim?"
+ "credentials": "Where to find this?"
"import": {
- "clickOrDrag": "Yüklemek için dosyayı tıklayın veya bu alana sürükleyin"
+ "clickOrDrag": "Click or drag file to this area to upload"
- "metaDataRecreated": "Tablo meta verileri başarıyla yeniden oluşturuldu",
- "invalidCredentials": "Geçersiz kimlik bilgileri",
- "downloadingMoreFiles": "Daha fazla dosya indirme",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Panoya kopyalandı",
- "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Zorunlu alan taşınamaz",
- "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Birincil anahtarı olmayan tablo için güncellemeye izin verilmiyor",
- "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Otomatik artış alanı düzenlenebilir değil",
- "editingPKnotSupported": "Birincil anahtarın düzenlenmesi desteklenmiyor",
- "deletedCache": "Önbellek başarıyla silindi",
- "cacheEmpty": "Önbellek boş",
- "exportedCache": "Önbellek Başarıyla Dışa Aktarıldı",
- "valueAlreadyInList": "Bu değer zaten listede",
+ "metaDataRecreated": "Table metadata recreated successfully",
+ "invalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials",
+ "downloadingMoreFiles": "Downloading more files",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
+ "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Required field can't be moved",
+ "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary key",
+ "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment field is not editable",
+ "editingPKnotSupported": "Editing primary key not supported",
+ "deletedCache": "Deleted cache successfully",
+ "cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty",
+ "exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully",
+ "valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Güncellenecek sütun yok",
- "tableDeleted": "Tablo başarıyla silindi",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
- "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Herkese açık paylaşılabilir salt okunur taban oluşturun",
- "deleteViewConfirmation": "Bu görünümü silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
- "deleteTableConfirmation": "Tabloyu silmek istiyor musunuz",
- "showM2mTables": "M2M Tablolarını Göster",
+ "tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Düzen başarıyla silindi",
+ "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
+ "deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Bu düzeni silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
+ "deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
+ "showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Çoktan çoğa ilişki bir köprü tablosu aracılığıyla oluşturulur ve bu tablo varsayılan olarak gizlenir. Mevcut tablolarla birlikte bu köprü tablolarını da listelemek için bu seçeneği etkinleştirin.",
"showNullInCells": "Hücrelerde NULL Göster",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "NULL değerini taşıyan hücreler için 'NULL' etiketini göster. Bu BOŞ dizi değerleri ile ayırt etmenize yardımcı olur.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Filtrelerde NULL ve EMPTY Göster",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "NULL ve Boş dizileri ayırt etmek için 'Ekstra' filtreleri etkinleştir. Varsayılan 'Blank' değeri NULL ve boş dizileri aynı şekilde ele alır.",
- "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Bu yığının silinmesi `{stackToBeDeleted}` seçim seçeneğini `{groupingField}` adresinden de kaldıracaktır. Kayıtlar kategorize edilmemiş yığına taşınacaktır.",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Bu yığını silmek, `{groupingField}` içinden `{stackToBeDeleted}` seçeneğini de kaldıracaktır. Kayıtlar, kategorize edilmeyen yığına taşınacaktır.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Hesaplanan alan: içerik salt okunurdur. Yeniden yapılandırmak için sütun düzenleme menüsünü kullanın",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Hesaplanan alan: içerik salt okunurdur. İçerik temizlenemiyor.",
- "noMoreRecords": "Artık kayıt yok",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "noMoreRecords": "Daha fazla kayıt yok",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token adı boş olmamalıdır",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token adı 255 karakterden fazla olmamalıdır",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Veritabanı adı gereklidir",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Çalışma alanı adı gereklidir",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Çalışma alanı adı en az 3 karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Çalışma alanı adı en fazla 50 karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Bu çalışma alanını ve tüm içeriğini sil.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Bu işlemin geri alınamaz olduğunu anlıyorum",
+ "pageNotFound": "Sayfa Bulunamadı",
+ "makeLineBreak": "satır sonu oluşturmak için",
+ "goToPrevious": "Önceki sayfaya git",
+ "goToNext": "Sonraki sayfaya git",
+ "thankYou": "Teşekkürler!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Form verilerini başarıyla gönderdiniz.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Sistem anahtarını düzenleme desteği yok",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Şu anda mevcut değil",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Bağlantılar/LinkToAnotherRecord sütunu üzerinde grup yapıştırma işlemi desteklenmez",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Bağlantılar/LinkToAnotherRecord sütunu üzerinde grup temizleme işlemi desteklenmez",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Enterprise Edition'a Yükselt {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Bu özellik yalnızca enterprise edition'da mevcuttur",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Mevcut rolünüz",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Bu {viewName} erişimi sağlamak için Yönetici / Veri Tabanı Sahibi / Çalışma Alanı Sahibi'nden daha yüksek izin talebinde bulunun",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Alan zorunlu ise tüm seçenekler gizlenemez"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Elle tetiklenen bağlantılar devre dışı bırakılamaz",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Kayıt verisi yüklenirken hata oluştu",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Takvim verisi alınırken hata oluştu",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Aktif tarihler alınırken hata oluştu",
+ "scopesRequired": "Kapsamlar gerekli",
+ "domainRequired": "Alan adı zorunludur",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Kimlik Doğrulama URL'si gereklidir",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Kullanıcı adı özelliği gereklidir",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Müşteri Kimliği gereklidir",
+ "issuerRequired": "Yayımlayıcı gereklidir",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Müşteri Sırrı gereklidir",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL'si gereklidir",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL'si gereklidir",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "Kullanıcı Bilgisi URL'si gereklidir",
+ "eitherXML": "Ya xml ya da metadata url gereklidir",
+ "nameRequired": "Ad Gereklidir",
+ "nameMinLength": "Ad en az 2 karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Ad en fazla 60 karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Görünüm adı gereklidir",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Alan adı zorunludur",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Ad en fazla 256 karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Görünüm adı benzersiz olmalıdır",
"searchProject": "{search} için aramanız hiç bir sonuç bulamadı",
"invalidChar": "Klasör yolunda geçersiz karakter.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Veritabanı kimlik bilgileri yanlış.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Veritabanına bağlanılamıyor, veritabanınızın erişilebilir olduğundan emin olun.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Geçersiz yıl",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Kullanıcı mevcut değil ya da şema oluşturmak için yeterli izne sahip değil",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Hatalı veritabanı parametreleri",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Bağlantı hatası:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Boş filtre mevcut. Lütfen onları kaldırın",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "E-posta gerekli",
"emailInvalid": "E-posta geçerli olmalı",
"passwdRequired": "Şifre gerekli",
"passwdLength": "Şifreniz en az 8 karakter olmalıdır",
"passwdMismatch": "Parolalar uyuşmuyor",
- "completeRuleSet": "Biri büyük harf, biri sayı ve biri özel karakter olmak üzere en az 8 karakter",
- "atLeast8Char": "En az 8 karakter",
- "atLeastOneUppercase": "Bir büyük harf",
- "atLeastOneNumber": "Bir Numara",
- "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Bir özel karakter",
- "allowedSpecialCharList": "İzin verilen özel karakter listesi",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character",
+ "atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters",
+ "atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter",
+ "atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
+ "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
+ "allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list",
+ "invalidEmails": "Geçersiz e-postalar",
+ "invalidEmail": "Geçersiz E-posta"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
- "invalidURL": "Geçersiz URL",
+ "invalidXml": "Geçersiz XML",
+ "invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
"invalidEmail": "Geçersiz E-posta",
- "internalError": "Bazı dahili hatalar oluştu",
- "templateGeneratorNotFound": "Şablon Oluşturucu bulunamıyor!",
- "fileUploadFailed": "Dosya yüklenemedi",
+ "internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
+ "templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
+ "fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Birincil sütun güncellenemedi",
- "formDescriptionTooLong": "Form Açıklaması için çok uzun veri",
+ "formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description",
"columnsRequired": "Aşağıdaki sütunlar gereklidir",
"selectAtleastOneColumn": "En az bir sütun seçilmelidir",
"columnDescriptionNotFound": "için hedef sütun bulunamıyor",
- "duplicateMappingFound": "Yinelenen eşleme bulundu, lütfen eşlemelerden birini kaldırın",
- "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null değer not-null kısıtlamasını ihlal ediyor",
- "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Kaynak veriler bazı geçersiz sayılar içeriyor",
- "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Kaynak veriler bazı geçersiz boolean değerleri içeriyor",
- "invalidForm": "Geçersiz Form",
- "formValidationFailed": "Form doğrulama başarısız oldu",
- "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "Çıkışınız yapıldı",
- "failedToLoadList": "Liste yüklenemedi",
- "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Çocuk listesi yüklenemedi",
- "deleteFailed": "Silme işlemi başarısız",
- "unlinkFailed": "Bağlantıyı kaldırma başarısız",
+ "duplicateMappingFound": "Duplicate mapping found, please remove one of the mapping",
+ "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null value violates not-null constraint",
+ "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Source data contains some invalid numbers",
+ "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Source data contains some invalid boolean values",
+ "invalidForm": "Invalid Form",
+ "formValidationFailed": "Form validation failed",
+ "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "You have been signed out",
+ "failedToLoadList": "Failed to load list",
+ "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Failed to load children list",
+ "deleteFailed": "Delete failed",
+ "unlinkFailed": "Unlink failed",
"rowUpdateFailed": "Satır güncellemesi başarısız oldu",
"deleteRowFailed": "Satır silinemedi",
- "setFormDataFailed": "Form verileri ayarlanamadı",
- "formViewUpdateFailed": "Form görünümü güncelleştirilemedi",
- "tableNameRequired": "Tablo adı gereklidir",
- "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "İsim bir alfabe veya _ ile başlamalıdır",
- "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Aşağıdaki karakterlere izin verilmez",
+ "setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data",
+ "formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view",
+ "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
+ "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
+ "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
"columnNameRequired": "Sütun adı gereklidir",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Yinelenen sütun adı",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Sistem alanı için isim zaten kullanılmış",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI veri türü gereklidir",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "Sütun adının uzunluğu maksimum {value} karakter sınırını aşıyor",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
- "requiredField": "Zorunlu alan",
- "ipNotAllowed": "IP'ye izin verilmiyor",
- "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Hedef dosya kabul edilen bir dosya türü değil",
- "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "Kabul edilen dosya türü .csv'dir",
- "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Kabul edilen dosya türleri .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
- "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parametre anahtarı boş olamaz",
- "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Yinelenen parametre anahtarlarına izin verilmez",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} adı 50 karakteri aşıyor",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} adı boşlukla başlayamaz",
+ "requiredField": "Required field",
+ "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
+ "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
+ "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
+ "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
+ "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
+ "fieldRequired": "Bu alan boş olamaz.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Proje erişilebilir değil",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Panoya kopyalanamadı",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "copyToClipboardError": "Panoya kopyalama başarısız oldu",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Panodan yapıştırma başarısız oldu",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Lütfen kaydetmeden önce tüm alanların yapılandırmasını tamamlayın",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Bir hata oluştu",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Sürüklenen içerik resim türünde değil",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Resim verilerini işlemek için sütun",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Gerekli alanların bazıları boş"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Proje metaverileri başarıyla dışa aktarıldı",
@@ -1791,55 +1796,55 @@
"startProject": "Proje başarıyla başlatıldı",
"restartProject": "Proje başarıyla yeniden başlatıldı",
"deleteProject": "Proje başarıyla silindi",
- "authToken": "Yetki tokenı başarıyla kopyalandı",
+ "authToken": "Auth token copied to clipboard",
"projInfo": "Proje bilgisi kopyalandı",
"inviteUrlCopy": "Davet bağlantısı kopyalandı",
- "createView": "Görünüm başarıyla oluşturuldu",
- "formEmailSMTP": "E-posta bildirimlerini aktifleştirmek için lütfen uygulama mağazasından SMPT eklentisini aktifleştirin",
- "collabView": "Başarıyla partner görünümüne geçildi",
- "lockedView": "Başarıyla kilitli görünümüne geçildi",
- "futureRelease": "Çok yakında!"
+ "createView": "View created successfully",
+ "formEmailSMTP": "Please activate SMTP plugin in App store for enabling email notification",
+ "collabView": "Successfully Switched to collaborative view",
+ "lockedView": "Successfully Switched to locked view",
+ "futureRelease": "Coming soon!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Lisans Anahtarı Güncellendi",
"columnDuplicated": "Sütun başarıyla çoğaltıldı",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Satır çoğaltıldı (kaydedilmedi)",
- "updatedUIACL": "Tablolar için UI ACL başarıyla güncellendi",
- "pluginUninstalled": "Configuration reset successfully",
- "pluginSettingsSaved": "Eklenti ayarları başarıyla kaydedildi",
- "pluginTested": "Eklenti ayarları başarıyla test edildi",
- "tableRenamed": "Tablo başarıyla yeniden adlandırıldı",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
- "viewDeleted": "Görünüm başarıyla silindi",
+ "updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
+ "pluginUninstalled": "Eklenti başarıyla kaldırıldı",
+ "pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
+ "pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
+ "tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Görünüm başarıyla yeniden adlandırıldı",
+ "viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Birincil sütun olarak başarıyla güncellendi",
- "tableDataExported": "Tüm tablo verileri başarıyla dışa aktarıldı",
- "updated": "Başarıyla güncellendi",
- "sharedViewDeleted": "Paylaşılan görünüm başarıyla silindi",
+ "tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
+ "updated": "Successfully updated",
+ "sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
"userDeleted": "Kullanıcı başarıyla silindi",
- "viewRenamed": "Görünüm başarıyla yeniden adlandırıldı",
- "tokenGenerated": "Belirteç başarıyla oluşturuldu",
- "tokenDeleted": "Belirteç başarıyla silindi",
+ "viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
+ "tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
+ "tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
"userAddedToProject": "Kullanıcı projeye başarıyla eklendi",
"userAdded": "Kullanıcı başarıyla eklendi",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Kullanıcı projeden başarıyla silindi",
- "inviteEmailSent": "Davet E-postası başarıyla gönderildi",
- "inviteURLCopied": "Panoya kopyalanan davet URL'si",
+ "inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
+ "inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
"commentCopied": "Yorum panoya kopyalandı",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Panoya kopyalanan parola sıfırlama URL'si",
- "shareableURLCopied": "Paylaşılabilir temel URL panoya kopyalandı!",
- "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Yerleştirilebilir HTML kodu kopyalandı!",
- "userDetailsUpdated": "Kullanıcı bilgileri başarıyla güncellendi",
- "tableDataImported": "Tablo verileri başarıyla içe aktarıldı",
- "webhookUpdated": "Web kancası ayrıntıları başarıyla güncellendi",
- "webhookDeleted": "Kanca başarıyla silindi",
- "webhookTested": "Web kancası başarıyla test edildi",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "Şifre sıfırlama URL'si panoya kopyalandı",
+ "shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
+ "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
+ "userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
+ "tableDataImported": "Successfully imported table data",
+ "webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully",
+ "webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully",
+ "webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully",
"columnUpdated": "Sütun güncellendi",
"columnCreated": "Sütun oluşturuldu",
- "passwordChanged": "Şifre başarıyla değiştirildi. Lütfen tekrar giriş yapınız.",
+ "passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
"settingsSaved": "Ayarlar başarıyla kaydedildi",
"roleUpdated": "Rol başarıyla güncellendi",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Entegrasyon başarıyla bağlandı",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Taban sahipleri ve yaratıcılar artık kimlik bilgilerini yeniden girmeden bir veri kaynağı ekleyebilir."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/uk.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/uk.json
index 8d692a4cfe..bb91bb59e8 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/uk.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/uk.json
@@ -39,70 +39,71 @@
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Сума",
+ "count": "Кількість",
+ "min": "Мінімум",
+ "max": "Максимум",
+ "avg": "Середнє",
+ "median": "Медіана",
+ "std_dev": "Стандартне відхилення",
+ "histogram": "Гістограма",
+ "range": "Діапазон",
+ "percent_empty": "Пусто",
+ "percent_filled": "Заповнено",
+ "percent_unique": "Унікальні",
+ "count_unique": "Унікальні",
+ "count_empty": "Пусто",
+ "count_filled": "Заповнено",
+ "earliest_date": "Мінімальна дата",
+ "latest_date": "Максимальна дата",
+ "date_range": "Діапазон дат",
+ "month_range": "Місячний діапазон",
+ "checked": "Відзначено",
+ "unchecked": "Не відзначено",
+ "percent_checked": "Відсоток відзначених",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Відсоток не відзначених",
+ "attachment_size": "Розмір",
+ "none": "Нічого"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
+ "sum": "Сума",
+ "count": "Кількість",
+ "min": "Мінімум",
+ "max": "Максимум",
+ "avg": "Середнє",
+ "median": "Медіана",
+ "std_dev": "Стандартне Відхилення",
+ "histogram": "Гістограма",
+ "range": "Діапазон",
+ "percent_empty": "Відсоток пустих",
+ "percent_filled": "Відсоток заповнених",
+ "percent_unique": "Відсоток унікальних",
+ "count_unique": "Унікальні",
+ "count_empty": "Пусто",
+ "count_filled": "Заповнено",
+ "earliest_date": "Найранніша дата",
+ "latest_date": "Найпізніша дата",
+ "date_range": "Діапазон дат",
+ "month_range": "Місячний діапазон",
+ "checked": "Відзначено",
+ "unchecked": "Не відзначено",
+ "percent_checked": "Відсоток відзначених",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Відсоток не відзначених",
+ "attachment_size": "Розмір вкладення",
"none": "Нічого"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Сценарії",
+ "configure": "Налаштування",
+ "switch": "Перемикач",
+ "on": "Увімкнено",
+ "onMultiple": "На кількох",
+ "manual": "Ручний",
+ "trigger": "Тригер",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
+ "style": "Стиль",
+ "label": "Мітка",
+ "role": "Роль",
"general": "Загальне",
"quit": "Вийти",
"home": "Головна",
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
"code": "Код",
"duplicate": "Дублювати",
"duplicating": "Дублювати",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Дублювати {entity}",
"activate": "Активувати",
"action": "Дія",
"insert": "Вставити",
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"confirm": "Підтвердити",
"generate": "Генерувати",
"copy": "Копіювати",
- "copied": "Copied",
+ "copied": "Скопійовано",
"are": "є",
"misc": "Інше",
"lock": "Блокувати",
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@
"betaNote": "Ця функція знаходиться в стадії бета-версії.",
"moreInfo": "Більше інформації можна знайти тут",
"logs": "Логи",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
+ "groupingField": "Сортувати за полем",
"insertAfter": "Вставити праворуч",
"insertBefore": "Вставити ліворуч",
"insertAbove": "Вставити вище",
@@ -261,35 +262,35 @@
"primaryValue": "Головне значення",
"useSurveyMode": "Використовувати режим опитування",
"shift": "Зміна",
- "enter": "Enter",
+ "enter": "Введіть",
"seconds": "Секунд",
"paste": "Вставити",
"restore": "Відновити",
- "replace": "Replace",
+ "replace": "Замінити",
"banner": "Банер",
"logo": "Логотип",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
+ "dropdown": "Випадаючий список",
+ "list": "Список",
+ "verify": "Перевірити",
+ "apply": "Застосувати",
"text": "Текст",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
+ "appearance": "Зовнішній вигляд",
"now": "Зараз",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
+ "set": "Встановити",
+ "format": "Формат",
"colour": "Колір",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
+ "use": "Використовувати",
+ "stack": "Стек",
"ipAddress": "IP адреса",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "integration": "Інтеграція",
+ "integrations": "Інтеграції",
+ "connection": "Підключення",
+ "connections": "Підключення",
+ "private": "Приватний",
+ "request": "Запит",
+ "languages": "Мови",
+ "extension": "Розширення",
+ "extensions": "Розширення"
"objects": {
"files": "файли",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Поля",
"column": "Стовпець",
"columns": "Стовпці",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Клітинка",
+ "cells": "Клітинки",
"page": "Сторінка",
"pages": "Сторінки",
"record": "запис",
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@
"webhooks": "Вебхуки",
"view": "Вигляд",
"views": "Вигляди",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Бічна панель",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Сітка",
"gallery": "Галерея",
@@ -339,9 +340,9 @@
"editor": "Редактор",
"commenter": "Коментатор",
"viewer": "Глядач",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
+ "noaccess": "Немає доступу",
"superAdmin": "Головний адміністратор",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Власник на рівні організації",
"orgLevelCreator": "Творець рівня організації",
"orgLevelViewer": "Глядач рівня організації"
@@ -360,9 +361,9 @@
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
+ "googleCalendar": "Календар Google",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleSheets": "Google таблиці",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
"postgreSQL": "PostgreSQL",
"sqlite": "SQLite",
"dataBricks": "DataBricks",
- "mssqlServer": "MSSQL Server",
+ "mssqlServer": "Сервер MSSQL",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"telegram": "Telegram",
"whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Всі інтеграції",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Підключайте та керуйте своїми базами даних безперебійно з NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Комунікація",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Отримуйте сповіщення про зміни та оптимізуйте комунікацію в команді з NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Управління проєктами",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Покращуйте робочі процеси проєкту та управління завданнями з NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Оптимізуйте управління взаємовідносинами з клієнтами через інтеграції з NocoDB.",
+ "marketing": "Маркетинг",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Посилюйте ваші маркетингові зусилля завдяки потужним інтеграціям NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
- "ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "atsSubtitle": "Оптимізуйте вашу систему відстеження заявників з NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Розробка",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Прискорюйте процеси розробки за допомогою інтеграцій NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Фінанси",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Спрощуйте фінансові операції та управління даними з NocoDB.",
+ "ticketing": "Продаж квитків",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Керуйте та відстежуйте підтримку квитків ефективно за допомогою NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Інтегруйте та організуйте свої рішення для зберігання безперебійно з NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Інше",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Відкрийте для себе додаткові універсальні інтеграції, щоб покращити ваш досвід роботи з NocoDB.",
+ "ai": "Штучний інтелект",
+ "spreadSheet": "Таблиці",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Підключайте та керуйте своїми таблицями з NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
"isNotNull": "не рівне null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Пошук веб-хука",
"webcam": "Веб-камера",
"uploadViaUrl": "Завантажити через URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
@@ -497,41 +498,41 @@
"sso": "Автентифікація (SSO)",
"docs": "Документація",
"forum": "Форум",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
+ "parameter": "Параметр",
+ "headers": "Заголовки",
+ "parameterName": "Назва параметра",
"currencyLocale": "Валютна локаль",
"currencyCode": "Код грошової одиниці",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
+ "searchMembers": "Шукати учасників",
+ "noMembersFound": "Не знайдено жодного учасника",
+ "dateJoined": "Дата приєднання",
"tokenName": "Назва жетону",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
+ "inDesktop": "в настільному додатку",
+ "rowData": "Запис даних",
+ "creator": "Творець",
"qrCode": "QR код",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
+ "termsOfService": "Умови надання послуг",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Оновити вибрані записи",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Не додано фільтрів",
"editCards": "Редагувати картки",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Не знайдено полів",
"displayValue": "Показане значення",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
+ "expand": "Розгорнути",
+ "hideAll": "Сховати все",
"hideSystemFields": "Приховати системні поля",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
+ "removeFile": "Видалити файл",
"hasMany": "Має багато",
"manyToMany": "Багато до багатьох",
"oneToOne": "Один до одного",
"virtualRelation": "Віртуальне відношення",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
+ "linkMore": "Більше посилань",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Посилання на більше записів",
"linkRecords": "Прив'язати записи",
"downloadFile": "Завантажити файл",
"renameTable": "Перейменувати таблицю",
"renamingTable": "Перейменування таблиці",
"renamingWs": "Перейменування робочого простору",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
+ "renameWs": "Перейменувати робочий простір",
"deleteWs": "Видалити робочий простір",
"deletingWs": "Видалення робочого простору",
"copyAuthToken": "Копіювати жетон авторизації",
@@ -543,10 +544,10 @@
"erdView": "ERD вигляд",
"newBase": "Нове джерело даних",
"newProj": "Новий проєкт",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Створити базу",
"myProject": "Мої проєкти",
"formTitle": "Назва форми",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
+ "collaborative": "Спільна робота",
"locked": "Заблоковано",
"personal": "Особисте",
"appStore": "Магазин додатків",
@@ -607,226 +608,228 @@
"renameFile": "Перейменувати файл",
"links": {
"noAction": "Жодних дій",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
+ "cascade": "Каскад",
+ "restrict": "Обмежити",
"setNull": "Встановити NULL",
"setDefault": "Встановити за замовчуванням"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Виберіть поля з правої панелі, щоб додати їх тут",
"noOptionsFound": "Варіантів не знайдено",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Ви впевнені, що хочете надіслати цю форму?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Схоже, що в цьому стеку немає жодних записів",
+ "fromScratch": "З нуля",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "З файлів та зовнішніх джерел",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Прямо в реальному часі",
+ "categories": "Категорії",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Поле недоступне",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Умови не додані"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "Змінено на",
+ "configuration": "Конфігурація",
+ "setup": "Налаштування",
+ "configLabel": "Налаштувати {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Переключитися на базу даних, готову до виробництва",
+ "sharedBase": "Спільна база",
+ "fieldID": "ID поля",
+ "addDescription": "Додати опис",
+ "editDescription": "Редагувати опис",
+ "urlFormula": "Формула URL",
+ "selectIcon": "нічого",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--виберіть вебхук--",
+ "openUrl": "Відкрити URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Запустити вебхук",
+ "onClick": "При натисканні",
+ "defaultView": "Вид за замовчуванням",
+ "recordInsert": "Додавання запису",
+ "recordUpdate": "Оновлення запису",
+ "recordDelete": "Видалення запису",
+ "supportDocs": "Документи підтримки",
+ "addedOn": "Додано",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Змінити поле відображення значення",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Вибрати поле відображення значення",
+ "changeTitleField": "Змінити поле заголовка",
+ "clearAll": "Очистити все",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Поля перегляду відображають дані з пов'язаних записів. Виберіть конкретні поля з ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " таблиці, щоб додати їх як поля перегляду в цю таблицю.",
+ "formatting": "Форматування",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Виберіть тип формату (необов'язково)- -",
+ "formatType": "Тип формату",
+ "toUpload": "завантажити",
"dragFilesHere": "перетягніть файли сюди",
"browseFiles": "огляд файлів",
"clickTo": "Натисніть, щоб",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Будь ласка, дозвольте доступ до вашої камери",
"openFile": "Відкрити файл",
"enterValidUrl": "Введіть дійсну URL-адресу для завантаження файлів",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Додати файли з URL",
+ "uploading": "Завантаження",
+ "dropHere": "Перетягніть сюди",
+ "addMore": "Додати ще",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Очистити всі файли",
+ "integration": "Інтеграція",
+ "notRecommended": "Не рекомендовано",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
+ "selectView": "Виберіть перегляд",
+ "connectionDetails": "Деталі підключення джерела",
+ "metaSync": "Синхронізація метаданих",
+ "mention": "Згадка",
+ "today": "Сьогодні",
+ "currentDate": "Поточна дата",
+ "workspace": "Робоча область",
+ "txt": "Значення TXT Record",
+ "transferOwnership": "Передати право власності",
+ "recentActivity": "Остання активність",
+ "goToMembers": "Перейти до учасників",
+ "addMember": "Додати учасника",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Кількість учасників",
+ "numberOfBases": "Кількість баз",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Кількість записів",
+ "workspaceName": "Назва робочого простору",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Робочий простір без власників",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Запросити користувачів до робочого простору",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-виберіть робочі області для запрошення-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Додати учасників до організації",
"memberIn": "Учасник увійшов:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
+ "assignAs": "Призначити як",
+ "signOutUser": "Вийти з користувача",
+ "signOutUsers": "Вийти з користувачів",
+ "deactivateUser": "Деактивувати користувача",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Деактивувати користувачів",
+ "lastActive": "Остання активність",
+ "dateAdded": "Дата доданих",
+ "uploadImage": "Завантажити зображення",
+ "organizationProfile": "Профіль організації",
+ "organizationImage": "Зображення організації",
+ "organizationName": "Назва організації",
+ "activeDomains": "Активні домени",
+ "domains": "Домени",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Вимкнути публічний доступ",
+ "shareSettings": "Налаштування спільного доступу",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Видалити користувача та його дані",
"userOptions": "Налаштування користувача",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Видалити цю організацію",
"dangerZone": "Небезпечна зона",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
+ "childView": "Дочірній перегляд",
+ "selectYear": "Вибрати рік",
"save": "Зберегти",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "cancel": "Скасувати",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL метаданих",
+ "audience-entityId": "Аудиторія/ ID суб'єкта",
+ "redirectUrl": "URL перенаправлення",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
+ "newProvider": "Новий постачальник",
+ "generalSettings": "Загальні налаштування",
+ "adminPanel": "Адмін-панель",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Перемістити робочий простір в організацію",
+ "ssoSettings": "Налаштування SSO",
+ "addDomain": "Додати домен",
+ "domain": "Домен",
+ "settings": "Налаштування",
+ "workspaces": "Робочі області",
+ "back": "Назад",
+ "dashboard": "Панель керування",
+ "organizeBy": "Організувати за",
+ "previous": "Попередній",
"nextMonth": "Наступний місяць",
"previousMonth": "Попередній місяць",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
+ "next": "Наступний",
+ "organiseBy": "Організувати за",
+ "heading1": "Заголовок 1",
+ "heading2": "Заголовок 2",
+ "heading3": "Заголовок 3",
+ "bold": "Жирний",
+ "italic": "Курсив",
+ "underline": "Підкреслений",
+ "strike": "Закреслений",
+ "taskList": "Список справ",
+ "bulletList": "Маркований список",
+ "numberedList": "Нумерований список",
+ "downloadData": "Завантажити дані",
+ "blockQuote": "Цитата",
"noToken": "Немає жетона",
"tokenLimit": "Дозволено лише один жетон на користувача",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Файл з назвою {filename} вже додано",
+ "tableIdColon": "ІДЕНТИФІКАТОР ТАБЛИЦІ: {tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "Ідентифікатор перегляду: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "До адреси",
+ "subject": "Тема",
+ "body": "Тіло",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Мобільні #, розділені комами",
+ "headerName": "Назва заголовка",
+ "icon": "Іконка",
+ "max": "Максимум",
+ "enableRichText": "Увімкнути форматування тексту",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Скопійовано URL запису",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Скопіювати URL запису",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Дублювати запис",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Бінарний формат кодування",
+ "syntax": "Синтаксис",
+ "examples": "Приклади",
+ "durationInfo": "Тривалість у хвилинах або секундах (наприклад, 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Додати заголовок",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Введіть URL за замовчуванням (необов'язково)",
+ "negative": "Негативний",
+ "discard": "Відкинути",
+ "default": "За замовчуванням",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Число за замовчуванням (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Формат тривалості",
+ "dateFormat": "Формат дати",
+ "timeFormat": "Формат часу",
+ "singularLabel": "Однина",
+ "pluralLabel": "Множина",
+ "selectDateField": "Виберіть поле дати",
+ "endDateField": "Поле кінцевої дати",
+ "optional": "(Необов'язково)",
+ "clickToMake": "Натисніть, щоб зробити",
+ "visibleForRole": "видимо для ролі:",
+ "inUI": "на інформаційній панелі користувача",
+ "projectSettings": "Налаштування бази",
+ "clickToHide": "Натисніть, щоб приховати",
+ "clickToDownload": "Натисніть, щоб завантажити",
+ "forRole": "для ролі",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Натисніть, щоб скопіювати ідентифікатор таблиці",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Натисніть, щоб скопіювати ідентифікатор перегляду",
+ "viewMode": "Режим перегляду",
+ "searchUsers": "Пошук користувачів",
+ "superAdmin": "Головний адміністратор",
+ "allTables": "Всі таблиці",
+ "members": "Учасники",
+ "dataSources": "Джерела даних",
+ "connectDataSource": "Підключити зовнішні дані",
+ "searchProjects": "Пошук баз",
"createdBy": "Автор",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Перегляд вкладень",
+ "readOnly": "Тільки для читання",
+ "createdOn": "Створено о",
"notifyVia": "Повідомити через",
"projName": "Назва проєкту",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
+ "profile": "Профіль",
+ "accountDetails": "Деталі облікового запису",
+ "controlAppearance": "Керуйте своєю зовнішністю.",
+ "accountEmailID": "ID електронної пошти облікового запису",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Повернутися до робочої області",
"untitledToken": "Жетон без назви",
"tableName": "Назва таблиці",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Назва панелі керування",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Створення вигляду",
+ "duplicateView": "Дублювати вигляд",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Дублювати вигляд сітки",
+ "createGridView": "Створити вигляд сітки",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Дублювати вигляд галереї",
+ "createGalleryView": "Створити вигляд галереї",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Дублювати вигляд форми",
+ "createFormView": "Створити вигляд форми",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Дублювати Kanban вигляд",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Дублювати вигляд календаря",
+ "createKanbanView": "Створити Kanban View",
+ "createCalendarView": "Створити вигляд календаря",
"viewName": "Назва вигляду",
"viewLink": "Переглянути посилання",
"columnName": "Назва стовпця",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Тип в базі даних",
"lengthValue": "Довжина/Значення",
"dbType": "Тип бази даних",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "назва сервера / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "Шлях до файлу SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Адреса хоста",
+ "port": "Номер порту",
"username": "Ім'я користувача",
"password": "Пароль",
"schemaName": "Назва схеми",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Де",
"cache": "Кеш",
"chat": "Чат",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Показати або приховати",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV файл",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON файл",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "Пошта",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "Створений",
"sqlOutput": "Вивід SQL",
"addOption": "Додати опцію",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Колір інтерфейсу",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Стовпчик зі значенням QR-коду",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Стовпець зі значенням штрих-коду",
"barcodeFormat": "Формат штрих-коду",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Приєднуйтесь до спільноти NocoDB",
"joinReddit": "Приєднатися /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Слідкуйте за NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Перекладено спільнотою/ШІ)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Довідник",
"selectUserRole": "Виберіть роль користувача",
"childTable": "Дочірня таблиця",
"childColumn": "Дочірній стовпець",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "Дочірній стовпець",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Приєднатися до Cloud безкоштовно",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Посилання на інший запис",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "Посилання",
"onUpdate": "При оновленні",
"onDelete": "При видаленні",
"account": "Обліковий запис",
@@ -923,20 +926,20 @@
"requestDataSource": "Запитати потрібне вам джерело даних?",
"apiKey": "Ключ API",
"personalAccessToken": "Жетон для персонального доступу",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "Спільна база URL",
"importData": "Імпорт даних",
"importSecondaryViews": "Імпорт іншого вигляду",
"importRollupColumns": "Імпорт підсумкових стовпців",
"importLookupColumns": "Імпорт стовпців пошуку",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Імпорт стовпців вкладень",
"importFormulaColumns": "Імпорт стовпців формул",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Імпорт користувачів (за електронною поштою)",
"noData": "Дані відсутні",
"goToDashboard": "Панель керування",
"importing": "Імпорт",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Формат JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Автоматичний вибір типів стовпців",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Використовувати перший запис як заголовки",
"flattenNested": "Вкладені",
"downloadAllowed": "Завантаження дозволене",
"weAreHiring": "Ми шукаємо!",
@@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
"hasMany": "має багато",
"belongsTo": "належить до",
"manyToMany": "має звʼязок \"багато-до-багатьох\"",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "мають один до одного зв'язок",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Додаткові параметри підключення",
"commentsOnly": "Тільки коментарі",
"documentation": "Документація",
@@ -956,112 +959,112 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "Дозволити реєстрацію лише за допомогою URL-адреси запрошення",
"nextRow": "Наступний рядок",
"prevRow": "Попередній рядок",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
- "restApis": "Rest APIs",
+ "addRowGrid": "Вручну додати дані у вигляді сітки",
+ "addRowForm": "Ввести дані запису через форму",
+ "noAccess": "Немає доступу",
+ "restApis": "REST API",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "apiSnippet": "API уривки",
+ "includeData": "Включити дані",
+ "includeView": "Включити вигляд",
+ "includeWebhook": "Включити Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Збільшіть масштаб, щоб переглянути колонки",
+ "embedInSite": "Вбудувати цей вигляд на свій сайт",
+ "titleRequired": "Назва є обов'язковою.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Ім'я джерела є обов'язковим",
+ "changeWsName": "Змінити назву робочої області",
+ "pressEnter": "Натисніть Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
- "webhook": "Webhook",
+ "webhook": "Вебхук",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Нове поле",
+ "saveChanges": "Зберегти зміни",
+ "updatedField": "Поле оновлено",
+ "deletedField": "Поле видалено",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Неповна конфігурація",
+ "selectField": "Виберіть поле",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Колір фону",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Приховати брендинг NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "Показати за умовами",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Показує поле лише за умови виконання умов",
+ "limitOptions": "Обмежити опції",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Обмежте варіанти, видимі користувачам, вибором доступних опцій",
+ "clearSelection": "Очистити вибір",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Показувати як прогрес",
+ "relationType": "Тип відношення",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Відображати тисячі роздільників",
+ "signUpForFree": "Зареєструватися безкоштовно",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Підігнати зображення",
+ "coverImageArea": "Область обкладинки зображення",
+ "syncData": "Синхронізувати дані",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Зареєструйте служби, які вас цікавлять, щоб отримувати сповіщення, коли вони стануть доступними",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Перенаправити на URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Деталі вебхука",
+ "hideWeekends": "Сховати вихідні дні",
+ "renameBase": "Перейменувати базу",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Перейменувати робочий простір",
+ "deactivate": "Деактивувати",
+ "manageUsers": "Управління користувачами",
+ "newWorkspace": "Новий робочий простір",
+ "addDomain": "Додати домен",
+ "addMembers": "Додати учасників",
+ "enterEmail": "Введіть адреси електронної пошти",
+ "inviteToBase": "Запросити до бази",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Запросити до робочого простору",
+ "addMember": "Додати учасника до бази",
+ "noRange": "Для перегляду календаря потрібен діапазон дат",
+ "goToToday": "Перейти до сьогодні",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Перемкнути бічну панель",
+ "addEndDate": "Додати кінцеву дату",
+ "withEndDate": "з кінцевою датою",
+ "calendar": "Календар",
+ "viewSettings": "Перегляд налаштувань",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Зареєструвати постачальника ідентичності OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "Зареєструвати постачальника ідентичності SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "Відкрити в новій вкладці",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Скопіювати код IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "За умовою",
+ "bulkDownload": "Масове завантаження",
+ "attachFile": "Додати файл",
+ "viewAttachment": "Переглянути вкладення",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Клацніть або перетягніть файл у комірку",
+ "addFiles": "Додати файл(и)",
+ "hideInUI": "Приховати в UI",
+ "addBase": "Додати базу",
+ "addParameter": "Додати параметр",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Надіслати іншу форму",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Перетягніть поля сюди, щоб додати",
+ "editSource": "Редагувати джерело даних",
+ "enterText": "Введіть текст",
+ "okEditBase": "Ок & Редагувати базу",
+ "showInUI": "Показати в UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Вихід із синхронізації",
+ "newSource": "Нове джерело даних",
+ "newWebhook": "Новий вебхук",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Увімкнути публічний доступ",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Ви хочете зберегти зміни?",
+ "editingAccess": "Доступ до редагування",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Увімкнути публічний перегляд",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Обмежити доступ за допомогою пароля",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Керувати доступом до бази",
+ "allowDownload": "Дозволити завантаження",
+ "surveyMode": "Режим опитування",
+ "rtlOrientation": "Орієнтація RTL",
+ "useTheme": "Використовувати тему",
+ "copyLink": "Скопіювати посилання",
+ "copiedLink": "Посилання скопійовано",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Скопіювати посилання для запрошення",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Посилання для запрошення скопійовано",
"copyUrl": "Копіювати URL-адресу",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Більше кольорів",
+ "moveProject": "Перемістити базу",
"createProject": "Створити проєкт",
"importProject": "Імпорт проєкту",
"searchProject": "Пошук проєкту",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Видалити проєкт",
"refreshProject": "Оновити проєкти",
"saveProject": "Зберегти проєкт",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Зберегти та вийти",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Видалити табличку?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Створити підключення
до зовнішньої бази даних",
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Фільтр",
"addFilter": "Додати фільтр",
"share": "Поділитись",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Групувати за",
+ "addSubGroup": "Нова підгрупа",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Поділитися базою",
"disable": "Вимкнути спільну базу",
"enable": "Будь-хто, хто має посилання",
"link": "Посилання на спільну базу"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "Запросити команду",
"inviteUser": "Запросити користувача",
"inviteToken": "Жетон для запрошення",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Зв'язані записи",
+ "addNewLink": "Додати нове посилання",
"newUser": "Новий користувач",
"editUser": "Редагувати користувача",
"deleteUser": "Видалити користувача",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "Попередній запис",
"copyApiURL": "Копіювати URL-адресу API",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Створити панель",
+ "createWorkspace": "Створити робочий простір",
"refreshTable": "Оновити таблицю",
"renameTable": "Перейменувати таблицю",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "Перейменувати макет",
"deleteTable": "Видалити таблицю",
"addField": "Додати нове поле до цієї таблиці",
"setDisplay": "Встановити як значення для показу",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "Вставити новий рядок",
"duplicateRow": "Дублювати рядок",
"deleteRow": "Видалити рядок",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Видалити записи",
+ "predictColumns": "Передбачити поля",
+ "predictFormulas": "Передбачити формули",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Видалити вибрані рядки",
"importExcel": "Імпортувати з Excel",
"importCSV": "Імпортувати з CSV",
@@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@
"ListView": "Список виглядів",
"copyView": "Скопіювати вигляд",
"renameView": "Перейменувати вигляд",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Завантажити дані",
"deleteView": "Видалити вигляд",
"createGrid": "Створіть вигляд сітки",
"createGallery": "Створити вигляд галереї",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "Додати новий вебхук",
"enableWebhook": "Ввімкнути вебхук",
"testWebhook": "Перевірити вебхук",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Створити вебхук",
"copyWebhook": "Скопіювати вебхук",
"deleteWebhook": "Видалити вебхук",
"newToken": "Додати новий жетон",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "Імпорт zip-файлу",
"metaSync": "Синхронізувати",
"settings": "Налаштування",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Валідації",
"previewAs": "Попередній перегляд як",
"resetReview": "Відновити попередній перегляд",
"testDbConn": "Тестове зʼєднання з базою даних",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Додати групу фільтрів",
"linkRecord": "Посилання на запис",
"addNewRecord": "Додати новий запис",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Новий запис",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Створити новий запис",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' збережено і зв'язано успішно",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Запис створено та зв'язано",
"useConnectionUrl": "Використовувати URL-адресу з'єднання",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Перемкнути показ коментарів",
"expandRecord": "Розгорнути запис",
"deleteRecord": "Видалити запис",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "Повна ширина",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Вийти з повної ширини",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Позначити все як прочитане",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Видалити поле",
+ "addNumber": "Додати поле з числом",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Додати текстове поле з одним рядком",
+ "addLongText": "Додати довге текстове поле",
+ "addOther": "Додати інше поле"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Показати стовпці",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Згорнути стек",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "Згорнути всі",
+ "expandAll": "Розгорнути всі",
+ "renameStack": "Перейменувати стек",
"deleteStack": "Видалити стек",
"stackedBy": "Групувати по",
"chooseGroupingField": "Виберіть поле групування",
@@ -1242,32 +1245,34 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "Відкрити в Google Maps"
"toggleMobileMode": "Ввімкнути мобільний режим",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "startCommenting": "Розпочніть коментування!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Ще немає коментарів!",
+ "clearForm": "Очистити форму",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Додати поле",
+ "selectAllFields": "Вибрати всі поля",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Увімкнути попереднє заповнення",
+ "default": "За замовчуванням",
+ "locked": "Заблокувати попередньо заповнені поля як тільки для читання",
+ "hidden": "Приховати попередньо заповнені поля",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Попередньо заповнене значення"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Отримати попередньо заповнене посилання",
+ "group": "Група",
+ "goToDocs": "Перейти до документації",
+ "addCondition": "Додати умову",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Додати групу умов"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Увімкніть, щоб зробити це підключення приватним і прихованим від інших творців у цьому робочому просторі.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Необов'язково. Використовується база даних \"{database}\" за замовчуванням, якщо залишити поле порожнім",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Необов'язково. Використовується схема \"{schema}\" за замовчуванням, якщо залишити поле порожнім.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Редагування схеми для цього джерела даних вимкнено.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Цей тип даних заборонений.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Цей параметр дозволяє змінювати схему бази даних, включаючи додавання, зміну або видалення таблиць та стовпців. Використовуйте з обережністю, оскільки зміни можуть вплинути на структурну цілісність вашої бази даних.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Цей параметр дозволяє створювати, оновлювати чи видаляти записи в таблицях бази даних. Ідеально для адміністративних користувачів, які потребують можливості безпосередньо змінювати дані.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Зберегти зміни",
"xcDB": "Створити новий проєкт",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Чи є він у чорному кольорі? (^⇧B)"
"addTable": "Додати нову таблицю",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Додати нову панель",
"inviteMore": "Запросіть більше користувачів",
"toggleNavDraw": "Ввімкнути висувне меню",
"reloadApiToken": "Перезавантажити жетон для API",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Виберіть .key файл",
"clientCert": "Виберіть .cert файл",
"clientCA": "Виберіть файл CA",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Змінити колір значка",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Режим форми з одним полем на сторінку",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Використовуйте меню редагування поля для перетворення типу після імпорту файлу",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Роль успадкована від робочого простору",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Скоро буде! Натисніть, щоб проголосувати за інтеграцію, яка вам потрібна в NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Пошук іконок",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Виберіть канали Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Виберіть канали Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Виберіть канали Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Виберіть канали Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "Назва вебхука",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Виберіть поле для значення штрих-коду",
+ "notFoundContent": "Не вдається знайти дійсний тип поля.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Виберіть формат штрих-коду",
"projName": "Введіть назву проєкту",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Виберіть поле для групування",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Не вдається знайти поле з одиночним вибором. Будь ласка, створіть його спочатку.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Виберіть поле для зображення обкладинки",
+ "selectGeoField": "Виберіть поле GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-не обрано-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Не вдається знайти поле GeoData. Будь ласка, створіть його спочатку.",
"password": {
"enter": "Введіть пароль",
"current": "Поточний пароль",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Зберегти пароль",
"confirm": "Підтвердити новий пароль"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Виберіть поле для значення QR-коду",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Дозволити від'ємні числа",
"searchProjectTree": "Пошук таблиці",
"searchFields": "Пошук полів",
"searchColumn": "Пошук {search} стовпця",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Фільтр за поштою",
"filterQuery": "Фільтр запитів",
"selectField": "Виберіть поле",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Точність",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,169 +1353,169 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Значення",
+ "key": "Ключ",
+ "createTable": "Створіть першу таблицю!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
"noTokenCreated": "Для API не створено жетонів",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Схоже, ви ще не згенерували жодного жетона для API.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Запросіть свою команду",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Пошук опцій"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Неправильна конфігурація кнопки",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Неправильна конфігурація поля",
+ "invalidTheme": "Виберіть дійсну тему",
+ "invalidColor": "Виберіть допустимий колір",
+ "invalidType": "Тип кнопки може бути 'вебхук' або 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Введіть допустиму назву кнопки",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Ця функція недоступна у вашій базі даних",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Керуйте назвою та виглядом вашої організації.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Додайте домени компанії, щоб обмежити доступ небажаним користувачам.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Обмежте можливість користувачів ділитися базами публічно.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Виберіть користувачів для видалення з усіх робочих просторів організації.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Видалити всіх користувачів, бази та дані, що стосуються цієї організації",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Натисніть, щоб скопіювати ідентифікатор поля",
+ "enterPassword": "Введіть пароль",
+ "bySigningUp": "Реєструючись, ви погоджуєтесь з",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Підписатися на наші щотижневі новини",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Перевірка пароля",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Цей спільний перегляд захищений",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Дані форми успішно відправлені",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Перегляд форми не підтримується на мобільних пристроях",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Перегляд календаря не підтримується на мобільних пристроях",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Нова форма буде завантажена через {seconds} секунд",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Оптимізований запит вимкнено",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Оптимізований запит ввімкнено",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Поле пошуку не підтримується для зв'язку не \"Багато до одного\"",
+ "invalidTime": "Неправильний час",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "У вас немає підтримуваних посилань для {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Запис не знайдено",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Неправильний номер телефону",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Розмір сторінки змінено",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Помилка завантаження даних",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Використовуйте змінну контексту",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "тіло",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "щоб вказати на запис, що розглядається",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Підказка: використовуйте {placeholder1} для відсилок до полів, напр.: {placeholder2}. Щоб дізнатися більше, будь ласка, перегляньте",
+ "hintEnd": "Формули.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Не знайдено жодної рекомендованої формули",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Пропоноване поле не знайдено",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} вимагає {type} на позиції {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Очікується числовий тип",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Очікується строковий тип",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Операція {operation} недоступна",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Неможливо зберегти поле, оскільки формула неправильна",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Не підтримується відсилка до стовпця {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Очікувався тип {type}, але знайдений тип {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} вимагає {requiredArguments} аргументів",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} вимагає мінімум {minRequiredArguments} аргументів",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} вимагає максимум {maxRequiredArguments} аргументів",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Функція {function} недоступна",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Перший параметр WEEKDAY() має мати значення дати",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Другий параметр WEEKDAY() має бути значенням або \"неділя\", \"понеділок\", \"вівторок\", \"середа\", \"четвер\", \"п'ятниця\" чи \"субота\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Перший параметр DATEADD() має мати значення дати",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Другий параметр DATEADD() має мати числове значення",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Третій параметр DATEADD() має бути значенням або \"день\", \"тиждень\", \"місяць\" чи \"рік\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Перший параметр DATEDIFF() має мати значення дати",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Другий параметр DATEDIFF() має мати значення дати",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Третій параметр DATETIME_DIFF() має бути значенням або \"мілісекунди\", \"мс\", \"секунди\", \"с\", \"хвилини\", \"м\", \"години\", \"г\", \"дні\", \"д\", \"тижні\", \"т\", \"місяці\", \"М\", \"квартали\", \"К\", \"роки\" або \"р\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Стовпець {columnName} недоступний",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Неможливо зберегти поле, оскільки це спричиняє циклічне посилання",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Поле {columnName} із типом {columnType} знайдено, але очікується тип {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} не відповідає типу {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Параметри вибору не можуть бути порожніми",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Поля MultiSelect не можуть містити коми (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Параметри вибору не можуть мати дублікати",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Створити новий параметр з назвою"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Будь ласка, введіть число",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Будь ласка, введіть електронну пошту",
+ "invalidDate": "Недійсна дата",
+ "invalidLocale": "Недійсний локаль",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Недійсний код грошової одиниці",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "Тип 'money' для PostgreSQL має власні налаштування валюти",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Дійсні типи полів для поля штрих-коду: Номер, Текст однієї лінії, Довгий текст, Номер телефону, URL, Електронна пошта, Десятковий. Будь ласка, спочатку створіть одне.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Зв'язок 'Багато'",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Один запис з таблиці ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " можна пов'язати з кількома записами з таблиці "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Зв'язок 'Багато-до-Багатьох'",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Кілька записів з таблиці ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " можна пов'язати з кількома записами з таблиці "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Належить до зв'язку",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Один запис з таблиці ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " може бути пов'язаний з записом з таблиці "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Зв'язок 'Один до Одного'",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Один запис з таблиці ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " може бути пов'язаний з одним записом з таблиці "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Схоже, що ще не було пов'язаних записів.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Записи не зв'язані",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Немає пов'язаних записів",
+ "recordsLinked": "записи зв'язані",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Приймати лише дійсні {type}",
"apiTokenCreate": "Створює персональні жетони для API для використання в автоматизації або зовнішніх програмах.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Виберіть поле для сортування",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Виберіть стовпець для групування",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "У таблиці немає записів",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Наразі немає доступних записів для зв'язку",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Почніть з веб-хуків!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Автоматизуйте ваші процеси. Отримуйте повідомлення, як тільки відбуваються зміни у ваших даних",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити наступне",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Ви впевнені, що хочете {deleteLabel} наступне",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Поле ID є обов'язковим, ви можете перейменувати його пізніше, якщо потрібно.",
+ "length59Required": "Довжина перевищує макс. 59 символів",
+ "noNewNotifications": "У вас немає нових повідомлень",
+ "noRecordFound": "Запис не знайдено",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Записів не знайдено",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Жоден запис не відповідає вашому запиту на пошук",
+ "rowDeleted": "Запис видалено",
+ "saveChanges": "Чи хочете ви зберегти зміни?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Поле занадто велике, щоб бути перетвореним на {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Потрібна роль",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Поля кнопки, що залежать від цього вебхука, будуть змінені",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Перегляд канбан вимагає налаштування поля з одним вибором. Спробуйте налаштувати канбан-вид після додавання поля з одним вибором!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Перегляд карти вимагає налаштування поля з геоданими. Спробуйте налаштувати перегляд карти після додавання поля з геоданими!",
+ "dbValid": "Переконайтеся у валідності бази даних, щоб уникнути втрати схем",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Помилка штрих-коду - перевірте сумісність між типом вводу та типом штрих-коду"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Попередження: Обчислюване поле - неможливо очистити текст",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Попередження: QR-поля не можна змінювати безпосередньо.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Попередження: поля штрих-коду не можна змінювати безпосередньо."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Ви впевнені, що хочете дублювати базу?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Ви впевнені, що хочете дублювати таблицю?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Ви не можете змінити видимість поля, яке редагується. Будь ласка, спочатку збережіть або скасуйте зміни.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Ви не можете перемістити поле, яке редагується. Або збережіть, або скасуйте зміни",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Ви не можете перемістити видалене поле. Або збережіть, або скасуйте зміни"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Ви не зможете перетягувати записи між датами, коли використовуються обчислювані або системні поля.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Зміни схеми для цього джерела заборонені",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Введіть назву робочого простору",
+ "enterBaseName": "Введіть назву бази",
+ "idpPaste": "Вставте ці URL у консоль постачальників вашої ідентичності",
+ "noSaml": "Немає налаштованих аутентифікацій SAML.",
+ "noOIDC": "Немає налаштованих аутентифікацій OpenID.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Вимкнено, оскільки вигляд заблоковано",
+ "basesMigrated": "Бази міґровані. Будь ласка, спробуйте знову.",
"pasteNotSupported": "Операція вставки не підтримується в активній комірці",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Розробник може створювати нові проєкти та мати доступ до будь-якого публічного проєкту.",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Введіть назву форми для введення",
"formHelpText": "Додайте допоміжний текст",
"onlyCreator": "Видимий тільки для редактора",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Додати назву форми",
"formDesc": "Додати опис форми",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Обмежити доступ за допомогою пароля",
"afterEnablePwd": "Доступ обмежено паролем",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Доступ до проєкту через",
"submitAnotherForm": "Показати кнопку \"Надіслати іншу форму\"",
"showBlankForm": "Показати порожню форму через 5 секунд",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Відповіді на електронну пошту",
"showSysFields": "Показати системні поля",
"filterAutoApply": "Автоматичне застосування",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Показати повідомлення",
"viewNotShared": "До поточного вигляду немає доступу!",
"showAllViews": "Показати усі спільні вигляди цієї таблиці",
"collabView": "Учасники з дозволом на редагування або вище можуть змінювати конфігурацію перегляду.",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Таблиці метаданих синхронізуються",
"addMultipleUsers": "Ви можете додати кілька електронних адрес через кому",
"enterTableName": "Введіть назву таблиці",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Введіть опис таблиці...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Введіть опис поля...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Введіть опис відображення...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Введіть назву макета",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Введіть назву інформаційної панелі",
+ "defaultColumns": "Стовпці за замовчуванням",
"addDefaultColumns": "Додайте стовпці за замовчуванням",
"tableNameInDb": "Назва таблиці, збережена в базі даних",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "Це значення вже є у списку",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Немає стовпців для оновлення",
"tableDeleted": "Таблицю успішно видалено",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Макет успішно видалено",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Створіть загальнодоступну базу, лише для читання",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей вигляд?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей макет?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Ви хочете видалити таблицю",
"showM2mTables": "Показати M2M таблиці",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Звʼязок \"багато-до-багатьох\" підтримується через таблицю зʼєднань і за замовчуванням прихований. Увімкніть цю опцію, щоб перерахувати всі такі таблиці разом з існуючими.",
@@ -1661,62 +1666,62 @@
"noMoreRecords": "Більше записів немає",
"tokenNameNotEmpty": "Назва жетону не може бути порожнім",
"tokenNameMaxLength": "Назва жетону не повинно перевищувати 255 символів",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "dbNameRequired": "Потрібна назва бази даних",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Потрібна назва робочої області",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Назва робочої області повинна бути не менше 3 символів",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Назва робочої області повинна бути не більше 50 символів",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Видалити цю робочу область та весь її вміст.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Я розумію, що ця дія є незворотною",
+ "pageNotFound": "Сторінку не знайдено",
+ "makeLineBreak": "створити розрив рядка",
+ "goToPrevious": "Перейти до попереднього",
+ "goToNext": "Перейти до наступного",
+ "thankYou": "Дякую!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Ви успішно надіслали дані форми.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Редагування системного ключа не підтримується",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "На даний момент недоступно",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Операція вставки групи не підтримується для стовпця Посилання/Посилання на інший запис",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Очищення групи не підтримується для стовпця Посилання/Посилання на інший запис",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Оновіть до Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Ця функція доступна лише у версії Enterprise",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Ваша поточна роль -",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Будь ласка, зверніться до адміністратора / власника бази / власника робочої області для доступу до цієї {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Не можна приховати всі опції, якщо поле обов’язкове"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Ручні хуки не можуть бути вимкнуті",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Помилка завантаження даних запису",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Помилка отримання даних календаря",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Помилка отримання активних дат",
+ "scopesRequired": "Потрібні області охоплення",
+ "domainRequired": "Назва домену є обов'язковою",
+ "authUrlRequired": "Потрібно URL-адресу аутентифікації",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Потрібен атрибут імені користувача",
+ "clientIdRequired": "Потрібен ідентифікатор клієнта",
+ "issuerRequired": "Потрібен видавець",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Потрібен секрет клієнта",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "Потрібен URL JWK",
"tokenUrlRequired": "Потрібна URL-адреса для жетона",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "Потрібно URL UserInfo",
+ "eitherXML": "Потрібен або xml, або метаданих URL.",
+ "nameRequired": "Ім'я є обов'язковим",
+ "nameMinLength": "Ім'я має містити щонайменше 2 символи",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Ім'я має бути не більше 60 символів",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Ім'я виду є обов'язковим",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Назва домену є обов'язковою",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Ім'я має бути не більше 256 символів",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Назва виду має бути унікальною",
"searchProject": "За вашим запитом {search} не знайдено жодного результату",
"invalidChar": "Недійсний символ у шляху.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Неправильні облікові дані бази даних.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Неможливо підʼєднатися до бази даних, будь ласка, перевірте, чи працює ваша база даних.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Невірний рік",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Користувач не існує або не має достатніх прав для створення конфігурації.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Неправильні параметри бази даних",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Помилка з’єднання:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Існує порожній фільтр. Будь ласка, видаліть його",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Пошта є обов'язковим полем",
"emailInvalid": "Пошта має невірний формат",
"passwdRequired": "Пароль є обовʼязковим",
"passwdLength": "Пароль має складатися хоча б з 8 символів",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "Одна цифра",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Один спеціальний символ",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Дозволений список спеціальних символів",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Помилкові електронні адреси",
+ "invalidEmail": "Неправильна електронна адреса"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "Неправильний XML",
"invalidURL": "Неправильна URL-адреса",
"invalidEmail": "Неправильна електронна адреса",
"internalError": "Сталась внутрішня помилка",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Імʼя повинно починатися з літери або _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Наступні символи не допускаються",
"columnNameRequired": "Ім'я стовпця є обов'язковим",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Повторюване ім'я стовпця",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Назва вже використовується для системного стовпця",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Тип даних UI є обов'язковим",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "Довжина назви стовпця перевищує максимальну кількість в {value} символів",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Ім'я {title} перевищує 50 символів",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Ім'я {title} не може починатися з пробілу",
"requiredField": "Обов'язкове поле",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP не дозволено",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Цільовий файл не є дозволеним типом файлу",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Дозволені типи файлів: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Ключ параметра не може бути порожнім",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Дублювання ключів параметрів неприпустимо",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Це поле не може бути порожнім.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Проєкт недоступний",
"copyToClipboardError": "Не вдалося скопіювати в буфер обміну",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Не вдалося вставити з буфера обміну",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Будь ласка, завершіть налаштування всіх полів перед збереженням",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Щось пішло не так",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Перетягнутий вміст не є типом зображення",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Поле для розбору даних зображення",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Деякі обов’язкові поля залишились порожніми"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Метадані проєкту експортовано",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Незабаром!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Ліцензійний ключ оновлено",
"columnDuplicated": "Стовпець успішно продубльовано",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Рядок продубльовано, але не збережено",
"updatedUIACL": "Успішно оновлено UI ACL для таблиць",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Налаштування плагіну збережено",
"pluginTested": "Успішно протестовані налаштування плагіну",
"tableRenamed": "Таблицю успішно перейменовано",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Макет успішно перейменовано",
"viewDeleted": "Вигляд видалено",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Успішно оновлено як основний стовпець",
"tableDataExported": "Успішно експортовано всі дані таблиці",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "Пароль успішно змінено. Будь ласка, увійдіть ще раз.",
"settingsSaved": "Налаштування успішно збережено",
"roleUpdated": "Роль успішно оновлено",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "Інтеграцію підключено успішно",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Власники та творці бази можуть зараз додати джерело даних без повторного введення облікових даних."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/vi.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/vi.json
index e382fc3f9c..e20166401c 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/vi.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/vi.json
@@ -32,79 +32,80 @@
"radar_chart": "Biểu đồ Radar",
"polar_area_chart": "Biểu đồ vùng cực",
"radial_bar_chart": "Biểu đồ thanh xuyên tâm",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "heatmap_chart": "Biểu đồ nhiệt",
+ "treemap_chart": "Biểu đồ cây",
+ "box_plot_chart": "Biểu đồ hộp",
+ "candlestick_chart": "Biểu đồ nến"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Min date",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Tổng",
+ "count": "Đếm",
+ "min": "Tối thiểu",
+ "max": "Tối đa",
+ "avg": "Trung bình",
+ "median": "Trung vị",
+ "std_dev": "Độ lệch chuẩn",
+ "histogram": "Biểu đồ tần suất",
+ "range": "Phạm vi",
+ "percent_empty": "Trống",
+ "percent_filled": "Đầy",
+ "percent_unique": "Độc nhất",
+ "count_unique": "Duy nhất",
+ "count_empty": "Rỗng",
+ "count_filled": "Đã điền",
+ "earliest_date": "Ngày nhỏ nhất",
+ "latest_date": "Ngày lớn nhất",
+ "date_range": "Phạm vi",
+ "month_range": "Phạm vi",
+ "checked": "Đã kiểm tra",
+ "unchecked": "Chưa kiểm tra",
+ "percent_checked": "Đã kiểm tra",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Chưa kiểm tra",
+ "attachment_size": "Kích thước",
+ "none": "Không có"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "Tổng",
+ "count": "Đếm",
+ "min": "Nhỏ nhất",
+ "max": "Lớn nhất",
+ "avg": "Trung bình",
+ "median": "Trung vị",
+ "std_dev": "Độ lệch chuẩn",
+ "histogram": "Biểu đồ",
+ "range": "Phạm vi",
+ "percent_empty": "Phần trăm trống",
+ "percent_filled": "Phần trăm đã điền",
+ "percent_unique": "Phần trăm duy nhất",
+ "count_unique": "Duy nhất",
+ "count_empty": "Rỗng",
+ "count_filled": "Đã điền",
+ "earliest_date": "Ngày nhỏ nhất",
+ "latest_date": "Ngày lớn nhất",
+ "date_range": "Khoảng ngày",
+ "month_range": "Khoảng tháng",
+ "checked": "Đã kiểm tra",
+ "unchecked": "Chưa kiểm tra",
+ "percent_checked": "Phần trăm đã kiểm tra",
+ "percent_unchecked": "Phần trăm chưa kiểm tra",
+ "attachment_size": "Kích thước tập tin đính kèm",
+ "none": "Không có"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "Script",
+ "configure": "Cấu hình",
+ "switch": "Chuyển đổi",
+ "on": "Bật",
+ "onMultiple": "Bật nhiều",
+ "manual": "Hướng dẫn sử dụng",
+ "trigger": "Kích hoạt",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "Phong cách",
+ "label": "Nhãn",
+ "role": "Vai diễn",
+ "general": "Chung",
+ "quit": "Thoát",
"home": "Trang chủ",
"load": "Trọng tải",
"open": "Mở",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "Đúng",
"no": "Không",
"ok": "VÂNG",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "Quay lại",
"and": "Và",
"or": "Hoặc là",
"add": "cộng",
"edit": "Biên tập",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "Liên kết",
+ "links": "Liên kết",
"remove": "Tẩy",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "Nhập khẩu",
+ "logout": "Đăng xuất",
+ "empty": "Trống",
+ "changeIcon": "Đổi biểu tượng",
"save": "Cứu",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "Có sẵn",
+ "abort": "Hủy bỏ",
+ "saving": "Đang lưu",
"cancel": "Hủy bỏ",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
+ "escape": "Thoát",
"hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "clear": "Sạch",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "Bình luận",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "Trích dẫn",
"submit": "Áp dụng",
"create": "Tạo ra",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "createEntity": "Tạo {entity}",
+ "creating": "Đang tạo",
+ "creatingEntity": "Đang tạo {entity}",
+ "details": "Chi tiết",
+ "skip": "Bỏ qua",
+ "code": "Mã",
"duplicate": "Tạo bản sao",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "Đang nhân đôi",
+ "duplicateEntity": "Tạo bản sao {entity}",
+ "activate": "Kích hoạt",
+ "action": "Hoạt động",
"insert": "Chèn",
"delete": "Xóa bỏ",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "Xóa {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "Chèn hàng loạt",
+ "bulkDelete": "Xóa hàng loạt",
+ "bulkUpdate": "Cập nhật hàng loạt",
+ "deleting": "Đang xóa",
"update": "Cập nhật",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "Đang cập nhật",
"rename": "Đổi tên",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "Đổi tên {entity}",
"reload": "Tải lại",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "Làm mới",
"reset": "Cài lại",
"install": "Cài đặt",
"show": "Trình diễn",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "Truy cập",
+ "visibility": "Hiển thị",
"hide": "Giấu",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "Đã lỗi thời",
"showAll": "Hiển thị tất cả",
"hideAll": "Ẩn tất cả",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "Không tìm thấy",
"showMore": "Cho xem nhiều hơn",
"showOptions": "Hiển thị tùy chọn",
"hideOptions": "Ẩn tùy chọn",
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
"signIn": "ĐĂNG NHẬP",
"signOut": "Đăng xuất",
"required": "Yêu cầu",
- "enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling",
+ "enableScanner": "Kích hoạt Máy quét để điền vào",
"preferred": "Ưu tiên",
"mandatory": "Bắt buộc",
"loading": "Đang tải ...",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "Tải lên",
"download": "Tải xuống",
"default": "Mặc định",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "Nguồn",
+ "datasource": "Nguồn dữ liệu",
"more": "Hơn",
"less": "Ít hơn",
"event": "Biến cố",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "Sau",
"before": "Trước",
"search": "Tìm kiếm",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "Tìm kiếm trong",
"notification": "Thông báo",
"reference": "Thẩm quyền giải quyết",
"function": "Chức năng",
"confirm": "Xác nhận",
"generate": "Generate",
"copy": "Sao Chép",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "Đã sao chép",
+ "are": "là",
"misc": "Các tùy chọn khác",
"lock": "Khoá",
"unlock": "Mở khoá",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "Tính năng này hiện không được hỗ trợ.",
"moreInfo": "More information can be found here",
"logs": "Nhật ký",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
- "hideField": "Hide field",
- "showField": "Show field",
- "sortAsc": "Sort ascending",
- "sortDesc": "Sort descending",
- "move": "Move",
- "geoDataField": "GeoData Field",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
+ "groupingField": "Xếp chồng theo trường",
+ "insertAfter": "Chèn bên phải",
+ "insertBefore": "Chèn bên trái",
+ "insertAbove": "Chèn phía trên",
+ "insertBelow": "Chèn phía dưới",
+ "hideField": "Ẩn trường",
+ "showField": "Hiển thị trường",
+ "sortAsc": "Sắp xếp tăng dần",
+ "sortDesc": "Sắp xếp giảm dần",
+ "move": "Di chuyển",
+ "geoDataField": "Trường Dữ Liệu Địa lý",
+ "type": "Loại",
+ "subType": "Loại phụ",
+ "name": "Tên",
+ "changes": "Thay đổi",
"new": "Mới",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
+ "old": "Cũ",
+ "data": "Dữ liệu",
+ "source": "Nguồn",
+ "destination": "Đích",
+ "active": "Hoạt động",
+ "inactive": "Không hoạt động",
+ "linked": "đã liên kết",
+ "finish": "Hoàn thành",
+ "min": "Tối thiểu",
+ "max": "Tối đa",
+ "avg": "Trung bình",
+ "sum": "Tổng",
+ "count": "Đếm",
+ "countDistinct": "Đếm riêng biệt",
+ "sumDistinct": "Tổng riêng biệt",
+ "avgDistinct": "Trung bình riêng biệt",
+ "join": "Tham gia",
+ "options": "Tùy chọn",
+ "primaryValue": "Giá trị chính",
+ "useSurveyMode": "Sử dụng Chế độ Khảo sát",
"shift": "Shift",
"enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
+ "seconds": "Giây",
+ "paste": "Dán",
+ "restore": "Khôi phục",
+ "replace": "Thay thế",
+ "banner": "Biểu ngữ",
"logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "dropdown": "Danh sách thả xuống",
+ "list": "Danh sách",
+ "verify": "Xác minh",
+ "apply": "Áp dụng",
+ "text": "Văn bản",
+ "appearance": "Giao diện",
+ "now": "Bây giờ",
+ "set": "Thiết lập",
+ "format": "Định dạng",
+ "colour": "Màu sắc",
+ "use": "Sử dụng",
+ "stack": "Xếp chồng",
+ "ipAddress": "Địa chỉ IP",
+ "integration": "Tích hợp",
+ "integrations": "Các tích hợp",
+ "connection": "Kết nối",
+ "connections": "Các kết nối",
+ "private": "Riêng tư",
+ "request": "Yêu cầu",
+ "languages": "Ngôn ngữ",
+ "extension": "Tiện ích mở rộng",
+ "extensions": "Tiện ích mở rộng"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "tập tin",
+ "owner": "Chủ nhân",
+ "member": "Thành viên",
+ "day": "Ngày",
+ "week": "Tuần",
+ "month": "Tháng",
+ "year": "Năm",
+ "workspace": "Không gian làm việc",
+ "workspaces": "Các không gian làm việc",
"project": "Dự định",
"projects": "Dự án.",
"table": "Bàn",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "Lĩnh vực",
"column": "Cột",
"columns": "Cột",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "Ô",
+ "cells": "Các ô",
"page": "Trang",
"pages": "Trang.",
"record": "Ghi lại",
@@ -319,41 +320,41 @@
"webhooks": "Webhooks.",
"view": "Quang cảnh",
"views": "Lượt xem",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "Thanh bên",
"viewType": {
"grid": "Lưới",
"gallery": "Bộ sưu tập",
"form": "Mẫu đơn",
"kanban": "Kanban.",
"calendar": "Lịch",
- "map": "Map"
+ "map": "Bản đồ"
"user": "Người dùng",
"users": "Người dùng",
"role": "Vai diễn",
"roles": "Vai trò",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "Nhà phát triển",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Chủ nhân",
"creator": "Người sáng tạo",
"editor": "Biên tập viên",
"commenter": "Bình luận",
"viewer": "Người xem",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
- "orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
- "orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
+ "noaccess": "Không có quyền truy cập",
+ "superAdmin": "Quản trị viên cấp cao",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "Chủ sở hữu cấp tổ chức",
+ "orgLevelCreator": "Người tạo ở mức độ tổ chức",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "Người xem ở mức độ tổ chức"
"sqlVIew": "SQL View",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "Chiều cao bản ghi",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
+ "short": "Ngắn",
+ "medium": "Trung bình",
+ "tall": "Cao",
"extra": "Extra"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "Cơ sở dữ liệu bên ngoài",
"syncData": {
"appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "Tất cả tích hợp",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "Kết nối liền mạch và quản lý cơ sở dữ liệu với NocoDB.",
+ "communication": "Liên lạc",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "Nhận thông báo về thay đổi và tối ưu hóa cuộc giao tiếp nhóm với NocoDB.",
+ "projectManagement": "Quản lý dự án",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "Tăng cường quy trình làm việc dự án và quản lý nhiệm vụ với NocoDB.",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "Tối ưu hóa quản lý quan hệ khách hàng thông qua tích hợp NocoDB.",
+ "marketing": "Tiếp thị",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "Tăng cường nỗ lực tiếp thị của bạn với tích hợp mạnh mẽ của NocoDB.",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "Tối ưu hóa hệ thống theo dõi ứng viên của bạn với NocoDB.",
+ "development": "Phát triển",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "Tăng tốc các quy trình phát triển với tích hợp NocoDB.",
+ "finance": "Tài chính",
+ "financeSubtitle": "Đơn giản hóa hoạt động tài chính và quản lý dữ liệu với NocoDB.",
"ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "Quản lý và theo dõi phiếu hỗ trợ một cách hiệu quả với NocoDB.",
+ "storageSubtitle": "Tích hợp và tổ chức các giải pháp lưu trữ của bạn một cách liền mạch với NocoDB.",
+ "others": "Khác",
+ "othersSubtitle": "Khám phá thêm các tích hợp linh hoạt để cải thiện trải nghiệm NocoDB của bạn.",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "Bảng tính",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Kết nối và quản lý bảng tính của bạn với NocoDB."
"datatype": {
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
"Currency": "Tiền tệ",
"Percent": "Phần trăm",
"Duration": "Khoảng thời gian",
- "GeoData": "GeoData",
+ "GeoData": "Dữ Liệu Địa lý",
"Rating": "Xếp hạng",
"Formula": "Công thức",
"Rollup": "ROLLUP.",
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "không phải là null."
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
+ "searchWebhook": "Tìm kiếm webhook",
"webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "Tải lên qua URL",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "renameBase": "Đổi tên Cơ sở",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Đổi tên Không gian làm việc",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "Đang đổi tên Không gian làm việc",
+ "renamingBase": "Đang đổi tên Cơ sở",
+ "sso": "Xác thực (SSO)",
+ "docs": "Tài liệu",
+ "forum": "Diễn đàn",
+ "parameter": "Tham số",
+ "headers": "Tiêu đề",
+ "parameterName": "Tên tham số",
+ "currencyLocale": "Locale tiền tệ",
+ "currencyCode": "Mã tiền tệ",
+ "searchMembers": "Tìm kiếm thành viên",
+ "noMembersFound": "Không tìm thấy thành viên nào",
+ "dateJoined": "Ngày tham gia",
+ "tokenName": "Tên mã thông báo",
+ "inDesktop": "trên Desktop",
+ "rowData": "Dữ liệu bản ghi",
+ "creator": "Người sáng tạo",
+ "qrCode": "Mã QR",
+ "termsOfService": "Điều khoản dịch vụ",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "Cập nhật các bản ghi đã chọn",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "Không thêm bộ lọc nào",
+ "editCards": "Chỉnh sửa thẻ",
+ "noFieldsFound": "Không tìm thấy trường nào",
+ "displayValue": "Hiển thị giá trị",
+ "expand": "Mở rộng",
+ "hideAll": "Ẩn tất cả",
+ "hideSystemFields": "Ẩn các trường hệ thống",
+ "removeFile": "Xóa tệp",
+ "hasMany": "Có nhiều",
+ "manyToMany": "Nhiều đối với nhiều",
+ "oneToOne": "Một kèm một",
+ "virtualRelation": "Mối quan hệ ảo",
+ "linkMore": "Liên kết thêm",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "Liên kết thêm bản ghi",
+ "linkRecords": "Liên kết hồ sơ",
+ "downloadFile": "Tải tập tin",
+ "renameTable": "Đổi tên bảng",
+ "renamingTable": "Đang đổi tên bảng",
+ "renamingWs": "Đang đổi tên Không gian làm việc",
+ "renameWs": "Đổi tên Không gian làm việc",
+ "deleteWs": "Xóa Không gian làm việc",
+ "deletingWs": "Đang xóa Không gian làm việc",
+ "copyAuthToken": "Sao chép Mã thông báo",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "Đã sao chép Mã thông báo",
+ "copyInviteToken": "Sao chép Mời Token",
+ "showSidebar": "Hiển thị Thanh bên",
+ "hideSidebar": "Ẩn Thanh bên",
+ "creatingTable": "Đang tạo Bảng",
"erdView": "ERD View",
"newBase": "Nguồn dữ liệu mới",
"newProj": "Dự án mới",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "Tạo Cơ sở",
"myProject": "Những dự án của tôi",
"formTitle": "Tiêu đề mẫu",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "Hợp tác",
+ "locked": "Bị khóa",
+ "personal": "Cá nhân",
"appStore": "Cửa hàng ứng dụng",
"teamAndAuth": "Đội & auth.",
"rolesUserMgmt": "Vai trò & Quản lý người dùng",
"userMgmt": "Quản lý người dùng",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "Mã thông báo API",
"apiTokenMgmt": "Quản lý Token API",
"rolesMgmt": "Vai trò quản lý",
"projMeta": "Siêu dữ liệu dự án.",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "Tạo mã Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIS và Hỗ trợ",
"helpCenter": "Help center",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "Không có nhãn",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Tài liệu Swagger",
"quickImportFrom": "Kết nhập nhanh dữ liệu từ",
"quickImport": "Quick Import",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "Nhập nhanh - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "Nhập nhanh - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "Nhập nhanh - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "Nhập nhanh - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "Trình soạn thảo JSON",
+ "comingSoon": "Sắp có",
"advancedSettings": "Cài đặt Nâng cao",
"codeSnippet": "Thư viện mã",
- "keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
- "generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name",
+ "keyboardShortcut": "Phím tắt bàn phím",
+ "generateRandomName": "Tạo tên ngẫu nhiên",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
+ "tokenManagement": "Quản lý Token",
"addNewToken": "Thêm mới token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "createNewToken": "Tạo mã thông báo mới",
+ "accountSettings": "Cài đặt tài khoản",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "Đặt lại mật khẩu",
+ "tokens": "Mã thông báo",
+ "userManagement": "Quản lý người dùng",
+ "accountManagement": "Quản lý tài khoản",
+ "licence": "Giấy phép",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "Cho phép tất cả các loại Mime",
+ "defaultView": "Chế độ xem mặc định",
+ "relations": "Quan hệ",
+ "switchLanguage": "Chuyển ngôn ngữ",
+ "renameFile": "Đổi tên tập tin",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
+ "noAction": "Không có hành động",
"cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "restrict": "Hạn chế",
+ "setNull": "Đặt NULL",
+ "setDefault": "Đặt mặc định"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Chọn trường từ bảng điều khiển phải để thêm vào đây",
+ "noOptionsFound": "Không tìm thấy tùy chọn nào",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn gửi biểu mẫu này không?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Có vẻ như ngăn xếp này không có bản ghi nào",
+ "fromScratch": "Từ đầu",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "Từ tệp và nguồn bên ngoài",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "Trực tiếp trong thời gian thực",
+ "categories": "Danh mục",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "Trường không thể truy cập",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "Không có điều kiện nào được thêm"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
+ "modifiedOn": "Chỉnh sửa vào",
+ "configuration": "Cấu hình",
+ "setup": "Cài đặt",
+ "configLabel": "Cấu hình {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "Chuyển sang cơ sở dữ liệu ứng dụng sản xuất sẵn sàng",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "fieldID": "ID Trường",
+ "addDescription": "Thêm mô tả",
+ "editDescription": "Chỉnh sửa mô tả",
+ "urlFormula": "Công thức URL",
+ "selectIcon": "không có",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--chọn một webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "Mở URL",
+ "runWebHook": "Chạy Webhook",
+ "onClick": "Khi bấm",
+ "defaultView": "Chế độ xem mặc định",
+ "recordInsert": "Chèn bản ghi",
+ "recordUpdate": "Cập nhật bản ghi",
+ "recordDelete": "Xóa bản ghi",
+ "supportDocs": "Hỗ trợ tài liệu",
+ "addedOn": "Đã thêm vào",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "Thay đổi trường giá trị hiển thị",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "Chọn trường giá trị hiển thị",
+ "changeTitleField": "Thay đổi trường tiêu đề",
+ "clearAll": "Xóa tất cả",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Trường tra cứu hiển thị dữ liệu từ các bản ghi liên kết. Chọn các trường cụ thể từ ",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " bảng để thêm chúng làm các trường tra cứu trong bảng này.",
+ "formatting": "Định dạng",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -Chọn loại định dạng (tùy chọn)- -",
+ "formatType": "Loại định dạng",
+ "toUpload": "để tải lên",
+ "dragFilesHere": "kéo tệp vào đây",
+ "browseFiles": "duyệt tập tin",
+ "clickTo": "Nhấp vào để",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Vui lòng cho phép truy cập vào camera của bạn",
+ "openFile": "Mở tệp",
+ "enterValidUrl": "Nhập một URL hợp lệ để tải lên tập tin",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "Thêm tập tin từ URL",
+ "uploading": "Đang tải lên",
+ "dropHere": "Thả vào đây",
+ "addMore": "Thêm nữa",
+ "clearAllFiles": "Xóa tất cả tập tin",
+ "integration": "Tích hợp",
+ "notRecommended": "Không được khuyến khích",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
+ "selectView": "Chọn một chế độ xem",
+ "connectionDetails": "Chi tiết kết nối nguồn",
+ "metaSync": "Đồng bộ Meta",
+ "mention": "Đề cập",
+ "today": "Hôm nay",
+ "currentDate": "Ngày hiện tại",
+ "workspace": "Không gian làm việc",
+ "txt": "Giá trị bản ghi TXT",
+ "transferOwnership": "Chuyển quyền sở hữu",
+ "recentActivity": "Hoạt động gần đây",
+ "goToMembers": "Đi đến Thành viên",
+ "addMember": "Thêm Thành viên",
+ "numberOfMembers": "Số Thành viên",
+ "numberOfBases": "Số Cơ sở",
+ "numberOfRecords": "Số Hồ sơ",
+ "workspaceName": "Tên Không gian làm việc",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Không gian làm việc không có Chủ sở hữu",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Mời Người dùng vào Không gian làm việc",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-chọn không gian làm việc để mời vào-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "Thêm Thành viên vào Tổ chức",
+ "memberIn": "Thành viên trong:",
+ "assignAs": "Gán là",
+ "signOutUser": "Đăng xuất người dùng",
+ "signOutUsers": "Đăng xuất người dùng",
+ "deactivateUser": "Hủy kích hoạt Người dùng",
+ "deactivateUsers": "Hủy kích hoạt Người dùng",
+ "lastActive": "Hoạt động cuối cùng",
+ "dateAdded": "Ngày thêm",
+ "uploadImage": "Tải lên Hình ảnh",
+ "organizationProfile": "Hồ sơ Tổ chức",
+ "organizationImage": "Hình ảnh Tổ chức",
+ "organizationName": "Tên Tổ chức",
+ "activeDomains": "Tên miền đang hoạt động",
+ "domains": "Tên miền",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "Vô hiệu hóa Chia sẻ Công khai",
+ "shareSettings": "Cài đặt Chia sẻ",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "Xóa Người dùng và dữ liệu của họ",
+ "userOptions": "Tùy chọn Người dùng",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "Xóa Tổ chức này",
+ "dangerZone": "Khu vực nguy hiểm",
+ "childView": "Chế độ xem con",
+ "selectYear": "Chọn Năm",
+ "save": "Cứu",
+ "cancel": "Hủy bỏ",
+ "metadataUrl": "URL metadata",
"audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "redirectUrl": "URL chuyển hướng",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
+ "newProvider": "Nhà cung cấp mới",
+ "generalSettings": "Cài đặt chung",
+ "adminPanel": "Bảng quản trị",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Di chuyển Không gian làm việc đến Tổ chức",
+ "ssoSettings": "Cài đặt SSO",
+ "addDomain": "Thêm Tên miền",
+ "domain": "Tên miền",
+ "settings": "Cài đặt",
+ "workspaces": "Không gian làm việc",
+ "back": "Quay lại",
+ "dashboard": "Bảng điều khiển",
+ "organizeBy": "Tổ chức bởi",
+ "previous": "Trước",
+ "nextMonth": "Tháng tiếp theo",
+ "previousMonth": "Tháng trước",
+ "next": "Kế tiếp",
+ "organiseBy": "Tổ chức bởi",
+ "heading1": "Tiêu đề 1",
+ "heading2": "Tiêu đề 2",
+ "heading3": "Tiêu đề 3",
+ "bold": "Đậm",
+ "italic": "Nghiêng",
+ "underline": "Gạch chân",
+ "strike": "Gạch ngang",
+ "taskList": "Danh sách công việc",
+ "bulletList": "Danh sách dấu đầu dòng",
+ "numberedList": "Danh sách đánh số",
+ "downloadData": "Tải xuống dữ liệu",
+ "blockQuote": "Trích dẫn khối",
+ "noToken": "Không có mã thông báo",
+ "tokenLimit": "Chỉ cho phép một mã thông báo mỗi người dùng",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "Tập tin có tên {filename} đã được đính kèm",
+ "tableIdColon": "ID BẢNG: {tableId}",
"viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "toAddress": "Đến địa chỉ",
+ "subject": "Chủ đề",
+ "body": "Nội dung",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Số điện thoại di động tách biệt bằng dấu phẩy",
+ "headerName": "Tên tiêu đề",
+ "icon": "Biểu tượng",
+ "max": "Tối đa",
+ "enableRichText": "Bật văn bản phong phú",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "Đã sao chép URL bản ghi",
+ "copyRecordURL": "Sao chép URL bản ghi",
+ "duplicateRecord": "Tạo bản sao bản ghi",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "Định dạng mã hóa nhị phân",
+ "syntax": "Cú pháp",
+ "examples": "Ví dụ",
+ "durationInfo": "Khoảng thời gian trong phút hoặc giây (ví dụ: 1:23).",
+ "addHeader": "Thêm tiêu đề",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Nhập URL mặc định (Tùy chọn)",
+ "negative": "Tiêu cực",
+ "discard": "Loại bỏ",
+ "default": "Mặc định",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "Số mặc định (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "Định dạng thời lượng",
+ "dateFormat": "Định dạng ngày",
+ "timeFormat": "Định dạng thời gian",
+ "singularLabel": "Nhãn số ít",
+ "pluralLabel": "Nhãn số nhiều",
+ "selectDateField": "Chọn trường ngày",
+ "endDateField": "Trường ngày kết thúc",
+ "optional": "(Tùy chọn)",
+ "clickToMake": "Nhấp để làm",
+ "visibleForRole": "hiển thị cho vai trò:",
+ "inUI": "trong giao diện người dùng",
+ "projectSettings": "Cài đặt cơ bản",
+ "clickToHide": "Nhấp để ẩn",
+ "clickToDownload": "Nhấp để tải xuống",
+ "forRole": "cho vai trò",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "Nhấn để sao chép ID Bảng",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "Nhấp để sao chép ID xem",
+ "viewMode": "Chế độ xem",
+ "searchUsers": "Tìm kiếm người dùng",
+ "superAdmin": "Quản trị viên cấp cao",
+ "allTables": "Tất cả các bảng",
+ "members": "Thành viên",
+ "dataSources": "Nguồn dữ liệu",
+ "connectDataSource": "Kết nối dữ liệu bên ngoài",
+ "searchProjects": "Tìm kiếm cơ sở",
"createdBy": "Đã tạo bởi",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Đang xem các tập tin đính kèm của",
+ "readOnly": "Chỉ đọc",
+ "createdOn": "Đã tạo ngày",
"notifyVia": "Thông báo qua",
"projName": "Tên dự án",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "Hồ sơ",
+ "accountDetails": "Chi tiết tài khoản",
+ "controlAppearance": "Kiểm soát Giao diện của bạn.",
+ "accountEmailID": "ID Email Tài khoản",
+ "backToWorkspace": "Quay lại Workspace",
+ "untitledToken": "Token chưa có tiêu đề",
"tableName": "Tên bảng.",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "Tên bảng điều khiển",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "Tạo Chế độ xem",
+ "duplicateView": "Tạo bản sao chế độ xem",
+ "duplicateGridView": "Tạo bản sao Chế độ xem Lưới",
+ "createGridView": "Tạo chế độ xem lưới",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "Tạo bản sao Chế độ xem Thư viện",
+ "createGalleryView": "Tạo Chế độ xem Thư viện",
+ "duplicateFormView": "Tạo bản sao Chế độ xem Biểu mẫu",
+ "createFormView": "Tạo biểu mẫu",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "Tạo bản sao Chế độ xem Kanban",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "Cài đặt Lịch Dư",
+ "createKanbanView": "Tạo tầm nhìn Kanban",
+ "createCalendarView": "Tạo Lịch View",
"viewName": "Xem tên.",
"viewLink": "Xem liên kết",
"columnName": "Tên cột dọc",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "Nhập cơ sở dữ liệu",
"lengthValue": "Chiều dài / giá trị",
"dbType": "Loại cơ sở dữ liệu",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "tên máy chủ / hostAddr",
+ "sqliteFile": "Đường dẫn tập tin SQLite",
+ "hostAddress": "Địa chỉ máy chủ",
+ "port": "Số cổng",
"username": "tên tài khoản",
"password": "Mật khẩu",
"schemaName": "Tên lược đồ",
@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@
"action": "Hoạt động",
"actions": "Hành động",
"operation": "Hoạt động",
- "operationSub": "Sub Operation",
+ "operationSub": "Hoạt động Phụ",
"operationType": "Loại hoạt động",
"operationSubType": "Loại phụ hoạt động",
"description": "Sự miêu tả",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "Ở đâu",
"cache": "Cache.",
"chat": "Trò chuyện",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "Hiển thị hoặc Ẩn",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "Tệp CSV",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "Tệp JSON",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "Thư điện tử",
@@ -873,15 +876,15 @@
"created": "Tạo",
"sqlOutput": "Đầu ra SQL.",
"addOption": "Thêm tùy chọn",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "Màu Giao diện",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
- "barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
- "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
- "barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
- "currentLocation": "Current Location",
- "lng": "Lng",
- "lat": "Lat",
+ "barcodeFormat": "Định dạng mã vạch",
+ "qrCodeValueTooLong": "Quá nhiều ký tự cho mã QR",
+ "barcodeValueTooLong": "Quá nhiều ký tự cho mã vạch",
+ "currentLocation": "Vị trí hiện tại",
+ "lng": "Kinh độ",
+ "lat": "Vĩ độ",
"aggregateFunction": "Chức năng tổng hợp",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Cơ sở dữ liệu: Tạo nếu không tồn tại",
"clientKey": "Khóa khách",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "Tham gia cộng đồng",
"joinReddit": "Tham gia /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Theo dõi NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(Cộng đồng/AI Dịch)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "Tài liệu tham khảo",
"selectUserRole": "Chọn vai trò người dùng",
"childTable": "Bảng con",
"childColumn": "Cột trẻ con.",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
- "linkToAnotherRecord": "Link to another record",
- "links": "Links",
+ "childField": "Cột trẻ con",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "Tham gia Cloud miễn phí",
+ "linkToAnotherRecord": "Liên kết đến bản ghi khác",
+ "links": "Liên kết",
"onUpdate": "Trên bản cập nhật",
"onDelete": "Trên xóa",
"account": "Tài khoản",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "Giao diện tùy chỉnh",
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
"apiKey": "API Key",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "Token Truy cập Cá nhân",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "URL Cơ sở Chia sẻ",
"importData": "Kết nhập dữ liệu",
"importSecondaryViews": "Kết nhập Hiển thị thứ hai",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Kết nhập cột tệp đính kèm",
"importFormulaColumns": "Kết nhập cột công thức",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "Nhập Người dùng (bằng email)",
"noData": "Không có dữ liệu",
"goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
"importing": "Importing",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "Định dạng JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Tự động chọn loại trường",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "Sử dụng Bản ghi Đầu tiên làm Đầu bảng",
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
"downloadAllowed": "Download allowed",
"weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "has many",
"belongsTo": "belongs to",
"manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "có quan hệ một - một",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
"commentsOnly": "Comments only",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Đăng ký nhận tin hàng tuần của chúng tôi",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "Đăng ký với {provider}",
+ "signInWithProvider": "Đăng nhập với {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
"welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
- "inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
+ "inviteOnlySignup": "Chỉ cho phép đăng ký bằng url mời",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
+ "addRowGrid": "Thêm dữ liệu theo cách thủ công trong chế độ xem lưới",
+ "addRowForm": "Nhập dữ liệu hồ sơ thông qua biểu mẫu",
+ "noAccess": "Không có quyền truy cập",
"restApis": "Rest APIs",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "apiSnippet": "Đoạn mã API",
+ "includeData": "Bao gồm Dữ liệu",
+ "includeView": "Bao gồm Chế độ xem",
+ "includeWebhook": "Bao gồm Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "Phóng to để xem các cột",
+ "embedInSite": "Nhúng chế độ xem này vào trang của bạn",
+ "titleRequired": "tiêu đề là bắt buộc.",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "Tên nguồn là bắt buộc",
+ "changeWsName": "Thay đổi Tên Workspace",
+ "pressEnter": "Nhấn Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "Trường mới",
+ "saveChanges": "Lưu thay đổi",
+ "updatedField": "Trường đã được cập nhật",
+ "deletedField": "Trường đã bị xóa",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "Cấu hình không đầy đủ",
+ "selectField": "Chọn một trường",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "Màu nền",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "Ẩn thương hiệu NocoDB",
+ "showOnConditions": "Hiển thị trên điều kiện",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Hiển thị trường chỉ khi điều kiện được đáp ứng",
+ "limitOptions": "Giới hạn tùy chọn",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "Giới hạn các tùy chọn hiển thị cho người dùng bằng cách chọn các tùy chọn có sẵn",
+ "clearSelection": "Xóa lựa chọn",
+ "displayAsProgress": "Hiển thị dưới dạng tiến trình",
+ "relationType": "Loại quan hệ",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "Hiển thị dấu phân tách hàng nghìn",
+ "signUpForFree": "Đăng ký miễn phí",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "Phù hợp với hình ảnh",
+ "coverImageArea": "Hình ảnh bìa",
+ "syncData": "Đồng bộ dữ liệu",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Đăng ký các dịch vụ bạn quan tâm để nhận thông báo khi chúng có sẵn",
+ "redirectToUrl": "Chuyển hướng đến URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
+ "webhookDetails": "Chi tiết Webhook",
+ "hideWeekends": "Ẩn cuối tuần",
+ "renameBase": "Đổi tên Cơ sở",
+ "renameWorkspace": "Đổi tên không gian làm việc",
+ "deactivate": "Tắt kích hoạt",
+ "manageUsers": "Quản lý Người dùng",
+ "newWorkspace": "Không gian làm việc mới",
+ "addDomain": "Thêm Tên miền",
+ "addMembers": "Thêm thành viên",
+ "enterEmail": "Nhập địa chỉ email",
+ "inviteToBase": "Mời đến Cơ sở",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "Mời vào Không gian làm việc",
+ "addMember": "Thêm thành viên vào Cơ sở",
"noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "goToToday": "Đến ngày hôm nay",
+ "toggleSidebar": "Chuyển đổi Thanh Bên",
+ "addEndDate": "Thêm ngày kết thúc",
+ "withEndDate": "với ngày kết thúc",
+ "calendar": "Lịch",
+ "viewSettings": "Cài đặt chế độ xem",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "Đăng ký Nhà cung cấp Identiy OIDC",
+ "registerSAML": "Đăng ký Nhà cung cấp Identiy SAML",
+ "openInANewTab": "Mở trong tab mới",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "Sao chép mã IFrame",
+ "onCondition": "Trong Điều kiện",
+ "bulkDownload": "Tải xuống hàng loạt",
+ "attachFile": "Đính kèm Tệp",
+ "viewAttachment": "Xem Tệp đính kèm",
+ "attachmentDrop": "Nhấp hoặc thả tệp vào ô",
+ "addFiles": "Thêm tệp",
+ "hideInUI": "Ẩn trong UI",
+ "addBase": "Thêm Cơ sở",
+ "addParameter": "Thêm Tham số",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "Gửi Biểu mẫu Khác",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Kéo và thả các trường ở đây để thêm",
+ "editSource": "Chỉnh sửa Nguồn Dữ liệu",
+ "enterText": "Nhập văn bản",
+ "okEditBase": "OK & Chỉnh sửa dự án",
+ "showInUI": "Hiển thị trong UI",
+ "outOfSync": "Không đồng bộ",
+ "newSource": "Nguồn dữ liệu mới",
+ "newWebhook": "Webhook mới",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "Bật Truy cập Công cộng",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Bạn có muốn lưu các thay đổi không?",
+ "editingAccess": "Quyền chỉnh sửa",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable public viewing",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Hạn chế quyền truy cập bằng mật khẩu",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "Quản lý quyền truy cập dự án",
+ "allowDownload": "Cho phép tải xuống",
+ "surveyMode": "Chế độ khảo sát",
+ "rtlOrientation": "Hướng RTL",
+ "useTheme": "Sử dụng Theme",
+ "copyLink": "Sao chép liên kết",
+ "copiedLink": "Liên kết đã được sao chép",
+ "copyInviteLink": "Sao chép liên kết mời",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "Liên kết mời đã được sao chép",
"copyUrl": "Sao chép URL.",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "Nhiều màu sắc hơn",
+ "moveProject": "Di chuyển dự án",
"createProject": "Tạo dự án",
"importProject": "Dự án nhập khẩu",
"searchProject": "Dự án tìm kiếm",
@@ -1072,8 +1075,8 @@
"deleteProject": "Xóa dự án",
"refreshProject": "Làm mới các dự án",
"saveProject": "Lưu dự án",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
- "deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
+ "saveAndQuit": "Lưu & Thoát",
+ "deleteKanbanStack": "Xóa ngăn xếp?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Tạo bằng cách kết nối
vào cơ sở dữ liệu bên ngoài",
"excel": "Tạo dự án từ Excel",
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "Trợ giúp dịch",
"account": {
"authToken": "Sao chép xác thực Token.",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "Token xác thực đã được sao chép",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "Sao chép thông tin dự án",
"themes": "Chủ đề"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "Lọc",
"addFilter": "Thêm bộ lọc",
"share": "Chia sẻ",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "Nhóm theo",
+ "addSubGroup": "Nhóm phụ mới",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "Chia sẻ cơ sở",
"disable": "Vô hiệu hóa cơ sở chia sẻ",
"enable": "Bất cứ ai có liên kết",
"link": "Liên kết cơ sở chia sẻ"
@@ -1109,16 +1112,16 @@
"invite": "Mời",
"inviteMore": "Mời thêm",
"inviteTeam": "Mời đội",
- "inviteUser": "Invite User",
+ "inviteUser": "Mời người dùng",
"inviteToken": "Mời Token.",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "Hồ sơ liên kết",
+ "addNewLink": "Thêm liên kết mới",
"newUser": "Người dùng mới",
"editUser": "Người dùng biên tập",
"deleteUser": "Xóa người dùng khỏi dự án",
"resendInvite": "Gửi lại lời mời e-mail",
"copyInviteURL": "Sao chép Mời URL.",
- "copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL",
+ "copyPasswordResetURL": "Sao chép URL đặt lại mật khẩu",
"newRole": "Vai trò mới",
"reloadRoles": "Đóng vai trò",
"nextPage": "Trang tiếp theo",
@@ -1127,24 +1130,24 @@
"previousRecord": "Hồ sơ trước đó",
"copyApiURL": "Sao chép URL API.",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "Tạo bảng chính",
+ "createWorkspace": "Tạo không gian làm việc",
"refreshTable": "Bàn làm mới",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
- "deleteTable": "Delete Table",
+ "renameTable": "Đổi tên bảng",
+ "renameLayout": "Đổi tên bố cục",
+ "deleteTable": "Xóa bảng",
"addField": "Thêm trường mới vào bảng này",
- "setDisplay": "Set as display value",
+ "setDisplay": "Đặt làm giá trị hiển thị",
"addRow": "Thêm hàng mới",
"saveRow": "Lưu hàng.",
- "saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
- "saveAndStay": "Save & Stay",
+ "saveAndExit": "Lưu & Thoát",
+ "saveAndStay": "Lưu & Ở lại",
"insertRow": "Chèn hàng mới",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "Xóa hàng",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "Xóa hồ sơ",
+ "predictColumns": "Dự đoán cột",
+ "predictFormulas": "Dự đoán công thức",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Xóa các hàng đã chọn",
"importExcel": "Nhập Excel.",
"importCSV": "Import CSV",
@@ -1160,12 +1163,12 @@
"createView": "Tạo một cái nhìn",
"shareView": "Chia sẻ lượt xem.",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
- "fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan",
+ "fillByCodeScan": "Điền bằng quét mã",
"listSharedView": "Chia sẻ danh sách xem",
"ListView": "Lượt xem danh sách",
"copyView": "Sao chép View.",
"renameView": "Đổi tên xem.",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "Tải lên dữ liệu",
"deleteView": "XÓA View.",
"createGrid": "Tạo chế độ xem lưới",
"createGallery": "Tạo Chế độ xem Thư viện",
@@ -1176,17 +1179,17 @@
"openTab": "Mở tab mới",
"iFrame": "Sao chép mã HTML có thể nhúng",
"addWebhook": "Thêm webhook mới",
- "enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook",
- "testWebhook": "Test Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
- "copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook",
- "deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook",
+ "enableWebhook": "Kích hoạt Webhook",
+ "testWebhook": "Kiểm tra Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "Tạo Webhook",
+ "copyWebhook": "Sao chép Webhook",
+ "deleteWebhook": "Xóa Webhook",
"newToken": "Thêm mã thông báo mới",
"exportZip": "Xuất khẩu ZIP.",
"importZip": "Nhập khẩu zip.",
"metaSync": "Đồng bộ hóa bây giờ",
"settings": "Cài đặt",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "Thẩm định",
"previewAs": "Xem trước như",
"resetReview": "Đặt lại xem trước",
"testDbConn": "Kiểm tra cơ sở dữ liệu kết nối.",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
"linkRecord": "Link record",
"addNewRecord": "Thêm bản ghi mới",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "Bản ghi mới",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Tạo bản ghi mới",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' được lưu & liên kết thành công",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "Bản ghi đã được tạo & liên kết",
"useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
- "expandRecord": "Expand record",
- "deleteRecord": "Delete record",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "expandRecord": "Mở rộng bản ghi",
+ "deleteRecord": "Xóa bản ghi",
+ "fullWidth": "Độ rộng đầy đủ",
+ "exitFullWidth": "Thoát độ rộng đầy đủ",
+ "markAllAsRead": "Đánh dấu tất cả là đã đọc",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "Xóa cột",
+ "addNumber": "Thêm cột số",
+ "addSingleLineText": "Thêm cột văn bản dòng đơn",
+ "addLongText": "Thêm cột văn bản dài",
+ "addOther": "Thêm cột khác"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Columns",
@@ -1226,48 +1229,50 @@
"showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
"kanban": {
- "collapseStack": "Collapse stack",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseStack": "Thu gọn ngăn xếp",
+ "collapseAll": "Thu gọn tất cả",
+ "expandAll": "Mở rộng tất cả",
+ "renameStack": "Đổi tên ngăn xếp",
"deleteStack": "Xóa ngăn xếp",
- "stackedBy": "Stacked by",
- "chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
- "addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
+ "stackedBy": "Được sắp xếp bởi",
+ "chooseGroupingField": "Chọn một trường nhóm",
+ "addOrEditStack": "Thêm / Chỉnh sửa Ngăn xếp"
"map": {
- "mappedBy": "Mapped By",
- "chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field",
+ "mappedBy": "Bản đồ Bởi",
+ "chooseMappingField": "Chọn Trường Bản đồ",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
- "toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "toggleMobileMode": "Chuyển sang Chế độ Di động",
+ "startCommenting": "Bắt đầu bình luận!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "Chưa có bình luận nào!",
+ "clearForm": "Xóa biểu mẫu",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "Thêm trường",
+ "selectAllFields": "Chọn tất cả các trường",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "Bật điền trước",
+ "default": "Mặc định",
+ "locked": "Khóa các trường được điền trước dưới dạng chỉ đọc",
+ "hidden": "Ẩn các trường điền trước",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "Giá trị điền trước"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "Nhận liên kết điền trước",
+ "group": "Nhóm",
+ "goToDocs": "Đi đến Tài liệu",
+ "addCondition": "Thêm điều kiện",
+ "addConditionGroup": "Thêm nhóm điều kiện"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "Bật để làm cho kết nối này riêng tư và ẩn khỏi các nhà sáng tạo khác trong không gian làm việc này.",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "Tùy chọn. Sử dụng cơ sở dữ liệu mặc định \"{database}\" nếu để trống",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "Tùy chọn. Sử dụng lược đồ mặc định \"{schema}\" nếu để trống.",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "Việc chỉnh sửa lược đồ bị vô hiệu hóa cho nguồn dữ liệu này.",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "Loại dữ liệu này không được phép.",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "Tùy chọn này cho phép sửa đổi lược đồ cơ sở dữ liệu, bao gồm thêm, thay đổi hoặc xóa bảng và cột. Sử dụng cẩn thận, vì các thay đổi có thể ảnh hưởng đến tính toàn vẹn cấu trúc của cơ sở dữ liệu của bạn.",
+ "allowDataWrite": "Tùy chọn này cho phép tạo, cập nhật hoặc xóa bản ghi trong các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu. Lý tưởng cho người dùng quản trị cần thay đổi dữ liệu trực tiếp.",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "Lưu thay đổi",
"xcDB": "Tạo một dự án mới",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "Nó có đến màu đen không? (^ ⇧b)"
"addTable": "Thêm bảng mới",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "Thêm bảng chính mới",
"inviteMore": "Mời thêm người dùng",
"toggleNavDraw": "Chuyển đổi ngăn kéo điều hướng",
"reloadApiToken": "Tải lại api tokens.",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "Chọn tệp .key.",
"clientCert": "Chọn tệp .cert",
"clientCA": "Chọn CA Tệp",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "Thay đổi màu biểu tượng",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "Chế độ biểu mẫu với một trường mỗi trang",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Sử dụng menu chỉnh sửa trường để chuyển đổi loại sau khi tệp được nhập",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Vai trò kế thừa từ không gian làm việc",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "Sắp có! Bấm để bình chọn cho tích hợp bạn cần trong NocoDB."
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "Tìm kiếm biểu tượng",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "Chọn kênh Slack",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "Chọn kênh Microsoft Teams",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "Chọn kênh Discord",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "Chọn kênh Mattermost",
+ "webhookTitle": "Tiêu đề Webhook",
+ "barcodeColumn": "Chọn cột cho giá trị Mã vạch",
+ "notFoundContent": "Không thể tìm thấy loại trường hợp lệ.",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "Chọn định dạng Mã vạch",
"projName": "Nhập tên dự án.",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "Chọn trường nhóm",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "Không thể tìm thấy trường Chọn đơn. Vui lòng tạo một trường trước.",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "Chọn một trường hình ảnh bìa",
+ "selectGeoField": "Chọn trường GeoData",
+ "notSelected": "-không được chọn-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "Chưa có trường GeoData. Vui lòng tạo một trường trước.",
"password": {
"enter": "Nhập mật khẩu",
"current": "Mật khẩu hiện tại",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "Lưu mật khẩu",
"confirm": "Xác nhận mật khẩu mới"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Chọn cột cho giá trị Mã QR",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "Cho phép số âm",
"searchProjectTree": "Tìm kiếm bảng",
"searchFields": "Trường tìm kiếm.",
"searchColumn": "Tìm kiếm {Tìm kiếm} Cột",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Lọc bằng e-mail",
"filterQuery": "Filter query",
"selectField": "Select field",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "Độ chính xác",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,184 +1353,184 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "Giá trị",
+ "key": "Khóa",
+ "createTable": "Tạo Bảng đầu tiên của bạn!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "Không có Mã thông báo API nào được tạo",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "Mời nhóm của bạn",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "Tìm kiếm tùy chọn"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "Cấu hình nút không hợp lệ",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Cấu hình trường không hợp lệ",
+ "invalidTheme": "Chọn một chủ đề hợp lệ",
+ "invalidColor": "Chọn một màu hợp lệ",
+ "invalidType": "Loại nút có thể là 'webhook' hoặc 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "Nhập một nhãn nút hợp lệ",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "Chức năng này không khả dụng cho cơ sở dữ liệu của bạn",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "Điều khiển tên và giao diện tổ chức của bạn.",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "Thêm tên miền công ty để hạn chế truy cập từ những người dùng không mong muốn.",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Hạn chế người dùng không thể chia sẻ cơ sở công khai.",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Chọn người dùng để được gỡ bỏ và xóa khỏi tất cả không gian làm việc của tổ chức.",
+ "deleteOrganization": "Xóa tất cả người dùng, cơ sở và dữ liệu liên quan đến tổ chức này",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "Nhấp để sao chép Id Trường",
+ "enterPassword": "Nhập mật khẩu",
"bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
"subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Đăng ký nhận tin hàng tuần của chúng tôi",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
- "webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "verifyingPassword": "Đang xác minh mật khẩu",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "Chế độ xem được chia sẻ này được bảo vệ",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Dữ liệu biểu mẫu đã được gửi thành công",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Chế độ xem biểu mẫu không được hỗ trợ trên di động",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Chế độ xem lịch không được hỗ trợ trên thiết bị di động",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "Biểu mẫu mới sẽ được tải sau {seconds} giây",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Truy vấn tối ưu hóa đã bị vô hiệu",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Truy vấn tối ưu hóa đã được kích hoạt",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "Trường tra cứu không được hỗ trợ cho quan hệ không phải thuộc về",
+ "invalidTime": "Thời gian không hợp lệ",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "Bạn không có bất kỳ liên kết nào được hỗ trợ cho {type}",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Không thể tìm thấy bản ghi",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "Số điện thoại không hợp lệ",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "Kích thước trang đã thay đổi",
+ "errorLoadingData": "Lỗi khi tải dữ liệu",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "Sử dụng biến ngữ cảnh",
+ "webhookBodyMsg2": "nội dung",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "để tham chiếu bản ghi đang được xem xét",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "Gợi ý: Sử dụng {placeholder1} để tham chiếu trường, ví dụ: {placeholder2}. Để biết thêm, vui lòng xem",
+ "hintEnd": "Công thức.",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Không tìm thấy công thức được đề xuất",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "Không tìm thấy trường được gợi ý",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} yêu cầu một {type} ở vị trí {position}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "Loại số được mong đợi",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "Loại chuỗi được mong đợi",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "Hoạt động {operation} không khả dụng",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Không thể lưu trường vì công thức không hợp lệ",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Không được hỗ trợ tham chiếu trường {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Loại {type} được mong đợi nhưng tìm thấy loại {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} yêu cầu {requiredArguments} đối số",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} yêu cầu tối thiểu {minRequiredArguments} đối số",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} yêu cầu tối đa {maxRequiredArguments} đối số",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "Hàm {function} không khả dụng",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Tham số đầu tiên của WEEKDAY() nên có giá trị ngày tháng",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "Tham số thứ hai của WEEKDAY() nên có giá trị là \"chủ nhật\", \"thứ hai\", \"thứ ba\", \"thứ tư\", \"thứ năm\", \"thứ sáu\" hoặc \"thứ bảy\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "Tham số đầu tiên của DATEADD() nên có giá trị ngày tháng",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "Tham số thứ hai của DATEADD() nên có giá trị số",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "Tham số thứ ba của DATEADD() nên có giá trị là \"ngày\", \"tuần\", \"tháng\" hoặc \"năm\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Tham số đầu tiên của DATEDIFF() nên có giá trị ngày tháng",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Tham số thứ hai của DATEDIFF() nên có giá trị ngày tháng",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "Tham số thứ ba của DATETIME_DIFF() nên có giá trị là \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", hoặc \"y\"",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "Trường {columnName} không khả dụng",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "Không thể lưu trường vì nó gây ra tham chiếu vòng tròn",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Trường {columnName} với loại {columnType} được tìm thấy nhưng loại {expectedType} được mong đợi",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} không khớp với {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "Các tùy chọn chọn không thể là null",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "Các trường MultiSelect không thể có dấu phẩy (',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "Các tùy chọn chọn không thể trùng lặp",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "Tạo tùy chọn mới có tên"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "Vui lòng nhập một số",
+ "plsInputEmail": "Vui lòng nhập email",
+ "invalidDate": "Ngày không hợp lệ",
+ "invalidLocale": "Vùng không hợp lệ",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "Mã Tiền tệ không hợp lệ",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "Kiểu 'money' của PostgreSQL có các cài đặt tiền tệ riêng",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "Các loại trường hợp lệ cho Trường Mã Vạch là: Số, Văn bản Dòng Đơn, Văn bản Dài, Số Điện Thoại, URL, Email, Thập Phân. Vui lòng tạo một cái trước.",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Quan hệ Có Nhiều",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Một bản ghi đơn từ bảng ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " có thể được liên kết với nhiều bản ghi từ bảng "
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "Quan hệ Nhiều với Nhiều",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Nhiều bản ghi từ bảng ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " có thể được liên kết với nhiều bản ghi từ bảng "
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "Quan hệ Thuộc",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Một bản ghi đơn từ bảng ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " có thể được liên kết với một bản ghi từ bảng "
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "Quan hệ Một với Một",
+ "tooltip_desc": "Một bản ghi đơn từ bảng ",
+ "tooltip_desc2": " có thể được liên kết với một bản ghi đơn từ bảng "
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Có vẻ như chưa có bản ghi nào được liên kết.",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "Không có bản ghi nào liên kết",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "Không có hồ sơ liên kết",
+ "recordsLinked": "bản ghi liên kết",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "Chỉ chấp nhận {type} hợp lệ",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "Tạo mã thông báo API cá nhân để sử dụng trong tự động hóa hoặc ứng dụng bên ngoài.",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "Chọn Trường để Sắp Xếp",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "Chọn trường để nhóm",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "Không có bản ghi nào trong bảng",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "Hiện tại không có bản ghi nào để liên kết",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "Bắt đầu với web-hooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "Tăng cường tự động hóa của bạn. Nhận thông báo ngay khi có thay đổi trong dữ liệu của bạn",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa cái sau không",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn {deleteLabel} cái sau không",
+ "idColumnRequired": "Trường ID là bắt buộc, bạn có thể đổi tên sau nếu cần.",
+ "length59Required": "Chiều dài vượt quá tối đa 59 ký tự",
+ "noNewNotifications": "Bạn không có thông báo mới",
+ "noRecordFound": "Bản ghi không được tìm thấy",
+ "noRecordsFound": "Không tìm thấy hồ sơ nào",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "Không có bản ghi nào khớp với truy vấn tìm kiếm của bạn",
+ "rowDeleted": "Bản ghi đã xóa",
+ "saveChanges": "Bạn có muốn lưu các thay đổi không?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "Trường quá lớn để được chuyển đổi thành {entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "Vai trò cần thiết",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "Các trường nút dựa vào webhook này sẽ bị ảnh hưởng",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view yêu cầu một trường chọn đơn để thiết lập. Hãy thử thiết lập một kanban view sau khi thêm một trường chọn đơn!",
+ "mapNoFields": "Map view yêu cầu một trường dữ liệu địa lý để thiết lập. Hãy thử thiết lập một map view sau khi thêm một trường dữ liệu địa lý!",
+ "dbValid": "Đảm bảo tính hợp lệ của cơ sở dữ liệu để ngăn mất lược đồ",
"barcode": {
- "renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
+ "renderError": "Lỗi mã vạch - vui lòng kiểm tra khả năng tương thích giữa đầu vào và loại mã vạch"
"nonEditableFields": {
- "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
- "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed.",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "computedFieldUnableToClear": "Cảnh báo: Trường được tính toán - không thể xóa văn bản",
+ "qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Cảnh báo: Không thể thay đổi trực tiếp các trường mã QR.",
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Cảnh báo: Các trường Mã Vạch không thể thay đổi trực tiếp."
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn sao chép nền tảng không?",
+ "duplicateTable": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn sao chép bảng không?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "Bạn không thể thay đổi khả năng hiển thị của trường đang được chỉnh sửa. Vui lòng lưu hoặc hủy bỏ thay đổi trước.",
+ "moveEditedField": "Bạn không thể di chuyển trường đang được chỉnh sửa. Hoặc lưu hoặc hủy thay đổi trước",
+ "moveDeletedField": "Bạn không thể di chuyển trường bị xóa. Hoặc lưu hoặc hủy thay đổi trước"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
- "pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "Bạn sẽ không thể kéo các bản ghi giữa các ngày khi trường được tính toán hoặc hệ thống được sử dụng.",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "Việc thay đổi lược đồ bị vô hiệu hóa cho nguồn này",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "Nhập tên không gian làm việc",
+ "enterBaseName": "Nhập tên dự án",
+ "idpPaste": "Dán các URL này trong bảng điều khiển Nhà cung cấp Identity của bạn",
+ "noSaml": "Không có xác thực SAML được cấu hình nào.",
+ "noOIDC": "Không có xác thực OpenID nào được cấu hình.",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "Đã vô hiệu hóa do chế độ xem bị khóa",
+ "basesMigrated": "Các nền tảng đã được di chuyển. Vui lòng thử lại.",
+ "pasteNotSupported": "Không hỗ trợ thao tác dán trên ô đang được kích hoạt",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project."
"codeScanner": {
- "loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...",
+ "loadingScanner": "Đang tải máy quét...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
- "overLimit": "You're over the limit.",
- "closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.",
- "limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records."
+ "overLimit": "Bạn đã vượt quá giới hạn.",
+ "closeLimit": "Bạn đang tiến gần đến giới hạn.",
+ "limitNumber": "Giới hạn của các điểm đánh dấu được hiển thị trong chế độ xem Bản đồ là 1000 bản ghi."
"footerInfo": "Hàng trên mỗi trang",
"upload": "Chọn tệp để tải lên",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "Nhập nhãn đầu vào Mẫu",
"formHelpText": "Thêm một số văn bản trợ giúp",
"onlyCreator": "Chỉ có thể nhìn thấy để tạo",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "Thêm tiêu đề biểu mẫu",
"formDesc": "Thêm mô tả mẫu",
"beforeEnablePwd": "Hạn chế quyền truy cập bằng mật khẩu",
"afterEnablePwd": "Truy cập là mật khẩu bị hạn chế",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "Dự án truy cập thông qua",
"submitAnotherForm": "Hiển thị 'Gửi nút khác'",
"showBlankForm": "Hiển thị một hình thức trống sau 5 giây",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "Gửi email phản hồi tới",
"showSysFields": "Hiển thị các lĩnh vực hệ thống",
"filterAutoApply": "Áp dụng tự động",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "Hiển thị tin nhắn",
"viewNotShared": "Quan điểm hiện tại không được chia sẻ!",
"showAllViews": "Hiển thị tất cả các chế độ xem chung của bảng này",
"collabView": "Các cộng tác viên có quyền chỉnh sửa hoặc cao hơn có thể thay đổi cấu hình xem.",
@@ -1610,18 +1615,18 @@
"gallery": "Thêm Gallery View.",
"form": "Thêm hình thức xem",
"kanban": "Thêm tầm nhìn Kanban",
- "map": "Add Map View",
+ "map": "Thêm Chế độ xem Bản đồ",
"calendar": "Thêm chế độ xem lịch"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Bảng siêu dữ liệu được đồng bộ hóa",
"addMultipleUsers": "Bạn có thể thêm nhiều email được phân tách bằng dấu phẩy (,)",
"enterTableName": "Nhập tên bảng",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "Nhập mô tả bảng...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "Nhập mô tả trường...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "Nhập mô tả chế độ xem...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "Nhập tên Bố cục",
+ "enterDashboardName": "Nhập tên Bảng điều khiển",
+ "defaultColumns": "Các trường mặc định",
"addDefaultColumns": "Thêm cột mặc định",
"tableNameInDb": "Tên bảng như đã lưu trong cơ sở dữ liệu",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,79 +1649,79 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "Xóa bố cục thành công",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa Bố cục này không?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
- "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
- "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
- "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
- "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
- "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
+ "showM2mTablesDesc": "Quan hệ nhiều-nhiều được hỗ trợ thông qua một bảng trung gian và được ẩn theo mặc định. Bật tùy chọn này để liệt kê tất cả các bảng như vậy cùng với các bảng hiện có.",
+ "showNullInCells": "Hiển thị NULL trong các ô",
+ "showNullInCellsDesc": "Hiển thị thẻ 'NULL' trong các ô chứa giá trị NULL. Điều này giúp phân biệt với các ô chứa chuỗi rỗng.",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Hiển thị NULL và Rỗng trong Bộ lọc",
+ "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Bật 'bộ lọc bổ sung' để phân biệt các trường chứa NULL & Chuỗi rỗng. Hỗ trợ mặc định cho Rỗng đối xử giống như cả NULL & Chuỗi rỗng.",
+ "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Xóa ngăn xếp này cũng sẽ loại bỏ tùy chọn `{stackToBeDeleted}` khỏi `{groupingField}`. Các bản ghi sẽ chuyển sang ngăn xếp chưa phân loại.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
- "noMoreRecords": "No more records",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "noMoreRecords": "Không còn bản ghi nào",
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Tên mã thông báo không được để trống",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Tên mã thông báo không được dài hơn 255 ký tự",
+ "dbNameRequired": "Tên cơ sở dữ liệu là bắt buộc",
+ "wsNameRequired": "Tên không gian làm việc là bắt buộc",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "Tên không gian làm việc phải dài ít nhất 3 ký tự",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "Tên không gian làm việc phải dài tối đa 50 ký tự",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "Xóa không gian làm việc này và tất cả nội dung của nó.",
+ "userConfirmation": "Tôi hiểu rằng hành động này không thể đảo ngược",
+ "pageNotFound": "Không tìm thấy trang",
+ "makeLineBreak": "để tạo ngắt dòng",
+ "goToPrevious": "Đi tới trước",
+ "goToNext": "Đi tới tiếp theo",
+ "thankYou": "Cảm ơn!",
+ "submittedFormData": "Bạn đã gửi dữ liệu biểu mẫu thành công.",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Chỉnh sửa khóa hệ thống không được hỗ trợ",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Không có sẵn vào lúc này",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Hoạt động dán nhóm không được hỗ trợ trên cột Liên kết/ Liên kết tới Hồ sơ khác",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Hoạt động xóa nhóm không được hỗ trợ trên cột Liên kết/ Liên kết tới Hồ sơ khác",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Nâng cấp lên phiên bản doanh nghiệp {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "Tính năng này chỉ có sẵn trong phiên bản doanh nghiệp",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Vai diễn hiện tại của bạn là",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Vui lòng yêu cầu quyền cao hơn từ Admin / Chủ sở hữu Cơ sở / Chủ sở hữu Workspace để truy cập vào {viewName} này",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "Bạn không thể ẩn tất cả tùy chọn nếu trường là bắt buộc"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "Không thể vô hiệu hóa hook thủ công",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "Lỗi khi tải dữ liệu bản ghi",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "Lỗi khi tìm nạp dữ liệu lịch",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "Lỗi khi tìm nạp ngày hoạt động",
+ "scopesRequired": "Các phạm vi là bắt buộc",
+ "domainRequired": "Tên miền là bắt buộc",
+ "authUrlRequired": "URL xác thực là bắt buộc",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "Thuộc tính tên người dùng là bắt buộc",
+ "clientIdRequired": "ID khách hàng là bắt buộc",
+ "issuerRequired": "Issuer là bắt buộc",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "Bí mật khách hàng là bắt buộc",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "URL JWK là bắt buộc",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "URL Token là bắt buộc",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "URL UserInfo là bắt buộc",
+ "eitherXML": "Hoặc xml hoặc url metadata là bắt buộc",
+ "nameRequired": "Tên là bắt buộc",
+ "nameMinLength": "Tên phải dài ít nhất 2 ký tự",
+ "nameMaxLength": "Tên phải dài tối đa 60 ký tự",
+ "viewNameRequired": "Tên chế độ xem là bắt buộc",
+ "domainNameRequired": "Tên miền là bắt buộc",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "Tên phải dài tối đa 256 ký tự",
+ "viewNameUnique": "Tên chế độ xem phải là duy nhất",
"searchProject": "Tìm kiếm của bạn cho {search} tìm thấy không có kết quả",
"invalidChar": "Ký tự không hợp lệ trong đường dẫn thư mục.",
"invalidDbCredentials": "Thông tin cơ sở dữ liệu không hợp lệ.",
"unableToConnectToDb": "Không thể kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu, vui lòng kiểm tra cơ sở dữ liệu của bạn là lên.",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "Năm không hợp lệ",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Người dùng không tồn tại hoặc có đủ quyền để tạo lược đồ.",
"dbConnectionStatus": "Thông số cơ sở dữ liệu không hợp lệ",
"dbConnectionFailed": "Kết nối thất bại:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "Bộ lọc null tồn tại. Vui lòng loại bỏ chúng",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "Email thì cần thiết",
"emailInvalid": "Email phải hợp lệ",
"passwdRequired": "Mật khẩu là bắt buộc",
"passwdLength": "Mật khẩu của bạn phải có ít nhất 8 ký tự",
@@ -1727,12 +1732,12 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "Email không hợp lệ",
+ "invalidEmail": "Email không hợp lệ"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "XML không hợp lệ",
"invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email",
+ "invalidEmail": "Email không hợp lệ",
"internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "Tên trường trùng lặp",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Tên đã được sử dụng cho trường hệ thống",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "Loại dữ liệu UI là bắt buộc",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Tên {title} vượt quá 50 ký tự",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Tên {title} không thể bắt đầu bằng dấu cách",
"requiredField": "Required field",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "Trường này không được để trống.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
- "copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "copyToClipboardError": "Không sao chép được vào clipboard",
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "Không dán được từ clipboard",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Vui lòng hoàn tất cấu hình của tất cả các trường trước khi lưu",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "Có điều gì đó không ổn",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Nội dung kéo không phải là loại hình ảnh",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "Trường để phân tích dữ liệu hình ảnh",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Một số trường bắt buộc đang để trống"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Metadata dự án xuất khẩu thành công",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "Sắp có!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "Khóa giấy phép đã được cập nhật",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
@@ -1809,23 +1814,23 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
"pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
"tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "Bố cục đã được đổi tên thành công",
"viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
"updated": "Successfully updated",
"sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
- "userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
+ "userDeleted": "Người dùng đã được xóa thành công",
"viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
"tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
"tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
"userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project",
- "userAdded": "Successfully added user",
+ "userAdded": "Thêm người dùng thành công",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project",
"inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
"inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
- "commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard",
- "passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
+ "commentCopied": "Bình luận đã được sao chép vào clipboard",
+ "passwordResetURLCopied": "URL đặt lại mật khẩu đã được sao chép vào clipboard",
"shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
"userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
@@ -1836,10 +1841,10 @@
"columnUpdated": "Column updated",
"columnCreated": "Column created",
"passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
- "settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
- "roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "settingsSaved": "Cài đặt đã được lưu thành công",
+ "roleUpdated": "Vai trò đã được cập nhật thành công",
+ "connectionAdded": "Tích hợp kết nối thành công",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "Chủ sở hữu và người tạo cơ sở có thể thêm một nguồn dữ liệu mà không cần nhập lại thông tin xác thực."
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/zh-Hans.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/zh-Hans.json
index dff1343023..4e90f98cc6 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/zh-Hans.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/zh-Hans.json
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
"scatter_plot": "散点图",
"bubble_chart": "气泡图",
"radar_chart": "雷达图",
- "polar_area_chart": "极地区域图",
+ "polar_area_chart": "极地面积图",
"radial_bar_chart": "径向柱形图",
"heatmap_chart": "热度图",
- "treemap_chart": "树状地图",
- "box_plot_chart": "方框图表",
+ "treemap_chart": "树状图",
+ "box_plot_chart": "箱形图",
"candlestick_chart": "K 线图"
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
"none": "空"
"general": {
+ "scripts": "脚本",
"configure": "配置",
"switch": "切换",
"on": "开",
@@ -288,8 +289,8 @@
"private": "私人",
"request": "请求",
"languages": "语言",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "extension": "扩展",
+ "extensions": "扩展"
"objects": {
"files": "文件",
@@ -335,15 +336,15 @@
"developer": "开发人员",
"roleType": {
"owner": "所有者",
- "creator": "创造者",
+ "creator": "创建者",
"editor": "编辑者",
"commenter": "评论者",
"viewer": "浏览者",
"noaccess": "没有访问权限",
"superAdmin": "超级管理员",
"orgLevelOwner": "组织所有者",
- "orgLevelCreator": "创始人",
- "orgLevelViewer": "游客"
+ "orgLevelCreator": "创建者",
+ "orgLevelViewer": "浏览者"
"sqlVIew": "SQL 视图",
"rowHeight": "行高",
@@ -508,7 +509,7 @@
"tokenName": "Token 名称",
"inDesktop": "电脑端",
"rowData": "记录数据",
- "creator": "创造者",
+ "creator": "创建者",
"qrCode": "二维码",
"termsOfService": "服务条款",
"updateSelectedRows": "更新选定记录",
@@ -620,7 +621,9 @@
"fromScratch": "从头开始",
"fromFileAndExternalSources": "来自文件和外部来源",
"directlyInRealTime": "直接实时使用",
- "categories": "类别"
+ "categories": "类别",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "无法访问字段",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "未添加条件"
"labels": {
"modifiedOn": "修改于",
@@ -671,8 +674,8 @@
"allowMetaWrite": "允许模式编辑",
"allowDataWrite": "允许编辑数据",
"selectView": "选择视图",
- "connectionDetails": "链接明细",
- "metaSync": "元同步",
+ "connectionDetails": "连接明细",
+ "metaSync": "元数据同步",
"mention": "提及",
"today": "今天",
"currentDate": "当前日期",
@@ -854,7 +857,7 @@
"description": "描述",
"authentication": "身份认证",
"token": "令牌",
- "where": "在哪里",
+ "where": "条件",
"cache": "缓存",
"chat": "聊天",
"showOrHide": "显示或隐藏",
@@ -867,7 +870,7 @@
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "电子邮件",
"storage": "存储",
- "uiAcl": "UI-ACL",
+ "uiAcl": "界面访问控制",
"models": "模型",
"syncState": "同步状态",
"created": "创建了",
@@ -985,7 +988,7 @@
"appearanceSettings": "外观设置",
"backgroundColor": "背景颜色",
"hideNocodbBranding": "隐藏 NocoDB 标识",
- "showOnConditions": "在条件中显示",
+ "showOnConditions": "根据条件显示",
"showFieldOnConditionsMet": "在满足条件时显示字段",
"limitOptions": "限制选项",
"limitOptionsSubtext": "限制用户可见",
@@ -1256,7 +1259,9 @@
"getPreFilledLink": "获取预填链接",
"group": "分组",
- "goToDocs": "转到文档"
+ "goToDocs": "转到文档",
+ "addCondition": "添加条件",
+ "addConditionGroup": "添加条件组"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
@@ -1513,8 +1518,8 @@
"basesMigrated": "项目已迁移。请重试。",
"pasteNotSupported": "处于活动状态的单元格不能粘贴内容",
"roles": {
- "orgCreator": "创始人可以创建新项目,访问受邀项目。",
- "orgViewer": "游客不能创建新项目,仅允许访问受邀项目。"
+ "orgCreator": "创建者可以创建新项目,访问受邀项目。",
+ "orgViewer": "浏览者不能创建新项目,仅允许访问受邀项目。"
"codeScanner": {
"loadingScanner": "正在加载扫描仪...",
@@ -1549,7 +1554,7 @@
"dragDropHide": "在此处拖放字段以隐藏",
"formInput": "输入表单输入标签",
"formHelpText": "添加一些帮助文本",
- "onlyCreator": "仅创始人可见",
+ "onlyCreator": "仅创建者可见",
"formTitle": "添加数据表格标题",
"formDesc": "添加表单描述",
"beforeEnablePwd": "使用密码限制访问",
@@ -1569,11 +1574,11 @@
"collabView": "具有编辑及更高权限的合作者可以更改视图配置。",
"lockedView": "视图配置被锁定。",
"personalView": "只有您可以编辑视图配置,其他合作者的个人视图默认不显示。",
- "ownerDesc": "可以添加&删除创建者。和完整编辑数据库结构和字段。",
- "creatorDesc": "可以自由编辑数据库结构和内容。",
+ "ownerDesc": "可以添加&删除创建者,且能够编辑数据库结构和字段。",
+ "creatorDesc": "可以完全编辑数据库结构和内容。",
"editorDesc": "可以编辑记录但无法更改数据库/字段的结构。",
"commenterDesc": "可以查看和评论,但无法编辑任何内容",
- "viewerDesc": "可以查看记录但无法编辑任何内容",
+ "viewerDesc": "可以查看记录,但无法编辑内容",
"addUser": "添加新用户",
"staticRoleInfo": "不允许修改系统权限",
"exportZip": "以 zip 格式下载项目元数据。",
@@ -1613,7 +1618,7 @@
"map": "添加地图视图",
"calendar": "添加日历视图"
- "tablesMetadataInSync": "表元数据同步",
+ "tablesMetadataInSync": "元数据已同步",
"addMultipleUsers": "可以使用多个英文逗号 (,) 分隔邮箱地址",
"enterTableName": "输入表名",
"enterTableDescription": "输入表格描述...",
@@ -1839,7 +1844,7 @@
"settingsSaved": "设置保存成功",
"roleUpdated": "权限已更新",
"connectionAdded": "集成连接成功",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "基地所有者和创建者现在可以添加数据源,而无需重新输入凭据。"
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "库的所有者和创建者现在可以添加数据源,而无需重新输入凭据。"
diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/zh-Hant.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/zh-Hant.json
index 7aaaaf6e27..350de7120e 100644
--- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/zh-Hant.json
+++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/zh-Hant.json
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
"dashboards": {
- "create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
- "connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
- "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
- "create_interface": "Create interface",
- "project_name": "Base Name",
- "connect": "Connect",
+ "create_new_dashboard_project": "創建新介面",
+ "connect_data_sources": "連接數據來源",
+ "alert": "警報",
+ "alert-message": "尚未連接任何數據庫。連接數據庫以建立介面。跳過此步驟,之後可以從主頁新增數據庫。",
+ "select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "選擇您要連接到此介面的數據庫。",
+ "create_interface": "創建介面",
+ "project_name": "項目名",
+ "connect": "連接",
"buttonActionTypes": {
- "open_external_url": "Open external link",
- "delete_record": "Delete record",
- "update_record": "Update record",
- "open_layout": "Open layout"
+ "open_external_url": "打開外部鏈接",
+ "delete_record": "刪除紀錄",
+ "update_record": "更新紀錄",
+ "open_layout": "打開佈局"
"widgets": {
- "static_text": "Text",
- "chart": "Chart",
- "table": "Table",
- "image": "Image",
- "map": "Map",
- "button": "Button",
- "number": "Number",
- "bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
- "line_chart": "Line Chart",
- "area_chart": "Area Chart",
- "pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
- "donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
- "scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
- "bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
- "radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
- "polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
- "radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
- "heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
- "treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
- "box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
- "candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
+ "static_text": "文本",
+ "chart": "圖表",
+ "table": "表格",
+ "image": "圖片",
+ "map": "地圖",
+ "button": "按鈕",
+ "number": "數字",
+ "bar_chart": "條形圖",
+ "line_chart": "折線圖",
+ "area_chart": "區域圖",
+ "pie_chart": "餅圖",
+ "donut_chart": "甜甜圈圖",
+ "scatter_plot": "散點圖",
+ "bubble_chart": "氣泡圖",
+ "radar_chart": "雷達圖",
+ "polar_area_chart": "極區圖",
+ "radial_bar_chart": "輻射條形圖",
+ "heatmap_chart": "熱圖",
+ "treemap_chart": "樹狀圖",
+ "box_plot_chart": "箱形圖",
+ "candlestick_chart": "蠟燭圖"
"aggregation": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Std dev",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
+ "sum": "求和",
+ "count": "計數",
+ "min": "最小值",
+ "max": "最大值",
+ "avg": "平均值",
+ "median": "中位數",
+ "std_dev": "標準差",
+ "histogram": "直方圖",
+ "range": "範圍",
+ "percent_empty": "空的",
+ "percent_filled": "已填滿",
+ "percent_unique": "唯一",
+ "count_unique": "唯一",
+ "count_empty": "空的",
+ "count_filled": "已填滿",
"earliest_date": "最小日期",
- "latest_date": "Max date",
- "date_range": "Range",
- "month_range": "Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "latest_date": "最大日期",
+ "date_range": "範圍",
+ "month_range": "範圍",
+ "checked": "已選擇",
+ "unchecked": "未選擇",
+ "percent_checked": "已選擇",
+ "percent_unchecked": "未選擇",
+ "attachment_size": "大小",
+ "none": "無"
"aggregation_type": {
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Average",
- "median": "Median",
- "std_dev": "Standard Deviation",
- "histogram": "Histogram",
- "range": "Range",
- "percent_empty": "Percent Empty",
- "percent_filled": "Percent Filled",
- "percent_unique": "Percent Unique",
- "count_unique": "Unique",
- "count_empty": "Empty",
- "count_filled": "Filled",
- "earliest_date": "Earliest Date",
- "latest_date": "Latest Date",
- "date_range": "Date Range",
- "month_range": "Month Range",
- "checked": "Checked",
- "unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "percent_checked": "Percent Checked",
- "percent_unchecked": "Percent Unchecked",
- "attachment_size": "Attachment Size",
- "none": "None"
+ "sum": "總和",
+ "count": "計數",
+ "min": "最小值",
+ "max": "最大值",
+ "avg": "平均",
+ "median": "中位數",
+ "std_dev": "標準差",
+ "histogram": "直方圖",
+ "range": "範圍",
+ "percent_empty": "空比例",
+ "percent_filled": "填滿比例",
+ "percent_unique": "唯一比例",
+ "count_unique": "唯一",
+ "count_empty": "空的",
+ "count_filled": "填滿的",
+ "earliest_date": "最早日期",
+ "latest_date": "最晚日期",
+ "date_range": "日期範圍",
+ "month_range": "月份範圍",
+ "checked": "已選擇",
+ "unchecked": "未選擇",
+ "percent_checked": "已選擇比例",
+ "percent_unchecked": "未選擇比例",
+ "attachment_size": "附件大小",
+ "none": "無"
"general": {
- "configure": "Configure",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "on": "On",
- "onMultiple": "On Multiple",
- "manual": "Manual",
- "trigger": "Trigger",
+ "scripts": "腳本",
+ "configure": "配置",
+ "switch": "切換",
+ "on": "開啟",
+ "onMultiple": "開啟多個",
+ "manual": "手冊",
+ "trigger": "觸發",
"addLookupField": "Add {count} lookup fields",
- "style": "Style",
- "label": "Label",
- "role": "Role",
- "general": "General",
- "quit": "Quit",
+ "style": "風格",
+ "label": "標籤",
+ "role": "角色",
+ "general": "一般",
+ "quit": "退出",
"home": "首頁",
"load": "載入",
"open": "開啟",
@@ -112,71 +113,71 @@
"yes": "是",
"no": "否",
"ok": "確認",
- "back": "Back",
+ "back": "返回",
"and": "和",
"or": "或",
"add": "新增",
"edit": "編輯",
- "link": "Link",
- "links": "Links",
+ "link": "鏈接",
+ "links": "鏈接",
"remove": "移除",
- "import": "Import",
- "logout": "Log Out",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "changeIcon": "Change Icon",
+ "import": "匯入",
+ "logout": "登出",
+ "empty": "空",
+ "changeIcon": "更改圖標",
"save": "儲存",
- "available": "Available",
- "abort": "Abort",
- "saving": "Saving",
+ "available": "可用",
+ "abort": "中止",
+ "saving": "正在儲存",
"cancel": "取消",
"null": "Null",
- "escape": "Escape",
- "hex": "Hex",
- "clear": "Clear",
+ "escape": "退出",
+ "hex": "十六進制",
+ "clear": "清除",
"slack": "Slack",
- "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment": "評論",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
- "quote": "Quote",
+ "quote": "引用",
"submit": "提交",
"create": "建立",
- "createEntity": "Create {entity}",
- "creating": "Creating",
- "creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
- "details": "Details",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "code": "Code",
+ "createEntity": "創建 {entity}",
+ "creating": "創建中",
+ "creatingEntity": "創建 {entity} 中",
+ "details": "詳細信息",
+ "skip": "跳過",
+ "code": "代碼",
"duplicate": "複製",
- "duplicating": "Duplicating",
- "duplicateEntity": "Duplicate {entity}",
- "activate": "Activate",
- "action": "Action",
+ "duplicating": "複製中",
+ "duplicateEntity": "複製 {entity}",
+ "activate": "激活",
+ "action": "行動",
"insert": "插入",
"delete": "刪除",
- "deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
- "bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
- "bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
- "bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
- "deleting": "Deleting",
+ "deleteEntity": "刪除 {entity}",
+ "bulkInsert": "批量插入",
+ "bulkDelete": "批量刪除",
+ "bulkUpdate": "批量更新",
+ "deleting": "刪除中",
"update": "更新",
- "updating": "Updating",
+ "updating": "正在更新",
"rename": "重新命名",
- "renameEntity": "Rename {entity}",
+ "renameEntity": "重命名 {entity}",
"reload": "重新載入",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
+ "refresh": "刷新",
"reset": "重設",
"install": "安裝",
"show": "顯示",
- "access": "Access",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
+ "access": "訪問",
+ "visibility": "可見性",
"hide": "隱藏",
- "deprecated": "Deprecated",
+ "deprecated": "已棄用",
"showAll": "顯示所有",
"hideAll": "全部隱藏",
- "notFound": "Not found",
+ "notFound": "未找到",
"showMore": "顯示更多",
"showOptions": "顯示選項",
"hideOptions": "隱藏選項",
@@ -196,8 +197,8 @@
"upload": "上傳",
"download": "下載",
"default": "預設",
- "base": "Source",
- "datasource": "Data Source",
+ "base": "來源",
+ "datasource": "數據來源",
"more": "更多",
"less": "較少",
"event": "事件",
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@
"after": "後",
"before": "前",
"search": "搜尋",
- "searchIn": "Search In",
+ "searchIn": "搜索於",
"notification": "通知",
"reference": "參考",
"function": "功能",
"confirm": "確認",
"generate": "生成",
"copy": "複製",
- "copied": "Copied",
- "are": "are",
+ "copied": "已複製",
+ "are": "是",
"misc": "其他設定",
"lock": "鎖定",
"unlock": "解鎖",
@@ -224,83 +225,83 @@
"betaNote": "此功能目前是 Beta 測試版",
"moreInfo": "更多資訊能在這裡找到",
"logs": "日誌",
- "groupingField": "Stack by field",
- "insertAfter": "Insert right",
- "insertBefore": "Insert left",
- "insertAbove": "Insert above",
- "insertBelow": "Insert below",
+ "groupingField": "按欄位分組",
+ "insertAfter": "插入在後",
+ "insertBefore": "插入在前",
+ "insertAbove": "插入在上",
+ "insertBelow": "插入在下",
"hideField": "隱藏欄位",
- "showField": "Show field",
+ "showField": "顯示欄位",
"sortAsc": "升序排序",
"sortDesc": "降序排序",
- "move": "Move",
+ "move": "移動",
"geoDataField": "地理資料欄位",
- "type": "Type",
- "subType": "Sub-Type",
- "name": "Name",
- "changes": "Changes",
- "new": "New",
- "old": "Old",
- "data": "Data",
- "source": "Source",
- "destination": "Destination",
- "active": "Active",
- "inactive": "Inactive",
- "linked": "linked",
- "finish": "Finish",
- "min": "Min",
- "max": "Max",
- "avg": "Avg",
- "sum": "Sum",
- "count": "Count",
- "countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
- "sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
- "avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
- "join": "Join",
- "options": "Options",
- "primaryValue": "Primary Value",
- "useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
- "shift": "Shift",
+ "type": "類型",
+ "subType": "子類型",
+ "name": "名稱",
+ "changes": "更改",
+ "new": "新",
+ "old": "舊",
+ "data": "數據",
+ "source": "來源",
+ "destination": "目的地",
+ "active": "活躍",
+ "inactive": "非活躍",
+ "linked": "已連結",
+ "finish": "完成",
+ "min": "最小",
+ "max": "最大",
+ "avg": "平均",
+ "sum": "總和",
+ "count": "計數",
+ "countDistinct": "計數不同",
+ "sumDistinct": "總和不同",
+ "avgDistinct": "平均不同",
+ "join": "加入",
+ "options": "選項",
+ "primaryValue": "主要值",
+ "useSurveyMode": "使用調查模式",
+ "shift": "輪班",
"enter": "Enter",
- "seconds": "Seconds",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "banner": "Banner",
- "logo": "Logo",
- "dropdown": "Dropdown",
- "list": "List",
- "verify": "Verify",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "text": "Text",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "now": "Now",
- "set": "Set",
- "format": "Format",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "use": "Use",
- "stack": "Stack",
- "ipAddress": "IP Address",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "integrations": "Integrations",
- "connection": "Connection",
- "connections": "Connections",
- "private": "Private",
- "request": "Request",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "extension": "Extension",
- "extensions": "Extensions"
+ "seconds": "秒",
+ "paste": "貼上",
+ "restore": "還原",
+ "replace": "替換",
+ "banner": "橫幅",
+ "logo": "標誌",
+ "dropdown": "下拉選單",
+ "list": "列表",
+ "verify": "驗證",
+ "apply": "應用",
+ "text": "文字",
+ "appearance": "外觀",
+ "now": "現在",
+ "set": "設置",
+ "format": "格式",
+ "colour": "顏色",
+ "use": "使用",
+ "stack": "堆疊",
+ "ipAddress": "IP 地址",
+ "integration": "整合",
+ "integrations": "整合",
+ "connection": "連接",
+ "connections": "連接",
+ "private": "私人",
+ "request": "請求",
+ "languages": "語言",
+ "extension": "擴展",
+ "extensions": "擴展"
"objects": {
- "files": "files",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "member": "Member",
- "day": "Day",
- "week": "Week",
- "month": "Month",
- "year": "Year",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
+ "files": "文件",
+ "owner": "擁有者",
+ "member": "成員",
+ "day": "日",
+ "week": "週",
+ "month": "月",
+ "year": "年",
+ "workspace": "工作區",
+ "workspaces": "工作區",
"project": "項目",
"projects": "項目",
"table": "表格",
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
"fields": "欄位",
"column": "列",
"columns": "列",
- "cell": "Cell",
- "cells": "Cells",
+ "cell": "儲存格",
+ "cells": "儲存格",
"page": "頁",
"pages": "頁",
"record": "記錄",
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@
"webhooks": "Webhook",
"view": "檢視",
"views": "所有檢視",
- "sidebar": "Sidebar",
+ "sidebar": "側邊欄",
"viewType": {
"grid": "網格",
"gallery": "相簿",
@@ -332,37 +333,37 @@
"users": "使用者",
"role": "角色",
"roles": "角色",
- "developer": "Developer",
+ "developer": "開發者",
"roleType": {
"owner": "所有者",
"creator": "建立者",
"editor": "編輯者",
"commenter": "評論者",
"viewer": "檢視者",
- "noaccess": "No Access",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "orgLevelOwner": "Organization Level Owner",
+ "noaccess": "無法訪問",
+ "superAdmin": "超級管理員",
+ "orgLevelOwner": "組織層級擁有者",
"orgLevelCreator": "組織層級建立者",
"orgLevelViewer": "組織層級檢視者"
"sqlVIew": "SQL 檢視",
- "rowHeight": "Record Height",
+ "rowHeight": "記錄高度",
"heightClass": {
- "short": "Short",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "tall": "Tall",
- "extra": "Extra"
+ "short": "短",
+ "medium": "中",
+ "tall": "高",
+ "extra": "額外的"
- "externalDb": "External Database",
+ "externalDb": "外部數據庫",
"syncData": {
- "appleNumbers": "Apple numbers",
+ "appleNumbers": "Apple Numbers",
"asana": "Asana",
"box": "Box",
"github": "Github",
"gitlab": "Gitlab",
- "googleCalendar": "Google Calendar",
- "googleDrive": "Google Drive",
- "googleSheets": "Google Sheets",
+ "googleCalendar": "Google 日曆",
+ "googleDrive": "Google 雲端硬碟",
+ "googleSheets": "Google 試算表",
"hubspot": "Hubspot",
"serviceHub": "Service Hub",
"jira": "Jira",
@@ -406,31 +407,31 @@
"freshdesk": "FreshDesk"
"integrationCategories": {
- "allIntegrations": "All Integrations",
+ "allIntegrations": "所有集成",
"allIntegrationsSubtitle": "",
- "databaseSubtitle": "Seamlessly connect and manage your databases with NocoDB.",
- "communication": "Communication",
- "communicationSubtitle": "Get notified on changes and streamline team communication with NocoDB.",
- "projectManagement": "Project Management",
- "projectManagementSubtitle": "Enhance project workflows and task management with NocoDB.",
+ "databaseSubtitle": "輕鬆連接和管理您的數據庫與NocoDB。",
+ "communication": "通信",
+ "communicationSubtitle": "接收有關變更的通知並通過 NocoDB 簡化團隊溝通。",
+ "projectManagement": "項目管理",
+ "projectManagementSubtitle": "通過 NocoDB 增強項目工作流程和任務管理。",
"crm": "CRM",
- "crmSubtitle": "Optimize customer relationship management through NocoDB integrations.",
- "marketing": "Marketing",
- "marketingSubtitle": "Boost your marketing efforts with NocoDB's powerful integrations.",
+ "crmSubtitle": "通過 NocoDB 集成優化客戶關係管理。",
+ "marketing": "營銷",
+ "marketingSubtitle": "通過 NocoDB 的強大集成提升您的營銷工作。",
"ats": "ATS",
- "atsSubtitle": "Streamline your applicant tracking system with NocoDB.",
- "development": "Development",
- "developmentSubtitle": "Accelerate development processes with NocoDB integrations.",
- "finance": "Finance",
- "financeSubtitle": "Simplify financial operations and data management with NocoDB.",
- "ticketing": "Ticketing",
- "ticketingSubtitle": "Manage and track support tickets efficiently with NocoDB.",
- "storageSubtitle": "Integrate and organize your storage solutions seamlessly with NocoDB.",
- "others": "Others",
- "othersSubtitle": "Discover additional versatile integrations to enhance your NocoDB experience.",
+ "atsSubtitle": "使用 NocoDB 簡化您的應聘者追蹤系統。",
+ "development": "開發",
+ "developmentSubtitle": "通過 NocoDB 集成加速開發過程。",
+ "finance": "財務",
+ "financeSubtitle": "通過 NocoDB 簡化財務操作和數據管理。",
+ "ticketing": "票務",
+ "ticketingSubtitle": "使用 NocoDB 有效地管理和追蹤支持請求。",
+ "storageSubtitle": "通過 NocoDB 無縫集成和組織您的儲存解決方案。",
+ "others": "其他",
+ "othersSubtitle": "探索更多多功能集成以增強您的 NocoDB 體驗。",
"ai": "AI",
- "spreadSheet": "Spreadsheet",
- "spreadSheetSubtitle": "Connect and manage your spreadsheets with NocoDB."
+ "spreadSheet": "試算表",
+ "spreadSheetSubtitle": "使用 NocoDB 連接和管理您的試算表。"
"datatype": {
@@ -486,74 +487,74 @@
"isNotNull": "內容不為 Null"
"title": {
- "searchWebhook": "Search webhook",
- "webcam": "Webcam",
- "uploadViaUrl": "Upload via URL",
+ "searchWebhook": "搜尋Webhook",
+ "webcam": "網路攝像頭",
+ "uploadViaUrl": "通過 URL 上傳",
"localFiles": "Local Files",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename Workspace",
- "renamingWorkspace": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renamingBase": "Renaming Base",
- "sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
- "docs": "Docs",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "parameter": "Parameter",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "parameterName": "Parameter Name",
- "currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
- "currencyCode": "Currency Code",
- "searchMembers": "Search members",
- "noMembersFound": "No members found",
- "dateJoined": "Date Joined",
- "tokenName": "Token name",
- "inDesktop": "in Desktop",
- "rowData": "Record data",
- "creator": "Creator",
- "qrCode": "QR Code",
- "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
- "updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
- "noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
- "editCards": "Edit Cards",
- "noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
- "displayValue": "Display Value",
- "expand": "Expand",
- "hideAll": "Hide all",
- "hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
- "removeFile": "Remove File",
- "hasMany": "Has Many",
- "manyToMany": "Many to Many",
- "oneToOne": "One to One",
- "virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
- "linkMore": "Link More",
- "linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
- "linkRecords": "Link Records",
- "downloadFile": "Download File",
- "renameTable": "Rename Table",
- "renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
- "renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
- "renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
- "deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
- "deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
- "copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
- "copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
- "copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
- "showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
- "hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
- "creatingTable": "Creating Table",
+ "renameBase": "重命名基地",
+ "renameWorkspace": "重命名工作區",
+ "renamingWorkspace": "重命名工作區中",
+ "renamingBase": "重命名基地中",
+ "sso": "驗證 (SSO)",
+ "docs": "文檔",
+ "forum": "論壇",
+ "parameter": "參數",
+ "headers": "標頭",
+ "parameterName": "參數名稱",
+ "currencyLocale": "貨幣地區",
+ "currencyCode": "貨幣代碼",
+ "searchMembers": "搜尋成員",
+ "noMembersFound": "未找到成員",
+ "dateJoined": "加入日期",
+ "tokenName": "令牌名稱",
+ "inDesktop": "在桌面上",
+ "rowData": "記錄數據",
+ "creator": "創建者",
+ "qrCode": "QR 碼",
+ "termsOfService": "服務條款",
+ "updateSelectedRows": "更新選定的記錄",
+ "noFiltersAdded": "未添加過濾器",
+ "editCards": "編輯卡片",
+ "noFieldsFound": "未找到字段",
+ "displayValue": "顯示值",
+ "expand": "展開",
+ "hideAll": "全部隱藏",
+ "hideSystemFields": "隱藏系統欄位",
+ "removeFile": "移除檔案",
+ "hasMany": "有很多的",
+ "manyToMany": "多對多",
+ "oneToOne": "一對一",
+ "virtualRelation": "虛擬關係",
+ "linkMore": "連結更多",
+ "linkMoreRecords": "連結更多記錄",
+ "linkRecords": "連結記錄",
+ "downloadFile": "下載文件",
+ "renameTable": "重命名表",
+ "renamingTable": "正在重命名表",
+ "renamingWs": "正在重命名工作區",
+ "renameWs": "重命名工作區",
+ "deleteWs": "刪除工作區",
+ "deletingWs": "正在刪除工作區",
+ "copyAuthToken": "複製認證令牌",
+ "copiedAuthToken": "已複製認證令牌",
+ "copyInviteToken": "複製邀請令牌",
+ "showSidebar": "顯示側邊欄",
+ "hideSidebar": "隱藏側邊欄",
+ "creatingTable": "正在建立表格",
"erdView": "實體關係圖",
- "newBase": "New Data Source",
+ "newBase": "新數據源",
"newProj": "建立新專案",
- "createBase": "Create Base",
+ "createBase": "建立資料庫",
"myProject": "我的專案",
"formTitle": "表格標題",
- "collaborative": "Collaborative",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "personal": "Personal",
+ "collaborative": "協作",
+ "locked": "被鎖定",
+ "personal": "個人",
"appStore": "應用程式商店",
"teamAndAuth": "團隊和認證",
"rolesUserMgmt": "角色和使用者管理",
"userMgmt": "使用者管理",
- "apiTokens": "API Tokens",
+ "apiTokens": "API 權杖",
"apiTokenMgmt": "API 權杖管理",
"rolesMgmt": "角色管理",
"projMeta": "專案中繼資料",
@@ -576,257 +577,259 @@
"generateToken": "產生 Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs及支援",
"helpCenter": "幫助中心",
- "noLabels": "No Labels",
+ "noLabels": "沒有標籤",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger 文件",
"quickImportFrom": "快速匯入從",
"quickImport": "快速匯入",
- "quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
- "quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
- "quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
- "quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
- "jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
+ "quickImportAirtable": "快速匯入 - Airtable",
+ "quickImportCSV": "快速匯入 - CSV",
+ "quickImportExcel": "快速匯入 - Excel",
+ "quickImportJSON": "快速匯入 - JSON",
+ "jsonEditor": "JSON 編輯器",
+ "comingSoon": "即將推出",
"advancedSettings": "進階設定",
"codeSnippet": "程式碼片段",
"keyboardShortcut": "鍵盤快捷鍵",
"generateRandomName": "生成隨機名稱",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
- "tokenManagement": "Token Management",
- "addNewToken": "Add new token",
- "createNewToken": "Create new token",
- "accountSettings": "Account Settings",
- "resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
- "tokens": "Tokens",
- "userManagement": "User Management",
- "accountManagement": "Account management",
- "licence": "Licence",
- "allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
- "defaultView": "Default View",
- "relations": "Relations",
- "switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
- "renameFile": "Rename File",
+ "tokenManagement": "權杖管理",
+ "addNewToken": "添加新權杖",
+ "createNewToken": "創建新權杖",
+ "accountSettings": "帳戶設定",
+ "resetPasswordMenu": "重置密碼",
+ "tokens": "權杖",
+ "userManagement": "用戶管理",
+ "accountManagement": "帳號管理",
+ "licence": "許可證",
+ "allowAllMimeTypes": "允許所有 Mime 類型",
+ "defaultView": "預設視圖",
+ "relations": "關係",
+ "switchLanguage": "切換語言",
+ "renameFile": "重命名文件",
"links": {
- "noAction": "No Action",
- "cascade": "Cascade",
- "restrict": "Restrict",
- "setNull": "Set NULL",
- "setDefault": "Set Default"
+ "noAction": "沒有任何行動",
+ "cascade": "級聯",
+ "restrict": "限制",
+ "setNull": "設置 NULL",
+ "setDefault": "設置為預設"
- "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here",
- "noOptionsFound": "No options found",
- "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
+ "selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "從右側面板選擇欄位以新增",
+ "noOptionsFound": "未找到任何選項",
+ "surveyFormSubmitConfirmMsg": "您確定要提交此表單嗎?",
"noResultsMatchedYourSearch": "Your search did not yield any matching results.",
- "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "Looks like this stack does not have any records",
- "fromScratch": "From scratch",
- "fromFileAndExternalSources": "From files & external sources",
- "directlyInRealTime": "Directly in real time",
- "categories": "Categories"
+ "looksLikeThisStackIsEmpty": "看起來這個堆疊沒有任何記錄",
+ "fromScratch": "從頭開始",
+ "fromFileAndExternalSources": "從文件和外部來源",
+ "directlyInRealTime": "即時進行",
+ "categories": "類別",
+ "fieldInaccessible": "欄位不可訪問",
+ "noConditionsAdded": "未添加條件"
"labels": {
- "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
- "configuration": "Configuration",
- "setup": "Setup",
- "configLabel": "Configure {label}",
- "switchToProd": "Switch to a production-ready app database",
- "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
- "fieldID": "Field ID",
- "addDescription": "Add description",
- "editDescription": "Edit description",
- "urlFormula": "URL Formula",
- "selectIcon": "none",
- "selectAWebhook": "--select a webhook--",
- "openUrl": "Open URL",
- "runWebHook": "Run Webhook",
- "onClick": "On click",
- "defaultView": "Default view",
- "recordInsert": "Record Insert",
- "recordUpdate": "Record Update",
- "recordDelete": "Record Delete",
- "supportDocs": "Support Docs",
- "addedOn": "Added on",
- "changeDisplayValueField": "Change display value field",
+ "modifiedOn": "修改於",
+ "configuration": "配置",
+ "setup": "設置",
+ "configLabel": "配置 {label}",
+ "switchToProd": "切換到準備生產的應用程式資料庫",
+ "sharedBase": "共享資料庫",
+ "fieldID": "字段 ID",
+ "addDescription": "添加描述",
+ "editDescription": "編輯描述",
+ "urlFormula": "URL公式",
+ "selectIcon": "無",
+ "selectAWebhook": "--選擇一個 webhook--",
+ "openUrl": "開啟 URL",
+ "runWebHook": "運行 Webhook",
+ "onClick": "點擊時",
+ "defaultView": "默認視圖",
+ "recordInsert": "記錄插入",
+ "recordUpdate": "記錄更新",
+ "recordDelete": "記錄刪除",
+ "supportDocs": "支援文件",
+ "addedOn": "新增於",
+ "changeDisplayValueField": "更改顯示值欄位",
"selectYourNewTitleFor": "Select your new display value field for ",
- "searchDisplayValue": "Select display value field",
- "changeTitleField": "Change title field",
- "clearAll": "Clear all",
- "addNewLookupHelperText1": "Lookup fields show data from linked records. Select specific fields from ",
- "addNewLookupHelperText2": " table to add them as Lookup fields in this table.",
- "formatting": "Formatting",
- "selectAFormatType": "- -Select a formt type (optional)- -",
- "formatType": "Format type",
- "toUpload": "to upload",
- "dragFilesHere": "drag files here",
- "browseFiles": "browse files",
- "clickTo": "Click to",
- "allowAccessToYourCamera": "Please allow access to your camera",
- "openFile": "Open file",
- "enterValidUrl": "Enter a valid URL to upload files",
- "addFilesFromUrl": "Add files from URL",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "dropHere": "Drop here",
- "addMore": "Add more",
- "clearAllFiles": "Clear all files",
- "integration": "Integration",
- "notRecommended": "Not recommended",
+ "searchDisplayValue": "選擇顯示值欄位",
+ "changeTitleField": "更改標題欄位",
+ "clearAll": "清除所有",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText1": "查詢欄位顯示來自連結記錄的數據。從中選擇特定欄位",
+ "addNewLookupHelperText2": " 表以添加它們作為此表中的查閱欄位。",
+ "formatting": "格式化",
+ "selectAFormatType": "- -選擇格式類型(可選)- -",
+ "formatType": "格式類型",
+ "toUpload": "上傳",
+ "dragFilesHere": "將文件拖到這裡",
+ "browseFiles": "瀏覽文件",
+ "clickTo": "點擊以",
+ "allowAccessToYourCamera": "請允許訪問您的攝像頭",
+ "openFile": "打開文件",
+ "enterValidUrl": "輸入有效的 URL 以上傳文件",
+ "addFilesFromUrl": "從 URL 添加文件",
+ "uploading": "正在上傳",
+ "dropHere": "拖放到這裡",
+ "addMore": "添加更多",
+ "clearAllFiles": "清除所有文件",
+ "integration": "集成",
+ "notRecommended": "不推薦",
"allowMetaWrite": "Allow Schema Edit",
"allowDataWrite": "Allow Data Edit",
- "selectView": "Select a View",
- "connectionDetails": "Source Connection Details",
- "metaSync": "Meta Sync",
- "mention": "Mention",
- "today": "Today",
- "currentDate": "Current date",
- "workspace": "Workspace",
- "txt": "TXT Record value",
- "transferOwnership": "Transfer Ownership",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "goToMembers": "Go to Members",
- "addMember": "Add Member",
- "numberOfMembers": "No. Members",
- "numberOfBases": "No. Bases",
- "numberOfRecords": "No. Records",
- "workspaceName": "Workspace Name",
- "workspaceWithoutOwner": "Workspace without Owners",
- "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "Invite Users to Workspace",
- "selectWorkspace": "-select workspaces to invite to-",
- "addMembersToOrganization": "Add Members to Organization",
- "memberIn": "Member in:",
- "assignAs": "Assign as",
- "signOutUser": "Sign out user",
- "signOutUsers": "Sign out users",
- "deactivateUser": "Deactivate User",
- "deactivateUsers": "Deactivate Users",
- "lastActive": "Last Active",
- "dateAdded": "Date Added",
- "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
- "organizationProfile": "Organisation Profile",
- "organizationImage": "Organisation Image",
- "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
- "activeDomains": "Active Domains",
- "domains": "Domains",
- "disablePublicSharing": "Disable Public Sharing",
- "shareSettings": "Share Settings",
- "deleteUserAndData": "Delete User and their data",
- "userOptions": "User Options",
- "deleteThisOrganization": "Delete this Organisation",
- "dangerZone": "Dangerzone",
- "childView": "Child View",
- "selectYear": "Select Year",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
- "audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
- "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
+ "selectView": "選擇一個檢視",
+ "connectionDetails": "來源連接詳情",
+ "metaSync": "元同步",
+ "mention": "提及",
+ "today": "今日",
+ "currentDate": "當前日期",
+ "workspace": "工作區",
+ "txt": "TXT記錄值",
+ "transferOwnership": "轉讓所有權",
+ "recentActivity": "最近活動",
+ "goToMembers": "前往成員",
+ "addMember": "添加成員",
+ "numberOfMembers": "成員數",
+ "numberOfBases": "基地數",
+ "numberOfRecords": "記錄數",
+ "workspaceName": "工作區名稱",
+ "workspaceWithoutOwner": "沒有擁有者的工作區",
+ "inviteUsersToWorkspace": "邀請用戶到工作區",
+ "selectWorkspace": "-選擇邀請的工作區-",
+ "addMembersToOrganization": "添加成員到組織",
+ "memberIn": "成員於:",
+ "assignAs": "指定為",
+ "signOutUser": "註銷用戶",
+ "signOutUsers": "註銷用戶",
+ "deactivateUser": "停用用戶",
+ "deactivateUsers": "停用用戶",
+ "lastActive": "最後活動",
+ "dateAdded": "添加日期",
+ "uploadImage": "上傳圖片",
+ "organizationProfile": "組織檔案",
+ "organizationImage": "組織圖片",
+ "organizationName": "組織名稱",
+ "activeDomains": "活躍域",
+ "domains": "域",
+ "disablePublicSharing": "禁用公開共享",
+ "shareSettings": "共享設置",
+ "deleteUserAndData": "刪除用戶及其數據",
+ "userOptions": "用戶選項",
+ "deleteThisOrganization": "刪除此組織",
+ "dangerZone": "危險區域",
+ "childView": "子檢視",
+ "selectYear": "選擇年份",
+ "save": "儲存",
+ "cancel": "取消",
+ "metadataUrl": "元資料 URL",
+ "audience-entityId": "受眾/實體 ID",
+ "redirectUrl": "轉向 URL",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
- "newProvider": "New Provider",
- "generalSettings": "General Settings",
- "adminPanel": "Admin Panel",
- "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "Move Workspace To Organisation",
- "ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "domain": "Domain",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "workspaces": "Workspaces",
- "back": "Back",
- "dashboard": "Dashboard",
- "organizeBy": "Organize by",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "nextMonth": "Next Month",
- "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
- "next": "Next",
- "organiseBy": "Organise by",
- "heading1": "Heading 1",
- "heading2": "Heading 2",
- "heading3": "Heading 3",
- "bold": "Bold",
- "italic": "Italic",
- "underline": "Underline",
- "strike": "Strike",
- "taskList": "Task List",
- "bulletList": "Bullet List",
- "numberedList": "Numbered List",
- "downloadData": "Download Data",
- "blockQuote": "Block Quote",
- "noToken": "No Token",
- "tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
- "duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
- "tableIdColon": "TABLE ID: {tableId}",
- "viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
- "toAddress": "To Address",
- "subject": "Subject",
- "body": "Body",
- "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
- "headerName": "Header Name",
- "icon": "Icon",
- "max": "Max",
- "enableRichText": "Enable rich text",
+ "newProvider": "新供應商",
+ "generalSettings": "一般設置",
+ "adminPanel": "管理面板",
+ "moveWorkspaceToOrg": "移動工作區到組織",
+ "ssoSettings": "SSO 設置",
+ "addDomain": "添加域",
+ "domain": "域",
+ "settings": "設定",
+ "workspaces": "工作區",
+ "back": "返回",
+ "dashboard": "儀表板",
+ "organizeBy": "組織依據",
+ "previous": "上一步",
+ "nextMonth": "下個月",
+ "previousMonth": "上個月",
+ "next": "下一步",
+ "organiseBy": "組織依據",
+ "heading1": "標題 1",
+ "heading2": "標題 2",
+ "heading3": "標題 3",
+ "bold": "粗體",
+ "italic": "斜體",
+ "underline": "下劃線",
+ "strike": "刪除線",
+ "taskList": "任務清單",
+ "bulletList": "項目符號列表",
+ "numberedList": "數字列表",
+ "downloadData": "下載資料",
+ "blockQuote": "塊引用",
+ "noToken": "無權杖",
+ "tokenLimit": "每位用戶僅允許一個權杖",
+ "duplicateAttachment": "名為 {filename} 的檔案已經附加",
+ "tableIdColon": "表格ID:{tableId}",
+ "viewIdColon": "檢視 ID: {viewId}",
+ "toAddress": "收件地址",
+ "subject": "主旨",
+ "body": "內容",
+ "commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "用逗號分隔的手機號碼",
+ "headerName": "標頭名稱",
+ "icon": "圖示",
+ "max": "最大值",
+ "enableRichText": "啟用富文本",
"idColon": "Id: {fieldId}",
- "copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
- "copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
- "duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
- "binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
- "syntax": "Syntax",
- "examples": "Examples",
- "durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
- "addHeader": "Add Header",
- "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
- "negative": "Negative",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "default": "Default",
- "defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
- "durationFormat": "Duration Format",
- "dateFormat": "Date Format",
- "timeFormat": "Time Format",
- "singularLabel": "Singular Label",
- "pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
- "selectDateField": "Select a date field",
- "endDateField": "End date field",
- "optional": "(Optional)",
- "clickToMake": "Click to make",
- "visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
- "inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
- "projectSettings": "Base Settings",
- "clickToHide": "Click to hide",
- "clickToDownload": "Click to download",
- "forRole": "for role",
- "clickToCopyTableID": "Click to copy Table ID",
- "clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
- "viewMode": "View mode",
- "searchUsers": "Search Users",
- "superAdmin": "Super Admin",
- "allTables": "All Tables",
- "members": "Members",
- "dataSources": "Data Sources",
- "connectDataSource": "Connect External Data",
- "searchProjects": "Search Bases",
+ "copiedRecordURL": "已複製記錄 URL",
+ "copyRecordURL": "複製記錄 URL",
+ "duplicateRecord": "複製記錄",
+ "binaryEncodingFormat": "二進位編碼格式",
+ "syntax": "語法",
+ "examples": "範例",
+ "durationInfo": "時間長度以分鐘或秒為單位(例如,1:23)。",
+ "addHeader": "新增標頭",
+ "enterDefaultUrlOptional": "輸入預設 URL(可選)",
+ "negative": "負面",
+ "discard": "取消",
+ "default": "預設",
+ "defaultNumberPercent": "預設值 (%)",
+ "durationFormat": "持續時間格式",
+ "dateFormat": "日期格式",
+ "timeFormat": "時間格式",
+ "singularLabel": "單數標籤",
+ "pluralLabel": "複數標籤",
+ "selectDateField": "選擇一個日期欄位",
+ "endDateField": "結束日期欄位",
+ "optional": "(可選)",
+ "clickToMake": "點擊以製作",
+ "visibleForRole": "對於角色可見:",
+ "inUI": "在 UI 儀表板中",
+ "projectSettings": "基本設定",
+ "clickToHide": "點擊隱藏",
+ "clickToDownload": "點擊下載",
+ "forRole": "針對角色",
+ "clickToCopyTableID": "點擊以複製表格ID",
+ "clickToCopyViewID": "點擊以複製檢視 ID",
+ "viewMode": "檢視模式",
+ "searchUsers": "搜索用戶",
+ "superAdmin": "超級管理員",
+ "allTables": "所有表格",
+ "members": "成員",
+ "dataSources": "數據來源",
+ "connectDataSource": "連接外部數據",
+ "searchProjects": "搜尋專案",
"createdBy": "創建人",
- "viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
- "readOnly": "Readonly",
- "createdOn": "Created On",
+ "viewingAttachmentsOf": "查看附件於",
+ "readOnly": "只讀",
+ "createdOn": "創建於",
"notifyVia": "通知方式",
"projName": "項目名",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "accountDetails": "Account Details",
- "controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
- "accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
- "backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
- "untitledToken": "Untitled token",
+ "profile": "個人資料",
+ "accountDetails": "帳戶詳情",
+ "controlAppearance": "控制你的外觀。",
+ "accountEmailID": "帳號電子郵件 ID",
+ "backToWorkspace": "返回工作區",
+ "untitledToken": "未命名 token",
"tableName": "表名稱",
- "dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
+ "dashboardName": "儀表板名稱",
"createView": "Create View",
- "creatingView": "Creating View",
- "duplicateView": "Duplicate view",
- "duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
- "createGridView": "Create Grid View",
- "duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
- "createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
- "duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
- "createFormView": "Create Form View",
- "duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
- "duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
- "createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
- "createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
+ "creatingView": "創建檢視",
+ "duplicateView": "複製檢視",
+ "duplicateGridView": "複製網格檢視",
+ "createGridView": "創建網格檢視",
+ "duplicateGalleryView": "複製相簿檢視",
+ "createGalleryView": "創建相簿檢視",
+ "duplicateFormView": "複製表單檢視",
+ "createFormView": "創建表單檢視",
+ "duplicateKanbanView": "複製看板檢視",
+ "duplicateCalendarView": "複製日曆檢視",
+ "createKanbanView": "創建看板檢視",
+ "createCalendarView": "創建日曆檢視",
"viewName": "檢視名稱",
"viewLink": "查看鏈接",
"columnName": "列名稱",
@@ -837,10 +840,10 @@
"databaseType": "資料庫中的類型",
"lengthValue": "長度/值",
"dbType": "資料庫類型",
- "servername": "servername / hostAddr",
- "sqliteFile": "SQLite file path",
- "hostAddress": "Host address",
- "port": "Port number",
+ "servername": "伺服器名稱 / 主機地址",
+ "sqliteFile": "SQLite 檔案路徑",
+ "hostAddress": "主機位址",
+ "port": "連線埠號碼",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"password": "密碼",
"schemaName": "Schema 名稱",
@@ -857,12 +860,12 @@
"where": "在哪裡",
"cache": "緩存",
"chat": "聊天",
- "showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
+ "showOrHide": "顯示或隱藏",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
- "csvFile": "CSV File",
+ "csvFile": "CSV 文件",
"json": "JSON",
- "jsonFile": "JSON File",
+ "jsonFile": "JSON 文件",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "電子郵件",
@@ -873,7 +876,7 @@
"created": "已建立",
"sqlOutput": "SQL 輸出",
"addOption": "新增選項",
- "interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
+ "interfaceColor": "介面顏色",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
"barcodeFormat": "條碼格式",
@@ -902,17 +905,17 @@
"joinCommunity": "加入 NocoDB 社群",
"joinReddit": "加入 /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "追蹤 NocoDB",
- "communityTranslated": "(Community/AI Translated)"
+ "communityTranslated": "(社群/AI 翻譯)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "文件參考文獻",
"selectUserRole": "選擇使用者角色",
"childTable": "子表",
"childColumn": "子欄",
- "childField": "Child field",
- "joinCloudForFree": "Join Cloud for Free",
+ "childField": "子欄",
+ "joinCloudForFree": "免費加入雲",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "連結到另一個紀錄",
- "links": "Links",
+ "links": "連結",
"onUpdate": "更新時",
"onDelete": "刪除時",
"account": "帳號",
@@ -922,21 +925,21 @@
"customTheme": "自訂主題",
"requestDataSource": "提供您需要的資料源?",
"apiKey": "API 金鑰",
- "personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
- "sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
+ "personalAccessToken": "個人訪問權杖",
+ "sharedBaseUrl": "共享資料庫 URL",
"importData": "匯入資料",
"importSecondaryViews": "匯入次要檢視",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
- "importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
+ "importUsers": "匯入用戶(透過電子郵件)",
"noData": "沒有資料",
"goToDashboard": "前往儀表板",
"importing": "匯入中",
- "formatJson": "Format JSON",
- "autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
- "firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
+ "formatJson": "格式化 JSON",
+ "autoSelectFieldTypes": "自動選擇欄位類型",
+ "firstRowAsHeaders": "使用第一行作為標題",
"flattenNested": "展平嵌套",
"downloadAllowed": "允許下載",
"weAreHiring": "我們正在招聘中!",
@@ -944,124 +947,124 @@
"hasMany": "有很多的",
"belongsTo": "屬於",
"manyToMany": "有多對多關聯",
- "oneToOne": "have one to one relation",
+ "oneToOne": "有一對一關係",
"extraConnectionParameters": "額外連線參數",
"commentsOnly": "僅評論",
"documentation": "說明文件",
"subscribeNewsletter": "訂閱我們的每週新聞",
- "signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
- "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
+ "signUpWithProvider": "使用 {provider} 註冊",
+ "signInWithProvider": "使用 {provider} 登入",
"agreeToTos": "通過註冊,表示您同意遵守服務條款",
"welcomeToNc": "歡迎來到 NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "只接受使用邀請連結進行註冊",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
- "addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
- "addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
- "noAccess": "No access",
+ "addRowGrid": "在網格檢視中手動添加資料",
+ "addRowForm": "通過表單輸入記錄資料",
+ "noAccess": "無存取權限",
"restApis": "Rest APIs",
"apis": "APIs",
- "apiSnippet": "API Snippets",
- "includeData": "Include Data",
- "includeView": "Include View",
- "includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
- "zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
- "embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
- "titleRequired": "title is required.",
- "sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
- "changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
- "pressEnter": "Press Enter",
+ "apiSnippet": "API 程式碼片段",
+ "includeData": "包括資料",
+ "includeView": "包括檢視",
+ "includeWebhook": "包括 Webhook",
+ "zoomInToViewColumns": "放大以檢視欄位",
+ "embedInSite": "在您的網站嵌入此檢視",
+ "titleRequired": "標題必填。",
+ "sourceNameRequired": "來源名稱必填",
+ "changeWsName": "更改工作區名稱",
+ "pressEnter": "按 Enter 鍵",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"multiField": {
- "newField": "New field",
- "saveChanges": "Save changes",
- "updatedField": "Updated field",
- "deletedField": "Deleted field",
- "incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
- "selectField": "Select a field",
+ "newField": "新欄位",
+ "saveChanges": "儲存更動",
+ "updatedField": "更新欄位",
+ "deletedField": "刪除欄位",
+ "incompleteConfiguration": "配置不完整",
+ "selectField": "選擇一個欄位",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
- "backgroundColor": "Background Color",
- "hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
- "showOnConditions": "Show on conditions",
- "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met",
- "limitOptions": "Limit options",
- "limitOptionsSubtext": "Limit options visible to users by selecting available options",
- "clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "displayAsProgress": "Display as progress",
- "relationType": "Relation type",
- "showThousandsSeparator": "Show thousands separator",
- "signUpForFree": "Sign up for free",
+ "backgroundColor": "背景顏色",
+ "hideNocodbBranding": "隱藏 NocoDB 品牌",
+ "showOnConditions": "根據條件顯示",
+ "showFieldOnConditionsMet": "僅在符合條件時顯示欄位",
+ "limitOptions": "限制選項",
+ "limitOptionsSubtext": "通過選擇可用選項來限制用戶可見的選項",
+ "clearSelection": "清除選擇",
+ "displayAsProgress": "顯示為進度",
+ "relationType": "關係類型",
+ "showThousandsSeparator": "顯示千分位",
+ "signUpForFree": "免費註冊",
"coverImageField": "Cover image field",
- "fitImage": "Fit image",
- "coverImageArea": "Cover image",
- "syncData": "Sync data",
- "syncDataModalSubtitle": "Register the services you are interested in to get notified when they become available",
- "redirectToUrl": "Redirect to URL"
+ "fitImage": "適合圖片",
+ "coverImageArea": "封面圖片",
+ "syncData": "同步數據",
+ "syncDataModalSubtitle": "註冊您感興趣的服務,以便在它們可用時收到通知",
+ "redirectToUrl": "重定向到 URL"
"activity": {
- "webhookDetails": "Webhook Details",
- "hideWeekends": "Hide weekends",
- "renameBase": "Rename Base",
- "renameWorkspace": "Rename workspace",
- "deactivate": "De-activate",
- "manageUsers": "Manage Users",
- "newWorkspace": "New Workspace",
- "addDomain": "Add Domain",
- "addMembers": "Add Members",
- "enterEmail": "Enter email addresses",
- "inviteToBase": "Invite to Base",
- "inviteToWorkspace": "Invite to Workspace",
- "addMember": "Add Member to Base",
- "noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
- "goToToday": "Go to Today",
- "toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
- "addEndDate": "Add end date",
- "withEndDate": "with end date",
- "calendar": "Calendar",
- "viewSettings": "View settings",
+ "webhookDetails": "Webhook詳情",
+ "hideWeekends": "隱藏週末",
+ "renameBase": "重命名基礎",
+ "renameWorkspace": "重命名工作區",
+ "deactivate": "停用",
+ "manageUsers": "管理用戶",
+ "newWorkspace": "新工作區",
+ "addDomain": "添加域",
+ "addMembers": "添加成員",
+ "enterEmail": "輸入電子郵件地址",
+ "inviteToBase": "邀請到基地",
+ "inviteToWorkspace": "邀請到工作區",
+ "addMember": "將成員添加到基地",
+ "noRange": "日曆檢視需要一個日期範圍",
+ "goToToday": "回到今天",
+ "toggleSidebar": "切換側邊欄",
+ "addEndDate": "添加結束日期",
+ "withEndDate": "帶結束日期",
+ "calendar": "日曆",
+ "viewSettings": "查看設定",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
- "registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
- "registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
- "openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
- "copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
- "onCondition": "On Condition",
- "bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
- "attachFile": "Attach File",
- "viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
- "attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
- "addFiles": "Add File(s)",
- "hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
- "addBase": "Add Base",
- "addParameter": "Add Parameter",
- "submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
- "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
- "editSource": "Edit Data Source",
- "enterText": "Enter text",
- "okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
- "showInUI": "Show in UI",
- "outOfSync": "Out of sync",
- "newSource": "New Data Source",
- "newWebhook": "New Webhook",
- "enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
- "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
- "editingAccess": "Editing access",
- "enabledPublicViewing": "Enable Public Viewing",
- "restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
- "manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
- "allowDownload": "Allow Download",
- "surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
- "rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
- "useTheme": "Use Theme",
- "copyLink": "Copy Link",
- "copiedLink": "Link Copied",
- "copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
- "copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
+ "registerOIDC": "註冊 OIDC 身份提供者",
+ "registerSAML": "註冊 SAML 身份提供者",
+ "openInANewTab": "在新分頁中開啟",
+ "copyIFrameCode": "複製 IFrame 程式碼",
+ "onCondition": "條件",
+ "bulkDownload": "批量下載",
+ "attachFile": "附加檔案",
+ "viewAttachment": "檢視附件",
+ "attachmentDrop": "點擊或將檔案拖放到儲存格中",
+ "addFiles": "新增檔案",
+ "hideInUI": "在 UI 中隱藏",
+ "addBase": "添加基礎項目",
+ "addParameter": "添加參數",
+ "submitAnotherForm": "提交另一個表單",
+ "dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "拖放欄位到此處以添加",
+ "editSource": "編輯資料來源",
+ "enterText": "輸入文字",
+ "okEditBase": "確定並編輯基礎項目",
+ "showInUI": "在 UI 中顯示",
+ "outOfSync": "未同步",
+ "newSource": "新資料來源",
+ "newWebhook": "新 Webhook",
+ "enablePublicAccess": "啟用公共訪問",
+ "doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "您要儲存更改嗎?",
+ "editingAccess": "編輯存取權限",
+ "enabledPublicViewing": "啟用公眾檢視",
+ "restrictAccessWithPassword": "使用密碼限制存取權限",
+ "manageProjectAccess": "管理基礎訪問權限",
+ "allowDownload": "允許下載",
+ "surveyMode": "調查模式",
+ "rtlOrientation": "從右到左的佈局",
+ "useTheme": "使用主題",
+ "copyLink": "複製鏈接",
+ "copiedLink": "鏈接已複製",
+ "copyInviteLink": "複製邀請鏈接",
+ "copiedInviteLink": "邀請鏈接已複製",
"copyUrl": "複製網址",
- "moreColors": "More Colors",
- "moveProject": "Move Base",
+ "moreColors": "更多顏色",
+ "moveProject": "移動基礎",
"createProject": "建立專案",
"importProject": "匯入專案",
"searchProject": "搜尋專案",
@@ -1072,7 +1075,7 @@
"deleteProject": "刪除專案",
"refreshProject": "重新整理專案",
"saveProject": "儲存專案",
- "saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
+ "saveAndQuit": "儲存並退出",
"deleteKanbanStack": "刪除此類別?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "創建連接
@@ -1088,7 +1091,7 @@
"translate": "幫助翻譯",
"account": {
"authToken": "複製驗證權杖",
- "authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
+ "authTokenCopied": "驗證權杖已複製",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "複製專案資訊",
"themes": "主題"
@@ -1098,10 +1101,10 @@
"filter": "篩選",
"addFilter": "添加過濾器",
"share": "分享",
- "groupBy": "Group By",
- "addSubGroup": "New Subgroup",
+ "groupBy": "分組依據",
+ "addSubGroup": "新增子群組",
"shareBase": {
- "label": "Share Base",
+ "label": "共享基礎",
"disable": "停用共享資料庫",
"enable": "任何有連結的人",
"link": "共享資料庫連結"
@@ -1111,8 +1114,8 @@
"inviteTeam": "邀請團隊",
"inviteUser": "邀請使用者",
"inviteToken": "邀請權杖",
- "linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
- "addNewLink": "Add New Link",
+ "linkedRecords": "已連結的記錄",
+ "addNewLink": "添加新鏈接",
"newUser": "新使用者",
"editUser": "編輯使用者",
"deleteUser": "從專案中刪除使用者",
@@ -1127,11 +1130,11 @@
"previousRecord": "上一筆紀錄",
"copyApiURL": "複製 API 網址",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
- "createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
- "createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
+ "createDashboard": "創建儀表板",
+ "createWorkspace": "創建工作區",
"refreshTable": "刷新表",
"renameTable": "重命名表",
- "renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
+ "renameLayout": "佈局重命名",
"deleteTable": "刪除表",
"addField": "新增欄位到此表",
"setDisplay": "設置為顯示值",
@@ -1142,9 +1145,9 @@
"insertRow": "插入新行",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "刪除行",
- "deleteRows": "Delete records",
- "predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
- "predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
+ "deleteRows": "删除記錄",
+ "predictColumns": "預測欄位",
+ "predictFormulas": "預測公式",
"deleteSelectedRow": "刪除所選行",
"importExcel": "匯入 Excel",
"importCSV": "匯入 CSV",
@@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@
"ListView": "檢視清單",
"copyView": "複製檢視",
"renameView": "重新命名檢視",
- "uploadData": "Upload Data",
+ "uploadData": "上傳數據",
"deleteView": "刪除檢視",
"createGrid": "創建網格檢視",
"createGallery": "創建相簿檢視",
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
"addWebhook": "新增 Webhook",
"enableWebhook": "啟用 Webhook",
"testWebhook": "測試 Webhook",
- "createWebhook": "Create Webhook",
+ "createWebhook": "創建Webhook",
"copyWebhook": "複製 Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "刪除 Webhook",
"newToken": "新增權杖",
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@
"importZip": "匯入 ZIP",
"metaSync": "立即同步",
"settings": "設定",
- "validations": "Validations",
+ "validations": "驗證",
"previewAs": "預覽方式",
"resetReview": "重設預覽",
"testDbConn": "測試資料庫連線",
@@ -1200,23 +1203,23 @@
"addFilterGroup": "增加過濾組",
"linkRecord": "連結記錄",
"addNewRecord": "新增紀錄",
- "newRecord": "New record",
- "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
- "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
- "recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
+ "newRecord": "新記錄",
+ "tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}:創建新記錄",
+ "gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' 已成功儲存並連結",
+ "recordCreatedLinked": "紀錄已建立並連結",
"useConnectionUrl": "使用連接網址",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "切換評論抽屜",
"expandRecord": "展開紀錄",
"deleteRecord": "刪除紀錄",
- "fullWidth": "Full width",
- "exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
- "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
+ "fullWidth": "全寬",
+ "exitFullWidth": "退出全寬",
+ "markAllAsRead": "標記全部為已讀",
"column": {
- "delete": "Delete Field",
- "addNumber": "Add Number Field",
- "addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
- "addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
- "addOther": "Add Other Field"
+ "delete": "刪除欄位",
+ "addNumber": "新增數字欄位",
+ "addSingleLineText": "新增單行文字欄位",
+ "addLongText": "新增長文字欄位",
+ "addOther": "新增其他欄位"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "顯示欄位",
@@ -1227,9 +1230,9 @@
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "摺疊此類別",
- "collapseAll": "Collapse all",
- "expandAll": "Expand all",
- "renameStack": "Rename stack",
+ "collapseAll": "全部摺疊",
+ "expandAll": "全部展開",
+ "renameStack": "重新命名堆疊",
"deleteStack": "刪除此類別",
"stackedBy": "分類依據",
"chooseGroupingField": "選擇一個分組欄位",
@@ -1242,32 +1245,34 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "切換到手機模式",
- "startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
- "noCommentsYet": "No comments yet!",
- "clearForm": "Clear Form",
- "addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
- "selectAllFields": "Select all fields",
+ "startCommenting": "開始評論!",
+ "noCommentsYet": "還沒有評論!",
+ "clearForm": "清除表單",
+ "addFieldFromFormView": "添加欄位",
+ "selectAllFields": "選擇所有欄位",
"preFilledFields": {
- "title": "Enable Pre-fill",
- "default": "Default",
- "locked": "Lock pre-filled fields as read-only",
- "hidden": "Hide pre-filled fields",
- "lockedFieldTooltip": "Pre-filled value"
+ "title": "啟用預填",
+ "default": "預設",
+ "locked": "將預填字段鎖定為只讀",
+ "hidden": "隱藏預填字段",
+ "lockedFieldTooltip": "預填值"
- "getPreFilledLink": "Get Pre-filled Link",
- "group": "Group",
- "goToDocs": "Go to Docs"
+ "getPreFilledLink": "獲取預填鏈接",
+ "group": "群組",
+ "goToDocs": "前往 Docs",
+ "addCondition": "添加條件",
+ "addConditionGroup": "添加條件組"
"tooltip": {
"currentDateNotAvail": "Current date option not available for this data source / data type",
- "privateConnection": "Enable to make this connection private and hidden from other creators in this workspace.",
- "optionalDatabaseName": "Optional. Uses default database \"{database}\" if left blank",
- "optionalSchemaName": "Optional. Uses default schema \"{schema}\" if left blank.",
- "schemaChangeDisabled": "Schema editing is disabled for this data source.",
- "typeNotAllowed": "This datatype is not allowed.",
+ "privateConnection": "啟用此連接僅限私人且不會在此工作區中被其他創作者看到。",
+ "optionalDatabaseName": "可選。若留空,將使用預設資料庫 \"{database}\"",
+ "optionalSchemaName": "選項性。若留空,將使用默認架構 \"{schema}\" 。",
+ "schemaChangeDisabled": "此數據來源的架構編輯已被禁用。",
+ "typeNotAllowed": "不允許此數據類型。",
"dataWriteOptionDisabled": "Data editing can only be disabled when 'Schema editing' is also disabled.",
- "allowMetaWrite": "This option allows modification of database schema, including adding, altering, or deleting tables and columns. Use with caution, as changes may impact the structural integrity of your database.",
- "allowDataWrite": "This option allows creating, updating, or deleting records within database tables. Ideal for administrative users needing to change data directly.",
+ "allowMetaWrite": "此選項允許修改數據庫架構,包括添加、修改或刪除表和欄。使用時請謹慎,因為更改可能會影響數據庫的結構完整性。",
+ "allowDataWrite": "此選項允許在數據庫表中創建、更新或刪除記錄。非常適合需要直接更改數據的管理用戶。",
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "儲存更動",
"xcDB": "建立新專案",
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@
"light": "它是黑色嗎?(^⇧b)"
"addTable": "新增表",
- "addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
+ "addDashboard": "新增儀表板",
"inviteMore": "邀請更多用戶",
"toggleNavDraw": "切換導航抽屜",
"reloadApiToken": "重新載入 API 權杖",
@@ -1296,30 +1301,30 @@
"clientKey": "選擇 .key 檔案",
"clientCert": "選擇 .cert 檔案",
"clientCA": "選擇 CA 檔案",
- "changeIconColour": "Change icon colour",
+ "changeIconColour": "更改圖標顏色",
"preFillFormInfo": "Generate share form URL with pre-filled field data. To get a pre-filled link, make sure you’ve filled the necessary fields in the form view builder.",
- "surveyFormInfo": "Form mode with one field per page",
- "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "Use field edit menu for type conversions after file is imported",
- "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "Role inherited from workspace",
- "comingSoonIntegration": "Coming soon! Click to upvote for the integration you need in NocoDB."
+ "surveyFormInfo": "每頁一個字段的表單模式",
+ "useFieldEditMenuToConfigFieldType": "文件導入後可使用欄位編輯選單進行類型轉換",
+ "roleInheritedFromWorkspace": "角色從工作區繼承",
+ "comingSoonIntegration": "即將推出!點擊投票支持您在 NocoDB 中需要的集成。"
"placeholder": {
- "searchIcons": "Search icons",
- "selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
- "selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
- "selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
- "selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
- "webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
- "barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
- "notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
- "selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
+ "searchIcons": "搜索圖標",
+ "selectSlackChannels": "選擇 Slack 頻道",
+ "selectTeamsChannels": "選擇 Microsoft Teams 頻道",
+ "selectDiscordChannels": "選擇 Discord 頻道",
+ "selectMattermostChannels": "選擇 Mattermost 頻道",
+ "webhookTitle": "Webhook 標題",
+ "barcodeColumn": "為條碼值選擇一個欄位",
+ "notFoundContent": "找不到有效的欄位類型。",
+ "selectBarcodeFormat": "選擇條碼格式",
"projName": "輸入專案名稱",
- "selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
- "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
- "selectCoverImageField": "Select a cover image field",
- "selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
- "notSelected": "-not selected-",
- "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
+ "selectGroupField": "選擇一個分組欄位",
+ "selectGroupFieldNotFound": "找不到單選欄位。請先建立一個。",
+ "selectCoverImageField": "選擇封面圖片欄位",
+ "selectGeoField": "選擇地理資料欄位",
+ "notSelected": "-未選擇-",
+ "selectGeoFieldNotFound": "找不到地理資料欄位。請先建立一個。",
"password": {
"enter": "輸入密碼",
"current": "當前密碼",
@@ -1327,8 +1332,8 @@
"save": "儲存密碼",
"confirm": "確認新密碼"
- "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
- "allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
+ "selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "為 QR 碼值選擇一個欄位",
+ "allowNegativeNumbers": "允許負數",
"searchProjectTree": "搜索表",
"searchFields": "搜索欄位",
"searchColumn": "搜索{search}列",
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "通過電子郵件過濾",
"filterQuery": "過濾查詢",
"selectField": "選擇欄位",
- "precision": "Precision",
+ "precision": "精度",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@@ -1348,169 +1353,169 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
- "value": "Value",
- "key": "Key",
- "createTable": "Create your First Table!",
+ "value": "值",
+ "key": "鍵",
+ "createTable": "創建您的第一張表!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
- "noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
+ "noTokenCreated": "尚未創建 API 權杖",
"noTokenCreatedLabel": "Begin by creating API tokens to unlock advanced functionalities.",
- "inviteYourTeam": "Invite your team",
+ "inviteYourTeam": "邀請您的團隊",
"inviteYourTeamLabel": "Streamline collaboration and productivity with your team – start by inviting them to join your workspace.",
- "searchOptions": "Search options"
+ "searchOptions": "搜索選項"
"msg": {
- "invalidConfiguration": "Invalid button configuration",
- "invalidColumnConfiguration": "Invalid field configuration",
- "invalidTheme": "Select a valid theme",
- "invalidColor": "Select a valid color",
- "invalidType": "Button type can be either 'webhook' or 'url'",
- "invalidLabel": "Enter a valid button label",
- "formulaNotSupported": "This function is unavailable for your database",
- "controlOrgAppearance": "Control your organisations name and appearance.",
- "addCompanyDomains": "Add company domains to restrict access to unwanted users.",
- "restrictUsersFromSharing": "Restrict users from being able to share bases publicly.",
- "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "Select users to be removed and deleted from all organisation workspaces.",
- "deleteOrganization": "Delete all users, bases and data related to this organization",
- "clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
- "enterPassword": "Enter password",
- "bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
- "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
- "verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
- "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
- "successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
- "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
- "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Calendar view is not supported on mobile",
- "newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
- "optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
- "optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
- "lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
- "invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
- "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for {type}",
- "recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
- "invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
- "pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
- "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
- "webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
+ "invalidConfiguration": "無效的按鈕配置",
+ "invalidColumnConfiguration": "無效的字段配置",
+ "invalidTheme": "選擇有效的主題",
+ "invalidColor": "選擇有效的顏色",
+ "invalidType": "按鈕類型可以是 'webhook' 或 'url'",
+ "invalidLabel": "輸入有效的按鈕標籤",
+ "formulaNotSupported": "此功能不適用於您的數據庫",
+ "controlOrgAppearance": "控制您的組織名稱和外觀。",
+ "addCompanyDomains": "添加公司域以限制不需要用戶的訪問。",
+ "restrictUsersFromSharing": "限制用戶公開共享基礎的能力。",
+ "selectUsersToBeRemoved": "選擇要移除並從所有組織工作區中刪除的用戶。",
+ "deleteOrganization": "刪除所有用戶、基礎及與此組織相關的數據",
+ "clickToCopyFieldId": "點擊以複製字段ID",
+ "enterPassword": "輸入密碼",
+ "bySigningUp": "通過註冊,表示您同意遵守",
+ "subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "訂閱我們的每週新聞",
+ "verifyingPassword": "正在驗證密碼",
+ "thisSharedViewIsProtected": "此共享視圖受到保護",
+ "successfullySubmittedFormData": "成功提交表單資料",
+ "formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "表單視圖不支持移動裝置",
+ "calendarViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "行動裝置不支援日曆視圖",
+ "newFormWillBeLoaded": "新的表單將在 {seconds} 秒後加載",
+ "optimizedQueryDisabled": "優化查詢已禁用",
+ "optimizedQueryEnabled": "優化查詢已啟用",
+ "lookupNonBtWarning": "不支持對非「屬於」關係的查找欄位",
+ "invalidTime": "無效的時間",
+ "linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "您尚未擁有任何適用於 {type} 的支持鏈接",
+ "recordCouldNotBeFound": "找不到紀錄",
+ "invalidPhoneNumber": "無效的電話號碼",
+ "pageSizeChanged": "頁面大小已更改",
+ "errorLoadingData": "加載數據時出錯",
+ "webhookBodyMsg1": "使用上下文變量",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
- "webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
+ "webhookBodyMsg3": "來引用正在考慮的記錄",
"formula": {
- "hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
- "hintEnd": "Formulas.",
- "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
- "noSuggestedFieldFound": "No suggested field found",
- "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
- "numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
- "stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
- "operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
- "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
- "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
- "typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
- "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
- "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
- "functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
- "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
- "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
- "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
- "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
- "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
- "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
- "columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
- "cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
- "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
- "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
+ "hintStart": "提示:使用 {placeholder1} 來引用字段,例如:{placeholder2}。想了解更多,請查看",
+ "hintEnd": "公式。",
+ "noSuggestedFormulaFound": "未找到建議的公式",
+ "noSuggestedFieldFound": "未找到建議的欄位",
+ "typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} 在位置 {position} 需要 {type}",
+ "numericTypeIsExpected": "預期數值類型",
+ "stringTypeIsExpected": "預期字符串類型",
+ "operationNotAvailable": "操作 {operation} 無法使用",
+ "cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "無法保存欄位,因為公式無效",
+ "notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "不支援引用欄位 {columnName}",
+ "typeIsExpectedButFound": "預期類型為 {type},但發現類型為 {found}",
+ "requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} 需要 {requiredArguments} 個參數",
+ "minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} 至少需要 {minRequiredArguments} 個參數",
+ "maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} 最多需要 {maxRequiredArguments} 個參數",
+ "functionNotAvailable": "函數 {function} 無法使用",
+ "firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() 的第一個參數應該是日期值",
+ "secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() 的第二個參數應該是 \"sunday\"、\"monday\"、\"tuesday\"、\"wednesday\"、\"thursday\"、\"friday\" 或 \"saturday\"",
+ "firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() 的第一個參數應該是日期值",
+ "secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() 的第二個參數應該是數值",
+ "thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() 的第三個參數應該是 \"day\"、\"week\"、\"month\" 或 \"year\"",
+ "firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() 的第一個參數應該是日期值",
+ "secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() 的第二個參數應該是日期值",
+ "thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() 的第三個參數應該是 \"milliseconds\"、\"ms\"、\"seconds\"、\"s\"、\"minutes\"、\"m\"、\"hours\"、\"h\"、\"days\"、\"d\"、\"weeks\"、\"w\"、\"months\"、\"M\"、\"quarters\"、\"Q\"、\"years\"、\"y\" 中的一個值",
+ "columnNotAvailable": "欄位 {columnName} 無法使用",
+ "cantSaveCircularReference": "無法保存欄位,因為它導致循環引用",
+ "columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "找到欄位 {columnName},類型是 {columnType},但預期類型是 {expectedType}",
+ "columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} 與 {columnType} 不匹配"
"selectOption": {
- "cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
- "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
- "cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
- "createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
+ "cantBeNull": "選擇選項不能為空",
+ "multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "多選欄位不能包含逗號(',')",
+ "cantHaveDuplicates": "選擇選項不能有重複項",
+ "createNewOptionNamed": "創建新選項名為"
- "plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
- "plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
- "invalidDate": "Invalid date",
- "invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
- "invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
- "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
- "validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
+ "plsEnterANumber": "請輸入數字",
+ "plsInputEmail": "請輸入電子郵件",
+ "invalidDate": "無效日期",
+ "invalidLocale": "無效的地區",
+ "invalidCurrencyCode": "無效貨幣代碼",
+ "postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 的 'money' 類型有自己的貨幣設定",
+ "validColumnsForBarCode": "條碼欄位的有效欄位類型為:數字、單行文字、長文字、電話號碼、URL、電子郵件、十進制。請先創建一個。",
"hm": {
- "title": "Has Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "多對一關係",
+ "tooltip_desc": "表格中的單個記錄",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "可以與表格中的多個記錄連結"
"mm": {
- "title": "Many to Many Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
+ "title": "多對多關係",
+ "tooltip_desc": "表格中的多個記錄",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "可以與表格中的多個記錄連結"
"bt": {
- "title": "Belongs to Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
+ "title": "屬於關係",
+ "tooltip_desc": "表格中的單個記錄",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "可以與表格中的一個記錄連結"
"oo": {
- "title": "One to One Relation",
- "tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
- "tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
+ "title": "一對一關係",
+ "tooltip_desc": "表格中的單個記錄",
+ "tooltip_desc2": "可以與表格中的單個記錄連結"
- "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "Looks like no records have been linked yet.",
- "noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
- "noLinkedRecords": "No linked records",
- "recordsLinked": "records linked",
- "acceptOnlyValid": "Accept only valid {type}",
- "apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
- "selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
- "selectFieldToGroup": "Select Field to Group",
- "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
- "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "No records are currently available for linking",
- "createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
- "createWebhookMsg2": "Power your automations. Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
- "areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
- "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
- "idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
- "length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
- "noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
- "noRecordFound": "Record not found",
- "noRecordsFound": "No records found",
- "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "No records match your search query",
- "rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
- "saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
- "tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
- "roleRequired": "Role required",
+ "clickLinkRecordsToAddLinkFromTable": "似乎還沒有連結任何記錄。",
+ "noRecordsLinked": "沒有連結的紀錄",
+ "noLinkedRecords": "沒有連結記錄",
+ "recordsLinked": "紀錄已連結",
+ "acceptOnlyValid": "僅接受有效的 {type}",
+ "apiTokenCreate": "創建個人 API 權杖以便在自動化或外部應用中使用。",
+ "selectFieldToSort": "選擇欄位來排序",
+ "selectFieldToGroup": "選擇欄位以分組",
+ "thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "表中沒有紀錄",
+ "noRecordsAvailForLinking": "當前無可用的鏈接記錄",
+ "createWebhookMsg1": "開始使用 web-hooks!",
+ "createWebhookMsg2": "為您的自動化提供動力。在您的數據發生變更時立即獲得通知",
+ "areYouSureUWantTo": "您確定要刪除以下項目嗎",
+ "areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "是否確定要 {deleteLabel} 以下項目",
+ "idColumnRequired": "需要 ID 欄位,您可以在需要時重新命名。",
+ "length59Required": "長度超過最多 59 個字元",
+ "noNewNotifications": "沒有新通知",
+ "noRecordFound": "未找到記錄",
+ "noRecordsFound": "未找到記錄",
+ "noRecordsMatchYourSearchQuery": "無符合您搜索查詢的記錄",
+ "rowDeleted": "紀錄已刪除",
+ "saveChanges": "要儲存更動嗎?",
+ "tooLargeFieldEntity": "此欄位太大,無法轉換為{entity}",
+ "roleRequired": "角色為必填",
"warning": {
- "webhookDelete": "Button fields relying on this webhook will be impacted",
+ "webhookDelete": "依賴此 webhook 的按鈕字段將受到影響",
"calendarNoFields": "Calendar view requires a date or date time field to be setup. Try setting up a calendar view after adding a date / date time field!",
- "kanbanNoFields": "Kanban view requires a single select field to be setup. Try setting up a kanban view after adding a single select field!",
- "mapNoFields": "Map view requires a geo data field to be setup. Try setting up a map view after adding a geo data field!",
- "dbValid": "Ensure database validity to prevent schema loss",
+ "kanbanNoFields": "看板檢視需要設定單選欄位。在新增完單選欄位後嘗試設置看板檢視!",
+ "mapNoFields": "地圖檢視需要設定地理數據欄位。在新增完地理數據欄位後嘗試設置地圖檢視!",
+ "dbValid": "確保數據庫有效性以防止架構損失",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "條碼錯誤 - 請檢查輸入和條碼類型之間的兼容性"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "警告:計算欄位 - 無法清除文字",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "警告:無法直接更改 QR 欄位",
- "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
+ "barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "警告:無法直接更改條碼欄位。"
- "duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
- "duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?",
+ "duplicateProject": "您確定要複製這個專案嗎?",
+ "duplicateTable": "您確定要複製這個資料表嗎?",
"multiField": {
- "fieldVisibility": "You cannot change visibility of a field that is being edited. Please save or discard changes first.",
- "moveEditedField": "You cannot move field that is being edited. Either save or discard changes first",
- "moveDeletedField": "You cannot move field that is deleted. Either save or discard changes first"
+ "fieldVisibility": "您不能更改正在編輯的欄位的可見性。請先儲存或放棄更改。",
+ "moveEditedField": "您不能移動正在編輯的欄位。請先儲存或放棄更改。",
+ "moveDeletedField": "您不能移動已刪除的欄位。請先儲存或放棄更改。"
"info": {
- "calendarReadOnly": "You will not be able to drag records between dates when computed or system fields are used.",
- "schemaReadOnly": "Schema alterations are disabled for this source",
- "enterWorkspaceName": "Enter workspace name",
- "enterBaseName": "Enter base name",
- "idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console",
- "noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.",
- "noOIDC": "There are no configured OpenID authentications.",
- "disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
- "basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
+ "calendarReadOnly": "使用計算或系統欄位時無法在日期之間拖動記錄。",
+ "schemaReadOnly": "此來源的架構更改已被禁用",
+ "enterWorkspaceName": "輸入工作區名稱",
+ "enterBaseName": "輸入基礎名稱",
+ "idpPaste": "將這些 URL 粘貼在您的身份提供者控制台中",
+ "noSaml": "沒有配置的 SAML 認證。",
+ "noOIDC": "沒有配置的 OpenID 驗證。",
+ "disabledAsViewLocked": "由於檢視已鎖定而停用",
+ "basesMigrated": "基礎已遷移。請重試。",
"pasteNotSupported": "不支援在啟用的儲存格中執行貼上",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "建立者可以建立專案與存取任何受邀請的專案",
@@ -1550,7 +1555,7 @@
"formInput": "輸入表單輸入標籤",
"formHelpText": "新增一些說明文字",
"onlyCreator": "僅建立者可見",
- "formTitle": "Add form Title",
+ "formTitle": "添加表單標題",
"formDesc": "新增表單描述",
"beforeEnablePwd": "使用密碼限制存取權限",
"afterEnablePwd": "存取受密碼限制",
@@ -1560,10 +1565,10 @@
"apiOptions": "存取專案方式",
"submitAnotherForm": "顯示“提交另一個表格”按鈕",
"showBlankForm": "5 秒後顯示空白表格",
- "emailForm": "Email responses to",
+ "emailForm": "電子郵件回覆至",
"showSysFields": "顯示系統欄位",
"filterAutoApply": "自動申請",
- "formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
+ "formDisplayMessage": "顯示信息",
"viewNotShared": "當前檢視不共享!",
"showAllViews": "顯示此表的所有共享視圖",
"collabView": "擁有編輯權限或更高權限的協作者可以更改檢視配置。",
@@ -1616,12 +1621,12 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "表中繼資料同步",
"addMultipleUsers": "您可以添加多個逗號(,)分隔的電子郵件",
"enterTableName": "輸入表名",
- "enterTableDescription": "Enter table description...",
- "enterFieldDescription": "Enter field description...",
- "enterViewDescription": "Enter view description...",
- "enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
- "enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
- "defaultColumns": "Default fields",
+ "enterTableDescription": "輸入表描述...",
+ "enterFieldDescription": "輸入字段描述...",
+ "enterViewDescription": "輸入視圖描述...",
+ "enterLayoutName": "輸入佈局名稱",
+ "enterDashboardName": "輸入儀表板名稱",
+ "defaultColumns": "預設欄位",
"addDefaultColumns": "添加默認列",
"tableNameInDb": "資料庫中保存的表名",
"airtable": {
@@ -1644,10 +1649,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "此值已在列表中",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "刪除資料表成功",
- "layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
+ "layoutDeleted": "佈局刪除成功",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "產生可公開分享的唯讀資料庫",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "是否確定要刪除此檢視?",
- "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
+ "deleteLayoutConfirmation": "確定要刪除此佈局嗎?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "你想刪除此資料表",
"showM2mTables": "顯示多對多資料表",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "透過交叉表支援多對多關係,默認情況下此選項是隱藏的。啟用此選項以列出所有這樣的表,以及現有的表格。",
@@ -1659,64 +1664,64 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
"noMoreRecords": "已無更多紀錄",
- "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
- "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
- "dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
- "wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
- "wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
- "wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
- "wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
- "userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
- "pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
- "makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
- "goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
- "goToNext": "Go to next",
- "thankYou": "Thank you!",
- "submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data.",
- "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
- "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
- "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
- "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}",
- "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "This feature is only available in enterprise edition",
- "yourCurrentRoleIs": "Your current role is",
- "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "Please request for higher permission from the Admin / Base owner / Workspace owner to get access to this {viewName}",
- "preventHideAllOptions": "You cannot hide all options if field is required"
+ "tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token 名稱不能為空",
+ "tokenNameMaxLength": "Token 名稱最多不能超過 255 個字元",
+ "dbNameRequired": "需要資料庫名稱",
+ "wsNameRequired": "需要工作區名稱",
+ "wsNameMinLength": "工作區名稱必須至少 3 個字元",
+ "wsNameMaxLength": "工作區名稱最多 50 個字元",
+ "wsDeleteDlg": "刪除此工作區和它的所有內容。",
+ "userConfirmation": "我了解此操作不可逆轉",
+ "pageNotFound": "頁面未找到",
+ "makeLineBreak": "以插入換行",
+ "goToPrevious": "移至上一步",
+ "goToNext": "移至下一步",
+ "thankYou": "謝謝!",
+ "submittedFormData": "您已成功提交表單資料。",
+ "editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "不支援編輯系統鍵",
+ "notAvailableAtTheMoment": "目前不可用",
+ "groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "在連結/連結到其他記錄欄上不支持群組粘貼操作",
+ "groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "在連結/連結到其他記錄欄上不支持群組清理操作",
+ "upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "升級到企業版 {extraInfo}",
+ "thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition": "此功能僅在企業版中可用",
+ "yourCurrentRoleIs": "您目前的角色是",
+ "pleaseRequestAccessForView": "請向管理員 / 基地所有者 / 工作區所有者申請更高的權限以訪問此 {viewName}",
+ "preventHideAllOptions": "如果字段是必需的,您不能隱藏所有選項"
"error": {
- "manualTriggerHook": "Manual hooks can't be disabled",
- "errorLoadingRecord": "Error loading record data",
- "fetchingCalendarData": "Error fetching calendar data",
- "fetchingActiveDates": "Error fetching active dates",
- "scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
- "domainRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required",
- "userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required",
- "clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required",
- "issuerRequired": "Issuer is required",
- "clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required",
- "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required",
- "tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required",
- "userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required",
- "eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required",
- "nameRequired": "Name Required",
- "nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
- "nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
- "viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
- "domainNameRequired": "Domain name is required",
- "nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
- "viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
+ "manualTriggerHook": "手動鉤子無法禁用",
+ "errorLoadingRecord": "加載記錄數據時出錯",
+ "fetchingCalendarData": "獲取日曆數據時出錯",
+ "fetchingActiveDates": "獲取活動日期時出錯",
+ "scopesRequired": "需要範圍",
+ "domainRequired": "域名為必填",
+ "authUrlRequired": "必需的驗證 URL",
+ "userNameAttributeRequired": "需要的用戶名屬性",
+ "clientIdRequired": "需要的客戶ID",
+ "issuerRequired": "發行人為必填",
+ "clientSecretRequired": "客戶秘密為必填",
+ "jwkUrlRequired": "JWK 連結為必填",
+ "tokenUrlRequired": "權杖連結為必填",
+ "userInfoUrlRequired": "用戶信息連結為必填",
+ "eitherXML": "需要 xml 或者元資料連結",
+ "nameRequired": "名稱為必填",
+ "nameMinLength": "名稱必須至少 2 個字元",
+ "nameMaxLength": "名稱最多 60 個字元",
+ "viewNameRequired": "需要檢視名稱",
+ "domainNameRequired": "域名為必填",
+ "nameMaxLength256": "名稱最多 256 個字元",
+ "viewNameUnique": "檢視名稱應該是唯一的",
"searchProject": "您的搜尋 {search} 找不到結果",
"invalidChar": "資料夾路徑有無效字元。",
"invalidDbCredentials": "資料庫憑證無效。",
"unableToConnectToDb": "無法連線至資料庫。請檢查您的資料庫是否已經上線。",
- "invalidYear": "Invalid year",
+ "invalidYear": "無效的年度",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "使用者不存在,或者是無權建立結構。",
"dbConnectionStatus": "資料庫參數無效",
"dbConnectionFailed": "連線失敗:",
- "nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
+ "nullFilterExists": "存在空篩選器。請移除它們",
"signUpRules": {
- "emailRequired": "Email is required",
+ "emailRequired": "需要電子郵件",
"emailInvalid": "電子信箱地址格式錯誤",
"passwdRequired": "密碼為必填",
"passwdLength": "您的密碼應至少有 8 個字元",
@@ -1727,10 +1732,10 @@
"atLeastOneNumber": "一個數字",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "一個特殊字元",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "允許特殊字元列表",
- "invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
- "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
+ "invalidEmails": "無效的電子郵件",
+ "invalidEmail": "無效的電子郵件"
- "invalidXml": "Invalid XML",
+ "invalidXml": "無效的 XML",
"invalidURL": "無效的連結",
"invalidEmail": "無效的電子郵件",
"internalError": "發生內部錯誤",
@@ -1760,12 +1765,12 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "名稱必須用 英文字母 或 _ 當開頭",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "以下字元不允許",
"columnNameRequired": "欄位名稱必填",
- "duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
- "duplicateSystemColumnName": "Name already used for system field",
- "uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
+ "duplicateColumnName": "重複的欄位名稱",
+ "duplicateSystemColumnName": "系統欄位名稱已經使用",
+ "uiDataTypeRequired": "需要 UI 數據類型",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
- "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} name exceeds 50 characters",
- "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} name cannot start with space",
+ "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "{title} 名稱超過 50 個字元",
+ "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "{title} 名稱不能以空格開始",
"requiredField": "必填欄位",
"ipNotAllowed": "不允許的 IP",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "不受支持的檔案類型",
@@ -1773,15 +1778,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "受支持的檔案類型包括 .xls、.xlsx、.xlsm、.ods 和 .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "參數鍵不可為空",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "不允許重複的參數鍵",
- "fieldRequired": "This field cannot be empty.",
+ "fieldRequired": "{value} 不能為空",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
"copyToClipboardError": "複製到剪貼簿失敗",
- "pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
- "multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
- "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
- "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
- "fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
- "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
+ "pasteFromClipboardError": "從剪貼簿貼上失敗",
+ "multiFieldSaveValidation": "在儲存之前,請完成所有欄位的配置",
+ "somethingWentWrong": "發生錯誤",
+ "draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "拖曳的內容不是圖片類型",
+ "fieldToParseImageData": "解析圖片數據的欄位",
+ "someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "部分必填欄位為空"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功匯出",
@@ -1801,7 +1806,7 @@
"futureRelease": "即將推出!"
"success": {
- "licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
+ "licenseKeyUpdated": "許可證密鑰已更新",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "更新表格的 UI 存取控制清單成功",
@@ -1809,7 +1814,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "外掛設定儲存成功",
"pluginTested": "外掛設定測試成功",
"tableRenamed": "資料表重新命名成功",
- "layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
+ "layoutRenamed": "佈局重命名成功",
"viewDeleted": "檢視刪除成功",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "成功匯出所有表格資料",
@@ -1838,8 +1843,8 @@
"passwordChanged": "密碼已更新,請重新登入。",
"settingsSaved": "設定已成功儲存",
"roleUpdated": "角色已成功更新",
- "connectionAdded": "Integration connected successfully",
- "connectionAddedDesc": "Base owners and creators can now add a data source without re-entering credentials."
+ "connectionAdded": "集成成功連接",
+ "connectionAddedDesc": "基礎數據的擁有者和創建者現在可以在不重新輸入憑據的情況下添加數據源。"