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New translations en.json (Spanish)

navi 7 months ago
  1. 206


@ -195,10 +195,10 @@
"restore": "Restaurar"
"objects": {
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"year": "Year",
"day": "Día",
"week": "Semana",
"month": "Mes",
"year": "Año",
"workspace": "Espacio de trabajo",
"workspaces": "Espacios de trabajo",
"project": "Proyecto",
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
"isNotNull": "no es nulo"
"title": {
"sso": "Authentication (SSO)",
"sso": "Autenticación (SSO)",
"docs": "Documentos",
"forum": "Foro",
"parameter": "Parámetro",
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
"virtualRelation": "Relación virtual",
"linkMore": "Enlace más",
"linkMoreRecords": "Vincular más registros",
"linkRecords": "Link Records",
"linkRecords": "Registros de Enlaces",
"downloadFile": "Descargar archivo",
"renameTable": "Renombrar tabla",
"renamingTable": "Renombrar tabla",
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
"tokenManagement": "Gestión de Token",
"addNewToken": "Añadir nuevo token",
"createNewToken": "Create new token",
"createNewToken": "Crear nuevo token",
"accountSettings": "Configuración de la cuenta",
"resetPasswordMenu": "Restablecer contraseña",
"tokens": "Tokens",
@ -422,80 +422,80 @@
"setNull": "Establecer NULL",
"setDefault": "Establecer por defecto"
"selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here"
"selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Selecciona los campos del panel derecho para añadirlos aquí"
"labels": {
"selectYear": "Select Year",
"save": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"metadataUrl": "Metadata URL",
"audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID",
"redirectUrl": "Redirect URL",
"selectYear": "Seleccionar Año",
"save": "Guardar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"metadataUrl": "URL de metadatos",
"audience-entityId": "Audiencia/ Entidad ID",
"redirectUrl": "URL de redirección",
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)",
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)",
"newProvider": "New Provider",
"generalSettings": "General Settings",
"ssoSettings": "SSO Settings",
"organizeBy": "Organize by",
"previous": "Previous",
"nextMonth": "Next Month",
"previousMonth": "Previous Month",
"next": "Next",
"organiseBy": "Organise by",
"newProvider": "Nuevo proveedor",
"generalSettings": "Ajustes Generales",
"ssoSettings": "Ajustes SSO",
"organizeBy": "Organizar por",
"previous": "Anterior",
"nextMonth": "Mes siguiente",
"previousMonth": "Mes anterior",
"next": "Siguiente",
"organiseBy": "Organizar por",
"heading1": "Encabezado 1",
"heading2": "Encabezado 2",
"heading3": "Heading 3",
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"underline": "Underline",
"strike": "Strike",
"taskList": "Task List",
"bulletList": "Bullet List",
"numberedList": "Numbered List",
"downloadData": "Download Data",
"blockQuote": "Block Quote",
"noToken": "No Token",
"tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
"duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
"heading3": "Encabezado 3",
"bold": "Negrita",
"italic": "Cursiva",
"underline": "Subrayado",
"strike": "Tachado",
"taskList": "Lista de Tareas",
"bulletList": "Lista con viñetas",
"numberedList": "Lista numerada",
"downloadData": "Descargar Datos",
"blockQuote": "Bloque de cita",
"noToken": "Sin Token",
"tokenLimit": "Sólo se permite un token por usuario",
"duplicateAttachment": "Archivo con el nombre {filename} ya adjuntado",
"viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
"toAddress": "To Address",
"subject": "Subject",
"body": "Body",
"toAddress": "A Dirección",
"subject": "Asunto",
"body": "Cuerpo",
"commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
"headerName": "Header Name",
"icon": "Icon",
"max": "Max",
"enableRichText": "Enable Rich Text",
"headerName": "Nombre del encabezado",
"icon": "Icono",
"max": "Máximo",
"enableRichText": "Activar Texto Enriquecido",
"idColon": "Id:",
"copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
"copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
"duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
"binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
"syntax": "Syntax",
"examples": "Examples",
"durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
"addHeader": "Add Header",
"enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
"negative": "Negative",
"discard": "Discard",
"default": "Default",
"defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
"durationFormat": "Duration Format",
"dateFormat": "Date Format",
"timeFormat": "Time Format",
"singularLabel": "Singular Label",
"pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
"selectDateField": "Select a date field",
"endDateField": "End date field",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"clickToMake": "Click to make",
"visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
"copiedRecordURL": "URL del registro copiado",
"copyRecordURL": "Copiar URL de registro",
"duplicateRecord": "Duplicar registro",
"binaryEncodingFormat": "Formato de codificación binaria",
"syntax": "Sintaxis",
"examples": "Ejemplos",
"durationInfo": "Una duración de tiempo en minutos o segundos (por ejemplo, 1:23).",
"addHeader": "Añadir Encabezado",
"enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Introdcir URL predeterminada (Opcional)",
"negative": "Negativo",
"discard": "Descartar",
"default": "Por defecto",
"defaultNumberPercent": "Número por defecto (%)",
"durationFormat": "Formato de la duración",
"dateFormat": "Formato de fecha",
"timeFormat": "Formato de hora",
"singularLabel": "Etiqueta Singular",
"pluralLabel": "Etiqueta Plural",
"selectDateField": "Seleccionar un campo de fecha",
"endDateField": "Campo fecha de fin",
"optional": "(Opcional)",
"clickToMake": "Pulsar para hacer",
"visibleForRole": "visible para el rol:",
"inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
"projectSettings": "Base Settings",
"clickToHide": "Click to hide",
"clickToDownload": "Click to download",
"forRole": "for role",
"clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
"projectSettings": "Ajustes básicos",
"clickToHide": "Clic para ocultar",
"clickToDownload": "Clic para descargar",
"forRole": "para el rol",
"clickToCopyViewID": "Clic para copiar View ID",
"viewMode": "Modo solo lectura",
"searchUsers": "Buscar usuarios",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
@ -529,9 +529,9 @@
"duplicateFormView": "Duplicar vista de formulario",
"createFormView": "Crear vista de formulario",
"duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicar vista Kanban",
"duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicate Calendar View",
"duplicateCalendarView": "Duplicar vista de calendario",
"createKanbanView": "Crear vista Kanban",
"createCalendarView": "Create Calendar View",
"createCalendarView": "Crear vista de calendario",
"viewName": "Nombre de la vista",
"viewLink": "Ver enlace",
"columnName": "Nombre de columna",
@ -685,23 +685,23 @@
"selectField": "Seleccione un campo",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
"backgroundColor": "Background Color",
"hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
"showOnConditions": "Show on condtions",
"showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met"
"appearanceSettings": "Ajustes de apariencia",
"backgroundColor": "Color de Fondo",
"hideNocodbBranding": "Ocultar marca NocoDB",
"showOnConditions": "Mostrar en condiciones",
"showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Muestra el campo sólo cuando se cumplen las condiciones"
"activity": {
"noRange": "Calendar view requires a date range",
"goToToday": "Go to Today",
"toggleSidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
"addEndDate": "Add end date",
"withEndDate": "with end date",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"viewSettings": "View settings",
"noRange": "La vista del calendario requiere un rango de fechas",
"goToToday": "Ir a Hoy",
"toggleSidebar": "Alternar Barra Lateral",
"addEndDate": "Añadir fecha final",
"withEndDate": "con fecha de fin",
"calendar": "Calendario",
"viewSettings": "Ver ajustes",
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth",
"registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider",
"registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider",
"registerOIDC": "Registrar proveedor de identidad OIDC",
"registerSAML": "Registrar proveedor de identidad SAML",
"openInANewTab": "Abrir en una nueva pestaña",
"copyIFrameCode": "Copiar código IFrame",
"onCondition": "En Condición",
@ -915,9 +915,9 @@
"toggleMobileMode": "Activar el modo móvil",
"startCommenting": "¡Empieza a comentar!",
"clearForm": "Clear Form",
"addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
"selectAllFields": "Select all fields"
"clearForm": "Limpiar formulario",
"addFieldFromFormView": "Añadir Campo",
"selectAllFields": "Seleccionar todos los campos"
"tooltip": {
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limitado a una única fuente de datos por el momento",
@ -962,7 +962,7 @@
"selectGroupField": "Seleccione un campo de agrupación",
"selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No se encuentra ningún campo de selección único. Por favor, cree uno primero.",
"selectGeoField": "Seleccione un campo de datos geográficos",
"notSelected": "-not selected-",
"notSelected": "-no seleccionado-",
"selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No se encuentra ningún campo de datos geográficos. Por favor, cree uno primero.",
"password": {
"enter": "Ingresa la contraseña",
@ -972,7 +972,7 @@
"confirm": "Confirmar nueva contraseña"
"selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
"allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
"allowNegativeNumbers": "Permitir números negativos",
"searchProjectTree": "Buscar tablas",
"searchFields": "Buscar campos",
"searchColumn": "Buscar columna {search}",
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@
"filterByEmail": "Filtrar por correo electrónico",
"filterQuery": "Filtrar consulta",
"selectField": "Seleccionar campo",
"precision": "Precision",
"precision": "Precisión",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
@ -992,8 +992,8 @@
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
"value": "Value",
"key": "Key",
"value": "Valor",
"key": "Clave",
"createTable": "Create your First Table!",
"createTableLabel": "Create your first table effortlessly, from scratch, or by importing/connecting to an external database.",
"noTokenCreated": "No API Tokens created",
@ -1003,10 +1003,10 @@
"msg": {
"clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
"enterPassword": "Enter password",
"enterPassword": "Introducir la contraseña",
"bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
"subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
"verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
"verifyingPassword": "Verificando contraseña",
"thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
"successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
"formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
@ -1014,19 +1014,19 @@
"optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
"optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
"lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
"invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
"invalidTime": "Hora no válida",
"linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for Lookup",
"recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
"invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
"pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
"errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
"pageSizeChanged": "Tamaño de página modificado",
"errorLoadingData": "Error al cargar datos",
"webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "cuerpo",
"webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
"formula": {
"hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
"hintEnd": "Formulas.",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
"hintEnd": "Fórmulas.",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "Fórmula sugerida no encontrada",
"typeIsExpected": "{calleeName} requires a {type} at position {position}",
"numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
"stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
