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New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)

navi 10 months ago
  1. 224


@ -191,14 +191,14 @@
"objects": {
"workspace": "Workspace",
"workspaces": "Workspaces",
"project": "Base",
"projects": "Bases",
"project": "項目",
"projects": "項目",
"table": "表格",
"tables": "表格",
"field": "欄位",
"fields": "欄位",
"column": "Field",
"columns": "Fields",
"column": "",
"columns": "",
"page": "頁",
"pages": "頁",
"record": "記錄",
@ -340,9 +340,9 @@
"creatingTable": "Creating Table",
"erdView": "實體關係圖",
"newBase": "New Data Source",
"newProj": "New Base",
"newProj": "建立新專案",
"createBase": "Create Base",
"myProject": "My Bases",
"myProject": "我的專案",
"formTitle": "表格標題",
"collaborative": "Collaborative",
"locked": "Locked",
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
"apiTokens": "API Tokens",
"apiTokenMgmt": "API 權杖管理",
"rolesMgmt": "角色管理",
"projMeta": "Base Metadata",
"projMeta": "專案中繼資料",
"metaMgmt": "中繼資料管理",
"metadata": "中繼資料",
"exportImportMeta": "匯出/匯入中繼資料",
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
"sqlMigrations": "SQL 遷移",
"dbCredentials": "資料庫憑證",
"advancedParameters": "SSL 及進階參數",
"headCreateProject": "Create Base | NocoDB",
"headCreateProject": "建立新專案|NocoDB",
"headLogin": "登入|NocoDB",
"resetPassword": "重設密碼",
"teamAndSettings": "團隊 & 設定",
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
"importFromAirtable": "從 Airtable 匯入",
"generateToken": "產生 Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs及支援",
"helpCenter": "Help Center",
"helpCenter": "幫助中心",
"noLabels": "No Labels",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger 文件",
"quickImportFrom": "快速匯入從",
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
"codeSnippet": "程式碼片段",
"keyboardShortcut": "鍵盤快捷鍵",
"generateRandomName": "生成隨機名稱",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find record by scanning a QR or Barcode",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
"tokenManagement": "Token Management",
"addNewToken": "Add new token",
"accountSettings": "Account Settings",
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
"dropHere": "Drop here",
"createdOn": "Created On",
"notifyVia": "通知方式",
"projName": "Base name",
"projName": "項目名",
"profile": "Profile",
"accountDetails": "Account Details",
"controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
@ -487,9 +487,9 @@
"createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
"viewName": "檢視名稱",
"viewLink": "查看鏈接",
"columnName": "Field Name",
"columnToScanFor": "Field to scan",
"columnType": "Field Type",
"columnName": "列名稱",
"columnToScanFor": "Column to scan",
"columnType": "列類型",
"roleName": "角色名稱",
"roleDescription": "角色描述",
"databaseType": "資料庫中的類型",
@ -524,15 +524,15 @@
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "電子郵件",
"storage": "貯存",
"uiAcl": "UI ACL",
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL",
"models": "楷模",
"syncState": "同步狀態",
"created": "已建立",
"sqlOutput": "SQL 輸出",
"addOption": "新增選項",
"interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Field with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Field with Barcode value",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
"barcodeFormat": "條碼格式",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "QR碼字元過多",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "條碼字元過多",
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
"requriedIdentity": "必填 - IDENTITY",
"inflection": {
"tableName": "修改 - 表名",
"columnName": "Inflection - Field name"
"columnName": "屈折 - 欄位名稱"
"community": {
"starUs1": "在 Github 上",
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
"getAnswered": "解惑您的問題",
"joinDiscord": "加入 Discord",
"joinCommunity": "加入 NocoDB 社群",
"joinReddit": "/r/NocoDB",
"joinReddit": "加入 /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "追蹤 NocoDB",
"communityTranslated": "(Community Translated)"
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@
"docReference": "文件參考文獻",
"selectUserRole": "選擇使用者角色",
"childTable": "子表",
"childColumn": "Child field",
"childColumn": "子欄",
"childField": "Child field",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "連結到另一個紀錄",
"links": "Links",
@ -582,10 +582,10 @@
"sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
"importData": "匯入資料",
"importSecondaryViews": "匯入次要檢視",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Fields",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Fields",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Fields",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Fields",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
"importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
"noData": "沒有資料",
"goToDashboard": "前往儀表板",
@ -608,8 +608,8 @@
"agreeToTos": "通過註冊,表示您同意遵守服務條款",
"welcomeToNc": "歡迎來到 NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "只接受使用邀請連結進行註冊",
"nextRow": "Next Record",
"prevRow": "Previous Record",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
"addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
"addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
"noAccess": "No access",
@ -664,24 +664,24 @@
"copyUrl": "複製網址",
"moreColors": "More Colors",
"moveProject": "Move Base",
"createProject": "Create Base",
"importProject": "Import Base",
"searchProject": "Search Base",
"editProject": "Edit Base",
"stopProject": "Stop Base",
"startProject": "Start Base",
"restartProject": "Restart Base",
"deleteProject": "Delete Base",
"refreshProject": "Refresh Base",
"saveProject": "Save Base",
"createProject": "建立專案",
"importProject": "匯入專案",
"searchProject": "搜尋專案",
"editProject": "編輯專案",
"stopProject": "停止專案",
"startProject": "啟動專案",
"restartProject": "重啟專案",
"deleteProject": "刪除專案",
"refreshProject": "重新整理專案",
"saveProject": "儲存專案",
"saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
"deleteKanbanStack": "刪除此類別?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "創建連接 <br>從外部資料庫",
"excel": "Create Base from excel",
"template": "Create Base from template"
"excel": "從 Excel 建立專案",
"template": "從模板建立專案"
"OkSaveProject": "Ok & Save Base",
"OkSaveProject": "確認並儲存專案",
"upgrade": {
"available": "升級可用",
"releaseNote": "發行說明",
@ -692,13 +692,13 @@
"authToken": "複製驗證權杖",
"authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "Copy Base Info",
"projInfo": "複製專案資訊",
"themes": "主題"
"sort": "種類",
"addSort": "新增排序選項",
"filter": "篩選",
"addFilter": "Add filter",
"addFilter": "添加過濾器",
"share": "分享",
"groupBy": "Group By",
"addSubGroup": "Add subgroup",
@ -717,9 +717,9 @@
"addNewLink": "Add New Link",
"newUser": "新使用者",
"editUser": "編輯使用者",
"deleteUser": "Remove user from base",
"resendInvite": "Resend Invite E-mail",
"copyInviteURL": "Copy Invite URL",
"deleteUser": "從專案中刪除使用者",
"resendInvite": "重新發送邀請電子郵件",
"copyInviteURL": "複製邀請連結",
"copyPasswordResetURL": "複製重設密碼連結",
"newRole": "新角色",
"reloadRoles": "重新載入角色",
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
"nextRecord": "下一筆紀錄",
"previousRecord": "上一筆紀錄",
"copyApiURL": "複製 API 網址",
"createTable": "Create Table",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
"createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
"createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
"refreshTable": "刷新表",
@ -737,21 +737,21 @@
"deleteTable": "刪除表",
"addField": "新增欄位到此表",
"setDisplay": "設置為顯示值",
"addRow": "Add new record",
"saveRow": "Save record",
"addRow": "新增行",
"saveRow": "儲存行",
"saveAndExit": "儲存並結束",
"saveAndStay": "儲存並停留",
"insertRow": "Insert new record",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate record",
"deleteRow": "Delete record",
"insertRow": "插入新行",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "刪除行",
"deleteRows": "Delete records",
"predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
"predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
"deleteSelectedRow": "Delete Selected Records",
"deleteSelectedRow": "刪除所選行",
"importExcel": "匯入 Excel",
"importCSV": "匯入 CSV",
"downloadCSV": "Download CSV",
"downloadExcel": "Download Excel",
"downloadCSV": "下載為 CSV",
"downloadExcel": "下載為 XLSX",
"uploadCSV": "上傳 CSV",
"import": "匯入",
"importMetadata": "匯入中繼資料",
@ -761,14 +761,14 @@
"changePwd": "更改密碼",
"createView": "建立檢視",
"shareView": "分享檢視",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find record by scan",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
"fillByCodeScan": "通過掃描填充",
"listSharedView": "共享檢視列表",
"ListView": "檢視清單",
"copyView": "Copy View",
"renameView": "Rename View",
"copyView": "複製檢視",
"renameView": "重新命名檢視",
"uploadData": "Upload Data",
"deleteView": "Delete View",
"deleteView": "刪除檢視",
"createGrid": "創建網格檢視",
"createGallery": "創建相簿檢視",
"createCalendar": "創建日曆檢視",
@ -794,10 +794,10 @@
"editConnJson": "編輯連線 JSON",
"sponsorUs": "贊助我們",
"sendEmail": "傳送電子郵件",
"addUserToProject": "Add user to base",
"addUserToProject": "Add user to project",
"getApiSnippet": "取得 API 程式碼片段",
"clearCell": "清除儲存格",
"addFilterGroup": "Add filter group",
"addFilterGroup": "增加過濾組",
"linkRecord": "連結記錄",
"addNewRecord": "新增紀錄",
"newRecord": "New record",
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
"addOther": "Add Other Field"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "Show Fields",
"showColumns": "顯示欄位",
"showPkAndFk": "顯示主鍵與外鍵",
"showSqlViews": "顯示 SQL 檢視",
"showMMTables": "顯示多對多資料表",
@ -844,7 +844,7 @@
"tooltip": {
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "儲存更動",
"xcDB": "Create a new base",
"xcDB": "建立新專案",
"extDB": "支援 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server 和 SQLite",
"apiRest": "可透過 REST API 存取",
"apiGQL": "可透過 GraphQL API 存取",
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@
"generateNewApiToken": "產生新 API 權杖",
"addRole": "新增角色",
"reloadList": "重新加載列表",
"metaSync": "Sync Metadata",
"metaSync": "同步中繼資料",
"sqlMigration": "重新加載遷移",
"updateRestart": "更新並重新啟動",
"cancelReturn": "取消並返回",
@ -880,7 +880,7 @@
"barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
"notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
"selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
"projName": "Enter Base Name",
"projName": "輸入專案名稱",
"selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
"selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
"selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
"allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
"searchProjectTree": "搜索表",
"searchFields": "搜索欄位",
"searchColumn": "Search {search} field",
"searchColumn": "搜索{search}列",
"searchApps": "搜索應用程序",
"searchModels": "搜索模型",
"noItemsFound": "未找到任何項目",
@ -1035,36 +1035,36 @@
"basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
"pasteNotSupported": "不支援在啟用的儲存格中執行貼上",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new bases and access any invited base.",
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new bases but they can access any invited base."
"orgCreator": "建立者可以建立專案與存取任何受邀請的專案",
"orgViewer": "檢視者不能建立專案但可以存取任何受邀請的專案"
"codeScanner": {
"loadingScanner": "正在載入掃描器...",
"selectColumn": "Select a field (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a record by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one record found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No record found for this code for the selected field"
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
"overLimit": "您已接近上限。",
"closeLimit": "您超過了上限。",
"limitNumber": "在地圖檢視中顯示的標記數量上限為 1000 條記錄。"
"footerInfo": "Records per page",
"footerInfo": "每頁行駛",
"upload": "選擇檔案以上傳",
"upload_sub": "或拖放檔案",
"excelSupport": "支持:.xls,.xlsx,.xlsm,.ods,.ots",
"excelURL": "輸入 Excel 檔案 URL",
"csvURL": "輸入 CSV 檔案 URL",
"footMsg": "# of records to parse to infer datatype",
"footMsg": "要解析為推斷數據類型的行數",
"excelImport": "工作表可匯入",
"exportMetadata": "您想從中繼表匯出中繼資料嗎?",
"importMetadata": "您想從中繼表匯入中繼資料嗎?",
"clearMetadata": "你想清除中繼表的中繼資料嗎?",
"projectEmptyMessage": "Get started by creating a new base",
"stopProject": "Do you want to stop the base?",
"startProject": "Do you want to start the base?",
"restartProject": "Do you want to restart the base?",
"deleteProject": "Do you want to delete the base?",
"projectEmptyMessage": "從建立新專案開始",
"stopProject": "你想停止這個專案嗎?",
"startProject": "你想啟動這個專案嗎?",
"restartProject": "你想重新啟動專案嗎?",
"deleteProject": "你想刪除這個專案嗎?",
"shareBasePrivate": "產生公開分享的唯讀資料庫",
"shareBasePublic": "網路上的任何人都可以查看",
"userInviteNoSMTP": "看起來你還沒有配置郵件!請複制上面的邀請鏈接並將其發送給",
@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@
"privateLink": "此檢視通過私人連結共享",
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "具有私有連結的人只能看到此檢視中可見的儲存格",
"afterFormSubmitted": "表格提交後",
"apiOptions": "Access Base via",
"apiOptions": "存取專案方式",
"submitAnotherForm": "顯示“提交另一個表格”按鈕",
"showBlankForm": "5 秒後顯示空白表格",
"emailForm": "發電子郵件給我",
@ -1097,9 +1097,9 @@
"viewerDesc": "可以查看記錄但無法編輯任何內容",
"addUser": "新增使用者",
"staticRoleInfo": "無法編輯系統定義的角色",
"exportZip": "Export base meta to zip file and download.",
"importZip": "Import base meta zip file and restart.",
"importText": "Import NocoDB Base by uploading metadata zip file",
"exportZip": "將專案中繼資料匯出為 ZIP 檔案並下載。",
"importZip": "匯入專案中繼資料 ZIP 檔案並重新啟動。",
"importText": "透過上傳中繼資料 ZIP 檔案來匯入 NocoDB 專案",
"metaNoChange": "沒有確定更改",
"sqlMigration": "將自動創建架構遷移。創建一個表並刷新此頁面。",
"dbConnectionStatus": "環境驗證",
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@
"enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
"enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
"defaultColumns": "Default fields",
"addDefaultColumns": "Add default fields",
"addDefaultColumns": "添加默認列",
"tableNameInDb": "資料庫中保存的表名",
"airtable": {
"credentials": "在哪裡找到這個?"
@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
"cacheEmpty": "快取是空的",
"exportedCache": "匯出快取成功",
"valueAlreadyInList": "此值已在列表中",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No fields to update",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "刪除資料表成功",
"layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "產生可公開分享的唯讀資料庫",
@ -1174,8 +1174,8 @@
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "在篩選器中顯示 NULL 和 EMPTY",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "啟用 '額外' 過濾器來區分包含 NULL 和空字串的欄位。默認支持空白,將 NULL 和空字符串視為相同。",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "刪除此類別也將從 `{groupingField}` 中刪除選項 `{stackToBeDeleted}`。記錄將移至未分類的類別。",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "contents are read-only",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "contents are read-only",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
"noMoreRecords": "已無更多紀錄",
"tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
"tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@
"nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
"signUpRules": {
"emailRequired": "Email is required",
"emailInvalid": "Email must be valid",
"emailInvalid": "電子信箱地址格式錯誤",
"passwdRequired": "密碼為必填",
"passwdLength": "您的密碼應至少有 8 個字元",
"passwdMismatch": "密碼不匹配",
@ -1228,11 +1228,11 @@
"internalError": "發生內部錯誤",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "無法找到模板生成器!",
"fileUploadFailed": "上傳文件失敗",
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary field",
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column",
"formDescriptionTooLong": "表單描述資料過長",
"columnsRequired": "Following fields are required",
"selectAtleastOneColumn": "At least one field has to be selected",
"columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination field for",
"columnsRequired": "Following columns are required",
"selectAtleastOneColumn": "至少必須選擇一個欄位",
"columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination column for",
"duplicateMappingFound": "找到重複的映射,請移除其中一個映射",
"nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null 值違反不可為 Null 限制條件",
"sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "來源資料包含無效的數字",
@ -1244,19 +1244,19 @@
"failedToLoadChildrenList": "加載子清單失敗",
"deleteFailed": "刪除失敗",
"unlinkFailed": "解除連結失敗",
"rowUpdateFailed": "Record update failed",
"deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete record",
"rowUpdateFailed": "資料更新失敗",
"deleteRowFailed": "刪除資料失敗",
"setFormDataFailed": "設置表單資料失敗",
"formViewUpdateFailed": "更新表單視圖失敗",
"tableNameRequired": "資料表名稱必填",
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "名稱必須用 英文字母 或 _ 當開頭",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "以下字元不允許",
"columnNameRequired": "Field name is required",
"columnNameRequired": "欄位名稱必填",
"duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
"uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of field name exceeds the max {value} characters",
"projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Base name exceeds 50 characters",
"projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Base name cannot start with space",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
"projectNameExceeds50Characters": "專案名稱超過 50 個字元",
"projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "專案名稱不能有空白開頭",
"requiredField": "必填欄位",
"ipNotAllowed": "不允許的 IP",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "不受支持的檔案類型",
@ -1265,20 +1265,20 @@
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "參數鍵不可為空",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "不允許重複的參數鍵",
"fieldRequired": "{value} 不能為空",
"projectNotAccessible": "Base not accessible",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
"copyToClipboardError": "複製到剪貼簿失敗"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Base metadata exported successfully",
"importMetadata": "Base metadata imported successfully",
"clearMetadata": "Base metadata cleared successfully",
"stopProject": "Base stopped successfully",
"startProject": "Base started successfully",
"restartProject": "Base restarted successfully",
"deleteProject": "Base deleted successfully",
"exportMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功匯出",
"importMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功匯入",
"clearMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功清除",
"stopProject": "專案成功停止",
"startProject": "專案成功啟動",
"restartProject": "專案成功重新啟動",
"deleteProject": "專案已成功刪除",
"authToken": "驗證權杖已複製到剪貼簿",
"projInfo": "Copied base info to clipboard",
"inviteUrlCopy": "Copied Invite URL to clipboard",
"projInfo": "已將專案資訊複製到剪貼簿",
"inviteUrlCopy": "已將邀請連結複製到剪貼簿",
"createView": "成功建立檢視",
"formEmailSMTP": "請啟用 App Store 中的 SMTP 外掛程式以啟用電子郵件通知",
"collabView": "成功轉換為協作視圖",
@ -1287,8 +1287,8 @@
"success": {
"licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
"columnDuplicated": "Field duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Record duplicated (not saved)",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "更新表格的 UI 存取控制清單成功",
"pluginUninstalled": "外掛移除安裝成功",
"pluginSettingsSaved": "外掛設定儲存成功",
@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@
"tableRenamed": "資料表重新命名成功",
"layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
"viewDeleted": "檢視刪除成功",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary field",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "成功匯出所有表格資料",
"updated": "成功更新",
"sharedViewDeleted": "刪除共享視圖成功",
@ -1304,9 +1304,9 @@
"viewRenamed": "檢視重新命名成功",
"tokenGenerated": "Token 產生成功",
"tokenDeleted": "Token 刪除成功",
"userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to base",
"userAddedToProject": "專案增加使用者成功",
"userAdded": "新增使用者成功",
"userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from base",
"userDeletedFromProject": "專案移除使用者成功",
"inviteEmailSent": "邀請郵件發送成功",
"inviteURLCopied": "邀請連結已複製到剪貼簿",
"commentCopied": "評論已複製到剪貼簿",
@ -1318,8 +1318,8 @@
"webhookUpdated": "Webhook 詳情更新成功",
"webhookDeleted": "Hook 刪除成功",
"webhookTested": "Webhook 測試成功",
"columnUpdated": "Field updated",
"columnCreated": "Field created",
"columnUpdated": "欄位已更新",
"columnCreated": "欄位已建立",
"passwordChanged": "密碼已更新,請重新登入。",
"settingsSaved": "設定已成功儲存",
"roleUpdated": "角色已成功更新"
