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docs: more links for records

Signed-off-by: Raju Udava <>
Raju Udava 1 year ago
  1. 14
  2. 5
  3. 1


@ -9,7 +9,21 @@ Records in NocoDB are fundamental components within a database, serving as indiv
In essence, a record can be envisaged as a horizontal collection of data within a NocoDB table, each record representing a distinct piece of information. These records play a pivotal role in organizing, categorizing, and presenting data in a comprehensible and efficient manner, offering users a structured and organized platform for data management.
You can perform a variety of actions to efficiently manage your data. To get started, you can [create a new record](/records/create-record) to input essential information. If you need to make updates to an existing record, you can [modify it](/records/actions-on-record#update-record) or even perform a [bulk update](/records/actions-on-record#bulk-update-records) for multiple records simultaneously. For records that are no longer needed, you have the option to [delete](/records/actions-on-record#delete-record) or [duplicate](/records/actions-on-record#duplicate-record) them with ease. When you're working with records, you can also benefit from our expanded form for a more detailed view, complete with a [record change log](/records/expand-record#record-audit) to track all modifications and a feature to [write comments](/records/expand-record#record-comment) for more context and collaboration. Additionally, you can [share records](/records/expand-record#copy-record-url) quickly by generating a shareable URL.
In this section, we'll explore the various aspects of records in NocoDB, equipping you with the knowledge to effectively manage your own data.
## Related topics
- [Create Record](/records/create-record)
- [Modify an existing Record](/records/actions-on-record#update-record)
- [Bulk Update Records](/records/actions-on-record#bulk-update-records)
- [Delete Record](/records/actions-on-record#delete-record)
- [Duplicate Record](/records/actions-on-record#duplicate-record)
- [Working with records using an expanded form](/records/expand-record)
- [Record change log](/records/expand-record#record-audit)
- [Writing comments for a record](/records/expand-record#record-comment)
- [Share Record](/records/expand-record#copy-record-url)


@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ In an expanded form,
1. Click on `Audit` tab
2. A list of all the changes made to the record will be displayed
- You can only view the audit log. You cannot edit or delete the audit log.
- Audit log is only available in Self-hosted version currently
![expand record activity feed](/img/v2/records/expand-record-audits.png)


@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ And it will automatically save on blur event or if inactive.
You can bulk update records by
1. Selecting multiple records that you wish to update together and then
2. Right-click on the index field area (first column on the grid view) and then select `Bulk Update records` option from the context menu. This will open `Bulk update` modal.
On the bulk update modal,
3. `Fields area` : Select the fields that you want to update.
4. `Selected fields area` : Enter the new value for the selected fields.
