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docs: fields general operations, records

Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <>
Raju Udava 1 year ago
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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
title: "Share Base"
description: "Procedures to share a base & generating embedded iframe"
## Generate Share base
- Open Project
- Click on `Share` button to the top right in the top navigation bar
![share button](
- Under `Shared base` section and toggle `Enable public access` to enable shared base
![Share base modal](
- Share base link generated is displayed over & can be used to share this project to others. Click `Copy Link` to copy URL
![shared base enable access](
## Modify Share base
Modifying `Share base` will invalidate the `Share base` link generated previously and will generate a new link.
- Open Project base
- Click on 'Share' button on top right tool bar
- Toggle ``Enable public access`` to disable base share
- Toggle ``Enable public access`` to re-enable base share & generate a new link
## Disable Share base
Disabling `Share base` will invalidate the generated `Share base` link
- Open Project base
- Click on 'Share' button on top right tool bar
- Toggle ``Enable public access`` to disable base share
## Share base Access Permissions
Shared base can be configured as
- Viewer - User with the link will get **READ ONLY** access to the project data.
- Editor - User with the link will get **READ & WRITE** access to the project data.
Toggle `Enable Editor Access` button to configure permissions as desired
## Embeddable Frame
NocoDB interface can be embedded into existing applications easily by making use of [HTML IFRAME]( attribute.
### Generate embeddable HTML code
- Open Project base
- Click on 'Share' button on top right tool bar
- Under 'Shared base link' tab
- Click on button to copy 'Embeddable HTML code'
style="background: transparent; border: 1px solid #ddd"
### Embed into application's HTML Body
Sample code with embedded iframe generated above
<!DOCTYPE html>
style="background: transparent; "


@ -2,4 +2,54 @@
title: 'Fields overview'
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
- [Primary Key](primary-key)
- [Display Value](display-value)
### Text based
- [Single line text](field-types/text-based/single-line-text)
- [Long text](field-types/text-based/long-text)
- [Email](field-types/text-based/email)
- [Phone](field-types/text-based/phonenumber)
- [URL](field-types/text-based/url)
### Numerical
- [Number](field-types/numerical/number)
- [Currency](field-types/numerical/currency)
- [Percentage](field-types/numerical/percent)
- [Currency](field-types/numerical/currency)
### Date and time
- [Date](field-types/date-time-based/date)
- [Time](field-types/date-time-based/time)
- [Date and time](field-types/date-time-based/date-time)
- [Duration](field-types/date-time-based/duration)
### Select based
- [Single select](field-types/select-based/single-select)
- [Multi select](field-types/select-based/multi-select)
### Link based
- [Links](field-types/links-based/links)
- [Lookup](field-types/links-based/lookup)
- [Rollup](field-types/links-based/rollup)
### Custom types
- [Attachment](field-types/custom-types/attachment)
- [Checkbox](field-types/custom-types/checkbox)
- [Rating](field-types/custom-types/rating)
- [Barcode](field-types/custom-types/barcode)
- [QR-code](field-types/custom-types/QR-code)
- [Geometry](field-types/custom-types/geometry)
- [Specific DB type](field-types/custom-types/specific-db-type)
- [JSON](field-types/custom-types/json)
### Formula
- [Formula](field-types/formula/formula)
- [Operators](field-types/formula/operators)
- [Numeric Functions](field-types/formula/numberic-functions)
- [String Functions](field-types/formula/string-functions)
- [Date Functions](field-types/formula/date-functions)
- [Conditional Expressions](field-types/formula/conditional-expressions)


@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
title: "Primary Key"
description: "Understanding Primary Key in NocoDB!"
# Primary Key
A primary key is a special database table column designated to uniquely identify each table record.
## Use of Primary Key
As it uniquely identifies an individual record of a table, it is used internally by NocoDB for all operations associated with a record
## Primary Key in NocoDB
- Primary Key that gets defined / used in NocoDB depends on how underlying table was created. Summary is captured below
1. From UI, Create new table / Import from Excel / Import from CSV
1. An `ID` [datatype: Integer] system field created by default during table creation is used as primary key
2. Additional system fields `created-at`, `updated-at` are inserted by default & can be omitted optionally; these fields can be deleted after table creation
2. Connect to existing external database
1. Existing `primary key` field defined for a table is retained as is; NocoDB doesn't insert a new ID field
2. Additional system fields `created-at`, `updated-at` are not inserted by default
3. Import from Airtable
1. Airtable record ID is marked as primary key for imported records, and is mapped to field `ncRecordId` [datatype: varchar]
2. If a new record is inserted after migration & if ncRecordId field was omitted during record insertion - auto generated string will be inserted by NocoDB
3. Computed hash value for the entire record is stored in system field `ncRecordHash`
4. Additional system fields `created-at`, `updated-at` are not inserted by default
4. Create new table using SDK / API
1. No default primary key field is introduced by NocoDB. It has to be explicitly specified during table creation (using attribute `pk: true`)
**What if Primary Key was missing?**
It is possible to have a table without any primary key.
- External database table can be created without primary key configuration.
- New table can be created using SDK / API without primary key
In such scenario's, new records can be created in NocoDB for this table, but records can't be updated or deleted as there is no way for NocoDB to uniquely identify these records
**Can I change the Primary Key to another column within tables?**
- You can't update Primary Key from NocoDB UI. You can reconfigure it at database level directly & trigger `meta sync` explicitly.


@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: "Display Value"
description: "Understanding Display Value in NocoDB!"
# Display Value
The `Display Value`, as its name suggests, serves as the primary or main value within a row of a table, and it is typically the attribute by which we identify or associate that specific row. While it is advisable for the display value to be linked to a column with unique identifiers, such as a primary key, it's important to note that this uniqueness is not always enforced at the database level.
## Use of Display Value
- Within a spreadsheet, `Display Value` are always highlighted so that it is easier to recognise what row we are in.
- And when `Links` are created between two tables - it is the Display Value that appears in `Linked records` modal.
Display Value highlighted in Actor table
![display value](
Display Value associated when Links field
The value shown in `Link Records` modal when adding a new link is associated records `Display value`
![display value- links field](
## Set Display Value
Click dropdown icon (🔽) in the target column. Click `Set as Display Value`.
![display value set](
How is Display Value identified for existing database tables ?
- It is usually the first column after the primary key which is not a number.
- If there is no column which is not a number then the column adjacent to primary key is chosen.
Can I change the Display Value to another column within tables ?
- Yes, you can use the same way mentioned above to set Display Value.


@ -7,5 +7,17 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
**This action cannot be undone.**
To delete a field, follow the steps below:
1. Open the field context menu by clicking on dropdown icon (🔽) .
2. Click on **Delete**.
3. Confirm the deletion by clicking on **Delete Field** on the confirmation modal.
![Fields context menu](/img/v2/fields/fields-context-menu.png)
![Delete field](/img/v2/fields/detete-field-confirmation.png)
## Related topics
- [Actions on field](actions-on-field)
1. Open the field context menu by clicking on `...` .


@ -2,4 +2,97 @@
title: 'Actions on field'
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
## Fields context menu
Fields context menu can be accessed by clicking on the dropdown icon (🔽) next to the field name.
![Fields context menu](/img/v2/fields/fields-context-menu.png)
### Edit
### Rename field
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Edit` option.
3. Enter new field name as required in the `Column Name` field.
4. Click on `Save Column` button.
![Rename field](/img/v2/fields/fields-edit.png)
### Change field type
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Edit` option.
3. Select new field type from the `Column Type` dropdown.
4. Click on `Save Column` button.
![Change field type](/img/v2/fields/fields-type-edit.png)
### Change default value
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Edit` option.
3. Enter new default value in the `Default Value` field. To disable, click on `x` icon.
4. Click on `Save Column` button.
![Change default value](/img/v2/fields/fields-default-value-edit.png)
### Hide field
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Hide Field` option
- Hidden fields are not visible in the table view, but will still be accessible for Formulas, Sort, Filter, etc.
- To un hide a field, use `Toolbar > Fields` menu
- Fields can also be marked as hidden from `Toolbar > Fields` menu
### Set as Display value
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Set as Display Value` option.
Refer to [Display Value](/fields/display-value) for more details.
### Sort Ascending
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Sort Ascending` option.
### Sort Descending
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Sort Descending` option.
### Duplicate field
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Duplicate` option.
Duplicated field sans the data will be created with suffix `_copy` in its name & will be placed to the right of the original field.
### Insert after a field
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Insert after` option.
New field will be created to the right of the original field.
### Insert before a field
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Insert before` option.
New field will be created to the left of the original field.
### Delete field
1. Open the field context menu
2. Click on `Delete` option.
## Related topics
- [Delete field](delete-field)


@ -2,4 +2,29 @@
title: 'Create record'
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
A new record can be added by using the `+ New Record` button in the bottom left corner of the grid view. Default behaviour of this button is to add a new empty record at the end of the grid view. Field values can be populated by clicking on the cell and entering the value.
- An empty record can also be added by using `+` icon in the last row of the grid view.
- When on last record, `Enter` key can be used to add a new empty record to the grid view.
New records can also be added by using a form. To add a new record using a form,
1. Click on the up-arrow in `+ New Record` button; this expands options for adding a new record.
2. Select `+ New Record - Form` option. This will reconfigure default behaviour of `+ New Record` button to add a new record using a form.
To revert back to default behaviour of `+ New Record` button, click on the up-arrow in `+ New Record` button and select `+ New Record - Grid` option.
### Related topics
- [Expanded record view](/records/expanded-record-view)


@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
title: 'Expanded form'
description: 'NocoDB provides Expanded Form to let you edit your data easily'
## Overview
Expanded Form allows you to edit a row data in a form. Apart from record information, it also consists of the activity feed such as user comments or revision history.
![expanded record](
## Expanding a Record
To expand a record in a grid view, click on double arrow icon that appears on the first column on hover over a record.
![expand record icon](
Alternatively, we can click on a cell and press the space bar. The expanded form for the corresponding record will be opened.
## Activity Feed
In an expanded form comment section, disable `Comments only` checkbox to show the activity feed.
![expand record activity feed](
## Copy Record URL
In an expanded form, click `Copy Record URL` to share the record form to other authorized users.
![expand record copy record url](
## Comment on Record
In an expanded form comment section, feed in the comment in the input box provided and press `Enter` key


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: 'Delete record'
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
### Delete Record (Single)
Right-click on the row and then from the cell context menu, select `Delete Row` option.
![delete row -1](
### Delete Record (Bulk)
Select multiple rows by using the checkbox in first column and then `Delete Selected Rows` options from the right click context menu.
![delete row 2](


@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
title: 'Comments on record'
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';


@ -2,4 +2,44 @@
title: 'Actions on record'
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
## Keyboard navigation within Grid view
A selected cell can be in one of the following states:
1. `Select` state : A single click on the cell selects the cell. When in this state, arrow keys can be used to navigate to adjacent cells.
2. `Edit` state : A double click on the cell puts the cell in edit state. Cursor can be moved within the cell using arrow keys.
- Double-click on a cell to put it in edit state directly.
- From Select state, press `Enter` key to enter edit state.
- Press `Esc` key to exit edit state.
- From Edit state, press `Enter` key to save the changes.
Edit state for some cells will be a picker. For example, a cell with `Single Select` field type will have a picker with options to choose from. In such cases, arrow keys can be used to navigate between options.
### Keyboard shortcuts for cell navigation
| Key | Behaviour |
| `⌘` `↑` | Jump to first record in this column (in same page) |
| `⌘` `↓` | Jump to last record in this column (in same page) |
| `⌘` `C` | Copy cell contents to clipboard |
| `⌘` `V` | Paste clipboard contents to cell |
| `Enter` | Switch cell in focus to EDIT mode; opens modal/picker if cell is associated with one |
| `Esc` | Exit cell EDIT mode |
| `Delete` | Clear cell |
| `Space` | Expand current row |
| `←` `→` `↑` `↓` | General cell navigation : left, right, top, bottom |
| `Tab` | Move to next cell horizontally; if on last cell, move to next row beginning |
### Row Edit
You can start editing by any of the following methods
- Double-click on cell to edit
- Click on cell and start typing (this way it will clear the previous content)
- Click on cell and press enter to start editing
And it will automatically save on blur event or if inactive.


@ -1,5 +1,53 @@
title: 'View overview'
title: 'Views'
description: 'Understanding Views in NocoDB!'
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
`View` often represents a way to display your data. NocoDB provides different types of views to display your data in different ways. You can also Sort or Filter records within a View. Each View is independent, which means the configuration applying to View 1 will not apply to View 2.
## View Types
### Grid View
Grid View, as a default type of view, allows you to display your data in a spreadsheet-like interface.
![1010-2 Grid](/img/content/grid.png)
### Form View
Form View allows you to arrange fields in a form to input data.
![1010-2 Form](/img/content/form.png)
You can drag-drop columns from the form to form-field-menu-bar as required.
### Gallery View
Gallery View allows you to display images as thumbnails with other fields just like a gallery.
![1010-2 Gallery](/img/content/gallery.png)
### Kanban View
Kanban View allows you to visualise your data using cards at various stacks.
![1010-2 Kanban](/img/content/kanban.png)
## View Permission Types
We can apply permission to each View. By default, Collaborative Views will be used. To see or change the view type, expand `view-tool-bar-menu` as shown below.
![locked view](
### Collaborative Views (default)
- Collaborators with edit permissions or higher can change the view configurations
### Locked Views
- No one can edit view configurations until it is Unlocked
- All collaborators can only READ data from such views
### Personal Views
- Only you can edit the view configuration.
- Your personal views are hidden for other collaborators
- Are not available currently; will be enabled in future release


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title: "Share View"
description: "Procedures to share a view"
## Generate Share View
- Open a table or a view
- Click `Share` button on the top right of the toolbar
![share button](
- Toggle `Enable public viewing` to create shared view link
![shared view](
- You can enable `Restrict access with a password` if you want a password-protected view
- Or you can toggle `Allow Download` button to enable or disable download CSV/XLSX options in the shared view link
## Access Share View
- Access the link. If it is password-protected, enter the password to unlock.
- Otherwise, you should see the share view.


@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
title: 'Data Sources'
description: 'NocoDB Data-Source sync, access control & re-config'
## Overview
`Data Sources` tab includes following functionalities
- Connect/manage external data source
- UI Access Control
- Relations
Note that, currently only one external data source can be added per project.
## Accessing Data Sources
Click `Data Sources` tab in `Project dashboard`
![data source](
## Sync Metadata
Go to `Data Sources`, click ``Sync Metadata``, you can see your metadata sync status. If it is out of sync, you can sync the schema. See [Sync Schema](/setup-and-usages/sync-schema) for more.
![sync metadata](
## UI Access Control
Go to `Data Sources`, click ``UI ACL``, you can control the access to each table by roles.
![ui acl](
## Relations
Go to `Data Sources`, click ``Relations``, you can see the ERD of your database.
### Junction table names within Relations
- Enable `Show M2M Tables` within `Project Settings` menu
- Double click on `Show Columns` to see additional checkboxes get enabled.
- Enabling which you should be able to see junction tables and their table names.
## Edit external database configuration parameters
Go to `Data Sources`, click ``Edit`` icon, you can re-configure database credentials.
Please make sure database configuration parameters are valid. Any incorrect parameters could lead to schema loss!
![edit db config](
## Unlink data source
Go to `Data Sources`, click ``Delete`` against the data source that you wish to un-link.
![datasource unlink](
## Data source visibility
Go to `Data Sources`, toggle ``Radio-button`` against the data source that you wish to hide/un-hide.
![datasource visibility](


@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"label": "Data Source",
"collapsible": true,
"collapsed": true

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