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test: User field group-by test cases

Ramesh Mane 1 year ago committed by mertmit
  1. 14
  2. 69


@ -118,11 +118,15 @@ export class ToolbarGroupByPage extends BasePage {
.nth(ascending ? 0 : 1)
await this.waitForResponse({
uiAction: selectSortDirection,
httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'],
requestUrlPathToMatch: locallySaved ? `/api/v1/db/public/` : `/api/v1/db/data/noco/`,
const selectedSortDirection = await this.rootPage.locator('.nc-sort-dir-select').last().textContent();
if ((ascending && selectedSortDirection != 'A → Z') || (!ascending && selectedSortDirection != 'Z → A')) {
await this.waitForResponse({
uiAction: selectSortDirection,
httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'],
requestUrlPathToMatch: locallySaved ? `/api/v1/db/public/` : `/api/v1/db/data/noco/`,
await this.toolbar.parent.dashboard.waitForLoaderToDisappear();


@ -272,13 +272,16 @@ test.describe('User single select - filter, sort & GroupBy', () => {
test('User sort & validate, filter & validate', async () => {
const ascendingOrderRowTitle = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '0'];
const descendingOrderRowTitle = ['0', '4', '3', '2', '1'];
// Sort ascending and validate
await toolbar.sort.add({
title: 'User',
ascending: true,
locallySaved: false,
await validateRowArray(['1', '2', '3', '4', '0']);
await validateRowArray(ascendingOrderRowTitle);
await toolbar.sort.reset();
// sort descending and validate
@ -287,7 +290,7 @@ test.describe('User single select - filter, sort & GroupBy', () => {
ascending: false,
locallySaved: false,
await validateRowArray(['0', '4', '3', '2', '1']);
await validateRowArray(descendingOrderRowTitle);
await toolbar.sort.reset();
// filter
@ -306,8 +309,34 @@ test.describe('User single select - filter, sort & GroupBy', () => {
await verifyFilter({ opType: 'is not blank', result: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'] });
await verifyFilter({ opType: 'is blank', result: [] });
// //GroupBy
// // ascending order
// await toolbar.groupBy.add({ title: 'User', ascending: true, locallySaved: false });
// for (let i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
// await dashboard.grid.groupPage.openGroup({ indexMap: [i] });
// await dashboard.grid.groupPage.validateFirstRow({
// indexMap: [i],
// rowIndex: 0,
// columnHeader: 'Title',
// value: ascendingOrderRowTitle[i],
// });
// }
// // descending order
// await toolbar.groupBy.update({ title: 'User', ascending: false, index: 0 });
// for (let i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
// await dashboard.grid.groupPage.openGroup({ indexMap: [i] });
// await dashboard.grid.groupPage.validateFirstRow({
// indexMap: [i],
// rowIndex: 0,
// columnHeader: 'Title',
// value: descendingOrderRowTitle[i],
// });
// }
// await toolbar.groupBy.remove({ index: 0 });
@ -593,13 +622,16 @@ test.describe('User multiple select - filter, sort & GroupBy', () => {
test('User sort & validate, filter & validate', async () => {
const ascendingOrderRowTitle = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '0'];
const descendingOrderRowTitle = ['0', '4', '3', '2', '1'];
// Sort ascending and validate
await toolbar.sort.add({
title: 'User',
ascending: true,
locallySaved: false,
await validateRowArray(['1', '2', '3', '4', '0']);
await validateRowArray(ascendingOrderRowTitle);
await toolbar.sort.reset();
// sort descending and validate
@ -608,7 +640,7 @@ test.describe('User multiple select - filter, sort & GroupBy', () => {
ascending: false,
locallySaved: false,
await validateRowArray(['0', '4', '3', '2', '1']);
await validateRowArray(descendingOrderRowTitle);
await toolbar.sort.reset();
// filter
@ -627,7 +659,32 @@ test.describe('User multiple select - filter, sort & GroupBy', () => {
await verifyFilter({ opType: 'is not blank', result: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'] });
await verifyFilter({ opType: 'is blank', result: [] });
// //GroupBy
// // ascending order
// await toolbar.groupBy.add({ title: 'User', ascending: true, locallySaved: false });
// for (let i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
// await dashboard.grid.groupPage.openGroup({ indexMap: [i] });
// await dashboard.grid.groupPage.validateFirstRow({
// indexMap: [i],
// rowIndex: 0,
// columnHeader: 'Title',
// value: ascendingOrderRowTitle[i],
// });
// }
// // descending order
// await toolbar.groupBy.update({ title: 'User', ascending: false, index: 0 });
// for (let i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
// await dashboard.grid.groupPage.openGroup({ indexMap: [i] });
// await dashboard.grid.groupPage.validateFirstRow({
// indexMap: [i],
// rowIndex: 0,
// columnHeader: 'Title',
// value: descendingOrderRowTitle[i],
// });
// }
// await toolbar.groupBy.remove({ index: 0 });
