@ -166,27 +166,24 @@ Tip 2: If you plan to input some special characters, you may need to change the
## Production Setup
By default, SQLite is used for storing meta data. However, you can specify your own database. The connection params for this database can be specified in `NC_DB` environment variable. Moreover, we also provide the below environment variables for configuration.
It is mandatory to configure `NC_DB` environment variables for production usecases.
| NC_TOOL_DIR | No | App directory to keep metadata and app related files | Defaults to current working directory. In docker maps to `/usr/app/data/` for mounting volume. | |
| NC_PUBLIC_URL | Yes | Used for sending Email invitations | Best guess from http request params | |
| NC_AUTH_JWT_SECRET | Yes | JWT secret used for auth and storing other secrets | A Random secret will be generated | |
| NC_JWT_EXPIRES_IN | No | JWT token expiry time | `10h` | |
| NC_CONNECT_TO_EXTERNAL_DB_DISABLED | No | Disable Project creation with external database | | |
| NC_INVITE_ONLY_SIGNUP | No | Allow users to signup only via invite url, value should be any non-empty string. | | |
@ -194,15 +191,16 @@ By default, SQLite is used for storing meta data. However, you can specify your
| NC_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE | No | Request body size [limit](https://expressjs.com/en/resources/middleware/body-parser.html#limit) | `1048576` | |
| NC_EXPORT_MAX_TIMEOUT | No | After NC_EXPORT_MAX_TIMEOUT csv gets downloaded in batches | Default value 5000(in millisecond) will be used | |
| NC_REDIS_URL | No | Custom Redis URL. Example: `redis://:authpassword@` | Meta data will be stored in memory | |
| NC_DISABLE_CACHE | No | To be used only while debugging. On setting this to `true` - meta data be fetched from db instead of redis/cache. | `false` | |
| NC_DISABLE_CACHE | No | To be used only while debugging. On setting this to `true` - meta data be fetched from db instead of redis/cache. | `false` | |
| NC_BASEURL_INTERNAL | No | Used as base url for internal(server) API calls | Default value in docker will be `http://localhost:$PORT` and in all other case it's populated from request object | |
| AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | No | For Litestream - S3 access key id | If Litestream is configured and NC_DB is not present. SQLite gets backed up to S3 | |
| AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | No | For Litestream - S3 secret access key | If Litestream is configured and NC_DB is not present. SQLite gets backed up to S3 | |