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New translations en.json (Latvian)

navi 2 years ago
  1. 448


@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"close": "Aizvērt",
"yes": "Jā",
"no": "Nē",
"ok": "OK",
"ok": "LABI",
"and": "Un",
"or": "Vai",
"add": "Pievienot",
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"cancel": "Atcelt",
"submit": "Iesniegt",
"create": "Izveidot",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"duplicate": "Dublikāts",
"insert": "Ievietot",
"delete": "Izdzēst",
"update": "Atjaunot",
@ -56,25 +56,25 @@
"notification": "Paziņojums",
"reference": "Atsauce",
"function": "Funkcija",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"generate": "Generate",
"copy": "Copy",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"lock": "Lock",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"credentials": "Credentials",
"help": "Help",
"questions": "Questions",
"reachOut": "Reach out here",
"betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.",
"moreInfo": "More information can be found here",
"logs": "Logs",
"groupingField": "Grouping Field",
"insertAfter": "Insert After",
"insertBefore": "Insert Before",
"hideField": "Hide Field",
"sortAsc": "Sort Ascending",
"sortDesc": "Sort Descending"
"confirm": "Apstipriniet",
"generate": "Izveidot",
"copy": "Kopēt",
"misc": "Dažādi",
"lock": "Bloķēt",
"unlock": "Atbloķēt",
"credentials": "Pilnvarojumi",
"help": "Palīdzība",
"questions": "Jautājumi",
"reachOut": "Sazinieties šeit",
"betaNote": "Pašlaik šī funkcija ir beta versijā.",
"moreInfo": "Vairāk informācijas var atrast šeit",
"logs": "Žurnāli",
"groupingField": "Grupēšanas lauks",
"insertAfter": "Ievietot pēc",
"insertBefore": "Ievietot pirms",
"hideField": "Slēpt lauku",
"sortAsc": "Kārtot augošā secībā",
"sortDesc": "Kārtot dilstošā secībā"
"objects": {
"project": "Projekts",
@ -110,10 +110,10 @@
"editor": "Redaktors",
"commenter": "Komentētājs",
"viewer": "Skatītājs",
"orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
"orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
"orgLevelCreator": "Organizācijas līmeņa radītājs",
"orgLevelViewer": "Organizācijas līmeņa skatītājs"
"sqlVIew": "SQL View"
"sqlVIew": "SQL skats"
"datatype": {
"ID": "ID",
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"isNotNull": "nav null"
"title": {
"erdView": "ERD View",
"erdView": "ERD skats",
"newProj": "Jauns projekts",
"myProject": "Mani projekti",
"formTitle": "Formas nosaukums",
@ -194,21 +194,21 @@
"headCreateProject": "Izveidot projektu | NocoDB",
"headLogin": "Pieslēgties | NocoDB",
"resetPassword": "Atjaunot paroli",
"teamAndSettings": "Team & Settings",
"apiDocs": "API Docs",
"importFromAirtable": "Import From Airtable",
"generateToken": "Generate Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
"helpCenter": "Help center",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
"quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From",
"quickImport": "Quick Import",
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
"codeSnippet": "Code Snippet",
"keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard Shortcuts"
"teamAndSettings": "Komanda un iestatījumi",
"apiDocs": "API dokumenti",
"importFromAirtable": "Importēšana no Airtable",
"generateToken": "Ģenerēt žetonu",
"APIsAndSupport": "API un atbalsts",
"helpCenter": "Palīdzības centrs",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger dokumentācija",
"quickImportFrom": "Ātrā importēšana no",
"quickImport": "Ātrā importēšana",
"advancedSettings": "Izvērstie iestatījumi",
"codeSnippet": "Koda fragments",
"keyboardShortcut": "Tastatūras saīsnes"
"labels": {
"createdBy": "Created By",
"createdBy": "Izveidoja",
"notifyVia": "Paziņot izmantojot",
"projName": "Projekta nosaukums",
"tableName": "Tabulas nosaukums",
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
"port": "Porta numurs",
"username": "Lietotājvārds",
"password": "Parole",
"schemaName": "Schema name",
"schemaName": "Shēmas nosaukums",
"database": "Datu bāze",
"action": "Darbība",
"actions": "Darbības",
@ -247,21 +247,21 @@
"created": "Izveidots",
"sqlOutput": "SQL izvade",
"addOption": "Pievienot iespēju",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
"barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Kolonna ar QR koda vērtību",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Kolonna ar svītrkoda vērtību",
"barcodeFormat": "Svītrkoda formāts",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Pārāk daudz rakstzīmju QR kodam",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Pārāk daudz zīmju svītrkodam",
"aggregateFunction": "Agregācijas funkcija",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Datubāze : izveidotm ja neeksistē",
"clientKey": "Klienta atslēga",
"clientCert": "Klienta sertifikāts",
"serverCA": "Server CA",
"requriedCa": "Required-CA",
"requriedIdentity": "Required-IDENTITY",
"serverCA": "Servera CA",
"requriedCa": "Nepieciešams-CA",
"requriedIdentity": "Nepieciešams-IDENTITĀTE",
"inflection": {
"tableName": "Inflection - Table name",
"columnName": "Inflection - Column name"
"tableName": "Pārliekums - Tabulas nosaukums",
"columnName": "Pārliekums - Kolonnas nosaukums"
"community": {
"starUs1": "Atzīmē",
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
"bookDemo": "Rezervē bezmaksas DEMO",
"getAnswered": "Saņemt atbildi uz jautājumiem",
"joinDiscord": "Pievienoties Discord",
"joinCommunity": "Join NocoDB Community",
"joinCommunity": "Pievienojieties NocoDB kopienai",
"joinReddit": "Pievienoties /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "Sekot NocoDB"
@ -277,44 +277,44 @@
"selectUserRole": "Izvēlēties lietotāja lomu",
"childTable": "Apakštabula",
"childColumn": "Apakškolonna",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Link to another record",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Saite uz citu ierakstu",
"onUpdate": "Atjaunojot",
"onDelete": "Dzēšot",
"account": "Account",
"language": "Language",
"primaryColor": "Primary Color",
"accentColor": "Accent Color",
"customTheme": "Custom Theme",
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
"apiKey": "API Key",
"sharedBase": "Shared Base",
"importData": "Import Data",
"importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
"noData": "No Data",
"goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
"importing": "Importing",
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
"downloadAllowed": "Download allowed",
"weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
"primaryKey": "Primary key",
"hasMany": "has many",
"belongsTo": "belongs to",
"manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
"commentsOnly": "Comments only",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
"signUpWithGoogle": "Sign up with Google",
"signInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google",
"agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
"welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row"
"account": "Konts",
"language": "Valoda",
"primaryColor": "Primārā krāsa",
"accentColor": "Akcenta krāsa",
"customTheme": "Pielāgotā tēma",
"requestDataSource": "Pieprasīt nepieciešamo datu avotu?",
"apiKey": "API atslēga",
"sharedBase": "Koplietošanas bāze",
"importData": "Importēt datus",
"importSecondaryViews": "Sekundāro skatu importēšana",
"importRollupColumns": "Rullīšu kolonnu importēšana",
"importLookupColumns": "Uzlasīšanas kolonnu importēšana",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Pielikuma kolonnu importēšana",
"importFormulaColumns": "Formulas kolonnu importēšana",
"noData": "Nav datu",
"goToDashboard": "Dodieties uz paneli",
"importing": "Importēšana",
"flattenNested": "Izlīdzināt ligzdotās",
"downloadAllowed": "Lejupielādēt atļauts",
"weAreHiring": "Mēs pieņemam darbā!",
"primaryKey": "Primārā atslēga",
"hasMany": "ir daudz",
"belongsTo": "pieder",
"manyToMany": "ir daudz ar daudzām attiecībām",
"extraConnectionParameters": "Papildu savienojuma parametri",
"commentsOnly": "Tikai komentāri",
"documentation": "Dokumentācija",
"subscribeNewsletter": "Abonēt mūsu iknedēļas jaunumus",
"signUpWithGoogle": "Reģistrējieties pakalpojumā Google",
"signInWithGoogle": "Pierakstīties, izmantojot Google",
"agreeToTos": "Reģistrējoties jūs piekrītat pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumiem.",
"welcomeToNc": "Laipni lūdzam NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "Atļaut reģistrēties tikai izmantojot ielūguma url",
"nextRow": "Nākamā rinda",
"prevRow": "Iepriekšējā rinda"
"activity": {
"createProject": "Izveidot projektu",
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
"deleteProject": "Dzēst projektu",
"refreshProject": "Atjaunot projektu",
"saveProject": "Saglabāt projektu",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
"deleteKanbanStack": "Izdzēst kaudze?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "Izveidot pieslēdzoties <br>ārējai datubāzei",
"excel": "Izveidot projektu no Excel",
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
"translate": "Palīdzi ar tulkojumu",
"account": {
"authToken": "Kopēt pieslēgšanās talonu",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API",
"projInfo": "Kopēt projekta informāciju",
"themes": "Tēmas"
@ -359,14 +359,14 @@
"invite": "Uzaicināt",
"inviteMore": "Uzaicināt vēl",
"inviteTeam": "Uzaicināt komandu",
"inviteUser": "Invite User",
"inviteUser": "Uzaicināt lietotāju",
"inviteToken": "Uzaicināšanas talons",
"newUser": "Jauns lietotājs",
"editUser": "Rediģēt lietotāju",
"deleteUser": "Noņemt lietotāju no projektu",
"resendInvite": "Atkārtoti nosūtīt uzaicinājumu",
"copyInviteURL": "Kopēt uzaicinājuma saiti",
"copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL",
"copyPasswordResetURL": "Paroles atiestatīšanas URL kopēšana",
"newRole": "Jauna loma",
"reloadRoles": "Pārlādēt lomas",
"nextPage": "Nākošā lapa",
@ -382,13 +382,13 @@
"setPrimary": "Uzstādīt kā primāro atslēgu",
"addRow": "Pievienot ierakstu",
"saveRow": "Saglabāt ierakstu",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
"saveAndStay": "Save & Stay",
"saveAndExit": "Saglabāt un iziet",
"saveAndStay": "Saglabāt un palikt",
"insertRow": "Pievienot jaunu ierakstu",
"deleteRow": "Dzēst ierakstu",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Dzēst izvēlētos ierakstus",
"importExcel": "Importēt Excel",
"importCSV": "Import CSV",
"importCSV": "CSV importēšana",
"downloadCSV": "Lejupielādēt kā CSV",
"downloadExcel": "Lejupielādēt kā XLSX",
"uploadCSV": "Augšupielādēt CSV",
@ -427,29 +427,29 @@
"editConnJson": "Rediģēt pieslēguma JSON",
"sponsorUs": "Atbalstīt mūs",
"sendEmail": "SŪTĪT E-PASTU",
"addUserToProject": "Add user to project",
"getApiSnippet": "Get API Snippet",
"clearCell": "Clear cell",
"addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
"linkRecord": "Link record",
"addNewRecord": "Add new record",
"useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
"expandRecord": "Expand Record",
"deleteRecord": "Delete Record",
"addUserToProject": "Lietotāja pievienošana projektam",
"getApiSnippet": "API fragmenta iegūšana",
"clearCell": "Caurspīdīga šūna",
"addFilterGroup": "Pievienot filtru grupu",
"linkRecord": "Saites ieraksts",
"addNewRecord": "Pievienot jaunu ierakstu",
"useConnectionUrl": "Savienojuma URL izmantošana",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Pārslēgt komentārus izdarīt",
"expandRecord": "Izvērst ierakstu",
"deleteRecord": "Dzēst ierakstu",
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Columns",
"showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys",
"showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views",
"showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables",
"showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
"showColumns": "Rādīt kolonnas",
"showPkAndFk": "Rādīt primārās un ārējās atslēgas",
"showSqlViews": "Rādīt SQL skatus",
"showMMTables": "Rādīt tabulu Daudz uz daudz",
"showJunctionTableNames": "Rādīt krustojuma tabulu nosaukumus"
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "Collapse Stack",
"deleteStack": "Delete Stack",
"stackedBy": "Stacked By",
"chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
"addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
"collapseStack": "Salocīt kaudze",
"deleteStack": "Izdzēst kaudze",
"stackedBy": "Sakrautas ar",
"chooseGroupingField": "Izvēlieties grupēšanas lauku",
"addOrEditStack": "Pievienot / rediģēt kaudzi"
"tooltip": {
@ -497,24 +497,24 @@
"noItemsFound": "Nav ierakstu",
"defaultValue": "Noklusētā vērtība",
"filterByEmail": "Filtrēt pēc e-pasta",
"filterQuery": "Filter query",
"selectField": "Select field"
"filterQuery": "Filtrēšanas vaicājums",
"selectField": "Atlasiet lauku"
"msg": {
"warning": {
"barcode": {
"renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type"
"renderError": "Svītrkoda kļūda - lūdzu, pārbaudiet savietojamību starp ievades un svītrkoda tipu."
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed."
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Brīdinājums: Aprēķinātais lauks - nav iespējams dzēst tekstu",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Brīdinājums: QR laukus nevar tieši mainīt."
"info": {
"pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell",
"pasteNotSupported": "Aktīvajā šūnā netiek atbalstīta operācija \"ielīmēt\".",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.",
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project."
"orgCreator": "Radītājs var izveidot jaunus projektus un piekļūt jebkuram uzaicinātajam projektam.",
"orgViewer": "Skatītājs nedrīkst veidot jaunus projektus, bet var piekļūt jebkuram uzaicinātajam projektam."
"footerInfo": "ieraksti lapā",
"upload": "Izvēlēties datni augšupielādei",
@ -606,33 +606,33 @@
"addDefaultColumns": "Pievienot noklusētās kolonnas",
"tableNameInDb": "Tabulas nosaukums ar kādu tā tiks saglabāta datubāzē",
"airtable": {
"credentials": "Where to find this?"
"credentials": "Kur to atrast?"
"import": {
"clickOrDrag": "Click or drag file to this area to upload"
"clickOrDrag": "Noklikšķiniet vai velciet failu uz šo apgabalu, lai augšupielādētu"
"metaDataRecreated": "Table metadata recreated successfully",
"invalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials",
"downloadingMoreFiles": "Downloading more files",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Required field can't be moved",
"updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary key",
"autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment field is not editable",
"editingPKnotSupported": "Editing primary key not supported",
"deletedCache": "Deleted cache successfully",
"cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty",
"exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully",
"valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
"noMoreRecords": "No more records"
"metaDataRecreated": "Sekmīgi atjaunoti tabulas metadati",
"invalidCredentials": "Nederīgi akreditācijas dati",
"downloadingMoreFiles": "Vairāk failu lejupielāde",
"copiedToClipboard": "Kopēts uz starpliktuvi",
"requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Nepieciešamo lauku nevar pārvietot",
"updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Atjaunināšana nav atļauta tabulai, kurai nav primārās atslēgas",
"autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Automātiskā pieauguma lauks nav rediģējams",
"editingPKnotSupported": "Primārās atslēgas rediģēšana netiek atbalstīta",
"deletedCache": "Veiksmīgi izdzēsta kešatmiņa",
"cacheEmpty": "Kešatmiņa ir tukša",
"exportedCache": "Veiksmīgi eksportēta kešatmiņa",
"valueAlreadyInList": "Šī vērtība jau ir sarakstā",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Nav atjaunināmu kolonnu",
"tableDeleted": "Veiksmīgi izdzēsta tabula",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Izveidot publiski koplietojamu tikai lasāmo bāzi",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Vai esat pārliecināts, ka vēlaties dzēst šo skatījumu?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Vai vēlaties izdzēst tabulu",
"showM2mTables": "Rādīt M2M tabulas",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Dzēšot šo kaudzīti, no `{groupingField}` tiks noņemta arī atlases opcija `{stackToBeDeleted}`. Ieraksti tiks pārvietoti uz neklasificēto kaudzi.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Izrēķināts lauks: saturs ir tikai lasāms. Izmantojiet kolonnas rediģēšanas izvēlni, lai mainītu konfigurāciju",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Izrēķināts lauks: saturs ir tikai lasāms. Nevar dzēst saturu.",
"noMoreRecords": "Nav vairāk ierakstu"
"error": {
"searchProject": "Nav atrasti rezultāti meklējot pēc atslēgvārda {search}",
@ -648,53 +648,53 @@
"passwdRequired": "Parole ir obligāta",
"passwdLength": "Parolei jābūt vismaz 8 simboli",
"passwdMismatch": "Paroles nesakrīt",
"completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character",
"atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters",
"atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter",
"atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list"
"completeRuleSet": "Vismaz 8 rakstzīmes ar vienu lielo burtu, vienu ciparu un vienu speciālo rakstzīmi.",
"atLeast8Char": "Vismaz 8 rakstzīmes",
"atLeastOneUppercase": "Viens lielais burts",
"atLeastOneNumber": "Viens numurs",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Viena īpaša rakstzīme",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Atļauto īpašo rakstzīmju saraksts"
"invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
"internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column",
"formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description",
"columnsRequired": "Following columns are required",
"selectAtleastOneColumn": "At least one column has to be selected",
"columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination column for",
"duplicateMappingFound": "Duplicate mapping found, please remove one of the mapping",
"nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null value violates not-null constraint",
"sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Source data contains some invalid numbers",
"sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Source data contains some invalid boolean values",
"invalidForm": "Invalid Form",
"formValidationFailed": "Form validation failed",
"youHaveBeenSignedOut": "You have been signed out",
"failedToLoadList": "Failed to load list",
"failedToLoadChildrenList": "Failed to load children list",
"deleteFailed": "Delete failed",
"unlinkFailed": "Unlink failed",
"rowUpdateFailed": "Row update failed",
"deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete row",
"setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data",
"formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view",
"tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
"projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Project name exceeds 50 characters",
"projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Project name cannot start with space",
"requiredField": "Required field",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
"theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
"fieldRequired": "{value} cannot be empty.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
"copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard"
"invalidURL": "Nederīgs URL",
"internalError": "Notika kāda iekšēja kļūda",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Šablonu ģenerators nav atrodams!",
"fileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload file",
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Neizdevās atjaunināt primāro kolonnu",
"formDescriptionTooLong": "Dati ir pārāk gari veidlapas aprakstam",
"columnsRequired": "Nepieciešamas šādas slejas",
"selectAtleastOneColumn": "Jāizvēlas vismaz viena sleja",
"columnDescriptionNotFound": "Nevar atrast galamērķa kolonnu",
"duplicateMappingFound": "Atrasts dublēts kartējums, lūdzu, noņemiet vienu no kartējumiem.",
"nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null vērtība pārkāpj not-null ierobežojumu",
"sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Avota datos ir daži nederīgi skaitļi",
"sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Avota datos ir dažas nederīgas boolean vērtības",
"invalidForm": "Nederīga veidlapa",
"formValidationFailed": "Veidlapas validācija neizdevās",
"youHaveBeenSignedOut": "Jūs esat izrakstījies",
"failedToLoadList": "Neizdevās ielādēt sarakstu",
"failedToLoadChildrenList": "Neizdevās ielādēt bērnu sarakstu",
"deleteFailed": "Dzēst neizdevās",
"unlinkFailed": "Atvienot neizdevās",
"rowUpdateFailed": "Rindu atjaunināšana neizdevās",
"deleteRowFailed": "Neizdevās dzēst rindu",
"setFormDataFailed": "Neizdevās iestatīt veidlapas datus",
"formViewUpdateFailed": "Neizdevās atjaunināt formas skatījumu",
"tableNameRequired": "Tabulas nosaukums ir obligāts",
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Vārdam jāsākas ar alfabētu vai _",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Šādas rakstzīmes nav atļautas",
"columnNameRequired": "Slejas nosaukums ir obligāts",
"projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Projekta nosaukums pārsniedz 50 rakstzīmes",
"projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Projekta nosaukums nedrīkst sākties ar atstarpi",
"requiredField": "Obligātais lauks",
"ipNotAllowed": "IP nav atļauts",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Mērķa fails nav pieņemts faila tips",
"theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "Pieņemtais faila tips ir .csv",
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Pieņemtie failu tipi ir .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots.",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parametra atslēga nedrīkst būt tukša",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Parametru taustiņu dublēšanās nav atļauta",
"fieldRequired": "{value} nevar būt tukšs.",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projekts nav pieejams",
"copyToClipboardError": "Neizdevās kopēt uz starpliktuvi"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Projekta metadati eksportēti veiksmīgi",
@ -714,39 +714,39 @@
"futureRelease": "Drīzumā!"
"success": {
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
"pluginUninstalled": "Plugin uninstalled successfully",
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
"pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
"tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
"viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
"updated": "Successfully updated",
"sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
"userDeleted": "User deleted successfully",
"viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
"tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
"tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
"userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project",
"userAdded": "Successfully added user",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project",
"inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
"inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard",
"shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
"userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
"tableDataImported": "Successfully imported table data",
"webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully",
"webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully",
"webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully",
"columnUpdated": "Column updated",
"columnCreated": "Column created",
"passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.",
"settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully",
"roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully"
"columnDuplicated": "Sekmīgi dublēta sleja",
"updatedUIACL": "Veiksmīgi atjaunināts UI ACL tabulām",
"pluginUninstalled": "Spraudnis veiksmīgi atinstalēts",
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Veiksmīgi saglabāti spraudņa iestatījumi",
"pluginTested": "Veiksmīgi pārbaudīti spraudņa iestatījumi",
"tableRenamed": "Tabula veiksmīgi pārdēvēta",
"viewDeleted": "Skatīt veiksmīgi dzēsts",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Veiksmīgi atjaunināts kā primārā sleja",
"tableDataExported": "Veiksmīgi eksportēti visu tabulu dati",
"updated": "Veiksmīgi atjaunināts",
"sharedViewDeleted": "Veiksmīgi izdzēsts koplietojamais skats",
"userDeleted": "Lietotājs veiksmīgi izdzēsts",
"viewRenamed": "Skats veiksmīgi pārdēvēts",
"tokenGenerated": "Veiksmīgi ģenerēts žetons",
"tokenDeleted": "Žetons veiksmīgi dzēsts",
"userAddedToProject": "Veiksmīgi pievienots lietotājs projektā",
"userAdded": "Veiksmīgi pievienots lietotājs",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Veiksmīgi dzēsts lietotājs no projekta",
"inviteEmailSent": "Uzaicinājuma e-pasta vēstule ir veiksmīgi nosūtīta",
"inviteURLCopied": "Uzaicinājuma URL nokopēts uz starpliktuvi",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "Paroles atiestatīšanas URL nokopēts uz starpliktuvi",
"shareableURLCopied": "Kopēts koplietojamais bāzes URL uz starpliktuvi!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Kopēts HTML kods, ko var ievietot!",
"userDetailsUpdated": "Veiksmīgi atjaunināta lietotāja informācija",
"tableDataImported": "Veiksmīgi importēti tabulas dati",
"webhookUpdated": "Veiksmīgi atjaunināta Webhook informācija",
"webhookDeleted": "Āķis veiksmīgi izdzēsts",
"webhookTested": "Veiksmīgi pārbaudīts Webhook",
"columnUpdated": "Atjaunināta sleja",
"columnCreated": "Izveidota sleja",
"passwordChanged": "Parole veiksmīgi mainīta. Lūdzu, piesakieties vēlreiz.",
"settingsSaved": "Veiksmīgi saglabāti iestatījumi",
"roleUpdated": "Loma veiksmīgi atjaunināta"
