@ -506,6 +506,7 @@ It is mandatory to configure `NC_DB` environment variables for production usecas
| NC_S3_ACCESS_SECRET | No | For S3 storage plugin - AWS access secret credential for accessing resource | | |
| NC_ADMIN_EMAIL | No | For updating/creating super admin with provided email and password | | |
| NC_ADMIN_PASSWORD | No | For updating/creating super admin with provided email and password. Your password should have at least 8 letters with one uppercase, one number and one special letter(Allowed special chars <code>$&+,:;=?@#|'.^*()%!_-"</code> ) | | |
| NODE_OPTIONS | No | For passing Node.js [options](https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#node_optionsoptions) to instance | | |